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New Year's table menu for a nursing mother

Every nursing mother cares about what she eats. And it is right. There is no need to make exceptions during the New Year's feast. It is quite possible to make the holiday table plentiful and tasty by using in preparation products allowed for a nursing mother.

At the end of the article we have prepared a checklist “Specific problems after childbirth”. Download it and find out how to avoid problems with urinary incontinence, varicose veins and weakness of the intimate muscles after childbirth!

What not to eat

  • Avoid smoked meats, sausages, canned food, mayonnaise, and store-bought sauces. They contain preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and large amounts of salt.
  • Limit consumption that night and homemade pickles .
  • It is also worth protecting yourself and your baby from exotic fruits , such as pineapple, papaya, kiwi, passion fruit, feijoa and others. But if the baby is older than three months, and you are not allergic to citrus fruits, then you can afford tangerines. .
  • Throughout the entire breastfeeding period Do not eat rolls with raw, unheat-treated fish. Seafood such as squid, shrimp, mussels, octopus, crabs, crayfish, and lobsters are also considered highly allergenic, and while you are breastfeeding, you should not eat them.

What are we going to eat?

  • Salads. Of course, the New Year cannot be without Olivier. You can safely adjust the composition: replace the sausage with boiled turkey or chicken. Fortunately, there are now frozen peas in stores, which can be boiled and replaced with canned ones from a jar. It is better to replace the pickled cucumber with fresh one. And mayonnaise is for low-fat yogurt or sour cream. For a fresher taste, add more dill to the salad.

Our favorite salad “Herring under a fur coat” can also be transformed. Herring can be replaced with prunes and nuts, or with boiled lean meat. Naturally, replace store-bought mayonnaise with yogurt, sour cream, or homemade mayonnaise. If your baby is more than three months old, then it is quite possible to leave herring in the salad, but not in excessive quantities.

Perfect for your table - Greek salad, Caesar with chicken breast, carrot and cheese salad, vinaigrette, salad with liver and carrots.

  • On snack Instead of cervelat, ham, bacon, carb and other store-bought meatloaves, cook yourself in the oven in foil: turkey, lean pork, beef tongue. Cool and cut into small, thin slices.
  • On hot cook the meat, but first decide on the heat treatment option. This can be baking, boiling, stewing, steaming. Under no circumstances should it be hot!

You can bake chicken, turkey fillet, and low-fat fish (hake, pike perch, cod) in the oven. Stew veal and rabbit meat along with vegetables. In general, let there be sufficient quantities of vegetables on your table - fresh, stewed, and baked.

For dessert, be sure to have fruits and dried fruits. Nursing mothers can have marshmallows and marshmallows. You can also afford one small piece of homemade sponge cake or cheesecake.

Notes for nursing mothers

In general, on New Year's Eve, it is better not to eat any foods for the first time. If you are planning a dish from a product that you have not yet eaten while breastfeeding, it is better to try it in advance, 5-7 days before the holiday. And monitor the baby’s reaction throughout the day.

If your baby is still small, you can symbolically take a sip of champagne as the chimes strike, paying tribute to tradition. And with an older baby, you can celebrate the New Year with a glass of sparkling wine.

Remember, the holiday table should not only be tasty, but also healthy. You should not lean too much on all the dishes that are on the table. Still, what is more important than a feast is your good health, excellent mood and closeness to your loved ones.

Have you already made a menu for the New Year holidays?

Watch the video of a young mother, famous blogger Maria's Day, about nutrition while breastfeeding. Perhaps you will find new ideas for healthy and tasty dishes.

Download the checklist "Specific problems after childbirth"

​​Unexpected health problems can overshadow your excitement about the birth of a child. ​Download the checklist and find out how to avoid problems with urinary incontinence, varicose veins and weakness of the intimate muscles​ after childbirth!

The holidays are approaching - the New Year, beloved by children and adults, and the Christmas holidays. What to cook and how to create a holiday menu for a nursing mother - we’ll talk about this today on the website for the best mothers.

What should not be included in a nursing mother's holiday menu?

Any new mother knows: in order for her child to feel good, not have a tummy ache, and not develop a skin rash (allergies, etc.), she needs to exclude some foods from the diet. In fact, it’s easier to list what you can eat while breastfeeding than what you shouldn’t eat.

But you need to immediately indicate that familiar dishes, such as “Olivier” salads, “Herring under a fur coat” and the like, are not the most suitable for nursing mothers.

What else you should not eat or drink:

In addition, you need to focus on the child himself. After all, some kids have such a sensitive body that they even react negatively to potatoes and buckwheat.

How to prepare holiday menu dishes for a nursing mother?

From the remaining products that are not included in the above list, you can come up with a lot of dishes. But experts do not recommend using this type of processing such as frying.

It is most beneficial for the baby and the mother herself if the dishes are prepared by boiling, stewing, or baking in the oven.

Festive table for a nursing mother: recipes

On the site we have selected several simple, but at the same time tasty and safe recipes for mothers breastfeeding:

Meat "Accordion". Take an oblong piece of lean veal or pork, make cuts across the piece, at a distance of 1.5-2cm. Place slices of low-fat cheese, tomato slices, and you can also add slices of champignons and cloves of garlic. Add salt to your taste, bay leaf, and a little ground black pepper. Bake the meat in the oven at 250 degrees in foil for about 45-60 minutes. 10 minutes before cooking, the foil can be opened to form a crust.

Stewed fish in creamy sauce. You can simmer in a frying pan or in the oven. From fish, choose saury, hake, cod, pollock, flounder. Peel it from the bones, place it in a frying pan or baking sheet along with onion half rings. Add water and simmer for 10 minutes. Next, pour cream (1.5 cups) into the pan, sift a spoonful of flour into it, add salt, and simmer for another 20 minutes. This dish is best served with fluffy mashed potatoes.

A holiday menu for a nursing mother cannot be complete without salads. Can be cooked a special “lightweight” version of the traditional “Olivier”. Instead of sausage, put boiled meat (veal, turkey) in it, exclude an ingredient such as green peas, and instead of regular mayonnaise, season the salad with either sour cream or homemade mayonnaise.

Potatoes stuffed with minced meat, will decorate the holiday table of a nursing woman. Take 10-12 potato tubers, peel them, cut out the centers with a knife, giving them the shape of “cups”. Stuff the potatoes with any minced meat (not fatty), place on a baking sheet greased with oil. Then pour sour cream sauce over the potatoes (fry the flour in butter and then add sour cream). You can also sprinkle it all with breadcrumbs. Cook for about 30-45 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

The holiday table of any nursing mother can be more varied. If your child is not allergic and will already be 5-6 months old by the holiday, you can eat everything except those foods that are obvious gas-formers, and also avoid drinking alcohol and other “harmful” foods.

As a last resort, you can express the milk in advance, freeze it and feed it to your baby, and on New Year’s Eve “break away” and eat your fill!

A nursing mother's diet is extremely important for producing enough breast milk. Of particular importance is that food should be both healthy for the woman and absolutely safe for the newborn. Salads for nursing mothers will help diversify your diet and increase its calorie content. Served cold or warm.

You should not eat foods that cause allergies in your child, especially in the first month of life. These are raw beets and carrots. You should eat tomatoes, red apples, nuts, exotic vegetables, and fruits with caution. Cherry tomatoes are considered safer. Chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, smoked meats, spicy foods, and sausages are excluded from the daily menu.

The use of mayonnaise, seasonings, and spices is strictly not recommended. Mayonnaise can be replaced with vegetable fat or soy sauce. Food should be rich in proteins, amino acids, and easily digestible carbohydrates. A balanced diet contributes to adequate feeding of the newborn baby.

Healthy food

You can eat dry cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, and dried fruits. Cakes should be avoided. We remember that the child eats what his mother offers him with milk.

Well tolerated by the baby:

  • hard cheese;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk;
  • chicken eggs, especially yolks;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini.

Salad recipes for nursing mothers are quite simple. In general, it is a mixture of usable components. They contain a huge amount of nutrients, proteins, and microelements that are required for the production of breast milk. You can prepare both main and dessert dishes.


Let's discuss what salads a nursing mother can eat so as not to harm the baby. Not every chef knows about this. Let's share the best home menu recipes.

  • "Calorie-rich." A rich and nutritious salad for nursing mothers is easy to prepare. For it you need a can of canned tuna, a boiled chicken egg, lettuce, 100g of boiled green beans, a small sweet pepper, and some canned olives. Chop the ingredients, mix, season. Add salt to taste.
  • "Mysterious". For such a meal you need to have a green apple, 5 cherry tomatoes, 2 boiled chicken eggs, a medium banana, 100 g of Parmesan cheese, paprika, salt, sugar, lemon juice. Cut the eggs and apple into cubes. Cut the tomatoes in half. Cut the banana into rings. Pepper, salt, add sugar. The dish is ready to be served.
  • "Easy". To prepare the appetizer, take 400g breast, 4 chicken eggs, vegetable oil, olives, lettuce leaves, a few drops of lime. Cut the breast and eggs and place on the greens. Drizzle with oil. Add a few olives. We drip juice. The food is ready to eat.
  • "New Year". We are preparing a salad for a nursing mother for the holiday table. You need to take 300 g of boiled breast (chicken, turkey), a medium green apple, an avocado, a bunch of lettuce leaves, and lime juice. We cut the meat. Peel the apple and avocado, remove the core and cut. Place the greens on the bottom of the plate. Lay out the prepared ingredients and squeeze in the lime. Bon appetit.
  • "Spicy". Moms are interested in what kind of salad can be prepared for special occasions. “Savory” is perfect for this dish. You need to take one kiwi, 100 g of lettuce leaves, 100 g of soft curd cheese, 50 g of Parmesan, dressing (beat egg with 30 g of vegetable oil, salt, lemon to taste). Cut the kiwi. Crumble the curd cheese. Grate Parmesan on a coarse grater. Tear the greens into large pieces. Add dressing, stir. Can be served.
  • "Exotic". This unusual salad is not contraindicated during breastfeeding. You need to have a peeled avocado, a piece of bread with bran, olives, a bunch of lettuce. We cut the avocado and greens. Add olives and a little vegetable oil. Salt. Toast the bread and place it on the bottom of the plate. Place the resulting mixture on it. The dish is ready to eat. Eat fresh. When left standing for a long time, the crackers become soggy. The treat loses its aesthetic appearance.
  • "Special". This appetizer is easy to prepare. You need to take a small kiwi, a bunch of lettuce leaves, a small young zucchini, 100g of soft curd cheese, 50g of grated Parmesan, butter, salt. Peel the kiwi and zucchini. Slice the kiwi. Cut the zucchini into slices. Break the curd cheese into pieces. Place the greens on a plate, then the prepared ingredients. Pour over the dressing. Let's add a little salt. Serve to the festive table.
  • "Lentil." The recipe is easy to prepare and very unusual. You will need a glass of boiled lentils, a green apple, arugula, and soy sauce for dressing. Peel and chop the apple. We cut arugula. Mix the ingredients and season with sauce. This snack is suitable for a quick and high-calorie meal.
  • "Beetroot". A very nutritious dish. The main ingredient is boiled beets. In small quantities, it accelerates intestinal motility and improves digestion. Fights constipation. To prepare the recipe you will need 2 boiled beets, a tablespoon of soaked walnuts, a small red onion, vegetable oil, a few drops of lemon juice, and salt. Cut the beets and chop the onion into rings. Mix prepared products. Add lemon. Add salt. Serve to the table.
  • "Fish". To prepare this snack you will need 200 g of boiled fish, 5 cherry tomatoes, a bunch of green lettuce leaves, and lime juice. Cut the tomatoes in half. Then chop the greens coarsely. Chop the fish. Mix the ingredients. Add some oil. Add salt to taste.
  • "Meat with apples." The main component of the dish is chicken breast. You need 200 g of it. You also need to take 2 green apples and lettuce leaves. Tear the leaves. Peel and cut apples. Grind the chicken. Mix the ingredients. For dressing, add oil, salt, and a little lime juice. Served as a main dish or side dish.
  • "Dessert". Served as a third course. You need a green apple, 5 cherry tomatoes, a banana, 100 g of hard cheese, 2 boiled eggs, lemon juice, sugar. Cut the tomatoes into halves. Cut banana, apples, cheese into slices. Grate the eggs on a coarse grater. Mix the products. Add lemon juice and sugar to taste. Can be served.

Salads for young mothers are not complicated to prepare. Replenishes the body's nutrient reserves after childbirth. Already in the first days after the birth of a child, a woman can treat herself to delicious food. Delicious food is a source of good mood.

Most importantly, you should not eat spoiled ingredients. Even with minor signs of fading. Sometimes they become a source of pathogenic bacteria. When it enters the intestines, the processes of decay are activated. Any low-quality product can cause an undesirable reaction in the baby. The baby's body is individual.

Spices should not be used in cooking. This disrupts the quality of milk. Changes its taste. May cause colic in the baby's tummy. The food uses components that have been tested by the baby and do not cause an allergic reaction. When introducing new food into the diet, it is necessary to monitor the child’s condition. Rash, redness on the skin, indigestion require immediate cessation of this product.

Nursing mothers can eat salads every day. Only fresh food should be consumed. During storage, bacteria develop in them. This is a source of intestinal infection. By preparing food from products that are healthy for your child, you can get not only high-quality, but also delicious snacks. This will diversify mommy's daily diet. Will be a wonderful decoration for the holiday table.


Nursing mothers need to carefully monitor their diet. The main thing is that food should be healthy and safe for the baby. The main requirement for products is the absence of allergens and preservatives.

We remember that you need to introduce an unfamiliar component with caution. Start with a tablespoon, increasing the dose daily by spoonful to the required volume.

Mother's milk is unique in composition. Especially useful during the newborn period. Products consumed by a nursing woman should in no case change its quality.

With the approach of the New Year or any other holiday, nursing mothers begin to puzzle over what to cook for the holiday table? After all, many foods and drinks are not recommended for breastfeeding, and some are even dangerous for the baby and lactation. In this article we will look at what a nursing mother can eat on holiday, and what she should definitely avoid. Let's select dishes that are allowed during breastfeeding. We will also create a sample menu for the New Year for nursing mothers.

  • Alcohol is contraindicated during breastfeeding, however, after the third or fourth month of lactation, you can allow a glass of champagne or wine. Feed your baby before drinking drinks and, since after drinking alcohol, you cannot breastfeed your baby for at least 4-5 hours;
  • Spicy, fatty, smoked and too salty dishes, pickles and marinades (sauerkraut, salted or pickled mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes);
  • Canned foods, semi-finished products (sausages, sausages, store-bought cutlets and minced meat) and various sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, mayonnaise-based products);
  • Exotic and citrus fruits, except bananas, cause severe allergic reactions in children. In addition, such products are brought from distant countries, where transportation rules and storage standards are not always followed. Such fruits can cause poisoning and infection;
  • Hot spices. Onions can be consumed after 2-3 months in the amount of ⅓ of a head; it is better not to include garlic in the menu until 4-5 months and eat no more than two cloves;
  • Seafood and gourmet fish;

  • Wild meat, raw meat and bloody meat;
  • Lard and fatty meats disrupt digestion and often cause indigestion. Such food causes constipation or diarrhea;
  • Cow's milk is not recommended until 5-6 months of lactation, as it contains an allergenic protein;
  • Mushrooms are a difficult product to digest, so they are not recommended for nursing mothers, children under seven years of age, and people with digestive problems. But, if you really want mushrooms, then after 6-7 months you can try some champignons;
  • Carbonated drinks are very harmful to babies. Give preference to ordinary mineral or drinking water, natural juices and compotes;
  • Layer cakes and pastries, flour products with cream and cream, dyes and other harmful additives. You can have light desserts and pies prepared at home.

Despite the great restrictions, there are still many products from which you can prepare delicious and satisfying dishes for the New Year's table. In addition, if the baby is already six months old and is not allergic, the mother’s diet has already expanded significantly. Let's find out what foods and drinks are allowed during lactation, and what should be eaten with caution.

From the products listed, it’s easy to choose a delicious, varied diet while breastfeeding and even prepare many delicious holiday dishes for the New Year. We offer recipes for dishes that every mom can cook and that can feed anyone.

As a snack, a vegetable salad would be an excellent solution. The classic can be easily adapted for nursing by simply replacing dangerous ingredients. So, instead of salted or pickled cucumbers, they put fresh ones, and instead of boiled sausage, they put boiled meat. You can prepare beetroot and Greek salad,. You can take a more unusual recipe.

  • Green apple – 1 pc.;
  • Turkey or chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • Avocado – 1 pc.;
  • Lettuce – 1 piece;
  • Olive oil and lemon juice for dressing;
  • Salt to taste.

Boil the poultry meat and cut into small pieces. Peel and cut the fruit into cubes, tear the lettuce leaves with your hands. Mix the ingredients, season with oil and sprinkle with lemon juice. Add salt and mix.

  • Chicken fillet – 400 g;
  • Green apples – 2 pcs;
  • Hard cheese – 100 g;
  • Walnuts – 50 gr;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Sour cream or natural yoghurt for dressing – 150 ml;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the fillet and eggs. Peel the apples. Cut the chicken, peeled eggs and fruit into cubes. Chop the soaked nuts and grate the cheese on a fine grater. The salad is laid out in layers. Eggs are placed first, then chicken, nuts, apples and cheese. Each layer is coated with yogurt or sour cream, salt and pepper. The prepared salad can be decorated with greens on top.

Boil the beets, peel and cut into cubes. Chop the soaked nuts and dried apricots and add to the beets. For dressing, use olive oil and lightly add salt. Easy and quick to prepare, the salad turns out to be very nutritious and satisfying. The dish can be decorated with sprigs of greenery.

  • Boiled fish – 250 grams;
  • Cherry tomatoes – 5 pieces;
  • Bell pepper – 2 pieces;
  • Green leaf salad – 1 bunch;
  • Olive oil and juice of ½ lemon for dressing;
  • Salt to taste.

The finished fish is minced in a meat grinder or chopped in a blender. The peppers are cut into strips, and the cherry tomatoes into halves. The salad is torn into large pieces. Mix the ingredients, add olive oil and lemon juice, and lightly salt.

  • Chicken breast – 400 g;
  • Sesame seeds – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Hard cheese – 100 g;
  • Lettuce – 1 bunch;
  • Gray wheat bread - 3 slices;
  • Vegetable oil and salt to taste.

Boil and cut the chicken, cut the bread and fry in vegetable oil. You can also dry the crackers yourself on a radiator. Grate the cheese. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands and place in a dish, sprinkle sesame seeds on top, add chicken. Place crackers and cheese on top. For dressing, use oil and add salt if desired.

Don't buy special store-bought Caesar sauce! It includes a large amount of preservatives, garlic and spices! Read about the dangers of mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces when breastfeeding.

You can serve lean meats and fish as a hot dish. It is better to boil, stew or bake the ingredients, since fried foods are difficult for the baby to digest. Crumbled, boiled or mashed potatoes, baked vegetables, and boiled cereals are perfect as a side dish.

In one portioned piece of meat, cuts are made across the grain at a distance of 1.5-2 centimeters. Place a slice of tomato, a clove of garlic and a slice of cheese into the cuts. Lightly salt and pepper the meat, wrap in foil and place in the oven. The dish is baked for 45-50 minutes at 250 degrees, and 10 minutes before it is ready, the foil is opened to form a crispy crust on the meat.

  • Potatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • Homemade minced beef – 350 gr.;
  • Butter – 1 piece;
  • Sour cream – 1 glass;
  • Flour – 2 teaspoons;
  • Breadcrumbs – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Peel the potatoes and cut out the centers so that you get “cups”. Place minced meat inside the potatoes and place on a baking sheet, pour sour cream sauce on top. To prepare the sauce, fry the flour in butter, then add sour cream and simmer a little. Sprinkle bread crumbs on top of potatoes with sauce. If desired, you can use grated cheese instead of breading. Potatoes with minced meat are baked for 30-45 minutes at 220 degrees.

  • Fish fillet – 250 grams;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Cream – 1.5 cups or low-fat sour cream – 1 cup;
  • Flour – 2 teaspoons;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Bay leaf – 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cut the fish into portions, the onion into half rings. Pour oil into the pan, add fish and onions. Cover with water and simmer for 10 minutes. Then pour in the cream or sour cream, add flour. If necessary, add more water. Season with salt and pepper, add bay leaf, simmer for another 20 minutes. Cooked fish is best served with mashed potatoes. The dish is decorated with greens.

Oriental sweets, baked apples and pears, fresh berries and fruits, white marshmallows, cottage cheese cakes, sweet salads, homemade souffles and jelly are suitable as desserts for breastfeeding. You can make charlotte, homemade cookies and even a cake. See which cakes are allowed during lactation and which dessert to prepare.

There are a huge number of salad recipes, but not all of them are allowed during breastfeeding. An ideal dish for mommy should contain only healthy ingredients that will not harm the baby. Which salads for nursing mothers to choose? When can you start eating these dishes during breastfeeding? How to choose the right ingredients?

Regardless of the choice of recipe, there are several basic rules that must be followed when preparing a salad for a nursing mother:

  • Salad during breastfeeding should be safe for the baby. All components must be entered into the menu in advance and make sure that the baby reacts well to them, that is, there are no allergies or discomfort in the tummy.
  • In the first month, it is better not to eat dishes with many ingredients, as such food may be too heavy for the baby.
  • Up to 3-4 months of a baby’s life, salads for a nursing mother should only be made from ingredients that are well-heat-treated.
  • Heat treatment of food products should only include boiling, stewing or baking. You can't fry!
  • All salads with fresh vegetables and fruits can be eaten only after the child’s period of colic has ended. A high fiber content can only aggravate the baby’s intestinal discomfort, which will be difficult not only for him, but also for the whole family.
  • All raw vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed and then scalded with boiling water. The only exceptions may be greens and lettuce leaves, that is, they need to be washed without treating them with boiling water.
  • When choosing fruits for a dish, you should only use those that mommy ate during pregnancy. Any exotic food should be avoided.
  • Maintaining lactation plays an important role, especially at the very beginning of breastfeeding. Food plays an important role here. It’s good to choose recipes that include fermented milk products, nuts, cheese, and carrots.
  • It is better not to choose recipes that include canned ingredients, hot spices, fatty sauces, smoked meats and sausages.
  • A nursing mother should limit her salt intake to avoid swelling and a change in the taste of breast milk for the worse. Instead of regular salt, you can use dried seaweed.
  • If the recipe includes eggs, you need to make sure that the child does not have an allergy. It should be noted that reactions to egg whites occur more often than to yolks. You can replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, as they are much less likely to cause allergies in infants.
  • During breastfeeding, it is better not to eat mayonnaise and ketchup. Such products are not useful for an infant due to the large amount of “chemicals” in the composition. You can replace these sauces with those that you prepare yourself from fresh, quality ingredients.

Women often ask the question: “Can a nursing mother have a salad with mayonnaise?” After all, basically all holiday salads are prepared using this ingredient. Of course you can! But mayonnaise must be homemade. This product will not harm the baby. We must remember that although the homemade version of mayonnaise is much healthier, it still contains enough fat, so you need to use it in moderation.

The recipe for healthy homemade mayonnaise includes: yolk (2 pcs.), half a teaspoon of mustard, salt and sugar, 100 ml of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of lemon juice. All ingredients are thoroughly blended with a blender, and lemon juice is added at the very end.

It just seems that for a woman who is breastfeeding, the choice of recipes is very limited. Yes, there are some restrictions, but from the remaining variety of products you can prepare many tasty and healthy salads. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients:

  • It is better to buy lean meat (rabbit, chicken breast, turkey, beef). You need to take the product raw and boil it yourself. Smoked, dried and other varieties are not suitable.
  • You need to be careful with fish salads, this also includes crab salad. Fish is a strong allergen, and crab sticks are prepared using dyes. If you use natural crab, it is better to first make sure that the child is not allergic to this delicacy.
  • During breastfeeding, it is very good to eat a green salad using all kinds of greens, lettuce leaves, and permitted fresh vegetables. This dish stimulates peristalsis, relieves constipation and saturates the body with vitamins. It can be included in the menu from the third month of the baby’s life.
  • You need to be more careful with vegetables and fruits of bright colors (tomatoes, beets, red apples, citrus fruits). These products often cause allergic reactions. It is better to choose green products (green beans, green apples, cucumbers without skin, etc.).

As you can see, the choice of products, although limited, leaves room for imagination. You can prepare all kinds of meat, vegetable, fruit, fish (provided that the baby does not have allergies) salads on the GW. Moreover, the dishes can be suitable not only for the everyday menu, but also for a special occasion.

This salad is perfect for a holiday table, especially if guests value proper healthy eating.

  • Chicken breast (you can use turkey) – 400 g.
  • Bread (it’s better to take gray bread, not classic white) – 3 slices.
  • Lettuce leaves (Chinese cabbage, Iceberg or any other salad will do) – 300 g.
  • Hard cheese – 150 g.
  • Sesame seed - a few pinches.
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower) – 1 tablespoon.
  1. Boil the poultry meat. Cool and cut into cubes.
  2. Cut the bread into cubes, fry with a drop of vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly, tear them by hand into medium-sized pieces, and place them on a wide plate.
  4. Sprinkle salad leaves with sesame seeds.
  5. Place breadcrumbs and meat on top.
  6. Sprinkle the salad with finely grated cheese.
  7. For dressing, it is better not to use traditional sauce, as it is fatty and contains a lot of spices and garlic. On GW it is enough to limit yourself to a couple of spoons of high-quality olive oil.

This tasty and healthy salad can be eaten from the age of 3 months. In the absence of colic, and if the baby is not prone to allergic reactions, you can try to introduce it already in the second month of breastfeeding, starting with small portions.

  • Granular cottage cheese (up to 5% fat content) – 100 g.
  • Tomato (it is better to take the yellow variety, not the red one: this minimizes the risk of allergies) – 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper – 0.5 pcs.
  • Green onions - a small bunch.
  • Salt - to taste.
  1. Cut the tomato and pepper into small cubes.
  2. Chop green onions.
  3. Mix vegetables and herbs with cottage cheese.
  4. Add salt. You can add a little black pepper if the child tolerates this spice well.

This salad can be stuffed with fresh bell peppers, halved tomatoes, or eaten as an independent dish, placed on lettuce leaves.

This dish can easily replace lunch, as it is quite filling. And those mothers who do not eat meat will get a lot of easily digestible protein from lentils.

  • Boiled lentils (for salad it is better to take green ones) – 1 cup.
  • Green apple – 1 pc.
  • Arugula - a small bunch.
  • Olive oil – 2 tablespoons.
  1. Peel the apple and cut it into cubes.
  2. Tear the arugula leaves into pieces.
  3. Mix the ingredients and season with olive oil.
  4. Add salt to taste. Instead of salt, it is better to use dried kelp.

You can try this salad if your baby is healthy and tolerates foods high in fiber.

  • Cucumber – 1 pc. medium size.
  • Ripe red tomato – 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper – 0.5 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves - a small bunch.
  • Pitted olives – 8-10 pcs.
  • Feta cheese – 80 g.
  • Olive oil – 2 tablespoons.
  1. Cut the vegetables into medium cubes.
  2. Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces.
  3. Cut the olives into rings.
  4. Cut the cheese into cubes. You can use Adyghe cheese: it is less salty.
  5. Mix the ingredients and season with oil. You can add spices if the baby responds well to them.

Since Greek salad contains fresh vegetables, it should be eaten from 3-4 months of a child’s life.

This dish can be safely eaten from the second month of the baby’s life. The salad perfectly diversifies the daily table of a nursing mother.

  • Kiwi – 1 pc. The fruit should be soft, ripe, and sweet in taste.
  • Young lettuce leaves - a small bunch.
  • Young zucchini – 0.5 pcs.
  • Curd cheese – 100 g.
  • Grated Parmesan cheese – 80 g.
  • Olive oil – 2-3 tablespoons. Can be replaced with high-quality sunflower oil.
  • Spices.
  1. Rinse kiwi, zucchini and lettuce leaves well under running water.
  2. Peel the kiwi and zucchini. Cut the fruit into cubes. Grate the zucchini for “Korean carrots”.
  3. Tear lettuce leaves into pieces.
  4. Place ingredients in a deep bowl, add cream cheese, Parmesan and olive oil.
  5. Stir the salad, add salt and spices to taste.

Not all children do not tolerate fish well. If the baby responds well to fish dishes, then you can safely try this salad from 3-4 months of the baby’s life.

  • Boiled low-fat fish (for example, cod) – 400 g.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg – 4 pcs. You can replace it with quail, then you will need 8 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 150 g.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Green apple – 1 pc.
  • Homemade mayonnaise – 200 g.
  1. Boil fish, carrots and eggs until cooked.
  2. The fish fillet, separated from the bone, should be cut into small cubes.
  3. Grate carrots, apples, egg whites, cheese on a medium-sized grater.
  4. For yolks it is better to use a fine grater.
  5. Finely chop the onion and marinate in lemon juice with a pinch of salt and sugar. If you don’t have time to marinate, you can simply pour boiling water over the chopped onions and leave for 2 minutes - the bitterness will go away.
  6. Take a deep salad bowl and lay the ingredients in layers, spreading with mayonnaise: carrots, fish and onions, egg whites, apples, cheese. The last layer is the yolks; they are not lubricated with mayonnaise. Each layer can be slightly salted.

In addition to the recipes presented, you can come up with and prepare many other tasty and healthy salads for young mothers. Breastfeeding is not a reason to eat boring and monotonous.

Nutrition for a woman who has recently become a mother is a very important moment. And not only because the woman makes sure that her milk does not cause discomfort to the baby, but also because the dishes should be healthy and easy to prepare. Although the latter most likely depends on who will prepare them, because a mother who cares for the baby on her own has very little time for this.

The New Year's menu for a nursing mother of a newborn should contain only those products that do not cause gastrointestinal colic in the baby and are allowed by pediatricians during this period. I would like to immediately note that a complete ban on any alcohol, coffee, cocoa and carbonated drinks is being introduced. In addition, the New Year's menu for a nursing mother in the first month should not contain fried and fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, snacks, instant food, etc. The favorite delicacy of many women, chocolate, is also subject to restrictions; in addition, you cannot eat buns, store-bought condensed milk, ice cream, cakes with butter cream or cakes containing a lot of fat. Therefore, as it became clear, we will have to give up Olivier and Napoleon this year, but there are many other equally delicious dishes that you will undoubtedly enjoy.

When developing each individual menu, you should always take into account the individual wishes of a nursing woman. Indeed, during this period it is very important for mommy that the dishes are not only healthy, but desirable.

Warm salad of several types of cabbage

  • cauliflower – 150 g;
  • Brussels sprouts – 150 g;
  • broccoli – 150 g;
  • butter – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • white bread crackers - 100 g.

Place 0.5 tbsp in boiling water (2 l). spoons of salt and cabbage. After boiling, the vegetables are boiled for 10-12 minutes and removed with a slotted spoon so that excess water does not get into the salad. Next, the cabbage is laid out in a flat container, poured with melted butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. After this, the salad is placed in an oven or microwave preheated to 180 degrees for 5-10 minutes, so that a golden crust forms on top.

Salad “Orange Mood”

  • green apple – 150 g;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • pumpkin – 150 g;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mustard beans - 1 tbsp. spoons.

Peel the apple, carrots and pumpkin, wash and wipe with a paper towel. After that, these ingredients and a piece of cheese need to be grated on a coarse grater and mixed thoroughly.

Now let's start preparing the dressing: to do this, put the oil, mustard, lemon juice and a pinch of salt in a small container and mix. To serve, place the salad in a heap in a dish and pour the dressing on top.

Not a single New Year's menu for a nursing mother is complete without a hot dish. Here you can imagine a lot, but it is worth remembering that dishes can only be baked, boiled or steamed. Not only chicken or beef baked under a cheese cap, but also a whole rabbit carcass would look appropriate on the New Year’s table. In addition, try the following recipes:

Roast in pots

  • small onion;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • mixture of frozen vegetables – 150 g;
  • meat (turkey or chicken) – 200 g.

Peel the vegetables. We cut the onion into small cubes, and the potatoes into large ones. Wash the meat and cut into small pieces 2 cm wide.

In a 500 ml clay pot, the ingredients are placed in layers in the following sequence:

After this, hot water is poured into the pot in such an amount that the ingredients are completely covered. Next, the roast is salted to taste and baked for an hour in the oven at 180 degrees.

  • flounder fillet – 250 g;
  • mixture of frozen vegetables – 250 g.

Wash the fish and dry it with a paper towel, defrost the mixture. Place vegetables on a piece of foil and fish on top. Salt the dish to taste and wrap it in the form of a bag. After this, the flounder is baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

The New Year's menu for nursing mothers must contain desserts. These dishes are not only delicious, but also improve your mood. Doctors recommend pampering yourself with homemade sweets and these can be various low-fat pies, baked apples with nuts and honey, charlotte, airy mousse made from apples and semolina, pancakes stuffed with bananas, etc.

So, the New Year's table menu for a nursing mother should contain those dishes that she would like to eat during the holiday, and they are not prohibited during breastfeeding. You shouldn’t stick to traditions and prepare some complex masterpieces, especially if you don’t have the time or mood for it.

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Olga Green radish salad with carrots

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Mokina Sveta Whole chicken in the oven

Daria Capelin in the oven without oil

Pauline Hot sandwiches with potatoes in a frying pan

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For the New Year, a nursing mother really wants a holiday and its integral attribute - a festive table! You will have to deviate a little from the traditional menu, but every nursing woman can treat herself to delicious dishes while the chimes ring. It is important to be careful when preparing New Year's dinner so as not to harm the baby's precious health. What will be on the holiday table of a nursing mother?

In Yandex: “Salad for the New Year for a nursing mother” I open it... and oh my God the salads... dammit, that’s all that can’t be done there:

There are a huge variety of delicious salads for nursing mothers; we’ll tell you how to prepare the most common ones.

Salad for nursing mothers “Spicy”

  • 1 kiwi;
  • 100 g lettuce leaves;
  • 1 young zucchini;
  • 100 g soft curd cheese;
  • a handful of grated Parmesan;
  • spices to taste, any dressing.

An unusual combination of ingredients makes this salad piquant for nursing mothers.

Nutritious salad for nursing mothers

  • boiled eggs (1 piece);
  • 1 can of tuna or anchovies;
  • a mixture of any lettuce leaves;
  • boiled green beans (100-300 g);
  • sweet pepper (1-2 pieces);
  • some olives;
  • spices and dressing to taste.

This is a fairly easy to prepare and at the same time satisfying salad, rich in amino acids and protein.

“Festive” salad for nursing mothers

  • 300 g of boiled poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • green apple (1 piece);
  • avocado (1 piece);
  • lettuce leaves;
  • lime juice and spices for dressing.

The salad is nutritious and original, so it is suitable for the holidays. Lettuce leaves during breastfeeding saturate milk with microelements and potassium salts.

Salad for nursing mothers “New Year’s”

  • medium-sized boiled beets (2 pieces);
  • young beet leaves;
  • a handful of walnuts (finely chopped);
  • red onion (1 piece);
  • flaxseed oil, salt and lemon juice - for dressing.

This salad helps improve digestion and prevents constipation.

Salad for breastfeeding “Fish”

  • boiled fish fillet (200-300 g);
  • bell pepper (yellow or green, 2 pieces);
  • lettuce leaves;
  • several cherry tomatoes;
  • spices to taste, season with olive oil.

This salad will compensate for the lack of fatty acids and vitamins.

“Exotic” salad for breastfeeding

  • 1 peeled avocado;
  • a piece of bran bread;
  • some olives;
  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • spices to taste, season with any vegetable oil.

In addition to a large amount of microelements, avocado is also a stimulant for milk production.

Salad for lactation “Baloven”

  • 8-10 shoots of boiled asparagus;
  • some cherry tomatoes;
  • a bunch of arugula;
  • a couple of pieces of bacon;
  • a little grated parmesan;
  • olive oil, lemon juice and spices for dressing.

The salad contains zinc, potassium and folic acid, as well as vitamins C and B.

Salad for nursing mothers with lentils

  • 1 cup pre-boiled lentils;
  • 1 apple (preferably green);
  • a bunch of arugula;
  • soy sauce for dressing.
  • and now, nursing mothers, share what salad to prepare for the New Year, without legumes and tomatoes with cucumber... and

The peculiarity of salads for nursing mothers is that they should be healthy for mother and child.

Any low-quality or poorly digestible product will immediately affect the baby’s body.

In our article we will figure out what foods a young mother can eat in a salad.

Any new product must be added to the diet very carefully. At the very beginning, try to use it in small doses and monitor the child’s reaction. You should be alert to redness, rash, or tummy upset. If you do not notice any negative effects, then increase the portion to the amount required for you.

Another function that food should perform during this period is to increase lactation. Eating nuts, cheese, carrots, honey, milk, fermented milk products and others will help with this. Based on such products, you can come up with a variety of recipes.

It is preferable that the ingredients that will be used in cooking be processed as follows: boil, stew or steam.

You can prepare salads from the following products:

Meat (not fatty pork, rabbit, turkey). During the first months of breastfeeding, refrain from eating chicken. Since it is considered a very strong allergen.

Be careful with vegetables. Cabbage, fresh cucumbers, and legumes can cause gas and colic. Tomatoes are a diathesis.

Eat fish in moderation and only stewed, baked or boiled. Avoid canned fish, smoked and salted fish, and seafood. Be careful with crab sticks and crab meat.

Try to limit your consumption of sausages. Preservatives, stabilizers and dyes found in these products can cause stomach upset.

A separate point must be made about the eggs in the salad. It is believed that the big allergen is the white, not the yolk. Therefore, introduce this new product very carefully. And also remember that you can always replace it with quail eggs.

Eating fruit in salads is great. But refrain from the exotic ones.

During the first months of breastfeeding, doctors do not recommend eating mayonnaise and ketchup. This problem can be solved by preparing mayonnaise yourself at home from natural products. For this you will need: 2 yolks, mustard, salt, sugar - half a teaspoon each. Beat everything thoroughly and pour in about half a glass of vegetable oil. At the end you can add a spoon of lemon juice.

Sweet pepper – 1 pc.;

Feta cheese – 60 grams;

Olives – 8 pieces;

Sour cream or olive oil - optional

1. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices.

2. Cut the pepper into thin strips.

3. Mix everything and add diced cheese and olives.

Apples (Semerinka or other green variety) – 2 pieces;

Walnuts – 1 tbsp;

Parsley, lemon juice - optional.

1. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Cut the apples into small slices.

3. Crush the nuts and fry in butter.

4. Mix all ingredients, add honey and, if desired, parsley and lemon juice.

This is a slightly modified classic recipe that will decorate your holiday table.

Boiled fish (for example, pelengas) – 400 grams;

Boiled carrots – 250 grams;

Quail eggs – 8 pieces;

Hard cheese (for example, Dutch) – 150 grams;

Apples – 2 medium, not sour;

Onion – 1 head;

Mayonnaise – it is advisable to use homemade mayonnaise.

1. Boil the necessary ingredients: fish, carrots, eggs.

2. Separate the fish from the bones and cut into small pieces.

3. Three carrots and apples on a coarse grater, cheese on a fine grater.

4. Divide boiled eggs into yolks and whites. Three whites on a coarse grater, yolks on a fine grater.

5. The onion is pre-marinated in a tablespoon of lemon juice with salt and sugar.

6. Next, everything needs to be laid in layers: pour half a portion of grated carrots with mayonnaise, put a layer of fish and finely chopped onion on top, pour with mayonnaise. Next, again sprinkle everything with grated carrots, egg whites, apples and cheese in the appropriate sequence. Lubricate everything on top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated yolk for decoration.

Cottage cheese (it is better to take homemade one, with a high percentage of fat content) – 100 grams;

Tomato – 1 piece;

Bell pepper – ¼ part;

Green onions -0.5 tbsp;

Salt, black pepper - to taste.

1. Finely chop the tomatoes, peppers and green onions.

2. Mix everything with cottage cheese and add salt and pepper to your liking.

You can also stuff tomatoes, peppers with this mixture, or lay them beautifully on lettuce leaves.

Dried apricots – 200 grams;

Raisins – 200 grams;

Dates – 200 grams;

Prunes – 200 grams;

Figs – 200 grams;

Nuts – 200 grams;

1. Before use, soak dried fruits in hot water and then dry.

2. Grind all products in a food processor and mix.

The resulting mixture of dried fruits can be consumed immediately, or you can put it in a closed container in the refrigerator and consume 1 tablespoon before meals.

1. Eat only fresh salads. Violation of storage conditions can cause an intestinal infection or poisoning of the mother.

2. Do not use any spices when cooking, they may change the taste of breast milk.

3. Don’t worry that there are a lot of prohibitions. You can add any product to your diet and monitor your child’s reaction. If he digests food normally and no side effects occur, then calmly enjoy your favorite salads for nursing mothers.

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The holiday is approaching and we are all, of course, thinking about what to cook for the holiday table. I want it to be beautiful, festive, tasty and healthy. Everyone needs to eat healthy: both adults and children. And mothers who are breastfeeding their babies need to “know moderation” in everything. But they also want to celebrate the holiday! What should you prepare for your loved one so as not to harm the baby with these dishes? A “nursing” mother definitely needs to worry about preparing healthy holiday dishes.

But before I give you some holiday recipes for nursing mothers, theory to note.

Remember that you should not change your diet suddenly. New products must be added very carefully. Your baby's reaction to a new product may be unexpected. Allergies or diathesis may appear. Allergies at an early age can lead to more severe allergic diseases in the future.

For cooking holiday dishes for nursing mothers We give preference to such types of food processing as stewing, baking, boiling and steaming.

Meat and vegetables are very useful for a nursing mother. Therefore, choose dishes from these products. The meat should be lean varieties (not fatty pork, turkey, rabbit). You should avoid eating chicken and veal.

Choose your vegetables carefully too. Cabbage and legumes cause gas and colic in a baby.

Fish can only be consumed (again) baked, boiled or stewed. But only in moderation. Fish is an allergen.

Canned fish, salted fish, smoked fish, seafood and caviar are PROHIBITED. Strong allergen.

Sausages, smoked meats, canned meats are also PROHIBITED. They contain all sorts of preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, taste and color improvers - all this can cause allergies and digestive disorders in both mother and baby.

Holiday salads can also be harmful for nursing mothers. The use of mayonnaise, eggs, crab sticks, exotic fruits and many other products in salads can again cause the above problems - allergies and digestive disorders. Keeping salads in a warm place for a long time (on the holiday table) is a violation of storage conditions - the cause of poisoning and intestinal infection, which is completely undesirable for a nursing mother.

It is better not to use spices for preparing New Year's dishes. Possible in small quantities. Essential substances found in spices change the taste of breast milk, and can also cause allergies, indigestion and stool problems in the baby.

What drinks should you choose? This is also a very difficult question for a nursing mother. You want a lot, but you can only have some drinks.

The very first thing I want to say is that alcohol is PROHIBITED. No alcoholic beverages should be consumed by a nursing mother (including beer). Alcohol passes into breast milk, which can have a toxic effect on the baby. After all, 10% of alcohol passes into breast milk unchanged. In addition, alcohol suppresses milk production, thereby disrupting lactation. This is especially dangerous in the first weeks after birth.

Sweet sodas are also prohibited for nursing mothers. They contain dyes, preservatives, and flavorings that can cause additives and indigestion. And the carbon dioxide contained in these drinks can cause bloating and colic in the baby.

So what to choose from drinks?! You can fill the glasses with any non-alcoholic drink based on juice or fruit compote. Just remember that juices from tropical fruits, grapes, citrus fruits, as well as orange and red fruits are not recommended. The most suitable drink is green apple juice, cranberry or lingonberry juice, and not too sweet compote.

Let's move on to sweets. Sweets, pastries, cakes (especially store-bought ones) – high allergic mood. It is better to prepare desserts yourself, knowing what products are used. To prepare sweet dishes, give preference to fresh or frozen berries and fruits.

Are there many prohibitions? Don't be upset! But your holiday table will be healthy and healthy. But this will be useful not only for you and the baby, but also for other people close to you.

I remind you once again that mothers should not suddenly change their diet. And I also wanted to say! If you have already consumed foods that are “not suitable” for nursing mothers, and your child has not shown any adverse reaction to these products, then continue to use them. For example, if you ate cabbage and your child did not experience bloating or gas, you can continue to eat cabbage.

I have prepared a selection of recipes holiday dishes for nursing mothers. There was already a website for pregnant (future) mothers. You can choose some recipes from there too.

Apple salad "Surprise"

Products: 2 green apples, 2-3 tomatoes, 2 eggs, 4 bananas, a little paprika, a little lemon juice, salt, sugar, grated rennet cheese 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking: Peeled apples, bananas, boiled eggs and tomatoes cut into slices. Sprinkle them with lemon juice and season with paprika. Place in a salad bowl and sprinkle with rennet cheese. Salad ready!

Rice with goulash

Products: beef, rice, carrots, onions, flour, bay leaf, salt.

Cooking: Cut the beef into thin pieces 5-7 cm long. Pour in water to cover the meat and put on fire.

After boiling, change the water: we will cook with the second broth.

After cooking until the meat is soft, add grated carrots, finely chopped onions and a little flour. Add salt to taste and cook until the meat is done.

Rinse the rice and soak in water for a couple of hours. Then drain the water and cook the rice in salted water. Serve the rice along with the goulash, topping them with the carrot and onion sauce.

Mashed potatoes with fish in sour cream sauce

This dish can be prepared in a slow cooker, in the oven or in a frying pan. We will consider the option in a frying pan.

Products: fish to choose from - saury, haddock, flounder, pollock, cod, hake; potatoes, onions, cream, sour cream, butter, flour, salt.

Cooking: Clean the fish and place it in a frying pan, add onion half rings.

Pour water to completely cover the fish. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Add sour cream mixed with one tablespoon of flour and salt. Continue simmering for another 15 minutes until thickened.

Boil potatoes in salted water. Using a masher or blender, make a puree and add warm cream and butter.

Serve the puree along with the fish, topped with sour cream sauce.

Potatoes stewed with meat

Products: lean meat (beef, lean pork or turkey), potatoes, carrots, onions, bay leaf, salt.

The dish can be cooked in a sleeve, in pots, in a slow cooker or in a saucepan.

Cooking: Cut the meat, potatoes and onions into cubes. Grate the carrots.

Place everything in a cooking container and add a little water, salt, and bay leaf.

If you cook in a slow cooker or sleeve, then you do not need to add water. Make a lot of small holes in the sleeve with a toothpick, otherwise it may burst in the wrong place.

The cooking time depends on the size of the pieces of meat, on average about 45 minutes.

Oven baked potatoes with cheese

Products: potatoes, onions, garlic, cheese, butter, salt.

A healthy dish for nursing mothers. Potatoes should be cooked with their skins on. That's why it's useful.

It’s better to take young potatoes, and if it’s not the season, then carefully remove the eyes. During lactation, it is even preferable to eat potatoes with skins than without skins. Under the film-skin there are special enzymes that allow this vegetable to be well absorbed. One caveat: potatoes in their skins should be eaten freshly cooked.

Cooking: Cut clean potatoes into slices half a centimeter thick to make an “accordion”.

Place onion rings and a small amount of butter into the slits. Salt to taste. Place in the oven or slow cooker.

A few minutes before readiness, sprinkle with grated cheese mixed with garlic.

These potatoes can be served as a side dish or as a dish on their own.

Stuffed potatoes

Products: potatoes 12 pcs., vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l., rolled 3 tbsp. l., wheat flour ½ tbsp. l., ground crackers ½ tbsp. l., salt and herbs to taste.

For minced meat: 500 g meat, 1/2 cup rice, 1 onion, 3 tbsp. l. oils, salt.

For minced vegetables: 5 carrots, 2 onions, 1 parsley or celery root, 2 tomatoes, 3 tbsp. l. oils, salt.

For the sauce: 1 cup sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. flour and 1 tbsp. l. oils, salt to taste.

G otov them:

Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut off the top part and remove the core with a spoon - shape the potatoes into cups. Fill with minced meat.

Minced meat with rice. We chop the meat and pass it through a meat grinder, mix it with boiled, crumbly rice and finely chopped fried onions, add salt.

Minced vegetables. Cut the peeled and washed vegetables into strips and fry in oil. Add the tomatoes cut into slices and fry again for 5 minutes. After this, add salt and finely chopped parsley.

Cover each potato with the cut off top and trim the bottom so that the potatoes stand firmly in the bowl. Place the stuffed potatoes in a greased dish.

Prepare the sour cream sauce: lightly fry the flour with butter, add ½ tbsp. vegetable broth and 1 tbsp. sour cream, boil it all for 1 minute. and add salt, stir and strain.

Pour the stuffed potatoes with liquid sour cream sauce, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, sprinkle with oil and bake in the oven until done.

Before serving, place the potatoes on a dish, pour over sour cream sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

Stuffed tomatoes

Products: tomatoes 8 pcs., meat 200 g., rice ¼ cup, onions 1 pc., oil 2-3 tbsp. l., salt.

Gotovthem: take medium-sized tomatoes. Wash them, cut off the tops and carefully remove the core with seeds, without disturbing the integrity of the tomatoes. Salt the prepared tomatoes and fill them with minced meat and rice (see the previous recipe for minced meat preparation).

Place the tomatoes filled with minced meat in a greased frying pan. You can sprinkle them with grated cheese. Then sprinkle the tomatoes with oil and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Place the finished tomatoes on a plate, pour over sour cream sauce (see recipe above) and sprinkle with parsley or dill.

Liver salad with carrots

Products: pork or beef liver 300 gr., carrots 1 pc., onions 1 pc., quail eggs 3 pcs., sour cream 200 gr., salt, parsley and dill (optional)

Cooking: Rinse the liver well under cold water, remove the film and cut into small pieces. To ensure that the liver is soft after cooking, you need to soak it in milk for some time. Place in a saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the liver until tender.

Cool the boiled liver by pouring cold water over it.

Cut the liver into thin strips or grate it.

Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse or medium grater.

Cut the onion into small cubes. Scald it with boiling water (so as not to make it bitter).

Boil quail eggs for 8-10 minutes, cool and cut into small cubes.

Mix all the chopped salad ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt and season with sour cream. To dress this salad, you can use olive or vegetable oil instead of sour cream. Decorate the finished salad with herbs.

Veal slices baked in foil

Products: veal 600 g, salt, lemon juice 1-2 tbsp. l., oil 2 tbsp. l., chopped parsley 1 tbsp. l., leek stalk 1 pc. or 1 onion, a little dried mint or oregano.

Cooking: Cut the meat across the grain into slices and beat. Sprinkle each slice with salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, place on aluminum foil and leave for 20-30 minutes. in a cold place. Then put butter mixed with parsley and onion or leek rings, as well as seasonings, on the meat. Wrap each slice of meat separately in foil and bake in the oven at a temperature of 170-180 ° C until fully cooked (30-40 minutes).

Vegetables in milk sauce

Products: 1 kg. any vegetables of your choice, such as potatoes, carrots, green peas, beans, asparagus, etc.

For the milk sauce: 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 25 g butter, ½ tbsp. milk, salt.


You can cook various vegetables in milk sauce: potatoes, carrots, green peas, beans, asparagus, etc. A vegetable dish in milk sauce can be made from several types of vegetables. In this case, the vegetables are mixed.

Vegetables must first be peeled, washed, cut into cubes, slices or slices, boiled in salted water, placed in a colander or sieve to drain; then put the vegetables into a saucepan, pour in the hot milk sauce and stir.

The milk sauce for pouring vegetables should resemble sour cream in thickness.

To prepare the milk sauce: lightly fry the flour with butter, dilute ½ cup of hot milk, add salt and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Cabbage baked with apples

Products: 1 head of cabbage, 4-6 medium-sized apples, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 1 egg, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. crackers, 4 tbsp. l. oils, salt.

Cooking: Peel the white cabbage, wash it, chop it into thin strips, put it in a bowl, add butter and a little water. Close the lid and simmer the cabbage, stirring occasionally. At the end of stewing, add peeled and seeded chopped apples and butter. Beat the flour with sour cream and eggs, add salt, pour the mixture into the cabbage and mix thoroughly. Place the prepared cabbage in a form greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, brush with egg yolk, and sprinkle with oil.

Bake in the oven until the cabbage is browned.

Nut pudding

Products: 150 g walnuts, 3 eggs, 250 g white bread, 3/4 cup sugar, 1.5 cups milk, 100 g butter.

Cooking: Soak white bread crumb in milk. Lightly dry the nuts, peel them and pass through a meat grinder. Grind the egg yolks with sugar and combine with the nut mixture, white bread soaked in milk and melted butter. Mix all this well, add beaten egg whites and place in a special form or frying pan, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

The pudding needs to be baked for 30-40 minutes. in the oven or oven at medium heat.

Place the finished pudding out of the mold onto a dish and serve hot. You can pour vanilla sauce on top of the pudding or serve the sauce separately.

Vanilla sauce

Products: 1.5 cups milk, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 vanillin powder, 1 tsp. flour.

Cooking: Grind the sugar well with egg yolks and flour. Dilute this mixture with hot milk and, stirring continuously, cook the sauce until it boils. As soon as the sauce thickens, remove it from the heat, strain through a sieve and add vanilla.

Apples stuffed with walnuts

Products: apples 4-5 pcs., chopped walnuts ½ tbsp., sugar 1/3 tbsp., raisins ½ tbsp., a little lemon juice.

Cooking: Wash the apples, carefully remove the core, fill with a mixture of nuts, raisins and sugar. Then put the apples in a baking dish, sprinkle with chopped walnuts and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. at moderate temperature.

Semolina babka with raisins

Products: semolina 1/3 tbsp., milk 250 ml., sugar ½ tbsp., raisins 1/3 tbsp., eggs 3 pcs., vanillin powder ¼ tbsp. l.

Cooking: Grind the yolks with sugar. Sort, rinse thoroughly and dry the raisins (without seeds). Beat the whites into a thick foam and put them in the cold. Cook thick semolina porridge, remove from heat and add, stirring all the time, mashed yolks, vanilla sugar, raisins. Add the whipped whites to the semolina porridge, mix carefully, place in a greased and breadcrumb-sprinkled pan and bake in the oven.


Products: for 2.3-3 glasses of milk - 4 eggs, 120 g of powdered sugar, vanilla sugar to taste.

Cooking: select fresh eggs, divide them into yolks and whites. Beat the whites into a thick foam and carefully mix with powdered sugar.
Boil milk, add vanilla sugar to it. Dip the whites into boiling milk, scooping up the whites with a tablespoon. After 3-5 minutes, remove the snowballs with a slotted spoon and transfer to a sieve.
Thoroughly grind the yolks with powdered sugar, dilute with the milk in which the snowballs were boiled, put on the fire and, stirring all the time, bring to thickening, but do not boil. Cool. Place snowballs on a plate and pour sweet sauce over them.

Curd ice cream with banana

Products: homogeneous cottage cheese 500 gr., bananas 3 pcs., sugar to taste (about 100 gr.)

Cooking: Peel and puree bananas. You can grind it with a blender or a fork so that there are pieces.

Combine cottage cheese with banana puree and add sugar or powdered sugar, mix well.

Place the resulting mixture in a freezer container and place in the freezer.

During the first three hours, stir the ice cream every hour with a spoon to ensure even hardening.

Transfer the finished ice cream into bowls and serve.

Drinks for nursing mothers:

  • tea (weak black and green)
  • herbal teas with oregano, mint, thyme (these herbs stimulate milk production);
  • compotes;
  • fruit drinks;
  • table still mineral water.