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Gastroenterologist: Why adults should not drink milk (harmful and beneficial properties of the drink). Dairy products for adults - harm or benefit? Life without milk is the right choice


Gastroenterologist: Why adults should not drink milk (harmful and beneficial properties of the drink)

Gastroenterologist Eva Leonidovna Kinyakina advises.

There are now more and more reports in the press that milk is generally harmful for adults to drink. Why?

Indeed, such an opinion exists. It is expressed primarily by foreign experts. “Opponents” of whole milk argue that in all mammals, only the young drink milk. Only a person, growing up, continues to use it.

It has been found that many adults in Asia, Africa, Southern Europe and Latin America have difficulty digesting this drink. They have difficulty digesting lactose - milk sugar. And those substances that are not completely digested cause gastrointestinal disorders, bloating and diarrhea. Moreover, the ability to absorb milk is lost gradually as a person grows older.

However, most residents of Northern Europe and Russia do not have such problems. They completely digest milk sugar both in young and old age. This feature is determined genetically. This is why milk is so popular in these regions.

The second reason why milk has fallen out of favor is its high calorie content and fairly high cholesterol content.

But people get fat not from milk, but from the fat it contains. Therefore, the opinion that milk is contraindicated for elderly or overweight people is also incorrect. For a person prone to weight gain, it is better to choose milk with a small percentage of fat content - 1-1.5%, rather than 5-6%. Then it will only bring benefits.

Milk is believed to be harmful for allergy sufferers. This is true?

Yes, it is true that whole milk can cause allergic reactions. Manifestations of a food allergy to milk proteins can vary from hives to nausea, heartburn and vomiting. Due to the danger of developing allergies in babies, doctors have recently not recommended pregnant women to drink a lot of whole milk. There are no such restrictions for fermented milk products.

It is believed that milk foam is the most common cause of allergies. Sometimes a person can drink milk without problems, but the foam makes him feel sick. The fact is that its composition is somewhat different from the drink itself. During heat treatment, a change in the structure of proteins occurs. They thicken, are poorly absorbed and become more dangerous for people prone to allergies.

Coping with a milk allergy is almost impossible. Those who have this problem will have to give up this product forever. But true milk allergies are not that common.

But you can get along with poor tolerance to milk sugar. The lack of enzymes necessary for digestion is not only congenital. It can occur, for example, with diseases of the digestive tract. Sometimes problems appear after a long break in drinking milk.

In this case, it is recommended to accustom yourself to it gradually: add a little to tea, coffee, cocoa, porridge, cottage cheese and omelettes. An easier way is to replace milk with healthy fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

For a long time, many enterprises gave milk “for being harmful.” Does it really help in preventing occupational diseases?

Until now, scientists do not have a consensus on this matter. So far, the fact of preventing occupational diseases through regular consumption of milk has not been confirmed by the results of scientific research.

Several years ago, an opinion emerged that milk in such situations acts only as a general tonic. After all, it contains about 200 valuable components: proteins, vitamins, calcium and other microelements. Several decades ago, when people ate a very monotonous diet, milk actually improved those who worked in hazardous industries.

Nowadays the situation is somewhat different. You can strengthen the body not only with milk, but also with juice, fresh fruits, and seafood. Special vitamin complexes and biologically active food supplements have been developed to reduce the impact of occupational hazards.

Many people believe that only natural milk is healthy. But milk from packages, which does not turn sour for a long time, contains no vitamins and microelements at all. This is true?

Oddly enough, homemade milk, so prized by many, is quite dangerous to health.

First of all, due to the non-sterile conditions of its storage. There, microbes feel at ease and multiply quite quickly. Therefore, sanitary doctors often find a whole “bouquet” of bacteria, including pathogenic ones, in bottled homemade milk. To avoid becoming a victim of an intestinal infection, it must be boiled. In this case, some of the beneficial properties are inevitably lost.

Pasteurized and sterilized milk actually contains fewer vitamins. But it is still rich in proteins, calcium and other microelements. Today, high-temperature processing is considered the most modern processing. The milk is heated to 135°C for two seconds, then immediately cooled. Experts believe that this is the most gentle processing method, which preserves the maximum of useful substances.

They say that goat's milk is much healthier than cow's milk. Is this really true?

Goat milk has its pros and cons. It differs from the usual one in the composition of proteins and fats. Goat milk fats are a little easier to digest. Due to the difference in protein structure, allergies to goat milk are less common.

Goat milk is richer in calcium. But it contains very little iron and folic acid. Therefore, too active passion for this product is fraught with anemia, especially in young children. In addition, you need to remember that goats are prone to a dangerous disease called brucellosis. Therefore, boiling goat milk is mandatory.

What is the best way to drink milk? What does it go best with? What foods should they not drink?

Milk is not a drink, but a food. People still say “eat milk.” It is wrong to think that milk can quench your thirst.
It is not advisable to drink milk after meals. It reduces acidity and reduces the effect of gastric juice on food. To make milk easier to digest, it is better to drink it on an empty stomach, in small sips, holding it in the mouth longer to improve absorption.

If you swallow it in one gulp, and even in large quantities, it can curl into flakes that are difficult to digest. After drinking a glass of milk, it is better to abstain from food for an hour and a half. It is not recommended to consume milk very cold. Low temperatures make digestion difficult.

Milk goes well with sweet fruits, berries, and nuts. Milk mousses, puddings, berries and fruits with whipped cream are very useful for the gastrointestinal tract. However, they should not be eaten after a heavy lunch, but as a “snack”. The combination of this drink with boiled potatoes and various cereals is traditional and justified from a nutritional point of view.

It is not advisable to combine fresh vegetables, cucumbers, plums, salted, smoked fish and sausages with milk. According to nutritionists, it is harmful if you drink it with sweet buns. In this case, the fermentation process begins in the intestines, causing flatulence and abdominal pain. In addition, this combination is too high in calories.

Milk and cream sauces for meat and fish are, of course, very tasty, but the dishes turn out to be very filling and can harm your figure. There is another reason why meat dishes should not be washed down with milk. Calcium contained in whole milk reduces the absorption of iron from meat. This is true for women prone to anemia.

For whom is milk especially beneficial?

Since ancient times, milk has been used not only as a product, but also as a medicine. And now the recommendations of doctors of past years have not lost their value.

Milk stimulates the secretion of gastric juice less than other products. Therefore, it is useful for those who need gentle nutrition. For example, it is included in the diet for patients with peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. Milk is also well known as a means to combat heartburn.

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Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, which is the main sugar found in milk and dairy products. Lactose intolerance is caused by the complete absence or deficiency of lactase, an enzyme necessary to break down lactose in the small intestine. This condition is not life-threatening, but can cause stomach upset and intestinal discomfort (bloating, pain, flatulence) and limit food choices. Many adults are lactose intolerant but have no other medical conditions. However, remember that some diseases can cause gastrointestinal problems, so it is important to distinguish the symptoms of these diseases from the symptoms of lactose intolerance.


Symptoms of lactose intolerance

    Pay attention to gastrointestinal symptoms. As with other illnesses, it can be difficult to know if what you're feeling is unusual. For example, if a person always feels discomfort after eating, he considers this his normal state, and it seems to him that everything is exactly the same for everyone. However, bloating, flatulence, colic, nausea or diarrhea after eating are not the norm - all these symptoms indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Many gastrointestinal diseases have similar symptoms, so making a diagnosis can sometimes be difficult. The first step is to recognize that what you feel after eating is not normal and that it can be prevented.

  1. Try to analyze the relationship between your symptoms and the consumption of dairy products. The main symptoms of lactose intolerance (bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea) usually appear 30-120 minutes after eating or drinking lactose-containing drinks. Therefore, you should try to find a connection between your symptoms and the consumption of dairy products. In the morning, eat a lactose-free breakfast (read the ingredients on the package if you are not sure) and evaluate how you feel. During the day, eat something with lactose, such as cheese, yogurt and/or milk. If you notice significant changes in how you feel, you may be lactose intolerant.

    • If you have bloating and gas after both meals, you likely have a stomach or intestinal condition (such as inflammatory bowel disease or Crohn's disease).
    • If you feel fine after both meals, there is a chance that you have a food allergy or intolerance to another food.
    • This method is usually called an elimination diet: you eliminate dairy products from your diet to determine which substances cause the reaction.
  2. Distinguish between lactose intolerance and milk allergy. Lactose intolerance is a disease caused by a lack of enzymes that causes undigested sugar (lactose) to accumulate in the large intestine. Once it is there, the bacteria living in the intestines begin to consume the sugar and produce hydrogen and some methane, which causes bloating and flatulence. A milk allergy is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to dairy products. Most often it occurs in the first minutes of contact with casein or whey. Symptoms of a milk allergy include wheezing, severe rash, swelling of the lips, mouth and throat, runny nose, watery eyes, vomiting and problems digesting food.

    • Cow's milk allergy is one of the most common allergies among children.
    • Typically, cow's milk causes the reaction, but goat's milk, sheep's milk, and the milk of other mammals can also cause allergies.
    • Adults with hay fever or food allergies to other foods are more likely to have an adverse reaction to milk.
  3. Find out how lactose intolerance is linked to ethnicity. Although there is less lactase in the small intestine as we age, the amount of lactase is also related to genetics. Lactose intolerance is much more common in some ethnic groups. For example, about 90% of Asians and 80% of African Americans and Native Americans have this feature. Lactose intolerance is least common among Northern European peoples. If you belong to an ethnic group at increased risk of this condition and experience discomfort after eating, there is a high chance that you have lactose intolerance.

    • Lactose intolerance is rare in infants and young children of all ethnicities. This problem usually appears in later life.
    • However, in babies born prematurely, the ability to produce lactase may be reduced because the gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed.

    Diagnosis confirmation

    1. Pass a hydrogen breath test. This is the most common way to determine lactose intolerance. This test is performed in a hospital or health center, but is usually ordered only after you have tried eliminating milk from your diet. You will be asked to drink a small amount of lactose (25 grams) and then the doctor will measure the amount of hydrogen in your breath several times (every 30 minutes). A person whose body can break down lactose will produce little or no hydrogen. If a person is lactose intolerant, there will be much more hydrogen, since sugar is fermented in the intestines with the participation of bacteria that produce this gas.

      • This is a convenient way to diagnose intolerance and gives accurate results.
      • You will have to avoid smoking and eating in the morning for a while.
      • If a person consumes too much lactose, the result may be false positive due to the large number of bacteria in the intestines.

Often during pregnancy or in everyday life, new vegans or vegans who are not entirely sure of the correctness of their choice are tormented by the question:
maybe start consuming dairy products again?

Consider 10 reasons why you shouldn’t be led by relatives and why you shouldn’t start drinking animal milk again.

1. Dairy destroys your bones.

Around the world, in the countries where milk is consumed the most,
Osteoporosis and femur fracture are the most common. The more milk and calcium you consume,
the more the risk factor for osteoporosis and bone fractures increases.
Large amounts of sodium and animal protein put your body into a state of metabolic acidosis (meaning your blood becomes acidic).
To compensate, the body pulls minerals from the bones—minerals are highly alkalizing—and then excretes them in urine.
In other words: the more dairy you consume, the weaker your bones become.

2. There are excellent plant sources of calcium that do not cause metabolic acidosis.

On the contrary, they alkalize the body and keep bones healthy.
Broccoli, kale and other leafy vegetables, sesame,
sesame paste, calcium-fortified tofu, and fortified plant-based “dairy” products are in all of them
contains sufficient amounts of calcium,
to meet daily needs.

3. The most important factor in maintaining healthy bones is exercise.

To increase and maintain bone density, your bones need regular exercise.
To increase bone mass and prevent osteoporosis,
Set aside time for physical activity every day,
for example, such as walking.

4. Casein, the main protein in milk, is psychologically addictive. Have you noticed that the more cheese you eat, the more you crave it?

When you eat or drink dairy products, casomorphins are produced in your brain.
These opiate-like substances lead to euphoria, causing psychological dependence on milk.
And the only way to break this vicious circle is
completely eliminate dairy from your diet.

5. Casein is a strong carcinogen.

The author of The China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, discovered after decades of laboratory research that
that casein is a powerful cancer promoter.
By increasing and decreasing the dose of casein in food
(apparently laboratory rats or other animals)
he could literally “turn on” and “turn off” the development of cancer.

6. Dairy products provide high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, which are known causes of atherosclerosis.
This leads to heart disease.

7. Vitamin D also plays an important role in bone health.

No matter how much calcium you put into your body, you need vitamin D to absorb it.
Approximately 70 to 97% of people face the problem of vitamin D deficiency to a greater or lesser extent.
Ask your doctor to test for vitamin D deficiency.
And if this deficiency is identified,
add a dose of sunshine to your life: a few minutes in the daytime.
And if this doesn't increase your vitamin D levels,
you will have to take it in medicinal form.

8. We humans are the only species that drinks the milk of another species, and also the only species that continues to drink milk even after the end of the breastfeeding period.

9. Milk, in addition to being an inherently unhealthy product, contributes to the development of diseases, comes to us “enriched” with pesticides, antibiotics, hormones (even if it is organic milk), steroids, heavy metals and other toxins that are fed to cows in order to increase their milk production.

10. 70% of the world's population has milk intolerance.

The fact that more and more people who deny themselves milk, forget about the painful conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, shows us that the human body is not designed to drink milk.
Doctors and nutritionists these days emphasize the use of lactase enzymes so that people can consume “enough” amounts of dairy products.
And yet, if we have to force our body to accept something that it does not want, is this not a sign that we are doing something wrong?

Lactose is one of the complex sugars found in milk and all dairy products. During the digestive process, lactose is broken down by lactase (an enzyme secreted in the small intestine) into simple sugars (monosaccharides and galactose), which are absorbed into the bloodstream. " Intolerance" refers to the inability to digest lactose, often associated with lactase enzyme deficiency. About 30 minutes after consuming milk or dairy products such as ice cream or cottage cheese and cottage cheese, people with lactose intolerance may experience diarrhea (diarrhea) or cramping (stomach cramps) and bloating (increased gas in the intestines). the severity of which depends on the level of enzyme deficiency. However, a person with a mild enzyme deficiency may not experience any symptoms at all.

It is widely believed that lactose intolerance it's for milk. In fact, this is not the case, and the difference between these two concepts is very great. People with lactose intolerance do not necessarily need to remove milk and dairy products from their diet, but they do need to control the amount of dairy products they consume. But people suffering from milk allergies should not consume even minimal amounts of milk. Symptoms of a milk allergy include difficulty breathing, a tight throat, nasal discharge, swollen eyes and eyelids, skin rashes, etc. Lactose intolerance manifests itself differently.

Causes of lactose intolerance

Congenital lactase enzyme deficiency, common mainly among people belonging to the Asian race.

A natural decrease in lactase levels, which begins in childhood (after 3 years). How significant this reduction will be depends on the characteristics of the individual person’s body. However, it is safe to say that the older a person is, the more likely they are to suffer from lactose intolerance.

Any disease that affects the cells of the small intestine that produce lactase, such as inflammatory diseases and even. This condition causes " secondary lactase deficiency" This is a temporary problem that disappears as soon as the disease passes and the damaged cells are restored and begin to produce enzymes again.

Surgery on the stomach and intestines, which can completely destroy the body's ability to produce lactase.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance

Diarrhea, loose stools;
- increased gas formation;
- abdominal cramps.

What can you do

Find out your degree lactose intolerance. Besides monitoring your body's reaction to milk and dairy products, there are two accurate ways to test for lactose intolerance:

Oral tolerance test;
- hydrogen breath test (includes measuring the level of hydrogen in exhaled air, which depends on the amount of undigested lactose).

Try eating foods with reduced amounts of lactose or no lactose at all. You should not completely deprive yourself of dairy products containing lactose, because... Not only does this dramatically reduce the amount of calcium in your diet, it also reduces your body's ability to absorb calcium from non-dairy foods (since lactose helps your intestines absorb and retain calcium).

Keep in mind that skim milk is not safer because it has less fat. The problem of intolerance is not related to fat content, but to lactose. Buttermilk and acidophilus milk also contain lactose, so you should be careful with them too.
Try yogurt. Many people suffering from lactose intolerance, can normally digest the lactose contained in yogurt. Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium. Use trial and error to determine which type of yogurt you tolerate best. Avoid pasteurized yogurts as... the benefits from them are much less, and the harm from lactose remains.

Drink chocolate milk. Calcium from such milk is perfectly absorbed, and the chocolate taste makes it more pleasant. Moreover, cocoa can even stimulate lactase activity.

Some cheeses, especially cheddar, parmesan, Swiss cheese and mozzarella, are excellent sources of calcium. However, they are not dangerous from the point of view of lactose, because Whey, which contains the most lactose, is separated during the cheese making process. But cottage cheese, homemade cheese and ricotta are rich in lactose, so they should not be abused.
Drink milk with meals or with cereal products. Taking lactose with food makes it easier to digest and causes fewer side effects.

Drink milk in small portions (half a cup) several times a day with meals. This will replenish the required dose of calcium and will not cause any special problems.

Be careful and watch what you eat. Lactose can be found in bread, frozen vegetables, canned soups, salad dressings and sauces, spaghetti, etc., breakfast cereals, cakes, candy and even pharmaceutical products.
Watch closely for signs lactose intolerance. If you have this problem, there is a very high chance that your children will have it too. In infants, congenital lactose intolerance can be life-threatening. As soon as a lactose intolerant baby is fed breast milk or formula containing milk, he or she develops colic, gas, and stops gaining weight. Today, special artificial nutrition that does not contain lactose is available. Contact your pediatrician who will select artificial nutrition and a balanced diet for your child that will help replenish the required amount of calcium in his diet.

However, some simple precautions can help people with mild lactase intolerance avoid unpleasant symptoms without completely depriving themselves of milk and dairy products.

If you are lactose intolerant, do not completely deprive yourself of dairy products. Try eating calcium-rich foods such as milk, but in small doses (less than a cup) and drink it with meals. In general, cheese and yogurt in small quantities are quite easily tolerated by people with lactose intolerance.

You can also try lactose-free milk, cheese and cottage cheese or other sources of calcium, such as soy milk, almonds, broccoli and other green vegetables, fish, etc.

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Date of: 2014-04-29 Views: 21 353 Grade: 5.0 This short article is dedicated to a simple but effective way to regain your lost opportunity. At birth, we were all able to drink milk in any quantity and had no problems with it. However, with age, most people lose this ability. Milk ceases to be digested, and a person loses the most important part of the food supply, a source of high-quality protein and fat, calcium and many vitamins. Most often, the ability to digest milk disappears after some illness or a long (at least a month) absence of dairy products in the diet. There is also a case of genetic lactose intolerance, but this is rare in Europe and Russia. In such a situation, milk intolerance manifests itself and grows slowly, even from childhood or adolescence, and is not treated.

The reason for the inability to digest lactose in general and milk in particular is that the number of lactobacilli in the intestines has decreased so much (often almost to zero) that they are not able to process the amount of lactose that you ate.

Thus, this problem is a special case of dysbacteriosis. This extinction of beneficial microflora can occur under two circumstances:

  • toxic effects on it;
  • long-term deprivation of its food supply - lactose.
Accordingly, to restore the function of milk digestion, it is necessary to restore the population of lactobacilli and create conditions for them to function normally. Restoring the population is not difficult; there are special probiotic preparations for this. All of them contain all bifidobacteria of various species, which populate the intestines and not only help digestion themselves, but also create an environment favorable for the life of other beneficial bacteria. We will use two such drugs at once - bifidumbacterin And Linux. The choice is determined not only by the high quality of these drugs, but also by the fact that they contain different types of bacteria, and accordingly, they act slightly differently. It is better to buy Bifidumbacterin in sachets, take 1 sachet 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Linex take 1-2 capsules 3 times a day, simultaneously with bifidumbacterin. A few days after the start of such therapy, start drinking these medications first with boiled and then raw milk, gradually increasing the amount of milk from 100-200 grams per day to a liter or even more. Milk will already begin to be digested normally due to the fact that the population of bacteria necessary for this has grown. After completing the course of treatment with probiotics, milk will be absorbed normally, but you will have to drink it constantly, without taking breaks for more than two days. This is necessary to create a good food supply for lactobacilli so that their population does not decline. Otherwise, there is a risk of returning to the original state, and you will have to start all therapy again. Approximate monthly course of restoration of the ability to digest milk

Since childhood, I myself have been prone to dysbiosis, and it appears to me every few years. I lost the ability to digest dairy products three times, but the described therapy always helped. When normal, I usually drink about 3 liters of milk a day, and everything is fine. As they say, tested on myself. Good luck to you too!