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Eyelash extensions as an effective business. Secrets of a successful eyelash extension business

I visited Olga Khudenko's Resnica-school studio for eyelash extensions in the city of Vitebsk. I was surprised that this is not a beauty salon, but a nice, cozy studio that differs from the usual salon alternatives. There is an atmosphere of coziness and home comfort. In a calm and relaxed atmosphere, lovely girls and charming women feel calm and confident in the hands of an experienced eyelash extension specialist.

Over freshly brewed delicious coffee, Olga shared her bold and ambitious project.


  • Type of activity: Professional eyelash extension studio Vitebsk, Lamination of eyelashes and eyebrows BotoxLashes " Resnica-school"in Vitebsk.
  • Business location: Vitebsk
  • Start date of business activity: 2013.
  • Sources of investment: own funds
  • Life motto: You need to invest in your development, only then can you get a return.
  • Brief description: charming, sociable, purposeful.

Olga, tell us what prompted you to start the eyelash business, because as far as I know, you have a higher education that is not at all related to the beauty industry.

- Yes, indeed, my education does not correspond to a female profession. “Desire” pushed me to change my field of activity. I didn’t want to depend on the everyday schedule: home, work. I wanted to manage my time, build my day the way I wanted it. My desire overcame my mind, and I began to look for myself!

The first thing I did was decide what my soul was in, and that was the beauty industry. I wanted to create not only a beautiful image, but also to give joy and confidence to my clients. Back then, back in 2010, eyelash extensions in Vitebsk were rare. Having tried this procedure on myself, I realized that this is the direction in which I want to develop. Later, I noticed that this niche was practically unoccupied. I made a bet specifically on the topic of eyelash extensions in Vitebsk, and I think that I was right.

But without experience and knowledge nothing will work out. I signed up for a course in classic eyelash extensions. I did eyelash extensions for friends and acquaintances, and word of mouth worked and the client base quickly expanded.

Share with my readers how you switched from government. work and opened your own business!?

— At the first stage, there seems to be nothing complicated. But! It was difficult to combine with my main job. The time has come to make a choice. Since childhood, our parents taught us that we need to get an education and get a government job. work, work well to secure a pension, etc..

I didn’t want to leave the warm place. Vacation once a year... Paid maternity leave... A stable salary, albeit small, but enough to pay for bread and utilities.

“What about new boots?” I thought. “It’s okay, I’ll wear the same ones for another year, I’ll save up for new ones over the summer.” “Where am I going to go? Where do I start? What if it doesn’t work out?”

Everything is stable and monotonous! The desire and dreams of taking a vacation more than once a year have been overcome. And I first started my eyelash business.

Tell us how you became a professional in eyelash extensions?

— To become successful, you need to learn from successful people. I invested money and time in myself and my development.

I became the winner of Russian and international eyelash extension competitions. Current judge of the Annual Open Championship for eyelash extensions and eyebrow restoration LASHinSTYLE 2016 Moscow. She was a participant in the world's first international conferences and advanced training courses in the LASH&BROW industry. She repeatedly became a participant in many rallies. My detailed photo report

Many girls dream of having their own beauty salon, because this has only advantages - full access to services, and even a constant income. But is everything really so simple and rosy?! The owner of a small beauty studio shared her experience with our readers - she told how difficult a woman’s path in business can be, especially when starting from scratch.

Word, as always, to the author

My name is Ekaterina. Now I'm 33 years old. Received a legal education. She completed an internship at one of the leading companies in the city in automated accounting of “salaries and personnel”. Currently I am studying in my final year of study in the specialty “Financial Management of an Organization” at the Faculty of Finance and Economics. I worked in a bank for about a year, however, due to my character and unwillingness to obey, I quit.

I spent most of my working life working development of own business projects in areas such as retail sales of groceries and alcoholic beverages, freight transportation, and beauty.

The real story of my business - “Beauty Studios”

The idea to start providing beauty services arose completely spontaneously, since I did not have any skills or ability to provide these services. I am one of those women who love visiting beauty salons. The cost of services for procedures is not cheap. And, probably, every woman would like to have her own salon, which she can visit at any time and get any desired service, for example, a manicure, pedicure, hairstyle, and so on.

I started draw up a business project. To do this, I needed to answer the following questions:

  • What premises will my business be located in? Does the premises have a large area, including several offices, or a small area with a single office (studios)?
  • How much money do I need to start and how much am I willing to invest?
  • Where and how to look for clients?
  • Where to look for masters?
  • What kind of income do I want and can make from this business?

Analyzing the profitability of beauty salons owned by my friends and the profitability of private offices providing one service, I came to the following conclusions. Beauty salons provide several rooms and provide several services.

Rent for a beauty studio

However, renting 100 square meters in a room equipped for a beauty salon costs 100,000 rubles per month. Payment for utilities is about 10,000 rubles per month.

In addition, premises already equipped to accommodate a Beauty Salon are not rented out, but are sold as a ready-made business, even if their profit is 0, or they are operating at a minus.

The right to lease such premises is sold for quite large sums. The selling price of the leasehold right varies in my city from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles, depending on the territorial location. In this case, the costs required to start a business are too high. It must be remembered that for several months, and maybe always, the salon will work at 0 or minus. Renting such premises and renting out offices is not profitable. An office more expensive than 10,000 per month cannot be rented out.

All my friends who were involved in this business, renting large areas, failed. Some gave up earlier, some later. Some people managed to work at least at 0. For others, at minus.

They siphoned money from another business or, using credit funds, paid for the rent of the salon until they realized that nothing would change further or until sources of financing ran out. You can easily check this information by going to ad sites. If such a business were profitable, there would not be such a massive offer for sale and rental. And, if you call and ask a question why you are selling, the answers will be from the series, I want to invest in another business, I urgently need money for an operation, etc. They will assure you that the income here will be huge, at the meeting they will even provide a notebook for registering visitors, perhaps fictitious. Yes, there are salons that really bring good profits, mainly those who opened them back in the 90s.

My investments

Naturally, potential clients believe that if a salon has been around for a long time, then everything is in order there, and there is no need to fear disappointment in the service provided. And so, I answered my first question. I don’t want to get involved in a dubious adventure, to invest huge amounts of money on my whim. Since a beauty salon is not the goal of my whole life. I just wanted it, that's all...

I decided that I was ready to invest no more than 20,000 rubles in my new hobby. I would be ready to lose this amount without regret in case of failure in this project.

I decided to rent a room of about 20 square meters with a rent of no more than 10,000 per month. Where this premises will be located and how I will look for clients, I combined it into one question. Due to the lack of a client base, it is more advisable to rent premises where there is good foot traffic.

I started looking for advertisements with offers to rent small spaces. The most luxurious option turned out to be an advertisement for renting an office in an existing hairdressing salon for only 5 thousand rubles per month. I knew very well this hairdressing salon, which had existed since my childhood, located in a very public place. The flow of clients there was such that 3 specialists did not have time to serve clients, creating a queue. In order to get to the hairdresser, it was necessary to pass by my office, which I called “Beauty Studio XXX”. I rented this premises.

I bought almost new furniture on ad sites, spending 7 thousand rubles on it. And so the office was ready for work. And so, I spent 12,000 rubles on rent and furniture. There were 8,000 rubles left in reserve.

I ordered a huge advertising poster for my studio. I spent 7,000 rubles on its development, printing and installation on the wall of the building in which the hairdressing salon and my studio were located. I hung a mini poster on the door of my studio that cost 200 rubles.

Both posters contained information about the services provided, namely:

  • Manicure
  • Pedicure
  • Eyelash extensions
  • Nail extensions
  • Nail coating with gel polish
  • Wedding and evening hairstyles
  • Makeup

Thus, I kept within the amount that I planned to spend on the start.

Searching for employees for the studio

The next task was to find craftsmen. I posted an advertisement offering to work in my studio on a flexible schedule. There were a lot of calls. I spent about 3 days selecting suitable employees. For each service there were 5 masters who were ready to come to the studio and provide services by agreement.

Why 5? Because at least 1 master had to be free at the time the client needed. All these people worked either in other salons or in their own offices and needed additional income.

Therefore, I was calm that we would be able to provide services at the time desired by the client. My task was to attract clients and plan office opening hours. We agreed with the craftsmen to work 50/50. I had to provide the place of work and the client, and they would work on their own material. We set the prices as average for the city.

There was one last question left. How much profit did I want to make? In order for this business to be financially interesting to me, I had to earn at least 50 thousand rubles.

The first working day has begun

There was a stream of people going to the hairdresser. The door to my studio was open and people couldn't help but look inside. There was a manicure table, a couch for eyelash extensions, a mirror and a chair for hairstyles. And now the first potential client crossed the threshold of my studio. She was interested in manicure. I performed the functions of an administrator. She clarified when it would be convenient for her, what type of manicure she would like. She also asked questions regarding the duration of the procedure, the experience of the master, etc. Since I myself was a frequent visitor to salons and offices providing similar services, I easily answered all her questions. The client named the time that suited her to receive the service. We agreed on a price and she left. I immediately called the manicurist. She must be at her main job at the designated time. I called another master. The time was right for her, and we agreed on her visit to the studio. And so the first service was provided, the money was received and divided. The client left satisfied. The studio began to work on this principle.

Still have questions?

Perhaps the reader has a question. How to be sure that the master will do his job efficiently. I could be wrong, but I think that from one 15-minute conversation it will be clear what this master is like and what he can do. Not a single one of them let me down, and there was not a single dissatisfied client. First of all, I analyzed the professionalism of the master. The second requirement was a neat appearance. Third, the master had to be easy to communicate with.

On average, I earned 500 rubles from each service. The average monthly salary was 60,000 rubles. Of this, I paid 5,000 rubles for renting the studio.

This went on for about 3 years, until the long-awaited pregnancy has arrived. I sold the furniture overnight and terminated the lease. The business was successful and reasonable in terms of investment. There weren't huge profits, but there weren't huge business risks either. The amount earned monthly was very significant for my city.

In this article I do not give any advice, since there cannot be a single identical city, its economic conditions, fashion, nor can there be identical entrepreneurs. The purpose of this article is only to narrate my own experience. Perhaps he can be useful in at least some way.


In this material:

Eyelash extensions as a business have become very popular, since many women use this service, and, accordingly, you can make a good profit. At all times, representatives of the fair sex spent a huge amount of money on being and remaining beautiful. Eyelash extensions can be performed both at home and in a beauty salon, but it is home service that allows you to relax and enjoy the work of the master in a pleasant atmosphere.

As for the beauty agent himself, if he performs the procedure independently and without intermediaries, he will not have to give a certain percentage to the employer.

Gaining building skills

In order for a business like eyelash extensions to bring benefits and benefits, you need not only to invest in it, but also to approach training competently. First, you need to pay attention to your skills, or to be more precise, you should contact a special center that provides courses that issue a state certificate.

It is important to remember that beauty connoisseurs will never turn to someone who cannot confirm their professionalism, and therefore it is worth taking care of this in advance.

One course will not be enough, as you need to regularly improve your knowledge. Continuous training and professional development will benefit both the master and his clients. There is no limit to perfection, and therefore you should never think that knowledge and abilities are already enough. There can always be someone who is more perfect.

New technologies are constantly being released, extension methods, materials and much more are appearing, with which the master should always be familiar. To gain additional skills, you can watch master classes, visit clubs, and simply exchange data with similar specialists. It would be a good idea to register on a thematic forum where you can ask questions and, accordingly, receive not only answers, but also advice. By improving, you can achieve extraordinary heights in business.

Purchasing materials for business

Naturally, for such a delicate matter as eyelash extensions, you need to purchase only high-quality devices and materials, because a business can collapse like a house of cards due to negligence and savings. At the moment, you can find entire sets of tools on sale, but they are also sold individually. Do not forget about consumables, namely:

  • napkins;
  • cotton buds;
  • extension tape;
  • cilia;
  • face puff.

The best choice would be to buy a set, since it has everything you need to work at the highest level. It is worth noting that the initial investment will be quite large and can reach 20,000 rubles, but if you prepare correctly, the funds will soon return and will pay off more than once. A successful business is built on a strong foundation, and this is always worth remembering.

Advertising and necessary documents

In order to promote your services, first of all you need to take care of advertising, since no one will be able to come to the master if nothing is known about him. The better, brighter and more voluminous the advertising, the faster the flow of customers will begin to sign up for the queue. The very first and easiest way is to create a group or page on a social network. In subsequent places are:

  • placing advertisements in newspapers;
  • posting information about yourself on a website on the Internet;
  • supplying information to television;
  • placement of banners and posters around the city.

Flyers, business cards, brochures and even packages can all attract attention.

If the business develops not at home, but in a special cosmetology salon, then great attention will be required in preparing the premises, documentation and, of course, obtaining permission. To open a mini-beauty salon, there are certain SES and fire safety requirements. Such services check the premises for suitability for the location of a medical office, albeit of a cosmetological nature, and may completely prohibit the opening if it does not comply with the standards. As a rule, authorities check the premises for a beauty salon for compliance with the following standards:

  • sanitation;
  • absence of insects and rodents;
  • presence of fire alarm;
  • presence of an emergency exit;
  • a sufficient number of square meters;
  • The cosmetologist has a certificate confirming his qualifications and allowing him to carry out activities.

If you want to open your own cosmetology office, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur and submit documents to the tax office, otherwise you may face big troubles and a considerable fine.

Calculation of profit from eyelash extensions

Every successful businessman can confirm that at one time he had to spend a lot. Naturally, an individual master will initially need to invest in his own training, and then in renting premises, registering an individual entrepreneur and purchasing equipment and materials. As for the funds spent, they depend directly on the entrepreneur, but it is impossible to save, otherwise the shaky foundation may fail at one time or another.

Calculating business income begins from the moment when all costs have been paid off. Do not forget that expenses will be required every month, namely for materials and gasoline (when the technician visits your home). As for prices, you cannot immediately inflate prices, since people know that the master is a beginner, and they will be very biased.

With a properly structured business, a competent and individual approach to clients, as well as collecting a large client base, you can earn up to 30,000 rubles per month, and possibly more.

Order a business plan

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Looking at small business trends, many people are wondering how they can make money doing nail extensions. It’s worth noting right away that despite the fact that this niche has become popular over the last three years, the competition is very high. This is due to the fact that anyone can learn this profession and then work for themselves. It's no secret that a master working from home can easily earn more than 30,000 rubles a month. But even with such competition, you can always enter the market by offering better services and excellent service.

Nail extensions as a business is a rather interesting niche; first of all, it is work for yourself, and secondly, at home. Mostly women are involved in this activity, but there are also men. Below, we will look at variations of how and where services can be provided.

Where you can work:

  • Houses;
  • rental of premises;
  • hourly rental of a workplace in a beauty salon;
  • island in a shopping center.

How else can you earn money:

  • gel nail polish;
  • manicure;
  • eyelash extensions;
  • hair extension.

Don't forget, this is a business where you need to be open to communication with the person. The more you communicate during the work, the more confident you will be that the client will become a permanent one.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

To launch such a project, you will need to purchase the necessary supplies, adapt the workplace and run advertising. Check if you can provide a quality service. If you do not have enough qualifications, it is better to take special courses. They often last no more than a month.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

As in every case with a small home business, in this niche there is a choice whether to obtain individual entrepreneur status or not. We recommend providing services officially, as clients pay attention to this. After all, the official work of a certified master is more trustworthy. Below, we have provided a list of documents. It is relevant if you rent premises and plan to provide a wide range of services.

List of required documents:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • certificate of qualification;
  • certificate from the SES;
  • permission from the fire department.

Stage 2 - search for premises

Premises do not play a big role in this business. You can provide services both at home and in the salon, or go to the client.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of necessary equipment

Take care of your clients' comfort by making the procedure more relaxing. For example, you can have a conversation or play music for a comfortable environment. Remember that if you are building a house, then the apartment should look accordingly. As with most small businesses, your main expense will be rent.

Necessary equipment:

  • primer (from 400 rubles);
  • tips (from 100 rubles);
  • forms (from 400 rubles);
  • gel and acrylic systems (from 200 rubles);
  • manicure set (from 1,500 rubles);
  • consumables (from 1,000 rubles).

Stage 4 - selection of employees

From the beginning, if you do not work yourself, you will need one specialist in this field. It will be a plus if the master can perform other types of services, for example, gel polish or eyelash extensions. Please note that a certificate of completion of courses is desirable. But if you don’t have one, you can always ask for a portfolio of previous work.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Often, word of mouth will work for you, but you can also use additional sales channels. You can attract new customers through social networks, distributing leaflets and posting advertisements.

Financial plan

After calculating all the expenses, you can understand that the niche is one of the most inexpensive to enter. Actually, this is the main factor of high competition.

  • employees (35,000 rubles);
  • rent of premises (70,000 rubles);
  • necessary tools (3,600 rubles).

Total: 108,600 rubles.

Possible risks

If you receive clients at home, then there are no risks. If you rent premises, business profitability is important to you. Also, don’t forget about customer reviews, they are very important.

Services that help maintain or create beauty have always been in demand, especially by the fair half of humanity. You need to take care of your nails no less carefully than you take care of your facial skin or hair.

Agree, people pay attention to their hands almost everywhere - in a store, in an office, among friends, and even more so with girlfriends. It’s good if nature rewarded you with beautiful and strong nails. But even then, they require care to keep them looking neat and attractive.

To do this, at a minimum, you need to do manicures and pedicures regularly. For those who have been deprived by nature, there is such a service as artificial nail extensions.


The idea for nail extensions or providing manicure and pedicure services is always relevant, despite high competition. But before providing such services, it is necessary to undergo special training. It is enough to sign up for appropriate courses or order CDs with educational materials via the Internet. The basic course includes only nail extensions. You will have to learn additionally how to perform design and painting.

Definition of market segment

As mentioned above, the nail business is highly competitive. Therefore, only the master who knows his craft perfectly and uses good, high-quality materials in his work will be successful. Today, gel nail extensions are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that in this case it is necessary to use a liquid for polymerization. This substance is quite toxic and requires an exhaust hood in the room where acrylic nails are being extended.

Typically, this type of service is resorted to for several reasons. This includes a lack of time for care, ugly natural shapes, and great design opportunities. The clients of the salons, as a rule, are girls over the age of 17 years. The upper limit of the age category is difficult to determine. Mostly students, office employees and salespeople turn to the masters. But ordinary housewives don’t stop by too often. To begin with, it is better to offer your services to friends and acquaintances. If everything is done efficiently, advertising is guaranteed.

Necessary materials

Before starting your own business, you need to create a business plan. The nail business requires this just like any other. For training and provision of nail extension services, the following amount will be required (calculations are based on prices of TM Sharlin (Russia), taking into account the need for consumables for work for a month):

  1. Gel brushes No. 4, 6 – 1200 rub.
  2. Brushes for painting (set of 12 pcs.) – 400 rub.
  3. Sculpting brushes (set of 5 pcs.) – 600 rub.
  4. Transparent gel, 15 ml – 900 rub.
  5. White gel, 15 ml – 850 rub.
  6. Pink camouflage gel, 15 ml – 900 rub.
  7. Finishing gel, 15 ml – 750 rub.
  8. Degreaser, 10 ml – 250 rub.
  9. Disinfectant, 250 ml – 200 rub.
  10. Pusher, 1 pc. – 300 rub.
  11. Files, 3 pcs. –90 rub.
  12. Buff, 2 pcs. – 60 rub.
  13. Cuticle oil, 5 ml – 100 rub.
  14. Edge line remover, 10 ml – 300 rub.
  15. Primer, 10 ml – 420 rub.
  16. Tips (set of 500 pcs.) – 500 rub.
  17. Molds, 500 pcs. – 600 rub.
  18. Tip cutter – 120 rub.
  19. Milling cutter with attachments – 6,000 rubles.
  20. Brush cleaner, 50 ml – 400 rub.
  21. Nail polishes, 10 pcs. – 400 rub.
  22. Ultraviolet lamp – 1400 rub.
  23. Nail polish remover, 500 ml – 400 rub.
  24. Sticky layer remover, 250 ml – 600 rub.
  25. Napkins – 20 rub.
  26. Cotton pads – 100 rub.
  27. Gel or acrylic paints – 1000 rubles.
  28. Glue for nails and tips – 110 rub.
  29. Elbow pad - 200 rub.
  30. Gel remover, 250 ml – 600 rub.

The total cost of materials will be 19,370 rubles.

Service costs

In order to determine the pricing policy, you need to find out the cost of gel nail extensions. This is quite easy to do, since the approximate consumption of materials and the service life of accessories such as brushes, nail files, etc. are known. So:

1) modeling gel (900 + 900 + 850): 3 = 884: 5 = 177 rubles;

2) finishing gel 750: 10 = 75 rubles;

3) forms 600: 500 * 10 = 12 rubles;

4) brushes 600: 5 = 120 rubles;

5) nail polish = 5 rubles;

6) additional expenses (cotton pads, cleaning brushes, electricity, auxiliary fluids, etc.) = 100 rubles.

We find that the cost of providing artificial nail modeling services is 480 rubles.

Determining prices for extensions

After determining the cost, do not forget to include the relevant information in the business plan. Nail extensions are quite a profitable business. There are many who want to give their hands a well-groomed look. Transparent gel extensions and French manicures are in particular demand.

The second option, which uses camouflage and white gel, is more labor-intensive. But in terms of material consumption, these types of extensions are practically the same; the difference lies only in the complexity of the work performed and the time required. Please note: the minimum profitability must be at least 25%, otherwise there is no point in starting a business. In addition, the business idea for gel nail extensions can be implemented in two ways.

The first is the opening of a salon. But this will require additional costs for office rent and employee salaries. Let's focus for now on this option, like a nail extension business at home - this is more acceptable and practical for a novice master.

So, let's get back to the cost of services. In addition to the cost of purchasing materials, the price is also affected by the number of residents of the locality and the prices of competitors. On average we have the following result:

1. Transparent gel extensions - 480 * 1.25 = 600 rubles.

2. French extensions - 600 * 1.5 = 900 rubles.

3. Correction with transparent gel - 400 rubles.

4. French correction - 600 rubles.

These are the minimum prices for a novice master who conducts appointments at home.

Prices for nail design are somewhat different, but they also depend on the materials used and the complexity of the work. The average price for nail painting is 120 rubles, and for artistic sculpting - 300 rubles.