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Vomit the color of coffee grounds in alcohol. Vomits brown liquid. Circumstances of liquid vomiting

Vomiting is a complex reflex of the body that occurs during food poisoning and illness. Based on the consistency and color of the erupted masses, the approximate cause of the appearance is determined and treatment is prescribed. The appearance of black or brown vomit with a thick consistency indicates pathology.

Cause in young children

Eruption of stomach contents of this color usually indicates a disease, but in children it can appear due to harmless situations:

  • when an infant swallowed blood due to a burst vessel on the mother’s chest while feeding with milk;
  • due to activated carbon, which colors the vomit;
  • ate excessive amounts of chocolate or cocoa products;
  • shortly before vomiting, you ate a banana, which turns brown or black due to interaction with gastric juice;
  • ate blood sausage;
  • drank Coca-Cola.

When the child’s condition after vomiting is stable and there are no negative manifestations, this indicates overeating of certain foods and a protective reaction of the body.

Causes in adults

Overeating chocolate or dark berries leads to the appearance of black or brown vomit. But more often in adults it is a sign of pathology. This shade is given to the erupted masses by blood, which begins to be digested by gastric juice and turns into homogeneous coffee grounds.


In addition to vomiting, the pathological condition is also manifested by symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • dizziness;
  • panic attacks;
  • lethargy;
  • pain in the abdominal area.

Leads to this:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • internal organ injury;
  • the result of alcohol abuse;
  • damage to the gastric mucosa;
  • hemorrhagic disease.


The doctor, based on the results of medical examinations, makes an accurate diagnosis. First, a physical examination and gastroscopy of the gastrointestinal tract is performed to identify the location of the damaged area. Additionally assigned:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • X-ray of the chest and peritoneum;
  • laboratory blood test.


A person with such symptoms before the ambulance arrives is given first aid:

  • lay the patient sideways on a hard and flat surface, avoid bending at the waist and preventing clothing from pressing on the stomach;
  • It is forbidden to drink water, do an enema or take medications until doctors arrive;
  • To make the patient feel better, a cold compress of ice wrapped in a terry towel is applied to the stomach area.

Based on the cause of the disease, doctors prescribe treatment. It can be therapeutic, for mild lesions, or surgical, when there is an intestinal blockage and it is necessary to restore intestinal function.

To eliminate vomiting, symptomatic therapy is carried out:

  • Metoclopramide – 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day or intramuscularly 1-3 times 10-20 mg;
  • Cerucal - 1 tablet before meals 3 times a day, or intravenously or intramuscularly, 1 ampoule 1-3 times a day.

To restore the electrolyte balance of the body, intravenous infusion is prescribed:

  • Ringer's solution - dropper 20-30 mg per kg of weight, 1 time every day for a course of up to 5 days.

To improve coagulation, hemostatic drugs are prescribed:

  • Vikasol - 1 tablet 15 mg 3 times a day or intramuscularly 15 mg once a day for 4 days.

Additionally you may need:

  • connection to oxygen when the patient is in serious condition;
  • transfusions for large blood loss;
  • if cardiac function is impaired, normalizing drugs are prescribed: Quinidine, Mexiletine, Etatsizin.

With cancer vomiting

If an attack of vomiting occurs due to cancer, the following is prescribed:

  • with partial gastric obstruction or after chemotherapy: Metoclopramide, Ondansetron, Granisetron;
  • if the tumor disintegrates and toxic elements poison the body: Smecta, Polysorb, activated carbon;
  • when metastases appear in oncology, the following are prescribed: the glucocorticoid hormone Dexamethasone, the antipsychotic drugs Risperidone, Olanzapine, Quetiapine;
  • if hypercalcemia is present: Haloperidol.

With alcoholic vomiting

Gastric lavage to eliminate vomiting due to alcohol poisoning:

  • the patient is seated or laid sideways on the edge of the bed so that vomit does not enter the lungs;
  • given to drink a large amount of water to fill the stomach and provoke vomiting;
  • after cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of food and alcohol residues, the following are collected: Smecta, Polysorb, Atoxil;
  • an hour after the last vomiting, antiemetics: Cerucal, Reglan, Motilium;
  • To avoid dehydration, a drip is placed: Ringer's solution.


It is often impossible to prevent black or brown vomiting; it is difficult to predict the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. But regular examinations by a doctor and following simple rules will reduce the likelihood of occurrence. Recommendations:

  • a diet excluding hard foods;
  • light foods: rice, beets, banana;
  • give up alcohol and caffeine;
  • observe the rules of hygiene: wash your hands before eating;
  • cook food at home using fresh ingredients.

Vomiting coffee grounds means overeating foods with a characteristic color or pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Based on the cause of the symptom, the treatment that is prescribed depends on the results of the examination. To prevent pathological vomiting, it is important to exclude irritating factors.

Bleeding can be from the upper or lower digestive tract, and the color of the vomit will vary (from black if bleeding is from the stomach to bright scarlet if the source is the esophagus). It should be mentioned that lesions of the upper part are more common.

Let's consider the conditions in which brown or black vomiting occurs from top to bottom:

  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome. Characterized by rupture of the esophageal mucosa. Develops with repeated vomiting, most often after drinking alcohol, bulimia.
  • Bleeding from dilated veins of the esophagus. With portal hypertension, which appears in the late stages of cirrhosis, the veins of the esophagus dilate and stretch. At some point, the vessel wall cannot cope with the pressure and a rupture occurs. The person vomits dark cherry-colored liquid.
  • Erosive esophagitis. This is an inflammation of the esophagus with the development of surface defects (erosions) on its wall. It is erosion that is the source of blood loss.
  • Stomach ulcer. It is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane with the development of deep defects. With this disease, the vomit is brown in color because the blood, interacting with hydrochloric acid, oxidizes and acquires a brown tint.
  • Erosive gastritis. Damage to the stomach, in which erosions appear on the mucous membrane. They are the ones who can bleed.
  • Stomach tumor. A malignant formation, which can also manifest itself as vomiting coffee grounds in the event of tumor disintegration, or corrosion of a large vessel during tumor growth. Most often, this symptom is observed during a long-running and running process.
  • Duodenal ulcer. As with a stomach ulcer, deep mucosal defects appear, most often localized in the area of ​​the duodenal bulb. Vomit may be dark brown or black in color due to reflux through the stomach and interaction with hydrochloric acid.

Possible consequences

The prognosis for gastrointestinal bleeding can vary, and depends largely on the amount of blood loss.

Small but prolonged bleeding is usually accompanied by the appearance of chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

With acute and profuse blood loss, hemorrhagic shock develops. A sharp decrease in blood volume leads to the fact that organs do not receive enough oxygen, which is delivered by red blood cells. In this case, acute hypoxia develops. This is a dangerous complication that requires emergency care.

In addition, massive blood loss can lead to such a serious complication as acute renal failure. This occurs because the kidneys can only filter blood at a certain level of blood pressure, and if the numbers fall below the kidney threshold, the organ stops working.

In addition, more severe consequences will develop in children and the elderly, since their bodies are less capable of adaptation. Bleeding is especially dangerous for infants.


If signs of acute gastrointestinal bleeding appear, call an ambulance immediately. Before the doctor arrives, provide the patient with rest and bed rest, and place an ice pack on the upper abdomen.

Treatment in a hospital will depend on the location of the blood loss and the severity. To determine the source of bleeding, an endoscopic examination of the digestive system is performed.

Therapy is carried out in two directions:

  1. Stop bleeding. It can be conservative, using medications, or surgical. For conservative treatment, hemostatic agents are primarily prescribed, for example, aminocaproic acid, as well as drugs that stimulate the coagulation system. After prescribing these drugs, vasoconstrictor drugs such as Dopamine can be used. Surgical stop of bleeding is used if the source is determined. Most often, the intervention is performed endoscopically. Thermal methods can be used, such as electrocoagulation, thermocoagulation, or mechanical methods in the form of clipping and ligation of damaged vessels. If the endoscopic method is not enough, laparotomy surgery is performed. If it is possible to temporarily stop the bleeding, intervention can be performed as planned, but most often urgent surgery is prescribed.
  2. Replenishment of blood loss. For this, infusion therapy is used. The choice of solution to replenish the volume of circulating blood depends on the severity of blood loss. To treat mild cases, salt preparations of the Ringer type or regular saline are prescribed. In case of moderate blood loss, saline solutions alternate with colloidal ones, for example, Reopoliglyukin, Gelatinol, Refortan. The latter drug not only replenishes volume, but also increases oxygen transport. In case of severe blood loss, in addition to the above drugs, blood transfusions are prescribed. Moreover, the infusion occurs not in a drip manner, but in a stream. In case of particularly severe cases, access is used in two veins at once to prevent reflex cardiac arrest.

Video “What causes nausea and vomiting”

In this episode of the program, Elena Malyshe and experts will talk about why a person experiences nausea and vomiting and how to deal with it.

What is vomiting coffee grounds?

Vomiting coffee grounds is a reflexive eruption of stomach contents, in which the vomit has a characteristic black or dark brown hue and a granular consistency. This symptom indicates the presence of gastric or intestinal bleeding.

There are several reasons that can lead to such a pathology. But regardless of the type of disease, the appearance in the blood masses indicates a serious disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is worth remembering that at the first sign of blood in the vomit, the patient must be hospitalized, since in this condition he needs professional medical care.

Causes of dark vomit

Vomiting is a reflex eruption of stomach contents through the oral cavity and nasopharynx. In some pathological conditions, vomit may include the contents of the duodenum. Typically, the ejection consists of a mixture of recently eaten food, mucus and stomach acid.

In some cases, the vomit may turn black or dark brown. Experts call this symptom vomiting coffee grounds. The appearance of such symptoms clearly indicates the presence of internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

During the development of this pathological process, blood enters the stomach, where it mixes with hydrochloric acid, gastric juice and food debris. For some time it accumulates in the stomach cavity and, due to certain chemical reactions, gradually changes color to dark brown or black. When the amount of blood becomes too large, a person’s gag reflex is triggered, and it is ejected out along with the rest of the masses.

Black vomiting indicates that the patient's gastric bleeding is not intense. Otherwise, the blood accumulates in the stomach too quickly and does not have time to change color. But the presence of internal bleeding clearly indicates that the patient needs immediate hospitalization, otherwise such a pathology can lead to death.

Pathologies leading to dark vomiting

There are several reasons that cause internal bleeding of the stomach, followed by vomiting blood. Very often, this symptom is observed with a peptic ulcer that affects the gastric mucosa. This is the name for a defect that occurs due to excess pepsin and hydrochloric acid.

When an ulcer perforates or the disease worsens, blood may leak from vessels affected by erosion or altered by a pathological process. In this case, blood enters the lumen of the digestive organs, which leads to vomiting of coffee grounds.

Black vomiting often occurs in patients suffering from cancer when metastases affect the digestive organs. In case of cancer, the color of coffee grounds in the vomit may indicate that the tissue of a malignant tumor has been damaged, which is why internal bleeding has developed.

But this symptom can also appear in people who do not suffer from chronic diseases. The cause of characteristic vomiting may be alcohol abuse. This symptom also appears when a foreign body enters the gastrointestinal tract, accidentally swallowed by a person and damaging the walls of the stomach. Sharp objects are especially dangerous. For example, pins, bone fragments and fruit seeds with jagged edges. Foreign bodies often cause gastric bleeding in children.

The appearance of dark vomit after drinking alcohol

Gastric bleeding often occurs after alcohol, since people who abuse strong drinks are especially at risk of developing gastrointestinal pathologies. And after drinking alcohol, peptic ulcers of various etiologies worsen in patients. Which, in turn, leads to internal bleeding. This situation is dangerous, since victims cannot always adequately assess the situation and seek help from a doctor.

Cirrhosis of the liver, which often develops with chronic alcoholism, can also cause vomit the color of coffee grounds. Cirrhosis is a deadly disease during which a characteristic restructuring of liver tissue is observed, which leads to a complete disruption of absolutely all functions of this organ.

In this case, the reason for the appearance of bleeding is that the process of natural blood circulation in the affected organ is hampered. Unable to pass through the standard route, blood begins to flow through the vessels of the anterior abdominal wall and esophagus. At a certain point, decompensation occurs. Dilated blood vessels burst, causing internal bleeding and, as a result, vomiting coffee grounds.

In addition, alcohol abuse contributes to the development of Mallory-Weiss syndrome in a person. This is the name for a longitudinal rupture of the esophageal mucosa. This pathology develops with frequently repeated urge to vomit or the eruptions of gastric masses themselves, which often affects drunk people.

As a result of such a rupture, a person experiences mild internal bleeding of the esophagus. The blood flows into the stomach, where it accumulates, causing vomiting of coffee grounds. At the current level of development of medicine, Mallory-Weiss syndrome is not considered a pathology that threatens human life. But the bleeding itself can be fatal if you ignore its symptoms and do not provide timely assistance to the victim.

Modern gastroenterologists claim that it is the abuse of alcoholic beverages that most often causes vomiting of coffee grounds.

Chronic alcoholism contributes to the development of diseases that lead to severe functional disorders, including gastric bleeding. The best way to protect yourself from such consequences is to limit your alcohol intake.

First aid for dark vomit

Since the appearance of vomit with a hint of coffee grounds indicates a serious condition of the patient, the patient must be given first aid before the doctors arrive. First of all, the person should be placed on a hard, stable surface. Under no circumstances should pillows or bolsters be placed under the patient's back. It is necessary to ensure that the patient’s body does not bend at the waist, and that clothing does not put pressure on the abdominal area. It is most reasonable to place the patient on his side so that when he has a new urge to vomit, he does not have to move.

In no case should you try to alleviate the patient's condition with gastric lavage or an enema. It is also not recommended to take any medications before the ambulance arrives. Oral medication will be useless in this situation.

The patient's condition can be somewhat alleviated with a cold compress. To do this, it is recommended to wrap the ice in a thick terry towel and apply the compress to the patient’s abdomen, while holding the towel over the top.

If a person is vomiting coffee grounds, then under no circumstances should he be allowed to eat or drink. Even plain water can increase internal bleeding. And eating solid foods or carbonated drinks can be fatal. Heating the affected area can also lead to increased bleeding. Therefore, hot compresses should not be used.

If a person has lost consciousness, you need to make sure that he is lying on his side, and nothing interferes with the free flow of vomit. The same rule is also relevant for patients who are intoxicated. Since an inadequate patient may choke or choke on undigested food debris.

The appearance of black vomit should never be ignored or self-medicated. Internal bleeding is too serious a pathology, often requiring surgical intervention. And people who do not have knowledge are not able to cope with the situation on their own. Trying to do without the help of specialists can only worsen the patient’s condition. That is why it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance to the sick person.

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Vomiting coffee grounds

Vomiting occurs after involuntary contraction of the abdominal muscles. The reflex process helps cleanse the digestive tract if the body has been exposed to poisoning, infection or toxins.

Factors causing vomiting

Vomit, similar to coffee grounds, with the presence of blood, has a rich brown color. This means that the blood in the stomach has had time to “coagulate”. The thickness of the stomach contents resembles granular, finely dispersed sediment in the form of coffee.

The cause of vomiting with blood clots is dysfunction of internal organs. A pathological malfunction in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract provokes an uncontrollable eruption. Disease of the upper (stomach, duodenum, esophagus) or lower (colon, small intestine, rectum) parts is characterized by bleeding. The amount of blood affects the nature of the vomiting process. Blood loss is distinguished:

  1. Hidden - detected in laboratory conditions.
  2. Acute (single appearance of more than half a liter of biomaterial).
  3. Chronic – the body loses about 50 ml of biological fluid every day.

The color of the grounds varies from scarlet to black-brown. Vomiting red contents indicates bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. A dark shade indicates that blood has been in the stomach for a long time. Hydrochloric acid, the contents of gastric juice, participates in a reaction with the blood. The iron in red blood cells that carry hemoglobin sticks to chlorine. Hematin chloride is formed. The brownish-colored compound precipitates in the stomach cavity.

Symptoms of the gag reflex

Nausea is a symptom preceding an eruption. The human body’s reaction to internal bleeding accompanied by vomiting:

  • The skin turns pale;
  • Pulse quickens;
  • Increased sweating (cold sweat);
  • Epigastric pain is observed;
  • Tachycardia occurs;
  • Dizzy;
  • My legs give way.

Under what circumstances does one vomit coffee grounds?

Bleeding that provokes vomiting, the color and type of coffee occurs as a result of diseases:

  • Gastritis, ulcer, duodenitis.
  • Erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa.
  • Inflammatory processes of the esophagus, stomach.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. A black substance in the vomit may indicate irreversible changes in the liver tissue. The organ is modified, the blood supply changes to a non-standard one. Blood flows through the walls of the esophagus, the liver vessels are damaged. Cirrhosis rearranges liver cells, bringing death closer.
  • Oncological disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Cancer cells spread quickly, damaging nearby organs and metastasizing.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), duodenum (pancreatitis).
  • Volvulus.
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome. Eating large meals and alcoholism lead to longitudinal rupture of the surface of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. The process is accompanied by bleeding. Recurrent eruption of vomit.
  • Toxin poisoning after drinking alcohol or expired food. People who abuse strong alcohol are predisposed to exacerbation of chronic diseases. An intoxicated consciousness prevents you from adequately assessing what is happening. A person intoxicated is subject to impaired functioning of the blood in tissues and organs. Even a trail of blood when emptying the body through the gag reflex does not sober up the patient.
  • Physical impact that causes tissue damage or rupture. Swallowed objects with sharp, jagged edges (bones, needles, small parts) often cause bleeding in children. Babies need constant supervision. A foreign body that gets inside a child’s body easily damages the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

Nosebleeds also cause vomiting of blood clots. Children often swallow body fluids.

Medical rationale for the process

Vomiting coffee grounds is almost asymptomatic. The patient's condition worsens suddenly and is accompanied by lethargy and dizziness. Blood pressure decreases due to increased heart rate. A person may lose blood during bowel movements, in addition to passing red blood cells through vomiting. Bloody stool has a thick, blackish consistency. The brighter the blood clots, the closer the damaged organ. Such discharge may indicate diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Heavy blood loss often provokes posthemorrhagic anemia. The consequences are acute vascular failure. Symptoms: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting.

What will alleviate the patient's condition?

When a person vomits coffee, the body is in serious danger. The first step is to call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, the patient needs first aid. Washing is prohibited.

How to help someone suffering from dark, sometimes black, vomiting:

  1. Provide the sick person with a horizontal position.
  2. Place the patient on his side. Raise your legs above head level.
  3. Eliminate psychological and physiological discomfort.
  4. Apply cold compresses to the epigastric area.
  5. Ventilate the room.
  6. Protect from food, liquids and medications. The stomach needs rest.
  7. Calm down a person frightened by his condition.

It is important to collect the vomit with bloody flakes in a sterile container. Close the lid tightly and write when and at what time the biomaterial was collected. The patient's personal information is required. Thus, the laboratory will determine the cause of vomiting.

Diagnosis in hospital

Urgent hospitalization in a medical facility will help to quickly determine the diagnosis. The phenomenon when a person vomits chocolate-colored thickets signals serious gastrointestinal diseases. The cause of the pathological condition in an elderly or young patient will be determined in the laboratory at the hospital. The doctor will prescribe an endoscopy of the stomach under painkillers. The insertion of a thin tube with a video camera may indicate changes in the mucosa and disturbances in the functioning of the esophagus.

The second procedure for examining the gastrointestinal tract in humans is endoluminal sonography. Examination of the rectum using ultrasound by inserting a camera at the end of the tube through the anus.

Blood is taken from the patient to determine liver damage. Examination of stool helps identify hidden blood discharge. A barium examination is performed so that the X-ray image excludes or shows the presence of tumors in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor prescribes treatment, determines the regimen of restorative procedures and nutrition after identifying the true cause of granular black vomiting.


Prevention of diseases that cause involuntary eruption of brown liquid from the stomach is almost impossible. Analyzes and examinations do not predict the time zone of the risk of such a process.

How can they help in the hospital?

The doctor diagnoses the factors causing bleeding by studying the medical history. A person should talk about chronic diseases, how he eats, the presence of bad habits, hereditary pathologies and other information.

The body needs to stop bleeding and replenish lost blood volume. Droppers with solutions of medications will help normalize blood pressure and support the body. The patient is brought out of shock and digestive functions are brought back to normal.

The first day the patient is supposed to fast. The strictest diet is based on eating foods that are easy for the body. Liquid foods, low-fat dairy products, egg whites, and all kinds of jellies are indicated during the recovery period.

What are the causes of black vomit?

1 What happens in the body?

Let us analyze the mechanisms of this unpleasant phenomenon. When vomiting occurs, food in the digestive tract is expelled through the mouth (in some cases, it attempts to exit through the nose). Black vomit may have a reddish tint: it is due to the fact that hematin hydrochloride begins to react with blood and hydrochloric acid, which is contained in gastric juice.

2 Vomiting in young children: should you panic?

An unpleasant symptom can occur in children. In infancy, the child only adapts to the outside world. It happens that breastfed babies swallow a lot of air, which causes them to vomit. When a child’s body rejects air, it also expels food particles through the mouth. If the baby vomited once, and the mass was normal (no pus, blood), there is no need to panic. Please note that vomiting in children may be accompanied by an increase in temperature: in this case, you should urgently call a doctor!

A child's vomit may contain blood clots. Pay special attention to your baby: show him to the doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate. Brown vomit in an infant can lead to shock (this occurs due to blood loss). A state of shock is accompanied by chills, increased heart rate, thirst, and loss of appetite. An unpleasant symptom can last 1-2 hours, and the baby may feel severe abdominal pain. If the vomit is the color of coffee grounds, it means that the blood has been in the esophagus for a long time and has begun to be digested.

3 Disease in adults

Brown vomiting mixed with blood appears against the background of stomach ulcers and intestinal tumors. Blackish-brown vomiting may occur due to injury to internal organs. Black vomiting (if it is not caused by poisoning) is dangerous to health and life. An alarming symptom cannot pass without a trace. Blackish vomit occurs in heavy alcoholics: it may indicate damage to internal organs, which requires emergency help. The walls of the esophagus can be damaged by drugs. In this regard, you should not self-medicate and take medications uncontrollably.

It is strongly recommended to avoid potent herbs and drugs with addictive effects. It is also worth considering that black vomiting can occur due to intoxication. Perhaps you simply ate too much currants, blueberries, mulberries or chocolate cake. If a person feels weak and apathetic, and he sees that the skin is turning pale and the mucous membranes are turning dark, you need to call a doctor. If the patient has intestinal obstruction, the vomit will vary. At first it will consist of the contents of the stomach, then yellow impurities will appear in it. After this, the vomit will turn yellowish-green.

4 Diagnostics and first aid

To determine the cause of the disease, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. If the mass is dark brown in color and has a certain number of blood clots, you need to be examined by a gastroenterologist. Vomit must be examined: study its color, smell, consistency; the presence or absence of an impurity is taken into account. Gastroscopy is mandatory: this procedure examines the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to such diagnostics, it is possible to determine the location of the damaged area. It helps in making an accurate diagnosis. It happens that vomiting occurs against the background of bleeding stomach ulcers. In this case, a comprehensive examination is necessary.

In addition to gastroscopy, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound, x-ray examination, blood and urine tests. The diagnosis is made taking into account all tests; the doctor also takes into account accompanying symptoms. If black vomit appears due to poisoning, you need to avoid certain foods. If you have seen this phenomenon for the first time and it has no obvious cause, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you save a fragment of the vomit, you will help find out the cause of the disease.

First you will need to rinse your stomach. Try to drink 1.5 liters of water, then induce vomiting. To prevent dehydration, you should take a rehydron solution. The patient should be placed on his side, with his head tilted to the side. Remember: a person should not swallow vomit, otherwise he may suffocate. If the illness is not caused by food poisoning, you still need to refuse food. The patient should be at rest, preferably in a lying position. In the future, it is better to call an ambulance. Therapy depends entirely on the cause of the disease. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment can be conservative or surgical.

It is important to ensure the prevention of the disease. Maintain good personal hygiene and eat only fresh food. Vegetables and fruits must be washed thoroughly. Poisoning can occur due to the fact that a person has consumed any canned product (perhaps it has expired). If you like meat, cook it all the way through. Otherwise, poisoning or the development of an infectious disease may occur. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle and be outdoors more often. If you stay indoors all the time, you may experience nausea. And finally, an important rule for preventing vomiting is not to overeat. It is undesirable for the esophagus and other digestive organs to experience stress. If vomiting is accompanied by other alarming symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance. If timely assistance is not provided, black vomit leads to dangerous consequences.

  • What medications can help a child with nausea and vomiting?

What is "coffee ground" vomiting?

Coffee-ground vomiting is when a person experiences episodes of vomiting in which the vomit resembles coffee grounds. During such episodes, the fluid that comes out is dark brown or black in color and has a grainy consistency similar to coffee grounds. This type of vomiting is usually the result of bleeding in the stomach. There are several reasons why a person might vomit coffee grounds. The most common of these is an ulcer in the stomach or upper small intestine. A bleeding ulcer may leak blood into the stomach, causing nausea. Mixing blood with gastric juices causes the red color of the blood to change to dark brown.

Stomach cancer or liver disease caused by alcoholism can also cause vomiting coffee grounds in some cases. Severe inflammation of the gastric mucosa can also cause bleeding and vomiting. These conditions can be serious, so a person who experiences episodes of vomiting coffee grounds should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible. If the patient continues to vomit dark brown blood, they will likely require hospitalization. A small plastic tube will be inserted into the patient's nostril and passed down the throat and into the stomach. This nasogastric tube will then be connected to a suction device, which will remove blood from the stomach, helping to prevent subsequent episodes of vomiting.

The only way to know for sure what causes coffee grounds vomiting is to have an endoscopy. During this procedure, the patient will be under light anesthesia. He will lie on his back and the doctor will insert an endoscope down his throat and into his stomach. The endoscope has a built-in camera and light that allows the doctor to see the inside of the stomach. When examining the inside of the stomach, the doctor should not pay attention to any abnormalities of the mucous membrane. If there is an ulcer and bleeding, the doctor may cauterize it to stop the bleeding. He may also take a sample of stomach tissue to check for infection or cancer. If bleeding in the stomach has stopped, the nasogastric tube is removed.

Once the cause of vomiting coffee grounds is discovered, treatment is prescribed. A patient who has a bleeding ulcer will likely be prescribed a drug to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. He will also be advised to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. These over-the-counter pain pills can in some cases irritate the stomach lining and cause bleeding.

Characteristics and causes of vomiting in the form of coffee grounds

Vomiting is considered a complex reflex act, which is manifested by the involuntary eruption of undigested stomach contents. This process is regulated by the vomiting center and occurs as a result of contraction of the abdominal muscles. In accordance with the conditional classification, vomiting with blood or vomiting of coffee grounds is especially severe and life-threatening - masses of a specific black-brown color and granular consistency, reminiscent of ground coffee.

Causes of episodes of vomiting

The vomiting process with the release of masses resembling coffee grounds is visceral, that is, associated with organic or functional disorders of the internal organs and is the main symptom of a number of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs.

The vomit may be bright red or brownish-black in color. In the first case, this is due to the appearance of heavy bleeding in the upper parts of the digestive tract. In the second case, this is due to the accumulation of blood in the stomach cavity and its interaction with gastric juice. Blood hemoglobin, reacting with hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice, forms a specific compound - hematin chloride, which has a brown-brown tint.

Vomiting of coffee grounds occurs with the following disorders:

  • gastritis of any form;
  • stomach erosions;
  • inflammation of the gastric or esophageal mucosa;
  • duodenal or gastric ulcer;
  • cancer of the esophagus or stomach;
  • cholecystitis, pancreatitis in any form;
  • malignant pathologies of the stomach or pancreas;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome;
  • mechanical damage from sharp objects;
  • toxic poisoning with alcohol, mushrooms, etc.

Clinical picture of the vomiting process

Vomiting coffee grounds does not occur suddenly and without symptoms. As a rule, the appearance of this process is preceded by a general deterioration in the patient’s condition, which is often accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • weakness, dizziness;
  • increased sweating;
  • fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • epigastric pain;
  • intestinal disorders.

With gastrointestinal bleeding, some blood may pass through the stool, resulting in melena, a tarry, black stool. Sudden and massive bleeding can cause posthemorrhagic anemia and even collapse.

First aid

Vomiting coffee grounds is a dangerous condition, so if it occurs, you should call an ambulance. Before the arrival of a qualified specialist, the patient must be provided with pre-medical care.

Before the doctor arrives, the patient should be put to bed so that he is in a horizontal position. At the same time, he should experience physical and psychological peace. He needs to put a bubble or a heating pad with ice on the stomach area. The victim should not eat, drink, or take medications.

Vomit containing blood must be collected in a clean glass jar with a sterile lid, indicating the patient's information and the time of collection of the contents on the label. This will help determine the cause of vomiting.

Diagnosis of the cause of vomiting blood

The arriving ambulance doctor must hospitalize the patient on a stretcher in the hospital in the surgical department.

Since vomiting coffee grounds can be a symptom of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to determine the true cause of the development of this dangerous condition.

To do this, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study of the vomit, as well as endoluminal sonography and endoscopy of the stomach. Endoscopy is performed by a gastroenterologist under local anesthesia. With the patient lying on the couch, an endoscope is inserted into the stomach through the throat - a flexible tube with a miniature camera at the end. With its help, the doctor examines the inside of the stomach, identifying any, even minor, abnormalities. Having determined the cause of vomiting, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment.

Treatment for vomiting blood

In case of heavy blood loss, the immediate measure is to identify the source of bleeding, stop the blood loss, and replenish the required volume of blood. To stop vomiting coffee grounds and eliminate the cause of its occurrence, drug therapy, endoscopic or surgical methods can be used.

During an exacerbation, the patient is shown hunger, which is subsequently replaced by a strict diet, which includes liquid food, dairy products, egg whites, and jelly.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

for information, possible contraindications, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY! Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication!

  • Stomach diseases
    • Gastritis
    • Gastroduodenitis
    • Gastroenteritis
    • Gastroenterocolitis
    • Stomach acidity
    • Erosion
  • Pancreatic diseases
    • Pancreatitis
    • Pancreas
  • Gallbladder diseases
    • Cholecystitis
  • Diseases of the esophagus
    • Esophagitis
  • Bowel diseases
    • Appendicitis
    • Haemorrhoids
    • Dysbacteriosis
    • Constipation
    • Colitis
    • Diarrhea
    • Enterocolitis
  • Other
    • Diagnostics
    • Other diseases
    • Vomit
    • Healthy foods
    • Drugs
  • Kidney diseases
    • Analysis of urine
    • Kidney anatomy
    • Other kidney diseases
    • Kidney cyst
    • Urolithiasis disease
    • Nephritis
    • Nephrosis
    • Nephroptosis
    • Kidney cleanse
    • Kidney failure
  • Bladder diseases
    • Urination
    • Bladder
    • Ureters
  • Albina 02/10/2018

The materials on the site are for informational purposes, for any questions related to health, consultation

consultation with your doctor is required! Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication!

Vomiting is considered a complex reflex act, which is manifested by the involuntary eruption of undigested stomach contents. This process is regulated by the vomiting center and occurs as a result of contraction of the abdominal muscles. In accordance with the conditional classification, vomiting with blood or vomiting of coffee grounds is especially severe and life-threatening - masses of a specific black-brown color and granular consistency, reminiscent of ground coffee.

There are many diseases that cause vomiting of coffee grounds.

Causes of episodes of vomiting

The vomiting process with the release of masses resembling coffee grounds is visceral, that is, associated with organic or functional disorders of the internal organs and is the main symptom of a number of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs.

The vomit may be bright red or brownish-black in color. In the first case, this is due to the appearance of heavy bleeding in the upper parts of the digestive tract. In the second case, this is due to the accumulation of blood in the stomach cavity and its interaction with gastric juice. Blood hemoglobin, reacting with hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice, forms a specific compound - hematin chloride, which has a brownish-brown tint.

Vomit of coffee grounds is dark in color and contains blood.

Vomiting of coffee grounds occurs with the following disorders:

  • gastritis of any form;
  • stomach erosions;
  • inflammation of the gastric or esophageal mucosa;
  • duodenal or gastric ulcer;
  • cancer of the esophagus or stomach;
  • cholecystitis, pancreatitis in any form;
  • malignant pathologies of the stomach or pancreas;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome;
  • mechanical damage from sharp objects;
  • toxic poisoning with alcohol, mushrooms, etc.

Clinical picture of the vomiting process

Vomiting coffee grounds does not occur suddenly and without symptoms. As a rule, the appearance of this process is preceded by a general deterioration in the patient’s condition, which is often accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • weakness, dizziness;
  • increased sweating;
  • fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • epigastric pain;
  • intestinal disorders.

With this, a certain amount of blood may be released along with the stool, which may result in stool with a tarry, black consistency. Sudden and massive bleeding can cause posthemorrhagic anemia and even collapse.

First aid

Vomiting coffee grounds is a dangerous condition, so if it occurs, you should call an ambulance. Before the arrival of a qualified specialist, the patient must be provided with pre-medical care.

During treatment, the patient is shown fasting, and subsequently a strict diet

Before the doctor arrives, the patient should be put to bed so that he is in a horizontal position. At the same time, he should experience physical and psychological peace. He needs to put a bubble or a heating pad with ice on the stomach area. The victim should not eat, drink, or take medications.

Vomit containing blood must be collected in a clean glass jar with a sterile lid, indicating the patient's information and the time of collection of the contents on the label. This will help determine the cause of vomiting.

Diagnosis of the cause of vomiting blood

The arriving ambulance doctor must hospitalize the patient on a stretcher in the hospital in the surgical department.

Since vomiting coffee grounds can be a symptom of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to determine the true cause of the development of this dangerous condition.

To do this, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study of the vomit, as well as endoluminal sonography and endoscopy of the stomach. Endoscopy is performed by a gastroenterologist under local anesthesia. With the patient lying on the couch, an endoscope is inserted into the stomach through the throat - a flexible tube with a miniature camera at the end. With its help, the doctor examines the inside of the stomach, identifying any, even minor, abnormalities. Having determined the cause of vomiting, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment.

Treatment for vomiting blood

In case of heavy blood loss, the immediate measure is to identify the source of bleeding, stop the blood loss, and replenish the required volume of blood. To stop vomiting coffee grounds and eliminate the cause of its occurrence, drug therapy, endoscopic or surgical methods can be used.

During an exacerbation, the patient is shown hunger, which is subsequently replaced by a strict diet, which includes liquid food, dairy products, egg whites, and jelly.


Version: MedElement Disease Directory

Hematemesis (K92.0)


general information

Short description

Vomiting bloody(haematemesis, vomitus. cruentus; synonym hematemesis) - vomiting of blood or blood mixed with vomit; occurs when there is gastric bleeding.

Vomiting "coffee grounds"- hematemesis, in which the vomit has a black-brown color, caused by the formation of hydrochloric acid hematin during the interaction of blood with hydrochloric acid of gastric juice.

It is not a disease, but a symptom. As a rule, it is combined with another main sign of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) - melena in more than 50% of cases.

Period of occurrence

Minimum period of occurrence (days): 1

Maximum period of occurrence (days): not specified

Develops immediately after the onset of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The cause of hematemesis is bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract.
The four most common causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding include:

Peptic ulcer;

Erosive gastritis;


Mallory-Weiss syndrome.

These diseases are responsible for more than 90% of all cases of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract, when the location of the lesion can be accurately determined.

Peptic ulcer

It is perhaps the most common cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In the majority of cases, ulcers are detected in the duodenum (duodenum). The risk of significant bleeding is present in approximately 20-30% of patients with documented ulcers. If there is no history typical of a peptic ulcer, it should nevertheless be kept in mind, since hemorrhage can also be the initial manifestation of a peptic ulcer.

The development of gastritis may be caused by recent consumption of alcoholic beverages or taking anti-inflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin).
Erosions or symptomatic ulcers in patients with gastritis often occur as a result of major trauma, surgical interventions for severe systemic diseases, especially in burn victims and with increased intracranial pressure.
Gastritis is suspected based on appropriate clinical findings, since the typical physical signs of gastritis are unknown.
To confirm the diagnosis, gastroscopy is usually performed (x-ray examination usually does not reveal gastritis).

Bleeding from varicose veins
Distinctive signs are sudden onset and massive blood loss. Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus or stomach can be the result of portal hypertension in cirrhosis of the liver.
It should be kept in mind that any condition that causes portal hypertension, even in the absence of liver disease (for example, portal vein thrombosis or idiopathic portal hypertension), can lead to bleeding from varices.
In addition, varicose veins can sometimes be caused by acute hepatitis or severe fatty infiltration of the liver. This expansion spontaneously disappears when the corresponding defect in the liver is eliminated.
Although upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis suggests varicose veins, in approximately half of patients the bleeding is due to other causes (eg, gastritis, ulcers). Thus, it is necessary to rule out these causes in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Mallory-Weiss syndrome
This syndrome is increasingly being identified as a cause of acute bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract using esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Mallory-Weiss syndrome involves a rupture of the mucous membrane at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach, which often manifests as retching or a history of non-bloody vomiting, followed by hematemesis.

Other pathologies

Esophagitis And carcinoma are less common causes of esophageal bleeding. They mainly cause chronic blood loss and rarely lead to massive bleeding.

Bloody vomiting originating from the esophagus can also be a consequence of damage caused by the introduction of foreign bodies or an aortic aneurysm that has opened through the wall of the esophagus.

Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding may be caused by cancer stomach. In rare cases, lymphoma, polyps, and other tumors of the stomach and small intestine cause bleeding. Leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma are rare but can cause massive bleeding.
Bleeding from diverticula of the duodenum and jejunum is relatively rare.
Bloody diarrhea may accompany mesenteric vascular insufficiency, including occlusive and non-occlusive processes. Vomiting occurs even at a moderate rate of blood loss, provided that evacuation from the stomach to the duodenum is sharply slowed down.

Possible rupture atherosclerotic aortic aneurysms into the lumen of the small intestine, which almost always ends in the death of the patient. A similar rupture can also occur after reconstructive surgery on the arteries with the formation of a fistula between the synthetic prosthesis and the intestinal lumen. Sudden massive bleeding from an aortointestinal fistula may be preceded by slight bleeding. Sudden bleeding may occur after an injury that ruptures the liver, allowing blood to leak into the bile ducts (ie, hemobilia).

Severe gastrointestinal bleeding may be due to primarydyscrasiasblood, including leukemia, thrombocytopenic state, hemophilia and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Polycythemia vera can be combined with an increased incidence of peptic ulcers with the occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding caused by thrombosis of the mesenteric and portal veins.
Gastrointestinal bleeding may be accompanied by periarteritis nodosa, hemorrhagic and other vasculitis. Sometimes such bleeding occurs in arteriovenous malformations, amyloidosis, Osler-Rendu-Weber syndrome, Turner syndrome, elastic pseudoxanthoma, intestinal hemangiomas, neurofibromatosis, Kaposi's sarcoma and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
Gastrointestinal bleeding may occur as a result of uremia; its most common manifestation is chronic, hidden bleeding from diffusely altered mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine.

Clinical picture

Symptoms, course

In most cases, it is not difficult to recognize hematemesis by the dark, even black, color of coagulated blood, which has an acidic reaction and is mixed with food debris.
In sudden, very heavy bleeding, the blood may be light red in color. Vomiting scarlet blood means that the source of the bleeding is most likely in the esophagus, since the blood has not had time to react with hydrochloric acid in the stomach. However, with massive bleeding from the stomach and low secretion of hydrochloric acid in it, as well as with localization of a gastric ulcer in the cardiac region, an admixture of unchanged blood may be noted in the vomit.
Likewise, vomiting coffee grounds does not always mean that the source of the bleeding is in the stomach or duodenum. When blood is swallowed and subsequently vomited, so-called “esophageal” blood may appear the color of coffee grounds with streaks of scarlet blood.

Bloody vomiting usually occurs with acute or chronic fairly massive bleeding, and therefore is combined with melena Melena - discharge of feces in the form of a sticky black mass; usually a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding.
, hypovolemia Hypovolemia (syn. oligemia) is a reduced total amount of blood.
and anemia.


FGDS FGDS - fibrogastroduodenoscopy (instrumental examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a fiber-optic endoscope)
should be performed as quickly as possible - less than 4 hours after the onset of hematemesis. The delay can only be due to anti-shock measures.

Laboratory diagnostics

1. Guaiac test Guaiac test - a method for detecting blood in urine, gastric juice, vomit and feces, etc., based on the appearance of a blue color when a solution of hydrogen peroxide reacts with an alcohol solution of guaiac resin in the presence of blood pigments
carried out when there are doubts about the presence of blood in the vomit when vomiting “coffee grounds”.

2. Complete blood count: diagnosis of acute posthemorrhagic anemia Posthemorrhagic anemia is iron deficiency anemia that develops after blood loss
, determination of the degree of blood loss, thrombocytopenia.

3. Biochemical studies may indicate the suspected etiology of the source of bleeding (eg, cirrhosis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (syn. gastrinoma) - a combination of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum with adenoma of the pancreatic islets, developing from acidophilic insulocytes (alpha cells)
4. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.

5. Coagulogram: identification of consumption coagulopathies Consumptive coagulopathy (DIC syndrome) - impaired blood clotting due to massive release of thromboplastic substances from tissues

6. Determination of clotting/bleeding time.

7. Coprological examination: stool analysis for occult blood.

Differential diagnosis

Coffee-colored vomit may occur after eating chocolate or other foods. In this case, the presence of blood can be confirmed using a chemical test.
Blood in the vomit may be due to pulmonary hemorrhage. Examination of the lungs and examination of the medical history make it quite easy to differentiate the source of bleeding.
Newborns experience hematemesis due to ingestion of maternal blood (Hematemesis and melena due to ingestion of maternal blood - P78.2).