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We choose the best vitamins for children. Vitamins for children: when are they needed and which complex to choose? Liquid vitamins for children over 3

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Loving and caring parents do everything possible to ensure that their children are healthy. To do this, they carefully select food products and do not miss the opportunity to feed their child with seasonal vitamins. As a rule, the period of food enriched with useful substances is summer, but what to do the rest of the time? After all, these reserves will not be enough for the whole year. There is a way out - these are vitamins for children, designed to replenish the body with the necessary elements.

You can choose them for any age. But it’s hard not to get confused in their huge assortment. Therefore, it is worth understanding not only which vitamins are best to give to children, but also which ones to choose for a certain age.

From this article you will learn

Signs of vitamin deficiency

Determining that a child’s body lacks vitamins can sometimes be very difficult. After all, the first signs of vitamin deficiency may not appear immediately, but after several months. They may look like:

  • Vulnerability to colds and infectious diseases, constant fatigue, pale skin (vitamin C deficiency, because ascorbic acid is the strongest antioxidant).
  • Split ends, weak nails (F).
  • Apathy, fatigue, mood swings, depression, lack of appetite (B1).
  • Problems with the eyes, the appearance of ulcers on the oral mucosa, tongue (B2).

Chronic diseases of a baby can affect how his body does not absorb vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, the reason may not be that children do not receive enough necessary substances, but that the body refuses to absorb them.

Important: If the child’s body is poorly absorbed or does not absorb vitamins such as A, E, D, K, then the condition of the liver should be checked.

Age appropriate

Before determining the best vitamins for children, you should take their age into account. Having figured out what a growing body needs at a certain period of its development, you can choose a complex that will replenish it with everything it needs to the maximum.

Vitamins for children are:

  • Vitamins for children for one year and up to two. At this age, the child’s body does not need additional vitamins and nutrients, since a one-year-old child receiving mother’s milk takes everything he needs from it. Modern mixtures are also adapted. They contain everything necessary for the full development of the baby.
  • For kids from two to five years old. At this age, the skeletal system is actively developing. Therefore, a child’s body may experience a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and folic acid. At five years of age, vitamin C is very important for children, as are vitamins A and E.
  • For children from 5 to 7 years old. The child is developing, growing and will soon go to school. Therefore, children aged 5 years need vitamins that will have a positive effect on attention and help cope with increased stress (both physical and mental). During this period, the vitamin complex should include iodine, zinc, and vitamin B.
  • Vitamins for children from 7 to 12 years old - a complex with microelements - magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper have a positive effect on mental and physical development, the nervous system, and strengthen the body's immune defense.

Having read the recommendations regarding what age children need what vitamins and microelements, it is still too early to choose one or another complex. After all, what problem needs to be solved or prevented with the help of vitamins for children also plays a role.

Important! As you know, taking vitamins can affect kidney function. To prevent this from happening, during the vitamin course you need to ensure that the child consumes a sufficient amount of liquid.

So what to choose

Of the numerous vitamin complexes for children, several of the best can be identified. After familiarizing yourself with them, each parent will be able to choose one or another for their child, which is provided for his age.


For small children (from 1 year old) this drug comes in the form of a syrup with a pleasant taste. For children 5 years and older, lozenges can be offered. This complex contains 9 vitamins:

  • A – prevents the penetration of free radicals into cells;
  • B1, B2, B6, B12 – are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, digestion, and heart. Helps strengthen blood vessels;
  • D – prevents the development of rickets;
  • PP – Positively affects blood circulation;
  • Phosphorus, calcium - contribute to the proper formation of the skeleton, are responsible for the strength and elasticity of bones.


Vitamins from VitaMishka are good in composition and action. They can be given to children from 3 years old. Like most analogues, these vitamins have 4 pleasant tastes. They are produced in the form of chewable lozenges, which is very popular with children. They contain many useful microelements and vitamins.

VitaMishki is available in the form of 4 complexes:

  • Immuno+ – recommended for children who are often sick. It is aimed at strengthening the body's immune defense;
  • Multi + - has a positive effect on strengthening memory, because it contains iodine and vitamin B4;
  • Calcium+ – strengthens the baby’s teeth and bones. It is based on vitamin D3 and phosphorus;
  • Bio+ – the main component of this complex are probiotics, due to which it is possible to normalize the intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbiosis.


Multi-Tabs is a vitamin complex that can be taken by the youngest children in the first year of their life, and by those who are finishing school. Its advantage is that it does not contain dyes, so taking it is absolutely safe for the baby’s body.

What is Multi-tabs like:

  • Baby are vitamins for babies in the first year of life. The release form is drops that can be easily given to the baby or mixed with milk or water. The complex is designed to prevent rickets and to make the body more resistant to most diseases.
  • Baby – can be taken from 1 to 4 years. Helps in physical and mental development.
  • Baby Calcium – given to children from 2 to 7 years old. Replenishes the growing body with calcium, because it is this element that the baby may lack. Due to this, it is possible to strengthen the skeleton and ensure its proper growth. The vitamin complex promotes the growth of healthy and strong molars.
  • Omega-3 – helps children over 3 years old improve intellectual development.
  • Junior – to improve immunological indicators (from 4 to 11 years).
  • It is Kids that is designed for children from 4 to 12 years old. Has a positive effect on intestinal microflora. The probiotics included in this complex contribute to this.
  • Teenager – can be taken from 11 to 17 years old. Strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. After all, it is at this age that the load on him increases.


Supradin is a good and high-quality drug, available in three forms. Depending on the age and preferences of the baby, you can offer him a vitamin complex in the form of gel, lozenges or tablets. As a rule, the gel is prescribed for children under 3 years of age, and tablets and lozenges for children 3 and older.

The selected ratio of vitamins in the complex provides the child’s body with everything it needs, for example:

  • Lecithin – responsible for intellectual development;
  • Calcium – strengthens bones, ensures the growth of healthy and strong molars;
  • Omega-3 and choline are substances, the lack of which can affect psycho-emotional and intellectual development.


Provides 4 complexes, which are designed for different ages. This is very convenient, because, as already mentioned, the need for vitamins at a certain period of children’s development is completely different. And the complex that a 2-year-old takes is not suitable for a 5-year-old. What types of Complivita complexes are there:

  • Calcium 3D (for babies) - despite the fact that pediatricians do not recommend giving any vitamins to small children who are breastfed, since they get everything they need through breast milk, this drug can be given if necessary. For example, if the baby has refused to breastfeed or does not have enough milk. This complex will help replenish the deficiency of calcium and vitamin D.
  • Multivitamins and iodine – suitable for children from 3 years old. It contains many vitamins (groups A, B, C, D, E and PP) and iodine, which can smooth out the consequences of poor ecology for the child’s body.
  • Active Chewable – suitable for 3 years of age as a restorative therapy after a complex illness. It contains 3 minerals and 11 vitamins.
  • Active – intended for children from 7 years old. Its composition is enviable, because it contains about 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. The complex is designed for an organism that is growing, providing it with everything necessary for this.


This is a multivitamin complex that is very popular. Fortified drinks are designed for 4 age groups:

  • From 1 to 3 years – Our baby;
  • From 3 to 7 years – Kindergarten;
  • From 7 to 14 years – Schoolchild;
  • From 14 to 18 – Teenager.

The first complex (Our Baby) is presented in the form of a drink, which must be prepared three times a day. For this, there are special bags of three types, each of which should be drunk at a certain time of the day. The complex is drunk in the following sequence:

  • In the morning - calcium and vitamin D, B5, B9 - excellent prevention of rickets, strengthening bones and teeth, normalizing the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • During the day - magnesium, zinc, iodine, B2, B6, E, C, PP, beta-carotene - strengthens nerves, immunity, restores tissue, improves digestion.
  • In the evening - iron, B1, beta-carotene - normalizes hemoglobin in the blood and digestive processes.

The second complex (Kindergarten) consists of lozenges that are intended for preschool children. They taste good. The complex consists of lozenges of different colors (red, green and yellow), each of which has certain properties:

  • Prevents anemia and normalizes energy metabolism;
  • Strengthens the immune system, is responsible for physical and mental development;
  • Prevents rickets, strengthens bone tissue.

The third complex (Schoolboy), as in the previous case, is produced in the form of lozenges for chewing in three colors - red, green and yellow, which are responsible for replenishing the body and act on it in a complex way:

  • Red ones contain folic acid, copper, iron, vitamin C, beta-carotene;
  • Greens – vitamins B, C, E;
  • Yellow – vitamin B and D3.

The fourth complex (Teenager) is also available in the form of tablets, differing in color and properties, among which are:

  • Strengthening the skeleton, preventing dental diseases, their damage by caries, preventing acne and other skin problems.
  • Cleansing the body, normalizing mental development.
  • Preventing iron deficiency.

Important! The period from November to May is the optimal time to take a vitamin complex.

Having studied in detail all the above vitamins, it will become easier to choose those with the help of which it will be possible to solve the existing problem with the child’s health or prevent its occurrence. Well, it’s better to ask a doctor which drugs are best for your baby, who, based on the general condition of his body and some tests, will be able to reliably determine whether the child’s body is suffering from a lack of vitamins and which ones.

And yet it is worth remembering that the choice should be made towards those drugs that have managed to prove themselves on the positive side. After all, we are talking about vitamins for children, and you cannot skimp on their health.

During the period of active growth, when a child turns 1 year old, he needs vitamins to help the body develop and function normally.

Difference from adult drugs

A child’s body, unlike an adult’s, needs a constant supply of vitamin D. This substance promotes the harmonious development of the skeleton and the absorption of beneficial microelements. Therefore, it is very important not to ignore this factor and give the child only children’s medications. They accurately calculate the required amount of all nutrients depending on the age of the baby.

While it is more convenient for an adult to swallow a pill, a one-year-old child may simply choke on it. Therefore, vitamins for them are available in the form:

  • syrups and powders (for the little ones);
  • lozenges, lollipops, dragees and marmalade (from 2 years).

In addition, unlike tablets, thanks to the interesting shape, smell and color, you can interest your child in taking vitamins.

What vitamins are needed?

Vitamin complexes for the proper growth and development of all body systems for children over 1 year old include the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A. It is necessary for the baby’s vision, bone formation, the functioning of the respiratory system, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of mental abilities and the restoration of mucous membranes.
  2. Thiamine (B1). Takes part in regulating carbohydrate metabolism in the body, is responsible for brain activity and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. By consuming this vitamin, the child receives the boost of energy he needs for active games, sports and physical activity.
  3. Riboflavin (B2). Essential for healthy skin, nails and hair. Responsible for metabolism.
  4. Pyridoxine (B6). Strengthens the immune system and nervous system, takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
  5. Folic acid (B9). Responsible for the regeneration processes of the body. Increases appetite and has a good effect on skin condition.
  6. AT 12. Ensures the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  7. C. Necessary for children with weakened immune systems, as it protects their body from the adverse effects of the environment.
  8. D. Regulates the amount of microelements (potassium, magnesium, etc.) in the body and is responsible for the development of the skeletal system.
  9. E. Strengthens the immune system and muscles. Regulates the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems.
  10. N. Maintains a healthy appearance of the skin.
  11. RR. Participates in metabolic processes, helps absorb fats, proteins, carbohydrates and various microelements.

Depending on age, each of the listed vitamins must enter the child’s body in strictly defined quantities.

In the first 2 years of a child’s life, the lack of any vitamins in his body is compensated for by breastfeeding and a balanced diet.

How to choose?

Vitamins for children over 1 year of age should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Only he can accurately determine which of them a baby needs at a certain age and set the dosage for taking them. Independent choice of vitamins is fraught with the occurrence of problems in the child’s internal organs, an allergic reaction, increased blood pressure and other dangerous consequences.

The doctor will tell parents which vitamins are best for a child aged 1 year and older. Moreover, drugs will be offered that vary in price, release form and manufacturer. Preference should be given to a well-known company, without saving on the child’s health. For children over 1 year old, it is better to choose vitamins in the form of gummies, lozenges and lollipops. They already accurately take into account the dosage of all necessary substances. The same cannot be said about syrups.

For children aged 1 year, choosing the best vitamins means giving preference to natural ingredients. Many marmalade figures contain dyes and artificial flavors, which often cause allergies. Therefore, it is very important to read the composition on the package and purchase multivitamins with juices, extracts and other useful additives.

To identify an allergic reaction, the first few days of taking vitamins, parents should monitor the baby’s diet, excluding dangerous foods. If there is no reaction after 2-3 days, then this drug is suitable for the baby.

About hypervitaminosis

If vitamins have a pleasant smell and taste, then children will probably want to eat more than the prescribed dose. Therefore, it is very important to keep them out of reach. Some mothers allow the replacement of sweets with marmalade forms of the drug. Under no circumstances should you do this. An excess of useful elements is fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis. This phenomenon is dangerous because it can cause:

  • stool disorder;
  • loss of appetite;
  • seborrhea;
  • decreased vision;
  • hair loss;
  • bleeding gums;
  • impaired motor coordination
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • failure in the body's metabolic processes;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nausea;
  • poor blood clotting
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • disruption of the functioning of internal organs and body systems.

All this can be avoided by adhering to the dosage of vitamins. If your child insists on an additional serving, simply replace it with regular marmalade or offer him a healthy alternative in the form of fruit, dried fruit or berries.


What are vitamins? They are divided into the following types depending on their composition:

  1. Monocomponent drugs.
  2. Multivitamins. Contains 2 useful elements.
  3. Complex of vitamins and minerals. It contains most of the vitamins and minerals the body needs.

They are produced in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • marmalade;
  • syrup;
  • drops;
  • lollipops;
  • gel;
  • powders.

It is impossible to predict which vitamins a 1-year-old child will prefer.

Taking them can be especially important in the autumn-spring period, when the immune system needs to be strengthened, and children walking on playgrounds can already infect each other with viruses and bacteria. But even at this time, the purchase of drugs must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

The best children's vitamin complexes

Today in pharmacies you can find a wide range of vitamins for children. In order not to try everything at once, below we have given you an overview of the best complexes. They can have different directions, so it is very important to read the instructions in the package.


This vitamin complex comes from Denmark. It is available in the form of syrups or tablets. The drugs vary according to the needs and characteristics of the body:

  1. Multi-tabs baby. This is the best complex designed for children from 1 to 4 years old. It is completely hypoallergenic, as it does not contain synthetic components, only beneficial vitamins and microelements.
  2. Multi-tabs Sensitive. This is a complex of vitamins for children sensitive to allergenic components.
  3. Multi-tabs baby Calcium +. Designed for children 2-7 years old. The complex is enriched with calcium and is recommended during the formation of the child’s skeleton during teething or a sharp growth spurt.
  4. Multi-tabs Junior. Vitamin complex for adult children from 4 years old. Helps the body develop fully and harmoniously.


Russian vitamin complex with natural ingredients. It takes into account all recommendations for separate and joint intake of vitamins.

  1. Our Baby. For small children from 1 to 3 years old. This fortified powder can easily be added to your baby’s food or drink. .
  2. Kindergarten. This complex is suitable for children aged 3 years and older attending public institutions. Available in the form of chewable lozenges. It improves the baby's brain activity, helps him resist harmful environmental influences and promotes emotional adaptation.
  3. Schoolboy. Complex for school-age children (from 7 years old). Also available in chewable tablet form. Reduces emotional stress and improves brain activity.


Vitamin complexes from the USA, produced in the form of marmalade figures. Suitable only for children over 3 years old and made using natural ingredients.

  1. VitaMishki Immune +. Strengthen the immune system and protect the body during colds.
  2. VitaMishki Multi +. They contain components responsible for brain activity, memory and attention.
  3. VitaMishki Calcium +. Strengthen the skeleton.
  4. VitaMishki Bio +. Restore beneficial intestinal microflora, improving digestion.
  5. VitaMishki Focus +. They improve vision due to the content of blueberries.

Vitrum Baby

Vitamin complex in the form of chewable tablets. Contains 12 vitamins and 11 minerals. It is allowed for children over 2 years old. Multivitamins do not contain artificial additives and contribute to the mental and physical development of the baby.

Kinder Biovital

The jelly-like gel, produced in Germany, contains 9 vitamins and an amino acid. Safe even for the youngest children under one year old.

Pikovit 1+ Syrup

This vitamin syrup with a pleasant smell and taste is usually very popular with children aged 1 year and older. It contains ascorbic acid, thiamine, vitamin PP and riboflavin.

Contraindications and indications for use

Vitamins, like all medicines, have their own list of contraindications and indications. They are prescribed to a child from 1 year of age, when he:

  • eats little and unbalancedly;
  • moves a lot and actively;
  • needs increased immunity;
  • is recovering from a serious illness;
  • has problems absorbing nutrients from food.

Vitamin complexes are contraindicated in case of hypervitaminosis, kidney disease and sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The need for certain types of food to prevent dangerous diseases has been known since ancient times. In ancient Egypt they knew that animal liver helps against night blindness. In the 14th century, the Chinese Hu Sihui authored the three-volume work “Important Principles of Food and Drinks.” In it, the healer systematized knowledge about the therapeutic role of nutrition and proved the need to diversify the diet to maintain health. It will still be a long time before such a concept as vitamins is discovered, but a start was made then.

How it works

How does the average modern person eat? His food is rich in carbohydrates and poor in vitamins. The latter are neither a source of energy for the body nor do they become structural components of tissues. But it is vitamins that are active participants in many metabolic processes. And without their help, the body is not able to produce the substances necessary for life. The vast majority of vitamins are not synthesized by the human body, but their presence is very important for proper functioning. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamins from the outside - with food and drink. If this is not enough, then you should resort to using a drug such as multivitamins with microelements. And modern pharmacology offers a huge variety of similar medications!

Let's understand the composition

Multivitamins with microelements are pharmacological preparations containing several different vitamins, as well as minerals and organic substances. Moreover, the latter is not at all necessary. Even if only two or three vitamins are present in a tablet or drops, this will already be considered a full-fledged multivitamin preparation.

In modern pharmacology today, 13 vitamins are used and 10 of them have already been combined with a huge number of variants of drug compositions, and yet the vast majority of multivitamin complexes are quite similar. A, B, C, D, E and F are the most popular and widely used vitamins.

For greater efficiency

Mineral components - calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, phosphorus and others - are often included in multivitamin complexes in order to eliminate their deficiency in the body. Science has long established that it is in the presence of certain microelements that the process of absorption of various vitamins is accelerated. Moreover, some vitamins should only be consumed “in combination” with minerals. For example, it is much better absorbed in the presence of calcium. What could be the best way to prevent rickets and help strengthen bones in young children! Therefore, multivitamins with macro- and microelements “work” in the human body much more effectively!

Release form

The drugs widely presented on the pharmacological market amaze with the abundance of dosage forms. Today in any pharmacy you can buy multivitamins with microelements in the form of tablets, sachet packets, syrups, gels, spreads, drops. Very often, the tablets are painted in different colors, and each of them has a unique vitamin composition. The most popular multivitamins with microelements for children have convenient, attractive packaging and release form. These include drops, syrups, gels, lozenges, jelly-like tablets with fruit flavors. At the same time, manufacturers made sure that children could not use the drug without permission - the packages have a cap or lid protection.

Who should take multivitamins?

The specific needs of each person are highly individual. They depend on an abundance of factors, among which the main ones are age, gender, lifestyle and nutrition, and health status. Depending on this, multivitamins with minerals and trace elements are prescribed. You should think about the fact that the body lacks vitamins if the following conditions are observed:

Poor appetite;

General weakness;

Insomnia or poor sleep quality;

Increased fatigue of the body;

Decreased visual acuity;

Delayed physical and mental development;

Dry skin, brittle nails.

All the best for children

Most vitamins in a child’s body perform a mission that is not typical for them when entering the body of an adult. He is actively growing and developing, processes of separation of organ systems and tissues by function take place in his body. And, like all biological processes, this requires the presence of vitamins.

The most popular and widespread multivitamins with microelements for children are:

  • "Multi-Tabs". Today, several varieties of the drug are available, prescribed depending on the age of the child. The complex contains the main vitamins necessary for growth and development - A, C and D. Manufacturer - Ferrosan A/C, Denmark.
  • "Kinder Biovital" gel. Provides the body's need for vitamins, prevents fatigue, lack of concentration, loss of appetite, and increases resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Manufacturer - Bayer Consumer Care AG, Germany.
  • "Pikovit." Multivitamins with microelements for children are available in two dosage forms - in the form of syrup and in the form of chewable tablets. Contains vitamins A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9, B 12 and C. The chewable tablets additionally include calcium and phosphorus. Manufacturer - KRKA, Slovenia.
  • "Alphabet Teenager" - multivitamins with microelements for teenagers. They are used during the period of active growth of the child, puberty, and promote proper physical and mental development. Tablets of different colors contain different compositions. Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma, Russia.

For female beauty

The best multivitamins with microelements for women help ensure excellent condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthen skeletal bones, prevent vision loss, help balance hormonal levels, and delay the onset of menopause. The main vitamins for beautiful ladies are A, C, E, B 6, B 9 and D.

The most popular multivitamins with microelements for women:

  • "Duovit" for women. A balanced composition of vitamins B, A, biotin, zinc, iron for healthy skin, hair and nails. Manufacturer - KRKA, Slovenia.
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics". Enriched with bioflavonoids, contains coenzyme Q10, which has a rejuvenating effect. Manufacturer - Vneshtorg Pharma, LLC, Russia.
  • "Complivit." The drug is recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis in women during the period of hormonal changes. Contains 10 vitamins, selenium and magnesium. Manufacturer - "PHARMSTANDARD" (Russia).

During a special period

During pregnancy, women should pay close attention to the consumption of folic acid, calcium and iron. And in general, the need for all vitamins increases. But multivitamins with microelements should only be prescribed by a doctor who can competently assess the health status of the expectant mother, the duration of pregnancy, the woman’s age and other nuances. An example of such multivitamin complexes would be “Elevit Prenatal”, “Femibion”, “Vitrum Prenatal Forte”, however, such drugs should be purchased only after consultation with a specialist, so as not to cause harm to the mother and child.

For men's health

When selecting representatives of the stronger half of humanity, you also need to take into account some nuances. For example, for men, a microelement such as iron is not only not needed in heavy doses, but can also do a disservice - its excess will negatively affect the cardiovascular system, cause tremors and can even cause a heart attack. Fe is absorbed in sufficient quantities by men from food. Therefore, it is better to choose multivitamins with micronutrients with the lowest iron content. But for normal testosterone production, men need vitamin E and selenium. Their presence helps prevent problems with the functioning of the prostate, increases reproductive properties and improves sperm quality.

The most popular multivitamins with microelements for men:

  • "Duovit" for men. Created for people leading an active lifestyle. Contains 12 vitamins and 6 minerals aimed at maintaining the body's activity and endurance. Manufacturer - KRKA, Slovenia.
  • "Velmen" multivitamins with microelements for men. Contains 9 vitamins and 10 minerals. Recommended for men leading a sedentary lifestyle. Able to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the level of irritability, and improve the quality of memory. Manufacturer - VITABIOTICS Ltd., UK.
  • "Alphabet" for men. The complex contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals. Supplemented with eleutherococcus extract and organic acids that help remove toxins from the body. Stimulates the activity of the male reproductive system. Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma, Russia.

Multivitamins with microelements for the elderly

People over 50 years of age need to choose a drug taking into account age-related characteristics. Special vitamin complexes have been developed for them, which help strengthen the cardiovascular system (balance of vitamins A, D, E), normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (vitamin B 1, B 6, B 12), preserve vision (vitamins B 2, A ), strengthening the spine and bones (vitamin D, calcium). On the pharmacological market, drugs that meet the needs of the body of an elderly person are presented in a huge range, but the most popular of them are:

At the age of 4 years, the child continues to grow continuously, move a lot and show increased interest in the world around him. Cognitive activity broadens one's horizons, vocabulary, stimulates the development of thinking and the desire to communicate with peers. The question arises for parents: “How to help a child adapt to new physical activity, emotional maturation and mental stress? Does a child need vitamins or are there enough of them in a child’s diet?”

Vitamins are organic compounds that come from outside with food. Only some are produced in the body independently with the participation of the microflora of the large intestine: B6, B12, K.

With a simple structure and scanty physiological standards, vitamins are involved in complex biochemical reactions. They have a role in regulating all types of metabolism, ensuring the normal functioning of organs and systems, and the production of hormones and enzymes.

Daily requirement table

NameActionDaily norm
Dparticipates in the absorption of minerals (calcium and phosphorus), the formation and strengthening of bone tissue and teeth, increasing local immunity400 IU (10 mcg)
Aensures the health of the skin and mucous membranes, strengthens vision and the immune system, stimulates growth processes, the synthesis of proteins and hormones1600 IU (500 mcg)
Cincreases immunity and resistance to aggressive environmental factors, strengthens vascular walls, participates in lipid metabolism, muscle function, and iron absorption45 mg
B1regulates the activity of the nervous and digestive systems, carbohydrate metabolism0.9 mg
B2affects all types of metabolism, tissue respiration, transmission of nerve impulses, digestive and visual organs, energy production, condition of the skin and mucous membranes1.1 mg
B3 (PP, niacin)responsible for the breakdown of food and the release of energy, the balance of cholesterol and fats in the body, cellular respiration, emotional balance12 mg
B5participates in the synthesis of hormones and antibodies, absorption of vitamins4 mg
B6normalizes amino acid, protein and fat metabolism, hematopoietic processes and acid-forming function of the stomach1.1 mg
B7 (H, biotin)regulates metabolic processes, liver functions, the formation of enzyme complexes, blood sugar levels, is responsible for the health of skin, hair, nails15 mcg
B9 (folate)participates in hematopoiesis, cell division and active use of vitamin B1275 mcg
B12plays an important role in hematopoiesis, the functioning of the nervous system, protein metabolism and protection of the liver from fatty degeneration1 mcg
Ehelps strengthen the immune system, vascular walls, tissue regeneration, healthy mucous membranes and skin, prevents the formation of blood clots, peripheral circulation disorders, anemia, improves cellular nutrition, the functioning of the heart, muscles and nerve cells7 mg
Kregulates blood clotting, regeneration and growth of bone tissue, redox reactions, kidney function20 mcg

In what situations is it prescribed?

The prescription of vitamins in childhood is justified for the treatment of hypovitaminosis or for the purpose of its prevention. In each case, clinical and/or laboratory confirmation is required.

For preventive purposes, vitamins are prescribed to healthy children during the following periods:

  • rise in colds;
  • rapid growth of muscle mass;
  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • stressful conditions caused by a change in lifestyle (moving, starting to attend a children's group).

Children 4 years of age are at risk for developing hypovitaminosis. And more often the need arises not for one vitamin, but for several at once.

Only a pediatrician can choose a drug and prescribe the required dosage, taking into account the developmental characteristics and needs of the child, climate, time of year, etc.


A number of funds have a “targeted” effect. They are used to solve specific problems.

Increased mental stress

Associated with children’s activities in various clubs (children’s creativity, music education, foreign language courses). To improve memory and increase attention, vitamins B, C, and E are needed.

Suitable for these purposes are: “Multi-tabs B-complex”, “Complivit”, “Pikovit”.

Increased physical activity

Children attending sports clubs need to take vitamins aimed at improving heart function, strengthening blood vessels, developing quick reactions and increasing endurance. The composition of multivitamin complexes for little fidgets should include ascorbic acid, vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12, A, E, biotin, and mineral components.

Successfully coping with the task: “Complivit Active” and “Jungle”.

For kindergarteners

Regular attendance at kindergarten requires rapid social adaptation, accelerated development of cognitive skills (memory, attention) and resistance to infections, which a child inevitably encounters in a large group.

But a “home” child no less needs protection from infections, help in developing analytical thinking and the ability to concentrate. By the age of 4, the child becomes an active player on the playground, communicates with peers, and shows increased curiosity.

Presence of diseases

  1. Diseases of the digestive system. They lead to hypovitaminosis both due to poor absorption of vitamins coming from outside, and due to inhibition of the production of their own. Complexes with prebiotics heal the intestinal flora, strengthen the child’s immunity, eliminate hypovitaminosis: “Pikovit Prebiotic”, “Alphabet with Prebiotics”, “VitaMishki Bio”.
  2. Disorders of mineral metabolism associated with refusal of dairy or meat products. It can be corrected by taking vitamin D in pharmaceutical complexes enriched with calcium and fluorine: “Multi-Tabs Baby”, “Polivit Baby”, “VitaMishki Calcium+”. Particularly relevant during the period of growth of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Weakened vision. To maintain the functioning of the visual analyzer and prevent the development of myopia, medications with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, zinc, copper, selenium, and lecithin are prescribed: “VitaMishki Focus+”, “Kavit Junior Lutein”, “Alphabet Optikum”.

Vitamins for immunity: necessary or not?

A child who rarely gets sick and develops harmoniously does not require additional intervention to strengthen the immune system. The situation may change with the first visits to kindergarten, which is explained by stress due to a change in the usual lifestyle and social adaptation to an unfamiliar group. The constant “exchange” of microbes among children quickly depletes the immune system and requires vitamin support.

Frequently ill and long-term convalescent children are recommended vitamins C, E, A, included in Multi-Tabs, Pikovit, Sana-Sol, Complivit.


Vitamins are contraindicated for children who have a history of allergies to one of the components of their composition.

It is prohibited to offer your child “adult” vitamins or to combine them with other medications on your own.

Release forms

The pharmaceutical industry takes into account the difficulties associated with taking medications in children and offers convenient dosage forms that make it easier to use and adhere to age-appropriate dosages:

  • gels in tubes,
  • syrups,
  • marmalade figures,
  • lozenges,
  • chewable tablets and lozenges.

The doctor may recommend several medications for your child that are identical in composition, from which you can independently select the most appropriate release form. Do you have problems with resorption or chewing of medications? Choose vitamin gel or syrup.

Popular brands

The pharmaceutical market has nutritional supplements for children of all age groups and with different needs. As part of multivitamin complexes with minerals, individual components enhance each other's effects and improve absorption.

"Supradin Kids Gel"

An additional source of vitamins A, E, D3, C, B6, B12, PP, H, folic acid, lecithin. Effective during periods of growth and increased information loads.
Recommended dose for a 4 year old child: ½ tsp. gel with meals for 30 days.

"Vitrum Baby"

Chewable tablets contain 12 vitamins and 11 minerals that strengthen the immune system during illness. Suitable for the prevention of seasonal diseases in weakened children. Prescribed for nutritional correction, regular physical activity and during periods of intensive growth.

The course is designed for 1 month with a daily dosage: 1 tablet (animal figurine) after a meal.

"Multi-tabs Junior"

The presence of 11 vitamins (6 representatives of group B) and 7 minerals (including selenium) guarantees the harmonious growth, development and rapid adaptation of the child to new conditions, which allows him to cope with increased physical and mental stress. Advantages: convenient form of administration in the form of chewable tablets, pleasant taste, absence of dyes and preservatives.


Chewable lozenges in the shape of multi-colored bears differ in composition depending on their purpose.

  • Vitamin-mineral complex enriched with choline, “Multi+” is aimed at improving memory and attention.
  • Sea buckthorn and fruit and vegetable extracts “Immuno+” strengthen the immune system.
  • Prebiotics “Bio+” normalize appetite, digestion and stool.
  • Vitamin D together with calcium and fluorine “Calcium+” strengthens bone tissue and teeth.

Take a lozenge after meals for a month.

"Complivit ACTIVE Bears"

Prescribed to strengthen the immune system, increase endurance, harmonious development and growth. Available in the form of chewable lozenges (the same bears) with a pleasant taste. Contains only vitamins (groups B, C, E, biotin). Disadvantage: without a complex of minerals.

Reception is limited to 1 tablet with food with a maximum course of 1 month.

"Pikovit Syrup"

Vitamin complex without minerals. Designed for ages from 1 year to 14 years, which is a plus for families with children of different ages (each can choose their own dosage). This is a 100 ml syrup with vitamins B1, B6, B2, B12, PP, A, D3, C and D-panthenol (provitamin B5). Prescribed to increase resistance to colds, mental and physical stress, unbalanced diet, poor appetite.

Course of administration: for a month, 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

"Pikovit 4 + Tablets"

The tablet form is enriched with calcium and phosphorus, which increases the effectiveness of the drug during the period of active growth of the child, the formation of a strong musculoskeletal system and teeth.

Duration of the course: from 20 days to 2 months, selected by the doctor. The peculiarity of taking coated tablets is complete absorption in the mouth. The age dosage per day is up to 4-5 tablets.

"Pikovit 4 + Chewable tablets"

In addition to phosphorus and calcium, the composition is supplemented with vitamins B3 (niacin) and E, iodine, zinc, iron and biotin. This expands the drug’s capabilities in the prevention of asthenic syndrome, increasing adaptation to new living conditions and protective forces, improving appetite, and correcting unbalanced nutrition.

The pleasant taste of tablets and syrup of the Pikovit brand is due to the presence of flavorings and auxiliary additives - a significant drawback for children's vitamin preparations.

"Alphabet Kindergarten"

A balanced composition of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals copes with poor appetite, fatigue, increases the child’s intellectual capabilities and immunity.

Standard dosage: 3 tablets, which can be taken at once or one at a time throughout the day.

"Centrum Children's"

Citrus fruit flavored chewable tablets containing 18 ingredients: 5 minerals and 13 vitamins. Helps the growth of bones and healthy teeth, intellectual development, increased immunity, and nutritional correction. Does not contain dyes and sucrose.

Reception is calculated for a monthly course of 1 tablet after meals.


Chewable tablets provide immunity support, replenish vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and have a preventive effect against colds. Contains vitamins B, D, A, E, PP, C and the mineral complex: chromium, iodine, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium.

Doctors' opinion

Dr. Komarovsky believes that vitamins are vital in childhood, but one should not rush into purchasing them. A balanced menu can provide your baby with all the necessary vitamins. By paying more attention to walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, and active games, you can get better results than from taking synthetic drugs. Prescription of vitamins is necessary only for the treatment of hypovitaminosis.

This opinion is partially supported by other pediatricians, but they also note the insufficient quality of food products, violation of the conditions and duration of their storage, and loss of vitamins during heat treatment.

Not all children agree to eat the dishes offered. There are picky people who ignore certain foods in their diet. There are little ones who chronically do not receive their daily requirement of vitamins, even with a properly composed menu.

Nutrition adjustments as an alternative

All important vitamins are found in food. By using a variety of natural ingredients to prepare children's meals, you can eliminate or minimize the development of hypovitaminosis. Food sources:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits - ascorbic acid;
  • bread and cereals - B vitamins;
  • meat, fish and eggs - fat soluble A and E;
  • vegetable oil and nuts – E;
  • liver - H and D (read);
  • leafy greens – K;
  • dairy products – A and D.

To preserve the vitamin composition, it is advisable to steam or cook dishes, and serve greens and vegetables raw.

Often in the instructions for pharmacy vitamins you can read: “Not a drug.” And parents have the feeling that lozenges and syrups cope with children’s health problems without causing harm. But doctors ask for caution.

  • Treating a child with medications containing fat-soluble vitamins while taking multivitamins risks a severe overdose.
  • Uncontrolled use is especially dangerous for liver diseases.
  • Sugar and its substitutes aggravate the condition of children with digestive disorders, carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes.
  • Treatment with drugs containing aspartame is contraindicated for children with phenylketonuria.
  • Flavors and food additives that imitate the taste and smell of fruits can cause allergies. Children prone to allergies are recommended to take single medications.
  • The release form (bright, funny, tasty) provokes children to independently and uncontrollably eat lozenges and gummies, which requires storing vitamins in places inaccessible to the child.

Practice shows: it is possible to get the expected result from vitamin complexes at the age of 4 years only if a doctor makes a reasonable prescription.