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Anandin instructions for use of the drop. Anandin for dogs - instructions for use, composition, release form, indications, dosage and price. Nasal drops and eye drops

Anandin is a drug that has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and antiviral effects. Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis, rhinitis of various etiologies and various other inflammatory processes; to regulate the immune system; for the treatment of complications caused by bacterial flora; for the treatment of otodectosis (getting rid of ticks) - Anandin plus.

Active substances

  • Anandin ear drops. The main active ingredient of Anandin is the antibiotic gramicidin C. In addition, the drug contains auxiliary substances that suppress the development of the inflammatory process and promote the restoration of the body.
  • Anandin solution for injection. The main effect of Anandin is the regulation of the body's defense reactions. Penetrating into the blood, Anandin ensures the formation of T and B cells of the cat’s immune system, thus increasing immunity.
  • Anandin nasal and eye drops and Anandin ointment. Anandin contains an interferon inducer and helps suppress the inflammatory process and heal wounds.

Release form

Anandin is available in the form of eye drops (bottles of 5 ml), ear drops (bottles of 5 ml), ear ointment (bottles of 10 g) and solution for injection (ampoules of 1, 2, 5 ml, 3 pcs. per package or bottles of 5 , 10, 100 ml), which are packaged in cardboard packages.

As a rule, instructions for use of the drug Anandin are present in the form of a leaflet or written on the package itself. In case it got lost, we share it here.

Ear drops

It is used to get rid of mites, which are the causative agents of ear scabies, and. Anandin is instilled 3 drops into the ear twice or thrice a day. Continue the course of treatment from four days to a week until the cat recovers.


The solution must be administered intramuscularly, at a dosage of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of animal weight (20 mg/kg) once. For preventive purposes, a dosage of 5-10 mg/kg can be used. The drug completely leaves the body after 20 hours.

Nasal and eye drops

When treating conjunctevitis, Anandin is instilled 2-3 drops behind the lower eyelid twice a day, when treating rhenitis - 2-4 drops into each nostril two or three times a day. The course of treatment lasts from five days to a week, in severe cases up to two weeks until the cat recovers completely.

Anandin ointment

The drug is rubbed over the damaged surface and around it 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 4 days to a week.

Contraindications and side effects

If you follow the instructions, there are no side effects. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur in animals sensitive to the components of the drug.

Anandin in the form of an injection solution is contraindicated in cats with severe renal failure.

Anandin for cats – reviews

Review of Anandin for cats, writes Svetlana. Our cat Fluffy is very affectionate, so when he stopped letting me approach him and wouldn’t let me pet him, I was very surprised. I noticed that he often began to scratch his ears, and then I consulted a doctor. It turned out he had otodectosis. The doctor advised us to buy Anandin ear drops. The cat accepted the treatment calmly, and most importantly, there were no side effects. A week later, Fluff became affectionate again, and his ears no longer bothered him.

Review of Anandin for cats, writes Ekaterina. My cat was sneezing a lot, her eyes were sore and her nose was stuffy. To quickly get rid of these unpleasant problems, I consulted a veterinarian, and he recommended Anandin eye drops. After 4 days, the cat began to recover, and a week later she was completely healthy.

Anandin price for cats

Anandin packaging:

  • in the form of ear drops (5 ml) – about 65 rubles.
  • in the form of a solution for injection (3 amps of 2 ml) - about 165 rubles.
  • in the form of an ointment (10 g) – about 70 rubles.
  • in the form of eye and intranasal drops (5 ml) – about 60 rubles.

Storage conditions

Store separately from food at temperatures from -5 to 20 (ointment) degrees Celsius and from 0 to 25 (eye and intranasal drops, injection solution and ear drops) degrees Celsius, away from direct sunlight, out of reach of children. place.

Shelf life from the date of production is 2 years (eye and intranasal drops, injection solution and ear drops) and 1.5 years (ointment).

When a furry friend appears in your home, you need to be prepared for both pleasant troubles and all sorts of troubles and illnesses. Viral and bacterial diseases are frequent companions of growing kittens. In such cases, every owner wants to cure the animal as soon as possible by selecting effective and safe drugs. Anandin is a medicine that has proven itself in the fight against infectious diseases. Let's take a closer look at this drug.

Characteristics of the medicine

The active ingredient of the drug belongs to the new generation of organic compounds and has a wide range of biological effects. This is glucaminopropylcarbacridone. The substance stimulates the immune system, accelerating the production of interferon. The drug counteracts the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

Anandin is active against most viruses, in particular canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus gastroenteritis, encephalomyelitis, rhinotracheitis, and polyencephalitis. This is an antiviral drug for the treatment of severe viral infections of various localizations associated with immunodeficiency states.

The medicine has excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to accelerate regeneration processes and treat complications in those cats that have suffered severe viral illnesses.

Anandin is used to treat inflammatory processes of the skin and internal organs. It copes with staphylococci and fungi of various types, suppressing their reproduction and development in the cat’s body. The drug can be used as part of complex therapy to support old animals, stimulating their weakened immunity. The drug promotes the formation of T- and B-lymphocytes (the body’s immune cells).

The drug is produced in the form of ear ointment, injections, and intranasal drops. Ampoules of the drug contain 5-100 milliliters. Five milliliters of Anandin contain 200 milligrams of the main active ingredient.

How to use the medicine correctly

The drug Anandin for cats should be prescribed by a veterinarian, taking into account the age of the animal, the type of disease, its duration and severity.

As practice shows, most often the drug is used in the form of intramuscular injections.

The instructions state that the therapeutic dose of the drug is 20 mg per 1 kilogram of animal weight. It is administered once a day for three consecutive days. For severe diseases or illnesses with complications, the course can be extended to 6-7 days. If we are talking about the preventive use of Anandin, then the dosage of the drug is 5-10 mg per 1 kg of pet weight.

If we are talking about the treatment of rhinitis, then intranasal drops are used twice a day, instilling 2-3 drops into both nostrils. The course of treatment for this form of Anandin is 7-14 days.

To treat otitis media in cats, use three drops per instillation daily. Before the procedure, the ears are cleaned with a cotton swab. After administering the medicine, it is necessary to perform a light massage of the auricles so that the therapeutic liquid penetrates better into the ear canals. Such manipulations in the treatment of otitis media are carried out throughout the week.

Anandin ointment must be applied in a thin layer to the damaged area of ​​skin and around it, then rub in gently. This treatment is carried out three times a day for 4-5 days. The instructions say that this medicine combines well with antibacterial and hormonal drugs, serums, and sulfonamides.

Anandin in any form of release has no contraindications for use and no age restrictions. The drug is non-toxic. It is well tolerated by pets, does not cause allergic reactions and does not produce an irritating effect.

When diagnosing otitis, rhinitis and conjunctivitis of both infectious and allergic nature in cats, Anandin is prescribed. The Russian-made drug has immunomodulatory and healing properties, so it can also be used for post-traumatic conjunctivitis.

Available in the form of ear, intranasal and eye drops. 5 ml bottle. costs 75-80 rubles, and for 10 ml. you will have to pay about 100 rubles. The composition of intranasal and eye drops includes glucaminopropyl carbacridone, which quickly and effectively kills viruses that have entered the body, and also stops inflammatory processes and accelerates the regeneration process. Among the main components of Anandin for the ears is gramicidin, an antibiotic that acts by destroying the protective walls of pathogenic bacteria.

Note! Despite the fact that the compositions of the drops differ only slightly, using the same drug for the ears and eyes is prohibited. Otitis drops are too aggressive for the sensitive membrane of the eyes. But the intranasal form of the drug can also be instilled into the cat’s eyes.

Indications for use

Otitis, rhinitis and conjunctivitis can develop simultaneously if a respiratory infection enters the body. If the animal suffers only from rhinitis and conjunctivitis, then it is likely that the cause is an allergic reaction. Despite the fact that in most cases the problem can be solved with drops alone, it is better to first consult with a veterinarian and determine the exact cause of the disease. It is likely that the doctor will be able to advise non-drug methods to solve the problem.

Interesting to know! Cats are ten times less likely to suffer from ear and eye problems than dogs. This is due to the fact that representatives of the cat family lead a more closed lifestyle and go outside less often.

It is worth paying close attention to the health of the cat if it is not vaccinated and has been outside for a long time; came into contact with sick animals. In the early stages of the disease, symptoms of infection may not be obvious, but it is important to begin treatment at this stage. Otherwise, complications may develop in the form of deterioration in vision, hearing, and smell. In advanced cases, minor inflammation can result in complete blindness and deafness.

  • the cat rubs its ears, blinks frequently;
  • excessive tearing is observed;
  • abnormal discharge appears from the ears, eyes, nose;
  • redness on the cornea is clearly visible;
  • the animal is breathing heavily.

If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, then if the above symptoms appear, you need to examine the cat yourself. If any abnormalities are clearly visible, you can instill a prophylactic dose of Anandin (2 drops into each eye, nasal passage or ear canals). However, it is necessary to understand that such treatment is used only to alleviate the condition. Only a doctor can prescribe a truly effective course of therapy.

Instructions for use of drops

In order to completely cure the disease, you will have to instill Anandin three times a day for a week. However, the timing of therapy and dosage can be changed by the veterinarian, depending on the initial condition of the animal.

The burying process can be complicated by the animal's temperament. The cat may scratch, pull out and bite. This significantly increases the risk of dripping drops past the affected area. To treat the nose and ears, you need to sit your pet on your lap and grab the head between your elbow and forearm. To prevent the animal from scratching the skin, it is best to wear a thick jacket and pants. If your pet actively tosses and turns, then it is worth swaddling it in a blanket so that its paws remain immobilized.

If you only need to treat otitis media, then you only need to remove the cap and insert the tip of the dropper into the animal’s ear. For greater comfort for your pet, the instructions recommend preheating the bottle with drops in your palms.

Note! Intranasal and eye drops are available in bottles without a nozzle, so you will have to prepare a pipette in advance. This slightly complicates the application process.

To drop the medicine into the eyes and nose of a cat, you will have to draw the medicine into a pipette in advance and only then immobilize the animal. Usually the pet tries to squint, or may even close its eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to create dim lighting in the room (if it is not possible to adjust the brightness of the light, then you can simply cover the lamp with a cloth). If the animal stubbornly refuses to open its eyes, you can open the eyelids yourself (after washing your hands). And to instill the medicine into the nose, it is enough to firmly hold the cat’s face in your palm.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

Some reviews about Anandin for cats say that treatment with drops lasted for weeks, but no improvement occurred. Veterinarians admit that the reason for such prolonged therapy may be either the use of an expired product or a violation of basic hygiene rules. For example, the remedy will be absolutely useless if instilled directly into pus. Therefore, the first thing to do is clean the treated area. To do this, just apply regular saline solution to a cotton swab and wipe your eyes or ears. This simple action will allow the active components of Anandin to reach the affected mucous membranes directly.

Advice! When instilling eye drops, you need to pay attention to ensure that the tip of the pipette does not scratch the cornea, but is at least 1-2 mm higher. It is best to point the dispenser at the inner corner of the eye. When you blink, the medicine will spread throughout the entire area of ​​the sclera.

Veterinarians also say that it is necessary to pay attention to completing the procedure. Even if the cat sat quietly and allowed the required amount of medication to be instilled, insufficient attention from the owner after completion of the treatment process can negate all the positive results.

The following rules must be adhered to:

  1. Do not let the animal out of your hands for 10-15 minutes after completing the procedure. Almost all animals that received the medicine, immediately after being released from the owner’s hands, begin to rub their ears/nose on the floor or try to touch their eyes with their paws. In order for the medicine to take effect, it is recommended to hold your pet in your arms for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Do not try to massage the inner surface of the ears or eyes for “better absorption” of the medicine. It is likely that the animal will enjoy the impromptu massage, but the speed of action of the medicine will not change. But the probability of spreading the remaining pus is quite high.
  3. Give the cat a treat. So that the animal is not afraid of the next procedure and does not hide every time the owner picks up a bottle of medicine, it is necessary to prepare a treat. You can give veterinary vitamins with an attractive aroma.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the fact that the manufacturer indicates that there are no side effects from the use of Anandin, veterinarians recommend carefully monitoring the behavior of the treated pet. If the animal blinks frequently and rubs its muzzle on the floor within fifteen minutes after the procedure, then this is considered normal. But if this behavior continues for more than an hour, and redness of the skin and rash are also observed, then it is necessary to immediately consult a veterinarian. It is likely that your pet is developing an allergic reaction. An antihistamine can be given as first aid.

Reviews about Anandin drops for cats

Angelina, 29 years old:

“I bought a British kitten. I studied the characteristics of the breed for a long time and was prepared for the fact that in the first year of its life my pet’s eyes would become watery. At first I treated the kitten with saline solution, but over time I noticed that the eyes began to not only water, but also fester. The veterinary pharmacy advised me to give Anandin. Since the price of the product did not exceed 100 rubles, I decided to try it. After just two treatments, the pus began to go away. After about a week all the problems stopped.”

Konstantin Viktorovich, veterinarian:

“I prescribe Anandin quite often. The drug is inexpensive, so animal owners do not try to dilute it or replace it with something else. However, for rhinitis, I try to choose another remedy, since many of my clients complained of excessive salivation and even vomiting after instilling medicine into the pet’s nose. There are no such problems when treating ears and eyes.”

Solution for injection Anandin

Anandin aqueous solution intended for injection is produced in the form of a clear green liquid. The main active component, as in the drops, is glucaminepropylcarbacridone. The content of the active substance in the solution is 10%. It also contains an excipient called methylene blue, which has antiseptic properties.

The solution has a slight specific odor. For its packaging, glass ampoules are used, which are hermetically sealed. The capacity of each ampoule is 2 ml. Ampoules are packed in 3 pieces in cardboard boxes. The cost of such packaging ranges from 155-170 rubles. In some pharmacies, ampoules are sold individually (60-70 rubles per piece).

When and how to use

The drug has an immunostimulating, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. It is usually prescribed to cats as part of complex therapy for the treatment of viral infections:

  • plague;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • viral hepatitis, etc.

Also, the drug can be used to treat complications of bacterial origin that arose against the background of infectious diseases. The use of Anandin is allowed to be combined with antibiotics, hormonal agents, serums and medications aimed at relieving symptoms.

Injections of the solution are made intramuscularly. The dosage is calculated according to the following scheme: 0.15-0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight. If the disease is at an early stage, it is necessary to give injections once a day for 3 days. If the pathology is severe, then the course of treatment can be increased to 6 days, but only a doctor should determine the duration of treatment.

Note! Anandin injections should not be given if you have kidney failure.

Ointment for external use

Externally, the ointment has a pasty consistency of light yellow color. There is a slightly pronounced specific odor. It is packaged in small polymer jars. Each container holds 10 g of medicine. The content of glucaminopropylcarbacridone is insignificant - only 2%. The composition also contains excipients:

  • Castor oil;
  • petrolatum;
  • purified water;
  • potassium salicylic acid.

The price of the medicine is 45-60 rubles per jar.

The drug is a low-hazard substance, but it has a wide spectrum of action:

  • increases immunity;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration;
  • prevents the development of infections;
  • relieves symptoms of injuries.

Features of use

The ointment is used to treat injuries and pathologies of the skin of various origins:

  • cuts and wounds;
  • burns;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema, etc.

The medicine is applied in a thin layer to the affected area. Depending on the degree of the disease and the severity of the injury, the procedure is carried out 1-3 times a day. Before reapplying the ointment, the area of ​​skin affected by the pathology is washed with saline and, if necessary, treated with antiseptics. The duration of treatment can last from 4 to 7 days. Do not use the ointment only if you are intolerant to the components. The medicine has no other contraindications.

Anandin for cats is a highly effective new generation drug with a wide therapeutic spectrum, widely used in veterinary medicine. Available in several forms: ointment, drops, injection solution. The product has proven itself in the treatment of many infectious diseases of varying severity in pets. Also indicated as a preventive measure. It has practically no contraindications.

Composition and release form

Anandin is a domestically produced drug with therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It is used in veterinary practice as a remedy against various infectious lesions in animals. It is known for its extended pharmacological effects, which is due to the main active ingredient in the composition - glucaminepropylcarbacridone. This is a powerful immunostimulant of biological etiology, capable of enhancing the body's defenses under any negative circumstances.

Additional components of Anandin vary depending on the form of release:

  • eye and intranasal drops - glycerol, distilled water;
  • ear drops - grimadicin, permethrin, isopropanol, castor oil;
  • ointment for external use - petroleum jelly, castor oil, potassium salicylate;
  • aqueous solution - methylene blue.

Existing forms of Anandin for cats are presented in the table:

View Description Visual photo
Drops in eyes and noseLight emerald colored liquid in 5 ml bottles
Ear dropsLiquid substance of yellowish color. Available in 5 ml bottles with a dropper dispenser
OintmentLight yellow gelatinous consistency for external application to the skin. Sold in 10 g tubes
InjectionTransparent greenish liquid with a weak specific odor. Has ampoule packaging of 3 pcs. in a blister with a capacity of 1, 2 and 5 ml or in bottles of 5, 10 and 100 ml

Despite the similar biochemical composition in different forms of the drug, it is unacceptable to use one drug for the eyes and ears. But Anandin intranasal drops for cats will not harm the sensitive eye membrane.

Anandin from an opened bottle can be used repeatedly, only after each time it is tightly closed. Store where there is no direct sunlight and high humidity. The optimal temperature range is from 0 to 25 °C. The shelf life of packaged medicine is limited to two years.

Therapeutic effect

Anandin differs from similar medicinal compounds in its high efficiency:

  • productively copes with pathogenic microflora of any stage of development and viruses of various etiologies;
  • thanks to its regenerating properties, it accelerates the healing process of the skin;
  • promotes rapid restoration of wool;
  • increases immunity;
  • prevents the development of concomitant diseases;
  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • reduces intoxication.

The ability to use Anandin as the only means of treatment allows you to reduce stress in the animal associated with taking multiple medications.


Prescribed for any inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane in cats, occurring mainly due to a decrease in the immune functions of the body. Such diseases include:

  • otitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • otodectosis;
  • slow regeneration of damaged skin;
  • complex stage of immunodeficiency.

They are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • labored breathing;
  • eye and nasal discharge;
  • lacrimation;
  • swelling of the eyelids and sore ears;
  • intolerance to bright light;
  • sneezing.

In such a situation, it is recommended to urgently contact a veterinary clinic. Ignoring these manifestations leads to serious complications in the form of a chronic form. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Anandin is often prescribed as a prophylactic agent, which helps increase immunity and suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the bud. This is especially true for unvaccinated pets who have free access to the street. Even if there is the slightest suspicion that your cat has an infection, you should immediately administer a prophylactic dosage (2 drops into each nasal or ear canal) before contacting the veterinarian. This will ease the animal's condition.

Instructions for use

For various types of infections, veterinarians usually prescribe Anandin. Instructions for use differ depending on the type of medicine and its intended purpose. After the examination, the doctor prescribes the appropriate drug and gives detailed recommendations.

Regardless of the doctor’s instructions, you should independently study the annotation attached to the medicine and any available contraindications.

Ear drops

Such drops are prescribed for ear scabies that occur against the background of otitis media of bacterial and fungal origin. Due to the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties of the drug, pathogenic mites are suppressed. After completing the therapeutic course, the itching disappears and inflammation subsides, and with otitis media the pain goes away.

The drug is used according to the following scheme:

  1. Clean the cat's ears from discharge with a cotton swab soaked in Anandin.
  2. The bottle is preheated in the palm of your hand.
  3. Place 4 drops into each passage, holding the head if the animal jerks it. Regardless of the location of the source of inflammation, both ears are treated.
  4. After the procedure, the ears are massaged for a short time.

Similar manipulations are performed once a day for a week. If the required result is not observed, then continue to drip further.

Drops for eyes and nose

Intranasal and eye drops begin to be instilled immediately when the first symptoms occur:

  • irritation of the membranes of the eyes - 3 drops on the inside of the lower eyelid twice a day;
  • inflammation in the nose - 2–4 drops up to 3 times a day.

Treatment is continued until there is visible improvement in the pet’s well-being, but not longer than 2 weeks.

It should be noted that such drops are packaged in bottles without a dispensing nozzle. Therefore, a pipette is required, which significantly complicates the procedure for administering the drug. The medicinal liquid is collected in advance and only then the animal is immobilized. It is recommended to dim the lighting so that the cat does not squint.


The ointment is used to accelerate the healing of the skin for cuts, burns, dermatitis and other problems.. The homogeneous mass is distributed in a thin, even layer over the damaged area and lightly rubbed in. The frequency of application varies depending on the complexity of the lesion. Before reapplying the ointment, the skin must be washed with saline solution and treated with an antiseptic. Follow the standard course of therapy for 5–7 days.

There are no obvious contraindications for use, with the exception of individual intolerance to individual components in the composition.

Injection solution

The product has an immunostimulating, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. It is permissible to combine Anandin injections with antibiotics, hormonal drugs and other medications aimed at relieving the acute clinical picture.

The dose is calculated in the following ratio - 5 mg per kilogram of the total weight of the animal.

Instructions for use: administered intramuscularly once a day for three days. It is possible to extend the course to six if the severity of the disease is high. After penetration into the blood, the active substance gives a therapeutic result within half an hour. Injections are not given if there is renal failure.

Contraindications and side effects

Anandin is in demand in veterinary medicine, due to minimal contraindications. These include:

  • allergic reaction to individual components of the substance in the composition;
  • damage to the eardrum.

There are no restrictions on taking Anandin for pregnant cats and kittens. No side effects have been identified so far. If atypical manifestations occur in a cat after using the drug (excessive drooling, apathetic state, vomiting, redness on the skin), stop taking it and consult a veterinarian about further treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Compared to other immunomodulatory agents, Anandin has a number of advantages:

  • diverse complex action;
  • easily accepted by pets;
  • allowed for treatment of kittens, pregnant and lactating cats;
  • non-toxic;
  • prevalence and affordability;
  • compatibility with many other medications;
  • no medical restrictions on admission or negative consequences.

The disadvantages include the impossibility of long-term use, but usually one course is enough for a complete cure.

To date, there are no analogues of Anandin for cats in pharmaceuticals, since the drug is exclusive in its composition and spectrum of effects.

Price indicator

The average cost of Anandin, according to statistics from several pharmacies from different regions, is:

  • intramuscular solution - 165 rub. per packaging;
  • drops for ears - 70–75 rub. per bottle 5 ml;
  • eye drops - within 80 rub. for a 5 ml bottle;
  • external ointment - 50 rub. per tube.

It is recommended that every cat owner have Anandin in their medicine cabinet, as it is a universal remedy for many diseases. The medicine is particularly effective in treating rhinitis, otitis and conjunctivitis, regardless of the nature of its origin.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Animals, along with humans, can suffer from diseases caused by viruses. Anandin drops for dogs are considered one of the best antiviral drugs for animals. Their effectiveness extends to dangerous infections such as plague, hepatitis, coronavirus, and staphylococcus.

Composition and release form

Pharmacological properties

The drug is an immunomodulator. Promotes the appearance of endogenous interferons that suppress viral replication, thereby counteracting the growth of the contagious process. The active ingredient of the drug is a synthetic low-molecular-weight cytokine inducer.

Anandin for animals has a wide biological effect. The drug has high activity against all classes of DNA, the genome of RNA viruses and a number of fungal infections. Anandin for dogs is recommended as a special medicine for the treatment of complex viral infections. With intramuscular injection, the solution immediately enters the blood, and after half an hour it reaches its maximum level there. One of the most important properties of the drug is to stimulate the formation of T- and B-cells of the body’s immune system.

The agent does not accumulate in the body. It is excreted naturally through the kidneys in the same form, after 15–20 hours (after 24 hours it is not detected either in the urine or in the blood). Does not cause allergies, non-toxic. According to the impact classification, it belongs to hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous). In the right doses it does not have teratogenic or embryotoxic effects.

Indications for use

Anandin is a dual-action agent, its effectiveness extends to viral and fungal infections, bacterial inflammation. Prescribed as a remedy for complications caused by bacterial flora, to strengthen the immunity of weakened animals and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

It is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • viral infections (pathogenic bacteria streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, fungi, hepatitis, colds);
  • all types of plague with severe viral infections;
  • inflammatory processes (conjunctivitis, rhinitis, otitis, purulent inflammation of the ears);
  • with immune weakness;
  • in case of skin damage;
  • when infected with a tick.

Directions for use and dosage

The product can be used in the following ways:

  • external (on the skin, instillation of the eyes, ears, on the nasal mucosa);
  • parenteral (intramuscular).

Anandin injection

Used for treatment as part of complex therapy. The instructions for using Anandin for dogs state that a sick animal needs to inject the solution intramuscularly (into the thigh area) once a day. The dose is based on the weight of the dog and is 20 mg per kilogram of weight. Age doesn't matter. At the initial stage of the disease, the medicine should be used for three days in a row; if treatment does not start immediately, the course is extended to 6 days. Antibiotics and serums can be used in Anandin treatment.


Apply a thin layer to the affected skin surface without pre-treating the skin or removing hair. After application, rub in lightly in a circular motion. Skin treatment is carried out one to three times a day for 5–7 days. Before re-treatment, you should wash the desired area of ​​skin with saline solution or antiseptics. This procedure must be carried out extremely carefully so as not to injure the formed epithelium by removing the remaining ointment. Exposure to direct sunlight on the areas where the drug is applied is undesirable.

Anandin nasal drops

Intranasal drops are used in the combined therapy of various etiologies in animals. For rhinitis, 3 drops of the product are instilled into each nostril twice a day. The treatment period should not exceed two weeks.

Eye and ear drops

For conjunctivitis, the solution is instilled behind the lower eyelid, 2 drops twice a day. For the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes, 3 drops are instilled into the animal's ear canals 2-3 times a day. The treatment period ranges from 4 days to a week.

special instructions

The drug is intended exclusively for the treatment of animals. When using it, it is possible to use other means. When interacting with Anandin, you must maintain personal hygiene (wash your hands with soap before and after use). It is prohibited to use medicine containers for household purposes. After the product has been used up, the bottle must be disposed of.

Side effects

If the drug is used according to the instructions, it has no side effects, does not cause allergic reactions, various complications and does not irritate the mucous membranes. The product in the form of ointments and drops is non-toxic, but reckless use of it in excess of the dosage can cause skin irritation and dryness. An overdose of an injection solution can lead to general intoxication.


Before using Anandin, you should carefully read the instructions. It would be useful to test the animal’s sensitivity to the product. Cases of adverse symptoms are extremely rare and can manifest themselves in the form of drooling, skin rashes, and decreased activity. In such cases, another effective veterinary drug should be selected.

Main contraindications:

  • renal failure or impaired renal function;
  • intolerance to any component included in the medicine;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Terms of sale and storage

Anandin is stored at room temperature in conditions that do not allow exposure to light. Shelf life – 2 years. The immunomodulator is sold freely, without a prescription.


It’s worth noting right away that there are no complete analogues to Anandin. Similar in effect are:

Anandin price
