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Church holiday St. Michael's Day, its dates according to the calendar. Michael's name day, Michael's angel day

Michael - Hebrew mikael - like a god, like a god.

Michael's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 24:Mikhail Klopsky, Novgorodsky, Fool for Christ's sake
  • February 27:
  • March 23:Mikhail (Mavrudis) Solunsky, martyr.
  • March 27:Rostislav (baptized Mikhail) Mstislavich of Kiev, Smolensk, Grand Duke
  • April 29:Mikhail Vurliot, martyr.
  • May 15:Boris (baptized Michael) of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles, Tsar
  • May 20:Michael of Ulumbia, Venerable [one of the founders of Georgian monasticism]
  • June 3:Mikhail Muromsky, prince
  • June 5:Mikhail Savvait, Edessa, Chernorizets, prmch.; Michael of Sinad (Phrygian), confessor, bishop
  • June 28:Michael of Kiev and All Rus', Metropolitan
  • July 13:Mikhail, martyr, gardener
  • July 16:Michael
  • July 17th:Michael, Archbishop, Athens
  • July 22:Mikhail Snovidets, martyr.
  • July 25:Mikhail Malein, abbot
  • 11th August:Mikhail Savvait, Edessky, Chernorizets, prmch.
  • 25-th of August:Mikhail Garejisky, prmch.
  • September 19:Michael, archangel
  • October 3:Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny, Chernigov, martyr, prince
  • October 13:Michael of Kiev and All Rus', Metropolitan (Transfer of Relics)
  • October 14:Mikhail Zoviysky (Sevastian), schmich., abbot
  • October 15:Mikhail Kazansky, martyr.
  • November 21:Michael, archangel
  • November 30th:Gobron (baptized Mikhail) Kakheti, martyr, prince
  • 5th of December:Mikhail of Bulgaria, warrior; Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskoy, Grand Duke
  • 31th of December:Michael Singell (assistant bishop), Constantinople, confessor

Characteristics of the name Mikhail

Little Mikhail is inquisitive and carelessly cheerful. He loves active games, and sometimes it is very difficult to calm him down. He likes to put things in order, tinker with animals, and design.

Mikhail usually studies well. It is not easy for him to concentrate his attention, he grabs onto several things at once, but, to his surprise, he manages to cope with everything. He attends almost all school clubs, participates in olympiads, competitions, and competitions. Energy just flows out of him! Mikhail has a logical mind, he calculates quickly and easily copes with tasks. But literature and languages ​​are also good for him. Often he has “innate literacy.”

The adult Mikhail is calculating, unhurried, and balanced. He has an excellent understanding of people, hates flattery and servility, and avoids conflicts. Despite his outward complacency, Mikhail is capable of exploding like gunpowder. In anger, he becomes insane, remains angry for a long time, and can take revenge if he is offended. He has a keenly developed sense of justice and is convinced that he is right.

Mikhail prefers to achieve everything in life on his own, using his mind and talents. He has a lot of talents: he is artistic, has a keen understanding of poetry and music, and understands the psychology of people. He always works conscientiously, is honest, incorruptible, and hardworking. Mikhail will become a good doctor, engineer, lawyer, builder. The profession of an artist or writer is suitable for him. Mikhail will cope well with a leadership position and will succeed in the field of entrepreneurship.

Mikhail is always surrounded by friends. He himself is a devoted friend, he will always help, even too much. Mikhail is obsessed with a passion to interfere in other people's affairs and give advice. He loves to chat and has a great sense of humor with a hint of sarcasm. He is constantly in the center of attention, events, and reacts sharply to the opinions of others about himself.

Mikhail experiences a strong attraction to the opposite sex. In his youth, he is ready to love everyone, he has many hobbies. He knows how to care, but sometimes he is too persistent. All his novels are fleeting in nature. He hesitates for a long time to decide on marriage. He is looking for an elegant wife, with a good sense of humor, temperamental and sexy. Sex is of great importance in Mikhail's life. He is capable of becoming a wonderful father and husband. If Mikhail “went crazy” in his youth, then he will not change. A stable life is more valuable to him.

The main features of this name: activity, enterprise, thoroughness.

Other materials about the name Mikhail:

The name has an extraordinary influence on every person. Scientists have proven that when it is pronounced, the mood immediately begins to improve, especially if it was said affectionately and friendly. Parents take the choice of their child’s name quite seriously, since his future fate, as well as some character traits, directly depends on this.

The meaning of the name Mikhail

The selection of a male name should be taken no less seriously than the choice of a female name, since it is on the shoulders of the young man that all the responsibility and protection of his future family, relatives and friends falls. The name Michael is considered one of the most sacred and pure, it is sweet-sounding and very beautiful. Translated, it means “one who is like God.” In ancient times, people personified Michael with the Lord, who could not bear enmity or hostility, as well as negative emotions.

Since then the name has become very popular and many boys have been named by it. All parents wanted their children to repeat the fate of the saints, to be just as sincere, righteous, and pure in soul. It is not surprising that in our time Michael’s name day is celebrated, and so often.

Origin of the name

The name Mikhail is pronounced differently in each country. For some it is Michel, for others it is Michael, and for the rest it is Miguel. The name actually comes from the Hebrew Mikael. At that time, people believed that there should be no problems with such children. They are obedient, diligent, agile. In addition, people with this name are distinguished by an extraordinary mentality, they are able to navigate in unfamiliar surroundings and show self-control and strength of character in any situation. Michael's Day is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, considering such people to be soft, easy-going, and friendly. It is assumed that if a man was named by this name, he will be successful in military affairs and the most successful professions for him will be: lawyer, driver, gardener, livestock breeder.

Features of a person with this name

The character of a man with this name is complex. As a rule, such people are sensitive to criticism, but quickly let go of negative emotions. Also, young people treat their parents with great respect, caring for them and fulfilling their wishes. The Mikhails love children very much and enjoy communicating with them. Women in them are fascinated by their gentleness of character and ability to make concessions. Definitely, the advantages include indifference to alcohol and sociability. Sometimes men become sentimental, which also delights cute girls.

Michael's name day is celebrated many times a year. Some dates are dedicated to martyrs, others to preachers, noble princes, and warriors. The heroes of the occasion, as a rule, do not like to celebrate Mikhail’s name day. But relatives and friends should definitely give a small gift to their loved one, as he will definitely appreciate it. Presents can include bronze figurines, original photo frames, soft toys and much more.

Michael's talismans

Every person knows that, based on the name, you can find out the color suitable for its owner, element, phonosematics and much more. Mikhail makes a positive impression on others. He looks like a kind, gentle, emotional man, capable of supporting his soulmate in any situation, sharing with her all his sorrows and problems. Michael's name day is best celebrated in a calm, family atmosphere. This way the man will feel comfortable and at ease. It is believed that the most successful name will be for children born under the zodiac signs of Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius. The most suitable color for a child will be blue, and the sacred stone will be. Touching on the topic of talismans, it should be noted that for Mikhail this is a bear, which is a symbol of courage, bravery and kindness to the people around him.

Dates of Mikhail's name day

The people have established the dates when they celebrate Michael’s name day. There are a lot of them, and each of them has its own, unique meaning. In the first month of the new year, name days are celebrated on January 24 (this day was dedicated to the Venerable Saint of Klops). Then it is celebrated on February 27 and March 23. In honor of Mikhail Ulumbuysky, his name day is celebrated on May 20. Then the significant dates are June 3 (Holy Blessed Prince) and July 5 (St. Confessor). The 13th of the same month is dedicated to the martyr, and the 25th to the Monk Malein. Then it is celebrated on August 11 and September 8 (the Holy Blessed Prince Michael). Orthodox name days are also dated October 3, 13, 14, November 21 (Archangel Day). December 5 is dedicated to the great warrior, and the 31st of the same month to the venerable confessor.

It is not surprising that many rulers bore such an unusual name, which combined such different character traits. These include Russian princes, church leaders and powerful emperors. Among the stars there are also many Mikhails - Boyarsky, Porechenkov, Shufutinsky, Dobrynin, Krug, Zadornov and many others.

Congratulations to Mikhail!
Let's wish the strength of the tide,
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
You don’t know difficulties and troubles.

Mikhail, our good friend,
We wish very, very much
So that your life is
Like life with a king.

To keep the money flowing
So that everyone around has fun,
And the wife is like that queen,
To have something to be proud of.

Mikhail, Mishanya, Mishka,
I congratulate you
Joy to you, health,
Farta, happiness and dough!

And also patience for you,
Bright colors, easy days,
To be in the mood
Life will be more fun with him!

May every moment of your life, Misha, be filled with unearthly happiness, brilliant success and good spirits! Let your family and friends always be there, give you their love and charge you with positivity! Step confidently forward towards your goals and know that everything will work out!

Strength, strength, charisma
God has not deprived you.
You are smart and enterprising
Our wonderful Mikhail.

I wish you happiness
Bright ups and victories,
Don’t let obstacles scare you,
Be healthy, live without troubles.

Stay optimistic
A brave warrior, fighter,
Everything will be fine
In your harmonious world.

I am sending you, Mikhail,
No problems and no worries
I wish you to live.

May there always be luck
Your faithful companion,
To walk the road of life
You are in the company of friends.

To achieve everyone's goals,
Conquered all the peaks
And happier than anyone in the world,
So that you become, Mikhail.

The name Mikhail has been given to you.
It was very well chosen:
The best features only confirm
After all, “like God” means.

Nature has rewarded you with everything:
She didn’t deprive me of strength and intelligence,
Your body is built like Apollo,
Like an Olympic champion.

We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you personal happiness,
So that there is advancement in your career,
And in the family there is love and respect.

I wish you enough
And you always lived in love,
May you be lucky in life
Be happy, Mikhail.

Unleash your talents
Believe in luck and destiny,
Solve all problems deftly,
Remember - be kind tomorrow.

Mikhail, I wish you
Happiness, money and goodness.
Let everything in life be yours
Cool, but with a bang.

On this day I wish you
Be healthy forever
Be successful and cheerful
Be full of goodness.

Mikhail, congratulations
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that all your efforts
It just didn't go in vain.

So that hopes are fulfilled,
So that there is success in work,
You were lucky as before
There are a lot of things to do.

Let the soul spread its wings
May love come to you
Happiness will be in abundance.
Let joy come again!

Strength, agility, charisma
God has not deprived you.
You are a great, kind guy,
Our cheerful Mikhail.

We wish you today
Loud, significant victories,
So that a ray of love and happiness
It was, Mishanya, you were warm.

May the cherished peaks
To submit before you.
Be persistent and stubborn
Follow your dreams.

Wonderful boy
You are nice to people
Take it today, Mishka,
Congratulations from friends!

So that you acted according to the right,
He was always honest and kind,
In life they were to their liking
Both work and food.

At least there is a golden mean,
Don't miss opportunities
Will appear as a half
Don't let her go!

He was born in 1873 in the city of Olustvere. His parents were believers, his father even served as a psalm-reader. In addition to Mikhail, there were two more girls in the family: Vera and Alexandra. They lived very poorly, but father and mother, in spite of everything, tried to give their children a spiritual education. So, in 1894, Mikhail Bleive graduated from the Riga Theological School. He remained to serve as a singer in the bishop's choir in Riga. Five years later, he married the priest’s daughter Lyubov Lugovaya, and a year later he himself was ordained to the priesthood. With great inspiration Fr. Mikhail began serving in the Gariel parish of the Vyrus deanery.
In 1905, when punitive squads sentenced innocent residents to death, Fr. Mikhail took them under his protection. Three years later he was transferred to the Niggen Church. A little later he was appointed dean of the Yuryevsky district.
At the time the First World War began, Fr. Mikhail began to hold special services in order to strictly pray for the soldiers who had gone to the front. Very many contemporaries of Fr. Michael was said to be an incredibly humble and quiet priest, but still with strong character and faith.
Since 1918, Fr. Mikhail serves in the Assumption Cathedral. It was at this time that the Lord gave him a poetic gift that was fully revealed. All his sermons Fr. Mikhail translated it into poetic form, which the parishioners loved very much. In December of the same year, the Bolsheviks replaced the German occupiers. And already on January 5th Fr. Mikhail Beyve is arrested. Nine days later he was shot on the Great Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord.

When is Angel Michael's Day?

When is Angel Michael's Day according to the Orthodox church calendar?

The name Michael is ancient Jewish, endowed with enormous energy potential. It is believed that Mikhail is the owner of special powers. There are two translation options for this name. The first interprets the name as “equal to God”, the second - “asked from God”. In European countries, men are called analogous names. among them the most famous are the following: Michael, Michel, Miguel, Mihai. In Australia, Mitchell is considered a derivative of the name Michael.

  • A man named Mikhail is endowed with abilities that bring him closer to the Creator. The Orthodox especially reverence the chief of the seven archangels, Michael. It is believed that Michael is able to fight evil spirits, which are considered the source of various ailments. The Book of Enoch tells that the Archangel Michael patronized the Israeli people.
  • The boy Misha charms those around him with his tenderness and greed for affection. The child uses beauty and insight to achieve his goals. He is not indifferent to beauty and tries to surround himself with beautiful things from childhood, among which one can often find objects of art.
  • As an adult, Mikhail strives to please everyone who is near him, because it is important for him to be in harmony with others.
A man named Mikhail is endowed with abilities that bring him closer to the Creator

When is Michael's name day according to the church calendar, in the Orthodox faith: in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Michael's name day (angel's day) - dates by month:

Some saints are venerated only once a year. The name Mikhail is not one of those. saints with the same name 92 times a year. The main date for every Michael is Angel Day.

Michael's name day in January

  • January 3 - veneration of the memory of the righteous archpriest, martyr. Mikhail Kiselev
  • January 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous torment. Mikhail Smirnov, martyr, deacon
  • January 13 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Berezin, priest
  • January 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Bleiwe, archpriest
  • January 21 - veneration of the memory of the righteous torment. Mikhail Novoselov
  • January 24 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Klopsky of Novgorod
  • January 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Samsonov, archpriest
  • January 31 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Kargopolov

Mikhail's name day in February

  • February 16 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Agayev
  • February 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Rybin
  • February 18 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Amelyushkin
  • February 26 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Popov
  • February 27 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny
  • February 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Pyataev

As an adult, Mikhail strives to please everyone around him.

Mikhail's name day in March

  • March 2 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Nikologorsky
  • March 7 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Gorbunov
  • March 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Razhkin
  • March 12 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Markov
  • March 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Bukrinsky
  • March 16 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Stroev
  • March 22 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Maslov
  • March 23 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Mavroudis of Thessalonica
  • March 26 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Okolovich
  • March 27 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Rostislav (baptized Mikhail) Mstislavich of Kyiv
  • March 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Theologian

Mikhail's name day in April

  • April 11 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Viktorov
  • April 29 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Vurliot
  • April 30 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Novitsky

Mikhail's name day in May

  • May 15 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Boris (baptized Michael) of Bulgaria
  • May 24 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Belorossov

Mikhail's name day in June

  • June 1 is the day of icon veneration in memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Deinek
  • June 3 is the day of icon veneration in memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Muromsky
  • June 4 is the day of icon veneration in memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Borisov
  • June 5 is the day of icon veneration in memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Savvait
  • June 16 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Markov
  • June 18 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Votyakov
  • June 20 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Denisov
  • June 28 is the day of honoring the memory of Mikhail of Kyiv
  • June 29 is the day of honoring the memory of Mikhail Makarov

archangel Michael

Michael's name day in July

  • July 13 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail
  • July 16 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail
  • July 17 is the day of honoring the memory of Michael of Athens
  • July 22 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Snovidets
  • July 25 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Malein

Named after Mikhail in August

  • August 4 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Nakaryakov
  • August 11 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Savvait
  • August 17 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Zhuk
  • August 20 is the day of icon veneration. Mikhail Plyshevsky
  • August 25 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Gareji
  • August 31st is the day of icon veneration. Mikhail Yeregodsky

Mikhail's name day in September

  • September 4 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Lyubertsev
  • September 9 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Voskresensky
  • September 13 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Kosukhin
  • September 15 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Trubnikov
  • September 16 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Sushkov
  • September 17 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Bogorodsky
  • September 19 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail
  • September 20 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Tikhonitsky

Michael's name day in October

  • October 1 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Skobelev
  • October 3 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny
  • October 10 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Platonov
  • October 13 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Kievsky
  • October 14 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Zovisky (Sevastian)
  • October 15 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Kazansky
  • October 17 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Tverdovsky
  • October 27 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Lektorsky

Mikhail's name day in November

  • On November 2, the memory of Mikhail Isaev is honored
  • On November 20, the memory of Mikhail Gusev is honored
  • On November 21, the memory of Mikhail is honored
  • On November 23, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Arefiev
  • On November 27, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Nekrasov
  • On November 29, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Abramov
  • On November 30, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Gobron (baptized Mikhail) of Kakheti

Michael's name day in December

  • On December 2, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Kvanin
  • On December 5, the memory of Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskoy is honored
  • On December 7, the memory of Mikhail Bogoroditsky is honored
  • On December 9, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Zelentsovsky
  • On December 20, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Uspensky
  • On December 23, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Yakunkin
  • On December 31, the memory of Mikhail Singell (assistant to the bishop) is honored

You will also learn a lot of interesting things about a man named Mikhail from the video.

Video: The meaning of the name Mikhail