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Why do you want to eat but can’t eat? Panic disorders. Non-standing condition, during the day

The human body's need to obtain energy through food can only cease due to a disruption in its condition due to illness, sleep problems or severe stress. If a person does not enjoy life, then his appetite disappears over time. Food in his eyes begins to look like a way to continue an uninteresting life, and therefore eating it loses its meaning for him. How does reluctance to eat food appear? Apathy towards food, along with indifference to the whole world, occurs in a person during depression. If a person in a stressful situation cannot find a place for himself and eats food uncontrollably, then with depression the situation is diametrically opposite.

Forms and types of food aversion

The feeling of disgust for food or nausea is very similar to the usual loss of appetite, but its manifestations are more pronounced. Lack of appetite means a reluctance to eat at a particular moment in time, while food aversion is negative emotions arising from the sight, taste, smell of food or prepared dishes, or even the mere memory of them, followed by nausea or vomiting. Gastronomic disgust is reflected through several forms of obvious symptoms: a change in attitude towards certain products or loss of interest in a once-favorite food; nausea from any food, during which you can find the strength to eat at least something; complete refusal of food due to discomfort, accompanied by fasting. The last point attracts special attention because it can cause the greatest damage to women’s health. Its consequences can be various diseases, including anorexia and cancer. Conscious refusal of adequate nutrition, eating in small quantities, entails both physical (in the form of weight loss) and moral exhaustion, depressive states and mental disorders. At the same time, the risk of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system and systemic diseases increases.

Reasons for food aversion, why food aversion, nausea and vomiting appeared ?

If the problem is no longer a one-time problem and brings you frequently recurring discomfort and a deterioration in the general condition of the body, to find the cause of the ailment, you should go to a medical facility and undergo an examination recommended by a doctor. In some cases, a comprehensive medical examination is required with the following sequence of specialists: therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, psychotherapist. If possible, it would also be a good idea to consult a nutritionist.

A change in appetite towards deterioration is provoked by many factors. Among them:

- toxicosis; occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, food poisoning, medicinal and chemical origin;

— malfunctions of the digestive system: gastritis, colitis, duodenitis, abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder;

— infectious infections;

- allergies to food, household items or medications;

- worms (especially if there are animals in the house);

- a number of internal diseases, for example, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis;

- hormonal imbalance (disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland);

- metabolic and immune pathologies, including diabetes, hemochromatosis, gout;

— viral diseases (from influenza to cancer and HIV);

- neurotic and psychotic disorders, clinical depression, etc.

If the symptoms of the pathology do not manifest themselves comprehensively, there are no additional symptoms in the form of sudden weight loss, fever, rashes, dizziness, etc., most likely, the reasons for concern are insignificant. Trying to determine the diagnosis yourself is not worth it. Any deviation must be diagnosed under appropriate conditions by qualified specialists. At the same time, in order to normalize their condition and get rid of unnecessary worries, when an aversion to food appears, every person should know what to do in such a situation.

Aversion to food in a child, causes, symptoms and signs of what problems and diseases?

A child’s reluctance to eat any food can be a separate topic for discussion. First of all, because baby food has its own nuances. Your baby's taste preferences, as well as loss of appetite or refusal to eat healthy foods that he does not like, can greatly affect the child's health and development. Many parents wonder why a little person is so picky about food? The answer lies in the age characteristics of the child’s body. The first years of a small person’s life are associated with the restructuring of the intestines, the development of immunity, the appearance of baby teeth, and the determination of the boundaries of his taste and smell. Such changes, together or separately, are accompanied by frequent pain, apathy, and irritability. Due to discomfort, the child loses appetite and refuses food. A child’s unpleasant associations with food can also be caused by the monotony of food offered, coercion to eat, lack of attention to his tastes, stale or poorly prepared dishes. Preventing indigestion in a baby requires attention and patience from parents, as well as efforts to prepare not only healthy, but also attractive-looking food.

Preschoolers often experience nausea when eating certain foods (for example, onions, carrots, some cereals, dairy products). Changes in taste preferences in this case can be perceived by parents as pampering or a whim, while many mothers admit that after transforming the food to the child’s taste, his dissatisfaction very quickly passes. Children who attend kindergarten and school eat in the canteen, where they have to eat dishes developed by the chef for everyone, according to the same technology and without taking into account the tastes of each individual eater. In this case, lunches and snacks taken from home come to the rescue. Educators, in turn, should not force the child to eat the entire portion assigned to him if he does not like the food.

What to do to prevent food aversions?

More often than others, girls who consider their weight and figure to be far from ideal dream of getting rid of the desire to eat. Not every lady is able to cultivate the willpower to refuse only those foods that contribute to the accumulation of calories eaten in the form of body fat. Since the human body contains all nutrients, if you have thoughts about losing weight by giving it up, you should contact a nutritionist to discuss this issue. It is possible to use special diets that will not harm and at the same time help the girl achieve the desired result. Before you seriously start forcing yourself to give up food, you should think about why you need to do this and whether you are ready for the sacrifices you are going to make to get closer to the standard of beauty. If a person is ready to sacrifice a healthy diet to obtain the given physical parameters, his desire requires psychological analysis. Currently, more and more doctors agree that the desire to lose weight at any cost is a psychological problem.

How to reduce appetite?

Among women who seek to create an aversion to food in the name of another diet is an imbalance of nutrients in the diet, minimizing fats, enzymes, microelements and vitamins in it. To prevent the unpleasant consequences of poor nutrition, before starting a diet you need to consult a nutritionist about its appropriateness. Stimulating a decrease in appetite by forcing yourself to go hungry is unacceptable. The optimal solution in this case would be a moderate diet of healthy, good quality foods, separate meals and physical activity, diverting attention from the desire to have an extra snack. Nature has made sure that balance is maintained in the human body, and the work of internal organs is harmonious. Any coercion can cause disruptions in their functioning.

A healthy and fit body shape can be achieved by eating right and regularly engaging in feasible physical exercise. Attempts to turn aggression on oneself lead to changes in eating behavior. To ensure mental health for children, from early childhood it is necessary to make them understand that they are important to the world, to provide care and love. In this case, they will not feel guilty before other people for any differences from them and will look for ways to success only in a beautiful appearance.

How to make yourself refuse food? First of all, you need to ask yourself whether you need it at all. If you overeat, you should talk to a psychologist about possible unknown reasons for your lack of sense of proportion in food, which causes you to gain extra pounds. For a healthy person, eating brings pleasure and does not affect the state of health for the worse.

What causes aversion to food?

When the need for food arises, a person feels hungry. In a modern civilized society, the food consumed by people is usually of good quality and always available, and therefore they may not experience real hunger. If the feeling of hunger does not occur, it is better to refuse an extraordinary meal, as this can cause nausea, vomiting, the development of diseases and weight gain.

Decreased appetite with severe anxiety. Prolonged depression, manifested through lethargy and apathy, anxiety and fears, lead to biochemical changes in the body that cause reluctance to eat. Indifference to the world, people, events happening around indicates long-term depression. For some people it occurs periodically, for others it may not stop for months or even years. One of the unfavorable consequences of the described condition is the refusal of certain or most available foods.

Reluctance to eat during self-aggression. Decreased appetite is a common phenomenon during stress and depression. This symptom manifests itself mainly in patients prone to self-flagellation and excessive self-criticism. To analyze the beliefs that prevent a person from eating normally and his desire to create an aversion to food, you need to seek advice from a qualified specialist. This will make it possible to understand whether it is possible to realize your desires and overcome fears without deprivation of a balanced, nutritious diet.

What to do if you feel disgusted with food?

If you notice a long-term lack of appetite, to find the cause of this condition, first of all, you need to consult a therapist. If the patient does have a health problem, he will be referred to another specialist who can look into his case in more detail. Causes of aversion to food. A decrease in appetite can be observed after smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, drinking coffee, stress, pain and an increase in body temperature. At the beginning of the meal, a person should experience a slight feeling of hunger, but one should not overeat. It is better to eat in a quiet environment, in a place where there are no unnecessary external stimuli that distract from a measured meal.

The increased load on the nervous system causes a refusal to eat, since all the body’s energy has already been spent on overcoming stress. He simply does not have the strength to accept and process food. In such situations, you can help the body redistribute energy through short fasting. When deciding to stop eating, you need to undergo an examination and consult a specialist. He will be able to help the patient choose a diet based on the characteristics of a particular case and the needs of the body, in order to optimize the process of the body restoring lost strength and energy.

You should listen to your body's signals, and if it does not require food, it is better not to try to forcefully fill your stomach. Fasting is often prescribed for patients who need to lose weight to improve their well-being, and sometimes to reduce stress, for example, on their back. People who have experienced the positive effects of therapeutic fasting become more picky about food, giving preference only to healthy and high-quality food in the future.

Food aversion accompanied by nausea and refusal to eat

Unpleasant symptoms such as reluctance to eat and nausea are most often accompanied by weakness. If you find them in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. To identify the causes of illness, the patient is prescribed diagnostic procedures. To stop the patient’s lack of desire to eat, he is prescribed a special diet that contains foods that minimize the risk of nausea or reduce it. If a feeling of disgust for food and nausea turn into vomiting, this condition can have various sources. Nausea occurs with stuffiness, hunger, lack of sleep and excess nervous tension. Vomiting is preceded by a loss of strength and paleness of the skin, and discomfort in the throat. Refusal of adequate nutrition is also observed in the early stages of pregnancy, accompanied by toxicosis. In this case, the gag reflex is provoked by specific smells or dishes. In this way, the body tries to protect itself from unwanted substances.

Nausea is not typical for healthy people, so it rarely affects those who eat right, exercise, and follow their daily routine, devoting enough time to sleep and rest. Dizziness with nausea is a sign of the disease. To maintain the vital tone of the body in this case, you cannot refuse food, but the food must be dietary (boiled beef, fruits and vegetables, a minimum amount of salt in food).

Why do pregnant women refuse food?

At the stage of pregnancy planning, a woman should gradually adjust her habits. To quickly bring the body to readiness for conception and gestation, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking, devote enough time to sports and outdoor recreation, and include more healthy foods in your diet. Food aversions in pregnant women most often occur in the first trimester. Nausea occurs in the morning, so the best way out of the situation to replace breakfast and overcome unpleasant symptoms is a glass of water and biscuits. To avoid nausea, it is advisable for pregnant women to avoid coffee and other tonic drinks. Preference should be given to juices, fruit drinks and dairy products.

Lack of appetite in children. A child’s sudden refusal to eat causes panic among his parents. However, it should be taken into account that the stomach capacity of children is much smaller than that of adults, so children sometimes only need a small amount of food to restore strength.

What to do if you have an aversion to food, how to treat it?

Almost every woman carrying a baby faces such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis. It usually appears during the first three months of pregnancy, but sometimes it can make itself felt later. Insomnia, fatigue, and slow weight gain can disrupt your appetite and cause nausea. Vomiting bothers a woman after eating and even from the smell of food. You can cope with this condition on your own: first of all, during pregnancy it is better to avoid foods that are aggressive to the walls of the stomach, to exclude acidic juices, cocoa, strong tea or coffee from the diet. You should eat in small portions. It is important to start the morning with breakfast, since its absence also provokes nausea. While expecting the birth of your baby, you can have breakfast right in bed. This will suppress the manifestation of nausea in the early hours. You can prepare a snack the night before and leave it near your bed, or ask your family to provide you with a fresh breakfast every morning. To prevent nausea, the first meal should be dry. This could be low-fat cookies, crackers, nuts or seeds. Each woman can choose the best breakfast option based on her tastes.

By disturbed appetite and reluctance to consume certain foods, the body makes us understand the need to change our daily routine, lifestyle and diet. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will enable you to feel better and overcome situations with ease that others find difficult.

It means you don’t want to yet, since you can’t. Whenever you want, the refrigerator gets tired of slamming its doors.

Nada 50 grams of vodka, or better yet cognac. Have a snack and some broth right away! Super!! ! And the appetite will appear immediately!!

maybe it's depression...

two fingers in your mouth and everything will pass

I've been having problems for a week now. I want it too, but it doesn’t fit. was 56, now 49.

You have to force yourself! Now I’ll wash two salads, pizza, puff pastries, polish the whole thing with Nescafe Gold and it’ll take me two hours to come to my senses. 🙂

It probably depends on the state of mind and mood. The main thing is to remember that you are the only “instance” and there is no other like it, that you need to feed your beloved organism.

go drink some water!!

Drink 50 g. good for your appetite!

mb in the form of juices? fruit?

Wait until you want it so much that there is no time for thinking. Then eat everything that is edible, and the “I don’t like it” complex will disappear.

Drink only clean water. And don’t think about anything. When you want to eat,

(and you definitely want to), starting with fruits, then vegetables,

and raw, then I eat protein, a little, low-fat and boiled

Why do you have an aversion to food and feel nauseous, but want to eat?

Food is the main source of energy for any living organism. A completely healthy person is not at risk of loss of appetite, he is not sick from the smell of meat, seafood, fried and boiled foods. Various external or internal factors can provoke temporary or persistent categorical aversion to food. The pathological condition has no clear age and gender restrictions.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The causes of aversion to food can be harmless or indicate pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and psychosomatic disorders. In the civilized world, people have the opportunity to eat well and regularly, so they rarely experience true hunger. If you forcefully fill the stomach with food, discomfort will appear in the epigastric region, followed by nausea and vomiting. In stressful situations, as well as after drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking, the body is not able to properly digest food, so indifference to food gradually turns into aversion to foods.

Loss of appetite and aversion to food occur due to:

  • Malfunction of the digestive organs: stomach, liver, gallbladder or pancreas.
  • Hormonal imbalance (lactation period, female menopause, andropause.)
  • Worm infestation. Aversion to food is accompanied by sudden weight loss.
  • Allergic reaction to taking medications. Lack of appetite and nausea are often included in the list of possible side effects of antibiotics, painkillers and other drugs.
  • Severe food poisoning.
  • History of oncology.

Patients with food aversions should pay attention to associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, changes in body temperature and blood pressure. Thus, an aversion to meat, fish and other foods can be triggered by a viral infection, usually accompanied by fever. Food, chemical or drug intoxication does not occur without nausea and vomiting, and indigestion.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, aversion to food is caused by toxicosis and is considered by doctors as a variant of the norm. However, loss of appetite for a long period of time gradually dehydrates a woman’s body (with a minimum intake of water) and poses a danger to the baby’s health. Sometimes representatives of the fairer sex deliberately refuse to eat in order to get rid of extra pounds. This method of losing weight creates an aversion to familiar food, which leads to nervous exhaustion, anorexia, and gastrointestinal diseases.

With malnutrition, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, a person becomes sick from the smell of food, and, as they say, “food doesn’t fit.” The cause of an eating disorder lies in the following: the body begins to take energy from its own tissues, while releasing toxins. As a result, a person reacts to intoxication with nausea, and thoughts about the upcoming lunch or dinner cause disgust.

Eating disorders in children

Lack of appetite due to aversion to food affects the natural weight gain, activity and development of the child. It is in the first years of life that children’s intestinal tract functions and their sense of smell and taste are formed. To make food enjoyable, you should not ignore your baby’s taste preferences. If a child has an aversion to fish, make cutlets from it; if he is disgusted by meat, cook soup in chicken broth. Your favorite food should not only be tasty, but also attractive in appearance.

Eating is accompanied by a negative reaction during teething or stomatitis. Due to the accelerated growth of the body, older children often experience attacks of nausea and a sharp aversion to vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. Be patient and attentive to your child’s choices so that temporary lack of appetite and aversion to food do not become pathological.

It's no secret that catering dishes are far from ideal. Preschool children or elementary school students should not be forced to eat in the cafeteria if they do not like the taste of the prepared food. In such situations, it is appropriate to take a “brake” from home with food that will not spoil before lunch. When the situation changes (moving to another city, country), parents may notice that the child has lost his appetite. As soon as the adaptation period is over and the child finds new friends, the “whims” in the kitchen will disappear without a trace.

Pregnancy and toxicosis

The first signs of pregnancy include an aversion to food; the expectant mother literally feels sick from the smell of food. Usually, unpleasant sensations are noted in the early stages of pregnancy, the urge to nausea and vomiting occurs at any time of the day. In the hot summer, the situation worsens, a woman may feel nauseous from the stuffiness, and it may seem that her favorite food smells bad.

Food intolerance during pregnancy is associated with:

  • Hormonal surge. No appetite due to a sharp increase in progesterone synthesis.
  • Psychological factor. Depression or anxious thoughts about the upcoming birth impair sleep, appetite, aversion to foods and nausea.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. If during pregnancy you don’t even want to think about food, drink compotes, freshly squeezed juices, and fruit drinks. It is advisable to take folic acid and iron in tablet form.

Due to metabolic disorders, women eat foods that they previously had an aversion to. For example, a vegetarian shows interest in meat dishes, while a sweet tooth eats salty and pickled foods with an appetite. The condition of a pregnant woman is considered dangerous if toxicosis is accompanied by an aversion to food, constant nausea and repeated vomiting (up to 10–15 times a day). In this case, the woman should be under the supervision of a competent specialist.

Therapeutic measures

Diagnosis and treatment of problems with food perception are the responsibility of a gastroenterologist. After interviewing the patient and a thorough examination of the body, a therapeutic regimen is built, followed by correction of the diet. If a child’s appetite has deteriorated, a pediatrician’s consultation is required.

Food aversions can be eliminated with:

  • Taking medications. Conservative treatment involves the use of antiemetic drugs, sorbents, and means to improve gastric motility. In the presence of an inflammatory process that provokes a lack of appetite and does not allow an adequate attitude towards food, antibiotics and antispasmodics are prescribed.
  • Traditional medicine recipes. You can combat food aversions and nausea by increasing your appetite. For this purpose, decoctions or infusions are prepared from chamomile, parsley seeds, anise fruits, and crushed dandelion roots.
  • Dietary food. Fresh herbs and spices activate digestion and stimulate appetite. Eat in portions, chewing your food well. Remember, artificial flavor enhancers are dangerous to your health.

If, while carrying a child, a woman experiences a strong aversion to food, doctors recommend giving up foods that irritate the stomach. The morning portion of food will not be wasted if you eat it immediately after waking up. To do this, prepare foods in the evening that do not cause nausea and vomiting (low-fat cookies, bagels). Long intervals between meals will not help cope with food aversions and restore appetite; the period of toxicosis must be endured.

Trust your own feelings, do not ignore alarming symptoms such as lack of appetite, nausea, and rejection of the food you have eaten. Creating a daily diet on your own is not at all difficult, the main thing is that you have the desire to follow it. But if food still doesn’t bring you pleasure, or you feel aversion to foods, consult a dietitian. Be healthy!

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Why do you want to eat, but there is no food?

Yes, there could be many reasons for this. First, you may not be hungry. Secondly, what you are offered to eat, you either do not eat, or do not like, or for you it is unacceptable food. Third, you may be deceiving yourself.

Maybe it's hot outside? Try eating okroshka, fruit and a light salad. Or did you eat little and now your body is used to it and when you try to eat more it gives an error? It’s better to go to the doctor, you can’t joke with your health.

What to eat when nothing fits?

List of messages from the topic “What to eat when nothing fits?” Pregnancy forum > Pregnancy

Thank you for your advice. And then I shove it into myself, but I myself think maybe it’s not worth it, they say food eaten in spite of desire does not bring any benefit. Now I will know that pregnant women are an exception. Are weakness and hibernation also included in the toxicosis package??

P.S. But the buns are still delicious. (((

I am on very good terms with cucumbers. We sold some fresh ones here, already this year, but no longer. And they were terribly expensive.

There was no toxicosis, now I am 18 weeks old, I ate almost nothing for a week, I forced myself to eat, because... I didn’t want to taste or smell anything, I didn’t feel anything.

I'm hungry, but I don't know what I want.

but yesterday I got hungry)))

but I don’t want the hay again

Composition of a pregnant woman's diet.

In what cases is it necessary to change your diet?

If you want buns, eat them to your health. My friend also says that in the 1st trimester she could eat only white bread and buns without nausea and subsequent vomiting. Then I completely stopped wanting it. So don't worry about the weight yet.

The baby was born strong - 4 kg.))) See the passport.

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I want to eat but I can’t eat

The elderly man stopped getting up and eating.

he is only 66 years old. Some people have not been able to see since birth. And yet they manage to work. He knows the specials. font for the blind? (I don’t remember what it’s called) let him read books special for the blind. He needs something to do. Drag him to the hospital by force, and let him say that he won’t forgive you, you can’t just leave him lying around, dying in front of your eyes. indulge his senile quirks. He needs a lot of communication, a lot of communication.

it could be anything, from pancreatic cancer to depression, from kidney problems, and pain is not the main symptom of the disease, loss of appetite and weakness are already quite significant symptoms. it is necessary to conduct an examination, first blood tests and ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and then, depending on the results, we need to move on

half a year ago my grandfather died of pancreatic cancer, believe me, if it was pancreatic cancer, then there would be hellish pain, he would not be able to drink or eat anything, and he would lose weight very quickly and would have progressive anorexia! Most likely he inspired himself with this + depression, he needs to take him to a doctor or call specialists for a fee

Condition😖are there any comedies?

Come and have some tea with me, I'll make you happy? I'm alone?

Watch the cartoon boss/baby

Comedy without brakes☺️

I also saved a salad with cucumbers and tomatoes in the morning. During the day, apples and tangerines. In the evening, mineral water without gas. I've been living without toxins for four days))) hurray?

At first I ate only crackers and tea. Now cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and fruits. I can't even look at everything else.

I’m like that myself ((I eat fresh tomatoes and cucumbers... it’s just their smell that makes everything okay. I cook everything myself))) but I can’t eat it ((

The child doesn't want to eat😱

I understand you, because when mine is sick, they also eat poorly, I worry... But. I made it a rule not to force anything. But I do the opposite, if you don’t want to, leave the kitchen. As a child, my mother constantly tried to feed me, it seemed to me that this was her main goal in life, I sat over the plate for hours, for me eating was like a punishment. My children, on the contrary, love to eat, sometimes even too much, maybe because I don’t allow unnecessary things, I don’t allow them to carry cookies... It’s like in our garden, everything is on schedule, I didn’t have time, I was late)))

Of course, it happened. I didn’t fight in any way, I don’t believe in children who don’t eat. if they don’t eat, it means either they have a reason, or mom is exaggerating.

Now my youngest is sick and doesn’t eat - well, God bless him. I had breakfast and drank compote for lunch. He will most likely eat for dinner, even if only a little. as long as he drinks properly and without snacking

mine is 3 months old I practically didn’t eat, almost at your age, there was a little more. She gave me what she ate, the mixture was also only given before bed. and then she broke through and ate as usual. I didn't force anything.

What does it mean when you want to eat, but don’t feel like it?

JUST LIKE I HAVE IT NOW... it’s really infuriating

For those who want to lose weight but won't start

I can eat not only in the morning, and not only protein))))))

What does breakfast have to do with it? Is it really that important?

Nothing comes to mind at all. =(

I always want to eat chalk!

Eat chalk, only natural chalk. And get out in the sun more often so that vitamin D is produced and calcium from the chalk is absorbed.

sesame is the richest in calcium content

a hackneyed topic. but damn there are a lot of letters.

She teaches, she interferes where she shouldn’t, my husband and I quarrel all the time. But this doesn’t happen at home.

We were at her place over the weekend. She came home from work and asked if I had eaten, I said no. She’s going to die for me, I jokingly answered yes, nothing, and then the answer that almost killed me: she says no one needs your child, if you die, raise him yourself , I’m just in shock, that is, you never know what could happen in this life (God forbid, of course) and she won’t need a grandson. she didn’t come anyway, didn’t help with him, even though we live in the same city, she still says raise your son yourself, as if someone is asking her

I don't envy you. God help you cope with it and have a lot of patience

As I understand you ((it’s all the same for me, she’s constantly interfering, teaching... After the maternity hospital, my mother lived with me for a week, and then she left for another city, so my mother-in-law exhausted all her nerves... then “Give me the child, I’ll shake you”, although the child was eating at that moment, the little one woke up, “Let me do it. And you go do something.” My child comes first, first I’ll feed my daughter and put her to bed and then I’ll go do things. I once answered her that I myself I’m coping with everything for now, and when I need her help I’ll definitely turn to her... But this is not the person who understands(((

I feel sorry for my husband, he doesn’t want to offend my mother, and he loves me and my daughter. We live 2 houses away (((I can’t wait until we build our own housing so we can live further away)))

Initially, when we moved, it was necessary to lead a separate lifestyle, in particular food, a lot of problems would have gone away, about the husband - he’s in the head, for him the most important thing should be you and the child, for the rest ***. cleaning - enter a schedule, the main thing is not to be silent, it will get worse - it will sit on your neck or even worse, your husband will start listening to her, and will behave the same towards you as she does. and the child - well, let her wash her granddaughter once a week, maybe more often, then she might fall behind))) another option - for any reason, call her, change the child’s clothes, change, wash, take a walk, so that she doesn’t have time, and you just feed))) she will fall behind)))

I don't know how to react

As for the envelope, then say that it’s hot in it and calmly wrap the child in a blanket. And in general, immediately take all your things with you to the maternity hospital for discharge (otherwise she might not bring it out of spite, or play on your husband’s brains so that he takes an envelope and not a blanket), and to the discharge nurse it give it. The mother-in-law will see her grandson or granddaughter when they take him out in a blanket, she will not see the actual process of dressing

The blanket is very cool

We have the same situation in relation to our grandson... from the latest situations, “What will your parents give Nikita as a gift?” “She is harshly tempted to buy something cheaper... everything is always for show... it freezes me out... my mother brings me something... a T-shirt for example for my son... I ask “how much did you buy it for?” In response I hear “what difference does it make to you, you didn’t pay”, and the mother-in-law will also bring it with a check... she will defiantly lay it out..

Didn't raise my son right

Anyut, honestly, you yourself taught him to manipulate, he sets conditions for you from the nursery, does something in return, gets a tasty treat, instead of earning authority, you bribed the child. Apparently you spoiled him so much to compensate for the absence of his father. You constantly organized leisure time for him, so he doesn’t know how to occupy himself and he’s no longer interested in anything, his life was too busy. You yourself write that he has not been happy with anything since childhood, but perhaps this was because instead of giving him a little more freedom in making decisions, you organized his pastime at your own discretion. Maybe it would bring him joy to jump through puddles in the yard, and you took him to other cities, but due to his age, he could not yet express his desires. And then he just fell into your current and swam with you, he got used to the fact that all the organization of leisure time is on you, he never learned how to occupy himself. And with the advent of Gosha, you no longer have so much time to organize Danya’s pastime, and he himself has not learned to do this, hence this behavior. It’s all mixed up here: adolescence, jealousy, boredom, and attention-seeking.

I would ban everything possible, and would not pay attention to him at all! sit and whine! Since I don’t need anything, I collected all the toys and supposedly threw them away, they’re not needed anyway! Is the ice bad? throw away your skates, you don't need them! no birthday, no fun! when he loses everything he has, then he will understand! unless, of course, mom starts babying again.

I’m a tyrant, yes) my son is almost 6, also with his quirks, yesterday I picked him up from the garden, I say don’t roll around in the snow, we’ll go to the store and then we’ll go to the slide, if you roll around, then there’s no slide. I didn’t understand, on the way I dove into a snowdrift 3 times, sort of slipped and fell, then walked the whole way whining, holding on to the stroller. Naturally no slide. And I also received from my dad that he doesn’t listen to his mom.

The child refuses to eat in kindergarten, what should I do?

But I think that since there are 3 days before the holiday, don’t torture your child, feed him at home!

And during the holidays, accustom you to porridge as you wish.

If you go to another group in the fall, then think there: either take him hungry, or feed him at home and then leave him for the whole day - one way or another, either he will eat on his own, or the teachers will persuade him... Food and refusal of it is a common a way to capture the attention of adults, so here it will be necessary to somehow disperse the increased attention. If he doesn’t want to, he eats, if he wants, he eats, and the mother shouldn’t have any emotional reactions about this.

leave it for a day and don’t sweat it, sooner or later he’ll eat anyway, he definitely won’t sit around hungry. That's right, he knows that you will pick him up soon and feed him. And explain it, set it up and that’s it, if you don’t eat on the first day, you won’t sit hungry on the second day. It’s harsh, of course, but that’s what I did at one time, and of course I told her that she needed to eat in kindergarten.

About excommunication. Girls, who cares.

I fed the eldest until 1.8, the youngest until one and a half years old - oh, my boobs plowed without a break))))))))))

at such a small age I can’t tell you, mine themselves stopped eating it - replaced it with water and drank everything at night

Well, first of all, you need to get tita out of your sight, and secondly, come up with night feeding - since the little one eats at night, then you can, like tita, something distracting and let dad put him to bed - otherwise you - tita - reflex is drawn to the chest

My milk disappeared, as it was getting closer to a year, I didn’t start adjusting anything by applying it frequently, but simply removed it. We screamed for a couple of days, but we still want to eat. She will eat and calm down. At night she gave the mixture, during the day she did not take a bottle, so they ate porridge, soup, and puree.

Non-standing condition, during the day

Maya, I’m also walking around, weak, I want to sleep, but my brain doesn’t turn off, I can’t sleep. This night I got up at 4, feeling nauseous, went to eat and went back to bed. I can’t fool myself with a light snack; I need to eat a hearty meal and a varied diet. I haven’t been able to cook for days now. Fortunately, my husband understands and brings different food from cafes and canteens. Horror in short, well, nothing. We'll come to our senses soon. Today we are going to visit friends, no one knows about my situation yet, we are still hiding it from everyone, but the question is how my body will behave this evening. ?

I also lay there until 12 weeks... I was in pain... I felt like my kidneys were failing... but I didn’t vomit... I ate only tomatoes... sometimes with bread... when I went to the kittiwaka, I immediately came to life)))) everything went away and the barbecue was delicious... and I’ll come home again, bed, pillow, tomatoes... three PPP

I'm the same. But the doctor prescribed me pills for toxicosis and I felt better. True, I still have 2-3 days left to drink them, I don’t know what will happen next?

who eats how much per day?

I don't want to eat((

Most likely, the hour is already close when you will see your miracle for the first time, the girls told me that they also lose their appetite, feel nauseous, and excuse me, panos happens, it’s the body “cleaning itself” before childbirth. Harmonics. Be strong.

oh, I eat and eat))) I want to sleep all the time, but the cough won’t let me (((

Today I compared myself to Homer Simpson, I'm stupid and constantly think about food)))

And you are in the process of giving birth... the beginning))))) just be patient... until at least the 38th week)))

Something strange 😕

This is toxicosis. Drink compotes, soups, eat light vegetables, fruits. You need to eat and drink. At least a little. I didn’t leave the toilet until I was 4.5 months old, I couldn’t eat, I’ll eat it and go back. Mint candies also help. And that’s what Don’t tell me, I really wanted Chinese noodles with sausage, mayonnaise, melted cheese and a glass of milk. Hello. I really wanted to. Although in everyday life I only eat healthy.)))

This is such a toxicosis:(((what a horror, from 6 weeks until 10 weeks it was so terrible, exactly as you described, plus vomiting... I lost 4 kg in a month. Then it passed and now from 15 weeks . came back again, but luckily not every day, but 2 times a week with vomiting((((In my first pregnancy I didn’t even know what tox was.

It’s the same for me now... I can’t eat until about 11 pm, I don’t vomit, but I’m just nauseous, and I can only brush my teeth at night. In my first pregnancy, I felt sick from smells until lunch, then it’s normal. Apparently we have this kind of toxicosis)))

our 34.1 weeks - photos

The fact that it has become difficult is yes, it’s hard to turn over on the other side once again, not to mention walking or doing something.

Nothing, we have a little left.

Is it really possible that a tooth is coming out?

need experience with bedridden grandmothers

Notes from an embryo, part 4-9 (notes for me so that I don’t lose sight, if you’re not interested, don’t read it, but don’t unfriend me)

Happy birth. :))) Interesting story, but not mine

You can throw slippers at me, maybe I’m a terrible person, but I can’t do it anymore

Beginning of pregnancy: nothing fits except kefir and Borjomi

It seems early for toxicosis... if the period was longer, I would say that the weight gain is due to edema (not necessarily external), because the fluid in a pregnant woman leaves the body worse and stagnates.

watch yourself) if something bothers you, tell your gynecologist. Don’t be silent and better write down all the questions that arise during pregnancy. I know from myself that you will come to the doctor and everything will be in a fog, “everything is fine and everything is fine,” but when you come out, everything will immediately hurt)))

damn, it's boiling hot (((a lot of letters, but I can’t, indignation is just pouring out of me...

Life is unpredictable. And I need to correct myself somehow! But I can’t do it. A lot of words.

The husband is simply simply selfish. You pull everything on yourself, you want what’s best, or rather, you think that it will be better the way you intended this or that situation.

But if there is no love, then you will have to endure for the sake of the child. If, of course, you sacrifice your nerves and health for your son.

Otherwise, it’s better for you to live separately for a month. Perhaps something will move.

But playing tanks is complete nonsense for dad. He is obliged to take care of raising the baby. After work, put the stroller in your hands, the child in your teeth, and send them outside together. Let him learn to walk with him on his own and take care of him. Don't start long. In the meantime, you will have time to do your work at home. Find all the options so that he doesn’t sit at home in his tanks

Well, I would have killed my own if he hadn’t taken me))) but we have a different relationship, my husband dotes on my daughter, he helps with everything, although not always himself, more often I drive him away. tanks are also our problem... who would blow up all this garbage... but I’m still perplexed, for example, by the fact that he asks to meet his mother when you are with the child. It’s like this with us, when my daughter appeared, my husband doesn’t bother me at all, wherever I need to go or go, it’s just him, or he and the child, and I’m going on business. and to force me to trudge through the heat with a small child... well, he won’t even have such a thought. and his mother will not fall apart, she will come herself.

SOS doesn't want to eat anything! child 10 months

And mine has the same story, I haven’t completely replaced a single feeding so far, during the entire period of complementary feeding I ate more or less two or three times, but I still turn away a few spoons at a time and push them away with my hands. I thought about winding down the GW by the year, but now there’s such an ambush.

ours only eats porridge in the morning, before she ate vegetables, but she ate everything, she’s already introduced almost all complementary foods except sour milk, cottage cheese... and on you... I won’t have snot bubbles and that’s it, he’s kicking the plate with his feet, with his hands, so I stopped offering it for now

Doesn't want to eat(

I would also panic if the child did not eat, since he is a hamster all day. But any mother will tell you that children react painfully to their teeth. In any case, she ate. That is, will there be something to poop with?

All our teeth are cutting like this, at first there is poor appetite for several days, then there is a fever. Another time he was sick, not from his teeth, but apparently he had a sore throat, which made him eat poorly.

Maybe the tooth hurts your gums and it hurts to chew, but you don’t need to bite the liquid. My teeth are constantly eating a little worse, and liquid is constantly gushing out.

I'm complaining! I want to eat😭 but I can’t

And as a pregnant woman, I didn’t just eat, I ate. And in the last 2 months there was a lot of fruit, my swelling was crazy, my hands were going numb, I couldn’t sleep at night, but I still ate fruit in buckets.

That's lucky. But everything fits in me, and there’s still room left)))

Do many people suffer from this?? I want to overeat, but alas and ah.

Agree, a completely healthy person cannot refuse food and feel disgusted by it. There are many factors of external and internal influence on the body that can cause such a reaction. These may not be serious reasons or dangerous pathological changes.
Reasons that can lead to decreased appetite:
  • Severe stress and depression;
  • Toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Intoxication of the body (poisoning);
  • Allergy to certain foods;
  • Presence of worms.
A person who has an aversion to food must diligently monitor his health. Often despite the fact that food doesn't fit And be sick, there are other symptoms: increased body temperature, vomiting, weakness, surges in blood pressure. In such cases, the patient requires drug treatment. To do this, you need to contact a gastroenterologist.

Drug treatment of nausea and food aversions

It is very important to determine what caused food to no longer bring pleasure. Afterwards, the doctor will help eliminate it using special therapy:
  1. If the case is not very serious, you can at least sometimes force yourself to eat something, then you may be prescribed sorbents and antiemetics to improve the functioning of the digestive system. When it comes to completely refusing food, antibiotics and antispasmodics are already used here;
  2. Proper nutrition: follow a special diet in which preference is given to eating fresh herbs and spices, they stimulate the appetite.
  3. In some cases, they resort to herbal medicine.

Do not try to look for the reasons on your own, because a lot of time will be lost, and the problem must be solved quickly, otherwise there is a possibility of serious deviations in the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

How to improve appetite using folk remedies?

If there are no serious health problems, and refusal to eat is provoked by external factors, then you can use several folk recipes to stimulate appetite:
  • decoction from the roots of calamus: grind 1 teaspoon of the root system, pour 3 cups of boiling water and cook over low heat for no more than 20 minutes. Then cool and let it brew. Drink 3 times a day, 2 glasses before meals;
  • consuming pomegranate juice and pulp stimulates the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infusion of dandelion root: 30 g of root, pour 1 liter of boiled water, drink ½ glass 3 times a day before meals.
And there are a lot of such recipes, you need to use at least one of them so that your appetite returns again.
“Video The piece doesn’t fit into the throat. Diagnosis while eating"

Who does this happen to? Sometimes, along with the nasty symptoms of PA, no food comes along. And then one day or two or three days in a row turns out to be almost from hand to mouth. Then suddenly a ravenous hunger strikes and you can eat a lot.

That’s how it is for me...I lost 10 kg

Everything would be fine, but sometimes fears arise due to the reluctance to eat and develop an ulcer or tuberculosis. Or does hunger not help them? Yes, and weakness and dizziness occur.

I feel like this all the time. If I’m very nervous, I have no appetite and even feel nauseous. The weight immediately falls. But in general, I love to eat. For a year now I’ve been eating everything (breads, cakes, pasta, potatoes) and I’m not getting fat, but before from sweet tea was getting better.

I've always had a poor appetite, especially when I'm nervous. She was thin and always dreamed of getting better. And when I started taking amitriptyline, my appetite became very good. I have gained noticeable weight, I don’t want to anymore, I started doing gymnastics.

I once lost about 12 kilograms somewhere. I assume it was due to hunger strikes. In 1999-2000 it was, for example, 172/79, and then suddenly it was 67 and not a single kg more. Old pants fall off.

I brutally stopped drinking beer, I drank 2 liters a day for the last 3 years, I weighed about a hundred, well, with a gain of 198 it’s not particularly bad, I just stopped drinking beer, and I started eating less due to neurosis, in 2 months I dropped from 98 to 82:) and even glad... Very happy on the one hand:) and in general, whoever eats less lives longer:)
P.s. and in general, I think that this whole problem is a kick from the body, like “What the hell, you idiot, did I think I was playing with toys with you here? Anuka stopped drinking, stopped eating at night, started sleeping more, started going for walks in the fresh air!!! " :) such a hit from the brain :)

I haven’t been hungry for 15 years now, I eat like this through force.
Result: dystrophic 56-57 kg weight, I always have a height of 172.

I usually get a stomach ache in the evening after work, before that I don’t get a bite all day long...

This can be fixed, why are you suffering for so long? There are many drugs to improve appetite. for example, tincture of wormwood. I personally took it myself. You can also use wormwood in the grass, dandelion root, calamus rhizomes...Montana homemade drops, Peritol drops or tablets. Yes, a lot of things. And the appetite will be what you need

Well, actually it is.

This can be fixed, why are you suffering for so long? There are many drugs to improve appetite. for example, tincture of wormwood. I personally took it myself. You can also use wormwood in the grass, dandelion root, calamus rhizomes...Montana homemade drops, Peritol drops or tablets. Yes, a lot of things. And the appetite will be what you need
It’s strange, but for some reason I didn’t think about it, I should try it. I thought that the illness would subside and I would start eating, but it became better, but my appetite did not come.

I didn't even think about that. Great, you need to try it in the next situation when you don’t feel like eating.

rhubarb is also for the appetite.

Because of the damned VSD, I have another addiction. When you have symptoms of VSD, you don’t feel like eating at all. The stomach is empty or almost empty. My head starts to spin. Understanding perfectly well that a person can live for three weeks without food, I begin to get scared. Be afraid of this weakness. Then it begins to gurgle and ache in the stomach. There may be some strange taste of blood in the mouth. I’m scared again that maybe it’s an ulcer and now blood will come out of my mouth. And then death is slow and painful. Like that. But this makes it even worse. There is also a fear that if you don’t eat, you can get tuberculosis. I crawl to the kitchen and begin to eat through force. First through force. Appetite comes with eating and that's about me. When the food ends there is no feeling of satiety. But the symptoms of VSD quietly pass. When the food is digested, everything repeats all over again. That is, you need to keep your stomach always full of food. Otherwise, the VSD will get bored. And now, in addition to the VSD, the thought of the stomach begins to appear. I have a reserve of about 10 kilograms. But the work is also sedentary. Then the belly will start to sag. And the figure is such that it will sag. Such schizophrenia! Don't eat is a pain. Eating like this has all sorts of obsessive thoughts.
ADs have been tested. After them, the nausea became less. There are fewer scary thoughts. But the attacks of gluttony became more frequent. I can already see in the mirror that my arms have become thicker than before.

In order to compensate for the lack of all microelements in the body, a person must eat properly and rationally. If there is no appetite, and the food itself causes rejection and a lot of other unpleasant sensations, then the person needs help. Lack of appetite can be caused by a variety of reasons, including not only diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Few people know, but this can also happen due to nervousness. In what situations lack of appetite is accompanied by nausea and weakness, we will find out further.

Combination of symptoms

In order to understand where to look for the cause, you should analyze the specifics of all existing symptoms:

  1. Lack of appetite - the fact that a person could use some food is signaled by the brain, the neural endings of which send a signal to the digestive organs, forcing the person to think about food. As a result, gastric juice is gradually produced and the level of insulin in the blood increases. If there is no appetite, it means that the brain is busy with completely different, more important things at the moment. This can also be supported by diseases of the digestive tract, as a result of the progression of which, lack of appetite occurs as a natural protective reaction.
  2. Nausea - this process is also completely physiological, it is necessary in order to empty the contents of the stomach in critical situations. This sign is extremely important in diagnosis, because in combination with other symptoms it allows a more accurate diagnosis to be made.
  3. Weakness is a condition known to everyone, especially to those people who are forced to work a lot and hard. A person finds it difficult to perform usual actions, while feeling increased stress and fatigue.

Nausea, weakness and lack of appetite are perhaps the most common symptoms that both adults and children are familiar with. What prerequisites may influence the occurrence of such a clinical picture?


If we systematize all the possible causes that can cause weakness with nausea and complete lack of appetite, then they can be conditionally divided into two large groups: pathological and non-pathological.

Non-pathological causes

These reasons have nothing to do with the presence of diseases. They occur when the body is affected by external pathogenic factors, or occur as a natural process. Their main feature is the following:

  • symptoms last no more than 4-5 days, after which they go away on their own;
  • do not require medical care or medication;
  • do not have life-threatening side effects on the body;
  • may be repeated, but not more than once a month;
  • do not cause acute weight loss.
  1. Menstruation and premenstrual syndrome - during hormonal changes and preparation for fertilization, a woman’s body is literally subject to the actions of hormones. Sharp jumps in progesterone and estrogen, to which the body adapts gradually, can provoke nausea, weakness, and loss of appetite. When the cycle ends and a new one begins, the woman may also experience headaches and abdominal cramps, which is a completely natural process that does not require intervention.
  2. Overeating, especially at night - when during the day a person did not have the opportunity to eat properly, and meals were reduced to a maximum of fast food, then when you come home, where a delicious dinner awaits, it is difficult to control yourself. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract organs had no load all day, and in the evening, when, in fact, the body and all its systems are preparing for sleep and slowing down their life support processes, the food eaten can cause poor sleep. Eating heavy food before bed leads to nausea, which indicates the inability of the pancreas to produce the required amount of enzymes. Symptoms are especially acute in the morning, when nausea can continue with vomiting, which will lead to weakness and lack of appetite.
  3. Prolonged fasting - unauthorized refusal of food, supposedly in order to lose extra pounds, can cause nausea and weakness. The fact is that if food does not enter the stomach for a long time, the secretion produced has a detrimental effect on the mucous membranes, causing irritation. Sometimes nausea occurs immediately after a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger. Lack of food reduces performance and also causes weakness.
  4. Chronic fatigue syndrome is observed in people who constantly experience fatigue and loss of energy. This condition is typical for people who work seven days a week, and the number of hours of work is greater than rest. Workaholism is laudable, but it takes a toll on your health. Lack of adequate sleep affects the nervous system and brain, which can give incorrect commands to the entire body.

These reasons are most common in everyday life, since the modern rhythm of life makes proper nutrition and normal rest impossible.

Pathological causes

Associated with the presence of a disease in the body. In most cases, medical attention is required to resolve. This group includes the following reasons:

  1. Dysbacteriosis is an intestinal disease in which the balance of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms involved in the digestive process is disrupted. Poor digestion has a detrimental effect on the entire body, since it is not possible to obtain all the nutrients it is rich in from food.
  2. Endocrine diseases - hormonal imbalance and insufficient production of certain hormones can provoke nausea, sometimes vomiting, followed by weakness and lack of appetite.
  3. Chronic diseases of the digestive system that have worsened - most often such symptoms are inherent in gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as gastroduodenitis. Nausea, weakness and lack of appetite are the first signs that old diseases require attention and timely preventive treatment.
  4. Mental disorders - if a person constantly experiences increased emotional stress and stress, while there is no rest and support from loved ones, depression may occur. This psycho-emotional state implies indifference to everything that happens around, and is also accompanied by lack of appetite, nausea and general weakness.
  5. Intoxication – if pathogenic microorganisms are active in the body, this provokes intoxication. Especially often, such processes occur in the stomach and intestines, when bacteria entering from the outside begin to actively “take root” into the body and take from it everything that is available. In this case, nausea and loss of appetite are the primary signs indicating the presence of pathogenic microflora.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases - similar symptoms are familiar to people suffering from chronic arterial hypertension, when the pressure in the body is increased. Nausea can occur even after eating, and weakness is dictated by the wear and tear of the blood vessels.
  7. Drug dependence - if a person, either voluntarily or out of necessity, constantly takes medications, the gastrointestinal tract receives an enormous load, digesting and assimilating chemical compounds. As a result, nausea and lack of appetite may indicate the presence of gastritis and peptic ulcers, as well as pathologies of the pancreas.
  8. The presence of cancer - when a person has cancer (no matter what organ), and chemotherapy is carried out, all processes in the body, including digestion, are disrupted. Appetite decreases, which causes fatigue and drowsiness. Nausea and vomiting may occur, especially after taking chemotherapy drugs.
  9. The presence of an infection or virus in the body - many will think about why, when you are sick, you don’t feel like eating at all. The answer is very simple. The fact is that at the moment of active production of leukocyte cells, the body concentrates all its forces on this process, allowing the patient to recover as quickly as possible. Lack of appetite in this case is a justified measure. Excessive amounts of toxins can cause nausea and weakness, which can only be eliminated by maintaining adequate fluid balance.

Also, a decrease and complete lack of appetite, weakness and nausea are characteristic of the following categories of the population:

  1. Drug addicts – long-term use of narcotic drugs gradually reduces the sensitivity of the brain and nerve cells, which leads to social degradation. Moreover, all the processes occurring in the brain are aimed at only one thing: searching for a dose at any cost.
  2. People who smoke - nicotine kills microscopic cells found in the stomach. From here, the process of breaking down food becomes somewhat more complicated. Plus, tar-rich tobacco smoke can affect the circulatory system, causing anemia.
  3. Alcoholism is the abuse of alcoholic beverages, which is carried out systematically, leads to disruption of the digestive processes, and also has a destructive effect on the cells of the pancreas and liver.
  4. Toxicosis of pregnant women manifests itself as a protective reaction of the body. At the beginning of pregnancy, the hormonal background is rearranged in such a way that all conditions are favorable for the development of the fetus, although the body itself tries in every possible way to reject the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign substance.

TOP 5 reasons

Among the most rare diseases that indicate their existence by provoking nausea, lack of appetite and weakness are:

  1. Diabetes mellitus is determined by metabolic disorders in the body, as well as the absorption of glucose. A person may not suspect for quite a long time that he has problems with the pancreas and hormonal system. The pathology can develop over years and decades, until it takes on an acute form with more dangerous symptoms.
  2. Neurosis is a disorder of mental balance in which a person, under the influence of external stimuli, leaves his comfort zone. Nausea with neuroses appears exactly after appetite disappears. It is logical to assume that if food does not enter the body, it means there is no energy, and as a result, weakness appears.
  3. Pathologies of the thyroid gland - the rather small size of this gland can cause big health problems when its activity becomes uncontrollable. A lack or excess of thyroid hormones provokes various pathologies and diseases that are difficult to correct and treat.
  4. Oncology – in 95% of all cases of cancer diagnosis it is due to a random examination. A person may not even know about his problem, and the usual nausea in the morning, lack of appetite and weakness will be attributed to increased fatigue at work.
  5. Anorexia is a disease associated with a mental disorder and is the most life-threatening. Long-term refusal of food plays a cruel joke on a person, subsequently provoking a complete aversion to any food, even if it previously caused complete delight. Sudden weight loss is always accompanied by dizziness and insomnia. Absolutely all processes in the body are disrupted, so all available forces are aimed at maintaining vital processes.

When is medical help needed?

Only 3% of all patients who note constant nausea, weakness and loss of appetite seek help from doctors. Most conscious patients are ready to pay thousands for a “pill for all diseases” recommended by a kind aunt from a pharmacy.

Let's consider a number of situations when medical assistance is really urgently needed:

  1. Nausea does not go away for more than 5 days, intensifies after waking up and ends with vomiting.
  2. In addition to general symptoms, more specific manifestations appear: pain in the abdomen, throat, and back.
  3. Body temperature increases and is not reduced by any medications.
  4. There is an acute attack of pain.
  5. Bloody discharge appears.

In these cases, there is no point in trying to help the person on your own. Self-medication is not only inappropriate, but can also cause complications. The most correct choice is to consult a doctor and complete medical examination.

What actions can you take?

If the emerging nausea, lack of appetite and weakness can be compared with the prerequisites (overeating, poisoning, PMS), and the general condition of the patient does not cause concern, you can resort to such actions as:

  1. Drink a lot of pure mineral water.
  2. Take medications with enzymes: Pancreatin, Mezim, Pancreazim, which will speed up the digestion process and also help digest everything that the body could not break down on its own.
  3. PMS pain and lack of appetite can be eliminated with cranberry juice, nettle infusion and chamomile tea.
  4. If there are signs of an infection or virus on the face, the main task in this case is to maintain water balance (to prevent dehydration and speed up the removal of toxins from the body), as well as taking antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

Of course, the main reason is related to poor nutrition, so you can reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms and completely eliminate them with the help of the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid fast food and eat only healthy foods.
  2. Take food in small portions, not in one meal, but in 5-6 meals. The smaller the portion, the faster it is digested and absorbed in the body, without burdening it.
  3. Drink more pure mineral water, since it is the lack of water in the body that provokes disruption of all vital processes at the cellular level.
  4. Eat lean meats and fresh vegetables.
  5. Avoid fasting, even if it is for medicinal purposes. Only sports and proper balanced nutrition contribute to weight loss.
  6. Undergo an annual medical examination, without ignoring the testimony of doctors.

Thus, the unpleasant symptoms of nausea and loss of appetite can be associated with more than a hundred diseases, different in their focus. This fact indicates that if the symptoms do not go away on their own, and the clinical picture is supplemented by new manifestations, then you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

The presence of symptoms such as:

  • nausea
  • weakness
  • lack of appetite
  • constipation
  • smell from the mouth

gastritis or ulcer.

The presence of symptoms such as:

  • pain in the left side from the back
  • smell from the mouth
  • heartburn
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • belching
  • increased gas formation (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer.

These diseases are dangerous due to the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to

outcome. Treatment needs to start now.

The presence of symptoms such as:

  • nausea
  • smell from the mouth
  • heartburn
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • belching
  • increased gas formation (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer.

These diseases are dangerous due to the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to

outcome. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their main cause using a natural method. Read the material…

The human body's need to obtain energy through food can only cease due to a disruption in its condition due to illness, sleep problems or severe stress. If a person does not enjoy life, then his appetite disappears over time. Food in his eyes begins to look like a way to continue an uninteresting life, and therefore eating it loses its meaning for him. How does reluctance to eat food appear? Apathy towards food, along with indifference to the whole world, occurs in a person during depression. If a person in a stressful situation cannot find a place for himself and eats food uncontrollably, then with depression the situation is diametrically opposite.

Forms and types of food aversion

The feeling of disgust for food or nausea is very similar to the usual loss of appetite, but its manifestations are more pronounced. Lack of appetite means a reluctance to eat at a particular moment in time, while food aversion is negative emotions arising from the sight, taste, smell of food or prepared dishes, or even the mere memory of them, followed by nausea or vomiting. Gastronomic disgust is reflected through several forms of obvious symptoms: a change in attitude towards certain products or loss of interest in a once-favorite food; nausea from any food, during which you can find the strength to eat at least something; complete refusal of food due to discomfort, accompanied by fasting. The last point attracts special attention because it can cause the greatest damage to women’s health. Its consequences can be various diseases, including anorexia and cancer. Conscious refusal of adequate nutrition, eating in small quantities, entails both physical (in the form of weight loss) and moral exhaustion, depressive states and mental disorders. At the same time, the risk of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system and systemic diseases increases.

Reasons for food aversion, why food aversion, nausea and vomiting appeared

If the problem is no longer a one-time problem and brings you frequently recurring discomfort and a deterioration in the general condition of the body, to find the cause of the ailment, you should go to a medical facility and undergo an examination recommended by a doctor. In some cases, a comprehensive medical examination is required with the following sequence of specialists: therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, psychotherapist. If possible, it would also be a good idea to consult a nutritionist.

A change in appetite towards deterioration is provoked by many factors. Among them:

Toxicosis; occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, food poisoning, medicinal and chemical origin;

Malfunctions of the digestive system: gastritis, colitis, duodenitis, abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder;

Infectious infections;

Allergies to food, household items or medications;

Worms (especially if there are animals in the house);

A number of internal diseases, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis;

Hormonal imbalance (impaired functioning of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland);

Metabolic and immune pathologies, including diabetes, hemochromatosis, gout;

Viral diseases (from influenza to cancer and HIV);

Neurotic and psychotic disorders, clinical depression, etc.

If the symptoms of the pathology do not manifest themselves comprehensively, there are no additional symptoms in the form of sudden weight loss, fever, rashes, dizziness, etc., most likely, the reasons for concern are insignificant. Trying to determine the diagnosis yourself is not worth it. Any deviation must be diagnosed under appropriate conditions by qualified specialists. At the same time, in order to normalize their condition and get rid of unnecessary worries, when an aversion to food appears, every person should know what to do in such a situation.

Aversion to food in a child, causes, symptoms and signs of what problems and diseases?

A child’s reluctance to eat any food can be a separate topic for discussion. First of all, because baby food has its own nuances. Your baby's taste preferences, as well as loss of appetite or refusal to eat healthy foods that he does not like, can greatly affect the child's health and development. Many parents wonder why a little person is so picky about food? The answer lies in the age characteristics of the child’s body. The first years of a small person’s life are associated with the restructuring of the intestines, the development of immunity, the appearance of baby teeth, and the determination of the boundaries of his taste and smell. Such changes, together or separately, are accompanied by frequent pain, apathy, and irritability. Due to discomfort, the child loses appetite and refuses food. A child’s unpleasant associations with food can also be caused by the monotony of food offered, coercion to eat, lack of attention to his tastes, stale or poorly prepared dishes. Preventing indigestion in a baby requires attention and patience from parents, as well as efforts to prepare not only healthy, but also attractive-looking food.

Preschoolers often experience nausea when eating certain foods (for example, onions, carrots, some cereals, dairy products). Changes in taste preferences in this case can be perceived by parents as pampering or a whim, while many mothers admit that after transforming the food to the child’s taste, his dissatisfaction very quickly passes. Children who attend kindergarten and school eat in the canteen, where they have to eat dishes developed by the chef for everyone, according to the same technology and without taking into account the tastes of each individual eater. In this case, lunches and snacks taken from home come to the rescue. Educators, in turn, should not force the child to eat the entire portion assigned to him if he does not like the food.

What to do to prevent food aversions?

More often than others, girls who consider their weight and figure to be far from ideal dream of getting rid of the desire to eat. Not every lady is able to cultivate the willpower to refuse only those foods that contribute to the accumulation of calories eaten in the form of body fat. Since the human body contains all nutrients, if you have thoughts about losing weight by giving it up, you should contact a nutritionist to discuss this issue. It is possible to use special diets that will not harm and at the same time help the girl achieve the desired result. Before you seriously start forcing yourself to give up food, you should think about why you need to do this and whether you are ready for the sacrifices you are going to make to get closer to the standard of beauty. If a person is ready to sacrifice a healthy diet to obtain the given physical parameters, his desire requires psychological analysis. Currently, more and more doctors agree that the desire to lose weight at any cost is a psychological problem.

How to reduce appetite?

Among women who seek to create an aversion to food in the name of another diet is an imbalance of nutrients in the diet, minimizing fats, enzymes, microelements and vitamins in it. To prevent the unpleasant consequences of poor nutrition, before starting a diet you need to consult a nutritionist about its appropriateness. Stimulating a decrease in appetite by forcing yourself to go hungry is unacceptable. The optimal solution in this case would be a moderate diet of healthy, good quality foods, separate meals and physical activity, diverting attention from the desire to have an extra snack. Nature has made sure that balance is maintained in the human body, and the work of internal organs is harmonious. Any coercion can cause disruptions in their functioning.

A healthy and fit body shape can be achieved by eating right and regularly engaging in feasible physical exercise. Attempts to turn aggression on oneself lead to changes in eating behavior. To ensure mental health for children, from early childhood it is necessary to make them understand that they are important to the world, to provide care and love. In this case, they will not feel guilty before other people for any differences from them and will look for ways to success only in a beautiful appearance.

How to make yourself refuse food? First of all, you need to ask yourself whether you need it at all. If you overeat, you should talk to a psychologist about possible unknown reasons for your lack of sense of proportion in food, which causes you to gain extra pounds. For a healthy person, eating brings pleasure and does not affect the state of health for the worse.

What causes aversion to food?

When the need for food arises, a person feels hungry. In a modern civilized society, the food consumed by people is usually of good quality and always available, and therefore they may not experience real hunger. If the feeling of hunger does not occur, it is better to refuse an extraordinary meal, as this can cause nausea, vomiting, the development of diseases and weight gain.

Decreased appetite with severe anxiety. Prolonged depression, manifested through lethargy and apathy, anxiety and fears, lead to biochemical changes in the body that cause reluctance to eat. Indifference to the world, people, events happening around indicates long-term depression. For some people it occurs periodically, for others it may not stop for months or even years. One of the unfavorable consequences of the described condition is the refusal of certain or most available foods.

Reluctance to eat during self-aggression. Decreased appetite is a common phenomenon during stress and depression. This symptom manifests itself mainly in patients prone to self-flagellation and excessive self-criticism. To analyze the beliefs that prevent a person from eating normally and his desire to create an aversion to food, you need to seek advice from a qualified specialist. This will make it possible to understand whether it is possible to realize your desires and overcome fears without deprivation of a balanced, nutritious diet.

What to do if you feel disgusted with food?

If you notice a long-term lack of appetite, to find the cause of this condition, first of all, you need to consult a therapist. If the patient does have a health problem, he will be referred to another specialist who can look into his case in more detail. Causes of aversion to food. A decrease in appetite can be observed after smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, drinking coffee, stress, pain and an increase in body temperature. At the beginning of the meal, a person should experience a slight feeling of hunger, but one should not overeat. It is better to eat in a quiet environment, in a place where there are no unnecessary external stimuli that distract from a measured meal.

The increased load on the nervous system causes a refusal to eat, since all the body’s energy has already been spent on overcoming stress. He simply does not have the strength to accept and process food. In such situations, you can help the body redistribute energy through short fasting. When deciding to stop eating, you need to undergo an examination and consult a specialist. He will be able to help the patient choose a diet based on the characteristics of a particular case and the needs of the body, in order to optimize the process of the body restoring lost strength and energy.

You should listen to your body's signals, and if it does not require food, it is better not to try to forcefully fill your stomach. Fasting is often prescribed for patients who need to lose weight to improve their well-being, and sometimes to reduce stress, for example, on their back. People who have experienced the positive effects of therapeutic fasting become more picky about food, giving preference only to healthy and high-quality food in the future.

Food aversion accompanied by nausea and refusal to eat

Unpleasant symptoms such as reluctance to eat and nausea are most often accompanied by weakness. If you find them in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. To identify the causes of illness, the patient is prescribed diagnostic procedures. To stop the patient’s lack of desire to eat, he is prescribed a special diet that contains foods that minimize the risk of nausea or reduce it. If a feeling of disgust for food and nausea turn into vomiting, this condition can have various sources. Nausea occurs with stuffiness, hunger, lack of sleep and excess nervous tension. Vomiting is preceded by a loss of strength and paleness of the skin, and discomfort in the throat. Refusal of adequate nutrition is also observed in the early stages of pregnancy, accompanied by toxicosis. In this case, the gag reflex is provoked by specific smells or dishes. In this way, the body tries to protect itself from unwanted substances.

Nausea is not typical for healthy people, so it rarely affects those who eat right, exercise, and follow their daily routine, devoting enough time to sleep and rest. Dizziness with nausea is a sign of the disease. To maintain the vital tone of the body in this case, you cannot refuse food, but the food must be dietary (boiled beef, fruits and vegetables, a minimum amount of salt in food).

Why do pregnant women refuse food?

At the stage of pregnancy planning, a woman should gradually adjust her habits. To quickly bring the body to readiness for conception and gestation, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking, devote enough time to sports and outdoor recreation, and include more healthy foods in your diet. Food aversions in pregnant women most often occur in the first trimester. Nausea occurs in the morning, so the best way out of the situation to replace breakfast and overcome unpleasant symptoms is a glass of water and biscuits. To avoid nausea, it is advisable for pregnant women to avoid coffee and other tonic drinks. Preference should be given to juices, fruit drinks and dairy products.

Lack of appetite in children. A child’s sudden refusal to eat causes panic among his parents. However, it should be taken into account that the stomach capacity of children is much smaller than that of adults, so children sometimes only need a small amount of food to restore strength.

What to do if you have an aversion to food, how to treat it?

Almost every woman carrying a baby faces such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis. It usually appears during the first three months of pregnancy, but sometimes it can make itself felt later. Insomnia, fatigue, and slow weight gain can disrupt your appetite and cause nausea. Vomiting bothers a woman after eating and even from the smell of food. You can cope with this condition on your own: first of all, during pregnancy it is better to avoid foods that are aggressive to the walls of the stomach, to exclude acidic juices, cocoa, strong tea or coffee from the diet. You should eat in small portions. It is important to start the morning with breakfast, since its absence also provokes nausea. While expecting the birth of your baby, you can have breakfast right in bed. This will suppress the manifestation of nausea in the early hours. You can prepare a snack the night before and leave it near your bed, or ask your family to provide you with a fresh breakfast every morning. To prevent nausea, the first meal should be dry. This could be low-fat cookies, crackers, nuts or seeds. Each woman can choose the best breakfast option based on her tastes.

By disturbed appetite and reluctance to consume certain foods, the body makes us understand the need to change our daily routine, lifestyle and diet. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will enable you to feel better and overcome situations with ease that others find difficult.