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How do cats see and what colors do they distinguish? How cats see: secrets and features of animals’ perception of the world around them How does a cat’s vision differ from a human’s?

This happened in 2011. Barsik was brought to my apartment for 1.5 weeks. I had to look after him. We left the cat's litter box, favorite toys, and gave away a supply of pellets and dry food.

The first walk through someone else's yard with a harness caused one negative reaction in the cat, and in me - complete disobedience! He demanded to be released, tried to break free, climbed under cars, under the balconies of the first floors of a neighboring high-rise building and sat there for 20 minutes. When I managed to pick him up, he scratched and hissed. The conclusion was clear - no festivities.

The cat held a siege for about 2 days. He occupied a large room with an open loggia, and I was in charge of the rest of the apartment. He did not eat or drink in front of me, but lay with his back turned and did not make contact. As soon as I left his room, he ate everything where needed, as needed. I also slept separately for the first 2 nights.

Somewhere on the third day, the cat got better and started coming into my room and even laying down next to me at night. During the day, while I was working at the computer, he would jump onto the computer desk and sit next to me by the lamp. And after some time the cat began to watch TV. Moreover, he himself jumped onto the sofa, sat on his butt and looked attentively at the screen for a long time. I just didn't change channels with the remote control.

In the main photo you can see that the cat turned its head towards me, because at that moment I was entering the room, and even with a camera. It was impossible to catch the moment when he was looking straight at the TV, specifically at the camera; he immediately turned his head when I approached.

On the TV at the time of filming, the then still channel “Sports” was turned on, later renamed “Russia2”, and then “Match TV”. They showed some kind of competition, it looked like shooting. Lots of dynamic scenes, interesting sounds, but how can a cat resist? Must watch!

From time immemorial, cats have lived next to humans. There is a belief that this animal is a guide to the other world. The cat's gaze has given rise to many mystical speculations among the population of different countries. Indeed, cats see the world differently than humans, and they are able not only to see, but also to feel the owner himself.

Features of the structure of cat's eyes

Well-known fact: “A cat can see perfectly in complete darkness.” For a long time, scientists have been trying to figure out the reason why cats, unlike people, see in pitch darkness. According to the results of the study, this feature in cats lies in the special anatomical structure of their eyes. So, in the dark, the pupils of cats dilate (also happens in the process of hunting or excitement), and in order to focus on a specific object, the pupils of the animal narrow. In addition, the vertical structure of the pupil allows cats to protect their eyes during the day from sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.

But cats' eyesight is not perfect. The animal sees poorly during the day, compared to a human. Bright light is unpleasant for cats and they are very sensitive to it. Therefore, cats see everything blurry and unclear during the daytime.

Color range

Cats can hardly tell the difference between red, yellow, orange and green. Pets perceive blue, violet and blue as one color. Pets are able to distinguish other colors. At night, cats see many more shades of gray than humans.

Do cats see the other world?

Many people are sure that their pets are able to see the other world, which is inaccessible to the human eye. This statement was due to the abnormal behavior of cats. Thus, owners often observe how their pets seem to be peering into something invisible, and then suddenly jump up and run away, demolishing everything in their path.

This behavior of cats can be explained simply. Almost all the changes that occur around are perceived by pets with their ears, and after looking at the picture, they are able to be startled by the slightest rustle, which leads to a similar reaction.

There is a sign that a black cat has magical powers (protection), and if you get such a pet, then trouble will never touch the owner. The color of a cat is not a guarantee of certain abilities, so this sign is just a superstition. A pet’s energy can be negative or positive, which also does not depend on color. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a Siamese or a Thai cat, all pets have the same abilities, the same applies to tricolor cats.

It is also known that cats perceive ultrasounds that humans cannot perceive. The animal perceives light waves faster than humans, but whether cats see the souls of the dead or the biofield remains a mystery.

The energy of cats is calming for humans. By placing a furry pet in his arms, the owner can bring his emotional state back to normal. You need to stroke your cat with a positive attitude and fur.

Negative human energy is felt by cats; they can hiss and scratch.

How far can a cat see

Cats and kittens can see at a distance of up to 800 meters. Mustaches see well from 1 to 60 meters, but closer to this distance they see objects unclearly. Sometimes you can notice that a cat walks without noticing objects that are found nearby.

What cats see in the mirror and on TV

If you bring a cat to a mirror, it behaves somewhat inappropriately - it begins to hiss, flatten its ears, scratch, fight with yourself. In fact, pets see themselves in the mirror, but they do not understand that they are in the reflection. They are afraid that the reflection does not produce any tactile or auditory vibrations, which causes this behavior.

As for TV, zoologists say that cats only see flickering on the monitor. The moving objects on the pet screen are mesmerizing. Many owners have noticed that cats love to watch programs about animals. Scientists cannot explain this phenomenon.

However, the site editor's pet cat happily jumps on the mouse cursor, which moves quickly across the monitor, apparently mistaking it for a fat midge.

How does a cat see a person?

Cats see their owners as they are, with the exception of the color scheme. If a person is at a distance, then the pet sees only a silhouette. But up close, the pet can clearly see the owner’s face. In general, cats navigate solely by smell.

As for human energy, not every cat is able to feel it. A negative person will push the animal away from him, and it will not accept him. But the reaction to a person with a bad energy field will vary from cat to cat. Therefore, you should not be surprised if one cat begins to hiss, and the other purrs and rubs.

Many owners notice that only felines of a certain color take root with them. This phenomenon is not explained in any way by scientists. But it is clear that cats live only in conditions that are comfortable for themselves, so if the owner has created unfavorable conditions for the pet, then he may leave the house and never return. Perhaps the owner had a negative attitude towards the pet, and he felt it. Also, an allergy to animal fur can be a signal for a cat to leave the house, apartment and choose other housing.

Many cats go to bed next to their owner. According to expert research, sleeping with your pet at night is beneficial. There are many speculations about why cats lie on humans. Often the owner notices that the pet tries to fall asleep on a certain part of the body. It has been proven that a pet is able to feel the outgoing vibrations of an unhealthy organ and heal it. There is also a belief that a cat takes energy from a person, but only negative, but each owner decides for himself whether he can sleep with a cat.

It used to be that cats had visual acuity. This statement is misleading. Felines have a phenomenal sense of smell, but they cannot boast of visual acuity. Their eyes, in proportion to their body, are quite large. That is why the eyes of cats are credited with magical abilities to charge people with energy and take away negativity. Dogs, for example, cannot boast of such features.

By the behavior of a cat you can determine what kind of energy a person has. If the aura, soul and person are generally kind, then the pet will treat him kindly. The relationship between the cat and the owner is close, so if the other has a headache, the pet will try in every possible way to calm it down (purr, climb on his head). In this case, you can take the purr to rest in bed and place it next to your head on the pillow. After sleep, headaches are guaranteed to disappear. Not all cats can perform this treatment, but only those with positive energy.

Cats love small children, because a child has positive energy. And also, importantly, a positive attitude towards the cat.

Small “total”

Cats see people for who they are. In fact, pets' vision is not that perfect. But their sixth sense is very developed. A cat will not live with a person who has a negative energy field.

Much is attributed to the look and eyes of cats. Also, a large number of owners noted that such an animal can cure many diseases and improve their mood. If you treat a cat with kindness, then it will respond the same to its owner.

When your cat opens his eyes
The sun will enter into them like through a window
When your cat closes her eyes,
The light of the sun will remain in the cat.
No wonder in the darkness of the night, they say,

Cat's eyes are like two suns!

Anatoly Movshovich

The cat's eyes hold a great secret and are filled with the wisdom of the ages: two sparkling gems, so attractive, delightful and a little scary. At all times, people have been interested in how cats see the world through the thinnest slits of their pupils? Can they distinguish colors? We don’t yet know all the secrets, but we have managed to unravel some secrets.

In ancient times, people attributed magical powers to cats, noticing the unusual shape of the pupil of predatory eyes. Cats were believed to see ghosts and could see through the layers of reality, predicting the future and reading the past. In Ancient Rus' they believed that peace reigns only in the house where the cat is friendly with the brownie. Of course, there was no doubt about whether cats saw brownies. And in order to make friends between two wayward creatures, it was necessary to shelter a cat whose coat color was similar to the hair color of one of the family members. The Egyptians also had no doubt whether cats saw ghosts and were sure that these animals were able to talk with the deity in order to scold or praise “their” person. Even today, many people believe that cats see ghosts, can communicate with otherworldly forces and predict disaster.

The cat is a nocturnal predator, capable of seeing objects in such illumination that it seems pitch darkness to a person. Moonlight and even the reflection of one star are enough for the mustachioed hunter to see her prey. While figuring out why cats see in the dark, scientists also determined the role of the vertical pupils of domestic cats. It turned out that this pupil shape better protects light-sensitive eyes during the day. Human eyes are less receptive, and therefore an ordinary round pupil is “enough” for us. But we see better in bright light. And since cats see just fine in the dark, they had to sacrifice daytime vision - on a bright sunny afternoon, the cat sees objects a little blurry and indistinct.

What kind of vision do giant cats have? Night or day? After all, the pupils of a lion, cheetah or tiger do not form vertical slits. It turns out that large cats are not truly nocturnal predators, although they are sometimes active at night. Ethologists believe that leopards, tigers and lions are typical daytime hunters who, if desired, go out to hunt at night, for example, if it is too hot during the day.

Mysterious flicker

For a long time, zoologists could not figure out why cats see in the dark. Hypersensitivity to light partly explained this ability. But large wild cats also navigate well at night, and their pupils are round in shape. Scientists assumed that tigers and other large cats navigate in the dark only by smell and hearing, but later it turned out that at night they see six times better than humans. How cats see the world shrouded in the darkness of night has been discovered relatively recently: on the back wall of the retina of a cat’s eye there is a “mirror” tapetum lucidum. In the dark, a cat's pupil becomes huge - a larger surface absorbs more light. Once on the retina, the light is reflected from the “mirror” and returns to the nerve endings. Thanks to the reflective ability of the “mirror,” the cat’s eyes glow in the darkness of the night and in photographs. This flickering has long frightened superstitious people, causing them to wonder whether cats see ghosts, can see into the future and whether they have magical powers.

Read also: Hypoallergenic cats: myth or reality?


How does a cat's vision compare to our vision? It turns out that there are not so many fundamental differences. Like humans, cats have binocular vision. The mustachioed huntress sees the world in three dimensions and perfectly estimates the distance to an object and its outline. But there are a number of features: cats see objects in motion better, determining the location of a frozen mouse not visually, but with the help of smell and hearing. In addition, mustachioed predators have difficulty distinguishing between objects at a distance of more than six meters and those objects that are right under their noses (in the latter case, their whiskers, smell and hearing help out).

Color palette

Previously, it was believed that cats see in black and white, not perceiving other tones. Luckily for the cat, this is not the case. In order for an image to appear before the eyes, light must pass through the nerve endings that send signals to the brain. These nerve endings are called cones and rods. Cones are responsible for the perception of color, and rods are responsible for light.

Cat vision is shrouded in secrets and riddles. Cats are credited with the unique ability to see in pitch darkness. Is it so? Let's try to figure it out.

Cats' vision is not quite the same as that of humans. Cats are predators by nature and need good vision to track and catch prey in any light level.

How does a cat's vision work?

The structure of a cat's eye is not very different from ours.

Although, a cat's pupil has a special structure and abilities. In the dark, it expands to the entire space of the iris, letting in the maximum light flux. In the light it narrows into a narrow slit so that the light does not injure the eye.

Retinal photoreceptors are divided into two types: rods and cones. Rods are twilight vision receptors that provide black and white perception. Cones are responsible for daytime vision and color perception. Like all nocturnal animals, the number of rods in cats exceeds the number of cones. In cats, this ratio is 25:1. Therefore, cats see well in the dark and can hunt at night.

Immediately behind the retina is the tapetum (Latin for “luminous wallpaper”) - a layer of the eye that accumulates and reflects light rays to the photoreceptors. Thanks to this, the animal’s twilight vision is enhanced, and its eyes begin to glow in the dark.

How cats see day and night

The main distinguishing feature of cats' vision is its stereoscopicity and sharpness.

The visual acuity of cats is 7 times higher than that of humans. Cats' eyes look in one direction, so their field of vision is located in the center, which allows them to well judge the distance to objects and the speed of their movement.

Cats distinguish horizontally moving objects better than static ones. In addition, a cat's vision has a very wide viewing angle, it can reach 200-270 degrees.

Some breeds of cats (Siamese, Abyssinian, Oriental) are able to see a panoramic picture. The central objects of this picture will be clearly visible, while objects in the periphery will be blurry.

Day vision

During the day, cats see the world in blue, green and gray colors. The eyes of these animals are absolutely insensitive to the red spectrum, so even their sun is green-blue. But they capture up to 50 flickers per second - this is twice the speed of changing television frames. This explains the love of some pets for watching TV - they are attracted by the rapid change of static images.

Night vision

At night, the world around cats turns gray. Cats can distinguish up to 26 shades of gray. However, many people are mistaken that cats can see in complete darkness. No, that's not true. Indeed, due to the structural features of the retina of a cat's eye, these animals see well in low light conditions. Cats calmly move around the apartment when everyone is sleeping; in street life - they catch mice in the light of the moon. But in the complete absence of light sources, the cat sees nothing, just like a person.

Do cats see colors?

This problem has long worried humanity; for a long time the vision of wild and domestic cats was considered monochrome - black and white.

The exact answer to the question was given only in the middle of the 20th century. It has now been reliably proven that a cat’s eye is capable of distinguishing the slightest shades of gray – up to 26 shades. The animal perceives “cold” shades best.

Gray is the most important color for our pets. This is the color of rats, mice, and some birds, which this predator feeds on in nature.

In addition, the cat distinguishes colors: blue, green, purple and yellow. The animal may confuse the last two colors with white.

So, the cat distinguishes colors:

  • black;
  • gray (with all shades);
  • white;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • blue.

Red, brown, orange shades are completely inaccessible to the pet’s eye. Also, multi-colored combinations are not perceived.

Why do cats' eyes glow?

Why cats' eyes emit a green or yellow glow in the dark is the second question, the answer to which man could not find an answer for a long time.

Because of this amazing ability, cats were attributed magical otherworldly properties. It was believed that they could talk to spirits and play with brownies.

In fact, the answer is simple - the eyes do not glow, but reflect the light entering them. The structure of the cat's eye has a back wall of crystals - the tapetum. Such a mirror wall is present in the structure of the eyes of all predators that hunt in the dark.

It reflects the sun's rays onto the photoreceptors, thereby causing the cat's eyes to glow. No mysticism - a common physical phenomenon called photoluminescence! The reflected light has a wavelength corresponding to the green part of the spectrum. That's why a cat's eyes glow in the dark with green and yellow light. There will be no source of external light - the glow will disappear.

How does a cat's vision differ from a human's?

This article talked a lot about how a cat sees. About the similarities between her vision and human vision and the differences. Let's try to summarize this information.

So, what do cats and humans have in common:

  1. Structure of the retina: rods and cones.
  2. Binocular vision (stereoscopic) is the ability to look with two eyes and combine the result into a single image.
  3. Ability to distinguish colors.
  1. The ratio of rods and cones in the retina. In cats it is 25:1, in humans it is 4:1. That's why cats see better in the dark.
  2. Viewing angle (perspective) of the eye. In humans it is 160-180, in cats it is 185-270 degrees.
  3. A cat's visual acuity is 7 times higher than a human's.
  4. In the dark, a cat's eyes glow due to a special layer (tapetum) that accumulates and reflects sunlight.
  5. Cats have a slit pupil, which can either expand to cover the entire iris or contract to the size of a narrow slit.
  6. A cat's eye can distinguish 6 colors plus 26 shades. The human eye perceives from 100 to 150 shades of color.
  7. All cats are nearsighted. They don't see well up close. Animals explore objects in their immediate vicinity using their sense of smell and touch (whiskers).

All the distinctive features of a cat's vision from people are the result of its predatory origin and nocturnal lifestyle.

People have always been fascinated by the unusual eyes of cats, which amaze with their ability to either expand or contract their pupils to a minimum size. Sometimes it seems that cats see something completely inaccessible to the eyes of people, about which there are many myths among the people. To this day, many cat lovers are interested in the following questions: what colors do cats see? Why do cats see in the dark? We will try to give a detailed answer to these and other questions in our article.

Everyone knows that a cat's vision can easily cope with pitch darkness. Zoologists, figuring out why cats' vision can easily cope without sunlight, found that this is due to the anatomical structure of the pupil. At night, pets see very well, and their pupils dilate during excitement or hunting. In order to better examine the object that interests her, she constricts her pupils, thereby focusing on the prey. A vertical pupil is much more advantageous than a round one and helps to completely protect from sunlight, as a result of which it completely protects the cat’s vision from ultraviolet radiation.

A cat’s vision improves at night; it sees about the same as a person during the day.

People exaggerate a cat's vision; in the daytime, pets see much worse than them. Cats' eyes are very sensitive to bright light; the vertical pupil helps protect the eye's special sensitivity. On a bright sunny day, they squint and just like to take a nap, at which time their vision is blurry and unclear.

Cats, like their owners, have binocular vision, that is, each eye sees a certain picture, then it overlaps and folds into a single image. Moreover, cats bypassed people here too. A person’s viewing radius is 180 degrees, while a cat’s is 20 degrees more – 200.

Shades of colors distinguished by a cat

Owners often wonder if cats see colors. It used to be that cats see the world only in black and white, but this is not true. Of course, they do not perceive their surroundings in such bright colors as people do, but they still have some shades. They perceive the world as if in a haze, their colors are more faded. The cat sees gray, blue and green colors perfectly, but does not distinguish between red, yellow and orange at all. Doesn't see the difference between blue, cyan and violet, white and yellow.

The reason for the night glow of the eyes is specific formations (tapetums), which act as a reflector of light, which is directed into the retina of the eye - this is the reason for the glow in the dark of cat eyes.

Do cats see the paranormal world?

Many mustachioed lovers claim that their pets see the paranormal world, something inaccessible to the human eye. This is expressed in the abnormal behavior of cats. As a result, pets seem to be observing objects unknown to us. Suddenly they jump off and start rushing around, knocking over everything in their path. At this time, their pupils dilate and their fur stands on end.

Zoologists explain these facts in a blurry picture that appears in the minds of pets. They perceive all changes occurring around them with their ears. The slightest rustle in a still picture leads to such inappropriate behavior.

However, everyone knows perfectly well that there is a world that is not perceived by people, ultrasound, which is perfectly perceived by animals, light waves that are invisible to the human eye. Due to its natural characteristics, a cat can perceive the world much more widely than a human.

How far can a cat see

Cats can notice an object at a distance of 800 meters, and they clearly see the world from a meter to 60, but up close they see quite poorly. Sometimes the pet walks completely without noticing the objects located right under its nose. This is due to the fact that cats are naturally myopic, and their vibrissae help them cope with close distances.

What cats see in the mirror and on TV

Sometimes owners laugh and watch as cats comically attack mirrors. As a result, the frightened animal arches its back, bristles its whiskers, and flattens its ears. So what do they see in the mirror? Mustaches see their reflection in the mirror, but they do not understand that they see themselves. They are frightened by the fact that their auditory and tactile receptors do not transmit any information about the presence of another animal. Cats simply cannot form a picture in their heads from the information received.

When it comes to TV, most zoologists say that cats only notice the flickering on the screen. They are fascinated by objects moving on the screen. However, everyone knows that cats love to watch programs about animals; without looking up from the screen, they watch the flight of birds and the hunting of cats. Moreover, they do not come off the screen even when the sound is turned off. As soon as the channel is switched, the animal, having lost interest, leaves the room. Scientists currently cannot give an exact explanation for this fact.

How does a cat see a person?

The mustachioed pet sees the owner as he is, only in a slightly different color. When a person is in a place remote from him, the pet perceives only the outline of the figure. Up close, it can barely distinguish the outlines of its owner’s face, being guided only by smell.

As we see, our favorites are rather mysterious creatures, which we are sometimes unable to understand. They still do not allow us to fully reveal all their secrets, and sometimes it feels like they live in their own world, closed to people.