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What do folk signs mean? Their history will also determine their origin. Where do signs come from?

The loss of an item is often a warning. Centuries-old observations have developed into folk signs, and now we can use the wisdom of our ancestors so as not to miss a single important detail from life.

Our ancestors believed that each item has a unique power. Rings, earrings, watches, scarves and gloves - the loss of these everyday items can warn us of danger or show us the path that will lead to happiness and well-being.

Why do you lose your pen?

Why does an earring get lost?

A man who has lost an earring must be attentive and prudent in his affairs. A lost piece of jewelry warns of the impending danger of losing your material wealth and power.

An unmarried girl who has lost her gold jewelry can expect to get married soon. A silver item promises a long period of relationship, and jewelry indicates the imminent approach of a romantic relationship and subsequent falling in love.

If the jewelry is made of silver and is suddenly lost, then the owner of the loss will have good luck in love. For married people, such a loss will result in harmony in family relationships.

A married woman who has lost her earrings runs the risk of breaking up with her partner if the jewelry was given by her husband. If the products are purchased independently, then you should not expect negative consequences.

Life difficulties are predicted by the loss of an earring from the left ear.

If you have lost a piece of jewelry from your right ear, then for girls this will bring a quick marriage. But a married lady runs the risk of divorcing her husband.

What does losing a glove mean?

If a person unexpectedly loses a glove or mitten, this means that his problems will soon be resolved, troubles will recede and make way for new achievements.

Losing a glove from your left hand promises disagreements with your loved one, which can lead to divorce or breakup.

If the glove on the right hand is lost, then the owner should expect the end of the business relationship. This could be dismissal, termination of cooperation or other troubles at work.

What does losing a bracelet mean?

If your bracelet is lost due to a faulty locking mechanism, then you should prepare for conflicts at work.

The girl who lost her jewelry will soon meet her lover.

If you dreamed that you lost your bracelet, then this dream promises a lot of minor troubles.

The loss of a gold bracelet indicates new pleasant prospects in the future.

Losing money: folk signs

Losing a small amount of money promises conflicts in the family or at work soon.

A large sum of money that you have lost indicates that all your problems will soon be resolved and a white streak will come in your life.

Why does a scarf get lost?

A light-colored scarf is lost - look forward to a happy holiday with the whole family.

A wool product of dark shades that you have lost promises separation from your loved one for a long time.

The loss of a colorful scarf indicates major expenses on a long journey.

A scarf in red shades warns of sudden adventures that your relatives may get involved in.

The loss of a blue or green scarf promises a dangerous situation on the road.

A suddenly missing yellow scarf indicates that you are about to part with a loved one.

What does losing a brooch mean?

A brooch lost outside the home indicates that it is time for you to change your occupation. Your talents are not fully developed, and you are wasting time by not doing things in which you will truly succeed.

A married woman who has lost a brooch should pay attention to her loved ones. You are too protective of them, give them a little more freedom.

If you have lost an expensive piece of jewelry, you should consider being more modest in your thoughts and actions, and stop standing out too much. Do not dress up too openly, showing your superiority or liberation.

A stolen brooch promises failures and miscalculations in important matters, and your plans can be disrupted for a variety of reasons.

Losing a mirror: what do the signs say?

Losing a pocket mirror promises girls loss. They may lose not only money and personal valuables, but also part with loved ones.

According to the sign, the loss of a mirror promises the owner imminent disappointment or sadness regarding both the financial and love spheres of life.

The disappearance of the mirror can be a warning. You are too immersed in your problems and do not notice what is going on around you. You should pay more attention to family relationships.

Losing a needle

If you have lost a needle without a thread, then joyful events await you.

The needle and thread are lost, leading to rapid separation from loved ones.

Why does a ring get lost?

According to signs, a gold ring is lost before breaking up a relationship with a loved one.

The loss of silver jewelry indicates an imminent separation from relatives on a long journey.

If a man loses a ring, then he will face problems with finances and loss of status at work.

Jewelry that suddenly disappears indicates that luck has turned away from the owner of the jewelry.

A ring that slips off your finger is a sign that you have not kept your promise.

If the ring breaks into pieces, then you have been negatively affected. You should perform a ritual of cleansing from the evil eye and damage.

The loss of a wedding ring indicates problems in the family. You should prepare for the illness of one of your household members or a conflict with your spouse, children or your parents.

Losing an umbrella: folk signs

Judging by the sign, losing an umbrella means the end of the misfortunes that happen to you.

The loss of an umbrella that protects from the Sun promises a strong marital relationship without betrayal.

The girl who has lost her umbrella will have to choose from a limited number of gentlemen, and her romantic relationship will pass without passion.

What does losing a wallet portend?

According to legend, losing a wallet with money promises good luck and a quick reward.

An empty wallet that suddenly disappears indicates that trouble is approaching. A small amount of money in a lost wallet may be a hint of excessive stinginess or greed of the owner.

Losing a chain: what signs warn about

Our ancestors believed that the loss of a chain would bring trouble to the owner.

Often, jewelry disappears before significant events in life, leading the owner to think that he needs to change his mind regarding some important decision.

A lost chain along with a cross is a warning about inducing negativity. The ancestors believed that in this way the cross took upon itself all the evil and warded off misfortune and misfortune. You need to use amulets against aggressive people.

Losing a knife: folk signs

A man who loses a knife is in danger of losing his health. You need to work on strengthening your biofield in order to ward off illnesses from yourself.

For a woman, such a loss promises a series of minor troubles.

Losing a knife at home indicates that your guardian brownie is offended by something. You need to appease him.

What does the loss of a comb promise?

According to legends, losing your comb in a foreign place can be a threat to you. You may be negatively affected.

If several teeth on your comb break during use, then you need to improve your health.

Losing a scallop can also result in a public scandal for you.

Losing a button: what signs warn of

The sign says that a person who has lost a button from his clothing will soon meet with an aggressive opponent. You can avoid trouble by replacing the missing one with a new button.

A spouse who has lost a button may become embroiled in family scandals.

A button that comes off while walking on the street promises drastic changes in life. But what they will be depends on your actions.

Why does the cross get lost?

According to one of the signs, the loss of a cross promises drastic changes in a person’s life, a change in his interests and priorities.

Orthodox people believe that the loss of a pectoral cross indicates serious offenses that need to be corrected as soon as possible.

For older people, such a loss can lead to financial difficulties. However, if a needy person suddenly loses his cross, he will soon find what he needs.

Our ancestors believed that the loss of a cross indicates that a person should make more efforts to achieve his goal, as well as show concern for those who need it.

What does losing a key mean?

Young people who discover such a loss can expect drastic changes in their lives. Responsible decisions and a change in social status await them. So, girls and boys can decide to start a family.

The disappearance of a key during a series of failures indicates the imminent successful completion of all difficulties.

The loss of keys to work promises a person new opportunities, contracts, increased wages and other pleasant changes.

According to legend, people who have lost their keys before a significant event in life can count on a successful outcome.

Keys lost by married couples promise a long-awaited move.

Losing your keys during a move promises troubles in your everyday life.

What does the loss of a watch portend?

Our ancestors believed that the loss of a watch makes a person think that he is wasting his time. He should reconsider his attitude towards life and stop wasting a precious resource, start moving towards his goal.

Often, a loss indicates that you should hurry up in order to complete the work you started on time.

Also, a missing watch may indicate that you are on the threshold of a new life, and you need to gather strength for a new breakthrough.

What does the loss of an icon mean?

Most often, the loss of such value indicates that the evil directed at you has been averted. However, you should think about the fact that you are surrounded by ill-wishers. Turn to the Higher Powers for help, ask them for protection.

Losing a heel: signs

The most obvious sign is the heel being lost in a hurry. She says that you should not rush, or even better, refuse to go where you planned.

A missing heel from a beautiful shoe may indicate that you will soon be the proud owner of a new thing.

Losing scissors: signs

Lonely people who have lost their scissors, according to the sign, can prepare for a new stage in life, which will be happy.

Losing scissors in the house indicates a person who will meddle in your life and pester you with advice and moralizing.

Joyful changes in life await a married couple if one of the family members has lost a pair of scissors.

Losing scissors in a dream often promises relief from bad thoughts.

Losing old scissors can result in a series of troubles and sad news.

Losing a sock

According to legend, socks that disappear from a married couple promise imminent scandals and a showdown.

Also, the loss of one sock can promise difficulties in life that you will need to overcome alone, without counting on the help of loved ones.

A missing pair of socks promises changes, not always positive. However, if you find the thing, the problems will soon be resolved in your favor.

If you have lost your glasses

One of the interpretations of the sign says that a person will have to face difficulties on the path of life.

According to another version, losing glasses warns a person against spreading gossip. Avoid verbosity and details about your life and the affairs of your loved ones around strangers.

Losing a scarf: what the signs say

Losing a handkerchief is a good sign. She says that the loss will take away minor troubles from life.

The scarf you use as a headdress may get lost in an unpleasant situation. You can get into it under the supervision of a large number of people.

If you lose a scarf made of thick wool or other material, it means you are missing out on a good deal.

The loss of a light scarf made of fine wool or other weightless material indicates that you should pay attention to the little things. They contain the answer to your main question.

Losing the belt

Our ancestors believed that losing a belt promised imminent illness.

If your leather belt is missing, you will be seriously injured.

A thin fabric belt indicates the approach of colds.

Another interpretation of the sign for unmarried people: you will have a child, but outside of marriage.

Losing a belt may promise a quick meeting with personal enemies or people who have harmed you previously.

Lost phone

A more modern sign also has several interpretations. According to one of them, such a loss forces a person to stop the frantic rhythm of life and take a break for rest.

Losing your phone can open your eyes to friends who might be manipulative.

Losing your cell phone often results in gossip directed at you.

Lost cap

Our ancestors associated the loss of a hat with the “loss of the head.” This meant that the person was in deep love.

A loss may indicate to a person the need to make an important decision without delay.

If your headdress is missing at home, then try to establish contact with your brownie. Keep an eye on the house and put things in their places. Otherwise, you may face domestic troubles.

The above signs reflect only part of the rich folk heritage. Follow the changes in your life and don’t forget about the Signs of Fate

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The word “sign” itself was formed from the words - to notice, to notice. And this is not without reason, because the root “met” means a mark, to mark something. The first signs began to appear in ancient times, at a time when people first began to closely observe the world around them, the behavior of animals, weather changes, and the like. Even little things like the color and shape of the clouds gave people something to think about. After all, all these signs are interconnected; the shape of the clouds and general cloudiness can be used to predict the weather, which leads to the appearance of even more signs. A wide variety of weather phenomena entail thoughtful glances from ordinary people about what’s happening and how. Thus, from generation to generation, various signs associated with any sphere of human life appeared.

Origin of famous signs

The simplest signs are a red sunset in the warm season. The sign almost completely indicates that the next day will be hot. But if in winter there is a similar sign, then it means frost.

There are a lot of signs that are associated with various changes in the behavior of birds, insects, and who would have thought, even plants. For example, a cat hiding its nose while sleeping portends frost, or swallows flying low above the ground foretell rain. Such everyday signs arise after ordinary people begin to notice cause-and-effect relationships between ongoing events.

For example, everyone has heard the sign that a black cat crossed the road, and that this is not good. This sign takes its roots from the times when some peoples identified cats with evil spirits. But the peoples who considered cats to be divine beings, for example, Ancient Egypt, on the contrary, believed that meeting a cat was a good sign. So in this regard, it is necessary to make allowances for one or another specificity of a particular region. This is how various signs develop, which can differ radically among different ethnic groups, evoke different emotions, which entails different consequences. But thoughts are material. So whatever the sign, you shouldn’t think about the negative, for example, when everyone knows that it means a quarrel.

But what gives rise to such signs? It seems logical to explain that a person could simply be condemned for clumsiness, for spilling something, breaking dishes, and things like that. But to escape from bad things, for example, you need to throw a few pinches of salt over your left shoulder. Most likely, this sign arose from the fact that if the person who spilled the salt removes traces of his carelessness without being noticed by the owners, this will avoid quarrels with the owners.

How to appease a brownie and have a successful trip?

Superstitions in everyday life can be associated with, and in general about any evil spirit. For example, you cannot whistle in the house, you will lose money and wealth in the house. The whistle irritates the brownie, and he will leave such owners, depriving their home of prosperity. These signs and superstitions are very old, and date back to the times when people more sensitively felt the presence of otherworldly forces in their homes, and tried to find a common language with them and not irritate them again. So, in order to appease a brownie, there is a sign: you should always leave some food for him on the kitchen table at night.

Signs associated with the road

Quite a lot of signs are connected with the road and travel. Here’s one of them: you can’t sew anything in front of the road, otherwise the path itself will be “sewn up.” It can be assumed that it comes from the fact that if you do sewing before traveling, you can miss the train and the trip will not work out. But the well-known sign - sitting on the path - has a direct practical explanation. In the bustle of packing bags with things for the trip, you can easily forget something. Therefore, you need to sit down and think carefully about what things you took and what you might have forgotten. Think about upcoming activities during the trip. Another sign with the road is to return halfway back to the house. The sign says that when you enter the hallway, you need to look at yourself in the mirror. It is believed that this will correct the negative energy caused by the imminent return, making the new road straight and successful, and not “crooked”.

A person spends half of his life in his home. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many signs are associated with the house, family affairs, and household items.


You need to stick a large knife into the door frame with the tip, then the sorcerer will not be able to go into the house.

If the door suddenly creaks, it’s bad luck.

Buckthorn is considered a good amulet for the home against witchcraft and the evil eye. When hung on doors and windows, buckthorn destroys the machinations of sorcerers and demons.


To prevent evil spirits from entering the house and to avoid the evil eye, simple pins are inserted into the door lock with the sharp end facing out.


A curtain breaks - a quarrel between friends.


Scattering ashes means a quarrel.


If something obscene happens in the house, the images are closed.

The icon fell - to death.


The painting fell - unfortunately.


Books should be kept in a closed cabinet, otherwise your head will hurt.

Indoor flowers

Indoor flowers influence the family situation in different ways: ficus brings prosperity and family happiness; climbing plants (ivy, liana) lead to discord.

You should not keep a palm tree in the house - it will lead to great misfortune and illness.

A plant with narrow leaves with a white vein in the middle (chlorophytum) is popularly called “Man, get out of the house!” It provokes divorce.

Geranium protects the house from insects (moths, bedbugs). A geranium leaf placed in the ear relieves headaches and ear pain.

It is good to plant a juniper bush at home or store something made from juniper wood. This plant expels evil spirits from homes and protects against all kinds of magical slander.

If a flower pot breaks, there will be trouble.

The flowers in the house grow well, there is peace in the family: the flowers wither - the house is restless.


Do not put an arshin (or a ruler, a centimeter) on the bed - to the deceased.

Garlic hung at the head of the bed helps with headaches and evil spirits.


You should not keep garden tools (shovel, hoe) in the house - a fire may occur


Soap in your bosom saves you from spoilage. Love talk is said about soap: “As soap clings to the body, so would a husband cling to his wife.”


Scissors that fall so that the blades stick to the floor portend a quarrel. If a similar incident is repeated two or more times within a month, divorce or adultery is possible in the family.


The blanket fell - the good guest is in a hurry.


You cannot spit through the window, throw out garbage, or pour out slops - there is a guardian angel under the window.

At a wake, a towel or piece of fabric is hung out of the window, and a vessel with water is placed on the windowsill so that the soul of the deceased comes to wash.

Accidentally seeing a light in the window of your house is good luck.

Don't look out the window until dawn - you'll see something unclean.


If someone is carrying firewood for the stove and one log falls, there will be guests; the same if a firebrand falls out of the stove by itself. If a burning coal falls out, it means an angry guest.

Aspen firewood destroys stove soot.

You can't spit in the fire - blisters will appear on your tongue.

While bread is baking in the oven, do not sit on the oven - the bread will be bad.

A brick fell out of the oven - not good.

If the stove sweats, it means the housewife's tears.

The chimney is humming—someone’s soul is tormented.

If there is any rustling or ringing in the pipe, there will be a trial over a trifle.


You cannot say hello, say goodbye, or pass anything across the threshold - to a quarrel or loss.

If a young guy is sitting on the doorstep, then not a single girl will marry him - so he will die a bachelor.


If a church candle burns unevenly in the house and leaves a lot of soot, the house is unclean.

You should not blow candles on the fire - pimples will appear on your tongue, you need to extinguish the candle after drooling on your fingers

A flame with soot is unlucky. When you light a candle in church, but it doesn’t burn for a long time, it leans or goes out - unfortunately.


Don't put your keys on the table - it's not good. A hat and keys on the table mean a quarrel.

An inkwell and a knife also mean a quarrel.

If you brush the crumbs off the table with your hand, there will be no money.

You can't sit on the dining table - one of your parents will die. v Clock

The wall clock falls - to the death of the owner of the house. Stopping on their own means a change in life. After the death of the owner, the clock stops or needs to be stopped specifically. 8

The clock striking at the wrong time means trouble.

Fur coat

The fur coat fell - to a big quarrel in the family.

Lucky omens

Accidentally scattering a box of matches (by the way, you need to collect them one at a time and take only the “leg” of the match, and not the “head” - this way you will collect wealth for the house, pen by penny, ruble by ruble);

Spill wine during a toast - Fate will appreciate your generous gesture and will compensate for the spilled hundredfold (only, of course, you need to spill wine accidentally).

Unlucky omens

If someone goes into the house with an open umbrella, all that remains is to wait for misfortune;

Drop a raw egg (no matter where, on the floor or a soft chair). If it remains intact, failures will accompany you all day long.

Signs for happiness and good luck

Thread and needle

Buy a needle on Monday, and on Thursday stick it and thread into your blouse on your chest, and go ahead - everything will be fine.

If you sew and the thread gets tangled, you will live a long time.

Before the wedding, the bride and groom need to stick pins into their clothes so as not to jinx them.

A pin on clothes and a needle and thread above the door of the home protects against the evil eye.


If you don’t recognize someone you know, he might be rich.

Take money with your left hand and give it with your right - it will always happen.

If, having sold the first thing of all intended for sale, you touch it with money, then you will sell the entire product easily.

At the table

He who eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of lightning.

Feed the excess bread to the birds - to happiness and prosperity.

At the beginning and end of lunch, eating a piece of bread with salt is good luck.

An apple fell from the table - to a meeting with your lover.

A tea leaf floating in a glass means a gift.

If bread and salt are offered, the larger the piece you bite, the more luck you have.

If you sit between people with the same names, make a wish. It will come true.

Signs - rules

Sweep not towards the threshold, but from the threshold, otherwise you will sweep away your wealth.

A woman oversalts her food, which means she has fallen in love.

The broom should be held with the handle down - money will be found and the house will be protected from misfortunes.

Sweep the house with a wormwood broom - the unclean will not come in.

When moving to a new house, carry an old broom with you so that you can take the good brownie with you.

Do not stir coffee or tea in the cup of a partner or relative - you will stir up a quarrel.

If something breaks, don’t be upset, fortunately. At weddings, it is generally recommended to break dishes so that the spouses have a happy life.

Finding a horseshoe is good luck. Hang the one found above the door - to long happiness.

Never pour boiling water into an empty cup or glass (first pour tea, coffee, or at least sugar into it) - you will set yourself up for poverty.

Leaving scissors open means a quarrel.

Don't sit on the windowsill - you won't get married.

Belief in bad omens is common among residents of different countries of the world. For example, in China it is customary to avoid the number “4” because it is believed that this number symbolizes death. In Haiti, people do not sweep the floor at night, so as not to bring misfortune to their home. In India, you cannot wash your hair on Saturday and cut your nails on Tuesday.

In Russia, too, there is a whole “bouquet” of bad omens, known to almost everyone. A grandmother with empty buckets walking towards you, a black cat crossing the road... But is there any meaning in these bad omens? It turned out that there is - they not only warn of approaching trouble, they help prevent misfortune.

TOP 10 worst signs

10. Spill salt . Let's start with the most harmless of harmful signs. Even a small child knows that. But where did this superstition come from? It turns out that in ancient times salt was worth almost its weight in gold. It was placed on the table only if a dear guest was expected. Therefore, it is quite natural that spilled salt could provoke a family quarrel. To neutralize the effect of a bad omen, just sprinkle sugar on top of the salt.

9. Looking in the mirror after sunset . In Rus', mirrors have been considered an invention of the devil since ancient times. People believed that evil spirits could enter our world through the reflective surface.

Good Christians were not supposed to look at their reflection for a long time, especially after sunset, when the forces of darkness gain power over this world. Seeing a vague silhouette in the mirror at night is a very bad omen.

8. Spit on the ground (into the well). always gave people food, and springs and wells - water.

Therefore, those who spat in wells or on the ground actually showed black ingratitude towards Mother Nature. This resulted in an inevitable retribution - the person experienced “lean years.”

7. A black cat crossed the road . This bad omen has its own history. practically invisible in the dark. If she crossed the path of a horse rider, then the horse could get scared and bolt from surprise. In this case, the rider was exposed to serious danger. Over time, a sign was formed that says: if a black cat crosses your path, then it is better to postpone all matters for another time and return home.

6. Old woman (alternatively woman) with empty buckets .

This is a well-known omen of failure. If you saw a woman with empty buckets, this means that the planned business will not succeed.

Unfortunately, there are no protective measures or conspiracies against this bad omen.

5. Say hello across the threshold . Greeting someone, as well as handing something over the threshold, means giving away your good fortune.

In Rus', it was not customary to say hello on the doorstep; the guest had to be invited into the house. This rule was observed even if the visitor was deeply unsympathetic to the owners. However, not everyone observed such etiquette.

4. Leave the knife on the table or eat it straight from the knife.

If a knife was left on the table after a meal, it was believed that a scandal was inevitable. However, our ancestors figured out how to ward off trouble. This required sticking a knife into the bread, or simply cutting off a piece of bread. Eating from a knife was not allowed for the reason that a person who began to do so regularly would inevitably deteriorate in character.

3. Borrow money after sunset .

Anyone who gives away money or salt from his home after sunset condemns himself to poverty. Together with money or another material item, you risk passing on your luck. If it is not possible to refuse the applicant, then when handing over money or an item, you should say to yourself: “I’m giving you (this and that), but I’m leaving the luck for myself.”

2. Leave nut shells on the table .

Another bad omen that can attract evil spirits into your home. Our ancestors believed that if you leave nut shells on the table after a meal, then evil spirits will definitely appear to crunch for fun. Everything would be fine, but evil spirits may want to stay in your house and begin to cause all sorts of troubles for you.

1. Bird hitting the window . If a bird hits the window, then expect trouble. Such a bad omen portends a serious misfortune - fire, ruin or even death. There was a special ritual to ward off trouble. It was necessary to go out into the field before dawn, throw a handful of wheat or other grain in front of you, and say: “Birds of the air, peck the grain, and forget about my house!” Fly all over the world, take your troubles and sadness with you.”

In Denmark It is not customary to throw away pieces of broken dishes. The shards are supposed to be kept for the time being, so that later they can be given to your loved ones for the New Year. This is such a gift! The Danes believe that the more porcelain shards the owner of the house has, the more successful the coming year will be for him.

The Egyptians There is a strange superstition regarding scissors. They believe that if a person opens and closes scissors without cutting something, then he may get himself into trouble. In addition, scissors should not be stored open. And if a person is haunted by nightmares, then to help him get rid of unwanted dreams, you just need to put scissors under the pillow.

Have you ever thought that you need to take care of your belly button? And in Japan every child knows this! They have a belief that if a person does not cover his belly during a thunderstorm, the god of thunder will appear and eat his belly button. Such a strange superstition... However, not the strangest thing. Residents of South Korea believe that you should not leave a fan on in a closed room overnight. They believe that this electrical device can kill a person in their sleep.

Previously, people attached importance to every little thing. They saw signs of fate in everything. To this day, many of us believe in folk signs and superstitions. There are many signs associated with the fall of household items. These beliefs are still popular today. Let's look at all these superstitions: should we trust them?

If a spoon or fork falls

If a device falls while cooking or at the table, wait for a guest, and a woman at that. According to popular belief, if a spoon fell, then a good woman will come to the house with good news. If the fork fell- you will be an unwanted guest, a gossip and a quarrelsome person. In order to avoid uninvited guests, you need to knock the fallen cutlery on the table three times.

If the knife fell

Knife fell- wait for a man to visit. If you do not want to receive guests on this day, then cut the bread with this knife, then no one will disturb you.

If a plate fell

If a plate fell and broke- this is a good omen that predicts happiness. But don't rush to rejoice. It is believed that if dishes break, and often, then there is a lot of negative energy in the house. The dishes accumulate it in themselves, and when the negative energy overwhelms it, the plate breaks. So if dishes often break at home, then try to cleanse the house of negative energy.

If a plate fell and did not break, then this is also a good sign. A fallen plate indicates that you and your home are protected from the negative influence of people around you. An atmosphere of kindness and safety reigns in your home. But the very fact that the plate fell means that someone is jealous of you or wishes harm. In this case, it is recommended to strengthen the protection of your home. This can be done with the help of amulets and talismans.

If the ring fell

The ring fell- expect trouble or illness. This is a warning that you need to pay special attention to. If you come across this folk sign, then do not pick up the ring with your bare hands. Lift it with a scarf or towel and put it in the freezer for a day. This will help you avoid trouble.

Remember that bad omens can always be avoided. To do this, you simply don’t need to believe in them. Trust only signs of good luck, then you can attract good luck. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.06.2014 10:21

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