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How does an electric water activator work? Application of Living and Dead Water (recipes, recommendations) Application of Living and Dead Water

The theory that both “living” and “dead” water can be produced at home became widespread in the 70s of the 20th century and created a sensation in its time. The effectiveness of this concept has never been supported by significant evidence, although even today some people, relying on drawings from famous publications, do not give up attempts to make electrodes at home.

Let's try to understand this issue from a scientific point of view. If you place two electrodes (anode and cathode) in plain water and load them with electric current for 5-6 minutes, then the water molecules will be divided into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-), that is, into acidic and alkaline ions . The water near the anode will become acidic (pH = 4-5), or “dead”, and near the cathode it will become sharply alkaline (pH = 10-11), which is what is called “live”.

By placing a semi-permeable membrane in the middle (a piece of canvas fire hose was used for this purpose in the 1970s), you can prevent the two solutions from mixing. “Living” water is light, has a mild alkaline taste, and sometimes a white precipitate, that is, salt, precipitates in it. “Dead” water has a brown tint, tastes sour, gives off a characteristic sour odor, and contains hydrogen and metal ions.

So what is so good about this so-called “living” water, which is a strong alkaline? What benefits can it bring? Drinking such water is almost the same as drinking a not very concentrated solution of KOH (caustic potassium) or soda. This solution “quenches” hydrochloric acid in the stomach, seriously disrupting the digestion of food and causing the body to double the production of hydrochloric acid. Activation of HCI production, even over a short period of time, will lead to a subsequent increase in acidity in the stomach, and this is a direct path to the development of wounds in the stomach and duodenum. Also, consuming alkali will lead to an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body and other changes, the consequences of which no one has seriously studied (in the same way, there is no information anywhere about the long-term consequences of the influence of “living” water on the body).

As for “dead” (that is, acidic) water, adherents of the above theory usually recommend using it for external purposes: gargling for sore throat, rubbing into sore joints, applying lotions, etc. Medicine has no special objections here, although It’s still worth consulting with an otolaryngologist or dentist. But you definitely shouldn’t drink “dead” water when you have diarrhea...

Properties of living water

Catholyte (living water) and its healing properties

Living Water (LW) is an alkaline solution, bluish in color, with powerful biostimulating properties. Otherwise it is called catholyte. It is a clear, soft liquid with an alkaline taste, the pH of which is 8.5-10.5. You can use freshly prepared water for two days, and only if it was stored correctly - in a closed container, in a darkened room.

Catholyte has a beneficial effect on the body, it intensifies metabolic processes, increases the body's defenses, and improves overall health.

“Live” is water that, when exposed to the body, causes beneficial changes in it: metabolic processes in living tissues are intensified, improving well-being, reducing susceptibility to adverse factors and improving overall health. Living water is characterized by the following properties:

  1. High pH (alkaline water) - catholyte, negative charge.
  2. It is a natural biostimulant that remarkably restores the immune system, provides antioxidant protection for the body, and is a source of vital energy.
  3. Living water stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation in tissues, increases blood pressure in hypotensive patients, improves appetite and digestion.
  4. Promotes regeneration of the colon mucosa with full restoration of intestinal functions.
  5. Living water is a radioprotector, a powerful stimulator of biological processes, and has high extracting and dissolving properties.
  6. Helps improve the detoxifying function of the liver.
  7. Living water ensures rapid healing of wounds, including bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers, stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  8. Smoothes wrinkles, softens the skin, improves the appearance and structure of hair, and copes with the problem of dandruff.
  9. Living water stimulates the transfer of oxygen and electrons from the external environment to cells, which normalizes redox and metabolic processes in cells. This increases the activity of blood cells, tones the central nervous system and striated skeletal muscles.
  10. Promotes the rapid extraction of beneficial substances from something, so herbal tea and herbal baths with catholyte are especially useful, since the herbs are better brewed. Food cooked in catholyte is much tastier and healthier. The extractive property of living water is manifested even at low temperatures. An extract brewed on catholyte at a temperature of 40 - 45°C retains all useful substances, whereas when extracted with ordinary boiling water they are lost.
  11. Helps reduce or even completely eliminate the effects of radiation exposure.

The use of this liquid helps to increase the body's defenses, improve appetite, normalize metabolic processes, increase blood pressure, improve well-being, heal wounds, trophic ulcers, smooth wrinkles, soften the dermis, improve hair structure, eliminate dandruff; restoration of the colon mucosa, as well as the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; rapid healing of wounds.

Catholyte is a natural biostimulant that helps strengthen the immune system and provide antioxidant protection to the body. This liquid has a dual effect: it not only improves overall health, but also enhances the effect of vitamins and other medications taken during treatment.

Properties of dead water

Anolyte (dead water) - description and indications for use

Anolyte (MV) is dead water, light yellowish in color. It is a clear liquid with a somewhat acidic aroma and an astringent sour taste. Acidity - 2.5-3.5 pH. The properties of anolyte can be preserved for half a month, but only if it was stored in a closed container.

Dead water slows down metabolic processes. In terms of its disinfecting effect, it corresponds to treatment with iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc. But unlike them, it does not cause a chemical burn to living tissues and does not stain them, i.e. is a mild antiseptic. Dead water has the following properties:

  1. Low pH (acidic water) - anolyte, positive charge.
  2. It has antiseptic, antiallergic, drying, anthelmintic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. When used internally, dead water lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients, regulates the flow area of ​​blood vessels and improves drainage through their walls, and eliminates blood stagnation.
  4. Promotes the dissolution of stones in the gall bladder, bile ducts of the liver, and kidneys.
  5. Dead water reduces joint pain.
  6. It has a mild hypnotic effect on the central nervous system and reduces muscle tone. When taken, drowsiness, fatigue, and weakness are noted.
  7. Dead water improves the elimination of harmful waste products from the body. Cleanses it perfectly inside and out.
  8. Restores the functions of the sweat, salivary, sebaceous, lacrimal glands, as well as the endocrine glands and the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Dead water, acting on the skin, helps remove dead, keratinized epithelium, restoring local receptor fields of the skin, improving the reflex activity of the whole body.
  10. It enhances the effects of radiation, so it is not recommended to consume dead water internally on sunny summer days, as well as for people living in radiation-contaminated areas.

The use of anolyte contributes to the treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity, lowering blood pressure, normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, eliminating insomnia, and reducing pain in the joints. This liquid helps slow down metabolic processes. In terms of its disinfecting properties, it is in no way inferior to iodine, peroxide and brilliant green. In addition, dead water is a mild antiseptic.

The use of fluid will help eliminate blood stagnation; in dissolving gallstones; in minimizing pain in the joints; in cleansing the body; in improving reflex activity.

It is important to know! Living and dead water interact with each other, and in order not to cause harm, follow these important rules:

  • There should be a time interval of at least 2 hours between taking catholyte and anolyte;
  • when ingesting pure living water, a feeling of thirst arises, which can be muffled by drinking something acidified - tea with lemon, juice, sour compote;
  • living water is an unstable structure that quickly loses its properties; it can be stored for no more than 2 days in a cool, dark place;
  • dead - retains its properties for about 14 days if placed in a closed vessel;
  • both liquids can be used both as preventive measures and as medicines.

When mixing living and dead water, mutual neutralization occurs and the resulting water loses its activity. Therefore, when ingesting living and then dead water, you need to pause between doses for at least 2 hours!

Video - Living and dead water

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Every person wants to be healthy and live a long and happy life. So many decide to act. Folk experience has accumulated many recipes for medicines for various diseases, and a considerable number of medicinal plants have been studied. And all this with one goal - to live as long as possible.

One of these miraculous remedies is living and dead water. This doesn't sound very good to the ear, and a person who is not a follower of unofficial methods of treatment may think that this is some kind of quackery. However, people who have already used these substances do not think so. This is an ideal preventive and medicinal product that helps get rid of a lot of ailments. In addition, such water is widely used in everyday life.

We have already touched on the topic of the source of life in the article ““. Today we will talk about the miraculous properties of waters, living and dead, which obey the laws of physics and are scientifically proven. As a result of electrolysis, which is produced by the activator device (see diagram in the photo), the liquid is endowed with a positive or negative electrical potential. This process helps improve water quality: removing all harmful chemical compounds, pathogenic microbes, fungi, bacteria and other impurities.

In the process of electrolysis transformation, acidic water, which is formed at the positively charged anode, is called “dead”, and alkaline water, which is formed at the negative cathode, is called “live”. The scientific names of the liquids are anolyte and catholyte, respectively.

Anolyte (dead water) - description and indications for use

Anolyte (MV) is dead water, light yellowish in color. It is a clear liquid with a somewhat acidic aroma and an astringent sour taste. Acidity – 2.5-3.5 pH. The properties of anolyte can be preserved for half a month, but only if it was stored in a closed container. This water has:

  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiallergic;
  • antiviral;
  • antipruritic;
  • decongestant;
  • drying effect.

The use of anolyte contributes to the treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity, lowering blood pressure, normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, eliminating insomnia, and reducing pain in the joints. This liquid helps slow down metabolic processes. In terms of its disinfecting properties, it is in no way inferior to iodine, peroxide and brilliant green. In addition, dead water is a mild antiseptic.

The use of fluid will help eliminate blood stagnation; in dissolving gallstones; in minimizing pain in the joints; in cleansing the body; in improving reflex activity.

Catholyte (living water) and its healing properties

Living Water (LW) is an alkaline solution, bluish in color, with powerful biostimulating properties. Otherwise it is called catholyte. It is a clear, soft liquid with an alkaline taste, the pH of which is 8.5-10.5. You can use freshly prepared water for two days, and only if it was stored correctly - in a closed container, in a darkened room.

Catholyte has a beneficial effect on the body, it intensifies metabolic processes, increases the body's defenses, and improves overall health. Catholyte has:

  • biostimulating;
  • general strengthening;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant;
  • wound healing effect.

The use of this liquid helps to increase the body's defenses, improve appetite, normalize metabolic processes, increase blood pressure, improve well-being, heal wounds, trophic ulcers, smooth wrinkles, soften the dermis, improve hair structure, eliminate dandruff; restoration of the colon mucosa, as well as the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; rapid healing of wounds.

Catholyte is a natural biostimulant that helps strengthen the immune system and provide antioxidant protection to the body. This liquid has a dual effect: it not only improves overall health, but also enhances the effect of vitamins and other medications taken during treatment.

It is important to know! Living and dead water interact with each other, and in order not to cause harm, follow these important rules:

  • There should be a time interval of at least 2 hours between taking catholyte and anolyte;
  • when ingesting pure living water, a feeling of thirst arises, which can be muffled by drinking something acidified - tea with lemon, juice, sour compote;
  • living water is an unstable structure that quickly loses its properties; it can be stored for no more than 2 days in a cool, dark place;
  • dead - retains its properties for about 14 days if placed in a closed vessel;
  • both liquids can be used both as preventive measures and as medicines.

Activator device for obtaining healing liquids

People have long used the gifts of nature for medicinal purposes. The “life-giving water” did not go unnoticed. Now you can make dead and living water with your own hands at home. In ancient times, people were deprived of the benefits of civilization and obtained water from natural sources.

Dead - taken from swamps, wells, stagnant lakes. This liquid was not consumed internally; it was used to prepare external potions.

Today, it is not at all necessary to go to the end of the world in order to find a mountain river and get a “healing potion”, because you can prepare it yourself at home, at least according to the video instructions below.

Surely, you have heard about devices with which you can transform ordinary water into living and dead water right at home. Catholyte and anolyte activators have a fairly simple structure. Anyone can make them with their own hands, it is only important to take precautions. In order not to have to compile instructions that may not be understandable to everyone, we bring to your attention a popular video on the Internet.

Self-preparation of catholyte and anolyte allows you to quickly obtain the biologically active liquids necessary for treatment.

Treatment of diseases: recipes

1. . It is recommended to consume 100 ml of living water every day, four times a day, before meals. If you do not have problems with blood pressure, then by the end of the therapeutic course you can drink 200 ml. The duration of treatment is eight days.

Repeat therapy can be carried out after 30 days. You can also do perineal massage and cleansing procedures with heated living water. Thanks to this treatment, after just three days, pain and the urge to urinate will decrease.

2. Sore throat. For three days, rinse your mouth with MV (anolyte) and your nasopharynx. After each procedure, you need to drink 100 ml of catholyte (CA). After three days, not a trace of the illness will remain.

3. . For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nasal passages with dead water. 10 minutes after the procedure, drink half a glass of live liquid. If there is an allergic rash on the skin, then it is necessary to moisten it with MV. The disease subsides after 2-3 days of treatment.

4. Bronchitis and bronchial asthma. For three days, it is recommended to rinse the nasopharynx and oral cavity with slightly warmed MB. The procedure must be carried out at least five times a day. After each procedure, drink ½ glass of the drink. In order to improve the therapeutic effect, inhalations using MV can be used.

Heat the liquid - about a liter to eighty degrees and pour into a container. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. Perform inhalations three times a day. This treatment will help reduce coughing and improve overall well-being.

5. Therapy for hemorrhoids. Wash the anus, cracks or nodes with warmed plain water and soap. Wipe dry and moisten with catholyte. After ten minutes, do the following: moisten a gauze pad in living water and apply it to the painful area. Carry out the manipulation seven times a day.

Before going to bed, consume 100 ml of anolyte. Treatment will help stop bleeding and heal the sores.

6. Toothache, gum problems. Dead water will help against periodontal disease and toothache. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with anolyte for 20 minutes. But for brushing your teeth, use only catholyte.

7. Pathologies of the skin. Brew 50 grams of dry crushed burdock roots in 500 ml of boiled MB. Leave the product for a couple of hours. After filtering, combine the composition with the tincture of the golden mustache - a spoon.

You need to take ½ cup of the medicine three times a day. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey. The duration of therapy is three weeks.

8. Joint pain. Salt deposits. Drink half a glass of dead water 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, and at the same time apply compresses to sore spots. (heat to 40-45 degrees C). After 2-3 days the pain goes away.

9. Bronchial asthma; prolonged bronchitis. Treatment is similar to allergy therapy. 4-5 times a day, after meals, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warm MB. In 10 minutes. after each procedure, take 100 ml of live substance orally. A 10-minute inhalation with dead water will enhance the effect. Before going to bed, inhalation is performed with live water with the addition of soda.

10. Inflammation of the liver. The first day - drink 10 ml of dead water before meals. The second, third and fourth days - 100 ml live.

11. Colitis. Fasting on the first day. On the second day, drink 100 ml of MB with pH 2.0 4 times.

12. Gastritis will go away in 3 days if you take living water 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. On the first day - a quarter of a glass, on the rest - half a glass. To enhance the effect, you can continue treatment for another 3-4 days.

13. goes away in 2 days if you drink half a glass of catholyte, but before that you thoroughly rinse your mouth and nasal passages with it. Soak the herpetic rash with warm dead water (on a cotton swab) and try to remove the crusts. Then, as often as possible (8-10 times a day), apply a tampon with the same water for 3-4 minutes.

On the second day, repeat the procedure with rinsing and drinking, but it will be enough to apply the tampon 3-4 times.

14. Helminthic infestation. Deep cleansing enema MV, and an hour later - ZhV. During the day, take two-thirds of a glass of dead water every hour. On the second day we take 100 ml of live liquid three times half an hour before meals.

15. Taking half a glass of MB 3-4 pH twice in the morning and evening will help reduce blood pressure. if there is an attack, then a whole glass.

16. Taking it in the morning and evening will increase blood pressure; before meals, drink 100 ml of LIV with a pH of 9-10.

17. Burns, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, boils, cuts, scratches, pimples are first treated with dead water and then with living water.

18. Diarrhea will stop if you immediately drink half a glass of anolyte, and an hour later another half glass.

19. Radiculitis, lumbago. The liquid is taken internally, and the dead substance is rubbed in externally.

20. Insomnia, irritability, stress, nervous exhaustion. Drink half a glass of MB at night, and the same dosage half an hour before meals for 3 days.

21. Women's problems: erosion, cervicitis, vaginitis. First, douching is done with dead water, and then with live water. Or after the first douching, place a tampon with catholyte for 15-20 minutes.

22. Gastric and duodenal ulcers, Helicobacter pylori. One hour before meals, drink 100 ml of LIV. Course - 5 days, break 7 days, repeat course.

23. Overeating, stomach stagnation. drink 250 ml MV. After 15 minutes, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.

24. Cholecystitis. Duration of treatment is 4 days. Every day on an empty stomach, drink half a glass of MB, and then half an hour before meals - half a glass of LV pH around 11.

25. Diabetes mellitus. Always drink 100 ml of living water half an hour before meals.

26. Varicose veins. Inside - dead water 100 ml. Externally - compresses with liquid. But if there are wounds or ulcers, they are first washed with MV and then treated with LW. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until the condition improves.

Cosmetology procedures

Many people know about the miraculous power of these liquids. Regular use of anolyte and catholyte helps to: prevent aging processes, eliminate wrinkles, increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, strengthen hair, improve health and rejuvenation.

Domestic use

Both liquids are excellent tools that help not only in the treatment and prevention of ailments. Thanks to dead and living water, you can get rid of pests in the garden, clean dishes, and disinfect the laundry of patients.

For sterilizing jars. Before you start canning, wash the jars thoroughly, first with plain water and then with heated antholite. Soak the lids in it for five minutes.

We refresh the plants. If you notice that your favorite plant is starting to wilt, try the following. Cut off all dry and wilted roots and dip the plant in catholyte. After this, your plant will come to life within 24 hours.

Dead water against aphids and moths. To get rid of pests, spray the plants and soil with anolyte. If there are moths at home, spray all woolen items. This treatment contributes to the death of dirty pests.

Anolyte will protect food from spoilage. Before placing foods (especially perishable ones) in the refrigerator, keep them in the anolyte for about five minutes. Meat, fish and dairy products are subject to such processing. Vegetables can simply be washed.

Scale on dishes is not a problem - as long as there is dead water. Heat the anolyte directly in a kettle or saucepan and leave for two to three hours. After time has passed, remove any remaining softened scale from the walls.

1. Abscess

An unripe abscess should be treated with warm acidic water and a compress of acidic water should be applied to it. If the abscess has broken through or is punctured, then rinse it with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and apply a bandage. Drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) 25 minutes before meals and before bed. When the site of the abscess is finally cleared, its healing can be accelerated with compresses of alkaline water (can also be moistened through a bandage, pH = 9.5-10.5). If pus is noticed again during dressing, then you need to treat it again with acidic water and after that with alkaline water.

2. Allergies. Allergic dermatitis

For three days in a row after eating, rinse your nose (sucking water into it), mouth and throat with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). After each rinse, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). Moisten rashes, pimples, tumors with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) 5-6 times a day. In addition, you need to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.

3. Sore throat (chronic tonsillitis)

For three days, 5-6 times a day and be sure to gargle with warm acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) after each meal. If you have a runny nose, rinse your nasopharynx with it. After each rinse, drink a third of a glass of alkaline (pH=9.5-10.5) water. Heat the water to 38-40 degrees. If necessary, you can rinse more often.

4. Arthritis (rheumatoid)

For a month, drink alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) 250 ml (0.5 cup) 30 minutes before meals. On sore spots, for 25 minutes. apply compresses with warm (40 °C) acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Repeat the procedure every 3-4 hours. If there is no discomfort, then the compress can be kept for up to 45 minutes or up to 1 hour. After removing the compress, the joints should be at rest for 1 hour. For prevention purposes, such procedures should be repeated 2-3 times a year, without waiting for the next exacerbation.

5. Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with warm acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and leave to dry without wiping. At night, apply a compress of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) to your feet, and in the morning, wipe off the whitened and softened skin, and then spread it with vegetable oil. During the procedure, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water half an hour before meals. It is useful to massage your feet. Those places where the veins are very visible should be moistened with acidic water or compresses applied to them, after which they should be moistened with alkaline water.

6. Sore throat (cold throat)

If your throat hurts, it hurts to swallow saliva (for example, at night), you need to start gargling with warm dead (acidic) water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Rinse for 1-2 minutes. After 1-2 hours, repeat rinsing. If the pain started at night, you should immediately gargle without waiting for the morning.

7. Pain in the joints of the arms and legs (salt deposits)

For three to four days, 30 minutes before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Moisten the sore spots with warm acidic water and rub it into the skin. At night, make compresses with the same water. The effectiveness of treatment is increased by regular exercise (eg rotational movements of painful joints).

8. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis

For three to four days after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with acidic water at room temperature (pH = 2.5-3.0). This helps neutralize allergens that cause asthma attacks and coughing. After each rinse, to ease coughing, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). For a normal cough, you need to drink half a glass of the same alkaline water.

9. Brucellosis

Since people become infected with this disease from animals, personal hygiene rules must be observed on farms and in animal premises. After feeding, watering, and milking, you need to wash your hands with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Do not drink unboiled milk. If you are sick, drink 0.5 cups of acidic water before meals. It is useful to periodically disinfect the barnyard (eg by creating a mist of acidic water).

10. Hair loss

After washing your hair with soap or shampoo, you need to rub heated acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) into the scalp. After 5-8 minutes, rinse your head with warm alkaline water (pH = 8.5-9.5) and lightly massage with your fingertips, rub it into the scalp. Without wiping, leave to dry. The procedure must be performed several times a day. It is recommended to repeat this cycle for 4-6 weeks in a row. Itching is relieved, dandruff disappears, inflammation of the skin is gradually eliminated, and hair loss stops.

11. Gastritis

For three days in a row, before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). If necessary, you can drink longer. Stomach acidity decreases, pain goes away, digestion and well-being improve.

12. Facial hygiene, skin softening

In the morning and evening, after washing 2-3 times with a break of 1-2 minutes, moisten your face, neck, hands with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) and let dry without wiping. Apply a compress of alkaline water to places where there are wrinkles and hold for 15-20 minutes. If the skin is dry, you should first wash it with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5), then do the indicated procedures.

13. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)

First of all, you need to follow the rules of oral hygiene, brush your teeth regularly and correctly. After each meal you need several times for 1-2 minutes. rinse the mouth with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0), disinfect the mouth and gums. Rinse one last time with alkaline water to neutralize the effect of acid on tooth enamel. It is useful to massage your gums periodically.

14. Worms (helminthiasis)

In the morning, after bowel movement, do a cleansing enema, and then an enema with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). After an hour, do an enema with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). Then during the day, every hour, drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). The next day, drink alkaline water in the same order to restore energy. If after two days the disease has not gone away, the procedure should be repeated.

15. Purulent and trophic wounds

Treat the wound with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) and leave to dry. After 5-8 minutes, the wound should be moistened with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). The procedure must be done 6-8 times a day. Instead of wetting the wound, you can apply a sterile bandage moistened with alkaline water, and then, when dry, pour the same water onto the bandage. If the wound continues to fester, the procedure should be repeated.

16. Fungus

Before treatment, the affected areas should be washed with hot water and soap and wiped dry. If the nails are affected by fungus, then they need to be kept in hot water longer, then trimmed and cleaned. Then moisten the affected surface with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). Then periodically moisten with the same water 6-8 times a day. When treating toenail fungus, it is convenient to make a foot bath and soak your feet in warm acidic water for 30-35 minutes. Wash the socks and soak them in acidic water. Shoes should also be disinfected by pouring acidic water into them for 10-15 minutes.

17. Flu

For the first day, it is recommended not to eat anything, so as not to waste the body’s energy on digesting food, but to use it to fight viruses. Periodically, 6-8 times a day (or more often), rinse your nose, mouth and throat with lukewarm acidic (pH = 2.5-3.0) water. Drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) a couple of times a day.

18. Dysentery

The first day there is nothing to eat. During the day, drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) 3-4 times.

19. Diathesis

Moisten all rashes and swelling with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and allow to dry. Then apply alkaline water compresses to these places and leave for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

20. Disinfection

Acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) is an excellent disinfectant, so when you rinse your mouth, throat or nose with it, germs, toxins, and allergens are destroyed. When washing your hands and face, the skin is disinfected. By wiping furniture, dishes, floors, etc. with this water, these surfaces are reliably disinfected.

21. Dermatitis (allergic)

First of all, you need to eliminate the causes that cause allergic dermatitis (contact with herbs, dust, chemicals, odors). Moisten rashes and swollen areas only with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). After eating, it is useful to rinse your mouth, throat and nose with acidic water.

22. Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and let dry without wiping. After 8-10 minutes, moisten your feet with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) and also allow to dry without wiping. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days, and then once a week for prevention. Additionally, acidic water can disinfect socks and shoes. The unpleasant odor disappears, the skin on the heels softens and the skin is renewed.

23. Constipation

To treat constipation, you need to drink a glass of living water (pH = 9.5-10.5). Digestion and food permeability will improve. If constipation occurs frequently, you should find out the cause.

24. Toothache

Rinse your mouth with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) for 10-20 minutes. If necessary, repeat rinsing. Rinse your mouth one last time with alkaline water to neutralize the effect of acid on tooth enamel.

25. Heartburn

Before meals, drink a glass of alkaline water pH = 9.5-10.5 (reduces acidity, stimulates digestion). If this does not help, then you need to drink additionally after meals.

26. Conjunctivitis (styre)

Rinse your eyes with warm acidic water of low concentration (pH=4.5-5.0), and after 3-5 minutes - with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). Repeat the procedure 4-6 times a day.

27. Laryngitis

Gargle throughout the day with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). In the evening, rinse for the last time with warm alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). For prevention purposes, you can periodically gargle after eating with acidic water of the specified concentration.

28. Runny nose

Rinse your nose 2-3 times, gradually drawing in acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5) and clean (blow your nose). Repeat 2-3 times. For children, drop this water into the nose with a pipette and clean out the nose. You can repeat the procedure several times during the day.

29. Swelling of hands and feet

For three days, 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals and at night, drink ionized water in this order:

  1. the first day, 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5);
  2. second day, ¾ cup of acidic water;
  3. third day - 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5)

30. Acute respiratory diseases

Periodically rinse your mouth, throat, and rinse your nose with warmed acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). Make the last evening rinse with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). Additionally, using an inhaler, you can inhale the lungs with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). After the procedure, drink a quarter to a half glass of alkaline water.

31. Otitis media

To cure otitis media, you need to carefully rinse the ear canal with heated dead water (pH = 2.5-3.0), then absorb the remaining water with a cotton swab (dry the canal). After this, apply a compress with warm acidic water to the sore ear. Wipe off discharge and pus with acidic water.

32. Periodontal disease, bleeding gums

Rinse your mouth for 10-20 minutes with heated acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). Then massage the gums with a soft toothbrush or your fingers (moving from top to bottom for the upper jaw and from bottom to top for the lower jaw). The procedure can be repeated. Finally, rinse your mouth with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) for 3-5 minutes.

33. Polyarthritis

One cycle of water procedures – 9 days. For the first 3 days, you should drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) 30 minutes before meals and before bedtime. The fourth day is a break. On the fifth day, before meals and at night, drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=8.5-9.5). The sixth day is another break. For the last three days (7, 8, 9), drink acidic water again, as in the first days. If the disease is old, you need to make compresses from warm acidic water on the sore spots, or rub it into the skin.

34. Diarrhea

Drink a glass of acidic water (pH=2.5-3.5). If the diarrhea does not stop within an hour, drink another glass.

35. Cuts, abrasions, scratches

Rinse the wound with dead water (pH=2.5-3.5) and wait until it dries, then apply a swab to it, generously soaked in alkaline (pH=9.5-10.5) water and bandage it. Continue treatment with alkaline water. If pus appears, treat the wound with acidic water again and continue treatment with alkaline water. For small scratches, just moisten them with alkaline water several times.

36. Bedsores

Carefully wash the bedsores with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0), allow to dry, then moisten with warm living water (pH=8.5-9.5). After bandaging, you can moisten it with alkaline water through a bandage. When pus appears, the procedure is repeated, starting with acidic water. The patient is recommended to lie on linen sheets.

37. Neck cold

Make a compress with warm living water (pH = 9.5-10.5) on the neck, drink 0.5 glasses of the same water before meals. The pain goes away and movement is restored.

38. Pimples, facial seborrhea

In the morning and evening, after washing with warm water and soap, wipe your face and moisten it with warm acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5). You can moisten pimples more often. This procedure is also suitable for removing juvenile acne. When the skin is clean, it can be wiped with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5).

39. Psoriasis (scaly lichen)

Before treatment, you need to wash well with soap, steam the affected areas with the maximum tolerable water temperature, or make a hot compress to soften the scales (damaged skin). After this, moisten the affected areas with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0), and after 5-8 minutes begin to moisten with warm alkaline water (pH=8.5-9.5). Next, for 6 days in a row, these places should be moistened only with alkaline water and the frequency of wetting should be increased to 6-8 times a day. In addition, for the first 3 days, 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, you need to drink 200-250 ml of acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0), and the next 3 days - the same amount of alkaline water ( pH=8.5-9.5). After the first cycle, it is recommended to take a week break, after which the procedures continue again. The required number of such cycles depends on the individual organism and patience. Usually 4-5 cycles are enough.

For some people, the affected skin becomes very dry, cracked, and painful. In such cases, it is recommended to moisten it several times with acidic water (weaken the effect of alkaline water). After 4-5 days, the affected areas begin to clear up, and islands of clean, pink skin appear. Gradually the scales disappear. You should avoid spicy foods, smoked foods, alcohol, and do not smoke.

40. Radiculitis, rheumatism

For two days, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink 200 ml of alkaline water (pH = 8.5-9.5). It is good to rub warm acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0) into the sore spot or make a compress from it. Try to avoid colds.

41. Skin irritation

Rinse your face several times (wet the irritated areas) with live water (pH=9.5-10.5) and let it dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply to them for 5-10 minutes. swabs soaked in alkaline water. The skin heals quickly and becomes softer.

42. Skin tears on the heels of the feet. Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with dead water (pH = 2.5-3.0) and without wiping, allow to dry. After 8-10 minutes, moisten your feet with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) and also allow to dry without wiping. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days, and then once a week for prevention. While the skin is wet and soft, you can rub it with a pumice stone to remove dead skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the heels, tears, cracks with vegetable oil and let it absorb. Additionally, acidic water can disinfect socks and shoes. The unpleasant odor disappears, cleansing occurs, the skin on the heels softens and is renewed.

43. Enlarged veins (varicose veins)

The areas of varicose veins and bleeding areas must be washed or wiped well several times with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0), allowed to dry, then apply alkaline water compresses to them for 15-20 minutes (pH = 9.5- 10.5). Drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water of the same concentration. Such procedures should be repeated until a noticeable result appears.

44. Salmanelliosis

Rinse the stomach with warm acidic water (pH=2.5-3.5). For the first day, do not eat anything, only periodically, after 2-3 hours, drink 0.5 glasses of acidic water. Additionally, you can do an enema of warm acidic water.

45. Diabetes mellitus

Always drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) before meals. Additionally, massage of the pancreas and self-hypnosis of the idea that it produces insulin well are recommended.

46. ​​Stomatitis

After each meal, rinse your mouth with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0) for 3-5 minutes. Apply cotton swabs with this water to the affected oral mucosa for 5 minutes. After this, rinse your mouth with boiled water, and rinse well for the last time with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). When the wounds begin to heal, it is enough to rinse your mouth after eating only with warm alkaline water.

47. Eye injury

In case of minor injury (pollution, slight bruise), rinse the eye with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) 4-6 times a day.

48. Anal fissures

After emptying, wash cracks and knots with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0). After 5-10 minutes, begin to moisten these areas with alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5) or apply tampons with this water. Tampons need to be changed as they dry out. Continue this way until your next visit to the toilet, after which the procedures begin again. The duration of the procedures is 4-5 days. At night you should drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water.

49. Improve blood circulation

If there is a sufficient amount of alkaline water, baths with this water are recommended, or after taking a regular bath or shower, dousing with this water (pH = 9.5-10.5). After dousing, without wiping, allow the body to dry.

50. Feeling better

Periodically (1-2 times a week) rinse your nose, mouth and throat with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0), then drink a glass of alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). It is best to do this after breakfast and after dinner (at night). This procedure must be done after contact with sick people (for example, during a flu epidemic), when there is a possibility of infection. Upon returning home, you need to rinse your throat, nose, and wash your hands and face with acidic water. Increased energy, vigor, and improved performance. Microbes and bacteria die.

51. Improved digestion

If the stomach stops working (for example, when overeating or when mixing incompatible foods, such as bread with potatoes and meat), drink a glass of alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). If after half an hour the stomach has not started working, then you need to drink another 0.5-1 glass.

52. Hair care

Once a week, wash your hair with plain water and soap or shampoo, then rinse it well with alkaline water (pH = 8.5-9.5) and leave it to dry without wiping.

53. Skin care

Regularly wipe the skin or wash with acidic water (pH=5.5). After this, you should wash with living water (pH = 8.5-9.5). Constant use of ionized water has a beneficial effect on the skin, softens and rejuvenates it. Various rashes, pimples, blackheads should be moistened with acidic water (pH=2.5-3.0)

54. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)

For four days in a row, 30 minutes before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of ionized water in the following sequence:

  • before breakfast – acidic water (pH=2.5-3.5)
  • before lunch and before dinner – alkaline water (pH=8.5-9.5)

Nausea disappears, pain in the abdomen, heart and right shoulder blade disappears, bitterness in the mouth disappears.

55. Brushing your teeth

For prevention, after eating, rinse your mouth with alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5). Brush your teeth with toothpaste, rinsing with alkaline water. In order to disinfect the oral cavity and teeth, after eating, rinse your mouth with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5). Do the final rinse with alkaline water. If your gums are bleeding, then after each meal you need to rinse your mouth with acidic water several times. Bleeding gums decreases, stones gradually dissolve.

56. Furunculosis

Wash the affected area with hot water and soap, then disinfect with warm dead water (pH=2.5-3.0) and let dry. Next, compresses with the same acidic water should be applied to the boils, changing them 4-5 times a day or more often. After 2-3 days, the wounds should be washed with alkaline water (pH=8.5-9.5) to speed up healing. In addition, you need to drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water 3 times a day before meals (if you have diabetes, after meals).

57. Eczema, lichen

First, the affected areas need to be steamed (make a hot compress), then moistened with living water (pH = 9.5-10.5) and allowed to dry without wiping. Then, for a week or longer, moisten with alkaline water 4-6 times a day. Drink 0.5 glasses of alkaline water at night.

58. Cervical erosion

Douche at night or do vaginal baths with warm (38 O C) acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.0). A day later, do the same procedure with warm, fresh alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). After a 7-10 minute bath, you can leave a tampon soaked in alkaline water in the vagina for several hours.

59. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

For 5-7 days, 1 hour before meals, drink 0.5-1 glass of alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5). If the acidity is low or zero, then during a meal or after a meal you should drink a third or half a glass of acidic water (pH=2.5-3.5). After this, take a week's break, and, despite the fact that the pain has disappeared, repeat the course 1-2 more times until the ulcers are completely scarred. If your blood pressure is normal and does not increase from alkaline water, then its dose can be increased. During the treatment process, you need to follow a diet, avoid spicy, rough foods, raw smoked meat, do not smoke, do not drink alcoholic beverages, and do not overexert yourself.

Nausea and pain quickly disappear, appetite and well-being improve, acidity decreases. Duodenal ulcers heal much faster and better.

60. After sexual intercourse for the prevention of sexually transmitted and fungal diseases sexually transmitted diseases, rinse the genitals and mucous membranes generously with acidic water no later than 15 minutes after contact.

Application on the farm

1. Control of small plant pests

Places where pests accumulate (cabbage whiteflies, aphids, etc.) should be irrigated with acidic water (pH=2.5). If necessary, water the soil too. The procedure should be repeated. To kill moths, you should spray carpets, woolen items, or possible places where they live with acidic water. When destroying cockroaches, this procedure must be repeated after 5-7 days, when young cockroaches hatch from the laid eggs. The pests die or leave their favorite places.

2. Disinfection of dietary eggs

Rinse dietary eggs well with acidic water (pH = 2.5-3.5), or dip them in this water for 1-2 minutes, and then wipe or let dry.

3. Disinfection of face and hands

If there is a possibility of infection, it is enough to rinse your nose, throat, wash your face and hands with acidic water (pH = 2.5) and without wiping, let it dry.

4. Disinfection of floors, furniture, equipment

Spray the furniture with acidic water (pH=2.5) and wipe it off after 10-15 minutes. You can simply wipe the furniture with a cloth soaked in acidic water. Wash the floor with acidic water.

5. Disinfection of premises

Small rooms can be washed with acidic water (spray the ceiling, walls, wash the floor). It is more convenient to create an aerosol (fog) from acidic water indoors using special installations or a garden sprayer. This method is more suitable for disinfecting large premises: farms, pigsties, poultry houses, as well as greenhouses, vegetable stores, basements, etc.

There is no need to remove animals and birds from the premises - acidic water (pH = 2.5) is completely harmless. It is useful to do such procedures periodically, at least once a month. The aerosol is 2-5 times more effective at reducing microflora.

6. Disinfection of various containers

Wash containers (boxes, baskets, pallets, jars, bags, etc.) with acidic water (pH=2.5) and dry (preferably in the sun). The effect will be even better if you first rinse the container with alkaline water (pH = 10.0-11.0), and then treat it with the specified acidic water.

7. Treatment of diarrhea in poultry and animals

If piglets, calves, chickens, ducklings, goslings, or turkey poults have diarrhea, it is recommended to give them acidic water (pH = 4.0–5.0) instead of regular water several times during the day until the diarrhea stops. If they do not drink themselves, you need to mix the food or drink with acidic water.

8. Neutralization of hives, honeycombs, and beekeeper’s equipment

Before placing a family of bees in the empty hive, rinse it well with acidic water and dry it. Also treat frames and equipment with acidic water and dry (preferably in the sun). Water concentration is about 2.5 pH. This treatment is not dangerous for bees.

9. Degreasing glass surfaces

To wash and degrease glass, use the good cleaning properties of alkaline (pH = 9.5-10.5) water: first you need to moisten the glass with it, wait a little and rinse. This way you can wash car windows, greenhouses, windows, etc.

10. Revitalization of wilted flowers and green vegetables

Trim dried roots (stems) of flowers and green vegetables. After this, dip them in low concentration alkaline water (pH = 7.5-8.5) and keep them in it.

11. Water softening

When soft water is required (eg for making coffee, tea, kneading dough, etc.), alkaline water should be used. Before use, wait for sediment to form in the water. When boiling, the activity disappears, leaving clean and soft water.

12. Sterilization of jars and lids

Rinse glass jars and lids with alkaline water (pH=8.0-9.0), or keep in it for half an hour. Then rinse them with acidic water (pH = 2.5), or hold them in it and dry.

13. Stimulate poultry growth

Small weak chickens, ducklings, turkey poults should be given alkaline water (pH=9.5-10.5) for 2-3 days in a row. In case of diarrhea, give them acidic water (pH=4.0–5.0) until the diarrhea stops. In the future, you should drink alkaline water no more than 1-2 times a week.

14. Promote growth, improve the appetite of livestock

Livestock, especially young animals, should be given low concentration alkaline water (pH=7.5-8.5) periodically, but not more than 1-2 times a week. Small calves can be given alkaline water and milk mixed in the ratio: 1 liter of alkaline water to 2 liters of milk. Dry food can be moistened and sprinkled with alkaline water. The total mass of alkaline water should not exceed 10 grams per 1 kg of live weight of the animal. The mortality rate of young animals decreases, appetite improves, and animals gain weight faster. Alkaline water of higher concentration does not produce a noticeable effect.

15. Washing linen and clothes while saving detergents

1. Soak the laundry in acidic water (pH=2.5) for 0.5-1 hour (disinfection).

2. Wash and rinse clothes in alkaline water (pH = 9.5-10.5), using only a third or half of the usual amount of detergents. No bleaching is required with this washing method.

16. Giving calves alkaline water

Give calves 1-2 times a week alkaline water (pH=8.0-9.0). It can also be added to milk for feeding calves (1 liter of water per 2 liters of milk). Weak calves should be given alkaline water for several days in a row until they get stronger. In cases of diarrhea, give acidic water (pH=4.0-5.0).

In contact with

Many of us have heard about the so-called living and dead water. This is discussed in books, this issue is touched upon in cinema, and finally, you can find information about such water on the World Wide Web.

And this is not fiction, living and dead water really exists. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Dead water (anolyte) is a solution obtained as a result of electrolysis, which has a large positive charge and a strongly acidic acid-base balance. Anolyte is known for the following properties:

  • disinfectants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimycotic (antifungal);
  • antiallergic.

Why does anolyte have such healing properties? There are no miracles here, everything is quite natural and can be explained from a scientific point of view.

The fact is that during the electrolysis process, chlorine and oxygen radicals and hydrogen peroxide are concentrated in the anode zone.

But they are the ones who help macrophages (the protective cells of our body) destroy the viruses, microbes, and fungi that come across them.

That's why contact of anolyte with a microbial cell leads to destruction of the microbial cell wall, leakage of cell components into the intercellular space, disruption of the functions of the ribosomal apparatus (it is responsible for the biosynthesis of protein from amino acids), and other unfavorable changes.

Living and dead water is certainly beneficial for the body, but so that it does not develop from a means of treatment into the category of “mutilation”, you need to know that:

  • between the intake of dead and living water there must be at least two hours;
  • When using living water not in combination with dead water, a feeling of thirst may occur. There is no need to suffer: drink acidified tea or compote;
  • Living water quickly loses its properties, since it is an unstable active system. At storing living water in a cool, dark place it can be used throughout two days, and then a new alkaline solution (catholyte) should be prepared;
  • dead water can retain its properties for 2 weeks if stored in a closed container;
  • both dead and living can be used not only as a means of treatment, but also as a way to prevent diseases of the body.

But how do you get living and dead water?

Apparatus AP-1 ^

This device has a fairly high level of quality; it is a so-called electroactivator. In its manufacture the following were used:

  • food grade plastic;
  • electrodes made of ultra-strong noble metals;
  • A ceramic glass made from a special type of clay.

Positive features of the product are the following points:

  1. The device looks very nice in appearance;
  2. it allows you to get almost one and a half liters of water in just 20-30 minutes;
  3. the device is characterized by low power consumption - at the level of a 40-watt light bulb;
  4. The anodes of the device are made of titanium and coated with a platinum group metal, the cathodes are made of stainless steel.

But it should be noted that AP-1 costs significantly more than other devices. So, for a model with an indicator reflecting water quality, you will have to pay about 100 US dollars.

"PTV" ^

This device differs significantly from the previous three, since it is intended primarily for professional activities (sanatoriums, rest homes, medical institutions), although it is also used at home.

The main advantages of the device are:

  • low power consumption for a product of this class – 75 watts;
  • thick electrodes;
  • long service life.

Besides, This device does not have a glass in which dead water is prepared. Instead, there are simply two separate containers separated by a special wood membrane.

But still, the disadvantage of this device is its cost. For home use device 130-140 dollars- already too much.

Are you concerned about your health and the condition of your back? Then be sure to read the article about how healthy they are, how much they cost, how to make the right choice?

In the summer (and generally in the warm) season, it is very useful to swim in the fresh air. Summer shower cabins installed in the country can help you with this. Read all the most important and up-to-date information: prices, selection and installation features!

A very beneficial activity for health (including weight loss) is water aerobics. Read more about this sport in the article:
, it is very interesting!

Making living and dead water with your own hands ^

In addition to the officially manufactured devices discussed above, there are also homemade ones. We will offer one proven method for making water yourself. So, for this you will need:

  • two stainless steel mugs;
  • several syringes;
  • ordinary wire - a cord with a plug at the end;
  • one diode.

It is better to purchase mugs with handles, since you need to drill a hole directly in the handle and screw a diode into it (you should use diodes with a load of 220 volts, 6-amp).

The mugs themselves should be mounted on a stand made of non-conducting material. To strengthen it, you can cut holes in the stand that are equal in diameter to the bottom of the mugs, or you can simply glue the mugs.

Two syringes are glued together into a single U-shaped tube (to do this you will have to cut their tops), and another syringe is firmly inserted on top (directly into the middle of the crossbar of the imaginary letter “P”).

When the homemade device is ready, the mugs need to be filled with water and placed on a stand.

The prepared tube should be lowered into the circles so that one end of the letter “P” is in the left circle, and the other in the right.

After this, the upper syringe is pulled out all the way (thereby filling the tube with water). Then the end of the wire with a positive charge is connected to the diode (remember, it is installed in the handle of one of the mugs), and the end of the wire with a “minus” is connected to the other mug.

The plug is plugged into the outlet and left overnight. By morning, this unique device will produce dead water (in the mug where the diode is installed) and live water.

How to make water in the device? Instructions for use ^

Of course, not everyone will decide to create a device for preparing living and dead water on their own, and therefore you need to know how to work with the purchased device.

So, most devices have a container for living water and a separate glass for dead water (as we have seen, the glass can be fabric or ceramic).

Initially, the container is filled with water, and then the device turns on.

After this, the process of polarization of solutions begins and standard electroosmosis clearly occurs: the liquid flows towards the negative charge (accordingly, the anolyte level drops).

As soon as the redox indicators of the catholyte and anolyte are equalized, the water will flow in the opposite direction due to repolarization.

In this interesting way, factory-made devices provide the production of living and dead water.

What do people say? Reviews about the use of living and dead water ^

All descriptions, of course, are good, but you always want to learn about the use of devices and the water itself from ordinary people. Having collected all the information from the reviews, we offer some of the most common points:

1) making a device yourself is quite unsafe, since there is a high risk of water contamination due to the materials from which this device will be created;

2) the cheapest devices do not achieve the intended effect, and therefore their purchase is a waste of money;

3) water can be used to heal wounds. First, the wound is treated with dead water, and after drying, with live water.

Many people say that after they started using living and dead water, they completely forgot about pills and doctors:

“My kids always had runny noses, all year round. And then I decided to use living and dead water. And now for 4 months my children have not been sick at all!”

“My wife suffered from problems with her pancreas. I started drinking water and that’s it! Now she doesn’t have any pain at all, and she doesn’t need diets at all.”

“I started drinking this water just out of curiosity. Now I’m always in a good mood, and I work with such zeal that all my friends are jealous.”

Well, let the treatment with living and dead water benefit you too. Be healthy!

Video about the health benefits of living and dead water:

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35 reviews per article“ Treatment with living and dead water: fairy tales or reality?

  1. Alex11

    Healing with water is interesting. But the names are living and dead water, of course, you immediately remember fairy tales. And accordingly, such names do not add trust. Although the idea itself is interesting.

  2. Paul

    I have been using the Iva-1 water activator for 2 years now, before that I used the Ap-1 activator. To be honest, Ap-1 is an activator that is not worth the money. The anode is not coated with platinum, but with Teflonium material. And this material is subject to anodic dissolution: (I found out that 1 anode electrode costs about 900-1000 rubles. And they sell this AP in bulk for 1500 rubles. Therefore, they saved on the material.
    Now I’m using Iva-1 activator, there’s a really good coating (I submitted it for examination) - it’s really a sputtering of ruthenium (this is a platinum group metal), so it just doesn’t dissolve during electrolysis. In general, it corresponds to its price - 4100 rubles. And about water, believe it or not, it really heals!!!

  3. Elena

    It’s true, my grandmother used homemade medicine to heal tragic wounds.

  4. Sergey

    I made electrodes from silver. I took two silver fifty rubles. One cathode and the other anode, or vice versa, depending on where the + or - of the power source is

  5. Yuri

    Two fifty kopecks of what standard? To make a good silver electrode you need 999 standard - the highest, the standard means how many grams of silver are per 1000 grams. Your fifty dollars are most likely 925 standard - this means that along with silver there are also impurities of other metals and when you supply electric current to such an electrode, on the contrary, you will make the water even worse. I advise you to buy a water silverer, there are many of them on our market, for example, IVA-2 Silver, this installation already has an electrode with 999 fineness. Otherwise it's up to you :)

  6. Marina

    To be honest, the phrase “dead water” sounds somehow strange and even repulsive, but in fact it is very useful, no less than the so-called “living water”. Having learned that the properties of water can be changed, I bought a special device and began to use water for medicinal purposes. The result was amazing: I began to feel much better, the headaches went away.

  7. Anatol
  8. Albert

    I watched a TV program about the unusual properties of water. It turns out that water has the ability to change its crystals depending on its surroundings. Scientists took a drop of water and played a recording of some classical music or children's laughter next to it, and the water crystals took on various beautiful shapes in the form of snowflakes, etc. They did the same thing with another drop, only the recording was different, for example, hard rock or swear words. In this case, the water crystals disintegrated into “torn” pieces or took on ugly shapes. Like this…

  9. Julia

    I read an article by a doctor of chemical sciences about ionized water, “Arguments in favor of alkaline water. Letter to the editor from a doctor of chemical sciences." I recommend it to everyone http://www.labprice.ua/naukovo_pro_chudesni_vlastivosti_vodi/argumenti_na_korist_luzhnoi_vodi_list_v_redakciyu_vid_doktora_ximichnix_nauk

  10. Holgina

    The idea of ​​dead and living water is interesting, but I don’t want to experiment on myself. It's kind of scary.

  11. Andrey

    I don't trust such inventions. I prefer to drink regular filtered water.

  12. Komzin Boris

    Our water cannot be used for treatment at all; it can only harm health if taken for a long time.

  13. Alexander

    I tried it on myself back in 1985-95. The device was homemade. The pH was checked with ordinary litmus paper. Very effective remedy!!! I made the device and started using it, because I tried a lot of remedies for radiculitis, all kinds of ointments, massage, cast iron, copper shavings... nothing helped. Using J. and M. water, the pain went away in just a few (2-3) days. Until today, the pain has not recurred. Sore throat is treated within 2-3 rinses, after an hour. Yes, many diseases are easily treated. In addition, the effect of using water is long-lasting. And also, as far as I understand from experience, water is not purified, but decomposed into its component parts. To obtain the F and M components, it is better to use already purified water. Both derivatives are useful! So I recommend it to everyone!

  14. platonii

    And what does the truth cure?

  15. Daniel

    I make living dead water using the IVA 2 device. I mainly use living water, catholyte, for half a year. I noticed a weakening of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. I began to do without many vasodilator medications. I feel better. Living water is certainly not a panacea, but it significantly alleviates painful conditions. It also has a tonic effect.

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 -7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day. This water has a healing effect and resists oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation. After all, almost all diseases have one cause - an overly oxidized body. Water with negative ORP values ​​and alkaline pH has pronounced healing properties and is recommended for daily use. Activated water is actively used in Japan, Austria, USA, Germany, India, and Israel. It is not surprising that in Japan such water is actively promoted by the state health care system, because “living” water can easily save a person from many diseases.

Sergey DANILOV - Living and dead water

Kratov. Directory-medicine on folk and alternative medicine

At the beginning of 1981, the author* of a device for preparing “living” to “dead” water fell ill with kidney inflammation and prostate adenoma, as a result of which he was admitted to the urology department of the Stavropol Medical Institute. I spent more than a month in this department. When he was offered surgery for the adenoma, he refused and was discharged. While still ill, within 3 days he completed the device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water, about which an article by V. M. Latyshev was published in the magazine “Inventor and Innovator” for 1981 - 2 under the title “ Unexpected water", and an interview in - 9 of special correspondent Yu. Egorov with Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Vakhidov under the heading "Activated water is promising."

He conducted the first test of the resulting water on a wound on his son’s hand that had not healed for more than six months.

The treatment trial exceeded all expectations: the wound on my son’s hand healed on the second day. He himself began to drink “living” water, 0.5 cups before meals, 3 times a day, and felt cheerful. P. Zh.’s adenoma disappeared within a week, the radiculitis and swelling of the legs went away.

To be more convincing, after a week of taking “living” water, he was examined at the clinic with all the tests, which did not reveal a single disease, and his blood pressure returned to normal.

One day his neighbor scalded her hand with boiling water, causing a 3rd degree burn.

For treatment, I used the “live” and “dead” water he received, and the burn disappeared in 2 days.

The son of his friend, engineer Goncharov, had festered gums for 6 months and an abscess formed in his throat. The use of various treatment methods did not give the desired result. For treatment, he recommended water, gargling the throat and gums with “dead” water 6 times a day, and then taking a glass of “living” water orally. As a result, the boy recovered completely within 3 days.

The author examined more than 600 people with various diseases and all of them gave positive results when treated with activated water. At the end of this material there is a description of a device that allows you to obtain “living” (alkaline) and “dead” (acidic) water of any strength. A test of water in the laboratory of the Stavropol Vodokanal ("live" - ​​strength 11.4 units and "dead" - 4.21 units) showed that the strength decreased by hundredths of units over the month, and temperature does not affect the decrease in water activity.

The use of activated water by the author on himself and on family members and many people enabled the author to compile a practical table of procedures for treating a number of diseases, determine the timing of treatment and track the progress and nature of recovery.

The use of “living” and “dead” water to treat a number of diseases

No. Name of the disease The order of procedures Result
1 Adenoma present. glands For 5 days, 4 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals, take 0.5 cups of “F” water After 3-4 days, mucus is released, there is no desire to urinate frequently, on the 8th day the swelling goes away
2 Angina For 3 days, 5 times a day after meals, gargle with “M” water and after each gargle drink 0.25 cups of “F” water The temperature drops on the first day, the disease stops on the 3rd day
3 Pain in the joints of the arms and legs 3 times a day before meals, take 0.5 glasses of “M” water for 2 days Pain stops on day 1
4 Liver inflammation For 4 days a day, take 4 times 0.5 glasses of water. Moreover, on the 1st day - only “M”, and on the subsequent days - “F” water.
5 Inflammatory processes, closed abscesses, boils For 2 days, apply a compress to the inflamed area, moistened with warmed “M” water Healing occurs within 2 days
6 Haemorrhoids For 1-2 days in the morning, rinse the cracks “M” with water, and then apply tampons with “W” water, changing them as they dry Bleeding stops, cracks heal within 2-3 days
7 Hypertension During the day, take 2 times 0.5 cups of “M” water The pressure is normalizing
8 Hypotension During the day, take 0.5 cups of “F” water 2 times The pressure is normalizing
9 Purulent wounds Rinse the wound with “M” water, and after 3-5 minutes moisten “W” with water, then moisten only “W” with water 5-6 times a day Healing occurs within 5-6 days
10 Headache Drink 0.5 glass of "M" water The pain goes away within 30-50 minutes.
11 Flu During the day, rinse your nose and mouth with “M” water 8 times, and at night drink 0.5 cups of “J” water The flu disappears within 24 hours
12 Foot odor Wash your feet with warm water, wipe dry, moisten “M” with water, and after 10 minutes “W” with water and let dry The unpleasant smell will disappear
13 Toothache Rinse the mouth "M" with water for 5-10 minutes. The pain disappears
14 Heartburn Drink 0.5 glass of "F" water Heartburn stops
15 Cough For 2 days, drink 4 times a day, 0.5 cups of water after meals. Cough stops
16 Colpitis Heat “M” and “F” water to 37-40°C and syringe “M” with water at night, and after 15-20 minutes syringe “F” with water. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. After one procedure, colpitis goes away
17 Facial hygiene In the morning and evening, after washing your face, wipe your face, apply “M” with water, then “J” with water Dandruff and acne disappear, the face becomes softer
18 Ringworm, eczema For 3-5 days, moisten the affected area with “M” water and let it dry, then moisten “W” with water 5-6 times a day. (In the morning, moisten “M”, and after 10-15 minutes, “W” with water and another 5-6 times “W” during the day) Cured in 3-5 days
19 Hair washing Wash your hair with shampoo, dry it, wet your hair with “M” water, and after 3 minutes “W” with water. Dandruff disappears, hair becomes softer
20 Burns If there are blisters - dropsy, they must be pierced, the affected area should be moistened with “M” water, and after 5 minutes “W” with water. Then, during the day, moisten “F” with water 7-8 times. Procedures take 2-3 days Burns heal in 2-3 days
21 Swollen hands For 3 days, take water 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals: 1st day - “M” water, 0.5 cups; 2nd day - 0.75 cups "M" water, 3rd day - 0.5 cups "J" water The swelling goes down, there is no pain
22 Diarrhea Drink 0.5 cups of "M" water, if diarrhea does not stop within an hour, repeat the procedure Abdominal pain stops after 20-30 minutes
23 Cut, prick, rupture Wash the wound "M" with water and bandage the wound
24 Neck cold Make a compress soaked in warm “M” water on your neck and drink 4 times a day, 0.5 cups before meals. The wound heals within 1-2 days
25 Radiculitis Drink 3/4 glass of water 3 times before meals during the day. The pain goes away within a day, sometimes after 20-40 minutes.
26 Dilated veins, bleeding from ruptured nodes Rinse the swollen and bleeding areas of the body “M” with water, then moisten a piece of gauze “F” with water and apply to the swollen areas of the veins. Take 0.5 cups of “M” water orally, and after 2-3 hours. start taking 0.5 glasses of "F" water at intervals of 4 hours 4 times a day. Repeat the procedure within 2-3 days
27 Sterilization and disinfection Any objects, vegetables, fruits are moistened or wiped with a swab dipped in “M” water
28 Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet Steam your feet in soapy water, wash them in warm water, then without wiping, wet your feet in heated “M” water, rubbing areas with growths, remove dead skin, rinse your feet in heated water, wipe dry
29 Improving well-being, normalizing the body In the morning and evening after meals, rinse your mouth with “M” water and drink 0.5 cups of “J” water with an alkalinity of 6-7 units.

"W" - Living Water. "M" - Dead water

Note: when only “F” water is ingested, thirst arises; it must be quenched with compote or acidified tea. The interval between doses of “M” and “F” water should be at least 2 hours.

Alkaline water

Diagram of a device for obtaining living and dead water

Liter jar, 2 stainless steel electrodes, the distance between them is 40 mm, do not reach the bottom. Stainless steel size 40x160x0.8 mm.

The process of preparing water lasts 3-8 minutes depending on the required strength. After cooking, unplug from the mains and remove the device, quickly pull out the bag and pour “M” water into another container.

Living water (alkaline) (-) -- Dead water (acidic) (+)

Sketch. - A device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water. Electrode - 2 pcs. stainless steel 0.8x40x160 mm. Capacity - 1 liter. Time - 3-8 minutes.

“Living” and “dead” water - life without disease!

Almost all of us were read fairy tales in childhood and we remember well the stories about “living” and “dead” water. Secretly, every child dreamed of finding out where these magical liquids come from in order to collect at least a few drops and use them in their life when needed. But it’s not for nothing that people say, “The fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it!” A lesson to good fellows,” because “living” and “dead” water actually exist.

Since school, we have known the formula of water - H2O. However, modern research has shown that water has a much more complex structure, which, if desired, can be changed using electrolysis.

Why is “living” water so important for our body?

What is the difference between ionized water and plain water?

Two parameters: pH and redox potential (oxidation-reduction potential).

What does the pH parameter show?

Almost 80% of the foods we eat are acid-forming. And it's not about how they taste. Simply, when they are broken down, the body produces more acids than alkalis (bases).

"Living" and "dead" water (electrolysis 25 minutes)

Whether a product is an acid or an alkali is determined by its pH value.

Alkalis have a pH above 7

Acids have a pH below 7

Neutral products have pH=7

Acid-forming products: beef, pork, lamb and chicken meat, sausage, white flour products, sugar, coffee, black tea, all alcoholic beverages, pasteurized juices, fish and seafood, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and seeds, cereals, bread, buns and cakes , ice cream, eggs, lemonade, Coca-Cola, etc.

What about alkaline-forming food?

If we look, we will see that there are not so many of them: fruits (with the exception of canned ones), vegetables, herbs, natural yogurt, milk, soy, potatoes.

What about the drinks we drink? Which drinks predominate in our diet: sour or alkaline?

pH of some drinks. Comparative data

Please note that most juices, mineral water, coffee, that is, all the drinks we drink daily, have an acidic pH.

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 -7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day.

This water has a healing effect and resists oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation. After all, almost everything Diseases have one cause - an overly oxidized body.

Secrets of the century: Muldashev. Living dead water

Eg: When acidic waste accumulates near the pancreas and there are not enough alkaline calcium ions to neutralize it, a person develops diabetes.

What does the redox potential parameter show (oxidation-reduction potential )?

Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) shows whether a particular product is an oxidant or an antioxidant.

If any product, for example water, is saturated with electrons and is ready to give them away, then it is an antioxidant. ORP is measured in millivolts using special devices: redox testers. The water that people drink has long ceased to be drinkable. As a rule, we drink tap water, bottled water with a positive ORP (+200) - (+400MB). Large positive values ​​of hundreds of MW mean that such water not only “does not want” to give up electrons, but also takes them away when it enters the body. This process promotes the formation of free radicals and is the cause of many serious diseases - cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, etc.

Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman. Living and dead water

Are dead and living water really found not only in fairy tales, but also in real life?

What are their properties? Can they be used to treat diseases?

On the contrary, negative ORP values ​​mean that when such water enters our body, it itself gives up electrons.

Water with negative ORP values ​​and alkaline pH has pronounced healing properties and is recommended for daily use. Activated water is actively used in Japan, Austria, USA, Germany, India, and Israel.

It is not surprising that in Japan, activated water is actively used by the public health care system, because “living” water can easily save a person from many diseases. Regular use normalizes digestion and improves the functioning of internal organs. At the same time, it does not “load” the body with additional chemicals, which is often the case with tablets and synthetic drugs. Drinking water, the acid-base balance of which is in harmony with the fluids inside the body, is an excellent preventive measure for most modern diseases. The ancient Slavs knew very well that natural springs help increase life expectancy, so they actively searched for “living” water. Today you can get it at home.

Device for preparing “living” and “dead” water - Iva-1

You can prepare “live” and “dead” not only in specialized laboratories, but also in your own kitchen. The water activator “Iva-1” is already known to many who are engaged in treatment with the help of “fairytale” water.

It is produced by INCOMK LLC spruce trees, which were awarded a Silver medal in 2004 and a Bronze medal in 2005 by the International Salon of Innovations and Investments.

Using a water activator is quite simple; the developers have made sure that the process of liquid electrolysis becomes as accessible as possible to the general public. “Iva-1” has a built-in timer that allows you to turn off the power to the device after the activation process is completed, and the owners will be notified that the water is ready for use with a sound signal.

The use of unique water-insoluble electrodes makes it possible to obtain liquid without foreign impurities. Iva-1 is a multifunctional device that allows you to both improve the health of the body at home and use it to purify water from heavy metals.

By becoming aware, we can more intelligently approach what our body needs, what is beneficial and what is harmful. By making the right choices, we make our lives cleaner and brighter, we live, not exist.

Living and dead water. Vadim Zeland. Part 1

Living and dead water. Vadim Zeland. Part 2

Living and dead water. Vadim Zeland. Part 3