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How to relieve inflammation in the mouth, swollen lip. The upper lip is swollen. What to do if your upper lip is swollen

Swelling on the lips appears suddenly and immediately complicates a person’s life: they interfere with chewing food and speaking, spoil the appearance, worsen appetite and mood. If your upper or lower lip is swollen, you do not need to do anything at home - you should immediately consult a doctor to identify and eliminate the cause of this phenomenon, and not the symptoms.

Swollen lip in an adult: causes and treatment

Lips swell for a variety of reasons, so establishing the nature of this phenomenon on your own is quite problematic.


Lip injuries are common among boxers. But even people who are far from practicing martial arts are not immune from blows and other injuries, after which the lip may swell:

If a traumatic factor causes a sudden increase in volume, thickening, or blueness of the lip, but the skin remains unharmed, it is necessary to apply ice to the sore spot as quickly as possible. The ice cube must be wrapped in cloth or gauze to avoid hypothermia.

Ice compresses are applied to the site of swelling for 10–15 minutes every 2–3 hours in the first two days after injury. This is usually enough to significantly reduce swelling on the lip and reduce pain.

Absorbable ointments, for example, Badyaga, Rescuer, and folk remedies - lotions with aloe, bags of cooled tea leaves, chamomile or oak bark decoction will finally help cure swelling. If the swelling does not subside after a few days, it is better to see a doctor.

In case of an open injury, when after a blow not only the upper or lower lip is sharply swollen, but also tissue rupture occurs, you urgently need to rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide to clean it of germs and stop the bleeding. Then you need to treat the damaged area with a disinfectant, for example, Dioxidin. This treatment should be done every 2-3 hours until bleeding occurs.

If the lip is deeply damaged, especially if the frenulum is affected, the victim should contact a traumatologist as soon as possible to disinfect the wound and, if necessary, apply sutures.

Dental problems

With some diseases of the teeth and gums, as well as during their treatment, the lips may swell, both from the inside and the outside. Against the background of pain in the teeth of the lower jaw, the lower lip may swell due to:

  • caries;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periostitis;
  • phlegmon;
  • flux;
  • abscess.

With similar processes in the upper jaw, the upper lip sometimes swells and swells.

The cause of lip swelling can be the treatment of dental diseases: accidental injury with an instrument, a reaction to the administration of an anesthetic, or swelling after complex surgical interventions in the oral cavity.

Another option for why the upper lip hurts, turns red and swells may be associated with a visit not to the dentist, but to a cosmetologist for the purpose of injection lip augmentation. Damage to a blood vessel as a result of an unsuccessful injection can lead to a hematoma with swelling. An individual reaction of the body to the administered drug is also possible.

Allergic reaction

Redness and swelling of the lip are a common symptom of allergies. The body can react in this way to a variety of allergens:

  • plant pollen;
  • food ingredients;
  • components of medicines, cosmetics and perfumes;
  • insect bites;
  • household chemicals.

As soon as it becomes clear that your lips are swollen due to allergies, you need to take an antihistamine as quickly as possible. Any allergic swelling on the face is dangerous because it can spread towards the throat. This is how life-threatening angioedema develops. Therefore, your home medicine cabinet must contain some kind of drug to combat allergies:

  • Diazolin.
  • Suprastin.
  • Tavegil.
  • Zodak.
  • Fenistil.
  • Claritin.
  • Clarotadine.
  • Diphenhydramine.
  • Erius.

If your lip is suddenly swollen due to an allergy, you should urgently take an age-appropriate dose of one of these medications and consult a doctor. Allergic reactions are especially dangerous for children, so if a small patient is injured, you should call an ambulance.

You can eliminate lip swelling and get rid of itching with the help of non-hormonal ointments and topical gels with antihistamine action: Fenistil-gel, Vitaon, Nezulin, Psilo-balm.

Herpetic infection

Failure of the immune system can occur in every person due to hypothermia, viral infection, stress or overwork. And the result of this failure often manifests itself in the form of a herpetic rash that suddenly forms on the lips under the nose.

If the upper lip is swollen and covered with blisters, it means that the herpes virus has become active in the body. Ointments based on acyclovir will help relieve the symptoms of the disease. At the same time, you can be treated in a traditional way - lubricate the swollen areas of tissue in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle with tea tree oil, diluted celandine juice or propolis tincture.

If herpetic blisters spread widely and the inflammatory process begins, drug treatment is necessary, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Herpes can cause serious complications, since the infection spreads not only to the skin of the face and mucous membrane of the oral cavity, but also to internal organs. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, everything must be done to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection. It is necessary to disinfect the affected areas of the facial skin with antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin) carefully, avoiding opening pimples and pustules.

Why does the lip become inflamed for no apparent reason?

Sometimes it is impossible to understand what caused the sudden swelling of the lip. If there were no bruises, wounds or infections, and allergy medications do not bring relief, only a doctor can answer the question of why the upper lip under the nose is suddenly swollen. Swelling of the lips can be a symptom of internal disorders: endocrine diseases, decreased immunity, pathologies of internal organs and systems. Examples of such diagnoses:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • tumors;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • avitaminosis.

If the lips and parts of the face are swollen for one of the reasons listed, it is not the swelling that needs to be treated, but the underlying disease that led to its appearance.

Inflamed and swollen lip during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition that is often complicated by fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling of the soft tissues of the face. However, the cause of such symptoms can also be inflammatory diseases, since immunity during this period deteriorates significantly. Therefore, if your lips become swollen during pregnancy, you should definitely inform your doctor about it.

A child's lip is inflamed and swollen

The causes of swelling on the upper and lower lips in children are the same as in adults: bruise, biting, allergies, internal diseases, infections. In newborns and infants, the lips often swell due to teething or the presence of candidal stomatitis (thrush).

Colds are a common companion for children of preschool and primary school age. In a child with a cold, the upper lip may swell due to the development of herpes, especially if the swelling is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic rashes on the skin of the face and oral mucosa.

The disease is contagious, so it is necessary to clearly explain to the child why his upper lip under his nose is swollen, why he should not squeeze out pimples that have formed on it, remove scabs, use other people’s toothbrushes and cosmetics, and have close contact with other children during an exacerbation of herpes.

Treatment of edema in children is carried out according to the same scheme as in adults. The only difference is in the dosage of the drugs. Parents should remember the dangers of treating children with traditional and medicinal methods without consulting a doctor, especially in cases where the nature of the edema is unknown, or its presence is accompanied by severe inflammation of the epidermis.

For whatever reason, lips and areas of facial skin are swollen, you should not start treatment without consulting a doctor and proper diagnosis. Usually, inflammation of the upper or lower lip goes away quickly, but in order not to disrupt this process and not to aggravate the condition, you must follow a number of rules:

  • open wounds cannot be treated with ointments and compresses;
  • for closed injuries, warming compresses and ointments should also not be used;
  • in the first hours after injury, you should not eat food;
  • during the period of healing of wounds and treatment of edema, you should eat exclusively warm food, you should not eat salty and spicy foods;
  • If your lip is inflamed, you should not use cosmetics.

The healing of the piercing must be taken responsibly; you must strictly follow the specialist’s instructions and monitor your condition. It is better to be scrupulous when choosing a salon and a specialist: the procedure must be carried out with skillful hands and in sterile conditions.

When an infection enters the piercing hole, the lips become swollen, painful, and itchy. If such symptoms develop, you should consult a doctor, especially if the temperature rises and swelling appears in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

Cracks and jams appear as a result of chapped lips, against the background of a cold, as well as due to endocrine disorders and a lack of certain vitamins in the body (which only a doctor can determine based on tests). They are treated with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The development of vitamin deficiency and predisposition to colds and viral infections will be prevented by proper nutrition and hardening. The body's ability to restore damaged tissues also directly depends on the immune system. In winter, sensitive lip skin should be treated with nourishing balms and masks.

If your lips swell inside for no apparent reason, you should immediately consult a doctor. Swelling may indicate the presence of hidden internal pathologies, which only a doctor can identify and cure.

If one morning you wake up and see that your upper lip or some particular area of ​​it is swollen and painful, this is a reason to think about it. This reaction of the body indicates some health problems or a reaction to an allergen. It is necessary to find out the reasons, but first you need to put your appearance in order using the means at hand.

What is lip swelling like?

An unusual condition of the lip tissue occurs as a result of some inflammatory process, or there is an excessive accumulation of fluid in this area. The swelling can be uniform, sometimes it extends only to the upper or lower part. Another option is that it appears only in the central or lateral part, in the corners of the mouth.

Additional symptoms

Lip inflammation is often accompanied by other symptoms, including the following:

  1. The appearance of ulcers, pustules, water blisters;
  2. Discoloration at the site of inflammation or around the lips as with cheilitis;
  3. Cracked skin;
  4. Increased temperature, accompanied by fever, chills;
  5. The appearance of nasal discharge in significant quantities;
  6. Itching of the mucous membranes, skin around the eyes;
  7. Deterioration of general condition, fatigue, apathy, feeling of weakness.

When swelling suddenly appears on the lip, the question arises what it could be. It is difficult to clearly understand the causes of this condition, since they can be completely different depending even on the location of the edema. Sometimes these are understandable and objective circumstances, but it happens that such a phenomenon only serves as a signal of more serious health problems.

Most Likely Root Causes

Let's start with what most likely causes the lip to swell in a short time:

  • Lack of necessary oral hygiene;
  • Pathologies such as stomatitis or herpes;
  • Various viral and infectious diseases;
  • Reaction to food, animal hair, medicines, household chemicals and other allergens;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Bad habits, for example, constantly biting your lip;
  • An inflammatory process caused by a crack or a wound near the mouth can also be triggered by a boil or a pimple on the face;
  • Thrush, a violation of the intimate microflora in women;
  • Dental problems - periodontitis, gumboil, periodontitis and others;
  • Consequences of plastic surgery.

If nothing from the above list answers the question of why the upper lip or its other part is swollen, perhaps these are the following reasons:

  1. Reaction to drafts, hypothermia;
  2. Frostbite;
  3. Low-quality decorative cosmetics - lipstick, caring lip balm;
  4. Consequences of dental intervention;
  5. Animal and insect bites;
  6. Damage to the soft tissues of the jaw when using dental floss or toothpicks;
  7. Piercing, tattoos made in the lip area;
  8. Burn - thermal, chemical;
  9. Tissue injury during eating;
  10. Other injuries to the facial area - as a result of a fall, blow;
  11. Reaction to teething.

If your lip is swollen, first analyze what you have been eating and drinking lately, and whether you have started using new cosmetics or personal hygiene products. In any case, it is recommended to seek professional help; a specialist will certainly determine the source of the problem and give useful recommendations.

How to quickly help yourself

So, the lip can become inflamed for a huge number of reasons, so self-help methods must be analyzed individually. If you yourself are unable to find out the reasons for this, a qualified doctor will do this. In the meantime, you can’t get an appointment, try to alleviate your own condition.

The first tip on what to do if you have a swollen lip is to prepare a cold compress and apply it to the area of ​​inflammation for 10–15 minutes.

Another method has long been known in everyday life - apply a tea bag, placed briefly in boiling water, squeezed out and slightly cooled so that it remains warm.

Aloe juice helps relieve inflammation on the lips just as well. If you have such a home plant, all that remains is to cut off one of the leaves, cut it in half lengthwise and apply the inside to the inflamed area, or make a paste out of the pulp and use it as a lotion. This will relieve inflammation, soreness and swelling, and also moisturize the skin.

We remove the tumor using improvised methods

In order for the inflamed area of ​​the lip to return to its original state, it is necessary to understand why this change occurred. It is not so difficult to analyze the situation, especially if the day before it was preceded by a specific event, for example, a bruise to the face.

What to do if injured

Swelling of the lip after a fall or impact on a hard surface is a natural and inevitable consequence. The main thing is that the infection does not get inside and suppuration does not occur. Therefore, follow these recommendations:

  • To relieve swelling, which occurs very quickly in this case, you will need a compress, either hot or cold. At the same time, avoid directly areas with injured tissues, apply slightly moving away from them;
  • If there is a violation of the integrity of the tissue outside or on the mucous membrane of the lip, treat it with hydrogen peroxide or any other healing agent. Sea buckthorn, olive oil, lanolin work well; from pharmaceutical preparations - ointments Actovegin, Solcoseryl, as well as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin;
  • In case of significant injury, when not only the lip swells, but also its contour changes, be sure to contact a specialist.

Even if you do not suffer from seasonal allergies, such a reaction can appear quite suddenly when exposed to irritants. Among them are household chemicals, cosmetics, some food products, flowers, and animal hair.

In this case, the lip may swell due to local exposure rather than due to inhalation. Therefore, cosmetics and food are more likely causes. And additional symptoms that specifically indicate an allergy are peeling and dry lips, swelling of the tissues, accompanied by slight numbness and redness.

A similar reaction to anesthesia is often observed; outwardly it will be noticeable in about half an hour, so a specialist will be able to correctly assess the situation.

If swelling appears the next day, at the same time your lip seems to be pulled and you constantly feel this condition, and the place where the injection was given hurts, an infection has entered the body. Seek help immediately if you additionally experience dizziness, nausea, chills, and the area of ​​swelling becomes hard and hot.

Swelling due to herpes

Sometimes the lip can become inflamed with some frequency, which indicates that this disease has not been treated. Swelling and tenderness of the tissues appear; against this background, bubbles with translucent liquid inside form. The main condition is not to influence these formations mechanically, but to use special means for treatment.

Take the drugs Gerpevir, Zovirax, Acyclovir into service; the sooner they are used, the faster you will be able to recover. They contain components that act specifically on the herpes virus, relieve pain and promote rapid healing. An important condition is to complete the course of treatment from beginning to end, even if the external signs of the disease are no longer visible.

If your cold sore symptoms don't begin to subside within the first few days, the swelling is most likely caused by something else. Then immediately contact a specialist for help.

It would seem a simple situation - you accidentally injured your lip while eating or doing another activity. Most likely, you did not pay much attention to this fact, and then saw the result in the mirror. Usually this concerns the lower lip, but the mechanism is the same - due to a violation of the integrity of the tissues, there is a danger of infection and complications.

Some fluid, pus, and other secretions may accumulate in the injured area; this already indicates a progressive inflammatory process. And to avoid such a development of events, it is enough to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide in time, and then apply an iodine solution there. And don’t forget to drink plenty of plain water to moisturize and saturate the mucous membranes.

Swelling of the lip on the inside

The mucous membrane can swell due to dental diseases - gingivitis, stomatitis, periostitis. At the same time, the sick person feels a general deterioration in his condition; delay threatens the spread of infection from the oral cavity deeper into the body.

A similar condition can arise due to failure to comply with basic rules of personal oral hygiene, a poorly performed procedure in a dental office, for example, after installing braces, or injury. You should not self-medicate; it is unknown how far the infection has spread, so contact your dentist or therapist.

Child's lip is swollen

In infancy, swelling occurs for many reasons, for example, due to improper attachment to the breast, which causes calluses to form in the mouth. Stomatitis occurs more often in children, so parents need to carefully monitor the condition of the child’s oral cavity and consult a dentist in a timely manner. They also often receive basic injuries when they fall, when they begin to walk and comprehend the world. The difficulty is that most of the drugs in this case cannot be used in relation to children; the pediatrician must prescribe a special drug.

At an early age, the body does not yet have a strong immune system, so it is susceptible to allergic reactions, as well as various types of infections. The task of parents is to respond in a timely manner to the health status of their child and engage in prevention.

Preventive measures

Any swelling in the upper lip or any particular area indicates some trouble in the body. To avoid this, you need to take care of yourself:

  1. Drink enough fluids;
  2. Don't get too carried away with sun exposure in summer;
  3. Take care of a balanced diet;
  4. Avoid unnecessary stress, which negatively affects the immune system;
  5. Carefully choose a dentist, as well as a cosmetologist;
  6. If you are predisposed to allergies, take the necessary medications and see an allergist;
  7. Carefully care for the skin of your lips in winter, monitor the composition of the lipsticks, glosses, and balms you use.

The skin of the lips is very sensitive - it immediately reacts to external irritants and internal problems. The response manifests itself in the form of swelling, redness, itching and other aesthetically unattractive signs. If the cosmetic side of the issue can be temporarily tolerated, then it is better to prevent complications.

Why do lips swell? Due to allergies, which may be complicated by Quincke's edema. Untreated inflammatory processes lead to the accumulation of pus. But the brain is very close. Neglected wounds and abrasions begin to fester. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the causes of swelling and eliminate them.


If your lips are swollen, you need to remember what preceded the discomfort. What they ate, they smeared. Weathered, injured. They kissed, visited the dentist. What symptoms accompany swelling: pain, itching, sores, ulcers, fever, etc.

What causes lips to swell?


Risk factors:

  • an open wound due to mechanical damage (from a pimple that was squeezed out; after a kiss, bite, cut, etc.);
  • rupture of soft tissues (the skin around the mouth is tender and sensitive - easily damaged);
  • bruise (from a blow).


  • the place of damage is clearly visible - a local area with a wound;
  • from the wound - discharge, transparent, yellowish, purulent;
  • there is an unpleasant odor;
  • It hurts when touched and at rest.

Inflammatory phenomena can develop in the periosteum or upper jaw. The result is a swollen upper lip. Periostitis (flux) is to blame.

Risk factors:

  • dentist mistakes (poor quality filling material, infection after tooth extraction, etc.);
  • jaw fracture;
  • untreated pulpitis or periodontitis;
  • jaw injury;
  • severe stress;
  • weakened immunity;
  • hypothermia of the body.

Signs of periostitis:

  • unbearable pain radiating to the ears, cheeks, eyes;
  • severe swelling and hyperemia of the gums, swelling extends to the infraorbital or submandibular area;
  • with purulent flux, body temperature rises.

It is easier to diagnose periostitis of the upper jaw. More often than not, this is where inflammation occurs.


The body's immune response to an irritant is an allergy. Lips become swollen in response to

  • a bite of an insect;
  • food product (honey, citrus fruits, nuts, chocolate, etc.);
  • cosmetics

Rarely, such a reaction occurs due to inhalation of an allergen. Therefore, we exclude dust, wool, and pollen from the list of possible causes.

Lips itch and swell due to direct exposure to the allergen. The local response arises to lipstick, home-made and factory-made masks.

When the tongue and lips are swollen, the allergen “has been inside.” This is how a reaction to products happens. At the same time, hives, a rash on different parts of the skin, and itchy red spots may appear.

Another possible allergic reaction is that your lips and eyes swell, and your entire face swells.

Frequent companions of allergies:

  • redness,
  • paresthesia (mouth is numb and swollen - we remember what we smeared or ate).

Virus and infection

Provocateurs of swelling:

  • stomatitis (oral infection);
  • herpes (viral pathology that appears on the lips);
  • ARVI (infectious disease of the whole body).

Stomatitis most often develops in a child (adults are less likely to encounter this problem). The reason is an infection in the mouth. Little children want to taste everything and grab food with unwashed hands.


  • swelling of the lips;
  • redness of localized areas in the oral cavity;
  • sores.

Herpes causes swollen lips at the very beginning of the disease. Subsequently, herpetic blisters filled with liquid appear.

The virus manifests itself due to:

  • decreased immunity;
  • bad habit of periodically biting the skin on the lips;
  • injuries.

If the lower lip is swollen, the herpes will “pop up” here. The site of the future rash itches and turns red.

Lips rarely swell from a cold. It is not so difficult to understand that it was ARVI that caused the swelling:

  • the face becomes inflamed, the cheeks become red;
  • eyes water;
  • body temperature rises;
  • headache;
  • a runny nose, cough, etc. appears.


The most obvious reason. Swelling appears almost immediately after a bruise, blow, or cut. May be observed

  • soft tissue rupture;
  • blood;
  • swelling and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • pain;
  • liquid ulcers from the wound, etc.


A number of oral problems can be solved on your own. If the symptoms are pronounced, severe pain is felt, or pus appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if your lip is swollen:

Cause of swelling


Externally - ointments based on acyclovir. Inside - antiviral drugs.


Treatment of the mucous membrane and outer part of the mouth with antiseptic drugs. Inside – an immunostimulant.


Avoid contact with the allergen. Take an antiallergic drug and sorbent.


Urgently see the dentist! Ointments and rinses will not help, as pus collects inside the jaw or periosteum.

A bite of an insect

Apply ice and treat with a special anti-bite cream.

Injuries (bite, cut, abrasion)

Treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Then - a healing agent (the same Actovegin, a folk alternative - olive or sea buckthorn oil).

Apply a cold compress (a couple of pieces of ice wrapped in a napkin) to the skin nearby.


Apply moisturizer, cosmetic balm or nourishing mask.

If the cause is ARVI, then a doctor should prescribe medications for therapy. If an inflammatory process occurs with ulcers and an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to immediately treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide. For further treatment, see a specialist.

Damaged lips become very dry, so drink mineral water more often. And in the morning it’s clean. Hydration will speed up recovery.

Lips swell for a variety of reasons: mechanical damage, allergic reactions, viral and infectious diseases. This fact cannot be ignored. Complications can become dangerous: the spread of infection and transition to a chronic form, suppuration (and the brain is nearby!), the addition of bacterial flora.

How to get rid of lip swelling or how to reduce lip swelling from biting, kissing, injuries, acne, bumps, herpes, ulcers, burns, piercings, injections, allergies, etc.? Is there a treatment that really helps get rid of lip swelling quickly and effectively?


Swollen lower lip
  • Allergies to various ingredients, including lip products, food, pet dander, latex, medications (such as penicillin), pollen, etc.
  • Injuries and injuries such as lip biting, insect bites, braces, burns, blows, punctures, kissing, piercings, injections, lip surgeries, etc.
  • Stomatitis, lip infections, herpes, ulcers, angular cheilitis, cellulitis, etc.
  • Certain weather conditions: excessive sunlight, dryness, wind or cold.
  • Pimples, ingrown hairs, etc.
  • Severe malnutrition.
  • Some diseases and conditions such as lip cancer, obesity, diabetes, blood transfusion reaction, organ failure and others.

See more details about the reasons and their photos.

How to get rid of a swollen lip or reduce swelling?

Let's start with general ways to reduce or eliminate swelling on the lip before moving on to a few specific ones that are suitable for certain cases.

Cold compress and ice cubes

The first way to soothe and reduce swollen lips is to apply a cold compress using ice cubes or spoons placed in the freezer. Wrap the ice cubes in a clean cloth or paper towel and gently apply to the affected area. Leave on for about 10-15 minutes, take a break for 10-15 minutes before repeating again, continue until the swelling begins to reduce. Avoid using ice cubes, especially spoons from the freezer, directly on your lips, as they can damage the tissue.

This simple home remedy for swollen lips is very effective for most causes of swelling, including swelling from blows, burns, other injuries, herpes simplex virus, ulcers, insect bites, etc.

It is known for its excellent healing and antiseptic properties. You can use the power of turmeric to get rid of swollen lips. Mix the powder, cold water and clay to make a simple herbal ointment to apply to the affected lip area. Leave until dry, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

If your lips are not only swollen but also red and inflamed, you must use aloe vera gel as it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe will soothe the burning sensation. It is ideal for insect bites (such as mosquitoes), sunburn, herpes, and allergic reactions on the lips.

You need to take aloe vera gel or juice and gently massage the affected area two to three times a day.

Tea tree oil and aloe vera

Instead of using tea tree oil alone, you can also mix it with aloe vera in a 2:1 ratio and apply the mixture to the swollen surface of the lip. Leave until completely dry and rinse with cold water. Repeat the procedure several times a day if the swelling does not decrease immediately. Tea tree oil and aloe vera mixture help with any skin inflammation, including on the lips.

However, make sure to use diluted tea tree oil. You can dilute it with olive or coconut oil, that is, add a few drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of aloe vera or coconut oil and apply it to the affected area.


Using baking soda is a great way to treat swollen lips from insect bites, allergic reactions, and herpes. To use it, you need to take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and add water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the damaged area and let it stay there for up to 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Like turmeric, honey has antibacterial and natural healing properties. You should take a teaspoon of honey and apply it to the swelling using a cotton swab. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

Black tea contains tannins, which have astringent properties that help relieve swelling.

Pour hot water over the tea bag and steep for 10 minutes, allowing it to cool before applying it to your lip. Apply 3-4 times a day for quick results.

Salt and witch hazel

A mixture of 2 parts witch hazel extract and 1 part salt is great for reducing any swelling of the body, including on the lips, soothing any pain and sores on them. Apply the mixture to the affected area for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with cold water. Repeat the process until positive changes appear.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil helps quickly reduce lip swelling, inflammation, excessive dryness, and heal damaged skin. For healing, apply the oil to your lip 3-4 times a day and leave to absorb.

Warm salt compress

Salt water is a good remedy for treating injuries, especially punctures, wounds, bites, injections, and cuts. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of salt in a cup of warm water and apply to the swollen area. May cause a burning sensation, but helps speed healing. A warm compress ensures that there is no pooling of blood on the swollen area, hence reducing the swelling in the affected area.

Proper nutrition and vitamin E

When treating a swollen lip, you need to make sure that you eat a balanced diet as lack of certain vitamins can cause this problem, especially vitamin B and C. You need to consume foods rich in vitamin B, such as bananas, oats, legumes, liver, turkey, legumes, etc. d. In addition, before going to bed, apply a lip balm containing vitamin E or the liquid contents of a capsule containing this component.

It will also be helpful to drink plenty of fluids, as this will ensure that your lips do not become dehydrated, meaning they remain hydrated. Water can also help reduce swelling.

  • Don't lick your lips.
  • Drink ginger tea and generally add this spice to your diet as it helps reduce the likelihood of swelling, which can cause lip infections.
  • Treat lips using bromelain or benadryl.
  • Coconut oil.

How to quickly get rid of swollen lips?

To quickly get rid of lip swelling, you need to address the underlying cause, which may vary. But in most cases, remedies such as cold compresses, antihistamines (for allergies), consuming honey, aloe vera can help reduce lip swelling in a few hours.

Treatment depending on specific causes

For insect bites

If the tumors are from insect bites, it is necessary to choose a treatment that will calm the inflammation and neutralize any poison in the case of a sting, such as bees or wasps. Effective treatments will include the use of aloe vera to reduce inflammation, antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen and ibuprofen.

For herpes

Lip swelling and blisters from herpes usually disappear after 7-14 days. However, you can use a cold compress to reduce swelling and apply a small amount of Vaseline to moisturize your lips.

To get rid of herpes, you should consult a doctor to prescribe antiviral medications, as well as creams and ointments.

For allergies

To reduce swelling, first of all, you should avoid contact with allergens.

Second, take an antihistamine such as Benadryl to reduce the allergic reaction, as well as apply cold compresses. If there is excessive swelling, you may need to take oral corticosteroids for quick relief.

If you are suffering from a serious allergic reaction and have symptoms other than swollen lips, consult your doctor as some allergic reactions, such as anaphylactic shock, are life-threatening and can be fatal.

From injury

If swelling on the lips is due to injury or damage, stop the bleeding; if there are injuries or cuts to the tissue, apply hot or cold compresses to soothe and reduce swelling. After severe tissue damage and/or cuts, see a doctor for further treatment or stitching if necessary. Antibiotics may be recommended for injury to avoid the possibility of any secondary infections caused by bacteria.

Swollen lips require special attention. This phenomenon almost always means what happens in the body serious failures. Therefore, swelling of the lips is a signal that requires urgent medical examination. For what reasons does swelling of the lip occur, what diseases are responsible for its appearance, how to get rid of it?

Causes of swelling of the upper lip

Edema is the body’s reaction to any irritant and mechanical impact. The symptom may also indicate the development of certain diseases.

The main causes of swelling of the upper lip.

    Allergic reaction. It is characterized by the body's hypersensitivity to a particular irritant (dust, plant pollen, animal hair, medications, food, etc.). The reaction occurs immediately after contact with the allergen or after 3-6 hours. In addition, accompanying symptoms are observed in the form of lacrimation, runny nose, and red eyes.

    Inflammatory process.


    Poor-quality decorative cosmetics, violations of hygiene rules.

    Dental diseases, stomatitis, teething, gumboil. If the cheek is swollen along with the upper lip, then the main cause of the symptom is periodontitis. The disease is a complication of dental injuries, caries and poorly performed dental procedures. As a result, the inflammatory process spreads to the cheek and lip. In this case, severe pain is felt in the area of ​​the affected tooth, swelling of the gums, and an increase in body temperature are observed.

    Infectious or viral disease against the background of high body temperature, the consequences of hypothermia, frostbite, hot weather.

    Facial neuritis. Accompanied by swelling and numbness of the upper lip.

    Surgeries (facial plastic surgery) and injuries (biting the upper lip, damage to the lip with a toothpick, dental floss, piercing, burn).

If swelling of the upper lip is accompanied by pain, then an inflammatory process may develop due to injury, the presence of ulcers, cystic acne, wounds, and abrasions. Painful sensations may be associated with an infectious process. After all, abrasions and open wounds are an excellent environment for germs to enter and multiply. In addition to swelling and pain, the patient there is an increase in body temperature, numbness of the skin, unpleasant odor from the mouth. If treatment is not started in time, the inflammatory process will spread to neighboring tissues and lead to complications.

When the upper lip swells from the inside, periostitis develops - inflammatory process in the periosteum and bone jaw tissues. Complicated by suppuration, abscesses, tissue necrosis. The causes of the disease are improper dental procedures, improper antiseptic treatment, and installation of fillings. Swelling of the lip is accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums.

In children, a symptom may appear due to the development of stomatitis, an allergic reaction, pathological lesions of the teeth and gums, bruises, and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of swelling of the lower lip

Just as in the case of the upper lip, the following are the causes of swelling of the lower lip.


  1. Development of pathologies.

Pathological factors include infectious and non-infectious diseases. This:

    ARVI, acute respiratory infections, herpes;

    Quincke's edema;

    lichen, fungus;


    lip cancer;


    cheilitis (a rare inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane and red border of the lips);

    malignant tumors.

An allergic reaction occurs to food, medications, and cosmetics. Accompanied by swelling and numbness of the lower lip.

Traumatic factors include:

    constant lip biting;

    burns resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation after consuming hot drinks and food;

    blow, scratch, puncture;

    bruise, bite;

    piercing, tattooing, permanent makeup, surgery, anesthesia.

Leads to swelling lower lip vitamin B and C deficiency . Vitamin deficiency occurs due to fasting and adherence to strict one-component diets.

An increase in the area under the lip may indicate the development of aphthous stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), fibroma (benign neoplasm), and angioedema ().

If the swelling affects both the lip and chin, this indicates an abscess of the lower jaw caused by injury to the dental pulp.

Swelling on the inside of the lip indicates blockage of the salivary glands. A symptom appears when you frequently bite your cheeks, lips, or have piercings.

The cause of lip swelling can be fluid retention in the body (usually observed during pregnancy), blood transfusion, liver, kidney, heart and vascular diseases. In this case, the symptom extends not only to the lower lip, but also to the upper lip.

How to quickly relieve swelling?

Swelling caused by a bruise or injury (without cracks, abrasions) is eliminated with the help of applying a cold compress, always wrapped in clean cloth. They hold it for a quarter of an hour. The compress allows you to slow down the flow of blood to the damaged area and quickly relieve swelling and relieve pain.

How to relieve swelling of the lip in the presence of abrasions and wounds? Fresh aloe leaf is used. It is cut in several places and applied to the sore lip for 5-7 minutes. The plant will relieve inflammation, disinfect and remove swelling.

A warm tea bag and tea tree oil will help restore your lip to its original appearance.

All these manipulations are performed immediately after the swelling appears and serve as first aid elements.

Treatment with drugs

Treatment depends on the cause of the symptom.

    Swelling caused by infection of a wound, abrasion, or pimple is first treated with antiseptics - hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, Chlorhexidine. Then anti-inflammatory ointments are applied to the affected area - tetracycline, erythromycin, oxolinic, as well as Flucinar and Sinalar.

    Swelling that appears as a result of an allergic reaction is treated by taking antihistamines - Zodak, Zyrtec, Cetrin, Suprastin. Antipruritic, antiallergic, and anti-inflammatory ointments are used as local therapy. Suitable for these purposes are Flucinar, Prednisolone, Fluorocort.

    After lip augmentation injections or permanent makeup procedures, it is recommended to apply a cold compress for 2-3 days.

    If the cause is fluid retention in the body, diuretics or diuretics are taken.

    Hematomas and bruises leading to a tumor on the lip will be cured by badyaga. It is mixed with water and applied to the swollen area (or purchase a ready-made gel). Sinyak off, Lyoton, Rescuer, Troxevasin are suitable for the same purposes.

    A burn on the lip, which causes swelling, is treated with Levomekol ointment. It will disinfect the affected area and relieve pain. Solcoseryl and Rescuer are used as burn-relieving ointments. Be sure to regularly treat the burned area with antiseptic drugs.

    Stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity are treated by rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, 1% Clotrimazole solution, Miramistin, weak manganese solution). Also used for therapy are Stomatidin, Lugol, Hexoral sprays. They are also good antiseptics. To combat bacteria, fungi and viruses, the gel Cholisal, Viferon, Lidochlor, Komistad is used. The products eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and fight microbes in the oral cavity.

    If the cause of the swelling is herpes, then antiviral drugs and ointments are prescribed. Usually the swelling is accompanied by itching and tingling. Then redness and small blisters appear, uniting with each other. Occurs due to weakening immune functions. It is not possible to completely overcome the virus and remove its cells from the body. However, there are remedies that will help achieve long-term remission. These are: Acyclovir ointment, Zovirax, Gerpevir. They not only have an antiviral effect, but also quickly relieve itching, burning, inflammation and pain. To quickly regenerate tissue, Bepanthenol and Solcoseryl are prescribed. Activities to strengthen the immune system are also important here.

The ointments are applied to the lip by soaking sterile gauze or bandage with them. This will prevent the product from entering the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.

If you find a tumor on your lip, it is better to go to the doctor and get examined. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will determine the cause of the symptom and prescribe treatment.


Preventive measures are as follows.

    The first thing to do is take measures to strengthen immunity– eat right, don’t be nervous, play sports, get rid of bad habits, get more rest. This prevents the development of infectious diseases.

    Choose a cosmetologist or dentist with special care, contact only trusted clinics.

    Do not touch the wound on your lip with dirty hands.

    If you are prone to allergies, then purchase decorative cosmetics and other lip products labeled “hypoallergenic” or “for sensitive skin.”

    Avoid hypothermia and overheating.

    Drink enough water.

    The menu includes foods rich in vitamins B6, C, B12.

    After cosmetic procedures, follow all doctor’s recommendations.

    Undergo a medical examination once every six months.

Swelling of the lip occurs for various reasons - allergic, traumatic, pathological. All of them require urgent examination, otherwise serious complications cannot be avoided.