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Sofradex drops application. Sofradex eye drops. Various Applications

Sofradex is a combined medication intended for administration into the passages of the nose, ears and eyes. The pharmaceutical product has a pronounced antibacterial and rapid anti-inflammatory effect. Its influence extends to all otolaryngeal organs simultaneously. Sofradex perfectly removes inflammation and successfully copes with allergy symptoms.

The use of the pharmaceutical drug has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, which allows you to effectively and quickly cope with virulent microflora, especially streptococci and staphylococci.

When used topically, the medication is almost not absorbed and does not penetrate the body in large volumes if there is no tissue damage. Once in the bloodstream, it is half eliminated from the body after about three hours.

Instilling Sofradex drops into a child's nose helps:

  • elimination of virulent microorganisms;
  • normalization of the respiratory process;
  • relieving swelling;
  • stopping snotty;
  • disappearance of cough.

However, it is important to know what causes nasal congestion and runny nose in your baby. If these are consequences of the pathogenic action of viruses, Sofradex will not help. It will relieve swelling for a while, but the disease will return again after a while. Many pediatricians talk about this, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky. In order to protect against colds and viral runny nose, he recommends engaging in the prevention of such ailments, in particular, hardening.

According to the instructions for nasal drops, Sofradex is indicated in the following cases:

  • For rhinitis and nasopharyngitis of a bacterial nature for complete cure;
  • For allergic rhinitis to reduce the consequences of the reaction and prevent bacterial complications;
  • For adenoiditis, to relieve swelling and suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • For sinusitis in children over seven years of age to inhibit the inflammatory process and free up the nasal passages.

Sofradex can be used in a child's nose only on the recommendation of a doctor. The use of this drug without medical supervision can cause a decrease in immune defense and the occurrence of chronic ailments.

Composition of the pharmaceutical product

The components of the drug are:

  • Antibiotic substances – gramicidin and framycetin;
  • Corticosteroid – dexamethasone;
  • Auxiliary components (citric acid, alcohol, sodium citrate, polysorbate, lithium chloride).

Dexamethasone, which is part of Sofradex, prevents the proliferation of virulent microorganisms and the spread of infection. In addition, it helps relieve the active inflammatory process. The effect of gramicidin and framycetin is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria in order to suppress inflammation.

Release forms

This pharmaceutical drug is produced in the form of ointments and drops. Drops are packaged in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 5–10 ml. For convenience, the kit includes a special dropper with a dispenser. The ointment is available in tubes with a capacity of 5 to 20 grams.

The active ingredients in any form of the pharmaceutical are identical, but only drops are used against nasal ailments.

Store the medicine in the dark and dry at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. If the package is opened, you can use the product for no longer than a month.

The cost of a bottle depends on the volume, pharmaceutical company and region. But usually it does not exceed 350 rubles.

Directions for use and dosage

To treat nasal ailments in children, only pharmaceuticals in the form of drops are used. For instillation into the nasal passages, only diluted Sofradex can be used: dripping a concentrated product is not recommended.

The pharmaceutical is diluted in equal parts with saline or distilled water. This is necessary to reduce the impact of aggressive components of the product on the baby’s mucous membranes.

Treatment of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis

The result of therapy largely depends on the accuracy of drug administration. How to do this correctly according to the instructions for use:

  1. Lay the baby down so that he does not toss and turn from side to side.
  2. Persuade him to throw his head back.
  3. Apply two to three drops of Sofradex into each nasal passage.

The procedure should be carried out three times a day until the condition improves. The therapeutic course should not be longer than five days.

For the treatment of childhood chronic ailments (overgrowth or inflammation of the maxillary sinuses), Sofradex is sometimes used in conjunction with Moreal plus nasal spray. This drug with dexpanthenol gives a restorative and mild anti-inflammatory effect. The break between the administration of pharmaceuticals is at least sixty minutes: their synchronous use increases the risk of allergic reactions.

Treatment regimen for adenoids

For adenoids in children, Sofradex should be dripped into the nose in three stages:

During the procedure, the drug is instilled into the nasal passages so that it flows onto the inflamed pharyngeal tonsil. Only in this case can we count on a decrease in the size of adenoid vegetations. As a rule, the positive effect appears after seven days: swelling decreases, breathing through the nose normalizes.

Pediatric therapy requires discretion and care. An indispensable condition is compliance with the recommended dosage, which is indicated in the instructions for use.

In each case, the pediatrician selects a personal dosage and duration of treatment. The doctor takes into account the characteristics of the baby’s body, the nature of the illness and the presence of pathological complications.

Side effects and contraindications

Sofradex drops should not be administered into the nose of a child under three years of age. They are also prescribed to preschool children with great caution. It is prohibited for babies under one year of age to put pharmaceuticals in their nose. This comes with a risk of side effects. For similar reasons, the medicine is not recommended for pregnant women and during lactation.

Sofradex also has other contraindications. The medication should not be used for the following ailments:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Exacerbation of herpes;
  • Purulent infectious diseases.

If we talk about side effects when using the pharmaceutical drug nasally, allergic manifestations of skin rash with burning and itching were recorded. Most often, this reaction was caused by the presence of a steroid hormone in the drug.

Long-term use of the drug can lead to dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.

Analogues of the drug and reviews about it

If the pharmacy does not have Sofradex, you can purchase a drug with an antibacterial effect:

  • Albucid eye drops (also used to treat nasal diseases in children);
  • Polydex nasal spray with phenylephrine
  • Isofra nasal spray.

According to reviews from otolaryngologists and parents, the nasal use of Sofradex for children is quite effective if the cause of the disease is correctly identified and the instructions are followed strictly. One of the disadvantages is the short shelf life of an open bottle. If you don't use it up in a month, you have to throw it away.

Sofradex can be used in the form of nasal drops only with the permission of a doctor. In this case, you must strictly follow the dosage and doctor’s recommendations so that the product works effectively and without side effects.

Sofradex is a drug for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eyes and ears. But some parents believe that this remedy perfectly treats a runny nose and, at the first appearance of nasal discharge, they begin to drip Sofradex into the child’s nose. How correct is this?

What does the drug consist of and how does it work?

Saphrodex eye and ear drops (Aventis Pharma, India) have a combined composition: two antibiotics and a glucocorticoid hormone (GCS).

The antibiotics framycetin and gramicidin act synchronously, killing and suppressing the vital activity of most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause infections of the nasopharynx, hearing and vision. Wherein Framycetin can have a toxic effect on the internal structures of hearing (ototoxic effect), so the medicine is allowed to be used only if the eardrum is intact, which must be confirmed by an ENT doctor. Antibiotics do not work on viruses and fungi.

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect. It is able to instantly relieve inflammatory and allergic tissue swelling, as well as pain and itching associated with swelling. But all GCS suppress local tissue immunity and therefore require careful use. If the drug is used for viral infections, a protracted course of the disease is possible. With prolonged use of these drops, the fungal infection that is always present on the mucous membranes of the ENT organs begins to actively multiply.

When are drops prescribed for children?

This remedy is prescribed for children for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eyes and ears, unless there are contraindications. Therefore, before using the drops, a sick baby should be examined by a specialist and determine whether the drug can be used.

Recently, drops have increasingly begun to be used for runny noses in children. However, many parents do this on their own, without a doctor’s examination, from the first days of the disease. And since in the vast majority of cases, viruses are “to blame” for the development of acute runny nose in children, the following situation arises: under the influence of dexamethasone, the swelling of the mucous membrane is relieved, the runny nose quickly goes away, but local immunity decreases and after a while the runny nose returns, parents again bury their favorite drops.

Frequent indiscriminate use of this drug in children leads to a persistent decrease in local immunity and the formation of chronic diseases.

But otolaryngologists also prescribe Sofradex into the nose for a runny nose, and it has an effective effect. Why is this happening? Before prescribing medications, the ENT doctor must examine the baby and recommend them strictly as prescribed. The medicine can be used in the following cases:

  • in case of allergic rhinitis – the allergic process is suppressed while simultaneously preventing bacterial complications;
  • with adenoids - lymphoid tissue that grows in the nasal cavity and protects the body from infection; the more often the baby gets sick, the more this tissue grows; at a certain stage, the body cannot cope with the infection, and the adenoids themselves become inflamed - adenoiditis develops; the use of drops in this case is indicated: they relieve swelling and suppress infection;
  • in schoolchildren - at this age the maxillary sinuses have already formed, and after a viral infection sinusitis can develop; Sofradex can prevent further development of the disease, as it will relieve swelling and allow air to circulate freely in the maxillary sinuses, which is very important for treatment; it will also suppress the activity of the bacterial infection that caused the complication.

How to use correctly

To avoid complications, nasal drops can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, who will select the required dosage. Otolaryngologists usually recommend diluting the drops with saline solution (1:1), and then instilling the mixture 4 drops 3 times a day for no more than seven days. The doctor may prescribe longer-term use, as well as individually selected treatment regimens that should not be repeated on your own.

For the treatment of chronic diseases (adenoiditis, sinusitis), the use of Sofradex is sometimes combined with dexpanthenol (1% Moreal plus nasal spray). This is a medicine with a restorative and mild anti-inflammatory effect. But at least an hour should pass between the administration of drugs: the simultaneous administration of dexpanthenol and antibiotics increases the risk of developing allergies. This drug is not contraindicated for children.

How to bury correctly

Important: these are medicinal drops, so before using them, the nasal cavity must be cleared of mucus. To do this, you need to drip drops of sea water (Aqua Maris or any other) into each nostril, blow your nose, and only then drip the remedy while lying down.

Children are sometimes prescribed inhalations with Sofradex (2 drops per 3 - 4 ml of saline solution) through a nebulizer.

Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of runny nose in childhood:


The medicine is contraindicated in:

  • viral, fungal, tuberculous and purulent eye lesions;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • purulent otitis media and associated ruptures of the eardrum;
  • acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI);
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • if the baby is under one year old.

Side effects

If you use the medicine correctly as prescribed by your doctor, there are usually no side effects. Occasionally, irritation of the mucous membrane or various types of allergies may occur, accompanied by itching.

With prolonged uncontrolled use, a decrease in local immunity and the development of chronic inflammatory processes are possible. It is also impossible to exclude a systemic effect on the body, which may manifest itself in the form of suppression of adrenal function.

Adult patients often ask doctors how to combine the use of drops with alcohol? There is no data on this. But, based on the fact that when drinking alcohol, small vessels initially dilate greatly and only after a while they narrow, we can assume increased swelling, the appearance of associated pain and congestion.


What to put in your nose if the pharmacy doesn't have these drops? Analogues of the drug for the treatment of nasal diseases in childhood are:

  • , which contains two antibiotics, corticosteroids and the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine; used for children from 2.5 years old;
  • Isofra is a nasal spray whose active ingredient is framycetin; approved for use by children.

Eye drops Polinadim and Lecrolin with desensitizing and vasoconstrictor effects do not replace Sofradex. There is also no point in combining them with the use of this drug, since the dexamethasone present in it quickly eliminates tissue swelling.

Sofradex are ear drops, the instructions for use for which indicate that they can only be purchased at the pharmacy with a prescription. The drug copes well with swelling and pain in the ear. But droplets can be dangerous for infections caused by pathogenic viruses and fungi, as well as for purulent otitis media.

Mechanism of action and release form

Sofradex is a combination drug produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company Aventis Pharma. Release form: solution (ear and eye drops) in dropper bottles of 5 ml. An ointment (cream) for external use (for example, for eczema) is also available.

The medicine contains three active substances:

  • Framycetin is an antibiotic that kills bacteria that are sensitive to it (bactericidal action), including all types of staphylococci, but is not effective against streptococci; resistance (immunity) to this drug develops slowly; has an ototoxic effect (has a toxic effect on the organ of hearing);
  • Gramicidin – kills and suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria sensitive to it (bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect); is active against all types of staphylococci and streptococci; active against anaerobes;
  • Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid hormone (GCS), quickly relieves inflammation and swelling, suppresses allergic processes; at the same time reduces local tissue immunity.

The medicine is effective for eye and ear bacterial infections caused by bacterial flora sensitive to the active substances. All symptoms disappear literally after a few instillations. At the same time, Sofradex does not act on viruses and fungi, and since dexamethasone reduces local immunity, there is a danger of the spread of this infection.

For ear diseases, the use of drops is indicated only when there is no threat of perforation of the eardrum, therefore they are prescribed. After an examination, the otolaryngologist may also prescribe medication for acute catarrhal otitis media.

If there is a threat of rupture of the eardrum, the drug is not used: the entry of an ototoxic substance into the middle parts of the ear leads to hearing impairment.

How to use correctly

Drops are dripped into the ears 2 - 3 drops 3 - 4 times a day. You can make a turunda, moisten it with medicine and put it in your ear. It needs to be changed 3-4 times a day.

Sofradex is a product that can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. In adults, chronic herpetic infection often worsens, for which this drug is contraindicated.

The duration of the course of treatment is a week, since after this the bacterial flora may develop resistance to the drug. Outwardly this may not manifest itself in any way, since Dexamethasone eliminates inflammation, pain and itching, but at the same time reduces immunity and the infection can spread to the internal structures of the hearing organ. With prolonged use, there is also a risk of activating a fungal infection.

For children after one year, these drops are not contraindicated, but the annotation states that they can only be prescribed by a doctor. In children, otitis often develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). For viral otitis, these drops in the ears are contraindicated, as they reduce local immunity, which will contribute to the spread of infection (the drug has no effect on viruses).

The medicine should not be used for a long time, since in young children it can have a general (systemic) effect. The systemic effect of dexamethasone is especially dangerous - it suppresses adrenal function.


There are contraindications: the medicine is not prescribed for the following conditions:

  • individual intolerance;
  • infectious diseases of viral and fungal origin, purulent processes, tuberculosis;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • babies up to one year old.

The medicine should be instilled into the ears of children under three years of age with caution - the risk of developing systemic side effects at this age is quite high.

How to properly instill the drug into a child’s ears:

Side effects and overdose

When used correctly as prescribed by a doctor, side effects are rare.

The following side effects may occur:

  • development of fungal infection;
  • progression of chronic viral infection (for example, herpes);
  • allergies that appear a few days after the start of treatment;
  • when used for 7 days, systemic side effects may develop.

An overdose with one-time use is almost impossible. But long-term use causes systemic effects, such as increased blood pressure or decreased adrenal function. Treatment is to stop the drops.

Are there any analogues?

There are no complete analogues (synonyms) of this medicine. The following drugs in dosage form in the form of drops have a similar medicinal effect:

  • Polydexa - combined ear drops; active ingredients - dexamethasone and two antibiotics (neomycin and polymyxin B); has the same indications for use as Sofradex;
  • Dexona – combined eye and ear drops; active ingredients - dexamethasone and antibiotic neomycin;
  • Combinil-Duo is a combined eye and ear drop, the active ingredients are dexamethasone and the antibacterial agent ciprofloxacin.

Despite the fact that colds are quite common, they must be treated. It is worth noting that if measures are not taken, even the most harmless runny nose can develop into a more serious disease, such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, or lead to deformation of the nasal septum.

A runny nose of any nature and etiology, including allergic origin, is dangerous. It is especially difficult to cope with the disease when the process is chronic. Therefore, you should not hope that the snot is random or short-term. At the first manifestations of a cold accompanied by a runny nose, it is recommended to immediately contact an otolaryngologist, who will be able to prescribe the correct treatment. Among the effective remedies that help well in these cases, doctors highlight Sofradex eye and ear drops.

What is Sofradex?

Sofradex is combination drug, intended for introduction into the nasal passages, ears and eyes. These drops have gained popularity in the domestic pharmaceutical market for a long time. Sofradex is widely used in otolaryngology and ophthalmology.

The drug has pronounced antibacterial effect and is able to provide rapid anti-inflammatory effect. This drug is prescribed for infectious diseases of the ears, olfactory organ and eyes. Its effect extends to all ENT organs simultaneously. Sofradex relieves inflammation well and successfully copes with allergic manifestations.

Sofradex drops can be used simultaneously to treat the ears, eyes and nose.

Composition of the drug

The main active ingredients of Sofradex are:

  • antibiotics - gramicidin and framycetin (in the form of sulfate);
  • anti-inflammatory corticosteroid drug - dexamethasone (in the form of sodium metasulfobenzoate).

The drug contains a number of auxiliary components:

  • phenylethyl and methylated alcohol;
  • lithium chloride;
  • polysorbate;
  • sodium citrate;
  • lemon acid;
  • purified water.

Spectrum of action

The drug successfully copes with pathogenic microbes, among which:

  • coli;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • dysentery infection.

These microorganisms are the causative agents of serious diseases, which can be quite difficult to cure. With help dexamethasone, which is part of Sofradex, prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the spread of infection. In addition, this substance helps relieve active inflammation.

Action gramicidin And framycetin is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microbes in order to stop inflammatory processes developing in the body.

After several days of treatment, the disease begins to recede, and its pronounced symptoms, such as itching and burning in the nose, pain in the eyes and swelling, disappear. With the help of this medicine, the patient's condition quickly returns to normal and his health improves.

Release forms

Today in the pharmacy chain you can find Sofradex eye and ear drops, which are widely used in the treatment of eye diseases, runny nose, sinusitis and even adenoids.

Sofradex - a drug made in India - is packaged with all sterility standards

Drops are available in darkened glass bottles with a capacity of 5-10 ml. Each medicine is accompanied by a special dropper with a dispenser intended for its administration. In addition to drops, Sofradex is available in the form of an ointment of 5, 15 and 20 g in each tube.

The concentration of the active components of each form of the drug is absolutely identical. The drug can be stored for no more than one month after opening.

Can Sofradex be dripped into the nose of children?

It is difficult to answer the question whether Sofradex can be used for children. Drops are absolutely contraindicated for infants, and they are prescribed to small children with great caution. This is due to the development of many side effects. Long-term use of Sofradex leads to disruption of the functional characteristics of the adrenal cortex.

Some pediatricians and pediatric ENT specialists have long taken into account the fact that Sofradex is good for a runny nose. Although the drops are only available for the eyes and ears, in many cases it is recommended to put them in the child's nose.

Sofradex is instilled into a child’s nose for the purpose of treating:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • rhinopharyngitis.

If we are talking about the treatment of a simple runny nose in children, then Sofradex is not advisable to use in such cases. It is best to use more gentle drugs, the use of which minimizes the development of side effects.

Methods of application

To avoid negative consequences, the drug is not recommended to be used in concentrated form: Drops must be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 1. Distilled water or saline solution works well for this. In this way, it is possible to reduce the aggressive effect of the active components of the product on the child’s nasal mucosa.

The effect of treatment largely depends on the correct administration of the medicine. To do this, the child must take a lying position and not toss and turn in different directions. Ask your child to tilt his head back. Enter 2-3 drops solution into each nasal passage. The manipulation should be carried out 3 times a day until the condition improves. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Treatment regimen for adenoids

For inflamed adenoids in children, it is possible to prescribe Sofradex according to following diagram:

  • first 10 days- 4 drops in each nostril 3 times a day;
  • next 5 days- 2 drops 2 times a day;
  • last 5 days- 2 drops 1 time per day.

During the procedure, the medicine should be instilled into the nostrils so that the liquid flows onto the surface of the inflamed pharyngeal tonsil. Only in this case can we expect a reduction in the size of the adenoids. Usually positive dynamics are visible after a week: swelling subsides, nasal breathing returns to normal.

The above scheme for treating adenoids with Sofradex is not fundamental. In each specific case, the doctor selects the dosage and duration of therapy individually. The specialist takes into account the characteristics of the child’s body, the nature of the course of the disease and the presence of pathological complications.

Side effects and contraindications

As for the side effects when instilling Sofradex into the nose, among them we can note manifestations of allergies in the form of dermatous rashes accompanied by itching and burning. This is due to the presence of glucocorticosteroid drops in the composition. In some cases, treatment ends with the addition of a bacterial infection. This can happen due to a poor immune system.

Like a number of other drugs, Sofradex has its contraindications. Drops cannot be used for pulmonary tuberculosis, glaucoma, in the presence of herpetic manifestations and the development of purulent infections, including viral or fungal etiology.

The medicine is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. It is also recommended that women during pregnancy and breastfeeding not use Sofradex for a runny nose.

It is best to contact an ENT doctor who will prescribe the nasal drops that are suitable specifically for your child.

Reviews about the drug

On numerous forums on the Internet you can find patient reviews about the drug Sofradex, and they are not only positive. However, it is worth noting that negative reviews are written by those who do not adhere to the instructions for using Sofradex and use nasal drops incorrectly. If you take treatment seriously, the result will be 100% worth it.

Maria, 27 years old, Novosibirsk:“I have a small child who is already 4 years old. The doctor prescribed Sofradex drops for us to treat a runny nose. The sniffles and swelling went away very quickly. The bottle is convenient and has a dispenser. In general, the drops suited us perfectly, and I chose them.”

Alena, 22 years old, Vladivostok:“My daughter had a bad runny nose and it didn’t go away for a long time. After using vasoconstrictor drops, the snot went away for a short time. We had to go to the hospital, and the pediatrician prescribed Sofradex for us. I really liked it. The effect came almost immediately, we completed the full course of treatment and were satisfied.”

Anastasia, 25 years old, Krasnoyarsk:“They gave the child Sofradex. Before use, the medicine had to be diluted 1:1 with saline. The product turned out to be very effective, but they say that it cannot be used for a long time, as an allergy may develop. However, I took these drops into consideration. And despite the fact that they are ophthalmic, I advise others to use them, and specifically in the treatment of a runny nose.”


In conclusion, we can conclude that Sofradex is an effective and potent remedy that is good for the common cold and a number of other diseases.

The drug is prescribed by the attending physician and is sold in pharmacies with a prescription. Before using it, a high-quality diagnosis must be carried out: Sofradex is effective only for bacterial infections. Diseases of viral and fungal etiology, as well as inflammation accompanied by a purulent course, are considered contraindications to the use of this drug.

Sofradex is indeed dripped into the nose of children, but, as a rule, it is prescribed only if there are serious indications. Despite multiple contraindications, this drug is highly effective.



is a drops or ointment that is effective in the treatment of any inflammatory pathologies of the eye and ear. Sofradex is also used to treat runny nose,


and adenoids, as it effectively relieves inflammation and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

Release forms: ear and eye drops, ointment

Sofradex drops are intended for administration into the eyes and ears. Therefore, “Sofradex ear drops” are the same as “Sofradex eye drops”. Ear and eye drops are produced by the pharmaceutical corporation SANOFI at the facilities of the AVENTIS PHARMA Ltd. plant. They are a fairly old drug that is well known on the market. In addition to drops, the Indian pharmaceutical corporation ROUSSEL INDIA Ltd produces Sofradex in the form of an ointment, which is also placed in the eyes or ears to treat inflammatory pathologies of these organs.

Sofradex drops and ointment have exactly the same composition of active ingredients. The concentration of active components in 1 ml of drops and 1 g of ointment is also the same. The ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 15 and 20 g, and drops are available in dark glass bottles of 5 ml, with a special device - a dropper, designed for easy administration of the solution into the ears and eyes.

Sofradex ointment, eye drops and ear drops - composition

Sofradex ear and eye drops are a clear, uncolored solution with a characteristic alcoholic odor. Sofradex ointment is a homogeneous white mass. 1 ml of drops and 1 g of ointment contain the following active ingredients:

  • Framycetin in the form of sulfate – 5 mg;
  • Gramicidin – 50 mcg;
  • Dexamethasone in the form of metasulfobenzoate – 500 mcg.

The active ingredients of Sofradex drops and ointment are exactly the same and are contained in the same concentrations in both dosage forms.

Therapeutic effects and action The drug Sofradex is a combination drug and has the following therapeutic effects:1. Antibacterial action.

Anti-inflammatory effect.

Antiallergic effect.

Sofradex drops and ointment contain two antibiotics - framycetin And gramicidin, from the group of aminoglycosides. These antibiotics effectively destroy a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ears and eyes. Framycetin destroys a large number of gram-positive bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, which is an opportunistic microbe that often causes inflammatory lesions in various organs and is quite difficult to cure. Framycetin also has a detrimental effect on the main gram-negative microorganisms - Escherichia coli, dysentery, Proteus, etc. Resistance to this antibiotic develops very slowly. Framycetin does not destroy streptococci, fungi and microbes that can live in an oxygen-free environment (anaerobic). The second antibiotic of Sofradex, gramicidin, increases the spectrum of action of framycetin, acting especially well against staphylococci, which are difficult to treat.

The third component of Sofradex ointment and drops is the glucocorticoid hormone dexamethasone, which has the ability to suppress the inflammatory response, reduce the production of substances that stimulate inflammation, and reduce the degree of permeability of the capillary wall. In addition, dexamethasone has the property of suppressing allergic reactions and itching. Dexamethasone also relieves swelling, improving nasal breathing, hearing and vision.

Sofradex, when injected into the eyes, relieves pain, eliminates burning, lacrimation and photophobia. And the introduction of the drug into the ears eliminates skin redness, soreness, itching, burning in the external auditory canal and the feeling of a stuffy ear.

Indications for use

Ointment, ear and eye drops have the same indications for use, since they are different dosage forms of the same drug intended for topical use. So, indications for the use of Sofradex are the presence of the following conditions:

  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis, including allergic;
  • keratitis, including rosacea (inflammation of the eyelids due to the presence of rosacea);
  • iridocyclitis;
  • scleritis;
  • eczema of the eyelid skin, complicated by infection;
  • episcleritis;
  • acute and chronic otitis of the external ear;
  • bacterial infections of the outer surface of the eye with severe inflammatory reaction or allergies;
  • barley.

Sofradex drops and ointment - instructions for use

Drops and ointment are used for insertion into the auditory canal of the outer ear, or placement into the conjunctival sac. The drugs are used only locally; it is not allowed to take both dosage forms orally. The maximum course of use of the drug is 7 days, since otherwise it is possible to develop addiction to antibiotics and mask the infectious process during the use of dexamethasone.

Sofradex ear and eye drops. For the treatment of mild forms of inflammatory diseases of the eye, 1–2 drops of Sofradex are instilled into the conjunctival sac, with an interval of 4 hours. If the inflammatory process is severe, then 1–2 drops of the product are injected into the conjunctival sac of the eye every hour. With a decrease in the severity of inflammatory phenomena, the interval between instillations should be lengthened.

Treatment for otitis media consists of administering 2–3 drops of Sofradex into each ear, 3–4 times a day. After introducing the medicine into the ear, it is necessary to close the ear canal with clean, dry cotton wool. If instilling the drug into the ear brings discomfort, then it is better to use turundas. To do this, roll up small turundas from clean gauze, soak them in Sofradex solution and insert them into the external auditory canal. They should be removed from the ear and replaced with new ones, also 3–4 times a day.

After introducing drops into the eyes or ears, the bottle must be closed. When applying drops to the eye, be careful not to let the tip of the pipette touch the surface of the conjunctiva. An open bottle of drops can be used for one month, after which it should be thrown away.

Sofradex ointment is used twice a day for the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases. Usually it is placed in the conjunctival sac in the morning and evening. You can use Sofradex drops during the day and put ointment in your eyes at night. When treating otitis of the external auditory canal, the ointment is also placed in the ear, 1 – 2 times a day.

It is not recommended to use drops and ointment for a long period of time, since this significantly increases the risk of another infection caused by microorganisms resistant to the antibiotics contained in Sofradex.

In addition, a long period of use of Sofradex drops can lead to thinning of the cornea, which increases the risk of perforation. Also, long-term use of drops increases intraocular pressure. Due to these risks, you should not carry out repeated courses of treatment on your own, without consulting a doctor, measuring intraocular pressure and monitoring for cataracts.

You should not drop Sofradex into your eyes if redness appears due to an unclear reason, since the drug has contraindications and can only aggravate the situation, even worsen vision.

Aminoglycoside antibiotics of Sofradex have nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, that is, they can have a damaging effect on the kidneys and ears. These toxic effects occur when drops or ointment come into contact with a damaged area of ​​skin, an open wound, or when such antibiotics are used orally. Toxic effects directly depend on the dosage of the drug: the higher it is, the greater the risk of damage to the kidneys and ears. Also, the toxic effect of Sofradex increases in the presence of renal and liver failure.

If, while using the drug, clarity of vision is lost, then it is necessary to abandon activities that require concentration (for example, driving a car, working on complex machines and mechanisms, etc.).

An overdose of Sofradex is possible when using drops for a long period of time. In this case, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Accidental ingestion of the drug in a volume of up to 10 ml will not lead to serious side effects that require special treatment.

Interaction with other drugs. Sofradex should not be used in combination with other antibiotics that have nephrotoxic and ototoxic effects (for example, Streptomycin, Monomycin, Kanamycin, Gentamicin).

Sofradex drops for children

Drops can be used to treat otitis, eye inflammation of an infectious nature and

runny nose

In children from an early age. In young children, the drug should be used carefully and only for a limited amount of time (no more than 5 days). Manufacturers do not recommend using Sofradex drops for


However, clinical practice allows the use of the drug even for


In the absence of contraindications.

You should not use Sofradex drops to treat children on your own, neglecting a doctor’s examination. Remember that the drops are toxic and are a strong remedy that must be used strictly according to indications. When using drops in children, the maximum doses should be strictly observed, since using a large amount of the drug may increase the risk of side effects.

In children, Sofradex drops are often used to treat prolonged runny nose or sinusitis, in order to prevent otitis media, the cause of which is the presence of an infectious-inflammatory focus in the nasopharynx. Treatment of otitis media in children is carried out with special medications and Sofradex nasal drops, which eliminate the source of infection in the nasopharynx and speed up the recovery process.

The dosage of drops for children is as follows: 2 - 3 drops in each ear 3 - 4 times a day, and 1 - 2 drops in the eye 3 - 7 times a day, depending on the severity of the pathology. As the inflammatory process subsides, reduce the frequency of Sofradex instillation to a minimum. 2-5 drops are instilled into the nose at each stroke, 3-4 times a day. Depending on the goals of therapy, Sofradex is instilled into the nose with pure (runny nose, sinusitis) or diluted saline solution (otitis media).

Sofradex during pregnancy

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use drops or Sofradex, which may penetrate into

breast milk

and negatively affect the child’s health.

Various Applications

Sofradex drops are administered into the nose, eyes and ears to treat otitis media, runny nose and inflammatory eye pathology. Each method of using drops has its own characteristics and nuances.

Nasal drops - instructions for use

May be prescribed to treat prolonged runny nose to prevent the development of otitis media, especially in young children. Also, nasal drops are often used to treat allergic rhinitis, when it is impossible to use vasoconstrictors, and it is necessary to restore normal breathing. In addition, Sofradex in the form of nasal drops is used in the complex treatment of otitis media of the middle ear.

Otitis media in a child is almost always the result of an infection localized in the nasopharynx. That is why, to treat this pathology, it makes sense to inject antibiotics into the nasopharynx, for which Sofradex nasal drops are used. To properly apply nose drops, you need to place the child on his back and tilt his head back. In this position, add 2 to 5 drops into each nostril, and leave the child to lie down for several minutes with his head thrown back so that the medicine penetrates to the site of the infection. When treating otitis media, Sofradex drops are administered into the nose, diluted with saline in a 1:1 ratio.

To treat lingering snot, you can drip Sofradex into the nose with pure or diluted saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. It is necessary to administer 2 - 3 drops into each nostril, 2 - 3 times a day, for 5 - 7 days. Do not inject more than five drops into the nasal passages at a time.

Treatment of adenoids

Sofradex for adenoids is prescribed quite often and is an effective treatment method. The most effective treatment regimen for adenoids:

For 10 days, inject 4 drops into each nostril, 2 times a day.

For 5 days, inject 2 drops into each nostril, 2 times a day.

For 5 days, inject 2 drops into each nostril, 1 time per day.

It is necessary to bury the nose in a supine position. The patient lies on his back, head tilted back, drops are introduced into each nasal passage, and the person lies in this position for several minutes. In this case, you should not turn your head to the sides.

After the first 4 to 6 days of using Sofradex, the size of the adenoids will decrease, it will become easier to breathe, the intensity of snoring during sleep will decrease, etc.

After normalizing nasal breathing and reducing the volume of the adenoids, it is necessary to identify the source of infection, which leads to a constant runny nose. Having identified an infectious source, it should be treated so that the adenoids no longer enlarge or become inflamed. As a rule, in this situation there is a viral infection, which is treated with inhalations of cycloferon for 10 to 15 days.

More about adenoids

Drops in the ears for otitis First of all, you need to know that Sofradex drops in the ear are used to treat only external otitis. In this case, drops can be administered only if the eardrum is intact, since otherwise the medicine will enter the middle ear, which can cause damage to the auditory nerve and the development of hearing loss. Therefore, before using Sofradex drops, you need to see an otolaryngologist who will assess the integrity of the eardrum. If you put the drug in your ear and feel severe pain, then most likely the eardrum is damaged and you should stop using it.

Otitis externa can be treated with Sofradex in the form of drops, or by inserting turundas soaked in medication into the ear canal. Usually it is necessary to introduce 2 - 3 drops into the ear canal alternately, 3 - 4 times a day. After instillation of the ear, it is better to cover the ear canal with dry and clean cotton wool. Drops can be replaced with turundas. To do this, twist turundas from a sterile bandage, moisten them with Sofradex and insert them into the ear canal. They are replaced with fresh ones 3-4 times a day.

More about otitis media

Eye drops against conjunctivitis and styesThe drops do an excellent job of treating conjunctivitis within a short period of time - literally 3 - 4 days. People suffering from allergic conjunctivitis can also use Sofradex drops, which quickly relieve inflammation and relieve the painful condition. To treat conjunctivitis, the drug is administered into each eye, 1–2 drops 3–7 times a day. The more severe the person’s condition, the stronger the inflammation, the more often the product needs to be applied. As the condition improves and the severity of inflammation decreases, reduce the frequency of instillations. Conjunctivitis should be treated for no longer than 5 days.

Barley can be treated with Sofradex drops even at the stage of its development, until it is fully formed. To do this, the product is instilled into the eye, 1 - 2 drops 6 times a day. The drug reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process and eliminates painful itching. Sofradex drops can be used for 5 – 7 days. If after this period of time there is no effect, you should contact an ophthalmologist.


The drug contains antibiotics and a strong hormonal component, so contraindications should be taken seriously and not ignored. Sofradex should not be used in the presence of the following conditions:

  • sensitivity or allergy to the components of the drug;
  • viral or fungal eye infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • purulent inflammation of the eye;
  • trachoma;
  • thinning of the sclera;
  • corneal perforation;
  • herpetic keratitis (corneal ulcer);
  • glaucoma;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • babies.

The drug should be used with caution to treat young children, since large doses can inhibit the functioning of the adrenal cortex.
Side effects

It is possible to develop an allergic reaction to Sofradex, which manifests itself after some time, since it is of the delayed type. Allergic reactions are expressed in the development of itching, irritation, dermatitis, a strong burning sensation and pain.

Long-term use of Sofradex drops can provoke the development of the following side effects caused by dexamethasone in the composition of the drug:

  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • development of glaucoma symptoms (damage to the optic nerve, decreased visual acuity, formation of defects in the visual fields);
  • thinning of the cornea and sclera of the eye;
  • formation of posterior subcapsular cataract;
  • the addition of another infection, most often fungal.

These side effects are quite serious, so if you need to use the drug for more than 7 days, you should consult your doctor. And further use of Sofradex should be carried out against the backdrop of periodic monitoring of intraocular pressure. Analogues The drug Sofradex on the domestic pharmaceutical market has only analogues - that is, drugs that have similar therapeutic effects and effects, but contain other components as active ingredients. Sofradex analogues include the following drugs:

  • Betagenot eye and ear drops;
  • Garazon eye and ear drops;
  • Dexon eye and ear drops;
  • Tobradex eye drops and ointment;
  • Tobrazon eye drops;
  • DexaTobropt eye drops.

Reviews Otolaryngologists are often inclined to consider Sofradex drops a very effective drug that is prescribed for a huge number of diseases of the eyes and ears. Indeed, Sofradex has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, for which patients and doctors speak positively about it, and consider its effectiveness in this regard to be very high.

Reviews about Sofradex are often contradictory, even diametrically opposed, but doctors believe that this is due to the neglect of the process and untimely treatment. If the drug is used at the beginning of the disease, then the positive result is very good, and the person’s normal state is restored in full quite quickly. However, many patients consider the drops to be an ineffective drug that has absolutely no effect on the course of the disease. This impression may be due to the individual properties of the human body, so it is worth treating such sharply negative reviews with a grain of salt. After all, many people are very satisfied with the effectiveness of the drug.

Many people speak negatively about Sofradex because the drug has caused the development of serious complications due to its long-term use. However, in this case, there is a violation of the instructions, according to which the drug is not intended for long-term use. Therefore, you should be careful and not ignore the instructions. Many people do not tolerate drops in the eyes well, since Sofradex is very hot, causing discomfort. People also attribute this property to the disadvantages of the drug. A significant disadvantage of the drug is the short shelf life of an opened bottle - only 1 month, after which the drug becomes unsuitable for use, it has to be thrown away and a new one purchased, if necessary.

In general, we can say that the effectiveness of Sofradex is quite high; the drug can be used subject to certain precautions and instructions from the attending physician.

Price Today, Sofradex is sold in pharmacies at prices ranging from 139 to 185 rubles per 5 ml bottle. The difference in cost is not due to the quality of the drug or different manufacturers, but to the trade markup of pharmacy chains, costs of storage, transportation, rental premises, etc. Since Sofradex ear and eye drops are produced by only one pharmaceutical company, there is no difference between the more expensive and cheaper drug.

When purchasing Sofradex drops, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the shelf life of the drug, which is 2 years from the date of manufacture. The drug should be stored in a dark and dry place, at an air temperature of no more than 25oC. After opening the bottle, the drug can be used for 1 month, after which it must be destroyed. If the integrity of the bottle is damaged and it is not hermetically sealed, then such a drug cannot be purchased, since it could have deteriorated and will be ineffective or even harmful. Today, Sofradex ear and eye drops are sold by prescription.

ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is for reference or popular information and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. Prescription of medications should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the medical history and diagnostic results.

Sofradex nasal drops are a drug of combined action. The product has antimicrobial activity and quickly copes with bacterial infections of the ENT organs. The instructions for use indicate that the drug is effective against acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, and adenoids. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription.

When starting treatment, it is advisable to obtain the recommendations of an otolaryngologist and strictly follow them. The medicine contains a number of active substances, so it is better not to prescribe the medicine yourself.

Composition and effects

Sofradex drops from the French company Sanofi have long been known on the Russian market. The drug is intended for the treatment of otitis media, diseases of the eyes and nose, therefore it is considered a universal remedy. It is a colorless liquid with a specific odor of ethanol. Read more about nasal diseases→

Sofradex, being a combination drug, contains three active components:

  1. Dexamethasone. A glucocorticoid-type substance suppresses the inflammatory process and reduces capillary permeability. It has an antiallergic effect and facilitates natural breathing through the nose.
  2. Framycetin. An antibiotic from a series of aminoglycosides, it is especially active against staphylococci and other microorganisms that cause diseases of the ENT organs.
  3. Gramicidin. Antibacterial agent for topical use. Enhances the effect of framycetin, inhibiting the ability of microorganisms to reproduce.

Thanks to dexamethasone, nasal drops have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, eliminate inflammation, swelling and irritation, and relieve congestion. Sofradex, being an anti-allergenic drug, effectively fights allergy symptoms - itching, burning, sneezing, red eyes, lacrimation.

The antibiotics included in Sofradex give it antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

Indications and contraindications

Sofradex, being a universal remedy, is used as part of complex therapy and prevention:

  • otitis media;
  • chronic and allergic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis.

Experienced otolaryngologists often prescribe drops during the development of a runny nose to prevent otitis media. Inflammation of the hearing organs often occurs as a complication of a respiratory infection located in the nasopharynx. Therefore, the use of Sofradex as a preventive measure is completely justified.

The drug is also used for allergic rhinitis. The drug helps to cope with illness without vasoconstrictor medications, quickly relieves symptoms, eliminates nasal congestion and excessive secretion.

The antibacterial properties of Sofradex help improve the condition of patients with sinusitis and adenoiditis. The drug, of course, cannot completely cure such serious diseases, but it can reduce the manifestations of the disease and prevent complications.

Sofradex, being a strong antibacterial and hormonal medicine, has a number of contraindications that you need to heed:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • fungal or viral infections of the nasal cavity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • infancy;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Use for children

Despite the manufacturers' warnings, pediatric practice allows the use of Sofradex in the treatment of newborns and infants, but in the absence of contraindications. For this reason, you should not use nasal drops without a doctor's advice. The potent drug is toxic and is prescribed strictly according to indications. Read more about runny nose in infants→

In children, Sofradex nasal drops are used in the complex treatment of chronic or allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and adenoids, as well as for the prevention of otitis media. Depending on the causative agent of the pathological condition, the drug is administered into the nasal cavity in pure or diluted saline. For newborns, it is permissible to insert turundas soaked in a diluted solution into the nostrils.

Treatment of children requires caution and attentiveness. It is forbidden to use the medicine for more than 3-5 days in a row and to instill undiluted medicine into the nose. A prerequisite for treatment is compliance with the maximum recommended dosage specified in the instructions for use for Sofradex nasal drops. Excessive use of the drug can cause adverse reactions.

Instructions and dosage

Before using Sofradex in the nose, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of treatment. The instructions for use recommend using the drug for each pathology in an individual dosage. In general, Sofradex is instilled into the nose for a course of 4–6 days. After this period, breathing normalizes, swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, and local immunity is restored.

For adenoiditis, Sofradex is administered twice a day, 4 drops into each nostril. After consultation with a doctor, the therapeutic course can be extended to 10 days. In this case, the single dosage is reduced to 2 drops. Read more about the treatment of adenoids in children→

For the prevention and treatment of otitis media, before use, the drug is diluted with saline solution in a ratio of 1 to 1 and 2 drops are injected into each nostril. The procedures are performed twice a day.

For the treatment of chronic rhinitis, it is permissible to use a concentrated solution. The medicine is also administered into each nostril, 3 drops twice a day. You should bury your nose in a horizontal position, tilting your head back. This position will allow the drug to penetrate directly to the site of infection.

In pediatrics, the dosage of Sofradex and the frequency of procedures are prescribed by the doctor. Older children can use the medicine in the same amount as adults.

Side effects

If used incorrectly, Sofradex nasal drops can cause a number of undesirable reactions:

  • decreased local immunity;
  • addition of candidiasis;
  • suppression of the hypothalamic-adrenal system;
  • itching and burning in the nasal cavity, drying of the mucous membrane.

If such symptoms appear, you must stop treatment and consult an otolaryngologist.

Sofradex nasal drops are versatile and effective in the treatment of ENT diseases. Before use, it is advisable to read the instructions for use and pay close attention to contraindications. If you follow the doctor's recommendations and the precautions specified in the instructions, the drug will only bring benefits.

Useful video about putting drops into the nose

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 23.09.2016

Filterable list

Active substance:


Pharmacological groups

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images


Description of the dosage form

A transparent, almost colorless solution with the odor of phenylethyl alcohol.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antipruritic, antibacterial, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory.


Framycetin sulfate is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides and has a bactericidal effect. It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action, is active against gram-positive microorganisms, including Staphylococcus aureus, and most clinically significant gram-negative microorganisms (Escherichia coli, dysentery bacillus, Proteus, etc.). Ineffective against streptococci. Does not affect pathogenic fungi, viruses, anaerobic flora. Resistance of microorganisms to framycetin sulfate develops slowly.

Gramicidin has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, expanding the spectrum of antimicrobial action of framycetin due to its activity against streptococci and anaerobic microorganisms. Enhances the effects of framycetin against staphylococci, because also has an antistaphylococcal effect.

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and desensitizing effect.

Dexamethasone suppresses inflammatory processes by inhibiting the release of inflammatory mediators, the migration of mast cells and reducing capillary permeability.

When instilled into the eyes, it reduces pain, burning, lacrimation, and photophobia. When instilled into the ears, it reduces the symptoms of otitis externa (redness of the skin, pain, itching, burning in the external auditory canal, feeling of ear congestion).


When applied topically, systemic absorption is low.

Framycetin sulfate can be absorbed through inflamed skin or open wounds. Once it enters the systemic circulation, it is quickly excreted unchanged by the kidneys. T1/2 of framycetin sulfate is 2-3 hours.

When taken orally, dexamethasone can be rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. T 1/2 is 190 min.

Indications of the drug Sofradex ®

bacterial diseases of the anterior segment of the eye (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis (without damage to the epithelium), iridocyclitis, scleritis, episcleritis);

infected eczema of the eyelid skin;

otitis externa.


increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug;

viral or fungal infections, tuberculosis, purulent inflammation of the eyes, trachoma;

violation of the integrity of the corneal epithelium and thinning of the sclera;

herpetic keratitis (tree-like corneal ulcer) (possible increase in the size of the ulcer and significant deterioration of vision);


perforation of the eardrum (penetration of the drug into the middle ear can lead to the development of ototoxicity);


breastfeeding period;


Carefully: young children (especially when the drug is prescribed in large doses and for a long time - the risk of developing systemic effects and suppression of adrenal function).

Side effects

Allergic reactions are usually of a delayed type, manifested by irritation, burning, pain, itching, and dermatitis.

With long-term use of local GCS it is possible:

An increase in IOP with the development of a glaucoma symptom complex (damage to the optic nerve, decreased visual acuity and the appearance of visual field defects), therefore, when using drugs containing GCS for more than 7 days, IOP should be measured regularly;

Development of posterior subcapsular cataract (especially with frequent instillation);

Thinning of the cornea or sclera, which can lead to perforation;

Attachment of a secondary (fungal) infection.


Framycetin sulfate should not be used together with other antibiotics that have ototoxic and nephrotoxic effects (streptomycin, monomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin).

Directions for use and doses

Eye diseases: in case of a mild infection, 1-2 drops of the drug are instilled into the conjunctival sac of the eye every 4 hours. In the case of a severe infection, the drug is instilled every hour. As inflammation decreases, the frequency of drug instillations decreases.

Ear diseases: instill 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day; a gauze swab moistened with a solution can be placed in the external auditory canal.

The duration of use of the drug should not exceed 7 days, except in cases of obvious positive dynamics of the disease (GCS can mask hidden infections, and long-term use of the antimicrobial components of the drug can contribute to the development of resistant flora).


Symptoms: long-term and intensive topical use may lead to systemic effects. When swallowing the contents of one vial (up to 10 ml of solution), the development of serious side effects is unlikely.

Treatment: symptomatic.

special instructions

With long-term use of the drug, as with long-term use of other antimicrobial agents, the development of superinfections caused by drug-resistant microorganisms, including fungi, is possible.

Long-term instillation of the drug into the eyes can lead to thinning of the cornea with the development of its perforation, as well as an increase in IOP. Treatment with drugs containing corticosteroids should not be repeated or prolonged without regular IOP monitoring and eye examination for the development of cataracts or secondary infections.

Local corticosteroids should never be used in patients with ocular hyperemia of unknown etiology, because inappropriate use of the drug can lead to significant deterioration of vision (see “Contraindications”).

Framycetin sulfate, which is part of the drug, is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, which are characterized by the development of nephro- and ototoxic effects when used systemically or topically on open wounds or damaged skin. These effects are dose dependent and increase with renal or hepatic impairment. Although the development of these effects was not observed when the drug was instilled into the eyes, the possibility of their occurrence should be taken into account in the case of topical use of high doses of the drug in children.

The duration of use of the drug should not exceed 7 days, except in cases of obvious positive dynamics of the disease, because long-term use of GCS, which is part of it, can mask hidden infections, and long-term use of antimicrobial components can contribute to the emergence of resistant microflora.