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Scary stories for children 7 years old. Creepy bedtime stories for children - scary stories, stories for children. Scary bedtime stories

His grandfather once told one boy that by the reflection in the glass you can learn a lot about the room you are in. The boy didn't understand. Grandfather began to explain:
- Well, you came to visit someone. Come to the window. Try to see the reflection of the room. It's difficult, especially during the day. If you don't see anything, then turn on the light. And - remember - the reflection of the room must be seen in the window. Not in the mirror. Not in the closet. Only in the window. Well, when you see the reflection, look for something strange. Maybe there is something that isn't actually in the room. Or vice versa: in reality it is, but in reflection it is not.
And this boy was a little stupid. So he asks his grandfather:
- There’s something I don’t understand. What is? What's missing?
- Well, for example, there is no cat in the room. And in the reflection it is there! Also black! This is a bad sign - it means that some kind of crime has recently been committed in this room. Or vice versa - there is a picture hanging on the wall, but it is not in the reflection. Or - it also happens - it’s not a painting hanging on the wall, but someone’s photograph.
- And what does it mean?
- If this is a photograph of a dead person, it means that this dead person wants to talk to you.
- What if in the reflection I see some living person, well... our teacher?
- It will be bad. The teacher secretly came for your soul. Every time you cry, she will collect your tears. When he takes a teaspoon of them, he splashes his tears into the fire. And then all your relatives will die. You will be left alone.
The boy became really scared. He said that he would never, ever look for the reflection of the room in the window. Grandfather laughed and said:
"Nothing... We'll wait and see."
The boy's eyes looked at the window of their own accord. It was dark behind him, but the room was light. Therefore, the reflection was very good. Everything in this reflection was as it should be: he (the boy), grandfather, walls, door, closet, table, bed, trash on the floor and table, computer, cell phone and other little things. Only something did not give the boy peace. He soon noticed that in the reflection on the table among the junk he could see a pack of cigarettes, so blue. The boy looked at the table - there were no cigarettes. I looked in the reflection - they were there. So I moved my eyes several times. Grandfather noticed this and began to laugh. Asked:
- Did you see what?
- Cigarettes.
- Here you go. The way it is. This means that you will die from them.
- But I don’t smoke.
- Then you grow up, you’ll smoke, and you’ll fall off from smoking...
The boy went to bed in a very bad mood. He decided that he would never look out the window again, and he would never smoke. The next day, a drunk stops a boy on the street and asks:
- Eh, boy! Is there smoking?
- No. I don't smoke and never will.
The drunk was very angry at these words. He threw an empty bottle at the boy. She hit the boy in the head and killed him.

Scary tale for children
About the swing

One boy had a long nose. And his name was Yegor. One day Yegor came out into the yard and immediately sat down on the swing. And he began to swing - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. He rode for two hours and still wasn’t enough for him.
Other children in the yard began to ask:
- Yegorka! Let us have a ride too!
But Yegor did not answer, but only began to sway even more strongly - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. Only the long nose flashes. Then the other children joined hands and began to sing a teaser that they themselves had composed:
“Egor has a long nose,
"I've grown attached to the swing!"
Yegor was offended, but did not get off the swing. And the children were also offended and went to eat pancakes with sour cream. Egor swayed some more and decided that it was time to go home and eat something, but he couldn’t stop - the swing didn’t want to let him go! He was already spinning and screaming - nothing helps. The swing rocked even more and creaked so much that the sour cream on the other children's pancakes turned sour.
Then the Little Sorceress came out into the yard and shouted:
- Yegorka! Let's ride!
“I would give it,” Yegor answered, “but I can’t get off the swing!”
- Why? What's happened?
- Yes, I was swinging and swinging, and other children began to tease me with the Long Nose and also that I was attached to the swing. Help me!
- You've been bewitched! - exclaimed the Little Sorceress.
- Well, break the spell on me!
“It’s not so simple, we need to come up with a spell that will stop the swing,” answered the Little Sorceress and sat down to think on the edge of the sandbox.
And Yegor kept rocking and screaming.
At this time, a policeman was walking by, who immediately realized that something was wrong. The policeman grabbed the swing to save Yegor, but only he himself stuck to it and they began to swing together.
“I think I’ve come up with an idea,” the Little Sorceress said quietly, “let’s try it now.” - And she muttered quickly and quickly:
“Swing-swing, forgive Egor
And let me go home as soon as possible.”
Then something jingled and the swing stopped. Yes, so quickly that the policeman fell into the flowerbed in surprise, and Yegor fell on him. Then Yegor jumped up and ran home to eat pancakes with sour sour cream. And the policeman smiled and went to his department to write a report about the boy’s rescue.
And the Little Sorceress sat down on the swing and began to swing - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. And when the next morning Yegor went out into the yard, she immediately gave way to him. Well... almost immediately.
Vyacheslav Svalnov

A very scary tale
In one Sicilian city, boys began to disappear at night (girls if you are talking about the girls in the ward), and only boys (girls if you are talking about the girls in the ward) who did not sleep after the rising of the moon disappeared.
Moms and dads shed many tears until the terrible secret was revealed.
The fact is that at night a ship with blood-scarlet sails entered the bay. At night, sailors went to the shore in boats. Finding an awake boy/girl on the shore in some house, they lulled the child to sleep and took him away.
The ship's crew was cursed and in order to get rid of the curse it was necessary to collect a collection of 239 small children's brushes.
On the ship, a terrible doctor cut off his hand while the child was under anesthesia.
The child, waking up from anesthesia and not yet understanding what was happening, looking at the stump, asked the doctor:
- Uncle, where is my pen?
To which the doctor replied:
- Here she is.!!! Here she is!!! Here she is!!!

The last line is staged to the closest child... You simply shake your brush in front of his face.

The children are immediately scared, but then they start laughing.

Once upon a time there lived a mother and daughter. Nobody came to them because they had a nail sticking out in the floor. He stuck out in the very middle of the room and the girl had to walk around him all the time. The girl often asked her mother:
- Mom, let's pull out this nail!
- What are you, daughter! Never, ever touch that nail. And never invite anyone into your house.
- And why?
- Because someone will want to pull out this nail, and then trouble will follow!
- What will happen?
- It’s better not to ask me, daughter. A terrible, terrible misfortune will happen.
And the girl stopped asking. Years passed like this. The girl grew up and wanted to invite guests.
And then one terrible, terrible autumn evening, the girl’s mother went to the cemetery to get some fresh air; and the girl called the guests. The guests began to dance, but the nail kept getting in the way. Then the guests said:
- Let's pull out this nail!
And the girl screamed:
- It is forbidden! No need! Something terrible is going to happen!
But the guests laughed at the girl and, seizing the moment, pulled out the nail. And then there was a terrible roar. Some time later the doorbell rang. The girl wanted to open the door, but the guests shouted:
- No need! Do not open!
The girl was a pioneer and therefore still opened it. A woman dressed all in black stood on the threshold. She immediately began to enter the apartment. She kept coming in and coming in, and the guests and the girl backed away and backed away until the apartment ran out.
“What have you done...” said the black woman in a quiet, creaky voice, like a dead man’s. - What have you done. - she repeated a little louder. “Under this floor, in my apartment...” and then she screamed in some terrible inhuman voice. - ... the chandelier fell down!!!
Agafya Knyazhinskaya

Seven-flowered flower
Once upon a time there lived a girl, Zhenya. And then one day on New Year’s Eve she received a seven-flowered flower as a gift from Santa Claus. Zhenya was delighted, and in the evening she went to the disco. She tore a red petal from a seven-flowered flower and said:
- I want to have sausage! - and began to hang out at the disco. Five hours later, Zhenya got tired of the sausage, she tore off an orange petal and said:
“I wish I didn’t have sausage,” and immediately stopped sausage. She sat for a while and felt sad. Then she tore off a yellow petal and said:
- I want me to have fun! - and she felt so happy that it’s impossible to retell that she soaked in joy. When there was no one to amuse, Zhenya tore off a green petal and said:
“I don’t want me to have fun,” and she immediately stopped having fun. Zhenya looked around at the floor strewn with young corpses and decided to punish herself. She tore off a blue petal and said:
“I want to be sad,” and immediately began to cry.
Zhenya reached her yard, knee-deep in tears. In the yard, she saw a neighbor’s boy, Vitya, who was trying to climb onto a bench so as not to get his shoes wet. Zhenya had long liked Vitya for his beautiful crutches. She wanted the same ones, covered with skillful intricate carvings, trimmed with gold and ivory, studded with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, but, unfortunately, she was not lame, like Vitya.
Now that Zhenya was feeling so bad, it seemed to her that Vitya was not happy enough. Maybe he needs something else besides crutches? My wife was prevented from thinking by the tears flowing from her eyes in continuous streams. She groped and tore off the blue petal and quickly said:
“I want me not to be sad,” and, having stopped crying, she swam up to Vita.
- Hello, Vitya. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time that you're a cool dude, and I want to do something cool for you so that you don't become a pussy on this bench.
With these words, Zhenya tore off the purple petal and said:
- I want Vitya to have sausage...
And the good girl didn’t have any more petals...
Agafya Knyazhinskaya

See other topics from this section here -

Probably each of us in our childhood was delighted with scary stories. Schoolchildren love to watch cartoons and films about ghosts, werewolves and witches, and also tell each other horror stories for children. Is this normal and does it harm the child’s psyche? In fact, from time immemorial people have loved to retell scary stories. Even many famous children's fairy tales have elements of horror, for example, the stories about Koshchei the Immortal or the Serpent Gorynych.

According to psychologists, there is nothing terrible here. Being in a cozy home environment and listening to horror stories, children can throw out their fears and negative emotions, plunging into the world of the mysterious and mystical.

You should not frighten young children with scary stories, then you can really harm their mental state. But horror stories for children 10 years old and older will not cause any harm to their psyche.

TOP3 horror stories for children

1. Horror story “10 black roses”

Next door to one girl lived an unpleasant and angry woman. The girl was afraid of her and did not like her, for which her mother and father often scolded her, saying that this was impossible, and in fact their neighbor was good.

One day, when my mother had her birthday, a neighbor presented her with ten black roses. Everyone, of course, was surprised by such a present, but they didn’t throw the roses away and put them in a vase in the children’s room.
At midnight, a hand stuck out of a vase of flowers and began to strangle the baby. Luckily, the girl was able to escape and ran to her mom and dad. She told them everything, but her parents did not believe her. The next night the story with the hand repeated itself. But the girl was able to escape again.

On the third night, the girl threw a tantrum before going to bed and said that she refused to sleep alone. Then dad decided to lie down in her room. At 12 o'clock at night, a hand again reached out of the vase and tried to grab the girl by the throat. Dad, seeing this, jumped up, ran to the kitchen for a knife and cut off the little finger on his hand. After which the hand disappeared.

The next morning the parents went to throw out the bouquet and met a neighbor. The woman's hand was bandaged. Seeing this, they understood everything.

2. Horror story “Cursed Treasures”

During the war, treasures were hidden in the basement of one house. People found out about this and really wanted to find them in order to appropriate them for themselves. However, many of those who wanted to get rich, once in the basement, disappeared without a trace. A few managed to get out alive, but after that they completely lost their minds. It was impossible to find out from them what really happened.

Two yard boys also decided to go in search of jewelry. They took a flashlight with them and climbed into the dark basement. They wandered there for a long time until they came across a black door. Opening it, they found themselves in a strange place. Everything in the room was strewn with gold, and human skeletons lay on the floor. The boys wanted to run away, but the door jammed. In horror, they began banging on the door and calling for help.

The boys burst into tears and began to ask the invisible interlocutor to let them go. They swore to him that they would never go to the basement again and would not tell anyone anything.

The boys managed to get out of the basement, which was flooded the next day. They kept their oath and did not tell anyone about what happened to them.

3. Horror story “Ghost of the Cleaning Lady”

A cleaner worked in one of the schools. She was very old, and one day she died. One of the students brought a can of red paint and wrote the name of his favorite musical group on the wall of the school.

Arriving at school the next day, he wanted to look at the inscription, but saw that it had disappeared. He was surprised who could have erased it, because the cleaning lady had died, and so far no one had been hired to take her place. He picked up the spray can and re-wrote the name of the ensemble.

At midnight he woke up from some strange sound. Opening his eyes, he saw the ghost of a cleaning lady in front of him. She leaned towards him and said: “If you continue to paint the walls, I will take you with me. You will walk with me through the cemetery and wipe off the dust from the graves and crosses.” The boy did not misbehave anymore.

Scary bedtime stories

Remember our childhood! We loved to scare each other with such creepy stories, horror stories, especially when we spent time together as a team - for example, in pioneer camps. We told stories like these before going to bed. Now these stories seem so stupid, but if you tell them before bed, and even in a suitable voice, it becomes creepy...

Hello my little human larvae!

Today I will tell you a story that will shake you to the core, and will shake you until old age!

A story that will make your heart sink into your heels and get stuck there, your eyes will pop out of your head, and frost will pass across the windowsill!

Listen and be afraid!

Red basin and red hand

Mom sent her daughter to buy a new basin. The seller said: “Buy a red basin.” She bought it and brought it home. She placed this basin under the bed. At night it seems to her that someone is saying: “Girl, girl, don’t go to school tomorrow!” And she went. She was sitting alone in class during a break, and suddenly she saw a red hand reaching out to her and saying: “Why did you go to school?” She got scared and ran to the teacher, and couldn’t say anything, only: “There... there...” The teacher reassured her, and the girl said: “There’s a red hand!” The teacher called the police, and they cut off her hand. The next day the girl comes to the store and sees: the seller is missing an arm.

Mom went to work, and before leaving she told her daughter not to turn on the radio, but the girl did not listen and turned it on. The radio tells her: “Girl, girl, quickly turn off the radio! Green eyes are looking for your city." The girl didn't turn it off. The radio tells her again: “Girl, girl, turn off the radio! Green eyes have found your city, now they are looking for your street.” The girl didn't turn it off again. The radio says: “Girl, girl, quickly turn off the radio! Green eyes have found your street and are looking for your house.” The girl doesn't turn it off. Then the radio screams: “Girl! Girl! Turn off the radio immediately! Green eyes are looking for your apartment! The girl got scared and turned it off. Then the doorbell rang, she opened it: there were green eyes. They ate the girl.

A grandmother died in one house. She divided all her belongings between her relatives before her death. But no one got the old piano. Then his relatives handed him over to a second-hand shop. One family bought the piano. A month later it broke and there was no time to fix it. A day later, my father suddenly disappeared at night. The next night - the mother, then the son. The daughter called the police. Then the police put a large doll on the bed. At night at 12 o'clock, a hand suddenly stuck out of the piano lid and grabbed the doll, turning its head away. Then the hand pulled this head under the piano lid. The policemen rushed to the piano, opened its lid and saw that there was a coffin there, and in the coffin lay the old woman who had died.

Once upon a time there lived a family: mother, father and girl. The girl really wanted to learn to play the piano, and her parents decided to buy it for her. They also had an old grandmother who told them not to buy a black piano under any circumstances. Mom and Dad went to the store, but they only sold black pianos, so they bought the black one.

The next day, when all the adults had gone to work, the girl decided to play the piano. As soon as she pressed the first key, a skeleton crawled out of the piano and demanded a bank of blood from her. The girl gave him blood, the skeleton drank it and climbed back into the piano. This went on for three days. On the fourth day the girl fell ill. The doctors could not help, because every day, when everyone went to work, the skeleton came out of the piano and drank the girl’s blood. Then the grandmother advised me to break the black piano. Dad took an ax and began to chop, and chopped up the skeleton along with the piano. After this, the girl immediately recovered.

red spot

One family received a new apartment, but there was a red stain on the wall. They wanted to erase it, but nothing happened. Then the stain was covered with wallpaper, but it showed through the wallpaper. And every night someone died. And the spot became even brighter after each death.

One girl was a thief. She stole things, and one day she stole a jacket. At night, someone knocked on her window, then a hand in a black glove appeared, she grabbed her jacket and disappeared. The next day the girl stole the nightstand. At night the hand appeared again. She grabbed the nightstand. The girl looked out the window, wanting to see who was taking the things. And then the hand grabbed the girl and, pulling her out the window, strangled her.

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Creepy bedtime horror stories for children - scary stories, stories for children

Tell stories like this children's horror stories it is necessary in a sepulchral voice and preferably at night. These are especially popular scary stories in children's summer camps and it is advisable to tell them in the presence of adults

Hello my little human larvae!
Today I will tell you a story that will shake you to the core and will shake you until you are old!
A story that will make your heart sink into your heels and get stuck there, your eyes will pop out of your head, and frost will pass across the windowsill!
Listen and be afraid!

red spot
One family received a new apartment, but there was a red stain on the wall. They wanted to erase it, but nothing happened. Then the stain was covered with wallpaper, but it showed through the wallpaper. And every night someone died. And the spot became even brighter after each death.

One girl was a thief. She stole things and one day she stole a jacket. At night, someone knocked on her window, then a hand in a black glove appeared, she grabbed her jacket and disappeared. The next day the girl stole the nightstand. At night the hand appeared again. She grabbed the nightstand. The girl looked out the window, wanting to see who was taking the things. And then the hand grabbed the girl and, pulling her out the window, strangled her.

There lived a mother and two children. But one day my mother returned from work with a red spot on her face. Every day this spot grew larger and took over the entire face, and my mother died. Before her death, she told her children never to go to the cemetery at night. The next day at night the boy heard a voice. He told the boy to get up, get dressed and go to the cemetery. The boy went and disappeared. They looked for him, but did not find him. Then the girl heard the same voice at night. She got up, got dressed and went to the cemetery. There a woman in a white dress and with a red face came out to meet her. It was the girl's mother. She stretched out her hands and wanted to grab the girl, but she saw that her mother’s face was a red leather mask. She grabbed it and tore it off her face. The mask in her hands screamed and crumbled, and the mother thanked her daughter for freeing her and going to her grave, and the girl returned home.

One family moved to a new apartment. Everything was fine, only there was a red spot on the wall in the room. So everyone went to bed. Suddenly a hand flew out of the spot and strangled dad. The next night the red hand strangled my mother. The children were very scared. They decided not to go to bed at night. As soon as it got dark, a hand appeared from the spot. It was red and glowing. She flew around the rooms, did not find the children and returned to the spot. In the morning the children called the policeman. He came and shot at the spot with a pistol. It immediately disappeared. But when the policeman came home, he saw a red spot on the wall...

White slippers
One family received a new apartment. When they moved in, they saw white slippers in the hallway. They didn't touch them. At night, dad woke up and heard some sounds, but it seemed to him that he had misheard and did not get up... When everyone woke up at night, they saw that he was gone, and there was a red spot on the bed. The next night the same thing happened to the mother, and then to the daughter and son. A detachment of 20 people came, put a jar with a liter of blood on that bed and covered it with a blanket. At night there was a knock, then a slipper crawled up to the bed and started drinking blood. One policeman shot at her, and she fell into pieces. These pieces flew out the window and flew towards the cemetery.

The police ran out into the street and ran for the scraps. They reached the old well. We looked there, and there were bones, skeletons and a suitcase with blood on them. There is a second slipper sitting on the suitcase; the police cannot hit it with a pistol. They were never able to destroy it.

Creeping curtains
Mom really wanted to buy blue curtains, she went to the store, but there were no blue ones, so she decided to buy black curtains.
At night, as soon as my mother fell asleep, the black curtains stretched out and smothered my mother. The next morning the police arrived. One policeman decided to find out who strangled my mother. He stayed overnight in this apartment and hid under the sofa. As soon as it struck 12, the curtains began to move and began to crawl around the apartment. They crawled and crawled, and when morning came, they hung on the windows again. In the morning, a policeman cut the black curtains with an ax, blood poured out of them and flooded the apartment. At night this apartment burned down.

Mom bought the girl a pillow. The girl liked it: soft, fluffy. But after that the girl suddenly fell ill: as if the life was being sucked out of her. The parents called the doctors, but they could not determine the cause of the illness.
However, after some time, the doctors realized that it was all about the pillow. The pillow was opened, and there were many, many germs. And when they began to look at the girl through a microscope, they saw that microbes were crawling all over her and sucking out her life.

Mother and daughter went to the store. They sold black ribbons there. The daughter asked her mother to buy her a black ribbon. Her mother bought it for her. They came home, and the girl hung a ribbon over the sofa. Day passed. Night has come. Everyone went to bed. The girl lay down on the sofa. The black ribbon slid from the nail onto the sofa, wrapped itself around the girl’s neck and strangled her.

Comments (9)

Red basin and red hand
Mom sent her daughter to buy a new basin. The seller said: “Buy a red basin.” She bought it and brought it home. She placed this basin under the bed. At night it seems to her that someone is saying: “Girl, girl, don’t go to school tomorrow!” And she went. She was sitting alone in class during a break and suddenly she saw a red hand reaching out to her and saying: “Why did you go to school?” She got scared and ran to the teacher, and couldn’t say anything, only: “There... there...” The teacher calmed her down, and the girl said: “There’s a red hand!” The teacher called the police, and they cut off her hand. The next day the girl comes to the store and sees: the seller is missing an arm.

Mom went to work and before leaving she told her daughter not to turn on the radio, but the girl did not listen and turned it on. The radio tells her: “Girl, girl, quickly turn off the radio! Green eyes are looking for your city." The girl didn't turn it off. The radio tells her again: “Girl, girl, turn off the radio! Green eyes have found your city, now they are looking for your street.” The girl didn't turn it off again. The radio says: “Girl, girl, quickly turn off the radio! Green eyes have found your street and are looking for your house.” The girl doesn't turn it off. Then the radio screams: “Girl! Girl! Turn off the radio immediately! Green eyes are looking for your apartment! The girl got scared and turned it off. Then the doorbell rang, she opened it: there were green eyes. They ate the girl.

A grandmother died in one house. She divided all her belongings between her relatives before her death. But no one got the old piano. Then his relatives handed him over to a second-hand shop. One family bought the piano. A month later it broke and there was no time to fix it. A day later, my father suddenly disappeared at night. The next night - the mother, then the son. The daughter called the police. Then the police put a large doll on the bed. At night at 12 o'clock, a hand suddenly stuck out of the piano lid and grabbed the doll, turning its head away. Then the hand pulled this head under the piano lid. The policemen rushed to the piano, opened its lid and saw that there was a coffin there, and in the coffin lay the old woman who had died.

Once upon a time there lived a family: mother, father and girl. The girl really wanted to learn to play the piano, and her parents decided to buy it for her. They also had an old grandmother who told them not to buy a black piano under any circumstances. Mom and Dad went to the store, but they only sold black pianos, so they bought the black one.
The next day, when all the adults had gone to work, the girl decided to play the piano. As soon as she pressed the first key, a skeleton crawled out of the piano and demanded a bank of blood from her. The girl gave him blood, the skeleton drank it and climbed back into the piano. This went on for three days. On the fourth day the girl fell ill. The doctors could not help, because every day, when everyone went to work, the skeleton came out of the piano and drank the girl’s blood. Then the grandmother advised me to break the black piano. Dad took an ax and began to chop and chopped up the skeleton along with the piano. After this, the girl immediately recovered.

  • 17 May 2010, 14:23
  • 0

    Rider on a horse
    There lived a husband and wife and they had three children: two girls and one boy. One day they bought themselves a dacha. It contained a beautiful painting of “Rider on a Horse.” They really liked this picture. They sleep the first night. And the next morning they look: one of their daughters is dead and there are two dots on her neck. They wondered who could have done this. They searched the whole house, but found nothing. And the horse in the picture has one eye bigger. They were surprised, but did nothing.
    The next night they sleep, suddenly the clatter of hooves is heard. They thought that someone rode a horse on the street. The next morning we woke up: the second girl was also dead. Then they called the police and searched the whole house again, but again found nothing. And the horse’s eye became as big as his head. But the police said that they didn’t know why. And the police left.
    Then they sleep for the third night, and in the morning there is a dead son. Then they went looking for the killer around the village. Everyone was asked if anyone knew anything, but no one could say anything. The wife then says: “Let’s leave this house.” And her husband: “We’ll spend two more nights.” The fourth night arrived. The wife went to bed, but the husband did not go to bed. He sat down by the painting and began to wait. At 12 o'clock at night the clatter of hooves was heard. From the horse's eye a hand reached out to his wife. The husband got scared and cut her off with an ax. But he didn’t say anything to his wife.
    They wake up in the morning and everything remains as it was. Then the husband took his hand and went around the village to look for a man without a hand. They went through the whole village, but found nothing. There is only one house left. They entered the house and asked: “Is everything at home?” An old man and an old woman sit and say: “Everyone is at home. My daughter is just sick.” - "What's with her?" - “Yes, I went to mow hay and accidentally cut off my hand.” The husband says: “Who did she go with?” They say: “I went alone.” Then the husband tells them: “Your daughter is a witch.” They didn’t believe it, only one grandmother believed it.
    They sleep the next night. The husband again remained to guard the paintings. At 12 at night the clatter of hooves was heard again. Someone grabbed my husband from behind, and he didn’t even have time to take the ax. The wife woke up, got scared, and screamed. And this hand strangled her too. In the morning the police came, and the husband and wife were lying dead on the floor. The wife had her husband's hand on her head, and the husband had an ax mark on his head. Then the police thought they had gotten into a fight and left.
    And the young student stayed to look at the picture: “Can a horse have eyes bigger than its head?” Then he touched his eye, and his whole hand was covered in blood. The second time his hand fell into his eye, and he saw some kind of door there, and there was a passage in it. He opened it and walked along it. And this passage led to that girl on the stove. When he got there, the police were there. He asked if she knew about this move. The girl said she didn't know. And the grandmother thought: “She really is a witch.” Then she says: “Maybe you know after all?” “No,” the girl answered.
    When the student went to bed at night at home, he heard the clatter of hooves, he immediately woke up. He saw a hand reaching out to him. He turned on the light and the hand disappeared. He told everything at work, and a guard was assigned to him. When twelve o'clock struck, everyone saw someone's hand reaching out. They quickly turned on the light and everyone saw the girl. She turned blue all over and was killed. But now in the village, whoever says that we had a witch girl will die. She will come and strangle this man.

    In one maternity hospital, children often disappeared. This happened at night. To find out everything, they organized an ambush (the police were called). The police sat down in the hall, which was hung with various paintings. One picture in particular caught their attention. It showed a very beautiful woman dressed all in black and wearing a wide-brimmed black hat under a veil. At exactly midnight, a strange sound was heard, and this picture moved apart. This woman dressed all in black and three men in white suits came out through a hole in the wall. Without noticing the dumbfounded policemen, they went into the wards and returned from there after a while, each carrying a baby. Only after this did the police wake up and rush after the kidnappers into the half-retracted picture.
    A terrible sight met their eyes: there were blood stains all around, and large vats stood along the walls. In one of the vats there are legs, in the other there are arms, bodies, heads. One was filled with blood.
    The police pulled out their pistols and started shooting. The attackers abandoned the babies and began to take cover from the bullets. Despite the fact that they were all hit several times, there was no blood on their clothes and no signs of illness. And suddenly the woman tripped and her shoe fell off. Then they saw that she had a small baby tooth inserted into her heel. One of the policemen (a very accurate shooter) took aim, fired and hit this tooth. At the same moment, the woman and men fell dead. When they were brought to the station, it turned out that they were not people, but robots - apparently, aliens.

    • 17 May 2010, 14:24
    • 0

      One girl had a mother. And the mother bought a black TV, and the next day she died. The girl turned on the TV, but it didn’t show anything. At night she dreamed of her mother and said: “Don’t turn on the TV, daughter!” She turned it on the next day. The TV doesn't show anything again. And at night her mother dreamed of her again and said the same thing. The next day, black hands came out of the TV and strangled her.

      There lived one girl. When her grandmother was dying, she told her: “Don’t turn on the green record.” But the girl did not listen, and when no one was home, she turned on the record. And the voice from the record sang: “Green eyes are running, running along the wall. Now they will strangle you, Yes, yes, yes!” Then the doorbell rang and the girl turned off the record. She opened the door and mom came in without one arm. The next day everything happened again, and mother came without two hands. Then without legs. Mom told the girl: “Now you will die yourself. Don't turn on the green record." But the girl turned it on again anyway. The record had not yet ended when the girl heard the doorbell ring. She looked through the peephole but saw no one. The girl opened the door. Green Eyes stood on the threshold. They said: “You disobeyed your mother and now you will die.” And they strangled the girl.

      One day, one family (mother, father and daughter) went to a department store. The girl saw a very beautiful glass doll in the window. She was magical. My daughter asked me to buy this doll. But the father told his daughter that this doll was magical and it brought bad luck. The girl then began to ask her mother. The mother took pity and bought a doll.
      The next day, the father went on a business trip and left the girl a note: “Daughter, don’t put a blue dress on the new doll.” The girl didn’t listen and put it on. At night she heard a knock. The doll approached the girl’s bed and hid under the pillow. She began to whisper to the girl: “Lie down, I’ll strangle you.” The girl thought that it was her imagination and lay down. The doll strangled her. The same thing happened with the girl’s mother.
      Dad returned home and saw that everyone was dead, and the doll was sitting on the TV and laughing. He ran up to it and smashed it on the floor. Mom and daughter immediately came to life.

      One day, a little girl saw a beautiful glass doll in a store. She brought her parents to the store and asked them to buy her this doll. Her parents told her: “Why do you need this doll? We won’t buy!” The girl said: “I want, I want, I want!” - and cried. Then they bought her this doll. The girl played with this doll all day, and in the evening she put it on the table and went to bed. In the morning, when she woke up, she was told that her mother had died. The girl cried for a long time, and the next morning her father died, and the day after that her grandmother died.
      She was left alone with her little brother. In the evening, when they went to bed, the girl was afraid of the darkness and turned on the lights in all the rooms. The little children were scared when suddenly they saw a glass doll crawl out of the toy box. Her legs stretched out and she stepped towards the children. Her large hands with long fingers reached to the floor. She walked over to her brother's bed and grabbed his neck with her hands. Needles came out of her fingers and she plunged them into his throat. Frightened, the girl ran out of the apartment and called her neighbors. The neighbors called the police. When the police arrived, the brother was already dead, and the doll, a small glass toy, was lying in a box.
      The next night, the police themselves saw how the doll got up from the box and walked around the room, but did not find anyone. Then they took the glass doll, locked it in an iron box and went to the factory where these dolls are made. Everything was fine at the factory. Nobody knew about such terrible dolls, but one policeman suddenly accidentally stepped on a slab in the floor, and the floor moved to the side, and there, below, was another plant; and these dolls are made by old women from a nursing home. Here they all and the plant director were arrested and taken to prison.

      One family bought a rose. They put it in a vase. She was very beautiful. But at night the rose turned into a black woman. She strangled the mother and father, but failed to strangle her son, as the boy ran away. He called the police, and a group of policemen came to the apartment and treated mom and dad.
      They took Rosa and put her in prison. At night, the rose again turned into a black woman. She had a lot of witchcraft power. She looked at the bars and they fell out of the window. The woman flew out of prison and flew to that house. She strangled her mother and father again. The police arrived immediately. She cured them again and again took the rose to prison. At night the rose became a black woman. She still had witchcraft power. She looked at the wall, and the wall split in two.
      The woman flew out of prison and flew back to that house. She strangled her mother and father again. The police managed to grab her, took her back and treated her mom and dad. At night the rose turned into a black woman. She looked at the door, but the door did not collapse, since she no longer had any magical power left. She began to look at the window, but everything remained unharmed. Then this woman hissed and died of anger.

      One girl’s mother died when she was dying - she said: “Never buy a black rose, but only a white one.”
      One day a girl went to the market and saw a woman in black standing and selling black flowers. The girl really liked the flowers and decided to buy them. The girl bought one black rose. He goes further, sees a woman in white, and she has white roses in her hands. The girl bought a white rose. The girl came home and put the roses in the water. At night she sleeps and suddenly a black, black woman comes out of a black rose. She stretches out her hands to the girl and wants to strangle her. But at this time a white, white woman emerges from the white rose. She grabs a black woman and strangles her. The girl wakes up and sees a white rose on the table in the water, and a broken black one. The girl immediately remembered her mother’s order and threw out the black rose. She never bought black ones again, only white ones.

      One mother had a birthday. Dad went to work. Mom, grandmother and granddaughter went to buy roses. Mom said that we need white and red roses. But my grandmother suggested buying black ones. The granddaughter argued with her grandmother, but they still bought the black ones. We came home, put the roses in the water, and went to bed. At 12 o'clock at night a hand came out of the flowers and began to strangle the girl. This went on for three nights. The parents see that the girl has begun to lose weight. Then the father decided to lie down with his daughter and took an ax with him. At 12 o'clock the hand reached out. The father cut off the little finger on this hand. In the morning, grandma began to cut bread, and everyone saw that she had no little finger.

      • "DOLL"
        There was a family. Dad, mom and daughter. One day, they went to a toy store. In it, the girl saw a crystal doll. The girl really liked her! The girl began to beg her father for a doll, but he did not buy her a toy. Then the girl went to her mother. Mom agreed with her father and did not buy a doll for her daughter. Then the girl told everything to her grandmother. But she asked me not to tell my parents anything. At home, dad told mom why he didn’t buy the child a doll. He said that she kills people. Mom believed her husband and was afraid to fall asleep. She fell asleep only early in the morning. And only for an hour. She dreamed of an ominous doll coming out of her daughter’s room with a bloody knife in her hands. Mom woke up in a cold sweat. But soon the parents forgot about everything. And only the girl and her grandmother remembered their little secret. For the New Year, my grandmother gave this doll to her granddaughter. The granddaughter was delighted. And the parents were scared and angry with the grandmother. There was a quarrel. The next day, dad left for the city. And he told his daughter not to put a new dress on the doll. But the girl did not listen and dressed the doll in her old dress. When the girl fell asleep, the doll came to life. She flew up to the girl’s crib and began to whisper to her: “Girl, girl, lie on your back, and I will strangle you...” And the girl lay down on her back, for which she paid with her life. The doll killed the mother. When dad returned, he heard some noise in the room. He entered. A crystal doll in a blue dress sat on the TV and licked a bloody knife. The father immediately realized what had happened. He walked up to the doll and smashed it on the floor. The fragments turned into a pool of blood and flowed into the ground. Dad called the police. These dolls were removed from sale. But dad knew that there was only one such doll in the whole world. Murders have decreased.
        For orders please contact: [email protected]
        • 30 May 2011, 19:04
        • 0

          Why are all fairy tales about strangulation????

Once upon a time there lived a girl with her mother. One day she was left alone. And suddenly they broadcast on the radio: “Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels has left the cemetery...

Children's games with the Queen of Spades

One day, one girl decided to have a bachelorette party at her home. She planned this event for the day when her parents were getting ready to go to the dacha and on a certain day everyone who was invited gathered at her house.

Devil dolls of Madame Mendylippe

I am a doctor, a specialist in nervous and brain diseases, I deal with the issues of painful pathology and I am considered an expert in this area. I am affiliated with two of the best hospitals in New York and have received a number of awards at home and abroad.

Yellow package

One day, a brother and sister were walking in the yard of their house and saw a yellow package on a tree. The brother's name was Sasha, and the sister's name was Lena. Sasha climbed a tree and took out a package.

Green eyes

One girl loved the color green. Mom bought her a green doll and the same record in the store and said:

Red socks

One girl has red knee socks. She had never worn them before. Mom suggested dressing them up for the circus. When they were going to the circus, the girl asked her mother to take off her socks.


One day, one family - mother, father and daughter - went to a department store. The girl saw a very beautiful glass doll in the window.

Dead cat

One boy was told in a natural history lesson that if he found a seed under a cherry tree and planted it in the ground, a tree would grow that would bear fruit.

Invisible Man

One man ate only human brains and drank human blood. One day he told his friend:

Fifth trolleybus

One evening a woman was waiting for a trolleybus. Suddenly he sees that he is approaching the stop completely empty. And he had number five.

Date with a dead bride

There lived a guy and a girl, they loved each other very much.

The guy was recalled to the army. And while he was in the service, his girlfriend died.

Black roses

One mother had a birthday. Dad went to work. Mom, grandmother and granddaughter went to buy roses.