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Technique for prolonging sexual intercourse. How to prolong sexual intercourse for a man: tips, poses, techniques

The problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse for a man is not insoluble. Folk remedies have long been used for this purpose, and now they have been supplemented with medicinal and surgical methods of increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.

In the article:

When can you think about prolonging sexual intercourse?

Medicine believes that the need to use medications or other methods of prolonging sexual intercourse arises only in a situation where the period of friction from the moment the penis is inserted into the female vagina is less than two to three minutes. In other cases, the duration of intimacy is quite acceptable, and in order to experience more pleasure and help a woman achieve orgasm, it is enough just to devote maximum time to foreplay.

How to prolong sexual intercourse using modern means

The problem of how to prolong ejaculation can be effectively solved by applying proven advances in medicine. If it is necessary to lengthen the time of intimacy, experts recommend using one of several methods:

  • The use of external agents that “freeze” the sensitivity of the penis for a while. Such drugs include those that are available to almost any buyer. With the help of lidocaine, it is possible to reduce the sensitivity of the main male organ and lengthen the period of friction by three to four times. Since the product is applied only externally, none of its components enter the digestive system and do not harm the man’s body. It is recommended to apply lidocaine spray 10 minutes before the expected time of intimacy, after which you can forget about the worrying problem too much. The drug has a short effect of 30-50 minutes.
  • Tablet preparations for prolonging the act of intercourse. Such medications contain components that at the hormonal level will prolong the time of sexual intercourse. The substance has a similar effect Dapoxetine. You can purchase it in pharmacies and on the Internet. Drugs containing this substance begin to act on the male body 60 minutes after taking the pill, and the expected effect lasts up to 10 hours, depending on the chosen product. According to a study in 22 countries, in 87% of patients who took Dapoxetine, sexual intercourse lasted at least 4 times after the first dose.
  • Drugs that allow you to simultaneously prolong sex and significantly increase potency. Such products combine components with multidirectional actions. Thus, the drug combines the substance dapoxetine, which slows down the sensitivity of the penis, and sildenafil, which increases erection, which is an analogue of the well-known Viagra. Taking one Super P-force tablet allows you to solve two male problems at once and enjoy excellent intimacy.
  • Surgical intervention: circumcision of the foreskin in order to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, plastic surgery of the frenulum if its length is too short, denervation of the penis, injections of hyaluronic acid into the area of ​​the frenulum of the penis, etc. The choice of option depends on the presence of the problem, the desire of the patient, the absence or presence of contraindications.
  • Treatment with prescribed medications for inflammatory male diseases: prostatitis, vesiculitis, etc. After all symptoms disappear, the need for further use of techniques to lengthen the time of intimacy usually disappears.

The duration of sexual intercourse after a single dose of special tablets increases 4 times or more, allowing a man to demonstrate all his abilities in the intimate sphere and give his partner the opportunity to enjoy sexual contact of sufficient duration and quality.

Less effective methods of sexual intercourse in men

If it is not possible to use a life-saving pill, it is quite possible to use other means to solve the problem of how to prolong the time of sexual intercourse. You can try the following ways to prolong ejaculation and even increase intimacy for a few minutes:

  • Training the tone of the pelvic muscles involved during intimacy. These muscles regulate not only the strength and duration of an erection, but also the process of urination, so you can feel them when trying to forcibly stop the outflow of urine when visiting the toilet “in a small way.” These are the so-called. With regular performance, at least two or three workouts per day, you can train the “intimate” muscles so much that you can perform the act of the desired duration without much effort.
  • Stopping friction at the moment when you feel the approach of ejaculation. Such a pause lasting from several seconds to one or even two minutes will significantly reduce the degree of tension and continue sexual intercourse in the future.
  • Choosing a position in which stimulation of the penis is minimal. The best position for this purpose is cowgirl, on the side and back with legs spread wide apart, allowing the necessary movements to be made at a relatively slow pace and with minimal friction.
  • Changing the tempo of frictions. If you do not move your penis too quickly, and when ejaculation approaches, you slow down the pace even more, you can somewhat weaken the degree of arousal and prolong the onset of ejaculation for some time. This simple technique allows you to effectively solve the problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse.
  • Squeezing the penis with your fingers at the moment when ejaculation is about to occur. It is necessary to squeeze the penis at the junction of the frenulum and the head. The partner can also perform this manipulation: to do this, it is necessary to show her what and how to do tediously, and also give a signal during the process itself about the need to squeeze the penis. You can use other points for a similar effect: the main thing is that when you press them, sexual arousal decreases slightly.

Psychological techniques will also help in deciding how to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. The method of distraction has a good effect: you just need to focus your thoughts during intimacy on something completely extraneous, and not directly on this physiological process. If you distract yourself from the goal of prolonging sexual intercourse as much as possible, you can achieve even better results than with excessive tension and anxious anticipation of the next failure.

Normalizing the duration of sexual intercourse by medication or other means will allow a man not only to improve the quality of intimate relationships, but also to learn to better control his body and achieve the expected effect through self-hypnosis or making certain efforts. As a result, satisfaction with life in general will increase, which is important for both mental and physical health.

How to prolong sexual intercourse for a man? Many representatives of the stronger sex and their beautiful companions are faced with the fact that ejaculation occurs too early, and such a phenomenon cannot but affect a man’s confidence. Unfortunately, such failures can lead to long-term depression and constant stress, however, there are various methods that will help increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

In the article:

How to prolong sexual intercourse for a man, and is it worth it?

Some men believe that in order to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, it is necessary to learn. Yes, perhaps in some cases such a method will be effective, but before using such a method, familiarize yourself with the possible negative consequences. Sex therapists assure that the main problem of men who come to the doctor is that they are very insecure.

Patients begin to complain that they cannot have sex for as long as the characters in porn films. In fact, in real life the duration of sexual intercourse, which is demonstrated in such films, happens extremely rarely. This is not the rule, this is the exception. If we talk about the average duration of sexual intercourse for a normal man, then it is 7 minutes.

As it turns out, this is an acceptable length of sex for both women and men. In less time, the partner simply does not have time to achieve pleasure, and as it turned out, many of the girls surveyed considered very long sexual intercourse simply boring.

If you are still not satisfied with such a duration of sex, then you can use various techniques, which we will talk about later.

What determines the duration of sex?

Before eliminating the problem of premature ejaculation, it is necessary to understand what affects the processes occurring in the male body. Firstly, the duration of sexual intercourse is influenced by the age of the partner. According to statistics, the duration of sexual intercourse gradually increases by age 30. And after 40 years it begins to decline.

It is worth noting that an important factor is the rhythm in sexual life. This includes regular sex and masturbation. Some experts agree that with regular sexual activity, a man can increase the duration of sexual intercourse. Moreover, each subsequent sex within one day will be approximately one and a half times longer than the previous one. At the same time, it causes a sharp reduction in the duration of the act itself.

The period of arousal can also affect the duration of sex. The shorter it is, the longer the sex will last.

Another important point is that the more attractive and sexy the woman is in bed with you, the higher the likelihood that the duration of sex will be short. This is a completely normal natural process.

Sex therapists explain it as a common instinct - when a male experiences particularly strong lust and is afraid that sexual intercourse will be interrupted by another male.

If you don't know how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, use these recommendations. They will help you learn to control yourself and reach the end not as quickly as usual.

Play sports. Keeping yourself in good shape makes you much more confident, and in addition, such activity significantly reduces sexual tension.

Even if you can't devote much time to going to the gym, spend at least half an hour a day doing daily exercise. Pay attention to . It will help significantly strengthen your muscles, as a result you will be able to better control your body. Don't neglect imbuilding. These simple exercises can be done at home.

You can continue the duration of sexual intercourse for some time by changing the position. You can be a little distracted, focus not on the process itself, but think about abstract things. This will help you reduce your excitement a little. However, don't overdo it.

You can use the well-known Taoist technique, which involves performing two shallow frictions as orgasm approaches, after which you need to smoothly and deeply penetrate your partner’s vagina.

In addition, if there is very little left to the finish line, you can lightly squeeze the penis just below the head. However, be careful to time the force.

Folk methods for prolonging sexual intercourse in men

If you like to use methods from traditional medicine in treatment, you can use these tips. Menthol can reduce the sensitivity of the head of the genital organ, as it is a natural anesthetic. This substance is found in peppermint leaves.

Everyone knows that if you drink tea with the addition of raspberry and currant leaves, you can fight a cold. However, this drink has another magical property. Feliamine, which is contained in the leaves of these plants, allows you to dull the work of nerve cells, which will reduce the sensitivity of the genital organ and allow you to prolong sex a little.

A similar effect can be achieved from a decoction of blue cornflower petals. To prepare the drink, you will need one teaspoon of petals, which should be poured with one glass of boiling water. Let the mixture brew for 10 minutes and drink the decoction half an hour before sexual intercourse.

Medication assistance

You can prolong sexual intercourse with the help of high-quality medications. Icecaine spray can come to your aid. It is quite easy to use, as it is applied only externally. The drug has no contraindications; with the correct dosage, side effects are also impossible.

The only warning is that before using the spray you need to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a little spray on your wrist. If the skin turns red, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, this drug should not be used.

It is also considered an effective means for prolonging sexual intercourse. During clinical studies conducted by the manufacturer (SPIER Pharmaceuticals, India), it was found that the active substances contained in Dapoxetine allow you to control the ejaculation process. The active effect of the medicine is 12 hours.

Since dapoxetine increases the amount of serotonin, which is similar to the state after orgasm, 10% experience a decrease in libido. In this case, this drug can be used in combination with medications intended to eliminate erectile dysfunction, for example: Cialis, Levitra, Viagra.

If you want to combine Dapoxetine with Viagra, you can purchase the drug. Due to the fact that it combines the effect of both medications, you can get full pleasure from sexual intercourse.

Viagra affects smooth muscles, relaxes them and stimulates blood flow. At the same time, Dapoxetine helps reduce tension, eliminates psychological barriers and serves as an antidepressant. You can purchase these drugs in our online store at an affordable price. Feel the benefits of a fulfilling sex life today!

Let's look at a topical topic on how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse in men.

You need to understand that a quick finish during intimacy with a girl becomes a problem if this happens regularly.

If you are having sexual intimacy for the first time or after a long period of abstinence, then the fact that you quickly “shot back” is completely normal.

What percentage of men suffer from the problem?

This is one of the most common problems in bed.

According to the numbers:

  • From 20 to 40% of men regularly suffer from it.
  • 75% of men would like to last longer in bed.

How long does an average man last in bed?


When determining the average, the time is taken from the beginning of the introduction of the male organ until the “finish” moment. That is, this is an exclusively frictional stage and foreplay is not included there.

  1. According to medical statistics from different countries, the same figures are given: from 2 to 6 minutes! This is the average duration of sexual intercourse.
  2. According to the same statistics, 75% of males periodically finish in 2 minutes after entering!

Deviations from the norm and rare exceptions

  • There are people with accelerated eruption when they reach the finish line even not having time move with a woman to a horizontal position or undress. This occurs either due to long abstinence or due to the reasons described below.
  • There are also people who find it difficult to reach the end even after 40-50 minutes of intercourse. They have such a deviation with a delayed finish.

How long do you really need to hold on?

In fact, in order to give a woman pleasure and satisfy her desires, you need both minimum 20-30 minutes. And this is the minimum!

With some women you need about 1 hour so that they are truly satisfied.

Of course, girls also have rare exceptions, but these are just rare exceptions.

When is it a problem in other words?

  1. When the liquid end has even come less in less than 2 minutes.
  2. When a woman remains unsatisfied and dissatisfied after a night in bed with you, you should also think about how to increase the duration of a man’s intercourse at home.
  3. When in most cases the partner can not control his body, cannot last in bed as much as he would like, which brings tension and discomfort to the relationship.


  • neuroses in everyday life they affect a tense state during intimacy;
  • Convictions in the head like “intimacy is immoral and bad” also interfere;
  • long absence of a woman;
  • decline libido;
  • the appearance of a new girl;
  • tension or arguments in relationships;
  • suppression your desires at a young age;
  • greater sensitivity of the organ;
  • fear of failure;
  • injuries lower back or spine, hernias in these same areas;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • craving for smoking;
  • alcohol abuse.

Now let's look at the 19 best tips on how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse from average to those most necessary and desired high levels for both partners.

19 techniques to solve the problem

1. Pay more attention to foreplay

Foreplay is preliminary caresses with a girl.

Having given them the proper time at the beginning, then during intercourse the girl will have more pleasure with you, will remain satisfied and will get more buzz.

What you should pay attention to before intimacy:

  1. Sniff her neck. It creates such a sensual moment when you smell one side of her neck, you look at the lips, building up passionate tension, and without releasing it, move on to the other neck.
  2. Kisses in lips.
  3. Touching her back.
  4. Kisses and caress her neckline.

2. Kegel exercise

  • The second way to increase the duration of sexual intercourse and the time of lovemaking is to train special muscles using a special Kegel exercise.
  • The exercise is to voltage and relaxing the same muscles used to stop urination.
  • And every time you go to the toilet, practice stopping and starting again. jet liquids. We have also talked about this technique in others.
  • This way, you will have a trained pubococcygeus muscle, which will be very useful in bed with your beloved.

3. Special squeezing technique

This technique is used at the moment when you feel that you have crossed a critical threshold, and your prostate is already beginning to contract intensively.

In this case you need to do the following:

  1. Use squeezing Kegel muscles as when the toilet flow stops.
  2. Now with the index finger and thumb of one hand squeeze organ around the frenulum and the entire upper part.
  3. With the other hand how ring grab your organ at the base.
  4. There should be no unnecessary incentives. That's all essence method. In another article we described similar ones to combat the disease.

4. Watch your breathing

  • Correct and conscious breathing is what determines the duration of sexual intercourse and the average performance of many guys. Try not to breathe too quickly.
  • Breathe in twice deeper than usual, take a break, and only then take a deep breath.
  • So it will slow down pulse, the heart will not beat too intensely, and all this will delay a premature finish.

5. “Slow down and reach” technique

  1. The point is that you need to be able to stop if you feel the moment of discharge approaching. Sometimes it’s useful not to move at all and wait until it lets go.
  2. If this doesn't help either, then, in general, you take out your dignity and wait again. You wait as long as necessary. Follow this method, implement it and worry less about questions about...

6. Alternating different frictions

  • The essence of the method is to alternate short, shallow frictions with deep and slow ones.
  • That is, first you can do one long and slow friction and four short and fast ones. Then 2 deep and 3 shallow and so on. At the end, you resume the circle again.
  • This sixth technique for achieving normal duration of sexual intercourse in a man will also be useful for those who like to speed up, but cannot afford it due to their delicate problem.

7. “Pull-pull” technique

The reflexes of our body are such that just before going to bed, our testicles begin to tighten closer to the organ.

We must, on the contrary, pull them away from ourselves down and slightly upward with moderate medium strength. There is no need to squeeze them tightly. Just took it in ring and pulled away.

8. Method of a thousand frictions

  • Before the beginning In love intimacy, you tell yourself and set yourself up that you will not reach the finish line until you have made 1 thousand back-and-forth movements.
  • Remember that, that with such a mental attunement during intimacy, after 20 minutes it will become much easier.
  • If you feel, which fits, I remembered how much I did, stopped, took it out and switched to other caresses of her zones (the very 1st tip). After all, the inability to take breaks is one of the main answers to the question of...

9. The mentality of experienced guys who don’t give up on the first try

An experienced man will not attach much importance to a quick first finish. For him this is not the end yet, but only Start. He will not become alarmed, but will simply wait a little time and try again.

That is, you should not limit yourself to just one approach and no need give up on this. This is another important realization on the topic of how to increase a man’s intercourse time without pills.

10. Choose a pose with the least tension in the body

Sometimes even the slightest tension in the abs, buttocks during intimacy with a woman leads to a liquid end.

Make sure your body is completely relaxed in the zones pelvis, abdomen and even arms. It is the tension in these zones that is frequent.

In what positions The body is least stressed:

  1. woman on top pose;
  2. lying on your side;
  3. man in the back.

11. Various medications

  • Products of our site.
  • Dapoxetine.
  • Viagra.

Here are some different drugs, remedies and pills to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. We recommend that you take products from partners of our site.

12. Don't look at her figure

  1. Don't stare during intimacy on her charming figure. We also recommended this technique in our friend.
  2. Visual images are very impressive for men.
  3. And especially dreamy ones sometimes they finish painting her body into something super beautiful, which speeds up the approach to the finish line even more.
  4. Therefore, either look away, or close your eyes, or simply don’t look.

13. Shift your attention to thinking about shocking things

This is an old proven technique of thinking about conflict things that relieve excitement.

The main thing is not to get carried away at all, so that your friend does not “fall out”.

14. Be sure to be friends with sports, physical exercise is required

Most likely, the blood in your pelvis is very Badly circulates, which has a negative effect in bed.

Sports are especially necessary for those who work a lot is sitting. This solves your many concerns about how to make sex last longer.

What's useful:

  • sign up for yoga;
  • go for a run;
  • regular exercises with squats;
  • stretch your groin muscles;
  • perform circular rotations of the pelvic area;
  • various cross fit exercises.

15. Healthy foods

  1. Quail eggs (amino acids and vitamins);
  2. Boiled fish, cod (rich in protein and phosphorus);
  3. Cabbage broccoli, parsley (vitamin C and zinc);
  4. Kiwi and citrus fruits (vitamin C);
  5. Tomatoes and other products.

Proper nutrition also helps to achieve the normal duration of sexual intercourse and ideal stamina in bed.

16. Traditional medicine

  • decoction of oak bark;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • inhalation of wheat oil fumes;
  • tincture of cornflower flower.

17. Don’t forget about protective equipment

Don't forget to use condoms, and take special long-lasting ones with anesthetic lubricant.

For sensitive no need take thin ones, take those that are thicker.

18. Don’t change partners, be in a relationship with one woman

  • If you always If you change partners, then with each new one there will be extra tension and psychological pressure for fear of ruining everything again. And your questions about how to increase the duration of sex with your beloved will continue to bother you.
  • Big step forward there will be regular love intimacy with one partner. Your only woman will understand your illness, and together it will be easier for you to overcome it.
  • Some are afraid confess their problem to the girl and often run away from her. Open up and tell her. And you will see that this will only have benefits.

19. About surgery

Surgery is worth resorting to only in the very last case! Only when you have tried all the above methods and are completely at a dead end.

Do not recklessly lie down on the surgical table.

The essence of the surgery is that the skin on the organ is removed, and it becomes less sensitive. Changes will be visible only 2-3 months after the operation. Although this helps, it should only be done as a last resort.

One of the most common male fears is the fear of sexual failure, namely premature ejaculation. If such a failure does happen to you, then the first question to which you will want to find an answer will be: how to prolong sexual intercourse? And what means and methods help get rid of this?

The reasons why rapid orgasm occurs are different and depend on many factors. In order to understand what methods can increase the duration of your sexual pleasures, you need to find out what caused the disruption in your intimate life.

Premature ejaculation or short sexual intercourse may occur due to:

— lack of sexual experience (the consequences of this most often manifest themselves in adolescence);

- sexual overstimulation;

- erectile dysfunction; psychological problems (development of depression, neurosis, insomnia, overwork due to a stressful situation);

— physiological problems (increased sensitivity of the glans penis, short frenulum, diseases of the pelvic organs and genitourinary system, inflammatory and genital infections);

- hormonal disorders (side effects from taking antidepressants).

Increasing the duration of sexual intercourse in a man is possible in various ways. Sometimes it is impossible to do without modern medicine, and often surgical intervention. Some men benefit from simple methods, while others need a comprehensive solution to the problem.

First, general tips for prolonging sexual intercourse will help you. Secondly, if you believe in traditional medicine, then you can increase the duration of sexual intercourse thanks to folk remedies. Thirdly, use the “Casanova’s Secret” remedy, which will save you not only from premature ejaculation, but also add sexual energy. Or the use of pills that will “get rid” of all sexual problems.

If you need to prolong sexual intercourse, you can use general recommendations. First you need to calm down and relax, since very often the cause is psychological problems. And their best solution is rest. During intercourse, use a condom, as it dulls sensitivity. And if it is high in you, then it is better to use 2 – 3 pieces. Anesthetic creams, gels and sprays have the same effect. Don't concentrate on thoughts about sex, think about abstract topics or simply think about something. You can use the following effective physiological methods: when orgasm approaches, stop friction, hold for 1 - 2 minutes and continue sexual intercourse; When ejaculation approaches, you should stimulate the head of the penis at the junction with the frenulum with your finger and, of course, change sexual positions. One of the remedies, oddly enough, is to drink a small dose of alcohol before sexual contact. The main thing is not to “overdo” the amount of alcohol you drink and remember the dangers of alcoholic beverages.

Thanks to the use of folk remedies, you can increase the time of sexual intercourse. Various recipes are aimed not only at prolonging sexual intercourse, but also at increasing and maintaining an erection. The use of mint, namely a squeeze from its leaves, is anesthetic in nature, since mint contains natural anesthetics. By lubricating the head of the penis with this “juice,” sensitivity is dulled and the reaction of nerve endings is inhibited, but an erection is maintained. An infusion of cornflower flowers and a decoction of oak bark have a prolonging effect and reduce sexual arousal. Traditional methods for increasing sexual intercourse will bring a positive effect if the recipe is strictly followed and systematically, if required. Otherwise, their use will not bring the desired result, and time will be wasted.

How to solve sexual problems, increase sexual activity and maintain an erection? There is a fast, reliable and effective method without side effects and harm to the whole body. Before starting sexual intercourse, use the drug "Casanova's Secret", which prolongs sexual intercourse and consists of natural ingredients that are known for their beneficial effects on the pelvic organs. You can use it together and then you will achieve a double effect of pleasure.

Modern official medicine, as a means of treating premature ejaculation, offers various kinds of expensive branded drugs consisting of synthetic components and having a symptomatic effect, that is, they “do not cure”, but only help get rid of the problem for a while. In addition, pills have a lot of side effects and negatively affect the functioning of the entire body.

In order not to resort to various kinds of “tricks” to improve your sex life, you just need to take care of your health. Pay attention to your diet, lifestyle, bad habits and sexual relationships. Maybe something needs to be changed?

If a man is not an egoist, he will always think about how to prolong sexual intercourse. There is another reason why you want to increase the time of intercourse - the issue of erection.

Today we will tell you methods of overcoming the problem, about gymnastics that will strengthen the muscles necessary for sex, what drugs and folk remedies exist to prolong sexual intercourse.

Nowadays there are quite a lot of methods with which you can surprise your partner with prolonged sex. There is no need to give up pleasure and suppress desire in yourself due to the fact that rapid ejaculation occurs or, conversely, an unstable erection.

By combining the exercises that we will tell you about and the medications, you can not only stretch out intimacy, but also repeat it several more times during the night.

Not all men manage to delay the time of ejaculation; some cannot do this due to inexperience, others due to age-related problems.

The main thing is to learn how to prolong and slow down frictions through special calculations. All guys need to know this if they want to bring their partner to the finals.

To prolong sexual intercourse, there are many drugs, methods, as well as help from the woman. One of the effective ways to stop the onset of orgasm in a man is to squeeze his penis with his palms until he ejaculates.

The place of pressure is the distance between the frenulum and the head; you should press lightly on that point. With this technique you can delay the moment of orgasm in a man and reach the climax yourself. A condom will also help prolong sexual intercourse due to decreased sensitivity in the penis.


  1. Enter a woman's vagina when she is ready for it, her secretion will help make sex last longer due to easy sliding and less friction;
  2. Stop when you feel the onset of orgasm;
  3. If you are not allergic to lidocaine, you can use products based on it. This will make sex last longer, but the main thing is not to overdo it and not completely lose sensitivity;
  4. Some people advise ligating the eggs, but this is a rather risky method and if done incorrectly, tissue necrosis can occur.

Prolonging male ejaculation will come to the rescue of many married couples to achieve harmony in their relationships and improve their capabilities each time.

Why is it hard to hold back

Determining the cause that contributes to rapid ejaculation or unstable erection. This aspect may be psychological, age-related, or health-related.

The level of the hormone testosterone also affects a man's temperament. Therefore, it is necessary to check it if there are problems in your sex life.

In general, is it worth figuring out whether any means are needed to prolong sexual intercourse, when a woman receives satisfaction from the very intimacy, even a short one?

Factors influencing reduction of ejaculation time:

  • Decreased peak activity in men (over 25 years of age);
  • Stable intimate relationships;
  • The degree of sexual attraction to a woman;
  • Social status, level and lifestyle;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Alcohol and drug use (tobacco smoking);
  • Age-related changes;
  • Mental disorders.

Why sex became short:

  • Pathological processes in the genitourinary area;
  • STD diseases, hidden sexually transmitted infections;
  • Excessive irritability (sensitivity) of the head of the penis;
  • Lack of intimacy for a long time;
  • Problems with the nervous system;
  • Unstable erection, sexual disorders;
  • Hyperactivity.

To understand what influences the reduction of sexual intercourse, you need to contact a sex therapist, andrologist and urologist.


No one can answer this question for sure, not even a certified doctor, only you know your body. If in your youth you were the king of sex, but now you are not, you need to determine what can influence this.

Perhaps an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system or a psychological barrier. There are quite a lot of trainings to eliminate the problem; in parallel with exercises and medications, they will help improve the quality of life.

To prolong sexual intercourse, you can increase the amount of intimacy. Exercise daily, do not allow abstinence. This is one of the main ways to solve the problem.

Intermittent relationships and prolonged absence of sex can affect not only the functioning of the reproductive system, but also rapid ejaculation.

We prolong sexual intercourse with proper breathing. You don’t need to breathe often or, conversely, stop doing it. In the first case, you will finish quickly, in the second, everything will fall.

To relax and prolong intercourse, you must inhale rhythmically and correctly. When you feel the onset of an eruption, hold your breath slightly, so you can delay the pleasant moment. This easy and uncomplicated method helped the guys, and will help you too.

Before sex, relax after a hard day of work and stress. You should not start intimacy if you are not ready for it. The ending will either be too fast, or vice versa, nothing will work out.

Take a relaxing bath and let the woman give you a massage. During sex, to gain time, you can periodically be distracted by everyday issues in your thoughts.

Experts and psychologists say that this method is a good alternative to expensive drugs to overcome rapid ejaculation. Only, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to get lost in your thoughts until the erection completely disappears.

The best drugs

If psychological aspects and training are powerless, then folk herbs, synthetic drugs and dietary supplements come to the rescue. Only here you need to take into account the composition, contraindications and side effects.

If you have an individual intolerance to a component, then you do not need to test it on yourself. It is better to consult a doctor.

The most effective synthetic drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse:

  • Generic: Levitra, Viagra, Zidena;
  • "Sildenafil", "Tadalafil", "Udenafil";
  • "Impaza";
  • Hormone-based products: “Nebido”, “Androgel”, “Andriol”, “Testosterone”;
  • “Alprostadil”, “Alikaps”, “Tribestan”, “Biomanix”, “Steamerect”.

You should not prescribe medications to yourself; each of them has a number of side effects and contraindications.

How to prolong the act at home: effective lubricants. Lubricants, gels and traditional medicine are great options.

For men with a sensitive glans, topical means can be used to temporarily “freeze” the penis.

They are based on ingredients such as lidocaine and benzocaine. Thanks to them, it becomes easier to “slow down the process.”


  • Napkins for men “Tiger”;
  • Gel "M-gel";
  • Ointment "MaxMan";
  • Cream "Prolong plus";
  • Oil "Sex Drops";
  • Sprays "Superman".

Apply all lubricants within reasonable limits, following the instructions and taking into account the ingredients of the products. They should be used a few minutes before sex.

This is an alternative to synthetic drugs, which have many side effects and differ in pricing.

Number of acts

You can increase your sex time by following the advice of men who use these tricks to bring true pleasure to their women.

Before the impending climax, stop and take a deep breath, holding the air. Once your heart rate has stabilized, continue. This can be done until the partner reaches orgasm.

Before ejaculation occurs, remove the organ from the vagina, grasping it well at the base, and squeeze slightly. Take a deep breath, holding the air.

When the desire disappears a little, release the erect penis and continue the process. Every time you delay pleasure, the orgasm will be bright, strong and unforgettable.

Exercise “On a scale from 1 to 10”

The previous techniques are performed with a partner. This is done on your own through masturbation. During forward movements, you need to determine your arousal from 1 to 10.

  • 1 – Absence.
  • 2 – Minor.
  • 3 – Spicy.
  • 4-7 – Stage of approaching orgasm. It is this segment that is important during intimacy with a woman. The severity of sensations of both partners depends on the duration at this stage.
  • 8-9 – The stage at which ejaculation is inevitable.
  • 10 – Climax (orgasm).

When you start to hone your skills, you should count down points. Each number represents the degree of excitement and the ability to control the process.

If you do it for several months, you will be able to understand your body better and easily delay ejaculation.

The basic rule of training is to stay at number 7 by stopping forward movements and breathing. Exercise for 20-40 minutes, starting with the shortest time.

We described above how to delay the process; you just need practice. An ideal option for young guys to master the technique and amaze their partners with their abilities.

The method is not intended for daily masturbation; the goal of treatment is to learn how to prolong intimacy and delay ejaculation.

Folk remedies

It is better to start experiments with alternative methods. They are not dangerous to health, the maximum that can happen is a minor allergy to the plant.

Below is a list of herbs that you can drink for a long time, mainly before sex.

Melissa excellent prolonging agent. Mint is also not inferior to anything, applied in the form of juice to the genital organ before intimacy. It is recommended to take tea and penis lotions at the same time.

Ginseng tincture. A good product for long-term use. You can purchase it at any pharmacy in the country and take it according to the instructions.

Make a decoction of the following herbs: currants, oak bark, raspberry leaves. Mix in equal parts, cook in a water bath for 10 minutes, take 1 table for 7 days. l. per day. Take a break for 2 weeks.

Folk prolonging spray


  • Essential oil: rosemary, eucalyptus, menthol, mint;
  • Medical ethanol: 10 ml.

It must be applied 15-20 minutes before intimacy, you need to be careful and ask if your partner is allergic to the listed components, it is advisable to use barrier contraception.

All essential oils have a cooling effect, which prevents rapid ejaculation. Before using and applying to the penis, test the product to see if you have any allergies.

Spread it on the inside of your arm and walk around, if there is no reaction, feel free to rub it into your organ.

Effective and famous techniques

How can you make sex last longer? Training to prolong pleasure consists of pumping the pubococcygeus muscles, which are responsible for the intimate sphere.

Kegel exercises are effective. All men, without exception, need them to maintain health and tone, which can be freely controlled.

Gymnastics will allow you to increase sexual intercourse by 10-15 minutes, which indicates the high effectiveness of the exercises. All you need is desire, lack of laziness and a little free time during the day.

By performing Kegel exercises daily, increased sexual intercourse and achievement of harmony in the sexual sphere are guaranteed. There is no need to take local or internal prolonging medications.

The result will not keep you waiting in 1-1.5 months. Women can also practice the Kegel technique, so they can pump up their intimate muscles, tone them up and get pleasure from sex faster.

Defining muscles

Go to the toilet if you want to urinate. Start the process, now sharply hold the stream, at this moment you should feel the muscle necessary for exercise.

The LC controls urination, stopping and restarting it, and is responsible for the tone of the bladder and rectum. Initially, A. Kegel developed exercises for women, but later it turned out that they also help men cope with many problems of an intimate nature.


Squeeze the muscle while taking a deep breath. Hold it for a long time, at the initial stage you can count up to 4-5 times, relax, and exhale. For beginners, 5-6 approaches, increasing daily. Ideally 40-50 times. Performed at any time of the day. Therefore, even while sitting at work, train.

"Elevator". You need to do the compression in 4 stages, with each “floor” increasing the pressure on the muscle to the best of your ability to restrain it as much as possible. Do 5 times, holding for 7-10 seconds while inhaling.

Rapid contraction/release of the muscle. 5-6 approaches 20-30 times. Rest no more than 20 seconds between exercises. Increase the quantity each time.

This technique for prolonging sexual intercourse will help to maintain coitus and help the woman reach climax. Perform gymnastics anywhere and at any time of the day, and the results will not keep you waiting long.

You can set a training schedule, 3-4 times a week is the best option. Let your intimate muscles rest.

Extension drugs

Folk remedies are designed for long-term use until results are achieved. Let’s try to highlight the best drugs to make sex last longer.

Spray for prolonging sexual intercourse “M-16”. It must be sprayed on the penis before sex for 5 minutes. It will not only delay the onset of orgasm, but will also help eliminate problems with unstable erections.

The drug contains only natural substances, so it can be used for a long time without harm to health.

Drops "Thor's Hammer". They are based on natural ingredients that promote stable erections and long-lasting sex. This happens due to the natural production of the main male hormone - testosterone.

Take according to the instructions for a course of 1 month, then take a break and continue. Sold without a prescription in pharmacies across the country. The price of 1 bottle varies from 700 rubles.

Gel "Rhino". Does not contain lidocaine, so there is no chance of an allergic reaction. Apply 5-10 minutes before intercourse. Many men notice an extension of sexual intercourse up to 1-1.5 hours with repetitions.

Tablets: “Peruvian Maca”, “Super P-force”, “Super Zhewitra”, “Super Tadarise”. Take as directed, do not exceed dosage. Consult your doctor before use.

Creams: “Penon”, “Rhino”, “Langzeit”.

Lubricants: “Contex Long Love”, “Joydivision That’s All you need”.

Each drug has contraindications, so read the instructions before use. Consult your doctor.