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How a guardian angel helps a person. Guardian angels: do they exist? Nature of the phenomenon

Last time we discussed the fundamental possibility of being in constant dialogue with your guardian angel, asking him for advice and help. Now we will talk about specific appeals to the guardian angel for various reasons. I will try to consider with you a variety of cases when a guardian angel provides effective assistance to a person. Take them into service, do the same - and everything will work out for you in the best possible way.

Remember this: if the Lord does not have a will for you that matches your desires, then in fact, you are destined for an even better fate than the one you thought about. Hear the will of the Lord about your happiness, go to it along the paths indicated by your guardian angel, do not look back at what remains behind you: unrealized hopes, unfulfilled dreams... Go forward, trust your guardian angel - and be happy! Just remember, please, that you live your life on your own, the actions you take are yours, the choices you make are also yours. The angel will tell you everything you need, but it is up to you to hear it or not to hear it. The responsibility for your life is on you, not on the angel. The Lord gives us opportunities, angels are His messengers, but a number of opportunities remain unrealized. The Lord wants salvation and goodness for us, and His angels warn us about dangers, but we fundamentally do not want to respond to their warnings, carried away by something of our own.

So, we must learn to listen and hear the guardian angel and always - always! - when making decisions, proceed from his advice. You are late for a business meeting, nervous, swearing, looking for a fresh shirt (new tights). And suddenly it turns out that the shirt needs to be ironed (all the “whole” tights are gone). What to do in this case? Don't get too excited, don't get hysterical. Sit quietly, relax and ask your angel if this minor event (your failure to find a shirt/tights) means that the meeting should be rescheduled for half an hour? If he tells you that yes, calmly dial the number you need, apologize and say that you’ll be a little late. Why might it be necessary to postpone your meeting? There may be hundreds of reasons for this, but it is for your own good! Remember this! Always take this into account when making life choices!

What will happen if you don’t listen to your angel and run headlong to that meeting, somehow hastily resolving the issue of your wardrobe? Yes, anything can happen. You might get stuck in an elevator for half a day, get hit by a car, be greeted very unkindly by your business partners, lose your bag, documents, money... There’s no need to experiment. And no need to fuss. Contact the angel for any reason and act on his advice.

Do you understand everything? Just don't cheat! You probably want to ask a question, but you don’t dare. I'll ask it for you. How to talk to your guardian angel? What is needed for that?

I'll tell you this: you won't need anything special. Every conversation you have with your guardian angel is like a conversation with yourself. You ask, you answer. If you want, do it out loud, or silently, whatever is more convenient for you. The first thing that comes to your mind is the thought inspired and prompted by your guardian angel. As soon as you start processing the information that comes to your mind from a logical standpoint, thinking, choosing words - your interpretations are already gone, you don’t need it: it won’t help solve problematic issues, but will only confuse you even more.

What questions should you ask an angel? Mostly those for which you can get a monosyllabic answer - Yes or No. Do not expect detailed “lectures” from the angel; most likely you will not hear anything like that.

At the beginning of each section, I will give a prayer to the guardian angel, an appeal that will allow you to enter into dialogue with him. Is it necessary to read it every time? Do I need to learn by heart? See for yourself. At first it will be quite difficult to talk to your angel, but then it will become easier and easier. After some time, you will no longer have to ask anything, you will simply always know what to do and what not to do. Naturally, when you are already so short with your guardian angel, there is no time to read prayers - communication takes place in a “working order”. But I advise beginners to precede their appeal to an angel with prayer.

How can angels help us?

How angels can help us and why is there such a huge interest in angels? How the Bible Explains existence of angels and who are they protecting?

Do you have a guardian angel?

Do you believe that you have a guardian angel? Many will answer this question in the affirmative. For example, one woman who lives in western Canada is credited with a special gift related to angels. If you tell her your full name and give her $200, this woman, she claims, will help you get in touch with your guardian angel.

First she meditates, concentrating on the flame of a candle. Then in a vision you receive a message from an angel intended for you. She can also make a sketch for you to give you a general idea of ​​what your guardian angel looks like.

Some will consider this a fiction, similar to the legend about the French king Louis IX. It says that he bought feathers that fell from the wings of the Archangel Michael for fabulous money. Many of those who do not inspire confidence in such a legend would, without a shadow of a doubt, take at face value everything that this woman from Canada says.

Angels Arouse Everyone's Curiosity

In recent years, people have been of great interest in everything related to angels. On television and in films, on the pages of books, newspapers and magazines, they talk about how angels help seriously ill people, support those who have lost someone close to them, impart wisdom, and relieve them.

In the United States, approximately 20 million people watch a weekly television program that talks about how angels influence people's lives. One bookstore has over 400 books about angels.

A book was recently published that tells how guardian angels saved the lives of soldiers during battle. Inscriptions on cars assure that angels protect drivers. Various organizations, conferences and seminars encourage the study of issues related to angels and are believed to help people make contact with them.

Eileen Freeman has written three books about angels and publishes a magazine dedicated to the topic. She says: “I am convinced that as many angels in heaven as there are
there are guardian angels on earth - beings whose duties include not only praising God in the spiritual realm, but also caring for people and others
forms of earthly life.

Each person at his conception is given a guardian angel who monitors his intrauterine development, birth, life in this world - and this happens until the angel, having freed the person from the shackles of this world, leads him to heavenly glory. These words clearly show what many people think about guardian angels.

In our difficult, turbulent times, it is comforting to think that we have our own guardian angel, who is given to us for protection. But what does God’s Word, the Bible, say about this? Should you try to contact angels? Does it matter to them what moral standards and religious teachings we adhere to? How can angels help us?

Help from angels?

God's Word confirms that angels do exist. It says that there are many of these spiritual creatures. The Prophet Daniel, a servant of Jehovah God, was shown in a vision what was happening in the spiritual realm, he wrote: “Thousands upon thousands served Him [God], and darkness stood before Him.”(Daniel 7:10).

Please note that Daniel is not just saying that there are a lot of angels. From his words it is clear that they serve God. Angels are his servants.

The words of the psalmist testify to the same thing: “Bless the Lord, all you His angels, mighty in power, who do His word, obeying the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all your hosts, all your servants who do his will.”(Psalm 102:20, 21).

The Bible also shows that angels were not originally human. Jehovah God created angels in heaven even before the creation of the Earth. When God laid the foundations of the earth, all the sons of God shouted for joy (Job 38:4-7).

Angels are invisible spiritual creatures with strength and intelligence. The Hebrew word malakh and the Greek aggelos are translated in the Bible as "angel", when it comes to spiritual creatures. These words appear about 400 times in Scripture. Both of them are used in the same meaning - "messenger".

Meetings with angels

Indeed, angels act as messengers. You may have read in the Bible about how the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. He said that she had
virgin, a son will be born who should be named Jesus (Luke 1:26-33). The angel also appeared to several shepherds who were then in the field.

He announced: “Today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is”(Luke 2:8-11). Among those who received messages through angels, the Bible mentions Hagar, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, Jesus Christ and others (Genesis 16:7-12; 18:1-5, 10; 19:1-3; 32:24-30; Exodus 3:1, 2; Judges 6:11-22; Luke 22:39-43; Hebrews 13:2).

It is worth noting that all the messages conveyed through the angels were in accordance with the intentions of God, but did not always coincide with the intentions of people. Angels
came on behalf of God, according to his will and at the time appointed by him. People didn't call for them.

Should we call on angels for help?

Is it right to turn to angels when you face difficulties? If yes, then I would like to know the name of the angel who could help better than others.

Some books give a list of the names of many angels, the position they occupy, their rank and duties. In one of these books you can find a kind of "heavenly hit parade"- names 10 "angels best known in Western countries."

The book also gives advice: closing your eyes, slowly repeat the name of the angel several times, while breathing deeply, calmly and “be prepared for possible contact with him.”

Unlike similar books, the Bible names only two of God's faithful angels - Michael and Gabriel (Daniel 12:1; Luke 1:26). Perhaps their names are given to show that each angel is not just an impersonal force or energy, but a unique spiritual being who has a name.

Interestingly, some of the angels refused to reveal their name to people. The angel did not agree to identify himself to Jacob when he asked him to do so (Genesis 32:29).

When Joshua wanted to know the name of the angel who appeared to him, he only said that he "chief of Jehovah's army"(Joshua 5:14, NAM). In response to the request of Samson's parents to tell him his name, the angel said: “Why are you asking about my name? it's wonderful"(Judges 13:17, 18).

The fact that the names of angels are not recorded in the Bible prevents us from doing the wrong thing by honoring and worshiping angels. Moreover, as we will soon see, God's Word does not say that we should call on angels.

Turn to God

Scripture says this: we should not call upon angels or pray to them - who created them, to God himself.

Jehovah God is never too busy to listen to us if we approach him in prayer in the right way. The Bible assures us: “The eyes of the Lord scan the whole earth to encourage those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him.”(2 Chronicles 16:9).

Angels and moral standards

Despite the fact that the media often claims otherwise, angels do not judge people. And this is correct, since they do not have such power

"Judge of All"- Jehovah God, although he "I gave all judgment to the Son" Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:23; John 5:22). However, you should not think that the angels are indifferent to what kind of life we ​​lead. Jesus said: “There is joy among the angels of God over one sinner who repents”(Luke 15:10).

Angels don't just watch what's happening from the sidelines. In the past, Jehovah God used them to carry out his judgments.

This was the case with the ancient Egyptians. Psalm 78:49 says, “He showed His anger and wrath, and sent forth punishing angels.”

The Bible also tells how just one angel killed 185,000 of the Assyrian army in one night (2 Kings 19:35).

In the same way, in the future, angels will destroy everyone who does not want to adhere to the just standards of God and will pose a threat to well-being
those around you. Jesus will come “with His mighty angels, in a fire that never quenches, and will bring punishment to those who do not know God, and to those who do not
accepts the gospel"(2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8, CoP).

Thus, we see from Scripture that God's faithful angels always act according to the will of Jehovah God, fulfilling his commands and upholding his just standards. Therefore, if we want God's angels to help us, we must know what God's will is and try to do it with all our hearts.

Angels can protect

Do angels care about people and protect them? The Apostle Paul asked: “Are they not all [angels] ministering spirits, sent to serve those who are to inherit salvation?”(Hebrews 1:14). Undoubtedly, this question can be answered in the affirmative.

The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar threw three Jews into a fiery furnace - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - because they refused to bow to the golden image made by the king. However, the flames did not touch them. Looking into the oven, the king saw "four husbands" and said that “the appearance of the fourth is like the son of God”(Daniel 3:25).

A few years later, Daniel was thrown into a den of lions for his faithfulness to God. However, Daniel also remained unharmed, he exclaimed: “My God sent His angel and stopped the mouths of the lions”(Daniel 6:22).

In the 1st century AD e., when the meeting of followers of Jesus Christ was founded, angels came to people again: they freed the apostles from prison
(Acts 5:17-24; 12:6-12).

And when Paul was threatened with death at sea, an angel assured him that he would arrive safely in Rome (Acts 27:13-24).

Today, God's servants firmly believe that invisible angels actually exist and can protect them - just as they protected Elisha and his servant (2 Kings 6:15-17). Really, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.”(Psalm 33:8; 90:11).

The message that angels bring

The Apostle John wrote: “And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people; and he said with a loud voice: Fear God and give glory to Him.”(Revelation 14:6, 7).

Would you like to know what this is about? "everlasting gospel", or good news? If yes, then contact. They will be happy to tell you about it.

Watch a useful video

Many people believe that it is simply impossible to communicate with their guardian angel and ask for his intercession. In the minds of the current generation, an erroneous opinion has formed about the essence and nature of those who protect us throughout our entire earthly journey. Winged boys and girls, often called cupids, actually have nothing in common with them. And the handsome men and young beauties depicted in the paintings also do not correspond to the truth.

Who is a Guardian Angel and how does he help?

Unlike the heroes of science fiction novels, an angel has no gender. They are given to people at the moment of undergoing the rite of baptism by God's command. Their task is to provide support and assistance to their ward, protect his soul, and take care of the purity of a person’s essence. This may seem cruel to some, but in fact the angel is not involved in protecting the temporary and mortal shell that will remain on the earth’s firmament when the eternal soul goes to the Creator.

The Lord does not need the help of a guardian angel, but gives it to us out of His goodness, giving them a place in the fulfillment of God’s Providence. The task of these blessed spirits is to:

  • protect righteous souls (Ps. 90:11-13; Heb. 1:14);
  • disrupt demonic plans to seduce them (Tov. 8:3);
  • offer up the prayers spoken by the wards to the Lord (Tov. 12:12);
  • accompany the soul to the afterlife (Luke 16:22);
  • to separate good and evil deeds during the Last Judgment (Matthew 13:49).

Life is given to man for its study and approach through passing along the thorny path to God. All events that a mortal is given to experience, he will have to experience on his own. An angel will not remove all burdens and problems from the road, but he will help carry them through, overcoming obstacles.

The very first thing a person needs to understand and accept is that an angel will never help in an evil endeavor. He will never agree to harm other living beings in one way or another. But requests sent to the guardian from the heart always find a response.

It is known that:

  • an angel can help a suffering person by directing him to the right path, saving him from irreparable mistakes;
  • for lovers who need his help, the angel will help connect the paths of life;
  • when danger appears on the way, naturally, the angel will warn his ward;
  • the angel will help you find and suggest a compromise solution that will make it possible to avoid misunderstandings in communication with your loved one;
  • he will give advice and tips on important questions, as well as answers, guiding you along the right path;
  • help from a guardian angel in any task makes it much easier and simpler;
  • with the help of a guardian angel, health is restored much faster (there are known cases of relief from even serious illnesses).

Preparing for contact with the Guardian Angel

Throughout the day, the human soul is burdened with all kinds of sins. Someone is not liked externally - and the person already condemns him. Small and big lies in everyday life, at work, laziness and aggression, gluttony and much more - all these are not always noticeable irregularities at first glance. At the same time, such dark spots on the light background of the soul block the way to pure thoughts and close communication with an angel.

The first thing people need to do in preparation for contact with their guardian angels is cleansing. Daily evening prayers are sufficient. Thus, it is best to establish contact with him in the evening hours. Having read all the prayers of the evening daily cycle in full, repented of your sins and cleansed your soul of all the stains that a person can discern at this stage of soul development, you can begin to communicate with the guardian.

Cigarette smoke, alcohol intoxication, dope, loud music and other manifestations of immoral behavior will not allow the soul to fully come into contact with the guardian angel.

If a person wants to truly communicate with his God-given protector, it is necessary to fill his soul with other values, such as love and goodness, with which it is necessary to respond to similar manifestations. It’s even better if these spiritual qualities also manifest themselves in relation to those who could not direct them towards. The more love and kindness a person gives to the world, the purer the soul and the easier it is to maintain contact with his guardian angel.

Reflections on the Guardian Angel

The human consciousness does not visually perceive the one who guards us throughout our entire life journey. And yet, human souls can sense them on an intuitive level. Every time unpleasant events occur, and the soul becomes unbearably heavy, the defender extends his hand, taking on part of the burden. This allows the soul to stay on the edge, survive and look around again, choosing a new path.

The main thing is to believe! Without faith nothing will happen. Faith is a truism that is actually effective. Faith in the help of God and the angels will support Him in any situation, because there are no obstacles for Him, and He will show the right path.

A small miracle is always present in every home where believers live. The help that angels provide to such families is difficult to overestimate. Love, mutual understanding, loyalty, feeling of support and other spiritual values ​​always reign here. They manage to avoid problems, find a way out of seemingly hopeless situations, and simply live according to the Word of God intuitively, without unnecessary stress. And all because they believe in God and communicate with their angels.

Everyone knows cases when, for unknown reasons, people changed their plans and thereby saved their lives. Some call it foresight, others call it an accident. In fact, the angel pushes for actions that become key in such situations. For example, having a strong desire to step away for a few minutes for some reason can prevent a brick or icicle from falling on your head. Returning home for a forgotten phone, you may be late for the minibus, which will get into an accident. There are an incredible number of such cases.

Constantly maintaining communication with your guardian angel helps you better feel his tips. Separate prayer requests to him are used in cases of a difficult period in life, the need for intercession on the road, for illnesses and accidents.

A guardian angel is a creature given to us by God to protect us from the negative effects of the material world and dark forces. They are invisible. It is not possible for a person to know the specific name of his guardian. In this regard, there is no separate day of remembrance of a specific guardian angel, but there is only a general day of remembrance of all angels ( November 21), which is called the Council of the Archangel Michael and other heavenly powers.

Do not confuse a guardian angel and a patron saint. By giving us a name, parents ask the saint for help and protection, support and intercession. People are accustomed to calling the day of veneration of this saint the day of the angel, but this is a mistaken opinion. Prayers to an angel and a patron saint are completely different.

Communication in everyday life. Prayer to the Angel

All human deeds and thoughts are open before the Creator and His angels. Turning to the guardians in any situation has a beneficial effect on the state of the soul, as it allows you to avoid dark decisions and paths. Thus, a whole system of communication with your angel is created.

The beginning of the day is the time when all upcoming activities are planned. You shouldn’t waste these hours on pointless bickering with your family, as well as your reluctance to wake up. You can do it differently - turn to your guardian angel for help in morning prayer. You can create it without even opening your eyes, lying under the blanket.

There are 2 options for this treatment:

Such an appeal is not at all difficult if love for your guardian angel has settled in your soul, and the essence itself feels his presence nearby.

A soul exhausted during the day needs to find purification in the evening hours in order to turn to an angel for help and protection. You need to light a candle bought in the temple and turn to the heavenly patron with words coming from the heart. Prayers for the coming sleep include an appeal to the guardian angel. If you read everything according to the Orthodox canon, then this prayer will be 11th on the list.

It sounds like this:

In addition, before going to bed, you can contact your guardian with the following words:

Throughout the day you often have to face troubles and difficulties. At such moments we need the help of an angel most of all. You should turn to him for support with the following prayer:

Additional Information

The work of a guardian angel in childhood is especially clearly visible. It is not for nothing that it is said that God protects children and the blessed. Existence in a state close to merging with divine power is clearly visible in such people. They manifest themselves in the absence of aggression on the part of wild animals towards babies, and in such manifestations of “mystical” phenomena as the enormous physical strength of parents when a threat to the baby arises, as well as in maintaining the body and mind intact in seemingly hopeless situations. Aren't these obvious signs of protection from a guardian angel?

The appearance of diseases, incurable or simply serious, in human life is also a manifestation of God’s care for our souls. Only He knows what will be useful in each specific case. And every time such obstacles are created for those who need to cleanse their souls and make them stronger.

You should not think too much about the need and properties of communication with a guardian angel. No matter how skeptics doubt it, every believer can hope for help in any matter. You can maintain communication constantly. You just need to follow a few rules:

  • always keep your heart open and filled with love;
  • don't lose faith;
  • look around and notice any little things, because clues can be everywhere: in newspapers, TV, just in the conversation of strangers or in their state of mind;
  • do not forget to regularly attend church and partake of the sacraments;
  • Confess during the service as often as possible.

When the soul is pure and ready to communicate, the advice and support of a guardian angel will not take long to arrive.

Man-made disasters, natural disasters, accidents, ...

In the life of any person, a situation may occur when it seems that it is impossible to escape. But a miracle happens. It’s as if someone from above extends a helping hand to us and helps us stay alive, and sometimes unharmed.

Who comes to a person’s rescue and can these facts be scientifically explained?

Friends, I welcome you to the site about the phenomenon of sleep and its impact on the quality of our lives.

Today we will talk about guardian angels. Are there these amazing, invisible helpers who secretly protect us and help us in the most hopeless situations?

Amazing stories of saving people

October 2012. A busy highway near Kaluga. The driver of the 7th model Zhiguli decided to overtake the bus, but lost control and flew at full speed into the oncoming lane directly under the wheels of the KAMAZ. But the tragedy did not happen.

The driver, rubbing his bruised head, independently gets out of the pile of iron, which just a moment ago was his car. The guy doesn't have a single scratch. Such a miraculous rescue can hardly be explained by simple luck.

“A higher power saved us,” this is what a family of residents from Pavlodar believes, whose daughter remained alive with zero chances of salvation. In June 2011, a thirteen-year-old girl almost drowned.

She was under water for more than 11 minutes, despite the fact that a person can live no more than 5-7 minutes without oxygen. Next, irreversible processes occur, brain cells die and resuscitation measures become powerless. Anesthesiologist Nurlan Rakhmetov took part in her rescue. He performed artificial respiration on the girl for 7-8 minutes and at the same time indirect cardiac massage.

Not seeing the result, Nurlan raised his eyes to the sky, mentally called on all the Saints for help, and began to shout, turning to the lifeless Natalya: “Come on, Natasha, come on, wake up!” Everyone around him echoed his exclamations. And then the incredible happened - she opened her eyes, her heart began to beat, her pupils began to react.

The girl was immediately taken to the hospital. Surprisingly, such a long oxygen starvation did not affect her health and after a couple of days she returned home completely healthy. In medical practice, this case is considered unique, going beyond reality.

In the 90s of the last century, an incredible rescue story took place at the Mir orbital station.

The station was preparing for work in outer space. On the eve of this task, one of the crew members had an unusual dream. warned that when the astronauts went into outer space, the handrail system would be undocked. After a while, the voice again reminded me of the danger.

Imagine the surprise of the astronauts when, while performing a mission in outer space, in the exactly indicated place they discovered a disconnection in the handrails. If the astronaut had not paid attention to this problem, a tragedy would have occurred.

An amazing voice began to accompany Valentina Polyntseva in her youth. A man's voice told her in detail what to do in a given situation. At his prompting, Polyntseva changed her place of residence. 2 years before her marriage, a voice told her that she would have a son in her marriage.

And it all started with an accident. At the age of 14, Valentina fell into the water and began to drown. There was no way to expect rescue; at that hour she was alone on the shore. Valentina recalls: “When the soul separated from the body, some kind of click occurred, I felt that I was no longer drowning in this pool. There is a bright white, whiter than white light all around. I realized that he is a thinker.”

Polyntseva literally prayed to this bright light: why is she dying so early? And then a miracle happened: somewhere on the shore of a deserted reservoir a young man appeared. He went into the water and pulled out the girl. Since then, the guardian angel has not left Valentina for a second. “All my life I felt that I was being led, inside me, he was telling me what to do.”

Spellbound from death

“According to the theory of probability, not a single person in the world can survive in five or six deadly situations, since this probability is less than the number of people on our planet. It turns out that such “unkillable” lucky people should not exist in our history,”- Vadim Chernobrov, coordinator of the UNIO Cosmopoisk, expressed his opinion.

However, they do exist. An amazing conspiracy from death was characteristic of some famous political figures of the last century.

Adolf Hitler was assassinated 41 times, and attempts to kill him were made by highly qualified professionals.

Vadim Chernobrov believes that “someone was protecting Hitler until a certain moment, until he was allowed the 42nd attempt - he shot himself.”

Fidel Castro broke all records. According to official information alone, they tried to kill him 240 times. Behind the scenes, the number of assassination attempts exceeded 630!

The Comandante was included in the Guinness Book of Records as having survived 638 assassination attempts, including poison in cigars, poisoned pens, a bomb in a baseball, and pathogenic bacilli. Nothing takes him.

The version about who or what is protecting Castro was expressed by the famous Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez. He believes: there is some Caribbean magic here. Cubans also firmly believe that their leader is protected by African gods and their apostles.

“Someone, for some reason unknown to us, decides which of the people, be it ordinary people or people from the highest political ranks (prime ministers, presidents, etc.), should, and who should live to old age, until the moment when he will fulfill his mission in this life." Vadim Chernobrov.

How angels help us

Every nation has its own ways of cheating death. Some people believe in miracles, amulets or talismans.

American Indians were protected from death by objects in which magical power was hidden: a sacred bow, a headdress with feathers, a shield.

Europeans endowed various crystals, stones, a cross and holy water with protective powers.

To protect against bullets and death in Orthodox Russia, mothers and wives gave soldiers crosses, amulet, and icons, into which a piece of paper with a written prayer was sewn.

Sometimes unexpected obstacles help you avoid mortal danger.. For the sake of saving their protégé, guardian angels are ready to take any measures, which, at first glance, may look like a series of failures, total bad luck.

Events that clearly demonstrate this phenomenon occurred repeatedly in the life of Vitaly Nikolaevich Bogdanovich, a famous esoteric psychologist.

The most striking case occurred in October 2002. Vitaly Nikolaevich and his wife were supposed to go from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where they were going to go to the musical “Nord-Ost”.

But the evening before departure, as they say, “didn’t go well.” My wife's ring had disappeared somewhere, and a stain that was difficult to remove was found on my weekend trousers. In addition, the usually calm and peaceful spouses quarreled all the time during training camps. The climax of the collection was a completely incidental event: Vitaly accidentally threw away the keys to the apartment along with the trash. The trip was completely cancelled. The next day, the couple learned from the news about the terrorist attack on Dubrovka.

“Happiness pursues us, but we are stronger and faster. It always seems to us that the obstacle that has occurred MUST be overcome.” , Bogdanovich concludes.

Guardian angels - who are they?

There are many hypotheses about this, let's look at some.

  • « We always receive help from higher powers in the form of. A person is given a guardian angel in the womb. At 5-7 months of pregnancy, the Spirit with a certain karma is read. Whether a guardian angel will help a person throughout his life depends on the spirituality of the mother. The higher her spirituality, the higher the karma the Spirit is read with,” says parapsychologist Anatoly Martynov.
  • “Either this is some Higher intelligent force sending us a signal, or there is a mechanism for anticipating the formation of the future, from which we are able in some cases to read information,” - the opinion of Sergei Krichevsky, cosmonaut pilot.
  • « It's all about the egregor, which protects every person. It is not for nothing that the translation of this word from ancient Greek sounds like “guardian angel”. Our unconscious protects us, guides us, and hits us in the neck when we disobey,” the hypothesis of esoteric psychologist Bogdanovich.

Egregors are responsible for the distribution of goods between people: be it opportunities, money, talent, knowledge. Like a kind of investment fund, they allocate to a person what is needed to achieve a specific life goal. It is no coincidence that the most secret knowledge or amazing discoveries are given only to a select few.

It turns out that the fate of man and society as a whole is in the power of another world, or rather of its representatives, who are extremely far from their earthly incarnation. After all, scientists have already found out:

Egregors are nothing more than information-energy supreme entities. They come in different types: personal, which protect a person, and more global, designed to protect entire nations..

Vitaly Bogdanovich: “Take Napoleon or Hitler, for example. As soon as they encountered the interests of another people, a nation, they invariably lost (Russia).”

  • Skeptics are sure: Guardian angels live inside us. A person himself can tell himself a way out of the most incredible situations. This is the work of the subconscious, and if one learns to use it to its full potential, then everyone could become God. But not everyone is given the ability to receive hints from the inner “I”.

We often ask for advice from those who have proven their righteousness and wisdom throughout their lives. They are revered as Saints. Even after death they show miracles to people.

“When a person completes his reincarnation and works off karma, he becomes a guardian angel and helps other people,” believes parapsychologist Anatoly Martynov.

  • Ufologists have put forward their hypothesis: numerous UFOs fly to our planet for a reason. They deliberately show us the path of technological progress and warn us against troubles.

There is significant evidence that guardian angels are. Numerous places of worship belonging to various faiths look like interplanetary ships heading into the sky. Scientists suggest that higher beings flew to the ancient people on devices of this form, who helped them, and therefore were rightfully considered Gods. In their honor, monumental majestic temples in the form of space rockets were built.

Ufologists cite Indian Brahman pagodas as proof of this hypothesis. They are placed on "vimanas", large wooden platforms with wheels, and mean "God's chariots". They are reminiscent of spaceships and Sumerian temple buildings, and ancient Hindu stupas, and Muslim minarets, and Orthodox and Catholic bell towers.

The aliens have not left us without their help today. Perhaps their merit is the parity between countries that is still preserved in matters of nuclear confrontation.

Whatever the nature of the guardian angel, it is nice to know that there is a power that can help and support, and guide you on the right path.

My opinion: you should look for and create a guardian angel first of all in your soul, with your pure thoughts, learn to hear your “I” and coordinate all your actions with it.

Have you ever felt the help of a guardian angel?

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata

The Icon of the Guardian Angel in the Orthodox tradition is purchased for the purpose of salvation from worldly fall. After the Sacrament of Baptism, every Christian receives from the Almighty a heavenly intercessor who protects throughout his earthly life. This ethereal creature is concerned about the health of the body and soul of the ward. In difficult moments of life, one should remember him and humbly ask for well-being and protection.

Who are Guardian Angels

These heavenly creatures of the Creator are mentioned in the Sacred Texts, where it is said that they have participated in history since the presence of Adam and Eve in Paradise.

Guardian Angel is a mediator between humanity and the Almighty Lord. The main task of this holy creature is to protect the individual and convey God’s will to her, therefore in Orthodoxy they strive to baptize a newborn as soon as possible in order to provide him with full protection from dark energies.

Greater faith brings a Christian closer to the Holy Spirit and God, which determines a better life in the body. However, the heavenly messenger does not interfere with the fate that the Lord himself created.

  • The Guardian Angel communicates through the inner voice and intuitive connection with the person under his charge.
  • The heavenly creature warns of impending danger and seeks to inspire to perform decent and useful deeds.
  • The angel has the power to take away the tempting influence of worldly objects.
  • People who carefully listen to their intercessors are often miraculously saved from disasters or receive mental insights.
  • It helps you hear your inner voice and develop a tendency towards virtue.
  • Angelic images eliminate fear of various types.
  • The Guardian Angel guides you on the true path announced by the Lord and protects you from the attacks of haters.

To find a common language with him, you need daily and sincere prayer in front of the image. Priests strongly recommend communicating with the spirit of light, asking for help and protection. The angel will do his best to help the begging ward out of a difficult scrape.

On a note! Guardian Angel does not always guarantee happiness and tranquility. A Christian who has apostatized from the faith and is prone to aggressive and hateful behavior personally destroys the positive spiritual principle. A person who goes to extremes experiences disasters, failures and serious illnesses.

The angel has never been a person; he does not have a name or family affiliation, but is endowed with special personality qualities. Each Christian is assigned only one such bright spirit. There is a certain hierarchy of disembodied spirits, which are ranked depending on their power.

Guardian Angel Icon

Characteristics of the icon

In the Ancient East, images of winged creatures were often encountered. Images of angels decorated the altars of the largest temples. Figures made from various materials were found on Israeli soil, and information about objects with images of heavenly messengers was found on the pages of the Old Testament.

In Russian icon painting, familiar images appeared at the end of the 16th century. The purpose and meaning of the appearance is a every minute reminder to a person of the eternity of the soul itself.

  • Guardian Angels are often depicted with a cross and a sword. The first attribute is intended as a gesture of blessing, and the second protects against invasions of dark energy.
  • The clothing of intercessors is similar in appearance to the vestments of deacons (clergy). Robes for disembodied spirits are regarded as a symbol of eternal service to God. The color of the cloak is green, and the color of the chiton (shirt) is red. Guardian Angels are often depicted in dazzling white robes.
  • The icons depict intercessors both half-length and in full height. In the latter case, they are placed on the cloud. The floating figure humbly asks for a return to the heavenly abodes from which humanity was expelled after the Fall.
  • The intercessors have human appearances; their divine origin is indicated by large wings folded behind their backs. These bodily elements symbolize divine speed and the ability to move from the material world to the etheric regions.
  • Guardian Angels are characterized by a third eye, which symbolizes clairvoyance and truthful intuition.
  • If God's messenger is depicted with a staff, this speaks of his important spiritual mission on the sinful earth.
  • With the help of a ball with a cross, the cherub contemplates the upcoming danger and seeks to warn his ward about the threat.
  • The iconography differs in hand positions. Sometimes the upper limb is raised in a blessing gesture, at other times the hands are folded in prayer.
  • The gaze is directed directly at the viewer or to the side. His head is bowed, which symbolizes complete humility before the will of the Creator. The gold ribbons in the curls also speak about this.
  • Modern iconography often depicts cherubs with a small child, who represents the soul of the person under their care.

About Heavenly Powers:

Finding your own holy spirit icon

During baptism, the child receives a name, and together with the patron saint, a certain Guardian Angel is assigned to him. More often this procedure is carried out during Christmas time (the period from Christmas to the Baptism of the Son of God). However, the Church allows the ritual of unification with the heavenly protector to be performed arbitrarily if the person was baptized in adulthood.

In Christian calendars, several patrons may be celebrated with a date that will be close to the birthday of a small child. In this case, you are allowed to independently choose the patron you like.

Some images of holy protectors have several variations in execution in their iconography. The saint always helps children with the same name. When choosing a patron, you should rely on dates of birth or biography facts.

For the Orthodox tradition, spiritual kinship is closer, which is determined by sympathy.

On a note! If you are inspired by the life deeds of a particular saint, the church allows you to make him your patron. He is a real person who was canonized by the church (Virgin Mary, Seraphim of Sarov, etc.).

Correct prayers to the Guardian Angel icon

Sacred words spoken before the face of a heavenly being are able to visualize this bright spirit and set up communication with it. Orthodox tradition recommends listening carefully to the subconscious voice during prayer: at this moment the holy messenger communicates with the person under his charge.

  • To achieve the desired happiness and peace of mind, daily prayers before the face of the Angel are necessary. Sacred words are pronounced slowly, thoughtfully and sincerely. A prayer written down on a piece of paper will help you concentrate better.
  • Sacred requests made in the morning destroy negative influences, create a good-natured attitude and eliminate potential conflicts.
  • Prayer for the evening protects a sleeping person from the invasion of dark energy into his consciousness. It allows you to see prophecy and warnings of dangers.
  • In the Orthodox tradition there are many prayers that are intended for a specific problem and require advice and help from a messenger from heaven.

About prayer: Marital intimacy is not a sin, so the image of a protector in the bedroom will be appropriate. It is recommended to read the sacred prayer when leaving home. This increases the chances of help from the Guardian Angel. Words are pronounced clearly, and thoughts and desires are formed before the request.

The Guardian Angel is a mediator between man and the Almighty Lord. It is given during baptism and undertakes to protect the life of the ward from difficult life situations, as well as to guide him on the path of true virtue.

Important! Sincere prayers before the icon of the Guardian Angel have the power to relieve troubles and fulfill pious desires. You can get your own holy protector at any age.

Watch the video about Guardian Angel