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Is it necessary to remove discharge from a newborn girl? Hygiene of a newborn girl. Note to parents. Various discharges from the genital tract in newborn girls and young women. Should we sound the alarm?

When a child is just born, parents undoubtedly pay him a huge amount of attention. This especially applies to the mother, because she must not only quickly establish breastfeeding, but also spend as much time as possible with her baby.

At the same time, do not forget about the child’s hygiene. The list of these procedures should include daily air baths and examination of the child’s genitals, inguinal folds, and so on. Of course, you shouldn’t worry too much if you notice something wrong, because what is unacceptable for older children is normal for newborns. It is also worth noting that if you notice vaginal discharge in a girl, then there is no need to worry, because doctors call this a sexual crisis.

Sexual crisis in a newborn baby

A sexual crisis is nothing more than cleansing the body and adapting to new living conditions. Throughout pregnancy, the child received sex hormones from the mother. When he was born, the supply of these hormones stopped very abruptly. Therefore, during the first weeks of life, the girl’s body will be cleansed of excess estrogen. As a rule, a hormonal crisis lasts no more than two weeks, but there are still exceptions when it can last up to 8 weeks of a child’s life.

An interesting fact is that a sexual crisis can occur in both girls and boys. In some cases it does not appear at all. Of course, the signs of a crisis can be very different, but in most cases there is swelling of the mammary glands and even the release of fluid, which may resemble colostrum. Remember that under no circumstances should you squeeze out this liquid!

Other signs of a sexual crisis include a rash, swelling; in boys, swelling of the genital organs, and in girls, vaginal discharge, which can have a different color and consistency.

Different discharge in newborn girls

The discharge of a newborn girl can be very different: light, transparent, white, yellow or bloody. And of course, no one will be surprised if you start to worry when you notice similar discharge in your child. You may have a variety of assumptions about why this happens. It seems that the discharge was caused by an infection, the child is still very small. And everything is in order with daily hygiene. Then where did they come from?

But this was how nature intended it to be and this is how estrogens can leave the body of a newborn baby. If we talk about normal discharge in a newborn girl, then it can be of any color and shade. The discharge will be present for several days. If they do not cause any discomfort in the child, then of course you should not interfere with the natural process.

This discharge disappears on its own without any outside intervention. Even if there is blood in the discharge, it should not cause you any concern if it does not go on for more than two days. In this case, it is enough to imagine that your child’s mucous membrane, epithelium of the uterus, cervix and vagina in this case resembles the condition that may occur before menstruation. And since this is a completely normal and quite common occurrence, there is therefore nothing to be afraid of.

But if you are too concerned about the child’s condition, you have any suspicions, or the discharge is far from normal, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, do not delay the visit if the discharge does not stop after 2-3 days after its occurrence.

Any discharge in newborn girls quite often causes a lot of concern among mothers. As a rule, they are not a pathology and occur as a result of hormonal imbalance. But it should be taken into account that the child cannot complain, so parents need to carefully monitor his condition.

Types of discharge

In newborn girls, vaginal discharge is normal in most cases and does not pose any danger or harm to health. They can have different viscosity, color and composition. The following types are distinguished:

  1. Bloody issues. They are observed mainly on days 3–7 after birth and are a consequence of a sexual or hormonal crisis. This is explained by the fact that before giving birth, a woman experiences an increase in the level of female sex hormones (prostaglandin and estrogen), which subsequently enter the fetus’s body. At this stage, the reproductive system of the mother and baby reacts equally to the surge in hormones, so the latter also experiences growth of the mucous membrane of the uterine walls (endometrium). After the child is born, there is a sharp decrease in the amount of estrogen due to the loss of communication with the mother’s body (the child’s ovaries are not yet able to produce it). This leads to the rejection of the upper layer of the endometrium, and, consequently, the appearance of liquid blood spots. During this period, no treatment is required and it is enough to carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs to prevent infection. The bleeding stops after a few days.
  2. White discharge. Accumulate between the labia minora and labia majora. They are also formed as a result of a sexual crisis and are produced by the walls of the vagina in response to the action of the hormones prolactin and progesterone. In this case, you should not make excessive efforts to remove the secretory fluid, since there is a high risk of injury to the mucous membrane or infection. It is enough to regularly wash the child with warm boiled water.
  3. Yellow discharge. Observed in newborns (regardless of gender) in the first days of life after birth. In medicine, this phenomenon is called uric acid infarction, and does not pose any danger to the child’s health. They are formed due to the content of urate salt in the urine. In rare cases, the secretory fluid turns a bright orange color and goes away on its own after breastfeeding begins.

It should be remembered that regardless of whether a newborn girl has discharge or not, careful hygiene of the genitals is necessary. It is recommended to wash the child after each diaper change (you can use boiled water or a weak chamomile decoction).

How to deal with discharge

If discharge is detected in a newborn girl, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • carefully observe the rules of sexual hygiene;
  • do not use when regularly washing the grass (this leads to dry skin and mucous membranes of the child);
  • follow the correct washing technique - first of all, the genitals are washed, and then the anus;
  • regularly spread the labia (this will avoid their fusion);
  • allow the skin and genitals to breathe more often, freeing them from diapers;
  • do not remove white plaque between the labia.
  • use only boiled water for washing (in the absence of allergic reactions, a weak chamomile decoction can be used).

When should you see a doctor?

You should immediately contact a pediatric gynecologist if the discharge in girls does not stop for a long time (the sexual crisis can last no more than 6 - 8 weeks). The following symptoms may also be a reason to consult a doctor:

  • pain and cutting at the time of urination (the child may writhe, arch, scream or cry);
  • change in the color of a newborn’s urine (darkening or containing droplets of blood);
  • inflammatory processes in the child’s genital organs;
  • purulent odor or greenish tint of secretory fluid;
  • suspicions of violations of the anatomical structure of the genital organs;
  • the appearance of discharge in a girl aged more than two months;
  • mucous discharge has become profuse;
  • prolonged continuation of vaginal discharge (more than three days).

Only a doctor can select the necessary medications and prescribe competent therapy, since an individual approach is required, taking into account the child’s age and his general condition. It is imperative to identify the causative agent of vulvovaginitis and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.

In the first days after birth, newborn girls may experience various vaginal discharges. Don't worry if you notice white or bloody discharge from the genitals of your newborn baby girl. Many mothers believe that a newborn girl should not have any discharge from the genitals. Hygiene for newborn girls should be sufficient, but not excessive.

Discharge in a tiny girl is one of the phenomena that mothers usually do not know how to properly assess. But they are always there, and in the first days a so-called sexual crisis occurs, and they can even become bloody, which is often frightening. In little girls, blood spots from the vagina are not profuse, last 2-3 days and completely stop.

Discharge in newborn girls

White accumulations may appear in the folds of the labia almost up to 3-4 weeks of life. Usually, whitish mucous accumulations in little girls stop on their own by the end of the first month and the genital slit clears. This is the so-called hormonal or sexual crisis. It may also occur in boys in the same manifestations. For new parents, hygiene of the child’s genital organs often becomes a certain difficulty when caring for a baby.

Thrush in newborns

They occur in both girls (the labia minora are fused) and boys (the foreskin and glans penis are fused). This can lead to difficulty urinating and infection. In girls, the occurrence of synechiae is associated with low levels of estrogens (female sex hormones), as well as with the presence of inflammation of the vulva. This sexual crisis is a normal phenomenon in girls in the first month of life, the cause of which is the mother’s hormones entering the child’s body through milk.

White discharge between the labia majora and minora in a girl: what to do?

If a girl worries or cries before she is about to pee, this is most often due to inflammation in the urethra or the canal itself. If you notice that your daughter’s labia are “glued together”, consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications - an infection can easily develop in the accumulating secretions.

In case of incomplete fusion, if it does not interfere with urination, topical medications will be offered, which parents can use to treat the girl at home on their own. Prevention of synechiae and the inflammation that precedes it involves regular examination of the girl’s genitals, maintaining hygiene and monitoring food allergens. Girls, good day everyone!! The discharge may be in the form of a sticky secretion, similar to the vaginal discharge of pregnant women.

Mothers of daughters need to be especially careful, because due to the specific structure of the genital organs, they can easily become infected. A girl's intimate hygiene is carried out only by using baby soap. It is used only in cases of severe contamination.

When washing, you should not use washcloths, as this can injure the delicate skin of the genitals. However, there is no need to worry too much if we are talking about an infant in the first weeks of life. Discharge from the genital organs of a child at this age is caused by a sexual crisis. Normally, they can be white, yellowish, transparent and even bloody, similar to menstrual fluid.

Girls should be washed very carefully; the labia should be parted only for a significant reason, while acting very delicately. This is a secretion secreted by the glands of the labia. It is necessary to protect the genital tract of newborn girls from various types of infections; it should not be cleaned out. Time passes - the girl grows. A girl’s hygiene at 3 years old can be carried out under the supervision of her mother, but on her own, if from the age of 2 the baby was explained how to wash herself properly.

How to properly care for a girl's external genitalia

At this time, a creamy (beige) or light gray coating is noticeable on the labia of the newborn. This is smegma, vernix, and its presence is completely normal. This experience in caring for a newborn baby will be useful to you both during his infancy and in early childhood.

And the pediatrician from the district clinic looked at my daughter in the 3rd week and said that at least a couple of times a week you need to treat the lip and sponges with oil, such as Johnson... 1 time, after that the whitish layer of “plaque” became smaller, but curds appeared in the folds of the lip yellowish grains?

An infant cannot complain about anything; he can only respond to any discomfort by crying, which means you must be very attentive to any symptoms and changes in his condition. If you are expecting a girl, her reproductive system is already able to respond to the mother’s hormonal levels with appropriate changes.

There is no need to do anything about this other than normal care - this is the norm. The origin of these accumulations is the same as that of bloody ones. Their source is the vaginal walls, and they appear in response to stimulation by progesterone and prolactin, which come from the mother with milk.

Condition of the girl's genitals after birth

Another interesting phenomenon of the neonatal period of life is the uric acid crisis. At the same time, you may find yellow spots in the diaper, sometimes so bright that you can even call them orange. This happens regardless of the sex of the child in the first days after birth. These are just salts in the urine; they also do not require treatment and go away on their own.

Free delivery by courier in Moscow and St. Petersburg on the day of order. Sending orders to other regions by Russian Post and various transport companies. Let's try to figure out what this process does, how to properly wrap a baby in a diaper, and in general, whether it's worth doing. However, the granite of the science of child hygiene becomes pliable after mastering the theory and several practical sessions.

What's next? – After washing, you need to cover the child with a towel and carefully blot the moisture in the perineum. To do this, you need to rub a small amount of the product on the skin of the elbow and observe the reaction. The labia come into contact, and as the mucous membrane heals, conditions are created for their fusion. In boys (if there is no inflammation), it is recommended to separate synechiae after 5 years and later, since there is a possibility of their “self-destruction.”

However, at the time when they appeared, it should be remembered that she needs special intimate hygiene for a newborn girl. A newborn girl should have her own soap and towel. The intimate hygiene of a 2-year-old girl should be based on the same principles and rules as the hygiene of a newborn baby. No matter how it is! - the parents of a newborn girl can safely say when they struggle with a full diaper for the first time.

New parents are often faced with unexpected processes occurring with their newborn. Often starting to panic for no reason or, conversely, not paying due attention to certain changes.

We will talk about discharge in babies, specifically:

  1. Vaginal discharge in a newborn baby;
  2. Discharge from the eyes of a newborn.

Daily hygienic care for an infant is mandatory; in addition to standard morning procedures, it is necessary to examine the inguinal and intergluteal folds and genitals every time. If something causes concern, you should not immediately panic and diagnose it yourself, much less begin treating it with folk remedies.

Vaginal discharge in a breastfeeding girl

Many conditions that are considered abnormal for children emerging from infancy are considered absolutely normal for newborns. This “normal” condition includes vaginal discharge in a newborn girl. Experts call this phenomenon in a baby a sexual or hormonal crisis. This crisis is considered a natural process of adaptation of an infant girl’s body to a new environment, and it is also a kind of cleansing process.

Cause of vaginal discharge in infants

During pregnancy, the woman “gave” female sex hormones to the unborn child, and a few days or even weeks after birth, when these hormones are not supplied, the girl’s body naturally cleanses itself of excess estrogens. Usually the culmination of the process occurs on the seventh day of an infant’s life and can last about two weeks, but it happens that it begins on the third day, when the mother and child are in the maternity hospital, in this case the pediatrician will explain everything to the new parent and the reasons for panic will not be. The maximum period for a sexual or hormonal crisis is considered to be eight weeks from the birth of the child. It is worth noting that a sexual or hormonal crisis is rare, but also occurs in boys, but at the same time it may not manifest itself in either girls or boys. For each specific baby, the crisis proceeds differently.

Symptoms of hormonal crisis in infants

If a sexual or hormonal crisis occurs, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Engorgement and swelling of the mammary glands and discharge similar to colostrum; in no case should you squeeze or massage the nipples of an infant;
  2. Rarely, acne occurs in both boys and girls;
  3. Boys may have swelling or swelling of the genitals;
  4. Vaginal discharge in girls varies in color and consistency;

A baby girl's discharge can be light, yellowish, white, gray-white, transparent, or bloody. During a sexual or hormonal crisis, the daily hygiene of an infant should be more careful and careful and, naturally, more often than usual. It must be remembered that girls are washed only from front to back; during discharge, the pediatrician may recommend washing the baby with a chamomile solution, but ordinary boiled water in this case is a normal option, since this is not a disease, but a natural temporary process.

Caring for a baby during discharge

You should be as careful as possible and under no circumstances try to remove the white plaque that has accumulated between the labia, since the mucous membrane of an infant is highly vulnerable to infections. It is useful to arrange frequent air baths, holding the baby less in a diaper or diaper, especially during discharge. Everything described above is considered normal and natural processes for newly born children; if discharge from the genital organs is observed in girls after the first two weeks of life, it should be urgently shown to a pediatrician or pediatric gynecologist to diagnose and exclude serious problems in the future.

You should also not delay visiting your doctor if:

  1. The infant cries, screams, winces during urination, experiencing pain and stinging;
  2. Green purulent vaginal discharge;
  3. the smell of vaginal discharge from a newborn is sharp and unpleasant;
  4. The discharge is very copious and prolonged;
  5. Inflammation of the child’s genital organs is observed;
  6. Bloody spots are observed in the urine of an infant; and other deviations that cause concern.

Discharge from the eyes

Discharge from the eyes of a newborn baby can occur as early as the first day after birth. Purulent discharge from the eyes occurs due to a violation of the outflow from the lacrimal canal. In 5% of babies, a similar problem may occur due to the fact that at birth, during the first breath, the tear duct did not clear itself independently and naturally, as happens in the remaining 95% of newborn babies. Therefore, a canal that remains “clogged” causes inflammation and further purulent discharge. At the first symptoms (redness and swelling of the lower eyelid), the child should be shown to a pediatrician, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe procedures that will help get rid of the problem once and for all. Under no circumstances should you listen to folk recipes and drop, for example, breast milk into an inflamed eye, thereby provoking an even greater inflammatory process.

A small child requires maximum attention from adults. After all, he has found himself in a world completely alien to him and it will take a lot of time before he adapts to it. And now the baby is very vulnerable and requires special care with daily hygiene. The baby's nose is cleaned, its eyes are washed, and it is washed. Pediatric doctors advise examining the child daily, paying special attention to the groin and skin folds. This is especially true for girls.

Newborn girls experience vaginal discharge. And this, according to doctors, is not something to be afraid of. This is not a pathology, this is the norm for a newborn. Experts call this phenomenon a sexual crisis.

The sexual crisis frightens parents because the discharge in newborn girls is bloody, which in the eyes of parents, especially young ones, is an undoubted pathology. And they start to panic.

As pediatricians say, discharge in newborn girls is quite normal. Thus, the child’s body starts the cleansing process, adapting to life in an environment that is new to it. The thing is that before childbirth, the mother’s body accumulates estrogens - these hormones are necessary to activate the birth process. Accordingly, the child’s body receives them, and in excess. But while the child is in the intrauterine state, this is the norm for him.

But after childbirth, communication with the mother ceases. Accordingly, the supply of these hormones to the child’s body stops. But they are still unnatural for him, so he begins to cleanse himself of them. It begins on the third or fourth day of life and lasts an average of 2 weeks. But sometimes the process takes up to 6-8 weeks.


In addition to vaginal discharge, the child’s mammary glands may swell and swell. There is no need to be afraid of this. How not to, and squeeze them out.

Children also develop acne. In boys, and they also receive these hormones from their mother, the genitals and mammary glands swell and swell.

But as mentioned above, there is nothing to be afraid of, even if the discharge continues for more than two days. They must go through on their own. Just, dear parents, understand that now your girl’s condition of the uterine mucosa and vagina is as close as possible to the condition of an adult woman during the premenstrual period.

What is required from a mother

Only one thing is required of her - to diligently observe the requirements of cleanliness, and in particular sexual cleanliness. Washing must be carried out in a certain order - from front to back. First, the genitals are washed. Then you should move to the anus. The water should be warm, boiled. Some recommend using a warm chamomile decoction for this.

You should not try to remove hydrocele - a white coating between the labia majora and minora. In general, parents should remember that the baby’s mucous membrane is in a vulnerable state, so they need to act very carefully.

In addition to washing, let the child's genitals breathe a little. Therefore, several times a day, let your child lie naked for a couple of minutes. Without any diapers or diapers.

Discharge in girls in infancy: when to see a doctor

The sexual crisis in girls in infancy lasts a maximum of 8 weeks, after which it stops on its own. But, in a situation where the discharge has not stopped during this period, and the following symptoms are observed during the first three days, it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  1. The child demonstrates that urination is painful for him, he begins to cry either before it starts or during it, this can be understood during night urination, when with each urination the child whines or screams, by the intensity of the crying you can understand how painful it is for the baby;
  2. The discharge has an unpleasant odor, elements of pus, or a greenish tint;
  3. The discharge is copious;
  4. The color of the urine has changed, there is bloody residue or greenish mucus in it;
  5. Inflammation of the external genital organs, redness and rash are observed.

In this case, it is necessary to examine the child, as well as obtain advice on the choice of care products and hygiene methods, as well as medications, if necessary.