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How to train a puppy - rules you must read. How correctly and at what age can you train a dog puppy at home? Teaching a dog puppy basic commands: initial training course, list of commands, description of gestures, video,

Dog training is something that owners of these smartest animals face. And you shouldn’t think that highly intelligent dogs of service breeds are already born with working skills, while hunting dogs can immediately follow the trail of their prey. In order for the dog to show obedience, respect and perform even complex tricks, the owner will need a lot of time, effort and patience.

When can you start training?

When a puppy appears in the house, owners have many questions. And one of them: at what age can a puppy be trained? And rightly so, it should be asked as early as possible so as not to miss time.

A baby can master his first skills and rules of behavior from the first days of his arrival in a new home. From 1 month. And don’t think that a funny toddler with a cute face is not capable of mastering commands. In the period from 1 to 3 months, the pet can learn to respond to its name, learn its place, bring objects and give them away.

At the same time, it is necessary to decide whether the puppy will be trained at home or whether professional help will be required. Owners should evaluate their capabilities and skills in this area, determine what, in addition to obedience, they expect from their pet.

In addition, the breed characteristics, size of the dog, character and other nuances are important. So how to properly raise a puppy?

What are the rules for training dogs?

Before starting to teach a pet basic skills, every owner must understand the truth: there are no stupid dogs. You should not think that raising a dog belonging to the smartest breeds is easier than raising a dog with average intelligence. After all, with the wrong approach, the pet will use intelligence and cunning to avoid training.

When something doesn’t work out for a puppy, you can’t blame everything on his weak mental abilities. Perhaps training the dog is too much for the owner.

How can you make this process as comfortable and efficient as possible? First of all, a novice trainer should take care of a calm environment in which the puppy will not be distracted or scared, and it is best to start training in familiar, home conditions. In addition, other aspects are important:

  • what kind of praise is best to use;
  • what mistakes should be avoided;
  • How can you learn to better understand your four-legged friend?

To understand how to train a dog at home, dog experts recommend the following stable dogmas:

  1. Puppies, like adult dogs, have difficulty understanding difficult to pronounce words that have many syllables, especially if the owner does not pronounce them expressively. Commands should be pronounced clearly and moderately loud.
  2. The duration of the first classes should not exceed 10 minutes, but you can do 2-3 approaches per day.
  3. Each lesson begins with repetitions of already acquired knowledge.
  4. Before training, the dog should be given time to frolic so that the dog gets rid of excess energy and calms down.
  5. Do not train dogs immediately after eating, late in the evening, or if the pet has just woken up. In these situations, you should wait for a more convenient time.
  6. As a rule, raising a puppy combines both reward and punishment. But rough physical force is not recommended: hitting, grabbing by the scruff of the neck or screaming. Tell the trainer in a rather stern voice: it’s bad, it’s impossible, ay-ay-ay, or shame in other words.
  7. Dog training at home, which takes place in a playful manner, is quite effective: the good mood of all participants is the key to fruitful work.
  8. You cannot force a puppy and force it to follow commands. The process will be more fruitful if he is interested.
  9. Praise naturally helps in training and should not be stingy: the dog responds well to the joyful voice of the owner.
  10. You can train a dog if you say the command 1-2 times. Phrases like “fu, fu…” said a hundred times not only do not give a positive result, but also allow the pet to not strive to quickly complete tasks.
  11. In order to reap the benefits of raising a dog for up to a year as early as possible, you should work with your pet daily so that he does not forget the knowledge he has already acquired. Don’t think that this will take a lot of time: 1 course of repetitions lasts on average 10 minutes.

Experts warn that if you do not pay attention to such little things, you can make mistakes that will be very difficult to correct.

If you plan to train a dog on your own, then it is worth remembering that these animals are very sensitive to changes in the owner’s mood: they are able to detect irritated notes in the voice and react to sharp gestures. Therefore, dog handlers suggest where to start training - with a good mood and a friendly attitude towards your pet, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a big dog or a tiny baby.

The first knowledge acquired by the pet

We have already managed to find out at what age a puppy can be trained, but what should be the first steps in raising it if we are talking about the age of 1–3 months?

  1. First of all, it is recommended to accustom your pet to cleanliness. However, often used by owners, poking their muzzle into puddles will not have a positive effect. It is worth being patient and watching the baby. As soon as he starts to worry and whine, you should go outside with him. If this cannot be done (for example, when the pet has not been vaccinated), it must be placed on a diaper or in a tray.
  2. In addition, you need to start training your puppy by teaching him his nickname. To do this, it should be said every time you need to attract the pet’s attention. However, you cannot replace the command “near!” with a nickname; it is a signal for the next actions.
  3. Then you can begin to teach the basics of dog training, asking your pet to follow simple commands. During games, he can easily master the “near!” command, which is recommended for very young children. It should be said before feeding, and during walks, a treat should be used as a stimulus. As a result of this approach, the dog will associate this phrase exclusively with positive aspects. This is a great option for teaching your puppy to follow commands without using threats or punishment.
  4. If your dog is showing obedience more and more often, you should give him treats less often. But at the same time, we must not forget that the baby must be praised so that he continues to try.

If the puppy is given the necessary knowledge correctly, the rest of the learning process will be easier.

Puppy and leash: how to make training comfortable

Perhaps this is the most serious problem, and you can often see how the owners literally drag the poor guy who does not want to come to terms with his situation. How to accustom a puppy to a leash quickly and painlessly? Step-by-step plan:

  1. Introducing the collar. If puppies are marked almost from birth by wearing a colored thread, and later it is replaced with a ribbon-collar, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, you will need to wear this accessory for a while, periodically extending the wearing time.
  2. Learning to walk on a leash. First of all, you should learn how to train your dog to use a leash. To do this, it is enough to fasten the equipment at home so that your pet can run with it. Ideally, the baby does not pay attention to this object, and can run for about half an hour without showing interest in the leash. Usually by 3 months the pet is fully vaccinated, and by this time the owner should know how to raise a puppy in outdoor conditions. And the first thing a child must master for his own safety is walking on a leash. At this important moment, you should be careful and walk next to the puppy, avoiding pulling on the leash. If the baby runs in the wrong direction, you cannot correct his movement by pulling the leash. You should pick him up and move him to a safe place. This is one of the axioms of how to properly raise a puppy: he should be given the opportunity to choose a route until he begins to perceive fastening the leash as a good sign of a quick walk.
  3. Walk on a leash without pulling it. It is not good for a well-bred puppy to pull on its owner, so the owner should pay special attention to this moment and choose a weaning method - loyal or harsh.

In the first case, you need to stop every time the puppy starts to pull on the leash and wait until he pays attention to the owner. At this time, you should treat him with a treat and encourage him with a kind expression, and then slightly change the course of action. After 3-4 weeks, the baby will understand that his haste leads to movement stopping completely.

For large puppies aged 4–5 months, this manipulation can be replaced with a more strict method - jerking.

In this case, it is better to use a children's strict collar with rounded teeth and a leash made of nylon thread as ammunition. The pet should be given 2-3 meters of freedom, but as soon as it starts to pull on the leash, it should be stopped with a jerk. Usually a week is enough for the dog to realize that pulling on the leash causes discomfort.

In the future, there will be no difficulties in raising a puppy and accustoming it to behavior on the street, especially if you follow the rules and consistency.

There is another 4th stage - learning to walk side by side. It is recommended to use a loose leash for walking until the pet can master the basic commands - ew, place, sit, next. Afterwards, you can begin a more complex task: teach your pet the “near!” command. In this case, it is recommended not to overload the dog with activities, otherwise it will be difficult for him to concentrate.

You should sit him next to your left leg, and hold the free end of the leash and a treat or toy with your right hand. Then you need to start moving with the command “near!”, maintaining the half-tight position of the leash, not allowing the pet to overtake the owner. The main thing is to understand how to train a puppy and show persistence: any attempts to pull on the leash must be stopped immediately!

As soon as the puppy has taken the desired position, he should definitely be praised, and for this it is enough to say “good” and repeat the command so that he understands what he has done to deserve the owner’s approval.

During 1 walk, 2-3 approaches are enough.

Give me your paw, four-legged friend!

Any well-mannered dog should be ashamed if it does not know the command “give me your paw!”, no matter how many months or years old it is. This task is not so much an indicator of good manners as a convenient skill that makes caring for a pet easier.

How to teach a dog the command “give me your paw!”, and most importantly, why? First of all, the command will come in handy when your pet needs a manicure, wash its paws, or inspect its pads. Many tricks contain a similar element. To teach your puppy to give paw, you can use the following method:

  1. Using the command “sit!”, you need to sit the pet in such a way that it can reach the owner without getting up.
  2. Then you should take the tidbit in your right hand, show it to the puppy and hold it in your palm.
  3. You need to wait until attempts to get to the treat using your nose are unsuccessful, and the pet uses its paw.
  4. As soon as the puppy’s limb is on your hand, you need to say the command and hold the paw for a few seconds.
  5. Afterwards, you should carefully lower the paw, praise the baby and give away the earned treat.

Now we need to clarify how to teach a dog to give a paw so that he doesn’t forget this command in a few days. You need to refresh your baby's memory every day by asking him to give you a paw 3-4 times, doing several approaches a day.

Mastering important commands

Professionals know how to properly train a puppy and can tell you how to do it yourself. Typically, learning basic commands begins at 3–4 months of age, and the complex includes extremely useful skills that even the most careless student can master.

"Near!". It is almost impossible to raise an obedient dog without training this command. To master it, it is advisable to have an assistant who will hold the puppy in his arms or an adult dog by the collar. The owner should praise the dog and treat it with something tasty, and then ask another person to move the pet 2-3 meters away from him and hold it at such a distance, but so that the dog can see the owner. After 5–10 seconds, the owner commands “near!” and slaps his hand on his thigh, and the assistant lets him go.

If the dog refuses to run, then you should lure him with a treat.

When the command is executed correctly, you should praise him for his efforts, and then consolidate the skill by repeating the exercise several more times.

"Ugh". Obedience is important for a trained dog, and this command allows the owner to correct the behavior and actions of the pet. It should be worked out using the method of coercion, or rather punishment, since the dog hears this only when it behaves incorrectly. Most often, owners begin to use the word “fu” from the first days of the arrival of a new family member in the house, since the baby immediately gets involved in research activities and is not always within the limits of what is permitted.

However, serious mastery of this skill occurs at a later period: at the age of six months, when the puppy is already familiar with basic commands and completely trusts its owner. Of course, this is the most unpleasant dog command, which limits the rights and freedoms of the pet, so dog experts recommend selecting training individually, based on the characteristics and temperament of the dog.

The main thing is that the goal of interrupting the pet’s unwanted attempts without putting your hands to it is achieved.

The following techniques can be used:

  1. You should call the puppy by name, and if he ignores, say clearly and strictly “ugh!” Afterwards you need to call him over and lure him into playing.
  2. If the dog is distracted by the owner's calls, but not enough to run to him, the owner can tease him with a treat or toy.
  3. When the dog already knows some commands, you can clap your hands, and as soon as the pet is distracted, give him quickly and clearly the tasks he has mastered previously. This will certainly confuse the puppy, which means the result has been achieved.
  4. If the dog shows stubbornness and still commits an offense, he should be caught up, restrained and said a few phrases in a frustrated and offended voice, and shamed.

Composure is a basic skill in training, allowing the dog to carry out other commands more efficiently, and the owner not to waste time. As for the very concept of endurance, it is the fixation of the accepted position for the required period, i.e. the dog will sit or lie until the owner gives the go-ahead.

Additional commands

First, you need to bring the dog to a place chosen in advance, command “sit!”, and when the dog sits down, add “wait!” Afterwards, the owner should slowly back away from the pet, and if the pet is about to move in his direction, repeats: “sit, wait!”

For the first attempts, 5-6 steps are enough, and if the puppy shows restraint, you need to immediately return to the dog, reward and release, giving the command “walk!” The initial exposure time is 10 seconds, but should be gradually increased, as should the distance. The further the owner goes, the longer it takes him to return.

Raising a dog at the initial stage means not taking your eyes off your pet, and as soon as he is about to jump up, repeat the command in time. If the puppy shows excitement and cannot sit still for a second, he needs to be returned to his original place, calmed down and calmly begin training.

"Sit!". A basic skill that is the starting point for many teams. Dogs remember it very quickly, as it is a comfortable position for dogs that does not require any effort.

You just need to help your pet a few times by saying “sit!”, lightly pressing on the croup area, and when the dog sits down, give him a treat and praise so that he understands what is required of him. Subsequently, the skill will need to be consolidated, but after 5–7 days the pet will be able to perform this simple task without a word.

Adult dog training

It is believed that it is easiest to raise an animal during puppyhood, and there is some truth in this. But what if the pet came into the house a little later? Don't despair and give up. How to train an adult dog?

They describe a number of subtleties that are best taken into account so that training and education do not become stressful for a new family member:

  1. There are various rules for training dogs, among them the one that indicates that if a pet has just appeared in the family, there is no need to overload it from the first days. You need to wait for the pet to calm down and get used to new people and surroundings.
  2. Training an adult dog at home will not be successful if the owner does not confirm his authority and establish contact with his pet.
  3. Raising a dog that has already had a certain, not always positive, experience is a difficult task. Therefore, if knowledge and experience do not allow you to train dogs on your own, you should seek professional help.
  4. If the owner is ready to educate himself in order to choose the best method for his pet, then it is worth looking for theoretical dog training lessons that include modern approaches without traditional rewards and punishments. In most cases, changing owners is a huge stress for these animals, so harsh methods can only increase the dog’s nervousness.

How to train a dog using the latest stimulus-response technique based on the work of I.P. Pavlov? This method helps to teach an adult pet commands, developing conditioned reflexes based on innate ones. To develop a conditioned reflex in your pet, experts recommend buying a clicker in the pet products department - a box that, when pressed, you can hear a click.

Just like training a puppy, training a dog begins with practicing familiar material. In addition, a calm environment and comfortable conditions should be ensured. After a couple of days, you can replace home exercises with street training.

As soon as the pet begins to correctly follow commands, after each success you need to reward the pet and press the clicker.

This contributes to the development of a conditioned reflex: completing the task - click - get a treat.

Owners may be wondering when to start introducing distractions? This can be done when the dog makes tangible progress. If he is distracted during training, then you should not punish him for this, just press the clicker, thereby returning the animal’s attention.

As soon as the dog understands that obedience is well rewarded and it is worth being more active, the clicker will no longer be needed. Do not forget that puppies require less time to master tasks than an adult animal, so you should not demand the impossible from your pet.

When purchasing a four-legged friend, the owner should not be afraid of the fact that he does not know how to raise dogs. In fact, most pets need a strong hand and a consistent approach, and this is often enough to make the dog obedient and willing to follow commands. If they get a less flexible individual, the owners always have the opportunity to turn to professionals for help.

The question of how to train a dog worries many pet lovers. The main thing in this matter is to be patient and strictly follow the recommendations. Additionally, training dogs at home involves working with your own pet, which can make things more challenging. After all, an owner is to a dog like a mother is to a child—you can be naughty with her. But if a person copes with this and shows not only tolerance, but also toughness, then he will be able to train a dog of any breed in the future.

The question of how to train a dog worries many pet lovers.

All animals, like people, have their own individual character, so if you decide to train a dog at home, it is best to start with a breed whose representatives are distinguished by their flexible character and diligence.

The best ones to train are:

  1. German bearish- She has a good-natured, calm character, but you need to start working with her from a very young age, otherwise she will grow up uncontrollable.
  2. Italian Canne Corso- there will be no problems with him either - he has an excellent memory, but does not communicate well with other breeds.
  3. Basset Hound- a cheerful hunter, quickly finds a common language with children. In addition, the animal is strong and resilient.
  4. — only a strong, strong-willed person can work with him; the animal has a corresponding character. But if such a specialist is found, then the dog will carry out all his commands with ease.
  5. WITH Maltese dog there will be no problems either, he studies easily and willingly, but due to his short stature and weak body he gets tired quickly.
  6. — you couldn’t find a more loyal dog, a self-possessed, Nordic character, but at the same time a wonderful nanny. He carries out commands easily, and most importantly, with pleasure, because the “German” loves to work.

Commands for a general training course

Training for a dog begins from early childhood - from 1 month. We will talk further about how to train a puppy from 3 months old.

All of the commands listed are very important, you should not skip a single one. And they must be pronounced exactly as written in the manual.

The main thing in this matter is to be patient and strictly follow the recommendations

A little later, after the dog has completed the entire course of mandatory commands, you can train it in any other way, but the base must remain the same:

  1. "To me"- this command will be with the animal throughout its life.
  2. "Ugh"- sometimes this command will help save not only your slipper, but also the life of the dog itself. After all, it is unknown what the pet is going to pick up on the street; it could be a poisoned piece of bait.
  3. "Near"- this command will sound every day while walking.
  4. "Excerpt"- this command is often skipped, but, nevertheless, it is the basis on which the rest of the orders are based.
  5. "Sit"— a team is needed every day in a variety of situations.
  6. "Lie"- the command is not very popular, but is performed by the pet with pleasure.
  7. "Stand"- this command is difficult to teach, but necessary.
  8. "Give"- an important command for any dog, but especially for service dogs. Small breeds will give you a stick or ball at this command, and service dogs will release the captured criminal on this command.
  9. "Aport"— the command is needed for service dogs; according to it, they begin to search the premises. With the help of this command, ordinary breeds of animals are forced to simply run.
  10. "Place"- this command is more likely to maintain the authority of the owner, and not to ensure that the dog goes to his place. The fact is that the “place” is where the owner indicated, and not where the animal likes to sleep.
  11. "Face"— a team for working breeds. But it cannot be used until the pet learns to unquestioningly follow the rest of the owner’s instructions. A service dog is a kind of weapon, and if a person does not know how to use it, then it becomes dangerous. So no “fas” until the dog learns complete obedience.

To help your pet better absorb material, You can use treats as a stimulus during training.

Dog training: first steps (video)

Obedience training

How to teach a dog commands? The learning process can be divided into several stages. Firstly, commands at home should be taught at home, in a calm environment. When you are sure that the puppy being trained has mastered all the material, you can move the classes outside.

It will be a surprise for the owner that in an open place, where there are many irritants that distract the dog, it does not follow a single instruction. So you will have to start all over again. But things will go faster - the base is already there!

On the street, before training, which should last 30-40 minutes, let the animal run. A slightly tired dog will obey better. You need to exercise at least 3 times a week.

Before pronouncing the command, you need to draw the dog’s attention to yourself by calling it by name. All commands must be duplicated with gestures. This is important so that in the future, instructions can only be given by gestures.

Teaching your dog to follow commands

To teach your dog to follow directions, you first need to guide him with your hands and a leash. You should not try to teach your dog several commands in one training session. Having achieved the completion of one, you can teach the next one in the next lesson. In the future, the commands are combined, but in random order. That is, you cannot train an animal to perform a certain sequence - mix them up. Commands must be pronounced in a firm, loud voice.

Be sure to ensure that the dog complies with the order on the second repetition at most. If this doesn't work, you need to pause and try again. You cannot repeat the instructions 3-4 or more times.


  1. "To me". Position yourself so that the dog can see you. You need to attract attention by calling her by name. Show the treat in your hand and say “come to me!” When the animal approaches, give it a treat and praise it with your voice, making its timbre softer. Repeat the exercise, gradually moving further away from the animal.
  2. "Ugh". To do this you need to take a treat. Place it in front of the dog and say “ugh!” If the puppy tries to pick up the food, say “ugh” again and slap him in the face with your palm. There is no need to hit him hard; the main thing is to emphasize your disapproval of your pet’s behavior. You can hit with a fly swatter or a rolled-up newspaper, but there is a danger of teaching the dog to be afraid of this particular object. Repeat the command until the dog learns to ignore the treat when you direct it. After he has ignored the treat, you can pick it up and give it to the dog from the palm of your hand. Having learned this trick, your pet will never eat anything on the street and, on your command, will release any object from its mouth.
  3. In order to teach your dog the “near” command, you will need to put a collar and leash on him. Having said “near!”, use a leash to bring the animal to your left leg, simultaneously slapping it with your left palm, and position it so that its head touches your leg. When he gets into this position, give the puppy a treat. For a service dog, it is critical to follow this command, walking around the owner in a circle clockwise, so it will be easier for him to take the right place. Help the dog with this with a leash. The mongrel does not need to be taught to walk around its owner in a circle. She should just come and stand on the left side.
  4. Team training "sit" is also duplicated by a gesture - the palm rises to the level of the chest away from you, at the same time the command “sit!” is given. There is no need to hit the dog on the rump. To give it the desired position, you just need to press with two fingers on the base of the pelvic bones where the spine extends from them; in humans this place is called the lower back. The dog will feel uncomfortable with this pressure and will instinctively sit down. After the command is completed, give the treat while rewarding the dog with your voice.
  5. On command "lie!" The palm falls parallel to the ground. In order for the dog to take the correct position, press your finger between his shoulder blades, moving away from the painful pressure, he will lie down. Give him a treat and praise him.
  6. "Excerpt" At its core, it is the dog’s ability to remain in the position indicated to it by its owner. This can be a sitting, standing, lying position. Force the animal to perform one of these commands and try to get it to maintain this position for 5-10 seconds. Some trainers add the command “wait!” Or they simply duplicate the executed command. Alternate “exposure” with other commands, gradually increasing the interval. After the dog has spent the allotted time in the indicated position, give him a treat and praise. Ideally, the pet should remain in this position for up to 30 minutes. Without “restraint” the dog will leave the specified position at its own discretion, and this is wrong.
  7. "Give" It is performed in combination with the “fetch” exercise, but to begin with it can be done without it. You can train with your favorite toy, let the dog take it in its teeth. After that, extend your hand to her and command “Give!” To get the puppy to release the object and give it back, distract the animal with a treat. After following the instructions, praise your dog. In order to strengthen the skill, while eating a pet with the words “give!” take the bowl from him. He should allow you to do this without complaint. If he growls and shows aggression, suppress this urge by pressing your hand on his back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Press the dog down to the floor and hold it there until he stops resisting. This must be done so that the dog understands who is boss in the house. This knowledge will remain with him for the rest of his life; such understanding is especially important if the dog is a large breed.
  8. Dog training for the “fetch” command should take place outside. To do this, take a special toy or a stick made of hard wood and throw it forward with the words “fetch!” The animal's instinct will tell you to grab the toy. When this happens, call the dog to you and with the command “give!” make him release the object from his mouth. Give a treat and praise. Training of service dogs follows approximately the same algorithm, only they are looking for a specific object. Small dogs are not usually taught the fetch command.
  9. "Place". The command is necessary in order to indicate the dog to its place in a particular case. This can be in any room or outside. “Place” is the area where she should wait for her owner. This exercise is taught in combination with the “exposure” command. If the dog leaves the specified place, punish him without permission. There is no need to hit with your hands, as dog handlers say, you will beat your hands off, because a dog’s body is less sensitive to pain than a human’s. It’s better to order “place!” in a stern voice. and reinforce your words with a blow from the leash. After following the instructions, praise and give a treat.
  10. "Fas!" This command is best taught to the dog after you have achieved complete obedience from him, and it is best to do this in a special training center. There, as a rule, there is the necessary equipment - protective suits and bandages. In addition, in this case you will need the help of a volunteer assistant. Training should begin when the dog has grown and become physically stronger. Around 10-12 months.

Every owner wants his dog to be well-mannered and follow a certain set of commands. To achieve a positive result, experts advise starting to work with your four-legged friend as early as possible, preferably from puppyhood. Where to start, how much time to devote and how often to conduct classes - read about all this in the article.

When to start training

If the dog is already 1-1.5 years old, then it has acquired certain habits, which, unfortunately, are not always useful. It will be more difficult for an adult dog who has never been trained with to get used to discipline and understand what is required of him. At the same time, the puppy learns through play, mastering new skills very quickly, and does not contradict the owner. All these arguments speak in favor of starting training with your dog as early as possible.

Basic rules for raising a puppy

Before talking about where to start training a puppy, you should learn the following rules:

  • You can start training only if the dog is healthy, cheerful and cheerful. You should not try to teach commands to a sick or tired four-legged friend.
  • After the puppy gets into the house, you need to give him time to adapt to the new environment, get used to the new food, and fall in love with his owner. Experts say that five days is enough for a puppy to adapt.
  • Before you start training your puppy, he needs to be accustomed to a collar and leash.
  • The lesson should be carried out in a playful way, as with a child, its duration at a time should not exceed 40-60 minutes, otherwise the baby will get tired and stop listening, become lethargic or capricious.
  • The main motive for a puppy is praise and treats, so it is advisable not to feed him too heavily before training.
  • Choose only one command for a particular action and do not change it. If the puppy has learned the command “Come to me!”, he will not understand your call “Come here!”.

Another important point is that the result of training depends on the breed of the dog. For example, training a shepherd dog, St. Bernard, Rottweiler, boxer, dachshund, or poodle puppy will be successful. Training small breeds is always more difficult, because the nervous system of small dogs is weaker, they are more susceptible to stress, and get tired faster.

Where to start training a puppy

The beginning is the same for everyone - the puppy should be accustomed to a nickname and a collar with a leash.

The dog gets used to the nickname very quickly. You don't need any special exercises for this. It’s enough just to clearly pronounce his name each time you address your pet, and repeat it while playing, feeding, and petting. It is important that the puppy develops positive associations with its name, so at an early age, when scolding the dog, avoid saying its name.

As a rule, the puppy gets used to the collar and leash easily and painlessly. 5-6 days after the baby comes into your home, simply put a collar on the puppy. Depending on his character and temperament, he may not notice it at all, or he may try to remove it or chew it off. Distract your baby with a bright object, treat or game. Remove the collar only before bed. After this, we can consider that the first day of training has ended successfully. On the second day, put on the collar again, you can attach a leash and even take him for a walk.

The main thing is that the collar is soft and does not rub the baby’s neck, and the leash should be long enough for the puppy to walk with pleasure and be able to freely explore the world around him.

Basic commands

You already know where to start training a puppy - accustoming it to a name and a collar with a leash. What to teach next? Since the dog is still a child, it will not learn complex commands, and long-term training will be tiring and leave a negative impression. Therefore, you can count on the following commands:

  • first block - place, come to me, ugh;
  • the second block - sit, next to, lie, stand;
  • third block - aport, front.

Each block lasts approximately 3-4 months, depending on the dog’s intelligence and psyche. That is, a young dog completes the program by about one and a half years. If training at home allowed the puppy to master this basic level, then we can say that the owner did an excellent job.


Owners often ask the question: “Is it possible for a dog to sleep in the same bed with its owner?” No! Even small dogs need to know their place. It is not just a matter of hygiene or safety, but also that the dog must understand order and discipline.

It is not difficult to train a dog to a place. To do this, on the first day, when you bring the puppy into the house and he gets acquainted with the territory, take the baby to his bed and calmly say “place” several times. Whenever you see that the puppy is already resting, take him in your arms and carry him to his bed, saying “place” in a calm tone.

You cannot accustom a puppy to a place by placing a treat on his bed, because he will take this as a signal to action and will carry food from the bowl there.

The lesson is considered learned when the child, with the command “Place!” runs where it should.

"To me!"

This command is most often used in everyday life. Whenever your puppy runs towards you of his own accord, or when you call him to eat or play, clearly say “Come!” When your four-legged friend runs up, be sure to praise him, pat him affectionately on the withers, and say “Well done!”, “Good dog!” with a major intonation.

What if the puppy started playing or became capricious and didn’t run up? Don't scold him! Just walk up to the dog, hold it by the rump and, pulling it towards you, repeat the command. Then praise and reward with a treat.

The lesson has been learned if the puppy comes running at the owner’s first call.


Everything seems logical: the baby picked something up on the street or is chewing on your slippers, you go up to him and firmly say “Ugh!” and take away what is forbidden, you can even lightly flick the offender on the back of the neck. This tactic is correct. But many make a typical mistake: the puppy picked up some nasty stuff and joyfully brought it to the owner, who shouted “Ugh!” he took the loot and even scolded him. You can't do that! You should never punish your child when he runs up to you. The puppy will develop a negative reflex: it approaches the owner, and he is scolded. The dog will not understand what is to blame, but will think that its beloved owner does not want to see it.

The same mistake can be seen when a puppy makes a puddle during the day, and in the evening they poke his nose into it and scold him. Absolutely ignorant behavior! A dog does not know how to build cause-and-effect relationships like a person. The result of such behavior will only be that the puppy will become afraid of the owner coming home.


After the first commands have been learned and are carried out immediately and in any order, you can continue the training course and move on to the second, more complex block.

It is easier to teach this command to a puppy than to an adult dog. The most common technique: call your four-legged friend, show him a treat and, holding it in front of the dog’s muzzle, slowly lift it up. As the puppy lifts its head, it will sit down, and you can gently press your palm on the dog’s rear, as if helping it sit down. At the same time, when the baby sits on his hind legs, say “Sit!” and treat you to something delicious.

The command is learned when the dog sits on command and maintains this position for as long as its owner considers necessary. With a puppy with endurance, it is better not to overdo it, otherwise he will get tired and be mischievous.


Training of the team "Nearby!" - one of the most difficult lessons for both the puppy and the owner. You will need to teach your dog to walk on the left side side by side, without running ahead or falling behind. You need to start the lesson at the very end of an active walk. When your four-legged friend gets frisky, take the leash in your left hand and a treat in your right hand at muzzle level. Walk forward so that the puppy runs for the treat, repeat “Near!” all the time. After a few meters, stop, give the baby something tasty, and praise him. Do several reps. Training for this team can take a week or more.


The practice process is similar to learning the “Sit!” command. You should take something tasty in your right hand and hold the treat at the level of the dog's muzzle. Then slowly lower it down to the ground, while simultaneously gently pressing on the puppy’s shoulder blades. When he lies down, hold him for a few seconds, repeating “Lie down!”, and then reward him with a treat.


In order for your pet to learn to carry out this command, you need to bring a treat or favorite toy to his face with your right hand, and hold his stomach with your left in such a way as to prevent the dog from sitting or lying down. At the same time, keep saying “Stop!” It will be useful to use a treat to force the puppy to get up from a lying or sitting position using this command.

Having taught the dog fundamental skills, you can be sure that in the future it will be easy to give not only the commands of the third block, but also special service ones. A training school will help a novice dog breeder teach this to his dog.

When deciding to get a dog, you need to remember: an animal that is not trained in basic commands is dangerous not only for society, but also for yourself. In turn, upbringing depends only on the owner. A dog's genetic tendency to learn does not mean that it cannot get out of control. The kindest, most affectionate and friendly animals can perform unwanted and sometimes dangerous actions. Therefore, the question of how to teach a dog the “Fu” command is relevant for every responsible animal owner.

The commands “Fu” and “No” are not the same thing

Inexperienced owners equate the teams “No” and “Fu”. Of course, these commands have a common feature - the desire to stop any actions of the animal. But they are not interchangeable.

The command “Fu” implies a complete, categorical prohibition. It is used in the early stages of raising a dog. If the animal has successfully mastered the training course, the use of the “Fu” command is practically reduced to “no”. It is used only when the dog does something that is unacceptable under any circumstances. For example, when a dog chews on the sofa, picks up trash on a walk, or is aggressive towards other pets.

The “No” command is entered later than the “Fu” command. It is used when an animal needs to be temporarily prohibited from doing something. For example, when feeding an animal: the dog can start eating only after a command-offer (“Eat”, “You can”, etc.). If the animal begins to eat without permission, the command “No” is pronounced.

Both commands must be obeyed without question the first time they are spoken. The difference in the nature of the prohibition should not affect the quality of the command. The “No” command should not be considered less serious than the “Fu” command.

When might you need the "Fu" command?

The use of the “Fu” command is not limited to the prohibition of chewing furniture or barking at other animals. There are still a lot of actions that need to be stopped as early as puppyhood. Let's try to prove the need to teach a dog the "Fu" command using situations that each of us may encounter in everyday life.

A large breed dog puts its paws on its owner with joy

  • All dogs are happy when their owner comes home. Having missed you, the pet meets you at the threshold and begins to jump up to your face with joy, placing its paws on clean clothes. It’s unpleasant when a toy terrier behaves like this. And if this is a German Shepherd, the consequences for you and your clothes can be sad: a torn jacket, traces of dirty paws and bruises on the body.
  • The most loving and friendly animals can show their natural instincts. Dogs are often aggressive towards drunken and smoking people, as well as children who scream or squeal loudly. You may not notice how the dog bares its teeth or rushes at a pedestrian it doesn’t like. Does anyone need victims and problems with the police?
  • While walking without a leash, the dog may find something edible on the ground. It can be not only garbage, but also poison for homeless animals. The consequences can be tragic: from poisoning to death.
  • Showing the best security qualities, a dog can bark for a long time when it hears the slightest rustle outside the front door. Constant barking, heard at any time of the day, will not please you or your neighbors.

With the help of the “Fu” command, you can avoid all these troubles, be it aggression towards passers-by or joyful jumping on the owner. And these are just a few examples of situations - in reality there are many more.

Age for learning the "Fu" command

The question of the age at which you can start learning the “Fu” command is debatable. The most common figure, called by professional dog handlers, is 3 months. From this age, the puppy can be physically punished (within permissible limits, of course). The “Fu” command is basic, so training should begin before the commands, “Sit” and “Next”.

If a dog is picked up from the street as an adult, it should also be taught the “Fu” command. This will be somewhat more difficult, because you will be dealing with an animal that has fully formed its character and has developed a certain type of behavior. Despite the difficulties, you will have to train the dog, because homeless animals picked up from the street are far from training and education in general: for example, they can easily eat from the trash heap.

Teaching the puppy the “Fu” command

The puppy is rewarded with a treat

It may seem to a novice dog owner that the “Fu” command is the easiest command for a dog to learn. Statistics show the opposite: it is easier to teach an animal to perform a certain action on command than to prohibit it with one word from doing something unwanted. That is why teaching a dog the “Fu” command should be systematic and step-by-step.

  • Dog trainers advise starting training while walking. You should choose a relatively quiet place that is familiar to the dog, without unnecessary stimuli (people, cars, dogs). A prerequisite when choosing a location is the presence of prohibited objects (garbage, birds).
  • If there are no prohibited objects, they can be specially prepared and scattered in advance. Another option is to take a friend for a walk who will scatter prohibited objects. This could be a dog treat, pieces of sausage or sausage, bones, etc. Under no circumstances should you throw anything that could endanger other people and dogs.
  • It is necessary to change training places as often as possible. The dog must carry out the command in different conditions, without perceiving it only in one specific place.
  • The animal must be on a loose leash.
  • You can't speed up your pace. At a fast pace, you are unlikely to be able to fully control what is happening.
  • The “Fu” command is given no more than 5 times per walk at intervals of at least 10 minutes.
  • The command “Fu” is given in a calm voice, clearly and only once. Yelling at an animal is strictly prohibited.
  • You shouldn't make the "Fu" command universal. It is used when you need to give the dog a complete, categorical ban, and not “slow down” any action. You cannot substitute other commands
  • You cannot give a dog a treat for following the “Fu” command. You can reward her later (read below on how to do this).
  • If you prohibit something using the “Fu” command once, do it in the future. It must be clearly defined for the dog what can and cannot be done.
  • The dog should follow the “Fu” command when it hears it from any member of your family.
  • You need to give the command “Fu” with lightning speed, at the moment of an unwanted action.

Step by step training

The owner stops the dog by saying the command “Fu”

  1. Following all the recommendations, decide on the place and time of training. Find out if there are any dog-friendly items in the area. Prepare prohibited items if required by the activity location.
  2. Go to the training area at a relaxed pace. Remember: no “Fu” command on the way to the first lesson. If you need to prevent an unwanted action, use a leash and pull the dog back.
  3. Knowing in advance where the prohibited objects are, head towards them. When the dog reaches for something that it should not take, strictly say “Ugh” and tug the leash quite firmly (comparate the strength of the tug with the size of the animal). First the command must be given and only then the jerk must be made.
  4. When the dog becomes distracted by your influence, continue moving. The dog should follow you. If she again concentrates her attention on the forbidden object, you should repeat the command “Fu” and pull the leash again, but this time stronger.
  5. Large breed dogs may not respond to tugs. In this case, it is worth taking more stringent measures - using a strict collar, a noose or an electronic collar.
  6. There are several steps to follow. If the dog knows the “Sit” command, you need to give it. Only after this can the animal be treated to a treat.

This procedure is repeated throughout the walk. You should not plan to repeat the “Fu” command more times and at fewer intervals than indicated in the recommendations. But if on the way home the dog does something that needs to be stopped with the command “Fu” - stop it.

Consolidation of a skill

First, you need to work in simulated conditions, choosing the place and time of classes and independently throwing in prohibited items. When the dog begins to carry out the command well, you need to move to another level - consolidating a new skill. A skill can be considered fixed only when the animal obeys you on the first command in any conditions.

Start increasing the difficulty by moving to off-leash training. However, there is no need to change the situation. When a dog is off leash, it is more relaxed and prone to unwanted actions. If the dog wants to take a prohibited item, it will no longer be possible to use a leash; you will have to influence it differently. For example, you can lift the animal by the collar and shake or press on the shoulder blades, pressing it to the ground.


First of all, you should get used to it. For the puppy, it is associated with the “Attention!” signal. Usually the nickname is followed by an action in relation or some kind of command. Never distort the name of an animal, do not give it a diminutive or other connotation. And do not repeat it aimlessly and very often.

When you give your puppy food, give him the command “Come to me!” When he approaches, pet him or give him his favorite treat, rewarding your pet for coming to you. The command “Come to me!” Let's use a moderately affectionate but firm tone, but not in any way threatening. If the puppy does not listen to you, switch his attention and distract him. Then repeat the command, but in a clearer tone, and force it to be carried out. As soon as the command is completed, pet and treat the puppy with a treat.

There are always many temptations for a growing dog. Therefore, reinforce from a very early age the precise execution of the command “Come to me!” Reward your gourmand for each execution of a command with a cracker or a piece of sugar. If your puppy is attentive and affectionate, pet him and scratch behind the ears. A mischievous person will be delighted with playing with a ball or another hobby.

When going for a walk, stock up on treats. Give this treat to the puppy for each execution of the “Come to me!” command, then let him run further with the “Walk!” command. Just don’t call him often, otherwise the puppy will get tired and stop responding to commands. Do not call your puppy to you when you need to go home and he has not yet walked. He will quickly figure out what the matter is and next time he may not respond to your call.

There are times when a puppy happily runs up to the call for a treat, but is not given into your hands. Don't catch him, but give him a treat only when he stops near you and allows himself to be petted.

If your dog misbehaves while away from you, do not punish it after calling. Dogs have a short memory, so your puppy can correlate the punishment with the approach to the call. If a dog needs to be punished, then this should be done by approaching from behind and catching it while committing an offense or immediately after it. If the puppy is away from you, throw something light at him so that he immediately notices you and calls him. As soon as the puppy approaches, you can reprimand him, but in the end you need to reward him for approaching and cuddle him. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve obedience.

Video on the topic

If you decide to get a dog, then remember that a dog is not just a friend, a protector or, as is often the case lately, an accessory. This is an intelligent animal that needs to be raised and trained, otherwise instead of a loyal friend you will get an ill-mannered and disobedient bully who will not be so easy to deal with. A dog must obey its owner unquestioningly. To achieve this, from the first days the dog is in your home, start working with it and training it. How to do this is in the instructions below.


Learn to respond to your name. This is the first and most important thing to teach your four-legged friend. To make it easier to learn how to respond to a nickname, choose a short and sonorous name for it. A monosyllabic one, like Rex, is best. When communicating with a dog, try not to distort its name, otherwise it will simply get confused. Do not repeat the nickname before each command - in this case, the command will be executed only after its nickname is called.

Train your dog to use a collar, leash and muzzle. Start accustoming your little one to the collar - at first he will not like the collar, but then he will get used to it. Start your walks on a long walk so that nothing restricts the puppy’s movements. Do not allow your dog to chew on the leash or play with it.

When your dog gets older, start training him to wear a muzzle. To do this, first put something tasty in the muzzle - let the dog feel that the muzzle is not scary and can be trusted. If the dog doesn't like the muzzle at all, play with it while it's in it, feed it something tasty through it.

The first and fairly simple command that you need to teach your dog is the “Come to me” command. To teach it to your dog, while walking, say: “Come to me!” and at the same time gently pull the dog towards you. Do not constantly repeat the dog’s name and do not hurt it in any way. Over time, the dog will understand what you want from it and learn the command.

The next simple command that will be very useful is the “Ugh!” command. You will say it when you want to stop some unwanted behavior from your dog. In order to teach your dog a command, choose a place where there are some irritants (for example, pigeons in the park or something else). When the dog tries to approach the object, pull the leash toward you and say, “Ugh!” The moment the dog stops paying attention to the object, give it something tasty and praise it.

Now that the dog has mastered the most basic commands, begin teaching more complex ones. For example, the command “Sit”. To teach your dog this command, say: “Sit!” and sit the dog down on the ground. For a completed command, treat your dog with a treat.

Teach your dog the “Place” command. The dog must have its own place, for example, a bedding, where you will send it, so that it does not get in the way and does not play around. In order for the dog to master the command, place a treat on the bedding and say: “Place!” and push the dog towards the bedding. Continue to do this every day until the dog understands the command.

You can teach your dog many more useful commands: “Voice!”, “Give me a paw!”, “Lie down!” and so on. The main thing is focus and systematicity. Teach your dog patience and learn it yourself if you want to achieve good results. Good luck to you!

Video on the topic

Service dog breeds that are easy to train are shepherds and labradors. From time immemorial, during the selection of these species, individuals were selected that best understood and carried out human commands. There are also quite intelligent and easily trained mongrels, schnauzers, fighting and guard dogs. You can train almost any dog, the main thing is to know the basic principles of training.


When you place a bowl of food on the floor, call your dog by name. Very soon your pet will understand his name and will come running to you when you say his name.

The second required lesson is the “fu” command. When the puppy starts chewing your furniture or legs or barking at random, be sure to say “ugh” or “no” in a stern voice. Gently remove the object from your puppy's mouth or close his jaws with your hand if he barks. Be firm, but not harsh.

If the puppy does not understand the words and continues to be mischievous, you can lightly slap him on the back with a newspaper. Do not hit him with your hand under any circumstances. Firstly, you can cause your pet severe pain. And secondly, the dog may become angry with you and generally refuse to follow commands.

The next lesson is the “sit” command. Take a treat in your hand and call your dog to you. Raise the food above the dog's head. With the other hand, gently press on the sacrum, repeating “sit.” Very quickly the puppy will understand what is required of him.

The “down” command is taught in almost the same way. Just first press the dog on the sacrum so that he sits down. And then gently stretch your paws forward so that she lies down. Repeat the command “lie down.” If done correctly, reward your pet with a tasty morsel.

The “fetch” command can be taught to a puppy during the game. Throw the dog a ball or a stick. At the same time, say “fetch” loudly and clearly. When the puppy takes the object in his teeth, call him to you. If he came and brought the right thing, give him a tasty piece.

When training your dog, be gentle but persistent. Don't let your puppy get the better of you. From the first days of being in the house, the dog should feel that you are the leader. Otherwise, when the dog grows up, he may become aggressive and harm family members.

Training a puppy is a very responsible task that will require patience, endurance and special knowledge from you. You can start classes when your pet is one and a half to two months old. To achieve results in training your dog, you need to know several basic principles of training.


"To me!"
When the puppy is not doing something, call him. If your pet doesn’t run up right away, don’t get annoyed or nervous. Call him until he obeys the command. When the goal is achieved, praise your pet well. Give your dog a treat and pet him. Repeat the exercise several times, just don't overdo it. The first workouts should be no more than 10-15 minutes.

You can teach your puppy this command simultaneously with the command “Come to me!” As soon as your pet runs up to you and receives a well-deserved treat and affection, release him and command: “Go for a walk!”

Take the treat in your right hand and squeeze it with your thumb. Call your dog and let him smell the treat. At the same time, hold your hand with an open palm facing forward next to the puppy’s nose. When the puppy becomes interested, slowly raise your hand and place it behind the puppy's head. He will have to sit down because the treat is above his head. If the pet twirls around a lot, jumps, or tries to get the treat with its paws, hold it from below by the collar with your left hand. Saying the “sit” command is useless for now; there is no need to command it during the first training session. When the puppy sits down, immediately say “good” and please him with a treat and petting.

It is necessary to move on to mastering this command after the well-learned command “Sit!” When the puppy sits, bring the treat to his nose and as soon as he reaches for it, move your hand forward and down, while pressing on the withers. Most likely, you will have to repeat this exercise more than once before your pet begins to obey the command, but be decisive and do not stop there.

This is a rather difficult command for a young dog. The workout should be done at home. It will be easier for your pet to learn the command if you hide treats or toys under the bedding. Then the dog’s definition will be fixed: “place” is interesting and pleasant, and he will gladly carry out the command.

Dog training is of paramount importance in raising a pet. Studying a basic course of commands not only makes it easier to control the animal, but also establishes good contact between the owner and the dog. In the process of training a dog, the owner himself develops and learns the correct interpretation of the animal’s behavior. All this, combined with the pet’s obedience, ensures a problem-free tandem – man-dog.

You will need

  • - leash;
  • - a treat.


Traditionally, “Sit” is taught at the beginning of the general training course. Take the treat in your hand and show it to your pet. Then slowly raise your hand with the treat, slightly behind your head. At this point say “Sit.” In order not to lose sight of the treat, she will be forced to sit down. Immediately repeat the command, then praise and give her a tasty piece. Repeat these steps immediately and after 10-15 minutes. In the future, to consolidate, practice the “Sit” command 4-6 times during the day.

The “Lie Down” command is learned using a similar method. Holding the treat in your hand where your dog can see it, lower your hand in front of your dog's nose toward the floor and say "Down." Reaching for a treat, she will lie down. Repeat the command several times and give the treat.

The “Place” command is very important in everyday life; you should start practicing it after learning the “Sit” command. To indicate a place, you can use your dog’s home bed or any of your things if the command is being practiced during a walk. When studying at home, take a treat in your hand, show it to the dog and command “Place”. At the same time, bring your hand to your pet’s bed, place a tasty piece on it, repeating the command. When the dog ends up on the bed while going for a piece, praise him and let him eat the treat. Place her in this place with the “Sit” command and hold for a few seconds, again praise her for her endurance and release her from her place with the “Walk” command.

Helpful advice

If you cannot find an approach to the dog or your pet is a representative of an extremely serious breed, consult a dog trainer. Perhaps it will be more useful for you to study under his guidance.

Positive reinforcement of the dog should be done no later than 3-4 seconds after a correctly performed action. Otherwise, the expected effect of consolidating the team will not happen.

Tip 6: Training dogs at home: simple rules and techniques

Training a dog involves teaching it discipline, some exercises, and commands. You need to start preparing from the first day your pet arrives in the house. A dog must learn one important rule - to always obey its owner.

Teaching first commands

The first call signs that you need to familiarize the puppy with are: “Come to me!”, “Place!”. The owner must pronounce them in a commanding voice to interest the pet. After correct execution, encouragement should follow in the form of stroking, the word “Good” or a treat. Teaching the word “Place” should be accompanied by showing that very place of residence. This should be a bedding or rug that the dog will get used to over time.

The command “Come to me” is repeated along with the nickname. If the dog is walking very slowly, then you need to run back, this will speed up its movement. Violent actions are unacceptable here; they can only shake the animal’s nervous system. There is no need to feed your dog before training; it is better to let him be a little hungry.

At two months you can already switch to the new command “Sit”. You need to take a treat, call your pet, raise the goodies to such a height that the dog can only see them while sitting. When the pet sits, you need to loudly give the command “Sit” and feed it. If the dog does not want to sit, then you can push it slightly. The command “Lie down” is given from a sitting position. At first, you need to hold the dog by the withers and push the front paws forward, while repeating the command and do not forget to reward. The “Stand” command is trained from a lying position. The animal must be held by the belly and raised to its feet, giving the appropriate command.

At three months, the skill of walking next to the owner is already developed. For these purposes you need a short leash. The dog should walk on the left side of the person. While moving, when the dog moves away, you need to command “Nearby”, tighten the leash, then loosen it so that the dog can move freely. Repeat the action when the animal moves away.

The need for timely training

If the owner has not started training before a year, then you can end up with a completely uncontrollable animal. Of course, you can take care of a pet after a year, but it will be more difficult. The above commands can actually be learned on your own. But only an experienced instructor will help you complete a more complex training course.

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