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Door lock according to the dream book. Why do you dream about a door lock: padlocked, broken, hanging on the gate? Basic interpretations: why do you dream of a closed lock or a door lock without a key?

Dreams can sometimes be very bizarre and give us unforgettable nights of traveling into the past and future. But some dreams can even scare you. Why do you dream of a closed castle? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about a door lock - basic interpretation

Locks in a dream are obstacles that a person must learn to overcome on his own. If he does not learn to do this, he will not be able to develop and actively move forward in life for a long time. As soon as all his life's locks and barriers are opened, he will be able to receive new keys to the doors behind which happiness and joy are hidden.

But it is important to interpret the entire dream. You need to take into account exactly what kind of locks we are talking about, what keys will be selected for them. Why do you dream about a padlock? Such a dream suggests that troubles are looming over the person and the fate of fate will most likely not spare him.

If a person tries to cut or knock down a lock in a dream, in reality he is trying to free himself from the shackles of everyday life and become freer. This freedom can be mixed with freedom from relationships, freedom from other people and other obligations.

If you see in a dream how you are sawing a lock, but your blade breaks and the lock itself remains indestructible. All your attempts to correct the situation and improve your life will end in failure and disappointment. You shouldn’t strive so actively to achieve your goal; it’s enough to find another way to achieve your goal or get support.

If you dream about how you are trying to get out of a maze of closed doors, and you are not succeeding, in reality, look not for keys to locks, but for workarounds, so as not to get into trouble. You need to be more flexible and flexible, especially in professional situations.

If you dream about how you lose the keys to the front door, you need to think about the prospects of everything you have planned; perhaps you initially made a mistake in prioritizing and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship.

If a stranger opens the door for you, although before that you tried for a long time to open it yourself in a dream, you will not be able to resolve this issue yourself. You will certainly need qualified help and support from loved ones. If you break a lock, then in reality you will give up many opportunities and prospects for the sake of vague options, and your well-being will be in question.

If you lose the keys to the castle or throw them into the water, luck will literally float away from you, your well-being will slip through your fingers, and you will be to blame for it. You have been planning dramatic changes in your life for a long time, but you put everything off until later. And it is this sluggishness of yours that will lead to disastrous consequences. You shouldn’t be too sad about losing your keys in a dream; in reality you will find opportunities to correct the situation.

If you dream that your door keys have been stolen, this dream has nothing to do with reality. Most likely, you are an open person yourself and trust all your secrets to many people. Give up this bad habit, otherwise your gullibility will destroy you.

Why do you dream about a door lock according to the magic dream book?

The magical dream book says that you dream of a castle, and even a door, for a reason. This is a symbol of approaching events that are unlikely to be avoided.

A complex lock on the door means difficult situations that will drive you into despair;

If the lock has a folding shackle, your friend needs help;

If the key gets stuck inside the lock, you will have to secretly collaborate to achieve your cherished goal;

Hanging a lock on the door means the need for loneliness and privacy;

If you are trying to open a lock, you will be trying to understand a closed person;

If you see a strangely shaped castle, you will fall under the protection of an influential person;

The key to the lock does not fit - your business sphere will be under threat.

If in a dream you see someone trying to pick your lock on the door, but in vain, you will withstand a difficult life situation and be able to defend your priorities. If your door is broken into and you become afraid for your future, such fears will also visit you in reality.

If you dream that you are trying to open a lock with master keys, you really want to know the truth and in order to get it, you are ready for a variety of actions, sometimes contrary to common sense. In order to prevent mistakes in your work after such a dream, you need to carefully monitor all secret information and prevent it from leaking to the outside.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of a padlock? Most likely, the source of problems in her personal life is herself. She herself does not understand why she needs this relationship and where it will lead her; in order to change the situation, she needs to act clearly and enjoy the relationship. It is necessary to take into account the interests in the relationship not only of your own, but also of your partner.

If a girl dreams of how she tries to open the lock and every time she succeeds, it closes again from the inside - an unpleasant and even dangerous situation awaits her. After such a dream, you need to carefully choose your friends and acquaintances, keeping next to you only those people you can rely on.

Why do you dream about a door lock according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that you dream of a door lock as a symbol of secrecy and riddles in a relationship. It is worth remembering where the doors on which there was a lock in the dream led. If it was a lock on the door to your own home, you need to pay more attention to the sexual relationships that you already have.

If you tried to open a lock on an unfamiliar door, pay more attention to your relationship with your other partner. Such a dream may hint that it is worth looking at both sides and choosing a more worthy passion. The relationships you already have do not bring you proper satisfaction and comfort.

If a young girl dreams that someone locked her outside the house, and she remained imprisoned inside, she, on a subconscious level, wants to free herself from the shackles of a relationship that has long oppressed her. Unfortunately, no one will help her do this. The only thing that remains for her is to come to terms with the current situation and, no matter what, try to build her personal life. What could this mean? It’s high time for her to take care of herself and her life. It's time to live for yourself, and not for your other half, and then it will immediately become clear whether her man has feelings for her. If he doesn’t show himself in any way, there’s no point in fighting for the relationship.

Why do you dream of a closed lock in a man’s hand? He is most likely despotic and practically does not understand the needs of his companion. For him there is no compromise in decisions, he simply crushes the girl with his power, there is no talk of love and passion in such relationships.

Why do you dream about a door lock according to other dream books?

The big dream book says that door or padlocks in a dream are synonymous with future problems and obstacles. If you open something with a key, or lock something, you have an enemy and he will soon reveal his insidious plans. It is simply impossible to be prepared for them, because the enemy has been hatching these plans for quite a long time.

If you break a lock in a dream, your impulses of feelings and your desire to help will simply be ridiculed. If you buy a castle, you will prevail over your rival and you should take a close look at your surroundings; one of your friends has long had her eye on your man.

Grishina’s dream book says that seeing several complex locks on a door means exaggerating problems; in fact, they are all solvable, and it is enough to listen to the advice of your best friend, who has been offering you his help for a long time. If an unmarried woman dreams of a door swinging open in front of her, a wedding is quite likely in the coming year.

If a man dreams that his keys no longer fit the lock on the door, his relationship is in question. Most likely, he himself is to blame for this, because he did not pay attention to his soulmate. She meekly waited for him to show initiative and then simply refused to continue the relationship. If a man dreams that he has found the key to a door unfamiliar to him, he will meet a beautiful stranger who will brighten up his loneliness.

Whatever appears to you in your dreams. It is worth remembering that real life awaits you in reality, and it is you who will be responsible for the consequences of words and actions in real life. Therefore, use the hints of dreams and get the maximum pleasure from life, even if it prepares unpleasant surprises for you, because this is also an experience.

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Sleep is a mysterious phenomenon that has always aroused great interest among both ordinary people and psychologists, psychics and other specialists. Naturally, there is a desire to decipher night visions. So, it will help many people to decipher it.

Traditional interpretation

Quite often people dream about the Dream Interpretation interpreting this vision as a harbinger of future troubles or obstacles to achieving goals. If you directly interact with the object (trying to open or close), then you should be more attentive to your surroundings. Most likely, someone is jealous of you or trying to cause you trouble.

If your lock breaks in a dream, then be prepared for the fact that you will soon find yourself in an extremely unpleasant situation. Most likely, they will not want to present you in the best light. But you shouldn’t be too upset about the meanness of others, because there are loving people nearby who will always support and help you find a way out of the situation.

Despite the fact that every day we come across new and beautiful things, a barn lock (covered with rust or moss) can be completely unexpected. Despite initial fears, this vision promises you good luck in business or a pleasant trip. If you rip off or throw away the lock, then you will not be able to achieve the desired success.

Interpretation from the Jewish dream book

If you ever saw a door lock in a dream, then this is probably connected with some kind of aspirations. So, if it turns out to be locked, then, most likely, you have not been able to achieve what you wanted for too long, and therefore you will lose interest in this issue. If you dream of a castle opening, then expect new interesting acquaintances.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller had his own opinion about dreams in which a castle is present. He interpreted this vision as a harbinger of some kind of confusion or awkward situation. We can also talk about unexpected problems or obstacles if you are currently busy with some serious business.

Miller associated the opening of the castle with the fact that the secret could become apparent. In this particular case, we are talking about the fact that there is some kind of enemy or pest in your environment. But very soon you will be able to reveal his bad intentions and avoid danger.

A broken lock that you cannot open or close is a harbinger of failure. Quite often this is interpreted as impending humiliation or public insult (especially if you are currently in love). As for work issues and trips, they will be unsuccessful.

Interpretation according to an ancient dream book

The ancients believed that if you see a castle in a dream, you will be faced with some kind of secret. Most often this is associated with matters of the heart. If you are trying to open a lock, this does not mean that you will be able to expose someone. Most likely, your lie or secret will be revealed. Also beware of outsiders interfering in your personal affairs.

All people associate security and reliability with a castle. The dream book says that you strive by any means to protect people dear to you from danger or ill-wishers. If the lock does not work and does not open, then this indicates that you are tormented by some kind of anxiety or doubt.

Sigmund Freud's opinion

As you know, Freud believed that all human actions and thoughts are associated with sexual desire. He put the same meaning into the interpretation of dreams. So, if in a dream a woman tries to close the lock, then she is afraid of pregnancy. If a man locks the lock, then he has a fear of failure in the intimate sphere. But if the opposite effect occurs, then, most likely, the person regrets the failed connection.

If the lock has been broken or there is rust or other signs of corrosion on it, then it is quite possible that this is a harbinger of diseases in the genital area. It can also be a symbol of an unplanned pregnancy. In some cases, the castle is a reflection of stagnation in the intimate sphere.

Interpretation according to the Assyrian dream book

The Assyrians are an ancient, wise people who knew many secrets. So, they interpreted such a vision as a castle in their own way. The dream book indicates that such a phenomenon indicates that there are certain obstacles on the way to achieving your goals.

Another interpretation of the dream may be that some hidden knowledge and abilities are being formed in you, which you must find application for. Also, a lock can be evidence that you are currently safe, or, on the contrary, that you need someone’s protection.

What Nostradamus said

If we consider that Nostradamus quite accurately predicted the future, then there is every reason to trust his dream book. He considered the castle a symbol of obstacles and obstacles, as well as hesitation and indecision. If it was of some interesting and unusual shape, then you may be drawn into some complex and confusing matter.

If you are trying to close the door, then this symbolizes your desire to escape from reality. Most likely, you want to isolate yourself from the problems that have piled up or from communicating with unpleasant people. If you see yourself or with your help falling to the floor, then some secret will soon be revealed to you.

If in your dream the lock was broken, then you should expect betrayal or meanness from close people and friends. If, while trying to insert the key, you notice the absence of a well, this means that you should temper your pride and accept help from the people who offer it.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Not only ordinary people, but also the powers that be, regularly dream about something. It is worth noting that famous historical figures have always paid serious attention to night visions, believing that they can predict the future or warn about future events. So at the court of Catherine the Great there were people whose duties included interpreting the empress’s dreams. Based on their findings and conclusions, a whole dream book was compiled.

An ordinary door or barn lock foretells that you will experience not very pleasant events. It could also mean that you will find yourself in an extremely awkward situation.

Closing or opening a lock is a warning that an enemy is lurking in your surroundings. You may be harmed by a person whom you would never suspect of such intentions. Sometimes such a dream indicates that someone is striving to take your place in the sun. This can apply to both career and personal life. Be more selective in your connections and acquaintances.

If you are trying to pick up keys in a dream or insert them into a lock, then this is a reason to think about the situation on the personal front. Such a dream may be evidence that your feelings are not reciprocated, or that your significant other does not have serious intentions for a future together. Be careful, because you may be seriously offended or even humiliated. Well, if you broke it while trying to open the lock, then expect drastic changes in your life.

Interpretation from the dream book of magicians and sorcerers

The castle is considered a sign of future difficulties and problems. But if you see keys in a dream, then the solution will be very simple. Most likely, a friend or stranger will appear in your life who will help you resolve a difficult situation.

If you are on lockdown, then most likely you are too tired of the problems and complexities of the world around you. You need to retire for a while to collect your thoughts and relax mentally. If in your dream you are diligently trying to open the lock, then most likely you will have to meet with a closed and mysterious person who is difficult to get into a frank conversation.

Interpretation according to the eastern dream book

The East has always been associated with centuries-old traditions and wisdom, and therefore many people turn to Islamic knowledge if they need to interpret a dream. So, you most often dream of a castle when there is a person in your life who you can rely on in any situation. Also, this vision may symbolize that you will soon acquire a true friend.

Trying to open a lock means that you are being haunted by some obstacles or anxieties that you want to get rid of. If you manage to open the door, then don’t worry - all problems will soon be resolved.

What Vanga said

Vanga was a great seer and healer. It is not surprising that dream interpretation was a common activity for her. Speaking of castles, she, like many other sages, believed that they were a symbol of obstacles and problems. If you open a locked door, you can be sure that you will soon find an enemy in your immediate circle. But if the lock turns out to be broken, beware of insults and humiliation.

If in a dream you make a purchase of a castle, then most likely you will be able to defeat your rival or competitor (in work or love matters). If the item turns out to be rusty and old, then this is not a bad omen at all. Such a dream means that any trips taken in the near future will be very successful.

Many people mistakenly believe that if you throw away a lock in a dream, then in reality you can get rid of your problems. In fact, this means failure in business. If in a dream you spied on someone, then you should be less talkative. It is quite possible that you will inadvertently reveal someone's secret, putting both yourself and this person in a very awkward position.

If you dreamed that someone was peeking through the keyhole at you, then expect gossip and gossip. There are people around you who will meticulously study your life, bringing all its details to public court.

Probably everyone has ever seen how a drunk person cannot open a door, but misses the keyhole. If you had such a dream, then people on whom you really counted will let you down. But you should not be offended, because this will not be done intentionally, but due to external circumstances.

English dream book

The British interpret such a dream in their own way. A door with a lock on it means that certain obstacles will await you on the path to success. At the same time, if you don’t have the keys, then most likely you will not be able to achieve your goal. But this does not mean that you should stop and stop working, because every person is able to change his destiny.

Vision takes on a completely different meaning if you have the keys. This is a completely favorable dream. A door without a lock is also a good omen. This means that there will be no obstacles in your way, or you can easily overcome them, continuously moving forward. Also, such dreams promise success on the love front.

Modern interpretation of sleep

Most dream books were compiled quite a long time ago. Modern life, its pace and rhythm make its own adjustments, and therefore night visions can also be interpreted somewhat differently. So, if you dreamed of a castle, then in real life some kind of confusion or awkward situation awaits you.

If you easily managed to open the door, this does not mean it will be done quickly. Most likely, in your environment you will expose a person who wishes you harm and is plotting intrigues. Boys and girls in love dream of a castle, indicating that their happiness will be overshadowed by the appearance of a rival.

If all attempts to open the lock in a dream were in vain, then this is a harbinger of failure. In the near future, you should not take on new serious affairs or start a romantic relationship. When communicating with friends and family, you should be especially careful to avoid misunderstandings and quarrels.

Interpretation of sleep for lovers

If all your thoughts are occupied with your significant other, then your dreams will most likely be related to matters of the heart. If you saw a castle, then a situation will soon occur that will make you doubt your partner’s feelings or your own.

Any manipulation of the door (opening or closing) indicates that your relationship will be overshadowed by a rival (or rival). If in a dream you managed to fulfill your plans, then no one will destroy your strong union. If the lock turns out to be inoperative, then your current relationship will not bring you anything good.

We analyze the vision in which the Shutter was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

When you dream of a door lock in your dreams, it is a symbol of the strong internal limitations that you have. Psychology interprets a dream in which you see a castle as evidence that you were raised by despotic parents who tried to limit and regulate your free will as much as possible. As a result, you have developed a powerful negative internal control that prevents free development and self-expression. To see a castle - you are trying to exclude from your life certain potential opportunities that are opening up to you, to “lock yourself out” from them, because, due to the attitudes inherent in you, you believe that you are unworthy of it.

Castle according to Maly Velesov's dream book

Seeing a castle - constipation - means you need to humble your emotions and remain silent in some situation. If you can do this, you will not have to repent later. When you dream of a castle, it predicts various troubles for you; if the lock was locked and hung on the door, you may encounter insurmountable obstacles in business. Sometimes a castle in a dream is a warning that you need to be wary of the machinations of enemies or possible theft or robbery. Opening a lock in a dream means you will have a conversation with a very stingy person. If you dream of a broken lock on a door, life changes await you.

The meaning of a dream about a Fortress (Russian folk dream book)

A fabulous symbol of dreams of wealth and a cloudless life. Seeing in a dream a huge and beautiful castle that hovers above the ground means inflated claims.

Why do you dream about a Castle (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

Seeing - fulfillment of desires; to enter is unexpected happiness; living in a castle means wealth; flaming - good consequences; closed gates - interference, obstacles.

Why do you dream about a Castle (Ukrainian dream book by Dmitrenko)

Seeing a castle in a dream - Entering the castle is an unexpected adventure; the castle is on fire - misfortune; live in a beautiful castle and see your wish come true; going to the castle is unexpected happiness; living in a castle means wealth; burning castle - good consequences; the castle gates are closed - some obstacles.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

Seeing a castle in a dream is a good sign. Entering a castle in a dream means pleasant hopes. A burning castle - dreams of sadness.

most often dreams of loss, theft, etc.

To dream about a Castle, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

A door or barn lock symbolizes the inaccessibility of some area or some business or decision to you. If you dream of a lock hanging on a door, it means that you should expect obstacles to your plans and hopes. Perhaps someday you will be able to implement them, but for now the lock hanging on the door suggests that you should be patient and wait for the best moment. You managed to unlock or break the lock, this is a good sign; it predicts successful changes in your life, new love adventures. You dreamed that you tried to close the lock or latch, but you couldn’t, you were worried about it - a warning that no matter how hard you try to keep your secrets, they will still be revealed.

The meaning of the dream about the Royal Mansions (the message of the Tarot cards)

Going beyond the world of things, the sensual aspect of desires.

Why do you dream about a Castle in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

If you saw an unlocked open lock in a dream, this is a symbol of some kind of confusion. You are probably faced with some kind of choice and don’t know what you should decide on or how to act. If you dream of opening or closing a lock, in reality you will soon discover your enemy who is trying to harm you. When a dreamer in love dreams of a castle, this is a positive sign - you will be able to defeat your opponent, you will find a suitable solution for this. In other cases, the castle predicts a successful trip. But if the lock turned out to be broken and did not work, this is a bad warning: the lover will be ridiculed and humiliated in his feelings, and the trip will be unsuccessful and will bring you nothing but grief.

According to spiritual sources, seeing a castle is not a very good dream, predicting various troubles for you. When a lock hangs on a locked door and you do not have a key to it, it means that obstacles will arise in your affairs, obstacles that will prove insurmountable for you. If you dream that you were able to somehow open the lock, the dream is a guarantee that after a certain time, you will be able to find the key to solving your problems.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

To see is to have a wish come true; live in a castle - you will be rich; flaming - good consequences; going inside is unexpected happiness; closed - encounter an obstacle.

The meaning of the dream about the Castle (according to Nostradamus)

It is a symbol of indecision, isolation, obstacles, a barrier on your path to success. If you dream of a lock in which there is no hole, and you cannot insert the key there, the dream characterizes you as an overly arrogant person and predicts that in the near future you will not be able to hope for a quick resolution of your problems. Seeing a beautiful castle, of an unusual shape, for example, some kind of ancient or, on the contrary, overly modernized, in any case, such a castle is a symbol of some interesting events awaiting you in the near future, which you will witness. If in a dream the lock was hanging on the door, and then suddenly broke off and fell, it predicts that you will soon solve the riddle that is tormenting you. Perhaps you will discover some secret or understand the meaning of some prophecy.

Castle in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

It’s a difficult situation, the older the castle, the more neglected it is; look for roots in your past. Walking through the halls and passages, karmic connections come out and old deviations appear. There may be emotional and mental disorders. The liberation from negative karmic clichés is falling apart, collapsing. A beautiful, shining path to achievement is open. Look for your calling.

When you see a door lock - a lock that closes the door - it means that you find yourself or will soon find yourself in a difficult situation for yourself, causing you considerable confusion. You need to make a choice, but you just can’t decide on your decision. If you dream that you are opening or closing a lock, the dream warns that someone is going to harm you. However, you will unravel the intentions of your ill-wishers in time and find a way to destroy his plans and gain the upper hand over him.

Castle - why do you dream in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Lock (door) - Dreaming of a lock hanging on the door - foretells upcoming embarrassment and failure; hanging it - to doubts, lack of trust in people; knocking him down means meeting a lover, amorous entertainment; broken lock - to big changes in life; if in a dream you try to open a lock, but nothing works, then the dream predicts minor troubles and disappointments for you.

Constipation or a deadbolt seen is a harbinger of a quarrel or breakup with a person who is somehow dear to you.

Interpretation of Castles from the Wanderer's dream dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

A castle in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. When you have a dream, this often indicates that in a difficult situation you can count on someone’s protection; a lock turns out to be a sign of your safety. Another dream in which you see a castle also suggests that you should not take part in some event or engage in some business - this path will be prohibited for you. If a woman sees a castle in a dream, the dream often predicts the final break in her love affair.

I had a dream about a Castle (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

You saw a castle; it symbolizes temporary cooling in the sexual area of ​​your life. Most likely, you and your partner will decide to live separately for some time and this will be caused by the fact that certain circumstances of your intimate life will unexpectedly emerge, which you have so far carefully and successfully hidden. However, when you dream of a castle, this does not mean a final break. Don't panic and don't do anything drastic just yet. It is quite possible that when the initial passions subside, everything will return to normal.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Castle according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

Door lock – Success at work

See - a wish will come true - live in a castle - you will be rich - flaming - good consequences - go inside - unexpected happiness

Why did you dream about the Castle according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Castle (palace) – Promotion

Why does a woman dream about a Castle (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

Castle (building) – Being in a castle in a dream foretells the acquisition of a significant fortune. The dream also signifies a strong inclination to travel and professional interest in various nationalities. Leaving the castle in a dream means a possible theft or loss of a loved one.

What to expect if you saw a Castle in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

Seeing a castle is often a symbol of your distrust of a person's proposal or enterprise. Subconsciously, you do not want to take part in it, something seems suspicious to you, and therefore you believe that this door is closed to you. Perhaps, if you have a dream, you should listen to the voice of your own intuition. When is the castle? Which you saw turned out to be broken, it takes on a different meaning and predicts future changes in your life.

The meaning of the dream about the Hook (Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina)

A lock or constipation seen in a dream, perhaps a hook on which a certain door was closed, symbolizes some kind of secret, often associated with secret love affairs, a love affair that you carefully hide from others. And you probably do have good reasons for this. But - beware! Everything secret, sooner or later, becomes clear. That’s why, if you dream that you are closing a lock, it means that your lie will put you in a very awkward position. When you dreamed that you were opening the lock on the contrary - this warns that you are under the influence of others, and this prevents you from thinking intelligently and acting correctly.

The meaning of a dream about a locking mechanism (Assyrian dream book)

If you saw a castle in a dream, it means that at the moment what you want is not available to you. Sometimes a castle can symbolize your own detachment from something; you seek solitude, not allowing anyone into your soul. In some cases, if you dream of a castle, it means that you have some hidden talents, internal abilities that have not yet found their external realization. Finally, a castle in a dream is a symbol that you feel absolutely safe.

Why did I dream about it (interpretation of the Ladies' Dream Book)

A lock (door) in a dream indicates that you are very concerned about the safety or safety of your loved ones. When you dream of a castle, it means that you have some reason for concern, you would like to shelter it from all adversity, hide it, lock it and not give the key to it to anyone. In general, such a desire is understandable, but remember that a person under lock and key considers himself a prisoner. And he only dreams of breaking free. Additionally, your constant state of anxiety can ultimately lead to the development of depression.

Castles in dreams (from the book by Elena Avadyaeva)

If you dreamed of a lock on a door, this warns you of failure and an obstacle.

If you broke the locks, serious changes in life and love adventures await you.

You cannot close and you are worried about this - then your secrets will soon be revealed.

If you open something or close it with a latch, you will have an insidious enemy.

To dream that you bought a castle means you will defeat all your rivals.

If you saw an old, rusty castle in a dream, this portends you a very successful trip.

See also: why do you dream of a door, why do you dream of a window, why do you dream of closing.

What does it mean to dream with a Castle (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, what does a door lock mean in a dream - secrecy, secrecy, in the next interpreter you can find out why this dream is meant. Old castle - you will have to restrain your feelings, fight your emotions.

If in the summer you dreamed that you could not open the lock, it means unrequited love.

In the fall, why did you dream about inserting a lock into the door - to worry about your home and children. Open lock - to a petty thief

In winter, why do you dream of a castle - an insurmountable obstacle, you will have to give up your idea. Opening, unlocking a lock - communicating with a stingy woman.

Vanga's Dream Book

Locking the door in a dream is a sign that your desire to be alone is not yet destined to come true. It is understandable that you would like to reflect on your life in private, but first finish all your business. Trying to open a broken lock in a dream is evidence that fate will soon bring you together with a very closed, lonely person. In various ways you will try to introduce him to social life, but all your attempts to introduce him to new people, get him a job or send him on vacation to a crowded place will end in failure.

If you dreamed of a castle of an unusual shape, then you will have to try very hard to gain the trust of an influential person who, in your opinion, is able to help in conducting business. Seeing a castle without a well in a dream is a harbinger of unsuccessful development of the business you have started. If in a dream not a single key fits the lock that you need to open, then in reality all your conversations with your business partner about extending the loan will be useless. Your company will go bankrupt. Perhaps this dream speaks of futile attempts to make peace with an old friend. Dropping a castle in a dream is a prophecy that you will soon make an irreparable mistake, which your ill-wishers will immediately take advantage of. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of real estate or a change of residence.

English Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of castles represents obstacles that will suddenly appear in front of you when you are achieving success in some business. Seeing locked boxes and desk drawers without keys is a bad dream, especially for traders and lovers. Your goal, your hopes will remain nothing more than pleasant and sweet dreams.

The meaning of the dream changes if in a dream you find the keys to the locks and unlock them: your destiny will be prosperity, rise to new heights, you are destined for new property and other acquisitions. For girls or boys, the dream says that they have forever captured the heart of their lover or beloved, and therefore they need to love and cherish him or her tenderly.

Family Dream Book

Dreams about castles foreshadow obstacles and confusion in business. Closed locks mean that your affairs will go badly. It’s good if you manage to open the lock in a dream. This means that in life you will successfully cope with obstacles in your path. If you dream that the locks in your house, garage or car are open, although you know for sure that you closed them, then expect unexpected troubles. Such a dream predicts danger for you and calls for vigilance. If you find in a dream that the lock does not work or is broken, expect trouble and resentment. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a risky business can turn out to be profitable. See interpretation: Lock, Gate.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming of a castle brings confusion. Opening or closing a lock - such a dream means: you will soon find out that someone is trying to ruin your life. For lovers, the dream means that they will find a way to defeat their opponent. The dream also predicts a successful trip. A non-functional castle that appears in a dream warns that in love you will experience ridicule and humiliation; a risky journey will not be profitable. Fastening a lock on your bride's jewelry - this dream foretells that you will doubt her fidelity, but future events will not leave a trace of unrest. Also see Keyhole, Key, Latch, Door.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The castle represents indecision, isolation, obstacles, barriers. If in a dream you locked the door, this indicates that you are tormented by spiritual emptiness, you are trying to get away from solving problems. A broken castle dreams of betrayal of friends. I dreamed of a castle without a well - such a dream speaks of your excessive arrogance. It will cause you to not be able to solve the problem in the near future. A castle of an unusual shape portends that you will witness some interesting events. If you dreamed of a fallen castle, it means that you will be able to reveal some secret or prophecy.

Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a castle in a dream means confusion, bewilderment. If the lock opens easily: You will become aware that a certain person wishes you harm. If you are in love: You will find a way to cope with your opponent. You will also make a profitable trip. If the lock does not open, failure awaits you in matters of the heart, and risky travel will not bring you any benefit. Fastening a lock on your lover’s chain or bracelet: a sign that you doubt her fidelity, but future events will dispel your doubts.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

A lock, a bolt, a deadbolt - this is a person you can trust. And if the prisoner sees that he has opened the lock, he will be released from prison. If a sad person does this, his sadness will disappear. Locks also indicate carelessness. Allah Almighty says: Why don’t they reflect on the Koran? Or are there shutters on their hearts? (47:24) Sometimes a constipation or deadbolt seen in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected obstacles and obstacles on your way.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you saw a door or padlock, such a dream symbolizes a temporary cooling towards the sexual sphere of your life. It is likely that this will be caused by unexpectedly emerging circumstances of your intimate life, which you carefully hid from others. The danger in this case will come from the side where you are not expecting it. This dream probably also foreshadows forced loneliness.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The castle represents a classic stereotype (ilnoyu, maternal, simplifying, limiting, regulating influence. Symbolizes powerful negative internal control or superego, preventing free development and self-expression.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A castle dreams of barriers on your way, troubles. Closing something on him in a dream - such a dream speaks of your distrust of the people around you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Lock (mechanism) – padlock – prohibition; protection, safety. Close - for a woman, a break in a love affair.

Dream visions in which you dreamed of a castle are informative. By looking into a dream book, you can find out what such a plot means and what to expect in the future. Often, looking at a castle in a dream means difficulties in your work will arise. Great importance is given to whether it was open or not.

Did you dream of a door with a closed lock? A universal dream book foretells significant difficulties in work. It is likely that all started enterprises will fail. If the lock was opened, this means you will be able to overcome all troubles and successfully achieve your planned goals. A broken door lock promises problems and grief. Sometimes a similar vision can predict an unforeseen turn of events. An enterprise, the results of which were supposed to be unsuccessful, unexpectedly for everyone will be crowned with success.

Why do you dream about a castle according to different dream books?

Did you happen to lock the doors in your night dreams? According to Vanga’s interpretation, in reality a lonely, boring life awaits. Even despite the many urgent matters, it is imperative to find free time for yourself in order to sort out your own thoughts and think through the further course of action.

Did you open a keyhole with a key in a dream? According to Vanga’s dream book, you will meet a person living a boring and secluded life. You will probably try your best to bring out the talents of your newly made friend, but all attempts will not bring the long-awaited result. The dream book gives advice to postpone these issues for later, and start doing your business.

Vanga's dream book explains why an ancient castle with a unique appearance is seen in a night dream. If you manage to reveal it, in reality you will be able to gain trust in a high-ranking person, relationships with whom will have a positive impact on your career growth.

Dreamed of a lock that doesn't have a keyhole? The work you started just recently will not bring the desired results, despite your desire.

When in a dream you were unable to open the lock, due to the fact that none of the keys you used fit into it, this means that the next negotiations on work issues will not be useful. In addition, the business you want to make money on will unexpectedly fail. An additional interpretation of what such content in a dream means - all attempts to improve relationships with your soulmate will be pointless.

If you saw a castle in a dream, as if it had fallen from your hands, it means, according to the dream book, you will commit incorrect actions in real life, the consequences of which you will not be able to correct. Your enemies will take advantage of this and will be able to ruin our current state of affairs. An additional option for what this plot seems to mean is that your loved one or relative will stop trusting you.

According to interpreter Miller, the castle indicates confusion. Carry out any actions in a dream with a castle for the upcoming identification of enemies among the close circle. For lovers, such content may portend the discovery of a way to defeat a competitor. Moreover, you will be on a successful journey in the upcoming future.

When the key in the lock breaks in a dream, be prepared to feel humiliation from your lover in real life. Difficulties in relationships can lead to severe depression.

An ancient castle seen in a dream indicates the need to remember old mistakes and evaluate them in detail. Perhaps thanks to this it will be possible to predict the error.

As the dream book explains, a bluish castle foretells a tour abroad. The road will be long and exciting.

Did you see a padlock? According to the dream interpreter Morozov, in reality you will be sad and yearn. A period of grief is coming that will not last long.

One of the interpreters gives an explanation of why a barn castle is dreamed of. Such a symbol portends financial wealth. Looking closely into a well hole in a dream to reveal in reality someone else's secret. The secret will become known to you unexpectedly. Try to do everything possible so as not to reveal other people's secrets. After all, their disclosure can cause harm to the dreamer himself.


In dreams, we sometimes happen to see different phenomena, even the most unusual ones. For example, a fabulous old castle or palace is a rare sight in reality, but in a dream it is not at all surprising. The dream book knows and will tell you why you dream of a castle, even the most unusual one, and everything that happened in it.

Or maybe you dreamed of a door lock, a padlock or a regular one? Did you try to open or close it, did it break or something else? This is also an interesting symbol that has very interesting meanings. All this is easy to decipher with the help of dream books, you just have to remember a number of details. Eg:

  • The palace is beautiful or gloomy.
  • To be in it, to live or to get there by accident.
  • Get lost in the castle.
  • Door, padlock, key.
  • Open it with a key or close it.
  • Broken lock in a dream.

This list is short, and of course, your options can be anything. In any case, remember everything, and you will definitely find your dream scenario in the dream book and be able to interpret it!

Lock, unlock...

The dream book will tell you what it means and why you dream about a lock, an iron padlock or a door, broken, closed or open, which can be opened with a key.

The closed or open lock itself indicates your inner world. If it is wide open, maybe you should be a little more reserved and not trust your secrets to everyone around you, so as not to be disappointed later? A closed inner world and isolation also does not lead to happiness; you should trust and open up to loved ones who love you.

If you yourself had to close it with a key, this is a clear hint that you are fenced off from the surrounding reality and do not want to let it into you. This is a sign of fear, that's all. Of course, it’s more comfortable this way - however, closed and withdrawn behavior will not bring you complete happiness. Learn to trust the Universe, it will not let you down!

Unlocked doors in a dream indicate great opportunities ahead of you. In other words, all doors are open to you! Take action, seize your opportunities and don't miss the chance. Now is a great period when you will succeed, just gain confidence and start moving towards your goal!

Removing a padlock from a door, especially using a key, is a symbol with sexual overtones. Love joys and pleasure from mutual strong feelings await you. You will literally bathe in love!

But a broken lock or key promises big life changes ahead. It's time to change something in the established routine! And the Universe favors this. Don’t hinder change, on the contrary, change yourself and change your life, it will become happier for you!

Opening a door in a dream means that in reality you will achieve great success in some new activity or new project. Don’t be afraid of the new and unknown, don’t hold on to the old and familiar! Try yourself in something new, take risks, learn, gain experience. This way you will achieve very good results, and the results will pleasantly surprise you!

If you dreamed of a lock that you were breaking, it’s time for decisive action. You are not one of those who retreat before a closed door, and you will knock on it until the end. These are excellent strong-willed qualities, and your strength, if used correctly, will give you excellent results. Be determined and don’t give up, even if you don’t succeed the first time!

Palace vaults

Dream books perfectly describe why you dream about a castle, an ancient building that is associated with fairy tales and antiquity. Let's see the interpretation?

If you dream of a castle with very beautiful architecture, ancient and luxurious, pompous and magnificent, this means that your dreams will come true soon in reality. And your fantasies will suddenly come true! Dream boldly - and believe that the Universe hears requests and fulfills them, if only you believe and trust it.

Going inside, walking through the halls is a symbol of changes in your personal life, something new. If you are single, it won't be for long, soon you will be in a relationship. And if you have a partner, then you will develop and deepen your relationship with him, find new points of contact and discover something.

As the dream book describes, the castle that belonged to you in the dream indicates that your healthy and sober self-confidence will be beneficial. You are confident in your abilities, and this is your main weapon! Don't lose this faith, but don't take it to the extreme. And then you will achieve exactly what your heart wants so badly.

If you get lost in its halls and mansions, then you should do a little digging within yourself. You are actually lost in yourself, in your subconscious, thoughts, feelings and desires. It’s worth thinking, relaxing, meditating and putting your thoughts in order. Rest a little, vanity is harmful to you.

If the palace in a dream moves, spins, floats or flies, it means that many wonderful opportunities are now open to you. All you need to do is look carefully, be more observant, and then you will find exactly the door that will lead to success and happiness.

As the dream book says, the castle is old and destroyed - this is a sign that you will soon decide to return to old, abandoned plans and projects and bring them to completion. That's the right decision. In fact, higher powers are telling you that this is how you can solve your problems. Past ideas and plans that you abandoned have what you are looking for.

If you dream of a castle that is bright, clean, bright and residential, it’s time to mobilize your strength. The time has come for active, decisive and even risky actions! But sitting and waiting is simply contraindicated now. Act boldly now!

If you were sailing or walking towards a palace that was visible in the distance, you have chosen the right path to your goal. You already know how to achieve a happy life, well-being and self-realization. Take action!

As the dream book explains, a castle that is built in the middle of the water or next to a body of water means peace, tranquility and harmony. Next to you are the right people, true friends, always ready to help. You should not worry or worry, now everything is happening as planned from above, and your happiness is next to you.

Have you knocked on palace gates or doors? Know that you are not alone. If you need support or help, it will definitely come to you. Don't be a loner and don't be afraid to ask for help! Living in a beautiful palace is a symbol of imminent happiness. The life you dream of awaits you, it will soon become your reality!

Good dreams always come true if you believe in them. Use the advice that the interpreter gives, be wise and know that you are the creator of your happy reality!


Jewish dream book

Why dream of a Castle - A locked castle means the disappearance of any desire to get what you have been striving for for a long time. Opening the lock - someone will want to get to know you.

Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Castle - A door or padlock portends troubles and all sorts of obstacles. If you open or lock something, this means that in reality it will soon be discovered that you have an enemy and a spiteful critic, do not trust him! A broken lock means that you will be ridiculed and humiliated by unworthy people, and only love will save you from despair. Buying a castle in a dream means gaining the upper hand over your rival. An old, rusty castle portends a successful trip. Throwing it away means the journey you have undertaken will not bring you the desired joy. A lock on a bracelet or chain foreshadows doubts about the fidelity of your chosen one, but you will have the opportunity to see that they are groundless. A zipper on shoes or clothes - for many purchases, on a handbag or wallet - for a waste of money or its loss. If in a dream you look through the keyhole in someone else's door, it means that in reality you will let someone down, unwittingly giving away their secret. Seeing someone peeping through a keyhole means that people posing as your friends, but who are not, will shamelessly delve into your family relationships, looking for any dirt on your husband. Seeing a drunk person in a dream, unable to get the key into the keyhole, means that a friend will let you down, but not intentionally, but due to unfortunate circumstances.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream about a Castle - a bolt, a hook - some kind of secret (secret love affairs). To close it - your lies will put you in an unpleasant position. Open - someone else's influence can prevent you from acting correctly.

American dream book

Why do you dream of a Castle - A castle in a dream can mean an inability to get what you want or detachment from something. It is possible that some ability is hidden inside and needs external expression. A lock can also be a symbol of security.

Home dream book

Why dream of a Lock (door) - the desire to save or protect loved ones or something. A broken lock means anxiety about possible loss; fasten a clasp on a girl’s necklace or bracelet - you want to completely control her actions or protect her from worries.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream Interpretation Lock (door) - You dream of a lock (mortise or padlock) - some event will lead you to a state of confusion; you will not feel entirely comfortable. It’s as if you are opening or closing a lock - the dream warns: someone from your environment is deliberately harming you; it is likely that they want to take your place; Pay attention to which of your subordinates began to visit their superiors more often than usual. One of the lovers dreams that he is opening or closing a lock - this person may not be afraid of the machinations of his opponent. The lock seems to not obey the key - perhaps the key does not fit - they will laugh rudely at your sincerity in love; you (with all your high spiritual qualities) will feel humiliated; another interpretation of the dream: you have a trip ahead, but it will not be successful. The lock is broken - you can expect changes in your life. You fasten the clasp on the bracelet - there were moments in love that alarmed you; you doubted your beloved’s fidelity and in vain; all your doubts will soon dissipate. You unfasten the clasp on the bracelet - in the near future you will have reasons not to trust your beloved; If she's not cheating on you, she's seriously considering it.

Magic dream book

Why do you dream of a Castle (constipation) - complex but solvable problems. A lock with a folded shackle is a friend who needs help, a lock with a key inside is a secret collaboration. Hanging a lock on the door means a desire for privacy for a while. Trying to open a lock means meeting a closed, unsociable person. A new lock of a strange shape - the trust of an influential person. If the key does not fit the lock, there are disagreements with business partners.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Dream Interpretation Castle (on the door) - The dream means a successful journey and love victories. Imagine that you are closing a lock and putting the key in your pocket.

Star dream book

Dream Interpretation Door lock - they will woo you in love.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about a lock, a lock, a deadbolt - this is a person you can trust. And if the prisoner sees that he has opened the lock, he will be released from prison. If a sad person does this, his sadness will disappear. Locks also indicate carelessness. Allah Almighty says: “Why don’t they reflect on the Koran? Are there seals in their hearts? (Sura, Muhammad, 24). Sometimes a constipation or deadbolt seen in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected obstacles and obstacles on your way.

English dream book

Why do you dream about a Castle, a deadbolt - Locks have a dual nature: they can be used both to protect against intrusion and to lock the Why do you dream about: Was there a castle at the entrance to your house, not letting in uninvited guests? If it was at the home of a friend or family member, then perhaps you are concerned about their safety? Dreams in which padlocks appear indicate anxiety about the safety of your property. Have you had anything stolen in the past? Doesn't your subconscious mind suggest taking care of the safety of your property? If you deadbolt your door, you may feel like you're "locking up the stable when the horses have bolted." Have you let an opportunity slip away?

Old Russian dream book

Why do you dream about a castle?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing a castle in a dream means:

A castle is a symbol of indecision, isolation, barrier, obstacles.
A dream in which you lock the door means spiritual emptiness and an attempt to escape from solving problems.
Seeing a broken lock in a dream is a betrayal of friends.
Seeing a castle without a well in a dream means you are too arrogant, so you may not count on a quick solution to the problem in the near future.
If in a dream you saw a castle of an unusual shape, you will witness events.
Seeing a fallen castle in a dream means that in reality you will be able to unravel some secret or prophecy.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream with a castle in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing a castle in a dream means confusion.
If you open or close a lock, it means that you will soon discover that someone is harming you.
If you are in love, you will find a way to defeat your opponent. In addition, you will have a successful trip.
If you see that the lock does not work, you will be ridiculed and humiliated in love, and a risky journey will not bring you benefits.
Fastening the clasp on your bride's necklace and bracelet foretells that you will have doubts about her fidelity, but subsequent events will completely destroy them.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dreaming about a castle means:

Dream book Meneghetti

Castle dream meaning:

English dream book

What does it mean if you dream of a castle:

Seeing castles in a dream means that unexpected obstacles await you on the path to success. If you see locked boxes and desk drawers to which there are no keys, then this dream bodes ill for everyone, especially a sales person or a lover: you will not achieve your goal. Your hopes are pleasant and sweet, but they will never come true. If in a dream you find keys to locks and open them, then this changes the meaning of your dream. You will succeed, gain, master, rise up. Girl or boy! You have forever stolen the heart of your lover (or beloved), and it will not be able to break free. From now on, love and cherish him dearly.

Miller's Dream Book

What a castle might mean in a dream:

Seeing yourself in a castle means that you will be the owner; a significant fortune, enough to live the way you want. This dream will tell you that you have intentions to become a great traveler, there is a thirst for communication with people of many nationalities.
Seeing an old castle overgrown with ivy means a penchant for romantic tastes. You must be careful to enter into a suitable marriage or training. After such a dream, your commercial affairs may decline.
To dream that you are leaving the castle means that you will be robbed or you will lose someone close to you.

French dream book

Castle in a dream means:

A dream about a castle is a good sign. Entering a castle in a dream means pleasant hopes. A burning castle - dreams of sadness. If you dream of a siege of an impregnable castle, then the dream foreshadows your victory over some ill-wishers.

French dream book

If you dream of a castle, it means:

Small dream book

Seeing a castle in a dream means confusion and misunderstandings. If in a dream the lock opens easily, then you will know that a certain person wishes you harm. If you are in love, then you will find a way to cope with your opponent. You will also make a profitable trip. If in a dream you cannot open the lock, then beware of disappointment in love and risky travel. A dream in which you fasten a clasp on some piece of jewelry that your beloved is wearing means that you doubted her fidelity, but your suspicions will turn out to be completely unfounded.

Azar's Dream Book

Castle in a dream from Ukrainian dream book

Castle in a dream from Esoteric dream book

A difficult situation, the older the castle, the more neglected, look for roots in its past. Walking through the halls and passages - karmic connections come out and old deviations appear. There may be emotional and mental disorders. Falling apart, collapsing - liberation from negative karmic clichés. Beautiful, shining - the path to achievement is open. Look for your calling.

Castle in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

If you dream of an ancient castle in the form of a fortress with towers and a drawbridge, this portends the fulfillment of desires. Living in it means that over time you will own a significant fortune and will have the opportunity to live in accordance with your own desires and tastes.

Wandering around the castle completely alone means you are threatened with arrest and imprisonment. Walking along it with a guide portends unexpected happiness.

Standing in front of a closed castle means encountering obstacles in reality. If the castle is neglected and overgrown with greenery, you should consult a doctor without relying on self-medication. A ruined castle foreshadows heated debates on political topics.

Seeing a castle on fire in a dream promises the most positive consequences of the changes that have come in your life.

To be the owner of a castle in a dream means to win a court case and thus finally disgrace one’s slanderers.

Experiencing boredom and satiety while living in a castle - such a dream portends a serious illness. Leaving the castle while going on a trip means that in reality you will be robbed or robbed on a tip from people around you.

Castle in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

A door or padlock portends troubles and all sorts of obstacles. If you open or lock something, this means that in reality it will soon be discovered that you have an enemy and a spiteful critic, do not trust him!

A broken lock means that you will be ridiculed and humiliated by unworthy people, and only love will save you from despair.

Buying a castle in a dream means gaining the upper hand over your rival.

An old, rusty castle portends a successful trip.

Throwing it away - the journey undertaken will not bring you the desired joy. A lock on a bracelet or chain foreshadows doubts about the fidelity of your chosen one, but you will have the opportunity to see that they are groundless.

A zipper on shoes or clothes - for many purchases, on a handbag or wallet - for a waste of money or its loss.

If in a dream you look through the keyhole in someone else's door, it means that in reality you will let someone down, unwittingly giving away their secret.

Seeing someone peeping through a keyhole means that people posing as your friends, but who are not, will shamelessly delve into your family relationships, looking for any dirt on your husband. Seeing a drunk person in a dream, unable to get the key into the keyhole, means that a friend will let you down, but not intentionally, but due to unfortunate circumstances.

Castle in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

An elegant castle or palace means success, promotion, and the desire to live on a grand scale.

An ancient, medieval castle is a call not to be led by your romantic hobbies, but to soberly approach solutions to problems of marriage, education, place of residence, etc.

Loneliness in an ancient castle means illness.

Knowing that you are the owner of a castle means great material well-being.

A ruined old castle symbolizes unrealistic dreams or unpleasant political events.

Leaving the castle means loss of income or separation from loved ones.

Castle in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Girls

Castle in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Girls