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White Swiss Shepherd. White Swiss Shepherd: photo and description of the breed What is the name of the white shepherd

This dog is an excellent watchdog, but its character is soft and pliable. She is much easier to get along with than a German or East European Shepherd, although she is not inferior to them in intelligence and alertness. White Shepherds are playful, friendly, sociable and love children. Such a dog is well trained, participates with pleasure in all family activities and literally “talks” with its owners, emitting a huge range of different sounds.

Purpose of the breed

White Shepherds are descended from German dogs. In Europe, white puppies were discarded; in America and Canada, on the contrary, they began to breed them specifically - it was much easier for a shepherd to distinguish a white dog from a wolf attacking the herd. Dogs with several generations of pure white ancestors began to be imported to Europe, including Switzerland. Here, American-Canadian Shepherds quickly became popular, and in 2003 they were recognized by the international canine organization FCI, registering the breed under the name “White Swiss Shepherd”. Around the same time, the first dogs of this breed began to appear in Russia. Although the breed was bred as a herding dog, these dogs quickly began to be used as working dogs, detection dogs, rescue dogs, guide dogs, and companion dogs. The dog's flexible character and sharp mind allow even inexperienced owners to cope with it.


Dimensions and weight. Height at the withers of males is 58–66 cm, females 53–62 cm. Weight of males is 30-40 kg, females - 25-35 kg.

The body is elongated, harmonious, medium bone, straight topline, muscular body, chest not very wide, but deep, oval, long croup, strong loin.

The head is dry, wedge-shaped, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is moderately or weakly expressed, the skull is rounded, the muzzle is strong, long, tapering towards the nose, the nose and lips are as dark as possible, light shades are unacceptable, strong jaws, scissor bite, almond-shaped eyes, brown ears erect, triangular, set high, directed forward.

The tail is saber-shaped, well-furred, set low, hanging straight or slightly curved towards the end.

The coat can be either medium length or long, straight, hard, with undercoat.

Colors. Pure white.

Character and behavior

The character is soft, pliable, emotional. The White Swiss Shepherd is people-oriented, very loyal, smart to the point of cunning, sociable, inquisitive, and strives to be in the company of its owners as much as possible. She is friendly and non-aggressive, very good-natured, does not enter into conflicts with other animals, and is obedient. The dog is calm, intelligent, devoted to its owners and its home, a reliable, vigilant watchman.


Like all herding dogs, the white shepherd is quite active, it requires a good walk with the opportunity to run, and active games. At home she is also active, it’s good if she has somewhere to frolic and play.


There is no need for rigidity in raising a white shepherd, she is obedient and learns rules well, and also has good manners by nature, so it is difficult to train her incorrectly. Of course, like all puppies, she needs socialization, and if you want her to do a certain job, appropriate training.


The Swiss are highly trainable - they have excellent memory, intelligence and quick wits, in addition, they strive to please people and carry out commands with pleasure. Training methods should be gentle.

Relationships with the owner and family members. A devoted and faithful friend to the whole family, although he singles out the owner and seeks his company. Will protect any family member.

The attitude towards children is excellent. This dog gets along well with children, takes care of them, plays, enjoys spending time in their company - in general, this is exactly the kind of dog that can be recommended for families with children.

Restrained attitude towards strangers. By nature, the white shepherd is friendly to strangers, but after training, without showing aggression, it vigilantly monitors everyone who approaches its owners and is ready to intervene at any moment.

Relationships with other animals are good. The shepherd quickly gets used to other animals in the house and even takes care of them, “grazing” and playing with them.

Care and health

Health and life expectancy. The Swiss live 12–15 years, they are strong and resilient, and enjoy good health. Joint problems and dysplasia, which are common in many large breeds, are rare in them. Also among possible but rare diseases are eye diseases and allergies.

Physical exercise. Needs moderate exercise - walking, outdoor games such as frisbee or fetching a ball, possibly running.

Care. The coat of white shepherds requires care. Although it has dirt-repellent properties, you still have to bathe these dogs quite often if you want your pet to look snow-white. Also, rather long hair needs to be combed frequently so that it does not get tangled.

Feeding. An adult white shepherd should be fed twice a day; it is important not to overfeed so that its body remains lean. Raw meat, offal, dairy products, eggs and vegetables are a must, but you can also feed them with balanced, good dry food.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros: good-natured, non-aggressive, sociable, loves children, a good watchman, very obedient and trainable, beautiful and resilient.

Cons: very cunning, requires good walking, attention, also not everyone likes her “talkativeness” - a large number of sounds made.

The smart blonde is an ideal companion: unpretentious, sociable and amazingly courageous. The White Swiss Shepherd will become just such a brave family friend. The history of the appearance of the breed is quite confusing. In 1882, a shepherd dog was spotted at an exhibition in Hanover. In fact, this is a descendant of the German Shepherd, but due to its snow-white color, the dog was not registered for a long time. For a long time, shepherds used dogs for work - the color prevented their helpers from being confused with wolves.

Dogs were brought to Switzerland from the USA and Canada. On March 5, 1966, the male Lobo, the founder of the breed, was born. The registration of shepherd dogs in the Registered Swiss Stud Book began only in 1991. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) recognized the breed in 2003.

General characteristics

The White Swiss Shepherd is divided into two types: short-haired and long-haired. The former are popular in the Netherlands and America. Long-haired dogs are bred in Austria, Germany, and France. The breed is rarely used in canine services, but the animals cope well - they can be rescuers, guide dogs, and guards.

Dogs are emotional, unpretentious, easily adapt to their owner, find a common language, and are friends with children. The dog is cheerful and will never be the first to show aggression if it does not sense danger.


The animal has superbly developed muscles and a straight back. Dense coat with long hair and thick undercoat. Exceptional whiteness does not allow other color inclusions. Dark or red spots are a departure from the norm. The body is elegant and harmonious.

  • The head is proportional to the body, wedge-shaped with a black nose. White is a deviation. The tall, elongated ears are slightly rounded.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted, brown with dense eyelids.
  • Dry and dark lips are tightly compressed. Powerful jaws with a scissor bite, 42 sharp teeth.
  • The neck is muscular, without dewlap, gracefully flowing to the pronounced withers.
  • The back is stable and level, with pronounced lumbar muscles.
  • The chest is approximately half the height of the withers, the “heroic” chest is stoically expressed.
  • Stately sides and a toned belly allow the shepherd to move quickly and easily.
  • The shaggy saber-shaped tail is set low, and at the tip it tapers and curls into a small ring.
  • The front legs are slender, and the hind legs have clearly defined joint angles. Thanks to this, the dog’s free running is easy and rhythmic.
  • The dog's skin is smooth, without wrinkles or folds.
  • Males reach 60-66 cm in height at the withers; in females, height varies from 55 to 61 cm.
  • The male weighs about 30-40 kg, the lighter females weigh 25-35 kg.


Neat, obedient and balanced shepherd dogs have long become exemplary human companions. Intelligence depends entirely on the correct formation of personality. All the negative qualities of the individual will be the fault of the owner, who failed to raise his pet in an appropriate way. Animals are smart and instantly navigate the situation. They behave modestly and reservedly with strangers; showing aggression is not in the interests of the breed.

“Shepherds” are loyal and very dependent; you should not forget about the Swiss Shepherd - a four-legged friend will become despondent without communication. And dogs love to have long conversations. They demonstrate emotions expressively and deafeningly. By barking, the animal tries to draw attention to an object that interests it, thank its owner, report danger, or simply tell about its “thoughts.”

However, a prolonged howl will make you wary - the student is dissatisfied, sick or harboring a grudge. If the owner has problems or is in a bad mood, a snow-colored antidepressant will come to the rescue. Dogs are sensitive, empathetic, and will try to lift the spirits of their human.


First of all, come up with a name for your baby. It fully reflects character, inner world and external manifestations. A capacious and memorable nickname should immediately make it clear to the puppy that this is his nickname. Cupid, Mary, Woland, Cherry, Juni are not difficult to understand. Imagine and fall in love with the name of your new family member.

Gently and unobtrusively raising a puppy should begin from infancy. The older individual should be trained carefully, every day, without skipping training. Rough treatment is prohibited. Screaming, swearing, physical impact is inappropriate - the dog will develop an instinct of fear of the owner, which will develop into aggression. A loving trainer will teach the dog to protect property, help with business and carry out complex commands.

It is quite possible to place such a breed in an apartment, but do not forget that the dog is large, and it will be easier for her to get along in a private house or enclosure. It is imperative to prepare the apartment before the new tenant moves in - clear the space and protect expensive furniture. Take your pet for a walk every day, otherwise his energy will not find an outlet and the dog will become passive.

The Shepherd is only happy for active walks, running and physical activity. Spend 15-20 minutes playing with a ball and jumping over a barrier. The animal will get tired and when it comes home it will lie down to rest.

In addition to seasonal shedding, shepherd dogs constantly shed hair. Comb out any loose hairs every day. But be careful with bathing - only when necessary, a couple of times a week. Doormen have fairly delicate skin; constant washing will lead to irritation and other problems.


White Shepherds are distinguished by excellent health, as evidenced by their life expectancy of 15 years. Thanks to their strong back, the risk of hip dysplasia is virtually nil, unlike other large breeds.

Danger awaits dogs from the nervous system - heart failure and deafness occur in adults. Blondes also have allergies - fleas, poor-quality food, shampoo affect the skin, breathing, and immunity. Mandatory preventive vaccinations will protect pets from diseases.

Breed photo


Up to six months, the puppy should be fed 5 times a day with balanced, natural foods high in vitamins. Later, reduce the amount to 2 times - breakfast and dinner.

Separate lean meat and fish from bones. 500 grams per day will provide the dog with phosphorus. Fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, boiled eggs are required. A rich diet will provide the animal with the necessary microelements, and auxiliary vitamins will not be required.

Don't forget about water. Change the liquid and wash the cup twice a day. Switching to dry food is possible after six months.

Avoid fatty foods, smoked foods and sweets - this delicious harm negatively affects the digestive system.


Without a pedigree, purchasing a puppy will cost on average 10,000 rubles. Documents and pedigree will increase the price. A smart dog will move into your house for 20-40 thousand.

White Swiss Shepherd (American-Canadian White Shepherd), the lines from the famous song (film “Adventures of Electronics”) are dedicated to this breed: “Everyone knows this, these are not words. There is no creature more loyal to a dog. There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog!” All these epithets fit perfectly into the description of the character of the White Swiss Shepherd (hereinafter referred to as BSH). Plus, she is very smart, obedient, gets along well with other animals, loves children, is very trainable and is ready to give her life protecting her owner. The main advantage of her appearance is her luxurious snow-white fur. May be long or short, depending on the type of breed ( shorthair or long-haired).

The natural blonde, white Swiss Shepherd is very similar in appearance and character to the German Shepherd (size and length of hind and front legs, weight, location and size of ears, etc.). Only their colors are different. The level of intelligence of the White Swiss Shepherd is similar to the same parameters of the German Shepherd, which, as you know, is included in the TOP of the smartest breeds in the world. It is not for nothing that the military, police and other security forces actively use it in their work.

If you need a loyal friend, a reliable guard, or a tireless companion on hikes and travels, the White Swiss Shepherd is the ideal option. She has a true Aryan (absolute discipline) character, English aristocratic upbringing, endurance and strength. The BShO will make an excellent guide dog, therapist, rescuer, and search dog. Among the positive qualities that distinguish the BShchO from the German Shepherd, one can note less excitement, aggressiveness and excitability.

The first White Shepherd puppies were brought from Canada and the USA to Switzerland in the early 70s, when one day in Germany a completely white puppy was born from a German Shepherd, from which the BShO breed originated. This white puppy and its offspring were considered vicious in Germany; they were not recognized as purebred for a long time and were considered a mistake of nature. But they thought so only in Germany. In Canada and the USA (from where they came to Switzerland), white puppies were delighted. Already in 1991 they were listed in the Stud Book of Switzerland (LOS). Until Switzerland registered this breed with the FCI (2003), it was called the American-Canadian Shepherd. After registration with the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale - International Association of Cynological Federations), the American-Canadian Shepherd became known as the White Swiss Shepherd. The entire history of the origin of the BShO is fully consistent with the history and character of the American-Canadian White Shepherd.

Characteristic features and cost of the BShO breed

Adult height and weight

Female – up to 60 cm, male – up to 66 cm and up to 35 kg; 40 kg respectively. BShOs live up to 14 years. Price in dollars - from $300 to $1000, depending on the purpose of the dog. If a BShO puppy is purchased for work (security, watchman, bloodhound, guide, detective), then it will cost more. And you can only buy it in nurseries. If you buy a puppy for the soul, you can buy it second-hand.

Character of BShO

  • balanced;
  • disciplined;
  • cheerful;
  • friendly;
  • playful;
  • loyal;
  • There are no mood swings.

Quick wit and intelligence enable White Swiss Shepherds to quickly (literally the third time) learn, remember and carry out commands. In some cases, they can even be taught tricks quickly. For children, BShOs will become caring nannies, and for the whole family - devoted and reliable protectors. They are wary of strangers, but without aggression, unless the life of their owners is in danger. Otherwise, they boldly rush to the rescue, willingly give their lives for their owners, and sacrifice their health. BCOs can quickly and objectively assess the situation, determine the degree of danger and act based on this assessment. They get along easily with other pets living under the same roof. Those animals that are smaller in size are literally herded by the BShO, and they do the same with children, protecting them from various kinds of dangers.

Shedding period and basic care

This breed has only one relative disadvantage - they shed twice a year. Moreover, both long-haired and short-haired BShO do this. Molting occurs before summer and before winter. To avoid problems with hair in the apartment, the dog should have its own comb with metal teeth, which should be used to comb the dog daily during the molting period, and weekly during the rest of the time.

They bathe BShO only when absolutely necessary, with a special dog shampoo. The coat of dogs of this breed is capable of self-cleaning. It is enough for the dog to dry and the dog will become snow-white again. Only the paws should be washed after walks, especially if the dog lives in an apartment or house. Flea prevention should be carried out regularly, using a special collar or drops applied to the withers once every 4 months so that the animal cannot lick the medicine. The ears and eyes should also be monitored, cleaning them as needed with a cotton swab dipped in water. For prevention, the dog should also be given anthelmintic drugs – once every 4 months. The medicine for worms should be mixed into the dog’s favorite food, having carefully studied the instructions for the medicine, without violating the dosage.

With a small number of walks, the Great Swiss Shepherd's claws do not have time to wear off and prevent them from moving. In such cases, you need to carefully trim the claws without touching the blood vessels. Be sure to walk your dog every day so that it can stretch, run, and go to the toilet. Your puppy should be taught to go to the toilet outside from early childhood, especially if he lives in an apartment with you. This can be done simply by scolding the puppy if he “goes” on the carpet and immediately taking him outside to show him where this should be done. BShO are smart puppies, there will be no problems with walking. Over time, the puppy's intestines will begin to work like clockwork. To do this, you need to take the dog out for a walk at the same time, very preferably three times a day, but at least in the morning and evening.

Choosing a BShO puppy: rules

The BShO puppy must be absolutely healthy. This is determined by its appearance, by the shine of its coat, by how firmly it stands on even paws. Puppies should be inquisitive, active, cheerful and playful, literally sticking their wet nose into everything. A wet, cold nose is a sign of a healthy dog. Drop a bunch of keys or clap your hands - puppies should not be afraid of sharp sounds and run away with their tail between their legs, then they will grow up to be real guards. The mucous membranes of the eyes and ears should be without flaws and perfectly clean.

The tummy should be soft, all over puppy– well-fed, this will mean that the litter is properly fed and the acquired puppy will be healthy and strong. BShO puppies can be taken to a new place of residence and met with new owners at the age of 1.5 months. Puppies must be vaccinated, and information about this process must be contained in the veterinary passport. An activated or purebred puppy must have a breed mark (or chip). Brand or chip details must be included in the puppy card.

Health BShO

In most cases, BShO has no health problems. They are long-lived, often living up to 15 years or longer. Occasionally, articular dysplasia may occur and is common in large breed dogs. To avoid this disease, a puppy under the age of one year should be spared from heavy physical activity. And do not give puppies growth promoting medications. You can rid your puppy of a lot of canine infectious diseases by vaccination. Even if it does not completely get rid of possible infection, then vaccination can certainly reduce the likelihood of complications after an illness.

Proper nutrition: diet

To keep your dog healthy, you need a nutritious and regular diet. A third of the diet is meat of various origins (veal, pork, beef, lamb, turkey, chicken). Pork and lamb should not be overused, as this is fatty meat and it negatively affects the dog’s digestion. Several times a week you need to make fish days, giving the dog sea fish (it has fewer bones than river fish) and seafood. Veterinarians advise boiling meat and using the resulting broth to cook porridge (rice, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal). Finely chop pieces of meat into this porridge, mix, add cottage cheese, since the dog also really needs calcium. Vegetables need to be stewed (cabbage, potatoes, zucchini) and added there. Give this mixture twice a day - morning and evening. Such nutrition will be complete and will provide the animal with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Do not be fooled by dog ​​food advertisements that promise to provide your dog with all the necessary nutrients - they do not always reflect reality.

It is important to give puppies a lot of fermented milk products (sour cream, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk), since such a source of calcium is very important during the period of growth and formation of the skeletal system. Sugar seeds are a necessity and a delicacy for BShO. They will help clean your teeth and feed your pet.

BShO is a large dog, so that it is more convenient for her to eat, so that her spine does not bend, you can use a stand under a bowl of food. These stands are sold in veterinary stores and can be adjusted in height as your pet grows.

It is important to provide your puppy or adult dog with constant access to clean water. The bowl of water should be washed and the water in it changed daily. Of course, food and water bowls should always be clean and washed after each dog meal.

Education and training

In order for the Greater Swiss Shepherd to comply with most traditional commands, the help of a dog handler may not be necessary. The BShO is a smart breed, it grasps everything on the fly. Even a child can train a Greater Swiss Shepherd to respond to the most common commands: come to me, sit, lie down, place, fetch. Literally from the third time this smart girl starts following commands. When training a dog, it is important not to hit him, especially with a leash.

The dog perceives a shout, irritation, or dissatisfaction in your voice as disapproval of his actions and quickly corrects himself. All problems with training and accustoming this dog to commands can be solved with words and affection; physical impact will make the animal stupid and cowardly. Talk to the dog as to a person, this is a very smart breed, he understands everything. It is important to conduct training regularly, so the memory of the commands will be permanently ingrained in the puppy. The high level of intelligence, well-developed intuition of the BShO is the ideal soil for creating such a dog as an ideal assistant not only at home, but also at work (law enforcement units, guides for the blind, bloodhounds). From repeated repetition of commands, representatives of this breed can get bored.

For good health, the BShO needs not only good nutrition, but also regular games, walks, and exercises with the dog. By playing with him, you show him your love and make him even more attached to you. You become not only an owner for the dog, but also a friend, not only an object of adoration and protection, but also a mother and father. A snow-white friend will try to please you in everything.


Origin: Switzerland/America

Classification FCI: Group I: Sheepdogs and Herding Dogs, Section 1: Shepherd Dogs

Usage: companion dog, herding dog, rescue dog, caregiver dog

Color: exclusively white

Dimensions: height of females is 53 - 63 cm, males 58 - 65 cm, weight of males is approximately 30 - 40 kg, females - 25-35 kg.

Lifespan: 12 - 14 years old

Swiss Shepherds are active, intelligent, balanced dogs that will become a devoted friend for the whole family, and will also be able to help shepherds, police, rescue services, and act as a caregiver.

Athletic build, white color and aristocratic features distinguish the breed from hundreds of others. She has a soft and flexible character, she is not aggressive, and is easy to train.

This dog very quickly becomes attached to its owners, just like other breeds of shepherd dogs, which include:, and.

The breed has a soft and docile character, it is not aggressive, is easy to train and very quickly becomes attached to its owners.

History of the breed

The White Swiss Shepherd was originally a variety of the German breed.

Thanks to its color, it became one of the best herding dogs, as it easily blended with the white wool of sheep and did not stand out among the other domestic animals that it had to guard.

But the white color also played a cruel joke on the breed; all over the world they did not want to recognize it as full-fledged, since it was believed that color affects the physical abilities of the animal.

At the same time, the dog gained popularity, it received a new name - the Canadian-American Shepherd, and even the Rockefeller family acquired puppies of this breed.

Already in the sixties, US scientists proved that color does not affect physical and intellectual abilities.

The Swiss breed achieved official recognition from the FCI in 2003, and received its name in honor of Switzerland, since it is believed that this country was the first to prove the uniqueness and usefulness of the breed.

Both Swiss Shepherd puppies and adult dogs are very sociable, friendly, and open to everything new.


  • Loyalty and affection for their owners. The White Swiss Shepherd, whose photo clearly demonstrates its good-natured character, very quickly becomes attached to its owners and is ready to stand up for them at any second. She loves spending time next to her owner, and she knows how to recognize when he is in the mood for communication and when he is not.
  • Disciplined character. The dog is very hardworking, responsible and disciplined, completes tasks, learns quickly and obeys its owners.
  • Sociability and activity. Both Swiss Shepherd puppies and adult dogs are very sociable, friendly, and open to everything new. They have a calmer character than other herding dogs like or, but at the same time they love games, spending active time, and are also very curious. They become a good friend for the whole family and dote on children.
  • Unpretentiousness. The animal can live both in a house and in an apartment; it is unpretentious in food and care. But, like all dogs, this breed needs regular walking and active games.

How to make dog toys with your own hands is described in the article.


The Swiss Shepherd, which can be bought both for living in a house and for an apartment, becomes a companion dog for the whole family.

Thanks to her good learning ability and discipline, she is often used as an assistant to rescue services and law enforcement agencies.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a puppy of this breed, you should pay attention not only to the pedigree, but also to the image of the breeder.

In specialized nurseries, parents for puppies are carefully selected, trying to breed a dog with even better qualities.

Important! The Swiss Shepherd, photos of which you can see on the Internet and on thematic forums, always has a pure white color, so puppies of this breed should also be white without tan.

It is also important to pay attention to the behavior of the pet - a White Swiss Shepherd puppy should be curious, but balanced; manifestations of hyperactivity and aggression are considered a cause for concern.

Features of care


There are short-haired and long-haired types of this breed. Despite its white color, the Swiss Shepherd is easy to care for.

The coat should be combed and brushed at least once a week. During the shedding period, it is worth brushing your pet 2-3 times a week.

Long-haired Swiss Shepherds are first combed with a wide-tooth comb (this will allow tangles to be untangled), then with a fine-tooth comb, and then with a natural bristle massage brush.

The shepherd's snow-white coat is very easy to care for. It is enough to comb several times a week


Like any large dog, the White Swiss Shepherd loves outdoor play and frequent walks.

This breed needs exercise and must be trained persistently, but never harshly.

Dogs are especially fond of outdoor games like , so often throw balls, sticks, discs, and frisbees to your pet.

The White Swiss Shepherd, which is definitely worth buying for families with children or lovers of active pastime, loves to run.

The White Swiss Shepherd loves frequent walks and exercise. Dogs are especially fond of outdoor games, so often throw balls, sticks, discs, and Frisbees to your pet.


It is advisable to give preference to natural products, since it is difficult to choose ones that will contain all the vitamins and nutrients your pet needs.

A White Swiss Shepherd puppy should eat at least 5-6 times a day, and as an adult - 2 times a day (morning and evening).

It is important to teach your dog to eat at the same time.

Important!You should not give your Swiss Shepherd bones, as he may choke on them.

What to feed your Swiss Shepherd:

  • Every day you need to give your pet about 500-600 grams of fresh lean meat.
  • Beef, rabbit, and poultry are ideal.
  • Once a week you need to give your dog 2-3 eggs, fresh or boiled.
  • It is important to include dairy products in your diet - kefir, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • As a side dish, the dog is given porridge - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Your dog's menu should also include vegetables and fruits. The Swiss Shepherd loves tomatoes, zucchini, greens, as well as apricots and raspberries.
  • There should always be clean drinking water near the dog.
  • In winter, it is advisable to increase the amount of food.


Characteristic diseases

The Swiss Shepherd, the price of which is justified by its trainability, good character and unpretentiousness, is also distinguished by good health.

But there are a number of diseases that can be transmitted genetically, as well as diseases common to the breed, so it is important to get checked regularly by a veterinarian.

The Swiss Shepherd, the price of which is justified by its trainability, good character and unpretentiousness, is also distinguished by good health


After birth, a White Swiss Shepherd puppy receives immunity from its mother's milk.

The White Swiss Shepherd was originally a type of German Shepherd. Thanks to its color, it became one of the best herding dogs, as it easily blended with the white wool of sheep and did not stand out among the other domestic animals that it had to guard. In 2003, this dog was identified as a separate breed.


A female Swiss Shepherd becomes sexually mature at the age of one year, but the body is not yet ready for mating, pregnancy and childbirth, so mating is recommended during the third year.

Usually the male and female are at least 2 years old at the time of their first mating. Mating should be carried out on the 12-14th day of estrus, it is during this period that the female is ready for fertilization.

The process must necessarily take place on the territory of the male, but it takes time for the female to get used to it.

Therefore, her favorite toys, bowls, etc. should be on the “foreign” territory.

The Swiss Shepherd is smart, disciplined and very beautiful.

Swiss Shepherd: snow-white dog is a smart friend

The Swiss Shepherd is easy to train, has an athletic build and a unique white color. She is also extremely disciplined, which allows her to be used as a police assistant.

The White Swiss Shepherd is a fairly balanced dog that will immediately become the best friend and devoted companion for all family members. Almost always, the white shepherd successfully copes with the role of a caregiver, helping rescue services, shepherds and police officers.

The White Swiss Shepherd is a fairly balanced dog that will immediately become the best friend and devoted companion for all family members.

Among other breeds, the Scottish dog stands out for its aristocratic build, docile character, and color. The animal is easy to learn and does not show aggression.

Previously, the white shepherd was a variety of a fairly popular German breed. Because of its very beautiful color, it has become almost the best herding dog. She blended in with the wool of the sheep and did not stand out too much among the animals she protected.

However, the chic white fur at one time played a cruel joke on the breed, as experts did not want to recognize it as full-fledged. They were sure that color negatively affected the dog’s physical capabilities.

Almost always, the white shepherd successfully copes with the role of a caregiver, helping rescue services, shepherds and police officers

However, the white shepherd became more and more popular every year. It even received a new name - Canadian-American Shepherd. The Rockefeller family bought very cute dogs of this breed for themselves.

Only in the middle of the last century were American scientists able to prove that color never affected the intellectual and physical abilities of an animal. The BShO achieved official recognition in 2003.

Gallery: Swiss Shepherd (25 photos)

Swiss Shepherd (video)

Animal character

Even small puppies have a good-natured character. They quickly become attached to their owner and are ready to stand up for him in absolutely any situation. The disciplined Swiss Shepherd loves to spend as much time as possible with its owner, and also instinctively knows how to recognize when he is not in the mood for communication.

The graceful white shepherd is responsible and always fulfills the tasks assigned to it. Even after growing up, the animal does not lose its sociability and friendliness. The pet has a calm character. However, he is very curious and also prefers active pastime.

The brave Swiss Shepherd will quickly become the best friend for little children. She can live not only in a private house, but also in a city apartment. The dog is absolutely unpretentious in care and food. However, representatives of this breed need active games and regular walking.

Choosing a puppy and caring for it

When choosing the best representative of a given breed, it is necessary to pay attention to the image of the breeder. In nurseries that are popular, specialists very carefully select parents for puppies. This helps to produce a dog with better qualities.

Pedigree puppies must be pure white. Before such an important purchase, you need to make sure that the breeder has taken an x-ray of the animal’s spine and a BEAR test to rule out deafness.

A well-developed White Swiss Shepherd puppy should be quite curious. It is not permissible for a puppy to show aggression and hyperactivity.

Today there are long-haired and short-haired types of the breed. Having such a delicate color, the Swiss Shepherd is easy to care for. Several times a week, the fur of your beloved pet must be thoroughly cleaned and combed using a furminator. Only during molting you need to comb the animal more often.

To remove fur, veterinarians recommend using a special spray. Long-haired shepherds should be combed with a comb that has sparse teeth, and then with a massage brush. The white shepherd loves frequent walks and outdoor games.

Representatives of the breed need physical exercise. You should train the animal persistently, but not rudely. It is worth purchasing such a dog for a family with small children or sports enthusiasts.

What you need to know about dog nutrition?

When choosing the most appropriate diet for your pet, give preference to properly prepared and natural products. Otherwise, it will be incredibly difficult for you to choose food that contains the required amount of nutrients and vitamins.

The puppy should eat approximately 6 times a day. For an adult dog, 2 feedings are enough. Try to teach your animal to eat at the same time every day. Never offer your pet bones.

Give your dog 500 grams of fresh poultry or rabbit every day. Add eggs to your pet's menu several times a week. The diet should contain dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt and milk.

As the most healthy side dish, you can offer your pet oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. The menu should include fruits and vegetables. Remember that the dog really loves zucchini, tomatoes, raspberries, herbs and apricots. Drinking water should be available near your pet. In winter, it is advisable to increase the amount of food.

White Swiss Shepherd (video)

Animal health

The high price of a shepherd dog is 100% justified by its kind character, unpretentiousness and good health. However, there are diseases that can be transmitted genetically. This is why it is very important to have an annual checkup with your veterinarian.