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The dream interpretation is close. Dream Interpretation - A Closer Look. Avoid looking in your sleep

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Means that you are not understood.

An imperious gaze caught in a dream, in reality- means that someone is interested in you.

To express your disagreement.

Catch someone's gaze- to someone's interest.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Catch a disapproving glance on yourself in a dream- everyone doesn’t like your independent behavior, but at the same time they envy you.

To dream of a person piercing you with an imperious gaze- The mafia took note of you.

A contemptuous look thrown at you in a dream- to hatred.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A dream in which the character's gaze attracts attention is important. It should be understood that nothing happens in a dream just like that. Everything has its own meaning, every little thing. Another thing is that sometimes it is so encrypted that only a specialist can decipher it.

If a person sees very large eyes that are striking in size, then this foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance. Interesting moments when in a dream the sleeper is accompanied by an observing gaze. This means that in reality an opponent or competitor is expected to appear, looking out for the weaknesses of the sleeping person and preparing to strike. You should be very grateful for this hint, as it warns of impending betrayal and allows you to prepare and protect yourself.

What if you dream about a look?

Why do you dream about the look? Seeing in a dream a gaze that is directed at the sleeping person is a signal to pay attention to those moments in the real world that the character symbolizes. If you dreamed of big or strange eyes, then this means significant changes for the better.

An interesting dream is in which a person sees eyes without a face. Its interpretation can be made precisely on the expression of their gaze.

Such dreams indicate that the sleeping person is closely watched by Higher powers, and how much they approve of his behavior in the real world can be recognized by the look of these eyes. Seeing slanted eyes with a joyful look is a sign of monetary gain. If a sleeper observes the appearance of very beautiful, bewitching eyes in a dream, then this means loyalty and devotion of a loved one in reality.

What does it portend?

What one looks at in a dream is important for understanding the situation that develops in a person’s real life. Vision is the main function of perception of the surrounding reality and conveys through the gaze the slightest movements of the soul. In a dream, you can notice both an unkind look and an encouraging one.

All this brings an understanding of what is happening in a person’s life, but remains for the time being unnoticed by him. Seeing the eyes of an animal always indicates a waking manifestation of envy and jealousy towards the sleeping person.

If the dreamer goes blind in a dream, this foreshadows a violation of the oath he took in reality. Such dreams also indicate a possible illness in a person’s children. Seeing a one-eyed character means unfounded suspicions that will cause indignation and protest in the dreamer. Thus, dreams in which gaze is present in one form or another are very important for understanding real life situations.

Many dream books identify a glance with seduction, mistrust or genuine interest. That is why temptation and deception are the most popular explanations for why this action is dreamed of. In a dream, this symbol is viewed in conjunction with dreamed events and represents the threshold of important changes that depend on the decision made by the dreamer.

The gaze of a loved one - deception or mistrust?

Catching the gaze of a beloved man in a dream, according to the Birthday Dream Book, speaks of certain suspicions of the beloved regarding the dreamer’s fidelity and devotion. The great universal dream interpreter deciphers a little differently what it means to dream of feeling the gaze of a loved one. The dream plot suggests that in reality the chosen one is carefully watching you, trying to make an important decision.

Waking up from the gaze of your beloved man tells the dream book about important changes that directly depend on the actions you take in reality. Looking at a man eye to eye indicates a difference of opinion with your chosen one. Perhaps you should slow down your own pressure a little to get what you want.

But feeling the gaze of a stranger on you speaks of a temptation that will be difficult to cope with. I dreamed that we looked at each other - eye to eye and felt how the stranger’s gaze was attracted, symbolizing a strong sexual desire, destructive passion.

Staring contest with an ex-lover or confrontation with the past

There are several versions of why your ex-boyfriend's gaze is seen in dreams. On the one hand, the dreamed action promises troubles that will emerge from the dreamer’s past life. Be careful, because the appearance of an ex-chosen one in real life is not just a coincidence, but part of an insidious plan conceived by the boyfriend.

In the dream book of Simon Canaanite there is a different interpretation of what it means to dream of meeting the gaze of an ex-boyfriend. The dream reveals the likelihood of succumbing to nostalgia and the temptation to start over. Seeing your ex-boyfriend looking at you and avoiding his gaze signals a destructive feeling of guilt or unforgiveness. If you dreamed that the character was avoiding your gaze, it means that all hopes of renewing the relationship will remain just dreams.

But for a young man, seeing his ex-girlfriend look away in a dream, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, speaks of the character’s interest in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps in reality the young lady has hopes of renewing the relationship.

Animals are observed in a dream - be vigilant in reality

A wolf in a dream is compared by the dream book with a ruthless, evil and merciless enemy, therefore, what the wolf’s black eyes look like in a dream symbolizes the danger of suffering from the machinations of enemies.

The interpretation of a dream in which you catch a glowing cat's gaze on yourself warns of a rival or competitor in business. Seeing snakes looking at you from afar in a dream suggests in the dream book that your enemies are closely watching you. Be careful in your words and vigilant in your deeds, otherwise an unpleasant “surprise” from your enemies is guaranteed.

Encrypted message from the beholder

A large dream book for the whole family deciphers such a dream, based on the emotional message and the nature of the gaze. So:

  • to see that a woman looks tenderly or mysteriously in a dream - to a beautiful intrigue into which a sleeping person can be drawn;
  • an angry, angry expression in the eyes reflects in Hasse’s dream book the need to reconsider one’s behavior;
  • a message of love in the eyes of a stranger in a dream foreshadows an interesting acquaintance, a mutual response to the sympathy of the sleeping person.
  • a deceased person who looked at you reproachfully in a dream warns that the planned activities are not well thought out;
  • catching your guilty reflection in the mirror means that guilt does not allow you to reveal your own potential.

Miller's Dream Book about the Loss of Freedom

To feel that someone is watching you from afar, psychologist Miller predicts the loss of the ability to independently manage your own brainchild, dependence on someone else’s opinion or mood. But feeling love at first sight for someone predicts new beginnings or relationships, an interesting project.

Mystical abilities

Why do you dream of moving objects with your gaze? The vision indicates the dreamer’s passive expectation of resolution of some problems. You should probably pull yourself together and take action. If you dreamed that you lit a fire with your gaze, beware of destructive emotions and negative thoughts that provoke incorrect conclusions.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Throwing a glance- expect great temptation.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • To quit - expect great temptation.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • Catch a disapproving glance on yourself in a dream- means that you are not understood.
  • An imperious gaze caught in a dream, in reality- means that someone is interested in you.
  • A contemptuous look thrown at you in a dream- to express your disagreement.
  • Catch someone's gaze- to someone's interest.

In science, there is such a thing as scopophobia, which is the fear of staring. A person suffering from such a phobia is afraid and confused when being looked at.

Often in life we ​​are faced with the fact that we are looked at without hesitation. Why do you dream about the look? Does such a dream have a specific interpretation?

They're looking at you

I dreamed of staring

Many dream interpreters view staring as genuine interest, seduction, and even a feeling of mistrust. The dreamer will be able to find the following prediction: deception awaits him, he should not trust people.

What dream books say

You will not find an unambiguous interpretation. If you want to thoroughly understand what the future holds for you, the smallest details will be required.

Interpreter of Avadyaeva

Dreaming of a sideways glance is a sign of seduction.

If you fix your gaze on someone, temptation awaits you. The dream book advises to restrain your impulses.

In a dream, you are having a conversation with someone, looking him straight in the eyes, holding his gaze - your enemies will not be able to achieve their goal and cause you harm. The interpreter believes that they will spread gossip about you, but the people around you will not believe them.

Looking at someone in a dream

Interpreter of Smurova

Why do you dream of a gaze directed at a sleeping person? In real life, you are scrutinized, people want to make an important decision, but to do this they need to study you.

Considering someone yourself means you will face a great temptation.

Interpreter of the Apostle Canaanite

Did you dream of glances directed at a sleeping person, or did he himself look at the people around him? You will be faced with a choice: to act according to your conscience or as you want. This will be a great temptation, according to this dream interpreter.

Looking down on someone means that the business you have started will bring profit, and you can also win a prize or a decent amount of money.

Great interpreter

Feeling in a dream that you are being watched

This dream book considers the view only from the position that you will look at another person in a dream. The dream means that the dreamer will soon fall in love. You can only find out how events will unfold if you analyze all the details of your night vision.

Gustav Miller's opinion

If someone is closely watching you in night vision, then this is not a good sign. It means that you will lose control of your work. An outsider will take care of the brainchild of a sleeping person. Also, the dreamer will have to live in accordance with how his “owner” feels and listen to his opinion.

Miller took a positive view of the vision in which you fell in love with another person at first sight. This is a dream that predicts the beginning of a new love, friendship, and this will be a joy for you.

What kind of look did you dream about?

If a girl in a dream caught a man’s gaze in which love was felt, then in reality she will experience a bright feeling that will completely take over her heart.

The interpreter views this vision positively; your love will be mutual.

The look of a beloved man - your significant other suspects that you are unfaithful to him. If you value relationships, then you should have a serious conversation with your loved one, otherwise everything may end without your participation.

If you dream of women's gazes, you should be extremely careful not to get into an unpleasant situation into which they will try to drag you. You should especially be careful with new acquaintances who will try to harm you.

Dreaming of staring female eyes

Feeling an evil look is a harbinger of disagreements with your life partner. You are stuck on a certain issue, and no one wants to give up their position. If you do not make concessions or do not find common themes, then you risk completely breaking up with this person.

A man's gaze means you will soon have a rival. The interpreter does not specify in what area this will happen, personal or business. But you should definitely prepare, if you are fully armed, then no one will be able to harm you.

In general, a gaze directed at you is a sign of this person’s distrust of you. Think, perhaps you yourself did not act in the best way, so the person stopped trusting you?

Is someone looking at you without embarrassment? In reality, you feel embarrassed in front of a certain person or people. You should become more confident in yourself and stop depending entirely on other people's opinions.

When a sleeping person was looked at with contempt, then in reality he will be able to achieve universal respect and a high position in society.

I dreamed of a seductive gaze

What other views might you dream of:

  • sexy - there is an insidious seducer in your close circle, he will achieve his goals and disappear without a trace;
  • scary - in reality you are doing the wrong thing, your actions will have negative consequences;
  • judgmental - you are an independent person, and many people do not like this, some are simply jealous of you, and others will take all possible actions to ruin your life.

Unpleasant look

You can often hear a person say: “I feel like they are looking at me intently, I want to hide from this gaze.” In night vision, if you avoided the gaze of an acquaintance, then this is seen as your feeling of guilt before this person. It is easier to ask for forgiveness and completely repent of what you have done than to languish under the weight of guilt.

In the future, the dream book advises not to commit such actions.

Did the wolf look at you? In reality, you will face a ruthless enemy, there will be no mercy, so you should gather all your strength.

View from the dream book

Many dream books identify a glance with seduction, mistrust or genuine interest. That is why temptation and deception are the most popular explanations for why this action is dreamed of. In a dream, this symbol is viewed in conjunction with dreamed events and represents the threshold of important changes that depend on the decision made by the dreamer.

The gaze of a loved one - deception or mistrust?

Catching the gaze of a beloved man in a dream, according to the Birthday Dream Book, speaks of certain suspicions of the beloved regarding the dreamer’s fidelity and devotion. The great universal dream interpreter deciphers a little differently what it means to dream of feeling the gaze of a loved one. The dream plot suggests that in reality the chosen one is carefully watching you, trying to make an important decision.

Waking up from the gaze of your beloved man tells the dream book about important changes that directly depend on the actions you take in reality. Looking at a man eye to eye indicates a difference of opinion with your chosen one. Perhaps you should slow down your own pressure a little to get what you want.

But feeling the gaze of a stranger on you speaks of a temptation that will be difficult to cope with. I dreamed that we looked at each other - eye to eye and felt how the stranger’s gaze was attracted, symbolizing a strong sexual desire, destructive passion.

Staring contest with an ex-lover or confrontation with the past

There are several versions of why your ex-boyfriend's gaze is seen in dreams. On the one hand, the dreamed action promises troubles that will emerge from the dreamer’s past life. Be careful, because the appearance of an ex-chosen one in real life is not just a coincidence, but part of an insidious plan conceived by the boyfriend.

In the dream book of Simon Canaanite there is a different interpretation of what it means to dream of meeting the gaze of an ex-boyfriend. The dream reveals the likelihood of succumbing to nostalgia and the temptation to start over. Seeing your ex-boyfriend looking at you and avoiding his gaze signals a destructive feeling of guilt or unforgiveness. If you dreamed that the character was avoiding your gaze, it means that all hopes of renewing the relationship will remain just dreams.

But for a young man, seeing his ex-girlfriend look away in a dream, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, speaks of the character’s interest in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps in reality the young lady has hopes of renewing the relationship.

Animals are observed in a dream - be vigilant in reality

A wolf in a dream is compared by the dream book with a ruthless, evil and merciless enemy, therefore, what the wolf’s black eyes look like in a dream symbolizes the danger of suffering from the machinations of enemies.

The interpretation of a dream in which you catch a glowing cat's gaze on yourself warns of a rival or competitor in business. Seeing snakes looking at you from afar in a dream suggests in the dream book that your enemies are closely watching you. Be careful in your words and vigilant in your deeds, otherwise an unpleasant “surprise” from your enemies is guaranteed.

Encrypted message from the beholder

A large dream book for the whole family deciphers such a dream, based on the emotional message and the nature of the gaze. So:

  • to see that a woman looks tenderly or mysteriously in a dream - to a beautiful intrigue into which a sleeping person can be drawn;
  • an angry, angry expression in the eyes reflects in Hasse’s dream book the need to reconsider one’s behavior;
  • a message of love in the eyes of a stranger in a dream foreshadows an interesting acquaintance, a mutual response to the sympathy of the sleeping person.
  • a deceased person who looked at you reproachfully in a dream warns that the planned activities are not well thought out;
  • catching your guilty reflection in the mirror means that guilt does not allow you to reveal your own potential.

Miller's Dream Book about the Loss of Freedom

To feel that someone is watching you from afar, psychologist Miller predicts the loss of the ability to independently manage your own brainchild, dependence on someone else’s opinion or mood. But feeling love at first sight for someone predicts new beginnings or relationships, an interesting project.

Mystical abilities

Why do you dream of moving objects with your gaze? The vision indicates the dreamer’s passive expectation of resolution of some problems. You should probably pull yourself together and take action. If you dreamed that you lit a fire with your gaze, beware of destructive emotions and negative thoughts that provoke incorrect conclusions.

Eyes interpretation of the dream book

With the help of our eyes we perceive the world around us. Therefore, interpreters attached great importance to dreams in which a person clearly views the so-called “mirror of the soul.” Many people want to know why they dream about their eyes, and our dream book will help with this.

The accuracy of interpretation depends on the smallest details of such dreams, so dreamers need to recall all the circumstances and details. Eye color is the most important characteristic that a person should pay attention to. If you were unable to consider it, then in real life you should not expect answers to your questions in the near future.

Eyes by color and shades

Eyes by size and condition

Peering intently into someone's eyes in a dream means in reality showing real interest in this person, trying to understand his intentions. In fact, relations with this person may deteriorate in the near future, and mutual understanding will be completely lost. When the eyes of an unfamiliar woman arouse interest in a dream, then in reality one should expect the appearance of a serious rival.

Difficulties at work and troubles with management are promised by a dream where the sleeping person suddenly begins to bleed from the eyes. In this case, the dream book strongly recommends focusing on your well-being and saving your nerves.

What do closed eyes in a dream hint to us? Vanga’s dream book interprets this plot as follows: on the one hand, such a dream promises a person good news and a short love relationship. On the other hand, closed eyelids can indicate the dreamer’s strong attachment to someone. Watching a loved one whose eyes were closed in a dream means the emergence of conflict situations with him in reality. Perhaps the companion has his own secrets and does not want to share with them.

Dreaming of a child's wide open eyes is a harbinger of unexpected news, vivid impressions, and deep life knowledge. If the children’s eyes were blue, then in reality the sleeper will experience a sea of ​​tenderness, affection and love, which he will give in return to his loved ones.

Why do you dream of huge eyes - you can expect prosperity and good luck. According to Miller's dream book, the dreamer will have new smart and talented friends or children in real life.

Paint your eyes

If an unmarried woman dreamed that she was applying makeup and carefully painting her eyelashes, then in reality she would meet an obsessive admirer whose intentions towards her would be serious. It is possible that the persistence of the admirer in reality will lead the dreamer to the altar with him. When a girl sees eye shadow in a dream, then she needs to be more careful in choosing friends, since a deceiver may appear next to her.

Why do you dream when a girl puts shadows on someone’s eyes? In reality, she is preparing to break the law. Another meaning of such a dream is that the dreamer in reality is trying to better understand the intentions of his friends.

Drawing eyelashes and painting eyelashes in a dream is considered by interpreters as a characteristic of the sleeper himself, who tends to constantly hide his thoughts from people, while withdrawing into himself. And the brighter and more provocative the makeup looks, the greater the desire of a person in real life to correspond to some ideal he has invented. Interpreters recommend that people who often observe a similar plot in their dreams get rid of obsessions and remain themselves.

If a girl dreams that she carefully paints her eyelids using eyeliner, then among her circle there is a man who is ready to do any feat because of his love for her. Such stories promise a happy marriage and a quiet family life. If the dreamer begins to sharpen her pencil before putting on makeup, then in reality she needs to be prepared for a pleasant surprise or an interesting journey.

Painting another person's eyes in a dream foreshadows an enchanting event in reality; the sleeper will be captivated by some phenomenon or will receive good news from a friend. For girls whose work involves makeup, such dreams are just a projection reflection of their daily activities.

Damaged eyes

Looking into dull and sore eyes in a dream is a warning. You may have to face troubles in business, various kinds of unrest and deterioration in well-being. After such a dream, you need to exercise maximum vigilance and caution!

To dream of humiliation and insults, you dream of a black eye. Longo's dream book recommends restraining your anger in reality and not being provoked. Also, such pictures appear in dreams to people who are attracted by forbidden pleasures. In some cases, a black eye symbolizes profit and material wealth.

When a third eye appears in a dream, this means that his intuition has become more active. After such dreams, a person can confidently devote his life to spiritual development and self-improvement. For a woman, three eyes in a dream serve as a sign of imminent pregnancy.

The plot about gouged out eyes is also unpleasant. Such dreams, according to Miller, prophesy the loss of a loved one. When the dreamer himself pokes them out at someone in a dream, then in reality he needs to restrain his temperament, which constantly pushes people away. The dream book recommends that such people behave much more modestly in reality.

Dreams in which a person sees beautiful and kind eyes promise a long and prosperous life. For the dreamer, they are a symbol of sincere and happy love.

Material well-being awaits those who dream of a stye under their eyes. Such dreams guarantee wealth and prosperity.

When you dream of insects in your eyes or worms, you should expect troubles due to unresolved problems. People need to be careful in dealing with enemies so as not to get caught in their net. In addition, a person who had to see such horror in his dream must moderate his ardor in reality and forget about the habit of showing rage.

If a lady dreams that she is looking intently into a man’s eyes, then in reality she really shows interest in this man and her desire to find out about his plans is obvious. When the dreamer peers into the eyes of her loved one in a dream, then in reality she experiences anxiety about his misunderstanding and disagreement with her worldview.

Swelling under the eyes or simply swollen eyelids in a dream means deception on the part of business partners. After such dreams, a person must be extremely careful and not allow violations of the law in his affairs. Otherwise, in reality he will face huge fines and legal sanctions.

A dream about strabismus is a harbinger of good luck and the birth of healthy and gifted children.

When a dreamer observes his eyes in a dream without the presence of pupils in them, then he needs to be more careful in real life and not miss important points. The Dream Interpretation recommends that a person focus on promising projects from which real benefits for society can be derived, and not waste his energy on trifles.

If the sleeper feels a kiss on the eyes, then he needs to be prepared for fun and joy. Life will get better, and all his plans will come true.

A speck that gets into your eye in a dream means trouble because of your children.

For married ladies, seeing yourself blindfolded in a dream means a threat to her marital relationship, the appearance of an insidious rival. For other people, such a plot is interpreted by the dream book as the presence of secrets and incomprehensible situations in their lives.

To experience eye surgery in a dream means to take an objective look at your life from the outside. After such dreams, a person needs to think about new aspects in his life, initially assessing all his existing victories and merits.

A person dreams of losing one eye to fruitless labors and risky undertakings. But staying in a dream without two eyeballs at once means a guaranteed improvement in your financial situation.

The dream book can call a dream in which a person observes wrinkles under his eyes as favorable. In this case, the dreamer will have a long, interesting life, full of exciting events.

Cat's eyes

A person who dreams of a cat's eyes will find a way out of a difficult situation. Finding peace and mental balance awaits the dreamer in the near future. But if in a dream the sleeper feels the gaze of another predator on him, then in real life evil people full of envy and hatred will stand in his way.

Why do you dream of glowing cat eyes in the dark - you need to be careful with your household. The dream book considers such a dream to be a recommendation for maintaining common sense during family conflicts. Interpreters advise after such stories to be as tactful as possible in communicating with your relatives.

The Muslim dream book associates a dreamed gaze as constant surveillance of the dreamer in real life. Moreover, the person is being watched by unfriendly individuals, from whom one should expect only meanness and betrayal. A dream with a one-eyed person has an unpleasant interpretation. Such a dream promises adversity and disaster.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday (2018-01-15)

Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase. I dreamed that I was sleeping, and in front of me there was one big purple eye. It turned into a purple film and wrapped itself around my hands. I started screaming, but my voice could not be heard. And so this film began to suck me somewhere, and then I woke up. What does this mean?

I dreamed about Eyes, what are they for, what do Eyes mean in a dream?

I dreamed about Eyes in a dream, what is it for:

Eyes - to see piercing and wary eyes - to failure and deception, you will have to wait a long time, and most likely you will not wait.

What do Eyes mean in a dream - failure, you will be deceived. Neptune.

Why do you dream about Eyes?

Why do you dream about Eyes - you see eyes in a dream or an eye looking out of a window - a dream warns you from danger; you are under close surveillance of an enemy - he is just waiting for your mistake to strike; the enemy collects information about you and does not disdain gossip. One of the lovers sees eyes in a dream - the dream foreshadows a meeting with an insidious opponent (rival); hiding behind a mask of virtue, this person will drive wedges into the relationship of lovers. Brown and black eyes in a dream represent cunning and treachery. Blue eyes in a dream are a symbol of unluckiness; Are you shy, timid, or have a complex? If you dreamed of gray eyes - a certain flattering person will show interest in you, and this will surprise you; flattery will be so subtle that you will understand: this is a master of it; you will not mind meeting the person who has given you something pleasant. Dreaming of a one-eyed man is unfortunate; you read about misfortune in a dream book, you are warned and are waiting - where does it come from? where it will come from. but misfortune will still appear unexpectedly - from the side from which you have no eyes. You dream of inflamed, tear-stained eyes - in real life you will have to endure an insult. Blind eyes dream of illness.

I dreamed about Eyes in a dream, interpretation:

Eyes - vision of the world; human soul. Inflamed eyes – a painful perception of your surroundings; losing your left eye means unpleasant memories; not understanding your behavior; losing the right eye means reluctance to think about the future; blindness - refusing to see and admit one's shortcomings; perceive life in rose color; eyes located in an unusual place, for example on the back of the head - a clear idea of ​​​​life.

What does it mean if you dreamed about Eyes:

You dreamed of Eyes - Seeing yourself with sore eyes A dream you had on Monday night - to disappointment in your actions; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to disappointment in the actions of your friends; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will find yourself in an extremely difficult situation and begin to lose hope. Seeing a cross-eyed person A dream you had on Monday night is a serious threat of the evil eye; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to the threat of the evil eye emanating from a distant relative; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night - to the threat of the evil eye emanating from a person you know very well. Seeing a blind person A dream on Monday night means that you will entrust your affairs to a stupid person; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will get down to business without completely understanding what you have to do; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means bad luck.

I dreamed about Eyes - what does it mean?

What do Eyes mean in a dream - beautiful, expressive - devotion, fidelity, shifting eyes - suspicion, slanting eyes - for hidden income, black gypsy eyes - for the manifestation of will and temperament. Reddened eyes – fatigue. Seeing yourself as short-sighted means not understanding the essence of the matter in reality. Crying eyes are a bad future. A one-eyed person is a suspicion, a person without eyes - a loved one will be taken away. Downcast eyes - secret hidden love.

Dream book of healer Akulina


What does Eyes mean in a dream?

You dreamed of Eyes - If you see tears in your eyes in a dream, this means that you should not trust your friends too much. Imagine that you look into the eyes of the person you dreamed of for so long that he cannot stand it and looks away. You emerge victorious from this battle of views.

What does the dream of the Eye mean?

Eyes – Feeling someone’s gaze on you is equally unpleasant both in real life and in a dream. Dreams in which the eyes play an important role may simply mean that you need to open your eyes, observe, pay attention to the world around you. In real life: Are you accused of something, fairly or unfairly? Is someone monitoring your behavior at home or at work? Or do you deliberately close your eyes to what is happening around you? Remember the old saying: He is the greatest blind man who does not want to see. See also Vision

What does it mean if you dreamed about Eyes:

You dreamed about Eyes, what is this for. They say that in ancient times, eyes symbolized faith. The eyes were also considered the windows of the soul, revealing a person's true character. In dreams, clear eyes reflect strength and the ability to understand what is happening, while blind eyes indicate a lack of insight. Similar interpretations remain valid today, with eyes often seen as a symbol of perception and a person's ability to interpret events in the world. It is also believed that eyes in a dream serve as guides to the future and help predict events using clairvoyance. The warmth or coldness of the eye in a dream, the expression of the eyes is often associated with a person’s emotional self-esteem. If the eyes smiled, perhaps the sleeper is enjoying a period of comfort and contentment, or such a period is about to come. If the eyes appear worried, this may indicate a fear of emotional or psychological isolation or alienation.

Dreams about acute vision are most often interpreted in a positive sense. Clarity of vision represents success in solving problems that you have taken on of your own free will. Your dream may indicate that a business project or career change will benefit from "clairvoyance" in planning.

A dream in which your vision is impaired or blurred is believed to symbolize the need for financial assistance. A business project may fail unless it is revised during the development stage, but if proper changes are made, you can expect success.

Eye damage or illness. A dream about eye damage or disease may indicate fear for your reputation. Perhaps you are worried about someone's doubts about your integrity or attempts to plot against you? Think about whether such a threat exists in reality - if so, it’s probably time to do something. Brows. Eyebrows in a dream, especially beautiful ones, can be symbols of dignity and honor. Perhaps they foreshadow unexpected respect from someone. A dream about eyebrow hairs falling out may indicate a loss of social status. Eyelashes. A dream in which the dreamer sees one or more eyelashes may be associated with a secret that someone shared with you. Perhaps disclosing such a secret could lead to problems or difficulties.

An eye or eyes in a dream may suggest that you need to be more attentive to the signals of the subconscious. Remember a dream in which an eye or eyes appeared. Did what you saw in your dream excite you? Any associations with an eye in a dream, no matter how vague they may seem, can turn out to be important channels into the subconscious.

"Floating" eyes. Eyes “floating” separately from the face may indicate a complete reversal of the financial situation. A “floating” eye or two eyes may indicate a hidden desire to take risks in matters of finance. Extreme caution is required in such an undertaking. Eye shape. The shape of the eye or eyes in a dream is also very important. If the eyes were wide open, this could be an indication of innocence or childish excitement. If you dreamed of narrow or squinted eyes, beware of deception. Eye color. The light or dark color of the eyes in a dream is of great importance. Bright eyes can portend a relationship that will bring you considerable happiness. Dark eyes are most often associated with love interests, and they can indicate that you are ready - or almost ready - for a new romantic interest.

What does sleep mean by day of the week?

  • Did you dream about Eyes from Sunday to Monday?
  • Did you dream about Eyes from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dreamed about Eyes from Tuesday to Wednesday?
  • I dreamed about Eyes from Wednesday to Thursday, why?
  • If you had a dream about Eyes from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dreamed about Eyes from Friday to Saturday, why?
  • Why did the Eye dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Tue January 26, 2016, 10:51:24

Mon March 30, 2015, 07:24:13

Sat October 11, 2014, 14:42:48

Did you have a dream about Eyes? Share!

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Looking into the eyes in a dream...

Comments on the article:

Looking into the eyes in a dream

If you manage to look into a person’s eyes in a dream, “pure” information comes, but usually everyone hangs on the very first feeling of such “chemistry” (in fact, a very strong feeling), but in general, if you become aware of yourself at this moment, then you can a person whom you look into the eyes in a dream, ask any questions and you will find out everything. It would be even more correct to say - not to ask, but to formulate it mentally. But the speed of information transfer increases very much at this moment, it is difficult to maintain communication and flow.

And I said about you because earlier you once asked if I looked at you in a dream. Look at your photo on Google, you shoot there from top to bottom, and I end up looking at you all the time (already automatically) from that angle, and in the astral plane too. If there was such an angle of position in a dream, it means me. I have long had a habit both in life and, as a result, in my dreams. I look carefully into the eyes if I communicate with a person. Even if I don’t immediately understand everything I need to do, I’ll “find it out” later. In any case, in communication here and there, I am very tactful. It shouldn't have caused you any discomfort.

Looking into the eyes in a dream

It's true…
Try to practice, look for the gaze of the person in the dream. Let there be any dreams, according to any affirmations (as they go according to your schedule). This is an important element of practice; if you “take” a person with your gaze, you can convey your thoughts to him (do you know what I mean?). Additional task, so to speak...

Looking into the eyes in a dream

Hello! Please advise how to recognize whether the affirmation was successful.
I made an affirmation, Look into the eyes, the question was intended for the man (does he want to see me, does he remember me, we broke up ugly a few years ago). But I had a very strange dream: in a dream, a girl, 8-10 years old, very pretty, with long brown hair gathered in a ponytail and bright, directly radiant, blue-gray eyes (similar, but not the same color,) “nailed” to me. that of a man). It was these girl’s eyes that I looked into the whole dream . It just so happened that I admired her, I liked her, dear child. The girl, apparently, was lost, left without parents, and I took care of her, we immediately began some kind of warm relationship with her, she felt my protection, and I considered her as my child, I took care of her.

Her appearance was not similar to the appearance of my children, a completely unfamiliar face. We were in a big city, a warm, bright summer day, we entered some rooms, and I also remember next to a tall man in a suit. I couldn’t identify him, he was somehow in the background, in the background. But he always hung around with us.
In general, I did not receive any direct answer to my question in the dream . But such a pretty girl! I woke up this morning with tenderness in my soul!
Did the affirmation really fail???
Thanks to everyone who responded.

Looking into the eyes in a dream


This girl is your connection with him. Look what is written in Magikum’s dream book:
...Other people's children in dreams are most often prototype symbols that can symbolically reflect their carriers, that is, characterize certain types of relationships in their own way. For example, if you dreamed of a girl you know, whom you know is the winner of a competition, and in your dream she is friends with your grandson, you can say that now your child will improve in his studies. Or your friend’s strong baby will be next to your bed in a dream, while in reality you are sick at that moment, the dream means recovery.

I gave very general examples, there are a great many options, but I think the general meaning is clear to you, and you can use the analogy to understand dreams.

If in a dream you know that the child is yours, although this is not the case in life, then the dream indicates your (only your!) business, project, undertaking. If in a dream you know that the child is yours and someone else’s (that is, for men - yours and a woman, and for women - yours and some man), then the dream indicates a connection or relationship with a partner.

In such a dream, everything that happens to the child will in reality happen in the relationship...

the answer is what you experienced while looking at the girl - these are your feelings, and his - the girl’s reaction to you, her behavior, attitude towards you. It’s all about feelings, of course you could talk... but you were apparently not ready. I wish I knew in advance.

To describe eyes and gaze in any language of the world, there are a lot of epithets and descriptions that are designed to convey the full depth and distinctive features of a person’s eyes and gaze. It is known that the gaze is capable of conveying feelings, mood, thoughts, as well as controlling, hypnotizing, inspiring, forcing, insulting. It often happens that, without remembering a certain person, we can accurately describe his eyes. You don’t need to be experienced in dream interpretation to understand whether the eyes you once saw in a dream carry a positive or negative prediction, whether the look that left an indelible impression on you after sleep was benevolent or evil. The interpretation of the dream from which you remember the look, the eyes of the character, is interpreted taking into account your personal feeling after the dream.

It happens that in a dream we clearly feel someone’s gaze on us, as if someone invisible is watching us, looking intently, without looking away. We may not even see this person, but a person is able to remember the feeling of the gaze for a very long time, remembering the feeling that he had at that moment. The very fact of someone’s gaze in a dream is interpreted as an attempt by another person to take control of you, influence you, and not let you out of sight. If at this moment you felt restless and anxious, this person does not have very good intentions, he is either jealous of you or is plotting something against you in the future. A look that supported you, gave you a sense of self-confidence, inspired you, made you smile - these are the thoughts of a kind person who is disposed towards you, to keep you under control and provide hyper-custody over you. Such dreams are often experienced by teenagers who want to escape the control of caring parents, or even by adults who seek protection and reassurance in dreams and seek the gaze of their elderly, or even deceased, parents. A strange, wary look from a stranger portends big changes in your life, for which you must prepare very well. If the eyes of the person you met in the dream are squinting, you will expect profit in the near future, this is a good sign that promises good luck and luck. Beautiful eyes, a very friendly and “calling” look is a sign that there is a person in life who is not indifferent to you, and he really wants a serious romantic relationship. The presence or absence of eyes in a person in your dreams are significant moments that place emphasis on the entire meaning of the dream. If you saw a blind person, you are being deceived in life, your impressions of someone or something are false, your eyes are blind to the events happening around you. Blindfolded eyes, a mask, a bandage that hides a person’s gaze speaks of your inexperience in important life issues, and, as a result, possible mistakes in the future. Seeing a stranger with empty eye sockets means that someone will die not far from you, but this death does not affect your family. The color of the eyes also has its own meaning, which influences the entire interpretation of the dream: blue, blue eyes portend love, while black eyes warn against deception and infidelity of a loved one. Gray, dull, faded eyes reflect your worries about the fate of your loved ones, children, white, colorless - your behavior in life hurts the feelings of other people, white eyes are callousness, unceremoniousness, arrogance. If you felt that your eyes hurt, you suddenly felt that you were losing your vision, or were going blind - such a dream tells you that very important things are coming up soon, and there is a high probability that you will be deceived and make a mistake in your important decision. An eyesore in a stranger's eyes is a clear sign that you have enemies who are trying to keep an eye on you. Diseases of your eyes, pus, are a sign of future worries, which, however, you will overcome successfully if you are alert.

A person’s eyes are a reflection of his character, soul, as well as knowledge and wisdom, therefore the interpretation of dreams in which a person’s eyes and his gaze are remembered is carried out based on the sensations that the person remembered after his dream. When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the entire context in order to draw a logical and correct conclusion about the messages that this dream brings to you. Such a dream is always prophetic, and gives very strong figurative signs that are easy to see and understand in order to protect yourself from mistakes and dangers in the future.