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How to make a cat bed with your own hands. DIY dog bed: unusual options from scrap materials. Tools and materials

Any dog ​​needs its own place in the house, where it can take a break from the hustle and bustle of people and get some sleep. But sleeping on the floor or thin bedding is not a pleasant pleasure even for an animal. That is why caring dog owners purchase cozy and soft beds for their pets. However, in pet stores it is not always possible to find a product of the appropriate size, color and shape. Making a dog bed with your own hands is not difficult. All you need is minimal sewing skills and a little time.

Before you start making a dog bed with your own hands, you should watch her rest a little. The choice of the shape of the bed depends on how the animal prefers to sleep - curled up, stretched out or crawling under the blanket. For those who like to relax curled up, you need to choose round models; pets will feel most comfortable in them. For those who like to stretch out, rectangular beds without sides are more suitable.

Having decided on the choice of the shape of the lounger, it is necessary to prepare in advance the materials that may be needed during the work process. This:

  1. 1. Paper for patterns. If possible, it is better to purchase special lined paper. It will allow you to prepare the future product with the greatest accuracy. If this is not possible, you can get by with a regular newspaper.
  2. 2. Fabric for the cover. The material must be dense and non-pilling. The most suitable fabrics for these purposes are denim, teak or furniture fabric. These are the most wear-resistant and long-lasting fabrics. It is desirable that the surface of the covering material is free of lint, as it contributes to the accumulation of dust particles.
  3. 3. Filler. It is best to fill the bed with synthetic materials - padding polyester, siliconized fiber or foam rubber. They can be purchased at specialized craft stores. Synthetic fillers do not accumulate dust and are hypoallergenic, unlike natural ones. If the owner is against synthetics, he can fill the case with hay made from aromatic herbs. But such a filler will have to be replaced often.
  4. 4. Fabric for pillowcase. In order for the bed to serve for a long time without wearing out or getting dirty, you need to sew several replacement pillowcases for it. The material for them should be chosen soft and pleasant to the touch. The dog should feel comfortable in the sleeping place.

Before you start sewing, you need to measure the length of your pet. This should be done while he is lying on the floor, fully stretched out.

From old things

For dog owners who are not good at sewing, a bedding option made from scrap materials - an old sweatshirt or sweater - is perfect. Even someone who knows nothing about sewing can handle this model.

The following materials will be useful:

  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads and pins;
  • a pillow of a suitable size;
  • sweater or sweatshirt;
  • any filler;
  • fabric for masking the connecting seam.

Master class on sewing a lounger:

Step No. Action Image
1 Turn the sweatshirt inside out and sew up the collar, leaving a small hole
2 Level the item on a flat horizontal surface and draw a straight line from one armpit to the other. Mark the line with pins and sew. Remove the pins.
3 Sew both sleeves to the side without sewing all the way
4 Fill the sleeves and middle part of the sweatshirt with filler
5 Place a small pillow at the bottom
6 Sew the free edges with thick thread
7 Connect both sleeves at the cuffs and sew as tightly as possible
8 Cover the connecting seam with a piece of nice fabric
9 Call your pet and evaluate what happened

Fabric house

This house is suitable for small breed dogs such as dachshunds, chihuahuas or Jack Russell terriers. It turns out very soft and comfortable.

It’s easy to sew a house yourself using a pattern with the following dimensions:

Step-by-step instruction:

Stage No. Action
1 Cut out the details of the house from foam rubber. Each part, highlighted in color, is cut out separately. There is no need to make allowances
2 Cover the foam blanks with separate covers and stitch them several times. If the foam is too thin, you can reinforce the parts with cardboard. A box for large household appliances is suitable for this purpose - the cardboard there is three-layer, with a corrugated lining and therefore quite soft
3 Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out two parts: on the front and back sides. Don’t forget to allow seam allowances depending on the thickness of the foam.
4 Cover the foam blanks with fabric and connect them together as shown in the pattern
5 Sew in two zippers (see pattern)
6 Fasten the zipper and the house is ready

This cozy dog ​​house easily folds up and can be taken with you on a trip or to visit.

Owners of large breed dogs are better off making a house out of plywood, as a large animal can damage or deform the fabric base.

Bed with sides

A bed with sides is suitable for both large and decorative dogs. For large dogs you just need to increase the size of the pattern.

With these step-by-step instructions, you can easily and quickly sew a bed for a small dog with your own hands. Your pet will definitely love this soft ottoman chair. Your benefit is that it will not be difficult to make it, and caring for the bed will be even easier. You will need the simplest materials, a sewing machine and a few minutes of free time. We have prepared for you a master class and a pattern of a lounger with dimensions, with which you can make a blank for the craft without any extra effort.

Please note that the dimensions of this ottoman chair are designed for a small dog or puppy. However, you can easily increase them proportionally to make a bed for a larger dog. By the way, this bed has another obvious advantage - it is not so easy to tear, so if your dog is very playful, this ottoman can last longer than others.

What do we need?

  • fabric for interior decoration
  • fabric for exterior decoration
  • stuffing material

The material for the interior and exterior of your dog bed should be durable enough. Denim or knit fabric, as well as fleece, are best. An old knitted blanket could be a good base for the part that will be in contact with the floor - this will make the lounger less likely to slide on the floor. Denim is easy to clean from wool, so it is the best choice for exterior finishing.

How to sew a lounger?

Whatever you choose, you need to start sewing a dog bed by creating a pattern. It looks like this.

If you are sewing something from patterns for the first time, it is better to make a drawing on paper to understand that everything is done correctly, and then transfer it to the fabric in duplicate.

Take a look at the photo to see where you need to leave room to sew in the ties. Attach them with pins along the entire perimeter and sew the seam on a machine, leaving room for turning and stuffing the future lounger.

We sew the workpiece from the wrong side. In this case, the ties are placed with the long side inward, so that after turning them inside out, they turn out to be, on the contrary, with the long side outward.

We turn the future dog bed inside out very carefully so as not to damage the seams.

Now we need to stuff the lounger and make a few extra seams. Through the hole that we left, we carefully place the padding polyester inside (it is very convenient to use an old unnecessary blanket for stuffing). Take a look at the photo, which shows what the gaps between the seams should be. Make the seams according to these markings.

The bed doesn’t need to be stuffed too tightly, but you shouldn’t make it thin either, because the dog will be uncomfortable on it if the bed isn’t too soft.

If you decide to have a four-legged friend at home, you should definitely equip him with a place where he will play, sleep or just relax. This is especially important for dogs of small breeds or smooth-haired dogs. This is due to the fact that they are quite fragile and can simply freeze. Therefore, in order for your pet to have his own corner and not get sick, we will tell you how to sew a dog bed yourself.

What to do - buy or sew?

Probably every owner of a four-legged friend has thought about purchasing a lounger, and given the huge selection of such pieces of furniture in pet stores, it will not be difficult for you to choose the one that best suits your pet. But, unfortunately, such pet accessories are quite expensive and not everyone can afford them. As for the more budget-friendly options, they are very short-lived, and such a dog bed only lasts for a couple of months.

Therefore, if you are still thinking about purchasing a new one or making it yourself, we bring to your attention the main advantages of a homemade bed:

  • The finished version will be made exactly according to the size of your pet, taking into account its physical parameters.
  • For sewing yourself, you can choose absolutely safe materials that will not cause any allergic reactions in you or your dog.
  • The model will fully correspond to the character and habits of your four-legged friend.
  • You will significantly save your family budget.
  • The manufacturing work will take you about an hour. Believe me, you will spend much more of your time and effort on traveling to pet stores and examining the models on offer.

How to choose the right model?

Today there are a huge variety of different models of such sun loungers. But you need to make your choice based on the size and type of space you have allocated for your pet. For example:

  • If you have a cage, basket or house, in this case it is best for you to sew a regular pillow.
  • As for frameless models, they can be either open or closed. In this case, it all depends solely on the character of your dog and its curiosity.

Important! Round and oval sleeping places are best for those four-legged friends who sleep curled up in a ball, for example, Chinese Cresteds, Yorkies and Toy Terriers. For dogs that like to stretch out, such as dachshunds, Pekingese and fox terriers, it is preferable to make rectangular-shaped beds.

What You May Need

If you decide to make a dog bed or sofa with your own hands, you should first prepare all the necessary materials and tools:

  • Paper for making a pattern. You can use both tracing paper and ordinary newspaper for these purposes.
  • A piece of fabric for the base. Try to choose fairly dense and lint-free fabrics.
  • Filler. In this case, hay is the best option. In addition to the fact that such a filler will have a moderate density, but also due to its structure, your pet will receive an additional massage session while sleeping. Its only drawback is the fact that the hay must be replaced frequently. As for synthetic options, it is best to turn your attention to holofiber, padding polyester, padding polyester, siliconized balls and other hypoallergenic fillers.

Important! Absolutely refuse such fillers as down and feathers. These are the main breeding grounds for ticks and pathogenic bacteria. Sheep wool is an excellent alternative, but it is very difficult to care for.

  • Fabric for pillowcases. In this case, you need to follow the aesthetics of the place and the overall interior, as well as necessity. For example, a faux fur pillowcase would be an excellent option for smooth-haired dogs, but a lapdog may simply refuse such a place. For the cold season, choose warm materials - cashmere, fleece or wool, but for summer it is best to opt for linen or cotton.

When everything is prepared, you can safely move on to the process of sewing a dog bed with your own hands.

Master classes on making dog beds

We invite you to produce the most popular models of beds that are ideal for absolutely every breed.

Classic version

This model has a rectangular shape and high sides. In order to sew it, you need to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • Construct a rectangular pattern with sides and allowance for allowances.

Important! You can cut out the parts separately, but this method of sewing is more labor-intensive.

  • Cut two rectangles from a single piece of fabric.

Important! In order to know the exact size of the workpiece, it is necessary to add the height of the sides to the total size.

  • Cut corners.

Important! You can leave the corners if the density of your filler allows for a fold.

  • Sew the parts on three sides around the perimeter of the bottom.
  • Fill the workpiece with filler and sew up the last side.
  • Fill the sides with filler and sew them.
  • Insert zippers or sew decorative ties in the corners.
  • Pull the fasteners so that the sides rise.

That's all, the sunbed is ready!

Important! In hot weather, the ties can be undone. Thus, you will have a DIY dog mattress.

Removable model with elastic band

This model looks much more complicated, but nevertheless, it is very easy to manufacture. The essence of this option is the presence of a frame pallet and a soft lounger.

Important! For the frame, you can use an old plastic box or cardboard box covered with tape.

The most important thing is to choose a crate that is the perfect size for your pet. But you don’t have to worry too much about the aesthetic appearance of such a frame, since everything will be hidden behind the wide sides:

  • Measure the length of the frame taking into account the sides.

Important! Add a little more length to the sides as they will be gathered.

  • Transfer the finished pattern to the fabric and cut out two parts.
  • Fill the inner walls of the lounger with filler and sew them up. This way you can bend the cover without making creases in the fabric or filling.
  • Sew all the seams of the sides together to form a cover.
  • Place it on the drawer and insert the elastic.
  • Next, you need to pull the elastic band until the edges of the bed begin to fit snugly against the walls, but the cover can be removed without any problems.

DIY dog sofa from an old sweater

If you have a blouse or sweatshirt lying around in your closet that you wanted to throw away, don’t rush. You can give him a second life, and your four-legged friend will get a great place to relax and sleep.

To make such furniture you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Old sweater;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads in color;
  • Scissors;
  • 2-3 unnecessary synthetic padding pillows.

When everything is ready, you can safely get to work. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. You need to remove all the filling from the pillow.
  2. If there is a collar on the sweater, you need to cut it off; if not, just sew it up.
  3. Sew the product from one sleeve to the other.
  4. Insert the whole pillow inside the sweater and mend the hole.
  5. Fill the arc formed from the sleeves with the filling you pulled out of the pillow.

That's it, the new sofa-shaped bed is ready for your pet!

Important! You can make a great dog couch using an old briefcase. To do this, you need to remove the cover and all metal fittings. Cover the bottom of the suitcase with chiffon fabric, and make legs from the door handles. Place a pillow made of thick fabric inside. You can decorate such a sofa using acrylic paints or using the decoupage technique.

To ensure that the finished product is durable and lasts for quite a long time, we bring to your attention some useful tips.

  • Choose strong and wear-resistant materials for the bed. It is best to pay attention to denim, fleece, cotton and flock.
  • Use strong threads and accessories.
  • If your dog has a habit of chewing on everything, then the bed should not be decorated with various decorative elements.
  • The appearance of a dog in the house is the same as adding a new family member. Therefore, it is very important to equip her corner in such a way that she feels comfortable. By putting into practice the advice of our experts, you can make an excellent bed for your pet. Do not forget that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Pet owners know that a DIY cat bed is not only a cozy place for your furry pet to relax, but also a beautiful interior detail that fits harmoniously into it. In this regard, many caring cat owners are wondering how to make a cat bed with their own hands.

Pet owners know that a do-it-yourself cat bed is not only a cozy place for your furry pet to relax, but also a beautiful interior detail that fits harmoniously into it

Types of houses for cats

A cat house can be made in the form of:

  1. Hammock. We are talking about soft beds on which the animal can sit comfortably. Such designs are unusual in that they can be hung in different places using special fasteners. It is recommended to make the base of the hammock from hard material so that the product lasts as long as possible.
  2. Beds. The simplest option, the implementation of which will require a minimum of time and effort. Cat beds are made in the form of baskets, boxes or stands covered with soft mattresses.
  3. Booths. This is a closed design that will allow your furry pet privacy and relaxation. To make the booth more comfortable for the animal, it can be lined with beautiful fabric.
  4. Cardboard house. Cats are famous for their love of boxes, so why not turn one into a real cat house? Treat your pet to a similar home by placing a small mattress and his favorite toys inside. Despite the fact that such a house is not durable, it is very original.
  5. Built-in dwelling. To make such a house you will need an unnecessary bedside table. In the middle you should upholster with soft fabric and place a bed. The convenience of this option is due to the fact that the cat’s home will harmoniously fit into the interior.

How to make a cat bed with your own hands (video)

What materials can you use to make a cat bed?

If space in an apartment or room allows, you can make several sun loungers at once, using different materials. A very popular cat bed made from an old sweater. For these purposes, the following can also be used: a jacket, jeans, a jumper, a T-shirt and other clothes that you have not worn for a long time. Continuing the conversation about how to make a cat bed with your own hands, we note that the first step is to draw up a pattern. There are different patterns, but they all consist of 2 main parts: the side and the bottom. To make a side, you need to sew 2 parts and turn them right side out, and then insert the foam rubber cut according to the pattern and sew up the hole. Next, the side is sewn to the bottom, made of a sweater. The edges need to be stitched to form the desired shape.

Those who do not understand how to sew a cat bed with their own hands are recommended to read the corresponding instructions with a step-by-step description of this process. You can also learn about the process of sewing a cat bed with your own hands from master classes.

Today there are a huge number of them, so you can choose the option you like best and feel free to get to work.

DIY pet bed (video)

At first glance, it may seem like a very simple process, but in fact, there are certain standards that need to be taken into account when making cat beds. A cat bed should be:

  • comfortable;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • safe.

If you decide to sew a cat bed with your own hands, choose dust-repellent fabric for these purposes, since the accumulation of dust can lead to a decrease in the function of the animal’s respiratory system. As you know, representatives of the cat family love warmth, soft surfaces and heights.

Many owners of these pets are already tired of unsuccessful attempts to teach their pets to sleep in one place. Often, the cat wins, and the owner can only buy more brushes to remove cat hair from clothes. To solve this problem, you should take into account the wishes of your furry friend and equip a bed where there is the best and most comfortable place for the cat.

For pets who love privacy, the best option would be a cat bed in the form of a house with a roof, where he can hide from prying eyes and rest peacefully. If your furry pet’s favorite place is a radiator, make a cat house on the radiator.

Based on Sharik’s worldview from Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog,” a collar is for a dog what a briefcase is for a minister. And what can we say about the dog bed! Place is a very important psychological factor in tying a pet to home.

It should be noted right away that not all breeds favor rugs on the floor.. For example, Newfoundlands would rather prefer the coolness of tiles than an insulated corner of the house. But large dogs really love sofas and voluminous chairs. Therefore, if it is possible to install an old sofa in the apartment, then it will become the most favorite lounger for a Newfie, St. Bernard, Leonberger or Great Dane.

Benefits of a homemade lounger

Despite the fact that modern industry produces a wide variety of sunbeds in a huge range, for large dogsand the choice of giant dogs is not large enough. Therefore, for your best friend, you can assemble a resting place with your own hands. After all, no one knows the dog’s habits and characteristics better than the owner. How he prefers to sleep - curled up or stretched out to his full height. Does the dog prefer soft feather pillows, or does he prefer an elastic, even hard base?

Another aspect is the presence of sides on the sun lounger. When installed directly to the wall, the bed needs a side so that the pet does not stain the wallpaper after a walk in bad weather. No matter how you wipe your pet’s fur, a wet dog after a walk in the rain still does not dry completely and can leave dirty stains on the surface of the walls. Well, if, of course, the long-haired giants are not dried with a compressor, then the cleanliness of the walls is ensured.

Did you know? Dogs value their place very much. The biggest advantage of a homemade bed is its ideal size for the dog’s size. No more and no less, but just right!

Types of dog beds + photos

The shape of the bed can be different. The configuration of the place depends, first of all, on the location in the room - square, oval, rectangular or pentagon-shaped. A large dog bed is usually rectangular in shape. Owners often make a dog bed out of a children's mattress. This is the perfect base for a dog bed. All that remains is to create a side for it to separate it from the wall.

A typical use of a children's mattress as a base:

And here’s how you can get a cozy place for two from the same children’s mattress:

A more complex option using the owner’s skill in working with wood– a real sofa for a pet with the same children’s mattress at the base:

Loungers are often created using synthetic padding or foam rubber at the base of the seat. Oval lounger made of thick fabric with synthetic padding interiors:

The photo shows the moment of assembling a round lounger with a foam base and foam sides for a small dog. But using the same principle, you can create a bed for a large dog, only much more material will be needed:

The main technological points when sewing a lounger - materials, sizes, shape

When creating a bed for a large dog, you need to know only two parameters - the height of the pet at the withers and the length of its body excluding the tail who has it. It is not recommended to make a bed by eye. It’s better to do it once and not redo it.

Each owner chooses the shape of the product individually. It depends on the dog's sleeping style. Whichever pet sleeps in a ring gets a round or oval bed. For those who like to stretch out on the floor to their full mighty height - a rectangular sleeping place. This is where the dog’s height at the withers is needed, since there is a possibility of paws spread loosely on the floor, which could accidentally trip over them.

It is better to choose a material for the dog seat that is dense and non-staining. The cross-sectional photo shows what the dog bed consists of. A wooden frame lined with foam rubber or synthetic padding and covered with dense fabric:

So, we will need:

  • Paper, better old paper wallpaper. A pattern is made from them.
  • Textile. The choice depends on the owner’s instincts, but the main thing is that it should be lint-free. Even jeans or a raincoat will do.
  • Filler. Here the variations can be very different, including hay, bird feathers or down, sheep wool, filfiber or siliconized balls.

How to sew a dog bed with your own hands

Important! It is better to sew a zipper on the back of the couch and the bottom of the side so that the covers can be easily removed for periodic washing.

Pattern of a round dog bed with your own hands

The pattern of a round bed is calculated strictly individually, based on the size of the pet. It should be noted that for large breeds this is a costly and time-consuming undertaking:

Did you know? When working with foam rubber, it is best to sew a bed for large dogs by hand. This is more labor-intensive and time-consuming. But the result will be amazing!

The photo shows a pattern for a round bed for small breeds. But using his analogy, you can create a pattern even for a giant.

  • Round beds for large dogs are equipped with sides assembled from individual pads, fastened to the upper part with a regular elastic band.
  • It is better to sew the side for an oval bed as a separate product and then attach it to the base.
  • It is advisable to also sew a cover for the sunbed.
  • Products filled with sheepskin are cleaned with snow once a year.
  • The straw filler is replaced with fresh hay once a year.
  • It is advisable to fluff the bed once a month.
  • Zippers sewn along the edges of the product will help make it easier to replace the filling.
  • When placing the dog on the bed for the first time, it is necessary to check that the puppy does not confuse and mistake the place to sleep for.
  • Important! Even if you have a puppy, you need to sew a bed for an adult dog, because after a very short time you will have to do this work again. And large breed puppies grow not even quickly, but rapidly!

    Video on how to make a dog bed with your own hands

    The presented video shows the work of making a very simple bed for a small breed dog. The basic principles are given, as well as working points for stuffing and stitching the corners of the lounger. Based on this video, you can independently assemble a bed for a large dog. Only the material consumption will, in accordance with the dimensions of the pet, be slightly greater:

    On this resource we talk only about dogs - their lives, health problems, proper nutrition and living conditions next to their beloved owner. It is here that you can get valuable information about how it is produced, which, without a doubt, will help you navigate correctly as your pet grows up. An equally interesting aspect of raising a dog will be information on how to modernize your pet’s living conditions, and what innovations can be brought to its territory.

    With these and other questions, you can contact our canine consultants, who constantly participate in dialogues with dog owners of all breeds. They will tell you how long a walk for a particular breed will take, and what you need to do first if you get a dog that is difficult to socialize.

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