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Is it possible to conclude a fixed-term employment contract with a deputy financial director? Sample employment contract for deputy director

EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT with the Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs (indefinite; without trial)

___________________ "___" __________ ____ _______________________________, hereinafter referred to as "Employer", (name of organization) represented by __________________________________________, acting on the basis of (position, full name) _________________________, on the one hand, and ____________________________, ( charter, power of attorney) (full name) hereinafter referred to as "Employee", on the other hand, when jointly referred to, the referred to as "parties" have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. The Employer instructs, and the Employee assumes, the performance of labor duties in the position of Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs in ______________________.

1.2. The work under this agreement is the main one for the Employee.

1.3. The Employee’s place of work is _____________ at the address: ______________________.

1.4. The Employee’s work under this agreement is carried out under normal conditions. The Employee’s labor duties are not related to performing heavy work, work in areas with special climatic conditions, work with harmful, dangerous and other special working conditions.

1.5. The employee reports directly to _________________________.

1.6. The following structural units are subordinate to the Employee: ______________________.

1.7. The employee reports directly to _____________________.

1.8. The Employee undertakes not to disclose secrets protected by law (state, official, commercial, other) and confidential information owned by the Employer and its counterparties.


2.1. The employee must begin performing his job duties from "___" _____________.

2.2. This agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.


3.1. For the performance of labor duties, the Employee is set an official salary in the amount of _______ (____________) rubles per month.

3.2. The employer establishes incentives and compensation payments (additional payments, allowances, bonuses, etc.). The amounts and conditions of such payments are determined in the Regulations on bonus payments to employees "___________", which the Employee was familiarized with when signing this agreement.

3.3. If the Employee, along with his main job, performs additional work in another position or performs the duties of a temporarily absent employee without being released from his main job, the Employee is paid an additional payment in the amount established by an additional agreement of the parties.

3.4. Overtime work is paid for the first two hours of work at one and a half times the rate, for subsequent hours - at double the rate. At the Employee's request, overtime work, instead of increased pay, may be compensated by providing additional rest time, but not less than the time worked overtime.

3.5. Work on a day off or a non-working holiday is paid in the amount of a single part of the official salary per day or hour of work in excess of the official salary, if work on a day off or a non-working holiday was carried out within the monthly standard working time, and in the amount of a double part of the official salary per day or hour work in excess of the official salary, if the work was performed in excess of the monthly working hours. At the request of an Employee who worked on a day off or a non-working holiday, he may be given another day of rest. In this case, work on a weekend or a non-working holiday is paid in a single amount, and a day of rest is not subject to payment.

3.6. The Employee's wages are paid by issuing cash at the Employer's cash desk (by transferring to the Employee's bank account) every six months on the day established by the Internal Labor Regulations.

3.7. Deductions may be made from the Employee's salary in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


4.1. The employee has a five-day work week with two days off - _________________________.

4.2. Start time: ____________________.

Closing time: ____________________.

4.3. During the working day, the Employee is given a break for rest and food from ____ hour to ____ hour, which is not included in working hours.

4.4. The employee is granted annual paid leave of _____ (at least 28) calendar days.

The right to use vacation for the first year of work arises for the Employee after six months of his continuous work with this Employer. By agreement of the parties, paid leave may be provided to the Employee before the expiration of six months. Vacation for the second and subsequent years of work can be granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the vacation schedule.

4.5. For family reasons and other valid reasons, the Employee, on the basis of his written application, may be granted leave without pay for the duration established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the Internal Labor Regulations "_______________".


5.1. The employee is obliged:

5.1.1. Conscientiously perform the following duties:

Manage the financial and economic activities of the organization in the field of logistics, sales of products on the market and under supply contracts, transport and administrative services, ensure the effective and targeted use of material and financial resources, reducing their losses, accelerating the turnover of working capital;

Organize the participation of subordinate services and structural divisions in drawing up long-term and current plans for production and sales of products, determining a long-term strategy for commercial activities and financial plans of the organization, as well as in developing standards for the logistics of ensuring product quality, organizing the storage and transportation of raw materials, and marketing finished products. products;

Take measures to timely conclude economic and financial agreements with suppliers and consumers of raw materials and products, expand direct and long-term economic relations, ensure fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of products (in terms of quantity, nomenclature, assortment, quality, terms and other terms of delivery);

Monitor the sale of products, the material and technical support of the organization, the financial and economic indicators of the organization’s activities, the correct expenditure of working capital and the targeted use of a bank loan, the cessation of production of products that do not have sales, and ensure the timely payment of wages to workers and employees;

Lead the development of measures for resource conservation and integrated use of material resources, improve the regulation of costs of raw materials, materials, working capital and inventories of material assets, improve economic indicators and form a system of economic indicators of the organization's work, increase production efficiency, strengthen financial discipline, prevent the formation and liquidation of excess reserves inventory items, as well as overexpenditures of material resources;

Monitor compliance with discipline when fulfilling tasks and obligations for the supply of products and their compliance with business contracts, study market conditions for products produced by the organization;

Organize the work of warehouse facilities, create conditions for proper storage and safety of material resources and finished products;

Ensure the rational use of all types of transport, improve loading and unloading operations, take measures to maximally equip this service with the necessary mechanisms and devices;

Organize work on the use and sale of secondary resources and by-products;

Ensure the timely preparation of financial estimates and other documents, calculations, established reporting on the implementation of plans for the sale of finished products, financial activities, logistics and transport operations;

Coordinate the work of subordinate services and departments.

5.1.2. Comply with the Internal Labor Regulations "___________" and other local regulations of the Employer.

5.1.3. Maintain labor discipline.

5.1.4. Comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements, provisions of other local regulations.

5.1.5. Treat the property of the Employer and other employees with care.

5.1.6. Immediately inform the Employer (immediate supervisor) about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Employer’s property.

5.1.7. Do not give interviews, conduct meetings or negotiations regarding the activities of the Employer without prior permission from management.

5.1.8. Do not disclose information that constitutes a trade secret of the Employer. Information that is a trade secret of the Employer is defined in the Regulations on Trade Secrets "___________".

5.1.9. By order of the Employer, go on business trips in Russia and abroad.

5.2. The employee has the right to:

5.2.1. Providing him with the work stipulated by this agreement.

5.2.2. Timely and full payment of wages in accordance with your qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed.

5.2.3. Rest, including paid annual leave, weekly days off, non-working holidays.

5.2.4. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

5.2.5. Amendment and termination of the contract in the manner and under the conditions established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

5.2.6. A workplace that meets state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement (if any).

5.2.7. Reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace.

5.2.8. Professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

5.2.9. Association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

5.2.10. Other rights established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. The employer is obliged:

6.1.1. Comply with laws and other regulations, local regulations, and the terms of this agreement.

6.1.2. Provide the Employee with work stipulated by this agreement.

6.1.3. Provide the Employee with equipment, documentation and other means necessary to perform his job duties.

6.1.4. Pay the wages due to the Employee on time and in full, as well as make other payments within the time limits established by the Internal Labor Regulations.

6.1.5. Provide for the Employee’s everyday needs related to the performance of his job duties.

6.1.6. Carry out compulsory social insurance for the Employee in the manner established by federal laws.

6.1.7. Familiarize the Employee with adopted local regulations relating to his work activity or changing his position in the organization.

6.1.8. Perform other duties established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The employer has the right:

6.2.1. Encourage the Employee for conscientious, effective work.

6.2.2. Require the Employee to fulfill his job duties as defined in this agreement, to take care of the property of the Employer and other employees, and to comply with the internal labor regulations.

6.2.3. Bring the Employee to disciplinary and financial liability in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2.4. Adopt local regulations.

6.2.5. Conduct certification of the Employee in accordance with the Certification Regulations in order to identify the real level of professional competence of the Employee.

6.2.6. Conduct an assessment of the Employee’s performance in accordance with the Regulations on Labor Performance Assessment.

6.2.7. With the consent of the Employee, involve him in the performance of certain tasks that are not part of the Employee’s job responsibilities.

6.2.8. With the consent of the Employee, involve him in performing additional work in a different or the same profession (position) for an additional fee.

6.2.9. Exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations.


7.1. The employee is subject to social insurance in the manner and under the conditions established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. During the period of validity of this agreement, the Employee is subject to all guarantees and compensations provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, local acts of the Employer and this agreement.


9.1. A party to a contract guilty of violating labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms is liable in cases and in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

9.2. The financial liability of a party to a contract arises for damage caused by it to the other party to the contract as a result of its culpable unlawful behavior.

10.2. The day of termination of the employment contract in all cases is the last day of work of the Employee, with the exception of cases where the Employee did not actually work, but retained his place of work (position).

10.3. The Employer has the right to decide to make a compensation payment to the Employee in the amount of ____________ in the case of _____________________.


11.1. The Employee has the right, if necessary or in agreement with the Employer, to use personal property for official purposes (to perform his job function and (or) individual instructions of the Employer). For such use of personal property, the Employer pays the Employee monetary compensation.

11.2. If there is a need for regular use of personal property, an agreement is concluded between the parties to the contract on the use by the Employee of personal property for business purposes, which specifies the characteristics of the relevant property, the procedure for its use, the amount and procedure for paying compensation for use, as well as the rights of the parties to the contract in relation to such property.

11.3. If the Employee’s property is used irregularly for official purposes, the compensation specified in clause 11.1 of this employment contract is paid on the basis of documents and other evidence confirming the official use of such property.


12.1. The terms of this employment contract are confidential and are not subject to disclosure.

12.2. The terms of this employment contract are legally binding on the parties from the moment it is signed by the parties. All changes and additions to this employment contract are formalized by a bilateral written agreement.

12.3. Disputes between the parties arising during the execution of an employment contract are considered in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Fixed-term employment contract

with Deputy General Director

___________________________ "__" _____________ 20__

(place of conclusion of the contract) (date of conclusion of the contract)


(full name of employer)

represented by ____________________________ _____________________________________,

(job title) (full name)

acting on the basis ______________________________________________,

(Charter, Regulations, Power of Attorney)

hereinafter referred to as the "Employer", on the one hand and

Hereinafter referred to as "Employee",

on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement

thief about the following:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. An employee is hired for the position of Deputy General Director

Rector ____________________________________________________.

(name of organization, enterprise)

1.2. In his activities, the employee is directly subordinate to the general manager.


1.3. The employment contract was concluded for a period of _________________________.

A fixed-term employment contract was concluded by agreement of the Parties in accordance with Article 59

Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

1.4. The employee is obliged to start work with "___" ___________ 200_g.

1.5. The probationary period for employment is _______________

(no more than six months

1.6. Work for the Employer is the main place for the Employee

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. The employee has the right to:

Providing him with work stipulated by this agreement;

Payment of wages in the amount and in the manner prescribed

this agreement;

Complete, reliable information about working conditions and requirements

labor protection;

Everyone does not protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests

in ways prohibited by law;

Compensation for damage caused to him in connection with the performance of labor

duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;

Compulsory social insurance.

2.2. The employee is obliged:

Carry out your job duties conscientiously;

Maintain labor discipline;

Treat the property of the Employer and other employees with care.

2.3. The employer has the right:

Encourage the Employee for conscientious, effective work;

Require the Employee to perform their job duties and

careful attitude towards the property of the Employer and other employees, compliance

labor discipline;

Bring the Employee to disciplinary and financial liability

ties in the manner established by the Labor Code and other federal laws

2.4. The employer is obliged:

Comply with labor laws and other legal regulations

Via collective agreement, agreements and employment contracts;

Provide the Employee with work stipulated by this agreement

Ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulations

gift regulatory requirements for labor protection;

Provide the Employee with equipment, tools, technical

documentation and other means necessary for the performance of his labor


Pay the full amount of wages due to the Employee

payment within the terms established by this agreement;

Introduce the Employee, upon signature, to the accepted local standards

tive acts directly related to his work activity;

Provide for the Employee’s everyday needs related to his performance

labor responsibilities;

Carry out compulsory social insurance of the Employee in accordance with

the order established by federal laws;

Compensate for damage caused to the Employee in connection with his performance

labor duties, as well as compensation for moral damage in the manner and

under the conditions established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

2.5. The employee undertakes not to hold leadership positions in other

commercial organizations.

2.6. The parties have other rights and perform other obligations, provided

covered by current labor legislation.

3. Competence of the Deputy General Director

3.1. The Deputy General Director performs the duties of the general manager

ral director during the period of his vacation, illness or absence for other reasons


3.2. The following duties are delegated to the Deputy General Director:

3.2.1. organization of work and effective interaction of all structures

tour departments, workshops and production units;

3.2.2. organization of production and economic activities;

3.2.3. providing the enterprise with qualified personnel, rational

nal use and development of their professional knowledge and experience;

3.2.4. ensuring the implementation of the collective agreement, compliance

labor and production discipline;

3.2.5. exercises other powers delegated to him by the general


4. Working time and rest time

4.1. The employee is assigned a __________ day work week.

Start time - ____ hour, end time - ____ hour, break - ____ hour.

Weekend - ___________________________________________________.

4.2. An employee may have an irregular working day.

4.3. The employee agrees to be involved in night work,

on weekends and non-working holidays in the manner prescribed by the collective

tive agreement and local regulations.

4.4. The employee is provided with:

Annual basic paid leave of 28 days

calendar days;

Annual additional paid leave of duration

4.5. An employee may be granted leave without pay.

no payment in accordance with current labor legislation.

5. Terms of payment

5.1. The Employee’s remuneration consists of the official salary and remuneration

awards based on the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

5.2. The Employee's salary is set at

Rubles per month.

5.3. Remuneration (bonus) to an employee based on financial performance results

economic activity of the enterprise is established in the order and placement

re established by the collective agreement and local regulations -

5.4. When performing work at night, weekends and non-working hours

on holidays, the Employee receives appropriate additional payments in accordance with the following procedure:

and the amount established by the collective agreement and local regulations

5.5. For the period of validity of this employment contract for the Employee

all guarantees and compensations provided for by the current

labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Responsibility of the Parties

6.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Employee

of their duties specified in this employment contract, violation

labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as causing material damage to the Employer

any damage, he bears disciplinary, material and other liability,

in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. An employee while performing the duties of a general director

The Torah bears full responsibility for the consequences of decisions taken

tion, safety and efficient use of the enterprise’s property, and

also financial and economic results of its activities.

6.3. The Employer bears financial and other obligations to the Employee.

liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Final provisions

7.1. Disputes between the Parties arising during the execution of this

employment contract are considered in the manner established by the Labor Code

dex of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

7.2. In all other respects that are not provided for in this labor contract,

In other words, the Parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating labor

business relationships.

7.3. The employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two

copies, each of which has equal legal force. All from-

changes and additions to this employment contract are drawn up in two

by prior written agreement.

7.4. This employment contract may be terminated on the grounds

provided for by current labor legislation.

8. Details and signatures of the Parties


(full name)

Taxpayer Identification Number _______________

____________________________ _________________ __________________________

(name of the person’s position, (signature) (full name)



passport: series _______________________, N _______________________

issued _________________________________ "___" ___________ 200 __ g.

department code ___________________________________________________

registered at: ______________________________________________

I have received a copy of the employment contract.



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with Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs

(indefinite; no trial)

G. ___________________ "___"__________ ____ g.

Referred to as__ hereinafter (name of organization)

"Employer", represented by _____________________________________, acting at (position, full name)

Based on _____________, on the one hand, and ________________________________ _______________________________________, hereinafter referred to as "Employee", (full name)

On the other hand, we have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. The Employer instructs, and the Employee assumes, the performance of labor duties in the position of Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs in ______________.

1.2. The work under this agreement is the main one for the Employee.

1.3. The Employee’s place of work is _________________________________ at the address: _________________________________.

1.4. The Employee’s work under this agreement is carried out under normal conditions. The Employee’s labor duties are not related to performing heavy work, work in areas with special climatic conditions, work with harmful, dangerous and other special working conditions.

1.5. The employee reports directly to ______________________.

1.6. The following structural units are subordinate to the Employee: _________________________.


2.1. The employee must begin performing his job duties from "___"_________ ____.

2.2. This agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.


3.1. For the performance of labor duties, the Employee is set an official salary in the amount of _________ (_____________) rubles per month.

3.2. The employer establishes incentives and compensation payments (additional payments, allowances, bonuses, etc.). The amounts and conditions of such payments are determined in the Regulations on bonus payments to employees "___________", which the Employee was familiarized with when signing this agreement.

3.3. If the Employee, along with his main job, performs additional work in another position or performs the duties of a temporarily absent employee without being released from his main job, the Employee is paid an additional payment in the amount of __% of the salary for the combined position.

3.4. Overtime work is paid for the first two hours of work at one and a half times the rate, for subsequent hours - at double the rate. At the Employee's request, overtime work, instead of increased pay, may be compensated by providing additional rest time, but not less than the time worked overtime.

3.5. Work on a day off or a non-working holiday is paid in the amount of a single part of the official salary per day or hour of work in excess of the official salary, if work on a day off or a non-working holiday was carried out within the monthly standard working time, and in the amount of a double part of the official salary per day or hour work in excess of the official salary, if the work was performed in excess of the monthly working hours. At the request of an Employee who worked on a day off or a non-working holiday, he may be given another day of rest. In this case, work on a weekend or a non-working holiday is paid in a single amount, and a day of rest is not subject to payment.

3.6. The Employee's wages are paid by issuing cash at the Employer's cash desk (by transferring to the Employee's bank account) every six months on the day established by the Internal Labor Regulations.

3.7. Deductions may be made from the Employee's salary in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


4.1. The employee has a five-day work week with two days off - ____________________________.

4.2. Start time: _________________________________.

Closing time: _________________________.

4.3. During the working day, the Employee is given a break for rest and food from ___ to ____ hour, which is not included in working hours.

4.4. The employee is granted annual paid leave of ___ (at least 28) calendar days.

The right to use vacation for the first year of work arises for the Employee after six months of his continuous work with this Employer. By agreement of the parties, paid leave may be provided to the Employee before the expiration of six months. Vacation for the second and subsequent years of work can be granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the vacation schedule.

4.5. For family reasons and other valid reasons, the Employee, on the basis of his written application, may be granted leave without pay for the duration established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the Internal Labor Regulations "_______________".


5.1. The employee is obliged:

5.1.1. Conscientiously perform the following duties:

Manage the financial and economic activities of the organization in the field of logistics, sales of products on the market and under supply contracts, transport and administrative services, ensure the effective and targeted use of material and financial resources, reducing their losses, accelerating the turnover of working capital;

Organize the participation of subordinate services and structural divisions in drawing up long-term and current plans for production and sales of products, determining a long-term strategy for commercial activities and financial plans of the organization, as well as in developing standards for the logistics of ensuring product quality, organizing the storage and transportation of raw materials, and marketing finished products. products;

Take measures to timely conclude economic and financial agreements with suppliers and consumers of raw materials and products, expand direct and long-term economic relations, ensure fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of products (in terms of quantity, nomenclature, assortment, quality, terms and other terms of delivery);

Monitor the sale of products, the material and technical support of the organization, the financial and economic indicators of the organization’s activities, the correct expenditure of working capital and the targeted use of a bank loan, the cessation of production of products that do not have sales, and ensure the timely payment of wages to workers and employees;

Lead the development of measures for resource conservation and integrated use of material resources, improve the regulation of costs of raw materials, materials, working capital and inventories of material assets, improve economic indicators and form a system of economic indicators of the organization's work, increase production efficiency, strengthen financial discipline, prevent the formation and liquidation of excess reserves inventory items, as well as overexpenditures of material resources;

Participate on behalf of the organization in fairs, auctions, exhibitions, exchanges for advertising and sales of products;

Monitor compliance with discipline when fulfilling tasks and obligations for the supply of products and their compliance with business contracts, study market conditions for products produced by the organization;

Organize the work of warehouse facilities, create conditions for proper storage and safety of material resources and finished products;

Ensure the rational use of all types of transport, improve loading and unloading operations, take measures to maximally equip this service with the necessary mechanisms and devices;

Organize work on the use and sale of secondary resources and by-products;

Ensure the timely preparation of financial estimates and other documents, calculations, established reporting on the implementation of plans for the sale of finished products, financial activities, logistics and transport operations;

Coordinate the work of subordinate services and departments.

5.1.2. Comply with the Internal Labor Regulations "__________" and other local regulations of the Employer.

5.1.3. Maintain labor discipline.

5.1.4. Comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements.

5.1.5. Treat the property of the Employer and other employees with care.

5.1.6. Immediately inform the Employer (immediate supervisor) about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Employer’s property.

5.1.7. Do not give interviews, conduct meetings or negotiations regarding the activities of the Employer without prior permission from management.

5.1.8. Do not disclose information that constitutes a trade secret of the Employer. Information that is a trade secret of the Employer is defined in the Regulations on Trade Secrets "___________".

5.1.9. By order of the Employer, go on business trips in Russia and abroad.

5.2. The employee has the right to:

5.2.1. Providing him with the work stipulated by this agreement.

5.2.2. Timely and full payment of wages in accordance with your qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed.

5.2.3. Rest, including paid annual leave, weekly days off, non-working holidays.

5.2.4. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

5.2.5. Other rights established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. The employer is obliged:

6.1.1. Comply with laws and other regulations, local regulations, and the terms of this agreement.

6.1.2. Provide the Employee with work stipulated by this agreement.

6.1.3. Provide the Employee with equipment, documentation and other means necessary to perform his job duties.

6.1.4. Pay the full amount of wages due to the Employee within the time limits established by the Internal Labor Regulations.

6.1.5. Provide for the Employee’s everyday needs related to the performance of his job duties.

6.1.6. Carry out compulsory social insurance for the Employee in the manner established by federal laws.

6.1.7. Perform other duties established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The employer has the right:

6.2.1. Encourage the Employee for conscientious, effective work.

6.2.2. Require the Employee to fulfill his job duties as defined in this agreement, to take care of the property of the Employer and other employees, and to comply with the internal labor regulations.

6.2.3. Bring the Employee to disciplinary and financial liability in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2.4. Adopt local regulations.

6.2.5. Exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations.


7.1. The employee is subject to social insurance in the manner and under the conditions established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. During the period of validity of this agreement, the Employee is subject to all guarantees and compensations provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, local acts of the Employer and this agreement.


9.1. In case of failure or improper performance by the Employee of his duties specified in this agreement, violation of labor legislation, the Employer's internal labor regulations, other local regulations of the Employer, as well as causing material damage to the Employer, he bears disciplinary, material and other liability in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation .

9.2. The Employer bears financial and other liability to the Employee in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.3. In cases provided for by law, the Employer is obliged to compensate the Employee for moral damage caused by unlawful actions and (or) inaction of the Employer.


10.1. This employment contract may be terminated on the grounds provided for by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.2. The day of termination of the employment contract in all cases is the last day of work of the Employee, with the exception of cases where the Employee did not actually work, but retained his place of work (position).


11.1. The terms of this employment contract are confidential and are not subject to disclosure.

11.2. The terms of this employment contract are legally binding on the parties from the moment it is signed by the parties. All changes and additions to this employment contract are formalized by a bilateral written agreement.

11.3. Disputes between the parties arising during the execution of an employment contract are considered in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.4. In all other respects that are not provided for in this employment contract, the parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation governing labor relations.

11.5. The agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one of which is kept by the Employer and the other by the Employee.


12.1. Employer: ___________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Taxpayer Identification Number ___________________________, Checkpoint _________________________________ Account ____________________________ in ________________________________________ BIC ___________________________. 12.2. Employee: _______________________________________________________ passport: series __________, number __________, issued by ________________________ ___________________________ "___"________ ___ city, department code ______, registered at the address: ____________________________________________.


Employer: Employee:

____________/___________ _____________________

This agreement comes into force from the date of its official signing by the Employee and the Company and is valid until its termination on the grounds established by law. 10.2. The dismissal of an Employee from his position is carried out by the General Director in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 10.3. The date of signing of this agreement is the date indicated at the beginning of this agreement. 11. PROCEDURE FOR RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES Disputes arising between the parties in connection with the execution of this agreement are resolved in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 12. FINAL PROVISIONS 12.1. This agreement is drawn up in 2 copies and includes sheets. (specify quantity) 12.2. Each party to this agreement owns one copy of the agreement. 12.3.

Employment contract with deputy general director of LLC sample form

The employee undertakes in his activities to act in the interests of the Company, to exercise his rights and fulfill his duties in relation to the Company in good faith and reasonably. 1.3. The Company undertakes to provide the Employee with conditions conducive to the best performance of his duties, and to pay for his activities in the manner and amount established by the Company and in accordance with this agreement. 1.4. The employee reports directly to the General Director of the Company and replaces him during his absence.

2. Duration of the contract 2.1. This agreement is concluded for years. After (specify the term) expiration of the contract, by agreement of the parties, it can be extended by drawing up an additional agreement. This agreement is an integral part of this contract. 2.2. The employee undertakes to begin performing the duties provided for in para. 1.1, paragraph 3 of this agreement.

Employment contract with deputy director - sample

The employee, in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, is granted annual basic paid leave lasting calendar days and additional paid leave lasting days. Vacation can be extended at any time during the working year by agreement of the parties, but at the same time annual basic leave for the first year of work may be provided no earlier than 6 months from the date of actual performance by the Employee of his duties and with the written consent of the General Director of the Company. 7. GUARANTEES AND COMPENSATIONS 7.1. The Employee is fully covered by the benefits and guarantees established by law, the constituent documents of the Company, the Personnel Regulations, and other decisions of the founder or administration of the Company. 7.2.

Manual search panel for contracts

The document is signed by both parties to the legal relationship. Also, when concluding a TD with a deputy, an agreement on non-disclosure of confidential information may be signed with him. Terms of remuneration According to Part 2 of Art. 145 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of remuneration for such an employee is established by agreement of the parties to the legal relationship or by the staffing table.

Its size depends on the complexity of the work being performed. The scale of management and the scope of activity of the enterprise also matter. The contract may provide for additional payments and compensation upon dismissal if they are specified in the wage regulations. Powers of the deputy director If the organization does not have an order on the distribution of duties of the deputy, this information is indicated in the employment contract.

The deputy is not always vested with all the functions of the general director. He can only be responsible for a specific area of ​​work.

Drawing up an employment contract with the deputy director

The Employee’s labor duties are not related to performing heavy work, work in areas with special climatic conditions, work with harmful, dangerous and other special working conditions. 1.5. The employee is directly subordinated. 1.6. The following structural units are subordinate to the Employee: . 2. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT 2.1. The employee must begin performing his job duties from » » g.


This agreement is concluded for an indefinite period. 3. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT FOR THE EMPLOYEE 3.1. For the performance of labor duties, the Employee is set an official salary in the amount of () rubles per month. 3.2. The employer establishes incentives and compensation payments (additional payments, allowances, bonuses, etc.).

The amounts and conditions of such payments are determined in the Regulations on bonus payments to employees, which the Employee was familiarized with when signing this agreement. 3.3.


Full name) acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”, on the one hand, and (full name) residing at the address:, hereinafter referred to as “Employee”, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows. 1. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. In accordance with this agreement, the Employee undertakes to perform the functions of the Deputy General Director of the Company within the powers granted to him by the regulations of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Company, other local acts of the Company and this agreement. 1.2. The employee undertakes in his activities to act in the interests of the Company, to exercise his rights and fulfill his duties in relation to the Company in good faith and reasonably.

School of Business Technology


The right to use vacation for the first year of work arises for the Employee after six months of his continuous work with this Employer. By agreement of the parties, paid leave may be provided to the Employee before the expiration of six months. Vacation for the second and subsequent years of work can be granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the vacation schedule.

4.5. For family reasons and other valid reasons, the Employee, on the basis of his written application, may be granted leave without pay for the duration established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the Internal Labor Regulations. 5. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF AN EMPLOYEE 5.1. The employee is obliged to: 5.1.1.

Employment contract with Deputy General Director

The Company undertakes to pay the Employee a salary in the amount of rubles per month. 5.2. In addition to the wages specified in clause 5.1 of this agreement, the Company also undertakes to pay the Employee 5% of the Company’s net profit based on the results of operations for the quarter. 5.3. The salary specified in clause 5.1 of this agreement is paid on the day of the month following the month being paid.
The remuneration specified in clause 5.2 of this agreement is paid on the date of the first month following the quarter in which the profit was made. 6. Work and rest schedule 6.1. The employee is assigned a 40-hour work week with a standardized working day. 6.2. The employee, in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, is granted annual basic paid leave of calendar days and additional paid leave of days.

Sample employment contract for deputy director

An employee of the Company, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, bears responsibility, including material liability, for: - failure to fulfill and improper performance of duties for managing the current activities of the Company in the procedure for replacing the General Director established by the Charter, other local acts of the Company, this agreement; - losses, caused to the Company by the guilty actions (inaction) of the Employee in the process of performing his functions to manage the current activities of the Company. 9.2. The Company is liable in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation for: - non-payment in the established manner and (or) amount to the Employee of remuneration and compensation provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this agreement; - causing harm to the life, health and (or) property of the Employee. 10. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT 10.1.

Fixed-term employment contract with deputy director sample

Receipt of wages and other amounts due to the Employee on time (in case of delay in payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days - suspension of work for the entire period until payment of the delayed amount with written notification to the employer, except for the cases provided for in Article 142 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). 3.1.9. Guarantees and compensations. 3.1.10. Vocational training, retraining and advanced training. 3.1.11. Labor protection. 3.1.12. Association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.
3.1.13. Participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement. 3.1.14.

Is it possible to conclude a fixed-term employment contract with the Deputy Financial Director? How can this be done without violating labor laws?


Answer to the question:

It is possible to conclude an employment contract for a certain period only in cases expressly provided for by the Labor Code or other federal laws.

They are divided into two groups.

First group of cases– when fixed-term employment contracts are concluded without fail based on the conditions or nature of the work to be performed (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 (hereinafter -)). For example, an employee is hired for the period of absence of the main employee, to perform seasonal or temporary work, etc. In these cases, the employer can only enter into a fixed-term employment contract with the employee. It is not possible to establish an employment relationship for an indefinite period.

Second group of cases– when the term of the contract is determined by voluntary agreement of the parties. This is possible if a fixed-term employment contract is concluded with certain categories of employees (,). For example, with age pensioners entering work, part-time workers, heads of organizations, etc. In this case, concluding an employment contract for a certain period is a right, not an obligation, for the employer and employee. The desire to conclude a fixed-term contract must be expressed by both parties. Otherwise, after dismissal, the employee may go to court, claiming that he was pressured when concluding the contract. Therefore, the employer is recommended to provide evidence that the employee voluntarily agreed to a temporary job. In particular, you can ask the employee to indicate in the job application that he is asking to be accepted under a fixed-term employment contract.

Labor legislation allows, by agreement of the employee, with managers, deputy managers and chief accountants of organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership ()

It is not entirely clear from the question whether the Deputy Financial Director belongs to the deputy heads of the organization or not. Most likely, according to the structure of the organization, the financial director is classified as a deputy head of the organization, and accordingly, the deputy financial director cannot be hired under a fixed-term employment contract on the basis of.

Perhaps you will hire a part-time worker or an old-age pensioner.

A complete list of situations in which an organization must or can enter into a fixed-term employment contract is indicated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is given in. see attached materials.

In your case, there are no grounds directly provided for by law for concluding an employment contract for a certain period.

But if an old-age pensioner or a part-time worker is hired for the specified position, then in this case it is possible to conclude an employment contract for a certain period on the basis of agreement of the parties.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1. Magazines and books: Personnel Affairs November 2015 No. 11 Lesson No. 9. Concluding a fixed-term employment contract

As a general rule, in the interests of employees, employment contracts are concluded for an indefinite period. In this case, the parties agree on the employee's start date, but do not know in advance when the employment relationship will end. But employers are often interested in hiring employees only temporarily, including in order to reduce personnel costs. Let's consider when you can hire an employee for a certain period and how to draw up personnel documents.

When a fixed-term employment contract is concluded

It is possible to conclude an employment contract for a certain period only in cases expressly provided for by the Labor Code or other federal laws. They are divided into two groups.

The first group of cases is when fixed-term employment contracts are concluded without fail based on the conditions or nature of the work to be performed (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 (hereinafter -)). For example, an employee is hired for the period of absence of the main employee, to perform seasonal or temporary work, etc. In these cases, the employer can only enter into a fixed-term employment contract with the employee. It is not possible to establish an employment relationship for an indefinite period.

The second group of cases is when the term of the contract is determined by voluntary agreement of the parties. This is possible if a fixed-term employment contract is concluded with certain categories of employees (,). For example, with age pensioners entering work, part-time workers, heads of organizations, etc. In this case, concluding an employment contract for a certain period is a right, not an obligation, for the employer and employee. The desire to conclude a fixed-term contract must be expressed by both parties. Otherwise, after dismissal, the employee may go to court, claiming that he was pressured when concluding the contract. Therefore, the employer is recommended to provide evidence that the employee voluntarily agreed to a temporary job. In particular, you can ask the employee to indicate in the job application that he is asking to be accepted under a fixed-term employment contract.

Conditions to be included in a fixed-term employment contract

A fixed-term employment contract is drawn up taking into account the general requirements of the law () (sample below). At the same time, special norms on temporary, seasonal work, etc. should also be taken into account (chapter, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, etc.). The title of the employment contract can indicate that it is fixed-term (1).

Download and print the sample

The employment contract reflects the necessary information about the employer and employee. Mandatory and additional conditions are also prescribed. Let's consider how to consolidate those of them that reflect the specifics of a fixed-term employment contract.

Labor function. Personnel officers are accustomed to understanding the labor function as work according to a position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications (2). But if an employee is hired for temporary work, etc., the labor function is often determined through the specific type of assigned work ().

Duration of the employment contract. A mandatory condition of a fixed-term employment contract is its validity period ()(3). If it is not spelled out, then the contract is considered unlimited ().

The end of the period is reflected by a specific date (for example, they use the phrase “the employment contract is concluded for a period until October 30, 2015” or “the last day of work is October 30, 2015”) or an indication of a legal fact (event). In the second case, the following formulation options are possible:

– “before Inna Ivanovna Ivanova, who is on maternity leave, returns to work” – if the contract was concluded during the absence of the main employee;
– “until the completion of temporary painting work” - if the contract is concluded for temporary (up to two months) work;
– “before the end of the season” – if the contract is concluded for seasonal work, etc.

You cannot combine two methods of specifying a deadline. This may lead to unexpected problems. For example, a woman has the right to leave maternity leave early. If in a fixed-term contract with the employee replacing her, the day of dismissal is timed to coincide with a specific end date of the vacation, then two employees will simultaneously find themselves in the same position and a labor dispute will arise.

The minimum validity period of a fixed-term contract is not established by law. But, as a rule, there is no point in concluding an employment contract for one or two days. To perform one-time work, it is more convenient to use civil contracts, for example, contracts or paid services (Chapter, Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The maximum period of validity of a fixed-term employment contract is five years, unless a different period is provided by law (). For example, the term of an employment contract with the head of an organization is determined by the charter or agreement of the parties ().

Reason for concluding a fixed-term employment contract. A fixed-term employment contract must indicate the circumstances or reasons that served as the basis for its conclusion. The reason is prescribed in accordance with the wording of the Labor Code or other federal law ()(4). If this is not done or a reason is given that is contrary to the law, regulatory authorities may consider that a fixed-term employment contract was concluded illegally. In this case, the State Labor Inspectorate will hold the employer administratively liable (). The court will be able to recognize a fixed-term contract as indefinite if the employee applies.

Employment test are classified as additional conditions of the employment contract (). It is impossible to establish a test for an employee who is hired for a period of up to two months (). If the employment contract is concluded for a period of two to six months, the probationary period cannot exceed two weeks (). When an employee is hired for a period of more than six months, the test is established in accordance with the general procedure. Then its period cannot exceed three months, and for the head of the organization, his deputies, the chief accountant, the head of a separate division - six months ().

We issue an order for employment for a certain period of time

On the basis of a fixed-term employment contract, an order is issued to hire an employee. It can be compiled according to a unified () or another one developed by the employer independently () (sample below). The order indicates the specific expiration date of the employment contract (6) or the event with which its termination is associated (for example, the return to work of a temporarily absent employee, the signing of an act of acceptance of work, the completion of which cannot be determined by a specific date, etc. ).

Download and print the sample

In the section “Conditions of employment, nature of work” they reflect that the employee is hired for a certain period of time and indicate the reason (7). For example, “under a fixed-term employment contract to perform temporary repair work.”

We make entries in the work book and personal card

An entry for employment under a fixed-term employment contract is entered into the work book in the general manner, if the work is the main one for the employee and he has worked for this employer for more than five days (Rules for maintaining and storing work books approved (hereinafter -)) (sample below) . A record of the name of the structural unit, job, profession or position for which the employee is hired must comply with the employment contract and the hiring order. However, it is impossible to indicate the fixed-term nature of the contract in the work book, since this is not provided for by law.

In column 3 of the “Work Information” section, write the full name of the organization as a heading, and also indicate the abbreviated name (if available) (8). The record of the name of the organization is not numbered. Under the heading in column 1, enter the serial number of the entry being made (9), and in column 2 - the actual date of hiring (10). In column 3 they write: “Accepted or assigned to such and such a department, workshop, etc. for such and such a position / to perform such and such work” (Instructions for filling out work books, approved) (11). In column 4, enter the details of the order on the basis of which the entry was made (12).

Let's put it into practice

Download the order form for hiring an employee using the unified form No. T-1 on the website. Fill out the form using the following conditions.

Limited Liability Company "Alliance" represented by General Director Kirilenko A.P. entered into a fixed-term employment contract dated November 16, 2015 No. 33 with Kalinina Inna Nikolaevna, personnel number - 83. The employee was hired as a project manager in the event organization department in connection with with a deliberately temporary expansion of the volume of services provided. The term of the employment contract is from November 16, 2015 to February 16, 2016.

Normative base



lawyer, expert of the magazine "Personnel Business"

2. Table: Cases of concluding a fixed-term employment contract

Cases in which a fixed-term employment contract must be concluded Cases in which a fixed-term employment contract can be concluded by agreement of the parties
During the performance of the duties of an absent employee, whose place of work is retained in accordance with labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law norms, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, and an employment contract () With persons entering work for employers - small businesses (including individual entrepreneurs), the number of employees of which does not exceed 35 people (in the field of retail trade and consumer services - 20 people) ()
For the duration of temporary (up to two months) work () With age pensioners entering work, as well as with persons who, for health reasons, in accordance with a medical certificate issued in the manner established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of Russia, are allowed to work exclusively of a temporary nature ()
To perform seasonal work, when, due to natural conditions, work can only be carried out during a certain period (season) () With persons applying for work in organizations located in the Far North and equivalent areas, if this is associated with moving to the place of work ()
With persons sent to work abroad () To carry out urgent work to prevent disasters, accidents, accidents, epidemics, epizootics, as well as to eliminate the consequences of these and other emergency circumstances ()
To carry out work that goes beyond the normal activities of the employer (reconstruction, installation, commissioning and other work), as well as work related to a deliberately temporary (up to one year) expansion of production or the volume of services provided () With persons elected through a competition to fill the relevant position, conducted in the manner established by labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law norms ()
With persons entering work in organizations created for a predetermined period or to perform a predetermined job () With creative workers of the media, cinematography organizations, theaters, theater and concert organizations, circuses and other persons involved in the creation and (or) performance (exhibition) of works, in accordance with the lists of works, professions, positions of these workers, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations ()
With persons hired to perform obviously defined work in cases where its completion cannot be determined by a specific date () With managers, deputy managers and chief accountants of organizations, regardless of their legal forms and forms of ownership ()
To perform work directly related to the internship and professional training of the employee () With persons studying full-time ()
In cases of election for a certain period to an elected body or to an elective position for paid work, as well as employment related to the direct support of the activities of members of elected bodies or officials in state authorities and local governments, in political parties and other public unions() With crew members of sea vessels, inland navigation vessels and mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels registered in the Russian International Register of Ships (paragraph 10, part 2, article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
With the vice-rectors of a higher educational institution (Part 14 of Article 332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) With coaches hired to conduct educational and training activities with athletes and to manage the competitive activities of athletes to achieve sports results in professional sports, as well as with coaches of sports teams ()
With athletes for the period of temporary transfer to another employer ()
In other cases provided for by federal laws (
There have been important changes in the work of HR officers that must be taken into account in 2019. Check in the game format whether you have taken into account all the innovations. Solve all the problems and receive a useful gift from the editors of the “Personnel Business” magazine.

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