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Global warming. Causes, consequences and solutions. Global warming: causes, manifestations and ways

At the end of the last century, a group of scientists went to the Arctic. It is here that the history of our planet is perfectly preserved in the thickness of the ice. Ice is a time machine that takes us back in time, revealing climate change. Everything was preserved in the layers of ice - sand and volcanic dust, the concentration of isotopes and carbon dioxide. Therefore, you can easily understand what happened to the atmosphere. If you plot the changes in ambient temperature and the level of carbon dioxide obtained in ice cores, the cause of the crisis in the modern world will become obvious. The level of carbon dioxide is directly dependent on the temperature level. In the twenty-first century, the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere began to grow at a gigantic pace. Carbon dioxide is one of the known greenhouse gases. The thing is that greenhouse gases trap heat emitted from the surface of our planet. Instead of leaving the atmosphere, the heat remains in it. And the greenhouse effect causes global warming. What global warming can lead to and its consequences, you will learn in this article.

Causes of global warming

If carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere continue to rise further, humanity faces an unenviable future. Warming is inevitable, and scientists provide several proofs of this fact. If we consider the situation with the Arctic, we can find that it was the Arctic that received quite a lot of sunlight during the cold period. At first glance, it is a little strange why the abundance of sun gives little heat, but the reason is carbon dioxide. In Antarctica, during cold times, the level of carbon dioxide was low, and when the area was warm, the concentration of carbon dioxide was increased. The relationship between these two indicators was discovered a long time ago, but in the twenty-first century the situation has changed. So, after all, what will global warming and its consequences lead to? Today, the jump in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is caused not only by natural processes. The human factor played a big role.

Global warming is an irreversible process and is projected to reach record levels by the end of this century.

A century and a half ago, the industrial revolution began, the rapid development of production led to the fact that the level of carbon dioxide began to rise sharply. People burn fuels, fossils, cut down trees. This is why carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere. If a person does not change anything, then the level of carbon dioxide will continue to rise, increasing by thirty percent every half century. At this rate, global temperatures will reach record highs by the end of this century. But maybe not everything is so scary, and humanity will live wonderfully in new conditions: exotic fruits will begin to be grown on Russian territory, and winter holidays will become similar to summer ones? Let's turn to the opinions of the great minds of humanity.

Consequences of global warming

Just a few decades ago, no one even suspected that global warming and its consequences could become one of the most important problems for humanity, which would have to be solved as soon as possible. New evidence from studies of organisms that died thousands of years ago suggests that global warming may be hitting us much sooner than we think. According to scientists' forecasts, in thirty years three quarters of our planet's population will live in the coastal zone. But within a hundred years, the territory of many coastal states will be buried under a layer of sea depths. And the reason for this will be the melting of ice in mountain glaciers, icebergs, massive ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland. When all the ice grows, the coastline will go inland, and London, Paris, New York will become reefs. Recent research into global warming has shown that coral clusters are found above sea level, indicating that sea levels once rose by six meters. Having calculated the average water temperature during the melting of glaciers, scientists received unexpected results. As it turned out, summer Arctic temperatures were only three degrees higher than today. The tipping point is predicted to be reached before the end of this century.

The mechanisms that caused the melting of glaciers millions of years ago are still at work today. Humanity is worried - our planet is approaching global melting several times faster than it was before. Once past the tipping point, climate change will be irreversible. An increase in average temperature of just 5-7 degrees can have a detrimental effect on the ecosystem and humans. The Earth is on the verge of a planetary cataclysm. If effective and urgent action is not taken, our generation may already be witnessing a six meter rise in sea levels.

Today it is unknown when exactly the process of melting ice will become irreversible. Some scientists believe that the destruction of the ice cover has already passed a critical point. True, according to the most optimistic forecasts, if you start taking measures, the situation can be saved. Of course, humanity can move cities deep into the continents, start building walls, but if it fails, the world will change completely - social and economic catastrophes, chaos, the struggle for survival - that’s what awaits us. Tomorrow may be different from today, but everything depends only on us.

Good day, dear readers! Today we will talk about global problems of humanity. I would like to discuss a topic that everyone is discussing - global warming. Find out the reasons and how the Earth suffers from this and how to cope with it...

Global warming is believed to be directly related to human activities. Although we practically do not feel a slight increase in temperature, this can have the most detrimental consequences for the entire biosphere. Water shortages and droughts, severe floods, hurricanes and fires in different regions of the planet are the result of global warming. In addition, under its influence, the flora and fauna change noticeably

Some scientists believe that these are stages of the evolutionary development of our planet. After all, the Earth has already experienced several, so we may well live in a warm interglacial. Strong warming occurred during the Pliocene era (5.3-1.6 million years ago). Then the sea level was 30-35 meters higher than today. It is assumed that the immediate cause of the ice age was a change in the angle of inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit in which it revolves around the sun. Among other factors of global warming are: an increase in solar activity and significant dustiness of the atmosphere due to volcanic activity of industrial emissions.

It was found that until 1990, the temperature increased by 0.5°C every 100 years, while recently it has increased by 0.3°C every 10 years. If humanity continues to pollute the atmosphere at the same rate, then already in the current century the climate on earth will warm by 1-5°C.

Main reasons.

The most common belief is that a mixture of natural and industrial gases (including nitrous oxide, water vapor, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and methane) traps thermal energy in the Earth, resulting in warming. These gases have a common name - greenhouse gases, and the overall effect they have is called the greenhouse effect (sometimes the greenhouse effect).

A significant portion of solar energy is absorbed by the earth, and the unused portion normally goes into outer space. However, greenhouse gases interfere with this process, so the surface of our planet begins to warm up. Global warming is the result of the described mechanism.

Mountain systems, snow and ice sheets, and the planet's vegetation play a key role in regulating air flow and temperature. Cryosphere - areas covered with snow and ice - reflects heat from the entire surface into space. The ratio of the radiation flux scattered by a surface to the flux incident on it is called albedo by scientists. With much of the rainforest cleared, the green belt they form along the equator is gradually becoming treeless regions, which some say increases albedo and contributes to global warming.

To date, there is no consensus among scientists regarding the source and changes in the composition of the mixture of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide - a natural component of the earth's atmosphere, which is continuously absorbed and released by plants in the process of their life. Its concentration in the air is steadily increasing: from 0.0256 percent by volume at the beginning of the 19th century to 0.0340 today.

Carbon dioxide is released in significant quantities during the combustion of fossil fuels (oil, coal, wood). The ever-growing population of the globe, which uses these types of fuel as the main source of energy resources, increases carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere year after year. In addition, large-scale logging and burning of tropical forests turns green plants into carbon dioxide. All of these factors lead to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Recently, scientists have assigned a significant role to phytoplankton in the carbon dioxide cycle, since these tiny plants living in the world's oceans process significant volumes of carbon dioxide. The massive death of phytoplankton leads to the accumulation of this gas in natural layers.

Nitrous oxide is present in car exhaust, like other harmful gases produced by the combustion of fossil fuels.

Methane in the process of their life is produced by bacteria belonging to the genus Methanecoccbs, which are able to obtain energy by reducing carbon dioxide to methane.

They live in boggy soils and lake mud, in sewage sludge and in the intestines of sheep and cattle. In the polar regions, methane is retained in the frozen layer. With global warming and the gradual thawing of the frozen horizon, methane begins to be released into the atmosphere, having a significant impact on it. Scientists say that over the past 100 years the level of this gas in the atmosphere has doubled.

Chlorofluorocarbons - Man-made chemicals used in refrigeration units and aerosol sprays. After use, they enter the atmosphere and accumulate in the stratosphere. Here they interact with ozone, a natural atmospheric component. The ozone layer, which normally protects our planet from harmful ultraviolet radiation, is destroyed, forming so-called ozone holes. As a result, increased levels of ultraviolet radiation lead to more intense heating of the Earth's surface and atmosphere.

Impact on ecosystems.

Global warming may lead to intensive melting of glaciers; Already today, scientists have discovered quite large cracks in the ice fields of the Western Atlantic. Large-scale melting of ice will lead to rising sea levels and flooding of vast areas of coastal regions. According to available data, sea levels are rising at a rate of 6 cm per 10 years. If the rate of global warming continues, cities such as New Orleans (USA), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Venice (Italy), London (England) and others will be completely flooded.

And since water (like all physical bodies) expands when heated, it is assumed that this will lead to an even more significant increase in the level of the World Ocean.

As the climate warms, terrestrial ecosystems will become drier and, consequently, the risk of fires will increase. Although fauna and flora are gradually adapting to changing conditions, the number of such arid habitats is constantly increasing.

Humans, who alter natural ecosystems through urbanization, agricultural and industrial activities, and ever-increasing consumption of fossil fuels and other forms of energy, are largely responsible for global warming.

Due to lack of water and frequent droughts, crop yields in many previously very fertile regions are falling. During the period of climate change, cyclonic activity increases noticeably, which is accompanied by more frequent natural disasters: hurricanes, destructive storms, tsunamis, storms, and so on.

Flooding is another consequence of global warming, which is associated with the melting of mountain glaciers and ice-bound lakes. Mudflows in mountainous regions (due to the lack of vegetation cover that strengthens the soil horizon) and flooding of large areas of low-lying areas are quite common these days, especially in India.

This affects about 300 million people who live in mountainous areas, occupying about 40% of the land surface.

What's happening to wildlife?

Subtle temperature fluctuations (either cold or warm) have a significant impact on populations of living things. For example, the fauna and flora of Britain, which is located off the northwestern coast of Europe, is very sensitive to climate changes on the mainland: birds, insects and plants are expanding their ranges to the north, and the natural distribution regions of species that have adapted to harsh climatic conditions are, on the contrary, shrinking.

Desertification of fertile agricultural lands due to soil drainage, rising temperatures and erosion is also a danger. An example is the strip of deserts and semi-desert savannas in the south of the Sahara, which is constantly expanding due to uncontrolled grazing and timber harvesting.

Reasons for nesting.

The rise in temperature has also had an impact on the feathered inhabitants of the planet: many birds begin to build nests and breed offspring earlier than usual. As a result of long-term observations (1962-1990) of 30,000 representatives of the bird kingdom, British scientists found that as a result of global warming, the mating season begins unusually early in 33 of 88 species. This trend has been evident since the mid-1970s.

As a result, migratory birds have more time to prepare for the long and very difficult journey to the mainland, to their usual wintering areas, and species that live all year round in the British Isles have the opportunity to better prepare for the cold.


Such a large scale of the emerging and developing problem necessitated its solution at the international level. The Second United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, which took place in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro and at which the Framework Convention on Climate Change was signed, served as an impetus for the creation of interstate cooperation mechanisms that provide the opportunity to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

In December 1997, a new international agreement was approved in the Japanese city of Kyoto, which is an addition to the Framework Convention on Climate Change and called the Kyoto Protocol. This agreement provides for a whole range of measures to prevent negative climate change.

All states that have acceded to the Kyoto Protocol are required to formulate and implement a set of measures aimed at reducing the concentration of “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere.

For today I have all the information for you about global warming. Come visit more often, new articles are coming very soon. And don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss them.

It all started back in 1975. The world-famous journal Science, in its issue dated August 8, published a rather bold, one might even say revolutionary, article at that time.
It contained assumptions that in the near future the climate on Earth will change dramatically. Even the reasons for these changes were explained - it all lay in human impacts on the Earth's natural resources. This was later called "global warming".

In fact, the term “global warming” itself was established only in July 1988. Its author is believed to be James Hansen, a climate scientist. He used this term publicly for the first time while speaking in the US Senate. His report was then widely covered by many media. Even then, Hansen explained what caused global warming and stated that it had reached a very high level. Although such serious temperature changes as we observe today, of course, did not exist then, stopping global warming at that moment would have been the smartest thing to do.

What is global warming

In short, this is a gradual, progressive increase in the average temperature of the Earth. Today this is already such an obvious fact that even the most conservative skeptic cannot argue with. Almost all modern scientists admit this. Facts show that over the past decades, the average temperature of our planet has increased by 0.8 degrees. This number may seem insignificant to the average person. But in reality this is far from the case.

Also noteworthy is the fact that the increase in the Earth's temperature occurs unevenly in different parts of the planet. For example, in many equatorial countries the temperature has increased slightly. While in Russia and other countries located at the same latitudes, the increase in average temperature was 1.3 degrees. This became especially noticeable in the winter months.

What is the reason for such global changes?

Most scientists agree that the main cause of global warming is human activity. Just a few hundred years ago, humanity was primarily engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. Not many minerals were mined then, and in general there was virtually no harm done to the environment. But everything changed with the advent of the so-called industrial revolution. The extraction of Earth's resources, such as coal, crude oil, and later natural gas, has increased significantly. Today, plants, factories and other enterprises that are familiar to modern people emit an average of 22 billion (!) tons of harmful emissions per year into the atmosphere. These emissions include, among others, methane, carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases. Approximately 50 percent of these gases, which are unnecessary for humans, remain in the Earth's atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect. Ozone holes also contribute.

The ozone layer in the atmosphere is located at a distance of 15-20 kilometers from the Earth's surface. And if just a hundred years ago this layer was unharmed and reliably protected the planet from the harmful effects of solar rays, today this is no longer the case. But due to harmful emissions from the same plants and factories, chemical elements such as bromine, hydrogen and chlorine began to enter the atmosphere, which began to destroy the ozone layer.

At first it became thinner, and in 1985 the first hole with a diameter of approximately one kilometer appeared over Antarctica. Later, such holes appeared over the Arctic. Undoubtedly, this has led to the fact that ultraviolet radiation is no longer retained in the atmosphere properly, warming the Earth's surface even more. The already serious situation is further aggravated by the fact that in many countries of the world, massive deforestation has been going on for many years. Pursuing commercial interests, humanity forgets that it is actually destroying the “lungs” of our planet. The fewer forests that are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide, the more of this gas remains in the atmosphere, thereby only increasing the greenhouse effect.

Some scientists, especially specialists in the agricultural sector, believe that the main cause of global warming is the increased number of cattle in recent years. In their opinion, today humanity is breeding so many cows, sheep, horses and other animals than ever before. And, as you know, the product of processing agricultural feed by these animals, in other words, manure, also releases a significant amount of methane into the atmosphere when decomposed. And although another group of scientists is quite skeptical about this version, the number of supporters of this theory is steadily growing. And, of course, a huge number of cars on all continents together produce a significant amount of exhaust gases, which also enter the atmosphere. And it seems that the growing production of “eco-friendly” electric vehicles is not yet able to completely solve this problem.

What are the consequences of global warming?

The most dangerous thing that threatens us is the melting of glaciers in the Arctic in the world. It has been noticed that, especially in recent years, glaciers are melting at a record speed. A number of respected and world-famous scientists are convinced that many Arctic ice sheets will melt much sooner than previously thought. And the less ice remains on the surface of the Earth, the less ultraviolet radiation coming from the Sun will be reflected from our planet. Consequently, the Earth's surface will warm up even more, which will only exacerbate the melting of new glaciers. But from this problem comes the next one - rising sea levels. According to the observations of scientists in different countries, the level of the world's seas is rising by 3.2 millimeters per year. If this trend continues and grows, then some experts predict a rise in the level of the world's oceans by 0.5-2.0 meters in the near future.

But today you can increasingly hear on TV about how some coastal areas and even entire islands are disappearing under water. For example, an island in the Bay of Bengal, which for many years was considered a disputed territory between countries such as Bangladesh and India, was completely flooded. In Bangladesh it was called South Talpatti Island, while in India, which considered it its own, it was called New Moore Island. When the island completely went under water, the territorial dispute was simply settled. And the reason for this is global warming.

In many countries, roads, residential buildings, and agricultural areas have gone under water in the coastal zone. People were forced to move the entire infrastructure inland or build dams. Due to flooded houses in some countries, so-called “climate migrants” have appeared. Also, many diseases that previously lived in extremely hot countries are increasingly being recorded in more northern latitudes. It is obvious that global climate change has significantly affected our lives.

In the last two decades, especially in the developed countries of the world, many summits have been held aimed at preventing global warming. But many scientists are firmly convinced of one thing: even if radical actions are now taken on a global scale to eliminate the causes causing the increase in the average temperature of the Earth, the process will still not be stopped. And whether global warming will cause irreparable consequences for humanity, time will tell.

We rarely think about what is going to happen in the future. Today we have other things to do, responsibilities and worries. Therefore, global warming, its causes and consequences are perceived more like scenarios for Hollywood films than as a real threat to human existence. What signals indicate an impending catastrophe, what are its causes and what future awaits us - let's find out.

To understand the degree of danger, assess the growth of negative changes and understand the problem, let us examine the very concept of global warming.

What is global warming?

Global warming is a measure of the increase in average ambient temperature over the last century. Its problem is that, starting from the 1970s, this figure began to increase several times faster. The main reason for this lies in the intensification of human industrial activity. Not only did the water temperature increase, but it also increased by about 0.74 °C. Despite such a small value, the consequences can be colossal, according to scientific works.

Research into global warming reports that changing temperature patterns have accompanied the planet throughout its life. For example, Greenland provides evidence of climate change. History confirms that in the 11th-13th centuries, Norwegian sailors called this place “Green Land”, since there was no trace of snow and ice cover, as there is today.

In the early 20th century, heat prevailed again, causing the Arctic Ocean's glaciers to shrink in size. Then, from about the 40s, the temperature dropped. A new round of its growth began in the 1970s.

The causes of climate warming are explained by such a concept as the greenhouse effect. It consists in increasing the temperature of the lower layers of the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases in the air, such as methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide and others, contribute to the accumulation of thermal radiation from the Earth's surface and, as a result, heating of the planet.

What causes the greenhouse effect?

  1. Fires in forest areas. Firstly, a large amount is released. Secondly, the number of trees that process carbon dioxide and provide oxygen is decreasing.
  2. Permafrost. Land that is in the grip of permafrost releases methane.
  3. Oceans. They produce a large amount of water vapor.
  4. Eruption. It releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide.
  5. Alive organisms. We all contribute to the greenhouse effect because we exhale the same CO 2 .
  6. Solar Activity. According to satellite data, the Sun has significantly increased its activity over the past few years. True, scientists cannot provide accurate data on this matter, and therefore there are no conclusions.

We looked at the natural factors influencing the greenhouse effect. However, the main contribution comes from human activity. The intensive development of industry, the study of the Earth's interior, the development of minerals and their extraction have led to the release of large amounts of greenhouse gases, which has led to an increase in the temperature of the planet's surface.

What exactly are people doing to increase global warming?

  1. Oilfield and industry. Using oil and gas as fuel, we release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  2. Fertilizer and soil treatment. Pesticides and the chemicals they use contribute to the release of nitrogen dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas.
  3. Deforestation. Active exploitation of forests and cutting down trees lead to an increase in carbon dioxide.
  4. Overpopulation of the planet. The increase in the number of inhabitants of the Earth explains the reasons for point 3. To provide people with everything they need, more and more territories are being developed in search of minerals.
  5. Formation of landfills. Lack of waste sorting and wasteful use of products lead to the formation of landfills that are not recycled. They are either buried deep in the ground or burned. Both lead to changes in the ecosystem.

Automobile traffic and traffic jams also contribute to the acceleration of environmental disaster.

If the current situation is not corrected, the temperature rise will continue. What other consequences will there be?

  1. Temperature range: in winter it will be much colder, in summer it will be either abnormally hot or quite cold.
  2. The volume of drinking water will be reduced.
  3. The harvest in the fields will be noticeably poorer, and some crops may disappear completely.
  4. In the next hundred years, the water level in the world's oceans will rise by half a meter due to the rapid melting of glaciers. The salinity of the water will also begin to change.
  5. Global climate disasters, hurricanes and tornadoes will not only become commonplace, but will also reach the proportions of Hollywood films. In many regions there will be heavy rains that have not previously appeared there. Winds and cyclones will begin to intensify and become more common.
  6. The number of dead zones on the planet is growing - places where humans cannot survive. Many deserts will become even larger.
  7. Due to sudden changes in climate conditions, trees and many species of animals will have to adapt to them. Those who do not manage to do this quickly will be doomed to extinction. This applies most of all to trees, since in order to become accustomed to the terrain they must reach a certain age in order to produce offspring. Reducing the amount of “” leads to an even more dangerous threat - a colossal release of carbon dioxide, which there will be no one to convert into oxygen.

Ecologists have identified several places where global warming on Earth will be reflected first:

  • Arctic- melting Arctic ice, increasing permafrost temperatures;
  • Sahara Desert- snowfall;
  • small islands- rising sea levels will simply flood them;
  • some Asian rivers- they will spill and become unusable;
  • Africa- the depletion of mountain glaciers feeding the Nile will lead to the drying out of the river's floodplain. The surrounding areas will become uninhabitable.

The permafrost that exists today will move further north. As a result of global warming, the course of sea currents will change, and this will cause uncontrollable climate changes throughout the planet.

With more and more heavy industries, oil and gas refineries, landfills and incinerators, the air will become increasingly unusable. Residents of India and China are already concerned about this problem.

There are two forecasts, in one of which, with the same level of greenhouse gas formation, global warming will become noticeable in about three hundred years, in the other - in a hundred, if the level of emissions into the atmosphere increases.

The problems that the inhabitants of the Earth will face in the event of global warming will affect not only ecology and geography, but also financial and social aspects: the reduction of areas suitable for life will lead to a change in the locations of citizens, many cities will be abandoned, states will face a shortage of food and water for the population.

Reports from the Ministry of Emergency Situations report that over the last quarter century the number of floods in the country has almost doubled. Moreover, many parameters of such disasters are recorded for the first time in history.

Scientists predict the impact of global warming in the 21st century primarily on Siberia and subarctic regions. Where it leads? Rising permafrost temperatures threaten radioactive waste storage facilities and cause serious economic problems. By mid-century, winter temperatures are predicted to rise by 2-5 degrees.

There is also the possibility of seasonal tornadoes occurring periodically - more often than usual. Floods in the Far East have repeatedly caused great harm to residents of the Amur Region and Khabarovsk Territory.

Roshydromet has suggested the following problems associated with global warming:

  1. In some regions of the country, unusual droughts are expected, in others - floods and soil moisture, which leads to the destruction of agriculture.
  2. Increase in forest fires.
  3. Disruption of the ecosystem, displacement of biological species with the extinction of some of them.
  4. Forced air conditioning in summer in many regions of the country and the resulting economic costs.

But there are also some advantages:

  1. Global warming will increase navigation on the sea routes of the north.
  2. There will also be a shift in the agricultural border, which will increase the area of ​​agriculture.
  3. In winter, the need for heating will decrease, which means the cost of funds will also decrease.

It is still quite difficult to assess the danger of global warming for humanity. Developed countries are already introducing new technologies in heavy production, such as special filters for air emissions. And more populated and less developed countries suffer from the man-made consequences of human activity. Without affecting the problem, this imbalance will only grow.

Scientists monitor changes thanks to:

  • chemical analysis of soil, air and water;
  • studying the rate of glacier melting;
  • drawing up graphs of the growth of glaciers and desert zones.

These studies make it clear that the rate of impact of global warming is increasing every year. There is a need to quickly implement greener ways of operating heavy industry and restore the ecosystem.

What are the ways to solve the problem:

  • rapid greening of a large area of ​​land;
  • creating new varieties of plants that easily adapt to changes in nature;
  • use of renewable energy sources (for example, wind power);
  • development of more environmentally friendly technologies.
When solving global warming problems today, people must look far into the future. Many documented agreements, such as the protocol adopted as a supplement to the UN Framework Convention in Kyoto in 1997, have not produced the desired results, and the implementation of environmental technologies has been extremely slow. In addition, refurbishment of old oil and gas production plants is almost impossible, and the costs of building new ones are quite high. In this regard, the reconstruction of heavy industry is primarily an economic issue.

Scientists are thinking through different ways to solve the problem: special carbon dioxide traps located in mines have already been created. Aerosols have been developed that affect the reflective properties of the upper layers of the atmosphere. The effectiveness of these developments has not yet been proven. The automotive combustion system is constantly being modified to protect against harmful emissions. Alternative energy sources are being invented, but their development costs a lot of money and progresses extremely slowly. In addition, the operation of mills and solar panels also produces CO 2 emissions.

Article about global warming. What is happening in the world now on a global scale, what consequences may be due to global warming. At times it is worth looking at what WE have brought the world to.

What is global warming?

Global warming is a slow and gradual increase in the average temperature on our planet, which is currently being observed. Global warming is a fact, it is pointless to argue with it, and that is why it is necessary to approach it soberly and objectively.

Causes of global warming

According to scientific data, global warming can be caused by many factors:

Volcanic eruptions;

Behavior of the World Ocean (typhoons, hurricanes, etc.);

Solar Activity;

Earth's magnetic field;

Human activity. The so-called anthropogenic factor. The idea is supported by the majority of scientists, public organizations and the media, which does not mean its unshakable truth.

Most likely, it will turn out that each of these components contributes to global warming.

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect has been observed by any of us. In greenhouses the temperature is always higher than outside; The same thing happens in a closed car on a sunny day. On a global scale, everything is the same. Some of the solar heat received by the Earth's surface cannot escape back into space, since the atmosphere acts like polyethylene in a greenhouse. Without the greenhouse effect, the average temperature of the Earth's surface should be about -18°C, but in reality it is about +14°C. How much heat remains on the planet directly depends on the composition of the air, which changes under the influence of the factors described above (What causes global warming?); namely, the content of greenhouse gases changes, which include water vapor (responsible for more than 60% of the effect), carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), methane (causes the most warming) and a number of others.

Coal-fired power plants, car exhaust, factory chimneys and other human-made pollution sources together emit about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year. Livestock farming, fertilizer use, coal combustion and other sources produce about 250 million tons of methane per year. About half of all greenhouse gases emitted by humanity remain in the atmosphere. About three-quarters of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions over the past 20 years have been caused by the use of oil, natural gas and coal. Much of the rest is caused by changes in the landscape, primarily deforestation.

What facts prove global warming?

Rising temperatures

Temperatures have been documented for about 150 years. It is generally accepted that it has risen by about 0.6°C over the past century, although there is still no clear methodology for determining this parameter, and there is also no confidence in the adequacy of data from a century ago. They say that warming has been sharp since 1976, the beginning of rapid industrial human activity and reached its maximum acceleration in the second half of the 90s. But even here there are discrepancies between ground-based and satellite observations.

Rising sea levels

As a result of warming and melting of glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland, the water level on the planet has risen by 10-20 cm, possibly more.

Melting glaciers

Well, what can I say, global warming really is the cause of the melting of glaciers, and photographs will confirm this better than words.

The Uppsala Glacier in Patagonia (Argentina) was one of the largest glaciers in South America, but is now disappearing at a rate of 200 meters per year.

The Rown Glacier, Valais, Switzerland has risen 450 meters.

Portage Glacier in Alaska.

1875 photo courtesy H. Slupetzky/University of Salzburg Pasterze.

The relationship between global warming and world disasters

Methods for predicting global warming

Global warming and its development are predicted mainly using computer models, based on collected data on temperature, carbon dioxide concentrations and much more. Of course, the accuracy of such forecasts leaves much to be desired and, as a rule, does not exceed 50%, and the further scientists aim, the less likely the prediction will come true.

Ultra-deep drilling of glaciers is also used to obtain data; sometimes samples are taken from depths of up to 3000 meters. This ancient ice stores information about temperature, solar activity, and the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field at that time. The information is used for comparison with current indicators.

What measures are being taken to stop global warming?

A broad consensus among climate scientists that global temperatures will continue to rise has led to a number of governments, corporations and individuals attempting to prevent or adapt to global warming. Many environmental organizations advocate for action against climate change, mainly by consumers, but also at municipal, regional and government levels. Some also advocate limiting global fossil fuel production, citing the direct link between fuel combustion and CO2 emissions.

Today, the main global agreement to combat global warming is the Kyoto Protocol (agreed in 1997, entered into force in 2005), an addition to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The protocol includes more than 160 countries and covers about 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The European Union must reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by 8%, the United States by 7%, Japan by 6%. Thus, it is assumed that the main goal - reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 5% over the next 15 years - will be achieved. But this will not stop global warming, but will only slow down its growth slightly. And that's the best case scenario. So, we can conclude that serious measures to prevent global warming are not being considered or taken.

Global Warming Figures and Facts

One of the most visible processes associated with global warming is the melting of glaciers.

Over the past half century, temperatures in southwest Antarctica, on the Antarctic Peninsula, have increased by 2.5°C. In 2002, an iceberg with an area of ​​over 2,500 km broke off from the Larsen Ice Shelf with an area of ​​3,250 km and a thickness of over 200 meters, located on the Antarctic Peninsula, which actually means the destruction of the glacier. The entire destruction process took only 35 days. Before this, the glacier remained stable for 10 thousand years, since the end of the last ice age. Over thousands of years, the thickness of the glacier decreased gradually, but in the second half of the 20th century, the rate of its melting increased significantly. The melting of the glacier led to the release of a large number of icebergs (over a thousand) into the Weddell Sea.

Other glaciers are also being destroyed. Thus, in the summer of 2007, an iceberg 200 km long and 30 km wide broke off from the Ross Ice Shelf; a little earlier, in the spring of 2007, an ice field 270 km long and 40 km wide broke away from the Antarctic continent. The accumulation of icebergs prevents the release of cold waters from the Ross Sea, which leads to a disruption in the ecological balance (one of the consequences, for example, is the death of penguins, who were unable to reach their usual food sources due to the fact that the ice in the Ross Sea lasted longer than usual).

An acceleration of the process of permafrost degradation has been noted.

Since the beginning of the 1970s, the temperature of permafrost soils in Western Siberia has increased by 1.0°C, in central Yakutia - by 1-1.5°C. In northern Alaska, temperatures in the upper permafrost layer have increased by 3°C since the mid-1980s.

What impact will global warming have on the world around us?

Will greatly affect the lives of some animals. For example, polar bears, seals and penguins will be forced to change their habitats, as the current ones will simply melt away. Many species of animals and plants may simply disappear without having time to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Will change the weather on a global scale. An increase in the number of climate disasters is expected; longer periods of extremely hot weather; there will be more rain, but the likelihood of drought will increase in many regions; increased flooding due to hurricanes and rising sea levels. But it all depends on the specific region.

The report of the working group of the Intergovernmental Commission on Climate Change (Shanghai, 2001) presents seven models of climate change in the 21st century. The main conclusions made in the report are the continuation of global warming, accompanied by an increase in greenhouse gas emissions (although, according to some scenarios, by the end of the century, as a result of bans on industrial emissions, a decline in greenhouse gas emissions is possible); an increase in surface air temperature (by the end of the 21st century, an increase in surface temperature by 6°C is possible); rising sea levels (on average by 0.5 m per century).

The most likely changes in weather factors include increased precipitation; higher maximum temperatures, an increase in the number of hot days and a decrease in the number of frosty days in almost all regions of the Earth; at the same time, heat waves will become more frequent in most continental areas; reduction of temperature spread.

As a consequence of these changes, one can expect stronger winds and an increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones (the general tendency towards intensification of which was noted back in the 20th century), an increase in the frequency of heavy precipitation, and a noticeable expansion of drought areas.

The Intergovernmental Commission has identified a number of areas that are most vulnerable to expected climate change. This is the Sahara region, the Arctic, mega-deltas of Asia, small islands.

Negative changes in Europe include increasing temperatures and increasing droughts in the south (resulting in decreased water resources and decreased hydroelectricity production, decreased agricultural production, worsening tourism conditions), decreased snow cover and retreat of mountain glaciers, increased risk of severe floods and catastrophic floods on rivers; increased summer precipitation in Central and Eastern Europe, increased frequency of forest fires, fires on peatlands, reduced forest productivity; increasing soil instability in Northern Europe. In the Arctic - a catastrophic decrease in the area of ​​glaciation, a reduction in the area of ​​sea ice, and increased coastal erosion.

Some researchers (for example, P. Schwartz and D. Randell) offer a pessimistic forecast, according to which already in the first quarter of the 21st century a sharp jump in climate in an unforeseen direction is possible, and the consequence could be the onset of a new ice age lasting hundreds of years.

How will global warming affect humans?

They are afraid of a lack of drinking water, an increase in the number of infectious diseases, and problems in agriculture due to droughts. But in the long term, nothing awaits other than human evolution. Our ancestors faced a more serious problem when temperatures rose sharply by 10°C after the end of the Ice Age, but this is what led to the creation of our civilization. Otherwise they would probably still be hunting mammoths with spears.

Of course, this is not a reason to pollute the atmosphere with anything, because in the short term we will have bad times. Global warming is an issue in which you need to follow the call of common sense and logic, not fall for cheap stories and not follow the lead of the majority, because history knows many examples when the majority was very deeply mistaken and did a lot of trouble, even burning great minds, who ultimately turned out to be right.

Global warming is the modern theory of relativity, the law of universal gravitation, the fact of the Earth's rotation around the Sun, the sphericity of our planet at the time of their presentation to the public, when opinions were also divided. Someone is definitely right. But who?


Additionally on the topic “Global Warming”.

Greenhouse gas emissions by top oil-burning countries, 2000.

Forecasting the growth of arid areas caused by global warming. The simulation was performed on a supercomputer at the Institute of Space Research named after. Goddard (NASA, GISS, USA).

Consequences of global warming.