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Investment gold coins: purchase and sale. Investment coins: benefits and possible risks

Understanding investing in coins

Investments in Russian coins - what, where, when?

I suggest we take a little break from it and talk about something more material—investing in coins. The main disadvantage of online investments is that we cannot physically touch our investments at any time. But this is compensated by large percentages of profit. We can always take the coin with us, and if the storage conditions are met, the quality of the coin does not suffer. The income from investing in coins varies, I won’t talk about figures such as 100% or 200% per annum, although it also happens that the value of a coin soars two to three times in a year, but it is also incorrect to compare with deposit yield. Everything is very individual and each coin must be assessed separately.

  • Price determining factors of the coin market;
  • Is it worth buying investment coins and which ones?
  • Where to buy investment coins;
  • How to buy coins;
  • Pros and cons of investing in coins.

Factors influencing the price of a coin

I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader complete at least the first week of training (it's free).

One of the main price factors is quality of the coin and its safety. Moreover, the price of a coin in excellent quality, but with traces of circulation, and the price of a bag coin in a stamped sheen can differ significantly. For example, the anniversary 10 rubles from the Ministry series, which were in circulation, cost about one hundred to one hundred and fifty rubles, and for coins from a bag, sellers on Molotok are already asking 350 rubles and more.

Coin circulation and rarity. Perhaps the most fundamental factor of price. It should be taken into account that a large circulation does not always contribute to the prevalence of a coin. There were situations when coins, for political or other reasons, were withdrawn from circulation and reminted. The coins remaining with collectors subsequently increased in value several times over.

Metal. The price of a coin always includes the price of the metal from which it is made. The price of coins made of precious metals, in principle, cannot fall below the price of the metal. However, let’s take, for example, a rare 1923 gold chervonets coin. Its price practically does not depend on gold prices; 80-90% of the cost is determined by collection demand.

The value of ancient coins increases beautiful patina(film/patina on metal). On the contrary, an ancient coin with no patina, but in excellent quality, will most likely be valued lower by collectors than a coin with patina in worse condition.

What coins should you invest in?

So, gentlemen investors, which coins are best to buy for the purpose of generating income? Any with a small print run and the number of surviving copies. The rarer a coin is, the more the coin will be worth and the more likely it is that its price will increase over time. The increase in the value of a coin can be more than 50% per year. Many people mistakenly think that the older the coin, the more it will cost. This is wrong. Soviet current coins have practically not increased in value over 30-50 years. Moreover, they are even rated by weight.

Modern anniversary 10 rubles (2010) of the Chechen Republic cost about one thousand rubles in the year of issue. Now their price exceeds 10 thousand rubles.

From an investment point of view, I would divide coins into the following types:

  • Coins that are not attractive for investment:
  1. Coins from circulation, or also called current coins, are issued in large quantities;
  2. “Dead” coins (due to damage, it is impossible to read the relief of the coin). The value of such coins tends to the value of the metal from which they are made;
  • Investment-attractive coins:
  1. Investment;
  2. Anniversary (including modern bimetallic);
  3. Rare coins with a mintage of less than 10,000 copies.

Investment coins of Russia. They are issued in banks from high-grade precious metals. The price of such coins is equal to the price of the metal plus 5-10%. As a rule, the circulation is high and intended for long-term investment. I would even say to save money.

A separate topic. You need to be a great specialist to understand all the intricacies of the pricing of these coins. I observed such a thing.

Auction Volmar, bidding 25 kopecks 1857 SPB FB. The top coin went for 10 thousand rubles, and the bottom one for 4 thousand. Although I did not notice any difference in their condition. My personal opinion is that the top coin has a pronounced patina, while the other is polished. It is better to buy antiques with patina, because... natural patina is difficult to fake.

Russian anniversary coins. An interesting option for investing small amounts. There is always a demand for these coins. Most of these coins cost from 15 rubles to 300. But there are three coins whose price is growing exponentially from year to year. This is 10 rubles (2010) Chechen Republic, 10 rubles (2010) Perm Territory, 10 rubles (2010) Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The last coin increased in price 20 times in five years!

Where to buy coins?

It is not recommended to buy coins through private advertisements, for example, on Avito, if you are not sure of the reliability of the seller. Here you can stumble upon a fake. In general, before purchasing a coin, especially an expensive one, you must first make sure of its authenticity, unless, of course, you dug up a treasure trove of imperial coins in an abandoned village.

Even if a coin looks the same as the original, this cannot guarantee authenticity. Nowadays, high-precision casting methods have emerged, which makes it possible to copy coins with precision down to scratches.

To minimize risks, you should carefully study photographs of the original on arhivmonet.ru, fcoins.ru and numismatic auctions such as Volmar, Numisma, Empire, Efimok. As a rule, at these auctions the coins offered undergo their own examination. But this comes at a price. The commission for the purchase of lots per buyer is up to 20% of the cost of care.

  • (wolmar.ru)

A popular auction that takes place once a week. A very large assortment of coins on display. Seller commission: 10%. Buyer commission: 10%. Increased commission if the lot goes below 200 rubles in a standard auction or below 2000 rubles if in a VIP auction.

  • Online Numisma Auction(numizma.ru).

Various coins. Seller commission: 10%. Buyer commission: 10%.

  • Numismatic Internet auction “Efimok”(efimok.ru).

Only Russian coins from pre-Petrine coins to modern ones are traded. Buyer commission: 10%.

  • Auction house "Empire"(auction-imperia.ru).

Specializes in coins of Imperial Russia. Buyer commission: 15%.

    Trading platform Molotok.Ru.

A large trading platform with auction elements. The buyer is not charged a commission, but the seller is charged a different commission, depending on the transaction price and the category of the product. There is a rating of sellers and buyers, as well as protection of buyers from unscrupulous sellers.

A separate word needs to be said about “ArchiveMonet” (arhivmonet.ru). Convenient catalog with prices of coins at auctions. You can see price dynamics over the past few years. But not all coins are represented there. It’s also not possible to view information about each transaction. There are inaccuracies and errors. It happens that the cost of a coin in better condition is lower than the cost of a coin in worse quality - this is a feature of such auctions.

A separate word needs to be said about Fcoins. Here you can search for coins by auction with a detailed description of each lot. A very convenient service for numismatists. All popular online auctions are represented.

You can buy coins in specialized numismatics and antiques stores, but this purchase will be accompanied by a large markup and the investment sense is lost, or you will have to wait more than one year or even five years to make a profit.

How to buy coins correctly

Let's move on to practice. We decided on a coin. Next, we study the photo of the original in different qualities up to satisfactory, we find out the exact weight of the coin, what mint, circulation and how rare it is. We compare the prices of coins in different conditions at recent auctions and auctions that took place two or three years ago, or better yet, even earlier. We look at Molotok and look at the prices there. You can buy popular coins on the hammer, making sure that the seller's rating is high and the number of negative reviews does not exceed 1%. When purchasing rare coins worth more than 30 thousand rubles at Molotok, it is advisable to have an expert opinion on authenticity.

Let's see how the coin is traded. If there are bids, then this is good; it means that there is demand for this seller’s offer and the likelihood of counterfeiting is lower than that of analogues without noticeable demand. You should be careful if other sellers have excellent deals on the coin, but yours does not have a single bid. We set ourselves the bar to buy a coin at a price slightly below the average. It happens that purchasing a coin at paid auctions is more profitable than buying it at Hammer, plus a guarantee of authenticity. Also, at these auctions the price of the coin that is closest to the real one is formed. I recommend participating in several auctions, as there are increases in value. In this case, it is better to stop participating.

It is profitable to buy coins during a crisis. The population has no money, the lots can be sold at a very low price. Conversely, it is better to hold the coins and wait for an increase in demand.

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in coins

  • You can start investing with any amount. The cost of coins varies from several rubles to several million dollars;
  • Coin Sizes – Just like gems, you can put a fortune in your pocket;
  • I put it down and forgot about it. During long-term storage, the coin becomes covered with a patina, which can increase its value;
  • There is always a demand for coins as there are a huge number of coin collectors in the world;
  • Over time, investment-attractive coins increase in price.
  • The coin is subject to damage;
  • There is a risk of buying a fake;
  • Due to improper storage, some coins may become coated with various oxides, which reduces their value;
  • There is a risk of losing the coin.

Instead of a conclusion, I will give some of the most promising coins in terms of investments. Among the ancient coins - royal silver, especially rubles, rare copper in good condition. I don’t consider gold, because... rare gold is available to wealthy people, and the price of other gold coins is 80-90% the price of the metal. Of the bimetallic/anniversary coins, there are three rare coins mentioned in the article, the Red Book series 1991-1994, the Ministry series, the Olympics in Sochi 2014. It is worth highlighting the rare 1, 2 and 5 rubles of 2003. Their prices are constantly rising. Perhaps some of the readers collect or invest in coins; it would be interesting to hear what other investment-attractive coins you know.

Profit to everyone!

19.06.18 27 766 5

How to make money on precious metal coins

To make coins profitable

For coins to make a profit, you need to collect an investment portfolio and wait at least five years.

Victor Tyurin

buys coins for income and for the soul

To invest in precious metals in Russia, you can open an impersonal metal account, or you can buy the metal itself, in coins or bars. Last time I told you, Now it’s time for the coins.

What types of coins are there?

Coins made from precious metals are either investment or commemorative.

Investment coins- this is, in fact, the weight of metal guaranteed by the state, issued in the form of a coin. The circulation of such coins is large, tens and hundreds of thousands, so they are not considered rare and have little collectible value. But they are easier to sell. To invest in precious metals, it is better to buy investment coins.

Commemorative coins usually minted to mark important historical dates. Usually circulations are small: from 100 pieces to 25 thousand. The main value is collectible. The price of commemorative coins depends largely on collector demand, making them more difficult to buy or sell and a riskier investment—but potentially more rewarding.

Formally, investment and commemorative coins of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are just coins. You have every right to pay with them in any store. True, they will accept them at face value, which is much less than the real value.

Coin quality

Investment and commemorative coins always look “elegant”, as they are minted on special equipment with high quality minting. Most often they are released in one of two states.

Excellent condition, or AC - from the English UNC, Uncirculated, - “were not in circulation.” This is one of the most common coinage standards. Bullion coins are often issued in this condition.

Improved quality, or Proof, - when the surface of the coin becomes “mirror-like”. This makes them even more attractive in appearance, but increases the cost. In this state, the Central Bank often mints commemorative coins.

How to determine the value of a coin

Precious metal coins are not a currency, so there are no official rates at which they are bought or sold. To assess how favorable the conditions are being offered to you, you first need to calculate the value of the coin. It is most influenced by two factors: the mass of the metal and the circulation.

The greater the mass of metal and the smaller the circulation, the more expensive the coin. The metal weight can often be found on the coin itself, the mintage can be found in the reference materials of the banks or mint that produced it. Information on Russian coins is published by the Central Bank.

For example, let’s take the silver investment coin “St. George the Victorious” from 2017:

Metal: silver 999/1000. This means that the coin is 99.9% silver. This is confirmed by the Ag 999 mark on the coin on the left.

Metal mass: the content of chemically pure metal is not less than 31.1 g. The same weight is engraved on the coin. 31.1 grams is 1 ounce. According to international tradition, the weight of precious metal coins is multiples of ounces.

Circulation: up to 500,000 pieces. This is a lot, so at first the circulation will not affect the value of the coin. The asterisk next to the circulation indicates that this is a plan, but how many will actually be minted is still unknown. If there is less than the target, the coin will become rarer and its value will increase.

Conclusion: silver coin "St. George the Victorious" - the Russian equivalent of 1 ounce of .999 silver. The Central Bank discount price for silver as of March 13, 2018 is 30 rubles per 1 gram. The metal in the coin costs 31.1 × 30 = 933 RUR.

The Central Bank publishes selling prices for some investment coins. You cannot purchase coins directly from the Central Bank at this rate - this is a guideline for sellers.

Selling price - 1166.25 R per piece. When the cost of metal in a coin is 933 R, the markup is 25%.

"St. George the Victorious" is a simple example. We calculated the cost of the metal, found out the selling price on the Central Bank website, voila: everything that is more than the selling price is a seller’s markup.

The cost of investment coins is relatively easy to calculate, because it greatly depends on the amount of precious metal. With commemorative coins, everything is much more complicated: their value depends more on the circulation and the popularity of the coin among collectors. For comparison: the silver coin “155 years of the Bank of Russia”, in which one ounce of 925 silver, retails from 2,250 rubles - a markup of 141%. Or maybe 200 or 500% - and this depends little on the metal.

The Central Bank does not publish prices for commemorative coins. Therefore, if you are not an expert, you just have to focus on the prices of different sellers. It’s easier to compare them in catalogs, for example, in the Find Coins catalog of commemorative and commemorative coins.

Here are some more resources with estimated coin prices.

“St. George the Victorious” on the “Investfunds” website
Gold coins on the GoldTraders website

How to choose investment coins

Investment coins are essentially bullion bars, so for an investor there is not much difference between them. They are distinguished from bullion bars by the absence of 18% VAT upon purchase and by their possible collection value. Typically, for investment coins it is small, but there are factors that can increase it: for example, a small circulation or a popular theme. Collectors are more willing to buy sports or animal coins, and if the coin is also quite rare, its value increases faster than the value of bullion.

To increase the profitability of their portfolio, investors usually choose the most promising coins and buy several dozen at a time. Let's look at investment coins on the Central Bank website and select those that have a higher collectible value.

“St. George the Victorious”, denomination 50 R

Metal: 7.78 g 999 gold.

Year of issue: 2006-2010, 2013-2015 .

Circulation: from 30 thousand in 2015 to 1.5 million in 2009.

Mint: MMD and SPMD.

Conclusion: It is best to buy 2015 coins minted at the Moscow Mint. But 30 thousand is still a large circulation, and the coin has little thematic value. Most likely, the value of the coin will depend entirely on gold prices.

"Sochi 2014", denomination 50 and 100 R

Metal: 7.78 g of 999 fine gold for 50 R coins, 15.55 g for 100 R coins.

Year of issue: 2011-2013.

Circulation: from 100 to 300 thousand. Only the circulation of “Leopard” is known with certainty. For “Mishka” and “Bunny” it may be much less.

Mint: MMD and SPMD.

Conclusion: The coins have a high thematic value because their release coincides with the Olympic Games. It is most profitable to buy “Bear” and “Bunny” coins with the expectation that their actual mintage will be smaller and their collection value will be higher. It is already difficult to buy these exact coins.

“2018 FIFA World Cup”, denomination 50 R

Metal: 7.78 g 999 gold.

Year of issue: 2016 (2018 on coins).

Circulation: up to 100 thousand.

Mint: SPMD.


Metal: 8.6 g of 900 gold.

Year of issue: 1975-1982.

Circulation: from 100 thousand in 1978 to 2 million in 1977. In some years, circulations may be much less than stated. In addition, a significant part of the circulation has long been sold out.

Conclusion: These are coins of a disappeared state, so they have high historical value. It is compensated by very large circulations. It is worth paying attention to the years of production with minimal circulation: 1975, 1978, 1980 and 1982.

“Sable”, denomination 3 R

Metal: 31.1 g 925 silver.

Year of issue: 1995.

Circulation: 1 million

Mint: MMD and LMD.

Conclusion: a very large mintage reduces the collector's value of the coin, so its price depends on the price of silver. Due to the popular theme, the coin has a chance of becoming rare, but patience will be required.

“St. George the Victorious”, denomination 3 R

Metal: 31.1 g 999 silver.

Year of issue: 2009-2010, 2015-2017 .

Circulation: from 18,205 in 2016 to 500 thousand in 2010.

Mint: MMD and SPMD.

Conclusion: It is most profitable to buy coins from 2016 due to the very small circulation for investment coins. The cost of the remaining coins will depend entirely on silver prices.

"Sochi 2014", denomination 3 R

Metal: 31.1 g 999 silver.

Year of issue: 2011-2013.

Circulation: 300 thousand with each talisman. Only the circulation of “Leopard” is known with certainty. For “Mishka” and “Bunny” it may be much less.

Mint: MMD and SPMD.

Conclusion: The coins have a high thematic value because their release coincides with the Olympic Games. It is most profitable to buy “Bear” and “Bunny” coins with the expectation that their actual circulation will be less than expected. These coins are already difficult to get.

“2018 FIFA World Cup”, denomination 3 R

Metal: 31.1 g 999 silver.

Year of issue: 2016 (on coins - 2018).

Circulation: up to 300 thousand.

Mint: SPMD.

Conclusion: The coins have a high thematic value because their release coincides with the FIFA World Cup. Perhaps the actual circulation will be smaller - then the collectible value will increase even more.

Not exactly investment coins

It happens that bullion coins are produced in relatively small editions and are rarely found on sale. For example, the Central Bank classifies the series “Russian Ballet” of 1993, “Signs of the Zodiac” of 2002-2005, “River Beaver” of 2008 and “History of Monetary Circulation” of 2009 as investment coins.

Such coins have a collectible value significantly higher than the cost of the precious metal, therefore, from my point of view, they should be considered as commemorative.

How to make money on investment coins

Like other investments in precious metals, bullion coins are a conservative tool that only works well over distances of years and decades.

The value of coins is tied to the value of precious metals, and they can fluctuate within a narrow range for years without bringing any profit. In addition, the coin is difficult to quickly sell for a market price. Therefore, investing in coins works more as a preservation of invested funds than as a tool for obtaining excess profits.

Let's imagine the simplest option. For example, in 2008, the parents of 8-year-old Pasha gave him a gold coin “St. George the Victorious” for his birthday, and then bought another one every year. Over 10 years, they bought 10 coins for 132,500 RUR. If Pasha now sells all 10 coins, he will gain approximately 210,000 RUR. This is enough, for example, to pay for the 1st year of a bachelor's degree at MSTU. Bauman.

According to my observations, it is worth investing in investment coins for a period of 5 years or more. See how the possible profitability of the gold “St. George the Victorious” changes depending on the period. The charts are based on the Central Bank's indicative quotes.

How to make money on commemorative coins

The cost of commemorative coins depends slightly on the price of metal and strongly on the theme and circulation.

Subject. Popular themes are of interest to collectors from different countries, so coins sell out faster. These are, for example, sports, animals, zodiac signs. Narrow themes are of interest to collectors only in certain countries, so there is less demand for such coins. These are summits, city anniversaries, historical figures.

Circulation. Always, the smaller the circulation, the faster the coin rises in price. Ideally - 3-5 thousand pieces, if the topic is very popular - up to 10 thousand.

Let's see how the rise in prices for commemorative coins depends on the theme and circulation.

"Commander's Blue Arctic Fox", denomination 1 R

Metal: 15.55 g 925 silver.

Circulation: 10,000 pieces.

“Children’s writer N. N. Nosov - 100 years since his birth”, denomination 2 R

Metal: 15.55 g 925 silver.

Circulation: 7500 pieces.

“To the 300th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Khakassia into Russia”, denomination 50 R

Metal: 7.78 g 925 gold.

Circulation: 1500 pieces.

Of these three, “Commander’s Blue Fox” has the largest circulation, but the theme helps it out. In addition, the coin is part of the “Red Book” series - if a collector has already started collecting the series, he will have to buy an additional arctic fox.

It may seem that commemorative coins with small mintages or about animals are a win-win option that guarantees super profits. But it's not that simple.

Because the value of commemorative coins is loosely tied to reliable benchmarks, it can fluctuate more than the value of investment coins. For example, a gold coin “Andrei Rublev” with a face value of 50 R in 2008 cost about 40,000 rubles, and now it costs 28-30 thousand. Even rising gold prices and a small circulation of 1,500 pieces cannot save the coin. This happened because at the start it was overvalued, and then the price became more fair.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict how coin prices will change. Therefore, the most reliable option is to buy coins of different themes: some will bring super profits, others will work at the level of a bank deposit, and others will keep their own. Then, overall, the portfolio can show a plus. But as with investment coins, you will have to wait at least 5 years for this - or better yet, 10.

Ancient precious metal coins

If you are an investor and not a professional collector, then it is better not to mess with ancient coins. All of them have long been collectibles - their value practically does not depend on the metal and only an expert can evaluate it.

There are many factors to take into account. For example, the condition of the coin. Ancient coins were most likely in circulation, so there are abrasions and scratches on the surface. Many collectors will not be happy with this. And if the coin is suddenly in perfect condition, it may turn out to be a fake or a modern copy.

This does not mean that antique coins are never worth buying. It’s just that it’s not really an investment anymore, it’s more of a collecting activity.

Foreign precious metal coins

Many foreign countries mint coins from the precious metal. Some of them can also be purchased in Russia. Recommendations will depend on what coins we are talking about.

Investment coins. Bullion coins from Australia, Austria, Canada, China, the USA and South Africa are known on the market. Selling them in Russia is a little more difficult than Central Bank coins, but you can deal with them.

Commemorative coins. Good as a gift. As an investment, it is very selective: only if there is a small circulation and a popular topic.

"Souvenir" coins. It happens that banks sell coins intended for gifts. These are usually coins with recognizable symbols, such as weddings or the birth of a child. This is a great gift, but not an investment. How to evaluate them? Who will buy them then? It's like investing in key chains.

Which coins are more profitable

Let's see how the prices of various gold and silver assets have changed over the past 5 and 10 years. To do this, let’s compare an impersonal metal account, bullion, investment and commemorative coins. The honor of the bullion coins will be protected by the gold and silver “St. George the Victorious.” As a gold commemorative coin, let’s take “To the 300th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Khakassia into Russia”, and a silver one – “Commander’s Blue Fox”.

For coins, values ​​are approximate because there are no official quotations. But if you focus on the most frequent prices of purchases and sales, you get fairly objective indicators.

For bullion, prices are also approximate: due to bank spreads, the actual purchase price is higher and the selling price is lower. But this is enough for the overall picture.

Dynamics of prices for assets made of precious metals


Compulsory medical insurance

Investment coins

Commemorative coins

Compulsory medical insurance

  • If you buy silver coins, then commemorative ones are better: they are cheaper than gold, so unpopular coins will bring less losses - when compared with silver prices. In addition, you can buy more different coins - some will shoot like an arctic fox.
  • Investment coins are more reliable than OMC or bullion. Their collectible value is small, but sometimes it is enough to soften the fall in metal prices.
  • Where to buy coins

    Investing in coins is primarily an investment in precious metals. Therefore, you must be sure that the precious metal in the coin is real. If you buy a coin on Avito, you will have to find an expert or become an expert yourself - otherwise, under the guise of a gold chervonets, you risk buying a copper penny. Additionally, you don't know how the seller stored the coin, so it may end up with scuffs and scratches. All this reduces its value.

    VAT 18% - but prices will still be slightly higher on average than when buying coins from hand.

    How to store coins

    Investments in coins are designed for the long term, so a few words about how to store them. When there are a lot of them, it is better to trust a safe deposit box or buy a personal safe. But for now there are only a few of them, you can store them anywhere, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

    Store each coin separately for example in special plastic capsules. This will protect them from scratches. You can buy capsules at any collector's store for 10-50 rubles. Often coins are sold immediately in capsules.

    Do not touch coins with your hands. A fingerprint on the surface of the metal may remain forever, and this will greatly reduce the selling price. It is better to touch coins with cotton gloves, by the edge.

    Do not store coins near household chemicals, cosmetics, or medicines. We are talking about years, so the smallest thing can have an impact. For example, if there is a closed bottle of iodine on the same shelf with coins, then dark spots may appear on the coins.

    Don't be alarmed if coins tarnish over time. This is a natural process that collectors call the appearance of patina. Patina has virtually no effect on the value of coins. Coins in the best quality, Proof, should not be touched at all. Coins as AC can be cleaned with special cotton cloths for polishing metals. No household chemicals should be used to clean coins: the consequences will be much worse than the original patina.

    Where to sell

    Selling coins can be difficult and this is the main problem with this type of investment. Banks and specialized organizations are willing to sell them, but reluctant to buy them. And if they buy, then at very low prices. Therefore, you will have to deal with the sale yourself.

    In the article we have already described profitable ways to sell coins. Let's repeat the main points.

    Avito and similar platforms. Beneficial in price and coverage, but sometimes you have to wait a long time until someone is interested in your coin.

    Online auctions for collectors, for example, “Find Coins”, “Conros”, “Rarity”. The coverage is smaller, but there are more experts - it may turn out that one of them has been looking for your coin for a long time. These sites often charge a commission.

    Flea markets, shops for collectors- they are in almost every city. This is the fastest option, but often the least profitable. Inexpensive coins will be bought for 50-70% of the real price, and expensive ones will be sold.

    Take care of your safety!

    Buying and selling coins are transactions involving large amounts. If you are dealing with a stranger, no one but you will take care that this money is not taken away from you. You need to act like this, only even more carefully.

    Take care of yourself!


    1. Precious metal coins are a long-term investment instrument that shows good income over a 5-10 year horizon. If you are interested in shorter terms, then it is better not to buy coins.
    2. Bullion coins are cheaper, but commemorative coins can bring greater returns.
    3. You will only make a profit when you sell the coin. Therefore, buy only those coins that are in demand.

    The Golden Coin House not only sells coins, but also buys them. Clients often ask to prove the authenticity of coins. I am taken to a small office with an office desk. In front of the master Ruvshan lie a scattering of shining yellow and white diamonds: “235 pieces of 0.01 carats each,” says the master.

    Before starting work, he puts on gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints on the gold. There are standards and criteria for the diameter and weight of coins. Therefore, first the coin is checked against them.

    “Try to place the coin on its edge: the original always stands firmly,” Ruvshan tries for about ten seconds to place the experimental coin straight, but he fails. “Genuine coins can always be placed on the edge,” he explains. Then we check the coin’s weight on the scales: the standard weight of the “Nicholas” coin is 8.6 grams. The experimental coin weighs 8.54. “Yes, old coins may have a deviation in weight due to abrasions, but not so much - 8.59–8.58 is still acceptable,” says the master.

    “If you want, you can come to us with your kitchen scales,” adds Alexey.

    Metals that are similar in parameters to gold are often used for counterfeiting. The metal is poured inside and wrapped in gold on top. Such things are tested using a touchstone ( glass with a rough surface that rubs against metals. - Approx. Rusbase). Ruvshan lightly “strikes” the coin on the touchstone, and it leaves a thin mark. Then he takes special acids and drips them from the test tube onto the strip. It does not change in color: “Not gold and gold of the lowest standard immediately give a reaction: they begin to turn black, burn and have a specific smell.”

    Large jewelry can be sawed (most often this applies to ingots). But this method is used infrequently, since the gold is seriously deformed. “Fraudsters can fill large ingots with tungsten so that the buyer cannot distinguish a fake by weight. Gold can be counterfeited unnoticed. First, we check the item - and if we notice that the conductivity parameters do not match, we warn the client that we will bite the metal. As a rule, scammers refuse, since this method 100% shows a fake. It happens that clients themselves do not know about the fake. True, the last time this happened was five years ago,” recalls Alexey.

    Another way to check is to use Archimedes' law. The coin (or product) is weighed. A container of water is weighed. Then the product is lowered onto a fishing line or thread into a container of water. The weight is recorded. The dry weight of the product is divided by the weight in water. The value is compared with the metal density table.

    “I’m self-taught, I learned everything for two months. Before the “Golden Coin House,” I worked in several gold companies. In the first one I checked 20–30 kg of scrap per month for authenticity. There are no special courses for my skill. But at pawn shops there are courses for those who accept gold,” says Ruvshan. "It takes skill. Sometimes people bring perfect coins. There was a case when four people looked at a coin under a magnifying glass, and the first time without a magnifying glass I noticed a small speck. Probably this is intuition."

    Gold has always been synonymous with the word wealth, capital is also stability and reliability, at least in the economic interpretation. Thousands of years ago, gold was not only a means of payment, but also a means of accumulating and preserving one’s own wealth.

    Thousands of years have passed, but the situation has not changed fundamentally, and today gold is actively used for saving and storing capital. Moreover, a lot of examples can be given from ordinary women in India who buy gold items to create their own “financial parachute”. According to their laws, all the gold on a woman is her property and she leaves her husband’s house with it; it is interesting that a similar practice is widespread in the Muslim world. Without exception, all the central banks of the world that store part of their reserves in gold, not virtual, but physical.

    It is interesting that most of the physical gold of the EU countries is stored in the United States, and last year there was a fairly big scandal (in narrow circles) when some European countries decided to take their gold from the United States. The process, as far as the press reported, has already begun, but in reality the transportation of gold will take at least 5 years.

    If everything is more or less clear with Indians and central banks, then Was it worth investing in gold for an ordinary person?

    How to invest money in gold, available options

    There is a fairly small set of tools for investing in gold for ordinary citizens; to work with the same sand and nuggets, permission from the Assay Chamber of the Russian Federation will be required. The available list includes the purchase of coins, bank bars, and the purchase of jewelry. A separate line is the opening of special metal accounts - compulsory medical insurance (anonymized metal account).

    Each of the options has its own pros and cons, but in all options except bank accounts, investing makes sense only in the long term of 5 years. It is worth noting that in addition to quite large disadvantages, there is also a huge advantage.

    The big advantage of investing in physical gold is its high liquidity; gold can be converted into “live” rubles at almost any time. At the same time, the correct selection of instruments allows such conversion to be carried out with minimal losses, of course, compared to most other instruments suitable for investment (more details here).


    Bank bars are marked bars with documents containing 999.95 fine gold. Typically sold in hermetically sealed packaging, jars require identification upon purchase.

    When purchasing a bank bullion, be sure to check that you have all the documents for the gold, plus keep the receipt.

    Disadvantages of Investing in Bullion

    • — the need to pay VAT (18% on the cost of gold, which will not be returned in the future);
    • - difficulties with selling. they buy the bullion with reluctance, while very carefully checking not only the documents of the gold itself, but also its physical safety. The presence of scratches or abrasions gives an almost 100% guarantee that the bank will not buy the bullion.
    • - high discount on sale. Banks buy with a spread of at least 20% to the market price.

    Pros of investing in gold bars

    • — high liquidity;
    • — 100% protection from inflation, crises and devaluation, not only of the ruble but also of the dollar.
    • — in the next 5-6 years, at least 30%, with a profitability of 70%

    Where is the best place to buy bullion?

    The optimal option is to purchase outside Russia; in most countries such a purchase is not taxed, which will save 18%, plus in Russian banks the difference between the market price and the sale price of bank gold differs by 20-25% (this is especially noticeable on small bars). The spread is much lower abroad. True, you can only buy within a certain limit (check with customs before purchasing), everything above is subject to an additional customs duty.


    The minting of gold coins is mainly carried out by the Central Bank and there are two fundamentally different categories:

    Investment coins– they are the ones of greatest interest to the buyer. So, when purchasing them, you do not need to pay 18% VAT; in most cases, the spread between the market price and the sale price is relatively small. And most importantly, such coins are bought with pleasure not only by banks, but also by jewelers.

    It is worth noting that transactions with gold (except for jewelry) between individuals are prohibited, but who is stopping you from finding more interesting options than the banal sale of investment gold coins, for example, exchange.

    Commemorative coins– these coins have a price much higher than the denomination of the gold equivalent and are valuable for numismatists and collectors. Investing in this instrument is quite risky without knowledge and appropriate contacts.


    Gold jewelry has been and will probably remain the main instrument for saving capital in the east for a long time; Arab and Indian women have already been mentioned. The Slavs do not have such a tradition, but this does not prevent our women from investing.

    True, configuration

    wife - gold - decoration - investment

    represents a specific aspect of our life and, by and large, cannot be a standard. In fact, this option of investing in gold is suitable only for the wives of wealthy men who must be prepared for rapid changes in their lives, while not having other tools to create a “financial parachute.”

    In fact, investing in gold jewelry is only profitable if the jewelry is very old or is a work of art (which is hypothetically capable of increasing in value). In all other cases, such investments are not profitable since the sale of such jewelry is made by weight, and the purchase is made by weight, plus work and store margin. That is, in any case, the conversion of gold back into money will be negative.

    Metal accounts, deposits in gold

    Unallocated metal accounts (OMA) are opened in banks and have a more virtual basis; in most cases, we are not talking about physical metal (it can be in gold, platinum, silver). In fact, virtual metal is purchased at the market price, and when withdrawing money, it is sold at the same market price (set by the bank).

    This tool is very convenient and here's why:

    Advantages of metal accounts in gold and silver

    • — high reliability. De facto, such investments completely protect capital from inflation and devaluation.
    • — high liquidity. You can convert your savings back into cash very quickly.
    • - lack of additional . All transfers are carried out at the current gold rate at the bank.


    • — the money is in the bank, that is, all risks associated with the bankruptcy of a financial institution fall on the shoulders of the depositor.
    • - you can only earn money if the price increases. Unlike, there are practically no accruals for OSM, and if there are, they are meager.
    • — OSM does not fall under deposit guarantee.

    Conclusion, OSM is a very convenient and practical tool if you need to “wait it out,” but you won’t be able to make money on it. You also need to choose banks very carefully, my advice or the large state-owned Sberbank of Russia and its gold account or large foreign banks

    Is it worth investing in gold in 2016?

    It is impossible to find a more reliable instrument for saving your own money; gold exists and will remain the main savings instrument for many years to come, but this option will not allow you to earn money and get big profits. By and large, even after 10 years, having converted gold into money, you will simply receive the nominal value of your capital, taking into account past inflation and the depreciation of paper money.

    And now a little video with the opinion of experts on investing in gold.

    Historically, precious metals (primarily gold and silver) even today remain an absolute tool for preserving and increasing capital. Since ancient biblical times, where references to gold and silver are ubiquitous, their importance as an investment resource has not diminished in the 21st century. Nowadays, investing in gold and silver is acquiring new importance, especially in an era of global economic instability, devaluation processes of most world currencies and the rapid development of alternative ways of investing money. At the moment, the global precious metals market, after the recession and stagnation of the last few years, is on the verge of a long investment boom, which will be accompanied by a fairly strong upward trend over a period of several years.

    Will precious metals rise in price - what will this be connected with and when should we expect it?

    It is impossible to get an exact answer to this, since gold, silver and platinum are financial instruments, subject, like all others, to the influence of many fundamental economic factors, for example, such as:

    1. Expansion of the common monetary base in all leading economies of the world, or devaluation
    2. Demographic processes that are directly related to population growth, and, accordingly, the demand for reliable investment resources
    3. The widening gap in economic wealth between the countries of the “golden billion” and the developing economies of the third world,

    and hence the intensification of crisis phenomena in various regions of the planet.

    1. Demand for precious metals from high-tech industries of the world economy for use in space and robotics, supercomputer production and biotechnology.

    The listed factors are not exhaustive, but, in any case, make it possible to assess the overall picture of factors that can have a direct or indirect impact on the price of precious metals.

    If we approach from a more practical position, then, using the methods of simple economic analysis, we can find more objective confirmation of the fundamental factors. If you look at the graph of the price of gold for the period from 2007 to 2015, you can see that the previous maximum for it was in 2011.

    What was this connected with? There are many reasons for this, but the main one can be considered the period of artificially lowering the value of the dollar, which began with the 2008 crisis. The program launched by the US Federal Reserve (the American equivalent of the central bank) to inject money into the economy to stimulate its rapid recovery from the crisis caused a sharp increase in the cost of all metals and raw materials. And as soon as its gradual collapse began, the price of gold fell sharply. The current process of dollar appreciation is unlikely to occur for more than 1-2 years, and then a new super trend of rising prices for precious metals will begin again.

    Main methods of investing in precious metals, types of assets and their characteristics

    In Russia, as in most other developed countries, the precious metals market and its infrastructure are quite well developed.

    For those wishing to take advantage of this method of investing or preserving personal capital, there are the following forms of precious metals approved for sale to consumers:

    1. Gold and silver bars. An asset with absolute liquidity, easy to handle, and universal. The main disadvantage when buying or selling is that the bank charges VAT (18%).
    2. Investment coins. With the purest content of gold or silver. They have wide application. VAT is not charged upon circulation. The investment coin “St. George the Victorious” is in greatest demand.
    1. Collectible coins. Their main advantage, besides the fact that they are made of precious metal, is their uniqueness, high artistic and collectible value. As a rule, they are produced in small editions, and they are dedicated to some significant historical dates or events.

    As an example.

    Rosselkhozbank offers to buy investment coins of a specific thematic focus

    International Polar Year

    Yaroslavl (to the 1000th anniversary of the founding of the city)

    Gazprombank dedicates investment coins sold from it to topics related to significant cultural events of the country on the 100th anniversary of the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin in Moscow

    1. Investment coins of foreign countries. They can be freely bought and sold in Russia as collectibles.

    Russian banks do not sell them, but several large specialized stores handle them. For example. Investment coins "Derzhava" as one of the largest dealers in this market are presented in the company's online catalog.

    In particular, for example, there are investment coins of the National Bank of Kazakhstan:

    Golden leopard

    The UK is also well represented, its investment coins are in great demand and have the highest liquidity throughout the world.

    Gold bullion coin

    The list of investment coins, companies and banks selling them can be supplemented with many more types and types. The main thing that should be clear to the future investor is that there is always a choice and it is worth spending some time to choose the most worthy one.

    Advice. When purchasing investment coins from individuals, you need to be especially careful, since investment coins, like gold bars, have become quite good at counterfeiting. You can always check either with banking experts or jewelers (for example, at the Assay Office). It's better to spend some money and time than to end up with a gold bar that has lead or titanium (sometimes tungsten) inside, or a brass coin.

    Practical recommendations for handling bullion coins

    Bank investment coins, with all their obvious positive properties, require a special approach and handling in order not only to preserve your personal capital, but also to increase it.

    Below are some practical tips that can help you make transactions with precious metals and coins in particular correctly and profitably:

    1. Purchase cost. It consists of the following points.
    • Exchange rate of gold or silver. However, banks selling bullion coins increase or decrease the price depending on market conditions and can set it arbitrarily
    • The fee that the bank adds to the total value of the coin. Usually it rarely exceeds 6-8%
    • The difference between buying and selling a coin (price spread) can be several percent or even more. Therefore, attempts to play on price fluctuations in the short term will only lead to losses. The most appropriate investment horizon in precious metals and products made from them is at least 3 years.

    Advice. When purchasing a coin from a bank, an appropriate certificate for it must be provided, and the coin must also be carefully checked by external inspection for scratches, cracks or other defects

    1. Sale of investment coins. As a rule, it is carried out either to the bank where it was purchased, or to another credit institution or company.

    It is worth remembering that buying investment coins by banks is a rather complicated procedure.:

    • In case of existing damage or even minor scratches, the bank will offer a purchase at a much lower price.
    • If the bank has doubts about the quality of the coin, they may request the result of a quality examination or simply refuse to purchase
    • The purchase of domestic coins by foreign banks is also not as simple as it may seem. If it is relatively easy to sell investment coins “St. George the Victorious” in European banks, since there is experience in their circulation in Europe, then, say, in America or China, the buyer - the bank - will ask for a significant discount.

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that buying investment gold or silver coins is always profitable (even despite price fluctuations on the market), since the main factor that works on their side is time. And time, as far as we know, is priceless.