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How to get rid of depression on your own. Treating Depression The most significant progress in treating depression in decades

As a rule, a person strives to cope with such a condition on his own and often simply does not pay attention to it, which can subsequently have a bad effect on both physical and mental health. Treatment of depression at home is possible only at the initial stage of the disease.

What is depression

The normal reaction of a living organism to stress is a slowdown in vital processes and a decrease in performance. Normally, after solving any life problems or troubles, a good mood returns, and a person feels full of strength again.

If the cause of the disorder is eliminated, but feelings and behavior do not change, depression, loss of strength and apathy for life are again felt, you need to seriously think about your condition and eliminate the developing depression.

Also, the first warning sign should be apathy after minor troubles in life, which minimally affect a person’s plans. Most often, psychologists distinguish several types of depression, depending on a specific season (winter, spring, autumn).

In its advanced form, depression can manifest itself not only as loss of strength and bad mood, but also cause persistent affective disorders of the nervous system. Treatment of depression at home is justified only in some cases when the disease is mild or is at an early stage. In this case, you can use introspection, self-hypnosis and take medications from natural remedies such as herbs or certain foods.

Depression: symptoms and treatment, clinical picture of the disease

Depression, like any disease, has clearly defined clinical manifestations, with which it can be diagnosed as quickly as possible:

  • lack of concentration and attention;
  • memory problems;
  • apathetic state;
  • a constant state of oppression and distraction;
  • inability to concentrate on a specific issue or action;
  • indifference to situations that previously caused joy and satisfaction.

A depressed person may constantly replay negative thoughts in their head that have no basis in reality. In addition, you need to pay attention to unconscious fears, anxiety and restlessness, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, and sudden weight loss. All these symptoms are characterized by depression. The causes, treatment and features of therapy can only be determined by a specialist.

Manic-depressive syndrome

It is a special manifestation of depression, which is characterized as frequent mood swings with loss of attention and reality. It has two phases - manic and severe depression.

The manic phase manifests itself:

  • state of euphoria;
  • hyperactivity;
  • possible occurrence of hallucinations;
  • delusional;
  • irritability;
  • fast speech;
  • sharp jumps from one subject to another;
  • lack of concentration;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep problems;
  • loss of skills (social, professional, educational).

Symptoms can be mild or severe. The severe depression phase has several manifestations, including the appearance of phobias, anxiety, obsessions, and a state of panic. Treatment of depression at home should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who will help you choose effective methods and, if necessary, prescribe the correct dosages of medicinal drugs.

Phobias with depression

A phobia manifests itself as an unconscious fear. The cause can be any action or object. The occurrence of phobias is not limited; they occur at any age and are often completely unfounded and unnoticeable.

A person who has a certain phobia is ready to do anything to avoid an unpleasant situation. Therefore, he often behaves inappropriately in a seemingly standard situation. Treatment of depression with folk remedies in this case is not entirely relevant, since the help of specialists and taking medications together with psychotherapy will give the fastest and best effect.

State of anxiety or panic

It manifests itself as anxiety, fear, and a feeling of uncertainty. The feeling of anxiety is a necessary life factor for a person, as it gives him the opportunity to stop in time in the right situation, monitor his health and condition. But it is necessary to ensure that anxiety does not exceed an adequate limit. Increased anxiety prevents a person from making timely decisions and forces him to think and concentrate for a long time.

Women are more susceptible to anxiety conditions; they are often associated with disruption of the endocrine system and can be inherited. Psychological traumas, especially those sustained in childhood, also cause unreasonable fear when faced with similar situations. Treatment of depression, reviews of which can be heard from former patients, indicates the effectiveness of psychotherapy and medications.

Anxiety states are characterized by rapid and loud speech, the presence of certain forms of behavior (pacing around the room, squeezing hands, lack of concentration, trembling in the body, irritability).

Panic conditions tend to be more severe. The state of anxiety intensifies and brings a person to panic or horror; this state can last for several hours, which significantly affects the state of the human nervous system.


They are thoughts that haunt a person. Most often, this symptom manifests itself in adolescence or young adulthood. It consists of performing certain rituals (a person constantly repeats the same actions, thinking that in this way he can prevent undesirable developments of events).

It can manifest itself as a manic desire for cleanliness, constant checking or double-checking of certain objects, and adherence to a certain sequence of performing invented rituals. Treating depression on your own in the presence of obsessions does not produce results, since this symptom is a consequence of a severe degree of the disease and indicates a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system.

Post-traumatic syndrome

Occurs after suffering mental or physical trauma. This could be robbery, rape, or being held captive. After suffering from conditions, a person from time to time experiences the same sensations of fear; it may be associated with a specific place or people with whom the victim may subsequently meet. Major depression can only be treated by professionals.

This syndrome can also be manifested by loss of appetite, insomnia, irritability and depression. PTSD requires medical intervention and long-term treatment. In some cases, hospitalization of the patient is indicated.

Treatment of depression

In some cases, it is possible to eliminate the disease at the initial stage on your own. However, only a professional psychotherapist can deal with such a problem as quickly as possible; in especially severe cases, only a psychiatrist can help. Treatment of depression at home requires a strong desire of the patient to return to an active life and the absence of suicidal thoughts. Otherwise, it is better to hospitalize the patient and monitor his condition.

It is the possibility of an imperceptible transition from an ordinary bad mood to persistent mental disorders that is the greatest danger of depression. The basis of treatment is pharmacological therapy, changes in diet and nutrition, and the use of homeopathic medications.

Medications include tranquilizers and antidepressants, and psychotherapy is also effective. In most cases, psychotherapeutic influence has a positive effect on the state of the human body and allows one to cope with a depressive and depressed state without medications.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

In alternative medicine, dried herbs are used for treatment, from which tinctures or decoctions are prepared. Their action lies in the presence in plants of certain active substances that can restore and normalize the level of hormones in the body, affecting the state of the nervous system and the functioning of the entire organism as a whole.

To treat depression, it is optimal to use lemon balm. Preparing the tincture is very simple. To 1 liter of vodka you need to add 10 g of dried lemon balm, 1 g of angelica root (all can be purchased at the pharmacy), the peel of one lemon, 2 buds of dried cloves and one pinch each of coriander and nutmeg.

The mixture must be infused in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Should be taken with tea in small quantities. Treatment of depression in women with the help of this tincture gives the fastest possible results.

This remedy perfectly helps to cope with depression, restore the vital functions and activity of the body, cope with bad mood and depression, as well as get rid of laziness and apathy.

Diet for depression

By adjusting your diet, you can significantly influence the state of your body and your sense of self. For depression, it is necessary to completely exclude coffee and tea, sugar, flour products, spicy seasonings, chocolate and chemical additives from the diet.

Meals should be three times a day. For breakfast, it is optimal to eat fruits, nuts and dairy products, for lunch – vegetables or steamed meat, whole grain bread and milk, for dinner – vegetable salad, legumes and hard cheese. Treating depression on your own with diet is the most effective way.

Apples should be consumed in large quantities. They are the best remedy for depression and can be baked, prepared in fruit salads or eaten fresh with honey. Such nutrition will strengthen the nervous system, charge the body with energy, and give new strength and ideas.

Herbal infusions for depression

Treatment of depression at home with folk remedies involves the use of medicinal herbs. The most popular are the leaves or roots of ginseng; they need to be poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. You need to take one teaspoon at a time.

Peppermint is also very popular in treating depression. It is prepared by taking 1 tablespoon of dry leaves per glass of boiling water. The decoction should be boiled for 10 minutes, taken on an empty stomach, half a glass.

Depression? We will help you get rid of depression!

Depression attacks? We suggest that you find out the reasons for its occurrence and take measures to eliminate negative manifestations of your mental state.

Causes of depression

Constant lack of sleep. This state “instills” irritability in almost every person.

Side effects of medications.

Drugs that can make a person feel depressed:

Paxil, Lioresal, Cyclosporine, Yohimbine, Azmacort, Trihexyphenidyl.

Bad habits (drug addiction, alcohol addiction, smoking, gaming addiction and others).

Undesirable environment. Move somewhere else. Where you will have personal space and the right to peace of mind.

Financial difficulties. Many people take out money on credit or in debt. Giving them away is a difficult task. Depression occurs when a person feels that he is unable to cope with it in a timely manner.

Overeating (undereating). Get used to normal, regular, healthy eating. Stop tormenting your poor stomach!

How to get rid of depression and cure it yourself at home?

Try to be as friendly as possible towards people. They will answer you in kind, lifting your low spirits.

Take your old photo albums out of the closet. Look closely, carefully and with interest at each photograph, plunging into the expanses of memories.

Turn on the music and dance. Have such dances as if you are living your last day in the world, that is, “give your best” to the fullest!

We do without drugs, without pills, without antidepressants!

Folk remedies against depression

Every day, eat at least one hundred grams of carrots (raw) or drink several glasses of carrot juice.

Prepare a solution from table salt. Boil one liter of water. Add a small (teaspoon) of salt to it. Soak a clean towel in the resulting solution. Squeeze it out and rub it all over your body.

Add a few tablespoons of ground buckwheat (kernels) to two hundred milliliters of water. Cook for eleven minutes. Add a few tablespoons of oatmeal. Cook for three minutes and turn off the stove. Add a few teaspoons of flaxseeds. Insist. Take a few spoons a day.

Boil half a liter of fresh milk. Wait until it cools down. Add a tablespoon of cream (chilled). Warm the mixture by adding dark chocolate bars. Pour the drink into a cup. Add a little cinnamon to it.

Distract your thoughts, mind your own business

How to distract your thoughts? There are many different simple ways. Watch an interesting movie or read ten pages of your favorite book. Take an immersion into another world.

Do the cleaning, repair something, rearrange something. The brain practically turns off when a person is carried away by physical labor.

Prepare a delicious dish. It’s cool if it’s completely new in the “graph” of your culinary experience.

Hobbies can help ease depression

Make a list of your favorite hobbies. Dedicate all your free time exclusively to the items on this list.

Don't have a hobby yet? Find him! Depression will subside even when you go through the “search path”.

It has been proven that handicrafts can save you from depression. Don't know how to knit or embroider? This can be learned at absolutely any age.

Work will help you take your mind off depression

Throw yourself into your work. Imagine that nothing exists around you except her. Load yourself until you feel very tired. Then you will dream: “I wish I could get to bed and sleep for a few hours!”

Stay at your workplace until nightfall. An alternative is to look for part-time jobs. You should have little free time left.

Are you a family man? Take care of family matters.

Wash all clothes and bedding. Place on shelves, hang on hangers what has already dried out or was lying haphazardly (out of place).

Organize your home medicine cabinet. There will probably be a sea of ​​drugs in there that have expired a long time ago!

Give your marital debt to your husband. Sex, in a sense, also belongs to family matters.

Go with your husband to the hypermarket for groceries. Tell him it's time to fill the refrigerator with food.

Change your usual environment

Rent an apartment or live in a country house (in a country house). No opportunity? Buy new furniture and make a thorough rearrangement in every corner of your “square meters”.

Browse hotels and hotels. Information about them can be found on the Internet or in magazines. Live in the room for a while.

Positive thoughts will help! - Personal customization.

Keep your thoughts under control. “Throw out” from your vocabulary all words that are somehow related to depression.

Remember that your thoughts are subject to materialization. As a rule, what you think about often and a lot comes true.

Set yourself up like this: “I can do everything! Everything will be great for me! Everything has its huge “advantages”! Luck will turn its face towards me!”

Depression doesn't have to defeat you! Don't let this happen! Stop the “carousel” of problems in your head. Speak up if you feel the need to. Tell a close friend about what specifically is bothering you. If you are not used to this behavior, then just meet in a cafe, smile, and ask how she is doing. The depressive state will slowly “creep” into the background.

Strengthen your immunity

By the way, scientists say that excessive cleanliness often get sick. Here is another proof that you need to adhere to moderation in everything.

Turn on a good movie or TV series. Before you do, read what the plot is about. Watch the series (film) so that all your experiences are transferred to the main characters.

Call your best friend. He won't have to say anything extra. Discuss something neutral but interesting.

Be in places where there are large crowds of people. Lose yourself in the crowd, secretly studying each member.

Scientists: how to get rid of depression without drugs and psychotherapy

What really helps in the fight against stress, insomnia, loneliness?

Why do some people remain active and cheerful into old age, while others experience melancholy, anxiety and loneliness? Why has the diagnosis of depression become so common? Neuroscientist David Servan-Schreiber answers these questions in his book.

Life is a fight. But this fight should not be waged only for oneself. The mind needs a more compelling reason to continue its efforts than mere survival. In his novel Planet of Men, Saint-Exupéry tells how a plane piloted by Henri Guillaumet became lost in the Andes. For three days the pilot walked forward through the icy cold. He stumbled and fell face first into the snow. And enjoying this unexpected respite, I suddenly realized that if I didn’t get up now, I’d never get up again. He was exhausted and did not want to get up. He liked the thought of death more - calm and painless. Mentally, he had already said goodbye to his wife and children and for the last time felt love for them in his heart.

But then it suddenly dawned on him: if his body was not found, his wife would have to wait four whole years before she could collect the insurance money. Opening his eyes, he saw a hundred meters ahead of a large stone sticking out of the snow. If you can get to it, the body will be better visible and then it will be discovered faster. Out of love for his loved ones, Henri rose and continued on his way. But now love led him forward. He did not stop anymore and, having walked another hundred kilometers, he saw a village. He later said: “No animal in the world would have done what I did.” When his survival was no longer a sufficient motive, his love for others, his concern for them, gave him the strength to continue the fight.

Today we are in the midst of a planetary movement towards the psychology of individualism, or personal development. The basic values ​​of the individual are independence and independence, freedom of expression. These values ​​are so important that even advertising experts use them to get us to buy what everyone around us is buying. It’s just that at the same time we are instilled with the idea that the acquisition of this or that thing makes us unique. “Become yourself,” advertisements for clothes or perfume encourage us. “Express your Self,” the coffee ad encourages. “Think differently,” computer advertising commands.

Undoubtedly, these values, whose importance has been growing uncontrollably since the revolutions of the late 18th century, have brought much benefit. They underlie the very concept of “freedom,” which is of great importance to us. But the further we move in this direction, the more we become convinced that independence and independence have their own price. We pay for this with loneliness, loss of meaning in life, and sometimes suffering. Never before have we had such freedom to leave spouses who are no longer satisfying: in Western countries, the divorce rate is approaching fifty percent. Never before have we moved so much: in the United States, it is estimated that a family moves on average every five years.

Having gotten rid of the usual connections, from debt and obligations towards others, we have never had such complete freedom to find our own path, at the risk of ending up alone. This is probably another reason why depression rates have been steadily increasing in the West over the past fifty years.

My friend emigrated, leaving his country. He is 37, worked as a doctor and until recently lived alone. For a long time he searched for meaning, which his life clearly lacked, in psychoanalysis and numerous personal growth trainings. And then on antidepressants, having tried almost everything. Finally he told me: “Basically, the only moment when I stop asking myself questions about the meaning of existence is the moment when my two-year-old son takes me by the hand and we walk together, even if it’s just to buy a newspaper at the nearest kiosk!”

Love for our loved ones, for our children, is perhaps the source of the most obvious meaning in life. But the importance of other people to our own sanity is not limited to just the nuclear family (spouses and their children). In fact, the more involved we are in the life of society, which, without a doubt, is important to us, the stronger the feeling that we play a certain role in it, occupying a place that is valued by others, the easier it is to get rid of feelings of anxiety and stress , despair and loss of meaning in life.

I remember one elderly lady whom I counseled at home because she was afraid to leave her apartment. She suffered from emphysema and could not cope without her oxygen tank. But her main problem was depression. At seventy-five years old, she was no longer interested in anything, she felt empty and anxious and was waiting for death. Of course, she had insomnia, poor appetite, and spent all her time feeling sorry for herself.

At the same time, I was amazed by her intelligence. She had worked for a long time as an assistant to the director of a large company, and despite all the depression, she clearly radiated a feeling of competence and confidence. One day I told her, “I know that you are feeling very bad and need help, but you are also a person who has all the qualities to be very helpful to others. Have you thought about helping the disadvantaged?

She was surprised that a psychiatrist, whose duty was to help herself, would suddenly ask such a question. But she quickly understood where I was going, and a spark of interest lit up in her eyes. As a result, she began to devote part of her time to children from disadvantaged families, teaching them to read. It was difficult considering she had difficulty moving. Moreover, not all the children expressed gratitude to her, and some were not at all easy to deal with. But this activity became important to her. It gave her a purpose in life, a sense of worth, and reintegrated her into the community that she had been forced to leave due to age and disability.

This feeling is not at all a dictate of culture or public morality. This is a need of the brain itself: over the past thirty years, sociobiology has clearly shown that altruism is embedded in our genes. Orientation towards other people and the inner balance that we find with it are part of our genetic matrix. In studies of people who live happier lives, two things consistently emerge. These people have stable emotional relationships with loved ones, and they take an active part in the life of their society. We've already talked a lot about emotional relationships, but what about broader social connections?

Participating in public life means giving our time and soul to a cause from which we receive no material benefit. This is one of the most effective remedies when you need to fill the feeling of emptiness that so often accompanies depression.

Giving a little encouragement to elderly people in nursing homes, helping an animal shelter, offering your services to a nearby school, participating in the work of a municipal council or trade union - all this can make you feel less lonely and, as a result, less anxious and depressed. This was first demonstrated by Emile Durkheim, a sociologist and philosopher, founder of the French sociological school. In his book Suicide, a seminal work in modern sociology, he showed that the people most likely to kill themselves are those who are least involved in society. Since then, American sociologists have found that people who participate in social activities are not only happier than others, but also have better health and live longer.

The study, published in the American Journal of Cardiology, highlights that, all else being equal, the mortality rate of low-income older adults who participate in social activities is 60 percent lower than that of those who do not participate. An analysis of the positive impact of such activities on health, published in Science, leads to a clear conclusion: this is a guarantee of a long life. The guarantee is perhaps even better than keeping your blood pressure under control, keeping your cholesterol levels low, and quitting smoking. The pleasure of being aware of your connection with others, of feeling included in a social group, is wonderful medicine for the emotional brain, and therefore for the whole organism.

Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl miraculously survived the Nazi concentration camps. In his stunning book, based on his experiences, he recalls what allowed some prisoners to hang on despite the odds. Even if his observations do not have the value of scientific facts, his conclusions coincide with the results of research: in order to survive in a cold and indifferent environment, it is necessary to find the meaning of existence, to establish a connection with something. His advice to people in desperate situations is not to ask life to do something for you, but to ask yourself what you can do for life.

You can simply do your job better by thinking about how it benefits other people. You can devote a little of your time - at least once a week - to some business, group of people, one person or even an animal for which you have a soul. Mother Teresa, whose ability to show compassion in action made her the undisputed leader of the 20th century, said: “Do not do good deeds for show. The point is to give a part of yourself. The most important thing is the compassion that you put into your action.”

It is also not at all necessary to be in harmony with yourself in order to devote yourself to others. Humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow is the founder of the “personal growth” movement that is very powerful today. Having completed his studies of happy and psychologically balanced people, he concluded that the final stage of personality development is the stage of the “actualized” person turning to others. At the same time, he also insisted on the importance of self-realization: “The proven way to become a better servant to others is to become a better person yourself. But to become better yourself, you need to serve others. This means that it is possible and even mandatory to do these two things at the same time.”

A century after Durkheim, thirty years after Frankl and Maslow, modern physiological research has confirmed their correctness: by measuring cardiac coherence using a computer, scientists state that the easiest and fastest way to bring the body into a balanced state is to experience a feeling of gratitude and tenderness towards to another person. When we feel connected to those around us on a deep, emotional level, our physiology spontaneously enters a state of coherence. And at the same time, by helping her achieve this state, we open the way to new ways of understanding the world around us.

Buy this book

Yes, probably just whine.

about treatment: I was prescribed ketonal in tablets of 1 mg (diclofenac 0.5 did not help) + diazolin along with it. Check out other discussions: Scientists: how to get rid of depression without drugs and psychotherapy.

good and necessary, but the main thing is movement. Go to yoga, physical therapy, do something yourself at home. And against this background, the mood will also gradually improve. Well, by the way, using the autoimmune protocol, people achieve improvement in multiple sclerosis. Maybe you should also think about nutrition? It definitely won't get any worse.


Psychiatrist. The treatment was with medications. Courses. I was in their hospital 2 times. In general, treatment for depression is often carried out using a simple method of selecting medications, just in case something works.

In general, I only recommend her to everyone.

About depression

Therapists prescribing specific treatments for depression? Well, let them get sick, maybe their dentist or ophthalmologist will treat them.)) What to do with depression? 8 steps to self-healing. Victory over chronic diseases without drugs.

Depression and its treatment

Mostly with medication, all sorts of conversations just help the person stay afloat while the medications are being treated. Need help treating depression!! 1. If you are receiving treatment in Moscow, then for the treatment of chronic depression I recommend the Neurosis Clinic on Shabolovka and 20 City Clinical Hospital.

If in the sense that depression is not a disease, then you are wrong. Depression is a disease like schizophrenia or persecutory delusions, and it can lead to desocialization and, in severe cases, suicide.

If in the sense that nothing can be cured in the district PND, then maybe you are right. But they are authorized to prescribe tablets that are restricted from being sold in the public domain. The same fluoxetine. Or something stronger.

If you have heard that depression can only be treated for a fee, but it is expensive, and therefore the poor should not suffer foolishly, but work in the mines for the purpose of recovery, then everyone decides for themselves what to spend on what.

from the fact that the majority of us decide that there is no such disease, it will not go anywhere, alas

Of course, you need treatment, but treating depression is not treating a sore throat. Medicines, of course, will not be prescribed, but the crisis will be smoothed out. Does the girl have internet? However, the idea of ​​traveling to Moscow is good in itself.

SOS! Need help treating depression!!

You don’t consider a psychotherapist to be a doctor, do you think that he only treats “jokes”? There is no magic pill for depression; I think treatment should be comprehensive, with a psychotherapist. Hide medicines, knives, ropes, if possible, do not leave them alone.


And without drugs there is no life, but continuous tears, self-recrimination and a feeling of being useless and unloved, etc. (for someone) After all, reactive depression (that is, associated with a real event-experience), as a rule, does not require treatment demands, passes on its own, “time heals.”

How can you pull yourself out of years of depression?

Scientists: how to get rid of depression without drugs and psychotherapy. Exercise to treat depression: mindful walking. For many of us, autumn is a time of not feeling the best, a time of depressive thoughts and low mood.

If you could pull yourself out of illness (and depression is a disease), doctors would not exist.

How to deal with depression?

We can talk about the presence of a depressive state if an individual, in addition to a depressed state, experiences the following symptoms of depression: how to deal with depression? Scientists: how to get rid of depression without drugs and psychotherapy.

invite guests, the apartment will have to be cleaned before they arrive

get back to your interesting projects

In the summer it’s always a little sad in the city, because... many people move away, the usual rhythm of communication is lost

relax about your personal life

it's quite difficult to be successful in everything

1. Or, as the dachshund advises, lose to the end.

2. Or - this is what I would do - introduce strict self-discipline. My former boss, an Englishman, in excellent physical shape, over 60, received a big promotion, where the work involved an incredible workload (two or three business trips a week, long flights). The first thing he did was stop drinking (before that he drank half a glass, one glass of red), completely, completely. And the already healthy diet has become even stricter, or something. There are some sprouted grains there. I've lost weight, but I have energy. Mommy dear.

Depression is treated with psychotropic drugs, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. If this is really depression, and it seems to me that this is not what you have, or at least a very mild form. For depression (clinical, requiring treatment).

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9 ways to fight depression without drugs

It is not without reason that depression is considered one of the main ills of our century: for scientific and technological progress, the acceleration of the pace of life and the availability of information flows, we are forced to pay with constant stress and a weakening of the body’s defenses. As a result, conditions characterized by increased anxiety, lack of interest in life, and spiritual and physical discomfort are widespread.

However, pharmacology does not stand still, and today there are a number of medications that help get rid of the symptoms of depression. It may seem that the problem has been solved, but many drugs have very unpleasant side effects: they cause addiction, sleep disturbances, lethargy, etc. In addition, depression treated with medication tends to return. That is why experienced doctors advise using non-drug methods to combat it in the initial stages of depression. There are many such ways. We will talk about the most common of them in this article.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

The essence of the method is that the patient, under the guidance of a specialist, learns to identify and analyze his own negative thoughts and emotions, and understand the reasons for their occurrence. This helps reduce anxiety and find real ways to solve life's problems. If depression is mild, 10–20 consultations can usually help you get rid of it completely. In the future, the patient can practice the method independently, using the acquired skills.

Physical exercise

Regular sports activate the body's defense system, help normalize appetite and sleep, and increase self-esteem. In addition, moderate physical activity produces serotonin, which is a natural remedy for fighting depression. Hiking in the fresh air, outdoor games, cross-country skiing and swimming have a particularly beneficial effect on the psyche.


A relaxing massage stimulates the brain to release a special hormone - oxytocin. It evokes a feeling of calm and security, helping to cope with stressful situations more easily.

Active massage, on the contrary, invigorates and tones the body. At the same time, a large amount of endorphin, the “hormone of joy”, enters the blood, which improves mood.

When treating depression, different types of massage can be alternated; sessions are often combined with procedures such as stone therapy and aromatherapy.

Yoga and meditation

These traditional relaxation systems are among the most powerful tools in the fight against depression. It is believed that yoga helps to concentrate, calm down and develop an optimistic outlook on life. In addition, scientists have found that by practicing certain yoga poses, you can reduce the concentration of the “stress hormone” (cortisol) in the blood.


Impact on biologically active points of the body with the help of massage or acupuncture relieves pain, soothes and relaxes. When treating depression, the effectiveness of this method is close to 80%. Recently, a more modern method of irritating active points is increasingly being used - using a laser. In terms of its effect on the body, it is similar to acupuncture, but is much less traumatic for the patient.

Medicinal herbs

Many plants have a calming and relaxing effect - their infusions and decoctions are used as antidepressants. The most effective are St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, hops, rose hips, licorice, and hawthorn.

This treatment has a number of contraindications, the main one of which is the possibility of an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is advisable that herbal remedies be prescribed by a doctor.

Light therapy

With the onset of autumn, the number of people susceptible to bouts of depression increases. Patients complain of lethargy, drowsiness, feelings of melancholy and hopelessness. The reason is the lack of sunlight needed for the body to produce melatonin. A deficiency of this hormone leads to a bad mood and loss of motivation to be active.

Such conditions can be successfully treated with light therapy. Several sessions of irradiation with bright light are similar in strength to taking a course of an antidepressant: they normalize sleep patterns and restore the joy of life, without giving any side effects. The method has virtually no contraindications and can be used to treat any type of depression (including seasonal).

B vitamins

Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, and its deficiency in the body is directly related to worsening mood. Scientists have also found that in the body tissues of people who are prone to depression, there is a reduced amount of folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12.

All these substances can be obtained from food, including meat, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, and legumes in your diet every day. The champion in the content of B vitamins are pine nuts: to obtain the daily requirement, it is enough to eat all raw kernels every day.

Amino acid tryptophan

The essential acid tryptophan is involved in the synthesis of serotonin and is a natural antidepressant. A deficiency of this substance in the body leads to sleep disturbances, irritability, headaches, and increased fatigue.

The greatest amount of tryptophan is contained in fermented milk products (including cheese), soybeans, mushrooms, bananas, peanuts, dates, and sesame seeds. In case of severe depression, the amino acid deficiency must be compensated for by taking dietary supplements (which should be recommended by a specialist in order to avoid purchasing a low-quality or counterfeit product).

It is clear that no one is immune from depression. However, there is no need to despair - this condition can be successfully treated, and often it is non-drug methods that are better than drugs in reducing the intensity of unpleasant symptoms and even making it possible to completely overcome the disease.

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Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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Four pieces of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you don’t want to gain weight, it’s better not to eat more than two slices a day.

In order to say even the shortest and simplest words, we use 72 muscles.

It was previously believed that yawning enriches the body with oxygen. However, this opinion has been refuted. Scientists have proven that yawning cools the brain and improves its performance.

Smiling just twice a day can lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not completely excluding fish and meat from your diet.

Dentists appeared relatively recently. Back in the 19th century, pulling out diseased teeth was the responsibility of an ordinary hairdresser.

You are more likely to break your neck if you fall off a donkey than if you fall off a horse. Just don't try to refute this statement.

Each person has not only unique fingerprints, but also tongue prints.

Tooth decay is the most common infectious disease in the world, which even the flu cannot compete with.

The cough medicine “Terpinkod” is one of the top sellers, not at all because of its medicinal properties.

The average life expectancy of left-handers is shorter than that of right-handers.

The liver is the heaviest organ in our body. Its average weight is 1.5 kg.

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It was powered by a steam engine and was intended to treat female hysteria.

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. For example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove tumors.

Besides people, only one living creature on planet Earth suffers from prostatitis - dogs. These are truly our most faithful friends.

Omissions, disagreements, maiden name... Women's jealousy is a mystery for psychologists. Today, scientists do not fully know all the mechanisms that give rise to this strong and ra.

How to get rid of depression on your own

This article is about how to get rid of depression on your own, without the help of pills or doctors. If you have already read my blog, then you know that all my articles are based on personal experience. I write about how I got rid of a lack of discipline, bad habits, learned to deal with stress and control emotions. I take all these tips from personal practice, and not from books and textbooks. And this article is no exception.

Let me tell you my story briefly.

The story of my illness

Several years ago I suffered from so-called panic attacks and even consulted a doctor about this problem. Against the background of panic attacks, a kind of despondency, chronic pessimism, despair, dissatisfaction with life, high mental sensitivity and even tearfulness began to develop. Nobody gave me such a diagnosis as depression, probably because there was no one to diagnose it - I did not communicate with doctors on this issue (although I tried to “treat” them for panic attacks).

But I observed many of the symptoms of this disease in myself. I didn’t feel bad all the time: this state of psychological discomfort came in fits and starts. At the same time, I had problems with sleep: I could not fall asleep for a long time and sometimes I would be thrown up in bed, as soon as I fell into sleep, it was as if a sudden discharge of current was passing through my body. To eliminate all these symptoms, I started drinking alcohol, which subsequently developed into a chronic habit.

Symptoms of depression caused difficulties at work and in communication. Apathy and lack of purpose led to laziness, and sudden outbursts of irritation or despondency reflected poorly on those around me.

How does depression appear?

It happens that depression is caused by some unpleasant event, for example the death of a relative. And it happens that this illness manifests itself as if for no reason. In fact, there is always a reason, it’s just either hidden, or there are many reasons. For example, a person may experience depression due to constant stress, fatigue, alcohol consumption, family problems, lack of goals and aspirations, etc. All these things together can form a psychological background favorable for the development of depression.

Many may think that depression caused by some single, non-repeating event (the death of a loved one) is a less hopeless case than the same disease, but provoked by recurring circumstances (stress, constant nervous fatigue, personality traits, etc.) .

After all, sooner or later, the memory of misfortune will begin to fade, and life will begin to be filled with new meaning, new pleasures, and at the same time, grief and the depression associated with it should disappear. But it doesn't always happen like this. An unfortunate event can only become a “trigger” of depression for a person who, due to various factors, was predisposed to it.

This is similar to how a draft causes a cold in a person with a weak immune system. It cannot be said that the draft alone caused the cough and sore throat. Air from an open window only provoked the disease, and the prerequisites for its occurrence already existed due to weak immunity.

Even if the cold goes away after a week, then after that a person still runs the risk of getting sick if he gets caught in the rain or in a draft.

Such a “draft” for the appearance of depression can be some kind of misfortune in the life of a certain person. Like a long-term illness, depression can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of developing the disease in the future.

That's how it was for me. I used to be a very sensitive and stress-sensitive person. At one point, severe stress triggered panic attacks and associated depression. If my psyche had been more stable and stable, then I would have reacted to this situation more calmly and it would not have caused such dire consequences for me. But I was who I was...

After a few years, I already forgot about this stress, the memories of those events stopped causing pain, I began to relate to it more simply. But depression and panic attacks did not disappear. Because these illnesses further “shaken” the already painful psyche. When I forgot about that stressful situation, I still continued to suffer from sudden attacks of panic, bad mood and pessimism.

I gave this example to make a very important point about the nature of depression. I believe that most often, the causes of this disease are found in the person himself, and not in external circumstances. I don't take extremes. Naturally, there are things that can break and make even the strongest people suffer. But, in most situations, depression is a consequence of your mental state, physical health, nervous sensitivity and worldview.

And some situations in the outside world can only trigger something for which the prerequisites already existed.

My method is to strengthen the immune system

In my opinion, antidepressants and tranquilizers are ineffective in treating depression.

The action of the tablets is aimed at combating the consequence - the symptoms of the disease, and not the cause. Just like medications that relieve cold symptoms do not actually cure anything. They do not strengthen the immune system, but, on the contrary, can weaken it. After all, the body stops fighting the disease itself.

Even if depression is caused by an imbalance in the chemical balance in the brain, there are safer ways to restore this balance. More on this later.

Antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers have a huge number of side effects and cause addiction. These methods cannot guarantee relief from depression, and there is always the possibility that “treatment” with pills will only make the situation worse rather than better.

In the comments to my articles, as well as in the reviews that come to me by email, people who suffered from depression or panic attacks often write that no pills helped them.

Even if taking a course of medications turned out to be effective, nothing guarantees you that depression will not return to you again with the next traumatic event. What will you do then, take pills again?

In order not to get a cold, you need to harden yourself, keep your body in good athletic shape, and not drink all sorts of drugs. The same applies to depression. It is necessary to stabilize the emotional background, strengthen the nervous system and learn to look at things differently. This is my method.

This helped me not only get rid of depression and panic attacks, but to be sure that it would not happen again. And even if it happens again, I can handle it on my own. I will not depend on the arbitrariness of these attacks unknown to me and tremble at the mere thought that they will return, as they did before. Let them come back - I know what to do.

However, in some cases medications are necessary. They are needed simply to literally “put a person on his feet,” to help him start working on himself and undergo therapy. This is simply some kind of pharmacological support, but not the treatment itself. This needs to be understood. But if your case is severe, medication should not be neglected! But you just don’t need to see this as a panacea and limit yourself only to drugs: pills are just your temporary assistant in the service of therapy. In addition to pills, it is imperative that you carry out activities to work with the psyche on your own or, better yet, under the supervision of a psychotherapist.

Getting rid of depression - starting to work on ourselves

I move on to the practical part of the article and a description of those tips that will help you get rid of depression and strengthen your mental immunity.

Eliminate negative ideas

There are some ideas that make it very difficult to cure attacks of mental blues. I’ll say right away that these ideas are false and need to be gotten rid of. Next I will dwell on each of these ideas.

Idea 1 - I feel depressed because I am such a person (nervous, sensitive, subtle mental organization), this is how I am built and I can’t do anything about it.

There is no more destructive misconception for personal development! You suffer from depression, not because you are who you are, but because you haven't done anything to change! Every person is capable of changing himself; every personality has enormous potential for positive metamorphoses.

In order to stop experiencing depression, many people will have to work on themselves and even change their outlook on things. Be prepared for this. It's not that easy, but it's certainly possible. This is confirmed by my experience and the very fact of the existence of this site.

Idea 2 - I’m depressed because some circumstances of my life are to blame for this (I live in a bad country, I don’t have money to buy myself everything I want, I’m surrounded by idiots, I don’t have a girlfriend/boyfriend , my parents didn’t love me, etc.).

This is also a rather dangerous misconception. When you feel bad, you are overcome by despondency, your brain tries at all costs to find the reason for the current situation. The search for a reason precedes the determination of a way out of the current situation, so many people cling to these imaginary reasons as life preservers. This helps them realize that they know why they suffer and know how to stop this suffering.

This gives them a sense of control over the situation. They think: “If I change my job or place of residence, my depression will stop, I know what to do, now I’m suffering, but later, when I move to a new country, divorce my wife, buy myself a yacht, everything will be fine.” This is how hope appears. Therefore, depressed people are extremely reluctant to give up such ideas.

The brain begins with great diligence to sort through those circumstances that cause discomfort and subsume them as causes of depression. It can be difficult for us to abstract from our perception and understand that it’s all about this perception itself.

A negative view of things, negative emotions, constant resentment and despondency introduce an extremely strong distortion in our view of things. You can look at the world through rose-colored glasses, or you can observe it, on the contrary, looking through glasses with cloudy, gray lenses.

Depression makes things look different from what they are to ordinary, pure perception. We begin to pay attention to the bad sides of life, our shortcomings seem huge to us, our problems seem insurmountable, and our whole life is a series of meaningless suffering.

If you suffer from depression, your perceptions are illusory, erroneous and do not reflect the actual state of affairs. It's like you're under the influence of a drug! Don't believe this perception! We need to change it!

If you cannot be happy with what you have, then you cannot be happy under any circumstances! No matter where you go, no matter what kind of woman you find, no matter how much wealth you have, your negative perception will remain with you.

And you can’t escape from it by simply moving to another place! But if you change your perception, you may realize that the conditions in which you live are not so bad, your friends are not so terrible, and there seems to be something in life worth living for! Nothing in the world will change around you, just your views will change!

For example, there are still things in my life that I am not happy with and that I want to change (for example, working conditions, lack of my own living space). But these things no longer make me unhappy, because I myself have become different, although before it seemed to me that it was precisely because of these things that I felt bad.

When I try to convince people that the whole problem is in themselves, in their perception of life, I run into an insurmountable barrier. They begin to demonstrate a fierce reluctance to give up the idea that the causes of their depression are rooted in some external circumstances. After all, their hope is based on this idea, a false, groundless, illusory hope!

Of course, it is necessary to change in life what is not satisfactory in it. But, first of all, you need to start with yourself!

Idea 3 - Depression is exclusively a psychological illness.

This is wrong. Depression is also related to the condition of your body. Bad habits, fatigue, stress can lead to the appearance of this disease. And exactly the opposite: playing sports, keeping your body in good shape, and regular rest can help prevent depression.

Stop looking for the reasons for your unhappiness only in some lofty matters: in a feeling of existential emptiness, loss of Faith, etc. Also pay attention to how your body feels, whether it is healthy enough and whether it is getting all the vitamins it needs to function.

Practice meditation to find inner balance

Meditation helped me get out of the pool of despondency and pessimism, find joy and faith in myself. I forgot about depression and panic attacks a long time ago. Meditation calms and stabilizes the psyche, gives a good mood and relieves stress. Laboratory studies of meditation have shown that the practice of meditation affects the brain by increasing the activity of electrical alpha waves, the frequency at which the brain begins to work. This activity promotes a calm, relaxed state.

Regular meditation practice can help with depression, although it cannot be said to help everyone. Even if with their help you cannot completely get rid of this illness, then practice will help you endure these attacks more easily and somehow control them.

In my opinion, meditation is one of the most effective and safe means for getting rid of the blues, nervousness, anger and anxiety. Many people greatly underestimate the effect of this practice and are sure that it will not help them.

When I advise people who suffer and cannot understand themselves to start meditating, they respond to this advice with slight bewilderment. They don’t say it directly, but they most likely think this: maybe meditation will help me feel calmer, better control my emotions, but will it get rid of the things that make me unhappy? Will practice be able to attract the money that I so lack for happiness? Is it possible that with her help I can find the woman of my dreams, without whom I feel bad?

Many people think this way and, as a result, remain confident that meditation is not for them and it will not solve their problems. It is a mistake to think so. For these people, it is more important to maintain faith in their own prejudices, which they are accustomed to believe, than to try something else and try to help themselves in a different way. This train of thought is a consequence of having false idea No. 2 in my head, which I wrote about above.

You are most likely not unhappy because you live in a bad country and you don’t have enough money for the expensive car that your neighbor has. Happiness and unhappiness depend more on your internal state than on external circumstances, I wrote about this in my article on how to become a happy person.

Meditation is a great way to put your psychological and emotional state in order, to look at the world with a sober and unclouded look, and not through gray lenses.

When you remove the illusion glasses, your values ​​may undergo a change. These will no longer be the ideals on which you base your belief in getting rid of suffering. Now you may believe that without a huge bank account you will not be happy, but if you understand your desires well, gain a sense of inner comfort and a sense of independence, you will understand that the value of life lies in something completely different!

Through practice and self-discovery, you can realize that the deepest treasure of life lies in itself, in the very fact that you live and breathe, and not in the possession of certain things.

A bank account is also good, but this is not the main thing. You will achieve it someday if you try, but first you need to find happiness within yourself.

Meditation can change your perspective on things, teach you to notice the good sides of this life, see joy in little things, and through introspection and reflection, come to the realization of your true goals.

Practice taught me all this, and I hope it will teach you too. A feeling of inner comfort, satisfaction, optimism, self-confidence and peace of mind - this is what regular practice leads to.

I'm sure it would be very difficult for depression to manifest itself in such a state of mind and feeling.

I started meditating in the hope that the practice would help me eliminate depression and panic attacks. But she gave me immeasurably more than just relief from despondency and anxiety! I realized my weaknesses and shortcomings, began to work on myself, strengthened my willpower, became more sociable and cheerful, and gained control over my desires and emotions.

Attention! Meditation does not have an immediate effect! Depression will not go away immediately! Only regular, long-term practice can help you!

You can read about how to meditate correctly in the article. I do not recommend meditating during severe attacks. It's better to do this when they are not there. If you suffer from severe depression, then approach the practice with caution. Meditation is a powerful thing, and like any therapy, it has its side effects.

Depression may worsen in the first weeks of practice. This is fine. Some antidepressants have a similar effect when a person first starts taking them. If the unpleasant effect does not go away for a long time with continued practice, meditate less or stop meditating altogether.

In order to get rid of depression with the help of meditation, it is not enough to just sit, meditate and wait for the depression to go away on its own. Meditation is not an end in itself, it is just a tool. I describe how to properly use this tool to cope with depression without harming yourself in the article “Meditation and getting rid of depression - 8 principles for consciously overcoming chronic depression.” If you want to start meditating, this article is a must read!

Strengthen your body

The cause of depression may not only lie in the psychological aspects of your personality. Your mental state is highly dependent on your physical health. You are unlikely to get rid of despondency if you frequently drink alcohol, smoke, chronically lack sleep and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Alcohol and other drugs (including antidepressants) provide only temporary relief, but in the long term they only make the situation worse and increase the chance of further development of depression. Stop drinking and stop smoking.

Physical activity and sports exercises not only strengthen your body and increase physical tone, but also improve your mood, relieve fatigue and stress. Sport is a natural antidepressant. Sport increases the level of endorphins (“happy hormones”) in your brain, causing joy and euphoria.

This way to improve your mood does not have side effects such as depression, insomnia and decreased sexual function, like many antidepressants. A side effect of sports as a means of lifting mood is a healthy body.

If you are not yet involved in sports, then start doing at least morning exercises and light jogging. If running is still difficult for you, take long walks in the fresh air. Notice how short exercise and walks improve your mood and overall well-being. Track this effect, feel it and remember it so that your brain associates the feeling of pleasure with useful activities, like sports.

I am sure that yoga classes are great for coping with mental blues, and they are also very beneficial for your body. Try it!

Lack of vitamins and junk food can also greatly affect your psychological state, so try to eat right: visit fast food less often, eat less junk, like sausages or chips.

Develop willpower

The key to successfully overcoming depression is strong willpower. Without willpower, you will not be able to force yourself to exercise. Instead of going for a run, you will be left grieving at home. Instead of regularly practicing meditation, you will choose an easier way: go to the doctor and ask him to prescribe you another pill.

Without willpower, you will not be able to pull yourself together and say to yourself: “Even though I feel bad and don’t want to do anything, I will still get out of bed, wipe this pained expression off my face and do what will help me get rid of depression forever.” !

Depression is “fuelled” by your lack of will, weakness and laziness. Based on these qualities, she grows and strengthens by leaps and bounds! If you cannot say “no” to your weaknesses, if you cannot restrain yourself when you want to complain about life, if you cannot force yourself to forget about despondency when you need to work, then it will be difficult for you to eliminate depression.

When I began to actively fight depression (I did not make any active attempts to fight it for a long time), I discovered one remarkable property of willpower.

Sometimes I would lie and suffer from another attack of the blues: I didn’t want to do anything, I just wanted to whine and complain. At one point I realized what needed to be done. I realized that you can’t follow these desires, but you need to do the opposite! If you want to lie down and complain because of despondency, you need to get up and do something, for example, clean the house, do other things. If you want to complain about life to a friend or simply infect him with your despondency, then instead you need to stretch a smile on your face and say something good, pleasant!

It's not easy at first. A very strong resistance appears, as if you are walking against a wind of incredible strength, which blows your body in the direction opposite to the movement. But once this resistance is overcome, a wonderful relief appears, even some kind of triumph! A triumph of willpower! Fear and despondency are receding! You feel powerful and in control of the situation!

Willpower is one of the most effective tools that allows you to achieve great success in the fight against depression, panic attacks and other types of blues. Antidepressants and other pills not only do not contribute to the development of willpower, but, on the contrary, can only suppress it. After all, you get used to easy solutions: you take a pill and it becomes easier. It doesn't take much strength or patience to pop the pills into your mouth.

Medicines do not teach you to step over yourself, through your despondency, to actively resist the blues, to develop the qualities of your personality - which is so important when fighting depression. The pills do everything for you, weakening your ability to fight on your own.

That is why the effect often goes away with the end of taking antidepressants - the disease returns again. Why shouldn’t it come back if you haven’t learned anything, if you haven’t increased your mental immunity, if you haven’t eliminated the very prerequisites for depression, but only fought the symptoms?

If you are weak, prone to anxiety and worry, and do not know how to control your feelings, then pills will not cure you! You will remain the same, and along with this there will be a risk of another blues.

Work on yourself. Develop willpower. Read my article on how to develop willpower.

Strengthen your nervous system, learn to relax

This can be attributed to physical health, but it’s better to write about it as a separate paragraph. Anxiety, nervousness, irritability - all these are prerequisites for depression. In addition to physical wellness procedures that strengthen the nervous system, learn to restrain and control nervousness.

Learn stress management and relaxation techniques.

Learn to control your emotions, take care of yourself

Negative emotions can also be a source of despondency. Anger, envy, irritation, hatred, pathological jealousy - all this poisons your personality, making it more susceptible to despondency. Learn to control yourself and free yourself from negative experiences.

Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself

Stop complaining about life! Stop telling your friends how unhappy you are - they have enough problems of their own. It only poisons your mood and sets you in a tone of self-pity. Try to focus on the positive aspects of life. There are people whose lives are much harder than yours. There are those who live in conditions of constant danger to life, deprivation and hunger.

I assure you that if you have enough food, water, you have housing and some kind of health, then this is practically all you need to be happy! Learn to be happy about what you have, and not be sad about what you don’t have!

Train to endure the blues and mental pain, do not identify yourself with this state. Act and behave as if he is not there, forget about him, do not pay attention to him, do not let him take over you. This state is simply a chain of chemical reactions that occur in your brain. And you have the power to control this condition.

If you cry and complain and constantly think about how unhappy you are because of depression, you will only make your illness worse. After all, depression is not only the state of your body, it is also all your experiences associated with it. The disease itself is not so scary when you begin to suffer because of it and pile your anxieties, unhappy thoughts and fears on top of it!

Even a common cold with fever goes away easier if you don’t get discouraged, don’t whine and wait for recovery. Think of depression as you would a cold. Be patient, this is just a temporary state of the brain. Things around are not so terrible, the situation is not so hopeless. Your illness makes you think that everything is bad - don’t give in to it!

Getting rid of depression - improving external living conditions

I have already written about how important it is to work on yourself and change your outlook on things in order to stop experiencing the blues. But our external conditions of existence can also affect your psychological state. True, these conditions are not as important as many of you are accustomed to think. It's what's inside that matters. And so that you don’t forget about this, I will remind you of this in each of the points that I will list below.

Create comfortable living conditions

If many people live in one small room, this can cause feelings of psychological discomfort. And it’s not even about the people themselves, but about their number. No matter how good the relationships in a team or family are, crowded conditions and lack of privacy can greatly spoil your mood and interfere with proper rest.

If you have the opportunity, move to a larger room, move from your parents to a separate apartment (or dacha). Even if this apartment is small and located far away, the housing will be more comfortable if you live, say, with one wife than with a wife and parents.

Probably, those of you who have problems with housing will now think to yourself: “Oh, that’s it! That's why I'm unhappy! No, that's not the only reason.

Even in the absence of comfortable housing, you can find your happiness! It's also about you. If you don’t yet have the opportunity to change your living circumstances, then work on yourself, develop your qualities, this will help you endure unfavorable life circumstances more steadfastly.

Even if you have your own living space, create coziness and comfortable conditions there. Clean up your house, get a pet if you don’t have one. Better a cat. Or better yet, two cats. Or a cat and a dog.

An animal won't make you happy right away, but a four-legged friend can help relieve stress, alleviate loneliness and improve your mood.

Find a suitable job

Don't like your job? Change it! Don't like working at all? Create your own business and organize it so that it doesn’t take up a lot of time and effort! Think about what you want from life. Maybe it's time to start moving towards something, and not sit and passively contemplate how year after year nothing changes, and all your dreams melt like ice in the sun?

If you find your life purpose and begin to move towards it, it will fill your life with meaning and give you the joy of existence. After all, some path will open for you, you will stop living without any goal! The lack of meaning in life and the collapse of hopes can provoke despondency.

What is stopping you from moving towards your dream? Most likely, only your internal limitations: laziness, fear and doubt. Start slowly realizing your wildest desires. Study, read, communicate with people, learn about all the opportunities that exist in this world.

Working 5/2 at a job you don’t like, as “everyone” supposedly does, is not the only life alternative. There are many other opportunities, you just need to learn about them and not sit back and wait for those opportunities to find you. Move and learn new things, explore different options, make plans.

But it's not just about work.

Even doing activities that do not bring you pleasure, you can find your happiness!

But still, you need to strive for the best! So start looking for new opportunities!

Update: Let me explain the above situation a little. Lack of purpose is not always one of the causes of depression. It's more of a consequence. Therefore, finding and finding purpose is not always a panacea against depression. It's hard to find your life's calling when nothing makes you happy, nothing inspires you. A person subject to chronic despondency is not inspired by opportunities to somehow improve his life. Everything is equally bad for him.

To find your goal, you need to work on yourself, practice meditation, and achieve at least some kind of internal balance. There is no need to start by trying to find a stimulus when you feel bad and are not attracted to anything. Start with yourself. The goal and incentive are secondary.

Find the right life partner

Look for a way out of your loneliness. Find a suitable match for yourself. I cannot teach you how to look for a suitable partner, how to decide to meet someone - all this is the topic of separate articles. The only thing I can advise is to choose a person who will be strong, balanced, balanced and without unnecessary cockroaches in the head.

If you are a delicate, sensitive person, prone to emotions, then you should not date a person of the same character! Maybe he will be close to you in spirit, but you will not learn anything from him, just as he will not learn anything from you. His and your shortcomings will be developed within your union.

This is somewhat similar to incestuous marriages. When people who are related have offspring, they turn out weak and defective, since they inherit the weaknesses and defects of the father and mother. But people who are not relatives have a much higher chance of having healthy children.

Therefore, you do not need to choose a person with the same shortcomings as you as your partner. Your union will inherit your weaknesses and will be fragile and short-lived and will become a source of new suffering.

But don’t forget that even alone you can find your happiness!

Get out into nature more often

I recommend a calm, measured holiday for those who suffer from depression. It is better to relax in quiet places than to drown in the revelry of a noisy resort. If you simply try to distract yourself from depression through unbridled fun, parties and alcohol, it will not do any good, but only harm.

Learn to enjoy nature and peace, walk in parks and forests, go to the country. Stay alone with yourself more often, try to understand yourself, listen to yourself! Fresh air, peace and quiet work wonders!

But don’t forget that even in a noisy city you can be happy!

Concluding remarks

As you can see, a lot of work will have to be done. You won't get off with just pills. If you still decide to take antidepressants, then combine them with other methods of therapy that I described above. Meditate every day, develop willpower, learn a positive outlook on things, play sports. I can’t imagine how you can get rid of depression without changing yourself!

Approximately 30% of the 70% of those who read this article to the end will listen to the advice and begin to implement my recommendations. The rest will become lazy, they will think that my advice is not suitable for them, because I do not know their grief, their deep existential troubles and, therefore, I cannot help them in any way, and meditation and yoga are generally some kind of shamanism.

Some of these people may even agree with me and think “yes, it’s all true what Nikolai writes.” But things will not go further than this tacit agreement, because what I advise requires patience and diligence. Agreeing with my provisions will not prevent someone from running to the doctor for pills, simply because it is easier than anything else and does not require effort.

5-10% of 30% will begin to methodically follow my advice, actively fight depression, play sports, yoga and meditation. The remaining 20% ​​go to a couple of workouts, try to meditate and immediately give it up, seeing that these remedies did not bring immediate relief and were difficult to achieve. Maybe they will turn to pills and alcohol or just continue to suffer.

These 5-10% of persistent and patient people will, after some time, feel that their condition has improved. Not only will their depression begin to go away, but they will see improvement in other areas of their lives. Volitional qualities will strengthen, communication with other people will become easier, the body will gain strength and health, and the mind will become calmer.

For some of these people, depression will go away forever, another part will learn to control and tolerate it, the symptoms will become less intense, the disorder will begin to appear less frequently, and the fear of new attacks will pass.

I gave this rough forecast not to rob you of hope. I did this to show that everything is in your hands, and not in the hands of the doctor who treats you, not in the hands of the person who writes encouraging articles, not in the hands of the pharmacists who develop your medications.

It depends on you whether you will suffer or defeat your sworn enemy - depression. Will you resist or just passively accept your fate? No one can help you until you want it yourself.

Neither I nor anyone else can force you to do anything, I can only guide and give advice, everything else is in your hands! Forward! Take action!

Attention! This article does not encourage you to refuse the help of a qualified specialist! Some people can get rid of it on their own, but not everyone. If you are experiencing strong symptoms of depression, I recommend that you do not delay and, as soon as possible, go to a good psychotherapist and a doctor who will not only prescribe medications (if necessary), but will also conduct therapy sessions with you!

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There is dull sadness in my soul and there is no mood to do anything.

Even the upcoming holidays do not bring joy.

If you experience such feelings, it is depression.

But there is no need to confuse a depressed state and just a bad mood.

Depression is a truly serious illness, which in especially severe cases leads to suicide.

A few facts:

  • More than 350 million people around the world suffer from depressive disorders.
  • 45-60% of all suicides are committed in a depressed state.
  • Every year, 150 million people become unable to work due to depression.
  • Only 3% of people are not prone to depression. The rest are experiencing it now, have been exposed to it in the past, or are at risk of getting it in the future.

Therefore, you should not treat it with disdain. Let's figure out together what it is, and How can you get rid of depression on your own?

Signs of depression:

  1. Apathy, lack of purpose in life and loss of meaning
  2. Obsession with negative thoughts
  3. Drowsiness or vice versa insomnia
  4. Lack of emotions, reaction to what is happening
  5. Loss of appetite
  6. Increased fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate

Mental pain brings no less suffering than physical pain. But we feel pain not because it exists, but because we feel that way about it.

Pain itself only carries a signal that something is wrong. And the way we perceive this pain brings us great suffering.

We cannot accept calmly that we have pain and what thoughts arise at the same time - this is suffering.

  • Stop the cycle of life

Some people do not attach much importance to their long-term state of depression. They think that everything will go away on its own.

And they continue their normal lives until depression worsens to such an extent that thoughts of suicide appear and the person completely loses the desire to live.

Naturally, doing this is to your own detriment. Therefore, the best solution would be to give yourself a break at the first signs of depression.

Stop spinning like a squirrel in a wheel and think about the current situation.

The problem will not go away on its own. And turning a blind eye to it, hiding your head in the sand is not a solution. This way you are only prolonging your suffering.

  • Let go of negative experiences and resentments

Carrying a load of accumulated grievances with you is a mistake that many make. Its consequences greatly spoil life.

Therefore, it is worth working hard on yourself to get rid of this habit. At first it will seem very difficult.

But, if you don’t give up before the first difficulties, you will soon experience unprecedented lightness. There are many ways and meditations on how to let go of negativity.

This is the first rule of all successful people in life. After all, they have a rich life, not only with good events, but also with negative ones.

The ability to not focus on painful situations, on the fact that someone behaved inappropriately with you is an excellent quality.

You don’t need to think that these are manifestations of weak will, disrespect for yourself, or inability to stand up for yourself.

In fact, the ability to forget negativity speaks of the strength of character and spiritual growth of a person.

Case from practice:

I decided to see a psychologist after the death of my daughter. It was not possible to get out of the despondency and tearing melancholy on my own.

I was literally crushed and nailed to the ground, unable to build a further life. A feeling of guilt filled me from the inside, it seemed that all other emotions simply ceased to exist for me.

Relatives began to sound the alarm, and I decided to make an appointment with a psychologist. This was the last hope. To my surprise, after a few treatments I felt much better.

I began to enjoy good weather and other pleasant events. Only after several months of such work was I able to breathe easy and start making plans. Of course, the pain disappeared completely, but I learned a very important thing - to live with this pain, and not to exist painfully.

  • Benefit from the healing powers of meditation

The way the human brain and consciousness are structured is that various thoughts are constantly spinning in our heads, which sometimes haunt us. Especially when a lot of problems piled up.

But these thoughts are of no use. Thus, we still won’t be able to solve anything. But driving yourself to psychosis with vivid pictures of what bad things can happen is quite possible.

Therefore, it would be good if there were fewer of these useless thoughts. In this case, our peace of mind will be complemented by good concentration and, as a result, ability to work.

The best way to get rid of obsessive thoughts and become calmer is meditation.

Don't think that only yogis in the mountains can meditate. This can easily be done by an ordinary person. Meditation is concentration on something. These can be various mantras.

The easiest way to meditate is to concentrate on your breathing and ignore the thoughts that arise.

Start using this technique for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening and in a month you will already feel how you will change, find peace and balance.

  • Get rid of negative energy

If a lot of anger has accumulated inside, you need to throw it out. Perhaps you are angry at your spouse or other relatives, work colleagues, or the whole world in general.

These emotions will not make you feel any better. There are 2 ways to get rid of them.

  1. Find a deserted place, for example, in a forest or park and start screaming loudly, with all the strength and anger that you have inside.
  2. If you have a punching bag or a person to box with, then you can use this method.
  • Do a general cleaning of the house, throw away unnecessary things

Someone may ask: how will this help me get rid of depression? Everything is very simple. Trash and untidy space subconsciously pushes a person to waste and in his soul, an unwillingness to change internally. When the apartment is in order, our thoughts and state of mind also come into order.

Review your wardrobe and other things. There will probably be a lot of things there that you haven’t used for a long time. If it’s a shame to just throw it away, you can sell it, give it to friends or people in need.

  • Don't abuse alcohol

Such temporary distractions from the problem as alcohol, cigarettes, casual relationships with the opposite sex will not help in solving it.

This will only save you from yourself for a short period of time and make you forget about depression. But then she will return with renewed vigor.

Plus, on top of everything else, there will be a hangover and other harmful effects on the body.

In the case of a relationship with the opposite sex for a sexual affair, in addition to emptiness in your soul, you also run the risk of running into a person with bad energy. Which will further worsen your condition.

  • Say no to loneliness, but choose the right people to talk to

Don't try to become a recluse. You need to combine work on yourself and communication equally.

Conversations with conscious people who have life wisdom will greatly benefit you.

What does a conscious person mean? This category includes people who do not suffer from depression or an unstable mental state.

On the contrary, they are always calm, endure problems steadfastly and are full of positive energy. You can learn a lot from such people.

If you sincerely talk about your difficulties with a knowledgeable person, then only by speaking out will you receive great relief.

  • Hobby is the best cure for all ills

Perhaps some people have never found their hobby or do not find the time to do it. But what we really enjoy doing brings us many joyful moments and satisfaction.

Therefore, look for your favorite activities and devote time to them. It would be ideal to connect your work with this.

Many people become bored and depressed just because of what they know.Naturally, in such conditions you don’t want to get up in the morning.

But if you devote time to hobbies, life will sparkle with new colors and take on meaning. After all, this is an opportunity to express yourself.

There are people who can say to themselves: I have no talents or abilities for anything. This is absolutely not true. Everyone has a unique gift, you just need to find it and discover it.

  • Get new emotions

Life for many people is like Groundhog Day. Work, home 5 days a week, and on weekends - TV and sofa. With such a way of life, it is not surprising to fall into apathy.

To shake things up and get a taste of life, do something extraordinary. For example:

  • jump from a parachute
  • play paintball with friends
  • visit the attractions
  • in winter you can ride down a steep mountain
  • alternatively, meet a handsome member of the opposite sex.

Do something that scares you. This way you will absolutely get a surge of adrenaline and a boost of energy.

  • Switch to a healthy diet

Nowadays, there are many healthy foods that taste good.

Avoid heavy and fatty foods, and do not overuse meat. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Proper nutrition gives a person energy, but incorrect nutrition, on the contrary, takes it away. And the person becomes lethargic and lazy.

Also, in your situation, you can treat yourself to your favorite dish more often. Unless, of course, it falls into the category of harmful.

  • Take a short break in nature

It’s very good to arrange such walks while being alone with yourself. Nature has a very calming effect. Being in a picturesque, quiet place, you begin to think differently. And you can understand yourself and your difficulties to a greater extent.

If time permits, you can even take a tent and go camping for the whole day. You will come back refreshed and peaceful.

We all don’t like it when something bad or negative happens. Especially if everything is so terrible that depression occurs.

But it’s worth looking at it from the other side, and then you can recover from any depressed state, no matter how strong it may be. Depression is a kind of signal that something is wrong.

We are used to paying attention only to negative signals. If everything was fine, we simply wouldn’t notice it.

Therefore, the depressed state should be considered only as a signal. So that we pay attention within ourselves and deal with what is wrong.

In this way, we can say that depression is not our enemy, but our best friend.

2) Try to find the reason

Exploring your inner world will help you identify the cause and accordingly find a solution. Ask yourself the following questions to make your analysis easier. And answer them in writing.

  1. When did my depression begin, what preceded it?
  2. Did I invent this suffering for myself?
  3. Who caused my poor health?

If the experiences are related to a failed relationship In this article you will find information.

Case from practice:

I decided to see a psychologist after 10 years of trying to deal with problems in my family on my own. Our relationship with my husband was very depressing to me. I was in a prolonged depression.

If I had known earlier that this would help solve all my problems, I would have done it long ago. My husband began to treat me completely differently. And although I attended consultations alone, my family accepted the changes in my behavior. After the first session, our quarrels stopped.

On top of that, I was able to deeply understand my complexes and ghosts of the past, which helped me find a great dream job!

3) Think about what you need to change in your lifestyle

Once the cause is found, proceed to the next step. Evaluate your life, what needs to be changed in it?

  1. If depression is related to divorce or relationship breakup, we have a detailed article.
  2. Perhaps there are people around you who make you sad. Then you don’t need to communicate with them at all.
  3. Or you watch too many scandalous programs and series on TV that act as an irritant on you.

4) Think about what is worth bringing into your life

Now is the time to think about what good things you can start doing to harmonize your life. For example it could be:

  • A new job that won't fray your nerves
  • Spend more time outdoors
  • Change your routine: go to bed earlier and get up earlier

There can be a lot of options. Such healthy habits will definitely help you in the fight against depression.

Treating yourself for postpartum depression

Many new mothers do not realize that in addition to the joy of such an event, they can also experience a bad state. And in severe form, even depression.

Symptoms of this: sleep disturbance, mood, despondency, sadness, fatigue. All of the above prevents a young mother from caring for her baby, herself and other family members.

It is worth noting that it makes sense to fight postpartum depression on your own only in its mild form. If the depressed state manifests itself strongly enough, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Psychologist's advice:

  • Set your priorities

Take care of your child first. He should be well-fed, healthy and dry. Daily bathing before bed will ensure your baby's well-being and good sleep for both of you.

Secondly, after the baby has fallen asleep, think about your rest. You can sleep with him. But dirty diapers, dishes, and cleaning the house can wait. After you have rested, you can do these things much faster, since you will have more strength.

  • Don't refuse help Even if before the birth of the child you were a super housewife and managed to do everything, now there are many additional responsibilities. And you need time to get used to the new pace of life.

Therefore, accept any help, and if no one offers it, then you need to ask for it yourself. Think about who can help and how. Go grocery shopping, cook lunch, babysit and other things.

  • Don't be upset that you're not perfect

    In the first years of a baby’s life, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to do everything. So don’t get hung up on it and don’t force yourself into a box. This will only drain your strength and psyche, and your depression may become even deeper.
  • Make a plan

    Making a plan for the day is a great way to save time and have time to do the necessary things. Make a to-do list and divide them by importance.

As soon as you have free time, immediately start doing them. But don't plan too much. You are unlikely to succeed with this with a baby.

And try to be more flexible with this list. After all, newborns are unpredictable creatures. Sometimes a child behaves too capriciously and does not allow his mother to do anything else besides him.

Don't get upset in such cases. A plan is needed to help you, not spoil your mood.

  • Watch your diet

After giving birth, a woman needs to monitor her diet. Follow the diet, if the baby is breastfed, as well as the nutritional value of the food.

If you cook simple dishes, for example, soups, cereals, steamed vegetables, you will have more time. If possible, buy the necessary kitchen appliances: dishwasher, slow cooker, blender. These things will make your routine much easier.

  • Don't forget to pay attention to yourself

Any mother always remains a woman. And women are accustomed to taking care of themselves and looking after themselves. Therefore, after the birth of your child, try to allocate at least a little time for yourself.

When your baby is sleeping, ask someone to look after him. And at this time you can take a leisurely bath, make a mask on your face or hair.

These simple procedures will help you psychologically find peace and recharge your energy. They will also add a little variety to the usual routine day.

Coping with alcohol depression on your own

Depression is quite common in people suffering from alcoholism. A person resorting to alcohol wants to improve his mood and get rid of problems, but in reality he risks getting depressed.

This condition is considered very dangerous, as attempts to commit suicide are common. Symptoms include decreased mood, mental and physical inhibition, anxiety, and tearfulness.

If you notice such manifestations of behavior in a loved one during his passion for alcohol, then you should immediately consult a doctor. People with such depression usually do not visit a doctor on their own.

As for treatment at home without a specialist, in mild forms of depression it is possible to recover on your own. But only if the patient stops drinking alcohol and endures even more severe depression after giving up alcohol.

But nevertheless, to be on the safe side, the intervention of a specialist would not be amiss.


Apathy is a side effect of depression or a component of it. One of the most unpleasant conditions. The desire and desire to work, study, and, in a word, perform ordinary and necessary actions are lost.

This happens to everyone. But only in a depressed state, apathy does not stop for quite a long time, like other symptoms.

Fighting methods:

1) Don’t try to push out apathy and force yourself to do the right things. This way you will turn into a robot without emotions, and sooner or later a breakdown will still happen.

Therefore, at the first sign of laziness, it is better to take a day off and allow yourself to do “doing nothing.” After a certain time, you will get tired of such empty pastime and you will return to life again.

And at the same time, you can analyze your life and look closely at your problems.

2) Lethargy often appears when there is a lot of doubt about oneself, one’s significance and success. In order to increase confidence, remember all your achievements since childhood or read in detail in the article,.

Surely you will have more than one. Your awards were received by you for a reason, but as a result of your abilities and perseverance.


Along with a depressed state, anxiety often appears for one’s life or loved ones, for the future. Below are some tips.

1) Write down on paper everything that worries you. This method, as always, works great.

2) Learn to live in the present moment

Most people either cannot forget about the depressing past or are puzzled about the future. But neither one nor the other makes sense. Heavy thoughts about the past will certainly not do you any good.

And thinking about the future is also a waste of time, because in reality everything can happen completely differently. By overthinking oneself and experiencing fear that everything will go according to a bad scenario, a person can “attract” these situations to himself.

So be here and now, even if you are washing dishes or walking.

Deep or prolonged depression

If you are in a prolonged or deep depression, you will need to see a doctor to get rid of it. In this case, you should not self-medicate.

Perhaps you feel that life has completely ceased to interest you and you have nothing to lose. But understand, these are just symptoms of your disease.

And the sooner you turn to an experienced psychologist or psychiatrist, the faster you will be able to recover.

Now you have a guide to dealing with depression. If you still have questions, you can always contact us for help at online consultation with a psychologist.

Our experienced specialists will provide you with professional support and help you change your attitude towards life in the shortest possible time. We wish you success and a joyful mood every day!

Treatment of depression is a selection of drug and non-drug therapy, after which the patient experiences remission or recovery. The selection of treatment should be made only by a competent doctor, especially with regard to drug treatment.

Is it possible to get rid of depression forever?

The question of whether depressive disorder can be completely and permanently cured directly intersects with the understanding of whether depression is long-lasting, protracted and incurable. Unfortunately, doctors do not have a definite answer. There are cases where an active episode of the disease could be stopped for a while, after which the disorder turned into a chronic, blurred or masked type, proceeding as “depression without depression,” and the patient no longer turned to doctors, believing that he felt, in general, normal .

Primary diagnosis of even acute and pronounced episodes does not occur in all cases, and re-determination of relapse is possible even less often, because a depressed person is not always able to realize his condition and visit again.

The likelihood that depression will return sooner or later is about 60%. In approximately 10-20% of cases of successful recovery from an acute type of disorder, the patient begins the next episode within 2 months. Unfortunately, this disease has a high probability of recurrence, but this does not mean that depression cannot be overcome.

Of course, the most difficult type to treat is chronic, protracted depression, which is blurred and very resistant to various types of therapy. In bipolar disorder (alternating periods of mania and depressive episodes), the manifestation is cyclical. An acute form of depression can be treated successfully and not have relapses.

Who to contact for help

The most important thing to start successful treatment for depression is the first time you seek help. Most often, patients do not want to visit a psychiatrist, or they are horrified at the thought of having to contact a psychiatrist, believing that any treatment of this kind puts a certain stigma on them, discredits them in the eyes of society.

Meanwhile, without qualified help from a specialist, it is almost impossible to get rid of depression. Who can you turn to to overcome depressive disorder?

Many ordinary people confuse the concepts of psychiatrist, psychotherapist and. All three categories of specialists belong to different areas of study of the human nervous system and psyche. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist are necessarily doctors with appropriate higher education, while a psychologist is only a theorist who studies the basic reactions and properties of the psyche and behavior, and does not have the right to prescribe treatment for patients. However, you can also seek help for depression from this specialist.

It is rare that a person in a state of illness is able to realize the seriousness of his condition, much less determine a diagnosis. It is very difficult to determine the initial moment when you become depressed. First of all, it is worth at least recognizing the fact of the presence of a certain problem - deterioration in condition and mood, depression, lack of vitality. Next, you need to analyze the situations that preceded the beginning of this period in order to approximately understand what could have caused the development of the disease. This is exactly where a psychologist can help, since it is extremely difficult to figure out the source of depression on your own, especially when you are directly depressed. Often the answers to questions about the etiology of depression lie in the unconscious, which can only be reached with the help of an outside specialist. Therapy with a psychologist helps to understand the reasons for the development of the disease, to understand when depression began approximately, what was the impetus for its development. The causes of the disease can lie in any age period of the patient, starting from birth, as some psychologists and psychotherapists believe.

Psychological help for depression consists of providing measures that help eliminate the manifestations of the disease, identify its original source, and, if possible, influence it. First of all, we are talking about counseling.

Communication with a psychologist can give the patient:

  • support, assistance in finding a way out of a problematic situation;
  • awareness and change of established behavioral patterns;
  • achieving the intended goals;
  • settlement and normalization of life problems.

Through his work with the client, the psychologist provides a corrective influence, helps determine decision-making and choose the direction of activity.


Depression is a disease that manifests itself equally often in believers and in people who are far from religion. However, for both the former and the latter, the help of a clergyman can be a useful addition to the main treatment.

Among priests, there are two most common points of view on depression: some recognize it as a mental illness and treat with understanding the true background of the development of the disease, and some associate depression exclusively with the sinful passions of despondency and idleness, while others even attribute it to God’s punishment for pride. For a patient diagnosed with a depressive disorder, meeting with the first type of clergy can actually bring some relief, while communication with more categorical priests will lead to a worsening of the disease.

Anxiety, bad mood, moderate or severe apathy, a constantly present feeling of guilt and insignificance, self-flagellation - all this accompanies depressive disorder in its classic form. Atypical depression is accompanied by increased appetite, excess weight gain, and deep drowsiness, when the patient literally walks around in a state of apathy all day long, no matter how much he sleeps. Unfortunately, a priest cannot cope with such symptoms.

How does a priest help with depression? The Orthodox Church considers priests partly to be healers of the soul, who can help a believer cope with difficult times and guide him on the true path. The only way to help available to a priest is to listen to the sick person, which is already very important. In the society of the post-Soviet countries, people are accustomed to devaluing the concept of depression; in addition, they are not very attentive to the problems of loved ones, reacting to complaints with phrases that someone else might still have it worse, or suggestions not to take problems to heart. Unfortunately, such an approach and devaluation threaten the patient with a feeling of alienation, misunderstanding and severe loneliness, and this condition only worsens the disease.

A priest who is not inclined to deny the achievements of the theory of psychiatry is able to listen to the patient, provide him with all possible support, help outline the general symptoms and possible causes of the emerging disorder, and this can already be considered the first step before contacting a doctor.

Unlike a psychologist, a psychotherapist is a doctor, a specialist with a medical education, who works using the method of psychological influence, that is, he conducts conversations, consultations, and communicates with the patient in any available way. A psychotherapist can prescribe medication, but usually this category of physicians works on the patient without medications, which is what differs from psychiatrists.

Psychotherapy is one of the two main areas of treatment prescribed for any form of depression: reactive, chronic, endogenous, cognitive, manic, as well as acute depressive disorder (clinical depression). This technique is between psychiatric and psychological methods of treating the disease, and shows the best effect among all areas of treatment, along with taking antidepressants.

In general, psychotherapy refers to the impact on the patient’s psyche, which is aimed at teaching how to cope with depressive disorder, control one’s emotions and relieve the symptoms of the disease.

There are three types of psychotherapy for depression:

  • cognitive-behavioural;
  • interpersonal;
  • psychodynamic.

Cognitive behavioral therapy views mental disorder as a consequence of dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes, so its goals look like this:

  • elimination of signs of the disease;
  • enhancing the effect of taking medications;
  • combating problems in the process of socialization;
  • elimination of behavioral errors that lead to the development of the disease;
  • reducing the risk of remission.

As a result of psychotherapeutic influence, the patient’s beliefs and attitudes that previously led to the appearance of a depressive disorder are corrected.

Interpersonal psychotherapy is used short-term, and is based on the interpretation of depression as a result of improperly built interpersonal relationships of the patient.

As a result, the following goals can be achieved:

  • identifying symptoms of the disease and its origins;
  • treatment of symptoms;
  • normalization of interpersonal relationships that can provoke the formation of the disease.

The duration of treatment is usually up to 20 sessions. This type of therapy defines depression within the framework of determining the patient’s place in society and his relationships with the outside world.

Psychodynamic therapy views the disease as the result of a long-term internal conflict associated with mutually exclusive contradictions, for example, with the desire to depend and at the same time be independent of everything. Therapy in this case proceeds according to the scheme of analyzing the patient’s history, in which the reasons for the emergence of internal conflict can be discovered. The main goal of treatment is to discover the components of the conflict, identify the inconsistency and bring it to some balance to resolve the contradiction.


Psychiatrists are called the last resort in the fight against the disease. Many people are afraid to turn to a psychiatrist, fearing that they will be placed for treatment in an inpatient hospital at the appropriate medical institution. However, this approach is wrong, and timely contact with a doctor is the first step to getting rid of depressive disorder.

From 30 to 60% of patients with depression need the help of a psychiatrist. What is the fundamental difference between psychiatric care for depression? The psychiatrist prescribes medication and develops effective antidepressant therapy.

The danger of depression is that it is often disguised as a variety of somatic illnesses and psychopathic disorders. Often, a patient’s journey to a psychiatrist takes more than one year, and passes through completely different specialists, psychologists, doctors, sometimes even psychics and various telepaths.

Treatment methods

Drug therapy

Getting rid of depression without the use of medications is possible only in mild forms of the disease, but chronic, acute and masked forms, bipolar disorder most often require the prescription of antidepressants and related medications.

In addition, the prescription of drugs for treatment is mandatory if the patient experiences a decrease in activity to a level where he is unable to perform the simplest daily activities, if psychotherapy does not produce results or the result is short-term and/or unexpressed. It is extremely difficult to eliminate a depressive disorder without the use of medications if it is associated with somatic diseases, or if the disease is accompanied by a visible deterioration in the functioning of the main systems and organs: digestive, nervous, cardiovascular.

The psychiatrist prescribes complex treatment, which includes the following groups of medications:

  • antidepressants;
  • neuroleptics;
  • mood stabilizers;
  • antihypoxants.

Among antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are distinguished - they are prescribed most often, since this group of drugs has the fewest side effects. They are easily tolerated by patients. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the neurotransmitter serotonin, when exposed to a drug, does not return to the cell that transmits the nerve impulse, but transmits it to another cell. By increasing the activity of serotonin in the nerve chain, the drug has a beneficial effect on brain cells.

The therapeutic effect appears within 2-3 weeks after starting to take the drug. Commonly prescribed SSRI medications include:

  • Fluoxetine;
  • Citalopram;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Fluvoxamine;
  • Sertralip;
  • Escitalopram.

Fluoxetine is a prescription drug that has an antidepressant effect and relieves feelings of depression. Available in 10 mg tablets. Indications for use:

  • nervous;
  • depression of various etiologies;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Contraindications for use are a tendency to, liver or kidney failure, adenoma, suicidal tendencies, pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug should not be taken together with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO). Expected side effects are chills, hyperhidrosis and stomach upset.

MAO inhibitors are used quite rarely, and the most well-known antidepressants are tri- and tetracyclic antidepressants with a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. They are distinguished by the presence of significant side effects.

MAO inhibitors are first generation antidepressants. The enzyme monoamine oxidase destroys various hormones, including neurotransmitters. Inhibitors of this substance prevent the destruction process, due to which the number of neurotransmitters increases and the processes of mental activity increase.

Inhibitors are effective and inexpensive, but they have a large number of side effects:

  • rave;
  • insomnia;
  • agitation;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • visual impairment.

The most commonly used types of inhibitors are MAO-A and MAO-B. These selective antidepressants have the fewest side effects. The main drugs used by psychiatrists against depression are:

  • Bethol;
  • Moclobemide;
  • Harmaline;
  • Selegiline;
  • Pearlindol;
  • Rasagiline.

Indications for use: social phobia, manic-depressive psychosis, alcoholism, reactive and neurotic depression. Contraindications include exacerbations of mental illness, confusion, agitation, pregnancy and lactation. Common side effects are gastrointestinal disorders, headaches and dizziness.

Tricyclic antidepressants are referred to as TCAs. Many doctors call them the standard among antidepressants because of their effectiveness. The drugs work by increasing the activity of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin. Approximately 30% of patients experience side effects after taking medications:

  • hallucinations;
  • tachycardia;
  • stomach upset;
  • pressure surges;
  • excitation;
  • visual impairment.

Popular drugs in this group:

  • Imipramine;
  • Clomipramine;
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Mianserin.

Other groups of antidepressants:

  • norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors;
  • selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors;
  • specific serotonergic drugs;
  • melatonergic antidepressants.

A side effect of taking such medications may be an epileptic seizure, loss of appetite, tachycardia. All antidepressants are available from pharmacies only with a prescription.

Antipsychotics designed to help treat depressive disorder include chlorprothixene, rispolept, and olanzapine. They are prescribed to remove anxiety symptoms and panic attacks that can accompany depression, but recently the question of the advisability of prescribing antipsychotics as the main direction of treatment has been raised by doctors more and more often.

Many experts say that the positive effect of taking antipsychotics does not outweigh their side effects. In addition, neuroleptics have a weak effect on the patient's condition and slightly improve the patient's condition.

Side effects from taking antipsychotics constitute the so-called neuroleptic syndrome. Main clinical manifestations:

  • extrapyramidal disorders;
  • drug-induced parkinsonism;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • lockjaw;
  • muscle stiffness;
  • stiffness and retardation of speech and movements.

In addition, antipsychotics exhibit side effects such as akathisia, anxiety, sleep disorders, orthostatic hypotension, constipation, diarrhea, and changes in appetite. Violations of the cardiovascular system, skin, endocrine system, and reproductive system are observed.

Severe complications of taking medications include generalized allergic and toxic reactions, hepatitis, pathological changes in the organs of vision, and disorders of the chemical composition of the blood.

Normotimics are means of affect that help level out the patient’s emotional background. They are used for almost any form of disease.

As mood stabilizers, as opposed to antidepressants, these drugs are especially effective in bipolar disorder, where depression alternates with mania. The action is aimed at preventing changes and mood disorders. Indications for use, including a change in the depressive and manic phases of the disease due to the use of antidepressants. Previously, lithium preparations were often prescribed, but their increased toxicity does not allow their use for long-term therapy.

The main mood stabilizers used against depression:

  • Depakine;
  • Lamictil;
  • Philepsin.

Common side effects include:

  • increased thirst;
  • nausea;
  • arrhythmia;
  • muscle weakness;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headache;
  • CNS lesions.

Antihypoxants are drugs designed to prevent, reduce and eliminate the manifestations of hypoxia by maintaining energy metabolism at a sufficient level to preserve the structure and activity of the cell.

Hypoxia can complicate the overall clinical course of the disease, causing energy deficiency in cells, leading to irreversible structural changes and cell death. Amtizol and gutimin are the main active ingredients with a similar effect, which cause a pronounced protective effect during respiratory hypoxia.

Drugs in this group:

  • Trimetazidine;
  • Cecytochrome C;
  • Ubinon;
  • Mecaprine;
  • Batamethasone;
  • Imidazole.

Side effects from taking:

  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • hives.

Psychotherapeutic influence is a universal method for treating any form of depression. In some cases, only psychotherapy helps to save oneself from the disease; for other patients, psychotherapy alone is not enough, but it acts as an additional direction in treatment.

It is this kind of therapy that can identify the root cause of the disease, unlike drugs. It is important to understand that drug treatment only helps to overcome the manifestations of the disease, but it does not always solve the problems that became the source of the development of depression (unless the etiology lies in the presence of somatic pathologies). It is through psychotherapeutic work with the patient that a physician can get to the secret and hidden mechanisms of triggering the disease and reveal the true causes of depression.

In addition, communication with a psychotherapist gives the patient the feeling that they are surrounded by care and attention, that they are wanted and ready to listen, understand and support, that they are not alone in their problem. In such patients, the recovery process is faster. A specialist who is guided in his work by the principle of “do no harm!” is able to reduce or eliminate symptoms of depression, adjust the patient’s behavior and mood, and stimulate the development of his interests and hobbies.

It should be noted that psychotherapy involves a long and often unpleasant, emotionally painful process, but recovery from depression is definitely worth it. Psychotherapeutic effects involve correction of the clinical manifestations of the disease: reducing mental suffering, improving mood, increasing physical and social activity.

The specialist works with the client’s personal problems and experiences, listens to him and influences his psyche and perception of the world around him through communication and conversation. There are several main types and regimens of psychotherapy that are used to treat depression.

Therapy from a psychodynamic point of view is based on the Freudian system of psychoanalysis. The peculiarity is that the patient comes to the ability to realize his repressed and suppressed emotions, forgotten memories. The doctor analyzes slips of the tongue, dreams, associative series and features of forgetting, and on their basis comes to the suppressed problems, which often have their roots in childhood. By releasing suppressed destructive energy in this way, the doctor helps the patient understand and accept the causes of depression that have been repressed into the subconscious sphere.

Cognitive methodology is aimed at teaching a person with a depressive disorder to creatively adapt to negative and difficult life situations that he previously could not cope with, which is why depression arose. The cognitive approach views thoughts and images that influence the patient’s emotions and behavior as phenomena hidden in the subconscious, and depressive disorder as a result of incorrect, disturbed thinking.

In this case, the doctor works with identifying and solving specific personality problems in such a way that he develops and maintains new, more adequate behavioral reactions. For this we use:

  • positive reinforcement;
  • negative reinforcement;
  • frustration during therapy;
  • modeling;
  • decreased sensitivity threshold.

Correction using existential therapy methods is focused on working with the patient’s existing problems, which are formed as a result of lack of harmony with the environment and loss of a sense of belonging to society. This technique combats emerging feelings of alienation and loneliness.

Proponents of the approach argue that depression occurs due to a complex of influencing factors that the individual cannot overcome on his own. Since a person has been exposed to stress factors for some time, he has a desire to escape from the world of reality into the unreal, fantasy world of his imagination. The patient goes into an existential vacuum, he loses his understanding of the purpose in life.

Treatment is based on awareness of a sense of personal significance, on the formation of an adequate sense of self-respect and normal self-esteem. The doctor works with the patient to restore and revise spiritual, ethical, moral values, to accept himself and others, to develop independent thinking and appropriate behavior.

The humanistic approach to therapy is based on the abilities of the person himself. Doctors who work in this direction argue that an individual is capable of independently overcoming his problems if given sufficient incentives. To achieve success, the patient must free himself from uncertainty, fear of failure and defeat. After getting rid of the extra burden of complexes, it becomes easier for a person to perceive the real essence of his problem, thereby quickly achieving a solution.

During the sessions, the doctor brings the patient to the need to speak openly about his experiences and fears. Information is perceived by the psychotherapist solely from the perspective of considering the internal state and experienced emotions of the patient.

Electropulse therapy

The method involves psychiatric and neurological effects, in which an electrical impulse is passed through a person’s brain using a special device. This method of treating depression was first used in the 30s of the 20th century. To this day, the technique is used in the treatment of severe forms of pathology, if other types of therapy do not produce results, as well as for those patients for whom drug therapy is not available.

The course of treatment usually lasts from 6 to 10 sessions, 1-3 procedures per week. The frequency and duration are selected individually by the physician. During therapy, a weak electrical effect occurs on the areas of the brain that are responsible for mood, and the patient is stimulated to produce the corresponding neurotransmitters.

Typically, visible improvement occurs after just a few sessions. Even in a state of deep and long-term depression, with thoughts of suicide, a person quickly reaches a more stable state.

Before prescribing therapy, written consent must be obtained from the patient and his relatives, except in cases where saving a person’s life directly depends on the prescription of treatment.

During the process, the person feels some pain, so before starting the procedures, he is given painkillers. For those who are unable to tolerate any pain, there are analogues, for example, magnetic stimulation.

Hypnotherapy for depression is one of the ways to influence the patient’s subconscious sphere. The effects of hypnosis have been known to mankind since BC, and today the therapy is used in the practice of treating depression.

How does hypnosis work? Hypnosis is aimed at a person’s unconscious, where the causes of depression often have their roots. What a person cannot control on his own are negative attitudes, addictions, and mental disorders. Hypnosis helps to remove negative nuances from the subconscious and draw the patient’s attention to the presence of unconscious problems.

The hypnotic session is accompanied by relaxing and soporific music, lighting of incense, and the smell of essential oils. To immerse yourself in a trance, special pendulums or similar objects are used. Some specialists are able to put a patient into a trance state only with their gaze.

After putting the patient into a trance, the specialist begins to work with his unconscious, extracting the necessary information from there.

It should be noted that the treatment takes some time, and you will need approximately 5 hypnosis sessions lasting 20-30 minutes.


Traditional treatment by psychiatrists and psychotherapists involves the use of antidepressants, but such drugs are not always able to overcome the disease. In such cases, to get out of depression, the patient needs to seek help. Homeopathy is a science that treats not a disease, but a person. This technique works on three levels of the human body: mental, physical and emotional. For a homeopath who works with a depressed patient, the most important thing is his mental and emotional state, and not physiological complaints, although they are also taken into account.

Homeopathy considers the concept of human vital force, which controls a person’s condition and maintains the balance of his nervous, endocrine and immune systems. It is their presence in a balanced state that is responsible for the healthy state of the body. If these systems fail, disease occurs.

Regardless of what problem the patient comes with, an appointment with a homeopath follows a typical pattern. The doctor interviews the patient, finds out about his current complaints, asks questions about the patient’s characteristics, preferences and habits. Sometimes the doctor offers to fill out the appropriate questionnaire, and, if necessary, interviews relatives, since a patient in a state of depression often has no desire to be treated and is reluctant to make contact.

After collecting information, the doctor prescribes a homeopathic medicine.

The duration of treatment with homeopathic method depends on the severity of depression. For example, if depression occurs in isolation, without complications, treatment can produce results within 2-3 months. For those patients who have a chronic, deep course, therapy takes from six months to a year.

However, it must be noted once again that the use of homeopathy should be in combination with psychotherapy. In addition, at present, homeopathic medicines are among those with unproven effectiveness.

Traditional medicine

Herbal medicine is used to enhance and sometimes continue maintenance therapy after the main treatment. But any additions to standard therapy must be agreed with your doctor. The use of medicinal herbs as primary treatment is strictly prohibited. However, when taken together with antidepressants, the effect is not only enhanced, but also adverse events (side effects) from taking the medications are reduced.

Traditional medicine suggests using herbs such as, passionflower and.

St. John's wort is a herb that contains the substance hypericin. Its use has some contraindications, for example, you cannot combine infusions and solutions of St. John's wort with antidepressants. Taking the drug ensures increased metabolism, due to which medications are eliminated from the body so quickly that they do not have time to manifest their properties.

To prepare a medicinal solution, take 2 teaspoons of dry herbs (flowers and leaves) per 200 ml of boiling water. The liquid is infused for 10 minutes. For each appointment you need to brew a new portion. The healing herbal decoction is drunk two to three times a day for 2-3 months. The effect becomes noticeable after at least a month.

Schisandra chinensis helps fight mood swings and apathy. The active substances of lemongrass have a tonic effect on the body; with regular use, mood and performance improve. The recommended dose is no more than two glasses per day.

To prepare the tincture, take crushed dried berries - 20 grams, pour 100 ml, and then infuse in a dark glass container for 10 days. After this, the bottle is opened, the berries are squeezed out, and the liquid is left alone for 3 days. The finished infusion is filtered.

Pharmacies sell a ready-made alcohol tincture of lemongrass berries - it can be used when performance decreases, 20 drops 2 times a day.

Passion flower is an anxiety reducer. Herbal infusion can be combined with medications. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of herbal mixture, pour 150 ml of boiling water, and leave for 10 minutes. A glass of infusion is drunk before bedtime.

Among other medicinal recipes for the traditional treatment of depression, doctors name myrtle, herbal teas, hop cones, valerian, etc. It is useful to use.

It is very important to balance your diet and add foods rich in...

Principles of inpatient treatment

Sometimes depression becomes severe and outpatient treatment becomes ineffective. In such cases, hospitalization in a specialized hospital (psychoneurological dispensary, specialized sanatorium, etc.) is necessary.

If the disease occurs in a deep, chronic form, and the patient’s condition threatens his life, he is admitted to a hospital. The danger of a state of deep depression is that the patient develops suicidal thoughts, plans and intentions. It is the hospital of a medical institution that is the only place where he can be protected from committing life-threatening actions.

Inpatient treatment of a disease involves an organized process of daily treatment and assessment of the dynamics of improvements in the condition. In severe forms of the disease, this option is the only way to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

During a person’s stay in the hospital, he undergoes a comprehensive diagnosis of his condition. The patient is surrounded by attention, observation and therapeutic effects every day throughout the day. An endocrinologist, psychotherapist, or therapist may be involved in therapy.

Treatment involves taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, inhibitors and anxiolytics in combination with electrical impulse therapy, light exposure, walking and physical activity.

A person with a depressive disorder has a distorted perception of the world around him to one degree or another, so, naturally, advice like learning to enjoy life or letting go of negativity for such a patient looks like a recommendation not to be upset for a person with advanced cancer. Unfortunately, the peculiarity of depression is that a person will experience a depressed mood, he has pessimism and a negative perception of others, and he cannot fight this precisely because of the disease.

Therefore, the first and main advice for depression is that if a person over the last 1.5-2 months cannot remember a single incident or event when he felt truly happy and calm, and this condition does not go away, he needs to go to a specialist. You can start with a psychologist or psychotherapist, and then, if necessary, he will refer you to the appropriate doctor. Next, let's look at the types of depression.


What to do about postpartum depression? A new mother, as a rule, is the most defenseless against the influence of negative external factors. Her whole life changed dramatically due to the birth of her child. While on maternity leave after childbirth, a woman feels her own professional lack of demand, often a feeling of “Groundhog Day” comes - fed, washed, laid, and so on in a circle, social isolation often occurs. If the child is the first, there is fear from one’s own inexperience. In relations with her husband, cooling and discord may occur, since the child takes all the time and energy of the mother at first. In general, a woman feels the pressure of responsibility, lack of understanding of the future and lack of confidence in the future.

The condition of postpartum depression is very difficult to cope with on your own, especially considering that the disease usually appears against the background of previously present manifestations of prenatal, clinical, masked or seasonal forms of the disease.

For a woman who has given birth, it is important to find an assistant for herself during the first time, at least for a couple of hours a day. This could be a friend, husband, grandmothers or other relatives.

In any case, if a woman feels any problems after giving birth, then she needs to turn to a specialist for help, and not engage in self-conviction or concealment of her own condition. After the young mother begins treatment for the disease, it is important for her to follow several rules.

First of all, you need to get used to the idea that everything that happens to the mother’s body and personality is normal. The body and psyche recover after childbirth, and they need time and a positive attitude.

You should learn to rest and get enough sleep while the child is resting, and accustom yourself to his rhythm. Household chores should be relegated to the background. However, this does not mean that everyday tasks should be abandoned completely. In order to cope with them more easily, you need to accustom yourself to drawing up a task plan for the week, as well as sharing responsibilities with your husband and other household members.

As much as possible, you should teach yourself to focus on the positive, to find joy in any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. Another significant step is to learn not to compare yourself with the women around you, and not to reproach yourself for changes in your figure or emotional background. Different children behave differently, and the return of the female figure after childbirth occurs in each case at a different speed, and the young mother should not blame herself for anything.


First of all, if a teenager becomes depressed, you need to work with his parents. To prevent the development of the disease in a boy or girl during adolescence, parents should pay a sufficient amount of attention to a growing person in adolescence, take an interest in his hobbies, friends and successes. In addition, parents should pay attention to the teenager’s diet, his walks, and whether he has hobbies and interests that help negative thoughts and emotions come out and sublimate. A growing child needs to be very tactfully and unobtrusively surrounded with care, support, and given the understanding that he is not alone in this world, that his problems and experiences are important to the people closest to him.

If parents observe signs of a depressive disorder in their child, they should not put pressure on him, scold or blame him, as such behavior will make the child’s condition even more dangerous.

You should pay attention to when the teenager first showed signs of depressive disorder, and remember what the situation was in the child’s family and school at the time of the onset of the disease.

When a child is depressed, excessive demands and criticism from parents will only worsen the situation. A teenager in this state cannot achieve success, especially if he is intensely pushed in this direction. It is important to take good care of your child, and not to impose your own attitudes and plans.

You also need to analyze the situation in the family, the relationship between husband and wife. Perhaps a depressive disorder develops against the backdrop of a teenager trying to escape family problems. If parents argue with each other, constantly sort things out and criticize each other in the presence of a teenager, the child begins to feel unnecessary. In addition, he experiences dissonance due to the fact that he loves both parents, and they, in turn, treat each other negatively, condemn and insult each other.

You need to pay close attention to what a teenager says. If a child expresses thoughts of suicide, jokes about death or murder, talks about the meaninglessness of life, he probably has at least a lack of attention, and at worst, a depressive disorder. Essentially, this is a cry for help with which a person is trying to attract attention.

Depression due to a breakup

A breakup with a loved one or a divorce from a spouse is a serious emotional blow and a stress factor. Pain and heaviness in the heart, a lump in the throat, melancholy, apathy, a feeling of one’s own guilt and worthlessness - this is how one can characterize a person’s state after a breakup. It cannot be said unequivocally that this means the onset of depression. However, if improvement does not occur within 2-3 weeks, and problems with sleep and appetite, and vegetative disorders occur, this should become an alarming signal for a person. It is necessary to urgently contact a specialist for help.

How long does depression last after a breakup? If the problem is not recognized and treated professionally, the disease can drag on for years.

The main advice if you have problems after a separation or divorce is to identify the violations of your condition, acknowledge and not deny them. The normal need of any person is to feel love, to feel warmth, love and support, to give it to a loved one, so perceiving the breakup and loss of a relationship as a tragedy for the first time is absolutely normal.

In case of a prolonged state of depression and depressive disorder, after contacting a specialist, you need to realize that drug therapy and psychotherapy alone are not enough - you also need to work on the problems yourself.

The first important step is to work on freeing yourself from love attachment. In the first time after separation, a person feels the most intense feelings about the loss of sensations that his loved one gave him due to existing habits and addictions. A person who lives in a state of loving attachment strengthens the energetic connection with his experiences and with his partner.

Considering the emotional background of a person after a breakup, one can notice that a breakup is a severe psycho-emotional shock, due to which a person develops frustration, mental discomfort, and loss of self-esteem. Post-breakup depression leads to eroded beliefs about love, family and commitment. Mental reactions after a breakup are the same as after the death of a loved one, i.e. a person is experiencing grief.

Therefore, it is important to understand that you need to go through this period. Give yourself time to cry, be sad, feel anger, sadness and the like. If a person recognizes his emotions and accepts them, then the protective mechanism of the psyche turns on to reduce their intensity. To help yourself at this moment, keep a diary or simply speak audio messages to yourself: about your plans, about hobbies, maybe about a dream that you once wanted to realize. A change of environment, a change of image, and generally introducing new acquaintances and healthy habits into your life (a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition) helps. It will be useful to review your menu, add foods containing serotonin to it - nuts, fish, eggs, fruits, seafood.

Autumn depression

The autumn form of the disease usually occurs as an exacerbation of other forms of this disease associated with the onset of the autumn-winter season.

Due to the decrease in daylight hours, the body's production of serotonin decreases, so sunbathing and walking outside on sunny days are recommended for the patient. Office workers must go for a walk at lunchtime and walk at least 1 kilometer every day. You also need to let more sunlight into the apartment, remove massive curtains, and replace them with thinner tulle.

Autumn is a time of year that is very generous with fruits and vegetables, so if you are depressed, it is recommended to review your diet, add fresh foods, vitamins, fruits and berries. It is useful to eat fish, as it contains vitamins D, B, and healthy fatty acids.

Despite the deterioration of emotional and physical well-being, the normal rhythm of sleep must not be disrupted - 8 hours of normal night sleep should be present every day. Lack of sleep and excessive sleepiness negatively affect the emotional background.

Saving mental energy implies that the psyche should be protected from unpleasant emotions, personalities and events. Unpleasant moments that are inevitably present in life need to be lived, talked through and left in the past; negative people should be removed from your life.

Advice to laugh more may seem strange when you're depressed, but it lowers stress hormone levels and strengthens the immune system. You need to find interesting humorous books, funny stories on the Internet, pay attention to concerts and performances of a humorous nature.

The space around you can and should be changed - this also helps reduce stress and depression. For example, buy new bright curtains and accessories, or throw out the old carpet.

Features and difficulties of treating different forms of depression

Treatment of depressive disorder is such a complex and multifaceted process that hundreds of unplanned problems may arise on the doctor’s path until a positive result is achieved with the patient. For example, treatment of a masked form of depression is complicated by the fact that the disease is difficult to define and identify its root cause. Chronic and recurrent depression are difficult to treat in general, as they are characterized by the constant return of episodes of depression. Clinical, acute depression, due to intensely manifested symptoms, is more treatable, and improvements in this case become noticeable faster.

The most common difficulties encountered in the treatment process are the incorrect selection of medications, denial of the fact of the problem, refusal of antidepressant therapy and excessive psychologization of the problem, or, conversely, excessive physiology of the disease and insufficient psychotherapy, underestimation of the importance of additional treatment methods, patient refusal to work on the causes of depression.

Duration of treatment

The course of the disease and how long treatment will last depends on the type and severity of the disease, as well as when the patient sought medical help. Depression does not form overnight, but develops gradually, often unnoticed by the patient and the people around him. This condition, a kind of “incubation period” of depressive disorder, lasts from several weeks to several years. Treatment for a major depressive episode takes on average about 2 years.

Minor episodes of disorder associated with the characteristics of the menstrual cycle in women can be treated from a month to several years - it all depends on how severely the endocrine system is unbalanced.

In approximately a third of patients, the clinical manifestations of the disease remain and become chronic, which is treated over a long period of time and patients are often on maintenance therapy. 60% of people experience recurrence of episodes of the disease. In 10% of men and 20% of women, acute depression becomes chronic.

A few words about self-medication

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to treat depression yourself and how to get out of a depressive disorder. Experts are very skeptical about this. Depression is the same disease as others, for example, somatic diseases: allergies or; and it also requires qualified treatment.

However, this does not mean that an independent exit from depression is impossible, although in this case we are talking more about exiting the acute stage of the disease, from the so-called “tailspin,” to a more stable state. If we draw an analogy, we can say that if previously the surrounding world was perceived by the patient as if it was -30 degrees below zero, then independent recovery is accompanied by a “warming” to 0 degrees. Of course, this is better than it was before, but this is not a room temperature of +18 degrees, at which it is comfortable to live. So it is with independent recovery from a disorder - against the backdrop of how bad it was for a person in a “tailspin,” such relief is perceived as recovery, but the person no longer remembers what a healthy state without depression actually means.

This is the danger of the disease and its self-treatment, since in the absence of identification and treatment of the causes of depression, the disorder will return and intensify over time. Acute episodes become chronic and give rise to somatic problems.

The most fatal “complication” of the disorder is completed suicide.

If a person has symptoms of depression that last from 2-3 weeks or more, provided that depressed mood and apathy, anhedonia are observed every day or almost every day, you should seek medical help.

Treating depression is a complex process that involves several aspects. The psyche and body as a whole are influenced by medications, psychotherapy, communication with specialists, and procedures. However, the main component of successful treatment is recognition of the problem and the desire to work on the problem of the patient himself.

Speciality: nutritionist, psychotherapist, endocrinologist.

Total experience: 10 years .

Place of work: private practice, online consultation.

Education:endocrinology-dietology, psychotherapy.


  1. Gastroenterology-dietology with endoscopy.
  2. Ericksonian self-hypnosis.

It is not without reason that depression is considered one of the main ills of our century: for scientific and technological progress, the acceleration of the pace of life and the availability of information flows, we are forced to pay with constant stress and a weakening of the body’s defenses. As a result, conditions characterized by increased anxiety, lack of interest in life, and spiritual and physical discomfort are widespread.

However, pharmacology does not stand still, and today there are a number of medications that help get rid of the symptoms of depression. It may seem that the problem has been solved, but many drugs have very unpleasant side effects: they cause addiction, sleep disturbances, lethargy, etc. In addition, depression treated with medication tends to return. That is why experienced doctors advise using non-drug methods to combat it in the initial stages of depression. There are many such ways. We will talk about the most common of them in this article.

The essence of the method is that the patient, under the guidance of a specialist, learns to identify and analyze his own negative thoughts and emotions, and understand the reasons for their occurrence. This helps reduce anxiety and find real ways to solve life's problems. If depression is mild, 10–20 consultations can usually help you get rid of it completely. In the future, the patient can practice the method independently, using the acquired skills.

Source: depositphotos.com

Regular sports activate the body's defense system, help normalize appetite and sleep, and increase self-esteem. In addition, moderate physical activity produces serotonin, which is a natural remedy for fighting depression. Hiking in the fresh air, outdoor games, cross-country skiing and swimming have a particularly beneficial effect on the psyche.

Source: depositphotos.com

A relaxing massage stimulates the brain to release a special hormone - oxytocin. It evokes a feeling of calm and security, helping to cope with stressful situations more easily.

Active massage, on the contrary, invigorates and tones the body. At the same time, a large amount of endorphin, the “hormone of joy”, enters the blood, which improves mood.

When treating depression, different types of massage can be alternated; sessions are often combined with procedures such as stone therapy and aromatherapy.

Source: depositphotos.com

These traditional relaxation systems are among the most powerful tools in the fight against depression. It is believed that yoga helps to concentrate, calm down and develop an optimistic outlook on life. In addition, scientists have found that by practicing certain yoga poses, you can reduce the concentration of the “stress hormone” (cortisol) in the blood.

Source: depositphotos.com

Impact on biologically active points of the body with the help of massage or acupuncture relieves pain, soothes and relaxes. When treating depression, the effectiveness of this method is close to 80%. Recently, a more modern method of irritating active points is increasingly being used - using a laser. In terms of its effect on the body, it is similar to acupuncture, but is much less traumatic for the patient.

Source: depositphotos.com

Many plants have a calming and relaxing effect - their infusions and decoctions are used as antidepressants. The most effective are St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, hops, rose hips, licorice, and hawthorn.

This treatment has a number of contraindications, the main one of which is the possibility of an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is advisable that herbal remedies be prescribed by a doctor.

Source: depositphotos.com

With the onset of autumn, the number of people susceptible to bouts of depression increases. Patients complain of lethargy, drowsiness, feelings of melancholy and hopelessness. The reason is the lack of sunlight needed for the body to produce melatonin. A deficiency of this hormone leads to a bad mood and loss of motivation to be active.

Such conditions can be successfully treated with light therapy. Several sessions of irradiation with bright light are similar in strength to taking a course of an antidepressant: they normalize sleep patterns and restore the joy of life, without giving any side effects. The method has virtually no contraindications and can be used to treat any type of depression (including seasonal).

The mental disorder called depression can vary greatly in intensity from a mild blues to a serious, life-threatening illness. Often special medications are prescribed to treat depression - indeed, in cases of severe, prolonged depression that interferes with the patient's normal life, drug therapy may be the best option. However, there are also a large number of simple but effective ways to combat depression without medication. You can resort to their help, especially if you are not a supporter of drug treatment, and also if your depression is not too severe, and is associated, for example, with seasonal blues or a difficult period in your life. These methods can also be used in parallel with taking medications to achieve better treatment results.


Change your thinking pattern

    Start by solving simple problems. Not all problems have obvious solutions. Depression can be worsened by situations that are beyond your complete control, such as health problems, financial problems, or the death of a loved one. In order to learn how to overcome truly difficult situations in your life, you must first learn to solve what you can handle. Think about which of the obstacles standing in your way to a healthy and happy life that you can overcome without problems right now. Solving such problems will help you gain experience and “gain muscles”, which is necessary to solve more serious issues.

    • Set yourself goals that are practical. Think about specific ways to solve the current problem. For example, if your house is a mess, you can easily fix it. Create a detailed plan for yourself to clean your entire home, room by room. Allow yourself to enjoy the feeling of satisfaction after each completed task.
    • Track your progress in a journal. Sometimes simply writing about achieving a goal is enough to motivate yourself to move forward.
  1. Express yourself. Depression causes people to withdraw into themselves and avoid frequent communication with others. However, such blockage of emotions can only worsen your condition. Your feelings are valuable because they are part of your personality, which is why you should look for ways to express them.

    • Don't be alone with yourself for long periods of time. Try to communicate more with friends, family and classmates (colleagues). You don't have to mention your depression in conversations, just be yourself and discuss what comes to mind.
    • Activities such as writing poetry and stories, dancing, painting, music and other forms of art can also provide many benefits and help in the fight against depression.
    • Don't be afraid to express the emotions that accompany depression, such as sadness, fear, anger, worry, and others. These feelings are an integral part of life, just like happiness and satisfaction. A feeling of shame mixed into your emotions will only make your condition worse.
  2. Turn to spiritual practices. This approach helps many people find inner peace and successfully fight depression.

    • Try meditation to increase your self-awareness and achieve peace with yourself. You can look for meditation clubs near your home or start meditating on your own.
    • If you are a religious person, then try to start visiting the temple more often, and also meet more often with parishioners outside the temple. By connecting with like-minded people, you will no longer feel lonely, and this will give you peace of mind.
  3. Treat yourself well. Often depression causes a person to hate himself and doubt his own abilities. Therefore, try to focus on your positive qualities and how you can benefit others, instead of nurturing self-hatred and self-flagellation.

    • Never beat yourself up for being depressed. Depression is a condition that most of us go through at one time or another in our lives. Don't consider yourself weak and cowardly. You are going through a painful condition and the fact that you found the strength to resist it indicates your courage and determination.

    Change your behavior pattern

    1. Spend more time outside the home. Breathing fresh air in nature and basking in the sun to replenish your body's vitamin D stores can help you feel uplifted. Go for walks every day. If you have time and opportunity, then take a trip to nature: into the forest or to the nearest pond or lake.

      • If the weather is too cold to spend much time outside, simply open the curtains and let the sunshine into your home.
      • During the less sunny winter months, try using light therapy to compensate for the lack of natural sunlight. You can find light therapy devices at your nearest pharmacy or buy them online.
    2. Do something all the time. This will help you forget about your depression and stop moping. On weekends when you don't have work or school, take your laptop and go to the nearest cafe. The main thing is not to sit at home all day doing nothing just because you are not in a very good mood.

      • Make a to-do list every week and cross things off each time you finish something.
      • Make a commitment. Giving up your commitments when you're depressed will make you feel weak and helpless. Offer your help, for example, to elderly relatives when they go to the store, and prove to everyone that they can rely on you.
    3. Exercise daily. By getting your body moving, you give your head time to rest - exercise has been scientifically proven to help reduce anxiety and ease depression. Find an activity you enjoy, such as yoga, swimming, walking or cycling, and exercise every day.

      • Remember that you are not exercising to lose weight. Focus on the pleasant sensations during exercise, how your heart beats and your breathing speeds up.
      • Find yourself a training partner. Make an agreement, for example, to go for a walk every week with a friend or relative.

    Take care of yourself

    1. Eat antidepressant foods. In addition to eating a balanced diet, increase your intake of foods that help fight depression. These include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines and walnuts, as well as foods containing other types of healthy fats, such as avocados and coconut oil.

    2. Try nutritional supplements. There are a large number of dietary supplements on the market that, according to manufacturers, help fight depression. Always consult your healthcare professional before taking supplements, as many may be contraindicated while taking certain prescription medications.

      • St. John's wort is considered an effective remedy against depression and anxiety disorders.
      • 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), an amino acid extracted from certain African plants, is considered an effective natural mood stabilizer.
      • S-adenosylmethionine (SAM or SAM-e) serves as a substitute for natural substances produced by mammals to stabilize mood.
      • Green tea contains L-theanine, a natural antidepressant. If you don't want to drink green tea, L-Theanine is also available in supplement form.
    3. Stop using alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol and drugs have the ability to relieve depression for a while, but soon the symptoms will return with renewed vigor and, in the end, will only cause harm and worsen your condition. To take control of your emotions, you must completely eliminate the use of the above-mentioned substances.

      • Alcohol is actually a depressant and can sometimes make depression worse, even when used for pleasure.
      • In general, in the fight against alcohol or drug addiction, it is very important to immediately seek help. You are unlikely to be able to pull yourself out of depression on your own. Contact the nearest branch of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous for help, or you can contact any other center that provides similar services.
    4. Seek help from a psychotherapist. When you feel unable to fight depression on your own, consult a doctor. Psychotherapists know how to help people suffering from depression change their thinking and behavior patterns to relieve depression and prevent its recurrence. Your therapist will be able to provide you with a personalized treatment plan.

      • There is compelling evidence that talk therapy, particularly cognitive behavioral therapy, which focuses on changing negative thinking patterns, is an effective way to combat depression, either alone or in combination with medication.
      • Consulting with your spiritual director, as well as 12 step programs, can help you talk yourself out and get help in dealing with the circumstances that accompany depression.
    • If you experience symptoms of depression, consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Depression can occur with other conditions, and your doctor can help you identify and treat them.


    • Be sure to consult with your healthcare professional before using herbal remedies or dietary supplements, as they may interact differently with medications you are already taking.
    • Do not suddenly stop taking your prescribed medications. This may make your condition worse. Stopping some medications can cause quite serious side effects. Carefully discuss your dose reduction and tapering plan with your doctor to keep this process under control.