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Gag reflex: how to suppress the urge during dental treatment. How to get rid of the gag reflex during dental treatment? How to remove the gag reflex

Few of us have not experienced a feeling of nausea, few have not experienced the urge to vomit and the unpleasant moments of vomiting. Most are lucky; vomiting and nausea are not a frequent companion of their lives, just a symptom of some kind of illness that quickly passes or the body’s reaction to some kind of poisoning, which is also more often treatable.

But there is a small percentage of people who have an increased gag reflex, so to speak, or a pathology in the body that causes frequent nausea and even vomiting.

Increased gag reflex

It should be noted that an increased gag reflex occurs more often in children; by adolescence it fades away, but there is a group of people who suffer from it in adulthood, which brings a lot of inconvenience, especially when they need to have their teeth treated.

There are no specific reasons for the appearance of the gag reflex; sometimes you can observe outbreaks of it at the same time almost every day, and last the same period of time and are accompanied by the same symptoms. As already mentioned, children suffer from it more often, most often this occurs between the ages of three and seven, but determining the cause of the reflex is much easier in a child than in an adult, although attacks occur less frequently.

There are four phases of the reflex:

  1. The first is the manifestation of signs, that is, a person begins to feel pain in the abdomen, he feels sick, if it is in this phase that the appropriate medicine is taken, then an attack can be avoided, but sometimes the first phase goes unnoticed, for example: it happened at night, and in the morning, waking up, the person is already starting to vomit, medications won’t help.
  2. The second is directly emetic, when a person feels sick, there is a urge to vomit and vomiting itself, weakness, drowsiness, exhaustion are felt
  3. The third is recovery, when a person begins to experience relief, nausea subsides, vomiting stops, the person returns to appetite and a healthy complexion.
  4. The fourth is the so-called interval when a person feels great between attacks.

Often, over time, people begin to identify certain reasons that cause an attack, for example, anxiety, emotional stress, allergies, etc. Also, some foods can cause an attack, for example, some people cannot tolerate homemade milk and cottage cheese, and one type of them can cause an attack.

Other causes may include the menstrual cycle, pain, physical exhaustion, motion sickness, and seasickness.

We should not forget about objects in the mouth that easily cause vomiting and prevent a person from undergoing certain medical procedures, which deteriorates overall health or aesthetic appearance, for example: some cannot heal their teeth, they either have to walk with bad teeth or go under general anesthesia.

And also about various diseases that can cause nausea and vomiting, for example, diseases of various gastrointestinal organs.

Cerucal - indications for use, instructions

One of the drugs that is designed to help cope with the gag reflex is Cerucal; it is able to block central dopamine receptors.

In general we can say that Cerucal:

  • will have an antiemetic effect;
  • can eliminate hiccups and nausea;
  • contributes to the normalization of functioning;
  • helps speed up the movement of food through the intestines, which improves gastric emptying.

The drug is available in two forms: injection solution and tablets.

Cerucal - indications for use:

  • Frequent, repeated urge to vomit;
  • Presence of pylorospasm, heartburn, reflux esophagitis;
  • Stomach atony;
  • For successful probing of the small and duodenal intestines;
  • For high-quality X-ray examinations of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is worth noting that Cerucal is contraindicated if a person has:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • epilepsy;
  • areas of organ bleeding;
  • motor impairment;
  • excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • prolactin dependent carcinoma.

Cerucal should be taken only with the consent and recommendation of a doctor, based on the patient’s age, symptoms and causes of attacks. The drug can be taken either symptomatically or regularly for several months, always half an hour before meals, and is approved for use by children from two years of age.

The drug is usually well tolerated, but long-term use may result in negative consequences:

  1. Depression, spasms of masticatory and facial muscles, tremors, headaches, drowsiness, anxiety, fatigue, fear;
  2. Decrease or increase in blood pressure, often from injection, heart problems;
  3. Allergies in various manifestations;
  4. Disruption in the menstrual cycle.

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With this illness, a person constantly feels sick and vomits, which often lasts several hours, but only occurs at certain moments. The gag reflex occurs mainly in children, but may also affect and adults.

The gag reflex there are no specific reasons. Each next time is similar to the previous one. Outbreaks tend to start at the same time of day, last the same amount of time, and be accompanied by the same symptoms, while the intensity also remains the same. Although a persistent gag reflex can begin at any age in children and adults, it is characteristic of the age group from 3 to 7 years. In adults, episodes of vomiting tend to occur less frequently than in children, but they last longer. In addition, the causes of vomiting in adults are not always as easy to determine as in children.

Episodes can be so serious that a person has to stay in bed for many days. No one knows for sure how many people suffer from gag reflexes, but medical researchers believe that the number of these people is many times higher than the estimated figure. Because others more common diseases also cause episodes of vomiting, many people are diagnosed without considering that it may be a persistent gag reflex.

Four phases gag reflex:

  • the appearance of signs preceding the gag reflex
  • immediate outbreak of vomiting
  • recovery
  • flash interval
Symptom phase signals that another episode of the disease will soon begin. This phase, which is often different abdominal pain, can last from a few minutes to several hours. Sometimes, if you take medication early in the onset of symptoms, the syndrome may stop. However, sometimes there are no prerequisites: a person just wakes up in the morning and starts vomiting.

Phase immediate outbreak vomiting consists of nausea and vomiting; the person cannot eat, drink, or take anti-vomiting medications. This phase is accompanied by pallor; drowsiness and exhaustion.

Phase recovery begins when nausea and vomiting stop. A healthy complexion appears, appetite is restored and energy returns.

Phase interval between signs- this is the period between episodes when there are no signs whatsoever.

Some people can determine the cause which caused vomiting. The most common of these reasons is infection. Another common cause in children is emotional stress or excitement. Colds, allergies, sinus problems, or the flu can also cause vomiting in some people.

Other reasons include certain foods, for example, chocolate or cheese, which are consumed without measure, or before bed. Weather, physical exhaustion, menstrual bleeding and seasickness can also cause outbreaks of vomiting.


Main signs- this, of course, is nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the stomach, etc. Signs begin to appear in the evening or morning before breakfast and can last from a few minutes to 12 hours. The recurrence of episodes usually lasts for 7-8 days, in some cases up to two weeks daily.

Other signs- this is pallor, exhaustion and apathy. Sometimes nausea and vomiting are so severe that a person may lose consciousness. Sensitivity to light, headache, fever, dizziness, diarrhea, and stomach pain may accompany outbreaks.

In addition, vomiting causes drooling And constant thirst. Drinking water usually results in more vomiting, although water can dissolve the acid in the stomach, reducing pain. Continuous vomiting can lead to dehydration, which means the body loses too much water and salt.


This disease is difficult to diagnose because no blood tests, tomography, or biopsy can identify it. The doctor must make this diagnosis, referring to manifestation of symptoms and on medical history patient, and also take into account all those diseases that can also cause nausea and vomiting. In addition, diagnosis takes a long time because the doctor must identify the pattern or cycle of vomiting.

Gag reflex and migraine

The connection between migraines and the gag reflex is still unclear, but medical researchers believe it still exists. First, headaches and migraines begin, then an abdominal migraine occurs, which causes pain in the abdomen; and then the gag reflex begins, which is often accompanied by these headaches.

Secondly, many signs, which cause the gag reflex, also cause migraines. These triggers include tension and anxiety.

Thirdly, the study showed that many children who have a gag reflex have a family history of heredity of migraine or they just develop it as they get older.

Because of the similarities between the gag reflex and migraines, doctors treat some patients with serious medications that are also used for headaches and migraines. Medicines are designed to prevent disease outbreaks, reduce their frequency, or reduce their serious consequences.


Vomiting reflex cannot be cured. Of course, treatment helps, but people with the disease are usually advised to get plenty of sleep, rest and follow advice that prevents, stops or relieves flare-ups, and reduces the number of symptoms.

As soon as the next episode of the disease begins, all treatment consists of: you need to stay in bed in a dark and quiet room. Severe nausea and vomiting may require hospitalization to receive internal fluids to prevent dehydration. Sedatives may also help.

Sometimes, during the initial stage, you can completely prevent vomiting For example, people who feel severe pain before another episode can talk to their doctor and take ibuprofen. Other treatments that may be helpful are Zantac or omeprazole(Prilosec), which soothe the stomach by reducing the amount of acid it produces.

During the recovery phase, it is very important drinking water And replacing lost electrolytes. Electrolytes are salts necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. Signs of illness may change during the recovery phase: some people have found that their appetite immediately returns to normal, whereas they should drink liquids before moving on to solid foods.

People whose episodes of illness are long and tiresome must be treated between episodes to make them less intense. Medicines that help with headaches and migraines include Panadol, cyproheptadine, and amitriptyline, which are taken during the intervals between outbreaks, but they do not work for everyone. Sometimes you need to take medications for 1-2 weeks to understand whether they help or not.

In addition, the last phase is precisely the time when can the cause of the disease be determined?. For example, if you know that during the intermediate stage you are very worried or stressed, then you need to pay special attention to the nervous system. If your sinus problems worsen or allergies begin, then this is what you need to pay special attention to.


  • Dehydration. A constant gag reflex leads to loss of water from the body.
  • Unstable state of electrolytes. This disease leads to the loss of salts, which in such quantities cannot function normally.
  • Digestive esophagitis. The esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth and stomach) becomes damaged by the acid the stomach produces, causing vomiting.
  • Hematemesis. The esophagus becomes damaged and begins to bleed, thus mixing vomit with blood.
  • Esophageal rupture. The lower part of the esophagus can rupture if vomit constantly collides with the stomach.
  • Tooth decay. The acid found in vomit can damage teeth by attacking the enamel.
Need to remember:
  • The gag reflex is a long-term and often manifested disease.
  • It occurs mainly in children, but adults are also susceptible to it.
  • The gag reflex has four phases: onset, outbreak of vomiting, recovery, and interval between episodes.
  • Most people can identify what causes nausea and vomiting. Infections and emotional stress are two underlying causes.
  • The main signs: severe vomiting, nausea and headaches. As well as exhaustion and dehydration.
  • The only way to diagnose is a retrospective analysis of symptoms and study of the medical history. Sometimes the doctor may take a sample of the mass for analysis.

“I have a fairly strong gag reflex, despite the fact that in general the idea of ​​doing a blow job seems quite attractive. That is, kissing or licking a penis is no problem, but as soon as something larger than a tongue is in my mouth I feel very uneasy. How can this be fixed? It’s true that no one puts much pressure on me, but I would like to do it myself. If you describe in a nutshell how this is done in general, I will be grateful, I have never completed the task.”

1. Make sure it is comfortable. Sometimes you are vomiting, not vomiting, but you are very tired due to the fact that the lower jaw and neck are in constant tension. To make your neck less tired, either give the movements to your back and leave your neck motionless relative to your back, or place a pillow under your neck and let the man move under your control (a palm on the penis or on the ass easily solves the issue of control).

2. Instead of deep, you can take uh, wide. For example, squeeze the penis on one side with the inner surface of the cheek, and on the other with the tongue. The variety of sensation eliminates any objections, and it is more comfortable, since it is far from the throat.

3. Use your hands actively. No one will complain if you work on most of the surface with your hands; it is important to maintain rhythm and sufficient moisture. Also, a palm around the penis will keep it from penetration too deep and unpleasant. In addition, fingers can do many things more varied and longer than the tongue, use it.

4. Don’t forget about the scrotum, pubis, buttocks, inner thighs and other surrounding areas. There you can use your hands, hair, lips and tongue, and, if you are brave enough, your chest and legs. A well-warmed-up person will be satisfied with the absence of some elements of the mandatory program.

5. Invite the man to lie on his back and masturbate, while you sit on top. Firstly, clarify exactly how to work with your hands, secondly, use your hands for everything else, thirdly, you can lick the head in the process, this is great arousing. As an option, fold your wet lips into a “bow” and press them onto the head of the penis every time your partner’s hand moves away from the head. This will feel like a slight resistance of pursed lips, then penetration. You will produce more saliva, so the man will not have to be distracted by hydration.

6. Try some anesthesia and see what happens. Cough drops (for example, Halls), highly carbonated cold seltzer, champagne (also cold, and it is better not to drink, but to rinse your mouth, avoiding your lips), as well as specialized products, are suitable as a weak anesthetic. I have Doc Johnson GoodHead Deep Throat Spray Mystical Mint, in the USA it costs up to $10, the packaging also has markings in Russian, so it should be sold here too. If it doesn’t work, put it aside in case of a future gastroscopy.

If the sensation of an unpleasant foreign body does not go away either after anesthesia or as a result of shallow oral penetration, it is necessary to deal with the psychological reasons for rejection. In general, there is nothing unusual in the reluctance to put any nasty stuff in your mouth, but if your desires are very different from your capabilities, you need to take action.

During dental treatment, people often experience a gag reflex during dental procedures. This is an unpleasant matter, so many people think about how to avoid an attack of vomiting. Most people are afraid to go to the dentist, hence the stress, which aggravates the situation and strengthens the gag reflex during dental treatment. What to do in this case and how to get rid of the gag reflex - you need to take care of this in advance, even before coming to the appointment.

Concept of gag reflex

Throughout life, many people have experienced the sudden spontaneous release of food debris from the stomach. Vomiting is a complex process that occurs due to the activity of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Certain brain structures are responsible for reflexes. In the medulla oblongata there is a center responsible for reflex vomiting. Its activation occurs due to the nerve impulses received from the visual, gustatory and olfactory organs.

The reflex that causes vomiting is a protective reaction in which the body gets rid of substances that cause irritation. Both adults and children can suffer from vomiting. In children, due to the fact that their digestive system is not sufficiently developed, vomiting occurs much more often. Consequently, this process in children is not always associated with some kind of disease.

It’s another matter if the reaction to even the simplest stimuli increases in an adult. This may indicate a serious illness; therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first suspicion.

Typically, vomit includes small pieces of food that have not had time to be digested. Sometimes elements such as mucus and blood discharge are found in these masses.

The vomiting process itself is a sign that you should take care of your health and even start to worry. Sometimes you can prevent a symptom with self-treatment. But in cases where the vomit consists to some extent of mucus and blood, this may indicate serious deterioration in health.

Why does nausea occur?

Doctors and scientists have found that the main function of the reflex that causes vomiting is protection. This reflex is extremely necessary for infants during their development, since the baby does not yet know how to chew and swallow food. Thus, when a possible danger arises, when food gets stuck in the esophagus, a protective mechanism is triggered and all the contents come out. To activate it, the child just needs to stick out his tongue. However, in adults, inducing the gag reflex is a little more difficult.

Types of defense mechanism

Since vomiting is a symptom, when it occurs, you can start to worry, but it is very important to determine the factors that caused its occurrence. Scientists have established several main types of gag reflex:

  • Central. Due to the fact that the center of the reflex is located in the brain, the symptom may appear due to increased intracranial pressure, epilepsy, or hypertensive crisis.
  • Functional.
  • Visceral. Occurs when there is a disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Psychogenic. Appears when the organs of vision, smell, and taste are irritated.
  • Toxic. Due to poisoning with low-quality alcoholic beverages, medications and metabolic abnormalities, the brain causes a protective reflex.

Vomiting usually occurs regardless of the time of day and can cause discomfort at any time. But if it appears in the morning, for women it most likely indicates pregnancy.

Stimulating factors

Irritation of the base of the tongue, the back wall of the pharynx, gastritis and other diseases can stimulate the occurrence of vomiting. For this reason, food debris from the stomach can be thrown out not only due to the presence of serious diseases. It can even appear while brushing your teeth or undergoing dental procedures.

The appearance of vomiting can also be associated with smoking, during which tobacco smoke, almost entirely consisting of harmful chemical components, infects the body, as a result of which intoxication of the body can occur. Accumulated chemicals cause vomiting. In addition, smokers experience vascular spasms, which leads to a hypertensive crisis, which, in turn, leads to central vomiting.

Gagging can be caused even by brushing your teeth. Most often this happens due to the body’s intolerance to any components of the toothpaste or its smell. Sometimes a defensive reaction occurs from the strong impact of the brush used to clean the teeth.

The occurrence of such a problem during teeth cleaning may indicate an incorrect approach to the process itself. It is recommended to contact your dentist for advice.

Sometimes, during manipulations in the dental office, vomiting also occurs. As a rule, this is associated with psychological prejudices: fear, fear of doctors or a feeling of insecurity. For these reasons, doctors recommend that a day or two before visiting the dentist, you should mentally tune in and take sedatives and pills. You can prepare a soothing decoction yourself or purchase it ready-made at a pharmacy. Listening to your favorite music can also be an effective way to calm down.

Another way to help the patient during the procedure is to use a topical anesthetic. In addition, you can use application products to lubricate the beginning of the tongue and the back wall of the pharynx.

If there are problems with an increased gag reflex, the specialist needs to take care of the patient’s position in a specialized chair. In a lying position, the released saliva is not swallowed, which is why it irritates the root of the tongue, which means that the contents of the patient’s stomach can come out. You should spit out accumulated saliva as often as possible and prevent it from accumulating.

Fast-acting ways to stop vomiting

It is not very easy to quickly overcome the unpleasant feeling of vomiting without preparation, but there are ways in which this is possible:

For example, desensitizing the palate may help.

The protective reflex can be activated when touching the soft palate. Before removing the gag reflex, you can ask the pharmacy for special medications for this purpose even before going to the dentist. For example, Chloraseptic spray, which is available without a prescription from a doctor, helps many; you can try to reduce the sensitivity of the soft palate with it.

You can also use analgesics for external use, the main component of which is benzocaine. To do this, you need to apply it to the sky with a cotton swab. The duration of action of this method is about an hour, during which the palate will have virtually no sensitivity.

You can reduce the occurrence of vomiting by using the following medications:

  • Cerucal. The abstract states that the drug eliminates nausea if taken up to three times a day the day before visiting a doctor.
  • Dramamine. The drug against motion sickness, is also suitable for strong urge to vomit.
  • Persen. A soothing natural drug, take 1 capsule 3 times a day the day before visiting a specialist.

Pain relief throat sprays generally have very few side effects. However, it is not recommended to use them for severe nausea, dizziness or stomach cramps.

Preparations containing benzocaine should be used with extreme caution. During application, a cotton swab may cause choking or vomiting. In addition, the drug has the following side effects: increased fatigue, blue lips and fingers, difficulty breathing, drowsiness.

If you are intolerant or allergic to benzocaine, it is not recommended to use drugs containing it. You should consult your doctor in advance to find out about the possibility of using it with other medications and food products.

Another good way to relieve nausea is to pinch your thumb. To do this, you need to tightly (but not painfully) clench your hand into a fist. The thumb should be under the other fingers. With this manipulation, the point responsible for the reflex that causes vomiting is pressed.

You can also apply some salt to the tip of your finger and place it on your tongue. When salt comes into contact with the tongue, the taste buds are stimulated, resulting in a reaction that blocks the urge to vomit for some time.

Overcoming the reflex with a brush

It is possible to completely get rid of the symptoms of vomiting, but this process is not the easiest and quite lengthy.

To reduce the sensitivity of areas of the tongue, when exposed to which the reflex is activated, it is necessary to determine the most sensitive area. You can use your own toothbrush for this. It's better to start from the front part of the tongue. This action may trigger a defensive reflex, but not for long.

You should rub your tongue with a brush, fighting the urge. Such manipulations must be repeated daily. Every day the sensitivity of the reflex will decrease. If rubbing the brush on the tongue in the original place does not cause the urge to vomit, you can move on to the next stage. To do this, try touching your tongue a little further from the original place, towards the root. In this case, you need to repeat the manipulations again, as in the previous step.

If the sensitivity of another area on the tongue is reduced, it is necessary to move even further to the base of the tongue. The procedure must be continued until the sensitivity of the farthest point is reduced. As a result, the toothbrush will come into contact with the roof of your mouth.

Don't back down. The process will take approximately four weeks. After this time, you can safely touch the end of your tongue and even the wall of your throat with a toothbrush or cotton swab, without reflex vomiting. This procedure must be repeated regularly to ensure that the reflex does not resume sensitivity.

Clean your tongue daily with a toothbrush or special tongue cleaner to reduce sensitivity. Moreover, this will not only have a positive effect on the reflex, but will also provide fresh breath.


You can reduce the intensity of the reflex that causes vomiting by diverting your attention from the main action (procedures at the dentist's office or simply brushing your teeth). Effective ways to distract attention are:

Thus, if vomiting occurs at a reflex level during various dental procedures, it is better to take care of the problem in advance. Gradually reduce the sensitivity of the tongue, as a result of which the reflex will not be so disturbing. If the cause of its occurrence is diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. Watch your health.