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Example of a survey. Example of a questionnaire for sociological research

When a crisis occurs, the market is filtered. Weak companies leave, strong ones remain.

A pre-assembled customer base is one of the tools that makes the company more resistant to changes in financial weather.

Because you already know by sight the clients who have already bought something from you or who were at least once interested in your products, and you can quickly and effectively restore contact with them.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you have wholesale, services or a store - a customer profile and the formation of a database through it is necessary for everyone.

formation of the base. Why is this?

Just don’t immediately say that it is impossible for you to conduct customer surveys. At one time, we collected contacts and customer reviews even in a butcher shop.

Where people most often go after work, tired and with a great desire to quickly get home, and not do their writing, and for an ordinary counter.

You can collect contacts anywhere and anytime. And first of all, you must decide what information you will collect.

You need to think and decide what information about the client will be useful for you and will bring practical benefits, and what is just for show.

The questionnaire is just a stepping stone before your further actions in which you will use this information.

If we take the minimum marketing package as a basis: calls, mailings, birthday greetings. Then you must collect the following items:

  1. Company name (B2B only);
  2. Birthday;
  3. Cellular telephone;
  4. Email.

You take further points from your needs. For example, in a store you can also find out the birthdays of loved ones.

This is necessary in order to make special offers for your buyer. sentences with the text: “Your wife/friend/mother’s birthday is coming up.

You can buy a gift for them from us with a 30% discount.” By the way, we successfully practiced this in a flower salon.

In the B2B segment you will need to work a little harder, since the more information you collect, the better.

Examples of questionnaires in action

There is a big difference in collecting data on the sales floor and over the phone, I’ll tell you more now.

In the case of a telephone, you can say that you fill out the questionnaire yourself and most often weave in additional questions to identify the client’s needs during the conversation.

Based on the results of the communication, the information is also entered not on a printed sheet of paper, but directly into it, in order to simplify further work with the data.

Therefore, this section will be most interesting for stores or companies where the client fills out the questionnaire himself.

In addition to the fact that you only need to collect useful information, you also need to know that the fewer fields there are in the questionnaire, the more willing they will be to fill it out.

Do not think that additional fields make the questionnaire look more solid. No, they only irritate the client. Therefore, the “colder” the client, the shorter the client profile should be.

Below you can see a survey questionnaire template (unformatted version). This is the most minimal version of a new client profile that you can create.

It’s not difficult to supplement it, but we first need to implement this fundamental part according to the rules and laws of marketing, and only then move on.

Example of a questionnaire

  1. Name. We specifically emphasize that this questionnaire is only for special people.

    This flatters the client and eliminates the reluctance to fill it out, because everyone wants to be classified as a VIP client.

  2. Purpose of collection. Under the title you must write why you are collecting contacts.

    In our example, it is no coincidence that “Closed sales” is at the beginning; this once again emphasizes the client’s status and shows his future benefit, that this is a questionnaire for receiving various bonuses.

  3. FULL NAME. This item combines three components - first name, last name and patronymic.

    You also don’t need to split it into several parts, because each answer is an additional field that visually makes the questionnaire more massive.

  4. Birthday, phone number and e-mail. We help the client understand in what format to enter his data, so that he has a minimum of thoughts and a maximum of actions.

The printed form must contain consent to receive mailings and process data (below).

This is a very important point! Without it, don’t even launch the profile “to the people.” The fines are now huge, and people who take advantage of your omission are just waiting for it.

Therefore, we received a signature on the form and put it in a distant box (do not throw it away).

Important. The database needs to be constantly updated. People leave, lose their phones, change their email, and if you don’t track this, then you can make hasty conclusions about efficiency and generally work in vain.


Additional feature

Remember what I said about collecting birthday dates for friends and family? This is a very useful feature.

But I have an even more advanced mechanic for you, where the client leaves, instead of dates (after all, they are not so easy to remember), contact information of your potential clients who may be interested in your product.

The mechanics are very simple. You promise to give a gift to three people whom he indicates in the questionnaire.

To do this, you just need to write their names and contact numbers/emails. Moreover, you can also give him an additional gift for leaving these contact details. This will be the second motivation.

Another example of a questionnaire

And then attention. After receiving a completed form with the contacts of three friends, you need to contact them with the words: “Your friend Ivan Ivanovich has prepared a gift for you s_____, you can pick it up at the store s_____ at the address: s_____.”

The phrase is not verbatim, but just an idea to think about, that you need to refer to the recommender and do it as if he was great, and not just handed over your contacts.

5 motivations for filling out a questionnaire

It’s not enough to just do it and place the form near the cash register. It will just lie there and no one will fill it.

You also need to motivate people to fill it out. Moreover, you must come up with additional motivation even for those who have at least some contact with you, and not just buy from you.

To do this, I have prepared for you 5 of our most popular methods of collecting and forming a database.

Database collection methods
  1. Proposal to inform customers about new products. This method is especially relevant in wholesale.

    Almost all wholesalers love to receive SMS about new arrivals of goods and, accordingly, to be among the first to purchase them, because they think that new items on their shelves are the key to a chest of money.

  2. Questionnaire for receiving a bonus card. In Russia, people still love discounts and will willingly fill out a form if you offer a discount or bonus card in return.

    And there is one more little trick. You don’t have to give the cards right away, but take the completed form from the client and call him after 2-3 days and invite him to pick up the card. T

    Thus, the client will appear at least 2 times, and even better, he will leave with a purchase.

  3. A small gift in exchange for filling. Everything is simple here, the client fills out a form and receives a gift in exchange.

    The gift must be valuable (note, not expensive, but valuable). In each niche, valuable gifts can be different products, but as a rule, this is what you always need, but it’s a pity to buy it yourself.

  4. Lottery. You are launching a win-win lottery, where to participate you just need to fill out a form (even those who haven’t purchased).

    The lottery can be instant and the person will immediately receive the prize, or you can schedule it for a specific day and time if the gift is significant and you are sure that people will come for it.

  5. Competition for staff. An effective method if you launch it simultaneously with the lottery.

    The idea is simple - the seller/manager who brings the most completed questionnaires within a certain time will receive a reward.

    As a reward, trips to a camp site or trips to a beauty salon for women sell well.

In order for a potential client’s questionnaire to be filled out well and the database to be collected, there must be some kind of pretext.

And this excuse should be valuable to your customers. Don’t just put the forms next to the sales manager, but hang up the appropriate information signs.

Launch sweepstakes and staff competitions at the same time. Believe me, the client base is not something you should skimp on.

Important. You don't need a customer satisfaction survey right away. First, collect a database, and only then use it to conduct a quality survey of clients.

Your gifts from partners

Briefly about the main thing

Every day people are less willing to leave their data. I am proof of this myself. Therefore, do not expect 100% completion and collection in the “as it goes” format.

You need to approach this systematically and a little creatively, especially if you have a lot of competition.

But I assure you, when you gather a base of your clients and it helps you out at the right time, you will never underestimate this process again.

Just don't rejoice too early. Collecting the database is only half the battle. What is more important is not the quantity of questionnaires, but the quality.

And this indicator is measured by how positively your base reacts to promotions and offers.

This is not easy to achieve and will require other work from you. But no one said it would be easy.

Sales Generator

We will send the material to you:

If you are faced with the task of obtaining feedback from customers, the most effective and popular way is a survey. Customer surveys can be conducted both on your own website and on social networks. And how to organize everything - read below.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Main types of surveys
  2. The most common ones
  3. Step-by-step instructions for correctly conducting online surveys
  4. 5 tips on how to write questions correctly
  5. What should the application form look like?
  6. 3 free services for posting them on your website

Why do companies conduct customer surveys?

Through a customer survey, a company is able to establish a strong connection between the brand and the audience and understand how consumers feel about it. Using the results, you can further improve the product or service offered.

Consequently, a customer survey helps to obtain real data, on the basis of which the business strategy is subsequently adjusted or optimal management decisions are made.

Customer surveys can be used to accomplish a number of tasks.

Get free and factual product reviews

Getting customer feedback about a product offered is one of the challenging tasks. In response to a direct request, buyers either remain silent or get off with standard replies in the spirit of “everything suits me.”

This problem can be solved through extensive marketing research, which requires a considerable budget and the involvement of specialists, or simple free customer surveys on the website or on social networks.

The second option is the most preferred, since it does not require much effort and high costs.

Identifying the needs and motives of customer behavior

All the information about what the audience expects from your product and what else they would like to see in it can be obtained through a customer survey. This information can become the basis for creating new products or services, as well as for adjusting business processes. Being aware of customer needs will help protect your business from mistakes.


Customer surveys help attract new users and motivate participation in discussions. Such communications with the company become two-way, thanks to which customer loyalty increases, and the place where the survey is posted turns into a group for live communication not only with representatives of the brand, but also with each other.

With a survey, you show customers that you are interested in their opinion. For further development, it is necessary to publish the results and the resulting decisions.

Content Creation

Conducting a customer survey allows you to generate three types of content:

  • justification of the reasons for the voting and description of its conditions;
  • publication of survey results;
  • discussion of the results (so-called user content).

Increase in attendance

By using customer surveys, you can increase traffic to your community's social media page. To do this, it is necessary to motivate users to spread information about voting on their pages and in other communities.

Main types of customer surveys

Exist two types of customer surveys, each of which has its own functions:

  1. Interview.
  2. Questioning.

In addition, the following groups of surveys are distinguished:

  • personal conversations (face-to-face surveys);
  • apartment (conducted directly at the respondents’ place of residence);
  • street (carried out on the streets, in shopping centers);
  • option with central location (hall-test).

To obtain information remotely, there are remote surveys, which can be divided into:

  • Internet surveys;
  • telephone conversations;
  • self-completed questionnaires.

Let's take a closer look at each of these types of remote customer surveys.

Telephone survey

This type of survey is used for research, as well as, if necessary, to study the opinion of the population living in areas significantly distant from each other.

Customer interviews by telephone are also divided into interviews with legal entities and interviews with individuals.

The algorithm for conducting a telephone survey is as follows. At the first stage, a database of telephone numbers of candidate respondents is created, in which absolutely all available contacts must be included.

The next step is to select several random numbers from the collected database. Their owners subsequently become participants in a customer survey by telephone.

The advantages of this type of research include:

  • execution speed;
  • relatively low selling price;
  • inclusion in the database of people living over a large territory;
  • the ability to attract clients from different groups to participate in the survey;
  • no need to control the quality of filling out questionnaires by interviewers.

However, this method also has disadvantages. For example, there is a significant limitation in the duration of each interview. In addition, conducting such a survey from the outside looks like an imposition of something, so people often hang up without listening to the end of what is being said.

Nevertheless, telephone customer surveys are the most efficient today. With its help, you get the opportunity to find out the opinions of different groups of the population on all issues of interest.

Such studies are aimed primarily at determining the public's opinion regarding certain brands, products or companies. They demonstrate market changes and consumer reactions.

Submit your application

By interviewing customers over the phone, you can find out how effective your advertising campaign was by conducting before and after research. Financial costs will be minimal.

However, the disadvantages of this method (limitations on the degree of complexity of questions and conversation time) do not allow the collection of in-depth material. Therefore, this type of survey cannot be used when studying a company’s income or analyzing the work of management.

Internet survey

The involvement of a significant part of the planet's inhabitants in the online community makes questionnaires via the Internet a very effective and efficient type of research. It can also be classified as an operational method of interviewing clients.

In addition, such research is not expensive in terms of financial and human resources. The data obtained is of high quality.

And respondents save time, because when filling out an online questionnaire they are not distracted from their current affairs, can immediately view the entire questionnaire and have the opportunity to see and evaluate interim test results.

After completing the study, developers receive individual feedback, which motivates the respondent to further participate in similar customer surveys. Such loyalty makes it possible to attract people who are part of the interviewed respondent’s social circle to participate in such tests.

However, an online survey has one significant drawback. The heterogeneity of traffic to the sites on which the research is conducted does not allow the developer to control the actions of the respondent, which ultimately has a bad effect on the final results of the survey.

Depending on the location of the online survey, several ways can be distinguished.

  1. Surveys on the site.

This is a convenient option for posting a survey. However, for greater effectiveness, it is necessary to use other sites, since in this case only those users who visited the site and decided to undergo testing will take part in the event.

  1. Polls on social networks.

This is by far the most popular way to distribute customer surveys.

  1. Surveys sent by email.

Allows you to customize a survey for the client.

  1. Polls in messengers.

Customer surveys in instant messengers are carried out using mass messaging.

  1. SMS surveys.

With this type of survey, respondents who do not have an Internet connection can also be included in the list of respondents. It is recommended to make sending a response message free of charge for the client, otherwise you can scare off potential respondents by paying for participation. This customer survey method is not highly effective.

The most common customer surveys

Customer Service Quality Survey

A survey of customers on the quality of service can be carried out in various ways: using a questionnaire on the website, by telephone, by sending a link to an online survey, with the involvement of interviewers.

Quite often, the CSI (customer satisfaction index) technique is used for such an assessment, which helps determine the degree of customer satisfaction. The disadvantage of this type of customer service survey is the number of questions, each of which reduces the response rate. As a result, the reliability of the questionnaire results also decreases.

Customer surveys on service quality are increasingly being conducted through regular monitoring using push-button remote controls. Similar machines can be found in branches of many banks. Studying the degree of customer satisfaction in this way involves not only taking readings, but also following certain rules.

Marketing customer survey

Through customer marketing surveys, you obtain reliable data regarding your audience's opinions about new products, services, or features. The launch of new offerings must be accompanied by such research. This will allow you to respond immediately and correct course if deficiencies are identified.

Such surveys can be conducted when launching beta versions of mobile applications, to pre-evaluate an ongoing advertising campaign, or to study the impact of new bundled offers. The results obtained on their basis should become the foundation of a new strategy.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customers' opinions and their level of satisfaction with your brand are very important evaluation criteria in a competitive market. A customer loyalty survey conducted online on social media will give you the feedback you need to adjust your business strategy and increase people's positive feelings towards the company.

The results of a customer satisfaction survey will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your product from a consumer perspective, as well as identify opportunities for improvement. For example, you can find out:

  • how an ordinary consumer evaluates the cost of your product or service (inflated or not);
  • whether the staff effectively serves customers and copes with possible complaints;
  • Is your company aware of the growing needs of customers?
  • Are there any gaps in the customer relationship system that could scare you away, etc.

It may be worth sending a customer survey sheet to those customers who end business with your company to find out how to get them back and how to prevent similar situations in the future.

Poll of potential clients

Every online store is familiar with the situation in which a customer adds an item to the cart, but does not purchase it. It is necessary to understand what is the reason that prompts the consumer not to complete the purchase in order to correct this problem and motivate the client to pay for the product.

There may be several reasons, for example, the absence or too high cost of delivery to the region where the buyer lives, or a complicated system for transferring money. Perhaps the customer did not complete the purchase only because he was distracted and forgot to pay. Such situations need to be analyzed and given appropriate attention.

You can send this customer a couple of emails offering a small discount on this or their next purchase. Then invite the consumer to take a survey to find out why he decided not to purchase products from your online store.

Customer survey using Alibaba as an example

The sample of a customer survey conducted by Alibaba Group included owners of Android gadgets - active users of the mobile Internet. The sample was quotable by region; the questionnaire was developed by company employees, who then distributed it on the news website.

In just 24 hours, Alibaba Group marketers determined the existence of potential demand for a new mobile browser and the readiness of the Russian audience to install the new product.

As it turned out, the most preferred application features by consumers are stability and speed. Any new product will be favorably received by the audience if it is fundamentally different from other browsers.

Conducting online customer surveys correctly: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Formulate the purpose and topic of the survey

The purpose of a customer survey can be defined as the desired outcome, that is, what you are striving for, what you want to know or get. The final result formulates the topic of the questionnaire and determines the target audience.

For example, the monthly level of traffic to the Okay retail chain was chosen as the goal of the survey. Based on this, the topic of the questionnaire will be to assess the traffic of the chain of stores, and the target audience will be its customers.

Step 2. Determine the sample of respondents

The final results depend on the target audience. If you want to obtain the most representative results, you must correctly identify the characteristics of the respondents who will participate in the customer survey. The description of the target audience can be based on 3-4 criteria from the list below.

  1. Stages of interaction with the product:
    • direct consumers (those who make one-time, periodic or regular purchases);
    • people who are at the stage of making a decision to purchase a product;
    • people who can become potential consumers, but do not yet have all the information about your product or service.
  2. Relationship to a specific market (for example, owners of mobile devices with iOS installed).
  3. Region of residence (an important criterion for a business based in a particular region or for companies with representative offices in different countries).
  4. Socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, income level). Necessary for determining the target audience of goods with gender, age, and price restrictions.
  5. Interests (for example, used for products from the “Hobbies” category).
  6. Habits, values, character traits of respondents (used in cases where a brief description of a typical representative of the target audience is not enough).

Step 3. We describe the tasks, draw up a plan and questions

Customer survey objectives refer to the set of actions that lead to achieving the research goal. They answer the question: “What should I do to get the desired result?” Now it is necessary to determine the stages of work, the topics of questions, their sequence in the questionnaire (in blocks or mixed).

Questionnaire developers often think about what is better: using a ready-made customer survey template or creating one yourself in the editor. If the research involves a unique product or service or is of a specific nature, independent work cannot be avoided. In other cases, you can use a ready-made template.

Step 4. Test the survey

When the draft version of the questionnaire is ready, you should test it for yourself by filling it out yourself and asking employees to do the same. Such testing will help check the functionality of links, the correctness of graphic display in different browsers, etc.

By answering the questions contained in the questionnaire, you will understand how long it takes to fill it out, whether it is understandable to all categories of target audience respondents and how useful these formulations are.

Step 5. Distribute the questionnaire

Questionnaires can be sent in several ways:

Customer surveys that are not sent through an online panel are recommended to be posted on the corporate website. You can attract respondents using a letter or advertising message, briefly describing the essence of the survey and offering a bonus for completing it.

5 tips on how to write customer survey questions correctly

When writing survey questions, avoid qualitative assessments, for example: “What do you think of our company’s friendly customer service representatives?” The answers to such a leading question will not be accurate.

The question should be rephrased to focus the customer's attention on some aspect of your customer service, for example: “How quickly were you able to get a response to your request from our company's customer service representatives?”

Thinking about what customers might do in a hypothetical situation baffles many people. You should avoid asking “what if” questions on a customer survey sheet because you have no way of knowing whether the respondent has ever been in a similar situation.

It is necessary to consider those situations that reliably reflect the real aspects of the company. You can use a Likert scale to formulate questions to measure customer experience.

During testing, check how clear the survey questions are to all categories of clients. This will help in the future to avoid multiple re-reading of the questionnaire by respondents.

You should also not use questions, the answers to which will require a detailed and detailed description in the form of a short essay. Otherwise, you risk facing a large number of incomplete questionnaires.

It is much easier to understand and answer the question, “How responsive is our company?” than the question, “If you have used our website, phone system, or email help system in the past, did our customer service representative contact you promptly?” ?

Sometimes the designer of a customer survey sheet wants to get as much information as possible, so there is often a desire to add additional items. This can lead to unnecessary lengthening of the questionnaire, as well as disorientation (and even irritation) for the respondent who is confused by unrelated questions.

Tip 5: Try to use questions that begin with the word “how much”

Such formulations help to determine as accurately as possible the level of the client’s attitude towards this aspect of your company’s work. Instead of asking “Is our organization professional,” which requires a “yes” or “no” answer, it is better to use “How professional is our company?”

In the second case, you can use several answers that reflect the entire spectrum of shades of meaning. For example, “very professional”, “professional” and “totally unprofessional”. Such a rating scale will help to most accurately identify gaps in the customer service system.

What should a customer survey questionnaire look like?

  1. Introduction is an appeal to the respondent with a request to participate in a customer survey.
  2. Screener. This section contains a block of questions, the answers to which allow you to weed out those respondents who are not included in this target audience.

If there are several groups of clients that differ in socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, field of activity, etc.), the screener should contain clarifying questions that will help subsequently separate the data and study them separately.

  1. Main content part. It contains blocks of questions that represent groups separated by meaning. The customer survey sheet should be logical and not mislead the respondent, forcing him to re-read topics already covered in other blocks.

Key questions should be formulated at the beginning of the questionnaire, less significant ones at the end. Be prepared for the fact that during the process of filling out the questionnaire, the client may lose patience or get tired, so the last questions will remain unanswered.

  1. Passportichka is a block of personal data about the respondent (full name, contacts, place of work and position, marital status, income level). The client must agree to fill out this block. If you don't have permission, you shouldn't insist.
  2. Gratitude. The client spends his free time filling out the survey sheet. Be sure to thank the respondent both for this and for their efforts. If completing the survey takes a significant amount of time, offer a small bonus in addition to the usual thank you, such as a discount on your next purchase or a gift.

Where to post a customer survey online?

There are specialized customer survey services that will help save time and effort:

3 Free Services to Place a Customer Survey on Your Website


A pretty good customer survey service that has its own free version. It offers a fairly wide range of popular functions (anti-cheat protection, detailed statistics, flexible configuration). Owners of the paid version have the opportunity to remove the company logo from the survey window and individually customize the form parameters.

SurveyMonkey has a special application for smartphones based on Android or iOS that broadcasts customer survey results to the screen of a mobile device.

To create a survey in this service, you must click the appropriate button after authorization. The next stage is generating the title.

Then you need to enter a question with answers, and at the bottom of the standard form, enable the option “Add an “Other” answer option or a comment field.” This will allow respondents to write their own answer instead of the suggested ones. Now you need to click the “Save” button.

The next step is to choose the option of placing a customer survey on a website page or in a pop-up window, after which you need to decide on the size of the window (usually 500 x 430 pixels). If there is no need to further configure the survey parameters, click “Next”.

When all the preparatory work is completed, the service generates an embedding code to be placed at the site where the questionnaire will be located. All that remains is to copy and paste it into the HTML page.

It is imperative to check the result by loading the page and checking the presence and correct placement of the survey window.

Poll Service

This customer survey service is also quite effective. It does not require payment or registration (although it is desirable). Going to the main page, select the “Create a survey” button and write down questions with answer options.

The standard set of functions allows you to add a free answer option and set additional parameters in the “Settings” and “Anti-cheat” menus.

All that remains is to click the “Finish” button and receive the code for embedding into the HTML page. After updating the web page, you need to check that the questionnaire is placed correctly. By answering one of the questions, you can see statistics for this customer survey.


This customer survey service asks you to register, after which you need to click on the “Create a questionnaire” button and select the “New survey” option.

You can find customer survey templates in the menu, but finding the right one that has the questions you need can be quite difficult. Now you need to enter the name of the survey in the appropriate field and click “Continue”.

The next stage is entering questions with answer options. All you have to do is click the “Complete Questionnaire” button. If the client's survey will be posted on the website, you must select the "Survey on the site" link in the "Site" block. Copy the generated code and paste it in the desired place on the HTML page.

If you plan to place a customer survey in a pop-up window, you need to select the appropriate option. This option is available in all three services.

How to calculate customer survey results

How to calculate a sample

Sampling is the most important point of any study and represents the number of questionnaires received as a result. Sampling calculations are the basis of customer surveys and questionnaires.

The reliability of the results is justified by the laws of statistics, according to which a conclusion about the behavior of the majority can be made on the basis of an analysis of the actions of individual units from this mass. For example, consumer interest in a city with a population of 500,000 can be assessed based on a survey of 400 citizens.

The narrower the chosen niche, the fewer respondents will be included in the sample. For example, for 500 clients of a company, the sample will be 200 people. If it's less than 200, it's worth trying to interview all or most of them. The accuracy of quantitative results depends proportionally on the number of completed questionnaires.

If you have a small pool of eligible respondents, don't shy away from conducting a customer survey by reclassifying your results as qualitative rather than quantitative. In this case, emphasis should be placed on identifying the needs, behavior patterns, and difficulties of the respondent, without focusing on their exact number.

Special sampling calculators available on the Internet will help you calculate the required number of customer survey sheets, saving you time and effort.

How to calculate indicators

This most difficult part of conducting customer surveys and questionnaires can be done manually, using many mathematical laws, or you can entrust this work to special statistical programs for data processing.

You can use Excel to calculate indicators. Based on two key values ​​- "% of customers surveyed" and "% of respondents to a specific question", you can present your results in the form of a chart or table.

When difficulties arise with posting a customer survey on the site or you are not satisfied with the results obtained, you can turn to professionals. They will help you cope with any problems that arise, starting with a free site audit.


Just fill it out questionnaire hardly anyone will agree. Therefore, it is worth planning a promotion with a prize draw or discounts on purchases. Regular customers will definitely take part in it. To do this they will have to fill out questionnaire, in which you need to enter all the questions of interest.

Social status buyer. This can be identified by asking the question: “How much do you spend on shopping?” In addition to this, you need to ask: “How often do you visit our store?” This will allow you to understand how wealthy buyers usually come to the shopping pavilion.

Contact information - email or phone. In the event that the prize draw is closed, this data is needed to notify the winners. You can also send information about sales, sales and other interesting things to your email or mobile phone. buyer events.


Conducting a survey of customers of a hypermarket chain in St. Petersburg. The final questionnaire for the survey is formed on the basis of the format and objectives of the study, supplemented by questions and blocks important for the study. Marketing agency Life-Marketing provides services for conducting consumer surveys and studying consumer demand.

Helpful advice

A customer survey questionnaire is one of the most common methods of marketing research necessary to study the demand for an individual product or a group of products, to study the degree of customer loyalty to the manufacturing company, etc. Such a questionnaire is an effective and convenient tool for studying consumer demand for new products...


  • customer survey


Video on the topic


Helpful advice


  • “Wise Advertiser”, A.P. Repev, 2007; “Advertising Techniques and Public Relations”, I.L. Vikentyev, 2007

The main method of work of psychologists, sociologists, marketers and other researchers is questionnaires. But questionnaires can be used not only in these areas of activity. Many people have to fill them out when entering an educational institution, when applying for a job, and in many other life situations. Compose questionnaire getting it right is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance.


At the very beginning of the questionnaire, the questions should be easy. Further they can be complex. At the end of the questionnaire, when the respondent is already tired, it is advisable to place a couple of questions that are interesting to him.

The questions included in any questionnaire should not be ambiguous. For example, the question “What is your income?” may imply both the income of the respondent and the income of his entire family. By the way, we can talk about both salary and additional income.

The questionnaire should be composed only of simple questions that do not contain complicated formulations and terms unfamiliar to most people. Each question should be clear, concise, and clearly stated.

When compiling a questionnaire, it is impossible to push the respondent to a certain answer to the question. Therefore, it is unacceptable to begin survey questions with the words “Don’t you think that...?”, “Do you agree...?”, “Do you like...?”

Should not be included in questionnaire questions that exceed the memory capabilities of the person answering them. For example, it is unlikely that a respondent will be able to quickly and accurately answer the question “How much money have you spent on toothpaste in the last year?”

Compose questionnaire follows from such questions, the answers to which the respondent knows exactly, remembers and is ready to discuss them with a stranger.

A questionnaire, the questions of which the respondent answers within 20 minutes or even longer, usually indicates insufficient professional training of the organizers of the study.

A correctly compiled questionnaire does not raise any questions for respondents and does not require any additional explanations.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: How to write a marketing research questionnaire

Marketing research plays a big role in business development. With its help, specialists can predict the growth in demand for the coming period and make the company's strategy more effective.


To create a high-quality marketing research questionnaire and effectively apply the results in your work, first define your goals. The structure and content of the questions depends on the goals and objectives set.

The marketing research questionnaire consists of several blocks. First comes the personal data of the respondent (gender, age, education, work activity, etc.). This section is very important because... allows specialists to determine which category of clients (target audience or so-called “random” buyers).

Next, move on to questions that show how and how well the person is familiar with the subject of the study (product, service, brand). Most questionnaires consist of questions and suggested answers. The presence of options can significantly simplify the verification process and relieve the researcher from the need to parse the respondent’s handwriting, which is not always clear.

In the next section, arrange questions directly related to the purpose of the study. For example, if your task is to figure out how to increase demand for products of a given brand, then formulate the question like this: “What aspect of our company’s activities would you improve?”:
A) Product quality;
B) Level of service;
B) Assortment;
D) Other ________;
In this block it is important to give the consumer the opportunity to speak out. This will help you get the most reliable results.

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A questionnaire is one of the most convenient and objective ways to study public opinion. This includes feedback from the consumer and getting to know the psychological portrait of a person. However, behind the apparent simplicity of compilation questionnaire There are many subtleties and nuances hidden.


Give shape. Before you start compiling - questionnaire, a few questions follow. First, identify exactly what information you need to obtain and what questions are the most important. Based on this, it is possible to determine the target group, that is, the circle of people whose opinion will be significant. These may be existing consumers or buyers, potential clients, or, conversely, people who use the services of competing companies. Having answered this question, you need to decide which method will be most successful for working with the target audience: a personal conversation, a telephone conversation or a faceless questionnaire posted on the Internet.

Consider the content. You also need to take a responsible approach to composing the questions themselves. An incorrect questionnaire will not give an objective picture, and tasks that are too complex or require detailed answers will quickly bore respondents. The best solution would be to use several types of questions in one questionnaire. To save time for respondents, you can offer several answer options, but be sure to leave a field for your own option. Questions can be structured as follows:
“Which would you prefer, self-service or service?” - general question;
“What exactly did you like about a certain product?” - research question;
“Why didn’t you like this particular one? » - explanatory type of question;
“Which brands of similar products do you use?” - specific question;
“In what ways is product X better suited to you than product Y?” - comparative question. A good way to obtain information for analysis is to rank questions. Name the worst and best product in a certain price category, make a list of the most useful and most unnecessary purchases, etc.

Start small. Preliminary testing will allow you to identify errors, inaccuracies, and ambiguities at the preparation stage. The volume of testing should be 1-10% of the expected volume of the study. Basically, 30-50 completed questionnaires are enough. Important conditions for testing are the participation of respondents only from the target group, as well as conducting a preliminary survey using the same method as the main study.


  • compiling a questionnaire

Before you make such a questionnaire so that people willingly answer it, you need to somehow force them to do so. For nothing, people will simply be too lazy to answer questions and waste their time.


Let's say you are a call center specialist or a sales consultant at a household appliances store. Hundreds of people contact you every day, and each of them needs help in the form of consultation, advice, and useful information. You help, but at the same time you can force them to help you by offering to answer a few questions in order to improve the work of your company. Believe me, 9 out of 10 will respond to your request for help with answers. Although the sales consultant has no need for these questionnaires. The initiative here must come from the authorities.

Don't delay with the questionnaire. If you helped a person, ask him to answer a few questions. If you send a questionnaire a few days later, you may not receive any answers at all. If you respond to a user's mailbox, simply attach a questionnaire to the letter with your response.

There is no need to make up a lot of questions, it will be tiring for you. Three to five questions will be enough. And these questions should not take a lot of effort and time from a person. Try to let your employees complete the voicing of the questionnaire in five minutes. Possibly less.

Excessive formality will harm the business. People need to be treated kindly, kindly and lively. This will let the person know that he is helping a person like himself, and not a dry and soulless legal entity. And, of course, there is no need to be rude to people and send them away to “read”. Politeness and helpfulness will increase the percentage of sales and successful transactions.

Video on the topic

Before you make such a questionnaire so that people are willing to answer it, you need to somehow force them to do so. For nothing, people will simply be too lazy to answer questions and waste their time.

Many successful companies are interested in what their customers and product buyers think about them, they are interested in collecting data about what customers prefer, and so on. And they make fairly extensive use of small questionnaires to collect consumer data to tailor their performance.


Let's say you are a bank call center specialist or a sales consultant at a household appliances store. Hundreds of people contact you every day, and each of them gets help in the form of consultation, advice, and useful information. You help people, but at the same time you can force them to help you by offering to answer a few questions in order to improve the work of your company. Believe me, 9 out of 10 will respond to your request for help. Although the sales consultant has no need for these questionnaires. The initiative here must come from the authorities.

Don't delay with the questionnaire. Helped - ask him to answer a few questions. If you send a questionnaire a few days later, you may not receive any answers at all. If you answer questions to users' mailboxes, simply attach the questionnaire to the letter with your answer.

There is no need to make up a lot of questions, it will be tiring for you. Three to five questions will be enough. And these questions should not take a lot of effort and time from a person. Try to let your employees manage the voicing of the questionnaire for five. Possibly less.

Excessive formality will harm the business. People need to be treated kindly, kindly and lively. This will give the person the idea that he is helping a person like himself, and not a dry and soulless legal entity. And, of course, there is no need to be rude to people and send them away to “read”. Politeness and helpfulness will increase the percentage of sales and successful transactions.

To conclude contracts, fill out loan applications, participate in tenders or register in information and reference databases, organizations need a well-written questionnaire. To present the company in a favorable light, you need to fill it out so that the user receives maximum information.

We always try to make shopping in our stores even more comfortable for you and therefore offer an additional 10% discount on your purchase.

We invite you to fill out the form and receive a one-time 10% discount on your purchase!

The discount is valid at any time in any of our stores in the Mitino shopping center and the Ladya shopping center.

After filling out the form, you will receive a copy of the form by email, which you can print and present at the checkout when using a 10% discount.

    Your first name (required) Your last name (required) Date of birth (required) Contact phone number Email (correct e-mail) Send a copy of the application form by email

Survey questions

    1. How often do you visit our stores in the Mitino shopping center and the Ladya shopping center? Once a year Once a month

    Every week Never been 2. Do you always find suitable clothes for yourself? yes no 3. What do you like/dislike (not suitable) from the range? 4. What do you like/dislike about our store? 5. What do you like/dislike about the service? 6. Are the prices in our stores suitable for you? The prices are great! A bit expensive

    I buy only on promotions I can afford even more expensive ones 7. Would you like to receive information about promotions and sales from our store by email? yes no 8. What social networks do you use (livejournal, facebook, VKontakte, etc.)? Livejournal FacebookVkontakte Other 9. What is missing in your opinion in Mister clothing stores? (required) 10. Perhaps you would like to wish our store something else for better work. Write it here: (required)

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    Calculate 3+34

cforms contact form by delicious:days

Thank you very much for your participation!

company's news

An example of a questionnaire for conducting a survey of consumers, buyers

The final questionnaire for the survey is formed on the basis of the format and objectives of the study, supplemented by questions and blocks important for the study.

Example of a questionnaire form: Consumer preferences of residents of city N on the product market.

Record the recognition of the company and product brand in the markets being studied.

Determination of the circle of main competitors.

Identification of the main sources of information about products.

Preparation of a plan for a set of measures to increase awareness and loyalty to the company and brand (marketing and advertising plan).

Key questions studied (draft face-to-tace survey questionnaire):

Consumer survey: example of a survey questionnaire

Customer questionnaire sample

Questionnaire to study demand

I. Data about the consumer (underline as necessary).

1. Gender (male, female).

2. Age (under 18 years old, from 18 to 30 years old, from 30 to 50 years old, over 50 years old).

3. Social status (worker, employee, entrepreneur, student, housewife, pensioner)

II. Questions to study demand.

B) once a month, D) once every six months, E) once a year,

E) one purchase.

5. What price suits you? (Indicate price_rub.)

6. How many goods do you want to purchase at your price? (Indicate quantity_pieces or kg).

7. How often will you purchase goods at your price (underline as appropriate):

A) daily, B) once a week,

B) once a month, D) once every six months, D) once a year, E) one purchase.

8. Why are you refusing to purchase (underline as appropriate):

A) already exists, B) is not needed,

B) the quality is not satisfactory. D) don’t like the color, D) don’t like the style, E) don’t like the shape,

G) I don’t like the design, 3) I’m not happy with the size, I) I don’t have extra money, J) I can do it myself, JI) other.

In Fig. the survey scheme is shown, i.e. The order in which questions should be asked depending on the answers to the previous question

Rice. Survey scheme

The advantage of the survey method is that conducting one survey allows you to obtain a whole range of information: customer requirements for the consumer properties of goods, the average purchase size, the frequency of visiting the store for this product, the average price level that meets customer expectations, as well as the expected quantity and demographic characteristics of potential buyers. It is only important to choose the right number and composition of people interviewed in order to have a representative group reflecting the contingent of buyers.

The data obtained should be considered as initial data when determining possible sales volumes. However, in conditions of great interchangeability of most goods, a general excess of supply over demand, and in the presence of competition, the results obtained will not accurately reflect the actual needs of the population for a particular product. Therefore, to increase the accuracy of calculations, it is necessary to adjust them taking into account data on the actual sales volumes of goods.

Questionnaire for discount card holders

Our printing house offers printing of forms - a questionnaire for discount cards on paper or carbon copy. Your company may need a questionnaire for holders of discount cards with your branding to obtain information about your clients. A survey when issuing a discount card can provide a lot of useful information for analyzing your customer base. In addition, the contact information provided by the client can be used for further interaction with your client, for example, to send information about new promotions or sales of your company.

You can order any edition at a low price. One of the types of our work is the printing of specialized forms of enterprises, including self-copying and with company logos. We will be happy to advise you in our office and show you various sample forms and types of paper on which we can print your personal application form.

Sample application forms for issuing discount cards

You can download sample application forms for issuing discount cards in .doc format for review. The archive contains a large number of ready-made examples of questionnaires:

In most cases, the application form for obtaining a discount card contains the following questions:


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  • Customer profile

    We always try to make shopping in our stores even more comfortable for you, and therefore we offer you an additional 10% discount on your purchase.

    We invite you to fill out the form and receive a one-time 10% discount on your purchase!

    The discount is valid at any time in any of our stores in the Mitino and SEC "Ladya" shopping centers.

    After completing the questionnaire, you will receive an electronic copy of the questionnaire, which can be printed and presented at the checkout if you use the 10% discount.

      Your first name (required) Your last name (required) Date of birth (required) Contact number E-mail (correct e-mail address) Send a copy of the questionnaire by e-mail

    Questions for questions


      How often do you visit our stores in the Mitino shopping center and Ladya shopping and entertainment center? Once a year Once a month

      Every week I have never been 2. Do you always find the right clothes for yourself?

      yes no 3. What do you like/dislike (inappropriate) from the sentence? 4. What do you like/don't care about our store?

      5. What do you like/dislike about the service? sixth

      Questionnaire for surveying customers in a supermarket (No. 1)

      Are you satisfied with the prices in our stores? The prices are great! Expensive

      I only buy stocks that I can afford and hold. 7. Do you want to receive information about promotions and sales in our store by email?

      Yes No 8. What social networks do you use (livejournal, facebook, vkontakte, etc.)? LiveJournal FacebookContact Other 9. What is missing from the Lord clothing store? (Required) 10. You may want something else in our store for better performance. Write here: (required)

      Thank you very much for your cooperation!

      News from the company

      N on the commodity market.

      Consumer survey: sample questionnaire

      Half my job is to make estimates, and I completely trust SurveyMonkey to do that. To this day, I can say that I am completely satisfied with the user-friendliness of Survio. Suggest a product or try it. To add a SURVEYMONKEY email list and send a unique survey link in messages sent by the SurveyMonkey mail server.

      The questionnaire model can be changed and processed. Anyone can form a shape. What they think about quality and value. Look deeper to understand how customers use your site. Customers love our shipping and return policy. Conduct a user survey to evaluate and improve the shopping experience in your online store.

      Take advantage of SurveyMonkey's free profile samples to collect customer feedback today. I was looking for a program to work at Maza Park to collect data on the quality of work of all departments of this institution.

      Do some comparison shopping. Questionnaire models for consumer questions about the contents of online stores are available in English only in some forms. They have a desire to buy a certain product online regularly. Use this tactic to encourage respondents.

      Reliable and experienced, SurveyMonkey's tools have helped more than 20 million customers gather information online. Launch a survey to get customer feedback.

      Use surveys to get customers to share their ideas about your business, the quality of online store services, and products. SurveyMonkey systems enhance the ability to collect and interpret information with advanced analytics tools and many other features.

      Use this survey to find out if the arrest is happening to you and whether the parties are willing to recommend other people to you. You can then keep track of individual responses, who didn't, who responded, and who rejected the survey, including getting information about it.

      You just have to decide for yourself. Understand the purpose of your behavior and ask only what is needed. This is an opportunity to get to the client’s place and not lose it.

      How to ensure customer satisfaction and return rather than offering a shopping session that falls short of expectations. Dedicate buyers to communicate with customer service representatives, or a critical situation saved a happy scenario to find out.

      In real time, which you save or share with others, you can see the data as it arrives. Identify your strengths and areas and use this information for improvement in private equity.

      Customer Form

      Demand Research Questionnaire

      User information (underscore).

      1. Sex (man, woman).

      2. Age (under 18 years old, 18-30 years old, from 30 to 50 years old, over 50 years old).

      3. Social status (employee, employee, entrepreneur, student, housewife, pensioner)

      II. Demand Research Issues.

      B) once a month, D) once every six months, D) once a year,

      E) one purchase.

      5. What's your price? (Enter price_ru.)

      6. How many items do you want to buy at your price?

      (Indicate number of units or kg).

      7. How often do you buy goods at your price (underlining):

      A) daily, B) once a week,

      B) once a month, D) once every six months, D) once a year, E) one purchase.

      8. Why would you decline a purchase (highlight):

      A) already exists, B) not necessary,

      B) does not meet the quality. D) don’t like the color, D) don’t like the style, E) don’t like the shape,

      G) I don't like the design, 3) I don't like the size, In) No extra money, K) I can make it, II) different.

      Study design, i.e. The order in which you need to ask questions based on the answers to the previous question

      Rice. Survey scheme

      The advantage of the research method is that conducting research provides a full range of information: customer requirements for the quality of goods, the average purchase size, the trade exchange rate for that product, the average price level that meets customer expectations, and the expected quantity and demographic characteristics of potential clients,

      It is only important to choose the right size and composition of people interviewed in order to have a representative group reflecting the client population.

      The information obtained should be considered as initial data when determining possible sales volumes. However, with the high interchangeability of most products, the general excess of supply over demand and the availability of competition results will not accurately reflect the actual needs of the population for a particular product.

      Therefore, in order to increase the accuracy of the calculations, they must be adjusted taking into account the actual sales volume of goods.

      Questionnaire for discount card holders

      Our printing house offers printed forms - a questionnaire for discount cards on paper or copying. To get information about your customers, your business may require a discount owner survey with your company logo on it.

      Issuing a discount card can provide a lot of useful information to analyze your customer. Additionally, customer contact information can be used to further communicate with your customer, such as sending information about new promotions or sales to your company.

      You can order a print at a low price.

      One of the types of our work is the printing of specialized forms of business, including self-copying and corporate symbols. We are happy to inform you at our office and show you various examples of the types and forms of paper that we can print custom application forms on.

      Questionnaire models for issuing discount cards

      You can download sample forms for issuing discount cards in .doc format for your reference.

      The archive contains a large number of already prepared questionnaires:

      In most cases, the questionnaire for obtaining a discount card includes the following questions:


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      — Encourage your consumers to receive feedback;

      — Make your informal feedback channel organized in such a way that the consumer can express his desire or opinion (even if it is a complaint);

      — Do not create, unnecessarily, complex questionnaires and surveys.

      Large and complex interviews have very low response rates. But most importantly, they often have the opposite effect, your visitor is unresponsive and unsatisfied!

      — Facilitate the provision of information to the consumer;

      — Don’t leave just one complaint unanswered; a quick response can often completely eliminate the problem;

      “Introducing surveys and questionnaires alone is not a one-size-fits-all approach that will allow us to fully see the potential problem;

      — Surveys and surveys should be carried out on a regular basis, ideally on a daily basis, only by comparing the results can we understand the dynamics of growth or decline in the quality of service;

      — Review — Results — Analysis — Improvement! Everything is designed to improve the quality of products or services.

      What problems do consumer surveys solve?

      How to create the right survey and get useful information for your online store

      Any consumer research begins with a clear statement of objectives. For research results to be truly useful, it is essential to identify the problem and objectives to be solved through surveys. The most popular tasks solved through consumer surveys:

      1. Definition and description of the brand's target audience.
        1. Who is the brand's regular buyer?
        2. Who is the brand's potential buyer?
        3. Who will never buy a brand?
        4. Assessing the current position of the brand in the market and its development prospects.
        5. What is the brand awareness? What is the brand's competitive environment?
        6. What is brand loyalty?
      2. Is the brand able to retain its customers?
        1. What are the conditions for switching to another brand?
        2. Search for an effective brand promotion channel.
        3. Where does the search and selection of products begin, and where does it end?
        4. What sources of information about products do you use most often?
        5. What sources of product information are most trusted?
      3. Characteristics of the brand image.
        1. What is the brand's reputation?
        2. What does the brand tell customers?
        3. Negative and positive images associated with the brand.
      4. Determination of price sensitivity.
        1. Above what price will buyers abandon the brand?
        2. What is the optimal price for the product?
        3. Are buyers willing to pay extra for additional services?
      5. Testing brand positioning concepts.

      How do we conduct consumer surveys?

      The next important step after setting the objectives is the development of research tools.

      At this stage, the following questions need to be answered:

    • How will we interview?
    • Who will we interview?
    • Where will we interview?
    • How many people will we interview?
    • When will we interview?
    • What are we going to ask?

    These questions primarily mean choosing a method for conducting a consumer survey and determining the sample population.

    The effectiveness of the survey depends on which respondents are included in the sample population. If a non-target audience is surveyed, the survey results will be irrelevant and the research itself will be ineffective. To prevent this from happening, it is important to choose an appropriate survey method that allows you to reach the appropriate audience.

    The most popular are personal surveys and surveys via an online panel. In the first case, surveys are conducted in places of sale of the products under study and concentration of the target audience - in certain stores, institutions, etc.

    In the second case, the survey is carried out remotely, via the Internet.

    Personal consumer surveys and hall tests

    Over the course of many years of work in the field of consumer behavior research, IndexBox specialists have developed a special personal interview technique that allows one to obtain both quantitative and qualitative information. Surveys are conducted in the form of a conversation and require responses with a high degree of detail.

    About 20% of the questionnaire consists of open-ended questions. Answers to most questions should form a detailed story that allows you to penetrate into the inner world of the respondent and explain the motivation for his desires and actions.

    The method involves conducting interviews in a specially designated space of a retail outlet to provide more comfortable communication conditions that lead to a detailed and consistent study of the diversity and nuances of consumer behavior.

    Quality control of the data obtained is carried out during the survey itself (visual control), as well as by checking at least 35% of randomly selected questionnaires by field department supervisors.

    The check consists of a telephone call to the respondent and assessment of the quality of filling out the questionnaire.

    Additional verification is carried out using statistical methods of data analysis and determining the degree of deviation of the indicators presented in the questionnaires of each interviewer.

    Online consumer surveys

    The selection of respondents who meet the criteria of the sample population is carried out on the basis of contacts from the corresponding online panel. Online panels are communities of people who have agreed to regularly participate in market research. Each participant deliberately registers in the panel on a special Internet portal, providing various socio-demographic and consumer data about himself, and also receives compensation for participation in the form of monetary rewards or prizes.

    Each respondent receives an invitation to participate in the survey by email and, if they successfully pass the filter questions, begins filling out the questionnaire.

    • The reliability of the information provided by panelists is verified by the following methods:
    • Measuring the time required to answer each question;
    • Analysis of answers to open questions;
    • Dynamic comparison of responses to survey questions with the panelist’s profile;
    • “Black list” and dynamic screening of questionnaires with questionable reliability;
    • Repeated survey of study participants (control);
    • Rejection of questionnaires containing a large number of “don’t know/difficult to answer” answers;
    • Rejection of questionnaires with stereotypical answers (for example, one column or zigzags in tabular questions);
    • Logical matching questions for filtering questionnaires filled out “blindly”;
    • A question-task to check attentiveness (for example, in a table question, among the statements, a task is added - “check the answer “completely agree”);
    • Filtering “flat” questionnaires with stereotypical answers to questions (for example, the respondent always answers “completely agree” to a large number of statements).

    What resources allow us to conduct qualitative consumer surveys?

    • A team of specialists with significant experience in implementing successful and notable projects in the field of consumer research.
    • Research standards in accordance with the regulations of the American Marketing Association and the Alliance of International Marketing Research Institutes.
    • A work methodology that combines desk and field research, as well as our own developments, taking into account the specifics of the Russian market.
    • Using the best survey software Kinesis Survey.
    • Own field department IndexBox (150 interviewers, 8 supervisors).

    In what format do we provide consumer survey results?

    Upon completion of the survey, the data array, checked for quality, enters the desk stage of the study - information analysis.

    Based on the results of the analysis, the results and conclusions of the study are presented in the format of a MS PowerPoint presentation report; MS Excel tables are additionally attached to the report.

    The report contains:

    • Description of trends in abstracts;
    • Visualization of data on charts and diagrams;
    • Conclusions and recommendations consistent with the goals and objectives of the study.

    The convenient presentation format allows you to quickly understand the research results and immediately use them in your work. Depending on the scope of the tasks, the presentation on average includes 50-60 slides.


    Example of a survey for consumers, clients

    The final survey questionnaire is based on the design and objectives of the study, supplemented by questions and blocks that are relevant to the study.

    Marketing agency Life-Marketing provides services for conducting consumer hearings and studying consumer demand.

    Example of a questionnaire form: wishes of the city consumer

    N on the commodity market.

    Research objectives:

      Determine brand awareness of companies and products in the markets being studied.

      Determination of consumer preferences and decision-making factors.

      Determine the size of your main competitors.

      Identify the main sources of information about the product.

      Preparation of a plan of measures to increase visibility and loyalty to the company and brand (marketing and advertising plan).

    Key questions to consider (draft personal study questionnaire):

    Information about the defendant:

      up to 15 years (less than 12 years were not surveyed). Determine your age with your eyes.

      16-25 - students, students, active young people

      26-35 - independent audience for work, young families

      36-45 - middle-aged people

      46-60 - independent group, characterized by older children (in case of marital status) and the possible presence of grandchildren

      from 61 to retirement and retirement

    Responsible person's gender

    You have a family, children/grandchildren (up to 12 years old).

    The question concerns elderly and elderly people.

      Family Yes / No

      Children. Yes. What age? _____

    Study the frequency of purchases, the principle of expenses:

    Enter multiple answers.

    Purchase frequency

    Product research and product preference:

    Settings according to product type (there may be more than one answer)

      product 1

      product 2

      product N

    What brands are you familiar with?

    Recognized trademarks (by name/brand). This is not the producer's name. It is recommended to fill this block with 7-9 brands, including yours, that are really actively present in the place where the analysis is being carried out, and which are direct competitors for your brands.

    What _____________________ did you buy/your family's last purchase?

    This could be a type or a brand.

    What would you like to buy _____________________ in the near future / now? This could be a type or a brand.

    Brand knowledge:

    The manufacturers whose name is given by the respondent know (without prompting). Open question.

    If the answer is no, then the next point.

    Do you know the manufacturers, the names of the above companies? The manufacturers whose company appoints the defendant have heard. The list has been read. Select from 5-7 companies whose products are present in the region under study, including your company name.

      manufacturer 1

      manufacturer 2

      manufacturer N

    Manufacturers whose products are trusted by investors.

    Place of purchase and purchasing decision factors

      Where does the customer most often buy groceries? There may be more than one answer.

      supermarket / online store

      shop _______

      specialized __________

      Price sensitivity

      the product is selected ___________________________.

      The price doesn't matter.

      the product is selected by ________________. The price is studied and considered.

      When choosing a product, the main consideration is price.

      Product selection criterion. What is the main focus?

      a brand I know/trust

      by appearance

      for the whole set

      before _______________

      To ________________

      Depends on product type

      type of product.

      complex product with ______________________. Which?

      buy ______________________________-

      Purchasing principle

      I buy quickly and impulsively (on the go) what I like

      I buy fast and impulsive (on the go) because

      Buyers Question

      I know exactly what I want

      I am making a careful decision and I am currently looking for a suitable option

      Attitude to news

      I buy the same famous product

      I want to experiment and buy new products

    Sources of product information

      Sources of information about new products on the commodity market

      in stores when I see a new unknown product on sale

      What brand names do you remember and can name? Do you remember?

    This example of a questionnaire for consumer surveys used in the work of the marketing agency Life-Marketing is for informational purposes only (template), and not a final version.