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How menopause begins in women: the first signs of how to alleviate the condition. At what age does menopause normally occur? At what age does menopause begin?

- a physiological process that every woman experiences from 40 to 60 years. Such a variation in age is associated with the individual characteristics of the organism, living conditions, genetic predisposition and other factors.

The purpose of a woman is the continuation of the family, motherhood, it is laid down by nature that at a certain period the reproductive function begins to gradually fade away.

Hormones play the leading role here, it is with a decrease in the production of female sex hormones in the ovaries (estrogens, estradiol) that a cardinal restructuring of the female body occurs. It is called menopause or menopause and brings a lot of inconvenience and unrest to the weaker sex. This period is accompanied by certain.

What is menopause and its phases

Menopause is not a disease, but the beginning of the fading of characteristic female characteristics, an indicator that the possibility of a new motherhood is becoming less and less. The restructuring of the body in a new way affects all systems and organs.

This process takes a year and goes through 3 stages:

  1. The first is called premenopause.. Around the age of forty, the level of estrogen in the blood begins to decrease. This leads to destabilization of the menstrual cycle: its frequency, duration, and intensity of secretions change.
  2. Menopause- the second period, it begins with the complete cessation of menstruation, its duration is considered to be a year. This is the most difficult time for a woman, when the restructuring is quite intense, and she has to adapt to new sensations.
  3. Postmenopause. It comes one year after the last period. The level of estrogen at its beginning is half the original, and their production stops completely. This phase is characterized by a restructuring of the endocrine system, so you should be wary of thyroid pathologies and related disorders of the cardiovascular system.

How not to grow old with menopause, read.

When and how does it occur in women

Rigid time criteria for, as well as for any physiological process, do not exist. For some ladies, the restructuring process goes almost unnoticed, while someone suffers from its painful symptoms. In many ways, the onset of menopause is due to hereditary factors. It is generally accepted that on average it occurs. But recently there has been a “rejuvenation” of this process, so it is important to know how to determine it.

There is a theory that the onset of menopause is predetermined during the period of intrauterine development.. A certain number of eggs are laid in the ovaries of a developing girl. They are expended during her reproductive period. Part, monthly maturing, leaves the ovarian follicle, and some, for physiological reasons, die before reaching maturity. But year by year their numbers are decreasing. And when the reserves are depleted, the climax sets in.

The follicle acts as a kind of egg bank. During the reproductive period, 300-500 oocytes ready for fertilization have time to mature in it.

Causes of early and late menopause

Among them:

  • Hormonal pathologies of the thyroid gland, metabolic processes (diabetes mellitus, obesity) and others.
  • Gynecological diseases and the consequences of their treatment (chemotherapy, surgery, etc.).
  • Numerous abortions.
  • Unqualified hormonal contraception.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, etc.).
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Transferred operations.
  • Violations of the regime of work, rest and nutrition.
  • Unfavorable climatic or ecological conditions.
  • Stress.


As for the late menopause (at the age close to 60 years), in most cases this is a great advantage and a delay in aging.

He, like the early menopause, is often genetically predisposed. But this is not always good for a woman.

Pathological causes of late menopause can be:

  • Gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, ovarian dysfunction).
  • Some types of tumors, which are characterized by a high level of estrogen in the blood, as a result of which menstruation does not stop for a long time.
  • Postponed gynecological operations with the use of chemotherapy or radiation.
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics or other drugs that affect reproduction.

Nutrition has a significant impact on the sexual sphere. It is noticed that in Japan menopause in women comes late and is painless. This is due to the fact that their diet is dominated by seafood.


The first harbingers of the beginning menopause appear long before its onset. As a rule, women do not notice them. This is especially true for those who, at the age of 30-40, suffered gynecological diseases (endometriosis), had problems with conception or pregnancy and childbirth.

The first sign of premenopause - the instability of the menstrual cycle - in the modern world is increasingly lost against the background of many years of irregular periods in women of childbearing age. Changes in the duration of menstruation, the intensity of bleeding, missed periods and others, characteristic of the precursors, are difficult to distinguish from the signs of dysfunctional disorders that occur in them. They are associated with stress, unfavorable ecology, frequent abortions and not always justified use of hormonal drugs.

The beginning of hormonal adjustment can be manifested by periods of shortening the menstrual cycle up to two to three weeks. And the skips of menstruation alternating with them end in bleeding. Over time, these pauses become more frequent.

In the early stages of menopause, due to hormonal imbalance, PMS often worsens. At the same time, mood swings become more frequent, which can lead to a depressive state.


The earliest signs of menopause are when heat is felt on the face, neck and throughout the upper body. This is caused by disorders in the brain centers that control the body's thermoregulation, due to hormonal disruptions.

A decrease in estrogen levels also affects sexual life. These ubiquitous hormones also control the hydration of the vaginal mucosa, the production of lubrication to reduce friction on it during intimacy. When this does not happen at the time, there is discomfort in the intimate area and a decrease in interest in intimate relationships.

How to recognize?

Summarizing the above, we can understand that the beginning of menopause is considered to be premenopause. This process, which takes no more than one year, is characterized by an increase in the pauses between menstruation, bleeding after them, and scanty discharge during menstruation.

This is considered normal. But at the beginning of menopause, pathological disorders are also possible, when estrogens, on the contrary, are produced intensively. This anxiety syndrome is called hyperestrogenism. In this case, menstruation becomes more abundant and longer, and bleeding is not uncommon. The mammary glands increase, thicken, and touch them. During a medical examination, fibroids and thickening of the walls of the uterus are found.

The onset of menopause is an individual process. Not all women over 40 years of age have these symptoms indicating its onset. Only a specialist can judge this. Therefore, it is not worth neglecting preventive examinations by a gynecologist.


Signs of menopause are divided into early and late. The earliest of them have already been mentioned.

She is also characterized:

  • , weakness.
  • , deterioration of the skin and nails;
  • The appearance of the body;
  • , anxiety, emotional imbalance. (Hysteria, translated from ancient Greek means "womb")
  • Sleepiness and depression.

Late manifestations of menopause include various pathologies and diseases due to hormonal disorders. At risk are the cardiovascular, endocrine and skeletal systems, genitals, metabolic processes, skin and other organs and systems.

Is it possible to pause the start and how

Manifestations of early menopause are the result of violations of the ovaries. If its causes are not hereditary deviations that are difficult to correct, then hormone replacement therapy comes to the rescue in many cases. It is also effective for the prevention and suspension of many diseases of the reproductive system.

A rational, healthy and regular diet is very important.


In the East, women are not allowed to use hormonal drugs, including for contraception. Instead, corrective nutrition is practiced with the inclusion of products with natural phytohormones: avocado, hummus, lentils and others.

You can not neglect the proven folk remedies, herbal medicine. So, ginger can delay menopause. Tempering and physical exercises, regular walking, walks in the fresh air increase immunity, and therefore help to strengthen the body in the fight against premature aging.

The conclusions drawn from the above:

  1. Menopause is a physiological process, and there is no need to be afraid of it. It lasts for several years.
  2. The main role in it is played by hormonal changes and a decrease in estrogen production.
  3. The time of its onset and course is always individual, but it is unacceptable to ignore the early menopause.
  4. You can recognize menopausal manifestations by characteristic symptoms.
  5. To avoid early aging, you need to monitor your health, do not neglect physical activity and do not miss preventive examinations with a doctor.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the first symptoms of menopause:

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Climax (menopause) is the time in a woman's life when the menstrual cycles (monthly) completely stop and hormonal changes in the body occur.

It is believed that menopause occurs after signs of menstrual activity do not appear. within 12 full months since the last menstrual cycle.

The period when the signs of cycles still appear, but the symptoms of menopause already begin, and until the moment when the cycles completely disappear, is known as perimenopause or menopause.

Causes of changes in the body in women

Menopause occurs when age-related changes occur in the female reproductive system. As a result of these changes, the body stops the monthly preparation for bearing a child, and produces less and less female hormones - estrogen and progesterone, and the female ovaries decrease in size.

It is important to remember that every woman is unique and experiences menopause differently. Some women have only a subset of menopausal symptoms, while others have quite a wide range of symptoms.

How to identify the first signs

Many women notice the onset of menopause before there are changes in their menstrual cycles.

With the onset of menopause, the ovaries slow down their work at an inconsistent rate. A decrease in ovarian activity alternates with episodes of their normal function. This explains why menstrual cycles can become irregular and menopausal symptoms vary widely.

Perimenopause is the first phase of menopause and usually begins at the end of a woman's 45 years of age. It is usually associated with the appearance of irregular menstruation. Cycles can get shorter or longer, lighter or harder. The time intervals between periods can vary up or down.

The main phase of menopause, caused by a decrease in the level of hormones in the female body, can cause the following :

  • tides- this state is similar to the feeling as if someone poured hot water into the circulatory system of the body. As a rule, flushes rise from the chest and cover the face and neck, and there may be a sudden sensation of warmth throughout the body. Many women feel embarrassed and think that their hot flashes are visible to others, but this is usually not so obvious. Tides can also be accompanied by, and.
  • - often goes together with redness of the skin and is especially common at night, can cause the body.
  • discomfort in the intimate area- the walls of the vagina and vulva at this time may become thinner due to the lack of the hormone estrogen. This can lead to and discomfort during intercourse.
  • possible bladder infections and urinary incontinence and, especially when laughing or sneezing. You may also want to go to the toilet more often.
  • are possible, especially if night sweats occur.
  • emotional instability- sometimes there is a feeling of fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety, tearfulness or anger. This may be due to hormonal changes, due to poor sleep, or due to the body's adaptation to the changes that have occurred.
  • skin aging and- the skin may become more "tired" and less elastic to the touch, and the hair on the head, in the armpits and on the legs becomes thinner.

Other hormone-lowering effects include:

  • bone loss, which often causes osteoporosis, a progressive skeletal disease with reduced bone density and an increased risk of fractures. Despite the absence of warning symptoms, as we age, bones begin to become thinner and more fragile. As a result, they are subject to more frequent fractures as a result of impact loads.
  • increased risk of heart disease and stroke due to the lack of estrogen, which before menopause protected the heart and circulatory system. However, it has not been fully established whether this risk is increased solely due to a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body.

In the last phase of menopause (postmenopause), which begins at about age 55, menstrual cycles completely stop. Postmenopause is considered to have occurred after one year has passed since the last menstrual cycle.

All of the symptoms of menopause listed above can begin in the perimenopause, continue through the menopause, and sometimes also appear in the postmenopause.

Why is menopause late?

In some cases, menopause occurs somewhat later than the average period of its onset. Usually the cause of late menopause is the genetic characteristics of the female body. If a maternal parent went through a late menopause, the daughter is likely to have a similar situation.

External factors rarely affect the onset of late menopause. However, being overweight or taking certain medications containing hormones can cause late menopause.

The onset of late menopause means that reproductive hormones work in the female body longer than during early or normal menopause. Late menopause has its benefits as well as health risks.


Hormones are of great importance for the functioning of the human body, regulating its various functions. Late menopause slightly increases the risk (by an average of 1%) of certain types of ovarian, breast, or uterine cancer.

However, late menopause increases life expectancy because it reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Late menopause also reduces the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

The action of the hormone estrogen, which is partly responsible for the elasticity of the skin, is prolonged during late menopause. This means that older skin has fewer wrinkles and looks younger.

In what cases can an early menopause begin?

In some cases, menopause may occur at an earlier period of time, not associated with natural age-related changes.

If there are no obvious medical reasons for early menopause, it is usually due to the genetic makeup of the female body. If the mother had an early menopause, then probably the same will happen to her daughter.

In some chromosome defects, such as Turner syndrome, the ovaries do not function properly, often leading to premature menopause.

Another chromosomal defect leading to early menopause includes "pure" forms of gonadal dysgenesis, or incomplete development of the gonads. In this condition, the ovaries do not function properly, also causing an early menopause.

However, genetic contributions are not the only reason for early menopause. Lifestyle or health problems can also contribute to this process.

The appearance of early menopause is influenced by factors such as:

  • surgery to remove the uterus(hysterectomy). In this case, the symptoms of early menopause increase gradually;
  • surgery to remove appendages(oophorectomy). Symptoms of early menopause appear immediately;
  • premature ovarian failure due to genetic factors, surgery, or treatment for cancer of the female reproductive system. The fading of the ovaries can also be associated with their dysfunction or insufficiency of follicles (structural components of the ovaries);
  • autoimmune diseases in particular thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammations caused by some autoimmune diseases can affect the ovaries. In this case, menopause begins when the ovaries stop working;
  • epilepsy. Studies show that about 14% of women with epilepsy are more likely to experience premature ovarian failure, leading to early menopause;
  • smoking has an antiestrogenic effect, which can also contribute to early menopause. An analysis of several studies shows that long-term smoking causes earlier (by 1-2 years) menopause;
  • body weight also affects the onset of early menopause. Estrogen is stored in adipose tissue, and very thin women have fewer stores of estrogen, which can be depleted earlier, causing menopause.

Some studies show that a vegetarian diet, lack of exercise, and lack of sun exposure can cause early menopause.


The onset of normal, physiological menopause cannot be delayed by any preventive measures. However, there are several ways to delay the onset of early or premature menopause and the unpleasant symptoms associated with it.

Smoking cessation is recommended, and it is also important to eat foods that contain phytoestrogens (plant compounds that are chemically similar to estrogen), such as soy and whole grains. It is necessary to regularly do physical exercises that help increase the production of hormones in the body in a natural way.

It is also important for women not to be ashamed of the symptoms of menopause and to be aware that this process is part of a natural life cycle with many life benefits in the future.

Useful video

In the video, doctor Sergey Sergeevich Apetov tells what symptoms of menopause can be and how a woman's condition can be corrected during menopause:

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The body of every woman in reproductive age undergoes cyclical changes. When a girl is born, these processes are not yet in her body. From the beginning of the menstrual cycle and until the menopause, certain hormones will be produced on the right days of the cycle. The period of menopause in women is characterized by various not very pleasant symptoms. Each representative of the fair sex should learn about them and find out how to live with such manifestations.

Menopause in women: what is it?

To begin with, it is worth defining this state of the female body. Menopause in women is the time when the body prepares to move into the next age group. Every month, the female body produces hormones that promote the release of the egg from the ovary. It is worth noting that the number of these reproductive cells is laid down from the moment when the girl is still in the womb. As soon as the amount established by nature ends, the time comes when menopause occurs in women. After her for several years comes menopause.

When does hormonal change occur?

The age of menopause in women is between 40 and 60 years. But sometimes there are exceptions. For example, medicine knows the case when a woman was able to conceive a child at the age of 70 years. This suggests that the number of her eggs in the ovary for some reason was large.

Also, in some cases, early menopause occurs in women. Most often this occurs after various surgical interventions. If for some reason a woman has removed part of the ovary or the entire organ, then menopause will come to her much earlier. Also, menopause in women occurs with the complete simultaneous removal of hormone-producing organs. In this case, it can occur at absolutely any age.

Symptoms of menopause in women

Manifestations of this condition are quite unpleasant. But it is worth saying right away that you can fight them. So, what are the signs of menopause in women can be? Let's look into this in detail.

No menstrual bleeding

The first signs of menopause in women are that menstruation stops. At the very beginning of this process, irregular bleeding may occur. The interval between spotting can be very long. The intensity of menstruation also changes. They can be very plentiful or, conversely, rather scarce.

Menopause in women is always replaced by menopause. During this period, the production of hormones has finally ended, and menstruation does not come at all.

Hot flashes and feeling hot

Other unpleasant signs of menopause in women are hot flashes, fever, and chills. The fair sex in this state often gets hot for no reason. Face and body perspire and blush. Immediately after this, the woman may feel a slight chill. Such a sharp change in sensations causes severe discomfort. It seems to the woman that everyone notices her condition.

Mood changes and irritability

During the period of hormonal changes in the body of a woman, the work of all organs and systems, including the nervous one, is disrupted. With the onset of menopause, a cheerful and cheerful person changes beyond recognition. A woman begins to get annoyed for any reason. She no longer likes the usual colors of clothing, appearance and even the behavior of all household members.

Undoubtedly, all relatives suffer from this condition, since a woman breaks down precisely on them. But it is worth noting that it is the hardest for her. She does not understand why such changes are happening to her, and this upsets her even more.

Very often, during menopause, women turn to neurologists and psychologists with a request to help them. Also, some ladies withdraw into themselves and become depressed. It is absolutely impossible to do so. Currently, the treatment of menopause in women is carried out quite successfully.

Sex characteristics

This condition greatly affects the sexual life of a lady. Allocations in women in menopause become scarce. This is due to the fact that there are no more cyclical changes that affect the functioning of the cervix. As a result of this process, the fairer sex feels dryness in the vagina.

In addition, the lady's sexual desire disappears. She no longer enjoys contact with a man and tries her best to avoid him. It is worth noting that this is often the reason for late divorces. It would seem that people have lived their entire lives soul to soul, and at that age they decided to get a divorce. It turns out that's the reason!

Change in appearance

We have already said that the age of menopause in women can be different. If a lady is over 40 years old, then she is likely to take all the changes that occur with her skin for granted. In the case when this condition occurs much earlier, the fair sex is surprised at how quickly her appearance changes.

To begin with, it is worth saying that estrogens, which are produced by the pituitary gland, play a significant role in maintaining the elasticity of the skin. With the cessation of the ovaries, this substance ceases to be excreted. This process greatly affects the condition of the skin. A clear oval of the face is smeared, wrinkles appear under the eyes and in the nasolabial region. The old care products are completely ineffective. A woman is forced to resort to more serious procedures and potent cosmetics. Skin with loss of elasticity loses moisture. It becomes dry and constantly peels off. This irritates the woman, and she becomes even more withdrawn and secretive.

Weight gain

At the onset of menopause, almost every woman faces an increase in body weight. At this moment, the lady is perplexed: the food is the same, and the figure on the scales is treacherously growing! Clothes become small, and there is a need to change the wardrobe. What is the reason for such a state?

This is due to the same estrogens and the hormone progesterone. It is the balance of these components that allows the lady to look attractive and maintain her tone. When the production of these substances stops, subcutaneous fat and excess fluid begin to accumulate. All this leads to the fact that the representative of the weaker sex is recovering greatly.

Hormonal infertility

A completely logical symptom of menopause is the inability to conceive a child. Due to the fact that the eggs are over, and estrogen and progesterone are not produced, the woman becomes infertile.

With the timely onset of menopause, such a sign does not bring the lady any inconvenience. However, in the case of early menopause, the fair sex can suffer greatly due to the inability to conceive a baby.

Gynecological diseases

With the onset of menopause, women can develop various diseases. These include tumors of the uterus and appendages, mammary glands. It should be noted that malignant neoplasms in most cases occur during this period. Do not immediately give up and think that you will definitely have to face these ailments. You need to be examined once every six months and take all the necessary tests. The end of menstruation is not a reason to stop visiting a gynecologist.

How to deal with menopause symptoms?

Currently, there are many ways to get rid of all these terrible manifestations. In most cases, doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy. For example, Femoston tablets and other drugs are used. It is necessary to take such funds daily. They compensate for the lack of estrogen and allow you to get rid of many of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

If a woman wants to become pregnant, then the best option is in vitro fertilization using a donor egg. In this case, the fair sex can bear and give birth to a baby, but throughout the pregnancy she will have to take hormonal drugs.

If you had to deal with any of the above symptoms, visit a specialist who will select the appropriate treatment and get rid of all the signs of menopause and menopause.

At what age menopause begins in women, not a single gynecologist will answer. This period depends, first of all, on heredity. With a high degree of probability, a woman's menopause will come at an age, like her mother, grandmother, it will proceed with the same severity as theirs.
Some external factors that affect natural processes can make changes in hereditary processes ...

Factors affecting the age at which menopause begins in women

  • Diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, malignant neoplasms, other chronic diseases.
  • Carrying out therapeutic measures: surgical interventions, radiation or chemotherapy.
  • Abuse of alcohol, drugs, smoking.
  • Prolonged psycho-emotional stress (stress, depression, constant excitement).
  • Heavy physical activity: labor activity, sports training.
  • Malnutrition as a result of low social status.
  • Irregular sexual contacts, their low frequency.
  • Surgical interventions on the mammary glands, uterus, ovaries, hormonal imbalance.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, high frequency of sun exposure, weight control can push back menopause, the age at which it occurs. Taking hormones for a long time before the onset of this stage is also able to push back the generally accepted deadlines. Some women use them as a therapy.

Menopause: at what age does it occur, the main stages

Menopause is understood as hormonal changes in a woman's body, as a result of which she loses her childbearing function. It has three main steps:

  1. Premenopause. This period begins after 40 years, lasts until the last menstruation. Experts note that the average duration of premenopause ranges from 15 months to 6 years. During this time, there is a decrease in the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. At the same time, the level of male hormones in the female body decreases gradually, in some periods hyperandrogenism can be observed. This stage is accompanied by an increase in FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). It is he who is indicative during the analysis, which indicates hormonal changes. Menstruation becomes irregular, the cycle constantly increases from 30 to 80 days. Their intensity is also unstable: sometimes bleeding is saturated, sometimes very scarce.
  2. Menopause around age 50-55. This stage occurs after the cessation of the last menstruation, it lasts 12 months. During this period, the FSH level rises even more. Changes in the hormonal background can lead to the development of diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Many have osteoporosis, so fractures of the limbs often occur.
  3. Postmenopause. The period is characterized by the end of hormonal changes. It occurs 1 year after the last menstrual bleeding. The duration of the stage is 12-24 months. The ovaries stop producing hormones, the level of estrogen decreases by 2 times. Against this background, FSH is quite high, it is determined in the laboratory by conducting a blood or urine test.

The level of FSH can be determined independently using a pharmacy test.

The age of menopause in women is an individual factor. His averages are 48 years plus/minute 3 years. There are deviations from these averages - early (up to 40 years) and late menopause (after 55 years).

General and specific symptoms: when to see a doctor?

Changes in a woman's body are inevitable, they are a natural physiological process. To understand at what age menopause occurs, you need to see a doctor. He will not be able to predict the beginning of the stage in advance, but some signs allow you to see premenopause, prepare the body physically and emotionally.

At the stage of premenopause, in 60% of cases, there is a decrease in the intensity of menstrual bleeding, an increase in the cycle.

Symptoms of menopause can be divided into general, occurring in most cases and specific.

Common Menopause Symptoms

Common manifestations include:

  • Hot flashes - a state of sharp redness of the face, décolleté, neck. It is accompanied by a feeling of heat, sweating, numbness, tingling in the fingers. Rarely, a woman can lose consciousness. Such symptoms can occur at any time of the day, but more often occurs in the evening. Its duration is 2-3 minutes, after which the woman feels a feeling of cold. This symptom does not affect the age at which menopause occurs in women.
  • Vertigo - a violation of the hormonal background leads to a violation of blood pressure, a sharp change in its indicators.
  • Excitability - violations of the autonomic nervous system. Vivid manifestations are insomnia, changes in biorhythms (daytime sleepiness), unreasonable anxiety, constant unreasonable irritability.

A woman feels hot flashes unexpectedly. The main signs are a sharp reddening of the face, sweating, a feeling of stuffiness. It passes in a few minutes, the woman returns to normal.

Hot flashes last about 1-2 years, in rare cases their duration increases to 5 years.

Specific Symptoms

Specific manifestations include disorders that may occur with some degree of probability from the genitourinary, psycho-emotional, and nervous systems.

The characteristic manifestations of psycho-emotional deviations are:

  • Hysterias are unreasonable emotionally unstable states.
  • Unreasonable conditions, manifested in the form of increased tearfulness, irritability, feelings of fear or anxiety, disturbed night sleep.
  • The reaction of the body to certain smells or sounds.
  • Severe depression. They have a low response to treatment. May be accompanied by a change in the behavior of a woman, which becomes aggressive or defiant. Some representatives, trying to subconsciously prolong their youth, begin to dress vulgarly and behave accordingly.

The state of the nervous system largely depends on the level of estrogen in the body. With a hormonal failure, their number decreases. If there is a shortage of trace elements such as magnesium and calcium, a severe course of menopause is possible (how many years it would not come).

Violation of the heart rate leads to shallow breathing, an increase in its frequency. As a result, the woman constantly complains that she is suffocating, it is hard for her to breathe, there is always not enough air. In the presence of such symptoms, it is difficult for a woman to be indoors for a long time, with a large crowd of people.

Also during this period, disturbing night sleep, increased drowsiness during the day, the appearance of snoring with prolonged respiratory arrest can be observed. A sharp decrease in estrogen can lead to the development of severe, chronic diseases.

About 52% of women note that the onset of menopause is a stressful situation for them.

Possible deviations from the genitourinary system, the musculoskeletal system include:

  • atrophic vaginitis. An insufficient amount of female hormones significantly changes the processes occurring in the uterus and vagina. As a result, there is dryness caused by a lack of lubrication, discomfort and burning, lack of blood supply, omission of the walls.
  • Atrophic cystourethritis. Against the background of frequent urge to urinate, a woman feels a burning sensation, discomfort, and painful conditions.
  • Prolapse of the uterus. This is due to the fact that the processes of atrophy affect the muscles of the small pelvis. As a result, the bladder and urethra are displaced.
  • The skin becomes flabby, there is a tendency to the appearance of age spots. Hair loss on the head is also characteristic, their intensive growth on the facial integuments.
  • Osteoporosis in the postmenopausal period. The lack of estradiol leads to a stop in the renewal of bone tissue. As a result, the growth of a woman decreases, a stoop appears, sometimes turning into severe forms of curvature of the spine. Increased bone fragility is the reason that fractures occur even with little effort. The greatest discomfort is caused by pain in the joints and spine, fatigue.
  • Decreased sex drive. Dryness of the mucous membranes, a depressed emotional state lead to a lack of desire.

Severe menopause is rare; when the first signs of menopause appear, a woman should consult a doctor. The gynecologist will assess the deviations that have arisen, the general condition of the patient. In some cases, hormonal or homeopathic remedies may be prescribed to relieve discomfort.

Hormonal disorders in menopause: what time does the imbalance occur

Due to the fact that the age of the onset of menopause, the severity of its course is an individual matter, there is no clear indication of the period in which it is worth consulting a doctor. A woman should know that with a hormonal imbalance in certain periods (premenopause), the level of male hormones can be very high. In this case, hyperestrogenia occurs. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The thickness of the uterine walls increases, their structure becomes more dense.
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands. Neoplasms appear in them - seals, which, when palpated, cause pain.
  • Increase in the amount of cervical secretion. There is more mucus, the walls of the vagina become looser, additional folds appear on them.
  • The appearance of fibroids, other neoplasms.
  • Menstrual bleeding becomes abnormally intense, their frequency increases. Additionally, there may be functional bleeding that is not associated with menstruation.

Hyperandrogenism leads to an increase in body weight of 5-8 kg with a disproportionate increase in the size of the abdomen.

To speak of hyperestrogenism, several symptoms must appear simultaneously. It is not allowed to self-diagnose and start taking any medications. Only a doctor is able to correctly assess the patient's condition and alleviate it.

Early menopause in women: at what age does it occur, causes

Early menopause is understood as the appearance of symptoms, characteristic conditions at the age of a woman 35-40 years old. This is a strong argument to get tested. The reasons for this behavior of the body are genetic and acquired factors.

The average age of menopause in women in Russia is 48±3 years. Early menopause leads to irreversible reactions in the body. A woman not only loses her childbearing function, she begins to age rapidly.

Hereditary causes include genetic predisposition (such a course was observed in other representatives of the genus along the female line), an X-chromosome defect, some syndromes, and genetic diseases.

Early menopause occurs in only 1% of women.

Acquired factors are circumstances that have arisen as a result of external influence. This includes other hormonal dysfunctions (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease), gynecological abnormalities of various etiologies, drug therapy with certain types of drugs, a significant violation of the normal body index up or down. The onset of early menopause can be provoked by the use of hormonal contraceptives in violation of the protocol or by self-selection of the drug.

Early menopause is characterized by the onset of changes in the body, accelerated aging processes - a woman looks older than her years. Especially dangerous is the appearance at this age (up to 40 years) of oncological diseases against the background of hormonal imbalance.

In order to timely determine menopause, its stages, a woman should regularly attend preventive examinations, independently test for the content of FSH. This makes it possible to respond as quickly as possible to subsequent changes in the body. The psychological attitude is also important, which will allow you to transfer all the possible difficulties of the emotional and physical state much easier.

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It is extremely important for women to know everything about their health - especially for the initial self-diagnosis. This rapid test will allow you to better listen to the state of your body and not miss important signals in order to understand whether you need to contact a specialist and make an appointment.