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What is organ obesity called? Which organs are the first to suffer due to obesity? Medical treatment of obesity

Excess weight often leads to impaired functioning of the body. Fat deposits can be localized not only under the skin, but also around the internal organs. An excess amount of fat spoils the figure and mood, and obesity of the internal organs also poses a serious threat to health.

Obesity of the internal organs can be observed not only in obese people, this process is much more complicated compared to the accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous tissue.

The main provoking factors for the development of the disease are:

  1. Constant overeating. As a result, the body is not able to use the amount of calories that enter the body, and therefore there is a deposition of energy for the future.
  2. The influence of prolonged stressful situations. A constant tense situation at the workplace, a frantic pace of life, chronic lack of sleep leads to a violation of the nervous regulation of metabolic processes. As a result, the body, even with the intake of a normal amount of calories, begins to increase body fat, including around the internal organs.
  3. Changes in hormonal balance. This reason is well studied and known. Diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism and diseases of the hypothalamus always lead to an increase in body fat.
  4. body intoxication. Long-term exposure to toxic substances, such as alcohol or nicotine, causes the destruction of cells and their replacement with adipose tissue.

Only the main causes of obesity of internal organs are presented to your attention, in fact, there are many more of them. These include all factors that lead to a violation of the internal balance of the body.

Symptoms of obesity of the internal organs

The first pathological symptom of pathology is an increase in the abdomen against the background of thin lower extremities. The figure of such people is very similar to an apple. However, not in all cases, internal obesity can be diagnosed by external signs.

You should pay attention to the state of your health when:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath when performing even minor physical exertion;
  • frequent violations of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • the appearance of a feeling of fatigue, which is present on an ongoing basis;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • the development of depression;
  • decreased sexual desire and activity.

The clinical picture of obesity will depend on the degree of damage to the internal organs.

In the future, an increase in the amount of body fat leads to disruption of the work of a particular organ, as a result, corresponding symptoms will appear.

Target Organs in Obesity

The pathological symptoms of obesity will depend on which organ is affected, because its functioning will be impaired.

Obesity of the brain

Damage to the brain leads to a deterioration in memory and memorization, there is a slowdown in thinking. The creative abilities of a person are lost, he eventually turns into a slow-witted and conservative.

Fatty degeneration of the myocardium

With the accumulation of fatty deposits around the heart bag, a decrease in the contractility of the heart muscle is observed, as a result, symptoms such as:

  • shortness of breath, which is present on an ongoing basis;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • increase in blood pressure.

In the absence of adequate treatment, there is a risk of developing heart failure, the likelihood of myocardial infarction and stroke increases.

Obesity of the pancreas

The appearance of pathological symptoms is observed when 1/3 of the organ is damaged.


  • pathological feeling of heaviness in the abdominal cavity;
  • flatulence;
  • stool disorders in the form of diarrhea;
  • vomit.

Violation of the functioning of the pancreas negatively affects the state of other organs, namely the stomach, spleen, liver.

Lipodystrophy (deposits of fat in the legs)

Obesity of muscle fibers leads to a decrease in their level of endurance and strength. As a result, a person moves less, loses the ability to perform physical activities and even walk for a long time.

Fatty degeneration of the kidneys

As a result of the replacement of the parenchyma of the kidneys with adipose tissue, there is a violation of urination, all this causes:

  • stagnant processes of urine;
  • the formation of infectious processes in the urinary tract;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • increase in blood pressure.

The formation of irreversible changes provokes renal failure and nephropathy.

Lipomatosis of the body and cervix

Obesity of this kind leads to hormonal imbalance and loss of secondary sexual characteristics. For women, pathology is dangerous with the possible development of infertility.

In severe and complicated cases, obesity of several organs can be observed, then the symptoms will appear in a complex, and the person's condition will deteriorate significantly.

Diagnostic measures

At the initial stages of formation, it is quite difficult to establish the presence of a pathological condition. This is explained by the fact that patients do not experience any pathological symptoms, do not present any complaints and therefore do not seek medical help.

Please note that an increase in body mass index of at least 20% causes the deposition of fat in all tissues of the body.

  1. Weighing.
  2. Waist measurement.
  3. Determination of body mass index.
  4. Laboratory studies, namely a general blood and urine test, biochemistry and a hormonal panel.
  5. Ultrasonography.
  6. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

It is necessary to focus on the fact that such examinations as CT and MRI are considered to be the most effective, because they make it possible to detect even a slight deposition of fat in the cells.

That is why all persons suffering from excess weight are recommended to conduct such examinations with a preventive purpose, for the timely diagnosis of the pathological process.


Effective and easy will be the fight against obesity of internal organs in the early stages of its formation. This is explained by the fact that it is at this time that the process is reversed, it is possible to fully restore the functionality of the affected organs.

General principles

In order for the treatment of the problem to be successful, it is recommended to follow these simple rules:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to ensure proper rest, sleep well (at least 7 hours) and give up bad habits.
  2. Regularly engage in physical activity, this is necessary so that the calories that come from food are lost to the maximum.
  3. Monitor your nutrition. The diet must be enriched with vitamins, minerals, enough protein and other nutrients.
  4. Spend fasting days, this will help the body cleanse itself of toxic substances that have accumulated.

It is possible to fight pathology through the use of medications only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Only a qualified specialist is engaged in the selection of drugs, taking into account the diagnosis and severity of the course of the pathological process. It is forbidden to self-medicate.

If the pathology is in a neglected state, and it is accompanied by severe disorders in the functioning of organs and systems, surgical intervention may be required. This will prolong the life of the patient.

Features of nutrition in obesity

First of all, it should be noted that there is no such diet that would suit everyone, so dietary correction should be carefully monitored by a doctor.

  • reduction in the calorie content of food;
  • increasing the amount of foods rich in fiber and protein.

It is forbidden to use:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • bakery products;
  • confectionery;
  • sweets;
  • spicy dishes.
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • olive oil;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • vegetables;
  • porridge on the water;
  • boiled eggs.

Food should be taken in small portions up to 6 times a day. Do not forget about the drinking regimen, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Sample menu for the day

Let's bring to your attention an approximate menu for patients with liver diseases.

  • the first breakfast may consist of a vegetable salad based on carrots and a green apple, as well as steamed buckwheat porridge;
  • second breakfast can be represented by lazy dumplings with low-fat cottage cheese;
  • for lunch, you can eat vegetable soup with cereals, and fruit (banana or pear);
  • as an afternoon snack, there may be unsweetened pastries with meat and unsweetened tea;
  • dinner - pilaf with chicken meat;
  • at night it is allowed to drink 250 ml of low-fat milk.

Summing up the information presented, I would like to focus on the fact that obesity of the internal organs is a rather dangerous condition that must be treated. This is explained by the fact that it becomes a danger not only to human health, but also to his life.

The best option for determining how to deal with internal obesity is to contact a qualified specialist.

It would seem that at first glance it is not clear how two completely different processes are connected, like obesity and polyps of the female reproductive organ.

In fact, the connection between the two pathologies is the most direct.

In order to understand the essence of the problem and the relationship, it is necessary to determine the pathogenesis and features of both one and the second condition.

Obesity is a pathological process that is associated with an excess of adipose tissue in the human body. The main indicator that allows us to talk about the presence or absence of a pathological process is the body mass index, and subsequently BMI.

Body Mass Index is the ratio between a person's body weight and the square of their height. Values ​​for this parameter that fall between 18 and 25 are completely normal and indicate that there is no problem in the industry.

If the e figure tends from 25 to 30, then it is customary to talk about overweight, but if the indicator exceeds 30, then in this state of affairs, obesity is diagnosed.

Forms of obesity

There are several types of this pathological process:

Alimentary-constitutional type, which is characterized by banal errors in the diet, overeating, addiction to fatty foods, and along with this, with a decrease in physical activity (physical inactivity). Of course, excessive intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the absence of calorie loss along with physical activity will invariably lead to the accumulation of adipose tissue and consequences.

Hypothalamic type of obesity. This is an excessive accumulation of adipose tissue due to disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamus, a part of the brain. Such processes can occur with traumatic lesions of the hypothalamic region, the impact of infectious factors on the body, namely the brain, the presence of tumors. The action takes place on the center of hunger. Because of this, a woman begins to need more and more food, thereby increasing her mass-height indicators.

endocrine obesity- this is a pathological deposition of adipose tissue, which depends on dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Among such pathologies, for example, diabetes mellitus, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome can be distinguished.

Each form of such a pathology has its own pathogenesis, in accordance with which the disease progresses.

The symptomatology of the process is a clear and visible, rapid weight gain, as well as an increase in body mass index.

Of course, an important point in the diagnosis of obesity is the identification of the genesis of this condition. Since by determining the cause that contributes to the progression of obesity, you can choose an effective method of correction. For example, if obesity is justified by endocrine pathology, then no matter how much a woman tries to lose weight with a variety of diets, physical activity, a significant effect cannot be obtained. In some cases, the persistence of women still gives results, however, as soon as you stop following strict diets and reduce the activity of physical activity, the weight rises rapidly.

What are uterine polyps?

Polyps of the uterus, namely the cavity, that is, the endometrium, and the cervical canal, that is, the cervix, are neoplasms that come from the mucous membrane of various parts of the female reproductive organ.

Polyps of the cavity grow from a hyperplastic focus of the endometrium, having both a glandular and fibrous structure. Polyps of the cervical canal come from the cylindrical epithelium, are located as in the thickness of the cervix, and sometimes beyond it. Such polyps can be visualized when examining the cervix in the mirrors or during colposcopy.

What is the relationship between these hyperplastic foci and excessive deposition of fat accumulations?

The fact is that the endometrium is a target tissue for female sex hormones, that is, it is a focus for which the endocrine glands of the reproductive system work. Hormones are produced to ensure the optimal condition of the endometrium so that it meets all the requirements for normal embryo implantation and further progression of pregnancy. In general, the main focus of the female genital area is to ensure procreation.

The process of growth and maturation of the functional layer of the endometrium towards hyperplasia begins to be disrupted under the condition of hormonal imbalance, which is characterized by an increased content of estrogens - female sex steroids.

And it is adipose tissue that can contribute to such hormonal “swings”. How?

Adipocytes, that is, fat cells, with female-type obesity, contain certain enzymes, aromatase. It is with the help of these substances that aromatization occurs, the conversion of testosterone into estrogens. This process occurs in the ovarian follicles and is completely normal. However, with an increase in the amount of these enzymes, there is, accordingly, an increase in the performance of these estrogens. As a result - an increase in the amount of estrogen - hyperestrogenism. And this plays one of the leading roles in the formation of hyperplastic processes of the uterine mucosa.

This is precisely the mechanism of influence of various forms of obesity on the final consequences in the form of the presence of uterine polyps, both its cavity and the cervical canal.

Unfortunately, at present, the dependence of cardiological and neurological pathologies in the form of strokes and heart attacks on obesity is widely promoted.
However, most of the fair sex do not even imagine the consequences of being overweight for the reproductive system. And polyps can cause disturbances in the ovarian-menstrual cycle in the form of heavy and prolonged menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding, from a meager nature to bleeding volume, which can also lead to the development of anemia - a decrease in hemoglobin levels and ischemia of the tissues of the whole body.

Also, uterine polyps are often the causes of infertility. This is a serious not only medical, but also a social problem, due to which the modern cells of society are collapsing. After all, not every joint couple is ready and able to go all the way from diagnosis to treatment and make attempts to get the desired pregnancy.

In some cases, uterine polyps can become malignant, that is, have a malignant transformation.

As we can see, which has become habitual among our population, as well as the population of the entire planet, obesity can lead to deadly consequences, concerning not only the sphere of cardiology and neurology, but also gynecological pathology.

What to do?

In this case, there are several stages that should be taken into account in the treatment regimen for these neoplasms of the uterine cavity caused by obesity.

Paramount is nevertheless the removal of the existing formation of the cavity and cervix. It is worth removing it not even for the reason that it can give any symptoms, but because of the likelihood of a malignant process under the guise of an ordinary polyp. The most important is the histological examination of the removed material. The gold standard in the removal of hyperplastic processes of the reproductive organs of a woman is the performance of hysteroresectoscopy (the use of optical instruments for the elimination of hyperplastic formation of the uterus).

However, simply stopping at the removal of the polyp is a big mistake for patients with hyperplastic formations.
They believe that having operated on them, you can lead the same lifestyle and not take any therapy.

By removing the polyp, the pathogenetic basis for the formation of such neoplasms is not eliminated. In this case, it is obesity. First of all, it is necessary to undergo a complete and comprehensive examination aimed at identifying the hormonal background of a woman, pass tests for the level of both sex steroids and hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and conduct appropriate hormonal tests.

After identifying the cause, therapy should be carried out aimed at stopping the etiological factor of obesity so that the cause does not contribute to further weight gain. These issues should be resolved in conjunction with a competent endocrinologist. Indeed, for example, with polycystic ovary syndrome, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome or any other endocrine pathology, therapy will be completely and radically different.

At the same time, therapy aimed at reducing and correcting weight should be carried out. Since, without reducing body weight, as aromatase has been and will be present in large quantities, and, thereby, potentiate the increased formation of estrogens. And the latter, in turn, provoke hyperplastic processes of the endometrium, as well as endocervix.

Weight loss measures:

Excluding at least one link in the treatment of these processes, it is impossible to achieve the desired and lasting result.

As can be seen from the above, obesity is not only a metabolic and aesthetic problem. The essence of the pathology lies much deeper. Many women do not even imagine that their excess weight can forever deprive them of the happiness of motherhood, destroying their families and hopes for a bright future filled with children's laughter.

Video: Questions of survival. Obesity

Obesity significantly increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. And the point is not only that, providing blood and oxygen to a large body, the heart literally works for wear and tear. Fat has hormonal activity. It releases substances that increase blood pressure. This leads to the development of hypertension, and early, it is often observed in overweight people by the age of thirty. And hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease.

In addition, adipose tissue hormones have a negative effect on blood vessels: they accelerate their aging, make them less elastic and more prone to cholesterol deposition. The consequence of this is atherosclerosis - another major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.


Obesity is the most important risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. The more fat cells in the body and the larger they are, the less sensitive the body is to insulin, the hormone needed to process glucose in the blood. As a result, the level of sugar rises and the disease develops.

There are many medications available to treat type 2 diabetes. But it is noted that one of the most effective measures is to reduce weight by about 10% (weigh 100 kg - you need to lose 10 kg). Due to this, insulin sensitivity is markedly increased, in the initial stages it is even possible to avoid further development of the disease.

Spine and joints

Being overweight is like carrying a heavy bag. This seriously increases the load on the intervertebral discs and "support" joints - knee and hip. They wear out faster, destructive changes occur in them. According to statistics, in obese women, arthrosis of the knee joints is observed 4 times more often than in slender ones. Obese people and osteochondrosis suffer more.

Respiratory system

If the body mass index exceeds 35 kg / m 2, the risk of sleep apnea increases sharply - holding your breath during sleep. When fat is deposited in the neck area, the airway narrows. During the day, the body can compensate for this, but at night the muscles relax. As a result, the airways collapse and the air stops flowing into the lungs. And that means that the blood is poorly saturated with it, all organs receive less of it. In addition, in order for a person to fully inhale, the brain is forced to constantly “wake up”. As a result, the phase of deep sleep does not occur, namely, during it, growth hormone is produced in the body. In adults, fat is not consumed, but it does not stop accumulating, so we gain even more weight. To break this vicious circle, you need to take care of yourself: go on a diet, increase physical activity. A 10% weight loss cuts the number of breath stops in half.

In people with severe obesity, life expectancy is reduced by 12-15 years. If you want to live long, strive for harmony.

Fat deposits also compress the veins leading to the lungs. Because of this, there may be stagnation in the pleura, poor ventilation of the lungs. These people are more likely to develop pneumonia and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Sex organs

Since fat has hormonal activity, its excess can affect the menstrual cycle, exacerbate the course of polycystic disease, and often even lead to female endocrine infertility. Excess weight does not have the best effect on the reproductive capabilities of men, first of all, on potency.

Causes in women are associated with a genetic predisposition, hormonal failure in the body, improper diet and an insufficiently active lifestyle. Let's consider each reason in detail. Let's analyze the consequences of obesity in women and how to get rid of extra pounds without harming yourself.

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The genetic predisposition of women to obesity is a common cause. Genes are responsible for appetite and metabolism in the body, for the breakdown of fats and their distribution.

But an important role here is played by the culture of food education, family lifestyle, and food preferences. If the family constantly eats, mom makes cheesecakes every day, then it is difficult for the growing generation to form a different view of the food culture.

Hormonal changes

In fact, a woman is exposed to hormonal disruptions very often: teenage changes in puberty, changes in pregnancy, menopausal syndrome. In addition, after thirty years, a woman naturally loses muscle mass and therefore she needs less calories to consume, and on the contrary, a lot of high-calorie food enters the diet. Stress also plays a significant role in obesity. A woman "jams" her problems at work or troubles in the family. Stress itself provokes hormonal failure in the body, and if you still lean on food, then obesity will definitely come!

Pregnancy and childbirth provoke a positive factor for the development of different. The fact is that during pregnancy there is a hormonal change in the body.

In order to give birth on time, and not ahead of time, a large amount of the female hormone, progesterone, is produced. A baby in the womb requires twice the usual calorie intake. You need to eat in pregnancy for two. When a child is born, the mother’s body experiences tremendous stress, which also leads to a failure at the hormonal level. In the postpartum period, lactation occurs, this factor does not allow you to choose a diet for a woman. It takes a long time to restore weight, and some will even have to resort to treatment of the disease.

Both contraceptives and antidepressants, diseases of the pituitary gland, neoplasms of the pancreas, diseases of the thyroid gland and a tumor of the ovaries and adrenal glands lead to a hormonal shift.

Menopause also leads to obesity of varying degrees. At this time, the endocrine system suffers, moreover, in old age, a woman has many concomitant diseases. When the body wears out, it undergoes a huge load on the cardiovascular system, muscle, metabolism suffers, which leads to disruption of the digestive tract. In addition, the elderly move very little.

Types of obesity and their consequences

What does obesity lead to? Different lead to different health problems.


Most often, women suffer from abdominal, i.e. abdominal obesity. Fats are deposited in the abdomen and peritoneum. This type is not difficult to determine. In the photo, in people with abdominal obesity, the figure looks like. Here only the shape of the abdomen suffers, the rest of the body is normal at this stage.

The abdominal type of fat deposition is dangerous, because it leads to diabetes mellitus, pregnancy for a woman is impossible, hence infertility.

Abdominal obesity in women can develop into- when fatty deposits appear on the internal organs and around them. Fat begins to be localized between the fibers of the heart muscle.

Visceral obesity viewed as a threat. From the photo of such a person, we will not be able to tell about this stage of obesity, it can be determined by passing and passing the diagnosis. Inside the body, changes in the cardiovascular system occur, blood sugar rises, and the heart suffers. People who are sick with this type of obesity cannot fully move, and walking long distances gives them inconvenience, causes shortness of breath and tachycardia. If obesity gets to the uterus of a woman, then you can forget about sex life. All these reasons lead to problems of conception, pregnancy cannot occur, there will be infertility, and treatment is long.

Leg obesity

Obesity of the legs (gynoid type) This obesity (lipodystrophy) belongs to the endocrine. With such a disease, fat accumulates only on the abdomen, on the hips and in the structure of the legs.

The figure of such people resembles a pear. It causes complications from both the cardiovascular system and the skeletal system - osteoporosis, osteoarthritis.

A sufferer of this type complains of leg diseases, the inability to move. Sometimes the fat grows to such an extent that the person cannot lift their legs without assistance. The reproductive function also suffers - pregnancy cannot occur.

By male type

There is also android obesity- this is when fats are deposited in a male pattern. In the photo, this degree can be determined by the defeat of such parts of the body as the upper abdomen, chest. The shape of the legs and hips remains normal, but there is no waist.


Mixed type, when fats are distributed throughout the body of a woman. The characteristic signs of a change in this type of disease can be determined visually. The figure in the photo of such a person will be covered with body fat everywhere evenly. The shape of the abdomen, the shape of the legs, arms, back, etc. suffer.

Obesity of any type causes irreversible consequences, such as diabetes, infertility, colon and small intestine cancer.

Obesity causes menstrual irregularities - amenorrhea, which leads to the fact that a woman cannot become pregnant. Infertility in obese women is 33%, as infertility in women with normal weight is 18%.

Stages of treatment

With obesity, a woman is prescribed diagnostics and treatment. To determine the degree of obesity, calculate (BMI), body obesity index (BIO), types of obesity.


Be sure to conduct a laboratory study, take tests. The doctor will order blood tests for sugar and cholesterol levels.

Be sure to prescribe tests for thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine and thyrotropin. It is also important to examine the blood for prolactin, perhaps a woman's infertility lies in the deviation of this hormone from the norm.

Abdominal obesity can occur when a male hormone called testosterone is low, so testing for its presence and blood levels will be helpful. Depending on what the test results will be, the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Diet, exercise

For all types of obesity prescribe special diets, sports exercises aimed at the whole body as a whole and at problem areas, for example, the abdomen. Be sure to prescribe medication.

With hormonal obesity if there are testosterone deviations from the norm, a diet is prescribed where the restriction will enter. If these are the degrees of obesity in which endocrine system disorders occur, then the diet will be prescribed with sugar restriction.

Daily routine, active sports, swimming pool and daily walks will become an obligatory part of the life of an obese patient.

With obesity due to a genetic factor they also select a diet, be sure the Doctor will tell you about the right nutrition culture, prescribe sports, prescribe drugs to the woman that reduce the feeling of hunger. Although it is very difficult to fight genetic obesity, because the factor of improper vital activity, vaccinated from childhood, joins.

In order not to bring the disease to a more severe degree, a woman can also take her diet in a positive direction for health. Try to replace high-calorie foods with healthy vegetables and fruits. Replace large portions of food with small ones. It may not be possible to lose weight to the desired weight, but it is quite possible to stop the growth of fat. Thus, many complications can be avoided.


Drug treatment: prescribed, either lowering the hormone or increasing it. Depending on the level, restore its balance. For the treatment of female obesity, which provoked the factor of malnutrition and inactivity, therapy is used, as in genetic obesity. In addition to drug treatment, a nutritionist can refer a woman to a psychologist, as this is an integral part of therapy.

Psychologist's consultation

Basically, women start because of a bad psychological microclimate, which is facilitated by loneliness or separation from a spouse. In these cases, food for a woman serves as a substitute for joyful emotions. A diet prescribed by a doctor can serve as even more stress for a woman, so the problem of obesity must also be solved on a psychological level.

In cases where neither medications, nor sports, nor diets help, with obesity of degrees 3 and 4, they use a surgical method of treatment.


Liposuction is when fat accumulated under the skin is removed. Gastric banding, when a bandage is inserted into the stomach, thereby changing its shape. After surgery, a woman will definitely need a period of rehabilitation, which will be aimed at maintaining the psychological and emotional background of the woman, as well as at establishing the right food culture and lifestyle.

"Epidemic" of visceral obesity in men and women spreads all over the world. The number of people who are overweight is increasing exponentially every year. Obesity is not only a cosmetic defect. The higher the weight of a person (BMI - above 25), the higher the risk of developing:

  • coronary syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • reproductive disorders;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • premature aging.

In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of the risk of developing serious complications and reduce obesity of internal organs.

Reasons for the accumulation of fat in the internal organs

  1. Endocrine diseases, which are based on hormonal imbalance:
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • physical inactivity.
  1. Overdose of certain drugs:
  • antidepressants;
  • insulin.

  1. Pathology of the brain as a result of trauma, infections, tumors.
  2. Burdened heredity (family cases of obesity).
  3. Improper nutrition and the use of food products harmful to human health:
  • constant consumption of fast food;
  • eating disorders (bulimia, stress eating).

Types of obesity and dependence on various factors

  1. Features of the distribution of adipose tissue:
  • abdominal / upper (when a layer of fat is deposited in the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous fat on the abdomen);
  • gynoid / lower (when fat is localized in the lower part of the body);
  • mixed.
  1. Morphological processes in body tissues:
  • hypertrophic (increase in the volume of the fat cell);
  • hyperplastic (increase in the number of fat cells).

Classification of obesity by BMI There are 4 degrees of obesity:

  • I (+10−29%);
  • II (+30−49%);
  • III (+50−99%);
  • IV (more than 100%).

The more severe the degree of obesity, the greater the load experienced by:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • human cardiovascular system.

It is necessary to make a diagnosis of "obesity of the internal organs of a person" in time, after analyzing all the signs, and to choose the appropriate treatment.

  • Refusal of preservatives, carbonated drinks (fructose!), Semi-finished products.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Mode of work and rest.
  • Reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Reflexology, psychotherapy, massage, water procedures are used as auxiliary methods. Some patients are committed to traditional methods of treatment.
  • In serious cases, surgical treatment is performed - resection of a part of the organ or liposuction.

  • Visceral obesity

    Visceral obesity affects even outwardly thin people. With poor nutrition, metabolism is disturbed, and fat begins to be deposited in the internal organs. At the same time, visceral obesity in men and women can only be diagnosed with ultrasound methods.

    Target Organs in Obesity of Body Parts and Organs


    The symptoms of obesity in the brain depend on the location of the accumulation of fat cells.

    Lipomatosis usually manifests itself:

    • persistent headaches;
    • nausea;
    • dizziness;
    • visual impairment;
    • in severe cases, it leads to cerebral edema and ischemic strokes.

    Obesity of the brain gradually leads to a violation of its cognitive functions, up to dementia. It rarely turns into malignant.

    Diagnosis is difficult. You need to pass:

    • radiography;
    • biochemical blood tests for the study of cholesterol and its fractions.

    Obesity of the pancreas

    Obesity of the pancreas leads to impaired glucose tolerance, resulting in diabetes mellitus. In this case, the cells of the gland are gradually replaced by fatty ones, and the asymptomatic period lasts several years. Clinical manifestations occur with fatty reorganization of the organ by 1/3 of the total volume or impaired patency of the ducts. The patient complains about:

    • nausea;
    • discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
    • bloating;
    • greasy, greasy stool.

    With uneven infiltration of the pancreas with fat cells, a benign tumor appears - a lipoma.

    Lipomatosis can be suspected in the presence of the following diseases:

    • general obesity;
    • alcoholism;
    • diabetes;
    • hormonal dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • as well as in familial cases of obesity.

    The therapy is:

    • giving up bad habits;
    • revision of the diet;
    • symptomatic therapy (enzymes, antispasmodics, NSAIDs and others);
    • herbal medicine (decoction of linden leaves, elderberry, corn stigmas, chamomile, fennel).

    In rare cases, surgical treatment is used.

    Lipodystrophy (deposition of fat in the legs)

    Lipodystrophy - the deposition of fat in the legs (mainly in the thighs and buttocks). Obesity of the legs in women and men is quite common. At the same time, the upper body is depleted, and the lower, in addition to a layer of fat, has signs of cellulite and sagging skin.


    Obesity of the stomach is more often localized - lipomas appear. Having arisen once, they constantly grow and can reach impressive sizes. The danger of education also lies in the fact that it can become malignant, that is, become malignant. Women of the middle age group are most susceptible to gastric lipomatosis.

    Diagnostics is carried out:

    • ultrasonic;
    • endoscopic;
    • radiological methods.

    Treatment is only surgical. For large lipomas, gastric resection is performed. In the postoperative period, the following are excluded:

    • sharp;
    • fatty;
    • sweet foods;
    • snacks;
    • strong tea;
    • coffee.

    In the diet you need:

    • increase the content of raw vegetables and fruits;
    • maintain adequate water balance.

    Such a diet must be followed constantly to exclude the possibility of relapse.

    Lipomatosis of the body and cervix

    Lipomatosis of the body and cervix is ​​more common in older postmenopausal women. It is necessary to carry out differential diagnostics with neoplasms and uterine myoma with signs of fatty restructuring. Typical signs - no acyclic bleeding, painful discomfort, vascular blood flow in the lipoma itself (according to ultrasound).

    With large lipomas, the uterus is removed completely.

    Obesity of the kidneys

    Kidney obesity originates from the fatty capsule of the kidney, much less often affects the kidney tissue itself. Kidney lipomas can be single or multiple. As with obesity of other organs, lipomatosis of the kidneys most often affects older women.

    Risk factors:

    • malnutrition;
    • bad habits;
    • action of ultraviolet rays;
    • hereditary predisposition.

    Clinical symptoms appear only with a significant increase in the layer of fat and compression of the underlying tissues. Patients may be concerned about:

    • pain in the lumbar region;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • attacks of renal colic and hematuria (the appearance of blood in the urine).

    Diagnosis is carried out by ultrasound, CT scan of the liver, large lipomas can be palpated during examination.


    Heart obesity is the deposition of fat cells between cardiomyocytes. Such a disease, widespread among obese people, as obesity of the heart, treatment, symptoms and causes of fat deposition is the same as with obesity of other localizations.


    • the volume of circulating blood increases;
    • cardiac hypertrophy develops;
    • edema appears;
    • congestion occurs in the lungs.

    Various rhythm disturbances appear on the ECG. In addition to physical activity and proper nutrition, statin drugs are used in therapy, as well as symptomatic agents to reduce the load on the heart.

    Fatty liver: symptoms and treatment

    Fatty hepatosis is the deposition of fat cells in the liver. At the same time, its shell is damaged, and a fatty cyst appears. Around the tissue is compacted and degenerates into a connective tissue. Fibrosis develops, and then cirrhosis of the liver.