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How to treat muscle atrophy. Medicines to restore nerve tissue Symptoms of leg muscle atrophy

1. When examining children, it is necessary to study the anamnesis data, important for the development of the musculoskeletal system in children, statics and motor skills (the state of the mother’s health during pregnancy, the nature of his nutrition, the state of the child’s health, his feeding and upbringing regime); as well as characteristic complaints (pain in bones, muscles and joints, changes in configuration, limited joint mobility, etc.).

2. When inspecting, pay attention to the following points: change in the size and shape of the head (micro- and macrocephaly, tower-shaped, saddle-shaped, saddle-shaped skull, scaphocephaly, oxycephaly, flattening of the occiput); development of the upper and lower jaws, features of the bite, their nature (deciduous, permanent); the shape of the chest (conical, cylindrical, flat) and its changes (Harrison's groove, keel-like, funnel-shaped, barrel-shaped chest, cardiac hump, flattening of one half or unilateral protrusion of the chest); shape of the spine (presence of pathological kyphosis, lordosis, scoliotic distortions) and the child’s pelvis (flat rachitic pelvis); configuration of the limbs (acromegaly, brachydactyly, adactyly, aphalanxia, ​​etc.), shape of the joints (swelling, deformation), mobility in them and condition of the skin and adjacent tissues (presence of rashes, nodules, etc.); muscle trophism (weak, medium and good degree of their development; atrophy, hypotrophy, hypertrophy), state of muscle tone (hypotonicity, hypertonicity).

3. musculoskeletal system in children, determine the density of the skull bones, the condition of the sutures and fontanelles (craniotabes, pliability of the edges of the fontanel, the size of the fontanelles); presence of fractures and deformations; signs of osteoid tissue hyperplasia (rachitic “rosary beads”, “bracelets”, “strings of pearls”); above ; muscle strength and tone, the presence of compactions in them.

4. Determination of trophism and muscle strength. Muscle trophism, which characterizes the level of metabolic processes, is assessed by the degree and symmetry of development of individual muscle groups. The assessment is carried out at rest and during muscle tension. There are three degrees of muscle development: weak, medium and good. With a weak degree of development, the muscles of the trunk and limbs at rest are insufficient; when tense, their volume changes quite little, the lower part of the abdomen hangs, the lower corners of the shoulder blades lag behind the chest. With an average degree of development, the mass of the muscles of the trunk at rest is moderately expressed, and the mass of the limbs is well expressed; when the muscles are tense, their shape and volume change. With a good stage of development, the soft muscles of the trunk and limbs are well developed, and with tension there is a clear increase in muscle relief.

Muscle strength in children is assessed using a special scale using a five-point system: 0 points - no movement; 1 - there are no active movements, but muscle tension is determined by palpation; 2 - passive movements are possible when overcoming minor resistance, 4 - passive movements are possible when overcoming moderate resistance, 5 - muscle strength is within normal limits.

5. Additional research methods:

a) determination of the content of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase in blood serum;

b) x-ray examination of bones

c) electromyography

d) chronaximetry

e) dynamometry in older children;

f) muscle biopsy;

g) densitometry.

Signs of osteoid tissue hyperplasia

Signs of hyperplasia of osteoid tissue include costal “rosary beads”, “bracelets”, “strings of pearls”, enlargement of the frontal, parietal, occipital protuberances, “chicken breast”, square head.

Signs of osteomalacia

Signs of osteomalacia of osteoid tissue include craniotabes (softening of the temporal and occipital bones), flattening of the occiput, Harrison's groove, X-shaped and O-shaped shins.

Normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in blood serum (V. A. Doskin, 1997)

Total calcium - 2.5-2.87 mmol / l.

Ionized calcium - 1.25-1.37 mmol / l.

Inorganic phosphorus - 0.65-1.62 mmol / l.

Arthritis symptoms

Symptoms of arthritis include swelling, tenderness, swelling of the skin and tissues adjacent to the joints, limitation of joint mobility and range of active movements.

Types of muscle tone disorders

Hypotension- decreased muscle tone (with rickets, malnutrition, chorea, Down's disease, hypothyroidism, spinal muscular atrophy, peripheral paralysis).

Hypertension - increased muscle tone (in a healthy child during the first 3-4 months of life, with central paralysis, meningitis, tetanus).

Types of muscle trophism disorders

Atrophy- extreme degree of weak development and underdevelopment (simple form) or degeneration (degenerative form) of muscles.

A simple form occurs in cerebral palsy, diseases of the muscles (progressive muscular dystrophy, congenital myodystrophy) and joints (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculous coxitis). The degenerative form occurs with peripheral paralysis, poliomyelitis, etc.

Hypertrophy is the thickening and increase in muscle mass. It is more often detected in children involved in sports and physical labor. In pseudohypertrophy, fat deposits simulate a picture of good muscle development.

The content of the article:

Muscle atrophy is a pathological organic process in which gradual death of nerve fibers occurs. First, they become thinner, contractility decreases and tone decreases. Then the organic fibrous structure is replaced by connective tissue, which leads to impaired movement.

Description of the disease muscle atrophy

Hypotrophic processes begin with a malnutrition of muscle tissue. Dysfunctional disorders develop: the supply of oxygen and nutrients that ensure the vital activity of the organic structure does not correspond to the volume of utilization. The protein tissues that make up the muscles, without replenishment or due to intoxication, are destroyed and replaced by fibrin fibers.

Under the influence of external or internal factors, degenerative processes develop at the cellular level. Muscle fibers that do not receive nutrients or accumulate toxins slowly atrophy, that is, die. White muscle fibers are affected first, then red ones.

White muscle fibers have the second name “fast”, they are the first to contract under the influence of impulses and are turned on when it is necessary to reach maximum speed or react to danger.

Red fibers are called “slow”. To contract, they require more energy; accordingly, they contain a larger number of capillaries. That is why they perform their functions longer.

Signs of the development of muscle atrophy: first, the speed slows down and the amplitude of movements decreases, then it becomes impossible to change the position of the limb. Due to the decrease in the volume of muscle tissue, the popular name for the disease is “tabes”. The affected limbs become much thinner than healthy ones.

Main causes of muscle atrophy

Factors that cause muscle atrophy are classified into two types. The first includes genetic predisposition. Neurological disorders aggravate the condition, but are not a provoking factor. The secondary type of disease in most cases is caused by external causes: illness and injury. In adults, atrophic processes begin in the upper extremities; for children, the spread of diseases from the lower extremities is typical.

Causes of muscle atrophy in children

Muscle atrophy in children is genetic, but can appear later or be caused by external causes. It is noted that they are more likely to experience damage to nerve fibers, which disrupts impulse conduction and nutrition of muscle tissue.

Causes of the disease in children:

  • Neurological disorders, including Guillain-Barre syndrome (an autoimmune disease that causes muscle paresis);
  • Becker's myopathy (genetically determined) manifests itself in adolescents 14-15 years old and young people 20-30 years old; this mild form of atrophy extends to the calf muscles;
  • Severe pregnancy, birth injuries;
  • Poliomyelitis is a spinal paralysis of infectious etiology;
  • Pediatric stroke - disruption of blood supply to cerebral vessels or cessation of blood flow due to thrombus formation;
  • Back injuries with spinal cord damage;
  • Disturbances in the formation of the pancreas, which affects the condition of the body;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of muscle tissue, myositis.
Myopathy (a hereditary degenerative disease) can be provoked by paresis of the nerves of the limbs, anomalies in the formation of large and peripheral vessels.

Causes of muscle atrophy in adults

Muscle atrophy in adults can develop against the background of degenerative-dystrophic changes that arose in childhood, and appear against the background of spinal and cerebral pathologies, with the introduction of infections.

The causes of the disease in adults can be:

  1. Professional activity that requires constant increased physical stress.
  2. Illiterate training if physical activity is not designed for muscle mass.
  3. Injuries of various types with damage to nerve fibers, muscle tissue and the spine with damage to the spinal cord.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes, and hormonal dysfunction. These conditions disrupt metabolic processes. Diabetes mellitus causes polyneuropathy, which leads to limited movement.
  5. Poliomyelitis and other inflammatory infectious processes in which motor functions are impaired.
  6. Neoplasms of the spine and spinal cord causing compression. Innervation of trophism and conductivity appears.
  7. Paralysis after injury or cerebral infarction.
  8. Impaired function of the peripheral circulatory and nervous systems, resulting in the development of oxygen starvation of muscle fibers.
  9. Chronic intoxication caused by occupational hazards (contacts with toxic substances, chemicals), alcohol abuse and drug use.
  10. Age-related changes - as the body ages, the thinning of muscle tissue is a natural process.
Adults can provoke muscle atrophy with illiterate diets. Prolonged fasting, during which the body does not receive beneficial substances that restore protein structures, causes the breakdown of muscle fibers.

In children and adults, degenerative-dystrophic changes in muscles can develop after surgical operations with a protracted rehabilitation process and during serious illnesses against the background of forced immobility.

Symptoms of muscle atrophy

The first signs of the development of the disease are weakness and mild pain that does not correspond to physical activity. Then the discomfort intensifies, spasms or tremors periodically appear. Atrophy of the limb muscles can be unilateral or symmetrical.

Symptoms of leg muscle atrophy

The lesion begins in the proximal muscle groups of the lower extremities.

Symptoms develop gradually:

  • It is difficult to continue moving after a forced stop; one gets the feeling that “your legs are cast iron.”
  • It is difficult to get up from a horizontal position.
  • The gait changes, the feet begin to go numb and sag when walking. You have to raise your legs higher and “march.” Foot sagging is a characteristic symptom of damage to the tibial nerve (which runs along the outer surface of the lower leg).
  • To compensate for hypotrophy, the ankle muscles first sharply increase in size, and then, when the lesion begins to spread higher, the calf loses weight. The skin loses turgor and sags.
If treatment is not started on time, the damage spreads to the thigh muscles.

Symptoms of thigh muscle atrophy

Thigh muscle atrophy may occur without involvement of the calf muscles. The most dangerous symptoms are caused by Duchenne myopathy.

The symptoms are characteristic: the thigh muscles are replaced by adipose tissue, weakness increases, the ability to move is limited, and knee reflexes are lost. The lesion spreads throughout the body and in severe cases causes mental impairment. Boys 1-2 years of age are most often affected.

If hip atrophy appears against the background of general dystrophic changes in the muscles of the limbs, then the symptoms develop gradually:

  1. There is a feeling that goosebumps are running under the skin.
  2. After prolonged immobility, spasms occur, and when moving, painful sensations occur.
  3. There is a feeling of heaviness and aching in the limb.
  4. The volume of the thigh decreases.
In the future, severe pain is already felt while walking, it radiates to the buttocks and lower back, to the lower back.

Symptoms of gluteal muscle atrophy

The clinical picture of this type of lesion depends on the cause of the disease.

If the cause is hereditary factors, then the same characteristic symptoms are noted as with myopathies of the lower extremities:

  • Muscle weakness;
  • Difficulties when it is necessary to move from a horizontal position to a vertical position and vice versa;
  • Change in gait to a waddling, duck-like one;
  • Loss of tone, pale skin;
  • Numbness or the appearance of pins and needles in the area of ​​the buttocks during forced immobility.
Atrophy develops gradually and takes several years to worsen.

If the cause of the disease is damage to the gluteal nerve or spine, then the main symptom is pain spreading to the upper part of the buttock and radiating to the thigh. The clinical picture at the initial stage of myopathy resembles radiculitis. Muscle weakness and limited movement are pronounced; the disease progresses rapidly and can lead to disability of the patient within 1-2 years.

Symptoms of arm muscle atrophy

With muscular atrophy of the upper extremities, the clinical picture depends on the type of fibers affected.

The following symptoms may appear:

  1. Muscle weakness, decreased range of motion;
  2. Feeling of “goosebumps” under the skin, numbness, tingling, often in the hands, less often in the muscles of the shoulders;
  3. Tactile sensitivity increases and painful sensitivity decreases, mechanical irritation causes discomfort;
  4. The color of the skin changes: tissue pallor occurs, turning into cyanosis, due to a violation of tissue trophism.
First, atrophy of the hand muscles occurs, then the forearms and shoulders are affected, and pathological changes spread to the shoulder blades. There is a medical name for hand muscle atrophy - “monkey hand”. When the appearance of the joint changes, tendon reflexes disappear.

Features of the treatment of muscle atrophy

Treatment of limb muscle atrophy is complex. To bring the disease into remission, pharmaceuticals, diet therapy, massage, physical therapy, and physiotherapy are used. It is possible to connect funds from the arsenal of traditional medicine.

Medications for the treatment of muscle atrophy

The purpose of prescribing pharmaceuticals is to restore trophism of muscle tissue.

For this we use:

  • Vascular drugs that improve blood circulation and accelerate blood flow in peripheral vessels. This group includes: angioprotectors (Pentoxifylline, Trental, Curantil), prostaglandin E1 preparations (Vasaprostan), Dextran based on low molecular weight dextran.
  • Antispasmodics for vasodilation: No-spa, Papaverine.
  • B vitamins that normalize metabolic processes and impulse conductivity: Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Cyanocobalamin.
  • Biostimulants that stimulate the regeneration of muscle fibers to restore muscle volume: Aloe, Plazmol, Actovegin.
  • Preparations for restoring muscle conduction: Proserin, Armin, Oxazil.
All pharmaceuticals are prescribed by a doctor based on the clinical picture and severity of the disease. Self-medication can worsen the condition.

Diet for the treatment of muscle atrophy

To restore the volume of muscle tissue, you need to switch to a special diet. The diet must include foods with vitamins B, A and D, proteins and foods that alkalize physiological fluids.

Enter into the menu:

  1. Fresh vegetables: bell pepper, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers;
  2. Fresh fruits and berries: pomegranate, sea buckthorn, apples, viburnum, cherries, oranges, bananas, grapes, melons;
  3. Eggs, lean meat of all types, except pork, fish, preferably sea;
  4. Porridge (necessarily boiled in water) from cereals: buckwheat, couscous, oatmeal, barley;
  5. Legumes;
  6. Nuts of all types and flax seeds;
  7. Greens and spices: parsley, celery, lettuce, onion and garlic.
A separate requirement for dairy products: everything is fresh. Unpasteurized milk, cheese with at least 45% fat content, cottage cheese and sour cream made from natural milk.

The frequency of food consumption does not matter. Weakened patients with low vital activity are recommended to eat small portions up to 5 times a day to avoid obesity.

When introducing protein shakes into your daily menu, you should consult your doctor. Sports nutrition may not be combined with medications.

Massage to restore trophic tissue of the limbs

Massage treatments for limb atrophy help restore conductivity and increase blood flow.

Massage technique:

  • They start from the peripheral zones (from the hand and foot) and rise to the body.
  • They use kneading techniques, in particular transverse kneading, and mechanical vibration techniques.
  • Be sure to include the area of ​​the buttocks and shoulder girdle.
  • Additional selective targeting of the gastrocnemius and quadriceps muscles may be required.
  • Large joints are massaged with a spherical rubber vibrator.
In most cases, already at the onset of malnutrition, a massage of the whole body is prescribed, regardless of the affected area.

Physical therapy against muscle atrophy

A sharp limitation of motor function leads to atrophy of the muscles of the limbs, therefore, without regular training, it is impossible to restore the amplitude of movements and increase the volume of muscle mass.

Principles of therapeutic exercises:

  1. The exercises are performed first in a lying position, then sitting.
  2. The load is increased gradually.
  3. Cardio exercises must be included in the training complex.
  4. After training, the patient should feel muscle fatigue.
  5. If painful sensations appear, reduce the load.
The treatment complex is tailored to each patient individually. Physical therapy exercises should be combined with a specially designed diet. If the body does not have enough nutrients, muscle tissue does not build.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of muscle atrophy

Physiotherapeutic procedures for muscle wasting are prescribed to patients on an individual basis.

The following procedures are used:

  • Exposure to a directed flow of ultrasonic waves;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Treatment with low voltage currents;
  • Electrophoresis with biostimulants.
If muscle atrophy occurs, laser therapy may be required.

All procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. If you plan to use home appliances, for example, Viton and the like, you must inform your doctor.

Folk remedies against muscle atrophy

Traditional medicine offers its own methods of treating muscle atrophy.

Home Recipes:

  1. Calcium tincture. White homemade eggs (3 pieces) are washed from dirt, blotted with a towel and placed in a glass jar, poured with the juice of 5 fresh lemons. The container is placed in the dark and kept at room temperature for a week. The eggshell should be completely dissolved. After a week, the remaining eggs are removed, and 150 g of warm honey and 100 g of cognac are poured into the jar. Mix and drink a tablespoon after meals. Store in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  2. Herbal infusion. Mix equal amounts of flaxseed, calamus, corn silk and sage. Infuse in a thermos: 3 tablespoons pour 3 cups of boiling water. In the morning, strain and drink the infusion after meals in equal portions throughout the day. Duration of treatment - 2 months.
  3. Oat kvass. 0.5 liters of washed oat seeds in a shell without husks are poured into 3 liters of boiled cooled water. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid. After a day you can already drink. The course of treatment is not limited.
  4. Warming baths for feet and hands. Boil peelings of carrots, beets, potato peels, and onion peels. When steaming, add a teaspoon of iodine and table salt to each liter of water. Under water, the hands and feet are vigorously massaged for 10 minutes. Treatment - 2 weeks.
Traditional medicine methods must be combined with drug therapy.

How to treat muscle atrophy - watch the video:

Muscle atrophy caused by chronic diseases or injuries can be eliminated with the help of complex therapy. Hereditary myopathy cannot be completely cured. The disease is dangerous because it does not appear immediately. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of bringing the disease into remission and stopping muscle damage.

Nervous trophism- This is the action of nerves on tissue, as a result of which the metabolism in it changes in accordance with the needs at any given moment. This means that the trophic action of the nerves is closely related to their other functions (sensitive, motor, secretory) and together with them ensures the optimal function of each organ.

The first evidence that nerves influence tissue trophism was obtained back in 1824 by the French scientist Magendie. In experiments on rabbits, he cut the trigeminal nerve and found an ulcer in the area of ​​​​sensitive denervation (eye, lip) ( rice. 25.5). Next this neurogenic ulcer model was reproduced many times, and not only in the trigeminal nerve area. Trophic disorders develop in any organ if its innervation is disrupted by intervention on nerves (afferent, efferent, autonomic) or nerve centers. Medical practice has provided a huge amount of evidence that also indicates that nerve damage (trauma, inflammation) threatens the occurrence of ulcers or other disorders in the corresponding area (edema, erosion, necrosis).

Biochemical, structural and functional changes in denervated tissues. Experience has shown that pathogenic effects on the peripheral nerve are always accompanied by changes in metabolism in the corresponding organ. This applies to carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids, etc. Not only quantitative but also qualitative changes are observed. Thus, myosin in a denervated muscle loses its ATPase properties, and glycogen in its structure becomes simpler and more elementary. A restructuring of enzymatic processes is observed. Thus, the isoenzyme spectrum of lactate dehydrogenase changes in favor of LDH 4 and LDH5, i.e. those enzymes that are adapted to anaerobic conditions. The activity of an enzyme such as succindehydrogenase decreases. The general trend of changes in metabolism is that it acquires an “embryonic” character, i.e. Glycolytic processes begin to predominate in it, while oxidative ones decrease. The power of the Krebs cycle weakens, the output of macroergs decreases, and the energy potential decreases (V.S. Ilyin).

Significant morphological changes occur in tissues when innervation is disrupted. If we are talking about the cornea, skin or mucous membranes, then all stages of inflammation develop sequentially. Eliminating infection, injury, or drying out does not prevent the process, but it slows down its development. As a result, an ulcer develops that has no tendency to heal. A study of the fine structure showed changes in organelles. Mitochondria decrease in number, their matrix becomes clearer. Obviously, this is associated with a violation of oxidative phosphorylation and Ca 2+ -accumulating ability of mitochondria, and along with this the energy capabilities of the cell. In denervated tissues, mitotic activity decreases.

As for functional disorders during the development of the neurodystrophic process, the consequences of denervation will be different depending on what tissue we are talking about. For example, when skeletal muscle is denervated, it loses its main function - the ability to contract. The heart muscle contracts even when all extracardiac nerves are cut. The salivary gland will secrete saliva, but its nature will no longer depend on the type of food. What was said is simple and clear. Much more interesting is the fact that denervated tissue reacts to many humoral factors differently than normal tissue. We are talking primarily about neurotransmitters of the nervous system. At one time, V. Cannon (1937) established that skeletal muscles, deprived of sympathetic nerves, react to adrenaline not less, but more than normal, the same muscles, disconnected from motor (cholinergic) nerves, react to acetylcholine more strongly than fine. So it was opened law of denervation, which means increased sensitivity of denervated structures. In particular, this is due to the fact that cholinergic receptors, which in normal muscles are concentrated only in the region of myoneural synapses, after denervation appear on the entire surface of the myocyte membrane. It is now known that the unusual response of denervated structures consists not only of an increase, but also of a perversion, when, for example, instead of relaxation of the vascular muscles, their contraction occurs. It is easy to imagine what this will mean, for example, for blood vessels and blood circulation.

An important question is: are there special trophic nerves?

At one time, Magendie admitted that, along with sensory, motor and secretory nerves, there are also special trophic ones that regulate tissue nutrition, i.e. absorption of nutritional material.

Later, I.P. Pavlov (1883), in an experiment on animals, among the nerves going to the heart, found a branch that, without affecting blood circulation, increased the strength of heart contractions. I. P. Pavlov called this nerve “strengthening” and recognized it as purely trophic. I. P. Pavlov saw complete and harmonious innervation of the heart in a triple nerve supply: functional nerves, vasomotor nerves that regulate the supply of nutrient material, and trophic nerves that determine the final utilization of these substances.

In principle, the same point of view was also held by L. A. Orbeli, who, together with A. G. Ginetsinsky in 1924, showed that an isolated (without blood circulation) frog muscle, tired to the limit by impulses along the motor nerve, begins to contract again if "throw" impulses at it along the sympathetic nerve. The trophic action of the sympathetic nerve is aimed at metabolism, preparation of the organ for action, its adaptation to the upcoming work, which is carried out by the action of the motor nerve.

From what has been said, however, it does not at all follow that trophic (sympathetic) nerves do not have other effects on tissue or that motor (secretory, sensitive) nerves do not have an effect on metabolism. A.D. Speransky (1935) said that all nerves influence metabolism, there are no non-trophic nerves - “a nerve is functional only because it is trophic.”

Mechanisms of trophic influence of nerves. Today no one doubts that nerves influence trophism, but how is this action carried out?

There are two points of view on this issue. Some believe that trophism is not an independent nervous function. A nerve impulse that activates an organ (for example, a muscle) thereby changes the metabolism in the cell (acetylcholine - permeability - enzyme activation). Others think that trophism cannot be reduced to the impulse (mediator) action of the nerve. New research has shown that the nerve has a second function, non-impulsive. Its essence is that in all nerves, without exception, axoplasm flow occurs in both directions. This current is needed to power the axons, but it turned out that substances moving along the processes of neurons penetrate through synapses and end up in innervated cells (muscle, etc.). Not only that, but it is now known that these substances have a specific effect on the effector cell. Surgery in which the nerve intended for the red muscle grows into the white muscle has shown that a radical change in its metabolism occurs. It switches from the glycolytic to the oxidative metabolic pathway.

The general conclusion from all that has been said is that the trophic action of the nervous system consists of two elements: pulse And non-impulse. The latter is carried out by “trophic substances”, the nature of which is being clarified.

Pathogenesis of neurogenic dystrophy. When analyzing the process, one should proceed from the fact that the trophic function is carried out according to the principle of a reflex. And from this it follows that when analyzing the dystrophic process, it is necessary to evaluate the significance of each link of the reflex, its “contribution” to the mechanism of development of the process.

Sensory nerve, apparently, plays a special role here. Firstly, information from the nerve center about events in the denervation zone is interrupted. Secondly, a damaged sensory nerve is a source of pathological information, including pain, and thirdly, centrifugal influences on the tissue emanate from it. It has been established that a special substance P is distributed through the sensory nerves with an axocurrent to the tissue, disrupting metabolism and microcirculation.

The importance of nerve centers is evidenced by many facts, including the experiments of A.D. Speransky with selective damage to the centers of the hypothalamus, which is accompanied by the appearance of trophic ulcers in a variety of organs on the periphery.

The role of efferent nerves in dystrophy is that some of their functions (normal) disappear, while others (pathological) appear. Impulse activity, production and action of mediators (adrenaline, serotonin, acetylcholine, etc.) stop, axonal transport of “trophic substances” is disrupted or stopped, function (motility, secretion) stops or is distorted. The genome is involved in the process, the synthesis of enzymes is disrupted, the exchange becomes more primitive, and the yield of macroergs decreases. Membranes and their transport functions suffer. An organ with impaired innervation can become a source of autoantigens. The pathogenesis of trophic disorders due to damage to peripheral nerves is presented schematically in rice. 25.6.

The process is complicated by the fact that, following purely neurotrophic changes, disturbances in blood and lymph circulation (microcirculation) occur, and this entails hypoxia.

Thus, the pathogenesis of neurogenic dystrophies today appears as a complex, multifactorial process, which begins with the fact that the nervous system ceases to “control metabolism” in tissues, and after this complex disorders of metabolism, structure and function arise.

Trophic(Greek trophē nutrition) - a set of cellular nutrition processes that ensure the preservation of the structure and function of a tissue or organ.

The bulk of the tissues of vertebrate animals are endowed with indirect autonomic innervation, in which the trophic influences of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system are carried out humorally - due to the mediator entering the effector cells through the bloodstream or by diffusion.

There are tissues whose trophism is provided by direct sympathetic innervation (heart muscle, uterus and other smooth muscle formations). It is carried out through mediators (acetylcholine, norepinephrine) secreted by nerve endings. Many researchers consider the trophic influences of the nervous system as impulseless, constant, associated with processes similar to neurosecretion. It is believed that various substances: mediators, oligopeptides and amino acids, enzymes, as well as particles of mitochondria, microsomes, nuclei and microtubules formed in the nerve cell reach the executive cells using axotok, i.e. continuous proximal-distal flow of axoplasm along the nerve fiber.

The sympathoadrenal and pituitary-adrenal hormonal systems are involved in the implementation of trophic influences. The first is capable of releasing an increased amount of adrenaline, which stimulates the mobilization of glycogen and fats from their depots, the production of cyclic AMP, etc.

The pituitary-adrenal system, by increasing the release of ACTH by the pituitary gland, stimulates the release of corticosteroids from the adrenal cortex, which in turn also enhance the mobilization of glycogen. The trophic function of many biologically active substances found in the tissues and fluids of the body - acetylcholine, histamine - has been proven.

The trophism of organs and tissues is directly dependent on the dynamics blood circulation: the magnitude of cardiac output and vascular tone located in front of the microcirculatory (see. Microcirculation ) the bed of this organ.

The amount of peripheral blood circulation is influenced by a variety of nervous, humoral and local chemical factors. Factors that cause cerebral vasodilation include a decrease in O 2 tension (hypoxia) and an increase in CO 2 tension (hypercapnia) in the intra- and extracellular spaces. A moderate increase in the content of potassium ions in the extracellular space and an increase in the content of adenosine in tissues have a similar effect. The influence of all these factors decreases or is completely eliminated with a decrease in the content of calcium ions in the perivascular space.

With increased load on the heart, trophic influences, expressed in increased blood supply to the myocardium, are ensured mainly due to the influence of local factors. Thus, a decrease in oxygen tension in tissues (hypoxia) is accompanied by an increase in the content of adenosine, a substance that has a vasodilating effect. In addition, an increase in blood supply to the myocardium, for example during intense work, is due to the stimulation of b-adrenergic receptors.

The mechanisms of trophic influences on skeletal muscles, associated, in particular, with increased blood flow, remain unclear. It is believed that the primary increase in muscle blood flow at the beginning of physical work is associated with the excitation of cholinergic sympathetic vasodilators. Blood flow in true (nutritive) capillaries during prolonged muscle work increases due to the action of a number of local chemical factors that reduce the basal tone of vascular muscles, independent of nervous influences. Such factors include an increase in the content of potassium ions in the extracellular fluid and an increase in osmotic pressure in it.

In addition, muscle hypoxia may have an additional effect.

For the first time, the idea of ​​reflex mechanisms of trophic regulation (the so-called trophic reflexes) was expressed by I.P. Pavlov. Numerous experimental data obtained by the school of L.A. Orbeli, led, in particular, to the creation of the theory of the adaptive-trophic influence of the sympathetic nervous system (see. Autonomic nervous system ). A feature of the trophic reflex is its slower implementation than functional reflexes. Therefore, in some cases, overstrain of a function may be accompanied by depletion of its reserves, because the expended metabolic material does not have time to be replenished with new material. From the position of the theory of functional systems of the body P.K. Anokhin, trophic function is considered as an integral part of efferent synthesis (see. Functional systems ), providing the necessary level of metabolism for actuators that provide an adaptive result beneficial to the body. From a systemic point of view, the so-called pre-launch state becomes clear, i.e. a sharp increase in the metabolism of effectors, for example in skeletal muscles, occurring even before exposure to workload.

Assessing the trophic state of the body, organs, tissues and cells, they talk about eutrophy - optimal nutrition, i.e. about the normal structure, physicochemical properties and functions, the ability to grow, develop and differentiate tissues; hypertrophy - increased nutrition, expressed in an increase in the mass and (or) number of a certain group of cells, usually with an increase in their function; malnutrition - reduced nutrition, expressed in a decrease in the mass or number of a group of cells and a decrease in functional activity (its extreme degree is atrophy ), dystrophy - qualitatively altered, malnutrition, leading to pathological changes in the structure, physicochemical properties and function of cells, tissues and organs, their growth, development and differentiation (see. Dystrophy of cells and tissues ).

Trophic disorders- disturbances in cellular nutrition processes responsible for maintaining the structure and function of a tissue or organ that are of neurogenic origin.

Most researchers associate trophic disorders with functional changes in the formations of the autonomic nervous system, mainly its sympathetic department; interstitial brain, borderline sympathetic trunk, peripheral nerves rich in sympathetic fibers, etc.

The close connection of the autonomic nervous system, higher autonomic centers with the endocrine system and centers for the regulation of humoral activity made it possible to consider trophic disorders as a complex of autonomic-endocrine-humoral disorders.

There are trophic disorders in primary lesions of the autonomic nervous system; trophic disorders with primary lesions of the vegetative-endocrine apparatus: trophic disorders with complex lesions of the vegetative-humoral apparatus. In addition, infectious dystrophies are distinguished (with e, tuberculosis, chronic dysentery, brucellosis, etc.); toxic dystrophies due to exogenous poisoning (chemical agents, industrial poisons); endogenous-trophic dystrophies (with vitamin deficiencies, protein metabolism disorders, malignant neoplasms).

Trophic disorders also occur with irritation of almost any part of the central nervous system, which may be due to the diverse connections of the limbic-reticular complex with various structures of the central nervous system. Wide representation of nonspecific brain formations, distribution of their regulatory function not only to vegetative,

The central nervous system (CNS) is a single mechanism that is responsible for the perception of the surrounding world and reflexes, as well as for controlling the system of internal organs and tissues. The last point is performed by the peripheral part of the central nervous system with the help of special cells called neurons. They make up the nervous tissue, which serves to transmit impulses.

The processes coming from the body of the neuron are surrounded by a protective layer that nourishes the nerve fibers and accelerates impulse transmission, and this protection is called the myelin sheath. Any signal transmitted along nerve fibers resembles a current discharge, and it is their outer layer that prevents its strength from decreasing.

If the myelin sheath is damaged, then full perception in this part of the body is lost, but the cell can survive and the damage will heal over time. If the injuries are quite serious, you will need drugs designed to restore nerve fibers like Milgamma, Copaxone and others. Otherwise, the nerve will die over time and perception will decrease. Diseases that are characterized by this problem include radiculopathy, polyneuropathy, etc., but doctors consider multiple sclerosis (MS) to be the most dangerous pathological process. Despite the strange name, the disease has nothing to do with the direct definition of these words and, when translated, means “multiple scars.” They arise on the myelin sheath in the spinal cord and brain due to immune failure, which is why MS is classified as an autoimmune disease. Instead of nerve fibers, a scar consisting of connective tissue appears at the site of the lesion, through which the impulse can no longer pass correctly.

Is it possible to somehow restore damaged nerve tissue or will it forever remain in a crippled state is a relevant question to this day. Doctors still cannot answer this question accurately and have not yet come up with a full-fledged drug to restore sensitivity to nerve endings. Instead, there are various medications that can reduce the process of demyelination, improve nutrition of damaged areas and activate the regeneration of the myelin sheath.

Milgamma is a neuroprotector for restoring metabolism inside cells, which allows you to slow down the process of myelin destruction and begin its regeneration. The drug is based on vitamins from group B, namely:

  • Thiamine (B1). It is essential for the absorption of sugar in the body and the production of energy. With acute thiamine deficiency, a person's sleep is disturbed and memory deteriorates. He becomes nervous and sometimes depressed, as in depression. In some cases, symptoms of paresthesia are observed (goose bumps, decreased sensitivity and tingling in the fingertips);
  • Pyridoxine (B6). This vitamin plays an important role in the production of amino acids, as well as some hormones (dopamine, serotonin, etc.). Despite rare cases of a lack of pyridoxine in the body, due to its deficiency, a decrease in mental abilities and a weakening of the immune defense are possible;
  • Cyanocobalomin (B12). It serves to improve the conductivity of nerve fibers, resulting in improved sensitivity, as well as to improve blood synthesis. With a lack of cyanocobalamine, a person develops hallucinations, dementia (dementia), disturbances in heart rhythm and paresthesia are observed.

Thanks to this composition, Milgama is able to stop the oxidation of cells by free radicals (reactive substances), which will affect the restoration of sensitivity of tissues and nerve endings. After a course of taking pills, there is a decrease in symptoms and an improvement in general condition, and the drug must be taken in 2 stages. In the first, you will need to make at least 10 injections, and then switch to tablets (Milgamma compositum) and take them 3 times a day for 1.5 months.

Staphaglabrine sulfate has been used for quite a long time to restore the sensitivity of tissues and the nerve fibers themselves. The plant from whose roots this drug is extracted grows only in subtropical and tropical climates, for example, in Japan, India and Burma, and it is called smooth stephania. There are known cases of obtaining Stafaglabrine sulfate in laboratory conditions. Perhaps this is due to the fact that stephania smooth can be grown as a suspension culture, that is, suspended in glass flasks with liquid. The drug itself is a sulfate salt, which has a high melting point (more than 240 ° C). It refers to the alkaloid (nitrogen-containing compound) stepharine, which is considered the basis for proaporphine.

Stephaglabrin sulfate serves to reduce the activity of enzymes from the class of hydrolases (cholinesterase) and to improve the tone of smooth muscles that are present in the walls of blood vessels, organs (hollow inside) and lymph nodes. It is also known that the drug is slightly toxic and can reduce blood pressure. In the old days, the medicine was used as an anticholinesterase agent, but then scientists came to the conclusion that Stefaglabrin sulfate is an inhibitor of connective tissue growth activity. From this it turns out that it delays its development and scars do not form on the nerve fibers. That is why the drug began to be actively used for injuries to the PNS.

During the research, specialists were able to see the growth of Schwann cells, which produce myelin in the peripheral nervous system. This phenomenon means that under the influence of the medication the patient noticeably improves the conduction of impulses along the axon, since the myelin sheath begins to form around it again. Since the results were obtained, the drug has become hope for many people diagnosed with incurable demyelinating pathologies.

It will not be possible to solve the problem of autoimmune pathology only by restoring nerve fibers. After all, no matter how many lesions have to be eliminated, the problem will return, since the immune system reacts to myelin as a foreign body and destroys it. Today it is impossible to eliminate such a pathological process, but you no longer have to wonder whether the nerve fibers are being restored or not. People are left to maintain their condition by suppressing the immune system and using drugs like Stefaglabrin sulfate to maintain their health.

The drug can only be used parenterally, that is, past the intestines, for example, by injection. The dosage should not exceed 7-8 ml of 0.25% solution per day for 2 injections. Judging by time, usually the myelin sheath and nerve endings are restored to some extent after 20 days, and then a break is needed and you can understand how long it will last by asking your doctor about it. The best result, according to doctors, can be achieved through low doses, since side effects develop much less frequently, and the effectiveness of treatment increases.

In laboratory conditions, during experiments on rats, it was found that with a concentration of the drug Stefaglabrin sulfate of 0.1-1 mg/kg, treatment proceeds faster than without it. The course of therapy ended earlier when compared with animals that did not take this medicine. After 2-3 months, the rodents’ nerve fibers were almost completely restored and the impulse was transmitted along the nerve without delay. In the experimental subjects who were treated without this medication, recovery lasted about six months and not all nerve endings returned to normal.


There is no cure for multiple sclerosis, but there are drugs that can reduce the effect of the immune system on the myelin sheath, and these include Copaxone. The essence of autoimmune diseases is that the immune system destroys the myelin located on nerve fibers. Because of this, the conductivity of impulses deteriorates, and Copaxone is able to change the target of the body’s defense system to itself. The nerve fibers remain untouched, but if the body’s cells have already begun to corrode the myelin sheath, then the drug will be able to push them aside. This phenomenon occurs because the drug is very similar in structure to myelin, so the immune system switches its attention to it.

The drug is capable of not only attacking the body’s defense system, but also producing special cells of the immune system to reduce the intensity of the disease, called Th2 lymphocytes. The mechanism of their influence and formation has not yet been thoroughly studied, but there are various theories. There is an opinion among experts that dendritic cells of the epidermis are involved in the synthesis of Th2 lymphocytes.

The produced suppressor (mutated) lymphocytes, entering the blood, quickly penetrate into the part of the nervous system where the source of inflammation is located. Here, Th2 lymphocytes, due to the influence of myelin, produce cytokines, that is, anti-inflammatory molecules. They begin to gradually relieve inflammation in this area of ​​the brain, thereby improving the sensitivity of nerve endings.

The drug has benefits not only for the treatment of the disease itself, but also for the nerve cells themselves, since Copaxone is a neuroprotector. The protective effect is manifested in stimulating the growth of brain cells and improving lipid metabolism. The myelin sheath mainly consists of lipids, and in many pathological processes associated with damage to nerve fibers, they are oxidized, so the myelin is damaged. The drug Copaxone can eliminate this problem, as it increases the body's natural antioxidant (uric acid). It is not known why the level of uric acid increases, but this fact has been proven in numerous experiments.

The drug serves to protect nerve cells and reduce the severity and frequency of exacerbations. It can be combined with medications Stefaglabrin sulfate and Milgamma.

The myelin sheath will begin to recover due to the increased growth of Schwann cells, and Milgamma will improve intracellular metabolism and enhance the effect of both drugs. Using them yourself or changing the dosage yourself is strictly prohibited.

Whether it is possible to restore nerve cells and how long it will take only a specialist can answer, based on the results of the examination. It is prohibited to take any medications on your own to improve tissue sensitivity, since most of them are hormonal and therefore difficult to tolerate by the body.