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The child's body itches. Itching in the anus. Infectious diseases

Hello, dear parents! Why is your baby itching? It's unlikely because you don't wash it, right? So something is bothering him. Let's figure it out together, what could it be?

Every person’s skin contains a large number of receptors; they are the ones that help us perceive the world around us. Such an unpleasant sensation as itchy skin occurs due to prolonged irritation of these receptors.

Itching can spread over the entire surface of the skin, then it is called general or in a specific place, in which case we are talking about local itching. Let's talk about the causes of itching in children.

Symptoms of the disease will help you understand the reason why your child is itching.

First of all, let's look at what place the child is scratching, is there any on his skin? The main and most common causes of childhood itching include the following:

With neurological problems, the child itches constantly, but you will not see any swelling, rashes or redness on his skin.

Infectious diseases that cause itching in children include. In addition to severe itching, in this case, the child develops a characteristic rash on the skin in the form of blisters filled with liquid.

A similar situation occurs when a scabies mite settles on a child’s skin. It irritates the nerve endings of the skin, gnawing passages in its thickness. By the way, this itching is also local in nature; the child itches in the abdomen and palms.

However, it is not always that a child itches in the buttocks because of helminths; it is quite possible that he has a dyspeptic disorder, that is, the process of digesting food is disrupted. In this case, the skin in the anal area is irritated by an excess of digestive enzymes secreted in feces.

If a child has this particular problem, you will notice that redness has appeared near his butt, the baby sleeps restlessly, and goes to poop with caution, since the process of defecation causes him serious discomfort.

In addition to itching, redness and peeling of the skin are characteristic. Moreover, itching can be both general and local. This itching can be explained by the effect of the allergen on skin receptors.

For example, with an allergy to washing powder, itching will be in the area of ​​​​contact between the skin and clothing; with a food allergy, general itching usually occurs, since the allergen acts from within the body; with a respiratory allergy, itching may occur in the area of ​​​​the eyes and nose.

What to do, where to go if a child itches?

The fact that a child has begun to itch constantly cannot be ignored. You can only roughly(!) determine the cause of the itching. For qualified help, you should only consult a doctor.

If there is a neurological cause of itching, you will need to consult a psychologist and neurologist. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe you sedatives, massage, acupuncture and other calming procedures and medications.

To eliminate itching with chickenpox, antihistamines are usually used. The combed areas are wiped with a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. And you definitely need to keep your child’s hands clean and trim their nails so as not to introduce infection into the wounds.

In case of digestive problems, it is also important to eliminate the cause itself, and only then the itching will go away. During treatment, creams that will need to be applied to the anus (baby cream, fenistil, vaseline oil) will help relieve the symptoms of itching.

In case of allergies, it is also important to exclude the influence of the allergen; the manifestations of itching are reduced by antihistamines, gels, ointments, and creams.

Irritation in the intimate area in a child, redness, itching in a girl and accompanying manifestations often always cause discomfort. Such unpleasant sensations can occur both at 3 years and at a later age. Why does an intimate place itch and what to do when such manifestations occur? This information will help you find the answer to this and related questions.

Unpleasant irritation in the intimate area of ​​a child, redness, itching in a girl most often serves as an example of a specific skin reaction. At the same time, the vaginal area begins to itch, causing a strong desire to scratch the painful manifestations. This phenomenon most often occurs in girls at the age of 12, but there are many examples when it appeared earlier.

Many teenagers with itching sensations in the intimate area silently endure all painful manifestations, without telling adults about it. This is completely wrong, since sometimes these manifestations serve as symptoms of dangerous diseases. Therefore, at the first itching sensation in the groin, girls should inform their parents.

Redness in the groin, as well as unbearable itching, is caused by:

  1. Fungus. Itchy manifestations in most cases torment children whose bodies have been penetrated by athlete's foot spores.
  2. Inflammation. Very often, itching in the intimate area in girls is associated with the development of inflammatory processes inside the skin. Typically, such inflammations begin as a result of the penetration of bacterial pathogens into the child’s body.
  3. Contact type of dermatitis. When a child bathes in a public pond, there is a high risk of contracting dermatitis. The latter often causes itchy skin in the groin.
  4. Scabies. Redness in the intimate area may be associated with damage to the child's body by pubic lice or scabies. In this case, children should be accompanied by an adult to visit the office of a pediatrician or dermatologist.
  5. Infectious nature of diseases of the genitourinary organs. Regardless of how old the child is, his genitourinary system may be exposed to the pathogenic effects of certain factors. The latter often initiate the appearance of unpleasant itching in the groin area.
  6. Allergy. Very often, redness appears in the child’s groin, which is caused by the development of corresponding allergic reactions. Allergies can be caused not only by ignoring personal hygiene standards, but also by the composition of many hygiene products.
  7. Medicine. Certain types of medications, when used frequently, lead to redness in the child's groin. Especially if the baby is “stuffed” with antibacterial drugs that kill many types of beneficial bacteria in the microflora.

Regardless of the cause of discomfort in the groin area, girls should be subjected to mandatory treatment as early as possible. It is carried out only by a doctor after finding out the true causes of discomfort in the groin. By the way, there are many reasons for the development of this unpleasant phenomenon, but treatment should always be targeted at the source of pain.

How to cope with unpleasant feelings?

Only a qualified medical specialist can relieve itching in the groin area within a short time. Only a doctor, after examining the child’s body, will be able to determine the true cause of the discomfort and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Proper treatment will help not only eliminate discomfort, but also prevent its recurrence.

Redness, burning and itching in the groin will be eliminated if:

  1. Wash your genitals correctly. Itching in the intimate area will no longer occur if this area is periodically washed with St. John's wort decoction. This herb in finished dried form is freely available on pharmacy shelves. At home, you can prepare a decoction from it, which should be used to wash the entire intimate area twice a day. The active substances of the resulting decoction will be able to suppress the proliferation of pathogenic particles that have penetrated the groin area.
  2. Observe personal hygiene rules. Redness in the intimate area in girls will go away much faster if this area is washed thoroughly with warm water and plain soap twice a day. Such hygiene procedures will help remove many pathogenic particles from the surface of the vagina, the activity of which leads to itching.
  3. Take medications prescribed by your doctor. Itching in the vaginal area can be treated with certain medications. It is recommended to use such medications as prescribed by a doctor, following the dosages prescribed by him. Most often, antifungal and antibacterial drugs are prescribed in childhood, leading to the death of fungi and bacteria that have entered the body.

The therapy indicated in the last paragraph is of a course nature, after which it is recommended to visit a doctor.

Why do girls get itchy groin?

“What causes unpleasant itching in girls’ bodies?” - This is a question parents often ask doctors. In most cases, girls’ intimate organs begin to itch after pathogenic bacterial bodies penetrate them. These bacteria enter here from the lumen of the rectum. Usually in five out of ten cases the manifestation of the described sensations is noted.

The migration of pathogenic bacteria is often caused by poor hygiene practices. If a girl does not wash her intimate area every day, then huge bacterial accumulations form on the surface of the genitals. In the warm and moist environment of the groin, they begin to actively multiply, causing characteristic itching. At the same time, even the labia itch.

Depending on the area of ​​localization of pathogenic bacterial agents, itchy manifestations may occur in the following areas:

  • labia;
  • vagina.

In girls, itching on the labia often serves as a signal of the development of vulvovaginitis. This disease occurs due to the vigorous activity of pathogenic bacteria in the groin. In addition, itchy manifestations in the intimate area are associated with weakened immune properties in the child.

Treatment of a child's body with antibiotics leads to the death of a large proportion of beneficial bacteria, which also often causes itching in the intimate area.

Vaginal itching is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic discharge. The color of these secretions can vary greatly, thereby making it clear what degree the child’s body is affected by the disease. All this is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which also indicates the need for treatment of the girl’s body.

Developing vulvovaginitis is a form of inflammation that affects the vulva-vagina area. The described symptoms are a reason to immediately visit a doctor, otherwise the disease may progress to more serious stages. Compliance with all standards of medical treatment of vulvovaginitis allows you to get rid of it quickly and without causing unwanted complications for nearby organ systems in the body.

Itching of the skin or various parts of the body is a special physiological condition that causes an irresistible desire to rub or scratch the irritated area.

It occurs mainly in children, as it is a clinical manifestation of many diseases. In some cases, it is accompanied by changes in the skin or rashes.

Itching in a child: clinical definition of the problem

Body itching in a child is defined as a specific reaction of the skin to internal disturbances in the body or external irritants. The mechanism for the development of this reaction is based on signals that come from nerve endings located in the epidermis.

Under the influence of external factors, nerve receptors are irritated and send a signal to the brain. Here a feedback signal is formed, which causes (at the reflex level) an unconscious desire to scratch the irritated area. When exposed to internal stimuli, a special substance is activated and released into the blood - histamine, which is considered a mediator of itching.

Skin itching of the body in a child refers to physiological conditions that do not pose a danger to life, however, cause discomfort, cause suffering, and disrupt sleep. Depending on the reasons, it can be constant or paroxysmal, intensifying in the evening and at night.

A child may experience itching:

Local in nature, that is, to cover small localized areas of the skin;

Generalized in nature, and cover the skin of the entire body.

The child has itching: possible causes

Itching is the most common complaint among children. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite numerous; they can be divided into several categories:

Caused by exposure to external factors;

Caused by internal diseases and pathological disorders;

Resulting from failure to comply with basic hygiene rules.

Possible causes of itching in a child

The most common reasons for turning to specialists are the following.

Allergic reactions

The leading place is occupied by disorders of an allergic nature. These include atopic and allergic dermatitis, urticaria. In addition to itching of the child’s body, they are accompanied by swelling, hyperemia of the skin, peeling and rashes on the skin. The causes of these manifestations may be allergies to food products, detergents (washing powder, soap), household dust, animal hair, pollen, synthetic clothing, diapers, as well as cosmetics for the care of children's skin. This condition can also be caused by insect bites.

Mental or neurological causes

During the process of growth and development, a child may experience psychoses, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, which provoke the occurrence of certain diseases. Among them, neurodermatitis is often diagnosed. With these pathological disorders, the skin remains clean, no pathological changes, including characteristic swelling and hyperemia, are observed, however, the itching is obsessive in nature, and in a stressful state it only intensifies. This encourages the child to constantly scratch the skin until abrasions and even blood appear.

Infectious diseases

Children's infectious diseases: measles, chicken pox are accompanied by characteristic rashes and unbearable itching of the child's body. This is due to the spread of the virus in the body, which irritates the nerve receptors located on the surface of the epidermis. The itching is constantly painful, provokes the desire to scratch and increases the baby’s suffering. However, experts do not recommend scratching the rash, since this can cause small scars - pockmarks, and in addition, it can increase the likelihood of a new infection.

Dyspeptic disorders

Disorders of the digestive processes contribute to the release of digestive enzymes along with feces. When they get on the skin in the anal area, they begin their action, thereby irritating its surface, causing hyperemia, swelling and itching in the child. Periodically, especially after defecation, it becomes unbearable, causes anxiety and suffering, and disrupts sleep.


Itching of a child's body can be caused by fungal infections of the skin (dermatophytosis, scab, ringworm). Various types of fungi, when they get on the skin, can affect the entire surface of the body, as well as its individual parts: the scalp, limbs, especially the skin of the feet. In addition to itching, symptoms of the disease are: hyperemia of the skin, peeling or suppuration of the skin, hair loss.

Body itching in a child: diagnosis and treatment

Correct assessment of itching is a difficult task because it requires a thorough examination of the child.

Its goal is to identify the cause of this condition and differentiate it from diseases of the kidneys, liver, blood, endocrine system, and helminthiasis.

Diagnosis of itching in a child is carried out comprehensively and includes the following activities:

Visual inspection;

Detailed history taking;

Laboratory research;

Instrumental research.

Medical therapy involves strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician:

Maintaining the child’s personal hygiene;

Changing the diet towards dietary;

Elimination of allergy-causing foods;

Local treatment;

Drug treatment.

Experts will help you eliminate this unpleasant symptom: allergist, psychologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist. If itching is not a manifestation of an infectious disease, then, as a rule, children are prescribed treatment with antihistamines, hormonal drugs, sedatives, massage, in some cases therapeutic sleep, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, and UHF.

Itching in the anus in a child: diagnosis and treatment

In a child, itching in the anus is a painful phenomenon, which is accompanied by an unpleasant burning and tingling sensation, and causes an irresistible desire to scratch the irritated area.

Experts highlight:

Primary anal itching, which is an independent phenomenon that occurs due to insufficient hygienic care;

Secondary anal itching, which is a symptom of a disease.

As practice shows, the causes of primary itching in the anus in a child include fungal infections, dermatitis, insufficient or excessive hygiene standards, uncomfortable clothing (warm or tight), the use of rough toilet paper or a hard washcloth.

They help to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of itching in the anus in a child. laboratory and instrumental studies.

Laboratory examination of urine and blood for general analysis and glucose content.

Microscopy and culture of skin scrapings.

External inspection. Allows you to identify cracks, condylomas, hemorrhoids, and other pathologies.

Rectal digital examination. Allows you to determine the functionality of the anal sphincter, violations of which often lead to fecal incontinence - the cause of itching.

Anoscopy, less often - rectomanoscopy. Allows you to identify internal hemorrhoids, polyps, etc.

The main measure in complex therapy is t careful hygiene of the anal area.

The treatment regimen for itching in the anus in a child depends on the cause and form of the disease, and for primary anal itching recommended to use:

Hormonal drugs;

Drying ointments;

Lotions with painkillers;

Wound healing agents;

Antifungal ointments and creams;

Suppositories against hemorrhoids;

Anti-helminth drugs.

Effective methods for treating itching in the anus in a child include traditional medicine, which consists of natural ingredients. These are herbal decoctions, infusions, which are used as lotions, compresses, and also drinks.

Fever and itching in a child: diagnosis and treatment

Many diseases in children are characterized by other symptoms in addition to itching, such as fever and rash. Moreover, they can be signs of serious diseases that pose a real threat to the health of the child’s body. Fever and itching in a child, as well as fever, loss of appetite, and sore throat are signs of many infectious diseases.

Erythema infectiosum. The cause is parvovirus B19, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. Symptoms include a rash spread throughout the body, headache, cough, low fever and itching in the child.

Sudden exanthema (roseola). The causative agent is herpes virus type 6. Affects children from 10 months to 2 years, transmitted by airborne droplets. Signs of the disease may include swollen eyelids, runny nose, redness of the throat, swollen lymph nodes, high fever and itching in the child, which accompanies the appearance of rashes in the form of pink spots.

Chicken pox. A common infectious disease, the causative agent of which is considered to be varicella zoster. The symptoms resemble those of acute respiratory viral infection, and are later supplemented by headache, abdominal pain, and characteristic rashes that accompany fever and itching in the child.

Infectious mononucleosis. The causative agent is the Epstein-Barr virus, which belongs to the group of herpes viruses. Characterized by enlarged lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Later, symptoms are supplemented by fever, plaque on the tonsils, and a characteristic rash, which is often accompanied by itching.

Measles. A common disease caused by the measles virus, which occurs in three stages. Characteristic signs include a runny nose, dry cough, and red eyes. At the next stage, a rash appears, the child experiences fever and itching. After the illness, slight peeling remains at the site of the rash, which disappears after a week.

Rubella. An acute disease that is mild in children, but causes severe consequences in the fetus in the womb of an infected woman. Just like measles, it occurs in three stages, but the symptoms are somewhat different from those of measles. The temperature remains low, but the lymph nodes enlarge. A slight pink rash is accompanied by itching in the child.

Diagnosis involves complex research, and treatment depends on the nature of the disease, the cause of its occurrence, the severity and age of the child.

Rash without itching in a child: diagnosis and treatment

But childhood pathologies are not always accompanied by an increase in temperature. There are several categories of diseases, the symptom of which is a rash without itching in a child.

These include:

Infectious diseases;

Allergic reactions;

Diseases of the hematopoietic and vascular organs;

Poor hygiene in relation to the child.

To determine the nature of the origin of the rash, the doctor prescribes laboratory research:

Blood test for allergy tests

CBC and blood biochemistry

Histological examination of samples of affected tissues.

Therapeutic measures include taking antihistamines, antibiotics, and the use of hormonal and corticosteroid drugs.

To achieve a quick effect of treatment, local treatment with folk remedies is recommended.

There are many reasons for the appearance of skin itching in a child; they can be divided into four large groups. These are poor hygiene, allergies, skin diseases and stress. Treatment should be aimed not only at the symptoms, but primarily at the root cause.

Adults often do not pay attention to their own illnesses, but the health of children always causes increased concern. Sometimes a child’s itching is accompanied by a rash and redness, sometimes there are no visible signs of concern. And the reason for the prevalence of this symptom lies in the characteristics of children's skin.

Why does my child's skin itch? This question is asked by many parents whose child experiences an irresistible urge to constantly rub the skin.

Changes can cover the entire body, or can be noted only in certain areas: palms, back of the hands, flexion surfaces. In most cases, only a specialist can figure out what causes itching and other changes on a child’s body. Treatment is prescribed only after a diagnosis has been established. Self-treatment with both local and systemic medications can only worsen the child’s condition.

Features of children's skin

The skin of children, especially in infancy, is very different in structure from the skin of an adult. The stratum corneum on it is much thinner; contact with a physical or chemical irritant, which does not cause harm at an older age, provokes a pronounced reaction in the child.

Any infection spreads quickly due to the abundance of blood vessels and the weak connection between the epidermis and dermis. Many nearby sweat glands begin to function fully only by the age of 6-7, and the sebaceous glands are overactive, so children quickly become hypothermic or overheated due to undeveloped thermoregulation of the skin, from which moisture quickly evaporates.

All this explains the increased sensitivity of children's skin to environmental factors that can cause irritation, rash, peeling and itching.

Most common reasons

The reasons why a child itches can be divided into 4 subgroups:

Like adults, a child’s skin can itch due to various diseases of internal organs: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, dysfunction of the digestive tract or liver.

Dirty skin

Due to its physiological characteristics, children's skin requires special care, especially in infancy. Often the appearance of itching and dermatitis in the groin area of ​​a baby is caused by contact with his own urine, which in the first months of life is quite concentrated and irritates delicate skin.

Itching and redness of the skin, the appearance of blisters and diaper rash in places of contact with diapers indicate the onset of diaper dermatitis. Without the intervention of a microbial infection, you can get rid of it by ensuring hygiene. Contact of microorganisms on damaged surfaces requires treatment with medications.

Hyperemia, swelling, itching and blisters, which, when bursting, become a convenient place for the development of harmful microorganisms - signs of prickly heat and diaper rash.

Diaper rash does not only occur in infancy. In a child of any age, under the influence of sweat and friction, irritation appears at the points of contact of skin surfaces or in the folds of the skin. They are often confused with prickly heat, which is not associated with mechanical damage to the skin, but is caused by staphylococci, streptococci or yeast fungi. They actively multiply on the child’s overly moist and warm skin, and the weak resistance of the child’s skin to bacteria allows prickly heat to spread throughout the body.

Skin too clear

A baby's skin contains much more moisture than an adult's tissue. Therefore, loss of fluid leads to dryness and itching of the skin. These changes can be observed throughout the body or on the skin of the hands if the little one is bathed daily using large amounts of soap or other poor quality bathing products.

In this case, it is enough to change the hygiene product for bathing to at least ordinary baby soap, and give preference to a simple hygienic shower rather than sitting for a long time in the bath and repeated soaping. After water procedures, it is advisable to soften the baby’s entire body with a special product (milk or baby cream).

A similar situation can only be observed on the hands: the palms and back surfaces itch, the child’s hands are dry and flaky, if the little person himself or the adults around him insist on washing too often, constantly using antibacterial gels and wet wipes.

Along with germs (which are simply impossible to completely get rid of), the protective fat layer of the skin of the hands is washed away.

There are quite a few sebaceous glands on the hands, and the skin simply does not have time to cope with such external care. It’s enough to stop washing your hands too often and start lubricating your child’s hands with cream - and everything will disappear without a trace.

Insect bites

The thin skin of a child, densely permeated with capillaries, attracts mosquitoes, midges and other blood-sucking insects in the warm season. Their bites are difficult to confuse with anything else. And this cause of itching is one of the few that does not require contacting a specialist.

You need to help calm the anxiety before the child scratches them, causing suppuration. This can be done using a cool lotion with a weak solution of soda or vinegar (1 teaspoon of one or the other per glass of boiled water). Despite the abundance of children's creams and gels that relieve swelling and irritation, it is better to use them after consulting a doctor, this also applies to antihistamines.

Burns left by plants often go away on their own, like nettle marks; it is enough to soothe the itching with lotions or rubbing with cologne. But contact with more poisonous greens can be dangerous, causing, in addition to skin damage, poisoning of the child’s weak body.

Healing abrasions or scratches often itch, and children love to tear off the scabs from them. This should not be allowed so as not to cause infection of the wounds. The skin around the injury can be lubricated with moisturizing creams or lotions, the injuries themselves are treated with medications and protected with bandages.

Allergic reactions

In childhood, allergies are provoked by factors that would not cause harm to an already mature organism. The cause of rashes in the form of urticaria or allergic dermatitis can be:

  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • medications;
  • plant pollen, dust, pet hair;
  • washing powder or clothes made of synthetic materials.

In addition to redness and flaky skin, they are usually accompanied by severe itching. Depending on the severity of the reaction, nodules, vesicles, brightly colored vascular spots appear, and there may be an increase in temperature and swelling of the mucous membranes.

Foods, medications, cold or heat can cause itchy rashes that look like bright red or pink blisters. This type of body reaction is called urticaria, and it usually goes away on its own after the allergen is removed.

Severe itching that precedes the appearance of a rash, peeling and dry skin is a sign of atopic dermatitis. This disease of an allergic nature is often hereditary and manifests itself when there are disorders in the body’s immune system. It can be caused by intolerance to any food, improper daily routine, even the mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy, hereditary predisposition and many other factors.

Atopic dermatitis usually appears at a very early age. This is what people call diathesis. In the acute stage, the itching is accompanied by redness and bumps on the skin; in the calm stage, the formation of dry skin plaques on the bends of the legs and elbows is possible.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases that occur in adults are also transmitted to children. Most of them, for example, seborrhea or eczema, changing the surface of the skin through an inflammatory process, disturb the child with severe itching. With psoriasis or fungal infection, this symptom does not appear so clearly.

Skin rashes can be infectious in nature. or herpes, the child becomes covered with characteristic blisters with clear liquid. Children try to soothe the itching they cause by scratching the disturbing areas, which is fraught with complications, because damaged skin easily accepts bacteria that cause suppuration. Symptomatic treatment is of no benefit without treating the underlying disease, but it cannot be abandoned so as not to cause inflammation of scratching and unsightly scars after they heal.

Emotional or intellectual stress in a child with. The reason may be fear, anxiety before an exam, or reluctance to go to kindergarten. Sedatives, psychotherapy and other means prescribed by a pediatric psychoneurologist or neurologist will help cope with a stressful situation. A daily routine, a reduction in stress, and a calm atmosphere in the family will significantly enhance the therapeutic effect.


Exposure to solar radiation is not always beneficial, especially if exposure to the sun has been quite long. The delicate and thin skin of a child, especially one living in the middle zone and not containing pigment (that is, the baby is not dark-skinned), can suffer from exposure to the bright southern sun in the spring and especially in the summer.

At first, a small person may feel and complain to adults about tingling and burning throughout the body, then a feeling of tightness and dryness appears. With prolonged exposure to excessive insolation, the baby's skin turns red. In the worst case, small pimples filled with transparent contents appear on damaged skin - this is a sign of a 2nd degree burn.

The treatment for sunburn is as follows.

  1. To begin with, excess exposure to the sun must be stopped until the skin is completely restored.
  2. The baby's skin should be thoroughly treated with a special anti-sunburn product, but not with improvised means like sour cream or kefir.
  3. The resulting pimples do not need to be opened, as there is a high probability of infection.
  4. In the future, you should always lubricate your child's skin with sunscreen.

Systemic disorders

Changes in the skin, including itching, may be signs of serious internal disorders. For example, diabetes mellitus and certain types of jaundice begin with fairly severe itching throughout the body. Independent itching does not last long, other typical signs of the disease quickly appear. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Skin itching combined with rash

In many situations, itchy skin and various types of rashes on the child’s body are inextricably linked. In this case, it is equally important to understand why the skin of a small person itches, since complex treatment is required.

Among the most likely reasons are:

  • measles;
  • chicken pox;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • psoriasis;

To distinguish these diseases, it is extremely important to describe to the doctor all local and systemic changes occurring in the child.


This is a viral infection that is more typical for children of preschool and primary school age. It begins with catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, cough, lacrimation). The main sign of this childhood infection is a rash - quite large ones, which first appear on the face and behind the ears, then on the torso and arms, then on the legs. The skin itches, which causes a lot of inconvenience for the little patient.

Treatment of measles is usually symptomatic - drinking plenty of fluids, antihistamines (Loratadine, Desloratadine), cough syrup. The red spots themselves do not require local treatment; they gradually turn brown, may peel off, but eventually disappear without a trace.

Chicken pox

Another childhood viral infection that only a few manage to avoid. A distinctive feature is pimples - bubbles with transparent contents that appear without any pattern over the entire surface of the body. Only the palms and soles remain clean. Red spots may appear on the skin for a short time before the blisters.

Another feature is that all elements of the rash itch intensely, and you absolutely cannot scratch them. When exposed externally, the blisters burst and a painful erosion or deeper ulcer forms. Bacterial infection easily penetrates into it, which leads to complications.

Treatment is usually symptomatic.

  1. Antihistamines (Fexofenadine, Ebastine).
  2. Antipyretic.
  3. Antiviral drugs (Acyclovir) are prescribed only for severe cases.
  4. It is very important to treat all pimples with brilliant green or methylene blue - there will be less itching and there will be no bacterial complications.

Atopic dermatitis

The causes of this disease are not fully understood; its development is based on profound immunological disorders. The disease is characterized by the formation of areas of excessive dryness on the baby’s skin, accompanied by increasing itching.

Further, red spots of various sizes form, more often on the flexor surfaces, hands, knees, and face. Palms and feet usually remain clean. They have a tendency to grow peripherally. The general condition of the little person usually does not change.

Treatment is long and not always effective. Glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) and antihistamines are prescribed. Locally, the spots and surrounding areas are treated with special moisturizing ointments or medicinal creams.


The scabies mite only causes changes on the arms, less often on the stomach and. He moves from mattresses and linen in trains and hotels, and begins to gnaw passages in the skin of his hands. The palms remain clean, only the skin between the fingers suffers. In this case, paired passages (entrance and exit of the tick) are marked on the hands. Careful hygiene and treating your hands with sodium benzyl benzoate will help you quickly get rid of scabies mites.

Allergic dermatitis

Many external factors can provoke an allergic reaction in a child. If it is a food product, then red itchy spots form over the entire surface of the body. If the trigger is soap, clothing or a toy, then the rash and itching occurs only on the hands. Therapy involves excluding the action of the damaging factor (hypoallergenic diet) and the use of antihistamines (Ebastine, Fenkarol). The skin of damaged areas (hands or face) is not specially treated.

It becomes clear that understanding the causes of itching in a child and quickly eliminating it is a task only possible for a doctor.

Prevention of skin itching in children

Prevention is based on hygiene and special care for the child’s skin, taking into account its characteristics at different ages.

The child's clothes should be made from natural materials; it is better to avoid wool, which makes adults itch. Things should not restrict movement or fit too tightly around the body.

To protect against mosquitoes or midges, use children's repellents, which are always on sale. Avoid feeding children spicy or too salty foods, foods that often cause allergic reactions. If you are prone to such reactions, use hypoallergenic washing powders and eliminate contact with possible allergens.

Do not let children scratch the irritations that bother them, do not torment them with prolonged unpleasant sensations, and contact pediatricians or dermatologists in a timely manner, without waiting for complicated forms of the disease.

There are many reasons for nighttime scratching in babies. This could be an allergic reaction, insect bites, consequences of infections, etc. To find out the cause, it is necessary to examine the child.

2 Neurological factors

Common causes are neurological disorders in children. Usually there are no visible rashes on the surface of the skin. With neuroses, there will be no swelling or redness on the body, but the baby will itch all night, and he may scratch some areas of the skin until it bleeds. As a rule, this kind of problem is solved with the help of a psychologist or neurologist. Doctors always prescribe sedatives for such children or, depending on age, therapeutic sleep, massage, and acupuncture.

4 Other common causes

  1. Often the causes are dyspeptic disorders. These disorders are caused by disruption of the digestive processes. In such cases, along with feces, a large number of enzymes involved in digestion are excreted from the body. The result is nighttime itching near the anus. After all, some of the enzymes remain in this area, and interaction with the skin begins. In some cases, the itching becomes unbearable. Having a similar problem, children cannot sleep normally or even go to the toilet.
  2. Often, nighttime scratching in babies can occur due to allergic reactions. Usually the allergen acts locally on a specific area of ​​the body. Allergic itching can be a reaction to washing powder or diapers. It is also possible that the cause of itching in babies is a food allergy. With a food allergy, the allergen begins to act on the internal receptors of the body. The result is itching.
  3. Other diseases may also cause night discomfort in a child. For example, with jaundice or endocrine system disorders. If with jaundice there are no external signs of itching, then with diabetes mellitus, redness and sometimes even wounds will be noticeable on the body.
  4. A common cause of night itching in a child can be insects. This problem becomes especially relevant in the summer, when it is hot outside and the wide open windows are not equipped with a mosquito net.

It is much easier to determine the causes of nighttime itching sensations in the presence of external manifestations than in their absence. In any case, if the problem does not disappear for a long time, you will have to undergo an examination. In some cases, itching in babies may indicate serious physiological problems.