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Growing indoor flowers for sale in a greenhouse. Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business. Business plan for growing flowers

Or for growing ready-made seedlings. In the spring, lovers of flower beds will be very happy to buy from you. This is a good help for the family budget. Very asters, morning glory, marigolds, crocuses, petunias.

Choose the sunny side, open part of the roof above the place you have chosen, and glaze this part. This will increase the flow of sunlight. Use double-glazed windows for this. They will allow you to regulate light, heat, ventilation. Equip double-glazed windows with blinds so that you can protect flowers from the scorching rays of the sun.

Then move on to the interior fittings of the attic greenhouse. Line the inside of the boxes with cellophane and plastic wrap, and place them on stands. Provide drainage to allow water to drain from the boxes after watering.

Place the seedlings in the greenhouse at the rate of approximately 1 square meter for up to 100 daisies, up to 30 violets or up to 25 daffodils. It is better to start a flower business with unpretentious ones, then you can move on to more complex varieties - roses, tulips.

Plant the tulip bulbs at the end every 5-10 centimeters from each other. The greenhouse should be warm and dark for a month. Make sure the soil is moist. This condition must be met before germination.

Open the blinds and windows slightly, maintain the temperature at about 10 degrees during the formation period, and when the buds appear, provide access to sunlight.

Water and make sure the tulips do not overheat. The ideal temperature at the time of flowering is 15-20 degrees. At the beginning, the tulips are ready for sale.


  • grow flowers for sale

Growing flowers for sale is not only an exciting activity that delights the soul with beauty and quick results, but also a fairly profitable type of business. How not to make a mistake when choosing plants and reduce possible losses to a minimum?

You will need

  • - greenhouse or conservatory;
  • - soil for flower seedlings;
  • - disposable containers for plants;
  • - tags for containers with plants;
  • - complex fertilizer;
  • - flower seeds.


To understand which flowers are most profitable to grow, you need to decide on the key direction of the future business: whether these will be flowers for cutting or for further planting.

Growing cut flowers will become profitable only if you have large planting areas and deep knowledge of agricultural technology, so we will focus on the option of growing planting material.

At the initial stage of business, it is most profitable to grow plants that are easy to care for and long-flowering, which are most popular with the buyer.

First of all, you should pay attention to border flowers: petunia, viola, daisy, salvia, marigolds, low-growing asters.

These flowers will delight you with their rich colors, allow you to create beautiful compositions, are simple and undemanding to care for, for which they are loved by all gardeners.

Of the tall flowers, it is most profitable to grow spectacular varietal phlox, lilies, gladioli, delphinium, dahlias - long flowering and bright color ensure their constant demand.

When choosing seeds, it is advisable to give preference to well-known companies of domestic origin. Such seedlings take root better in our climate and are adapted to weather conditions.

It is advisable to disinfect the prepared soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcinate it in a very hot oven. Containers for soil must be clean and must have drainage holes.

Monitor the level of humidity, light and temperature in the greenhouse, otherwise the seedlings will grow weak, elongated and unadapted to long-term flowering.

Pick and pinch the seedlings in a timely manner - this ensures their proper growth and development, and in the future - abundant flowering. Pinching is especially useful for overly elongated seedlings.

Don’t forget about fertilizing: thinned plants need regular fertilization. It is best to use fertilizers designed for a specific type of flower, rather than universal ones.

On sale today you can find cut flowers and potted flowers. Both are popular with buyers. The only difference can be that cut flowers sell better on the eve of the holidays, while people buy indoor flowers in pots all year round. Using the example of many entrepreneurs, it has been proven that growing fresh flowers as a business is a fairly profitable field of activity, and you can start at your dacha or. The key to success is the correct organization of plantations for cultivation and the marketing policy of the enterprise.

  • Where to start growing flowers
  • What flowers are best to grow for business?
  • How to sell flowers
  • How much can you earn from growing flowers for sale?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment for activities
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for growing flowers?
  • What documents are needed for business
  • Which taxation system to choose for your activity?
  • Do I need permission to implement a business project?

Where to start growing flowers

Let’s immediately focus on the legal aspect of registering an activity, since the stage of registering a legal entity involves choosing a taxation system. An entrepreneur has two ways to formalize his business activity:

  1. Registration of the owner of a personal plot of land.

The latter form of activity has a number of tax advantages, but a mandatory requirement for its registration is the presence of a plot of land at the dacha owned by the entrepreneur. For the income received from growing flowers for sale on your own territory, you will not have to pay taxes and maintain mandatory accounting. Another disadvantage of the activities of private household plots is the impossibility of independent retail sales of grown products. Such a business in the country will not be full-fledged. Sales occur mainly through wholesale buyers, who set their own prices. It is almost impossible to dictate pricing to resellers, since the owner of a plot of land in a dacha has no alternative, and unscrupulous wholesalers take advantage of this. However, at the initial stage, while the entrepreneur accumulates funds for expansion, business in this form is quite acceptable.

To open an individual entrepreneur, you will need to undergo state registration under activity code 01.12.2 “Ornamental gardening and production of nursery products.” The most suitable taxation system is the unified agricultural tax. It provides for the accrual and payment of tax liabilities in the amount of 6% of the profit brought by the cultivation of flowers for sale.

What flowers are best to grow for business?

The biggest income can be obtained from selling flowers in winter. However, it requires certain skills and knowledge. For a novice entrepreneur, such an experience can be unsuccessful, and the business can go bankrupt without making any money. Usually, planting cut flowers is practiced in a personal plot. Growing flowers at your own dacha is a good option for entrepreneurs who do not have large initial investments. Roses, tulips, and daffodils are cheaper in the summer, but you will gain invaluable experience. An entrepreneur must study the features of agricultural technology, pruning and fertilizing flowers. In addition, selling plants will help accumulate funds that will be necessary to purchase and equip a greenhouse.

The second option is to grow flower seedlings for sale. Most summer residents buy young plants of petunias, purslane, violets and other ornamental annuals to landscape their plots. Most of these plants are available for growing at home in the country. Then they bloom earlier and delight their owners with flowers all season long. Not every summer resident in a city apartment has enough space to grow flowers in the open ground, and young shoots need to be cared for painstakingly, and this takes time. Seedlings of annual beautiful flowering plants are most often purchased. It is relatively inexpensive, and due to the amount of planting material sold, the entrepreneur receives a decent income. This business is seasonal.

Another option for making money on flowers is propagating and growing indoor plants. These are not always beautifully flowering specimens. People simply decorate their homes with exotic plants with green leaves, and their sizes can be very different. You can start growing indoor flowers for sale at home, which, again, will significantly reduce the cost of starting your own business. With a sufficient number of well-lit rooms, flowers can be placed even in a city apartment. Experts recommend using a heated house in the country or outside the city for growing indoor plants. And the plants will be so comfortable, and they will not disturb the household. This business is painstaking and requires daily care of the future product and a long time.

How to sell flowers

First, you need to decide whether the entrepreneur will sell flowers to end consumers independently or sell them wholesale to resellers. The first option is more profitable, but requires a break from the main business - growing plants. If growing flowers for sale is a family affair, then this method is best suited. The sale of goods will always be under control, the seller is interested in the sale, the business is transparent, and the owner himself will be able to control the situation on the flower plantations.

Working with wholesale buyers is also not without common sense. Delivering products to retail outlets and renting premises or tents for them require certain costs. Wholesalers help avoid these expenses.

The instructions cover organizational issues (how and what kind of greenhouse to build, how to properly organize the process of growing flowers) and provide calculations for business profitability and return on investment.


What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse? Cucumbers, strawberries or flowers? Probably all the products mentioned above, if the business is properly organized, will be economically feasible and highly profitable. My personal opinion is that it is a matter of taste, knowledge and skills, what you are interested in growing, I personally am closer to the flower business and now I will tell you how to earn up to 3 million rubles with an investment of 100 thousand rubles. in year.

1. Where to start?

And you need to start a flower growing business from a small plot of land: a garden, a vegetable garden, a summer cottage or a house in the village. In general, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that there is a piece of land, owned or leased, confirmed by the appropriate document stating that you are the owner of the private household plot.

Private household plot is a personal household plot, confirmed by a document issued by local authorities: dacha partnership, administration of a rural settlement, etc. Private household plot does not have a legal status, like, for example, an individual entrepreneur, however, private household plot has a number of advantages over other forms of business:

  • You won't have to pay taxes.
  • You are not subject to anyone (the tax service), and no one controls you.
  • Complete absence of reporting and paperwork.

At the initial stage of business, this is the best option. But, using private household plots as an organizational and legal form of doing business, you will be limited in the ways of selling products. That is, you have only one option - resellers who take a lot but pay very little.

Therefore, in the future, if you want to increase the cost of products many times over, you will not be able to do without a flower pavilion or even an entire salon. And here you will have to register an individual entrepreneur with the OKVED coding - A.01.12.2. This means that you fall into the group of entrepreneurs engaged in agricultural production, and you can choose a special form of taxation for yourself - the Unified Agricultural Tax.

Unified Agricultural Tax is a single agricultural tax that replaces all other forms of taxation and has a low rate of 6% of net profit.

2. Greenhouse-thermos.

And here is one of the main secrets in running a successful flower business. The design of the thermos greenhouse is designed in such a way that it allows you to save up to 70% of electricity and make maximum use of solar heat.


Under no circumstances should you place the greenhouse on bare ground without a foundation, otherwise the outer flower beds will freeze. It is better to make a strip foundation, reinforced, but shallow, since the structure of the greenhouse is quite light. It is enough to make a gravel-sand cushion at a depth of 70 cm, bring it to a height of 50 cm and pour a foundation with a base height of at least 30 cm. I do not recommend making a low base, since the lower structural elements will be susceptible to corrosion.

Material for the frame and covering of the greenhouse.

In principle, it does not really matter whether you have a greenhouse made of wood or metal. But it is better to make it from light alloy metal profiles, since a wooden frame is too bulky and creates high darkness in the greenhouse.

Concerning coating material, then there is only one option - cellular polycarbonate. The fact is that the roof of the thermos greenhouse must be pitched (more on this a little later) and withstand huge snow loads, but only cellular polycarbonate can cope with this task.

Dimensions of the greenhouse and its location.

As a basis, we will take a greenhouse of the following dimensions: width - 5 m (more is not possible), otherwise the effect of the thermos will be reduced; the length can be arbitrary, but we will have 20 m; the height of the southern wall is 1.8 m, the height of the northern wall is 2.5 m.

The roof in a thermos greenhouse should only be single-slope and here's why: thanks to the low angle of the roof, the sun's rays will pass through it across the entire area at a more right angle. And this means it is better to warm up the entire space inside the greenhouse. The length of the greenhouse should be positioned strictly from west to east, and the northern wall should be made from any wall building materials.

That is, the northern wall should be opaque, wooden (beam with a section of 15X15 cm), cinder block, etc. What is this for?

  • Firstly, the north side does not play any role in heating the greenhouse, since direct sunlight does not penetrate through it.
  • Secondly, on the north side it is most convenient and rational to place the vestibule of the greenhouse, where there will be an electric boiler or stove, as well as equipment, fertilizers, chemicals, etc.
  • Third, it is the northern wall of the greenhouse that serves as the basis for the solar collector.

Effects of a greenhouse-thermos.

So what is the main secret of the thermos greenhouse?

And the main secret is double coating, i.e. the greenhouse needs to be covered not with one layer of polycarbonate, but with two, outside and inside. As a result, you will receive many double thermal packages - sections. Constant air exchange is required between all these sections. Therefore, the appropriate number of holes must be made in advance in the greenhouse frame itself, but in such a way as not to weaken the working load of the frame.

What is it for?

Look: the sun has different effects on certain areas of the greenhouse during the day, in some places it heats up strongly, in others weakly. That is, the air in one of the sections can warm up to +50°C, and in the other section - only up to +5°C, this is in winter. And these holes (ventilation) help to evenly distribute all the warm air inside the thermal bags.

Solar collector in a greenhouse.

Typically, a solar collector is presented in the form of a product with an area of ​​0.5 m², which transforms the sun's rays into heat and supplies warm air into the room through ventilation. In a thermos greenhouse, the problem of a solar collector is solved by a completely different, radical method. The entire northern wall of the greenhouse is one large solar collector. In our case, it is 50 m² and can provide so much heat that you will have to ventilate the greenhouse even in winter.

And this collector is made in an elementary and simple way. Bars with a cross section of 5x5 cm are attached to the northern wall at a distance of 50 cm from each other. For ventilation, holes or continuous slits are also made in the bars. Next, a black, opaque film is attached to the whole thing with ordinary slats and that’s it! For black color is the best catalyst for solar heat.

To further increase the effect of the solar collector, you should create a system for supplying warm air directly to the flower beds.

This system is presented in the form of plastic pipes with holes made in them, which snake around all the flower beds, not underground, but on its surface (between the rows). Example: one end of the pipe is mounted in the lower right part of the northern wall (solar collector), the other end of the pipe is mounted in the lower left part of the wall. A fan is installed at each pipe inlet, one draws in cold exhaust air, the other supplies hot air into the system.

Other methods of heating a greenhouse.

The use of black as the best solar energy battery does not end there.

For example, around a greenhouse in the cold season you can create a warmer air front. To do this, the greenhouse is cleared of snow around the entire perimeter and roofing felt or roofing felt is laid on the ground, which not only creates a warm air front around the greenhouse, but also partially warms the ground. Ruberoid can also be used inside the greenhouse, covering the space between the beds with it, which raises the air temperature in the greenhouse on sunny days by several degrees.

Heating system.

It is best to install modern, automated water heating systems for greenhouses in a greenhouse, the basis of which is an electric boiler. Since the use of wood-burning stoves leads to sudden temperature changes or, conversely, decreases in temperature, which can lead to complete or partial death of flowers, including roots.

Generalized conclusions about the advantages of a thermos greenhouse

So, what do we ultimately get by growing flowers in a thermos greenhouse?

  1. The first is the enormous savings in electricity for heating the greenhouse, up to 70%, and this is the main expense item in the flower business.
  2. Secondly, thanks to the special design of the thermos greenhouse, you can grow any kind of flowers in it all year round without any danger (such as an emergency drop in temperature or freezing of the soil).

3. Agrotechnical techniques for growing flowers.

And then you need to save the time and money needed to start production, i.e. growing flowers. I won’t describe how to grow, say, roses here, since growing them in open and closed ground is no different from each other, and you can find all the information on specialized websites or in the literature. Therefore, now we will solve several pressing problems.

Soil for a greenhouse.

Any gardener or gardener knows that the successful cultivation of any crop directly depends on the optimal composition of the soil. The same applies to roses. Now the main question is: how to select this composition and where to get so much land for the greenhouse. Indeed, according to the technology of growing roses, all the old soil in the greenhouse in place of the beds must be removed to a depth of at least 50 cm and filled with specially selected soil. There is no point in buying soil in bags: you will simply go broke. Importing it from nowhere with Kamaz trucks is also not an option, since the composition of such soil is unknown to you.

What to do?

The answer lies literally under your feet, or more precisely, in ownerless meadows, fields and forest edges. That is, for the greenhouse we will use turf soil, however it needs to be prepared in advance.

To do this, in early spring, as soon as the soil thaws to a depth of 12-15 cm, its top layer 5-8 cm thick is cut off and transported to the ripening site, as close to the greenhouse as possible. Afterwards, the turf is formed into piles no more than 1 m wide and 70-80 cm high and covered with opaque material.

When the summer sun begins to get really hot, the piles of soil are thoroughly watered and then covered with a transparent film. In this case, irreversible biological processes called combustion begin in the turf soil, and the soil temperature in the deep layers of the pile can reach +60-70 °C.

That is, all weed seeds, small roots, insect larvae, harmful viruses and spores will simply burn out, and you will get completely disinfected soil. To constantly maintain the combustion process, regularly spill the ground with water and be sure to cover it with a transparent film.

Well, at the beginning of autumn the soil will be completely ripe, and all you have to do is sift it and fill the greenhouse beds with soil. It is this kind of soil that will be close in composition to light sandy loam, highly enriched with fertilizers, and this is what is needed for growing not only flowers, but anything else in general.

Purchase of planting material.

So, the beds are filled, all the heating and temperature control systems in the greenhouse are functioning, and all that’s left to do is buy roses and start growing them. Again, I will not advise you to buy certain varieties of roses, since everything changes, including the main market indicator - the current demand for certain varieties. However, I will advise you where to buy them.

The first is specialized agro-nurseries for growing roses and other types of flowers. And you shouldn’t be afraid of them, since one of the income sources of such enterprises is the sale of planting material. This means that they professionally grow and select high-quality planting material, including for the flower business.

But if there is nothing like this in your region, then there is only one way out - the Internet, that is, the website of perhaps one of these agricultural firms.

You should also know that roses are sold both grafted onto a frost-resistant rootstock (wild rose hips) and without grafting. I advise you to buy only grafted roses and here’s why:

  • Firstly, a rose grafted onto a frost-resistant rootstock is least susceptible to the risk of death from freezing or hypothermia of the soil in the greenhouse and a low drop in air temperature.
  • Secondly, during the growth period, the rootstock (rose hips) will constantly produce shoots, and this is: the ability to independently grow planting material by grafting new varieties of roses onto rose hips and an additional source of income, i.e., you can organize the sale of planting material.

And also, when buying rose bushes, be sure to ask in what packaging they will be delivered to you. Ideally, these should be plastic containers filled with a special substrate, where the rose bush can be stored for up to 6 months.

4. Business model and additional sources of income.

What have we come to?

This is a thermos greenhouse measuring 5x20 m and a certain type of flower - roses. All this taken together is a kind of production unit, which you should rely on when creating and running a flower business. And until you master this business model, having worked out both the technique of growing roses and the ways of their implementation, I do not recommend expanding further. Otherwise, you will lose both time and money.

But this does not mean that you need to stop at just one business model and focus only on standard solutions. There are many ways in this direction to promote business and sell products. Therefore, let's consider everything in order.

Wholesale supply.

It just so happens that our country is not Holland, where flower exchanges have been formed over the years, and you will have to look for your first clients on your own.

What to focus on?

You should focus on flower pavilions, markets, shops and large salons. It is clear that these retail outlets have their own wholesale supply system and will have to somehow get involved.

The best way to sell flowers is to reduce the price. Naturally, neither wholesale suppliers nor owners of salons and retail outlets will say where and how much they purchase their goods. Therefore, let's turn to the best assistant in this matter - the Internet. It is enough to type in the phrase “roses wholesale price” into any search engine, and you will receive a huge list of price lists with the latest and most current offers, based on which you will be able to carry out a competent pricing policy.

Flower pavilion.

A small flower pavilion is the best way to double your profits (read an amazing article on how to start a flower trading business). However, there is one caveat here too. Don’t expect big sales with roses alone, as you need a rich assortment. And here two ways are outlined: either you expand production by building new greenhouses and mastering the cultivation of various types of flowers, or you buy the missing assortment in bulk.

It is difficult to say which method to choose, since everything will depend on the specific situation and your entrepreneurial abilities.

Floristry and related products.

It just so happens that recently the income of the population has been growing and tastes have changed along with it. If previously most consumers were guided only by the minimum price of a bouquet, now everything is changing, and the price is now more about aesthetics and beautiful design. Therefore, by inviting a professional florist to your flower pavilion, you can increase your profit by up to 20%. After all, floristry is not only about beautifully arranging bouquets and creating a variety of compositions. Right now there is a clear trend to invite a florist to decorate banquet halls and other events, and this trend is constantly growing.

This also includes the sale of related products: flower pots, chemistry, fertilizers, soils, literature on growing flowers, etc.

Planting material.

Personally, I am inclined towards this additional source of income, at least at the initial stage of business development, and here’s why:

  1. Growing planting material in the form of seeds, tubers or rose bushes does not require a greenhouse. All this can be done in open ground during the warm season.
  2. Flowers are a perishable commodity, while planting material is not. All you need is special. packaging in the form of containers (for bushes), where you can preserve anything you like, with a shelf life of up to 1 year.
  3. Ways of implementation, namely: your website. You just need to hire a specialist once, invest money, make a professional website, and it will become an excellent tool for selling any planting material. And it’s ten times cheaper than opening a flower salon. In addition, you will be able to reach an audience across the entire country.

5. Initial investment and annual expenses.

Initial investment.

Everything is clear here: this is a thermos greenhouse and planting material.

According to the latest data, 1 m² of a greenhouse with a polycarbonate coating along with an automatic watering system will cost you about 2,290 rubles. We add here the cost of the foundation, northern wall, heating system, second internal covering, installation of the greenhouse, and we get a coefficient equal to the cost of 1 m² of greenhouse, i.e. with the number 2, which we multiply by 2290 rubles. Total: 1 m² of a thermos greenhouse will cost 4,580 rubles, but our greenhouse will cost 458 thousand rubles. (100 m²).

The average retail cost of planting material for a rose bush is 300 rubles. If you buy in large wholesale, the price will decrease by about a third - 250 rubles/1 bush. In order not to calculate the useful area of ​​the greenhouse, I will say right away that about 4 rose bushes are planted per 1 m². Total: multiply 100 m² of greenhouse by 4 bushes and get 400 rose bushes, but since not all of them have 100% germination, we will add another 100 roots. As a result: multiply 500 rose bushes by 250 rubles. and we get the amount - 125 thousand rubles.

Total initial investment in the flower growing business:

  • Greenhouse-thermos - 458 thousand rubles.
  • Planting material - 125 thousand rubles.
  • Total investments - 583 thousand rubles.

Annual expenses.

The main expense item is heating the greenhouse and chemicals. The cost of electricity is 47,250 rubles. based on: 6.25 kW/h, 150 kW/day, 4500 kW/month, 31.5 thousand kW/7 months, 1 kW/h - 1.5 rubles. taking into account 70% savings due to solar heat. Total: 47.25 thousand rubles.

You will need chemicals in any case, since flowers are constantly susceptible to attacks by all kinds of insects in the form of aphids, etc. Cost 3 thousand rubles. per month, per year 36 thousand rubles.


  • Electricity (heating) - 47,250 rub.
  • Chemicals - 36,000 rub.
  • Total expenses for the year - 83,250 rubles.

6. Calculation of income.

And this is where the fun begins. Do you know how many cuts you can get from one rose bush in a year? With conventional growing technology - at least 250 pieces! And what do we get? One rose bush - 250 cuts, 4 rose bushes - 1000 cuts (1 m²), 100 m² - 100 thousand cuts. Even at the minimum wholesale price (40 rubles per rose) this is 4 million rubles. revenue! Eventually:

  • Total revenue for the year is 4 million rubles.
  • Total expenses for the year - 83 thousand rubles.
  • Net income for the year - 3.9 million 17 thousand rubles.

And if you subtract 917 thousand rubles from this amount, it is not known what unforeseen expenses, then you will agree that a pretty decent profit comes out. What we ended up with:

  • Project launch - 1 month;
  • First profit after launch - 6 months;
  • Project payback - 8 months;
  • Business profitability - at least 70%;

As you can see, the flower growing business model I presented is quite flexible. There are no clear frames or boundaries here, and you can supplement and change it at your own discretion and, as a result, earn more!

Flowers are a symbol of love, respect and admiration; they are presented on holidays or simply without any reason to both distant acquaintances and the dearest people. And you can make good money from all this. The demand for flowers never ends - they are relevant at any time of the year, despite crises, holiday seasons and other disasters. And on some days, for example, on the eve of March 8, profits from the sale of these products can reach huge numbers.

LPH: where to start?

To start, you will need a plot of land. This could be a summer cottage, a plot of land near a country house, a house in a village or a vegetable garden. You can own the land, or you can rent it. At the same time, you must have a document in your hands confirming that you are the owner of a private plot, that is, a personal plot.

A private plot of personal subsidiary plot can be registered in one of the local government bodies - a dacha association, the administration of a rural settlement, and so on.

This form of business organization, such as private household plots, has a number of important advantages:

  • you will not have to pay taxes;
  • you will not be controlled by the tax service and other supervisory authorities;
  • You won’t have to deal with reporting and other paperwork.

However, private household plots also have significant drawback: You will only be able to sell your products to resellers, and they probably will not pay much for your products. But to start a business, personal gardening is perhaps the best option.

If you want to get maximum profit and feel confident in business, you can immediately open a business as an individual entrepreneur.

How much money will growing onions, vegetables and mushrooms bring:

How quickly does a flower business pay off?

If you approach things correctly, enterprise profitability for growing flowers can reach 300%. However, most often, of course, you have to deal with much more modest numbers. On average this figure is 70% , which can also be called a good result. In general, it should be taken into account that the average profitability of a business related to growing flowers is not so high - in this parameter, this option is inferior to many others.

In addition, as you know, the payback period for any business related to production is longer than, for example, for a trading enterprise. Therefore, if you are counting on the maximum return on investment, you can consider an option such as purchasing flower products from manufacturers and then selling them in a trade pavilion.

Approximate estimate of income and expenses for a business growing flowers in a greenhouse may look like this:

  • necessary initial investment- 700 thousand rubles, of which 500 thousand will be spent on the construction of a greenhouse, and another 200 thousand - on the purchase of planting material, the purchase of equipment, fertilizers and other things;
  • running costs will amount to 55 thousand rubles per month - this amount will be spent mainly on heating, lighting and watering;
  • net profit from product sales will amount to 3.5 million rubles per year.

It will take two months to launch the project - build a greenhouse and plant seedlings. The first profit can be expected in six months. The payback period for the project is from 9 months.


A flower growing business can be very profitable. However, this matter must be approached very carefully. After all, in order to stay with a good income, you need to not just grow flowers - you need to constantly get good “harvests” with minimal costs, which is not at all easy.

This will require extensive knowledge, special skills and extensive experience. Therefore, such a business should be opened primarily by those who are well versed in growing flowers. This can be a great way for them to turn their hobby into a profitable business.

What is the most profitable thing to grow for sale? Maybe strawberries, tomatoes? Or flowers? Of course, with the right approach, any ornamental plant or vegetable crop will bring considerable income. But what will be more economically feasible? In this case, it all depends on your preferences. But many people are attracted to growing flowers in a greenhouse. As a business, this is a good option. After all, you can get up to three million rubles a year by investing only 100 thousand.

Where should you start?

Since business in this area is related to land, the first step is to select a suitable plot. This could be a house in the village, a garden or a vegetable garden. The main thing is that this plot of land can be purchased or rented. You may also need documentary evidence that you are considered the owner of the private household plot. This stands for personal gardening. Documents can be obtained from the local government: the administration of a rural village, a gardening partnership, and so on.

Of course, this type of activity is significantly different from others and does not have the legal status of an individual entrepreneur. However, private household plots have many other advantages.

Greenhouse thermos: ideal option

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business has some advantages. First of all, this type of activity requires virtually no paperwork. And most importantly, the main costs are only in the construction of the appropriate premises and the purchase of seeds.

Of course, to grow flowers all year round, you will need a winter greenhouse, which will be equipped with a special heating system. For many, the construction of such a structure causes many difficulties. Therefore, experts recommend installing thermos greenhouses on your site. Such structures allow saving about 70% of consumed electricity. After all, a thermos greenhouse makes the most of the heat from the sun's rays.

Laying the foundation

A greenhouse for flowers must be strong and reliable. Therefore, in any case, you will have to lay the foundation. If the greenhouse is placed on bare ground, the beds located along the walls will freeze. When building a greenhouse, it is better to make the foundation strip, not too deep and reinforced. At a depth of approximately 0.7 meters, a gravel-sand cushion should be poured, and then brought to a height of approximately 0.5 meters. After this, you can pour the foundation. In this case, the height of the base should be more than 0.3 meters.

Frame and cover for greenhouse

It is best to make a greenhouse from metal profiles of light alloys. After all, a frame made of wood or metal will be heavy. In addition, the darkening area will increase significantly.

But it is better to choose polycarbonate coating for the structure. After all, a winter greenhouse must have a pitched roof and withstand fairly heavy loads. Only polycarbonate can cope with such tasks. Growing roses in a greenhouse of this type will only bring pleasure. After all, the plants will not freeze and die. The main secret is that the structure must be covered with several layers of polycarbonate. The result is several thermal packages. There will be constant air exchange between such sections. Of course, for this it is worth making several holes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the workload does not decrease.

Solar collectors are required

Conventional solar collectors are made in small sizes. Their area is only 0.5 square meters. meters. Such a device processes solar energy and converts it into heat, which enters the room through ventilation. How to equip a thermos greenhouse with such a product? Everything is quite simple. The entire northern part of the building is one continuous solar collector. It can be equal to 50 square meters. As a result, the device provides as much heat as is necessary for normal plant growth. In some cases, you will have to ventilate the room.

In order for, for example, tulips to grow well in a greenhouse, you need to follow certain rules for equipping rooms with solar collectors. In addition, the system itself, which supplies warm air, requires special attention. This design is made from plastic pipes, in which several holes are first made. The system snakes around all the beds with plants. At the same time, they are laid above the ground, and not under it. Each end of the pipe should be equipped with a fan: one draws in cold air, and the other supplies hot air into the system. That's all. Watering in the greenhouse should also be done automatically. This will make the work much easier. The winter greenhouse is ready. All that remains is to plant the plants.

Choosing the soil

You can save some money at this stage. Growing flower seedlings requires not only skill, but also preparation. First of all, you need to determine what type of soil is optimal for the selected flowers. Agree, the composition of the soil determines how successful the enterprise will be. Therefore, novice gardeners are faced with the question of where to get the right amount of soil for a greenhouse and how to determine its composition. So, let's take the most common flowers - roses. To plant them, you need to remove the soil from the greenhouse to a depth of 0.5 meters, and then fill the free space with a suitable composition.

At the same time, there is no point in buying special soil in bags. In this case, you will simply go broke. Bringing soil in by truck from nowhere is not the best option. After all, the composition of the soil is completely unknown to you. What to do? The answer is simple and lies under your feet. There are many abandoned meadows, fields and plots of land on the edge of the forest. For the greenhouse, only previously prepared turf soil should be used.

How to prepare the soil

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business requires a special approach not only to the selection of planting material, but also to the preparation of the soil. To do this, in early spring, at the moment when the ground thaws by about 15 centimeters, it is necessary to cut it off. Of course, not completely. 8 centimeters will be enough. The resulting soil must be transported to the place where it will ripen. In other words, closer to the greenhouse. Only after this the removed turf should be formed into piles. Their width should be at least one meter, and their height should be from 0.7 to 0.8 meters. The finished pile should be covered with a material, preferably opaque.

When the days become warmer, the folded soil must be watered and covered with a transparent film. Only in this case will biological irreversible processes—combustion—begin in the soil piled up. In the deep layers, the soil temperature will reach approximately 70 ⁰C above zero.

As a result of this, all seeds, harmful viruses, as well as larvae of all kinds of insects will simply die. Such soil in its composition will be as close as possible to light sandy loam, highly enriched with various fertilizers. This is exactly what is necessary for the successful cultivation of any crop.

must be of high quality

So, you have decided to plant flowers. Growing plants for sale requires careful selection of planting material. Otherwise, you will work at a loss. When the soil is prepared and the greenhouse is equipped with various heating and watering systems, all that remains is to purchase seeds and start earning money. Of course, there is no specific type of flower that is the best. Each species, for example roses, is unique and has its own merits. In addition, demand in the flower market is constantly changing. Where can I get planting material?

It is best to purchase seeds or seedlings from agricultural nurseries that specialize in growing varietal plants. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the quality of planting material. After all, such enterprises sell both seeds and seedlings in large quantities. This indicates that the plants here are grown in accordance with all requirements. In addition, in such places, mainly selected varieties of flowers are selected. Planting material must be of high quality. Especially if you grow flowers from seeds.

Business model

It is better to build your business according to a certain model. So, there must be a thermos greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters, as well as a certain variety of plants. In general, this is one production unit, which is worth relying on at the very beginning. Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business cannot be rushed. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth mastering exactly one model. You should not expand if you have not learned how to grow the chosen variety of flowers. Otherwise, you may lose money. At the same time, you need to study not only the technique of growing flowers of a certain type, but also the ways of their implementation.

Of course, you shouldn’t focus on just one model. Once you have some experience, you can start expanding. How to do it?

Wholesale supply

Alas, there is no flower exchange in our country. Therefore, you will have to search for clients yourself. And it's not that simple. Let's say you know how to grow flowers in a greenhouse, but this is not enough to make a profit. You need to know the products. What is the best way to focus?

First of all, you should pay attention to large flower salons, markets, shops, and pavilions. However, it is worth remembering that such retail outlets already have a certain system of wholesale supplies. You will have to somehow wedge yourself into it. The surest way to sell a product is to reduce its price.

Your own flower pavilion

So, how to sell flowers? Growing plants for sale can become an unprofitable enterprise if you do not find a way to sell the products. Opening your own pavilion will significantly increase your income: approximately twice. However, there are some nuances here too. By selling just one variety of flowers, you should not expect a high income. This requires a big one. There are several ways to solve this problem. The first is to build another greenhouse and grow a variety of plants in it. And the second is purchasing missing lots in bulk from other suppliers. The result depends on your entrepreneurial abilities and the specific case.

Sale of planting material

The sale of seedlings and seeds can become an additional source of income. It is worth noting that growing plants does not require another greenhouse. This can be done in the warm season in open ground. In addition, cut plants are perishable goods. While planting material can be stored for up to 12 months. To do this, you only need special packaging in the form of containers.

Floristry and related products

If previously buyers were satisfied with a simple bouquet of flowers, today they need it to be decorated accordingly. To increase sales in your flower pavilion, you should invite a professional florist who can create very beautiful flower arrangements. It is worth noting that this method allows you to increase profits by almost 20%.

Also in your flower pavilion you can sell pots in bags, chemicals and all kinds of fertilizers.

Initial investment

In this expense item everything is very clear. The main costs are planting material, as well as the construction of a greenhouse. How much should you spend at the first stage? So let's do the math. According to the latest data, a square meter of a greenhouse covered with polycarbonate and with a fully automated irrigation system will cost approximately 2,290 rubles. To this amount should be added the cost of the foundation, heating, and installation of the entire structure. The result is a coefficient of 2. If you multiply it by the cost of a square meter of a greenhouse, you get 4,580 rubles. How much does the entire structure cost? A greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters will cost 458 thousand rubles.

If you decide to grow roses, it is better to buy planting material in bulk. In retail, one bush costs approximately 300 rubles. When purchasing in bulk, one rose will cost a third less. You can plant 4 bushes per square meter of greenhouse. In the end you need 400 roses. However, it is worth remembering that not all roses can take root. As a result, you will need to purchase about 100 more plants. That is, you will have to pay about 125 thousand rubles for rose seedlings.

Additional expenses

As you can see, the initial investment is quite a decent amount. But that's not all. To the total investment amount, equal to 583 thousand rubles, it is worth adding the main costs of maintaining the greenhouse and caring for the plants: chemicals, heating and watering. For all this you will need to pay 47.25 thousand rubles.

As for chemicals, they will be required in any case. After all, every plant is susceptible to attacks by all kinds of pests. About 36 thousand rubles are spent on such funds per year. Will all costs cover the income? Additional expenses will cost 83,250 rubles per year.

What income?

The business plan for growing flowers is quite simple. But many doubt whether this type of activity is profitable? With conventional growing technology, one rose seedling can produce about 250 flowers per year. What's the end result? From one square meter of greenhouse you can collect 1000 specimens per year. And from 100 square meters - 100 thousand roses. Even if you sell goods at the minimum price, which is 40 rubles per piece, you can get 4 million rubles in a year.

If you subtract all expenses from profit, then net income will be a fairly decent amount. So, from 4 million you need to subtract 83,000 rubles. The result is 3.9 million rubles.

Is it profitable to grow flowers for sale?

According to the latest data, the profitability of this type of activity is 70%. You can launch a project within a month, but it will pay for itself in 8. The first profit will appear only after six months. It is worth remembering that the business model, which includes caring for and growing flowers, is quite flexible. It has no defined boundaries. The owner of such a business can change the model and supplement it at his own discretion. With the right approach, profits will only grow.