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VII House of the horoscope: which partner is right for you. Houses of the horoscopeseventh house of the horoscope

The seventh house is most often considered to determine the number of marriages, the likelihood of celibacy, polygamy, divorce, and other nuances associated with partnership, not only marriage, but also business. However, the Seventh House is also the open enemies of a person, those people who open confront, in contrast to the Twelfth House and secret enemies. Therefore, according to the position of the cusp of the Seventh House in the signs, one can also tell about with whom a person may have problems in interpersonal relationships.

Seventh house in Aries

Aries is problematic for partnerships. It is not for nothing that the planet of love in this sign feels uncomfortable - Venus in Aries is in exile. In this situation, it becomes difficult to keep the union stable, since this is the most fiery and most cardinal sign. Often in astrological literature one can find a point of view according to which Aries on the Descendant is one of the indications of divorce. I cannot but agree with this judgment. I have quite a lot of acquaintances with a similar position of the cusp, but a good half of them have either already divorced, or their relationship is like a volcano. In order for a marriage with the Descendant in Aries to be truly strong, it would be desirable for the Ruler to be in a fixed sign, but not in Taurus. The ideal option seems to be the sign of Scorpio.

Marriages in this situation can be concluded quickly, impulsively, recklessly. Especially now, when Uranus is passing through the Seventh House for many. The decision to divorce is also made quickly and decisively. And such a person is in no hurry to return to his previous relationship. What can be noted as positive in this situation is fidelity. If there are romantic feelings, then Aries will not look at anyone. But if love has passed, then no force will force such a person to stay in marriage and relationships.

I remember I once worked with a girl in whose chart the cusp of the Seventh House was located in Aries. Her husband is an employee of the Federal Security Service, which is very suitable for the symbolism of the sign. Indeed, in this situation, the partner can work in law enforcement agencies: police, police, prosecutor's office. It is also possible that the marriage will be concluded with an entrepreneur or an athlete. By the way, recently in the program “Let Them Talk” they talked about the wives of our Russian football players. I didn’t go into too much detail, but the thought immediately flashed into my head that probably many of these girls either have their Descendant in Aries or their Ruler. I cannot help but note the fact that the girls were very attractive and cute, and good looks and pleasant facial features are typical signs of Libra on the Ascendant.

Aries is known to be a passionate sign, so a partnership should be as such. If the owner of the position is a girl, then she needs a knight who will be assertive, courageous, and will certainly achieve her. It is not common for such persons to take initiative in relationships; they expect it from the opposite sex. But, naturally, you need to look at additional instructions, since a woman, for example, with a predominance of fire in the chart, will strive to take a leadership position in the relationship, and a girl with a predominance of water, especially with Venus and the Moon in a water sign, will do the opposite. Men will like young ladies who are active, lively, decisive, strong, and very sexy, like Amazons.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that Aries is responsible for violence, its presence on the cusp of the house of partnership can indicate not only a high probability of divorce, but also violence in marriage, fights, quarrels, and even widowhood. There can also be competition in a marriage, especially if the partners work in the same professional field.

Enemies are usually very impulsive and active in this situation, but their anger does not last long. Most often, open enemies are men, since Aries is a masculine sign. However, I cannot say that this is an imperative rule. A woman can also be an enemy, but with a typically Aries character.

Seventh house in Taurus

Usually marriages with the Descendant in Taurus are concluded for love, but an important factor is how well the partner stands on his feet from a financial point of view. So to speak, “it’s heaven in a hut with a darling, if the darling drives a Porsche.” This is especially true if the Ruler is in an earth sign or the Second House. A lot of attention in relationships is paid to whether the partner can make the native’s life more comfortable, whether he can protect him during crises and stress, and whether he can be relied upon.

In this situation, you want a partner who is beautiful, pretty, sexy, balanced, calm, strong. If at the same time it also turns out to be economical, it will have no price! The partner's stubbornness, inertia, laziness and sometimes apathy are also possible. Since Taurus is a fixed sign, this means that a person can enter into a partnership “lazyly”, he is slow to rise, so to speak, but if romantic feelings appear, then it becomes very difficult to break off the relationship, get a divorce, or part ways. In general, all earth and water signs have a hard time with partings, while fire and air signs are much easier.

By the way, the Seventh House in Taurus is one of the indications for a happy marriage. Of course, this will be relevant only if Venus is strong and harmonious and there are no unfavorable factors in the natal chart. If Venus is weak, then often the native's partner turns out to be very fixated on his external attractiveness, and on the impression he makes on the opposite sex. Venus's job is to please. But with a strong Venus, both the native and his partner strive to please each other in order to maintain the flame of love. And if Venus is afflicted, then the partner loses his sense of proportion and wants to please everyone indiscriminately.

Most often, a person’s partners, say in work matters, are women. Moreover, attractive, calm, or perhaps slightly overweight, Taurus is still a sign of plumpness and good shape. Representatives of the fair half of humanity also often become enemies. For example, my former boss’s Descendant is in the sign of Taurus. So her open enemy was a woman with a stellium in this sign. And the Sun, and Mercury, and Venus, and it seems that something else went straight into the house of the open enemies of my leader. Initially, they worked together on one project, but when it began to generate more profit, my boss was simply “removed” and fired. Since then, there has been enmity between these women. Stellium Taurus wrote statements to the Department for Economic Crimes, the Prosecutor's Office and other authorities in order to annoy the boss. Fortunately, for the latter everything is in vain so far.

Seventh house in Gemini

Geminis are distinguished by such a property as superficiality, so such a person begins a relationship easily and also ends without emotional strain. But if the native has a watery Venus, then of course this will leave its mark.

If a person with the cusp of the Seventh House in Aries is looking for passion, emotions in a partnership, and in Taurus - stability and support, protection, then for the owner of the Descendant in Gemini, intellectual contact is very important. It is important that the partner is smart, well-read, witty, and educated. Such a partner can be forgiven, or at least turned a blind eye to some physical defects or financial insolvency, if you have fun and interesting time with him. If the Ruler of the house is seriously affected, then the partner may turn out to be a cunning, resourceful, deceitful person.

Since Gemini belongs to the category of double signs, a person can combine relationships with several people at once in one unit of time. Moreover, there may be no sexual contact, but the main thing is to communicate, to “get dirty.”

By the way, Gemini can generally indicate the number of marriages equal to two, or even polygamy. Elizabeth Taylor, owner of the Gemini Descendant, had eight marriages. And these are just the official ones. Civil marriages in this situation are also not uncommon, but rather an iron rule. In general, all air signs can talk about cohabitation without planning, but Libra, of course, in this case stands out a little. This sign strives specifically to legitimize relationships, since Saturn, the planet of formalities, law, order, is in exaltation in Libra.

Gemini on the Descendant can lead to a conscious search for a younger partner, or, even against the will of the native, his life will involve, for the most part, only people younger than him. I know of a friend whose age difference between her and her ex-boyfriend was five years. She was older.

People who are younger than him, cunning and smart, smiling in the face, but behind his back, spreading rumors and gossip about him, can become open enemies of a person. Gemini is the sign of brothers and sisters, so in the case of a tense aspect of Mercury, even a close blood relative can be the enemy.

Seventh house in Cancer

In this situation, either the native himself expects almost parental care and affection from his partner, or in relation to him he himself acts as a parent who helps, cares, grooms and cherishes. Men with a Descendant in Cancer subconsciously look for a woman who is somewhat similar to their mother. This may be an external resemblance, or the young man will have a desire for his other half to bake buns or cook borscht exactly the way his mother does! In general, the influence of mother and childhood on relationships can be great.

The owner of such a Descendant will be attracted to people who are emotional, domestic, oriented toward marriage, family, and the birth of children. It is likely that introverted, timid, shy and secretive people will also be attracted. In marriage and relationships, great importance is attached not to comfort, as in the case of Taurus, but to emotional security, reliability, and trust.

Since the Seventh House also represents open enemies, this could be the mother. True, in my practice there were very few cases when such an interpretation was appropriate. Most often, my mother acted as a business partner and advisor.

When there are conflicts and quarrels in marriage, the decision to divorce is difficult to make, and the separation itself is also experienced. After some time, many continue to communicate with their ex-husband or wife, as they no longer perceive them as a sexual object, but as a family member. But achieving stability in marriage and relationships is not easy - ebbs and flows are possible, then everything is good, then everything is bad, especially if the Moon is in a cardinal sign.

Seventh house in Leo

Well, here, of course, you want to find a bright partner, one you could be proud of and brag about. A prerequisite for a relationship is generosity, since the native will not be able to tie the knot with a stingy person. The partner may also turn out, depending on the aspect of the Sun, to be a noble, ambitious, faithful, passionate or selfish, powerful, authoritarian person. This could be a show business figure, an actor, a director, a producer, that is, a person with a creative specialty. Often the partner takes a leading position in the marriage, but this, of course, needs to be confirmed with additional instructions.

There may be theatricality and affectation in relationships, but in general, marriages in this situation are quite stable and long-lasting, because Leo, although a fire sign, belongs to the category of a fixed cross. One of the main reasons for the breakdown of a marriage and separation can be adultery, since fire signs have a hard time dealing with betrayal and do not want to share their partner with someone. If a married partner does not receive compliments, praise, or approval, this may push him towards separation.

Open enemies are usually noble in this situation and are not capable of base acts. The following illustration can be used as an example. Often in Hollywood, and not only films, during fights, battles, duels, if one of the partners, say, loses a sword or weapon, then the other does not finish him off and does not use the enemy’s moment of weakness for his own purposes. This is an act just in the spirit of the Leo Descendant.

Seventh house in Virgo

One of the indications is that marriage can be concluded with a work colleague or colleague, especially if the House Ruler is also in the Sixth. If it is in the Tenth, then this is no longer a colleague, but a boss, and in this case, Virgo on the Descendant can simply say that meeting your spouse will happen through work.

Virgo, as you know, is a sterile, cold, reserved sign. Therefore, you can’t expect much emotional warmth in marriage and relationships here. Yes, and Virgo, although she belongs to double signs, rarely gives two marriages. Sometimes this can even indicate complete celibacy. With accompanying factors, of course. This is because Virgo is too critical and selective in choosing a passion. She is looking for an ideal that, as we know, does not exist in nature.

In a relationship, it is important that the partner takes on the responsibility of arranging the house, resolving issues related to the household, and making money, since Ascendant Pisces are poorly adapted to this. Their task is to fill the relationship with emotionality.

A partner with the position of the Seventh House cusp in Virgo may turn out to be a work-oriented person, demanding, critical, but also responsive. In this case, responsiveness is expressed in specific help around the house or at work.

Seventh House in Libra

Never in my life have I come across a person with the Descendant in this sign. In general, for our latitudes, the Ascendant in Aries is rare, and, accordingly, the Descendant in Libra is also rare. Nevertheless, in essence, the owner of such a position as a spouse would like to see a person who is beautiful, graceful, diplomatic, and non-conflict, since the outbursts of aggression and anger of Aries need to be restrained by someone, because otherwise, the relationship will not last long. It may well be that the marriage will be concluded with a person of a creative profession, for example, a designer, fashion designer, artist, or a lawyer, judge, lawyer.

As I wrote above, the Seventh House in Libra almost always speaks specifically about a legal, official marriage, but to be precise, it is worth considering the state of Venus, as well as the planets inside this house. It is impossible to say that relationships in this situation are characterized by deep emotionality for obvious reasons. However, it can be difficult for a person to make the decision to separate, because then he will be left without the partnership for which he so strives. And despite the fact that Ascendant Aries are, as a rule, very decisive, in matters of marriage they can show an extreme degree of indecisiveness.

What else, logically, should be important to the owner of such a position is how others perceive his partner. If they don’t like him, the person may seriously think about whether it’s worth continuing the relationship.

If the position of Aries or Leo on the Descendant usually indicates that the partner will take a leadership position in relation to the native, then with the Seventh House in Libra, the relationship should be equal.

Representatives of those specialties that I outlined above, and simply beautiful, pretty, pleasant-looking people can become open enemies. It’s difficult to even call such people enemies, because Libra is not prone to hostility and showdowns. By the way, in this situation, the former partner can also be perceived as an enemy, with all the ensuing consequences.

Seventh house in Scorpio

A problematic situation for a healthy, harmonious partnership. Actually, like any Martian sign. Scorpio makes relationships very deep, emotionally rich, passionate. Sex plays a key role here. If the partner is not Brad Pitt outwardly, as they say, but in bed he completely satisfies the native, then such a marriage can last a very long time. In general, even having significant claims against each other, partners are not inclined to ruin the marriage. So you can often come across a saying about this situation - the saying “darlings are armored only for fun.”

The partner may turn out to be very suspicious and vindictive, suspicious, domineering, and a jealous owner. One of my friends has just such a situation. She, if my memory serves me right, has been married for five years. But her husband still checks on her: he buys “left” SIM cards, writes SMS to her in order to get to know her, invites her to a meeting, a date. Of course, one can easily get tired of such mistrust.

Due to the fact that Scorpio is a sign of death, its position on the cusp of the house of partnership may well indicate the danger of losing a spouse or widowhood. Issues of finance, credit, and borrowing will also become acute in marriage and relationships. A constant showdown of relationships, violence, both physical and psychological, and the second option is even more relevant, if the Seventh House falls into the sign of Scorpio, it is also possible.

For enmity this situation is very difficult. Although the Seventh House symbolizes open hostility, what kind of openness is there under Scorpio!? This sign does everything on the sly, in a cunning way, so he can remain silent about his antipathy for years, especially if the enmity is really serious. The most vengeful, merciless enemies can be found under the Scorpio Descendant. These could be people associated with mysticism, esotericism, crime, big money, sex.

Seventh house in Sagittarius

Well, it’s obvious here - the partner may be of a different nation, religion, faith, or he may just be a teacher, lawyer, translator. A fairly good position, because even with Jupiter completely killed, a person remains optimistic and believes that he will meet an even better partner, that happiness and joy await him ahead.

Sagittarius belongs to the category of double signs, and in general it is a Jupiterian sign. Therefore, its position on the cusp of the house of partnerships clearly hints that a person will have several marriages - from two and more. If, for example, Gemini on the Descendant is not inclined to legitimize relationships, or attracts appropriate partners, then with the Descendant in Sagittarius a person has a strong desire to legitimize each of his relationships, which, coupled with the optimism of the sign, leads to polygamy.

A very important criterion for finding a partner is the latter’s sense of humor. You can't go anywhere without this. Well, if, in addition to this, he turns out to be a very socially successful, prestigious person, then this is absolutely good. Plus, the partner may be a very religious person with high moral ideals.

Conflicts and enmity usually occur with representatives of other nationalities, with people from other countries, religious fanatics, as well as teachers and people engaged in Jupiterian activities. To be fair, I note that they can also act as business partners of such a person. Here, in order to understand which interpretation will be correct, you need to look and analyze other factors.

Seventh house in Capricorn

The key difference between this sign and others, in the context of this topic, will be the age difference. This is also typical for Gemini on the Descendant, but such owners, even against their will and desire, attract younger partners. And for the Descendant in Capricorn, it is more typical that the native himself will be younger. Although I note that this rule fails, and sometimes the partner turns out to be younger in age than the owner of this position.

What kind of partner would you like to see next to you in this situation? Status, wise, experienced, serious, responsible, disciplined workaholic. But depending on the aspect connections of Saturn, the partner may turn out to be callous, dry and extremely restrained in emotions, an overly authoritarian and stingy person. The same people can turn out to be a person’s enemies.

There are practically no easy, non-binding affairs in this situation. On the contrary, the attitude towards marriage is conservative and even too serious. But the owner can enter into marriage not for love, but based on other considerations. Here love and feelings play a “supporting role.”

It may well be that the partner will be higher than the owner in terms of career or social status, or Capricorn in this case will lose in such a way that the acquaintance with the future other half will occur at work or it will be the native’s boss, superior, or leader.

Capricorn in the Seventh House is one of the indications of a small number of marriages or complete celibacy. In general, having such a position in the chart, it is not advisable to get married before the return of Saturn, which every person experiences at the age of 29 - 30 years. Otherwise, what is likely is not just divorce, although this is not excluded, but very serious problems in the partnership.

Like any earth sign, Capricorn speaks of the desire to find a partner who can provide and take on the burden of making money, while the owner of the Ascendant in Cancer takes care of the house and children. In the life of my classmate with Capricorn on the Descendant, everything turned out this way. She got married quite early at 21 (by the way, at the square of transit Saturn to her natal one) and since then she has been sitting at home, raising two children. During this time, my husband bought them an apartment in a good area of ​​the capital and built a house. All financial issues rest solely on his shoulders. By the way, he has already opened his own company and registered his wife in it, but I won’t say in what specific position. Yes, this is not so important. It is important that Capricorn also showed himself here in this way - through working with his marriage partner.

Seventh house in Aquarius

In this situation, the partner is perceived as a friend, like-minded person. In the case of my close friend, this is exactly the situation. She dated a man for several years, then they broke up, and now they maintain friendly relations, not without sexual hints on the part of the young man. They tell each other about their love victories and failures, and in general one gets the impression that they always have something to talk about and discuss.

Freedom for such people is as necessary as oxygen. Stifling jealousy, intense passions and emotions are not welcome here. The main thing is that your partner lets you go for a walk with your girlfriends and friends, go bowling or go fishing. In this case, the marriage and relationship will be long-lasting. By the way, the friend mentioned above broke up with the man because of his suspiciousness and desire to control her always and everywhere.

Sometimes a partner in this position can be a very interesting, extraordinary person engaged in the Uranian field of activity - aviation, astrology, programming and similar areas.

It is difficult to determine the approximate number of marriages here. Uranus is Uranus. It can give a quick marriage, and a quick divorce, when people around you and relatives will be shocked by such speed. In general, some instability in relationships, it seems to me, will still occur. There is no escape from it.

Seventh house in Pisces

Pisces on the Descendant is in my boyfriend's chart. Thank God, I am not an alcoholic and have not been found to be addicted to drugs or illegal drugs. Although this is very common in this situation. One of the students, for example, once had a relationship with a drug addict. As soon as she found out about the “secret” of her beloved, she broke all ties with him. Another close friend also has a Descendant in Pisces. She has been in a relationship for five years with a man whose profession involves constant travel, “flights” at sea, but he, for example, does not have addictions.

Mom also has her Seventh House cusp in Pisces. Dad never drank, in general he has a negative attitude towards alcohol, including smoking, but he always feels sorry for all the animals, the destitute, the abandoned, and he is capable of self-sacrifice. He also has a powerful stellium in Pisces - Mercury, Venus, Mars, which settled directly in his mother’s Seventh House.

Holders of this position, in other words, can attract into their lives a partner who is dreamy, vulnerable, tender, romantic, creative, religious, associated with mysticism or interested in secrets, compassionate, merciful. This is with a good and harmonious Neptune. In the event that the planet is affected, or, for example, the native simultaneously has squares from Neptune to personal planets, then the partner may turn out to be a two-faced, unreliable intriguer.

The idealization of the partner here is simply off the charts. Either he is very good or very bad. Seeing your partner in real light is almost impossible. Where Pisces is, there is always charm, but also disappointment.

There will be secrets in relationships, as well as some omissions, understatements, misunderstandings, when one meant one thing, and the other understood something completely different. And the owner of such a position, especially if he is a man, and especially if he does not receive psychological satisfaction in marriage, will go to the side. The boundaries of what is permitted are washed away due to the position of the cusp in a water sign. For women the situation is different. As far as I can judge, I don’t know, maybe I just came across such girls, they are the ones who become victims of deception and betrayal on the part of their partner.

With love,

Analysis of the elements of the 7th house of the horoscope and especially its dispositor, Venus, will answer the question of whether a person will be happy in his personal life, in marriage, and whether he will have strong friendships. What kind of people will he choose to join his inner circle: faithful and devoted who will share and protect his interests, or cunning and selfish who will ultimately betray him. And also how seriously the person himself approaches relationships: is he looking for deep feelings, is he ready to make an effort, show complicity in order to preserve and strengthen the relationship that has arisen. Or he is only interested in superficial communication or profitable contacts. He strives for marriage, for sharing the path of life with a loved one; or, on the contrary, is too individualistic and strives for independence.

Also, the 7th house is a person’s relationship with the outside world, his contacts. The configuration of the planets with the Descendant plays a big role here. Mercury in sextile or trine with the Descendant means real talent, the gift of winning over people, being interesting to them, and arousing in them a desire to communicate.

Planets in the 7th house

Mercury located in the 7th house indicates a large number of acquaintances, the ability to easily find a common language. Venus or Jupiter in sextile, trine with the Descendant is a very lucky sign: this position means a lot of happiness, a happy family life, mutual love and prosperity, true devoted friends, including thanks to one’s own ability to create and maintain strong friendships; Moreover, deceitful and mercantile individuals somehow quickly fall out of the environment by themselves: fate gets rid of them.

Venus and Jupiter in the 7th house will attract noble, outwardly beautiful, internally harmonious people and arouse their sympathy; it also means success and popularity in society.

Mars in square with the Descendant means haste in action, rashness, subjection to emotions and sexual desires; misconceptions about other people: their feelings and intentions, when sexual attraction interferes with a sober assessment of the situation; destined to “cause fire upon oneself”, to be a victim of ill-wishers.

Saturn in square with the Descendant is a very alarming sign: it indicates a dangerous person: selfish and mercantile, cunning and treacherous, selfish and cold, incapable of feelings and even complicity (with completely blocked areas of the brain responsible for the emergence of feelings), and from the signs of Aries , Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn - downright evil! Due to their quarrelsome nature, in most cases such individuals remain lonely.

And the complete information available to the 7th house is:

  1. Marriage, family life. Happiness in marriage or a painful unsuccessful marriage, an unhappy life. The desire to create a family or to maintain independence.
  2. Friendship value: high or low. Relationships with close friends. The ability to start new relationships, create, strengthen and maintain friendships, or lack of contact, one’s own unreliability and irresponsibility in friendship. The ability or inability to participate, readiness to help friends.
  3. All contacts with the outside world. New acquaintances, the ability to make new acquaintances. The presence or absence of personal charm. Society's perception of a person. Reaction to his behavior, attitude of other people towards the person. Mars in the 7th house speaks of aggression towards a person, Jupiter of respect for him, Mercury of increased interest and attention towards him. Saturn in the 7th house reveals an outsider, someone who will have difficulty fitting into the company.
  4. Business partners. Relationships with them.
  5. Rivals, competitors. For example, in sports or business.
  6. Legal cases, threatening lawsuits.

The energy of Venus is sexual life, sexual behavior, sexual preferences, tastes, sexual preferences, the ability to experience feelings, and first of all, love, the ability to participate, internal harmony, internal and external beauty. Personal charm. Which is a direct indication of the associative connection of Venus with the 7th house and its disposition over this field.

The position of Venus will indicate a happy or unhappy personal life. A favorable position of Venus (without conjunction, square, opposition, half or sesquisquare with Saturn and Pluto, without sextile or trine with Neptune, and with a position not in Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, but vice versa in the sign of her native Water element or sensual Leo), when it is located in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th house or in configuration with the Ascendant or Meridian - directly means a happy life full of love and harmony!

And the more favorable the position (the presence of conjunction, sextile, semi-sextile, trine with Jupiter, the Moon, the Ascending Node of the Moon, semi-sextile with the Sun, Mercury, sextile with Mercury), the happier the person will be. Happiness inherent in Venus is the ability to love, sincerity and depth of feelings, goodwill and willingness to participate, those character traits that help to start, strengthen and maintain close relationships. This is happiness based on reciprocity in love and friendship!

Defective Venus (in conjunction, square, opposition, semi-square or sesquisquare with Saturn or Pluto or sextile, trine with Neptune, or in the sign of Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius) - a difficult search for happiness. A stable and prosperous marriage is possible only with those who have low sexual potential. And at the same time, there is either a tendency to become obsessed with the object of desire (the owner of this Venus), when reciprocity is no longer interesting, or a superficiality in feelings similar to the owner of such a flawed Venus. Otherwise the marriage will be unhappy. Loneliness awaits in your personal life. The nature of the sign of the Descendant and the planets that form a sextile or trine to the Descendant in the birth horoscope determine the characteristics of self-realization in the sphere of contacts, close friendships and marriage. They indicate those character qualities that a person especially values ​​in his loved ones, which he looks for in other people, which for him is the key to the desire to start, maintain and strengthen close relationships. Indicate his life values.

The Moon located in the 7th house speaks of instability of marriage, changes in family life, instability in relationships, and increased emotionality. The Sun from the 7th house speaks of success in all matters, but through partnership, in cooperation, but sometimes to the detriment of independence.

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The seventh house is the house of partnership (kalatra bhava). In the male horoscope it denotes the wife, and in the female horoscope it represents the husband. This is the main indicator of marriage and relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. Located opposite the ascendant, which symbolizes our “I,” the seventh house (descendant) represents our opposite or complement - the collective image of the “other.”

The seventh house is the house of love and passion. Planets that fall into it acquire a pronounced sexual connotation. However, the seventh house is characterized not so much by romantic interests (which are better judged by the fifth house), but by strong and long-term personal connections. The seventh house denotes partnership in the most general sense of the word and not only on a personal, but also on an impersonal level.

As an indicator of the relationship between self and other, the seventh house is associated with our social consciousness and ability to influence people. It can indicate political power or dominance over other people, especially if it contains malefics Saturn or Mars. These same malefic planets can cause the owner of the horoscope anxiety in the area of ​​sexual relations.

In general, any planets in the seventh house, even beneficial ones, do not contribute to harmony in personal relationships. Mercury here makes relationships too brief or superficial. Mars gives rise to conflicts, although it gives the owner of the horoscope personal power over people. Saturn indicates separation, alienation and selfishness, but also gives the person power. The sun means inequality in relationships: one of the partners will dominate the other or subjugate him to his will. Venus strengthens the attraction between partners, but can generate too strong desires. And even Jupiter is not safe here: under its influence, a person becomes unrestrained and tends to impose his society on people.

Material from the book Astrology of Seers. David Frawley

SEVENTH HOUSE: Jaya bhava - house of wife

The 7th house corresponds to the air sign and is therefore called the house of kama (desire).

Married life, spouse, sexual passions, partnership in all areas of life, veins and lower back, living in foreign countries, courts - all these are indicators of the 7th house.

The 7th house is primarily the house of marriage and partnership. It talks about the quality of married life and the character of the spouse. He also manages residence in foreign countries.

The 7th house, being a kendra (angular house), is considered mainly auspicious and therefore its ruler brings benefit to the house in which he is located.

Karaka or indicator of the 7th house is Venus.

The lord of the 7th house is located

In the 1st house. Health, strength, respect, a happy family life, a handsome or rich spouse, successful partnerships, strong desires or passions, a good sex life, perhaps marriage to a childhood sweetheart or someone who has been close for many years . Affairs of the 7th house are especially prosperous as the 7th house lord aspects his own house from this position.

In the 2nd house. Receiving wealth from the spouse, the spouse earns well, has good speaking skills, is intelligent, well educated and has a creative imagination. Income from business partnerships, happy family life.

In the 3rd house. The owner of the Kama house in another Kama house creates a nature with strong desires that are fulfilled. Rich or significant relatives, a brave and courageous spouse. The spouse may work in the field of music, dance, drama or literature. This is basically an unfavorable position for marriage.

In the 4th house. Happy marriage, comfort, happiness. Possibly own land, houses and means of transportation. High educational level.

In the 5th house. A handsome, rich or devoted spouse. Help from spouse's family, reasonableness, happiness from children, successful business partnership, happy love affairs, good marital karma due to efforts of previous life.

In the 6th house. Marital discord, divorce, sick spouse, failed partnerships.

In the 7th house. Planet in swakshetra (own house). The person will be strong, handsome and respected. A handsome, significant or gifted spouse. If the lord of the 7th house is a benefic planet, marriage is a source of joy; if it is malefic, there will be problems in the marriage and divorce is quite likely, despite the fact that the planet is in its own sign.

In the 8th house. Divorce, possible death of a marriage partner, misfortune from a spouse, income from insurance companies or wills, segments of a happy life are short.

In the 9th house. The husband is rich, handsome and devoted. Help from a spouse or his family, religious or spiritual marriage partner, good luck, happiness from a father, help from a Guru or elders, possible residence in a foreign country.

In the 10th house. Significant or career-oriented spouse, spouse helps in career, successful career, profession involves travel.

In the 11th house. The lord of the Kama house in another Kama house fulfills all desires and gives nature with strong desires. Benefits from a partner, a happy marriage, financial income come after marriage.

In the 12th house. Divorce, spouse may die early, marriage partner does not bring happiness, unsuccessful or unsuccessful partnerships, good sex life. The person may have a strong sexual nature as the 7th house rules passions and the 12th rules sexual pleasures.

The 7th house is the house of Kama and corresponds to desires.

Spouse, married life, partnership, sexual passions, courts, veins and lower back, representations in foreign countries.

Material from the book Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Braha


Lord of the 7th house in the 1st house

These people will travel a lot. They will treat their marriage partners as the most important thing in their lives. They get a permanent job in some enterprise. They are loyal, brave and healthy.

Lord of the 7th house in the 2nd house

They are gifted with much more than their life partner. They often talk about money and sex. They are able to manage money well; they shorten their lifespan by getting too carried away and abusing anything.

Lord of the 7th house in the 3rd house

Lord of the 7th house in the 4th house

This serves as a sign of an educated person; a person with a happy marriage partner. These people have significant property; engage in humanitarian activities. They meet famous people.

Lord of the 7th house in the 5th house

Perhaps they will be lucky enough to have a good wife, or a good husband. Entertainment skills; the ability to produce many children; they have high financial status.

Lord of the 7th house in the 6th house

A person born with such yoga is likely to experience periods when he is yearning for love; likely to have a painful marriage partner; susceptibility to sexual diseases.

Lord of the 7th house in the 7th house

He is a good citizen and an active, courageous person. He is well qualified in his field of work; knows how to convince people of the correctness of his ideas. There will also be sexual pleasures in his life. Widely known.

Lord of the 7th house in the 8th house

This person will suffer due to the death or imprisonment of his marriage partner or will experience anxiety related to sex. They will have losses in business, some interest in the doctrine of reincarnation; death will occur on foreign soil.

Lord of the 7th house in the 9th house

The wife will be religious; there will be good luck in a foreign land, favorable opportunities will be provided to visit famous places and large temples. If these people are skilled in something, it will be trade or diplomacy. An ambitious desire for power will appear.

Seventh house in Vedic astrology

/ Empty 7th house

What does an empty seventh house mean?

The seventh house of the horoscope is responsible for marriage, for serious, long-term relationships. That is why many people who are actively interested in horoscopes and use astrological knowledge in their lives have a question about the situation when there are no planets in the seventh house. Sometimes this question from women even sounds like this: “There are no planets in the seventh house in my horoscope. Will I never get married? Let's look into this issue.

Some statistics

In astrology, there are 12 houses in each birth horoscope. But only ten planets that can get into these houses are used. Thus, even if each planet is in a different, separate house, there will not be enough planets for all houses. As you can see, the planets have no problems with housing. And since Mercury and Venus often like to live together with the Sun in the same house (since they rarely go very far from it), there are quite a few empty houses in the horoscope. Among the empty houses there is often the 7th house of the horoscope. That is, purely statistically, this situation is not uncommon and you are definitely not alone with such emptiness in the 7th house.

How scary is the absence of planets in the 7th house?

Statistics are statistics, but it’s not your neighbor who has no planets in the seventh house, but you. And this fact can be noticeably alarming for newcomers to astrology, sometimes even frightening.

In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of here. The position of a planet in a house only indicates that the planet will manifest its qualities precisely in the sphere of this house. For example, if the Sun is in your sixth house, you can show your personal qualities through work and professional activities, and if the Sun is in the seventh house, then you will show your personal qualities through relationships with other people, including through relationships with your spouse ( or spouse). Thus, the absence of planets in the seventh house only indicates that none of the planets will realize their own qualities through marriage or relationships.

So will there be a marriage or not?

It is definitely impossible to answer this question based only on whether there are planets in the seventh house or not. But we can say with absolute certainty that the absence of planets in the 7th house does not in any way interfere with marriage. Sometimes it happens that people with an empty seventh house get married or even get married more than once.

What then can be said about marriage? Will it be successful?

Apart from the planets in a house, each house has a significator and a ruler. These may be two planets, or there may be one, which is both a significator and the ruler of the house. It is by their position in the horoscope that marriage should be judged. Of great importance is the sign in which the vertex of the seventh house is located.

By the top of the seventh house one can judge both the nature of the relationship and a little about the character of the future spouse. For example, Aries on top of the 7th house suggests that you can have a marriage with a person who is straightforward, open and active, and the relationship itself will be honest and dynamic. Sometimes women with this position of the 7th house are attracted to men in military professions.

Venus is the significator of the seventh house in any horoscope. Therefore, its position is also important for the analysis of marriage. Here you need to look at the position in the sign, the position in the house and the aspects of Venus with other planets of the horoscope. For example, the position of Venus in Capricorn can bring the owner of such a position in the horoscope to take marriage seriously. Moreover, if Venus has an exact harmonious aspect with Uranus, and Venus itself is located in one of the angular houses, then despite a serious attitude towards marriage, it can happen at a young age. At the same time, a serious attitude towards marriage will not disappear anywhere.

The ruler of the seventh house is different in each horoscope. His position is very important. It is this planet that controls the affairs of the seventh house (especially if there are no planets in the 7th house). Its position must also be considered. Depending on what sign and house it is in, what aspects it forms with other planets, you can judge the success and stability of the marriage, and suggest the circumstances under which it is possible to meet your future spouse.

So we have to synthesize the information we get about marriage from the birth horoscope. This synthesis is based on the position of the vertex of the 7th house in the sign, the planets in the seventh house and their aspects, the position of the ruler and significator of the house and their aspects with other planets. The absence of planets in the seventh house only somewhat simplifies this analysis, since it reduces the number of factors that we can take into account and we receive all the complete information on the elements remaining at our disposal.

Symbolizes the zodiac sign Libra, natural ruler - Venus

Meaning of the seventh house of the natal chart: marriage, partnership, interaction and relationships with other people.

The seventh house in astrology is traditionally considered the house of partnership, marriage and open confrontation. While it is true that the placement of planets in the seventh house of a horoscope can tell us what we are looking for in a partner, it is not its only meaning. The basis of relationships largely depends on the signs and planets. For example, Saturn in the seventh house can mean a marriage based on responsibilities, Jupiter speaks of relationships associated with the desire for development and expansion.

Characteristics of the seventh house

The location of planets and zodiac signs in the seventh house, associated in astrology with Venus and Libra, shows what a person expects from a relationship, what qualities he values ​​most in a partner. Often, individual elements of the natal chart are correlated with the partner’s seventh house and the planets in it.

Untapped potential is associated with the seventh house of the horoscope. As Carl Jung said, if something in a person’s soul remains unconscious, it happens in the real world, by the will of fate. If we do not fully understand something in our personality, we attract it to ourselves in the form of other people. On a deeper level, the qualities we look for in a partner are what we are not entirely aware of in ourselves. This is the hidden side of personality that needs to be known in order to live a fuller life.

In accordance with the symbolism of the seventh house, qualities, both positive and negative, which we ourselves lack or which we do not like, are often projected onto loved ones. If we react too emotionally to certain character traits of a person, it means that they remind us of something about ourselves. The seventh house of the horoscope is a mirror in which the personality is reflected. If we suppress qualities in ourselves that we do not like, it is not surprising that they irritate us in others.

Sometimes people reject potentially positive traits in themselves that they then attract in others. The qualities of a partner complement us and create a feeling of comfort, so we want to be close to those who possess these traits. With experience, you can develop these qualities in yourself. However, if you constantly spend your energy on dependence on others, the accumulated irritation can result in open hostility - this is the contradictory side of the seventh house. The seventh house of the natal chart teaches us that the road to ourselves lies through the acceptance of others; success or failure in close relationships will tell us more about ourselves than about our partner.