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Endometrial hyperplasia treatment. How is glandular endometrial hyperplasia treated with folk remedies?

A woman's health is fragile. It depends on many factors, each fighting for it in its own way. One of the purely female diseases is endometrial hyperplasia. How serious is it and what could be the consequences? How to prevent recurrence of the disease? Is it possible to cure it with folk remedies, without the use of chemicals?

Causes and how to treat endometrial hyperplasia

The endometrium is the inner mucous layer of the uterus, completely lining it and supplied with a circulatory system. It is to this that the embryo attaches during pregnancy and begins to develop.

Endometrial hyperplasia is the growth of the inner layer of the uterus as a result of an imbalance in the body or genetic predisposition.

There is also endometriosis - it differs from hyperplasia in that formations in the uterine lining do not affect or change cells. Unlike endometriosis, which manifests itself when immunity declines, hyperplasia is mainly caused by hormonal disorders. Natural thickening of the endometrium occurs regularly during a woman’s monthly cycle. In addition, even at the thickening stage, the growth of cells is regulated due to their death (apoptosis), which prevents the endometrium from growing more than necessary.

A normal cycle looks like this:

  • Proliferation - thickening of the endometrium due to cell growth and fluid retention in the cells;
  • Secretion - the endometrium matures and is ready for possible fertilization of the egg;
  • Desquamation is the rejection of the endometrium if fertilization does not occur.

All this happens under the influence of two main female hormones - progesterone (responsible for secretion) and estrogen (responsible for proliferation). If suddenly the cycle was anovulatory (the egg was not released), then the endometrium is exposed to prolonged effects at the proliferation stage, cell growth is not regulated, as a result of which hyperplasia occurs.

The main reasons for this scenario could be:

  • Hormonal changes before menopause;
  • Hormonal disorders in which estrogen is increased and progesterone is decreased;
  • Complications after abortion, frequent abortions;
  • Impaired functioning of the adrenal cortex;
  • Cystic ovarian degeneration, ovarian cancer;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Some extragenital diseases;
  • Heredity.

Strong hormonal changes are characteristic not only of menopause, but also of adolescence (12-14 years). This may indicate that almost any hormonal imbalance can cause endometrial hyperplasia.

Concomitant diseases may include obesity, dysfunction of the liver, thyroid gland, hypertension, and diseases of the mammary glands.

Types and symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia and treatment with folk remedies

There are two types of endometrial hyperplasia: diffuse and focal (local). Diffuse spreads over the entire area of ​​the endometrium, focal has the form of polyps. The focal form mainly appears in places of natural thickening of the endometrium - at the bottom and in the corners of the organ. Polyps grow on stalks; they are formed from glandular and fibrous tissue, as well as from stromal tissue.

The general classification of endometrial hyperplasia includes 5 main forms:

  • Glandular – glandular cells are affected, but the contents of the glands are released freely;
  • Glandular-cystic - due to severe proliferation, the tubular glands are not able to release the mucus they contain, the cells swell and take the form of cysts;
  • Cystic - the glands take the form of bubbles;
  • Atypical form (adenomatosis) - the appearance and growth of atypical cells in the endometrium; with this pathology, it is said about possible degeneration into a cancerous tumor.

Each of this form can develop into a cancerous tumor, but this happens rarely. This mainly happens with the atypical type if proper treatment is not carried out.

Signs that directly or indirectly indicate endometrial hyperplasia:

  • Irregular periods;
  • Spotting or excessive discharge;
  • Discharge in the middle of the cycle;
  • Hormonal imbalance, obesity;
  • Drowsiness, fatigue, insomnia;
  • Headache.

You should be wary if the desired pregnancy does not occur or your periods have become painful. Often endometrial hyperplasia does not manifest itself in any way, especially in the early stages. Symptoms may not be clear. A preventive examination will help identify it. Note! Pregnancy may not occur due to a reverse disease called endometrial hypoplasia (too thin layer of mucous membrane). Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out only after consulting a doctor.

Diagnosis and reviews: endometrial hyperplasia

Drug treatment consists of hormonal therapy, surgical treatment is removal of the uterus. The latter is used as a last resort or for an atypical form. Hormonal therapy has contraindications; it is prescribed and carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Several methods are used to determine the disease and make a diagnosis:

  • Intravaginal ultrasound – to determine the thickness of the vaginal walls;
  • Biopsy of a polyp or from a lesion to analyze for possible oncology;
  • Echosalpingography – allows you to see all lesions, polyps, nodes and cysts;
  • Hysteroscopy – examination of the uterine cavity using an endoscope;
  • Curettage - to remove and study altered cells;
  • Radioisotope research using radioactive phosphorus - to determine the foci of the disease.

These methods are used individually and in combination, which makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Depending on the severity and form, drug or surgical treatment, and sometimes a combination of both, is chosen. Traditional medicine methods, herbal medicine, and homeopathy are also widely used as treatment.

Borovaya uterus with endometrial hyperplasia: reviews

Many women think about treatment with folk remedies, you can’t blame them for this. However, remember - alternative treatment should complement the main one, and not become the main one! You cannot cure hormonal disorders with nettles alone!

The main means in alternative medicine are traditionally considered to be infusions, decoctions and extracts.

Infusions can be made with alcohol, honey or oil. Flowers, stems, leaves are used, and the root is taken from the red brush. Almost all of these means can be douched. Reviews of such methods vary from disdainful to positive; if you take herbs in moderation, there will be no harm. The main thing is to make sure that you do not have allergies!

Hog queen:

  1. Pour 5 tablespoons of the herb with alcohol or cognac, let it brew in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of raw material with 600 milliliters of boiling water, cover with a towel for 30 minutes. Drink half a cup of the decoction twice a day.
  3. Pour 2 tablespoons of leaves and flowers with 500 milliliters of cold water, boil for 15-20 minutes, let cool. Take 50 grams 2-3 times a day.

Such treatment is permissible only with the consent of the doctor.

Endometrial hyperplasia disease: treatment with folk remedies and reviews

Endometrial hyperplasia is treated with celandine, peony, plantain and many other medicinal herbs. At an early stage, the disease is easily curable with their help.

Red brush:

  1. Take 50 grams of crushed root for half a liter of vodka and let it steep for 30 days.
  2. Take 30 drops half an hour before meals, course 30 days.
  3. There is a break of 15 days between courses.
  4. 1 tablespoon of herb is poured into 300 milliliters of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, drink throughout the day.

Nettle: pour 200 grams of nettle with 500 milliliters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks. Take a teaspoon 2 times a day. 2 tablespoons per 2 cups of boiling water, brew for 15 minutes. Cool, strain, drink in small sips throughout the day.

Unconventional treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes should be under the strict supervision of a gynecologist. Any proliferation of endometrial cells is a background disease that can develop into cancer.

Traditional medicine helps the body get rid of toxins and helps restore proper cell function. Especially It is good to use herbal medicine to prevent relapses of endometrial hyperplasia.

Natural remedies perfectly cleanse the blood and liver, which in turn slows down proliferative processes in the body, such as endometrial hyperplasia and others. What does Mother Nature recommend to us?

Traditional methods of treating endometrial hyperplasia

Linseed oil

Drink a tablespoon of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach for a long time - this is a universal means of cleansing the body and restoring many of its functions.

Nettle tincture

Take 100 grams of fresh or dry nettle herb and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka or 70% alcohol. Let it sit for 15 days, shaking the container periodically. Two doses per day, 10 ml before meals, are enough. Take 60–90 days.

Burdock juice

In the spring, pick the burdock along with the roots, wash and squeeze out all its parts. Store in the refrigerator. Drink 10 ml on an empty stomach for a month. The bitterness contained in the juice perfectly cleanses the body and blood vessels of toxins and stops the growth of “sick” cells.

Viburnum infusion

An excellent remedy that combats the causes of endometrial hyperplasia: hypertension, hormonal disorders and stress. Take viburnum berries (to taste), mash them lightly with a fork and pour boiling water over them. Let the berries steep for 10 minutes. Add honey or sugar. It is best to use this treatment during the berry ripening season - in the fall, after the first frost.

Treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy)

Contact a specialized clinic and undergo 10 treatment sessions. Repeat hirudotherapy 2-3 times a year. Leeches thin the blood, improve metabolism, lower blood pressure and restore immunity. They are used for many gynecological ailments, especially endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia.

Cuff and sleep-grass

Take herbs in equal parts. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over a dessert spoon of herbal tea. Divide the infusion into equal parts and drink throughout the day. This combination of herbs can be called a truly “female couple”, since these two plants are used for the entire range of gynecological problems.

Beet and carrot juice

Drink a mixture of these vegetables in courses. Freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Drink 100–200 ml per day on an empty stomach. It is better to use the following treatment cycle: drinking juice for two weeks, then resting or switching to another vegetable juice, for example, pumpkin.

Peach oil

Take sips of the oil twice daily, morning and evening. The course of treatment is about 20 days. Peach oil has a pronounced antioxidant, laxative and diuretic effect. Long-term use of the oil cleanses the liver, which helps cleanse the entire body.

Decoction of cucumber lashes

After the cucumbers fall off, collect the dry vines. Brew a tablespoon of dry lashes with boiling water (300 ml). Divide the dose into three doses. Drink for a long time. An excellent remedy for uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polyps and all endometrial pathologies. After treatment, undergo examination by a gynecologist.

Peony tincture

This product can be purchased at a pharmacy. Take 30–40 drops 2–3 times a day. Peony normalizes the nervous system, lowers blood pressure and restores hormonal levels. Hyperplasia will gradually recede.

Milk thistle meal

Be sure to include milk thistle as a dietary supplement that cleanses the liver of harmful substances. Very often, a high content of waste in the body causes the endometrium to grow. Take a teaspoon of meal four times a day with plenty of water.


Include this fermented milk product in your diet, which will not only improve the functioning of the intestines and get rid of dysbiosis, but also restore the functioning of the immune system, without the well-coordinated work of which it is very difficult to force cells to divide normally.

Tincture of boron uterus

You can purchase this tincture at pharmacies and take it according to the instructions. When preparing at home, you will need a bottle of good vodka and 100 grams of boron uterus grass (preferably Altai). Leave for 15 days, take 5 ml three times a day with water. After a three-month appointment, do an ultrasound and a cytological smear.

Vitex fruit

To prepare a vitex tincture, you need to purchase medical alcohol (200 ml) at the pharmacy. Pour 100 grams of vitex with this alcohol. Shake well and leave to infuse for three weeks. Take 15 drops twice a day for four months.

Roots of discorrhea

A powder is prepared from dry roots, which is poured with boiling water and infused for 30 minutes (take 100 ml of boiling water for 10 grams of powder). Take 30 ml of infusion per day, but it is better to divide the dose into two times. The course is six months.


This is a powerful antitumor agent used to prevent cancer processes.. Has pronounced toxicity. It should be taken very carefully, having first consulted with a herbalist.

The tincture is prepared at the rate of: 300 grams of inflorescences per 500 ml of vodka. Insist for a month. The tincture should be taken from one drop per day, and increasing the intake to 15 drops daily. Stay at this dose until the condition of the endometrium improves.

Herbal preparations for endometrial hyperplasia

Collection No. 1

  • nettle;
  • knotweed;
  • calamus root;
  • calendula;
  • shepherd's purse.

Mix herbs in equal proportions. Brew like tea. Drink once a day until the condition of the endometrium normalizes (after each course, do an ultrasound check on days 5–7 of the menstrual cycle). Three courses of treatment per year are sufficient.

Collection No. 2

  • nettle;
  • thyme;
  • hawthorn (fruit);
  • celandine;
  • centaury.

All herbs are taken in equal quantities. It is better to brew it in a thermos and let it sit for several hours. The proportion is as follows: 20 grams of collection per 500 ml of boiling water. Take 20 ml warm three times a day. A course of herbal medicine up to six months. Then ultrasound control. The collection perfectly relieves inflammation and swelling of the uterine mucosa.

Collection No. 3

  • clover – 20 grams;
  • lungwort – 10 grams;
  • calendula – 10 gamma;
  • cornflower – 30 grams.

Steam a tablespoon of the mixture with 300 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is 21 days, starting from the seventh day of the menstrual cycle, then a break (during menstruation). Make three courses in a row. Take for all types of hyperplasia, including polyposis.

Collection No. 4

  • nettle;
  • coil;
  • knotweed;
  • shepherd's purse,
  • bloodroot;

Infuse one tablespoon of the collection in 400–500 ml of boiling water for at least 12 hours, preferably in a thermos. Drink half a glass of tea twice a day. Treatment with the collection is three months, then visit a gynecologist.

Collection No. 5

  • nettle;
  • yarrow;
  • tansy;
  • knotweed;
  • calendula.

Collection No. 6

  • nettle – 10 grams;
  • coltsfoot – 10 grams;
  • thyme – 10 grams;
  • marshmallow – 20 grams.

Brew a teaspoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water. Divide the dose into three doses. The course of treatment is from two to four months. Then gynecological control.

Collection No. 7

  • sweet clover;
  • burdock;
  • meadow lumbago.

Brew and take as in collection No. 4.


For endometrial hyperplasia, douching with infusion of calendula and celandine is good. Douche with each herb for 12 days, alternating each other. Take breaks for 10 days.

Prepare infusions in the usual way: take 200–300 ml of boiling water for 10 grams of herb. Leave for an hour. For douching, use only slightly warm water.

Garlic tampons

Cut the garlic clove into two parts. Prepare a gauze swab and place garlic cloves in the middle. Place the tampon for two hours. The course of treatment is 12 days. Break 20 days. The product is perfect for endometrial polyps.

Traditional methods for all underlying endometrial diseases are only “helpers” of traditional medicine. Be sure to have the entire treatment process monitored by a gynecologist using natural remedies.. Be sure to undergo an ultrasound at least once every six months, and be healthy!

And of course, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the materials:

  • Popular about endometrial hyperplasia: questions to your obstetrician-gynecologist about the causes, symptoms, and various treatment methods
  • Diet for endometrial hyperplasia: how to eat properly for female ailments
  • Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with homeopathy: homeopathic medicines in the fight against the disease

Lebeychuk Natalia Vladimirovna, herbalist and homeopath

The inner lining of the uterus is called the endometrium. During the menstrual cycle, it undergoes changes and is removed from the body once a month. However, in some cases, this system malfunctions: the mucous membrane begins to grow outside the reproductive organ. In this case, doctors diagnose “endometrial hyperplasia.” Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused this disease. It has not yet been established exactly what exactly provokes the process of proliferation of the mucous membrane, but it is clear that hormonal and immune disorders underlie the disease.

Traditional Treatments

At different age periods, the most suitable drugs for a given period of time are selected. Their action is aimed at restoring menstrual function during childbearing years or treating symptoms of menopause. This becomes possible with the use of hormones. It is important not only to get rid of the disease itself, but also to take measures to prevent the re-diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia. Treatment includes taking third-generation estrogen-progestin drugs. Treatment is monitored using endometrial biopsy. In some cases, hysteroscopy is performed.

Alternative methods of influencing the disease

Traditional medicine has its own methods to cope with a disease such as endometrial hyperplasia. Treatment includes taking various herbs, infusions, and decoctions. So, the pine uterus and burdock showed themselves on the positive side. The use of these herbs allows you to deal with the problem more gently and sparingly.

Endometrial hyperplasia. Herbal treatment

Hog queen. Most often, a tincture of boron uterus is used to get rid of this disease. To do this, you need to pour 100 grams of grass (dry) into ½ liter of vodka (alcohol). Then put the mixture in a dark place and leave for two weeks. Five milliliters should be used three times a day for at least three months.

Burdock root. The effect of this plant is also effective for the diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia. Treatment can begin in spring or autumn, when you can dig up the burdock roots. Then they are crushed in a meat grinder, and a liter of juice is squeezed out of them. It is good to take it with golden mustache juice, drinking one tablespoon of both herbs every evening and morning. Reception should be continuous for 4-6 months. Then you need to do an ultrasound: most often the endometrium returns to normal.

An integrated approach to the diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia

Treatment with folk remedies is also possible with the help of juices.

  • First month: You need to drink carrot and beet juice every day. In addition, add flaxseed oil (1 large spoon twice a day, before meals). You can drink it with water. Twice a month you should douche with celandine. At the same time, a tincture is added: 400 grams of aloe (juice) and honey, a bottle of Cahors. Leave for 14 days.
  • Second month: juice consumption continues. In addition, you should start drinking the prepared tincture (see above) 1 large spoon at least twice a day. In the same month you need to drink boron uterus according to the scheme indicated in the instructions.
  • Third month. Take the same as in the first thirty days. However, you shouldn't douche. Drink a tincture of Cahors, honey and aloe.
  • Fourth month. The first week of the month there is a break. Then drink boron uterus and flaxseed oil.

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with folk remedies is very popular today. This is not surprising, because such therapy is quite simple, has virtually no side effects, but at the same time allows you to quickly achieve the desired results.

Recently, more and more women, after examination by a gynecologist, are diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus. How dangerous is this disease? How to properly treat it at home? You will get answers to these and many other questions by reading this article to the end.

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with herbs is particularly effective. The thing is that medicinal plants contain useful vitamins, microelements, as well as phytohormones - plant hormones, which in their composition are very similar to female sex hormones.

Before starting treatment for this pathology at home, be sure to consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications. Let's look at several effective recipes for decoctions and tinctures for uterine endometrial hyperplasia, which you can easily prepare yourself. All the necessary ingredients can be bought at the pharmacy, they are not expensive.

You can prepare medicine from Ortilia unilateral (the medical name for the hog uterus) yourself at home. To do this, 100 grams of crushed dry grass must be combined in a glass container with 500 ml of vodka. The tincture is sent to a dark place for 2 weeks. Don’t forget to take out the container with the tincture every day and shake its contents thoroughly.

After the allotted time has passed, the tincture must be strained. It is best to take boron uterus before meals, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. It will take quite a long time to be treated in this way - about 3 months. Be careful! During menstruation, drinking tincture of boron uterus is prohibited, as such medicine can increase bleeding.

If you cannot tolerate alcohol, a decoction of boron uterus is more suitable for treating endometrial hyperplasia. It is prepared extremely simply - 1 tbsp. herbs are poured into 500 ml of water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. You should also take this medicine before meals, ½ tbsp.


In order for the treatment of gynecological pathology to be as effective as possible, the patient must adhere to a special diet. A proper diet helps slow down the abnormal division of endometrial cells and has a beneficial effect on the general health of the patient.

Your daily menu should include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. The ideal option is sea fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, etc.). This category also includes sesame oil, flax seeds, and nuts.

Products containing large amounts of cellulose also help get rid of hyperplasia. Enrich your diet with carrots, beets, zucchini, broccoli, apples, strawberries, dried apricots. Eat more cereal porridges. Garlic, pumpkin and cabbage contain substances that can block excessive production of the hormone estrogen. You can supplement your diet with lean meat and dairy products.

The body of a patient diagnosed with hyperplasia must receive sufficient amounts of vitamin C. This microelement is found in citrus fruits, black currants, viburnum, and rose hips.

Doctors, in turn, categorically do not recommend consuming some products if you want to quickly get rid of uterine hyperplasia. This list includes:

  • Fat meat;
  • Strong coffee;
  • Sweets, pastries, cakes and pastries;
  • Too hot and spicy dishes;
  • Yeast pies.

It is better to follow a fractional diet. You need to eat often enough, but in small portions. Make sure there are always fresh vegetables and fruits on your table. It is very important to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of purified still water per day.


To protect yourself from the development of such a dangerous disease as uterine endometrial hyperplasia, be sure to take the advice of doctors. Prevention of pathology is necessary for everyone, but especially for women who are at risk - they use uterine devices, suffer from excess weight and high levels of estrogen. Here are some useful tips that you should definitely follow.

  • Visit your gynecologist for a preventive examination at least 2 times a year. Timely detection of pathology at an early stage of development significantly increases the chances of a full recovery.
  • Any inflammatory disease must be treated. Chronic inflammation provokes the development of hyperplasia.
  • If you are overweight, get rid of it with proper nutrition and moderate exercise.
  • Carefully observe personal intimate hygiene.
  • If you are not planning to have a child, do not forget about contraception. Remember that abortion or induced termination of pregnancy is very harmful to the reproductive system and can negatively affect your health.
  • Give up bad habits - smoking and drinking strong alcoholic drinks. Try to be less nervous and avoid stressful situations.

Remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. Traditional medicine, just like medications, can have contraindications and side effects. Before using homemade decoctions and tinctures, be sure to consult your doctor.


Endometrial hyperplasia is the process of excessive formation of the glandular layer of the uterus, caused by hormonal changes. The main hormone that provokes endometrial production is estrogen. The formation of estrogen, in turn, depends on the proper functioning of the endocrine system.

According to statistics, most patients experience endometrial hyperplasia after 50 years of age; cases of the disease are less common after 40 years of age. Treatment involves several stages. After the necessary examinations, the patient may be prescribed hormonal, drug therapy and surgical intervention. As an auxiliary and preventive therapy, you can start treatment with folk remedies, the purpose of which should be discussed with a specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages of treating endometrial hyperplasia with folk remedies

In order to promote rapid relief from endometrial hyperplasia, herbs that can suppress the production of estrogen and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and endocrine system are suitable.

Among the advantages of folk remedies are:

  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • little chance of side effects;
  • in addition to stimulating therapeutic therapy, it has a general healing effect on the entire body;
  • effectively eliminates the cause of the disease.

Disadvantages of treating endometrial hyperplasia with folk remedies:

  • full treatment is possible only with the use of drug therapy;
  • If the individual reaction of the body is not taken into account, the non-traditional method used may not have the expected effect.

Due to the large number of benefits, traditional methods of treating endometrial hyperplasia are often recommended by specialists as a combination with hormonal and medicinal drugs.

Herbal treatment

Herbal treatment of endometrial hyperplasia most often takes long courses. Using herbs, healthy and healing decoctions and infusions are prepared. Herbs have been studied and used for many centuries for many ailments. Over time, people have developed the most suitable proportions and methods for preparing healing herbal compositions:

  1. Nettle. To prepare nettle infusion, you need to grind dry nettle leaves and add hot water in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of leaves per 1 cup of water, volume 200 ml. Then, steam for about a quarter of an hour. Dilute the finished broth with a glass of hot water and let it brew for half an hour. Take 4 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.
  2. Burdock. Before the onset of summer, it is necessary to collect mature large burdock leaves. Rinse, crush in a saucepan using a kitchen masher until abundant juice is released, which must be strained using a sieve. The juice should be taken for six months, one teaspoon per day. Burdock juice can speed up treatment and help prevent hyperplasia. It can also be used with aloe juice.
  3. Borovaya uterus with endometrial hyperplasia. The dried plant is mixed with boiled hot water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per half liter of water. Boil in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Bring the broth to room temperature and pour through a sieve, drink one day in 3 stages before meals. The use and method of preparation of boron uterus should be agreed with the attending physician.
  4. Red brush. The infusion is one of the effective remedies used in folk medicine. To make it you will need half a glass of dry roots of the crushed plant. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka over the dried grass. Close the jar or bottle tightly and leave for a month in a cool, dark place. When the tincture is ready, you need to take 30 drops 3 times before meals. The course of treatment is individual, depending on the stage of hyperplasia - from 30 to 40 days.
  5. Vitex sacred. To prepare the tincture you will need 0.2 liters of medical alcohol and 10 grams. crushed vitex. Pour alcohol over the grass, mix, and close tightly. Let it brew well for about 25 days. Take 15 drops, 2 times a day, for 2 months.
  6. Black walnut. Black walnut tincture is sold at the pharmacy. Taking the drug lasts 1 month. Take 2 teaspoons of tincture 3 times a day. After some time, it is advisable to repeat the course of treatment.
  7. Celandine. The plant is famous for its good healing effects for many diseases of the human body. For endometrial hyperplasia 30 g. The chopped herbs are poured into three liters of boiling water and allowed to brew and cool. Then, you need to strain the broth and douche twice a week for a month. It is not prohibited to use baths.
  8. Plantain. Plantain decoction is prepared according to the following recipe: small dry leaves of the plant in the amount of 2 tbsp. l pour hot water. Leave for 3 hours. Use 4 times a day half an hour before meals.
  9. Peony. Peony tincture is sold through pharmacy chains. Taking the drug lasts 1 month. Take 2 teaspoons of tincture 3 times a day. After some time, it is advisable to repeat the course of treatment.

Herbs provide a general tonic effect for the functioning of the body as a whole. They have a beneficial effect on the formation and improvement of the processes of the female genitourinary system. Strengthen the immune system. Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with boron uterus reduces the likelihood of relapse of the disease. There is also a healing Indian tree Al Kust, which is used for fumigation to help after scraping.

Mushroom treatment

Mushrooms have a wide range of actions. During endometrial hyperplasia, the components included in the mushrooms have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate excessive activity of the estrogen hormone and help maintain immunity.

Some of the most common mushrooms that are used to treat endometrial hyperplasia are:

Mushrooms have a good effect together with herbal medicine and drug treatment.

Treatment with other plants

It should be remembered that treatment of endometrial hyperplasia on its own is strictly contraindicated. The disease is very dangerous and has a high probability of degenerating into a malignant form. In addition to herbal medicine and mushrooms, there are other methods based on natural ingredients:

  1. Kalina. The simplest and most useful way is viburnum juice. To prepare it, you need to pour half a glass of berries with a liter of boiling water. Add honey and sugar to taste and let cool. Drink half a glass an hour before meals. Take with caution if you have hypotension.
  2. Linseed oil. Can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is enough to consume one tablespoon of oil per day on an empty stomach. The course lasts approximately six months, depending on the degree of the disease.
  3. Beets and carrots. To prepare juice from beets and carrots, a 1:1 ratio is required. It is better to prepare the juice fresh every day. On an empty stomach, drink half a glass of freshly squeezed juice once a day. The course lasts 3 months, every other week.

Herbal products promote the active removal of waste and toxins in the body, which often slow down the healing process.

Treatment with veterinary drug ASD

In order to begin treatment against the disease, you need to prepare half a liter of water and dilute 25 drops of the drug.

The drug should be taken internally with extreme caution to avoid complications and poisoning. For internal use, there is a dosage of the drug 5 drops from 2 to 4 times a day on an empty stomach. Take every other week.

Treatment with copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is allowed to be used exclusively for external processing. For endometrial hyperplasia, douching with the addition of a substance is performed. Copper sulfate in the amount of 3 crystals is poured into a liter of water at a temperature of 100 degrees. Stir and settle for 3-4 days. Then it is carefully drained, preventing sediment from entering.

Treatment with leeches

Leech therapy promotes overall toning of the body. Hirudotherapy has been in demand and popular since ancient times. Medical practice does not recognize the effectiveness and healing effect of leeches for endometrial hyperplasia, therefore this method is classified as a folk method of treatment.

During the procedure, leeches produce many micro bites, during which approximately 200 biological substances are released into the human lymph flow. Typically, a full course includes 8 to 12 procedures, lasting 20 minutes.

Leech therapy consists of the following components:

Type Action Procedure
Reflex The effect is like after a little reflexology. Penetration of chitinous denticles into biologically important areas of the skin, biting through nerve clusters and stimulating them.
Mechanical Active stimulation of the immune system, formation of renewed lymph flow. During bites, a small amount of lymph is released. Depending on the disease, the number of courses is prescribed, during which immunity is formed.
Biological Supplying cells with biologically active substances. Due to the predominance of a large amount of beneficial liquid in the saliva of leeches, cells and lymph flow are stimulated and renewed.

In addition to saturating the body with useful biological substances, hirudotherapy has an analgesic effect. Leech therapy is used not only to treat endometrial hyperplasia, but also in many other medical fields.

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