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Eye drops zinc with boric acid. Methods for washing eyes with boric acid solution How to dilute boric acid for washing eyes

Boric acid is also known as orthoboric acid, with the chemical formula H3BO3. It became widely used in medicine towards the end of the nineteenth century, during the heyday of the popularity of antiseptics, and all thanks to the French scientist Jean Baptiste Dumas. It was he who discovered the amazing antiseptic properties of boron. In terms of its acidic action, boric acid is weak, so it does not irritate wounds, does not damage clothing, and most importantly, it is odorless and tasteless.

In appearance, this is a finely crystalline substance without color, reminiscent of scales. The market offers several release options and each is intended for the treatment of specific diseases: powder, alcohol and aqueous solutions, ointment.

Pharmacological properties of boric acid, precautions

Based on the results of research, toxicology scientists have proven that the well-known boric acid is a strong, aggressive poison that can destroy human liver cells, negatively affects the kidneys, and easily penetrates the body through the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug is especially dangerous for a fragile child’s body; it takes a very long time to be eliminated and is prone to accumulation in the soft tissues of the human body.

To avoid negative consequences, the drug is used in treatment very carefully and not for long. In case of serious human poisoning, the substance affects the brain, mucous membrane and skin, and in chronic cases - hematopoietic and germ cells.

The drug poses a particular threat to the health of the expectant mother and fetus; even a minimal amount of a single non-toxic dose into the mother’s body causes a pathological change in the development of the child. The consequences of an overdose are characterized by nausea, severe peeling of the skin, headaches, confusion, convulsions, a possible decrease in the urge to go to the toilet, and rarely shock.

If the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Medicinal properties of the drug and indications for use

Boric acid is one of the few antiseptics that has an anti-pediculosis effect. Many diseases are treated with the use of this substance; previously, its solution was prescribed as a rub for infants with prickly heat.

Boric alcohol is the first drug in the medicine cabinet. It will cope well with inflammation of the middle ear. It is instilled into the ears, or a more effective option is to place a swab soaked in alcohol in the ear for about 30 minutes and cover it with cotton wool.

More recently, the drug was widely used for disinfection purposes and was used in therapy for both adults and children. But the conclusion made by toxicologists limited its use.

Currently, the drug is used to treat inflammation of the outer membrane of the eyes, skin, and ear cavity. It all depends on the form of release of the drug:

1. 2% aqueous solution - for washing with eye diseases;

2. 3% - suitable for lotions for skin problems;

3. alcohol solution from 0.5% to 3% solves problems with various types of ear inflammation;

4. in the postoperative period, powder insufflation is used;

5. a 10% solution in glycerin perfectly treats diaper rash, and also helps in solving delicate women’s problems - inflammation of the vagina;

6. 5% boric ointment - effectively copes with head lice.


Like all medicines, the drug has its contraindications.

Its overdose and long-term use threatens an acute toxic reaction, symptoms of which may include: nausea, skin rashes, headache, oliguria (reduced volume of urine excreted), and in some cases shock.

The substance quickly penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes into the blood and slowly leaves the body, settling in organs and tissues and destroying them.

Boric acid for eye diseases

The product mentioned is present in most well-known pharmaceutical eye drops; of course, no one puts the drug in its pure form into the eyes. To avoid all sorts of side effects, before using the drug, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. Self-preparation and use of eye medications is not recommended.

Recipes for treating fungus and skin problems

Boric acid effectively helps combat nail fungus - you can use pharmaceutical boric ointment, solution or powder.

1. Solutions for medicinal baths are made from the powder (0.5 teaspoon per liter of hot water), used for steaming affected parts.

2. If the nail plate is affected, it is first steamed, trimmed as much as possible, filed down, then treated with dry powder, rubbed in with boric ointment or simply sprinkled with powder.

3. For a quick effect, the steamed nail plate is usually treated twice a day.

Boric acid in cosmetology

The product is used for cosmetic purposes - it dries and disinfects, reducing the oiliness of facial skin, helps in the treatment of acne and pimples, and is included in all kinds of medicinal mash.

1. Wipe oily areas of the skin with a 3% aqueous solution of boric acid.

2. Use a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution to burn the pimples.

3. Regularly wipe your face with a 3% aqueous solution of boric acid combined with colorless henna to whiten skin and freckles.

You should carefully consider medications containing boric acid; if negative reactions occur in the body, immediately consult a doctor and stop using the medication.

Application on the farm

Incredibly, boric acid helps in the fight against garden pests - ants. The only thing that needs to be observed is safety; you shouldn’t start working without special clothing and gloves. It needs to be sprinkled on the habitats of these insects.

To fight cockroaches, mix 1 packet of boric acid with 1 boiled yolk and place the bait out of the reach of animals and children. In a week there will be no cockroaches.

Boron is used not only for baiting ants; it will help more than one housewife in her garden beds. An aqueous solution of the substance is used as a stimulant in seed germination, it is an excellent mineral fertilizer, guarantees a high yield, and also has an effect in protecting garden crops from diseases.

How to increase yield using this substance?

It is necessary to spray the leaves of plants with a powdered product diluted in hot water (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). This is how an inexpensive but effective drug was used not only in medicine, but also in gardening.

Careful use of boric acid will help improve human health, as well as in solving some everyday issues, while the product is available to everyone. If you follow safety precautions and only on the recommendation of your doctor, the drug will bring the expected benefits.

Boric acid is an effective remedy for various diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. In medical practice, ready-made alcohol solutions are most often used. But they are not suitable for particularly sensitive organs such as the eyes. For such cases, it is better to use aqueous solutions. They are not sold in pharmacies, so you need to know how to dilute boric acid to wash your eyes yourself. The effectiveness of therapy depends on how accurately the proportion is observed.

What is boric acid?

Orthoboric acid (acidum Boricum) is used in medicine as an antiseptic. For convenience, pharmaceutical companies produce a ready-to-use drug in the form of 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5% alcohol solutions. It is used as a disinfectant and antipruritic or as part of ear drops.

Boric acid has been used as an anti-putrefactive agent since the 60s of the 20th century. It prevents decomposition processes in open wounds after operations and suppresses previously occurring changes in the blood. Antiseptic is used to treat the hands of medical personnel before contact with the patient. The product does not irritate the wound and is well tolerated by patients, as it has no taste, odor, or color.

Modern medicine believes that boric acid has low antimicrobial effectiveness. But many specialists, especially otolaryngologists, often prescribe the drug as part of complex therapy. Many people are interested in the question of whether the eyes are washed with boric acid. When properly prepared and used, the product can be used to treat very sensitive organs and tissues.

What is boric acid used for: indications

All antiseptics have a wide spectrum of action and are able to inhibit the development and growth of protozoa, bacteria, fungi, and bacilli. The physical and chemical properties of different drugs are different, therefore the mechanism of action is different. Based on the properties and characteristics of antiseptics, they are classified as follows:

  • Halogen-containing: chlorine, iodine. The drugs enhance the processes of breaking down complex substances into simpler ones and destroy microorganisms. The drugs are prescribed for myositis, atherosclerosis, and inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Oxidizing agents: potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide. They are used for purulent wounds, capillary and nosebleeds, tonsillitis, stomatitis.
  • Metal salts: preparations of zinc, bismuth, lead. The products are used to treat dermatitis and erosions.
  • Acids and alkalis: benzoyl peroxide, Diamond Green solution, boric acid. They are used to treat wounds and acne.

The instructions for use of boric acid indicate the following indications:

  • ENT diseases: acute and chronic inflammation in various parts of the ear without compromising the integrity of the eardrum.
  • Bacterial, pustular and other infectious skin diseases.
  • Prevention of diaper rash.
  • Infectious diseases of the mucous membranes: stomatitis, candidiasis.
  • In complex therapy for conjunctivitis, blepharitis.


Boric acid is well absorbed through mucous membranes and skin, and is excreted very slowly. It is excreted by the kidneys after 12 hours in an amount of 50%, the rest is excreted within a week. The substance can accumulate in various tissues and organs. Taking into account all these factors, the antiseptic has a number of contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to the component.
  • Renal dysfunction syndrome, which leads to disruption of all types of metabolic processes.
  • Damage to the membrane separating the outer and middle ear.
  • Pregnancy (all trimesters).
  • Lactation. If there is an urgent need to use the product, then breastfeeding should be abandoned for this period.

All contraindications apply to both pharmacy and home-prepared drugs. Even if you know how to dilute boric acid to wash your eyes, the resulting solution must first be tested on the skin of your hands before use. A hypersensitivity test will help avoid serious problems: irritation, burns of the mucous membrane.

Self-preparation of the solution

There are several ways to prepare the solution at home.

  1. Aqueous solution of boric acid 2%. First, you need to purchase boric acid in powder form at the pharmacy. 120 milliliters of hot boiled water are poured into a previously prepared clean container. 2.4 g of boric acid is added to it slowly, stirring constantly. The resulting mixture is filtered through a cotton swab into a bottle and tightly closed with a lid. There are no difficulties in how to make a two percent solution of boric acid. The main thing is to strictly follow the exact sequence of actions and proportions of the components.
  2. Aqueous solution of boric acid 1%. Pour 10 g of powdered boric acid into a clean, dry container, add one liter of hot boiled water and mix well. The resulting solution is filtered into a container and sealed.

It must be remembered that boric acid powder has an unlimited shelf life. But it is better to store self-prepared mixtures in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Methods for washing eyes with boric acid solution

The antiseptic is considered very effective in complex therapy for conjunctivitis and blepharitis. The application procedure is simple, and patients perform it independently at home.

The indications for the use of boric acid for the eyes indicate that only aqueous solutions can be used. Alcohol may cause burns. There are 2 ways to use the solution:

  1. An aqueous solution of 2% at room temperature is instilled into each eye in the amount of two drops. The procedure is done 3 times a day, after rinsing the eyes with water. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. The procedure is usually prescribed for conjunctivitis in complex therapy with antibacterial agents.
  2. The second method is more suitable for bilateral inflammation of the ciliated edge of the eyelids (blepharitis). A cotton pad is generously moistened in a two percent solution of boric acid. After this, squeeze it out so that the liquid does not drain from it. The disc is used to wipe the eye from the outer edge to the inner one. For the second eye, take a new disc and perform similar actions. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day. Therapy is continued until complete recovery.

Eye baths

The instructions for using boric acid do not contain any instructions about baths. But this method is recommended by doctors. To carry out the procedures, you will need a two percent aqueous solution, a not very deep but wide container (the main thing is that your face can fit in it) and boiled water, cooled to room temperature.


  • Pour water into the dishes; if the temperature causes discomfort, you can warm it up a little.
  • Add a solution of boric acid in the proportion: one part solution to 3 parts water. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Slowly lower your face into the liquid and try to blink.
  • The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes. After which the face is wiped with a clean napkin.

It is better to take baths in the evening, before going to bed. The duration of therapy is no more than a week.

Boric acid for eyes: side effects

The substance is dangerous only if used uncontrolled. Therefore, it is better to use it as directed and under the supervision of a physician. Before diluting boric acid to wash your eyes, you must prepare thoroughly. Check the sterility of the dishes and the tightness of the packaging in which the powder is located.

Side effects usually occur with prolonged use or individual intolerance. They appear as follows:

  • Nausea.
  • Swelling.
  • Itching, burning.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Tearing.
  • Dry eye syndrome.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, you should immediately stop using the substance and consult a doctor.

Is boric acid dangerous?

The substance takes a long time to be eliminated from the body. Therefore, it must be used very carefully. Before diluting boric acid to wash your eyes, you need to carefully read the instructions. Make sure there are no contraindications for use.

If unpleasant symptoms begin to occur during therapy, you should consult a doctor. Boric acid is dangerous in large quantities, so it should not be used for long and in strict accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. Even if the product is effective for certain diseases (acne, frequent conjunctivitis), it must be alternated with other drugs that do not contain boric acid.

The lethal dose when taken orally for adults is 15-20 g, for small children - 4-5 g.

Boric acid and its preparations

Despite the fact that in modern medicine it is believed that the substance has insufficient antibacterial effectiveness, the pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of drugs whose active ingredient is boric acid.

  • "Boric ointment."
  • “Boric acid solution in glycerin” 10%.
  • "Sodium tetraborate".
  • "Fukaseptol".
  • "Ottoslavin."

With such a range of drugs, it is not at all necessary to know how to prepare a solution of boric acid. You can always find a ready-made suitable remedy in pharmacies.

Ophthalmic diseases cause physical and psychological discomfort. Most of them require complex treatment. Zinc sulfate drops are prescribed for ailments that are associated with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Drugs of this type are used when necessary: ​​self-medication is unacceptable! Zinc sulfate eye drops are used to treat ophthalmic diseases that arise from exposure to microbes (adenoviral conjunctivitis). The medicine protects against inflammation if a grain of sand or a larger foreign body gets into the eye.

Pharmacological action and group

Zinc eye drops have an antiseptic effect. Zinc in combination with a small amount of boric acid has an anti-inflammatory effect. This component is an antiseptic. Zinc sulfate is obtained by processing sulfuric acid and zinc. To create eye drops, you need to obtain a certain concentration of the active substance.

In the production of the drug, a hydrolysis reaction is used. Zinc sulfate interacts with proteins; the result is the formation of albumin. Such reactions make it possible to enhance the drying, astringent, and antiseptic effect. The coagulation process leads to the fact that the proteins of microorganisms coagulate and subsequently die.

Pharmacological group of drops - ophthalmic agents. Doctors recommend topical use of these drops. To enhance the effect of this drug, you need to combine it with boric acid. The dosage of boric acid is also prescribed by the doctor.

Indications and contraindications for use

The drug is used to treat conjunctivitis caused by microbes. Zinc sulfate drops are recommended for blepharitis.

Your doctor may prescribe zinc drops:

with anterior marginal blepharitis(if this disease progresses, the eyelids become inflamed at the edges); with posterior marginal blepharitis (the disease is accompanied by damage to the meibomian glands located in the eyelid, the pathological reaction involves the cornea and conjunctiva); with the progression of blepharitis caused by fungi; if this disease occurs due to farsightedness; if there are scales between the eyelashes; when yellowish crusts form on the eyelid; when swelling of the upper eyelid is detected.

Medicinal drops of zinc sulfate are prescribed for symptoms of conjunctivitis. The medicine helps if there is:

lacrimation; sensation of a foreign body near the cornea; hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye; photophobia; purulent process.

As noted, zinc sulfate is prescribed when a foreign body gets into the eye. Let's consider the testimony.

Contact with the mucous membrane of the eye by plastic particles. This problem does not lead to illness: plastic is relatively safe for the eyes. Penetration of iron particles into the mucosa. Here things are different: iron becomes the cause of ophthalmic toxic diseases. There are cases when inflammation becomes chronic. Visual acuity decreases; the result may be functional death of the eye. The medicine zinc sulfate is prescribed if a copper particle gets into the eye. Untimely treatment in this case leads to toxic damage. Getting a foreign body into the eye is fraught with consequences. Siderosis and chalcosis may develop. It happens that not only the cornea, but also the retina is exposed to toxic effects. Treatment in this case is strictly professional. Zinc sulfate drops are prescribed for 5-6 days.

The medicine is poured into the eyeball 1-2 drops, depending on the doctor’s recommendations. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the disease; On average, therapy lasts 7 days. When an ophthalmologist prescribes drops, he takes into account their properties. If necessary, the course of treatment is extended.

Before using the medicine, you need to remove the cap from the package. Using scissors, you should carefully cut off the membrane, which is located on the neck of the housing. The threaded part must remain intact. Next, you need to turn the dropper body over: the neck is at the bottom. Zinc sulfate drops are made in such a way that they can be used without a pipette. You need to press gently on the body of the dropper. After use, the tube is turned over again and the dropper is closed with a cap. It is worth making sure that the cannula and tube do not come into contact with the eyelashes and the eyeball itself. This will avoid irritation.

Let's consider the contraindications:

Zinc sulfate is not recommended for people who are allergic to zinc salts. The use of contact lenses is contraindicated. If you cannot do without this medication, you need to temporarily abandon the lenses (replace with glasses). Some people are hypersensitive to the components of zinc sulfate. In this case, the product is replaced with another. The drug is not prescribed to patients with impaired renal and liver function. Dry eye syndrome is also a contraindication.

The drug is not allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

For small children

Possible complications caused by the drug

Side effects occur when the instructions and doctor's orders are not followed. Negative consequences are often associated with exceeding the dose. Zinc sulfate drops can cause nausea, fever, and tissue swelling. These symptoms indicate poisoning (if the disease appears, separate treatment is required). If the patient exhibits at least one of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and stop taking the drug. If the body reacts sharply to the introduction of boric acid, pain appears in the abdomen. Possible nausea and diarrhea. Boric acid intolerance appears as a rash on the mucous membranes.

An allergy to boric acid leads to dysfunction of the central nervous system. Some people experience seizures and kidney damage. Extreme caution should be used when using this substance. You should not be treated with boric acid if there is at least one of the contraindications.

Depending on the complexity of the ophthalmic disease, zinc sulfate drops may not have the desired effect, then the doctor will prescribe others.

If, when using the product, the disease worsens (added to new symptoms), you need to urgently contact the clinic! Boric acid should not come into contact with large areas of the skin. The substance is also contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers. Even in the absence of contraindications, boric acid can cause eye irritation, so you need to be extremely careful when using it.

Cyclopentolate eye drops

Everything about Hilo-Komod eye drops is described in this article.

Laser vision correction using the PRK method: pros and cons http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lazernaya-korrekciya/na-glaza-frk.html



Zinc drops are quite a powerful medicine. If you notice redness or watery eyes, do not rush into treatment. Contact an ophthalmologist! Each disease has a characteristic clinical picture. You need to be treated only with the medications prescribed by the doctor. Tearfulness, redness and itching can indicate various ailments. Selecting medications at your own discretion is unacceptable: this leads to dangerous consequences.

Also read about the effectiveness of Tobradex and Oko-plus.

Boric acid and zinc sulfate is a solution of eye drops with antiseptic and astringent properties. It is used in ophthalmology for the treatment of conjunctivitis and blepharitis, and is prescribed to prevent bacterial infection when foreign bodies enter the conjunctival cavity.

Composition and release form

Boric acid and zinc sulfate – colorless transparent solution of eye drops, contains:

Active components: zinc sulfate – 2.5 g, boric acid – 20 g. Additional elements: sterile water.

Packaging: glass or plastic dropper bottles of 5 and 10 ml in cardboard packs.

Pharmacological properties

The eye drop solution has a combined composition, which determines its properties. Zinc sulfate has a drying, astringent, antiseptic, and local anti-inflammatory effect. Boric acid is also an antiseptic. Capable of accumulating in tissues.

Indications for use

Blepharitis. Conjunctivitis. Prevention of bacterial infection in case of foreign bodies entering the conjunctival cavity.

Directions for use and doses


Individual hypersensitivity. Dry eye syndrome. Impaired liver and kidney function. Pregnancy and lactation period. Age up to 18 years.

Side effects

Allergic reactions with irritation and pain in the eyes.


When used in doses that significantly exceed therapeutic ones, the development of chronic intoxication with nausea, fever, and local tissue edema is possible. In this case, the use of the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

No data.

special instructions

Contact lenses must be removed before using the drug.

After instilling this solution, you must be careful when working with moving mechanisms and do not drive.

Pink eye or conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the top layer of the eye that covers the white part of the eye called the sclera. This outer layer helps lubricate the eyes by producing tears and mucus, and also helps prevent germs from entering the eyes. When the conjunctiva becomes swollen and red, it means that it has become irritated and infected. Many people do not even treat this infection because it goes away on its own within 7-10 days without any treatment. On the other hand, this reflects that the immune system is weakened.
Types of conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis, which is highly contagious, is caused by a virus; in particular adenovirus. This is a common respiratory viral illness that can also lead to sore throat and some areas of the upper respiratory tract. The herpes virus can also cause viral conjunctivitis, which can last up to 3 weeks and become chronic. There is no cure, it will resolve on its own after 5 to 7 days. For some viruses that cause viral conjunctivitis there is no specific treatment, but the problem is that it can spread easily.

Bacterial conjunctivitis, caused by bacteria, is highly contagious and also spreads quickly. This occurs when bacteria enters the eye or area around the eyes. Common infections such as staph, feline disease, gonorrhea and Haemophilus influenza B can cause bacterial conjunctivitis of the eye. Bacterial infections last up to 10 days.

Allergic conjunctivitis is an infection caused by pollen, dust or animal dander. These allergies can be seasonal (such as with pollen), and although this type of eye conjunctivitis is not an infectious disease, it can be very unpleasant...

What symptoms can we expect from different types of conjunctivitis?
Symptoms of viral infection:
Swelling of the eyelids
Redness in the white of the eye
Lots of blood vessel ruptures
Swollen areas in front of the ears
Burning sensation in eyelids
Your eyes turn a little sour

There is no medicine that can treat viral conjunctivitis of the eyes, so home remedies are the best solution. Although it is very frustrating that people cannot return to work or school, it is usually 3 to 5 days until symptoms begin to leave you.
Symptoms of bacterial infection:
Redness in the whites of the eye
Moderate pain
The eyes turn sour with a gray or yellow mass
Eyelashes may stick together due to dryness
Swelling of the upper eyelid
The bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics, and people can return to daycare, work, or school even 24 hours after antibiotic treatment.
Symptoms of allergic infection:
Runny nose and stuffiness
Burning sensation in eyelids
The eyes are slightly sour

As a rule, it is possible to find medications against allergic eye damage, but sometimes treatment must be preventive.
What to do when pink eyes appear?

Although many choose antibiotics in the form of medications, we should not forget that there are natural ways to treat these infections.

Baking soda

Soda is able to fight the development of microflora not only in the oral cavity, due to which it can also be used in the fight against ailments such as rhinitis and conjunctivitis. In this case, the mucous membranes are washed several times a day by instilling a few drops of a soda solution in warm water. Can also be washed.

The solution is prepared 0.5-1 teaspoon per glass of warm boiled water

Hydrogen peroxide

Treatment of conjunctivitis, rhinitis, sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide. To wash the nasal cavity and mucous membranes of the eyes, use a 0.5-1% solution of hydrogen peroxide. In acute cases of the disease, the course can range from three to seven days of three times a day. To prepare a 0.5% peroxide solution, you need to dilute regular pharmacy peroxide 6 times with warm boiled water. Use immediately after use. If a 1% solution is needed, dilute it three times accordingly. But it's better to start with the weaker one.

Castor oil

Place one drop in your eyes three times a day.



Soak a piece of cloth with aloe juice and place it over your eyes. Can also be used as an eye wash.

Boric acid

This acid is used as an antiseptic for minor burns and cuts. As an antibacterial compound, it is common for the treatment of acne, ear infections, and athlete's foot. For the eyes, boric acid mixed with water is an excellent eye wash.

To treat conjunctivitis, use a 2% boric acid solution. Preparations: Take 5 g of dry powder (level teaspoon) and dilute with a glass of boiled water. Treat the eyelid with the resulting solution.


Prepare an extract (infusion) of 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder per glass of boiled water. Use as a warm compress.


Honey is a powerful "doctor" due to its antibacterial and antibiotic properties. When mixed with water or milk, it can be a very effective remedy for conjunctivitis. Make an eye wash - 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 cups of warm boiled water. Mix and use it as an eye wash several times a day. You can replace water with milk in the same way. Warm milk can also be used as a lotion or compress.


You can use raw potatoes, cut them and place them on your eyes several times a day. When used frequently, potatoes can reduce swelling due to their astringent properties.


This perennial plant has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and astringent properties. Goldenseal also contains berberine, which fights infection and kills bacteria that cause pink eye. To make a warm solution you need 2 teaspoons of goldenseal and a cup of boiling water. For eye drops, mix chamomile, comfrey, 1/8 teaspoon hydrastis, and a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 15 minutes. After straining, use it as eye drops.


Black and green tea contain bioflavonoids, which fight viral and bacterial infections and reduce inflammation. Applying a wet sachet to the affected eye for a few minutes, 3-4 times daily, will help relieve symptoms. If possible, use black tea, due to the presence of Tannis, it can reduce inflammation faster. To wash the eyes, use a weak tea solution.


Probiotics are powerful because they fight and kill the “bad” bacteria that cause the infection, thereby increasing the number of “good” bacteria in the infected area. Popular probiotics are colostrum and kefir. Hot compresses can help with drainage and dry secretions. To do this, take a washcloth, run it under warm water and apply it to your eyes for 5 minutes. A cold compress will help relieve itching, swelling and burning. Sterile gauze soaked in water is placed in the freezer for 30 minutes, it will have an incredible soothing effect.
Ways to prevent conjunctivitis:

Avoid rubbing and touching your eyes
Wash your hands often
Never give anyone personal washcloths, wipes, or hand towels.

Flushing with gas is a fairly common way to eliminate tension, as well as relieve fatigue from the organs of vision. This procedure allows you to remove a foreign body and cure an ophthalmological disease. You can often hear the question: how to wash the eyes of a child or an adult? Let's look at the most popular means.

What solutions are used

So, what do you use to wash your eyes at home? Most often it is recommended to use solutions prepared on the basis of:

  • "Miramistina";
  • "Chlorhexidine";
  • penicillin;
  • salt water;
  • "Furacilina";
  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • boric acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Disputes about the effectiveness of the drugs listed above are still ongoing. Some people follow the advice of an ophthalmologist, while others use only traditional medicine.

Product based on "Furacilin"

How do you wash your eyes when the inflammatory process begins? Most often, doctors prescribe a solution of "Furacilin". This drug is the safest antibiotic. It copes with any inflammatory processes localized on the membranes of the eyes.

The solution is prepared as follows:

  • Two tablets of the drug should be dissolved in a glass of water, preheated and cooled. The solution must stand for at least 10 minutes.
  • The resulting liquid must be filtered by passing through several layers of ordinary gauze. This will clear the solution of small undissolved particles of Furacilin.
  • The finished product should be stored in the cold. Two days after preparation, the solution will become unusable.

How to wash your eyes with Furacilin

The medicine is used according to the following scheme:

  • A piece of sterile cloth should be moistened in the prepared Furacilin solution. Gauze, bandage or cotton pads are suitable for this.
  • Gently wipe the eyes with a dampened cloth. In this case, you need to move from the outer corner of the organ of vision to the inner one.
  • The procedure should be carried out at least 5 times during the day.

Now you know how to wash your eyes with Furacilin. It is worth noting that this medicine allows you to get rid of conjunctivitis and other lesions of the organs of vision that cause inflammation.

Remedy for conjunctivitis

How to wash your eyes with conjunctivitis? Chlorhexidine has a powerful antiseptic effect. This drug is used in many areas, including in ophthalmology to combat eye inflammation. However, using this product at home is not recommended. This is due to the aggressive properties of the drug. The solution should not come into contact with the surface of the eyeball. If this happens, then it is necessary to rinse the organs of vision with plenty of water.

Before rinsing your eyes with Chlorhexidine for conjunctivitis, you should consult your doctor. Typically, tissue processing is carried out with the eyelids closed. A cotton pad is soaked in the solution. After this, the eye is washed in the direction from the outer corner to the inner one. The procedure will remove the pus. It is worth rinsing your eyes with Chlorhexidine up to 6 times a day. It is not recommended to use the drug for those who suffer from allergies.

Alternative medicine

What do supporters of traditional methods use to wash their eyes? The most commonly used are medicinal herbs. Based on such raw materials, decoctions and infusions are prepared. Typically, the following are used to treat certain eye diseases:

  • dill greens;
  • potato;
  • tea rose petals;
  • aloe juice;
  • bay leaf;
  • Black tea;
  • chamomile and so on.

It is worth considering that the listed drugs have contraindications. Therefore, before using them, you should consult a specialist.

Chamomile for adults

Chamomile flowers are used to treat many diseases, including eye diseases. An infusion prepared from such raw materials has many properties. Therefore, the drug is often used to wash the eyes. To prepare the infusion, you need to grind chamomile flowers. A teaspoon of prepared raw materials should be poured with boiling water. 250 milliliters will be enough. It is recommended to infuse the product under a closed lid until the liquid cools to room temperature. Finally, the finished product should be strained. This product can be used by both adults and children. It is worth noting that chamomile helps to cope with inflammatory processes, conjunctivitis, redness, irritation and eye fatigue. The infusion can be used not only for rinsing, but also for lotions.

How to wash your child's eyes at home

The child's body is very delicate, and its tissues can be easily injured. Therefore, if inflammation of the child’s visual organs occurs, many parents do not know how and what to wash their eyes with. Experts recommend using products based on:

  • salt;
  • boric acid;
  • aloe juice;
  • brewing black tea;
  • daisies.

When washing your child's eyes, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The child's eyes should be wiped with a sterile cotton pad slightly moistened with the prepared preparation.
  • The procedure is performed in the direction from the outer corner to the inner one to avoid even more infection.
  • For each gas it is worth using a separate cotton pad.

Boric acid for children

How to wash a child’s eyes with suppuration? Doctors usually recommend using a boric acid solution. It is prepared very simply: add a teaspoon of the drug to a glass of boiled water and mix thoroughly. To treat a child’s visual organs, only a 2% boric acid solution can be used. In this case, cotton pads can be used once. Otherwise, the infection will only spread.

Removing foreign bodies from the eyes

How to wash a child's eyes to remove foreign objects from them? For these purposes, a saline solution is used. The procedure can be carried out at home. To prepare, dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm, but not hot, water. The finished product should not cause a burning sensation in the child. To remove a foreign body. The container should be positioned so that the eye is immersed in the solution. After this, the child should blink a little.

What not to do

We figured it out with what you wash your eyes with. This can be done by many means, but there are some restrictions and prohibitions. Doctors do not recommend using alcohol-based products and potassium permanganate solution for this procedure. Such drugs can harm the organs of vision and cause burns to their tissues. To avoid negative consequences, you should use special drops intended for the treatment of eye diseases. If you feel discomfort, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication is not recommended. This can lead to complications.