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What if a person dreamed. How famous personalities and dream books, as well as somnologists, interpret the dream. Wangi's Dream Interpretation - what is the dream of a man who likes

pleasant dream

More often with the question: “If you dream of a person you like, what is it for?” - the girls ask. For young men, dreams about the one to whom they have feelings are less common. So, such a dream does not portend anything bad. If it seemed that a handsome young man gave you flowers, then soon you should expect a close meeting, perhaps a date. If he takes the girl by the hand, then most likely she will become his lover. However, time should not be rushed - let everything go on as usual.

Love dream book

If you dream of a person you like and he smiles, then you should push him to the first steps. I dreamed of a quarrel with this person - conflict situations should be avoided, because you can quarrel in life. It is worth considering whether your feelings are strong with this young man if he hesitates between two sentences in a dream. A declaration of love from him means that in reality he is exhausted from the desire to hear about sympathy from the girl to whom this vision appeared in a dream. What does it mean if you dream of a person for whom there are strong feelings, and the action takes place in the registry office? This means that, most likely, these relations will end with the registry office. However, we must not forget that dreams are often a reflection of thoughts.

Modern dream book

If you dream of a person you like, then this vision can be interpreted in different ways. When in real life the young man does not reciprocate, but in a dream the relationship is close enough - this dream is interpreted as a warning. His heart is not worth trying to win. Relationships just turn into trouble. But if a guy is indifferent in a dream (as in real life) - this, on the contrary, means that you should act, and actively. If you manage to win his heart, then for a long time. Also, if you dream of a person you like, this may simply mean longing for him: a lack of communication or simply a desire to be together. After all, dreams are a reflection of our desires.

If a guy dreams of a girl...

Question: “If a person who likes is dreaming, what is it for?” - ask young people too. Most likely, this is a dream to the fact that feelings are really strong, and I want to find answers to questions that have long been worrying about this for a long time. If a girl takes a guy in a dream by the hand and leads somewhere, this is most likely to mean that they will soon become a couple. However, the relationship should not be rushed. Luck will turn away if you rush too fast. Seeing a girl smiling and looking with a gentle look means that, perhaps, she will soon say something serious. Passion is very shy, and therefore it is worth helping her to speak out, but you should watch your actions and words. It happens that a girl dreamed, to whom the sleeping person is not indifferent, but she did not recognize him. So she already has a boyfriend, and it's useless to count on something. If you dreamed about how she calls for a walk, this means that it is time to sort out the relationship, since there are a lot of ambiguities and understatements in them.

A very unpleasant dream. It can be interpreted in different ways. However, often this dream simply symbolizes the fear of losing loved ones and loved ones.

I had a dream, and therefore I want to know what a person who has not been seen for a long time is dreaming of? It should immediately be noted that this dream plot has several interpretations. Today the most common of them will be presented. And, of course, their meaning is accurate.

What if you have a dream that you haven't seen in a long time?

What is the dream of a person whom you have not seen for a long time? The answer to this question is already ready to give the first dream book. So, according to his interpretation, this dream means that an interesting period in life is expected ahead, which will be filled not only with meetings with old friends, but also with new acquaintances.

It is possible that this will be some kind of trip on official or personal business. One way or another, it will bring to life a sea of ​​positive emotions that, like a warm blanket, will warm you for a very long time.

But there is one warning here. At first glance, it may seem that you should not go on the above trip. And this opinion is erroneous, because you can really lose a lot if you refuse it. Therefore, you need to cast aside all your doubts and boldly set off towards adventures, fresh emotions and new acquaintances with interesting people.

By the way, it is important to pay attention to how a person in a dream is dressed, whom you have not seen for a long time. This will help to characterize the financial situation for the next period. So, if he is dressed in rags, then profits can not be expected. But if a person is dressed well and richly, one can hope for unexpected material receipts. There is another interpretation of what a person who has not met for a long time is dreaming of. The fact is that it can symbolize relationships with older relatives, which, by the way, urgently need to be put in order.

It is likely that recently the one who has this dream has had great disagreements with the older generation. Perhaps this is a quarrel with some male representative, a very close relative. This relationship does not have to be consanguineous. For example, it can be a husband, half-brother.

This dream clearly indicates that the problem that caused the conflict needs to be resolved very urgently. In the future, it is with this person that a very important aspect of life will be connected, which affects not only the moral side, but also the material side. Addressing the issue now will help avoid more serious and intractable problems in the future.

What portends?

Also, many dreams can be interpreted not only from the point of view of dream books, but from a psychological aspect. As you know, sleep is a manifestation and processing of what is in the subconscious of a person. The information that the brain produces at night can be very skillfully used not only to understand the personality, but also to characterize what is currently worrying the person.

So, if you dreamed of a character from life that someone had not seen for a long time, then this means that certain feelings are experienced towards him. As a rule, this is a feeling of longing. Thus, the brain gives a kind of reminder that it would be time to arrange a meeting. However, not only longing makes you see a person in a dream.

Surprisingly, the brain can remember a person because of hatred, any unresolved conflicts or other problems that have remained open.

In such a dream, you also need to pay attention to the weather that appears there, or rather, to the season. So, autumn or winter means that the same atmosphere reigns in relations with this person. If the weather is summer or spring, then everything will turn out well.

The listed meanings, where a person who has not been seen for a long time is dreaming, is considered the most accurate and reliable. With their help, you can very accurately interpret a dream. And the plot of the dream itself and its symbolism are quite favorable for the one who dreamed it.

What do dreams portend? Rejoice or be upset if you dream of a person you like? How to interpret your dreams. Analyzing your dreams, you can understand why the person you like is dreaming.

The human dream is an extraordinary miracle created from the present and the future. At the subconscious level, it helps to find answers to exciting questions. Sometimes it is difficult to interpret a dream; the wisdom of the ancestors gives a chance to solve the riddle.

Dreams are not always remembered: sometimes a dream is so vivid, and a doubt arises: “What does this dream mean? How to answer it if you dream of a person you like? It is necessary to regularly keep a dream diary, which helps to unravel any dream.

It is best to write down the content of the dream on paper, capturing every detail. Be sure to indicate all the facts: with whom was your loved one, where did he stand, what did he say to you, against the backdrop of what interior or landscape was he. Perhaps there was some kind of smell, or in the hands of the dreaming chosen one, there were objects of an unusual shape. It is necessary to remember the words spoken by him and write them down. Perhaps the guy read magazines and books. The information that he announced is also necessarily displayed on a piece of paper.

Dreams about a loved one, or with his participation, speak of accumulated emotions, feelings and experiences. Tenderness, gratitude, admiration that overwhelms the soul, which are transferred to the chosen one, indicate the need to determine one's feelings for him, especially if it is pleasant and easy with him.

You should not immediately interpret a dream about a loved one with the help of dream books - disappointment is inevitable. There is an opinion that the appearance of a loved one in dreams predicts joy or sadness. A wedding or sex with a person you really like indicates the possibility of mutual understanding, rapprochement, union.

If a loved one puts a ring on your hand, your desires will quickly come true. A gifted engagement ring indicates the possibility of an early marriage. It is not so encouraging if compliments are heard from the lips of a person who is interested in the attention. Hearing compliments in a dream is most likely to experience humiliation and disappointment in yourself.

Guided by emotions, feelings, experiences, you can easily unravel the dream. By writing down all the dreams, you can easily determine what the person you like is dreaming of. Perhaps the dreams with his participation were repeated repeatedly, had a similar plot, but only a change in some details will help to better understand their interpretation.

The main attention should be attracted by the paraphernalia surrounding the person. You can easily interpret its meaning: love, time, ways to achieve the goal. If you dream of a trip in a car with your loved one, this is advice about the need to use your connections or make new necessary acquaintances. A car accident in which a person who is given sympathy got into means a favorable turn for future events.

What does it mean that in a dream a loved one participates in the New Year's carnival? It is worth being alert: some business is being started that will lead to a quarrel. It is worth considering if all the faces in a dream at the carnival are wearing masks, and he is without it. Disappointment is possible: a dream means the failure of any attempt being made, the onset of loneliness, or participation in other people's intrigues.

If in a dream you are swinging together on a swing, or a loved one is swinging a swing, he longs for a romantic victory, and is on the verge of a strong love interest. After each dream, they record the date and time when the dream occurred, and the environment in which it was dreamed. If dreams arose under unusual conditions, sensitivity became aggravated, and as a result a vivid dream was born.

If in a dream a loved one gives a book tied with a white ribbon, he will become a new, chosen destiny for life. In a dream, the chosen one gives a bright coral necklace. It is worth paying attention to the color of the stones. A red product portends a joyful meeting. And only white corals on the necklace speak of an imminent betrayal.

A dream in which the chosen one is seen as rich most likely indicates that he is able to provide material support at any time. In the case when a loved one holds an accordion in his hands and plays it, joy and fun are expected in life.

It's nice to receive huge bouquets of flowers, not only in reality, but also in a dream. If a beloved guy gives carnations, great success is expected in the joint plans planned. It is even better to accept hyacinths from him as a gift - there will be pure unexpected joy and great happiness in love.

If in a dream the chosen one gives perfume - wait for good news, and offers to smell them - a new happy life lies ahead. Hearing a declaration of love from your lover means you should think about it and confess your love first. Courage will lead to amazing results. Don't wait for the right moment. It is better to gather strength and take a decisive step.

You need to interpret your dreams, listening to intuition. Not only information about your chosen one is important, but also your own attitude to dreams. Very often, the desired is presented as reality. In a dream, a special sensitivity of the soul comes, which disappears in reality. Dream and revelation are inseparable. The desire to love and be loved will evoke in the subconscious the image of a person who really likes. It is imperative to analyze dreams and compare them with the realities of real life.

Participation in the dreams of a loved one, all objects and characters are particles of a person’s inner consciousness. The subconscious mind conducts a dialogue through symbols and images. It tries to give advice through dreams, draws a certain picture of life situations. It is very important to learn in time to understand the language of dreams. They often show the events of the past few days.

How to understand what the person you like was dreaming of? Unravel the mystery will help wisdom and intuition. It is worth remembering: a dream is a subtle matter, it can confuse, lead away from reality.

pleasant dream

More often with the question: “If you dream of a person you like, what is it for?” - the girls ask. For young men, dreams about the one to whom they have feelings are less common. So, such a dream does not portend anything bad. If it seemed that a handsome young man gave you flowers, then soon you should expect a close meeting, perhaps a date. If he takes the girl by the hand, then most likely she will become his lover. However, time should not be rushed - let everything go on as usual.

Love dream book

If you dream of a person you like and he smiles, then you should push him to the first steps. I dreamed of a quarrel with this person - conflict situations should be avoided, because you can quarrel in life. It is worth considering whether your feelings are strong with this young man if he hesitates between two sentences in a dream. A declaration of love from him means that in reality he is exhausted from the desire to hear about sympathy from the girl to whom this vision appeared in a dream. What does it mean if you dream of a person for whom there are strong feelings, and the action takes place in the registry office? This means that, most likely, these relations will end with the registry office. However, we must not forget that dreams are often a reflection of thoughts.

Modern dream book

If you dream of a person you like, then this vision can be interpreted in different ways. When in real life the young man does not reciprocate, but in a dream the relationship is close enough - this dream is interpreted as a warning. His heart is not worth trying to win. Relationships just turn into trouble. But if a guy is indifferent in a dream (as in real life) - this, on the contrary, means that you should act, and actively. If you manage to win his heart, then for a long time. Also, if you dream of a person you like, this may simply mean longing for him: a lack of communication or just a desire to be together. After all, dreams are a reflection of our desires.

If a guy dreams of a girl...

Question: “If a person who likes is dreaming, what is it for?” - ask young people too. Most likely, this is a dream to the fact that feelings are really strong, and I want to find answers to questions that have long been worrying about this for a long time. If a girl takes a guy in a dream by the hand and leads somewhere, this is most likely to the fact that they will soon become a couple. However, the relationship should not be rushed. Luck will turn away if you rush too fast. Seeing a girl smiling and looking with a gentle look means that, perhaps, she will say something serious soon. Passion is very shy, and therefore it is worth helping her to speak out, but you should watch your actions and words. It happens that a girl dreamed, to whom the sleeping person is not indifferent, but she did not recognize him. So she already has a boyfriend, and it's useless to count on something. If you dreamed about how she calls for a walk, this means that it is time to sort out the relationship, since there are a lot of ambiguities and understatements in them.

A very unpleasant dream. It can be interpreted in different ways. However, often this dream simply symbolizes the fear of losing loved ones and loved ones.

Dream Interpretation A guy who likes what a dream is about A guy who likes to see in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What is the dream of a guy who likes from a dream book:

The guy you like? Usually such dreams are displays of your desires. You constantly think about your beloved, so he dreamed. In a dream, you should pay attention to your feelings, emotions, environment, the behavior of a young man, his clothes. If he behaves diligently, tries to please you - in real life you should not trust him, he can bring a lot of disappointment. A dream can also indicate success in areas not related to personal relationships.

Universal dream book

What does it mean if you dream of a guy you like?

Interpretation of the dream book: The guy you like kissing you? Wake up needs not to lose vigilance, since some troubles are possible, although something terrible should not be expected. Perhaps you will feel a slight malaise, lose something, be disappointed in some people. If possible, conflict situations should be avoided, because they can result in bad consequences for you. Dream Interpretation A guy who likes can warn of gossips closely following you. In a dream, you and your loved one are in the twilight, you feel safe - in reality they are discussing you and weaving intrigues.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of a guy who likes in night dreams?

To understand why the guy you like is dreaming, you should determine him and your mood. We saw a rival in a dream - you may not even suspect this girl of love affairs with her beloved, she is not interested in her or she is not to his taste. Dream Interpretation The guy you like does not cause due awe in a dream, you are overcome with disappointment - in reality, another man likes you, and he will soon declare his feelings. A quarrel in a dream is a rapprochement in reality.

A guy who likes is dreaming suddenly turns into a monster or animal - in real life he repels you with something, scares you. Perhaps some of his habits are unpleasant to you, you are trying to re-educate him, remake him for yourself. Hugs with a young man indicate that you like you very much, but not to the one who hugged you.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What is the dream of the guy you like?

Dream Interpretation: Is the guy you like, sloppily dressed, drunk, or fabulously handsome? Such a dream has a semantic meaning: you are not confident in yourself, you suffer from low self-esteem, but you overly idealize your soulmate. Dream Interpretation A guy who likes shows indifference in a dream - in reality everything is exactly the opposite, your relationship will become warmer, more trusting. If you scold your lover for something, you will part in the near future.

Dream Interpretation: what does it mean if you dream of a guy you like? What is it for?

What does it mean if you dream of a guy you like? If a girl sees such a dream, perhaps in reality her feelings for this person are very strong. In reality, they can even be unrequited, and in a dream the young man will smile, look after her. That is, do everything that a lady is waiting for in real life. Such a dream may simply be part of the girl's fantasies about the young man, it means little.

If a guy you like in a conversation with a sleeping woman is not able to directly look into her eyes, his gaze runs around, most likely, in real life he is not trustworthy. They talk about such people - on their minds. When a young man in a dream is rude, behaves rudely and very frivolously, most often this is a harbinger of an imminent separation. This person is not suitable for a dreamer. They have different paths.

If a guy you like brings a bouquet of red roses in a dream, in reality the girl needs to prepare for a warm heartfelt conversation, a romantic evening. It is possible that the date will end in intimacy. Each author's dream book answers the question of what it means if a guy who likes is dreaming, answers in his own way. Below we present some interpretations.

Velesov dream book (small) Dream interpretation

The guy who likes dreams that the girl is expecting an early meeting with her beloved.

Modern dream book

A guy you like dreams of love games.

Eastern dream book

What does it mean if you dream of a guy you like? Kissing with a loved one in the dark - to gossip and condemnation from society. If this happens in the light, then the sleeper will show himself on the good side. When a bride dreams that her chosen one has married another, in reality she will be tormented by bouts of jealousy, which has no real basis. A dream in which a girl is upset that her young man is indifferent to her, in reality, means that she will have a painful choice between marriage and freedom.

Treason on the part of the most dreaming dream means that she will deceive her beloved. If there is a reverse dream (a guy who likes cheating on a sleeping woman), in reality her trust can be abused. A dream where a lady is cheating on her chosen one out of revenge means that everything will go smoothly in her family life.

The dream in which the girl received a photo from her betrothed suggests that in reality he does not love her, but simply uses her for some selfish purposes. If a guy who likes gives expensive gifts to an unmarried lady, in reality she will have a decent and rich husband. A dream in which a girl walks with her beloved through a well-groomed and very beautiful park portends her a great pastime, and in the future - a happy marriage.

If a young woman dreamed that she was having dinner with her chosen one, this is a warning. In reality, their couple is threatened with parting or a very serious quarrel. What does it mean if you dream of a guy you like, and in this vision he says goodbye to you? For a lady, this dream is a sign of indifference on the part of her beloved. If a girl experiences absolutely no emotions when breaking up with a guy, then in reality she will have many fans.

What is the dream of a person who likes?

Just the image of this person, sometimes situations slip through when we saw him, is it the result of my thoughts or something else?


It is likely that you think about it too often and it is already firmly entrenched in your subconscious. When you fall asleep, you see in a dream what somehow occupies your thoughts during the day. But there is another option. They say that a person dreams if he himself thinks about you. Believe it or not - it's up to you. But such an opinion does exist.


what read. if you dream of a person you like? What can it mean if you dreamed of a guy you like? If we discard all the signs and dream books that can mean anything, depending on what night, on what date and what moon this dream came. If you throw back the phase of the moon and if before going to bed you didn’t think of something like “dream the bridegroom in a new place” ... If you put aside all the extraneous circumstances and signs, but it was just a dream, then most likely he had a dream because you thought about him Very. Often the thoughts that occupy us throughout the day, and especially if these are thoughts before going to bed, materialize in a dream. Sleep is your secret desires.

Often, after such a dream, I really want to believe that the person came in a dream because it was he, and not you, who really thought about you and wished for this meeting. Perhaps there is some truth in this too. But so far no one has proven the possibility of this, although not refuted.


If you really like this person, then you will at least sometimes think about him during the day, and before going to bed, remember some meetings, a look, a smile, an image. All these thoughts are deposited in your subconscious, and when you fall asleep and relax, then the brain gives you the desired pictures in a dream.

What did the person who likes dream about?

☜♡☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

If you dreamed that you were kissing your loved one in the dark, you could not avoid condemnation from others and gossip. Does it happen in the light? You will show your best side. If the bride dreams that her beloved has married another, it means that she cannot avoid attacks of unreasonable jealousy. A dream in which you are upset that your loved one is indifferent to you means: you will be tormented by the question of choosing between marriage and independent life. Cheating on a loved one dreams of deception on your part. If you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, beware: your trust can be abused. However, if you cheat out of revenge, this is a sign that you will not have any problems in family life. Got a photo from your loved one? Alas, he does not love you, but only uses you to achieve his goals. For an unmarried woman, a dream in which her beloved gives her beautiful expensive gifts promises a rich, decent husband. A dream in which you walk with your loved one in a beautiful well-groomed park promises a pleasant pastime and a successful marriage. A young woman's dream in which she dine with her beloved warns: they are threatened by a quarrel and even parting. Saying goodbye to your loved one - to indifference on his part. If you don’t feel sad when you say goodbye to your loved one, it means that there will be many more fans in your life.

There are many theories regarding the nature of sleep, ranging from the most ancient and fantastic to the pragmatically realistic. So why does it happen that people often dream of the same person? There is no exact answer to this question. It will differ depending on who you ask it to. Psychologists will offer their own version of interpretation, esotericists - a completely different one. No one can give a definite answer to this question, so we will consider several possible interpretations of such a dream.

If the same person often dreams, what is it for?

There are several possible scenarios for a dream in which the same person visits the dreamer. We may be :

  • Familiar;
  • Unfamiliar;
  • Deceased loved one;
  • A long forgotten friend.

There are also different time frames similar dreams-coincidences. Someone often dreams of the same people - several nights or even weeks in a row, others have to see them in dreams every few weeks, months, that is, a couple of times a year, but exactly the same person.

You should also pay attention to emotional coloring of sleep . Was he kind or nice? Melancholic? Or maybe intimidating? If bad dreams keep coming back, don't ignore them. Perhaps the body in this way tells the dreamer something.

All this is explained by scientists and admirers of extrasensory perception and magic in their own way. Whose interpretation to believe is to choose the dreamer, but sometimes it is simply necessary to respond to such dreams. This can change your life, or the lives of others.

If a familiar person is dreaming

The same person is dreaming - why? Often, the dreamer can dream of the same person in the presence of sympathy or warm feelings - love or friendship . This interpretation option is found in dream books more often than others, since it is strong feelings or interest that can prompt us to constantly see the same person. It is especially important to understand the value of this dream, because only in this state the subconscious is not distracted by extraneous stimuli, and then important things that really bother us emerge. In this case, both psychologists and esotericists advise getting rid of recurring sleep by closer communication with this person. Some interpreters claim that a familiar character regularly dreaming is a direct sign that the dreaming person is constantly thinking about the dreamer.

Sometimes people dream of the same character who never been a dreamer's favorite , and he came from the distant past (youth, childhood, past place of residence). At such moments, recurring dreams can be explained not by the dreamer's feelings in relation to the same dream hero, but by fixation on the same problem, which cannot be solved either in a dream or in reality. Then why exactly this character comes in dreams? Experts advise remembering not only the details of the dream, which may contain a way to resolve the internal conflict with oneself, but also the possible connections of the dreamer with the dreamer. For example, his environment, the history of his life or working moments can carry a semantic load or associations that directly affect the dreams that regularly pop up in the subconscious with him. Maybe, innuendo or uncertainty in one of the last conversations, everything is to blame.

Sometimes recurring dreams are far from pleasant. And even if nothing frightening is dreamed, the plot can be focused on quarrel or other manifestations of negative emotions . In this case, it is advised to temporarily suspend relations with a person, and continue to be more careful in relation to him.

Interpreters warn that dreams with friends can also promise very bad news . It is important to pay attention to how the dreaming character behaved. If he turned away, or initially stood with his back to the dreamer, then in the near future illness or death may make itself felt, moreover, the dreamer may not necessarily suffer.

Why do strangers often dream?

There are situations when the same person constantly dreams, but the dreamer does not know him at all. First of all, it is worthwhile to figure out whether this person is exactly unknown, or could the dreamer still see him somewhere, but forget? Were there situations in reality when there were strong shocks? Maybe the hero of dreams was among the eyewitnesses of that case?

If your question is why is the same person dreaming every night, although I don’t know him ?”, then in such cases it is worth seeking the help of professionals. Psychologists will surely direct the dreamer on the right path and reveal the nature of the recurring dream. Perhaps the words or actions of a stranger in a dream will suggest some possible interpretations. It is worth listening to yourself: what emotions does this dream evoke? And the man himself? Is there something he wants to say or has he already said it? Most likely, this dream will no longer bother you if you take action in time and respond to the prompts of the character.

Why is the dream repeated with the dead

If a dead person is dreaming, and misfortune happened recently , then the interpreters explain this by the fact that the dreamer has not yet let go, has not come to terms with what happened. The emotional trauma of the sleeper dominates here.

It happens that dream of a long dead person , and if night vision is often repeated, then it is worth going to church and asking for help from the clergy, and it would be useful to do a few good deeds in memory of the departed.

There are times when the dead come in dreams several times. in stressful situations for sleeping when the dreamer cannot solve certain problems in reality, and he really needs support. It is worth taking a closer look and listening to what was done or said in a dream, sometimes this is a sign: you need to urgently check your health, you need to take care of your loved one, which you sometimes forget about in the bustle, and much more that such a dream can suggest.

Why does the same person often dream of being dead? Sometimes we dream of living dead people, these dreams are especially frightening if we dream of the dearest and closest. However, dream books in this case do not advise to be scared. Often this is how our subconscious feelings for loved ones manifest themselves. Many interpreters claim that such a dream, on the contrary, prophesies pleasant changes in the dreamer's life. It is worth worrying only in those cases when, after sleeping with the same character, strong anxiety or even fear remains. Dreams in a negative way are always symbolism. Perhaps it is worth reconsidering your priorities, and not only in relation to the dream, but also in a more global sense.

If you dream of an old acquaintance whom you don’t remember anything about

There are situations when, over time, people who we liked from the very first minutes of communication suddenly begin to dream of us, and even several times in a row. The first thing you feel after such a dream is the feeling deja vu , because the image of the dreamer most likely does not differ from what was once in reality. There is nothing wrong with this dream. Perhaps the dreamer should pay attention to the plot of night vision, and make some important decision. For example, start talking again with an old acquaintance.