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Russian pinto hound color. Hunter of foxes and hares - Russian hound dog: description of the breed, photos, suitable nicknames. Section "Skin, muscles, bones"

Hunting was traditionally considered the favorite pastime of the Russian nobility, and hounds were the main characters in it.

Even then, the character traits and skills inherent in hunting breeds were valued.

So, for several centuries now The Russian hound is considered the best hunting assistant and is dearly loved by Russian hunters.

A graceful, stately breed with royal manners and endless devotion to the owner and his work. Despite the fact that hounds are considered one of the oldest dog breeds that directly took an active part in human life, The first breed standard was developed only in 1824. In those days, large landowners were engaged in breeding the breed. They raised dogs for themselves, for hunting, and chose the best representatives of the breed.

How long does he live?

The average life expectancy of a Russian hound is 13–14 years, It is not uncommon for a dog to live up to 16 years.


The breed is distinguished by its friendliness and responsiveness towards people, in contrast to its hunting anger towards game. The hound is always ready to serve its owner. Has charm and an excellent mind, allowing him to quickly find prey.

Knows no fear or fatigue, a pack of 4 hounds can chase wild boars or even a bear, using barking to transmit coordinates about the location of the game. The barking is loud and loud, scattering for many kilometers in the forest.

Important! Can't stand living in a small apartment. The hunter's instincts and the energy literally escaping from the dog will not allow him to sit in one place. Demanding of great physical activity, long walks in all weather conditions.

But you will feel best when fulfilling your direct duties, serving as a professional hunter. Dogs of this breed are social animals, but not obsessive. They have a balanced character and do not require increased attention to themselves.

In hound dog breeds, the sex of an individual is usually classified using the expression “vyzhlovka” or “vyzhlovka”. Girls, or rather vyzhlovkas, are considered more submissive and predictable. Boys of this breed, on the contrary, are too wayward.

Hunting with Russian hounds

Depending on the animal and the preferences of the hunter himself, There are several basic options for hunting with hounds:

  • Dog hunting. The hunt is for predators (fox, wolf). A pack of hounds is used to find and lead the animal to an open area where hunters are already waiting. This type of hunting requires stamina, loud barking and anger from hounds.
  • Gun hunting. The most common hunting option. One Russian hound follows the trail of a hare and chases it away before its owner shoots. Due to its keen sense of smell and ability to independently find game in the forest, the Russian hound is ideal for such hunting.

REFERENCE. Large open spaces are best suited for Russian hound hunting.

Comparison with Russian pinto hound

There are absolutely no differences in hunting or physical characteristics between the Russian Hound and the Russian Pinto Hound. But it would also be incorrect to consider these two breeds as one.

According to the breed standard, the Russian Piebald Hound was bred by infusing the blood of a Foxhound with a Russian Hound. The Russian piebald hound became an independent breed at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Distinguishing these two breeds from each other is a very difficult task, but still Russian piebald hound is different in appearance, albeit not much.

Differences of the Estonian Hound

The Russian hound is superior to the Estonian only in size and has a distinctive appearance. The breeds are similar in physical characteristics, habits and attitude towards people.

Standard and characteristics

The dog is taller than average, with a strong build. According to the standard, the height at the withers for a boy is 58–68 cm, for a girl - 55–65 cm. Tightly built, with a proportional body constitution, a beautiful dog.

The standard specifies the following characteristics:

  • Color: red, crimson, saddle-colored, light-colored. Any size and shape of spots. The tips of the paws and the chest are white.
  • Wool: the ears, head and, of course, paws have short hair, and the rest of the body has long hair. The undercoat is thick.
  • Weight: a hatchling weighs up to 30 kg, a hatchling weighs on average 25 kg.
  • Bones and muscles: strong bones, well developed muscles.
  • Voice: an important trait for a hound. The voice cannot be trained. A ringing, loud bark is valued.
  • Running speed: The Russian hound is famous not for its speed, but for its endurance. The maximum speed of 30 km/h can be maintained for many kilometers without stopping.

REFERENCE. The habit of holding its head low is a distinctive feature of the Russian hound from other dogs, at the same time giving it a similarity to a wolf.


Russian hounds have a high level of intelligence and developed ingenuity. They are excellent and easy to learn hunting skills, but can be stubborn and disobedient if you try to train them. This requires a special approach to training and the strict hand of the owner.

IMPORTANT. You should not get a Russian hound without experience in keeping dogs. This breed requires professional training.

How to raise puppies?

It is important to start training no later than 3 months. At this age, it is already possible to concentrate the dog’s attention, and his memory captures any information much faster. It’s easier to immediately instill the necessary habits than to wean them off bad ones in the future.

During this period of life, the pet must learn its name and learn to carry out the simplest commands:“You can’t!”, “You can!”, “Sit!”

Advice! The most important command, the training of which requires special attention, is “Come to me!” Further training depends on the accuracy of this command.

When training a Russian hound, it is important to remember that it is first and foremost a hunter. Excellence must be demonstrated. For successful execution of commands, praise with affectionate words and treats. In case of disobedience, point out the incorrect actions. Do not use physical force. It will not bring positive results, except for instilling anger towards people in the dog. If the hound is interested, then every training session will be beneficial.

Despite the fact that hunting skills are in their blood, instincts need to be developed from time to time. Each meal is taken after the signal of the hunting horn, walks are carried out with and without a leash, in open and forested areas.

ATTENTION. When walking with an untrained young hound, it is not permissible to pass the leash to a child. Even if the dog is sitting and seemingly calm, it can chase prey at any moment.

When does it start working?

Depends on the personal qualities of the dog and its upbringing. If you start training your dog competently from an early age, then by the age of one year the hound will perfectly perform the task.


It is recommended to start at ten months. By this age, the dog’s muscles and bones are fully formed. If the hound unconditionally follows the owner’s commands, has the proper upbringing and is able to sensibly assess the situation, then they begin to train it to hunt in the field.

Usually, a natural hunter does not need long training to awaken his instincts.

It is enough to accompany the dog along the tracks of the game and point to it. Do not pick up the first prey immediately, but let the hound make sure that the game is caught.

Praise and treat with a part of the body of the caught animal (without hair), in which case the dog will understand that it will also get part of the catch.

Mating of hounds

Mating hounds is no different from mating other breeds. The hatchlings become sexually mature at the age of 9 months, the hatchlings - at the age of one and a half years. The recommended age for producing healthy offspring is 2.5–7 years. If the girl is older or younger than this age, there is a high risk of puppies with abnormalities.


Like all babies, Russian hound puppies look cute, but keeping them is not as easy as it seems. Choosing a future pet is an extremely responsible task.

How to choose?

The puppy is selected at the age of one month. At this age he is quite strong, but his character is not yet established, and the presence or absence of vices is already clearly expressed. The choice is made according to three main external characteristics:

  • Body proportionality. Already at a young age, hounds have a harmoniously built torso and a regular head shape.
  • Eye color. Exclude individuals with green or different colored eyes. The eye color should be hazel, as dark as possible.
  • Nose. It should be completely black. No light pink spots or dots. This is a defect in the sense of smell, manifested in the pigmentation of the nose.

The next stage is choosing by character. It is recommended to choose the most active, vigorous and physically developed baby, although he may not be the biggest.

You should find out in more detail his pedigree, who his father and mother were, the characteristics of their behavior, whether there were individuals in the family with defects. All this can be learned, of course, only from an honest breeder.

The most important thing is to choose a puppy you like. If the choice is faced with equally healthy and purebred puppies, choose the one that you like best, and not the biggest or cutest one.

REFERENCE. If a dog is taken specifically for hunting, then in such cases they choose from older puppies, 6–8 months old. By this age, dogs from a competent breeder have already been trained in the basics of behavior, and they can be gradually trained to hunt.

Puppy price

Puppies of this breed are divided into three categories. Prices vary depending on whether the puppy belongs to a particular class.

  • Pet class. Thoroughbred hunters, but with minor deviations from the standard appearance. They do not have the right to participate in exhibitions (2–5.5 thousand rubles).
  • Breeding class. Typical representatives of the breed, but without titled parents. They rarely take high places at shows (6–10 thousand rubles).
  • Show class. Representatives of the breed that meet all standards and have an authoritative pedigree (10–20 thousand rubles).


First of all, the owner should like the nickname, be easy to pronounce and completely suit the dog. Beautiful nicknames that aptly indicate character traits or appearance sound good. Examples of nicknames for the Russian Hound dog breed:

REFERENCE. It is not customary for dogs of this breed to be called too cute or funny names.

Proper education and maintenance in the right conditions will allow the Russian hound to become a first-class hunting partner and a devoted friend in life. Spend more time with your pet, and then he will give you many unforgettable experiences.

A dog has always been man's best friend. She is with us on the hunt, at home, on a walk, ready to protect us and help us in any difficult moment.

She entertains us, she nurses our children. A dog in the house is not only a protector, but also the absence of loneliness; these little and affectionate friends of ours will always support us in difficult times. If you decide to get a dog, you have made the right choice. What a pity that many of us do not understand the value of such devotion.

So, today we will talk about almost the most famous breed of dog, which often appears in literary works - this is the Russian Hound.

In contact with


Description of the breed

A long time ago, in Ancient Rus', men took hound dogs with them for hunting, and the Russian Hound breed first appeared only in the 19th century. It was originally a hunting dog, and was used specifically for these purposes. Only boyars and landowners who took part in the royal hunt and could boast of having such an assistant.

It is in this breed very keen sense of smell, very fast reaction and great speed, so when a hunter shoots a duck, it will not be difficult to find it. In Europe, when they learned about the existence of such a breed, they immediately wanted to try it out, but as it turned out, it is not suitable for Europe at all; it is a dog exclusively for the spacious Russian territories.

So, Russian Hound - The dog is quite large in size, type – hunting. This nature is characterized by special stateliness, grace, and well-developed muscle tissue. The maximum height at the withers can reach 67 cm. Therefore, the dog looks quite harmonious and harmonious.

Head small, wedge-shaped. The limbs, both hind and front, are muscular and well developed, which allows the dog to move quite quickly. The coat is small, so the dog will not shed much.

Fur and its color can vary in colors: basically, dogs do not come in one color; they are rather a mixture of three or more shades - several shades of brown, black, sometimes gray or white. The shape of the spots on the coat can vary and the size can also vary, and some dogs are born with only small markings. Most often the paws or chest are white.

Tail in Hounds it is strong, most often tapering towards the end. As you know, at the beginning of the 20th century, a special standard for this type of breed was developed, and to this day it is being increasingly modernized, and dogs are frequent guests at exhibitions. After all, you must admit, there is something to really admire there.

Weight The dogs are small, between 23 – 30 kilograms.

average life expectancy– 10-12 years with proper care.

These dogs especially need constant training, because, as already mentioned, they were originally intended for hunting, and hunters raised their dogs as expected.

This species can be trained quite well, since dogs have not only physical abilities, but also high intellectual capabilities.


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Dog character

This dog is particularly sensitive and calm. At home she is docile and soft, but when hunting with her owner she is focused, energetic and very active. Russian Hound – this is a very loyal dog, therefore he will never give his owner offense.

He treats strangers with caution and can be aggressive, so it is recommended to go for a walk with your dog only with a leash and muzzle.

They always consider their owner or the family in which they grew up authority, very obedient and flexible. But on the street they often like to chase other relatives or birds, so if you have someone else living in your house besides a dog, then it is better to avoid trouble and choose a more friendly breed. But, as for children, in this case, the animals are harmless, affectionate and caring.

When training dogs, be sure to show special persistence, since hounds can be stubborn and mischievous, in order to train them with the necessary systematic approach. Training served very easily.

Dogs do not require any excessive attention, like pugs, for example; they themselves can find something to do to their liking.

This wonderful breed was bred here in Russia. A very good option is to take it as a guard dog in the house, etc. Now let's talk a little about nutrition and care.

What to feed your pet?

So, this breed of dog, like any other, needs a balanced diet to strengthen and grow muscles, and also because dogs are very active, they need to eat a lot.

  • Meat should make up the majority of the diet; lean varieties are suitable, for example, beef, cut into pieces and well boiled.
  • Dairy. How surprising it is, but yes, dogs need them too. It is best to give milk that is not pure, since lactose is not always well absorbed even by humans, but for example, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. It is these products that contain many useful elements for the development of strong muscles and strong bones.
  • Fish should also be present in the diet. Boil it and, most importantly, completely remove the bones.
  • Vegetables in any form - cabbage, carrots, cucumbers. Potatoes are generally useless for dogs. Their body is designed in such a way that they do not need starch. It is not recommended to give onions, but a small amount of garlic can even help, it kills all microbes in the stomach and intestines, and helps fight worms.
  • Various cereals– buckwheat, millet, rice cooked as usual.
  • Minerals and vitamins must be present in the diet, since not all substances a dog can get from food, but in order for the dog to live with you for a long time, it is necessary to include them in the diet - these are Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamins. A, B, C, D, fatty acids.
  • Be sure to give your dog clean water. water, change once a day, also wash bowls often, a sufficient number of germs also accumulate there.

These are the staple foods for this breed and note that natural preparation This is welcome, this is the way the dog digests food better. Of course, you can buy special food in the store if you don’t have time to prepare food every day. Then carefully read the box to see if there are any substances that could cause an allergic reaction or other side effects in your dog.

Dogs are not picky about grooming, because as mentioned above, their hair is not very long, but if you want to raise a healthy and strong pet, then proper care must be provided. Not all dogs love baths. But if you teach them from childhood, they will treat them quite calmly.

Use special shampoos. Pay great attention to examining the ears, eyeballs, teeth, etc. After each walk, inspect the dog to avoid further problems; this will not be difficult for you. Be sure to feed your dog on time, and do not forget to give it clean water.

Because the dog is very active, you shouldn’t keep it in a confined space, especially if you have a very small and cramped apartment; these breeds prefer space.

As for the fur, check it more often, especially in the summer, especially if you are an avid hunter. Brush your dog more often; you can buy a special comb for this in the store. They are often done with natural soft bristles so as not to damage delicate skin.

If any problems arise, take your dog to the vet immediately, do not delay the illness. Place everything on time required vaccinations.

Training and education

How to train dogs of this breed? Let's start with the fact that various commands are taught from infancy, then everything is better absorbed and the dog is not particularly able to show its violent and sometimes very complex character. It is better to start gradually, not to immediately give heavy loads, not a single animal will tolerate it.

From the very beginning, be able to get the dog interested so that she herself asks you to train her. Of course, use the old carrot-and-stick method, but the stick shouldn't be too hard and rough. Otherwise, the dog may get scared and then become completely withdrawn. Everything should be systematic and uniform.

If you take a dog for hunting purposes, it is better to train it yourself. You can find a good trainer, but how can you then re-educate her to suit you? Therefore, run with your dog through the fields, train to catch game, first artificial, then real. If your dog has the habit of immediately rushing at the enemy, directly, without you, then immediately stop this, this should not happen, it can later play a cruel joke on you during the hunt.

But dogs don't just need exercise. every day, go out into the fresh air with her, play various games, walk in the park, become the best owner in the world for your dog.

Possible diseases

All dog breeds have their own occupational diseases. Of course, the most common disease is allergic reactions, but they can be easily dealt with. Hounds have even more serious problems, they can be very difficult to treat, for example: conjunctivitis, we have already mentioned that when grooming you need to pay a lot of attention to the eyes, since they are quite open, and the dog is very active and can roll in the sand and play and so on. Problems may also arise with the joints. Hyperthermia, myositis, myelopathy These are problems that need to be dealt with.

Therefore, regular visits to the veterinarian are your responsibility, may your dog be healthy and live for many years.

So, we’ve learned everything about the breed, now let’s talk a little about prices for this breed.

How much do puppies cost?

These dogs have their own special distinctive features, as a result of which they are divided into separate classes and depending on which class the dog belongs to, the price depends.

Pet class– or the lowest class. These puppies have good characteristics, but, alas, they are not sufficient to participate in large-scale exhibitions; something is wrong with their appearance. Such breeds cost approximately 90 USD. no more. Therefore, if you do not care about this problem and you take the dog not for showing, but for your home or for hunting, this class is suitable for you.

Middle class or bridge class. These puppies no longer have any flaws, they have a good pedigree, but they are unlikely to win the competition. The price varies from 200 to 550 USD.

Well, the most representative Show class– these are hounds with very good genetic data, with a chic physique and color. The standard of the “Russian Hound” breed is met here with all five plus. Therefore, if you want to become the owner of this wonderful breed, then you will have to pay a considerable amount and make efforts to care for such a pet - 1000-1200 USD.


So we go into great detail. looked at this breed I think you already want to buy it. If you want to raise a pet yourself, then buy it at a young age. But many hunters prefer to take an already formed individual, which will only help them; this is also a good option. If you need an active dog, then Russian hound in this case it will suit you. But it is especially suitable for hunters and those who like to conquer the forest, but when you take your pet home, be sure to remember that you bear full responsibility for it.

Your dog should not work for you, it is part of your large family, a full-fledged member of it, so provide it with proper care and attention. If for some reason you no longer need a dog, the street is not the best option for it, now everyone is struggling with this problem, it is better to give it to good and reliable hands. Let your pet always be by your side.

Approved by order of the Main Directorate for Nature Conservation, Nature Reserves, Forestry and Hunting of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture No. 19, 05/13/1981.

Accepted All-Union Canine Council of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture on December 23, 1980.


The Russian piebald hound is above average height and has a strong constitution. Height at the withers for males (males) is 58-68 cm, for females (females) 55-65 cm.

The height at the rump is 1-2 cm lower than the height of the dog at the withers or equal to it. The elongation index for survivors is about 104, for survivors - about 103-105.

The type of behavior is balanced. Secondary sexual characteristics are well expressed. A typical gait when searching for an animal is a wide trot or a slow trot (gallop); when chasing - a trot.

short-legged, long-legged (upturned legs), stretched or shortened body, excessive dryness or dampness; rudeness, anger towards people, cowardice. Height below the specified is a defect, above the specified is a disadvantage.


The most typical is black and piebald with blush. The size of the black spots is not limited up to a saddle covering the entire body. Blush (tan) covers the head, as well as the shoulders and back, if they are not white. Small dark spots (arrows) are acceptable on the temples. The limbs and belly are always white. Acceptable colors are gray-piebald with blush, crimson-piebald and slight speckling.

Flaws: the presence of significant specks; tan marks that are too red or too light.

Vice: color in dense specks.

The presence of mouse or coffee spots, as well as the absence of rouge, puts the dog out of the breed.


On the head, ears and legs it is short, and on the rest of the body it is longer (4-5 cm). The dog's coat is somewhat elongated at the withers and on the back of the thighs, without forming fringes. The rut (tail) is covered almost evenly along its entire length with straight, thick, medium-length dog hair, which makes it look thick. By the end of the rut, the dog's coat is somewhat shorter. The undercoat is well developed.

Flaws: too long or too short, dewlap (for rutting season), underdeveloped undercoat.

Vices: Wavy or shaggy (dog), lack of undercoat.


The skin is dense, elastic, without folds, the muscles are well developed, the bones are wide and strong.

Disadvantages or defects (depending on the severity): underdeveloped bones or muscles, folds of skin on the head and neck.


The dry, cranial bone is oblong, rather voluminous, but not wide. The brow ridges are weakly expressed. The transition from the skull to the muzzle has a noticeable soft ledge, but without a pronounced fracture. The occipital protuberance is poorly defined, the occipital part is slightly rounded. The profile of the muzzle approaches a rectangle. The lips of the Russian piebald hound fit tightly around the muzzle without drooping. The nose is large and black.

Flaws: a pronounced occipital protuberance, strongly developed brow ridges, a too weakly defined transition from the skull to the muzzle, a hooked nose, a significantly depressed groove in the middle of the forehead, slight cheekbones and broad forehead.

Vices: damp, heavy head, upturned muzzle (snub nose), sharp break from forehead to muzzle, partially or completely light or brown nose, strong hooked nose.

Hanging, moderately thin, not long, triangular in shape, slightly rounded at the ends, fit snugly to the head, set high. Several can be collected in a fold or without it.

Flaws: too big or too small, low set.

Vices: rolled into a tube (strongly), raised on cartilage, excessively dressed with an elongated dog.


Medium size, dark brown or brown. The eyelid incision is rounded or slightly oblique. The edges of the eyelids are dark.

Flaws: light, small, with a round eyelid, sunken, with light edges of the eyelids, drooping eyelids.

Vices: heterogeneity and white eyes deprive the dog of the show rating.


The teeth are white, strong, large, well developed, tightly fitting one to the other, scissor bite.

Disadvantages and vices: see general.

Round, muscular, dry. Its length approaches the length of the head. The position of the neck in relation to the axis of the body forms an angle of 40-450.

Flaws: set low or too high, flat, insufficiently dressed, damp, under the chin.


Wide, deep, with somewhat barrel-shaped ribs extending down to the elbows and below.

Flaws: narrow, barrel-shaped.

Vices: narrow, flat, underdeveloped.


Slightly tucked above the chest line.

Flaws: excessively tucked up (undermining), drooping (abdomen).


Sufficiently developed, stands out above the line of the back.

Flaws: underdeveloped.


Wide, straight, muscular.

Flaws: a bit soft.

Vices: sagging, hunchbacked.


Short, wide, convex, muscular.

Disadvantages or defects (depending on the severity): long, straight, sagging, humpbacked.


Wide, slightly sloping.

Disadvantages or defects (depending on the severity): narrow, sloping.


Straight, dry, bony and muscular. When viewed from the front, straight and parallel. The forearms are oval in section, the elbows are turned strictly back. The length of the Russian Pinto Hound's front legs is about 50% of the dog's height at the withers. The angle of the glenohumeral joint is close to 1000. The pasterns are set almost vertically.

Disadvantages or defects (depending on the severity): short legs, upturned legs, straight shoulders, crooked forearm, sloping metacarpus, kozinets, turned outward or tucked elbows, splayed feet, clubfoot.


Dry, bony and muscular. When viewed from behind, straight and parallel. The articulation angles are well defined. The hock joints are dry and well defined. Hock angle 135-1400. The metatarsus stands almost vertically.

Disadvantages or defects (depending on the severity): straight rear, saber, close hock joints, barrel-shaped posture.


Arched, balled, oval or round in shape, with fingers tightly clenched. The claws are pointed towards the ground.

Disadvantages or defects (depending on the severity): flat, loose or too elongated (brown hair).


Saber-shaped, thick at the base, gradually thinning towards the end. Rut length - up to the hock joint or 2-3 cm shorter. Raised steeply upward.

Flaws: elongated or excessively shortened. Uniform thickness along the entire length, slightly matted, slightly covered with dog hair or overdressed, with a slight dewlap.

Vices: curvature, severe matting, large dewlap (panicle).

a brief description of

  • Other names: Russian harlequin hound, Russian piebald hound, Gontchaja russkaja pegaja, English-Russian hound, piebald hound, piebald hound.
  • Height: up to 68 cm at the withers.
  • Weight: up to 30 kg.
  • Color: scarlet, shabby, gray and tan, large spills of white spots and specks are unacceptable, but small white markings are allowed.
  • Wool: short on the limbs, relatively long along the body, lying close to the body, the undercoat is thick, meek and dense.
  • Lifespan: up to 12 years old.
  • Advantages of the breed: dogs are considered unsurpassed assistants in hunting wild animals. The dogs are fearless, and in a pack they kill bears and wild boars. They are distinguished by their constant readiness to serve their owner.
  • Difficulties: The dog is reluctant to succumb to the general classical course of training, but, nevertheless, easily and quickly masters the skill of a hunter. Almost does not get along with other pets. Not recommended for inexperienced owners as a first dog.
  • Price: $200.

Origin story

The beginning of the existence of the Russian hound breed was laid at the very end of the 19th century. In 1895, representatives of the breed appeared, whose phenotype underlies modern dogs. Purposeful breeding of the breed began only with the advent of Soviet power, and at the same time the first standard of the Russian hound, dating back to 1925, was approved.

Data on dogs has been changed twice. Amendments were made in 1935, and the breed standard, finally supplemented and divided into types, was approved at the end of 1951.

Purpose of the breed

Distinguish two main types Russian hounds according to their working style:

  1. Dogs for hound hunting for red predator- fox, wolf. It is believed that Russian hounds perform this work better than greyhounds, since the dogs accompany the object with continuous barking, showing the hunter the direction of movement and the location of the animal.
  2. Dogs for gun hunting. Unlike canine hunting, gun hunting involves the help of only one dog, tracking, picking up and baiting the hunter with prey.

Dogs in both the first and second cases work perfectly and are still used for their intended purpose.


In the off-season, this classic hunter prefers a relaxing holiday with his family. The dog is relatively is loyal to all the inhabitants living under the same roof with him, but excesses are not excluded. The Russian Hound even expresses tolerance towards cats if they were raised next to her from puppyhood. Neighboring animals may be driven out of the dog’s territory in disgrace.

Representatives of the breed are not suitable for apartment living. Animals need space and constant movement. Without fulfilling their direct responsibilities, dogs may develop a feeling of inferiority or uselessness. Therefore, during walks, you need to let your pet run around as much as possible, simulating hunting games.

Video review of the breed

One of the oldest dog breeds is the Russian hound. Without them, Russian hound hunting is impossible. Planet of Dogs will tell you everything about these dogs:

Choosing a puppy

In acquiring a working category of Russian hound, the key point is the presence of a pedigree, where each breeding line is carefully verified. The quality characteristics of the purchased dog, its adequacy, character and ability to fulfill its purpose depend on this.

Signs of purebred:

  • dewclaws on the hind legs;
  • a large number of large white spots or frequent specks;
  • bright red-tan, marbling in tan, piebald or solid very dark color.

Hunters prefer take older puppies at the age of 5-8 months, when the main characteristics - character and type of behavior - are fully manifested. Replaced teeth complete the picture of the puppy’s suitability for work. When purchasing a dog, you should make sure that the teenager has everything that a puppy should have at this age.

When buying a puppy, you need to find out about the presence of ancestors who throw at livestock, or dogs that do not give a voice, unless, of course, the breeder answers the questions posed frankly.

Russian hound puppies are purchased either very small, one and a half to two months, or already grown up. When choosing, you should carefully observe the babies and choose the one whose instinct is very developed - he is the first to find the mother's nipples, and squeals more often than others.

When picking up a one-month-old puppy, you should get a full consultation from the breeder about raising the baby, as well as how to quickly teach the puppy to go to the toilet until he gets stronger.

It is not recommended a priori to purchase puppies from an eight-year-old female and older, since at this age Russian hounds produce rickety offspring.

Nicknames and names

A worthy dog ​​should have an appropriate name, reflecting the character and inner world of the pet. The Russian hound has a specific appearance and an active lifestyle, constantly on the move. A fairly thin dog with long legs, a sharp, elongated muzzle and special natural characteristics cannot have a boring, simple nickname.

Russian hounds are given short, succinct and sonorous names:

  • males– Brig, Dak, Kent, Last, Mat, Ost, Pete, Ram;
  • bitches– Ira, Dory, Liz, Pat, Lynx, Tiki, Una.

For the Russian hound care is quite simple, but very specific:

  1. Cleanliness of the place of detention, including the feeding point with constant disinfection.
  2. Daily examination of eyes, teeth, ears.
  3. Brush the coat weekly, and daily during shedding.

Healthy dogs have clean scleras and their eyes never water. If there are accumulations of secretions, you should contact your veterinarian. almost every day, since hounds suffer from ear diseases due to their professional activities.

Dogs are washed infrequently; bathing with shampoo is allowed once a month maximum. But after water treatments, swimming in a pond or at home, the ears should be thoroughly dried. The dental system is strong, but nevertheless requires a preventive examination by a veterinarian.

Paws require special care. Even after a walk, you should inspect the pads for splinters, cuts or cracks. The fur between the toes must be trimmed to prevent dirt or snow from getting between the paw pads, especially during the off-season.

Health and heredity

Two types of diseases are common among hounds: hereditary, genetically transmitted and acquired due to breed predisposition. To genetic hereditary diseases include:

  • Degenerative myelopathy is the loss of white matter in the spinal cord. There is no treatment.
  • hip joint, manifesting itself before the dog is 10 months old.

Russian hounds are considered fairly healthy dogs with strong immune systems, but some representatives of the breed are prone to developing:

  • myositis;
  • malignant hypertemia.

From an early age, symptoms of both hypo- and hyperthermia can be observed, so measuring the dog’s body is part of the mandatory daily monitoring of the pet’s health.

In shaping the body of an adopted puppy so that it grows up to be a healthy dog, a balanced diet is of no small importance. Therefore, it is very important at first to feed the baby what he ate in the nursery, and only after some time, carefully and slowly transfer him to a different type of feeding.

All breeders It is recommended to feed pets with ready-made industrial food. The Russian hound is ideally suited for TM Pro Plan food, specially designed for animals leading an active lifestyle. You should also not forget about water; dogs should have it in their bowl at all times.

In natural feeding, it is important to take into account the fact that Dogs are carnivores and need a lot of protein. Therefore, raw meat must be present in your pet’s diet along with a vitamin and mineral complex.

Education and training

Until the puppy is five months old, teams independently. From five months, the dog begins to be taught to wear a collar, accustomed to a leash and walking nearby so that the puppy does not pull or shy away from side to side. From the very beginning of the dog's appearance in the house, it is trained. If a grown-up individual is taken, a professional dog handler specializing in training hunting dogs should be involved in the training process.

Russian hounds reluctant to follow the training process, but as for professional skills, here dogs learn quickly and with pleasure. From ten months of age, hounds are trained for field hunting.

Before field training dogs must be fully socialized so that they are not afraid of loud trumpet sounds, cars and people. Therefore, from the age of six months, at the time of feeding, the puppy is accustomed to the sounds of a hunting horn, so that the dog is not afraid of sharp sounds and goes to the owner for a handout, as soon as he hears the call signs of the horns.

Advantages and disadvantages

Russian hounds are a specific breed of dog. This hardy animals endowed with a keen sense of smell, ingenuity and a high degree of malice. They have an expressive and quite musical voice, which makes them different from other hunting breeds.

The Gonchak is not a dog for everyone. It is strongly not recommended for a person who is unfamiliar with the education of hunters, and especially for someone who is getting a dog for the first time, to purchase it.

Only an experienced dog breeder, who has repeatedly encountered raising dogs of hound breeds, can properly raise a pet.

If you are a hunting enthusiast and do it regularly, then you simply need a good four-legged companion. One of the best breeds for these purposes are hounds: Russian or Russian piebald. Since ancient times, wealthy farmers have kept several kennels on their lands, where they raised and bred representatives of this breed. Today, this is a very popular hound dog breed throughout the civilized world. Many will probably be interested in learning the history of the origin of this breed, as well as familiarizing themselves with the subtleties of character and the main differences between Russian and Russian pinto hounds. This is what this article will discuss.

History of the origin of the Russian and Russian pinto hounds

To begin with, it should be emphasized that Russian and Russian piebald hounds belong to a special category of hunting dogs, whose task is to find game and endure a hardy rut, accompanied by a specific dog bark. It is the barking that is the characteristic highlight of the breed, since the voices of the hounds are distinguished by their melodiousness, sonority and strength of sound.

For the first time, hunting involving Russian hound dogs was mentioned in historical documents of the “golden” 19th century. At that time there were no such concepts as factory breeds, accepted in today’s context of its breeding. At that time, hunting dogs were chosen, as they say, “by eye.” The dog's innate abilities were assessed first:

  • Taking the trail.
  • Finding and driving the victim.
  • Interaction with the owner.

At that time, hounds differed in appearance and no specific accent was required. But at the end of the century, they began to place special emphasis on breeding Russian hounds.

In 1895, the first standards of the Russian hound were approved, which became the official date of her so-called birth. However, large-scale reproduction of these dogs began in Soviet Russia much later. Hounds began to gain new popularity after the end of the October Revolution, when avid amateur hunters began to show increased interest in Russian hounds. And already in 1925, a new standard was adopted, which characterized the breed of Russian hound dog.

In addition to breeders, famous Russian scientists and writers became interested in the natural amazing skills of Russian hounds: Sabaneev L.P., Gubin P.M., Kishensky N.P. It should be noted that in each work all types of hounds were described, but the description of the Russian hound was given differently everywhere, and this became the reason for many controversial disputes.

Such contradictions arose due to the fact that this type of breed had not yet been completely described, but was under study. Russian hounds were also bred differently based on the personal preferences of each owner.

Man always strives for the best, so breeders began to actively work on breeding a new, faster and more productive breed of Russian hound. During the period 1935–1951. she gained very high speed, which significantly changed the original standard of the hound in some criteria.

As a result, a new breed of hound was created - Russian piebald. Although, it should be noted that in fact this species appeared by chance when the Russian hound was crossed with other breeds, among which was a representative of the Foxhound breed. This is one of the most expensive and beloved breeds in Great Britain, thanks to which the first artificially bred puppies appeared in tandem with the Russian hound. They were given a name - Russian piebald hounds.

And the standard of this new breed was also approved in 1925, although the name of the Russian piebald hound was officially approved in 1951. It should be noted that the FCI (International Canine Federation) still does not recognize it.

Russian hound breed: description

The appearance of the Russian hound was formed taking into account its purpose by nature. After all, the main responsibilities of a hound during a hunt include helping the owner in catching and searching for game. And the first thing that catches your eye is his muscular and dense physique. Adult males reach up to 68 cm at the withers, and females reach up to 65 cm.

Russian hounds - modern breed standard

The modern standard of this breed has the following data:

The main task of dog handlers at present is not to deviate from the established standard. Because these hounds have already lost much of their characteristic appearance. And if you do not carefully cull among males and females, then a full-fledged Russian hound may simply degenerate, and in dog breeding there will be mixing within the breed.

In special kennels, males and females of Russian hounds are carefully selected, which allows for the development and preservation of the breed. Thanks to this, the sonorous voices of Russian hounds will accompany hunters for many centuries to come. After all this dog is simply created for our forests to go after a deer, hare or fox.

Russian hounds are characterized mainly by three coat colors: crimson, gray and tan and black. A breed defect is considered to be white spots on the animal, although small white and solid spots are acceptable and permissible.

Russian piebald hound: description

Despite the great similarity between the Russian and Russian pinto hounds, you can still notice a number of small differences:

  • The coat of the Russian pinto hound itself no more than five centimeters, and in the area of ​​​​the paws and head it is very short. At the same time, the tail is covered with long, thick hair, which makes it look heavy.
  • The height of an adult at the withers is greater than that of a Russian hound and reaches 70 cm.

Russian piebald hound - standard and differences from the Russian hound

  • The head is dry, wedge-shaped.
  • The cranial part is oblong, flat on top.
  • The muzzle is long and without a square cut.
  • The nose is wide and black.
  • Lips tightly fitting the jaws are dark in color. There are no jowls or sags.
  • The drooping ears are triangular in shape and set below the eye line.
  • Dark brown eyes are of medium size, the eyelid is slanted, and the edges of the eyelids are dark. The rounded shape of the eyelids is considered a disadvantage.
  • The neck is dry and muscular.
  • The chest is wide and deep.
  • Well developed withers.
  • The back is wide and muscular.
  • The croup is moderately long and wide; the belly is tucked.
  • The front and rear legs are parallel and straight.
  • Paws are oval shaped.
  • The tail is thick at the very base and tapers towards the end. It is lowered in a calm state, and in an excited state, the dog raises it above the level of the back.
  • The color is usually piebald with black spots of varying sizes. The shoulders, paws and belly are white. Sometimes there are individuals of red-piebald or gray-piebald color.


The shape of the ears and lips, as well as the structure of the skull, are slightly different.

In addition to differences in appearance, breed dogs vary in workforce, although the test tasks are identical for both breeds.

The main feature is a melodious bark, which intensifies when the dog finds a place to kill game. The Russian hound is faster and is able to let its owner know with its voice whether it is far from the victim or is already sitting on it. And also, by the voice of the Russian hound, you can determine who exactly is being hunted: a fox or a hare.

Piebald hounds work more calmly, preferring to hunt, as they say, the “red beast”.

Characteristics of Russian hounds

Although the described breeds are considered different, their natural essence is identical, and, accordingly, their character and temperament also do not have any special differences. Individual dogs may be a slight exception, since any living creature has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, it makes no sense to describe the character of related breeds separately.

The main advantages of both breeds of hounds:

  • Impeccable sense of smell. Hounds have been excellent hunters since childhood, largely due to their nose, or rather, its structure. Their natural subtle sense of smell and innate instinct helps them pick up an animal’s trail and accurately lead it to almost any distance.
  • Voice voice data. In addition to the fact that hounds have a melodious, ringing voice, they are also capable of “playing” to them, thereby explaining their actions to the owner. Only hounds have this unique ability and stand out among other hunting dogs.
  • Strong and built muscles. A strong physique with well-developed muscles allows them to withstand quite heavy physical loads and overcome enormous distances.

In skillful and experienced hands, a Russian or Russian piebald hound becomes not only an excellent assistant in a joint hunt, but also a devoted friend.

Adopting a puppy of this wonderful breed is now quite easy. All you have to do is enter the line “buy a Russian hound puppy” into an Internet search engine, and then select the option that suits you from a large list. Although, before buying, it is advisable to get to know your “chosen one” better.