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Balloon competitions. Fun and “airy” fun - a competition with balloons at a wedding: long and ordinary

Competitions and relay races with balloons

(for preschool children)

Held on the sports ground

Prepared and conducted physical education instructor: Snigireva N.N.

Tasks. Improve motor skills and abilities, develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed in relay races and games with balls and balls. Foster a sense of mutual assistance, attention to each other, promote the development of creative imagination and friendliness.

Children in sports uniform, accompanied by music, go out onto the sports ground and line up.

Leading. Hello guys!

We all gathered for a joyful holiday,

Come on, friends, let's have fun!

Let's harden ourselves in the summer

Let's play sports

Let's relax in the summer

Let's swim and sunbathe

Play with balloons!

Carlson runs onto the site to the music - (with balloons)

Carlson. Hello! Hello! here I am!

Do you recognize me, friends?

I am Carlson. The most fun in the world

That's why adults and children like me.

I came to your holiday

I know you are happy to have guests!

I really want to know

Do you like to play

Children. Yes!

Leading: Dear children, we invite you to a fun balloon festival. We will play with them and have fun.

Carlson: Well then - go ahead!

Leading: Carlson, what are these so beautiful things you have in your hands, balloons?

Carlson: These are not ordinary balls. These are balls with riddles. Whoever guesses the riddle gets the ball.

Leading: "Guess a riddle"

Small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

Love these balls

Adults and children,

Bulk balls –

The best in the world!(apples)

On a green fragile leg,

The ball grew by the path(dandelion)

He's big, like a football

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What kind of ball is this?(watermelon)

Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Looks like a hot air balloon

Almost always lives in water


Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

Will fly away beyond the clouds(balloon).

Carlson distributes balloons to all children.

Leading: Lots of different entertainment

It is impossible to count them all here.

And you have a lot of enthusiasm

Yes, and the power is still there.

Now there's new fun -

Let's all dance for laughs.

A warm-up with balloons is performed to the music.


Balloon, my balloon,

Naughty fidget!

The ball is round, the ball is smooth,

The ball is thin, the ball is soft.

I press the ball

It flies out from under your hands

Up. But I caught him

Tied a thread to my finger

To the right is a ball, to the left is a ball,

My glowing flashlight!

Let me hug you

And I will press you to my cheek.

Don't leave me

Stay with me, don't fly away!

Ved: And now, Carlson, Look how our children will play with the balls.

Carlson: My friends are ahead again, the competition awaits again.


1. "Kangaroo". With the ball held between your legs, jump to the cone and back.

2.Inflate the “jet balloon” and release it. Whose ball will fly farthest?

3. “Pair dance.” Children dance in pairs, holding the balls in different positions (between their foreheads, hands, bellies, etc.)

4. "Barrel". Push as many balls into the bag as possible.

5. “Centipede” Children are divided into 2 teams, stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous child and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. You need to go to the landmark and back, whoever is faster.

6. "Strong Men". Inflate the balloon as quickly as possible until it bursts.

7. “If you go on a journey with a friend” (carry the ball in pairs, sandwiched between their stomachs).

8. “A bolt from the blue” (jump and pierce the ball with a pencil). 9. “Waiters” (carry a balloon on a racket).

10. “Blow on the ball and hit the hoop.”

11. “Give the doll a ball” (the doll is sitting on a chair, tie the ball to the chair.”

12. Pass the “bouquet with balloons” to each other.

Game "Not a single ball" on the asphalt

Game “Pass the ball in a circle to the music”

(Children pass the ball around in a circle to the music. When the music stops, the child who still has the ball in his hands leaves the game. If the music stops on Carlson, he does not want to give the ball back.)

Carlson. Well done boys! It’s time for me to say goodbye to you and go to another garden!(Carlson leaves)

Ved. Our kindergarten is good,

You won't find a better garden.

And what kind of guys are here:

Fast and bold

Dexterous, skillful.

What a fun holiday it turned out to be. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon can bring. Goodbye, guys!

Asphalt drawing competition “Colored balls”.

This competition requires at least a couple of players. Everyone holds a long ball, and a round one is used as a shuttlecock. The rules are exactly the same as the game of badminton - you need to hit the shuttlecock and not let it fall to the ground. You can play until the first fall, but nothing prevents you from counting points. For example, for each fall the opponent gets a point. The first one to score 5-10-15 points wins. Instead of long balls, you can also use regular badminton rackets.


This relay race is very fun if there are many participants. Divide them into two teams. Draw a starting line and a place where each participant must reach and then turn back. You can put 2 small hoops at the turning point, and in the middle of each hoop, a flag, etc. The participant must jump to the turn with the ball clamped between his legs. The first athlete reaches the hoop, takes the flag, returns to the team and passes the flag to the next one. He must jump to the hoop and put the flag. The team that completes the task first wins. Penalty points can be awarded for a dropped ball or for someone not picking up or putting a flag in its place.

"Billiards on the carpet"

For this game you will need long and round balls according to the number of participants. Place goals on the court or in the hall (these can be just pairs of cubes). Arrange the participants in one line and ask each to choose a hoop for themselves. The task is to drive a round ball into them using a long one.


For this relay you need a lot of identical balls. Divide the participants into 2 teams and distribute balloons to them. Each ball is clamped by 2 participants - one with his back, the second with his stomach. The team must reach the turn and return. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and does not lose the balls.


For this game you will also need multi-colored tape and scissors. Tie 2 identical round balls to the backs of the chairs. The task for the participants is to cut out the eyes, nose, mouth from tape and stick them on the ball to make a face. Two participants can compete, but nothing prevents this competition from being held in the form of a relay race - one participant cuts out the eyes, the second sticks them on, the third cuts out the nose, etc. The task can be complicated by instructing the children to put a scarf on their “head”.

"Hands, legs, cucumber"

You can make little people out of balloons. You need 2 large balls, 2 smaller round balls and 8 long ones, as well as tape. If there are only two participants, each one collects his own person - a smaller ball and 4 long ones are glued to the large ball. You can also arrange a relay race, when one participant attaches the head, the second – the arm, the third – the leg. The team that collects the figure faster and more accurately wins.

If you think that balloons are a toy exclusively for children, then you are deeply mistaken! This is also a bright prop, which competitions for adults cannot do without, which are held with constant success at a variety of celebrations. Keeping your guests occupied and entertaining them will not be difficult if you check out our selection of the best games collected in this article!

Balloon competitions for adults at home

Even very serious adults will not be able to resist and will take an active part in fun competitions with helium balloons, which can be easily organized in an apartment or house:

  1. Absolutely everyone present can be involved in this game. Men and women stand next to each other. One person squeezes an inflated sausage ball between his legs and passes it to the next person. As you understand, you cannot use your hands. Whoever loses the ball is out of the game. The winner or even 2 winners can be awarded with prizes.
  2. “Merry Pereduy” is a game with balls, in which 2 players take part at once, regardless of gender. To “stir up” the interest of your guests, invite them to compete. The opponents sit opposite each other, and a round or oval balloon is placed on the table between them. They are asked to blow it to the enemy’s side, but! blindfolded! Blindfolding the participants, the cunning presenter sprinkles powdered sugar or flour onto the ball. Just imagine the bewildered, dirty faces of the players and the laughing witnesses of their “struggle.”
  3. "Cool girls." This is a competition for two men and two girls. Give each couple bright balloons for competitions in the same quantity. They can come in a variety of shapes and colors. On command, the men begin to “decorate” their models with all the available balls (using threads, ribbons, clothespins). And only now the “evil” presenter reveals the intrigue - the ladies need to burst them all on their rival as soon as possible. And if you want to make the finale less “bloody”, then ask the girls to free themselves from all the airy “decorations”. In any case, the couple whose girl does it faster wins. Such competitions with balloons for adults at home will make your holiday event unforgettable.
  4. Anyone can play Air Combat. Each person has a balloon tied to their ankle and they need to burst the opponent’s balloon, but at the same time protect their own. You won’t see such jumps and miracles of resourcefulness anywhere else!
  5. “Scam” - this game has nothing to do with fraud, but still there is something fantastic in it! Otherwise, how will the players cope with the task? Give each person 3-4 balloons of different sizes and ask them to inflate them without using their hands. And the assistants will tie the already inflated spheres with ribbons. The winner is the one who can do it efficiently and quickly.

Competitions for adults in a restaurant

For those who celebrate celebrations in the banquet halls of restaurants or cafes, there are many exciting games that do not require expensive props. Competitions for adults for children's birthdays with balloons are one of the most popular leisure activities.. And we offer options for the most interesting of them for your holiday:

Interesting are birthday contests with balloons, in which guests fulfill the wishes of the birthday boy. Here are the best of them, which can reveal the talents and unexpected skills of your friends and relatives, which neither you nor they themselves even suspected:

Balloon contests are vivid memories that will last a lifetime!

Hello, friends!
When organizing a children's birthday or any other children's holiday is on the agenda, parents have questions in their minds:

  • How to entertain children?
  • What games and competitions can you come up with?
  • What props do you need to buy for this?

And now the good news! If you have balloons, then consider that all of the above issues have already been resolved. Games with balloons are suitable for any cheerful group of children. And for schoolchildren aged 7-10, and for preschoolers.

We present to you a selection of the most popular and interesting “air” entertainment that will help fill the holiday with laughter and joy and make it unforgettable.

Lesson plan:

Just don't fall!

We give each participant a balloon; it is advisable that they be of different colors, so the children will not get confused about whose balloon is whose. At the command of the presenter “Air!” children throw their balls up, and then, bouncing them from below with their hands, try to prevent them from falling to the floor. The winner is the one who keeps his ball in the air longer.

You can complicate the task by giving the children not one, but two balloons at once. We have personally tested the game more than once, and it always goes off with a bang.

And we are penguins!

Great for all kinds of relay races. The ball must be held between the ankles and in this uncomfortable position, try to reach a certain goal, for example, during a relay race, go around the chair and return to the team, passing the baton to another player. Children really look like little clumsy penguins.

Another variety of this fun is “kangaroo”. This is when the ball is located between the knees and you don’t need to reach the goal, but jump.

Big sharabah

A very loud game for very brave children) Inflated balls are scattered on the floor. The participants' task is to burst these balloons, but not with their feet, not with their hands, or even with their heads, but with their butts! Whoever destroys the most balls wins.


This entertainment is much calmer than the previous one. Use it if you need a little break from active movement. Give the children balloons and tell them that these are actually planets. And these planets need to be populated with inhabitants. Now hand out markers and ask them to draw lots and lots of little people on the planets. We start drawing on command and finish too.

The owner of the most populous planet wins.

I give!

Another active and noisy fun. We will give each other “gifts”. We divide the children present at the holiday into two teams, and use some kind of ribbon or jump rope to divide the room in half, simply placing it on the floor.

Balloons are used as gifts. We place the same number of balls in front of each team. The players’ task is to give their balls to the opposing team, and in fact, to transfer all the “gifts” from their side to the enemy’s side. At the same time, shouting the word “I give!”

“Gifts” that arrive from rivals must also be quickly sent back. When “this funny mess” ends (and this moment is determined by the presenter), you need to count how many balls are on each side. The team with the fewest “gifts” wins.

Air lambada

You can also dance with balloons. Before you start, learn the basic lambada movement with your children and practice. Then invite the children to line up like a snake, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Turn on the music and start moving around the house, while dancing the lambada.

Now introduce balls into this dance action. Place them between the players. One presses the ball with his back, and the one who follows him with his stomach, etc. The task is to walk like a snake, dance the lambada and at the same time try to hold the balls. There will be no winners here, but there will be more than enough fun and laughter)

Dance battle

Another musical, dance and entertainment fun. Children are divided into pairs. Each couple has their own ball. The children press the balls together with their foreheads. And at the command of the leader they begin to dance; do not forget to prepare the music in advance. You can dance in different styles, rock and roll, break, waltz, polka, folk dances. The main thing is to keep the ball in place.

The couple that lasts the longest wins.

My friend

For this competition, you need to prepare balls that are not very large, about the size of a human head. And also take out all kinds of hats, caps, panama hats, and scarves from the closets.

Each participant is given a ball and a felt-tip pen. Let's make ourselves air friends.

You need to draw a face on the ball and put some kind of hat on it. When the “friends” are ready, invite the children to introduce them and tell them about their friend’s name, how old he is, what his hobbies are and where they met.

By the way, with such aerial friends you get great photos.

Fat bellies

Prepare two large T-shirts. Divide the children into two teams and put on T-shirts for two kids. Scatter the balls on the floor. On command, participants begin to grab the balls and stuff them under their player’s T-shirt.

The team with the thickest belly wins; this can be determined by counting the number of balls hidden under their T-shirts.


Tie a ball to each child's leg using thread. On command, you must step on your opponents' balloons to burst them and at the same time not allow your own to burst. The game is very active and very noisy, but very fun.

The winner is the owner of at least one whole ball.


This game is the fastest one offered, but also one of the funniest. Children line up in a line and each is given an inflated, but not tied, balloon in their hand. We will launch rockets. On command, the kids must release their “rockets” from their hands.

Shot throw

Let's imagine that we are at the Olympics and taking part in the shot throw competition. The cores, of course, will be balloons. From the starting line you need to throw your shot as far as possible, and this is not so easy.

The winner is determined by the distance of the throw.

Air forfeits

If you have balls, then you can play a game of forfeits in an unusual way. Notes with tasks are hidden in inflated balloons. The child chooses a ball, pops it, reads the note and completes the task. In order to burst the ball, you can use a toothpick, or do the same as in the game “Big Sharabakh”.


For this task, you need to build some kind of track that the children will need to walk along with the ball. For example, place chairs that need to be walked around, or gates that need to be entered.

Only to move the ball, moving with it from the start line to the finish line, you need to wave a fan at it. A fan can be made from a landscape sheet. The winner can be determined by timing the time it takes to complete the course using a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.

Air hockey

And if you have not only round balls, but also long ones, then you can organize hockey competitions. Instead of a puck there is a regular ball, instead of long sticks. Don't forget to build a goal for each team.

With such fun activities, you can even hold a stylized “air” party or arrange a birthday in “air style”. Well, you can supplement it with experiments with balloons, which we talked about.

Have a great summer!

And unforgettable holidays!

When planning a corporate party or friendly gatherings at home, in a cafe, you should think about entertainment. Interesting competitions and games will help you have fun, get a positive charge and unforgettable impressions. For adults, the GdeRadost company offers the best selection of balloon competitions for any festive event:

  1. "Aerial Combined" is a fun pairs game. Tie an inflated balloon to each partner's ankle and play romantic slow music. The players' task is to try to burst the opponent's balloons while dancing, but keep their own until the end of such a “dangerous” dance.
  2. “Fan wave” - of course, all the ladies present will like it! Give each participant a fan and a balloon. With the help of graceful waves of the fan, the girls must bring the ball to a certain point, making sure that the ball does not touch the ground.
  3. “Tell it to someone else!” - team competition. Players from both teams stand in a row at a sufficient distance from each other. The presenter gives out one long ball at a time and asks them to hold it between their legs. As soon as the start of the competition is announced, you need to pass this “load” to the next player without using your hands. The winners are those who finish the relay first.
  4. “Air Goddess” - two or three pairs of representatives of the opposite sex must participate in this competition. Girls act as beautiful models, and men act as “sculptors”. In the allotted time, you need to cover the ladies with balls, securing them in any way and in any place. After counting, it is easy to identify the most diligent “master”. But! The competition doesn't end there! Now the models have to find and burst all the balloons on themselves as quickly as possible! To the applause of the audience, reward the most efficient lady and inventive man.
  5. “Magic Ball” - this competition is interesting because anyone who wants to receive a prize can participate in it! Give each person an uninflated balloon of a different color and ask them to inflate them, but not tie them with anything. Place the box with the prize at a distance of 3-4 meters from the intended starting point. Now, one by one, everyone approaches this line and releases their ball towards the box. The luckiest player whose ball, after an unpredictable flight, falls closest to the treasured box receives a prize.
  6. “Air maneuvers” - this competition can be played both in teams and individually. Two players with badminton or tennis rackets take the starting line. On command, they place an inflated ball on the surface of the racket and try to carry it to a certain place and then return back. Whoever turns out to be more dexterous and agile - will not miss the ball and comes first - will win!
  7. "Everybody dance!" - the most danceable and fun competition for the whole company. To the sounds of incendiary music, everyone flocks one after another. A ball is clamped between the back of one participant and the stomach of another participant. Moving rhythmically, this centipede must not lose a single balloon! You can play in teams.
  8. “Attraction” is played only in pairs! The man sits on a chair and places a balloon on his lap. And the lady should try to burst the balloon as quickly as possible, sitting on her partner’s lap.
  9. “All for yourself!” The host invites guests to take as many balls as they want. But! It’s worth putting small notes with forfeits in them in advance. The most “greedy” guest will entertain the whole company throughout the evening!

10. “Penguin Relay” - this game can be played by teams or pairs of people who want to have fun. Holding a balloon between your ankles or knees, you need to run to the designated place and be the first to pick up the prize. If the ball doesn't burst and you don't lose it, that means you've won!

These balloon competitions for adults have an infectious effect on absolutely everyone, involving them in a fun competition and leaving only joyful memories!