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Symptoms of a cat allergy: how to recognize the negative impact. Why is an allergy to cats scary: the consequences of it in adults and children Allergy to a cat makes your eyes itch

Your doctor will give you a referral for medical tests for cat allergies. This allergy is easily diagnosed using skin tests or a blood test for specific immunoglobulin E. In some allergy centers you can even test your compatibility with a specific cat - for this you need to bring pieces of its fur (there is a high probability that an allergenic protein is present on it).

Such diagnostics give accurate results, but self-diagnosis can be a failure. Symptoms of cat allergy in children and adults can easily be confused with other diseases.

Here are the most common cases of misdiagnosis of cat allergies:

  • Cats that walk on their own can carry particles of pollen and mold from the street on their fur, and these, in turn, can cause allergies in the cat owner
  • An undesirable reaction can be caused not by the cat, but by its accessories: food, litter, shampoo, toys.
  • A cat can infect its owner with any disease. For example, the manifestations of chlamydia, scabies mites and lichen in humans are similar to allergic reactions. That is why it is necessary to carefully monitor your pet’s health and regularly show it to the veterinarian.

If a medical test for a cat allergy reveals that you are incompatible, but you cannot imagine your life without a meowing tailed cat, then you have several important decisions to make. Most likely, in the name of prevention, you will also need to adjust your lifestyle.

If we follow strict medical terminology, allergy is understood as the manifestation of hyperreactivity of the immune system to a certain irritant upon repeated contact with it, that is, after the so-called period of sensitization. Typically, how an allergy to cats manifests itself depends on the organ where the allergen enters: the mucous epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi, conjunctiva, skin.

The pathogenetic development of an allergic reaction is based on the interaction of antibodies, that is, immune cells, with an antigen - an irritant. If we talk about domestic animals, the following can act as an antigen:

There are three stages of how an allergy to cats manifests itself. This:

  1. Immune, continues from the moment the immune system first contacts the allergen.
  2. Pathochemical, it starts upon repeated interaction with an irritant and is characterized by the release of various inflammatory mediators, primarily histamine, from eosinophils and mast cells.
  3. Pathophysiological, accompanied by persistent and prolonged disruption of the cells of the epidermis and mucous epithelium.

Depending on the speed of occurrence of clinical signs of the disease, allergic reactions are divided into several types:

Experts say the main reason for the development of pathology is hereditary predisposition. It has long been known that if one parent exhibits hypersensitivity to pets, there is a 50-75% chance that the child will also develop the same symptoms. It is believed that in the human body there are genes responsible for the ability of cells to respond and produce specific IgE. In addition, hereditary predisposition also plays a role at the stage of release of allergy mediators and the degree of permeability of mucous membranes to allergens.

Environmental factors are also of great importance, for example, a pregnant woman or infant living in an environmentally polluted area. In addition, you should not forget about dietary habits and the timing of the introduction of the first complementary foods. Sometimes the symptoms of how a cat allergy manifests itself largely depend on concomitant pathologies.

The severity of the clinical picture also determines the methods of treating the disease. Official medicine offers antihistamines; their main components are substances that prevent contact of inflammatory mediators with cells. However, such therapy is only symptomatic and does not in any way affect the cause of the allergy.

Adherents of alternative medicine recommend fighting the signs of the disease with the help of folk remedies. These are a variety of herbal mixtures and decoctions, tinctures, for example, everyone knows the ability of mumiyo to cleanse the body of various toxins. But a radical method to get rid of allergies is to stop constant contact with the irritant, in other words, the pet will have to be given away.

But according to statistics, a third of all cat owners suffer from fur allergies and continue to communicate with their pets. Experts recommend a competent approach to choosing a cat breed; their photos, by the way, are on the websites of various nurseries. So, you can buy:

But the most “hypoallergenic” cat is the Canadian Sphynx. They are recommended for all people suffering from hypersensitivity of the immune system to animal fur, excrement or epidermis.

Signs of allergy to cats in adults and children

Symptoms of hypersensitivity can manifest as disorders of all organs and systems, including pathological changes in the vascular wall, hematopoiesis, etc. But the signs of an allergy to cats are clearly defined, associated with the characteristics of the contact of the irritant with the human mucous membranes. In other words, the inflammatory process occurs in those tissues where the allergen enters.

Moreover, the severity of symptoms depends on age and hereditary predisposition. For example, with an immediate allergic reaction, the clinical manifestations of the disease develop quite quickly and significantly worsen the general condition of the person. In addition, the symptoms of the pathology progress with constant contact with fur, epidermal particles or other irritants.

Thus, adults and children alike may be concerned about the following signs of cat allergy:

  • From the upper respiratory tract and organs of vision: most typical for newborns who do not directly contact the irritant, but inhale it through the nose or mouth, as a result of which the antigens “settle” on the surface of the mucous membranes. This is accompanied by copious discharge of clear mucus from the nose, itching, and burning. Allergic rhinitis almost always occurs together with conjunctivitis, which is characterized by lacrimation and redness of the eyelids. Naturally, the body's reflex reaction aimed at cleansing the nasal cavity is sneezing.
  • From the lower respiratory tract. The contact of particles of cat hair or skin with the bronchial mucosa causes symptoms similar to bronchial asthma. I am worried about attacks of dry cough, and due to swelling there are difficulties with breathing. This condition is complicated by concomitant bronchitis or pneumonia. These signs of a cat allergy are especially dangerous for young children.
  • From the skin: a rash appears in various locations, but more often on places that have been in contact with the animal: arms, legs, face, etc. The affected areas may have a smooth or blurred outline and merge with each other. But usually their skin is dry and prone to flaking. The rash areas are also very itchy.

Systemic signs of cat allergy are extremely rare. Only in isolated cases do doctors note an increase or decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, muscle or joint pain. Symptoms of the disease such as dizziness, headache, and general malaise are usually associated with impaired nasal breathing due to rhinitis.

Cat allergy test and other diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of hypersensitivity to fur and other allergens of pets includes several stages. This:

According to doctors, patient interviews play a major role in the diagnostic process. First of all, the doctor finds out whether there are pets at home and when the main allergy symptoms appeared. Equally important is the question of the presence of such diseases in the parents, establishing the severity of the clinical picture and excluding other probable causes of the appearance of such symptoms.

As for the third stage, skin testing, there are several methods for performing them. Cat allergy testing is done using the prick test technique.

The criterion for a correctly performed analysis is a negative test with the control liquid and a positive test with histamine. A questionable result is the formation of only redness at the site of application of the allergen. The diagnosis is made based on the presence of severe hyperemia and a blister measuring 3 mm or more. If the interpretation of the research results is in doubt, a nasal analysis is used (the irritant is applied directly to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity).

Currently, certain clinical and laboratory examinations are mandatory. Their main advantage is the ability to diagnose children under 3 years of age and pregnant women. In addition, they are not contraindicated for severe symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Usually prescribed:

  • radioallergosorbent test to determine class E immunoglobulin antibodies in specific cat allergens;
  • determination of the concentration of total IgE;
  • Shelley test, demonstrating changes in basophils under the influence of an allergen;
  • tissue basophil degranulation test;
  • neutrophil damage test;
  • determination of the level of tryptase released during the breakdown of basophils.

In the absence of life-threatening angioedema, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, at home. If manifestations of hypersensitivity are limited to rhinitis and conjunctivitis, doctors suggest using topical medications.

Usually prescribed:

In addition, topical glucocorticoids are used to eliminate severe swelling and inflammation. The most common and effective are Nasonex, Nazarel, Tafen nasal, Flixonase, Avamis.

If the only symptom of a cat allergy is a skin rash, antihistamines in the form of gels or creams are suitable. Ointments based on hormonal substances also have a pronounced antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. These are Fenistil, Cutivate, Fluorocort. All these products are quite affordable and can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

However, cat allergy tests and further medical help can be avoided by following simple rules for preventing symptoms of the disease. First of all, when choosing a pet, you should take into account the possible reaction of the body and give preference to breeds specially bred for allergy sufferers.

The first thing you should do is purchase an air purifier and give your cat her own sleeping place. The risk of allergies will be significantly reduced if the animal does not have access to bedding and clothing. It is also recommended to avoid carpets, curtains, and furniture covers. The cat's litter box should be kept in a well-ventilated area and should be cleaned several times a day. Be sure to bathe the animal at least 2 times a week, and wash its face every day. In addition, doctors advise avoiding contact with other possible irritants, both food and household, as much as possible, and regularly administer anthelmintic therapy to your pet.

The decision to purchase a pet must be approached responsibly. According to volunteers, it is the body’s hypersensitivity reaction that is the main reason why pets end up in shelters. Testing for cat allergies is carried out in almost every laboratory, and it is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, before going to the poultry market, you must weigh all the pros and cons and eliminate the risk of developing unpleasant symptoms.

Allergy is one of the most unpleasant ailments that accompanies many people, and an allergic reaction occurs upon direct contact with an allergen (dust, plants, chemicals). The most common is considered to be an allergy to animal hair, in particular to cat hair. Contact with animals is an integral part of every person’s life, but what to do if an allergic reaction haunts you.

In order for an allergic reaction of the body to manifest itself, pathogens are necessary. Most often, an allergic person reacts to animal fur. Therefore, many people who have a high risk of allergies choose smooth-haired cats or Sphynx cats.

Reference! Cases of allergic manifestations after contact with cats are recorded several times more often than after contact with dogs.

However, the absence of hair in an animal does not guarantee the absence of reactions in the body. Several factors explain this:

  1. Cats' urine or saliva contains proteins. Every allergy sufferer has correspondingly reduced immune functions; the body reacts very sensitively to the irritant. When an allergen appears, the body strengthens its defense response; in the case of a weakened immune system, pronounced signs of allergy occur (an adverse reaction occurs to the body’s active struggle with the irritant).
  2. If the animal has access to the street, then after a walk more aggressive allergens are carried on the fur (dust particles, remains of mold, plants, fluff).

Therefore, allergy sufferers may suffer not only from cat hair, but also from the contaminants that accumulate on it.


Identifying the first symptoms indicating an allergy is not so difficult. It is worth noting that each person manifests an allergic reaction differently - there may be only one symptom, or a complex of symptoms may appear.

The main signs of an allergic condition:

  • Initially, nasal congestion may occur, then a runny nose may appear;
  • frequent sneezing (no dry or wet cough);
  • the eyes suffer from tearing, there is constant irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • Asthmatic symptoms (shortness of breath, hoarseness) may occur;
  • Skin manifestations (redness) where there was direct contact with the animal are not excluded.

Frequent sneezing is one of the most common signs of a cat allergy.

Symptoms may occur immediately after contact or appear several hours later. According to medical statistics, almost 30% of people suffering from asthma experience a significant exacerbation of asthmatic symptoms after interacting with a cat.

Note! Children are recommended to communicate with cats, since when they come into contact with an allergen, the child’s body develops a protective reaction and the allergy does not manifest itself in adulthood. But it is worth considering the fact that if a child has a predisposition to allergies, then it is necessary to protect him from animals.

How does an allergy develop?

In allergology, there are four main reactions of the human body to an allergen:

  1. Immediate type of reaction.
  2. Cytotoxic reaction.
  3. Damage to tissue structures of the body due to the influence of the immune complex.
  4. Slow response of the body to an allergen.

Cat allergens provoke an exclusively immediate type of reaction, since symptoms begin to appear twenty minutes after contact with the pet. The body's reaction is provoked as follows - an allergenic molecule penetrates the respiratory tract, attaches to cells, which guarantee immune protection, the latter begin to produce inflammatory mediators, which cause reactions in the tissue structures of the body.

Attention! An allergic person does not always experience an allergic reaction upon first contact with a cat.

Gradual development of allergies

  1. Stage I. Antibodies are produced in the body, which are responsible for blocking antigens, in this case cat allergens. The body becomes familiar with antigens for further influence on it.
  2. Stage II. There is a direct interaction between the allergen and the produced antibodies. An immunological reaction develops. At this stage, the production of inflammatory mediators occurs, which provoke a reaction on the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Stage III. The stage of consequences of the action of inflammatory mediators (impaired hematopoietic function, the occurrence of bronchospasm).

Note! If, after your pet arrives in the house, indirect signs of a cold appear that last more than one week, you need to go for a consultation with an allergist.

How to determine an allergic reaction to a cat?

At the initial manifestation of symptoms, you should not blame the animal. First, you should go for a consultation with an allergist and, if necessary, do allergy tests, so you can accurately determine the allergen. When an allergic reaction occurs in a person when a pet appears in the house, the doctor may first recommend temporarily moving the cat to relatives in order to monitor the pattern of the body’s reaction. If the allergy sufferer’s condition improves immediately in the absence of the animal, then the next stage is testing (blood tests and skin tests). Once the allergy is confirmed and the exact allergen is identified, the specialist will select the necessary therapy.

Treatment methods

The therapy is based on the standard method of treating allergy sufferers. The main problem is that it will not be possible to get rid of the disease forever (only by blocking seasonal exacerbations). First of all, the allergy sufferer will have to say goodbye to the animal, since they will not be able to get along in the same area without harm. Then the patient needs to normalize his moral state, since any stressful shocks only aggravate the course of the allergy.

Approximate drug treatment regimen

Drug groupExample of a drug
AntihistaminesBenadryl, Claritin (help block the manifestations of allergic symptoms, improve the patient’s condition, the main side effects include drowsiness)
DecongestantsSudafed, Allegra-D (very often, after contact with a cat, swelling of the nasopharynx occurs; to eliminate it, you should take special products that quickly relieve swelling)
Since allergy sufferers have significantly reduced protective functions of the immune system, an allergist can select an immune-strengthening course of therapy
SorbentsPolysorb (a product that helps remove allergens from the body, and therefore eliminates the cause of the disease)

In particularly severe cases of allergies, the doctor may insist on a course of antiallergic injections.

Unconventional ways to eliminate cat allergies

Treatment with medicinal herbs, as well as bee products and a variety of products can be used as an auxiliary therapy.

Advice! To minimize exposure to allergens, you can bathe your pet with a decoction of motherwort. During periods of exacerbation of allergies, bathing is carried out regularly - once a day.

Video - How to treat allergies with folk remedies

How to properly contact a cat to avoid allergies?

If it is not possible to give up the animal, then you should adhere to certain rules of communication:

  • minimize contact with the animal, do not pet it;
  • exclude the possibility of the cat having access to the place where the allergic person sleeps (do not let him into the room);
  • carry out daily cleaning of the premises (housing), preferably wet;
  • change the long-haired floor covering to a smoother one (so that the lint from the carpet does not collect allergens);
  • 0

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Pets - cats - in some families become full members of the family. However, for some, such proximity does not bring pleasure. It's all about the occurrence of allergic reactions. They can be expressed in different ways, but they all have a negative effect on the body. Allergy to cats, symptoms are expressed with prolonged exposure to the allergen on the body. It requires timely diagnosis and correctly prescribed treatment.

Allergies caused by cats are the most common type of allergy. It is also called epidermal, as it manifests itself in the form of reactions to the cat's epidermis. Negative changes occur under the influence of:

  • saliva;
  • excrement;
  • pieces of leather.

The common belief that allergies arise from cats with fluffy fur is wrong. Irritation can also occur when an allergic person comes into contact with a Bengal or Sphynx cat.

Cats can cause allergies

However, wool plays an important role in the process of damage to the body. It is a catalyst for the spread of allergens in the air due to its light and volatile structure. Therefore, allergies from having cats in the house do not manifest themselves in the fur of the animal.

The cat's body tends to produce large amounts of proteins that cause allergies. There are about 10 species. The main ones are Fel D4, which is produced during the activity of the sebaceous glands, and Fel D1, secreted in the salivary glands. The latter has good contact with the wool and remains dry on its surface for a long time. Therefore, cat fur is considered to be a source of allergies.

Allergy symptoms are caused by proteins produced by the cat's body.

Facts about allergic reactions to cats

Allergies that spread from cats have a number of features.

  1. Cat saliva, which contains large amounts of harmful proteins, is less irritating in kittens than in adult cats.
  2. The salivary glands of cats are more active in producing harmful proteins. Cats in this case are less irritating.
  3. Signs of an allergic reaction may appear less often if the cat and cat are spayed.
  4. British and Bengal breeds are less likely to cause allergies from cats.
  5. When a cat goes outside, the risk of developing body reactions to irritants increases. An animal can bring street dust, pollen, fungus, which will aggravate the health of an allergy sufferer.

Allergy process

Allergic reactions can come in four forms. They come in the form of immediate and delayed reactions, damage to body tissues by immune complexes, and cytotoxic reactions.

Allergies that arise from the presence of cats manifest themselves in the form of immediate reactions. 15 minutes after a person comes into contact with the irritant, the first symptoms may appear. This occurs as a result of allergen molecules entering the respiratory system, the mucous membranes of the nose and skin. They attack immune cells. The latter, in turn, produce mediators of the inflammatory process. These include histamines, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. The body reacts to this process with allergic symptoms. However, this reaction only occurs in people who are already allergic to cats.

Children may develop a rash

At first contact, when a person is unaware of being susceptible to allergic reactions to cat proteins, signs may not be expressed for a long time. Cat allergies begin with minor changes. Then they can become more noticeable and become systemic. This reaction is due to the familiarity of the immune system with the stimulus and the preparation of the body for the occurrence of a reaction.

At the stage of interaction of antibodies of the human body with animal antigens, an immunological response occurs. As a result of the production of inflammatory mediators, changes occur in the body:

  • the mucous membrane of the nose, eyes, and throat is affected;
  • skin rashes appear;
  • loose connective tissue is irritated.

With further negative effects of allergens, disturbances appear in the form of:

  • spasms of smooth muscles of the intestines and bronchi;
  • disruption of blood vessels;
  • changes in the composition of lymph and some blood functions.

Often, allergies that arise from the presence of cats are similar to a cold. In this case, it is worth remembering that acute respiratory infections change their symptoms after a week: the disease either ends or goes into a complicated stage. Allergic symptoms do not disappear over time as the irritant influences.

Manifestation of allergy symptoms

Signs of an allergy to cats appear depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Some people suffer from skin reactions, others from swelling. For some, communication with cats can lead to serious consequences - angioedema or anaphylactic shock. Therefore, cat allergies do not have specific symptoms.

Sneezing is a common symptom of an allergic reaction.

Allergies from the influence of cats can occur in the form of lesions of various types.

  1. Among the signs of damage to the nasal mucosa are the appearance of a runny nose, congestion, and inflammatory processes on its surface. Often a person begins to sneeze due to an allergen entering the body.
  2. Allergy symptoms also manifest themselves in the form of damage to the oral cavity: inflammation of the pharynx and mouth. In severe cases, swelling of the mucous tissues and larynx may occur.
  3. When an allergy occurs due to exposure to cats, the condition of the eyes changes. There is tearing, redness of the eyelids, and pain in the eyes. Conjunctivitis often occurs. The eyes begin to react sharply to bright light. The person also feels bouts of burning.
  4. The reaction appears on the skin. Red spots may form on the surface of the skin. During this period, urticaria, eczema, erythema, and dermatitis may appear. Skin lesions may appear as blisters and blisters. Hyperemia is accompanied by itching, dryness of the upper layer of skin, and burning. A swollen state of the tissues is also observed.
  5. The functioning of the respiratory system changes. The person begins to cough, and spasms occur in the bronchi. Allergy sufferers can often suffer from asthma attacks.
  6. Allergies that arise from the presence of cats in the home can resemble asthma. In this condition, a person feels severe shortness of breath. His lips may also turn blue.

When negative reactions of the body appear, a person feels weak and tired. The state of depression and depression may be replaced by attacks of irritability. The general condition can be assessed as sluggish. Headaches often occur and sleep is disturbed.

Consequences of an allergic reaction to cats

If allergies are not detected and treated in time, they can cause serious illnesses. It can lead to bronchial asthma, persistent allergic rhinitis and even eczema.

The most serious consequence that an allergy from the influence of cats can lead to is anaphylactic shock. It, in turn, often causes deaths. It can be distinguished by difficulty breathing, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, the appearance of convulsions, and loss of consciousness.

However, cat allergies rarely lead to this phenomenon. At the same time, you should not relax: each body’s reaction to an allergen is individual. Therefore, at the first suspicion of this type of allergy, a consultation with an allergist is necessary. He will prescribe treatment to help eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Drugs to treat the disease

An allergic reaction to cat hair can be eliminated using traditional treatments for all types of allergies. First of all, the effect of the allergen on the body is eliminated. Special medications are used to block histamine. Some of the effective drugs are Claritin, Zyrtec, Cetirizine. They are available in tablet form. You can also use sprays, for example, Astelin.

Allergy symptom reliever

Swelling can be relieved with the help of medications that prevent mucus stagnation. These include Sudafed, which is freely available in pharmacies, as well as Allgra-D, which requires a prescription to purchase.

Steroids in the form of Flonaz and Nasonex sprays are also used in the treatment of allergies.

If a person does not want to constantly undergo therapy with medications, another way to combat allergies is available to him - immunotherapy. Its efficiency reaches 80%. However, treatment is carried out over several years. The first allergen injections are administered into the body twice a week for six months. Then the course is carried out once a month for 3-5 years.

An allergy to cat hair may become weaker with constant contact with the allergen. Gradually, symptoms may disappear, and the body’s condition may return to normal. However, if severe allergic symptoms occur, you should not wait: complications can make themselves felt at any time. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time for diagnosis and treatment.

Occurs in 15% of people. An allergen, depending on a person’s sensitivity, can cause a severe runny nose, cough, itching and other unpleasant symptoms. Of course, in this situation, the best option for an allergy sufferer is to avoid any contact with the irritant, that is, with cats. And, of course, you shouldn’t take a cat into your house. However, what to do if you are allergic to cats if the disease was discovered after purchasing the animal? Give away your beloved pet or deal with allergies in other ways?

Diagnosis of cat allergies

Initially, you need to accurately establish that the unpleasant symptoms that have arisen indicate an allergic reaction to cats. It is immediately worth noting that the cause of allergies is not the fur of a pet, as many believe, but its saliva and other secretions. Moreover, the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to an irritant in a person whose body is sensitive to a given allergen does not depend in any way on the breed of the cat or on the length of its fur.

The most common are:

  • runny or stuffy nose;
  • labored breathing;
  • cough;
  • itching and redness of the skin, the appearance of a small rash, urticaria;
  • irritation and redness of the eyes (allergic conjunctivitis), lacrimation;
  • bouts of sneezing.

To completely exclude other possible causes of allergic reactions in humans, it is recommended to give the animal away at least temporarily. The disappearance of symptoms after eliminating contact with the pet is confirmation that it was he who caused the disease.

Sometimes it is not immediately possible to diagnose an allergy to cats, since unpleasant symptoms can appear even several hours after contact with the animal. In addition, an allergic reaction to cats can occur if a person was simply in the same room with the animal and did not even see it.

Increased sensitivity to cats is observed in asthmatics. For many of them, a few seconds of being in the same room with an animal is enough to feel a sharp deterioration in their condition and an exacerbation of the disease.

To diagnose the disease, allergists take skin tests and refer patients with allergy symptoms to a blood test. If the diagnosis is confirmed, antiallergic treatment is prescribed.

Allergy treatment

The simplest and most effective remedy for developing allergies to cats is to completely avoid contact with the allergen. If you still don’t want to part with your beloved animal, you can try to reduce this contact to a minimum and consult an allergist who will prescribe treatment for allergies to cats.

Statistics show that half of allergy sufferers can still live in the same house with cats if certain rules are followed. A controlled state of the disease allows you to avoid the development of the disease and get rid of the allergy symptoms that have arisen. If all the recommendations and prescribed pills do not help, there is only one way out - to part with the animal forever. There are also cases when a person eventually stops reacting to the allergen, and the disease completely disappears.

To treat the disease, a medicine is prescribed that has an antihistamine and decongestant effect (Claritin, Suprastin, Benadryl and others). Prescribed tablets and other medications block the allergen, relieve swelling, reduce itching and other symptoms of the disease.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe immunostimulants that affect the body's immune responses, thereby reducing a person's susceptibility to various allergens. For the same purpose, general strengthening procedures are recommended: regular walks in the fresh air, physical activity, good nutrition.

Traditional medicine

You can also use proven traditional medicine recipes:

  • dandelion juice. To prepare the juice, you need to pass the dandelion grass through a meat grinder, wrap it in gauze and squeeze it. The resulting juice is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and brought to a boil. The medicine should be taken twice a day, 3 teaspoons 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for allergies is 1.5-2 months;
  • duckweed infusion. Duckweed is considered a very effective remedy for any allergy. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 10 teaspoons of fresh duckweed into 0.5 liters of vodka and let it brew for a week. Take duckweed infusion three times a day, 15-20 drops, after diluting it in water;
  • herbal bath. To prepare a medicinal collection for a bath, you need to mix string, celandine, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile flowers and valerian root in equal quantities (5 tablespoons each). 5 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 1 liter of boiling water. The broth should sit (for about 30 minutes), then it can be strained and added to the bath. This herbal bath can be taken once every two to three days for 15 minutes to eliminate the symptoms of cat allergies.

Taking medications reduces the body's sensitivity to the allergen and eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. However, if the cat still lives with the patient in the same house, the question of how to cure an allergy to cats remains. Doctors advise such allergy sufferers who live in the same house with an animal to follow certain recommendations.

1. Try to keep contact with the animal to a minimum.
It is better for a person suffering from allergies to avoid prolonged contact with a furry pet. You should not pick up the cat, comb it, bring it to your face, or pet it for a long time. After contact with the cat, you need to wash your hands and, if possible, change your clothes.

2. Keep the animal out of the bedroom.
Since a person spends quite a lot of time sleeping, it is better to completely isolate the bedroom from the pet. If for some reason it is not possible to completely close access to the bedroom, then you need to close the door at least at night. You should not allow your cat to sleep on the bed of an allergic person. It is also recommended to use high-quality and powerful air purifiers throughout the house, or at least just in the bedroom.

3. Maintain cleanliness in the house and carry out wet cleaning of the apartment daily.
Despite the fact that cat fur is not an allergen, particles of saliva, skin and other secretions remain on it. Therefore, it is worth cleaning the apartment very carefully. It is recommended to do wet cleaning daily and vacuum the floor and furniture 2-3 times a week.

4. Avoid accumulation of dust.
As you know, fleecy carpets, rugs and thick curtains are excellent dust collectors. They accumulate dust particles, dirt and fur, which can provoke new attacks of the disease in an allergy sufferer. Therefore, it is recommended to get rid of carpets and other things that collect dust. If this is not possible, then vacuum and brush carpets and other dust-collecting surfaces as often as possible.

5. Visit your doctor regularly and monitor your condition.
A person suffering from allergies must constantly monitor their condition, especially if they are forced to constantly come into contact with an irritant. If the condition worsens, it is better to immediately contact a qualified allergist and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

6. Wash the animal more often.
Since the allergen accumulates on the animal's fur, it is very important to wash your cat regularly. It is advisable to do this at least twice a week. However, this should be done by one of the family members of the allergic person, and not by himself, since such close contact with the cat can lead to an exacerbation of the allergy.

If all of the above measures are unsuccessful and allergy symptoms do not disappear, you should definitely consult a doctor.