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Naftalan oil. Treatment of psoriasis with naftalan oil. Risks and contraindications

The name of this substance comes from the word Naphtha and translated from the ancient Median language means “leaking”, “flowing”. The unique properties of naphthalan have led to its use in the treatment of more than 70 diseases, including the skin, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, male and female pathologies. Naftalan oil accelerates the resorption of inflammatory processes, reduces pain, improves metabolism and blood circulation.

What is she?

Naftalan oil is a syrupy, thick black, black-brown or brown liquid with a greenish tint. It has a specific oil smell. It has high viscosity and specific gravity, acidic reaction. The Naftalan oil field is located on the territory of Azerbaijan, approximately 320 km from Baku. This substance has been used in dermatology since the end of the 19th century. Today it is successfully used in.

A little history

Until the early 70s of the 19th century, naphthalan was extracted from shallow wells dug by hand. The first well was drilled in 1890 by the German engineer Jaeger, who wanted to build a business in oil. However, it turned out that the products obtained from it are not flammable, which made certain adjustments to the plans of the enterprising German. Jaeger noticed that patients came to the fields specifically for the purpose of bathing in this substance. The engineer began studying Naftalan oil and learned that the product had exceptional healing properties. He built an enterprise to produce oil-based ointments and achieved unprecedented success. Its products began to be purchased all over the world for use in a variety of fields of medicine.


Naftalan oil is a rather complex substance in composition. Its active component is naphthenic saturated cyclic hydrocarbons, which are the basis of bioactive substances. Their content ranges from 57 to 70%. Other naphthalan ingredients:

  • aromatic hydrocarbons, including benzene derivatives – 15%;
  • naphthenic acids – approximately 1%;
  • trace elements: zinc, boron, manganese, lithium, iodine, cobalt, bromine, molybdenum, copper, rubidium, boron;
  • mineral oils;
  • sulfur compounds;
  • active resins.

Properties of oil

The therapeutic effect of naphthalan is largely due to the content of naphthenic hydrocarbons, which have the properties of hormones, but are not them. Thanks to this, the product is not addictive and does not cause side effects.

Naftalan oil has a multifaceted therapeutic effect on the body:

The use of naftalan oil for psoriasis is due to the following properties of this product:

  • Anti-inflammatory: under its influence, exudation decreases, phagocytic activity increases, regression of psoriatic elements and their resorption is observed, the affected surface area is reduced and the severity of clinical signs is reduced.
  • Local anesthetic: thanks to a 5-6-fold increase in threshold sensitivity, pain and tactile sensitivity of the skin is reduced.
  • Immunocorrective: elimination of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system helps to reduce the content of immunoglobulins of all classes in the blood.
  • Stimulating: accelerating metabolic processes and improving trophism help normalize keratinization and restore the uniform distribution of Langerhans cells in the epidermis.

Other beneficial properties of oil that led to its use for psoriasis:

  • The substance can cause hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the epithelial structures of the skin, or more precisely, their germ layer.
  • Naftalan stimulates the growth of semi-stem cells of the integumentary epithelium, as well as sebaceous glands and hair follicles.
  • Weak concentrations of oil have keratoplastic properties, and at high concentrations it has an exfoliating effect.
  • Naftalan stimulates the process of proliferation of collagen fibers and accelerates the formation of the granulation shaft.
  • This compound accelerates the regeneration of affected skin

Many experts believe that the beneficial effect of naftalan therapy is largely due to the reflex effect on the central nervous system. Under the influence of the active components of the oil, the regeneration of nerve fibers in the dermis layer is accelerated. Their number increases, and the thickness of the myelin sheaths is restored.

The oiliness and viscous structure of naftalan oil make it easy to apply to the skin and quickly absorbed. Based on expert reviews, it can be argued that local applications of naphthalan on skin affected by psoriasis and application to the area of ​​affected joints and parts of the spinal column already after the third procedure lead to a therapeutic effect. The clinical effect achieved as a result of 10-15 days of treatment can last from six months to several years.

Possible risks

Naftalan has a certain toxicity, which is due to the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthenic acids, and resins in it. Prolonged use of the product can cause increased dry skin and the development of folliculitis. Later they pass, the skin becomes elastic and soft. To eliminate dry skin, emollient creams are used.

With psoriatic arthropathy, swelling and pain may increase. These symptoms are relieved with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To avoid side effects, it is necessary to observe some restrictions when using naphthalan:

  • The product should not be applied to large areas of the skin: the area of ​​application should not exceed 15-20% of the total surface of the skin.
  • The maximum exposure time is 20-30 minutes, and the maximum number of procedures is 12-15.


The use of naftalan oil and drugs based on it is not indicated for the following conditions and diseases:

  • progressive stage of psoriasis;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms (regardless of location);
  • acute joint pathologies;
  • gynecological diseases with acute course;
  • atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • II and III degrees of coronary insufficiency with attacks of angina pectoris;
  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • organic diseases of the central nervous system;
  • stage III hypertension;
  • tuberculous damage to any organ;
  • blood diseases;
  • anemia of any etiology;
  • nephrosis, nephritis, other kidney diseases;
  • liver failure;
  • venereal diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental illness;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Release forms for the treatment of psoriasis

Even at the end of the 19th century, there were 65 prescription formulas that included naftalan oil: plasters, ointments, mash, powders. Since the 40s of the last century, Russia began to produce:

  • refined naphthalan;
  • naphthalan liniment;
  • naftalan ointment;
  • zinc-naphthalan ointment with anesthesin;
  • zinc-naphthalan paste;
  • ichthyol-zinc-naphthalan paste;
  • sulfur-zinc-naphthalan paste.

Today, the drug Naftaderm, which is a 10% liniment of naftalan oil, is very popular. Available in dark glass jars of 500 and 800 g. The price is approximately 130-220 rubles. Another release form is a 35-gram tube. The average cost of such a drug is from 390 to 490 rubles.

The main disadvantages of naphthalan and its preparations are the specific smell, as well as the ability to stain linen and clothes. Therefore, these means were gradually replaced by more convenient ones, and Naftalan oil itself remained unclaimed for some time. But recently, interest in old treatment methods has begun to revive again, since products of natural origin are not addictive, do not lead to side effects and allow one to achieve a long-term, sustainable effect.

  • Naftalan ointment is a mixture of naftalan oil, paraffin and petrolatum - a product obtained as a result of dewaxing of petroleum oils. For psoriasis, it has a resolving and softening effect. Indicated for use with tar and sulfur preparations.
  • Ichthyol-naphthalan ointment - the main part of the drug is naftalan and only 7% is ichthyol (ammonium salt of shale oil sulfonic acids containing bound sulfur). It is used to treat the pustular form of psoriasis and to localize the affected areas on the soles and palms.
  • Ointment for “standby plaques” - it contains naphthalan ointment, ichthyol and grease. Apply at night, under an occlusive dressing.

The use of oil in spa therapy

The production of prescription forms in Russian pharmacies is quite problematic due to the lack of refined naftalan oil in them. This product is used in its pure form and in prescription forms at some resorts in Russia, as well as at the Azerbaijani resort of Naftalan.

The essence of the treatment is as follows. Patients take 10-15 minute baths with naphthalan heated to 38 degrees. After this, the oil is washed off the body, and patients are irradiated by the sun for 10 minutes, then go to the rest room, where they wrap themselves in blankets and drink 2-3 cups of hot tea (for intense sweating).

During such therapy, many patients experience an exacerbation of symptoms in the form of increased itching and redness, an increase in the number of psoriatic elements and an expansion of the affected area. A neurotic reaction, boils, folliculitis, and dry skin may also occur. In addition, the overall effect of the procedure is recorded: increased urination and decreased blood pressure. All these phenomena gradually disappear without additional treatment.

Other therapies

There are several methods for treating psoriasis with naftalan oil.


In the case of intense infiltration, it is advisable to combine balneological procedures and applications of naphthalan with paraffin.

Method 1. After a 15-minute sulfur, soda or soap bath, followed by a half-hour rest, sulfur-naphthalan or naphthalan ointment is applied to the areas of psoriatic lesions, then paraffin pads are applied to the treated surface and left for 4-5 hours. If psoriasis affects the palms and soles, it is advisable to use 7% ichthyol in naphthalan.

Method 2. Naftalan oil preheated to 38 degrees is applied to the affected skin and covered with cling film. After 15-20 minutes, the product is removed with a dry cloth, and the residue is washed off under a warm shower. Procedures are carried out every other day or every day. Repeated course is recommended after 1.5-2 years.

The advantages of this treatment method are:

  • use of fresh naftalan oil;
  • reducing its consumption;
  • possibility of combination with thermal procedures;
  • no negative effects on the heart and blood vessels;
  • accessibility (as in a physiotherapy room,).

A combination of oil applications and irradiation with a Sollux lamp is also effective.


When carrying out this physiotherapy, the contact medium is Naftalan oil. Ultrasound is applied to the affected area. A pulsed or continuous mode of exposure is used (depending on the clinical features of the disease). The intensity of the ultrasonic wave is 0.2-1 W/sq. cm. In one session, up to 800 sq. cm of skin is treated. The procedures last 12-15 minutes, they are carried out every day or every other day. The course includes 7-10 sessions.

DMV therapy

During the procedure, the patient sits or lies on his stomach. Naftalan oil, preheated to 37-38 degrees, is applied to the affected area. The treated area is covered with plastic film, and a rectangular emitter of the device with an output power of 40 W is placed on top. Electromagnetic waves of centimeter and decimeter length penetrate to a depth of 3-4 and 10 centimeters. Their effect helps achieve antipruritic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Hyperemia, swelling and tissue infiltration are reduced, adrenal function improves. The session lasts up to 20 minutes. It is carried out daily or every other day. The course includes 8-10 sessions.

Another name for the procedure is short-wave diathermy. It is based on the use of an electromagnetic field UHF or HF. Naftalan oil heated to 38 degrees is applied to the affected area, covered with a film, and an inductor-disc with a gap or an inductor-cable in the form of a flat loop is placed on top. The current strength is 150-200 MA. Exposure to eddy currents leads to tissue heating. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, metabolism and immune system, stimulates adrenal function, and restores thermoregulation. The duration of exposure is 15-30 minutes, the course includes 8-10 sessions.

If adverse reactions occur, the temperature of naftalan oil is reduced, and the time of physiotherapy is reduced by approximately 1/3. Carrying out additional procedures simultaneously with physiotherapy or applications is not recommended.

Alcohol extract of naphthalan

Naftalan alcohol, or an alcohol solution of refined naftalan oil, is one of the most effective means of treating psoriasis on the scalp.
For 20 days, the product is applied to the affected areas twice a day.

There is another way: in the evening, alcohol is rubbed into the scalp, separating the hair into small strands. The direction of massage movements is from the periphery to the central part. If your hair is short, you can completely moisten it with alcohol, and then use a soft massage brush to treat the affected surface. The product is left overnight and washed off with shampoo in the morning.

An alcohol solution of naftalan oil does not make hair greasy: rinsing is necessary to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Naftalan baths are known and recognized throughout the world. They are one of the most effective methods of helping your body fight various diseases. Despite the unique therapeutic effect of the procedure, the base product used - naphthalan - is quite toxic and allergenic. For this reason, it has a lot of contraindications and precautions for use. A preliminary consultation with your doctor will help you avoid complications when taking naphthalan baths.

Characteristics of the procedure

The baths got their name due to the use of naphthalan in the procedure - a special type of oil, which is a black-brown liquid with a characteristic odor. The basic component of naphthalan is naphthenic carbons, which are biologically active substances with unique medicinal properties.

Naftalan is a biologically active natural compound with an easily recognizable color and odor

The benefits of naphthalan and indications for treatment

Water procedures with naftalan have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vasodilating effect on the body. It is especially worth noting the clear antimicrobial effect of the main active ingredient, which helps eliminate the inflammatory infectious focus in the human body. Naftalan also significantly accelerates the healing process, protects the body from the harmful effects of background radiation and ultraviolet radiation, and stimulates the synthesis of hormones in the adrenal cortex. Thanks to the activation of red blood cell production, a person’s hemoglobin levels in the blood improve, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system.

Recovery of the body after treatment with naftalan continues for another 1.5–2 months. Next comes stabilization.

Naftalan baths will be especially useful for the following ailments:

  • Pathological manifestations in joints and periarticular tissues located in the musculoskeletal system: arthritis of various forms, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Urological diseases: male infertility, urethritis, prostatitis.
  • Functional disorders of the nervous system: diseases of the central nervous system, atherosclerosis at the initial stage, radiculitis, neuralgia of various parts, neuritis, plexitis.
  • Skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, boils, scleroderma, bedsores, keratoderma, etc.
  • Vascular diseases: thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, Raynaud's disease, endarteritis in the initial stages.
  • ENT diseases: inflammatory processes developing in the ears, maxillary sinuses and throat.
  • Gynecological diseases: grade I and II infertility, ovarian dysfunction, menopausal syndrome, endometritis, adnexitis, etc.

Rules for taking naphthalan baths

There are general rules for conducting such procedures. The temperature of any therapeutic baths should not be more than 37–38˚С, but also not drop below 35˚С - it should be remembered that any bathing is a serious test for the heart and vascular system.

Procedures with medicinal oil normalize the functioning of blood vessels, eliminate inflammation and have an analgesic effect

As for naphthalan baths, all the nuances should be taken into account. Since naphthalan is a refined oil, traces of chemical compounds are still present in it. Failure to comply with the temperature regime and bath time can cause inflammation of the joints and other balneological responses in the body.

The standard procedure schedule looks like this:

  • First day: carrying out the procedure.
  • Second day: break.
  • Third day: carrying out the procedure.
  • Day four: carrying out the procedure.
  • Fifth day: break.

Then the scheme is repeated again from the third day. The total duration of treatment with naphthalan baths is about 2.5–3 weeks. During this time, the patient receives up to 10–15 procedures. The temperature of the font varies between 37–38˚С. The bath time should not exceed 10 minutes. The procedure ends with a mandatory 30-40 minute rest.

The procedure can be prescribed in the form of:

  • Lying bath. In a general recumbent font, the patient must lie down so that the cardiac zone remains open.
  • Sitz bath. In this case, the patient sits in the font waist-deep and with his hands completely immersed in the liquid.
  • Chamber bath. The patient sits on a special seat, which allows only the lower limbs to be submerged in the water.

Treatment with naftalan involves not only the use of baths. The patient may also be prescribed applications with a medicinal drug, rectal microenemas, vaginal tampons and ultraphonophoresis.

  • Do not immerse your chest, neck and head in water.
  • It is necessary to immerse yourself in the font gradually, since the high temperature of the water can cause an increase in pressure and an acceleration of the heart rate.
  • It is forbidden to take a bath at elevated body temperature, acute inflammation in bone structures, or in the presence of pustular wounds on the surface of the skin.
  • During the procedure, the use of washcloths and scrubs is not allowed.
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash yourself in the shower or dry yourself with a towel. Just throw on a robe and let your body dry naturally. Special cleaning blades are used to remove oil from the body.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

It should be remembered that the naphthalan product contains toxic substances that, with prolonged interaction with the body, can cause negative reactions. Therefore, such a procedure is prescribed by a specialist.

A patient taking such baths at a balneological resort or in his own bath must be warned about the occurrence of balneological reactions by the 3rd or 4th procedure. They manifest themselves in the form of general weakness, headache, gastrointestinal upset, insomnia, increased pain, and skin rashes. By the end of treatment, these reactions completely disappear, however, the attending physician should be notified of their occurrence.

It is prohibited to take naphthalan baths if you have any disease in the acute stage. In addition, naphthalan baths are not recommended for the following diseases:

  • All sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Heart attack and pre-infarction condition.
  • Mental disorders, epilepsy.
  • All types of tuberculosis.
  • Hypertension at stage III.
  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • A tumor of benign or malignant form.

Also, children under 6 years of age, pregnant and lactating women should avoid naftalan baths.

Naftalan oil is a specific and biologically active product that has a unique healing effect on the entire human body. The natural substance can help in many ways - from treating skin rashes to restoring the musculoskeletal system. However, those who wish to receive healing should not forget about contraindications, the list of which is quite extensive. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and during the procedure, strictly follow all his instructions.

We live in a country incredibly rich in oil. It is not surprising that “black gold” has long been used in all areas of our lives. Including for the treatment of all kinds of ailments.
In places where oil comes to the surface of the earth, healing springs often appear. For local residents, the oil-smelling “resinous” water becomes an indispensable home medicine; it is used to treat sore throats and wounds, burns and fractures, and other diseases. Petroleum products such as paraffin, stearin, ozokerite, and kerosene are also used for treatment.

Naftalan - thick blood of the earth

Mountain oil, or the thick blood of the earth - this is what naftalan is called in the Caucasus. According to an ancient legend, many centuries ago a caravan of merchants passed by a place where there were many lakes with muddy water. People noticed that animals often enter this water and bathe in it. It turned out that under the turbidity of the water there was a black oily liquid. If you apply it to wounds on your arms and legs, they will heal quickly. Sore joints are healed, bones grow together, the skin is cleansed, and many other ailments go away. Over time, first wells appeared in the naftalan oil field, and then the city of Naftalan (on the territory of Azerbaijan).
At the end of the 19th century, official medicine began to use naphthalan for medicinal purposes for burns, acute and chronic eczema, psoriasis, wounds and sprains, and rheumatic pain. It accelerated the scarring process and had an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. At the same time, medicinal ointments and oils began to be made from naphthalan.

By the way, in the city of Naftalan there is still the only Museum of Crutches in the world. Here you can find hundreds of crutches of various designs and sizes. They were left and signed by those who, upon arrival at the resort, could not move without the help of crutches, but left “on their own two feet.”

Now naftalan treatment is used not only at this resort. Many sanatoriums in Russia, Ukraine and other European countries began to offer patients “oil” baths, applications, compresses for the treatment of polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, neuralgia and radiculitis, thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers, skin and gynecological diseases.
Some procedures can also be performed at home. For example, when treating dermatological diseases, it is recommended to apply naphthalan oil or ointment to the affected area. After a twenty-day course of treatment, the patients' condition improves significantly.

The healing warmth of paraffin

The main value of paraffin is its ability to provide long-lasting and uniform heat. For medicinal purposes, purified white paraffin is used, which has a melting point of 52–55°C. When applied to the skin, molten paraffin quickly hardens and forms a thin protective film that maintains the desired temperature for a long time.
Such paraffin heating has a resolving, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect and is very helpful in the treatment of arthritis and myositis, dislocations and sprains, radiculitis and neuralgia, chronic diseases of internal organs (gastritis, peptic ulcers, chronic cholecystitis) and skin.
The paraffin heating procedure lasts 30–60 minutes and is performed every day or every other day. A course of treatment of 12–20 procedures is carried out at home.
Doctors consider acute inflammatory processes, high temperature, high blood pressure, tendency to bleeding, malignant and benign neoplasms to be contraindications to paraffin therapy.
Paraffin can be used in different ways:
Paraffin applications. The paraffin is heated (in a water bath or in a metal bowl over low heat), then with a flat brush it is applied in layers to the sore spot, including adjacent healthy areas. The paraffin is layered until the layer thickness is 1–2 cm. After this, film or compress paper (slightly larger than the paraffin application) is placed on the paraffin and wrapped with a scarf or blanket.
Paraffin compress. Apply 1-2 layers of paraffin to the diseased area of ​​the body with a brush, and then apply a gauze cloth folded in 8-10 layers, previously moistened with molten paraffin. Cover everything on top with film or paper and wrap it well.
Paraffin bath. It is used if you need to warm up your hands or feet well. The hand or foot is coated with several layers of paraffin, then lowered into an oilcloth bag sewn in the form of a mitten or boot. The bag is tied and wrapped properly.
Paraffin heating pad. Sew a flat bag measuring 20x25 cm from oilcloth and fill it with paraffin. Before use, heat the heating pad in hot water, then wrap it in a towel, apply it to the sore spot and cover it with a handkerchief or scarf.

Stearic applications

Sciatica, rheumatism, lumbago, and joint pain have long been treated in folk medicine with the help of stearin applications. The stearin is melted, the sore spots are lubricated with cream or vegetable oil, then 40–50 layers of stearin are applied with a flat brush. There may be a slight burning sensation that you don’t need to pay attention to. The procedure time is 30–40 minutes; 2–3 such warm-ups are required for complete recovery. Although very often sciatica is cured after the first procedure.

Ozokerite – for deep heating

Ozokerite, or mountain wax, has long been used by people for diseases of the joints and spine, damage to the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the internal organs (chronic pneumonia, cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum), chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, diseases of peripheral vessels of the extremities (including chronic thrombophlebitis), skin and ear, nose and throat.
Ozokerite procedures cause anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, resolving and analgesic effects. Under the influence of hot ozokerite, the capillaries first narrow, then expand throughout the capillary network. In this way, deep tissue heating occurs, which allows you to heal almost any inflammation. During the procedure, body temperature increases by 2-3 degrees, profuse sweating occurs.
In medical practice, there are several main ways to use ozokerite:
Applications (or layering): ozokerite melted in a water bath or in an electric paraffin heater is applied to the skin, previously lubricated with cream or oil, with a flat brush. The temperature of the first layer is approximately 55°C, subsequent layers – 70–80°C. 3–4 layers of ozokerite are applied, the thickness of the application is 2 cm. The sore spot is covered with oilcloth, wrapped in a scarf, and the patient lies under a blanket for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 2-3 procedures every other day.
Especially useful for inflammation of peripheral nerves and joints of the legs and hands. ozokerite baths: the sore hand or foot is lubricated with cream or oil, then coated with ozokerite heated to a temperature of 45–55°C, after which it is immersed in a vessel with ozokerite heated to a temperature of 60–70°C. The limb is well wrapped. This procedure is best done at night.
They can be effective ozokerite compresses: gauze folded in 8–10 layers is immersed in ozokerite heated to a temperature of 50–55°C, wrung out and applied to the sore spot, covered with oilcloth or film, and then wrapped in a blanket or scarf. It is only important to correctly assess the temperature of the heated ozokerite in order to prevent skin burns.
Can be done compress and in another way: pour molten ozokerite into cuvettes in a layer 1.5–2 cm thick, when it hardens a little, remove it from the cuvette onto an oilcloth and apply it together to the diseased areas. The latter technique, by the way, is used most often at home.
For inflammation of the uterine appendages and infertility, use ozokerite-paraffin tampons: a mixture of 3 parts ozokerite and 1 part paraffin is heated in a water bath to 100°C, then cooled to 55–60°C. Soak a wide gauze bandage with the mixture, roll it into a tight tampon and insert it into the vagina for 40–60 minutes. After this, the tampon is carefully removed and you must rest for 2–3 hours. This procedure is carried out two days later on the third, the course of treatment is 12–15 sessions.
But such treatment is not recommended for all patients. Ozokerite cannot be treated with high fever, acute heart disease, emphysema, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, blood diseases, benign and malignant tumors, a tendency to bleeding, with suppurative processes in the pelvic organs, during pregnancy and acute forms of thrombophlebitis. Ozokerite is used with caution for stomach and duodenal ulcers, hypertension, severe liver diseases, thyrotoxicosis, and epilepsy.

Healing properties of kerosene

People have known about the healing properties of kerosene since it was invented. People used kerosene to treat many ailments. We will present some popular recipes, but we will immediately warn you: “We do not recommend taking kerosene internally!” Very often the body does not accept kerosene “treatment”, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and other troubles begin. There may be more serious consequences.
Angina can be treated with kerosene only at the very beginning of the disease. Filter kerosene through a thick layer of cotton wool, wrap another piece of cotton wool on a stick, dip it in purified kerosene and lubricate the tonsils every hour or two. A day later the sore throat goes away. But if pustules appear on the tonsils, this method will not help.
For the treatment of incipient colds stir a little honey into 0.5 cups of port, peel and crush the head of garlic. Prepare 40–50 ml of kerosene. Before going to bed, thoroughly rub your feet with garlic gruel, and your chest with kerosene, then put on woolen socks, warm underwear, drink a glass of hot port wine with honey - and go to bed.
For sore joints use a healing rub: fill a half-liter jar with purple or white lilac flowers, fill them with kerosene so much that it protrudes above the flowers by the thickness of a finger and leave for 2 weeks. Rub the mixture into sore areas 1-2 times in the morning and evening. After a hot bath, sore joints are also rubbed with a mixture of kerosene and radish juice.
There are many treatment options radiculitis using kerosene. Just use it with caution so as not to burn the skin.
200 g of salt are mixed with 100 g of dry mustard, kerosene is added until a creamy mass is obtained. At night, rub the mixture dry into painful areas.
Mix 120 ml of bee honey, the same amount of kerosene, 2 tablespoons each. spoons of baking soda and fine salt. Spread the mixture on gauze in a 4 cm layer, lubricate the lower back with sunflower oil and apply gauze to it. Keep the compress until it burns slightly (about half an hour), then remove the bandage, wipe your lower back again with sunflower (or any other vegetable) oil, wrap it in a woolen shawl or scarf and go to bed. After 2 days the procedure can be repeated.
Recipe suggested by the healer Gennady Malakhov: take one medium-sized beet, wash it thoroughly and grate it on a fine grater. The juice is squeezed out - it is not needed. The cake is mixed with one full tablespoon of kerosene and placed in a cotton cloth. Next, apply it as a compress to the sore spot overnight. Usually 1–5 procedures are enough for complete cure.
Mix 50 g of kerosene, a quarter glass of sunflower oil, a quarter piece of laundry soap, 1 teaspoon. spoon of soda. Leave the mixture for three days. Then rub yourself at night and wrap yourself in something warm.
For arthritis, myositis, gout and salt deposits There is such a recipe: take 50 ml of kerosene, 50 ml of any vegetable oil, 1/4 piece of simple laundry soap and one incomplete teaspoon of soda. All components are thoroughly mixed until an ointment is formed. The ointment is infused in a warm place for 3–5 days. Before going to bed, rub the ointment dry into the sore spot (one teaspoon is enough) and wrap it in a woolen scarf or scarf. In the morning, wash off the rubbed area with warm water without soap.

: naft - oil


The white variety of oil is known, and black oil is pure Babylonian and other bitumen.


Hot, dry to the fourth degree.


Oil is thin, especially white oil; it resolves, melts, opens blockages.

Tools with joints

Oil, especially white oil, helps with leg pain and joint pain.

Head organs

Blue oil is beneficial for cold ear pain.

Organs of the eye

The oil is useful for eyesores and barley water.

Respiratory system

The oil is useful for asthma and old coughs; It is drunk in small quantities with hot water.

Eruption organs

Oil calms pain in the intestines and winds, and if you make a wick with oil, it kills worms, especially black ones. All oil drives urine and menstruation and weakens the winds in the bladder and the coldness of the uterus.


The oil helps with bites.

About oil
Oil is derived from the Turkish-Persian word naft; in many languages ​​of the world, oil is denoted in the sense of mountain or rock oil. They knew about it 6000 years ago on the banks of the Euphrates.
In the Middle Ages, interest in oil was mainly based on its ability to burn. From the 7th century AD. Information has been preserved about “flammable water - thick”, brought from Ukhta to Moscow under Boris Godunov.
Until the beginning of the 18th century, oil was mainly used in its natural form, that is, not processed or refined. Much attention was paid to oil as a mineral only after the American chemist B. Silliman (1855) proved that kerosene could be isolated from it - a lighting oil similar to photogen, which was already being produced at that time from some types of stones. coals and shale and has become widespread. The predominant use of refined oil began only in the 2nd half of the 19th century, which was facilitated by the new method of oil production that arose at that time using boreholes instead of wells. The world's first oil production from a borehole took place in 1848 at the Bibi-Heybat field near Baku.

White oil
“WHITE OIL” flowing from the high mountain valleys of the Hindu Kush in thin streams, merging into a mighty stream at the foot of the Stone - from where it swings along the Pipe directly to the Light Worlds, where, again crushed and packaged, it is processed by the nostrils of immature Mahatmas into happiness without joy.
In the Neftegorsko-Khadyzhensko-Apsheronsky region of the foothills near Tuapse and Sochi, back in the 1980s, industrial reserves of high-quality oil were discovered, which require almost no refining, the so-called white oil, it was produced in the 1920-1960s and near Maikop.
Oil formation- a staged, long-term process of oil formation. Currently, there is no consensus in science about the origin of oil. Two concepts have become widespread: organic biogenic and inorganic abiogenic origin. The dominant world theory of the origin of oil is the biogenic theory, according to which oil was formed from the remains of ancient living organisms. An alternative to it is the theory of the abiogenic origin of oil at great depths under conditions of colossal pressures and high temperatures.
First oil refinery was built in Russia in 1745, during the reign of Elizaveta Petrovna, at the Ukhta oil field. In St. Petersburg and Moscow they used candles at that time, and in small towns they used splinters. But even then, unquenchable lamps burned in many churches. They were filled with mountain oil, which was nothing more than a mixture of refined petroleum and vegetable oil. The merchant Nabatov was the only supplier of refined oil for cathedrals and monasteries.
The doctrine of oil
D.I. Mendeleev was the first to draw attention to the fact that oil is the most important source of chemical raw materials, and not just fuel; He devoted a number of works to the origin and rational processing of oil. He made a famous statement about attempts to heat steam boilers with oil instead of coal.
Oil in medicine
But not only folk remedies made from petroleum products are popular among the people. Medicines made from petroleum components have also received well-deserved recognition from official medicine. The most famous medicine from oil is

The modern market offers many products for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. One of these is the natural product naftalan for joints and spine. Naftalan therapy is considered a pathogenetic method of treating many joint diseases, which can be used either independently or in combination with physiotherapy and medications.

Naftalan therapy: benefits and features of application

Beneficial features

Naftalan is a substance of black-brown color, high viscosity and characteristic odor, which is mined in Azerbaijan.

Naftalan oil does not burn, but has the following beneficial properties:

  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • eliminates pain and muscle spasms;
  • stimulates the wound healing process;
  • dilates blood vessels, improving blood circulation in the joints;
  • normalizes metabolism at the cellular level;
  • restores cartilage tissue, stimulating the production of chondroitin;
  • prevents inflammation from spreading to other organs;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • may accumulate and maintain the effect after cessation of therapy and when the disease returns.

Indications for treatment

Treatment of joints and extra-articular musculoskeletal soft tissues with naphthalan is indicated when:

  • rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and polyarthritis at the stage of minimal activity;
  • deformative and spondyloarthrosis;
  • intervertebral osteochondrosis;
  • gout and gouty polyarthritis;
  • vibration diseases;
  • specific arthritis and polyarthritis of infectious origin;
  • periarticular ailments (bursitis, tendovaginitis, myositis, myalgia);
  • Bekhterev's disease.

How to use Naftalan for joints

The use of the product in the form of baths requires compliance with strict rules.

Treatment with naphthalan is carried out in the form of baths (general, sitz, chamber) or lubrication (general, local). But when using a natural product, you need to take into account its toxicity. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply it to an area of ​​the epidermis exceeding 15-20% of the total human skin. The duration of the procedures lasts no more than 20 minutes. It is recommended to conduct from 10 to 15 sessions.

When taking a naphthalan bath, the temperature should be no more than 38 °C and last about 10 minutes. You need to immerse yourself gradually and not exceed the residence time, so as not to strain the cardiovascular system. After completing the procedure, you need to put on a robe and sit for 40 minutes. For baths, a natural product is used, and for lubrication, naphthalan without resins (purified) can be used. The product is applied to the sore spot and left for 20 minutes. for better absorption. Then the residues are removed with a dry cloth or washed off with water. The manipulations are repeated every other day. Treatment duration is 10-15 procedures.

After naftalan therapy, the body recovers for up to two months, and then returns to a stable state.

Toxicity and contraindications

In the presence of chronic joint pathologies, the drug is contraindicated.

Since the composition of the product includes toxic substances: resins, naphthenic acids and aromatic hydrocarbons, it must be taken into account that long-term treatment with naphthalan oil can cause negative reactions. Therefore, before use, you need to consult a doctor to determine the method of use, the number of procedures performed, and taking into account the patient’s contraindications. The use of naftalan is prohibited for the following diseases and conditions:

  • any disease in the acute stage, including articular;
  • individual intolerance;
  • tumors of benign and malignant nature;
  • tuberculosis of any kind;
  • blood diseases of various origins;
  • ailments of the central nervous system (organic type);
  • hypertension 3 degrees;
  • circulatory failure stages II, III;
  • heart pathologies;
  • mental illnesses and epilepsy;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • liver diseases of various etiologies;
  • venereal diseases.

Side effects

With prolonged use of naftalan, dryness of the epidermis, follicles, and increased sensitivity in the form of allergic reactions (itching, burning, rashes) may appear. If these manifestations are not clearly expressed, then the manipulations continue. In case of severe symptoms, therapeutic actions are stopped until the symptoms disappear. Then you can resume therapy, but under constant supervision.