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Summary of the play 12 months. Encyclopedia of Fairy-tale Heroes: Twelve Months

Dramatic tale

Winter. It's very cold in the forest. The squirrels and the hare are playing. The Wolf talks to the Raven. Everything is as usual. Animals have their own lives. The animals have already gotten used to the cold, but it’s not easy for the little girl who was sent into the forest by the evil Stepmother. The stepdaughter came to the forest to get firewood. She watched the animals in surprise. The girl accidentally met a Soldier in the forest and told him about it. He was not at all surprised, because New Year is coming soon, which means all sorts of miracles are possible.

Soon everyone leaves. The soldier left with a Christmas tree, which he must take to the Queen. The girl picked up a bundle of firewood and left. Twelve brothers-months gathered in the forest near the fire.

Meanwhile, in the palace, the young Queen was studying her homework. She was only 14 years old, and she was capricious and not very well-mannered. All the courtiers were afraid to make comments to her. The Queen says she doesn't like to write. The old professor tries to persuade her to write at least a few lines. Finally the Queen graciously agrees. The professor dictates lines to her:

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining

The swallow is flying towards us in the canopy with spring!

The Queen says she will only write the first line. Suddenly the Chancellor came and asked the Queen to sign the decrees. The Queen said that if she signed the decrees, then she would not write the poem. She signed the decrees. And the chancellor handed her another document. There it was necessary to write either “execute” or “pardon.” The Queen thought the word “execute” was shorter, so she wrote it down. The chancellor left with the documents. The professor began to complain that the Queen had just decided the fate of a man without even thinking about it! The Queen replied that she could not think and write at the same time. The Queen said that if she had listened to the professor, she would have only thought. But she doesn't like it at all.

The professor tried to start a math lesson. But the Queen was extremely reluctant to study. Finally she said that it was time to finish the lessons, because New Year was coming and she had a lot to do. The professor couldn't argue with her. The Queen obeyed absolutely no one. And no one could order her. She took advantage of her position.

The Queen suddenly said that she wanted April to come. She wanted to see snowdrops. The professor began to say that April would come in just three months. But the Queen demanded snowdrops now. She ordered the chancellor to be called and issued a decree that a full basket of snowdrops should be brought to her for the New Year. For this she promised a generous reward - as much gold as would fit in the basket containing the snowdrops and a fox fur coat.

The heralds notified the people of the royal decree.

Meanwhile, in a small house, the Old Woman and her Daughter were talking about a possible reward. The daughter chose the largest basket so that as much gold as possible could fit into it. However, they both understood that it was impossible to find snowdrops in the middle of winter. But the Daughter began to get ready for the forest in the hope of finding snowdrops. She had a fight with her mother, who did not want to let her go. But then the old woman decided to send her Stepdaughter to the forest.

Just then the Stepdaughter returned from the forest with a bundle of firewood. She was very cold and sat down by the stove to warm up.

The old woman ordered her Stepdaughter to go into the forest for snowdrops. The girl could not believe that she was being sent to buy flowers in the middle of winter. But the Stepmother was not joking. She spoke about the royal decree. The stepdaughter tried to explain that it was impossible to find snowdrops now, that they would be there in the spring. But the Stepmother and her daughter did not listen to the poor girl. The old woman ordered her to go and said that she would not let her into the house without snowdrops.

The stepdaughter had no choice but to pack up and leave.

"Forest. Large flakes of snow fall to the ground. Thick twilight. The stepdaughter makes her way through deep snowdrifts. Wraps himself in a torn scarf. Blowing on frozen hands. It's getting darker and darker in the forest. A lump of snow falls noisily from the top of the tree.” The stepdaughter looks around in fear. There is no one in the forest, and she is scared. She's ready to stay here and freeze. The girl falls asleep. A Wolf comes out from behind a snowdrift. Belka can be heard saying: “Don’t sleep, you’ll freeze!” The stepdaughter woke up. She began to listen. But I didn’t hear anything else. The girl said that when she fell asleep, she felt warmer and dreamed of her birth mother.

The girl noticed that something was glowing in the distance. She went there. Finally, the Stepdaughter came to a clearing, in the middle of which a fire was burning. Twelve people were sitting around the fire. Three were very old, three were elderly, three were young and three were very young. The girl heard twelve brothers talking among themselves. It was twelve months. The girl came out to the fire and said hello. She asked permission to warm herself near the fire. February said that there was no such thing as any of the people sitting near their fire. But April said that since someone came, let them warm themselves. They allowed the girl to warm up. She was very grateful.

The eldest brother, January, asked why the girl came to the forest on New Year’s Eve, and even in such a strong snowstorm. The stepdaughter said that she did not come of her own free will. She said that her stepmother sent for snowdrops. Everyone laughed.

The girl said that she herself would willingly laugh at this. After all, she understands that there are no flowers in winter. But the Stepmother ordered not to return without snowdrops. February asked why Stepmother needs snowdrops in the middle of winter. Then the girl told about the royal decree that the Queen would give a whole basket of gold to the one who brought a basket of snowdrops.

January said that in order to collect snowdrops, you need to wait for the month of April.

The girl politely replied that she knew this. She apologized for the disturbance, said goodbye to her brothers and got ready to go home. But then April approached January and asked to give him his seat for an hour. January said he would have conceded. But before April there must come March, and before March there must come February.

March and February agreed. Then January gave way to February. He gave way to Mart. Spring has begun. And then March handed over the magic staff to April. His time has come. Streams ran, the snow melted, ants crawled out. Green grass appeared on the ground, flowers began to bloom. The girl could not recover from surprise. April hurried her and said that he had only been given time for an hour.

The stepdaughter could not believe that such a miracle was performed for her sake. She quickly ran to collect snowdrops. Meanwhile, the brothers were talking among themselves. January said he recognized her immediately. After all, she constantly goes to the ice hole for water or to the forest for firewood. And despite the fact that she is dressed very lightly and is freezing, she is always cheerful. June said that the summer months also know her very well. After all, she works all day from morning to night in the garden. And when he comes to the forest, he never breaks anything in vain - neither branches, nor flowers.

All the brothers agreed for months that the girl was very good. And for her sake, it’s not a pity to arrange spring in winter for a short time. April said he would give her his engagement ring. December approved this idea. Then a girl appeared with a basket full of snowdrops. She began to thank the months brothers for their kindness. April gave her a ring as a keepsake. And he said that if trouble happens, you need to throw the ring into the ground, or into the water, or into the snow and say:

You roll, roll, little ring,

On the spring porch,

In the summer canopy,

Into the autumn mansion and across the winter carpet to the New Year's bonfire!

And then April promised that all twelve months would come to the rescue.

The girl remembered these words. January told the girl that on the last night of the Old Year, on the first night of the New Year, she had the opportunity to meet with all twelve of them at once. And this is all because she walked the short path. And January said that this reserved road should not be opened to anyone. February added that it is impossible to talk about who gave the snowdrops.

The stepdaughter promised not to tell anyone anything. The girl said goodbye to her months-brothers and went home. And so that she could have light, the brothers asked for a month to shine brighter.

The girl returned home. She brought snowdrops to her stepmother and her daughter. But it seemed to them that it was not enough that they would receive a royal reward. And they stole the magic ring from the sleeping Stepdaughter. The ring was extraordinary, it shone and shimmered. And, seeing the ring, the Stepmother and Daughter realized that the girl was not alone collecting snowdrops, that someone was helping her.

The girl begged for the ring to be returned to her. But they didn't give it away. Stepmother and Daughter gathered at the palace. The stepdaughter was left alone. Now she was thinking that no one would stand up for her, because the ring was missing. The girl was very sad.

There is a holiday in the palace. But the Queen said that the New Year would begin only after she received a basket of snowdrops. The gardeners bring the Queen a variety of flowers, all very beautiful. But she only requires snowdrops. The Queen says that if she does not receive the snowdrops, she will order the execution of the head gardener and the chief forester.

But the Stepmother and Daughter brought snowdrops. The queen was very happy and said that now the New Year has come. The queen ordered them to tell where they found the flowers. The stepmother and daughter began to say that they walked through the forest for a long, long time, and finally found an amazing lake. Flowers, mushrooms, nuts and berries grew around him. The Queen immediately wanted to go there and ordered her courtiers to gather. They tried to dissuade her, but the capricious girl did not want to listen to anyone. The Queen ordered the Stepmother and Daughter to show the way. They tried to make an excuse that the snow had covered the wonderful lake. But the Queen said that if they did not show the way, they would be executed. Then the stepmother and her daughter admitted that they had cheated. They said that the Stepdaughter brought the flowers, but they don’t know where she found them. The Queen ordered to find the Stepdaughter. Everyone went to the forest.

It was cold in the forest. The queen quickly froze. She looked in surprise at the soldiers who were clearing the snow so that the sleigh could pass. The soldiers were very hot. The Queen asked why, she was told that it was because of work. Then the Queen ordered all the courtiers to take brooms, shovels and work.

Suddenly they brought the Stepdaughter. The Queen began to ask where she found the snowdrops. The girl didn't say anything. The Queen found out about the ring. The stepdaughter began to ask him to give it to her. But the Queen said that she would give the ring only if the girl told where she got the snowdrops. The stepdaughter refused to reveal the secret. The angry Queen threw the ring into the hole. The stepdaughter quickly said the cherished words. And immediately the moon brothers took her to their place.

Meanwhile, in the place where the Queen and her courtiers were, spring came. Everyone rushed to collect flowers. The Queen was delighted. Summer came immediately, the flowers disappeared, berries appeared. Everyone took off their clothes because it was very hot. But suddenly a strong wind blew and it began to rain. It's autumn. The warm fur coats of the Queen and her courtiers flew away. Winter came. Everyone was very cold. Some immediately mounted their horses and rode out of the forest. The Queen didn't know what to do. Everyone was in despair. Suddenly January appeared. He said that he would fulfill everyone's wishes. The Queen said she wanted to go home. The old professor, her Teacher, said that he wanted all seasons to return to normal. The soldier asked to warm himself by the fire. Stepmother and Daughter wanted warm fur coats, even with dog fur. The old man gave them fur coats. They started arguing with each other. The stepmother reproaches her daughter for not asking for a more expensive and beautiful fur coat. And suddenly they turned into dogs. The soldier harnessed them to the sleigh, and they drove off. The dogs rode very poorly, constantly trying to pull in different directions. They somehow made it to the fire, where the moon brothers and the Stepdaughter were. The moon brothers returned the ring to the girl and generously presented her with it. When the Queen appeared, she, the Professor and the Soldier were allowed to warm up. The soldier taught the capricious Queen how to ask people for help. And she turned to her Stepdaughter to give her a ride to the palace. The stepdaughter gave the Queen, the Soldier and the Teacher each a fur coat so that they would not freeze. The moon brothers told her that the dogs were Stepmother and Daughter. And if they do not correct themselves in three years, then they will have to be in the form of dogs for several more years. At parting, the moon brothers promised their Stepdaughter to always help in everything.

Tales of Marshak

Marshak's magical winter tale about a young girl who had a stepsister and stepmother. The stepmother terribly disliked her adopted daughter and exploited her in every possible way: she drove her to get water, to the forest to get firewood, to do laundry, to weed the beds. But no matter what she did, the stepmother didn’t like it, but she doted on her daughter, and she just lay on the feather beds and ate gingerbread. And then one day in January, when there was a strong cold, a lot of snow and strong winds were blowing from all sides, the stepmother decided to send her stepdaughter to the forest to get snowdrops for her daughter’s birthday, and told her not to return without snowdrops. The poor girl went into the forest and came out to the fire, and they sat around the fire for 12 months. When they found out about her problem, they decided to help her, since they knew her and saw her either on the river or at the well. The month of January gave way to the month of March for an hour and the stepdaughter was able to pick snowdrops and came home. When the stepmother found out how her stepdaughter got hold of snowdrops in January, she immediately sent her daughter to buy gifts: pears, cucumbers, strawberries. But when her daughter met 12 months, they did not recognize her, January caught up with the cold and froze her. Mom didn’t wait for her daughter and went out to search, but she also froze. And the stepdaughter lived for a long time and they said that in her yard one could meet all 12 months at once.



Do you know how many months there are in a year?


What are their names?

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

As soon as one month ends, another begins immediately. And it has never happened before that February came before January left, and May overtook April.

The months go one after another and never meet.

But people say that in the mountainous country of Bohemia there was a girl who saw all twelve months at once.

How did this happen?

That's how.

In one small village there lived an evil and stingy woman with her daughter and stepdaughter. She loved her daughter, but her stepdaughter could not please her in any way. No matter what the stepdaughter does, everything is wrong, no matter how she turns, everything is in the wrong direction.

The daughter lay on the feather bed all day long and ate gingerbread, but the stepdaughter had no time to sit down from morning to night: fetch water, bring brushwood from the forest, rinse the linen on the river, weed the beds in the garden.

She knew winter cold, summer heat, spring wind, and autumn rain. That’s why, perhaps, she once had the chance to see all twelve months at once.

It was winter. It was January. There was so much snow that it had to be shoveled away from the doors, and in the forest on the mountain the trees stood waist-deep in snowdrifts and could not even sway when the wind blew on them.

People sat in their houses and lit their stoves.

At such and such a time, in the evening, the evil stepmother opened the door, looked at how the blizzard was sweeping, and then returned to the warm stove and said to her stepdaughter:

You should go to the forest and pick snowdrops there. Tomorrow is your sister's birthday.

The girl looked at her stepmother: was she joking or was she really sending her into the forest? It's scary in the forest now! And what are snowdrops like in winter? They will not be born before March, no matter how much you look for them. You'll just end up lost in the forest and get stuck in the snowdrifts.

And her sister tells her:

Even if you disappear, no one will cry for you! Go and don't come back without flowers. Here's your basket.

The girl began to cry, wrapped herself in a torn scarf and walked out the door.

The wind dusts her eyes with snow and tears her scarf off. She walks, barely pulling her legs out of the snowdrifts.

It's getting darker all around. The sky is black, not a single star looks at the ground, and the ground is a little lighter. It's from the snow.

Here is the forest. It's completely dark here - you can't see your hands. The girl sat down on a fallen tree and sat. All the same, he thinks about where to freeze.

And suddenly a light flashed far between the trees - as if a star was entangled among the branches.

The girl got up and went towards this light. He drowns in snowdrifts and climbs over a windbreak. “If only,” he thinks, “the light doesn’t go out!” But it doesn’t go out, it burns brighter and brighter. There was already a smell of warm smoke, and you could hear brushwood crackling in the fire.

The girl quickened her pace and entered the clearing. Yes, she froze.

It’s light in the clearing, as if from the sun. In the middle of the clearing a large fire is burning, almost reaching to the sky. And people are sitting around the fire - some closer to the fire, some further away. They sit and talk quietly.

The girl looks at them and thinks: who are they? They don’t seem to look like hunters, even less like woodcutters: look how smart they are - some in silver, some in gold, some in green velvet.

The young people sit near the fire, and the old people sit at a distance.

And suddenly one old man turned around - the tallest, bearded, with eyebrows - and looked in the direction where the girl stood.

She was scared and wanted to run away, but it was too late. The old man asks her loudly:

Where did you come from, what do you want here?

The girl showed him her empty basket and said:

I need to collect snowdrops in this basket.

The old man laughed:

Is it snowdrops in January? What did you come up with!

“I didn’t make it up,” the girl replies, “but my stepmother sent me here for snowdrops and didn’t tell me to return home with an empty basket.”

Then all twelve looked at her and began to talk among themselves.

The girl stands there, listening, but doesn’t understand the words - as if it’s not people talking, but trees making noise.

They talked and talked and fell silent.

And the tall old man turned around again and asked:

What will you do if you don’t find snowdrops? After all, they won’t even appear before March.

“I’ll stay in the forest,” says the girl. - I’ll wait for the month of March. It’s better for me to freeze in the forest than to return home without snowdrops.

She said this and cried.

And suddenly one of the twelve, the youngest, cheerful, with a fur coat over one shoulder, stood up and approached the old man.

Brother January, give me your place for an hour!

The old man stroked his long beard and said:

I would have given in, but March would not be there before February.

“Okay,” grumbled another old man, all shaggy, with a disheveled beard. - Give in, I won’t argue! We all know her well: sometimes you’ll meet her at an ice hole with buckets, sometimes in the forest with a bundle of firewood. All months have their own. We need to help her.

Well, have it your way,” said January.

He struck the ground with his ice staff and spoke:

Don't crack, it's frosty,

In a protected forest,

At the pine, at the birch

Don't chew the bark!

You're full of crows


Human habitation

Cool down!

The old man fell silent, and the forest became quiet. The trees stopped crackling from the frost, and the snow began to fall thickly, in large, soft flakes.

Well, now it’s your turn, brother,” said January and gave the staff to his younger brother, shaggy February.

He tapped his staff, shook his beard and boomed:

Winds, storms, hurricanes,

Blow as hard as you can!

Whirlwinds, blizzards and blizzards,

Get ready for the night!

Trumpet loudly in the clouds,

Hover above the ground.

Let the drifting snow run in the fields

A white snake.

And as soon as he said this, a stormy, wet wind rustled in the branches. Snow flakes began to swirl and white whirlwinds rushed across the ground.

And February gave his ice staff to his younger brother and said:

Now it's your turn, brother Mart.

The younger brother took the staff and hit it on the ground.

The girl looks, and this is no longer a staff. This is a large branch, all covered with buds.

Mart grinned and sang loudly, in all his boyish voice:

Run away, streams,

Spread, puddles,

Get out, ants,

After the winter cold!

A bear sneaks through

Through the dead wood.

The birds began to sing songs,

And the snowdrop blossomed.

The girl even clasped her hands. Where did the high snowdrifts go? Where are the ice icicles that hung on every branch?

Under her feet is soft spring soil. It's dripping, flowing, babbling all around. The buds on the branches have puffed up, and the first green leaves are already peeking out from under the dark skin.

Why are you standing? - Mart tells her. - Hurry, my brothers gave you and me only one hour.

The girl woke up and ran into the thicket to look for snowdrops. And they are visible and invisible! Under bushes and under stones, on hummocks and under hummocks - everywhere you look. She collected a full basket, a full apron - and quickly went back to the clearing, where the fire was burning, where the twelve brothers were sitting.

And there is no longer a fire or brothers. It’s light in the clearing, but not as before. The light did not come from the fire, but from the full moon that rose over the forest. The girl regretted that she had no one to thank and ran home.

And a month swam after her.

Not feeling her feet under her, she ran to her door - and had just entered the house when the winter blizzard began to hum outside the windows again, and the moon hid in the clouds.

Well, - asked her stepmother and sister, - have you returned home yet? Where are the snowdrops?

The girl did not answer, she just poured snowdrops out of her apron onto the bench and placed the basket next to it.

The stepmother and sister gasped:

Where did you get them?

The girl told them everything that happened. They both listen and shake their heads - they believe and don’t believe. It’s hard to believe, but there’s a whole heap of fresh, blue snowdrops on the bench. They just smell like March!

The stepmother and daughter looked at each other and asked:

Have months given you anything else?

Yes, I didn’t ask for anything else.

What a fool! - says the sister. - For once, I met all twelve months, but didn’t ask for anything except snowdrops! Well, if I were you, I'd know what to ask for. One has apples and sweet pears, another has ripe strawberries, the third has white mushrooms, the fourth has fresh cucumbers!

Smart girl, daughter! - says the stepmother. - In winter, strawberries and pears have no price. If we sold this, we would make so much money! Dress up, daughter, get warm and go to the clearing. They won’t deceive you, even if there are twelve of them and you are alone.

Where are they! - the daughter answers, and she herself puts her hands in her sleeves and puts a scarf on her head.

Her mother shouts after her:

Put on your mittens and button up your fur coat!

And my daughter is already at the door. She ran into the forest!

She follows her sister's footsteps and is in a hurry. “I wish I could get to the clearing soon,” he thinks!

The forest is getting thicker and darker. The snowdrifts are getting higher and the windfall is like a wall.

“Oh,” thinks the stepmother’s daughter, “why did I go into the forest!” I would be lying at home in a warm bed right now, but now go and freeze! You’ll still be lost here!”

And as soon as she thought this, she saw a light in the distance - as if a star had become entangled in the branches.

She went to the light. She walked and walked and came out into a clearing. In the middle of the clearing, a large fire is burning, and twelve brothers, twelve months old, are sitting around the fire. They sit and talk quietly.

The stepmother's daughter approached the fire, did not bow, did not say a friendly word, but chose a place where it was hotter and began to warm herself.

The month brothers fell silent. It became quiet in the forest, and suddenly the month of January struck the ground with his staff.

Who are you? - asks. -Where did it come from?

From home,” the stepmother’s daughter answers. - Today you gave my sister a whole basket of snowdrops. So I came in her footsteps.

We know your sister,” says January-month, “but we haven’t even seen you.” Why did you come to us?

For gifts. Let the month of June pour strawberries into my basket, and bigger ones. And July is the month of fresh cucumbers and white mushrooms, and the month of August is of apples and sweet pears. And September is the month of ripe nuts. A October

Wait,” says the month of January. - There will be no summer before spring, and no spring before winter. It's still a long time until June. I am now the owner of the forest, I will reign here for thirty-one days.

Look, he's so angry! - says the stepmother’s daughter. - Yes, I didn’t come to you - you won’t expect anything from you except snow and frost. I need the summer months.

The month of January frowned.

Look for summer in winter! - speaks.

He waved his wide sleeve, and a blizzard rose in the forest from ground to sky: it covered both the trees and the clearing on which the moon brothers had been sitting. The fire was no longer visible behind the snow, but you could only hear a fire whistling somewhere, crackling, blazing.

The stepmother's daughter was scared.

Stop doing that! - shouts. - Enough!

Where is it?

The blizzard swirls around her, blinds her eyes, takes her breath away.

She fell into a snowdrift and was covered with snow.

And the stepmother waited and waited for her daughter, looked out the window, ran out the door - she was gone, and that’s all. She wrapped herself up warmly and went into the forest. How can you really find anyone in the thicket in such a snowstorm and darkness!

She walked, walked, searched and searched, until she herself froze.

So they both remained in the forest to wait for summer.

But the stepdaughter lived in the world for a long time, grew up big, got married and raised children.

And they say she had a garden near her house - and such a wonderful one, the likes of which the world has never seen. Earlier than everyone else, flowers bloomed in this garden, berries ripened, apples and pears were filled. In the heat it was cool there, in the snowstorm it was quiet.

This hostess has been staying with this hostess for twelve months at once! - people said.

Who knows - maybe it was so.

In the winter forest, a wolf talks with a raven, squirrels play burner with a hare. They are seen by the Stepdaughter, who came to the forest for brushwood and firewood (sent by her cruel Stepmother). The stepdaughter meets the Soldier in the forest and tells him about the game of animals. He explains that all sorts of miracles happen on New Year’s Eve and helps the girl collect the bundle. And the Soldier himself came to the forest to get a Christmas tree for the Queen. When he leaves, the twelve months gather in the forest to build a fire.

The fourteen-year-old Queen, the same age as her Stepdaughter, is an orphan. The gray-bearded Professor teaches the wayward girl penmanship and mathematics, but not very successfully, because the Queen does not like to be contradicted. She wishes April to come tomorrow, and issues an order: she promises a big reward to the one who brings a basket of snowdrops to the palace. The heralds announce the beginning of spring and the royal order.

The stepmother and her daughter dream of a reward. As soon as the Stepdaughter returns with brushwood, she is immediately sent back to the forest - for snowdrops.

The frozen Stepdaughter wanders through the forest. He comes out into a clearing where a fire is burning, and twelve brothers-months are warming themselves around it. The girl tells them her story. April asks the brothers to give him an hour to help his Stepdaughter. They agree. Snowdrops are blooming all around, the girl is collecting them. April gives her her ring: if trouble happens, you need to throw the ring, say the magic words - and all the months will come to the rescue. The brothers punish the Stepdaughter not to tell anyone about meeting them.

Stepdaughter brings snowdrops home. Stepmother's Daughter steals the ring given by April from the sleeping Stepdaughter. She immediately guesses about this and begs for the ring to be returned to her, but the old woman and her evil Daughter don’t even want to listen. They go with the snowdrops to the royal palace, leaving the Stepdaughter at home.

Gala reception at the royal palace. The Queen announces that the New Year will not begin until a basket full of snowdrops is brought. Gardeners appear with greenhouse flowers, but there are no snowdrops among them. Only when the Stepmother and Daughter bring Snowdrops does the Queen admit that the New Year has come. She orders “two persons” to tell where they found the flowers. They weave a tale about a wonderful place where flowers, mushrooms, and berries grow in winter. The Queen decides to send them for nuts and berries, but then she has the idea of ​​going there herself along with the courtiers. Then the Stepmother and Daughter say that the wonderful place is already covered with snow. The Queen threatens them with execution for deception, and the liars admit that it was the Stepdaughter who picked the flowers. The Queen goes to the forest, ordering “two persons” to accompany her along with her Stepdaughter.

In the forest, soldiers are clearing the way for the Queen. They are hot, but the courtiers are cold. The Queen orders everyone to work and takes the broom herself. Stepmother, Daughter and Stepdaughter appear. The Queen orders that the Stepdaughter be given a fur coat. The stepdaughter complains that her ring was taken away. The Queen orders her stepmother to return the ring to her Daughter, and she obeys. The Queen then demands that the Stepdaughter tell her where she found the snowdrops. The girl refuses, and then the angry Queen orders her fur coat to be taken off, threatens her with execution and throws her ring into the hole. The stepdaughter finally says the magic words and disappears somewhere. Spring comes immediately. Then summer. A bear appears next to the Queen. Everyone runs away, only the Professor and the old Soldier protect her. The bear leaves. Autumn is coming. Hurricane, rain. The courtiers, having left the Queen, run back to the palace. The Queen stays with the Professor, the old Soldier, the Stepmother and her Daughter. Winter is returning, severe cold. There are sleighs, but you can’t go: the courtiers rode off on horses. The Queen is freezing. How to get out of the forest? An old man in a white fur coat appears and invites everyone to make one wish. The Queen wants to go home, the Professor wants the seasons to return to their places, the Soldier wants to warm up by the fire, the Stepmother and Daughter want fur coats, even dog ones. The old man gives them fur coats, they scold each other for not asking for sables. And then they turn into dogs. They are harnessed to a sleigh.

Twelve months and Stepdaughter are sitting by the fire. The months give the girl a chest with new clothes and a wonderful sleigh drawn by two horses. The royal sleigh in a dog sled appears. Months allow everyone to warm themselves by the fire. Of course, you can't get far with dogs. We should ask the Stepdaughter for a ride, but the arrogant Queen does not want to ask and does not know how. The soldier explains to her how it is done. The Queen finally kindly asks her Stepdaughter, who puts everyone in a sleigh and gives everyone a fur coat. And in three years she will lead the dogs to the New Year's bonfire, and if they improve, they will be turned into people again.

Everyone is leaving. Months remain around the New Year's fire.

The main character of the fairy tale “Twelve Months” is a girl living in the same house with her stepmother and stepsister. The stepmother had an unkind character, she loved and spoiled her own daughter very much, and mercilessly forced her stepdaughter to work. In winter, summer, spring and autumn, the girl carried out various tasks for her stepmother. And one day, when it was the month of January, the stepmother entrusted the girl with a completely impossible task - to go into the forest and pick a basket of snowdrops for her beloved daughter’s name day. The stepdaughter did not dare to disobey the evil woman and went into the forest.

It was snowy and cold in the forest. The girl was afraid to return home and she decided that it was better to freeze in the forest from the cold than to appear in front of her formidable stepmother with an empty basket.

Luckily for her, the girl noticed a light in the forest and went towards it. Soon she came to a huge fire, around which sat twelve people of different ages, from gray-haired elders to young men. The girl told them why she came to the forest and why she couldn’t return home.

And then an extraordinary surprise awaited her. It turned out that people sit around the fire all twelve months, from January to December. They consulted for months and decided to help the girl, whom they knew well and often saw at work. The month of January gave way to February, and February, in turn, gave way to March. A huge number of snowdrops appeared in the clearing. The girl picked up a full basket of flowers and returned home.

Stunned by this turn of events, her stepmother began asking her where the flowers came from. The girl told everything without hiding. Then her stepsister began to reprimand the girl for not asking the months for any additional gifts. Then the mother decided to send her beloved daughter to the forest. She boldly went into the snow-covered forest and soon managed to find a fire, where they warmed themselves for twelve months. The stepmother's daughter began to demand various gifts from them, but for months they did not know her at all, and the angry January launched a blizzard on her.

Concerned about the disappearance of her daughter, the stepmother also went into the forest. No one saw her again. And the main character of the fairy tale has since begun to live independently. And when she grew up, she started a family. A wonderful garden grew near her house, in which all the fruits ripened earlier than other people. They even said that all twelve months were visiting her at the same time.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” is that the laws of nature should be taken seriously and not try to break them. The main character's stepmother and her daughter decided to flout these laws and were severely punished. The fairy tale teaches hard work and patience. The main character of the fairy tale liked the twelve months so much for her hard work that they decided to help her and, as an exception, organized spring in January, which they had never done for anyone before.

In the fairy tale, I liked the month of March. He persuaded January and February to give up their place in order to arrange an unscheduled spring for the main character of the fairy tale.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

Greed is the beginning of all grief.
There is a year when there are seven weathers a day.
If you love work, you love life.

The stepdaughter went to the forest for brushwood and firewood. The forest at this time is full of miracles. Soon twelve months arrive there. Queen, an orphan of fourteen already wants spring. Issues a decree that whoever brings a basket of snowdrops will receive a great reward. After arriving, the stepdaughter was sent to get these flowers. The month of April helped me out of trouble by miraculously creating a lawn of snowdrops. He gave the girl a ring, throwing it and saying magic words, the brother months will come to the rescue. The stepmother steals the ring and does not give it back. Then she goes with her daughter to the queen with a basket of flowers. She announces the New Year and asks where they got the snowdrops. The queen revealed the deception and ordered everyone to go to that place with their stepdaughter. Not wanting to give it back, they threw the ring into the hole. After the magic words, the stepdaughter disappears, and the seasons change dramatically. Stepmother and daughter turned into dogs. The stepdaughter leaves on a sleigh, with her the queen, who kindly asked to go along.

Conclusion (my opinion)

As in any fairy tale, good triumphs over evil. The stepdaughter received a fair reward for her suffering. And the stepmother and daughter reaped bitter fruits for their actions.