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How to open a summer cafe. Business plan. How to open a summer cafe, business for the season

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The summer cafe is a favorite vacation spot for 80% of city residents. If there is a choice between visiting an open and closed establishment, then priority always remains with the first option. When planning to engage in this type of activity, an entrepreneur must clearly understand that he does not have time to promote and advertise the establishment. The cafeteria's opening hours are limited to a short season from May to September. That is why a competent and detailed business plan for a summer cafe is required, allowing you to receive a net profit from the moment of opening.

Description of the project, relevance

The summer cafe is an open-type catering establishment with the possibility of selling alcoholic beverages.

Description of the project – organization of business and leisure for citizens in comfortable conditions in the fresh air.

The goal is to achieve a net profit of 150–200 thousand rubles from the first month of operation.

Sales – purchase and installation of equipment in a selected area with subsequent sale of products and provision of related services.

Summer cafes are such a popular business that even permanent establishments organize open areas on their territory. The relevance is typical for both small and large cities and is explained by the following advantages:

  • Fresh air - in the summer, people tend to spend more time in nature, or at least on the street, because any room is stuffy and uncomfortable. Drinking a cup of coffee, a glass of beer or snacking on a salad is much more enjoyable outside the walls of a brick and mortar establishment.
  • Atmosphere – a stationary cafe is always limited to the same decorations, which quickly gets boring for visitors. The summer option, as a rule, does not have physical walls, so people are happy to watch passers-by, hear the “voice” of the city and do not feel like they are in a confined space.
  • Freedom - the law of the Russian Federation prohibits the drinking of alcoholic beverages in public places, except in special establishments. In this case, a summer cafe acts as an intermediate option for people - they seem to be not breaking the law, but at the same time they are among society.

Reference: every person associates a summer cafe with a personal perception of the establishment. Everyone likes it, but to each their own, so the main advantage of an outdoor cafeteria is its organization outside the premises.

List of summer cafe services

Main services of the establishment:

  • soft drinks – carbonated water (mineral, drinking), juice, fruit drink, kvass;
  • alcoholic drinks – draft and bottled beer, wine, cognac, vodka;
  • snacks, salads, cold cuts;
  • snacks;
  • baking and baked goods;
  • cigarettes.

The variety of assortment depends on the focus of the establishment. If this is a small cafe in a park area, open until 20:00, then strong alcoholic drinks and hot dishes will not be popular. But if this is a full-fledged summer entertainment venue, open until the morning, then the place will become popular not only for a short rest in the middle of the day, but will also be a success for celebrating birthdays, weddings, and certifications. And this entails the need for a full-fledged organization of leisure time with the serving of first and second courses.

Market analysis: target audience, competition assessment

Before opening a cafe, you should analyze all the popular places in the city and conduct a comparative analysis of competitors. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • searching for a potentially good location;
  • determining the number of operating establishments;
  • comparison of points by type of activity and volume of services provided;
  • comparison of indicators and selection of the most successful location.

Help: it is likely that an analysis of competitors will show several identical establishments by type of work, but located in different parts of the city. In this case, you need to focus on high traffic volumes.

Key aspects of a summer cafe business plan

Organizational activities begin sequentially - registering business activities, searching for a location, obtaining permits, etc. The search for personnel and the purchase of products is carried out at the last stages.

Registration of activities, permits

A summer cafe is a small business industry, so it is not necessary to open a legal entity. On the other hand, the activity is seasonal, so an entrepreneur should think about what he will do in the autumn-winter period. If the activity is related to a similar business on a large scale (pizzeria, restaurant), then it makes sense to immediately establish a limited liability company.

IP Features:

  • state duty – 800 rubles;
  • package of documents – application, passport, TIN;
  • The period for obtaining a license is 5–10 days.

LLC Features:

  • state duty – 4,000 rubles;
  • package of documents – company charter, decision to establish a legal entity, authorized capital (minimum 10,000 rubles), founder’s passport;
  • processing time is 10–15 days.

OKEVD codes and the taxation system are almost the same for both options, so the entrepreneur must independently determine these nuances depending on the assortment, availability of alcoholic products and services provided.

Help: the status of an individual entrepreneur does not allow you to sell alcohol, except for beer, so if the cafe offers a summer area with the maximum assortment, then it is better to immediately establish an LLC.

After registering your business activity, you must proceed to obtaining permits to conduct business. To do this, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, providing a package of documents:

  1. Certificate of entrepreneurial activity.
  2. Land lease agreement.
  3. Permission from the city administration to open a cafe.
  4. List of products and services.
  5. Agreement for garbage and solid waste removal.

After studying the documents, government agencies will visit the site where the retail outlet will open, analyze the site for compliance with sanitary standards and make a final decision. If it is positive, then you can proceed to purchasing equipment and prepare to start work. If the decision is negative, then the resolution will indicate violations, if eliminated, organizational measures can be continued.

Cafeteria location

The main difference between a summer cafe and a stationary one is that the establishment is located in an open area. Regular cafeterias, pizzerias and restaurants can be opened anywhere. For example, business centers, shopping centers and even the basement floors of multi-story buildings. If only the place was popular.

With a summer cafe, things are somewhat different, because it does not have physical walls, and city noise, dust and the bustle of passers-by will negatively affect attendance. As a location, you need to look for a green area or a section of the city intended for recreation.

Options for the location of the summer cafeteria:

  • parks, squares;
  • embankment and coastal zone of a reservoir with high human traffic;
  • pedestrian streets;
  • area of ​​city squares;
  • attraction locations.

When choosing a location, it is worth remembering the presence of school institutions located nearby. In this case, the sale of alcohol and cigarettes will be impossible.

You can conclude a land lease agreement with both the owner and the administration. Collecting documents and obtaining permission to open an establishment are the same in both cases. The difference is that when working with the owner of the land, the entrepreneur can choose from a variety of options until he finds a suitable location. When contacting the city administration, a businessman is given several options to choose from, which differ little from each other and are potentially unprofitable for opening a cafe.

Information: renting urban plots of land is much cheaper and only involves paying a tax. You need to pay attention to the location. In 70% of cases, places are unprofitable and will not bring serious profit.

Equipment and furniture

The minimum set of equipment for a summer cafe includes:

  1. Refrigerator for storing food, drinks and semi-finished products.
  2. Microwave oven for heating food – 1 pc. A second microwave may be needed in the future.
  3. A classic baking oven if you are planning your own production.
  4. Barbecue shish kebab is almost a mandatory dish in the summer cafeteria.
  5. Cooling showcase for finished products.
  6. Bar counter with equipment for draft beer.
  7. Kettle and coffee machine.
  8. Showcase for snacks and appetizers.
  9. Dishes.
  10. Furniture for visitors (tables, chairs, hangers).

It would be a good idea to organize a mini-playground nearby so that parents have less hassle while they are relaxing.

Menu development

The assortment depends entirely on the wishes of the entrepreneur. The minimum menu consists of the following items:

  • drinks – juices, waters, fruit drinks, tea, coffee, beer;
  • snacks – crackers, nuts, chips;
  • cold appetizers – cold cuts, salads;
  • fast food - pies, hot dogs, pasties, sweet baked goods;
  • hot dishes - first, second, full meals;
  • shashlik;
  • pizza;
  • grilled chicken;
  • ice cream;
  • sweets.

The menu depends on the direction and services of the cafe. If, for example, the business is focused on selling draft beer, then it makes no sense to include hot dishes in the assortment. If the target audience is people who came specifically to eat and then spend their leisure time, then the assortment of a full-fledged cafe will only be a plus.


  • cashier;
  • cook (if you have your own production);
  • barbecue specialist, if the dish is on the menu;
  • administrator (the position is performed by the owner of the establishment).

For a summer cafe, open during the day and in the evening until 20 o'clock, a cashier and one assistant are enough.

Advertising and Marketing

The marketing campaign for a summer cafeteria is as specific as the activity itself. Purchasing airtime on TV and radio will bring absolutely nothing but unreasonable expenses.

  • pillars on the route to the establishment;
  • promoter services at the time of opening;
  • price reductions and promotions in the first days;
  • bright and attractive sign.

The easiest way to attract customers is delicious and inexpensive dishes, as well as pleasant service.

Financial calculations: profitability and return on investment

A summer cafe is one of the popular types of business that can pay off not just in one season, but even in the first month.

Start-up costs (in rubles):

  • paperwork – 20,000;
  • land lease – 50,000;
  • repairs and utility work - 50,000;
  • advertising – 15,000;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​100,000.

Result: 235,000 rubles.

Help: you can rent equipment or find suppliers who provide a full set of necessary equipment with a preferential right to supply products. The cafe owner will only have to purchase furniture and interior accessories.

Monthly expenses (in rubles):

  • rent – ​​50,000;
  • salary – 60,000 (3 employees);
  • utilities – 15,000;
  • purchase of goods – 100,000.

Result: 225,000 rubles.

The uniqueness of the summer cafe is that the markup on products reaches 300–500%. Fast and high profits depend on this. For example, a bottle of beer in any store costs between 40–50 rubles, but in a summer cafeteria a buyer will pay 150–200 rubles for the same drink. The situation is also typical for meat or bakery products.

Thus, with a daily visit of 50 people to a cafe with an average bill of 300 rubles, the entrepreneur has a profit of 15,000 rubles. Per month – 450,000 rubles.

Net income – 450,000 minus 225,000. Result – 225,000 rubles.

Profitability is the ratio of net profit to dirty profit, multiplied by 100%.

The profitability of a summer cafe with the given indicators is 50%. The business will pay off within the first month.

Pitfalls and risks of seasonal business

The most common risks include:

  1. Weather conditions - in cloudy, rainy and cold weather, the attendance of a summer establishment is close to zero.
  2. Unfortunate location – situations often arise when an entrepreneur sees a location as profitable as possible, but in reality it turns out to be unprofitable. It is to exclude the described events that it is necessary to analyze competitors, target audience and draw up a business plan.
  3. Lack of payment - cases of young people ordering food, buying snacks and drinks, and then refusing to pay or absconding are very real. However, in practice these situations are not so common.
  4. Damage to property - the cause is drunken fights, leading to the destruction of furniture, premises and harm to the health of visitors. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to organize a business in a public place, and if a conflict arises once, hire security guards or seek the services of a private security company.

Opening a summer cafe is a great way to make quick money if you follow the business plan. Even the risk of bad weather is not able to reduce the attendance of the establishment, because 80% of summer days are sunny and hot. Investments at the start are low, and due to the huge markup on products during the season, he can earn as much as a grocery store earns for the entire year.

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For beginning entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a business without significant costs and with a quick payback period, opening a summer cafe can be a promising option. The operating period of such an establishment is short - from May to September, but the investment is small. Knowing the peculiarities of organizing such a business and having a competent plan is already half the success. If you have such advantages, feel free to open your own business and get ready to make a good profit.

How to open a summer cafe: general questions

Opening a summer cafe is the simplest option for creating a catering business that does not require significant initial costs or extensive entrepreneurial experience. The main thing is to study all the requirements for locating such establishments, prepare the necessary package of documents in a timely manner and select a place with a large customer flow.

The operating period of summer cafes in Russia is short - from May to September, but even this time is enough for, in a successful situation, not only to recoup all investments, but also to make an acceptable profit.

Not every businessman manages to open a summer cafe that brings a stable profit during the season

Documents and permits for opening an establishment

The most difficult stage in organizing a summer cafe is the preparation and approval of the necessary documents. You should start dealing with this issue in November, then by May you will have time to complete the preparatory activities and already during the May holidays you will begin to earn money.

First, you need to decide on the form of the legal entity and the taxation procedure. Most entrepreneurs recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur, and in terms of the form of taxation, choosing UTII (single tax on imputed income). The amount of tax paid in this case will depend on the area of ​​the establishment.

Secondly, it is necessary to resolve issues related to the registration of the establishment’s location itself. Almost any public place where the sale of alcohol is allowed is suitable as a platform.

If the land plot belongs to a private individual or company, then after reaching an agreement with the owner, you need to conclude a lease agreement and begin organizing the activities of the facility.

When the site is under the jurisdiction of government authorities, you should contact the city (municipal) property management committee with an application for the provision of a land plot. The decision to allocate a site is made on a competitive basis.

Then you have to do the following:

  1. Prepare documents characterizing the trade object (area, layout, list of products sold, etc.).
  2. Obtain licenses for the right to sell alcoholic beverages.
  3. Coordinate the project with the city improvement committee and the traffic police.
  4. Receive an order for the allocation of a land plot (if the property is under state or municipal jurisdiction), on the basis of which you can conclude a lease agreement.
  5. Obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to comply with all requirements for a public catering facility.

Main aspects of a cafe business plan in the park

To calculate the business plan, the following assumptions were used:

  • the summer cafe is located in a public area in a medium-sized city;
  • from May to September the weather is favorable for full customer service on the street;
  • The occupied area is about 70 square meters. m., cafe capacity - 50 people.

Choosing a room and location

The choice of location is a matter of principle. It is the correct placement of the facility that ultimately determines how efficiently your business will operate. The most successful options for locating summer cafes are considered to be parks and recreation areas, walking areas of the city (center, near train stations, etc.).

The general criteria for choosing a cafe location are:

  • permeability of the place;
  • availability of parking and busy roads;
  • being near objects that are used by the population for recreation.

You cannot place a summer cafe if you plan to sell alcohol-containing products and beer near schools, kindergartens, children's camps, or in residential buildings.

Analysis of the market and main competitors

Statistics show that despite negative economic trends, people still actively visit public catering establishments. According to research, Russians’ spending on eating out increased by 3% in 2016. At the same time, a tendency was noted for some clients to move from an expensive price segment to a cheaper one.

During the warm season, many city residents happily prefer outdoor cafes. However, in case of bad weather conditions, which is not uncommon in Russia, the client is more likely to choose the option of a closed facility - a cafe or snack bar. Therefore, the main competitors of summer cafes can be called other similar establishments located nearby, especially if they have any competitive advantages over you, as well as stationary cafes, restaurants, snack bars, etc. If you make the right choice of cafe location and weather conditions conditions will be favorable most of the time, then competition will not affect the performance of your business too much.

Inexpensive cafeterias and stationary snack bars are the main competitors of summer street cafes

Equipment for the point and other initial investments

To open an outdoor catering facility, you will need to purchase refrigeration equipment, microwaves, ovens, a barbecue for cooking over an open fire, cooling display cases, a bar counter, a beer dispensing counter, furniture for clients (tables and chairs - wooden or plastic) , fences for cafes and umbrellas or any other canopies.

Table: costs of purchasing equipment for a beach cafe

For a small summer cafe with a capacity of 40–50 people, the cost of equipment and furniture will be 350–400 thousand rubles.

The final list of equipment depends on what kind of cafe and menu concept you develop.

In addition, a significant part of the costs will be the costs associated with communications (sewage, water supply, electricity, etc.), construction of a stationary closed facility for the preliminary preparation of products and dishes (if necessary).

Table: initial investment in business

Thus, the total amount of initial investment will be about 1–1.5 million rubles.

Tables and chairs are not the biggest expense item, but you will still have to spend money on comfortable and beautiful furniture for clients

Selecting the right personnel

For the full operation of a summer cafe (in the case of a full cycle of food production and shift work), you will need:

  • cafe manager or manager;
  • cooks - 2–4 people;
  • waiters - minimum 4 people,
  • security guards (if necessary);
  • a delivery driver who will purchase products for the cafe. In order to save money, this function can be taken over by the manager.

Table: calculation of personnel costs

For a small establishment with a maximum capacity of 50 people, monthly staff costs, taking into account social contributions, will be about 300 thousand rubles.

In addition to staff costs, you will have to pay other fixed costs: land rent, utilities, taxes.

Hire only professionals to work in a summer cafe, then your business will certainly be profitable

Cafe concept development

The most popular and profitable option for opening a summer cafe may be an establishment that offers its customers dishes cooked over an open fire, as well as beer and alcohol-containing products.

Main client audience: persons from 18 to 45 years old, 50/50% - men and women, mostly single, single or in a couple, with an average income or below average.

Menu and assortment of kebab shop

For this concept, the following menu option would be optimal:

  • dishes cooked over an open fire: shish kebab from different types of meat, grilled meat, fish and vegetables;
  • a variety of side dishes: French fries, vegetables, salads;
  • snacks for beer: nuts, chips, meat snacks, cheese, crackers, etc.;
  • beer and other alcohol.

When developing a pricing policy, keep in mind that the target audience will consist primarily of people with an average or low income, so the average bill per client should not exceed an average of 500–600 rubles.

Maximum attendance at the cafe is expected in the evenings and on weekends. For an establishment with 50 seats and an approximate occupancy rate of 70% in the evening, the average number of visitors per day will be about 130 people, or 3,900 people per month.

With an average bill of 500 rubles per client, monthly revenue will be about 1,950 thousand rubles.

Townspeople with average incomes and poor tourists are the main visitors to summer cafes

Drawing up a financial plan

If you have calculated the approximate level of income and estimated costs, then it is not difficult to calculate the amount of profit.

Table: calculation of monthly profit of a summer cafe

Considering that the facility will operate for about 5 months a year, the calculation of business efficiency will be carried out during this time.

Table: point operating efficiency

Calculations show that by opening a small summer cafe, you can recoup all investments within 2 months after starting work.

Video: business plan for opening a summer cafe

Main risks and nuances of seasonal business

The main disadvantage of the business associated with organizing a summer cafe is its seasonality. The establishment will operate for about 5 months a year. Additional risk factors are potentially unfavorable weather conditions, as well as the wrong location of the cafe.

A design that allows you to protect your customers from wind and rain will help you not to lose income even on days when the weather is unfavorable

Accordingly, if you choose a location wisely, you can significantly reduce risks. To reduce the negative impact of unfavorable weather conditions, special umbrellas from rain and sun, enclosing structures from the wind, and prefabricated temporary structures that allow you to form an enclosed cafe space, protecting visitors from rain, wind or cold, will help.

If you decide to open a summer cafe, remember that you do not have much time to work off your investments and receive the required profit. So start preparing in advance to make the most of all the opportunities. The main factor in business success will be the correct choice of location, as well as the quality of the food and service provided. In the future, the experience of organizing a summer cafe will help you organize a more serious project in the field of public catering, for example, opening a restaurant or cafe.

Currently, large and small businesses are developing rapidly around the world. Our country is no exception.

One of the most profitable businesses today is the opening of various catering establishments, including cafes, bars and restaurants.

Many people who want to open their own business will be interested in the question: how to open a summer cafe. It should be noted that such a business is possible for anyone, all you need is initial capital, a construction plan and organizational skills. Let's take a closer look at what is needed to open a cafe in the summer.

The first thing a young entrepreneur needs to do is apply. This is a necessary condition. All this is done before April, otherwise they simply won’t have time to consider it before summer time, and without it the cafe will not open and the business will collapse. Even a small cafe, like any business, will require mandatory registration. A newcomer is required to register as an individual entrepreneur by paying certain taxes. This is done through the Federal Tax Service.

To start construction, you need to collect many documents, such as a lease agreement, tax receipts, permission to build the facility, a conclusion from the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, detailed characteristics of the cafe, a list of products, all accompanying documents for it and equipment certifying its quality and security, as well as a license to sell alcohol.

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Permission from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service

The Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance is an important monitoring organization. It is she who makes the decision on the appropriateness of the location of the object, because often business is based on deceiving customers. The plan for building a cafe first begins with choosing a location. It must provide optimal conditions for organizing recreation for clients, that is, it must be protected from pollution (have awnings). It is prohibited to locate beer establishments near children's and preschool organizations and large industrial enterprises. Often the cafe plan includes the sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer, since in the summer this is the most popular drink among young people. After choosing a place, you need to rent it. This will take some of the money. Very often, if there is a permanent supplier of, for example, beer, he can provide a tent, umbrellas, tables, and advertising posters for free. The delivery plan is determined in advance.

In return, he will demand the following: firstly, to trade exclusively in his products (coffee or beer). Secondly, before putting the facility into operation, provide all the necessary documents and permission for business activities. The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision not only controls the choice of location for construction, but also checks the business plan for organizing the activities of the cafe.

All this in practice is included in such a concept as preventive sanitary supervision. If everything is in order, then a building permit is given. Upon completion, another inspection is carried out again, but with a completely different purpose: whether the built cafe complies with the business plan or not. If yes, then the aspiring entrepreneur can start working. If not, then he will need to eliminate all identified violations within a specified time frame, and the business will temporarily be suspended. The plan for its implementation is coordinated with the prosecutor's office.

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Equipment and product range

The cafe opening plan must include the supply and commissioning of all necessary equipment. These can be various baking ovens, proofers, grills, refrigeration equipment, heated or cooled display cases and much more. It can take up to 10 - 20 thousand dollars to buy all this. Of course, it all depends on the size of the cafe and the volume of products. All equipment must be in good working order, this is very important because otherwise the quality of snacks and other food may be reduced. The next step towards making a profit is a menu organization plan. The range of dishes and snacks should be varied. It could be anything: baked goods, cold snacks, hot and cold drinks, and so on, because business directly depends on all of this.

The choice of supplier - manufacturer is of great importance here. After all, success in such a business largely depends on the quality of raw materials. If the list of dishes is very diverse and includes perishable foods, then in this case it is mandatory to have proper storage conditions (temperature conditions). Products with expired expiration dates are written off. It is necessary to take into account the fact that, according to current legislation, once every three years the supervisory authorities carry out a so-called supervisory action plan for compliance with all current regulatory documents.

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Interior and atmosphere of the room

The plan for organizing a summer restaurant may include both the construction of an outdoor pavilion and an indoor space in a residential area. Depending on this, the interior should be different. Let's consider what it will be like if the pavilion opens. So, first of all, attention is paid to the area. Due to the fact that during the summer the demand for drinks is very high, the sizing plan must meet the requirements. Otherwise, there may be queues in such a room; there will not be enough seats for everyone. This way you can lose regular customers. An integral attribute of any summer cafe is the presence of a bar counter with drinks and some snacks, tables and chairs for visitors. The plan for their placement is established by the manager.

We must remember that business is not only about making money. Therefore, the atmosphere for visitors is important here. It depends on many factors: the quality of service, the quality of snacks and drinks, the friendliness of the staff, microclimatic conditions, and the interior. The plan for its creation can be very diverse. Convenience for customers is important in the interior. Often in such establishments a television is installed and music is played, which has a positive effect on others and contributes to their good mood. As a result, business is booming.

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Personnel selection: what you need to know

Cases often arise when such establishments employ inexperienced and inadequate personnel. Because of this, the cafe plan also includes a careful selection of employees. There are a lot of subtleties here. Since the main contingent of such establishments is young people, the staff should also be young and able to find a common language with clients at any time. Certain requirements are imposed on such employees. Firstly, it is desirable that they have some experience in this work, but this is not required. Secondly, they undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations, pass all the necessary tests, since they work in a catering company. The plan for their implementation is determined by the boss. Staff functions must be strictly separated. It is very important that such a business largely depends on the appearance and neatness of the employees. They should always look good, be polite and friendly, since business is not just a job, but also an entire art.

It also includes such an issue as the cost of production. Currently, almost all summer cafes inflate the cost of drinks and other products. This is primarily due to high demand. Of course, if you look at it from the clients’ side, this is not very rational, but it is profitable for the owner, because business is money and profit.

On the eve of summer, many are starting to think about opening an outdoor cafe. The advantages of such a business are obvious - with proper organization, greater traffic flow for people exhausted by boredom during the cold winter is ensured. And where a large crowd of people relax their souls, cafe organizers receive a substantial profit. There are, however, pitfalls - collecting the necessary documentation and obtaining permission from the mayor's office. The city administration (of any city) has a rather ambivalent attitude towards newcomers to this business.

Investments in business

Any summer cafe needs the correct execution of all documents. After all, a cafe is a place where many people eat ready-made meals every day. Firstly, the land where your establishment will be located is state-owned. This means that the issue needs to be regulated only through government bodies (mayor’s office, architecture department, city improvement committee, commodity market committee). In addition, any public catering outlet must comply with Rospotrebnadzor standards.

The best places in the city are those where the contingent aged 15 to 30 gathers. Young people visit open cafes with great eagerness, which means they make the main income from the cafe. The ideal place is near lakes, streams, rivers (on a hot day, the majority of city residents gather there). Parks, squares, areas near shopping centers and large stores are also suitable. The price of preparing documents depends only on how greedy officials work in the authorities. The preparation time for the entire package ranges from a couple of weeks to several months (depending on your luck).

Having dealt with the documents, it is worth thinking about what your project will look like. Tents for a summer cafe can either be ordered (custom production time is a month), or purchased from brewing companies on special terms. The last option involves the company providing you with a free tent with branding. At the same time, your cafe does not have the right to distribute beer of another brand (only what the company produces). On the one hand, it’s free, on the other, the range of beer cannot be expanded.

The decision is yours. A prerequisite is that you must apply for a tent only after all documents from the administration and other authorities have been received and are in hand. If you order a tent, then its cost can range from 25 to 45 thousand rubles (depending on the design and size). The more unusual the design, the more expensive it is. The tent will be fully finished and installed in a month.

Furniture for a summer cafe should be made of plastic, but durable. In addition, if the choice did not fall on a tent, then it is advisable to purchase tables with umbrellas. So don't let the sun bake your visitors' heads. By the way, in hot weather, tables with umbrellas are the most popular.

Your own business: summer cafe

It can sometimes get quite stuffy in the tents (unless you have purchased air conditioning, which is quite rare). The cost of plastic furniture depends on the manufacturer. Usually it is about 20 thousand rubles for 10 sets (set - 1 table and 4 chairs). In addition to plastic tables and chairs, you need to think about where the sale will come from. It can be either a stall or a folding mini-tent with a stand. The cost depends on the design that the entire cafe adheres to. On average it is about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Assortment is a special expense item. It is clear that the main emphasis is on soft drinks (beer and kvass on tap, bottled water, lemonades, juices, etc.). Any drink should have a snack. If it is barbecue (popular in the summer season), then purchasing grill equipment is required. Also, if you plan to serve visitors a variety of semi-finished products, then purchasing ovens, refrigerators and display cases will be necessary. Everything is quite individual. The price of equipment for a summer cafe will range from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. Products should be purchased from good and trusted suppliers, and only those whose quality is not satisfactory. By the way, many suppliers defer payment (for a month, as a rule), which allows you to reduce costs in the first month.

In total, the business plan for expenses will include:

  1. preparation of documents,
  2. furniture,
  3. products.

You can spend money on advertising, or you can save money. Posting information about an open cafe with photos on social networks will help attract visitors. You can also make a successful advertising campaign by distributing leaflets about the new cafe.

If your establishment is located in a very good place, where many people relax every day, then only the symbols on the tent (be it an original design move, or the brand name of a beer company) can serve as advertising.

Estimated profit

Before you open your own cafe, you should think about how much profit it can bring. No one can say specific numbers - everything is purely individual. If the location for the cafe is chosen well, there is a lot of traffic, and most importantly, the weather allows people to relax, then the average bill can range from 500 to 3,000 rubles. On average, about 100 people can relax in the cafe per day. In total, daily revenue can reach 300,000 rubles. Of course, the numbers are quite relative. The experience of many cafe owners shows that such amounts are real. Especially if it is a weekend or holiday. Unfortunately, the summer season does not last forever, which means you need to work at the cafe to the maximum.

The profitability of such a business reaches 90%, which is quite profitable. But it is worth remembering that this enterprise is popular only in the summer. From the first day of work, it is important to organize everything so that people love to relax in your establishment.

Business Features

If the tent is taken from a brewing company or its representative, then only that brand of beer can be sold. You can cheat, but then you have to prepare for hefty fines. This is monitored by representatives of the company that provided the tent. A special trick is the mystery shopper. Therefore, if an agreement with a company is drawn up, it should be fulfilled.

A summer cafe is a place where there should be sterility in food preparation. If poisoning occurs in your establishment, then notoriety cannot be avoided. Due to the negligence of sellers, you can lose a significant group of visitors. And sometimes, if cases of poisoning are not isolated, then you will lose your business completely - the administration will simply close it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a business are obvious - fabulous profits. Proper organization, good assortment, fast service (including table cleaning) are the key to making your establishment popular among city residents.

Disadvantages, of course, are also present. So, if the weather is bad, you shouldn’t expect an influx of visitors, and therefore no revenue. The fact that tents have been chosen as cafes can save the situation a little. It’s still comfortable to relax there in the rain or wind. Another disadvantage is that the summer cafe is a seasonal business. If your establishment is popular, it may work until mid-autumn, but no more. Sometimes it’s worth thinking about opening a simple cafe with an outdoor seating area.

A summer cafe is an attractive seasonal business. As soon as the snow melts, people rush out into the fresh air. Tired of six months of winter, Russians want to socialize and enjoy the breeze. There is demand, is it easy to organize an offer? We open a summer cafe competently: we choose a niche, plan, draw up documents.


Summer catering sites can be profitable. Restaurateurs who know the peculiarities of seasonal business receive more income from summer verandas than from their stationary outlets. Until recently, it was believed that for the success of a “letnik” you only need to find a good place in traffic, delight your guests with good cuisine, and yourself with a high markup. However, the situation is changing, and people are increasingly interested in the interior, the atmosphere, the zest - people come to outdoor cafes to socialize.

Therefore, you should start with developing the concept of the establishment, and only then decide what to feed, drink and entertain. In addition, the state has a lot of standards and rules for public catering that need to be studied and applied in work. In general, business is not easy. How to open a summer cafe legally and get benefits?

"Letnikov" formats

Seasonal cafes are prefabricated buildings/structures where citizens eat and relax during the warm season. The start date of the season is determined by local authorities. For example, in Moscow, “summer houses” can be installed from March 15, and dismantled until November 15. The season here lasts from April 1 to November 1. In cities with milder or harsher climates, summer playgrounds may open at different times.

All seasonal catering facilities are divided into:

  • free-standing (autonomous);
  • open at stationary food outlets (cafes, restaurants).

Structurally, seasonal cafes can be:

  • verandas with different types of roofing: awnings, canopies, single- or multi-dome umbrellas;
  • tents (prohibited in Moscow);
  • tents.

In the capital, summer cafes of new non-standard formats have recently appeared; we are waiting in the provinces:

  • Standing - "summer" without seats. The format involves installing high tables near cafes and restaurants. Visitors eat while standing.
  • Bench. Benches with low small tables are installed on the sidewalks. The main requirement is not to interfere with passersby.
  • Window sills. Visitors sit on wide window sills located at least 60 cm above the ground.
  • Podium. The floor of the permanent establishment is extended to the outside of the building up to 1 meter through display windows, and a site fencing and signal lighting are installed.

According to their location, “summers” can be:

  • parks operating on land leased from the owners;
  • street ones, as a rule, are located on municipal land.

Based on the range and target audience, the following concepts are distinguished:

  • youth;
  • "secular";
  • family with children's menu;
  • national (ethnic) cuisine;
  • quick service with ready-made meals and those made from semi-finished products, etc.

Any concept also includes interior and leisure finds. On the summer area you can find a place for tubs with palm trees, marine paraphernalia, the surroundings of a village hut, ping-pong tables, sun loungers, and sets for board games. It’s important to use everything you can to hook your audience. Sometimes the most important thing for a client is food, tasty and fast.

How to open a summer cafe: documents and facts

1 Planning. The moment is extremely important: business is difficult, competition is great. There are fewer problems with opening summer houses on private rented land. The situation is different with the use of plots owned by municipalities. In addition to resolving the issue of land allocation, city administrations impose requirements for landscaping, assortment, interior, facade design and other criteria. Despite the universally simplified procedure for agreeing on the placement of summer campers, the resolution of organizational issues may take several months. Therefore, the sleigh needs to be prepared in the fall. We recommend that you first consult on the issue of placing a summer cafe at the local Entrepreneurship Support Center under the city administration.

Collect complete information about activities, possible concepts, expenses and income. Do some local reconnaissance: select several optimal opening locations, calculate the permeability (traffic), take a closer look at potential clients. A key factor for a business is its convenient location. The most promising places are where people walk/relax and stay for a long time: embankments, parks, squares, surrounding attractions, central streets, train stations.

Important factors when choosing a location:

  • good visibility of the establishment, it should be seen from afar and from many points;
  • availability of parking;
  • proximity to busy roads.

Study your competitors, decide on the concept. Find out the cost of the equipment, furniture, and design necessary for the chosen format. Make several options for a business plan, taking into account the flow of people, service area, number of seats and operating hours. Make sure that even in the pessimistic version of your plan there is a profit, and it suits you.

2 Registration. The opening of a summer veranda at a stationary catering facility assumes that the enterprise already exists. Let's look at the second option. To open an autonomous point, you must register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Select OKVED codes, suitable: 55.30, 55.40, as well as 25 and 52.63.

During the registration process, “apply” for one of the special tax regimes:

  • UTII - suitable for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs if the establishment's service area is less than 150 square meters. m or no hall;
  • PSN - provided only for individual entrepreneurs if the catering facility has a service hall area of ​​0-50 sq. m;
  • The simplified tax system “income minus expenses” is suitable for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, regardless of the size of the service room.

UTII and PSN may not be valid in a particular region; the possibility of application must be found out locally.

In most cities, the procedure for approving the placement of NTOs is as follows:

  1. Select the intended location.
  2. We submit an application for the placement of the NTO to the local administration, indicate the address reference points of the object and the expected period of use of the site.

    In addition to registration documents, the set of documents includes a preliminary design of the cafe and a plan for its location. The project must include all landscaping elements and sections of the facility. In a number of cities it must be ordered from a licensed design organization. In Moscow, the project is being developed by the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the administration.

    In the latter case, the applicant provides a photomontage (graphic drawing) of a cafe in the area indicating the boundaries of location. After development, the Moskomarkhitektura submits the project for approval to other departments: transport, cultural heritage of the city, city property.

  3. The application with a completed and agreed upon project is reviewed by the commission on consumer market issues. If several applicants apply for a plot, a tender (auction) is held for the right to conclude an agreement.
  4. A paid agreement is concluded with the winner to host the NTO, and the summer cafe is included in the placement scheme.

Each city may have its own restrictions on the design, placement and improvement of outdoor cafes. Thus, in Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road, seasonal cafes must be decorated according to a single standard; it is prohibited to use garden furniture, place platforms on the roofs of residential buildings, etc.

4 Notification from Rospotrebnadzor. According to Law N294-FZ of December 26, 2008 “On the protection of legal rights. persons and individual entrepreneurs when exercising state control (supervision) and municipal control” do not need to obtain special permits (conclusions) from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES for public catering. After concluding an agreement for the placement of a summer cafe (or after including the facility in the city scheme, if an agreement is not needed under local law), it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the start of activity in accordance with the post. Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 dated July 16, 2009. By notification, the entrepreneur confirms that the enterprise has taken into account all the rules established for the type of activity. What are we talking about?

Sanitary requirements

  1. SP No. 2.3.6. “Catering organizations. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering organizations...".

    All seasonal cafes:

    must have separate toilets for visitors and employees, a contract for sanitary maintenance is required. node (autonomous cafes can install dry toilet cabins);

    can use centralized water supply that meets the requirements of SP, or bottled industrial water. production;

    must hire employees with medical books;

    can cook kebabs if there is refrigeration equipment, the facility is connected to the city centralized water supply and sewerage system, and the semi-finished product is prepared in a stationary manner. organizations;

    must approve the range of products sold, based on SP (summer verandas at cafes/restaurants can use the range of the main production);

    comply with other established orders. rules.

    For autonomous summer cafes, the same requirements apply as for stationary facilities, as well as specific ones.

  2. SP “Requirements for temporary fast-food catering organizations” apply to free-standing seasonal cafes:

    It is allowed to use statically prepared ones. catering establishments: ready-made meals, culinary products, semi-finished products;

    Ice cream, drinks and perishable foods should be stored in refrigerators;

    disposable tableware and cutlery are used for visitors;

    it is necessary to ensure the collection and removal of wastewater, disinfection of containers, accumulation of solid waste in disposable collections and their removal, and regular sanitation. processing of the establishment, compliance by employees with personal hygiene rules;

    The toilet for employees must be within a radius of 100 m from the workplace.

Requirements under the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”

We are talking about the “Rules for the provision of catering services” (approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1036 of 08/15/97).

According to the document, a summer cafe must have:

  • sign;
  • the text of the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other acts regulating the work of public catering;
  • assortment list of products, each dish must be accompanied by a technological cooking chart;
  • a menu indicating the main ingredients of each dish and prices;
  • book of reviews and suggestions;
  • certificates of conformity for products received from suppliers.

You need to be ready to provide clients with information about government. registration, license to sell alcohol, if any.

Fire requirements

Ensuring fire safety in a summer cafe is the responsibility of the enterprise. You need to be guided by Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 “Tech. regulations on fire safety requirements." It is necessary to develop a security system at the facility, which includes a fire alarm, fire extinguishing equipment, a warning system, evacuation plans, and emergency exits. Summer cafes have their own specifics; specific requirements for protecting the facility and people from fire can be obtained from the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (department of supervisory activities).

Smoking and alcohol

According to Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995 “On State. regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol..." only licensed organizations can sell strong alcohol. Individual entrepreneurs have the right to offer visitors beer and other drinks with a strength of up to 16.5%. The document also establishes a ban on the sale of strong alcohol (more than 16.5% alcohol) in NTOs. Thus, if a summer cafe was opened by an individual entrepreneur, then in any case you can only sell weak alcohol. If the company operates in the form of an LLC, then options are possible. Summer verandas at stationary catering establishments, which are not classified by local legislation as NTOs, can sell any alcohol with a license.

Regarding smoking. In Russia, since June 1, 2014, an anti-tobacco law has been in force, prohibiting smoking in cafes and restaurants (except for electronic cigarettes and tobacco-free hookahs). Smoking in open areas is not strictly prohibited, but different departments interpret the law differently. Rospotrebnadzor, which monitors compliance with the law, considers all cafes equipped with umbrellas, podiums and decorative fences to be premises. The property owner may allow smoking in designated outdoor areas. That is, the smoking area must be equipped so that the smoke does not disturb other visitors.

Local requirements

Local authorities may set restrictions on the operation of summer cafes:

  • by music playing time;
  • a ban on the spread of barbecue and cheburek smells near residential buildings;
  • prohibition of rays from lighting devices entering the windows of residential buildings, etc.

5 Construction, interior design, equipment acquisition

When all the organizational hassle is over, it’s time to move on to construction/equipment of the site. It is cheaper to use standard designs, more expensive to make to order, the same applies to furniture: tables, chairs, benches, bar counters. It is important to pay special attention to the interior and atmosphere in order to attract, and not repel, the target audience.

When decorating, use the work of designers, do not forget about the compliance of the interior with the chosen concept. Provide blankets and heaters for clients and insect repellents. If space allows, zone it: visitors should have the choice to sit more or less in privacy.

Important! The use of plastic and other garden furniture in seasonal cafes is prohibited in many cities due to low aesthetic and environmental characteristics.

The choice of equipment also depends on the concept, but it is hardly possible to do without a refrigeration unit, coffee machine, microwave / convection oven, cooled / warm display case, bar counter.

Select staff that matches the cafe format. If you plan to have your own kitchen, you will need a chef. In addition, an administrator and waiters are needed (calculating 2 waiters per 10 tables during shift work), as well as support staff - cleaners and dishwashers. All employees must have medical equipment. books.

Be sure to come up with a name for the cafe and make a noticeable sign. You can promote your cafe on social media. networks, organize promotions for employees of local business centers. All marketing activities need to count on their audience. However, the best advertisement for a summer cafe is good cuisine, fast and friendly service, and an atmosphere conducive to communication.