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How to properly store dentures. How to store removable dentures. Container for storing structures

  • Do removable dentures really require any special care, and if so, what should it be?
  • What products exist today for the care of dentures (hygiene with the help of toothpastes and gels, effervescent tablets, ultrasound);
  • What to do if you can’t whiten your denture at home – will you really have to change it?
  • What folk remedies for cleaning removable dentures should absolutely not be used (recommendations are given that will protect you from pointless experiments);
  • What can happen if you don’t take care of your dentures and how to store them correctly in order to maximize their service life and not spoil them ahead of time...

When it comes to using a removable denture, it is important to understand that not only its service life, but the condition of the oral cavity as a whole may depend on the care taken to care for this structure. At the same time, there is an opinion that, they say, the teeth are artificial, and the prosthesis itself is plastic - nothing will happen to it, because it cannot “rot” like natural teeth, and bacteria are unlikely to be able to destroy it.

Well, it should be noted that with complete removable prosthetics (that is, with completely toothless jaws), the patient, due to such neglect of hygiene, risks losing, at a minimum, money for the prosthesis, and at maximum, gets putrid breath and difficult-to-heal ulcers on the mucous membranes. And owners of partial removable dentures, in the absence of proper care for the structure, can, in addition, quickly lose the supporting teeth that secure the denture in the mouth (for example, due to the development of periodontitis).

Why is this happening?

The fact is that neglect of the care of a removable denture will lead to the fact that microbial plaque will begin to accumulate in various areas of the structure (especially under the base, in places where it transitions into rows of artificial teeth, areas where clasps are attached, etc.). Yes, the artificial materials themselves will not “rot”, but will be an excellent carrier for colonies of microorganisms.

On a note

Initially, bacterial plaque on a denture is soft, friable in structure, and is relatively easy to remove with a regular toothbrush. However, in the absence of regular hygienic procedures, such plaque subsequently gradually mineralizes, becomes pigmented and thickens, often even forming tartar, which injures the gums. As a result, stained areas and stains appear on the denture, which significantly reduces aesthetics.

All this together not only creates an unpleasant odor from the mouth, but also threatens the remaining teeth with mobility (looseness), up to the need for their removal.

Bacterial plaque can form on any plastic prosthesis, be it acrylic, nylon, silicone or polyurethane.

Next, we will look at how to properly care for a denture and how to store it between wears so that the structure does not lose its functional and aesthetic characteristics and does not cause harm to the oral mucosa.

General principles of care for partial and complete removable dentures made of various materials

Regardless of the type of denture (plate acrylic, soft nylon, clasp or even compact butterfly denture), there are always areas in the structure that accumulate bacterial plaque.

Therefore, caring for a prosthesis involves the following principles:

  • Commitment. Even if it seems to you that all surfaces of the structure are perfectly clean, it is still necessary to carry out hygienic cleaning (at the initial stage, bacterial plaque is only a few microns thick and is visually invisible);
  • Regularity. You need to take care of your denture every day and more than once - almost as carefully and regularly as you take care of your natural teeth;
  • An integrated approach to hygiene. A combination of different methods of cleaning the prosthesis is necessary - from simple rinsing with water to periodic use of special products (they will be discussed in more detail below).

It is strictly forbidden to use regular toothpaste and, especially, whitening toothpaste to clean a removable denture. The average abrasiveness of regular toothpastes is 70 (RDA 70 may be written on the packaging), while whitening ones can reach up to 200. When exposed to abrasives, microscratches are formed on the plastic, and the smooth surface of the denture becomes rough over time - such a surface is even more contaminants adhere more actively.

For children's toothpastes, the RDA is usually in the range from 0 to 20.

  • At intervals of approximately 1-2 times a week, it is recommended to treat the denture with special products - as a rule, they are sold in the form of effervescent tablets and contain components (proteolytic enzymes, antiseptics) that dissolve plaque and kill bacteria living on the denture. An alternative to using effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures is the use of an ultrasonic bath - with its help it is possible to clean the denture almost perfectly (plaque, odor are removed, bacteria are destroyed);
  • Approximately once every 6-12 months, professional cleaning of the denture by a dentist is recommended;
  • Most types of dentures should be stored in a humid environment, as otherwise the product may become deformed when drying. For storage, you can use plain water, or special solutions for storing dentures, which are sold in pharmacies (this is the preferred option). When soaking the denture, make sure that it is completely covered with the solution (or water). Do not place the structure in hot water, as this may lead to its deformation;
  • If you use a partial removable denture, you should not forget about careful hygiene of the teeth remaining in the mouth.

Special hygiene products: pastes, gels, effervescent tablets and ultrasonic baths

A classic and at the same time very effective option for mechanical cleaning of removable dentures is the use of a toothbrush and paste.

In most cases, toothpastes for caring for dentures and your remaining teeth in the mouth should be different. Typically, children's toothpaste is used to care for removable structures, and regular toothpaste for adults is used to care for their teeth and gums. For the sake of economy and simplification, it is not recommended to use only baby toothpaste in both cases, since its properties may not be sufficient for complete oral hygiene for an adult.

On a note

Instead of children's toothpaste, you can use specialized products in the form of gels for daily cleaning of dentures - for example, Dentipur Gel, CURAPROX BDC, etc.

The situation is similar with toothbrushes - for the teeth remaining in the mouth, a brush that is selected taking into account the individual condition of a person’s teeth and gums is suitable (most often it is a brush with medium-hard bristles, but in the presence of gum disease, wedge-shaped defects or pathological abrasion, it is better to use soft bristle brush). To clean the removable structure, always use a soft toothbrush (the packaging may say Soft or Sensitive).

A brush with double-sided bristles is well suited for hygiene of internal and external surfaces.

“I’ve been wearing dentures for about a month now. I had to remove 5 teeth, there were only two left on top, so there wasn’t much choice. What can I say... I thought it would be worse, but this is normal. I'm just trying to approach it with a bit of humor. After installing the jaw, I almost never remove it, just to clean it. Nobody knows that I have a prosthesis on top, not even my husband.”

Elena, Moscow

However, for proper care of the prosthesis, simple mechanical cleansing may not be enough, so today special products have been developed for additional chemical exposure. Such products are mostly represented by effervescent tablets - they are placed in water to prepare a cleaning solution.

The principle of operation of all tablets for the hygiene of removable structures is to dissolve plaque with the help of enzymes. In this case, the protein matrix of even partially mineralized plaque is destroyed, which, in combination with mechanical cleansing, gives a particularly well-pronounced effect (after soaking in the solution, it is useful to clean the structure with a toothbrush).

On a note

At home, using effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures, it is also possible to maintain a good appearance of the structure - it does not darken, and pigmented spots do not form on its various surfaces. An important contribution is made not only by proteolytic enzymes that dissolve plaque, but also by active oxidizing agents (usually potassium persulfate and sodium perborate), which discolor pigments due to their oxidation.

Examples of the most popular effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures today:

  • Protefix;
  • Corega;
  • ROCS;
  • Lacalut Dent.

As an additional method of hygiene of dentures, the use of ultrasonic baths can be noted. The principle of their operation is the detachment of dental plaque from any surfaces (acrylic plastic, nylon, metal, silicone, polyurethane, polypropylene, etc.) due to the impact of mechanical ultrasonic vibrations transmitted in a liquid medium. Due to the action of ultrasound, not only a cleansing effect is achieved, but also an antibacterial effect.

The cost of high-quality ultrasonic baths starts from 3,000 rubles.

Professional hygiene methods for removable dentures

If you properly clean your removable dentures and provide them with proper care, you can keep them in excellent condition for a long time. Despite this, at least once a year it is recommended to have the condition of the structure assessed by a professional (orthopedic dentist), who can objectively assess whether the level of hygiene meets the required level.

This is especially true for people who have bad habits that lead to rapid, persistent staining of plaque (smoking, frequent consumption of coffee, wine). It can be problematic to whiten artificial teeth (and other surfaces of the structure) that have turned yellow during the use of a removable denture at home, and in this case it is better to carry out this process in the dentist’s office (or in a dental laboratory).

It should be understood that darkened removable dentures not only look unsightly, but can also provoke inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - for example, from the mucous membrane on which the structure rests. This can result in pain, burning, swelling, and ulcers.

To prevent an unfavorable outcome, you should promptly contact your dentist to remove plaque and tartar from all surfaces of the denture. Typically, the dental laboratory performs grinding and polishing of the structure, as well as cleaning using ultrasonic instruments.

Folk remedies for caring for dentures: which options should absolutely not be used

What folk remedies for cleaning dentures are not tried at home: from vinegar and lemon juice to hydrogen peroxide and alcohol-containing liquids.

This is interesting

An example of one of the most ridiculous tips for caring for dentures is the recommendation to “soak” them in kefir.

At the same time, not all folk recipes are harmless - there is often a risk of irreparably damaging the design.

To protect you from pointless experiments in advance, below are those that may pose the greatest danger to the condition of the prosthesis:

Do not use metal objects to remove food debris from parts of the prosthesis - this can lead to scratches and chips.

In general, many traditional methods of cleaning dentures not only fail to cope with their task, but simply dissolve, corrode, stain or deform the structure, rendering it unusable.

What are the consequences of not taking care of your dentures?

Not only the thoughtless use of traditional methods can create problems for owners of removable dentures. Numerous troubles that complicate life can also provoke non-compliance or complete refusal of hygiene.

When hygiene levels are insufficient, the following problems most often arise:

  • Inflammatory phenomena such as gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis (there is even such a thing as prosthetic stomatitis);
  • Ulcerative formations in the area of ​​constant stress or trauma against the background of dental plaque;
  • Putrid odor from the mouth;
  • The development of caries and its complications on the teeth preserved in the oral cavity due to the accumulation of dental plaque on them;
  • Loosening of supporting teeth due to periodontitis;
  • Impaired sense of taste (unpleasant taste in the mouth);
  • The appearance of pigment spots on the prosthesis due to staining of bacterial plaque with food dyes;

As you understand, this is not only about the aesthetic side of the issue, which is, of course, important for any owner of a removable denture. If hygiene rules are not followed, pathological processes can even lead to the appearance of a malignant tumor in the area of ​​chronic mucosal injury.

After handing over the prosthesis, the orthopedic dentist gives a reminder on how to care for the product or simply gives valuable instructions - you should not neglect them.

How to properly store a removable denture in order to extend its service life and not spoil it ahead of time

Most removable dentures manufactured today must be stored in a damp environment - drying out the plastic elements can lead to their deformation, which is not always restored when the product is re-wetted.

After removal (for example, at night), the prosthesis is immersed in a special antiseptic solution for dentures (can be purchased at any pharmacy), or simply in water. It is important to ensure that all parts of the structure are completely immersed in liquid.

On a note

Most experts do not recommend removing a newly made prosthesis at night due to the fact that getting used to it in this case is much faster. To do this, for about 2 weeks you will have to walk with a removable structure in your mouth almost all the time, only removing it briefly. However, in the future, the removable denture still needs to be removed regularly so that the mucous membranes in contact with it can rest (at least 6 hours a day).

If you have experience using removable dentures, share it by leaving a review at the bottom of this page.

Useful video: how to care for dentures and live fully with them

Most people who use dentures do not always know how to store them.

Many people mistakenly believe that dental structures should be stored in a glass of water.

This is because in the past, removable dentures were made of rubber, which could crack and dry out when exposed to air.

Such orthopedic structures really needed to be stored in a liquid environment.

Modern removable dentures are most often made of acrylic or nylon, which can be removed at any time and do not necessarily need to be placed in a glass of water.

To store properly For a denture, you need to know what material it is made of.

Factors influencing the service life and functionality of dental orthopedic structures are proper care and storage.

You should take care of artificial teeth in the same way as you would your own.

In the morning and before bedtime, it is necessary to carry out thorough hygienic care of the oral cavity and dental structure.

Removed dentures can be cleaned as follows:

Photo: Brush for cleaning dentures

  • Rinse the structure under running boiled water. In this way, it is necessary to clean the surface of the structure after each meal. It should be borne in mind that rinsing alone is not enough to make the denture clean.
  • Cleansing with a brush and paste, which allows you to remove food debris and accumulated plaque on the surface of the denture. It is recommended to carry out simultaneously with washing the structure.
  • Treatment of the prosthesis in a specially prepared antiseptic solution. This is done after thorough cleaning with a brush and rinsing. This cleaning method will help remove bacteria accumulated on the structure and remnants of the fixing agent.
  • Professional cleaning of dentures is carried out in a dental clinic or office at least once every six months.

This question is often asked by patients. Regardless of the time of day, dentures should be stored according to all rules.

Doctors do not recommend removing modern dentures at night, for the reason that with regular use of the structure, getting used to it occurs much faster, and also during sleep, displacement of the articular heads of the jaw bones is often observed.

If it becomes necessary to remove the prosthesis at night, it must be thoroughly cleaned and then placed in a special storage container or a regular glass with a disinfectant solution.

Where to store?

It must be remembered that most types of structures must remain moist in order to keep their shape well.

If the denture has to be removed for a long time, then it must be placed in boiled water or a solution intended for soaking dental structures (sold in a pharmacy).

Do not place a prosthesis that has metal parts in chlorinated water. This will cause them to darken.

It is important to remember that the denture can become deformed if it is immersed in hot water and when it dries.

  • They made me a denture from acrylic plastic. At first, on the advice of the doctor, I slept in it. At night, the prosthesis bothered me a lot. After three months, when I got used to it, I began to remove the structure before going to bed. I kept the prosthesis in a glass of boiled water at night.
  • My grandmother always takes off her dentures before going to bed and cleans them thoroughly with a soft toothbrush and paste. Then he wipes it dry, wraps it in a damp, clean handkerchief and hides it in a box.
  • I have been using removable dentures for many years. At night I always take it off, clean it well with a brush and soap and put it in a glass of distilled water. That's what the dentist advised me to do.
  • On the advice of the doctor, I store my dentures this way: I clean the structure very thoroughly with paste and a soft-bristled brush, rinse it and put it in a special container with a solution purchased at the pharmacy. I leave it like this all night. If you need to take it with you, it’s also very convenient.

Video: “Cleaning dentures using ultrasound”

One of the conditions for the long service life of prostheses is proper care for them. If fixed structures can only be cleaned directly in the oral cavity, then removable ones must be removed for thorough treatment. How to store dentures at night so that they do not lose their appearance and functionality?

Why do you need to remove dentures at night?

If previously it was believed that it was necessary to remove artificial structures, today, when modern materials have begun to be used in dental practice, this condition is not an axiom. Moreover, at the adaptation stage, doctors recommend sleeping with them so that adaptation goes faster.

Still, it is necessary to remove them several times a week. Firstly, this is necessary in order to give rest to the prosthetic bed (those tissues that are in direct contact with it). Secondly, only extraction and special processing will help achieve complete disinfection and destruction of accumulated bacteria.

Hygiene rules

Dentures should be stored in a humid environment.

Before storing the structure overnight, you must thoroughly clean it:

  1. Rinse with boiled water.
  2. Clean with a brush and paste, removing food debris and plaque.
  3. Every 6 months you need to take the product to the clinic, where it will be professionally cleaned.
  4. Once a week, the structure must be immersed in a special disinfectant solution. They are sold in pharmacies in finished form or in tablet form. An orthopedist will help you choose the right drug.

How to properly store dentures?

Dentures should be stored in a humid environment. For this, special solutions that are sold in pharmacies can be used, or, if they are not available, ordinary boiled water.

Important! Products should not be immersed in hot water as they may become deformed. Dentures with metal parts should not be stored in chlorinated water.

Some modern designs can be stored dry, but it is important that the environment is fully hygienic. For this purpose, special containers are produced that reliably protect products from harmful external influences and from accidental mechanical damage.

They are compact cases, additionally equipped with a grid necessary to immerse dentures in disinfectant solutions when the need arises. Thanks to their small size, containers can not only be used at home, but also taken with you when traveling.

Good prosthetics, performed at a high professional level, are the most important, but not the only condition for the long service life of dentures. In many ways, their safety, security and impeccable appearance depend on the patient himself, including his compliance with storage rules.

  1. Kopeikin V.N. Orthopedic dentistry. Moscow, 2001.
  2. Instructions for caring for removable dentures from leading dental clinics in Moscow.

Patients who are faced with dentures ask the following question: how to properly store removable dentures in general and especially at night? After all, everyone has seen how older people place such structures in a glass of water near their bed. Is such storage correct and how to care for modern prostheses?

Previously, such structures were made of rubber and to prevent them from drying out, it was necessary to place them in water when removing them. Modern materials have completely different properties, so they need to be treated differently.

Features of care

The most important factor that affects the storage and care of dentures is what material they are made of. For example, nylon or acrylic removable structures do not need to be placed in water or solution. It is enough to do this once a week for antiseptic additional treatment.

If there are metal parts on the prosthesis, then it should not be placed in a container with chlorinated water, because they will quickly darken and have an unsightly appearance.

In order for the prosthesis to last longer, it must not only be stored correctly, but also carefully looked after. Doctors recommend the following manipulations:

  • After eating, it is advisable to remove the inserts and rinse them with boiled water. This regular procedure will help prevent artificial materials from darkening too early, and will prevent the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • In the morning and evening you need to clean the denture with a special brush and toothpaste. Particularly soft bristles are selected, and the doctor may recommend using a toothpaste for children without abrasive or aggressive chemical components.
  • Periodically, once a week, it is better to place the prosthesis in a special solution for antiseptic treatment. Thanks to this, additional fixing substances are thoroughly washed off.
  • Every six months it is necessary to bring the structure to the doctor. In a dental office, it can be thoroughly cleaned using professional products and devices, and adjusted if necessary. Prolonged use of a prosthesis without professional care promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

How to store dentures at night?

It is believed that modern devices are quite convenient for round-the-clock use. During the adaptation process, doctors do not recommend leaving the jaw without prostheses so that it quickly gets used to a certain impact.

It is permissible to store the insert elements separately only when the patient is completely accustomed to them and wants to allow the mucous surface to recover overnight.

Remember that exposure to direct sunlight, boiling water, aggressive chemical compounds and close lamp light can cause the structure to change shape or deteriorate.

Where to store removable dentures?

If you decide to take them off at night, it is better to place them in a special container for storing dentures. It is believed that it is hidden in the container from excess dust and bacteria. But you can simply wrap the prosthesis in a clean, soft cloth.

To avoid an unpleasant feeling of dryness when using it in the morning, you can lightly rinse it with water before fixing it.

If there are no metal parts on the structure, then you can place the prosthesis in a glass of water overnight. The main thing is that the liquid is clean, without unnecessary impurities and not hot.

In what solution?

The solution is purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form or soluble tablets are purchased. Such products are hypoallergenic and do not cause reactions in sensitive patients. They are specially designed for high-quality care of structures at home.

Video: DIY solution for dentures.

It was difficult at first to get used to the prosthesis. The doctor recommended leaving it on at night. When I finally got used to the dentures, I decided to rest at night from the extra stress. I use a special container for storage; it protects the prosthesis from dust and various bacteria.

I have been using a prosthesis for a long time. And although the doctor said that it is not necessary to place it in water or solution overnight, I find it more pleasant when the structure is wet in the morning. Therefore, I usually keep it in a glass of boiled water and in the morning the feeling when using it is normal, there is no excessive dryness.

Since childhood, I remember how my grandmother kept her jaw in a glass of water near her bed. When I reached that age, it turned out that this is not necessary today. The doctor explained to me that the prosthesis has metal fasteners, and they are afraid of water, so I have to keep it in a special container.

I often leave home and when traveling it turned out to be convenient to store the prosthesis in a special container. It's small, doesn't take up much space, and no one will guess what it's for. It's my little secret. And I buy solutions in the form of tablets, which are easy to use, and they are also invisible to the outside eye.

Additional questions

Is it possible to store dentures without water?

Considering that modern designs are made of acrylic and nylon, water is not needed for storage. This material does not dry out or deform. Therefore, they are left overnight in a special container without liquid or wrapped in soft cloth.

How to properly store dentures

Unfortunately, not all people who wear dentures know how to handle them. Many people, in the old-fashioned way, believe that devices should be placed in a container of water overnight. However, modern structures do not crack or dry out under the influence of oxygen. Today we will talk about how to store removable dentures at home correctly. Our grandparents actually soaked their dentures in liquid overnight. The properties of innovative products are such that they can be removed at any time and there is no need to immerse such products in water.

How to properly store removable dentures at night

Proper storage depends on what materials the devices are made of. Functionality and aesthetic appeal can be forgotten if you do not provide proper care and storage.

The basic rule of care: you must treat artificial appliances in the same way as you treat your own living teeth. Don't forget about oral hygiene, which is carried out twice a day.

How to clean removable structures:

  • Rinse your denture under boiled water after every meal and snack;
  • Use a toothbrush with toothpaste that effectively removes food debris and plaque. This should be done when you flush the device;

Dentures, just like teeth, must be cleaned, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms will begin to accumulate on their surface.

Rinsing with normal water

Although this is the simplest and most accessible method, it is not the most effective. There is no point in dwelling on it. It is important to perform the procedure after eating in order to eliminate excess food in the spaces between the teeth.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out more complex manipulations. Use boiled water. Chlorine contained in water can adversely affect the color of the product.

Using solutions

Once every seven days it is necessary to place the product in special antiseptic liquids for several hours. This way you can get rid of harmful bacteria, food debris and adhesive. The product is sold in pharmacies. These can be special soluble tablets.

The solutions are suitable even for people with very sensitive soft tissues. Even all the efforts of dentists will not help when a person suffers from an allergic reaction.

Treatment of the prosthesis with a special solution

Other products that carry out ultrasonic cleaning will help here.

Cleaning with a brush

The brush should be selected with soft bristles. Cleaning should be done with a micro-abrasive agent using rotational movements, completely touching the surface of the teeth.

Do not press too hard on the device. If the soft component of the prosthesis is damaged, there may be a need for restoration. It is best to use children's pastes. This is what your dentist will advise you to do.

Don't forget to clean your tongue and cheeks from accumulated plaque. If you neglect the procedure, an unpleasant aroma will appear in your mouth. Rinse your teeth very well with water after brushing. Feel free to put your prosthesis back on.

Professional cleaning

Even if all hygienic principles are observed, an artificial prosthesis should be handed over to professionals once every six months. For cleaning purposes, the same device is used as for ultrasonic stone removal. With it you can effectively clean the most difficult to reach areas. The dentist will place the product in a special disinfectant. It is very useful to polish the surface of the teeth. The manipulation does not take more than an hour.

Do I need to remove dentures at night?

This question is asked very often by patients. The structures must be stored according to all rules at any time of the day. At night, as you already understand, modern removable devices are not removed, since with systematic use a person gets used to them much faster.

If you prefer to sleep without a prosthesis, then you need to remove it, clean it well, and carefully put it in a special box for safekeeping. A simple glass of disinfectant will do.

To maintain their proper shape at all times, most fixtures must be kept wet. If the structure is removed for a long period of time, then it is placed in a container with boiling water or in a special liquid that is intended for soaking dental products. Available for sale in pharmacies.

Container for dentures

There is no need to place a prosthesis with metal parts in a chlorinated liquid. This will help them darken.

Keep in mind that the denture can become damaged if it is allowed to dry out.

How to wear removable dentures

A person must learn independently and correctly install a prosthesis in the oral cavity. This is easy to do while in front of a mirror. The first time after installation will be unusual and it is better not to remove the product at night so that the product adapts during sleep. Is it necessary to remove dentures at night in the future? This is done at the request of the client, but dentists recommend removing the prosthesis to resume trophic processes in the tissues and restore the qualities of the base material.

If any discomfort occurs, the client should immediately visit the dental clinic. If pain occurs, a person can temporarily remove the device, but before visiting the dentist, they must put it back on so that the damaged area is visible. Only a specialist has the right to adjust the prosthesis.

A person can eat any food except very hard and viscous food. It is advisable to start with soft and non-sticky food. It is very useful to eat pieces of apples and pears. They have the necessary rigidity to train the chewing function and cannot cause injury to the mucous membranes.

In order to get used to the prosthesis and not affect your speech, it is very important to talk a lot and quickly at first. Read tongue twisters, newspapers, magazines.

Whitening dentures

This manipulation is required if you have neglected the care of the devices for a long time. This attitude always entails darkening of the product.

Experts do not recommend whitening using special whitening pastes. These products are highly abrasive; the surface of the structure is not suitable for such procedures. The use of abrasive substances will cause serious damage to the structure.

Dentures should only be whitened by specialists.

If your denture has darkened, you should take it to a professional. At home, you can purchase special cleansing tablets for this purpose. Buy an ultrasonic cleaner for thorough cleaning and disinfection.

Professional cleansing can be carried out using special ultrasonic containers. In such baths you will not only successfully get rid of plaque, but you will also be able to restore its original shade and aesthetic appeal.

Never use traditional methods to whiten fixtures. They can destroy even strong tooth enamel. Materials can be seriously damaged in this case.

How to properly store dentures at night?

Modern prosthetics make it possible to restore the functionality of the jaws in the most difficult situations. Everyone associates removable structures with a glass of water, in which most patients store them. Is it correct? Yes, since even modern products cannot be allowed to dry out, because of this they lose their properties. How to store dentures at night to ensure they last a long time?

Consequences of improper care

High-quality care significantly increases the service life of the prosthesis.

High-quality and systematic care of a removable structure extends its service life and protects the patient from unpleasant consequences:

  • food particles, dead epithelial cells, plaque accumulate between the product and the mucous membrane, which gradually provoke the appearance of an unpleasant putrid odor from the oral cavity,
  • an infection actively developing between an uncleaned prosthesis and the mucous membrane gradually provokes the development of inflammatory processes (gingivitis develops), which is accompanied by bleeding, swelling, redness and a feeling of general discomfort,
  • pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly and can contribute to the development of the carious process,
  • a persistent unpleasant taste appears in the mouth,
  • the material loses its original color and aesthetic appeal.

The above unpleasant consequences can be avoided if you properly organize the care of the structure, including at night, when it is outside the oral cavity. Storing dentures is an important point that should be taken seriously.

Where and how to properly store the product at night?

Use a special container to store the product.

Previously, removable dentures were made of rubber, which dried out in the air and cracked. For this reason, the dentures had to be placed in a glass of water overnight. Modern designs are made of high-quality materials that do not deteriorate if left outdoors, but also require special care.

During the period of adaptation to the prosthesis, dentists recommend not removing it while sleeping at night in order to quickly get used to the presence of a foreign body in the mouth. If the patient subsequently wants to sleep without a prosthesis, it must be placed in a container with a disinfectant solution. This can be a special container or any other clean container.

A humid environment helps the structure retain its original shape. If you use a disinfectant solution, overnight it destroys all infection on the structure, dissolves food debris and plaque. In the morning you put on a perfectly clean denture without foreign odors or bacteria.

Container for storing structures

To store removable products, there are special containers that have a mass benefits:

  • a special disinfectant liquid can be poured into the container to clean the structure,
  • it is convenient to carry with you, take it on trips and business trips,
  • The kit includes a special holder with which you can remove the prosthesis from the liquid without getting your hands wet,
  • The container is made of polypropylene, a material used in the manufacture of medical devices.

Care products

There is a large selection of denture care products.

For high-quality cleaning of the structure from food debris, plaque, and bacteria, there is a wide selection of special products:

  • a brush for the care of dentures, which must be changed every month with regular use,
  • brush,
  • non-abrasive paste (abrasive particles scratch the material of the product, which leads to wear, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and the penetration of infection into it),
  • soluble tablets for preparing a disinfectant solution,
  • The irrigator perfectly cleans both natural teeth and hard-to-reach areas of the structure where plaque accumulates,
  • floss.

If it is not possible to purchase a special container and disinfectant solution, you can store the structure in ordinary water. The main condition is to keep it clean and not let the material dry out.

Removable dentures wears about a third of humanity, but most people do not consider it necessary to advertise such details of the structure of their body, preferring to keep everything secret. Thus, this is our universal secret.

And it’s not about the massive lack of teeth. If one tooth dies due to injury, unsuccessful treatment, or for other reasons, even though the neighboring teeth are completely healthy, it is a pity to file them down for a bridge. It is better to install a small “bug” - a cosmetic prosthesis, rather than continue to destroy healthy teeth. You can’t eat tool steel or even some types of kebab with such a plate, but you just have to get used to the fact that this is a decorative element for the most part and you shouldn’t load it.

Dentures. Should I film it? whose?

You need to learn how to take off and put on these prostheses as soon as possible. To do this, you should repeat this procedure in front of the mirror a dozen and a half times, and in the future everything will be carried out professionally, with a movement of the hand imperceptible even to yourself.

You should often rinse your mouth and take hot baths with dentures in your mouth, but there is no need to soak dentures in a glass of boiling water; it is preferable to replace this suspicious procedure with hot rinses. This helps the mucous membrane get used to the prosthesis; in addition, the adaptation period is easier to tolerate.

Dentures do not require special care and There is no need to take them off at night, although there used to be a custom to always remove dentures at night and put them in a glass of water. This is not entirely true. At first, for about a couple of months, it is actually preferable to keep dentures in a humid environment, since fresh plastic releases monomer for some time, and in air this process leads to the appearance of whitish stains inside the plastic, giving the denture a somewhat “marbled” appearance. Keeping the prosthesis in water eliminates such processes. Therefore, in the initial period of wearing the prosthesis should be either in the mouth or in a glass of water, but in the mouth is still preferable. For better adaptation, it is not recommended to remove dentures at night during the first month. Moreover, during sleep the mouth gets used to the prosthesis more effectively than during the day. After a couple of months, when the dentures feel like an integral part of the body, you can, if necessary, remove them at night.

Possible complications

  • there is a burning sensation in the mucous membrane
  • excessive dry mouth
  • there is a skin rash or other unusual symptoms

You should consult an allergist to clarify the situation. This reason may be some kind of allergy to plastic or problems with the design of the prosthesis in the case of complex prosthetics. You will be prescribed allergy tests.

Caring for removable dentures

You should wash your dentures daily, or better yet, after every meal. It is better to do this before bed. You can clean with tooth powder, wash with soap, or just water. The main thing is that the resulting prosthesis is clean.

In other words, modern recommendations boil down to the fact that the prosthesis can be in the mouth around the clock, and putting it in a glass the old fashioned way is something from the silent film era. Moreover, taking into account the stability of modern plastic, this is not only useless, but in some cases it can also cause harm.

Moreover, you should not take breaks of more than one and a half to two weeks in wearing the prosthesis, as this can cause discomfort, which will make it difficult to accurately install the prosthesis in place. If the denture is not in your mouth for more than a month, you can, with a clear conscience, throw it in the trash (dispose of it), go to the doctor and order a new one.

Although some doctors argue that after getting used to dentures they should be removed at night, this does not contradict all of the above recommendations. It all depends on how you feel. If you regularly wash your dentures at least every day, then no sanitary standards force you to remove this device at night.


Features of care

The most important factor that affects the storage and care of dentures is what material they are made of. For example, nylon or acrylic removable structures do not need to be placed in water or solution. It is enough to do this once a week for antiseptic additional treatment.

If there are metal parts on the prosthesis, then it should not be placed in a container with chlorinated water, because they will quickly darken and have an unsightly appearance.

In order for the prosthesis to last longer, it must not only be stored correctly, but also carefully looked after. Doctors recommend the following manipulations:

  • After eating, it is advisable to remove the inserts and rinse them with boiled water. This regular procedure will help prevent artificial materials from darkening too early, and will prevent the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • In the morning and evening you need to clean the denture with a special brush and toothpaste. Particularly soft bristles are selected, and the doctor may recommend using a toothpaste for children without abrasive or aggressive chemical components.

  • Periodically, once a week, it is better to place the prosthesis in a special solution for antiseptic treatment. Thanks to this, additional fixing substances are thoroughly washed off.
  • Every six months it is necessary to bring the structure to the doctor. In a dental office, it can be thoroughly cleaned using professional products and devices, and adjusted if necessary. Prolonged use of a prosthesis without professional care promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

It is believed that modern devices are quite convenient for round-the-clock use. During the adaptation process, doctors do not recommend leaving the jaw without prostheses so that it quickly gets used to a certain impact.

It is permissible to store the insert elements separately only when the patient is completely accustomed to them and wants to allow the mucous surface to recover overnight.

Remember that exposure to direct sunlight, boiling water, aggressive chemical compounds and close lamp light can cause the structure to change shape or deteriorate.

Where to store removable dentures?

If you decide to take them off at night, it is better to place them in a special container for storing dentures. It is believed that it is hidden in the container from excess dust and bacteria. But you can simply wrap the prosthesis in a clean, soft cloth.

To avoid an unpleasant feeling of dryness when using it in the morning, you can lightly rinse it with water before fixing it.

In what solution?

The solution is purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form or soluble tablets are purchased. Such products are hypoallergenic and do not cause reactions in sensitive patients. They are specially designed for high-quality care of structures at home.

Video: DIY solution for dentures.


It was difficult at first to get used to the prosthesis. The doctor recommended leaving it on at night. When I finally got used to the dentures, I decided to rest at night from the extra stress. I use a special container for storage; it protects the prosthesis from dust and various bacteria.

I have been using a prosthesis for a long time. And although the doctor said that it is not necessary to place it in water or solution overnight, I find it more pleasant when the structure is wet in the morning. Therefore, I usually keep it in a glass of boiled water and in the morning the feeling when using it is normal, there is no excessive dryness.

Since childhood, I remember how my grandmother kept her jaw in a glass of water near her bed. When I reached that age, it turned out that this is not necessary today. The doctor explained to me that the prosthesis has metal fasteners, and they are afraid of water, so I have to keep it in a special container.

I often leave home and when traveling it turned out to be convenient to store the prosthesis in a special container. It's small, doesn't take up much space, and no one will guess what it's for. It's my little secret. And I buy solutions in the form of tablets, which are easy to use, and they are also invisible to the outside eye.

Additional questions

Is it possible to store dentures without water?

Considering that modern designs are made of acrylic and nylon, water is not needed for storage. This material does not dry out or deform. Therefore, they are left overnight in a special container without liquid or wrapped in soft cloth.


Dentures – what are they?

Before considering the question of whether it is necessary to remove dentures at night, let’s examine them from the perspective of the dental device. Dentures are used when one or more teeth are missing. Getting dentures is very important to your oral health. The fact is that the absence of even one tooth will immediately lead to the movement of the rest. And this, in turn, threatens the remaining ones to fall out.

Removable dentures are made by casting from acrylic plastics. The use of such material makes it possible to maintain the strength, color, density and shape of the product for a long time. In addition to dentures, artificial teeth are produced, which differ in size and color. Thanks to this versatility, during prosthetics you can immediately select the set of teeth the patient needs.

Untimely installation of dentures leads to the following problems:

  • The periodontal fissure expands and becomes very noticeable.
  • The antagonist tooth moves.
  • A periodontal pocket is formed.
  • The bone atrophies.
  • Approximal caries appears on the teeth.

The absence of lateral incisors should especially not be neglected. Such loss will eventually lead to problems with the digestive organs.

Note that installing removable dentures is the cheapest way to restore chewing function.

Types of removable dentures

The following types of removable dentures are known in dental practice:

  1. Clasp models. Such prostheses are made of metal, ceramics, zirconium and plastic. The support is made of metal, the body is made of plastic and other listed materials. The most important advantage of the design is that the load during chewing is distributed evenly between the jaw, gums and other teeth. Depending on the type of fixation, clasp models are: with locking fastenings, with a telescopic crown, with hook-clasps. This type of denture is used for temporary and partial absence of teeth. Clasp dentures are often used for tooth movement and periodontal disease.
  2. Telescopic products. These prostheses are made of metal, the top of the product is covered with acrylic or ceramics. The product is attached according to the principle of a telescope. The supporting incisors themselves are well ground. Cone-shaped systems are subsequently put on them. Secondary parts are attached to the cones.
  3. Immediate dentures. These devices are used when only one tooth is lost. Basically, an immediate prosthesis performs only an aesthetic function, covering free space. These devices are installed temporarily, immediately after removal or before a permanent prosthesis. The design of such prostheses has an interesting fastening, reminiscent of the shape of a butterfly.

The choice of type of prosthesis depends on several criteria:

  • The first criterion: the number of missing teeth. If several teeth are missing, it is preferable to implant an implant.
  • Second criterion: what final result is expected. To restore proper chewing function, it is best to use fixed dentures.
  • The third criterion: how comfortable the system used should be. Removable structures must be removed at night. This fact must be taken into account.
  • The fourth criterion: what financial capabilities the patient has. The most inexpensive option is removable plastic models.

Complete dentures are used if the patient is missing multiple teeth on one or both jaws at the same time. One plate compensates for the loss of all teeth at once.

If one or more teeth are missing in the dentition, partial dentures are used. They are mainly installed in cases of loss of chewing teeth and defects in the entire dentition.

Accustoming stage

As with any external implantation, you definitely need to get used to installing prostheses. At the initial stage, you will definitely feel severe discomfort. It is possible that unwanted problems with diction will arise and taste sensations will change. Against this background, it is important for the patient to show psychological resilience.

Strong vomiting and excessive salivation are considered completely undesirable phenomena.

Oddly enough, a person gets used to permanent dentures faster than removable ones. The entire adaptation period depends on the following factors:

  • Product size.
  • Fixation method.
  • Degree of fixation.
  • The body's reaction to the introduction of a foreign body.
  • On the nature of the impact.

There are times when the denture rubs the gums. In this situation, you definitely need to visit the dentist, otherwise a strong inflammatory process will begin.

To make the addiction process easier, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Keep your teeth and dentures clean.
  • Clean installed structures using dental floss.
  • Massage your gums regularly.
  • In case of gum rubbing, use a fixing cream, for example, Corega.

Should I take my dentures off at night?

Modern dentures do not have to be removed from the mouth while sleeping. The most important thing is to learn how to remove, put on and store them correctly. To perform the procedure correctly, you can practice making movements in front of a mirror. In the future, your hands will achieve automaticity and you will perform professional manipulations with the prosthesis quickly and correctly.

It is necessary to remove dentures if:

  • An unpleasant burning sensation is felt in the mucous membrane.
  • Feels very dry in the mouth.
  • There is a rash or other unsightly appearance on the body and mouth.

To avoid negative cases with dentures, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. For the best experience with removable dentures, in the first days after installation, it is better to remove them.
  2. Be sure to carry out a hygiene procedure before going to bed. That is, the denture must be thoroughly cleaned of food debris, rinsed and returned back to the oral cavity or left overnight in a prepared container.
  3. The following number of hygiene procedures is recommended. Minimum number: once a day before bedtime. Maximum number: every time after a meal.
  4. It is allowed to leave the denture in the oral cavity overnight only after a hygienic procedure.
  5. If the patient wants to take a break from the prosthesis, it is better to simply remove it at night.
  6. A patient with dentures should not eat sticky foods. You also need to avoid overly solid foods. Such products may damage the device.
  7. During the entire period of adaptation (a couple of weeks), you need to eat well-chopped food. In this case, portions should be small. After the habituation process is completed, you can switch to normal nutrition.
  8. The prosthesis can be adjusted. This is especially important if a foreign device rubs the gums and causes severe discomfort.

Overnight storage

Previously, there was an opinion that dentures must be stored in a glass of water. This is wrong. Yes, a humid environment is important for the device. But only at the initial stage of wear, which lasts about several months. The thing is that fresh plastic can acquire a marbled appearance in the air due to the process of passing monomers. The aquatic environment eliminates the occurrence of such a defect. The same moist environment exists in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is enough to simply wear the prosthesis all the time and, if desired, remove it at night.

Modern dentures can be stored in a box specially designed for this purpose. The product can be wrapped in a cotton rag.


If dentures are removed at night, it is recommended to perform the following care steps:

  1. The structure is thoroughly washed with boiled water. Running water is not suitable for cleaning dental devices. It contains pathogenic microbes.
  2. For cleaning, be sure to use an antiseptic liquid and a brush.
  3. For storage, the devices are placed not in water, but in a special solution. The liquid used helps not only kill bacteria accumulated throughout the day, but also remove any remaining fixing cream from the surface.
  4. Once a year, dental devices should be professionally cleaned, which is carried out in clinics.

If you do not carry out the above-described care measures, the following unpleasant phenomena will occur:

  • The dentures will emit an unpleasant odor.
  • Erosion and ulcers will appear on the mucous membrane.
  • Caries forms on natural teeth.
  • The taste sensations will not correspond to reality.
  • A serious inflammatory process will begin on the gums, which will eventually lead to periodontitis.
  • Over time, the denture will lose its original aesthetic appearance (the product will darken, stains and tartar will appear on it).

Dental clinic specialists can restore the product to its original appearance. With the help of tablets and ultrasonic washing, the product will regain its shine and well-groomed appearance.


About modern materials in removable prosthetics

Modern prosthetic technologies make it possible to produce several types of removable dentures using various materials:

Dentures are made from different materials, which require different approaches to their care and storage.

What are the dangers of indifference?

For many people who have lost teeth, dentures are the only salvation, but they are also a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Artificial teeth will delight their owners if they are provided with proper care and storage. Remains of food in the cavity between the structure and the gums and teeth threaten very unpleasant consequences:

  • bad smell;
  • inflammation of the gums, turning into periodontitis;
  • caries of natural teeth due to the formation of plaque on them;
  • the development of stomatitis, the appearance of small ulcers on the oral mucosa is also possible;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • tarnishing of the structure, discoloration due to smoking and drinking tea and coffee, loss of shine of the metal base.

As a result of careless care, dentures will lose their aesthetic appearance and can pose a serious threat to overall health.

Acrylic structures have the most favorable surface for the growth of bacteria; soft dentures are the safest in this regard. Polyurethane occupies an intermediate position, in all respects, between acrylic and nylon.

Care and storage - it's worth knowing!

The duration of use of dentures, as well as the safety of their use, depends on high-quality oral hygiene, care and proper storage if they are removed at night.

The general rules of care are not complicated. It is recommended to clean dentures made of any material after every meal; just remove it and rinse it with chilled boiled water (it is not recommended to use tap water, as it contains chlorine and various other negative impurities in artificial teeth).

Plastic and acrylic dentures must be cleaned at least once a day with a soft toothbrush (it is advisable to purchase a special one) and delicate toothpaste. It is not recommended to apply force, as you can change the shape of the frame by bending it, or damage the plastic surface.

After cleaning, you should soak the dentures in a special antiseptic solution, which can be purchased at the pharmacy ready-made or in the form of tablets and prepared yourself. At this stage, bacteria and particles of cream, gel or glue that help fix the artificial teeth are destroyed.

Acrylic dentures can and should be removed overnight and stored in this solution for disinfection, but nylon dentures need to be left in the solution for half an hour to an hour.

As a result of prolonged wear and poor cleaning, plaque may form on artificial teeth. You can get rid of it only in a professional workshop. For preventive purposes, dentures should be professionally cleaned every six months.

Products are placed in special containers for storage. If it is necessary to store for a long time, then the container should be filled with a washing solution (available at a pharmacy) or chilled boiled water.

It is better to clean clasp dentures with a special toothbrush, the shape of which will allow you to clean the most inaccessible places under the arch.

It is better not to mechanically clean an arc from several sections, as the metal may darken. Such products should be removed and cleaned after each meal.

But you don’t have to remove the clasp dentures at night, but due to their complex design and long service life, it is useful to purchase a special container with ultrasonic cleaning in which to store them. If you use this method of overnight cleaning, you do not need to carry out disinfection in a special solution.

So to shoot or not to shoot - is it a question or not a question?

Removable products are usually located on the gingival surface of the jaw, which sometimes creates areas that are left without the natural self-cleaning of saliva. Therefore, these structures require thorough cleaning, at least once a day (to do this, the dentures must be removed at night and placed in a special solution), but the best option is to clean after every meal.

Is it worth removing the denture at night if it has already been cleaned after the evening meal? This decision is made by its owner.

Doctors recommend leaving them in your mouth overnight during the period of adaptation to artificial teeth. But this may not be safe for life: it is likely that during sleep there will be a desire to get rid of a foreign body in the mouth, as a result of which the prosthesis can block the airways and cause suffocation.

Acrylic can cause an allergic reaction of varying degrees: from minor inflammation of the gums to the appearance of serious wounds on the oral mucosa. Being constantly in the mouth in contact with saliva, acrylic releases organic compounds (monomers) that are harmful to health.

An unpleasant taste, discomfort and changes in taste sensations can be caused by the metal alloy that is used as the basis of the prosthesis.

The designs use neutral nickel alloys, but during wear the metal will oxidize and this may cause allergies in the form of burning and swelling of the palate, gums and tongue. But the affordable price makes this alloy one of the most popular in orders. Chrome alloys are more hygienic, but they are also more expensive.

Even with them, a local allergy is possible, as with other alloy elements: beryllium, molybdenum and others.

Due to the presence of metal in the design of an acrylic prosthesis, it is not recommended to store it in ordinary tap water: the metal will darken, its oxidation will accelerate and its service life will be shortened.

We have collected interesting, in our opinion, practical tips on cleaning and storing dentures from visitors to our site.


How to properly store removable dentures at night

Proper storage depends on what materials the devices are made of. Functionality and aesthetic appeal can be forgotten if you do not provide proper care and storage.

How to clean removable structures:

  • Rinse your denture under boiled water after every meal and snack;
  • Use a toothbrush with toothpaste that effectively removes food debris and plaque. This should be done when you flush the device;
  • The structure must be treated with a special antiseptic solution. This eliminates excess retention agent and harmful bacteria;
  • You should definitely take your dentures to your dentist for professional cleaning once every six months.

Rinsing with normal water

Although this is the simplest and most accessible method, it is not the most effective. There is no point in dwelling on it. It is important to perform the procedure after eating in order to eliminate excess food in the spaces between the teeth.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out more complex manipulations. Use boiled water. Chlorine contained in water can adversely affect the color of the product.

Using solutions

Once every seven days it is necessary to place the product in special antiseptic liquids for several hours. This way you can get rid of harmful bacteria, food debris and adhesive. The product is sold in pharmacies. These can be special soluble tablets.

The solutions are suitable even for people with very sensitive soft tissues. Even all the efforts of dentists will not help when a person suffers from an allergic reaction.

Other products that carry out ultrasonic cleaning will help here.

Cleaning with a brush

The brush should be selected with soft bristles. Cleaning should be done with a micro-abrasive agent using rotational movements, completely touching the surface of the teeth.

Do not press too hard on the device. If the soft component of the prosthesis is damaged, there may be a need for restoration. It is best to use children's pastes. This is what your dentist will advise you to do.

Professional cleaning

Even if all hygienic principles are observed, an artificial prosthesis should be handed over to professionals once every six months. For cleaning purposes, the same device is used as for ultrasonic stone removal. With it you can effectively clean the most difficult to reach areas. The dentist will place the product in a special disinfectant. It is very useful to polish the surface of the teeth. The manipulation does not take more than an hour.

Do I need to remove dentures at night?

This question is asked very often by patients. The structures must be stored according to all rules at any time of the day. At night, as you already understand, modern removable devices are not removed, since with systematic use a person gets used to them much faster.

To maintain their proper shape at all times, most fixtures must be kept wet. If the structure is removed for a long period of time, then it is placed in a container with boiling water or in a special liquid that is intended for soaking dental products. Available for sale in pharmacies.

There is no need to place a prosthesis with metal parts in a chlorinated liquid. This will help them darken.

Keep in mind that the denture can become damaged if it is allowed to dry out.

How to wear removable dentures

A person must learn independently and correctly install a prosthesis in the oral cavity. This is easy to do while in front of a mirror. The first time after installation will be unusual and it is better not to remove the product at night so that the product adapts during sleep. Is it necessary to remove dentures at night in the future? This is done at the request of the client, but dentists recommend removing the prosthesis to resume trophic processes in the tissues and restore the qualities of the base material.

A person can eat any food except very hard and viscous food. It is advisable to start with soft and non-sticky food. It is very useful to eat pieces of apples and pears. They have the necessary rigidity to train the chewing function and cannot cause injury to the mucous membranes.

In order to get used to the prosthesis and not affect your speech, it is very important to talk a lot and quickly at first. Read tongue twisters, newspapers, magazines.

Whitening dentures

This manipulation is required if you have neglected the care of the devices for a long time. This attitude always entails darkening of the product.

Experts do not recommend whitening using special whitening pastes. These products are highly abrasive; the surface of the structure is not suitable for such procedures. The use of abrasive substances will cause serious damage to the structure.

If your denture has darkened, you should take it to a professional. At home, you can purchase special cleansing tablets for this purpose. Buy an ultrasonic cleaner for thorough cleaning and disinfection.

Professional cleansing can be carried out using special ultrasonic containers. In such baths you will not only successfully get rid of plaque, but you will also be able to restore its original shade and aesthetic appeal.

What are removable dentures made of? Removable dentures without palate

Until recently, dentures had to be kept in a special solution to prevent their rubber base from cracking. Modern products are made from higher quality materials and require other care procedures. Knowing how to properly store dentures at night can significantly extend their service life.

Most often, the cause of breakages and external changes that occur with artificial teeth is improper care and failure to comply with storage requirements. For example, smoking causes dentures to darken, and certain foods stain them. There are also a number of more serious defects that their owners encounter. These include:

  • violation of the integrity of the structure (chips, microcracks);
  • damage or wear to the fastening mechanism, as a result of which the device is poorly fixed and may fall out of the oral cavity.

To avoid such troubles and maintain an attractive appearance of the crowns, it is worth understanding how to store removable dentures correctly and what kind of care they need to be provided. Experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Removable items should be cleaned after every meal. If possible, then it is better to remove it and wash it in warm boiled water. When food remains are difficult to clean out, you should use a brush. If it is impossible to thoroughly treat the denture, then it will be enough to simply rinse the mouth with any antiseptic.
  2. Hygiene measures need to be carried out twice a day - morning and evening. Dentures should be cleaned with a special soft brush. All manipulations should be smooth, there is no need to press hard on the device. You should also choose the right paste for cleaning dentures. This should be a neutral product that does not contain aggressive components.
  3. Often patients do not know in which solution to store dentures. It is best to purchase a liquid with an antiseptic effect for this purpose. You need to keep the dental structure in it for at least two hours or even all night. Caring for your dentures in this way will help avoid the development of inflammation and infections in the oral cavity that occur due to bacteria accumulating on the surface of the product.
  4. No matter how carefully you care for your prosthesis, it will still not be possible to clean it perfectly at home. It can only be done in a dental clinic, so it is important to visit a specialist at least once every six months. He will inspect and, if necessary, restore the dental device using special tools and products.

In addition, do not forget that you must handle the dental structure very carefully during cleaning. You need to make sure it doesn't fall. You need to remove it carefully, without making sudden movements or pressure.

Patients often ask whether they need to remove dentures at night. Experts' opinions on this issue are divided. Some of them believe that during the adaptation period it is better to leave them in the mouth so that the addiction goes faster. This process usually takes about two weeks. Other experts, on the contrary, advise removing dentures before going to bed so that the gums can rest from constant stress and pressure.

Immediately after installing the products, people complain of discomfort associated with the sensation of a foreign body in the mouth. In a dream, a person is relaxed, his jaw does not compress, which means there is no load on the gums, so the adaptation period takes place in an accelerated manner. As for restrictions on nighttime use, they apply to people suffering from bruxism, since strong clenching of teeth during grinding can damage the dental structure.

Night antiseptic solutions

This storage option is the simplest. To do this, it is enough to purchase a special product at the pharmacy. Similar drugs are sold in the form of liquids and tablets (for example, Corega or Protefix). But it’s worth noting right away that some products are not suitable for daily use, so you should be careful when choosing them.

To prepare the solution yourself, you need to place the tablet in a glass of warm water. When it dissolves, a removable denture is placed in the resulting solution. The product must first be cleaned and thoroughly rinsed under running water. The solution can only be used once, so it must be discarded after use.

Storage in special containers

Purchasing a modern container that is very convenient to store at night will be the best solution. It is a small box made of medical polymer material. The container follows the shape of an orthopedic device, and some models are equipped with a special mesh, with which you can easily remove the prosthesis. The advantages of such containers include:

  • allows you to save on disinfectants;
  • long-term operation and safety, the product, due to being in a safe container, is not exposed to external factors, which means the risk of damage is reduced;
  • The box is compact and sealed, so you can take it with you even on a trip.

The method of storing the prosthesis may vary depending on the container model. When choosing a container, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Quality of plastic. The material must be smooth and dense.
  2. Interior decoration. When choosing a container, you must ensure that it is the same size as the prosthesis. A box that is too large or small may damage the dentures. In addition, the tightness will be broken, and this will lead to a violation of the storage conditions of artificial teeth.

It is desirable that the kit includes a special mesh, but this condition is not mandatory. Patients often do not understand why it is needed. The mesh makes it easier to remove the artificial jaw, while all the disinfectant solution remains inside the case and does not splash out, so you won’t need to change it often.

Dental clinics provide cleaning services for artificial dentures using special ultrasonic instruments that help remove not only dirt and plaque, but also bacteria. Today, such devices can be used at home; they can be purchased at any pharmacy for about 500 rubles.

The device operates using ultrasonic waves, which form a large number of microscopic bubbles in a special bath. These bubbles penetrate the smallest pores of the prosthesis and clean them without damaging the surface of the product.

The cost of an ultrasonic device is high, but the money spent quickly pays off, because you do not need to purchase antiseptics, special brushes and other hygiene devices for it.

In order for a denture to last for many years and not lose its attractiveness, it must be carefully cared for. In addition, orthopedic devices must be stored correctly. Therefore, when operating such devices, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • do not forget to clean the removable device before going to bed, it is also advisable to rinse it in a disinfectant solution;
  • At night, place the removable denture in a prepared container or container;
  • if you use a regular glass, then you need to boil it and then pour a special solution into it, in this case the product will not dry out, and harmful bacteria will not form on its surface;
  • Do not use disinfectant liquid repeatedly, as its beneficial properties are quickly lost.

Before placing a denture, it should be rinsed with cool boiled water, as some antiseptics contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction. Dental structures should not be washed with hot water, as they may become deformed.

Removable dentures are represented by structures that are fixed on the gums not with glue, but with the help of special clasps. Such dentures are made when the patient has lost one tooth unit or, most often, several. Most of the current designs are made from modern acrylic plastic. This material is durable and retains both color and shape for a long time.

Why it may be necessary to remove a prosthesis

If we discuss modern prostheses, then it is not at all necessary to take them off every night. Orthopedists recommend removing them if you feel a burning sensation on the mucous membranes or dryness in the oral cavity. It also happens that a rash appears on the body. But these cases are rare and allergic in nature. If it occurs, you need to go to the doctor to eliminate the causes of this pathological situation.

Another point why a patient may need to remove dentures at night is his own fears. A certain percentage of people are quite suspicious of their own health and the manipulations that doctors perform with it. Removable dentures are an innovation in their lifestyle, they need to get used to them, realize that they now replace missing teeth. A person may be afraid that the prosthesis will fall out of place in a dream, that it could be injured. Some prosthetic owners even worry that they will be able to swallow a small prosthesis (although this is very problematic).

Of course, a doctor can dispel such fears. If the patient trusts his orthopedist, and he, in turn, explained to the person everything about the use of prostheses, worries will disappear on their own. But if the person himself decides that it is safer for him to remove the prosthesis at night, then he may well do so.

Many fears and anxieties arise due to ignorance and incompetence in a particular issue. The same applies to prosthetics: people have many prejudices regarding them. And even though almost a third of all the inhabitants of the planet have removable structures, people may be embarrassed by their prostheses, not give themselves the opportunity to remember them as little as possible, and use them without any discomfort.

Useful information about removable dentures

There is only one conclusion: it is quite possible to leave the denture in the mouth overnight, the main condition is to clean it before going to bed. If you want to take a break from the prosthesis, you can remove it. And for storage, purchase special containers.

Video: How to live with removable dentures

How to store dentures at night

Previous rubber prostheses, which were used before modern acrylic structures, had to be removed every night. And they left them overnight in a regular glass of water. Today, with prosthetics, things are a little different. Only at the initial stage of construction a humid environment is required, no more than one and a half months. Acrylic plastic takes on its best appearance when exposed to air, which is explained by the passage of monomers.

The logic is simple: the human mouth already has a humid environment, which means that dentures can be worn in the mouth, removing them only occasionally. And they need to be stored not in glasses, but in convenient containers. In some cases, dentures may be wrapped in cotton cloth.

If you are going to take out your dentures before going to bed, you need to follow simple instructions.

How to properly remove dentures at night:

  • the structures are removed and washed thoroughly with boiled water (but not running!);
  • The prosthesis can be cleaned with a special liquid with an antiseptic effect, as well as with a brush;
  • place the structure in a special solution: this composition destroys bacteria that have accumulated during the day, and also removes the remnants of the fixing cream.

Korega tablets for cleaning dentures

About once a year, dentures should be professionally cleaned at a dental clinic. Immediately after installing the structure, ask the doctor how to properly clean them, where to get the composition and storage container, and how often to come for preventive appointments. The doctor is obliged to provide you with comprehensive information.

Video: Should I take my dentures off at night?

Consequences of insufficient denture care

Dental removable structures require constant care. If you neglect it, you can face a whole list of problems. Therefore, from the very first day of using dentures, you need to follow the rules of care.

Possible consequences of insufficient denture care:

  • repulsive odor emanating from dentures;
  • carious destruction of native teeth;
  • ulcers and erosions on the mucous membrane;
  • inflammatory process on the gums;
  • change in taste sensations for the worse;
  • aesthetic defects of removable structures.

You should definitely seek help from specialists so that they can return your dentures to their previous appearance with professional cleaning. This will extend the life of the dentures. As a rule, all modern clinics carry out such cleaning.

How to get used to dentures faster

The problem of leaving the denture overnight or removing it usually occurs among those who are not fully accustomed to such teeth. At the same time, the person himself must show some effort; addiction requires the involvement of the owner of the prosthesis in this adaptation period.

How to get used to removable dentures

Adaptation measuresHow often to doNotes

At least three to four times a day for at least five minutes.At the same time, you need to read expressively and measuredly so that the articulatory apparatus gets used to the new teeth.

The dentures do not need to be removed at all for at least 4-5 days.This is a mandatory measure - the key to successful addiction.

An ordinary apple will help: cut it into pieces, chew gradually. Eat one or two apples a day this way.Listen to your feelings; if the discomfort is severe, you should go to the doctor.

You need to clean your denture twice a day, morning and evening.After every meal, rinse your mouth.

Although not often, it happens that at first a new design can cause vomiting. There is no need to panic and remove the prosthesis: breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids. Sucking mints will help relieve the urge.

How common is denture intolerance?

There is a small percentage of patients who still cannot get used to removable structures. If the person himself follows all the instructions for successful adaptation, but the discomfort does not go away, this indicates intolerance to the prostheses. Usually, in this case, the prosthesis gets in the way, is perceived as a hindrance in the mouth, rubs the gums, spoils pronunciation, and makes it impossible to eat without feeling uncomfortable.

Oddly enough, the dentist is a bad helper in such a situation. In most such cases, we are talking about psychological intolerance. Some internal attitudes prevent a person from accepting a prosthesis. It is logical to assume that you need to see a psychologist. This practice exists, and it is quite successful.

How to reduce pain symptoms when wearing a prosthesis

At first, a person may feel some pain while chewing. This is explained by the unusual load; over time, such sensations should go away. The gums, a certain area of ​​which was without teeth for some time, “forgot” this condition with a full row of teeth, so it can be uncomfortable. Some patients say that they feel as if the denture is pressing on their gums.

To remove these negative feelings, give up solid food for the first month - food should be as soft and comfortable as possible. Solid foods are allowed only as you get used to the dentures.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the mucous membrane: any damage, even the slightest, should be prevented. They are fraught with an inflammatory process that will interfere with the use of prostheses. Prolonged pain during the use of prostheses is explained by only two reasons: hypersensitivity of the patient’s mucous membrane or an incorrectly made prosthesis, the size of which did not suit the patient.

To ease the condition of your gums in the first days of adaptation, you can do self-massage. Using fingers treated with an antiseptic, you need to stroke the gum itself in a circular motion. There is only one movement - from the healthy gum area to the inflamed side. When the stroking becomes as comfortable as possible, the pressure can be increased.

Adaptation to prostheses is the work of the patient, his own efforts. Follow all instructions, do not remove the prosthesis too often, remember that you can sleep in it without any precautions. read on our website.