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Discharge in women is brown. Dark discharge after menstruation a week later. Brown discharge after menstruation a week later

Brown discharge- this is an alarming symptom that is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Unlike the natural physiological secretions of a healthy woman, which are colorless and odorless, their appearance may indicate the presence of one of the many infectious and inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs. Brown discharge is a sign that particles of blood or ichor are mixed with natural discharge. And this indicates a fairly serious pathology.

Brown discharge: causes of appearance

Natural discharge is always present in a woman. Depending on the phase of the cycle, their transparency and intensity may vary, but any deviation from this norm and the appearance of unusually copious, bloody discharge with a noticeable unpleasant odor cannot be ignored. Of course, this could be a side effect of taking medications or a sign of the onset of menopause, but it could also indicate a dangerous disease:

  • inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • infection (including sexually transmitted infections);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • cervical cancer.

Very often they become a symptom of common pathologies of the uterine mucosa - the endometrium. They can appear on any day of the cycle. If left untreated, there is a risk of developing a chronic form of the disease. If pregnancy occurs, this jeopardizes its normal course, because the fertilized egg attaches itself to the endometrium.

In addition, they may talk about pathology of the cervix, an organ that does not have nerve endings. A woman may not experience any discomfort, and can only find out about its presence during an examination by a gynecologist.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the female genital area

Since there are many diseases, the symptom of which is brown discharge, you should pay a visit to the antenatal clinic to find out the exact diagnosis. After all, successful, effective therapy is possible only if the diagnosis is made correctly. will carry out all necessary procedures. The following methods are most often used for diagnosis:

  • visual examination of the genitals;
  • taking a smear to determine the vaginal microflora;
  • , i.e. examination of the cervix and vaginal walls using a special device;
  • taking an analysis to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • ultrasound examination of the internal genital organs.

It is important to understand that the gradual attenuation of symptoms does not mean that the disease has gone away on its own. Pathologies of the female genital area require mandatory consultation with a gynecologist and complex therapy. Therefore, postponing a visit to the antenatal clinic if you have brown discharge is fraught with dangerous consequences.

This time on the website Shtuchka.ru we will consider a question that most women face: what to do, if you have brown discharge– this is natural or a serious cause for concern.

From elementary to complex

Daily vaginal discharge is normal. During the menstrual cycle, their appearance, consistency, quantity and smell change. This is due to the formation and release of the egg.

If you have spotting brown discharge during pregnancy

If you notice brown discharge early in your pregnancy, don’t be alarmed right away. This is the final stage in the restructuring of the body. Such discharge, as a rule, is insignificant and appears at the moment when menstruation should have started. If the discharge continues for more than three months, contact a specialist.

The light brown discharge that appeared after the examination is the result of damage to the mucous membrane, which is very sensitive during this period.

A more serious reason for the appearance of such discharge is a frozen pregnancy (fetal death).

The threat of miscarriage can also cause brown discharge. If the bleeding intensifies and blood clots begin to come out, it means that fetal rejection has begun. In such a situation, it is impossible to maintain the pregnancy.

At later stages, such discharge indicates placental abruption. To maintain pregnancy, bed rest is recommended until the end of the term. Otherwise, there is a chance of losing not only the child, but also the mother due to severe internal bleeding.

We hope that our article helped you understand what to do, if there is spotting, brown discharge.. advises you to contact a gynecologist to fully understand and find out the cause.

Bruslik Maria – especially for the site Shtuchka.ru

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Brown vaginal discharge may not be a dangerous symptom of any disease. If such discharge characterizes the end of your period, then most likely this is the norm for you. The thing is that the color and consistency of menstrual flow is a purely individual matter. For example, brown discharge indicates that menstrual fluid comes out slowly and has time to come into contact with air, which naturally leads to its pigmentation.

But what to do if brown vaginal discharge appears a few days after the end of menstruation? Could this be a sign of a disease? Let's look at the cases in which brown discharge after menstruation poses a health hazard.

Chronic endometritis

The cause of brown vaginal discharge is often a disease such as endometritis. Its chronic form is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. The disease can be caused by intrauterine interventions during the prenatal period or the process of inflammation after an abortion. Brown discharge with endometritis can occur either at the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, in the latter case, the discharge is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen.


Nodular, small cystic formations or growths in the cervical area cause virtually no pain and are difficult to diagnose in a timely manner. An alarming symptom of the disease is brown vaginal discharge. They usually appear a few days after menstruation. They have an unpleasant odor and sometimes contain small blood clots.

A collective name for various pathological processes in the uterus. The inner mucous membrane of the uterine body is susceptible to a huge number of diseases, from delayed embryonic development during pregnancy to fibroids and. In any case, if you suddenly have brown discharge outside the menstrual period, this is a good reason to consult a specialist.

Inflammatory diseases of the vagina

Drugs to stop bleeding

Often young (and sometimes not so young) people, having read women’s forums on the Internet, resort to independently purchasing drugs that stop bleeding in any phase of the menstrual cycle. It should be remembered that drugs such as dicynon, vitaxol or transekam should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Some hemostatic agents, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, can cause irreparable harm to health. So for any bloody discharge, be it brown or bright red, first see a doctor - and then go to the pharmacy!

And finally...

The gynecologist often does not care what color your vaginal discharge is. The light or dark brown color of the discharge indicates the presence of blood in it. And if you have spotting, bloody brown discharge that is not associated with menstruation, this is already a reason to think about its cause. So don’t self-medicate and wish you good health!

Dmitry Belov

Discoloration of vaginal secretions can be caused by natural and pathological reasons. Brown discharge without odor and pain cannot be considered harmless. Despite the absence of accompanying symptoms, such clinical manifestations quite often indicate health problems.

Brown, odorless discharge is a general concept. This way you can describe dark yellow, brown, light and dark brown, as well as.

Its main components are the secretion produced by the glands of the reproductive system and fluid from the cervical canal. Leucorrhoea acquires an uncharacteristic color when oxidized and coagulated blood gets into it. In this case, discharge of a light or dark brown hue may not smell at all, and unpleasant sensations may not appear.

Such changes are observed during pregnancy and in different phases of the cycle. Women do not perceive them as signs of illness. There is a misconception that pathology should always be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In fact, everything is somewhat different. There may be a hidden threat in the body that is only indicated by an uncharacteristic secretion.

Brown discharge in women: norm and pathology

The appearance of mucus with a brown tint is considered normal in the following cases:

  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • damage to the walls of the cervix or vagina during intimacy;
  • first sex;
  • within two days after the end of the critical days.

The occurrence of uncharacteristic secretion does not signal the development of an intimate disease. Similar symptoms appear due to hormonal changes and for a number of other reasons. If the mucus becomes abundant and heterogeneous, then this indicates the presence of disorders in women in the reproductive system.

Normally, brown liquid sometimes appears at the time of ovulation, during the implantation of the fertilized egg. The nature of the secretion is short-term and spotting.

Pathology can be suspected in the following cases:

  • discharge is observed, but the woman does not take hormonal contraceptives;
  • Uncharacteristic mucus is formed during menopause, when the regulation is absent for more than a year;
  • brown mucus appears after each intimacy;
  • there are accompanying symptoms (odor, pain, hyperthermia).

The presence of pathological secretion is a reason to visit a gynecologist. It often indicates diseases that, if not properly treated, can lead to serious consequences.

Discharge that appears at different periods of the cycle

Brown mucus appears in women at different periods of the cycle. Such changes often indicate the development of pathology, but in certain situations they are regarded as a variant of the norm.

Before your period

A few days before your period is due, a brown spot is sometimes noted. If such a symptom appears once, then there is no cause for concern. It indicates that the process of endometrial shedding has begun in the uterus.

Among the factors that can provoke prolonged brown secretion before menstruation (about a week) are:

  • exposure to stress;
  • improper organization of diet;
  • following a strict diet;
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • hormonal fluctuations.

The appearance of brown liquid often indicates a cycle failure and the development of pathologies. Particularly dangerous are those leucorrhoea that are accompanied by an uncharacteristic odor and pain in the lower back and abdomen.

In the middle of the cycle

Quite often they appear during the period of ovulation, which occurs in the very middle of the cycle. At this moment, the fertilized egg matures and leaves the follicle. In this case, small vessels are damaged, which causes the release of blood. It gets into the secretion, oxidizes and flows out. Therefore, a brown daub is formed, with a dark or light tint.

This mucus has no odor, but can sometimes be accompanied by mild pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms indicate a favorable period for conception.

Instead of menstruation

Dark brown, odorless discharge is sometimes observed after sexual intercourse. If such a phenomenon is observed once, then there is no cause for alarm. The spotting secretion that appears should cause concern. Such changes most often indicate hormonal disorders. It is extremely important to identify their cause and eliminate it.

After menstruation

Spotting with a brown tint can be observed at the beginning of the cycle - immediately after the end of the cycle. The appearance is due to natural causes. The remains of blood and endometrium, which did not have time to come out during the critical days, gradually coagulate and acquire this shade. They do not cause unpleasant sensations, have no odor and disappear after a couple of days. If pain subsequently appears and the volume of discharge increases, then you should immediately be examined by a gynecologist.

A small amount of brown secretion at the end of regulation is often observed in women during the postpartum period. The walls of the reproductive organ are still stretched and weakened, which leads to the appearance of similar symptoms. As soon as the tone of the uterus returns to normal, there will be no such leucorrhoea after menstrual periods.

Pathological causes

Uncharacteristic discharge may occur under the influence of pathological factors. Many of them are asymptomatic, and their presence is indicated only by a smearing brown secretion. As a rule, such clinical manifestations are observed in cases of damage to the reproductive organ. They can appear before the regulation, immediately after its completion, and sometimes during other periods of the cycle.


Ulcerations on the cervix of the reproductive organ often do not cause any symptoms. Occasionally, scanty discharge may appear after intimacy. When the scale of the lesion increases and the pathology is in an advanced stage, the mucus acquires a sharp, purulent aroma.


With the development of this pathology, an abnormal growth of the functional uterine layer is noted. Due to this, blood from the reproductive organ cannot escape and begins to accumulate in the uterine cavity and genital tract. As a consequence of this, a brown spot appears at the end of menstruation.


An abundant dark secretion that appears some time after menstruation has ended is considered a clear sign of pathology. This process can be triggered by polyps growing on the tissues of the cervix or the reproductive organ itself. In addition to scanty leucorrhea, there is often a delay in regulation. When the growth grows, pain and pus in the secretion are also observed.


With the growth of benign or malignant formations, the appearance of brown mucus is often observed. It is extremely important to identify them at an early stage of development to prevent serious complications.

Prevention and treatment

To avoid such problems, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene. You need to wash yourself twice a day and use special products rather than ordinary soap.
  2. During critical days, replace hygiene items every 3-4 hours.
  3. Do not use panty liners regularly, but only in the middle of the cycle and closer to the beginning of critical days, when the volume of secretion increases.
  4. Stick to a healthy diet. Reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods to a minimum and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet. The menu should be complete and balanced.
  5. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse have a negative impact on the reproductive system.
  6. Don't overexert yourself. Physical activity should be moderate.
  7. Maintain a daily routine. There should be enough time for sleep and rest.
  8. Treat any diseases in a timely manner, regardless of the nature of their occurrence.
  9. Regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist.

The treatment regimen largely depends on the cause of the appearance of brown discharge, which is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor or pain. If they are provoked by a hormonal disorder, then hormonal medications are prescribed. In case of development of erosion, endometriosis, the appearance of neoplasms or polyps, surgical intervention is resorted to. In the postoperative period, drug therapy is carried out aimed at the complete restoration of the reproductive system.

The reasons that provoke the appearance of brown spotting are different. Often such symptoms arise as a result of natural processes occurring in the body. Sometimes they signal the development of the disease. It is extremely important to identify it at the initial stage of development, when the only clinical manifestation of the pathology is uncharacteristic secretion. You should definitely consult your doctor. A change in the nature of the discharge may indicate serious health problems that can lead to a number of complications.

Women's health is fraught with many secrets and uncertainties. Any woman throughout her life faces a number of gynecological problems, which can be easily solvable troubles or carry preconditions for the development of serious diseases. The first signs of problems in an established body system are nonspecific discharge.

Often, ailments relate to menstruation - monthly bleeding from the vagina. They contain vaginal secretions and the rejected mucous layer of the uterus, formed as a result of the rupture of an unfertilized egg. Normal menstruation lasts from 3 to 5 days, with about 50 ml of discharge per day. A woman of reproductive age takes a break from menstruation only during pregnancy.

Often the structure of the discharge, its duration and nature may change. If you find darkdischarge instead of menstruation or during them, this may be due to many reasons. Let's find out the prerequisites and figure out what this threatens in this article.

When should you not worry?

In some cases, scant dark be justified. There is no reason to panic when:

  1. After a couple of days after the discharge, menstruation began.
  2. Dark stains on laundryappeared immediately after menstruationand ended quickly.
  3. You recently said goodbye to your virginity. Discharge after the first sexual intercourse is considered normal.
  4. The discharge was preceded by active, prolonged sex. In this case, damage to the vaginal mucosa is possible, which is why the discharge appears.
  5. You are protected by hormonal contraceptives, includingpatches, coils or tablets. Then minor discharge may bother during menstrual cycle.
  6. Lactation period. Dark discharge instead of menstruation may indicate that the body has not yet returned to shape after childbirth.

When to sound the alarm?

If you do not belong to any of the items on the above list, then you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist. Discharge indicates serious consequences when:

  • Dark spots on your underwear appear in the middle of your cycle, but you are not taking hormonal medications.
  • They are accompanied by itching, burning and dryness in the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen and during sexual intercourse.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • There is a possibility that you are expecting a baby. Then the discharge may signal a threat of miscarriage.
  • Discharge appears after each sexual intercourse with your spouse.
  • You are over 45 years old and have not had menstruation for more than a year.
  • The discharge comes out in clots and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.


So, what causes dark ones to appear?discharge instead of menstruation? Causes can be different, the most common of them are surgical interventions shortly before the appearance of discharge, pregnancy (including ectopic), the period of breastfeeding or the age of the woman.

The appearance of stains on underwear is also provoked by external factors, such as:

  • Poor nutrition or starvation diets.
  • Moving to another climate zone or going on vacation.
  • Taking medications or hormonal drugs.
  • Intense physical activity.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Stress or lifestyle changes.
  • Failure in the metabolic system.
  • Poisoning and intoxication of the body.

Thick discharge, accompanied by clots and streaks, may indicate aging of endometrial cells. During menstruation, old exfoliated cells come out along with the discharge. If not all the cells have passed away during menstruation, then the remaining darkened cells may be rejectedin the middle of the menstrual cycle. They may be brown or black.

Such cases often occur in women at the beginning of menopause. At this time, the established long-term cycle is disrupted, menstruation is less intense, and obsolete cells are not completely released. This is the norm, but if your period ended about a year ago, and the discharge makes itself felt again, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Light brown discharge

No worriesif light brown spotsvisited you after your period. Discharge within a couple of days is considered normal. If they last longer than three days after your period, you should consult a doctor. It's another matter if stains on your underwear suddenly caught you in the middle of your cycle. Then the following diseases may be to blame:

  1. Cancer or cervical erosionif you notice dischargeafter every sexual intercourse.
  2. Inflammation due to sexually acquired infection. The discharge is accompanied by itching, burning, and discomfort when urinatingand during sexual intercourse.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
  4. Endometritis, which is accompanied by aching pain in the ovarian area.

Discharge may be a consequence of vaginal microtrauma that occurs as a result of douching, sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. The main thing is to ensure that the injured area does not become a site for the development of infection.

Dark brown or black discharge

Most often, the shade of the discharge does not affect the diagnosis. Their color is affected by the amount of blood rejected. Darkerdischarge may signalabout the occurrence of the following diseases:

  • Endometriosis.
  • Ovarian cyst .

Dark brown discharge instead of menstruation maybe caused by surgeryin the pelvic organs. For example:

  1. Curettage for diagnosing diseases.
  2. Surgery for ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Laparoscopy to remove the cyst.
  4. Removal of polyps in the uterus.
  5. Surgical abortion.

In these circumstanceswithout pain, they serve as a kind of cleanser of the body from the consequences of surgical intervention. The color of the discharge can reach black, and the period can last up to 10 days. If the discharge turns red and there is an unpleasant odor, this indicates an infection, and you should urgently make an appointment with a doctor.

Discharge during sexual activity

During an active sexual life, a woman who neglects contraceptives, dark spotting instead of menstruation maybe caused by pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy or an incipient miscarriage.There are cases when sexual activity is regular, the couple does not use protection, and the woman’s menstrual periods are delayed. Thenshe notices dark discharge, which can be of different intensity. The discharge passes and is replaced by normal menstruation. This process indicates a temporary hormonal imbalance in the body. women.

When instead of menstruation are coming dark discharge, but menstruation never comes after them, it is recommendedtake a pregnancy test and analysis hCG . This may indicate the beginning of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is formed and some blood is rejected. If the test is positive, the discharge is dangerous and serves as a sign of pathology - it indicates that the woman’s body does not have enough hormones for the healthy development of pregnancy. For the fetus of a pregnant woman, those periods when menstruation previously occurred are very dangerous and can provoke detachment of the endometrial layer.

The cause of discharge can also be an ectopic pregnancy. The test will be positive, but only an ultrasound can reveal abnormal development. Therefore, it is important, after doing the test at home, to contact a gynecologist for a follow-up examination. With severe hypothermia, a woman may notice scantdark brown discharge instead of menstruationand subsequent failurecycle. This is a clear sign of inflammation of the cervix or appendages.

After sexual intercourse without a condomwith a dubious partner, thick dark hair may appeardischarge instead of menstruationwhich are accompanied by:

  • Burning and itching of the vagina (inside and outside).
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Cutting during sexual intercourse.

The presence of two or more symptoms from the list indicates the appearance ofsexually transmitted diseases. This could be syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and other diseases. It is necessary to urgently contact a gynecologist who will issue a referral for tests..

If the test is negative

If upon suspicionpregnancy testshowed at home negative result, relaxnot worth it. For ectopic pregnancy test can show one strip. Its early stages maybe accompanied by cyclicalpain in the lower abdomen, often the girl experiences something similar to toxicosis. To non-specificpregnancy the body reactsthe production of hormones necessary for the development of the fetus, but with ectopic flow, the embryo is fixed not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube.

The fallopian tubes are not prone to stretching, and the fetus continues to grow. Therefore, the walls of the fallopian tube are damaged, and the blood comes out in the form of dark (almost black) discharge. They can occur during and after your planned menstruation. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous not only for a woman’s health, but also for her life, and its occurrence can only be detected by ultrasound and a hCG test. We need to take this very seriously.

Discharge after pregnancy

Among women appear after childbirthdark discharge that lasts about 14 days. They are called lochia and may be brown in color and contain clots. This is a normal process in the body that prepares a woman for the normalization of the menstrual cycle. If a woman is breastfeedingand the child is only breastfedWithout complementary foods, there should be no menstruation.

The process of normalizing the cycle is also accompanied by dark discharge. If unprotected sexual intercourse occurred during this period, you shouldtake a pregnancy test. In women who have given birth, ovulation occurs before the first menstruation occurs, and a new one is likely.pregnancy. If the test is negative, but darkdischarge instead of menstruationdon't stop during several cycles and become thick, this is a reason to visit a doctor.

Discharge in the absence of sexual activity

If a woman who has, is not sexually active, options with pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections are dismissed. In any case, there remains a fairly extensive list of reasons:

  • Drastic weight loss and starvation diets.
  • Overwork or stress.
  • Anemia.
  • Vitamin-poor diet.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Endometritis.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Inflammation of the appendages.
  • Unbearable physical activity.

Perhaps the worst thing that discharge can indicate is malignant formations. Cervical cancermay be accompanied not only by dark spots on underwear before menstruation, but also by almost constant discharge. It must be remembered that most pathologies associated with gynecology causedark brown discharge.

Age-related changes

Girls just entering puberty have darkdischarge instead of menstruation- a common occurrence. The menstrual cycle is just beginning, ovulation may or may not occur. In the first year after the start of your period, you do not need to worry about such discharge. But if the discharge continues for more than a year and has already become a habit, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Scanty dark discharge instead of menstruationin women after 40 years of age may indicate a decline in ovarian function and changes in hormonal levels. Recently, doctors have noted a decrease in the age of menopause - if previously it appeared in women after 45 years, now the first signs of menopause appear already at 38-40 years.

Medicines and contraceptives

Girls who have just started taking oral contraceptives are wondering why they have dark discharge instead of menstruation? Pills can cause hormonal imbalance, which is why discharge appears. Also, when taking contraceptives, girls often experience deterioration in ovarian function and the development of endometrial atrophy.

Dark spots on underwear may appear as a result of taking inappropriate medications if the woman herself prescribed the drug or the doctor prescribed the wrong pills. Failure in the menstrual cycle or discharge can also provoke irregular use of contraceptives. In addition, the activity of the secretions may depend on the use of other anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics. Diet pills also often cause irregular menstrual cycles or dark discharge.

If your periods are irregular for 3-4 cycles in a row or appear brown discharge insteadthem, you need to go to the gynecologist and ask them to prescribe other pills. Darkdischarge instead of menstruation mayalso appear as a result of any imbalance of hormones in a woman’s body. In diabetes mellitus, thyroid hormonal deficiency, and decreased prolactin levels, symptoms often appear. spotting discharge.

If instead of menstruationthere is dark discharge, but none of the above points apply to you, try to wait a couple of days - maybe you just have a slight delay, and the discharge serves as a harbinger of menstruation. Otherwise, be sure to consult a doctor. Health is what a woman should pay attention to first. You should visit a gynecologist at least once a year, even in the absence of any unpleasant sensations. Identifying a disease at an early stage and nipping it in the bud is much easier than undergoing prolonged and painful treatment.