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Which dog should you choose to guard your home? The best dogs for protection - an overview of different breeds. Which dog is best for a family with children in an apartment?

Living in a private house has a number of advantages, and some nuances relate, for example, to ensuring security. Yes, modern security agencies offer their services, but people are not going to give up their four-legged friends, who do such work excellently. In this case, the family gains not only an employee, but also a devoted friend. How to choose a dog to guard a private home that will cope 100% with the task entrusted to it?

Living in a yard is not suitable for all dogs, and this must be taken into account when choosing a pet. Three main criteria should be considered first:

  1. Wool. First of all, this applies to the coat of the animal. The coat of a dog intended for street living must be two-layered and consist of guard hair and abundant, thick undercoat. Such a “fur coat” should protect from low temperatures, winds, precipitation, as well as from heat - the pet should not overheat in the summer. But even a well-insulated dog should be provided with a booth in which he will rest or hide from the heat or bad weather. Cane Corsos, Dobermans, and Bull Terriers have excellent security qualities, but they can live in the local area only in the warm season. During other periods, the pet will have to be taken into the house, since its short fur will not be able to reliably protect it from the cold, or a well-insulated booth and enclosure will have to be installed.
  2. Size. It is advisable to give preference to representatives of large and giant breeds. After all, it’s not for nothing that they occupy the top lines of the list of the best guard dogs. Such a large animal, of course, eats more than its smaller counterparts, but its appearance already makes it clear that it is better not to meddle in the entrusted territory.
  3. Good health and unpretentiousness. Similar requirements apply to almost all working breeds. The dog should not get very dirty, have serious health problems and require special care.

Character traits

The issue of selecting a guard dog should be approached carefully, because the pet must live up to expectations and vigilantly serve. But not every representative of the species is suitable for these purposes. For example, a beagle has a ringing voice; it will definitely warn the family about uninvited guests, but will not be able to prevent the invasion of strangers. But a large Labrador, which is capable of barking loudly, is only able to lick intruders, since it is devoid of natural aggression.

Therefore, the pet must have a certain disposition and innate characteristics, which only need to be corrected for it to become a real guard for a private home. The required set of characteristics includes the following qualities:

  • balance - a large, unbalanced dog can become a threat, and not only for ill-wishers;
  • the ability to quickly assess situations and decide what to do without waiting for the owner’s prompt;
  • wary attitude towards strangers;
  • a tolerant attitude towards other pets (however, in a private home people often have livestock and poultry, and it is important that the dog does not become a threat to them);
  • good learning ability;
  • a friendly attitude towards members of the household, especially younger family members.

A dog possessing all of the above qualities can be safely called an ideal friend and guard. However, even purebred representatives of the breeds cannot always boast of them.

When choosing a puppy, you should ask the breeder how successful its parents are in this type of activity. After all, it is possible that they have not spent a day in the yard and are more accustomed to participating in show programs. In this case, the offspring’s working qualities may be lower than those of children from a working couple.

Which breeds will not make vigilant guards?

Sometimes the appearance of dogs and their character are misleading, and people who are not familiar with the specifics of the breed may think that this is an excellent protector and guard. But in practice, it turns out that the choice was unsuccessful, and the owners begin to blame the pet for this, which, in fact, had nothing to do with it.

Representatives of the following breeds, even with proper upbringing and training, will not make guards

Hunting breeds

This is a large group of breeds, consisting of greyhounds, pointers, hounds, burrows (terriers), and huskies. Their specificity necessitates the presence of anger towards the beast, but it does not extend to humans. The dog can be aggressive, defending himself and his booth, he is able to stand up for the owner if he is offended, but due to his weak territoriality, he will not defend and protect the family’s property.

In addition, such a “guard” living in the private sector or a rural area can act as a real pest, hunting chickens, rabbits and other small animals.

Fighting and pickling

Bulldog, pit bull, stafford, bull terrier are dog breeds with an aggressive appearance. But their history is such that they or their ancestors fought for a long time with wild, domestic animals and their own kind, so their anger does not extend to humans.

When raised and trained, a pet can become a bodyguard, but it is not aggressive enough to protect the house and surrounding area. Many fighting dogs are even friendly towards strangers.

Rescuers and companions

They may have decent dimensions and luxurious, warm hair - this applies to St. Bernards, divers, collies, Labradors, retrievers, Newfoundlands, but are absolutely not suitable as guards.

Nature has endowed dogs with many useful qualities that make them excellent rescuers and companions. But these pets adore people, so it is almost impossible to force them to cause serious harm to a person.


Fast, resilient, with excellent reaction, they are able to act as a “bell”, notifying not only the owners, but also the surrounding area about the approach of guests. But this is where their security capabilities end. Border collies and Australian shepherds may fall into this category.


Representatives of a specific breed, which have a very beautiful, colorful appearance and rich fur. But, as practice shows, this turns out to be completely insufficient for work.

Malamutes and huskies may control their own territory, but they are more likely to chase away other dogs rather than people. In addition, these beauties are prone to escape; they can make very deep digs and climb even over unusually high fences.

Considering the above, it becomes clear that only a small part of the breeds can actually work in this direction. These are the ones you should pay attention to when choosing a suitable pet.

The best guard breeds

The list of the best four-legged guards includes representatives of the following breeds.

It is perhaps difficult to find a more versatile breed, since “Germans” are very capable dogs. They have high efficiency, developed intelligence, and flexibility. Even beginners can buy such a pet, but it is worth remembering that they will still have to deal with its upbringing and training.

Shepherd dogs are capable of living outdoors, but they need companionship with their family and are not suitable for chain keeping. Such a dog will be happy to accompany the owner everywhere, shows excellent results in various sports disciplines and is ideal for service. It is recommended that people leading an active lifestyle purchase such a gifted and hardworking dog.

While guarding the yard, the shepherd will show aggression towards uninvited guests, but for the family it will be an affectionate, devoted, patient pet.

For centuries, such a giant has been protecting huge flocks in the harsh conditions of the Caucasus Mountains. Such activities strengthened him, taught him to think independently and correctly assess the situation. “Caucasians” are still used for their intended purpose, but in addition to this, they successfully perform security work.

The pet is unpretentious, hardy, incorruptible and aggressive towards strangers, but at the same time gentle with members of its family. It is not recommended for beginners to have such a serious dog; the owner must know all the nuances and be able to find an approach to his four-legged friend.

The dog loves children, but can mistake strangers for intruders. In addition, you should not allow the shepherd to play with children - a huge dog can cause harm through negligence.

You cannot keep a puppy in a fence all the time; it needs early socialization, otherwise the pet will grow up to be overly angry and distrustful. You should walk him every day, giving the dog the opportunity to throw out excess energy and get to know the world around him.

A domestic breed obtained by crossing “Caucasians”, Russian piebald hounds and St. Bernards. Its representatives are similar to their large relatives, very colorful and powerful dogs. They are hardy, smart, and distrustful of strangers, which makes them excellent guards and watchmen.

For a family, this is a devoted, faithful pet who adores children, but the latter should not be trusted to walk such a large animal. Moscow Watchdogs require intense physical exercise less than other breeds. They successfully learn commands and get real pleasure from working out on the training ground.

But there is one important nuance - Moscow watchdogs have a dominant character, which means that it is important for the owner to show the puppy who’s boss as early as possible.

An indigenous Asian breed that was formed in natural conditions. Its representatives are born shepherds, watchmen and security guards, so a set of all the necessary qualities is present in their blood.

But dog experts warn that adopting a puppy of this breed is not recommended for people who do not have the necessary experience. The owner must have a strong hand, endurance and have a lot of free time to work with the dog. Even as a puppy, the Alabai will claim dominance, and it is important to prevent him from playing this role.

The dog is harsh towards strangers, both people and animals, so those who invade his territory will not be happy. He works around the clock, so it’s impossible to sneak past the Central Asian - neither day nor night.

The dog has well-developed herding qualities, which means that he will vigilantly watch over the household, paying special attention to the younger members of the family, being both a nanny and a bodyguard for them. As for pets, he treats “his own” quite favorably and quickly gets used to the neighborhood.

Guard dogs are a big responsibility; it is important for the owner to know the specifics of keeping them and avoid dangerous situations when such an impressive animal ends up on the street unattended. First of all, guards are not suitable for a chain - it is important for them to move around the territory. Yes, they can be locked in an enclosure for a while, but not permanently. This is due to their previous life - after all, shepherd dogs once roamed the mountainous expanses, and they have a love of freedom.

Owners of guard dogs are confident that no panic button can replace these devoted, faithful and hardworking pets. Only a four-legged friend is capable of guarding, defending, loving his family boundlessly and will not even spare his life if such a sacrifice is required.

Living in a private house requires good security from thieves, hooligans and other uninvited guests. There are many breeds of guard dogs, and the most common ones are described below.

One of the best guard dog breeds. Although physically developed, she is also endowed with high intelligence, which helps her to be a loyal friend and protector of her owner. The average weight of an adult animal is 50-60 kg, but deviations in one direction or another may occur depending on nutrition, genetic inheritance and lifestyle. Standard height - 58-60 cm, length - 120-140 cm.

Rottweilers are easy to train, but the educational process can be difficult due to the natural laziness of the dog, “burdened down” with a sharp mind. That is why, at the puppy’s development stage, it is recommended to involve professional trainers who will also help set the right priorities in matters of leadership with the owner. A trained dog is a threat to all uninvited guests and ill-wishers who find themselves in its field of vision.

Excellent hearing and coordination of movements, multiplied by powerful muscles and fearlessness of character, provide a one hundred percent guarantee that the house will always be under reliable supervision. Rottweilers love children, but due to their large size they can unintentionally push or hit them with their body. The average life expectancy is 10-12 years, although with proper care they often live up to 14-15 years.

Smart and quite emotional dogs, which are most often bred to guard a city apartment rather than a private home. By nature they are very affectionate and “talkative”; they can bark from the threshold of both a stranger and the owner of the house. Physical maturation usually stops at 18 months, although Boxers mature mentally much later. Average weight - 25-32 kg, height - 54-63 cm. They are considered long-livers, easily crossing the 13-14 year mark.

Despite getting along well with other animals in the same territory, they can chase cats, losing control of themselves. They do not like to be alone, preferring to always be surrounded by people. In education, they do not tolerate the method of “whip” and punishment, but on the contrary, they quickly learn commands in the mode of praise and encouragement. A distinctive feature of dogs of this breed is excessive noise, as well as the ability to snore.

A strong and graceful dog with a strong build without looking bulky. A real aristocrat with a proud posture, long neck and toned stomach. The color of the animal is most often black or dark brown with characteristic red-red tan markings. The height at the withers is on average 63-72 cm, weight - from 32 to 45 kg, depending on gender. The coat is smooth, shiny and silky.

Dobermans are distinguished by their courage and strength of character, sharp mind and quick wit. They are able to quickly respond to any environmental changes. Endowed with natural vigilance, they are always on the alert and instantly rush to the aid of their owner when they sense danger. They are moderately calm and excitable, they know how to control emotions, but at the same time they can be vindictive.

The best guard dogs according to numerous dog handlers. Possessors of an ideal sense of smell and a calm, balanced character. They are easy to train, naturally intelligent and have excellent knowledge of the terrain. The “Germans” clearly understand the boundaries of the space that needs to be protected and are ready for an immediate attack if the slightest threat arises. At the same time, they are very friendly and will never attack first.

Adult animals usually weigh between 25-40 kg (female/male), height at the withers reaches 60-65 cm. The average age of life is 12-14 years, but with proper nutrition, balanced active exercise and medical support, a dog can live up to 16-17 years old. As they grow up, shepherd dogs can show excessive disobedience and independence. It is very important to make it clear that the owner’s authority is stronger and to define the boundaries of what is permitted.

The breed is used both for guarding private houses and in service in various law enforcement agencies, at customs and borders. Thanks to their excellent learning abilities and physical endurance, German Shepherds can be called true “universal soldiers.” Smart, loyal, hardworking and flexible - they at the same time require maximum attention and need discipline.

When breeding the breed, the goal was to create a unique character that combines boundless kindness towards “friends” and aggressiveness and anger towards “strangers”. The result is an interesting symbiosis of opposites, which distinguishes the Moscow Guard from other guard dogs. At home, he is a soft and fluffy good-natured person who steadfastly endures all the “bullying” of children and is ready to support them in all games. But as soon as he goes outside, he immediately turns into a formidable guard who does not scatter pleasantries to those around him.

The average height is 58-70 cm, weight - 50-68 kg. Despite their balanced psyche, dogs of this breed quickly become agitated and aggressive when they see a threat to the safety of their family. They have excellent security qualities, know their place and vigilantly protect the territory assigned to them for “work”. The furry thugs do not know what fear and retreat are, but they will never bark for no reason.

Slightly phlegmatic in appearance, they require serious physical activity and frequent walks. They are not suitable for keeping in city apartments due to their large dimensions. They require serious training and are prone to stubbornness and independence. It is not recommended to have “Muscovites” for people with a soft character and a weak psyche. The dog must feel the confidence and strength of the owner in order to completely obey him and “crush” the owner who is too weak-willed.

Devotion and fearlessness - this is how you can describe this elegant black handsome man in a nutshell. The breed is considered quite rare, so you can only buy such a guard from certified breeders. The weight of adult males is approximately 45-50 kg, and the height at the withers reaches 68-70 cm. The average life expectancy is 10-11 years.

Cane Corso are peaceful towards people in principle and get along well with children due to their inherent “parental” instinct. They are excellent home guards and life companions. They attack only on command or in response to aggression from other animals or people.

During the training process, it is necessary to immediately outline the positions of the owner and the dog, making it clear who is the leader and who is the subordinate. Dogs do not “sin” with excessive stubbornness and laziness - on the contrary, they are always active and inquisitive. Distinctive character traits are quick reaction, high intelligence, self-esteem.

Majestic and fearless dogs, by their mere appearance, inspire respect and secret fear. Entering the category of the strongest breeds in the world. Adult males reach a weight of up to 70 kg, and the average height varies between 65-75 cm. A powerful body, strong stable paws, a wide back and a massive head - huge wolfhounds radiate strength and courage. They know how to use energy sparingly and never show aggression without a reason. They are characterized by an independent line of behavior, and even when an Alabai hears one or another command from the owner, he can ignore it, considering it inappropriate.

Filled with inner dignity, these dogs will not serve “for food” and perceive food as a reward for service. They will proudly walk up to the bowl, looking down on you, and choose for themselves what to eat and what to ignore. By nature they are phlegmatic and balanced. Before attacking, they will give a warning by barking, which in many cases is enough for ill-wishers to quickly leave the field of view.

Despite a fairly good attitude towards children, animals react nervously to their liberties. Therefore, it is advisable to save them from the constant presence of children. Alabai behave friendly with their relatives and often form flocks.

A huge furry beast that can simultaneously evoke tenderness and horror. The breed was originally bred to protect sheep herds and subsequently switched to “domestic” use. Adult dogs weigh on average 45-70 kg, height at the withers reaches 63-72 cm. C rock of life - approximately 10-11 years.

Despite its impressive dimensions, the Caucasian Shepherd will feel quite comfortable in a city apartment. After the walk, she will calmly lie down in her place and, without unnecessary fuss, calmly spend the rest of the time until her next walk. The dog can live outside at any temperature, tolerates frost well and loves to roll around in the snow.

Training plays a very important role in the education of Caucasians. It should begin almost from the birth of the puppies and is carried out by experienced dog breeders. It will be difficult to correct an established pattern of behavior after three months of life.

Goodwill, intelligence and a sharp mind, complemented by excellent protective qualities, make dogs of this breed not only excellent protectors, but also loyal friends for life. They belong to the category of large dogs, the weight of which can reach 40-50 kg, and the height at the withers is 60-70 cm. The coat is short and hard, there is a thick undercoat. The physique is muscular and fit, but not skinny.

Dogs are characterized by a perky disposition, curiosity and patience. Agile by nature, they are tireless in games, and if necessary, they are ready to instantly group up and rush into battle. They need constant training and learning new commands. It is important to constantly monitor the dog so that it understands and agrees to live according to the established schedule, and not as it pleases.

The shaggy black giant is the pride of Russian dog handlers. The breed was bred in the USSR on the orders of Stalin himself in the 20s of the last century. The pursued goal is to create a powerful and intellectually developed guard dog, capable of moving through snowy terrain and quickly adapting to different climatic conditions.

The result was a beautiful, intelligent and fearless dog with inexhaustible energy and increased performance. The Black Russian Terrier has a rather complex character, but with skillful training they make loyal companions and reliable guards. They love children very much and are ready to forgive them any pranks. They need daily walks with active physical activity. They have excellent health and strong immunity.

Which breed will be most appropriate for personal keeping is a purely individual decision. The main thing is to understand that large dogs require appropriate care and proper training.

Living outside the city, it’s natural to think about getting a four-legged friend. The dog will always react to the entry of a stranger into the territory, scare the thief, drive away the strange animal.

Therefore, when choosing a dog to live in a suburban area, we first of all look for a protector.

When choosing a specific breed, you need to further clarify your goals.

  • Do you intend to keep the dog in an enclosure or free-range around the property?
  • How often do you have guests and where will the dog be at this time?
  • Where will the dog be kept - indoors or outdoors?

The choice of a specific breed will depend on the answers to these questions. For example, you intend to keep a dog on the street. This means that it must be sufficiently protected from the cold. And it’s not the length of the coat, but the presence of a thick undercoat. For example, when choosing a German Shepherd, it is better to choose the short-haired variety.

Long hair will become more wet and matted, and such a dog will be more likely to suffer from colds and skin diseases. If you only like long-haired breeds, then you need to create more comfortable conditions for them: an enclosure closed on three sides with a plank floor. The dog will have to be brushed and mats trimmed regularly.

If you need a protector of the property and a guard of a country house, then it is better to choose from service breed dogs, which have the ability to protect and obey the owner in their blood. The most resilient, strong and energetic of them are shepherd dogs, Rottweilers, Doberman Pins and mastiffs. The smartest and friendliest to “their own” are German Shepherds.

They love children and will play with and protect them. At the same time, they are formidable defenders, obedient to their owners, and balanced. They will not bark over trifles. Caucasian Shepherds are more difficult to maintain. This is a natural guardian of the territory, but it is better to keep such a dog in a specially fenced area. Also, the “Caucasian” needs very serious education and an authoritative owner.

One of the best dog options for a country house is the Rottweiler.

  • He can be trained quickly
  • fearless
  • vigilant
  • capable of protecting any family member
  • despite his short coat, he is very hardy in harsh winter conditions

By its very appearance, the powerful Rottweiler evokes a feeling of fear among strangers.

Dobermans are also good in a country house

  • They are well trained
  • obedient
  • vigilant,
  • brave

Their elegant appearance may mislead you into thinking that the dog is too delicate, but this is a mistake. Dobermans are excellent guards of houses and cottages; several dogs live well in one area.

Mastiffs are also excellent watchdogs.

They feel excellent when kept outdoors, including in Russian conditions, thanks to their long coat with a thick undercoat. Despite their large size, mastiffs eat little. They are friendly and responsive to all family members, as well as to the animals living on the site (cats, chickens, etc.).

But they closely monitor everything that happens in the protected area. Their bass bark and impressive appearance scare away all ill-wishers. Regardless of the choice of breed, the dog must be trained to guard from an early age. And if your competence in this matter is not high, it is better to immediately seek help from a canine center.

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Dogs can serve as no less reliable means of protecting territories and apartments than modern technical devices. Their work does not depend on the availability of electricity, and these animals can not only guard a house or garden plot, but also protect the owner and members of his family from intruders.

When choosing a four-legged applicant for the “position” of a security guard, they are guided by the characteristics of the dog’s breed. Thus, a large dog will not be suitable for a small apartment, and a dog with short hair and poorly developed undercoat will find it difficult to survive in extreme cold conditions when kept in an enclosure. For example, representatives of the canine family that are hunting, fighting, or intended to save people are not suitable for the role of watchmen and security guards. We offer an overview of the best guard dog breeds.

There is no clear division of guard dog breeds into “yard” and “apartment” ones. A dog for guarding a territory is usually a large or medium-sized dog, quite strong, with thick hair, trusting only its owner and aggressive towards strangers who violate the boundaries of the protected area.

The size of this breed allows it to be used both as a yard watchman and as a security guard for a private house or apartment. While on duty, he selflessly protects property and territory. During “non-working” hours, this is a good-natured creature, non-conflict towards other animals living in the house. It is not advisable to keep the Muscovite on a short chain; it needs movement and constant physical activity.

A calm animal, self-confident and ready for active action at any moment. He is wary of strangers, but gets along well with children and peacefully coexists with cats and other “master’s” animals. Like the Moscow Shepherd, it needs physical activity.

A universal breed of guard dogs: an excellent option for guarding a household or apartment; the German Shepherd is often used as a personal guard. She has a high intelligence, is balanced, but in a moment of danger she makes a decision and acts instantly. Friendly towards family members, aggressive towards all strangers. She is obedient and efficient, but requires daily walks and constant training.

One of the largest guard breeds, it is distinguished by its enormous strength and innate territorial instinct, so it is easily trained for guard duty. Thanks to its long, thick coat, it tolerates low temperatures well and is not demanding in terms of walking. She is somewhat prone to self-will, but it is better to achieve obedience without the use of physical force, since a “Caucasian” can remember an insult for a long time and, over time, repay for it.

Alabais are formidable dogs of impressive size, capable of reliably guarding the territory of a private home. However, their maintenance requires quite a lot of time and effort from the owner: these animals are not inclined to obey, and so that the relationship with the owner does not become uncontrollable, they need constant training. To discharge energy, Alabai needs daily long walks.

This is a smooth-haired dog breed, but their undercoat is quite thick, so the Rottweiler is not afraid of the cold and can be suitable for the role of a territory guard. These dogs perform excellent guard functions, but the puppy must be trained and raised from childhood, as Rottweilers are prone to leadership. Rottweilers usually have an excellent appetite, and in order to preserve the prominent muscles characteristic of the breed, the animal should not be overfed.

The main qualities of this breed are intelligence, devotion, integrity, endurance. The Giant Schnauzer is energetic, agile, has a proportional, stocky figure and powerful muscles. The schnauzer's thick coat, like a bear's, requires periodic trimming. Using such a dog as a guard, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your property and the safety of your household. However, Giant Schnauzers are more suitable for experienced dog breeders, since they are capable of aggression, and from an early age they must be taught obedience and peaceful coexistence with family members and animals living in the house.

Dogs for apartment security

To protect the owner and his home, dogs that are not too large are usually chosen. The necessary qualities of home guards include loyalty to the owner, contact, an easy-going nature, and the ability not to show aggression towards strangers without reason or command.

This dog is endowed with excellent guarding abilities and is easy to train. He is mobile, physically active, has a proportional, stocky figure and powerful muscles. He clearly divides people into “friends” and “strangers”, treats the latter with suspicion, and controls their every movement on the owner’s territory. The Boxer has a special affection for children, so it is often chosen by families with children.

One of the dog breeds that combines high intelligence with courage and quick reaction. She is very attached to her owner and gets along easily with any animals. Very trainable, hardy, good-natured, playful, unpretentious in food. Despite its friendly disposition, the Sheltie is a brave and sensitive watchman, whose ancestors helped shepherds guard their flocks of sheep.

These descendants of Etruscan war dogs are distinguished by fearlessness, intelligence, loyalty to the owner and the ability to perform exemplary guard duty. Having a muscular, handsome Canne Corso as a personal security guard is a sign of prestige among public figures and tycoons.

The fastest guard dog, strong, beautiful, graceful, smart and brave. The Doberman is extremely sensitive; he even sleeps with half his eyes open. This is an excellent option for protecting private property or apartments. However, in order to teach this dog to be obedient, it should be trained from infancy.

The average size of the staff will allow it to be kept in a small city apartment. Dogs of this breed are easy and fun to train, and can become an excellent human guard: a devoted friend of the owner and a gentle nanny of the child, the Staffordshire Terrier will not allow anyone to harm them.

Temperamental, strong and tireless, this dog was called “black lightning.” The pride of Russian dog handlers, it combines the best qualities of other guard breeds. “Chernysh” can be both a family guard and a reliable watchman. The peculiarity of the breed is its thick coat, which needs to be trimmed and trimmed at least 2 times a year.

No matter what abilities nature has endowed the dog with, the owner should not forget about proper training of the pet. It is best to seek the services of a certified specialist - a training instructor. He will teach your dog all the intricacies of the security service, and will suggest methods for further work on “improving his qualifications”.

Ensuring home security is not an easy task. This can be done with the help of competent selection of guard dog breeds. A faithful dog, a formidable protector and a good-natured companion in children's games - can these qualities be combined in one breed? Let's figure out which dog is better suited for protection. Canine specialists and satisfied owners will advise which breed to choose to protect a private home.

Breeds not suitable for protection

All dogs instinctively protect their territory. But some are too peaceful in nature and have such a positive attitude towards all people that they are simply unable to distinguish a guest from an intruder. To select a suitable four-legged guard, you should figure out which breeds are absolutely not suitable for this role:

  • all hunting breeds (huskies, pointers, greyhounds, etc.). They are friendly to humans and are a threat to any pets. Both qualities are not suitable for a security guard;
  • fighting breeds (pit bull terriers, bull terriers). These breeds are genetically related to humans, because... bred for baiting animals;
  • dogs without undercoat (boxers, Dobermans, etc.) will not withstand winter cold. And if they are taken into the house, the yard will be left without a guard;
  • Rescue breeds (Labrador, St. Bernard, Newfoundland) were bred specifically to protect people; they are completely gentle and good-natured.
  • Huskies are friendly to all strangers. And if they are trained to act as guards, then it is impossible to predict their behavior;
  • Mastino-Neapolitan. A large and powerful dog treats his family well, but is extremely aggressive towards other people. If it is given security tasks, the animal may become uncontrollable.

Criteria for choosing a good watchman

Dog experts say that good guards should not be angry or aggressive. They need to be taught friendliness towards family members and a healthy distrust of strangers.

The German Shepherd is the best guard dog

Attention! The best breed requires the best owner. Even if the dog runs freely around the yard, it is necessary to take it for walks periodically. Walking promotes successful socialization and the ability to navigate correctly in any situation. Some breeds vitally need additional stress, for example, German shepherds, for whom service is the meaning of life.

Qualities important for an excellent defender:

  • a genetic tendency to guard, which not every breed has;
  • friendliness to children;
  • receptivity to learning;
  • frightening appearance.

Another important criterion is the ability to withstand heat and frost. It is this indicator that determines the choice of an animal for a private household or for guarding an apartment.

Ideal four-legged guards

A faithful friend and devoted protector, capable of serving at any time of the year, can be a representative of one of 7 breeds suitable for protection.

  1. The German Shepherd is a fierce protector and affectionate friend who loves children. The breed is distinguished by its intelligence (3rd place in intelligence) and good memory, which means it is easy to train.
  2. Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Dogs have a strong territorial instinct. They can be headstrong and ferocious, so they require strict upbringing.
  3. The Giant Schnauzer is affectionate towards children, obeys its owners at a glance, and lends itself well to training. For the sake of protecting people and their property, he is capable of any feats. The dog needs physical activity and regular grooming.
  4. The Moscow Watchdog is a young breed that enjoys well-deserved respect. They are considered more peaceful than Caucasians or Central Asians. Unpretentious animals combine a gentle attitude towards family members and a spiteful attitude towards strangers. They cannot be kept on a short chain; constant training is required.
  5. The Black Terrier is distinguished by its strength, endurance and energy. He can play with children all day long, without ceasing to monitor the inviolability of his territory. Requires careful grooming and regular haircuts.
  6. The Rottweiler is a smooth-haired dog with a developed undercoat. Withstands the cold of the south and central Russia. Characterized by vigilance and distrust. Raising this breed is impossible without rigor and reasonable, consistent toughness.
  7. The Tibetan Mastiff is good-natured, but brave and smart. Capable of being an unyielding guard and cheerful companion for any family member.

When choosing a reliable watchman, you should avoid rare and fashionable breeds. Rare breeds are distinguished by their high cost and unexpected reactions during training. And the demand for fashionable dogs causes an increase in supply from non-professional breeders. Such animals may lose the qualities inherent in their breed.

Advice. Constant keeping on a chain or in an enclosure is not allowed. It is better if the dog can move freely throughout the yard.

One of the main rules of training is education from childhood. Moreover, you cannot provoke aggression in a puppy, otherwise an uncontrollable creature may grow up instead of a good friend.

A dog must know and obey only its owner and family members. It is strictly not recommended to accustom her to strangers and allow them to feed the animal. The dog's social circle can only be expanded to his closest relatives, who often come to visit.

Attention! The biggest mistake is to buy a dog and expect it to be an unsurpassed watchdog due to the behavioral characteristics of the breed. Any pet needs to go through the basics of training.

Not everyone knows that a puppy needs to be taught not only unquestioning obedience, but also the ability to win. The dog should feel like a leader, but clearly know its position in the family hierarchy. Special games for instilling in your pet the ability to solve complex problems and win in unexpected situations can be suggested by professional dog handlers.