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What time do cats get neutered? At what age is it best to castrate a cat? Veterinary surgeon prepares instruments

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


The favorite of the whole family, the kitten, pleases the eye while it runs around the apartment and plays with its toys. Time passes, the animal grows, small changes occur in its body, and a period of sexual activity is about to begin, during which the pet will begin to mark its territory.

When is it better to castrate a cat and is it worth it?

Many people think that castration and sterilization procedures are best carried out in the early stages of development of the pet’s reproductive system, but this is a misconception. The question arises: at what age should a cat be castrated in order to avoid possible embarrassment? A still unformed animal organism can malfunction the urinary system. To avoid such complications, you need to adhere to the ideal period announced by the researchers - a year, plus or minus a couple of months.

Owners of purebred pets who do not plan to breed them can decide to undergo surgery. The reason for this may be:

  • excessive aggression of the animal in the spring (often this is an Abyssinian breed);
  • fear of losing a pet (be it a British or Scottish pet);
  • the appearance of a pungent odor of urine in the living room;
  • caring for the future health of an adult pet (most of them are susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system, especially the Scottish and British pets).

Should I agree to such a procedure or not? This is a personal choice for each person, but if you want to prolong the life of your pet, then it is better to know in advance about when you can castrate a cat, how to prepare for surgery, what the consequences may be, and the price of the upcoming treatment. Those who promise to do it inexpensively cannot guarantee the safety of the life of a pet. The optimal price for a one-year-old pet is 2000 rubles in the suburbs of Moscow.

When should a young cat be neutered?

A domestic kitten brings joy to its owners until it begins to mark its territory and strives to become a yard individual in order to satisfy its instincts. This behavior is caused by the action of hormones produced in the body of a mature animal. In order not to harm your pet, you should not allow it near the cat before castration. In this case, the question arises: at what age are cats castrated?

A kitten, when born, is small in size (especially the Bengal breed) and only becomes larger over time. Therefore, castration can be performed no earlier than seven to eight months. If this fact is rejected, the likelihood of risk associated with inflammation of the urethra and the development of adhesions that block the urinary canal increases. At what age can a cat be neutered? It is better from the year when the body is fully formed.

At what age can a cat be neutered?

Any veterinarian will tell you that it is not worth delaying the operation for a long time. Hormones are initially produced only in the testicles, and in adults, also in the pituitary gland. If you remove the gland responsible for maturation in the later stages of development, then it will not be possible to completely get rid of territory marking and night exclamations, because some of the hormones will continue to be produced by the pituitary gland. Do not forget that the operation is performed under anesthesia, and an adult cat tolerates it worse than a fold-eared kitten whose testicle has just begun to function.

Cost of castration of cats

If you understand at what age cats are castrated, then you will have to understand why the price of the operation varies in clinics? The cost of the procedure depends on many factors:

  • the need to examine the animal;
  • need to bathe the individual;
  • delivery assistance;
  • breed (Scottish, British, etc.);
  • age of the cat (9 months or 2 years);
  • prices of anesthetic drugs, etc.

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Everyone knows that after birth, the animal’s body continues to grow and develop for some time. Hormonal imbalances at an early age can ultimately lead to improper formation of the musculoskeletal system and genitourinary system, which will cause many problems in the future and shorten the pet’s life. Therefore, you should figure out when you can adopt a cat, how the time of castration depends on the breed of the animal.

A small pet develops very quickly, changes occur in its body every month.

First month

This is the most responsible and dangerous time. Kittens are born blind and deaf with weak immunity; they receive protection from microorganisms through their mother's milk. Kittens begin to hear on days 4-5, and their eyes open only at the end of the second week. At this time, pets cannot be separated from their mother; they receive all the necessary antibodies with milk, so they are completely protected. Also, the mother cat licks them, which is a massage and bathing at the same time. By the end of the month, the kittens begin to stand up, but they have difficulty walking.

Second month

The kitten is already getting up and running around, playing a lot with his brothers and sisters. He still does not leave his mother's side, and the basis of his diet is milk, but now he also tries adult food, helped by two rows of baby teeth.

At this time, problems with stool often appear, which are a reaction to the appearance of new food. The kitten does not have its own immunity, so for now it receives protection from its mother cat. By the end of the month, gender differences begin to gain momentum, males are slightly larger than females, and in some cats you can even see the testicles.

Third month

By the end of the second month, milk gradually disappears from the menu, the kitten switches to natural food, which is why the first vaccination should be carried out in the third month of life, since the kitten no longer receives antibodies from milk, but there are still few of its own.

Determining the sex at this age is very difficult, since many pets have not yet released their testes into the scrotum. Kittens can now be fed a little less often – 4-5 times a day. By the end of the third month, the kitten's immunity will be strong enough to be passed on to a new family.

Fourth month

At this time, the kitten already weighs more than a kilogram. The testes protrude into the scrotum in almost all males. However, if this does not happen, then there is no need to worry, sometimes it happens that The testicles reach their natural position only by 5-7 months.

By the end of the fourth month, kittens can reach 1.5 kilograms, at which time the baby teeth begin to change to molars. Also during this period, repeated deworming and routine vaccination take place.

Read also: Sterilization of a cat without castration: the essence of methods, pros and cons

Fifth-seventh month

By the fifth month, the kittens already weigh 2 kilograms, they now have three meals a day, and they are still growing quickly. The kittens now eat exclusively adult food. At this time, it will be necessary to carry out regular deworming and vaccination.

In the sixth month, hormones begin to play in kittens, cats feel like males for the first time and begin to run after cats. In the seventh month, the first seasonal molt is possible; the kittens lick themselves and often swallow fur, which is why they then regurgitate it.

By the end of the seventh month, kittens have almost stopped growing, they reach their natural size, but muscle mass will still accumulate, so weight gain does not slow down.

Eighth to twelfth month

Kittens continue to gain weight, but this happens due to the ossification of “baby” cartilage and the development of muscle and fat tissue. By the end of the first year of life, kittens become truly adults, although they can still gain weight.

Also at this time, the character sometimes changes, the pet may become calmer, but this usually does not happen in animals that are often outside. It is at this time that it is better to castrate the cat and sterilize the cat.

Optimal period for castration

Castration must be carried out on time; you cannot rush into it, as it can harm the development of the body. There are many reasons not to neuter your pets prematurely.

However, it is worth immediately noting that some breeds are best neutered at an early age due to a predisposition to. In particular, the Scots, or it is advisable to castrate before 5-7 months of life, since at this age they tolerate anesthesia more easily.

First of all, early castration has an adverse effect on the development of the body:

  • Males are usually much more active than cats; they need this to protect the female during pregnancy and to hunt “for two.” With early castration, when gender behavior has not yet formed, the pet becomes more passive and lethargic. This is also affected by the lack of walking outside.
  • After castration, cats require much less energy, which is associated with the restructuring of the body according to the “female” type. At the same time, they eat the same amount, so as a result they often gain excess weight. It rarely occurs in young kittens, but many adult pets who are neutered at an early age suffer from it.
  • Cats are at risk due to their tortuous and narrow urogenital canal. The main predisposing factors are obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, which is exactly what happens with early castration.
  • Kittens castrated before 6-7 months rarely lag behind in growth, and often even gain weight faster than their uncastrated peers. However, this occurs due to the fact that the bones harden more slowly, causing them to become longer and the animal to become larger. The same process leads to a decrease in the strength of the skeleton, which, along with large mass and frequent obesity, increases the risk of fractures.
  • Pets neutered before 7 months usually have an underdeveloped penis. This phenomenon leads to the creation of extra space between the penis and the prepuce. Urine often accumulates in this “pocket,” which causes irritation and increases the risk of developing infectious diseases.

Read also: How cats are castrated: preparation, anesthesia, surgery, care

In addition, surgery at an early age is often dangerous due to anesthesia, since it is not harmless. In addition, there are many other dangers that await a small pet:

  • Surgery on a small animal is more difficult simply because of the size of the patient. Kittens' scrotum is often smaller than their little fingernail, so simply getting a scalpel into the right place is a real challenge. In addition, it is necessary not only to cut the skin, but to remove, bandage and cut off the testes, so the operation is much more complicated, and it is easier to make a mistake.
  • Anesthesia is calculated based on the pet's weight. Moreover, even a slight overdose of a couple of percent can lead to excessive respiratory depression, and this leads to serious complications. Due to the low body weight of kittens, anesthesia is more difficult to find. Of course, it is easier to select the dose when the pet’s weight is measured in kilograms rather than grams.
  • In kittens up to 6-7 months of age, natural symptoms may occur, since their testes often do not protrude into the scrotum immediately after birth. This is a completely normal phenomenon; by six months, all kittens’ testicles will take their natural position. However, with early castration in such animals, surgical intervention will be a cavity operation, and this will sharply increase the likelihood of complications and the duration of postoperative recovery.
  • Small kittens do not have their own immunity. Up to 2-3 months they receive antibodies from their mother's milk, and later their body begins to develop its own protection. However, even at this time, their immune system is often not perfect; kittens often suffer from diarrhea for this reason. Surgical intervention will only worsen their condition and provoke the development of the disease. Antibiotics are used to disinfect the surgical wound, but they can destroy not only bacteria, but also the patient’s own nascent immunity.
  • In small pets, the liver and kidneys do not have the necessary capacity to function with low blood pressure or to quickly remove drugs from the bloodstream. Therefore, under anesthesia in kittens, the likelihood of disruption of these systems increases.
  • The little one grows by the hour at first, doubling its weight every month. Because of this, the kitten has such a high metabolism that it must eat every 4-5 hours.

Every pet reaches the point of puberty with age, which sometimes entails inconvenience for owners. A wandering cat, under the influence of hormones, begins to mark its territory, leaving a pungent smell of urine throughout the house, constantly screams, becomes aggressive and restless. To avoid such behavior from your pet, many people wonder whether it is necessary and when to castrate a cat, at what age is it preferable to do this?

At what age is it better to castrate a cat?

The best time When can you castrate a cat? without further health consequences is the age of up to 1 year. During this period of maturation of a young animal’s body, all organs of the reproductive system are already fully formed, and good health makes it easy to undergo surgery.

Veterinarians prohibit castration before a cat reaches six months of age, since his body is not yet fully formed, and external intervention can provoke serious diseases of the genitourinary system in the pet in the future.

Many owners of furry hunters think about such a procedure when the age of the cats has long exceeded 1 year and there may be enough reasons for this. First of all, not everyone has the opportunity to pay for surgery for their pet at a certain point in its life or does not have the free time to provide it with proper care after surgery. Animal owners who want to preserve the natural functions of his body, but after a while simply give up on his regular sprees and damage to things, also think late about castration. Sometimes pets change owners when they are adults, and the new owners do not want to live with constant problems and worries.

In any case, be aware of the importance of carrying out such an operation and at what age to castrate a cat best of all, all their owners should.

Until what age can a cat be neutered without consequences?

The limit in this case is the seven-year mark, but operations can be carried out later, for certain indications. Why exactly this age? The fact is that for cats this figure is equivalent to a human 45 years, when the body is no longer able to tolerate outside interference as easily as before. Anesthesia at this age already becomes a test for the animal, so before the operation the pet needs to undergo a series of tests. Only after a thorough check of the functioning of his internal organs can a veterinarian give permission for surgical intervention. To do this you need to do:

  • complete urine analysis;
  • detailed blood test;
  • do an immunogram;
  • the cat must have all vaccinations according to age;
  • Conduct a thorough examination to rule out the presence of diseases in the animal.

As a rule, after a comprehensive examination, veterinarians rule out the possibility of complications, but there are cases when the pet’s body behaves unexpectedly. Postoperative period in old age, it is better for cats to be carried out under the strict supervision of specialists.

Indications for late castration

Sometimes veterinarians don't look at it At what age can a cat be neutered?. This is relevant when implementing a volunteer program to reduce the number of homeless animals. The fact is that a cat is capable of reproducing throughout its life, and in order to stop the increase in the number of street animals, serious action must be taken.

In the case of pets, castration at a later age is carried out solely for medical reasons or when the benefits outweigh all possible risks. Among these reasons:

  • uncontrolled aggression;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • disease of the testes or prostate;
  • removal from breeding.

The latter often happens with breeding representatives of breeds that are used for breeding at a young age, but over time become unsuitable for producing healthy offspring. So that the animal does not suffer anymore during periods of sexual heat in vain and did not cause any inconvenience to the owners, they decide to carry out such an operation. This always happens when the pet is old.

It is important for owners of cats who decide to castrate an adult animal to understand that its sex hormones are produced by the pituitary gland and even after the operation it can continue to mark the territory and call for cats. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely eliminate all the troubles associated with a pet’s sexual desire. castration can only reduce them and then, for a certain period of time.

Pros and cons of the operation

If you castrate a cat before his first spree, you can get rid of the following for the rest of his life:

  • aggression;
  • cat marks in the house;
  • surges in the animal's hormonal levels.

Statistics say that sterilized pets are calmer, more playful and affectionate. They scream less and live 1.5-2 years longer than their full-fledged counterparts. It is also important that the operation completely prevents the risk of prostatitis in a cat.

The negative aspects of sterilization include depriving the animal of its basic instinct to reproduce. This increases the cat's interest in food, which is why neutered animals often suffer from obesity. To control your pet’s weight, you should feed it only food labeled “For sterilized cats” that is balanced taking into account the characteristics of their body.

The consequences of the operation itself can also pose a danger to the animal’s health, when the pet may have inflamed stitches, bleed, or have problems recovering from anesthesia. Preliminary tests and careful preparation of the animal greatly help to prevent these consequences.

Rehabilitation period

The operation can be performed at a veterinary clinic or by calling a doctor to your home. The latter option will reduce the animal’s nervousness and will also help protect it from contact with sick pets before the procedure itself. In any case, after sterilization itself, complete rehabilitation takes two days, which the animal spends at home under strict supervision. Caring for an animal after castration must be special, because the pet’s further health depends entirely on the owners.

It is important not to feed your pet 12 hours before surgery, so you need to know What time does a cat need to be neutered?. After the procedure, the animal should also not be fed for 24 hours, since recovery from anesthesia provokes vomiting and nausea. If the animal itself does not show interest in food on the second day, then the owner needs to gradually feed it with liquid food from a pipette. It is very important to provide the animal with access to water not only immediately after castration, but throughout the rest of the pet’s life, so as not to provoke urolithiasis in him.

The behavior of the animal in the postoperative period differs significantly from usual. Recovery from anesthesia is often accompanied by sudden jumps of the cat, attempts to hide and run away. At this time, you need to monitor the animal and not let it get into a secluded place so that the cat does not break the seams. To do this, the pet needs to be placed on an absorbent diaper in the middle of the most spacious room, where there are no secret places for it. A diaper will come in handy as urination may be uncontrollable at this point. It is not recommended to place the cat on a bed or sofa, because during sudden jumps the pet may fall, and coordination of movements is fully restored only after 48 hours.


No matter how old a cat is, castration significantly reduces his aggression and evens out hormonal levels. Of course, it is better to prevent all possible problems in the future and have the pet have surgery before its first mating. This ensures that there are no stink marks or damage to things in the house. Castration at an advanced age for a cat is not always a solution, but it can be carried out according to certain recommendations of specialists, and it will also prolong the life of the pet for some time.

When to castrate a cat is a very important question that often arises among owners of these animals. The most suitable age is closer to 12-14 months. The later it is done, the better for the animal, but castration before the age of 6-7 months can lead to the fact that the development of its genital organs does not reach a normal level. This may cause

The main indication of when it is better to castrate a cat is his sexual activity, which he begins to show at the age of six months. If it is not planned to use the animal as a breeder, then the pet’s sexual needs become quite a big problem for its owners. like the street one, under the influence of instinct it marks its territory, as a result of which a stable urine appears in the room. Sometimes a cat's sexual activity can lead to a tragic outcome. For example, in search of a partner, a cat may escape from the house through an unlocked door, jump from a window or from a balcony. As a result, he may be injured or even die, or get lost and not return home.

After castration surgery, the cat usually stops marking its territory. But if he has ever had matings before, or he is older than one and a half years old, it is impossible to guarantee that the cat will stop marking his territory; the probability still remains. If you succeed on time, you can count on the absence of “marks”. The cat will also stop screaming in the spring and will be less aggressive. The life expectancy of a castrated animal is longer, and playfulness and active behavior are preserved. In addition, castration protects the cat from various feline infections and diseases associated with the genitourinary system. It must be said that about 70% of uncastrated cats are susceptible to such diseases.

After the operation, it does not require any special care, but considering that anesthesia is used during the operation, you just need to be a little more attentive to your pet. Some time must pass before the animal returns to normal life, and during this period it is necessary to ensure that, in order to avoid injury from a fall, the cat does not jump high. But he won’t run away from home, won’t scream, damage furniture or mark his territory.

When it is too late to castrate a cat or is impossible for medical reasons, then all that remains is to provide him with regular mating and stock up on special deterrents to avoid the appearance of further “marks”.

If you decide to castrate your cat

When getting a cat, we usually don’t think about the fact that our pet will reach puberty and will start screaming at night, marking, aggressive behavior, and trying to run away from home. In this case, some owners decide to castrate their pet. However, a logical question arises: at what age is it better to castrate a cat? In this article we will talk about this.

Optimal age for castration of a cat

Most veterinarians agree that it is not advisable to castrate a cat before six months. The optimal age for castration of a pet is 7-10 months. At this age, the animal tolerates anesthesia more easily and recovers faster after surgery.

Castration of cats at a young age. Consequences

Up to six months, the pet’s body grows and develops intensively. Organs and organ systems are formed, including the genitourinary system.

There are several reasons why it is not recommended to castrate cats before 6 months:

  • Underdevelopment of the urinary system, because of this, the risk of disease of the urinary tract, urethra and bladder increases;
  • Animals under 6 months do not tolerate anesthesia well.

Castration of old cats. Until what age can surgery be performed?

Neutering of mature pets over the age of 8 years can negatively affect the health and general well-being of the pet. To minimize the negative consequences of surgery for an older cat, the veterinarian carries out:

  • General examination;
  • Laboratory tests of blood and urine.

Old pets tolerate anesthesia less well. General anesthesia seriously affects the animal’s body, and after its use, deaths are possible. It is also more difficult for an elderly pet’s body to recover after surgery.

How to prepare a cat for castration

Castration is a serious intervention in a pet’s body. Therefore, choose a surgeon responsibly. It is best to choose a clinic and doctor based on recommendations from familiar animal owners.

Before castration, bring your pet to be examined by a veterinarian. The doctor will make sure that the cat does not suffer from cryptorchidism. Cryptorchid cats are more difficult to castrate; the operation is more labor-intensive and expensive. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional preoperative examination of the animal.

In each specific situation, preparing a cat for surgery is different:

  • For healthy animals at a young age, a general examination before castration and a fasting diet for 12 hours are sufficient;
  • For elderly pets, not only a general examination is required, but also blood donation for general and biochemical analysis, urine, and ECG. If any pathologies are detected, the veterinarian will recommend an additional examination of the cat.

It is dangerous to undergo surgery for pets with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems at any age.

Castration of a cat. Is it worth having surgery?

Many cat owners wonder whether their pet needs surgery. After all, there are many disadvantages of castration. Let's summarize and list the main ones:

  • Stress during and after surgery;
  • Surgical and postoperative complications (general anesthesia, bleeding, suture inflammation, surgical infection);
  • Consequences after surgery (changes in metabolism, weight gain, risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system);
  • Maintaining bad habits (tags, aggressive behavior).

It is up to the owner of the animal to decide whether to have surgery on the cat or not. However, there is a more humane and proven way to get rid of problems associated with a pet’s sexual desire. We will talk about it further.

Alternative to surgery. A humane way to solve sexual heat problems in a pet

Castration does not always help get rid of fetid marks and obnoxious behavior of your pet. Even after surgery, the cat's habits may continue. So is it worth putting your pet’s health at risk and putting it under the surgeon’s knife?

Many owners and breeders of cats choose a humane alternative to surgery - the use of drugs to regulate sexual heat.

Gestrenol – peace of mind, health and safety

The use of the drug Gestrenol is a humane and modern alternative to castration. Gestrenol is a new generation bihormonal drug created specifically for cats. Gestrenol contains two analogues of natural sex hormones. Due to this, the concentration of active substances is reduced tens of times compared to monohormonal drugs. This allows you to achieve maximum effect with minimal impact on the animal’s body.

Effective correction of cat behavior

Gestrenol effectively corrects a cat's behavior during heat. The use of the drug will help get rid of marks, aggression and calling calls from your pet.

Especially for cats. Security action

The drug was developed specifically for cats and cats, taking into account their specific characteristics. The composition includes two analogues of natural sex hormones, which ensure high efficiency and safety of use of the product. Gestrenol contains catnip. It attracts cats with its taste and smell, which makes the drug easier to use.

Restoration of reproductive function

Three months after discontinuation of the drug, the cat can be bred, which is especially important for breeding animals.