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What is Vishnevsky ointment used for? Is Vishnevsky ointment an outdated, ineffective medicine? Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics

Vishnevsky ointment is a well-known remedy for the treatment of various skin diseases. The product copes well with inflammatory processes, heals wounds and eliminates infections.

Pimples and blackheads form on the skin due to inflammation or infection of the subcutaneous layer by bacteria, microbes and infection. That is why it is worth trying to use the famous Vishnevsky ointment to treat acne and blackheads.

What does Vishnevsky ointment consist of?

In Vishnevsky's ointment - three very well-chosen components, which effectively interact, enhancing each other’s action.

Birch bark tar

It was used in ancient times as a remedy for skin diseases. It treats eczema, lichen and scabies, repels blood-sucking insects and accelerates hair growth. Tar is good because it does not irritate the skin and does not harm it. It is also included in many dietary supplements.

Xeroform is a lemon-colored powder with a pronounced odor. Of all the components of Vishnevsky ointment It is he who helps destroy the infection. Xeroform is also used in its pure form, sprinkled on wounds. It does not cause skin irritation and does not cause harm when it comes into contact with mucous membranes.

Produced from plant materials, it is the basis of Vishnevsky ointment. The oil softens the skin well, treats colds, hemorrhoids, and calluses. Due to its warming effect, castor oil promotes better penetration of the remaining components of the ointment into the skin.

It has proven its effectiveness for many generations; even our great-grandmothers used it for hair and skin care. Castor oil penetrates into the pores and draws out excess sebum and impurities.

To make Vishnevsky's ointment, three parts of birch tar and six parts of xeroform are added to one hundred parts of castor oil.

Vishnevsky ointment allows you to cope with a whole list of diseases.

1. Skin diseases, requiring stimulation of the zone of inflammation: superficial abscesses at the stage of formation of a purulent focus (infiltration), boils, carbuncles. Apply the ointment until opening.

2. Diseases for the treatment of which it is necessary to clean wounds and provide an anti-inflammatory effect: old infected burns, abscesses, carbuncles and boils at the healing stage during the end of the active outflow of pus.

3. Gynecological diseases: pericultitis - inflammation of the uterine stump and surrounding tissues after surgery, inflammation of the cervix, deep chronic colpitis.

4. Diseases requiring rapid healing: healing (granulating) wounds, trophic ulcers on the legs.

The use of Vishnevsky ointment for these diseases can significantly speed up the healing process.

In addition to such serious diseases, Vishnevsky’s ointment also successfully copes with relatively minor skin problems: it heals small wounds and abrasions, softens dry skin, removes cracks and calluses, helps get rid of pimples, blackheads, blackheads, rashes, and skin irritation. Relieves redness, eliminates itching, fights inflammatory processes.

Using Vishnevsky ointment against acne and acne

Vishnevsky ointment copes well with pimples and acne. Thanks to castor oil, the components of the drug, after applying the ointment to the surface of the skin, quickly penetrate deep into the skin. Castor oil has a warming effect, therefore, birch tar and xeroform act faster on the source of inflammation, eliminating it.

The use of Vishnevsky ointment promotes rapid drying, disinfection of the inflamed area, relieving swelling and inflammation, thereby eliminating unpleasant sensations and discomfort.

The good thing about the ointment is that it’s easy to use, you just need to know and take into account some nuances:

  • You cannot apply Vishnevsky ointment under cosmetics: it is not absorbed as quickly as a moisturizer.
  • The ointment does not have a very pleasant odor, so it is best to apply it at night.
  • Apply Vishnevsky ointment directly to pimples and in places where they are multiple localized in a thick layer. After application, the ointment must be kept on the skin for three to four hours.
  • If there are a large number of pimples, compresses can be applied to the affected areas of the skin: press a layer of ointment with gauze and secure it to the face with a plaster.

It is recommended to apply the ointment to previously steamed, clean skin. Wash thoroughly, cover your face with a layer of ointment, cover with a clean cloth on top, leaving slits for the mouth, nose and eyes. You need to wear this compress for several hours, and then wash off the remaining product using warm water.

To achieve maximum effect, you should adhere to regular use of Vishnevsky ointment. Carry out the course of treatment for ten days and you will notice that the acne has dried out, the skin has tightened, and the inflammation has gradually gone away.

It is important to understand that Vishnevsky ointment - not a panacea for acne. Treatment must be carried out comprehensively. External action alone is not enough to completely cope with skin rashes.

To forget about acne forever, you should also be careful about your diet: do not eat fried, sweet and fatty foods. It is worth taking a course of vitamins that are good for the skin, eating more fish, drinking fish oil and linseed oil- this promotes internal cleansing of the body and saturates the skin with such beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 acids.

If the skin infection with acne is large enough, you should consult a good dermatologist who will advise how often you should use Vishnevsky ointment and what medications it can be combined with.

Side effects that occur when using the ointment

Basically, There are no special contraindications to the use of Vishnevsky ointment. People with individual intolerance to the components of the drug should refrain from using the product.

Before applying the ointment, do a small test on a small area of ​​skin. If there are no allergic reactions, itching or redness, you can safely proceed to full treatment.

The composition of the drug is as follows: tar (3 parts), (3 parts), Castor oil (94 parts).

Release form

The drug is available in the form liniment , that is, a product that is more liquid than ointment, which is convenient to distribute over the wound. It has a color from yellowish to brown and has a specific odor. Contained in aluminum tubes of 30, 35, 40 g, 1 tube is included in a cardboard pack. The medicine is also sold in dark glass jars containing 25, 40, 50, 100 g of the drug. One can is placed in a cardboard box. Candles with liniment are also produced.

pharmachologic effect

Liniment produces an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, as well as immunomodulatory local effect. It also has a local irritating effect on tissue receptors, which ultimately helps to activate microcirculation. As a result, the process of tissue regeneration accelerates.

Vishnevsky ointment can be mixed with Shostakovsky balm , while the spectrum of pharmacological activity is not disrupted.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

There is no description of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Indications for use

According to Vishnevsky, balsamic liniment has the following indications for use:

  • , lymphangitis , soft tissue phlegmon ;
  • , skin abscess , furuncle ;
  • bedsores ;
  • empyema , in which sepsis is noted;
  • burns different degrees;
  • frostbite ;
  • , varicose ulcer ;
  • osteomelitis ;
  • postpartum ulcers ;
  • obliterative endarteritis ;
  • cephalosporosis .

In addition, balsamic liniment ointment according to Vishnevsky is used in the treatment of nonspecific diseases of the female genital organs. For radiculitis of various forms it is used as an additional treatment. The drug is used as a remedy for acne. You can find out in more detail why balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky is used again from your attending physician.


The following contraindications are determined: the drug should not be used by people suffering from impaired renal function. Also a contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to any of its components.

Side effects

Prolonged use of the product may lead to skin irritation. Sometimes side effects include itching, skin rash, redness, and angioedema.

Instructions for use of Vishnevsky ointment (Method and dosage)

The use of Vishnevsky ointment is carried out externally - in the form of bandages, tampons, compresses. The instructions for Vishnevsky's ointment are as follows: balsamic liniment is applied two to three times a day to the affected area in a thin layer. Application for boils and other skin lesions also involves making and applying a gauze bandage from 5-6 layers of gauze, which is pre-impregnated with the product. The bandage is fixed.

It is also possible to apply the drug to the wound using a napkin soaked in the product. It must be applied so that the ointment completely loosely fills the wound. Dressings should be carried out until the wound is clean.

Vishnevsky ointment for acne is used by applying bandages or a patch with ointment to the area where acne appears. rash . If you need to use a remedy for subcutaneous acne, you need to apply a thin layer of it to the place where the pimple forms under the skin. There is a pronounced positive effect when using an acne remedy. Reviews indicate that with proper use of the product, acne also decreases.

The drug is used similarly boils . Treatment of boils with Vishnevsky ointment should be carried out until they disappear completely.

Vishnevsky ointment is used in gynecology to treat inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. The use of Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology is carried out by using tampons soaked in the product. Tampons with ointment are inserted into the vagina. But such a procedure can only be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor and you must strictly follow his instructions.

It is the specialist who gives clear instructions on how to make tampons with Vishnevsky ointment. In gynecology, tampons are used, each of which is impregnated with no more than 15 g of product. The course of treatment lasts at least a week.

Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids applied externally. Hemorrhoid ointment is applied to a strip of gauze folded in several layers and applied to the place where the hemorrhoids are located. hemorrhoids . This compress should be changed once every 12 hours. When the inflammatory process gradually decreases, treatment of hemorrhoids with ointment continues for several more days, but compresses need to be done at night. Reviews for hemorrhoids about this treatment are usually positive.

However, before you start using Vishnevsky ointment, you should definitely consult with a specialist and act according to his recommendations. If there are no positive results of treatment or if the situation worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In case of overdose it may appear allergic reaction in the form of rash and itching. In this case, symptomatic treatment is carried out.


There is no known interaction of the drug with other drugs.

Terms of sale

Sold without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Liniment should be stored at a temperature between 8 °C and 15 °C. The drug should be kept away from children.

Best before date

Liniment can be stored for 5 years.

special instructions

Wikipedia shows that at the moment there is no information about the effect of the drug on a person’s reaction and ability to drive.

People who are highly sensitive to and derivatives should use the product with caution.

Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the eyes or mucous membranes. To prevent this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly after using the product. In case of contact, rinse with plenty of clean water.

Birch tar , which is part of the drug, may increase sensitivity to sunlight. In the summer, people undergoing treatment with these drugs should avoid being in direct sunlight.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogues of Vishnevsky Ointment are drugs that have a similar effect. As a rule, patients try to find analogues without the odor characteristic of balsamic liniment. In some cases, the following drugs replace the ointment: Yoddicerin ,

Which is better: Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment?

It is mainly used to treat severely inflamed and festering wounds, as the product has more active antibacterial properties. But basically the indications for the use of these drugs are similar. For example, treatment is carried out using both Levomekol and Vishnevsky liniment. Bartholinitis is also treated by alternating the use of these two remedies (one during the day, the other at night). An advantage of Levomekol can also be considered the fact that this product is odorless.

For children

Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment for infants and young children is used only after a doctor's prescription.

During pregnancy and lactation

Vishnevsky ointment during pregnancy is used as prescribed by a doctor. There is currently no information about the adverse effects of the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

There are products that have stood the test of time and remained popular. Such drugs include the so-called Vishnevsky ointment or Vishnevsky liniment.

She has proven herself to be the best. And today we will talk in more detail about the indications, contraindications and instructions for the use of Vishnevsky ointment by adults, children and during pregnancy and lactation, we will consider analogues, prices and reviews about the drug.

Features of the drug

The drug has antiseptic properties. The features of the drug include its ability to enhance the inflammatory process and at the same time be an anti-inflammatory agent.

Liniment shows a good effect when the inflammatory process begins, as well as in cases of old problems (wounds and ulcers that do not heal for a long time).

We will tell you about the composition of Vishnevsky ointment and methods of use in this video:

Composition of Vishnevsky ointment

The drug has natural ingredients. Main active ingredients:

  • xeroform,
  • tar.

The auxiliary component is castor oil.

Dosage forms and prices

The drug is available in the form of liniment. This is a substance that cannot be called an ointment in terms of thickness, because it is more liquid.

The product is sold in pharmacies, packaged in dark glass jars or tubes. The price of Vishnevsky ointment in pharmacies ranges from 25 to 6 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

The synergistic interaction of the components of the product gives it the following properties:

  • antibacterial,
  • increasing local blood circulation,
  • regenerating,
  • warming,
  • anti-inflammatory.

The combination of properties included in the Vishnevsky liniment components forms the pharmacodynamics of the drug.

  • Birch tar is made from birch bark by distillation. It is used in medicine due to the phenol it contains. This component has a number of useful properties:
    • Creates blood flow to the site of application of the product. This occurs as a result of irritation of skin receptors. This effect accelerates the maturation of pus and its release to the surface in cases where there is a purulent process.
    • Increased blood flow helps to improve nutrition of the impact site and better healing.
    • Has an antiseptic effect.
  • Xeroform is a derivative of phenol and bismuth. Its properties:
    • the bactericidal effect occurs because:
      • phenol changes the information of the protein molecule of the bacterium, which leads to its death;
      • bismuth in the form of a heavy salt, acting on bacteria, oxidizes their enzymes, which contributes to the destruction of these bacteria;
    • has a hemostatic effect,
    • dries the affected surface.
  • Castor oil is responsible for ensuring that the components of the product penetrate into the layers of the skin.

The mechanism of absorption of active substances and their removal from the body has not been described by specialists.

Let's find out what Vishnevsky ointment is used for.


The product is prescribed for use:

  • for diseases when there is a need to provide a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect on the wound:
    • infected burns,
    • pericultitis (in gynecology),
    • chronic colpitis (in gynecology),
  • healing stage:
    • carbuncles,
    • superficial abscesses,
  • for problems when it is necessary to stimulate inflammation:
    • stage of creation of a purulent focus:
      • superficial abscess,
      • boil,
      • carbuncle;
  • diseases requiring accelerated healing:
    • granulating wounds,
    • trophic and varicose ulcers,
  • in surgery.

Instructions for use

The product is used externally in the form of tampons, fixed bandages, compresses. Vishnevsky ointment should be applied to the problem area up to three times throughout the day. Wherein one-time portion of liniment - applying a thin layer.

For various diseases:

  • For suppuration in the form of boils, make a fixed bandage of gauze (5 layers) soaked in the product.
  • In gynecology, the drug is used in the form of tampons as prescribed by a specialist.
  • For burns, it is recommended to apply a bandage for three days.
  • Bandages are also applied in cases of:
    • bedsores,
    • obliterating endarteritis,
    • frostbite,
    • leg ulcers (trophic, varicose).

The doctor will tell you about the treatment of furunculosis with Vishnevsky ointment in this video:

During pregnancy and lactation

Used if a specialist considers the use of liniment necessary. Independent use of the product is undesirable due to the lack of studies of the effect on the fetus or the quality of milk during breastfeeding.

For children

There are no contraindications for the use of Vishnevsky liniment in pediatric patients. Therefore, in each specific case, the question of the possible use of the drug for young children is decided by the doctor.


The drug is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • when the patient has a negative reaction to one or more components of the drug,
  • with paraproctitis,
  • for contaminated wounds,
  • if diagnosed or
  • inflammation, when it is unacceptable for suppuration to occur,
  • in case of renal failure,
  • when the purulent process is at the stage of active cleansing,
  • when the affected surface has a large area.

Side effects

No negative effects have been identified with the correct use of Vishnevsky's liniment. When using the product for a long time, the following reactions occurred:

  • rashes,
  • itching on the surface of the skin,
  • hives.

special instructions

  • Research has not been conducted on how the drug affects human reactions.
  • When using the product, the patient's sensitivity to sunlight increases. Its direct rays should be avoided.
  • If a person has a negative reaction to phenol, then it is necessary to stop using Vishnevsky’s liniment.
  • If the product accidentally gets into your eyes, you should rinse them with running water. The drug is not applied to mucous surfaces.

Vishnevsky ointment is widely used in various fields of medicine. Thanks to its antiseptic and wound-healing properties, Vishnevsky ointment helps to cope with boils, trophic ulcers, anal fissures and other purulent-inflammatory processes.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is a remedy that has been proven over the years, effective in treating most purulent formations and available at any pharmacy. The drug has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of various types of wounds and cracks. The ointment copes well with the associated infection, which has caused an exacerbation of hemorrhoids and, unlike hormonal drugs, does not have a toxic effect. Accelerates regeneration processes.

What does liniment consist of?

The product is available in the form of jars with a wide neck. This medicine is very convenient to use, pleasant to the touch, and does not cause burning or discomfort upon contact with the skin. The only drawback of liniment is the specific smell, due to which the use of the product excludes visiting public places during treatment. Since daily use of the drug is required to obtain the maximum healing effect, it is better to temporarily stay at home.

Vishnevsky ointment is one of the oldest medicines

The composition of Vishnevsky ointment is as follows:

  • natural tar;
  • Castor oil;
  • Bismuth tribromophenolate (xeroform).

Castor oil accounts for approximately 94% of the composition. Together with tar and xeroform, it provides thorough antiseptics in the affected area. These well-known components actively fight skin diseases due to their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Ailments that are characterized by itching, burning, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes can be easily treated with the help of the main components of liniment. They tend to draw transudate from tissues, ensuring rapid healing of purulent wounds.

Mechanism of action

Castor oil is actively used in dermatology and proctology due to its wide range of pharmacological effects. To cope with a purulent disease once and for all, systematic use of this medicine is required. The active ingredients of Vishnevsky's liniment can ensure rapid recovery and recovery after an acute inflammatory process.

Balsamic liniment is a fairly effective drug that has a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

The totality of the healing effects of the above drug is as follows:

  • antimicrobial effect– castor oil, together with tar and xeroform, act as a powerful antiseptic that can destroy the cells of fungi and pathogenic bacteria;
  • increased regeneration– by cleansing the skin and mucous membranes of dead elements, rapid tissue restoration occurs;
  • anti-inflammatory properties– the synthesis of inflammatory mediators is inhibited, swelling and itching in the affected area of ​​the skin are relieved;
  • warming and softening– thanks to castor oil, moderate heating of the tissue occurs, due to which the active substances of liniment intensively penetrate into the deep layers of the skin;
  • safety– the medicine, unlike other powerful antiseptics, does not have a toxic effect, does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not accumulate in tissues.

For radiculitis and arthralgia, the warming properties ensure rapid restoration of the normal shape and size of the affected areas, relief of pain, and removal of excess fluid from swollen limbs. Cotton swabs are impregnated with the medicine, which are successfully used to treat gynecological ailments, anal fissures and for quick recovery after childbirth.

Indications for use

Medicines based on tar and castor oil have been used for many years in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases. Their local application ensures rapid restoration of damaged areas due to enhanced regeneration. You should avoid getting this product inside, which can lead to unpredictable consequences. In rare cases, liniment can cause allergic reactions, accompanied by severe itching, burning and redness. What does Vishnevsky ointment help with?

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Despite its pungent odor, this does not in the least prevent it from being used to treat various wounds and continues to occupy its rightful place in medical practice.

There are actually many indications for using liniment:

  • persistent and painful acne;
  • psoriasis in the acute stage;
  • dry and weeping eczema;
  • arthralgia, radiculitis, fluid accumulation in the extremities;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs (hemorrhoids, vaginitis);
  • first and second degree burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • lymphangitis and lymphadenitis;
  • bedsores with areas of necrosis;
  • frostbite of the extremities.

When applying a portion of the drug to the affected areas, a slight tingling sensation may occur, which should not cause concern. It is enough to apply a thin layer of the drug to the skin or lubricate a cotton swab with the drug to enhance the regeneration of damaged tissues. It is worth using the product at the frequency required by the specific disease; too frequent application of the product leads to peeling and burning.

Dressings using ointment

Vishnevsky's liniment is widely used in the preparation of warming bandages and compresses. It is recommended to change such dressings 2 times a day, since the ingress of air reduces the healing effect of the medicine over time. The disappearance of an unpleasant odor acts as a signal indicating the need to change the dressing.

Depending on the type of disease, the method of applying the ointment will depend.

Instructions for using Vishnevsky ointment are as follows:

  • the medicine is thickly applied to gauze folded in the shape of a square;
  • gauze is applied to the painful area and pressed (when the product dries, it sticks to the problem area);
  • to improve fixation, if the localization of inflammation allows, you can wrap a gauze square with a bandage;
  • After the dressing is carried out, the patient must remain in a static position for some time.

Liniment helps to cope with stagnant boils that are difficult to treat with standard means. Liniment acts as a mild antiseptic that stops further formation of exudate. Thanks to the remedy developed by Vishnevsky, internal inflammatory processes end with the release of pus to the outside.

In the treatment of exudative formations, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • dressings should be changed more often, approximately 4–6 times a day;
  • to avoid irritation of the wound, the dried purulent crust should not be allowed to stick persistently to the gauze;
  • Before removing the bandage, to soften the dried mixture, it is advisable to moisten the gauze with a solution of Chlorhexidine.

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Lyoton for hemorrhoids

It can be used to treat boils, pimples, acne, bedsores, and various inflammatory diseases of the skin.

In order for the pus to come out faster, it is recommended to cover the gauze moistened with liniment on top with plastic wrap. This is necessary to maintain moisture and warmth. Liniment accelerates the maturation of the purulent plug and promotes its release. Before each dressing change, the skin should be treated with ethyl alcohol.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with Vishnevsky ointment

This is one of the few folk remedies that are highly effective for external hemorrhoids. Vishnevsky's liniment helps to cope with associated infection in the last stages of the disease, when mechanical friction of the venous nodes is observed, accompanied by periodic anal bleeding.

The positive effect of the ointment for hemorrhoids is based on the following pharmacological effects:

  • stimulation of the outflow of venous blood from the pelvic organs;
  • antiseptic and disinfectant properties;
  • reduction of swelling of soft tissues;
  • acceleration of healing of anal fissures;
  • reduction of pain.

In case of exacerbation of inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins in the initial period of the disease, liniment contributes to the complete recovery of the patient. At the third and fourth stages of the disease, when using liniment, some people manage to avoid radical surgery, while others note relief from itching, pain and burning in the anal area.

After the bath, apply multi-layer napkins soaked in ointment to the hemorrhoids for the first two days

How to deal with varicose ulcers

Vishnevsky ointment for varicose veins helps restore the elasticity and tone of blood vessels, improves the flow of nutrients to the venous wall, and increases its resistance to adverse environmental factors. With stagnation in the venous system, the risk of the formation of trophic lesions increases.

The treatment algorithm for varicose ulcers is as follows:

  • prepare an elastic bandage in advance, which will later be used to fix dilated veins;
  • Apply a layer of liniment to the gauze square and attach it to the problem area using an elastic bandage;
  • To increase the effectiveness of such treatment, it is recommended to use several types of ointments: heparin, ichthyol.

Thanks to dense bandages, dilated veins are fixed, their tone improves, and the wall is strengthened. Blood circulation through the inflamed vessels is restored, venous outflow improves, and previously noticeable swelling decreases. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, veins are bandaged on raised limbs.


The ointment has no toxic effect and is used in the treatment of a large number of diseases. One of the contraindications is hypersensitivity to the components. In addition, it is not prescribed for fatty tumors and proctitis, suppuration of cysts and large areas of tissue damage.

Vishnevsky ointment (balsamic liniment), Balsamic liniment Wishnevsky - a gelatinous mass intended for external rubbing into the skin.

Pharmacological group

  • Antiseptic;
  • disinfectant;
  • regenerant.

pharmachologic effect

Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. The ointment helps accelerate healing and has a mild irritant effect on tissue. Liniment improves blood circulation in tissues and has an immunomodulatory effect. The ointment has a warming effect, forming a film on the surface of the skin and preventing heat loss. On the other hand, liniment has an irritating effect on the skin, increasing blood flow.

As a result, the effect of accelerating the inflammatory process is created. Thus, Vishnevsky ointment exhibits both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects at the same time. The use of ointment accelerates the process of maturation and cleansing of ulcers. Vishnevsky ointment effectively treats old wounds. By increasing blood flow, liniment cleanses and heals old ulcers and open wounds.

Indications for use

  • Lymphangitis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • boils, carbuncles before opening and at the healing stage;
  • phlegmon;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • parametritis, colpitis;
  • cephalosporosis;
  • lung diseases with purulent abscesses;
  • skin abscesses;
  • empyema;
  • frostbite 2nd degree;
  • 3rd and 4th degree burns;
  • ulcers;
  • wounds;
  • bedsores.


The product is used externally, applied in the form of compresses, tampons and bandages.

Treatment of skin diseases

Liniment helps get rid of acne. To do this, ointment is applied to a cosmetic disc and applied to a sore spot on the skin. Secure with adhesive tape. Using the drug on the skin of the face in some cases initially causes the condition to worsen. But this phenomenon is temporary, it indicates precisely that the cleansing process is not limited to visible skin problems. Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky stimulates the rapid maturation of acne and complete cleansing of the skin.

Use for hemorrhoids

Vishnevsky ointment helps well with hemorrhoids. To achieve the effect, you must strictly follow the instructions for use:

  • rinse the inflamed site with a warm solution of potassium permanganate, you can take a bath with heated water;
  • dry the sore spot with a napkin;
  • apply a gauze compress covered with Vishnevsky ointment to the inflamed area of ​​the rectum;
  • leave the compress for 3 hours;
  • replace the compress and leave for another 24 hours, changing it another 2-3 times per day.

The ointment has an analgesic and softening effect, so the patient feels real relief and comfort throughout the day.

Use in gynecology

Vishnevsky ointment is used in gynecology to treat tubal infertility and ovarian inflammation. It is allowed to use the ointment during pregnancy:

  • for internal use of tampons with ointment for inflammatory phenomena in the pelvic organs, a doctor’s prescription is required;
  • For external use for varicose veins, against skin rashes, it is allowed to use the ointment on your own in moderation.


  • Intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • contaminated wounds;
  • suppuration during opening of the abscess;
  • mastitis.

Opponents of the use of Vishnevsky ointment believe that castor oil, which is part of the product, forms a film on the surface of the wound that prevents the access of oxygen and provokes the development of gas gangrene. This problem was widely discussed by Soviet doctors. It has now been established that the anaerobic processes that cause gas gangrene are explained by contamination of the wound. Vishnevsky ointment can be used provided the wound is thoroughly cleansed.


Among the complications that arise from the application of Vishnevsky ointment, allergic reactions were observed.

Dispensing conditions in pharmacies

Balsamic liniment is available without a doctor's prescription.

Release forms

  • Dark glass jars 40 g, 100 g, 2000 g;
  • aluminum tubes 30 g, 35 g;
  • polyethylene jar 25 g, 40 g, 50 g;
  • polyethylene canister 5 kg, 20 kg;
  • 15 kg polyethylene bag (can).


Active substances:

  • birch tar - 3 g;
  • xeroform (bismuth tribromophenolate) - 3 g.


  • castor oil - 89 g;
  • Aerosil (colloidal silicon dioxide) - 5 g.

Balsamic liniment has a peculiar strong odor and is light yellow or light brown in color. Vishnevsky ointment is affordable and highly effective. The affordable price of the product is explained by the simplicity of the composition.


  • NIZHFARM, Russia;
  • Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory, Moscow;
  • medical preparations plant, Borisov, Belarus;
  • Altaivitamins, Russia;
  • pharmaceutical factory, Tver, Russia;
  • pharmaceutical factory Krasnodar, Russia;
  • NIIVS, St. Petersburg, Russia;
  • ZAO Zelenaya Dubrava, Russia;
  • Ozon OO, Russia.

Storage conditions and shelf life

When stored in a dry, cool (temperature range +5 o C...+20 o C), protected from light place. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.