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How to quickly treat a cold at home? Doctor's advice and folk recipes. Treatment of hemorrhoids at home: methods of traditional and traditional medicine

Illness often disrupts our plans, preventing us from attending an important event, going on a trip, or solving urgent issues at work. And the cold, the most common ailment in the off-season, causes a lot of problems and troubles. Therefore, today it is simply necessary to have information on how to quickly cure a cold so that the disease cannot unsettle you.

Cold symptoms

Let's start with the fact that in medicine such a disease - the common cold - does not exist. However, in everyday life this name is often given to diseases that are caused by hypothermia of the body, and a person develops the following symptoms:

  • a sore throat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • pain in the eyes, lacrimation;
  • aches in joints and muscles;
  • weakness and increased fatigue.

Mistakes in treating colds

  • Reduce the temperature if it has not reached 38º. This temperature indicates that the body is fighting the cold on its own.
  • Taking medications without a doctor's recommendation can have unpleasant consequences and only worsen the patient's condition.
  • Warm up the body at elevated temperatures. These procedures further increase body temperature and can cause increased blood pressure and fainting.
  • Eat cold and very hot food. Even when treating a sore throat, you should not take scalding hot drinks; you can get a burn to the larynx.

Simple rules for treating colds

Of course, any person wants to get well as soon as possible. This is quite possible, you just need to follow certain rules that will help you defeat a cold quickly. Let's list those that can help you cure a cold in just one day.

  • Don't suffer from colds on your feet. Even the most urgent matters cannot be more important than health.
  • Start treatment as soon as you feel unwell and the first signs of a cold. You can only get rid of a disease that has just begun in a short time.
  • Ensure comfortable conditions in the apartment: ventilate the room often, but do not create a draft, humidify the air.
  • Don't forget that sleep will help you get over a cold much faster. Maintain bed rest.

If you don't feel like eating at all

When a cold comes, your appetite disappears. But it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with lethargy and the feeling of endless fatigue on an empty stomach. Of course, it is difficult for the body to cope with heavy food, so it is much healthier to prepare light vegetable broths and salads from fresh tomatoes with sweet peppers or from crispy cabbage with the addition of onions.

Drinking plenty of fluids must be included in the diet of someone who has a cold. The liquid will rid the body of toxins. You can consume the following healthy drinks:

  • herbal tea with raspberries or honey;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • lingonberry or cranberry juice;
  • compote of dried apples, dried apricots and prunes;
  • lemon decoction made from a couple of citrus fruits, boiled in two liters of water with the addition of honey.

To quickly defeat a cold, it is necessary to take a set of measures to eliminate the main symptoms: runny nose, cough, pain and sore throat.

How to cure a runny nose during a cold?

An incipient cold can be recognized by the first sign - a runny nose. The easiest way to get rid of it is immediately after nasal congestion appears. Good for a runny nose:

  • Rinse the nose every two hours with a saline solution (possibly with the addition of soda) or a decoction of dried calendula flowers.
  • Drops from aloe, potato or beet juice, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2.
  • Onion and honey drops: grate the onion, add 50 ml of warm water and half a teaspoon of honey to the pulp, mix and set aside for 30 minutes. Then strain the pulp. Place the resulting liquid 2 drops into the nasal passage 4 times a day.
  • Freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice moisturizes the nasal mucosa well. When you have a cold, you need to lubricate the nasal passages with juice 2-3 times a day.
  • Any vegetable oils (olive, sea buckthorn, burdock) will help get rid of crusts in the nose that make breathing difficult, a couple of drops of which should be injected into each nasal passage.
  • Steam inhalations from jacket potatoes or alkaline mineral water. You need to breathe in steam for at least 15 minutes, bending over a container of hot liquid and covering your head with a towel. After the procedure, you need to drink tea with honey and go to bed.
  • Cold inhalations of onion or garlic. For this procedure, you need to chop the root vegetable, let it stand in a closed container for about thirty minutes, and then take a few breaths through your nose and mouth from this container.

How to get rid of a cough when you have a cold?

It can be cured quickly by taking enhanced measures to treat it, which include rubbing, drinking medicinal drinks, inhalation and warming the body. But first things first.


Rubbing is a method of treating many diseases, involving intense massage of certain parts of the body using medicinal agents. When you have a cold, you usually massage your chest, back and legs. This procedure helps you recover quickly without the use of medications. Rubbing with the following remedies will help cure coughs and colds:

  • Castor oil for cough. Heated oil in the amount of 2 tablespoons is mixed with 1 tablespoon of turpentine and rubbed into the chest area (except for the heart area), and also rub the feet with this mixture, after which you need to wrap yourself up and sleep. The cough that starts goes away after two or three such procedures.
  • Honey. It should be heated to a temperature of approximately 40º, no more, so as not to get burned, and rub the chest area when coughing. Wrap yourself up and leave the honey until it cools completely, and then you can wash off the residue with warm water and apply a warm cabbage leaf, it will prolong the effect of rubbing.
  • Camphor oil. It dilates large blood vessels, thereby increasing the intensity of blood flow, which significantly increases the body's resistance to infection and relieves cough. The oil is applied with massage movements to the chest and back area.
  • Garlic. It can be used to treat colds and coughs if you add 3-4 crushed cloves to the above remedies. Garlic is able to stimulate blood flow to the site of action of these drugs.

Healing drinks

We have already said that drinking plenty of fluids helps you recover faster. However, there are also specific drinks that help resist coughs and colds. Let's talk about how to treat a cough with aromatic drinks.

  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs help overcome a cough that is just about to begin and makes itself known only with rare coughing. Oregano, coltsfoot, elecampane, sweet clover, thyme, and mint are considered beneficial. These herbs are also very effective against dry cough, which can be dealt with by using their infusions as a supplement to the main method of treatment prescribed by the doctor. It’s easy to prepare the drink: you need to brew a handful of herbs in a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. You should drink a glass of this herbal tea three times a day.
  • Freshly squeezed black radish juice will help get rid of cough and phlegm. To prepare it, washed and peeled radish should be chopped as finely as possible, add honey and put in a container that needs to be closed with a lid. Leave the radish for 5 hours to release healing juice, which should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • A mint drink will warm your throat and quickly clear up a cough. Pour a tablespoon of mint leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Add a spoonful of honey, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a finely chopped clove of garlic to the infusion. You need to drink the medicine warm, and then you need to wrap yourself up well and go to bed.


Hot steam inhalation is perhaps the best way to treat a cough that is about to start due to a cold. At home, inhalations are often carried out by inhaling hot steam from a pan of water to which medicinal agents have been added. In this case, the patient covers his head with a towel for a deeper effect.

This method is justified for a mild illness, but if the illness is more severe and is accompanied by damage to the lower respiratory tract, then a nebulizer is used for treatment - a device for spraying medications. For such a device, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications.

When a cough begins, inhalations using the following agents are very effective:

  • Essential oil of eucalyptus, mint, juniper or pine. Just add a few drops to a container of boiling water and breathe in the steam under a towel for 15 minutes. During this time, the microbes will die, and the sputum will begin to come off easily.
  • Infusions of chamomile, linden flowers, thyme, and lingonberry leaves also have a good effect on mild colds. You must first pour boiling water over the herb, leave it in a thick-walled saucepan for half an hour (to retain heat longer), and then pour it into a small bowl and begin inhalation.

Warming up

Heat is the worst enemy of coughs and colds, so warming up is the best and fastest way to combat it. Traditionally, pharmaceutical mustard plasters are used, but they can be successfully replaced with a mixture of dry mustard and honey. How to cure a cold at home using homemade mustard plasters? You need to make a thick plastic mass, mold it into flat cakes and apply it to your chest and back.

Compresses are good for warming up. They are made of several layers. The first layer is a piece of fabric that is saturated with a healing agent; the second layer is parchment or film, and the third is a warm scarf or woolen scarf (for warmth).

To soak the compress you can use:

  • grated raw potatoes mixed with red pepper;
  • potatoes, boiled in their jackets, mixed with mustard and honey;
  • apple cider vinegar, vegetable fat and camphor oil, mixed in a ratio of 5:3:2.

A sore throat

If you experience a sore throat, a sore throat, and it begins to turn red, immediately begin treatment for your cold, even if there is no cough. How can you cure a sore throat?

An emergency aid for a sore throat is gargling. Gargling decoctions made from sage, chamomile and St. John's wort will help you quickly get rid of colds. To prepare the decoction, you need to brew a tablespoon of the herb in a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, immediately remove from heat and leave for 15 minutes. You can gargle when the broth has cooled down a little.

You can prepare a different solution. Pour 1 teaspoon each of soda and salt into a glass of boiled water, add 10 drops of iodine. This mixture will relieve inflammation some time after rinsing and remove discomfort.

Strengthening the immune system

It is impossible to fully talk about how to quickly recover from a cold without mentioning ways to strengthen the body's defenses. The following products will help strengthen your immune system and fight colds, coughs and other unpleasant symptoms:

  • Chilli. It helps to activate metabolism and can help with difficulty breathing by killing pathogenic bacteria.
  • Nuts contain vitamin E and are a good antioxidant.
  • Ginger root, onion and garlic protect the body from infectious diseases.
  • Citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, persimmons, cabbage, bell peppers will replenish the body with vitamin C - the best friend of a strong immune system. With enough of this vitamin, colds go away faster.
  • Currants, raspberries and blackberries will replenish the supply of biologically active substances in the body, and cranberries and lingonberries will help all diseases go away in a matter of days.

Knowledge is power. Having in your arsenal useful information on how to cure a cold in a short time, without using pharmaceutical medications, you will emerge victorious from any battle with colds.

If you take all the necessary measures, you can get rid of the disease in just a couple of days. And then you can safely make plans for the weekend, because nothing can stop you from going to an important event, going to the country or flying to warm countries for a dose of bright sun.

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A runny nose (rhinitis) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It is caused by microbes, viruses, and allergens. Rhinitis appears after hypothermia, with excessive air pollution with dust and gases.
Causes of runny nose:

  • acute respiratory infection;
  • vasomotor (allergic and non-allergic) rhinitis;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • foreign body in the nose;
  • inflammation of the sinuses – sinusitis;
  • ozena - foul-smelling runny nose.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of infectious or allergic rhinitis recommends rinsing the nose with salt solutions, using vasoconstrictor drops, and antiallergic drugs. For adenoids and other causes of rhinitis, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Traditional medicine offers many ancient recipes that make it possible to quickly cure a runny nose at home. The proposed methods are based on the experience of healing and witchcraft. However, it is important to understand that they must be used with caution.

If circumstances force you to independently apply the proposed recipes, then mobilize all your life experience, common sense and intuition. Based on real possibilities, listen to your body. This will allow you to choose exactly the remedy that will help.

Dry mustard. Steam your feet in not very hot water, dissolving mustard powder in it: for seven liters of water - a tablespoon of mustard. Treat yourself before going to bed. Steam your feet for about 10 minutes, dry them, put on wool socks and go to bed. Attention! Patients with impaired renal function or cardiovascular system should not be treated in this way.

Iodine. Drink ½ cup of water, adding five drops of iodine.
Attention! The product should not be used in case of influenza virus.
Lubricate your feet with iodine tincture, put on wool socks and go to bed.

Garlic. Eat one or two cloves of garlic.
Cut the garlic clove in half lengthwise and place the slices in your nostrils for a couple of minutes. After repeated sneezing, the nasal passages will clear of mucus. Perform the procedure a couple of times during the day.

Lemon. Take turns sucking lemon juice into your nasal passages.
Tobacco. Inhale fine snuff.
Oregano. Inhale the aroma of crushed dry oregano leaves or its flowers.
Incense. Inhale the smoke of incense.
Ginger, honey Drink hot tea, adding a teaspoon of a mixture of ginger and honey, which is prepared as follows: grate ¼ cup of peeled ginger root, pour in honey and boil. You can sweeten the tea.
Place in your nose:

  • squeezed juice of the indoor plant Kalanchoe pinnata - 4 drops three times a day; the juice stimulates sneezing, which will deeply cleanse the nasal passages of mucus;
  • houseplant aloe juice – 4 drops three times a day, after instillation, massage the wings of the nose;
  • beet juice – 6 drops in each nasal passage;
  • coltsfoot juice.

Raspberries, strawberries. Drink a decoction of fresh, dried wild raspberries and wild strawberries at night.
Ammonia. Every half hour, alternately inhale ammonia vapor into the left and right nostrils (while closing the other).
Take a steam bath in a Russian sauna. While in it, rub the rump with the mixture: grated black radish, horseradish (optional) with the addition of table salt, a small amount of honey. After the steam room, drink a couple of glasses of chamomile decoction with the addition of sour juice.

Avoid all types of liquid for a day. Do not eat juicy fruits and vegetables. A runny nose almost always goes away.
Ledum infusion prepared in advance. Grind wild rosemary (a heaped tablespoon), pour in 100 ml of sunflower oil. Leave for three weeks in the dark, vigorously shaking the product every day. After infusion, filter the solution. Treat a runny nose according to the following scheme: the first day - three drops in the left and right nostril once, then for six days, one drop three times a day.

Options for treating a runny nose with herbal infusions for different forms of the inflammatory process are proposed in Table 1. Medicinal herbs are poured with boiling water, the collection is infused for 15 - 20 minutes, and filtered.
Table 1

If your nose is stuffy, raise your eyes as high as possible, bring your pupils together at the bridge of your nose, and perform pendulum movements with them. After a couple of minutes, breathing will become easier.

Nasal rinsing

The most effective way to treat a runny nose at home is to rinse the nose. However, this remedy requires a certain attitude: you need to draw liquid into your nose. The most convenient way to do this is to take a handful of rinsing liquid (cup one palm) and bring it to your nose.

With the finger of your free hand, pinch one nostril, and with the other, suck the solution into your nose. Suck in the liquid one at a time. Carry out the treatment over a basin or washbasin, as after a few approaches a lot of mucus will begin to come out of the nose.

The composition of the solution can be varied. Options for its preparation are suggested in Table 2.
table 2

Product name Ingredients Cooking method
Water garlic infusion Two to three cloves of garlic in half a glass of water. Steam chopped garlic with boiling water and leave for an hour.
Saline solution Sea salt/table salt. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm boiled water.
Fermented beet broth. Table beets. Boil and leave until fermented.
Iodine solution Five drops of iodine, four teaspoons of baking soda per mug of water. Dissolve in boiled warm water, rinse your nose, rinse your throat.
Herbal infusion One teaspoon of eucalyptus/calendula. Steam the raw materials with boiling water, leave for 50 minutes, preferably in a thermos.

When rinsing, breathe through your mouth. After the procedure, bend forward, backward, left, right.

Treatment of runny nose in children

Rhinitis is severe in infants. Their nasal passages are narrow, and minor inflammation of the mucous membrane causes discomfort. The child becomes agitated, irritable, and sleeps poorly. The baby cannot fully suckle at the breast. Inflammation spreads to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, larynx, and auditory canals. A runny nose should be treated at the initial symptoms of its appearance. To help your child's nose breathe, apply oxolinic ointment before bed.

Traditional recipes for treating runny nose in children:
Warm up the bridge of your nose:

  • buckwheat heated in a frying pan, which then needs to be poured into a canvas bag;
  • salt (table, sea) heated in a frying pan or in the microwave, poured into a bag;
  • the white of a hard-boiled chicken egg.

Dilute one teaspoon of honey in a couple of tablespoons (tablespoons) of boiled water, soak two cotton pads with this solution, insert them into the left and right nasal passages for 17 minutes (simultaneously), forcing the child to breathe through the mouth. If the baby is unable to breathe through his mouth, you can perform the procedure one at a time.
Place in nasal passages:

  • “sneeze” – Kalanchoe juice, sneezing will clear the nasal passages;
  • squeezed juice of the coltsfoot plant;
  • honey water - honey dissolved in boiled warm water 1:1;
  • boiled beet juice if the mucus is thick;
  • fresh beet juice.

With the growth of adenoids, nasal breathing will improve much if you drip 5 drops of a 30% solution of honey in beet juice four times a day.

Is it possible to cure a runny nose in 1 day?

There are several effective recipes for treating a runny nose, which, if applied at the initial stage of the disease, can count on an instant effect. Here they are:

  1. For treatment, use mustard plasters: soak them, apply them to the heels, wrap the feet in flannel, and put wool socks on top. Leave it on for a couple of hours, then remove everything and walk quickly for 8 - 10 minutes. Treat before going to bed. In the morning you will be fine.
  2. Apply a kerosene-soaked cloth to the soles of your feet, put on wool socks, additionally wrap your feet and go to bed. The rhinitis will go away by morning.
  3. Fry the crackers in a dry frying pan. Inhale the smoke for a few minutes until the cracker starts to burn. Do the procedure three times a day. Heal quickly.


Eastern healing practices, based on centuries-old traditions and rich experience of dozens of generations, have confirmed their effectiveness. Acupressure massage restores active blood circulation, ensuring tissues are filled with blood. This effective method will cure quickly, and after massaging the four points, rhinitis will go away.

  1. The first points are located half a centimeter from the wings of the nose. There are small depressions there. Paired points need to be massaged simultaneously.
  2. The second ones are located at the base of the nose. This is the place at the bridge of the nose at the edge of the eye sockets. There are grooves there too, they are massaged together.
  3. There is only one third point. It is located between the eyebrows, at the intersection of the eyebrow line with the bridge of the nose.
  4. The fourth are the temporal recesses. They are located in small depressions two centimeters from the outer edge of the eyebrow.

Massage each pair of points simultaneously with two fingers for a minute. Apply force, but without pain. The runny nose will disappear quickly.

The most common cause of rhinitis is an infectious disease. During any treatment, change handkerchiefs frequently to avoid re-infection. Wear clean socks every day. Do not eat milk or dairy products.

There are various forms of runny nose. The similarity of their external manifestations often leads to diagnostic errors even among doctors. Ineffective treatment prolongs the pathological process. You need to be wary if:

  • a runny nose occurs with a temperature above 38–38.5°C;
  • there is an unpleasant smell from the nose;
  • there is bloody or purulent discharge from the nose;
  • a runny nose combined with a cough that lasts more than seven days;
  • Along with a runny nose, the fever persists for weeks.

In this case, you should go to the doctor. It is also necessary to visit a doctor if your runny nose continues for more than 2 weeks without signs of improvement. Discharge for several days from only one nostril indicates the possibility of a foreign body entering the nose.

Before starting to treat hemorrhoids at home, it is worth remembering what kind of disease we are talking about.

This problem occurs when the corpora cavernosa in the submucosal layer of the rectum become swollen and inflamed from the abundance of blood that is pumped into them and is unable to drain normally. Factors that contribute to the pathological dilation of venous vessels include family history, constipation, a diet low in fiber, obesity, lack of physical activity or, conversely, excessive weightlifting or other strength sports, pregnancy, work characteristics - prolonged sitting or standing.

By their location, hemorrhoids form internal or external hemorrhoids. The most common symptoms are rectal bleeding, especially after using the toilet, large round formations around the anus, irritation of the skin of the anal area and the urge to defecate in the absence of stool. If treatment measures are not carried out in a timely manner, then over time complications of the disease may appear - chronic blood loss, thrombosis, ischemia and necrosis of prolapsed veins, and sometimes even rectal or perianal cancer.

Before treating hemorrhoids at home, you must make sure that you have not made a mistake with your self-diagnosis. Allergic irritation of the anal area or dermatitis, as well as the manifestation of an infectious process, are often mistaken for manifestations of hemorrhoids. And at the other extreme, they make hemorrhoids a “scapegoat” and, due to its seemingly symptoms, they overlook other proctological diseases – colitis, Crohn’s disease and the like.

Of course, in most cases the disease is obvious, and you need to know how to help yourself with hemorrhoids at home.

Sitz baths

A warm bath is the first thing you can do to eliminate pain. Typically, experts recommend that people with painful hemorrhoids sit in warm water for 15 minutes several times a day, especially after bowel movements. To do this, pour about 5 cm of warm water into a basin or large bowl; you can add a decoction of chamomile, calendula, or oak to the water. Western doctors suggest using Epsom salt for baths. It is also called “Epsom salt” and is a source of magnesium sulfate, which has relaxing properties. Thanks to warm water, the anal sphincter relaxes, which helps soothe irritated hemorrhoids and relieve pain.

Epsom salt (Epsom salt) is a source of magnesium sulfate, can be used in body care and to relieve pain from hemorrhoids

Another recipe with epsom salt is to mix it with glycerin in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture must be applied to a gauze pad and applied to the disturbing area for 15-20 minutes. Such applications can be repeated every four to six hours until the pain subsides.


As an emergency aid for hemorrhoids, when bleeding begins, a cold compress can be used. To do this, ice cubes are placed either in a special medical hot-water bottle or in a plastic bag and applied to the anal area for a couple of minutes. To prevent frostbite of tissues, the package should first be wrapped in a cloth or towel. Applying ice can relieve pain and reduce swelling in the perirectal area. If this option of cold treatment is inconvenient, then you can replace it with taking baths lasting up to 5 minutes several times a day. In this case, you need to position yourself in the bath so that cold water covers the disturbing area. You need to carefully monitor your sensations to avoid excessive hypothermia.

You can also treat hemorrhoids at home with ice suppositories.

Ice candles are an emergency aid that can be prepared in advance and kept on hand

Ice candles are made by freezing water poured into small cones rolled up from paper. Before use, you need to break off the sharp tip of the cone or melt it. The “suppository” is inserted into the rectum for no longer than half a minute. Then, for every fifth dose of such treatment, you can increase the duration by another half a minute.

You should first consult with your doctor to see if the patient has an infectious-inflammatory process, so as not to aggravate it with hypothermia. An ice suppository will be hard and perhaps not entirely smooth, so you need to be twice as careful not to injure the rectal mucosa with it or cause the formation of a crack.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids with cold is very effective and actively helps to reduce it, the main thing is to follow safety measures.

Special hygiene

You can treat hemorrhoids at home for a long time, and then nullify everything with one careless movement. Using regular toilet paper can make existing hemorrhoids worse. It is too hard and can injure the inflamed surface of the nodes and irritate the mucous membrane. Microtraumas may not cause bleeding, but they will become entry points for pathogenic bacteria.

How to make hygiene care easier for yourself? Try using special wet toilet paper or baby wipes. They are impregnated with antiseptic and moisturizing lotions. Wipes are able to clean the anal area well and do not cause additional irritation. Also, many manufacturers have made sure that the hygiene item becomes a real medicine.

Special toilet paper can be impregnated with soothing hemorrhoid ingredients such as aloe vera or witch hazel extract.

Witch hazel can also act as an independent medicine in various forms. There are candles, tinctures and ointment. With their help, you can cure hemorrhoids at home, since the biologically active substances of this plant normalize the functions of the venous network in the rectum and eliminate varicose veins.

It is important to ensure that the impregnation of such toilet paper does not contain alcohol, otherwise, instead of benefit, you may get additional irritation and not cure hemorrhoids at home.

Since underwear comes into most contact with the anal area, you should be picky about its choice. Preference should be given to cotton. This material wicks away moisture well and will prevent irritation of the skin around the anus. The underwear should be loose and soft; if possible, its design should not have seams that can injure hemorrhoids if they are located outside. It should be washed with a mild detergent for children's clothing that does not contain fragrances, this will help avoid irritation.

Food and stool

Correctly treating hemorrhoids means tackling the problem from all sides.

Remember that to treat and prevent hemorrhoids, it is important to eat enough fiber (25 grams per day for women, 38 grams per day for men) and drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Additional plant fiber can be found in whole grain breads, vegetables and fruits. You can additionally add bran to your food. You just need to do this gradually to avoid unnecessary gas formation. Such dietary changes can do nothing more than make stool easier to pass and prevent the problem of constipation from recurring.

To cure hemorrhoids at home, you need to achieve regular and stress-free bowel movements. Here you can use herbs, teas, infusions, tablets, syrups, microenemas or natural laxatives - prunes, figs. Important note: if, after spending several minutes on the toilet, you still cannot achieve a bowel movement, wait for another time, as prolonged straining causes hemorrhoidal bumps to grow.

Regular exercise also has a positive effect on constipation and helps fight hemorrhoids.

Breathe! All efforts should occur at the exit, which relieves tension in the abdominal cavity.

To relieve existing bumps and prevent new ones from appearing, sit on a special donut-shaped pillow rather than on a hard surface.

Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids with these measures? Not directly, but indirectly they will support the results of drug treatment and improve overall well-being.

Remedies available at home

The use of raw potatoes has proven to be an effective treatment for hemorrhoids. From this vegetable I make suppositories for insertion into the rectum, lotions from grated pulp, microenemas from juice. Potatoes are rich in active substances that relieve hemorrhoids. Vitamins, for example, strengthen blood vessels, reduce the permeability of their walls, improve microcirculation, thereby eliminating swelling and pain around hemorrhoids. Starch acts well as an astringent and enveloping agent and promotes healing of the mucous membrane. Potato juice, when taken orally, has a slight antispasmodic effect and improves blood flow.

Another recognized anti-inflammatory and healing agent is aloe vera. But keep in mind that there may be a cross-allergy to the plant with onions and garlic. Before applying to the anal area, you will need to conduct an allergy test on the forearm.

With the help of aloe you can cure both external and internal hemorrhoids

For external nodes, you can use a decoction, compress or lotion from the leaves of the plant. The infusion is obtained by infusing the leaves for 20 minutes after pouring boiling water over them. The decoction is prepared in a water bath for at least 15 minutes. Next, you can moisten gauze in the broth and apply it to the nodes under cellophane as a compress. This method is good at relieving the exacerbation of a chronic disease, but unfortunately, only surgery can completely remove hemorrhoids.

If there are nodes in the ampulla of the rectum, it would be more rational to use aloe like suppositories. The fleshy part of the leaf is cleared of rough skin and smeared with honey. Injected into the anus for half an hour. In another method, the leaf is cut and the flesh is turned inside out. In this position it is inserted into the rectum. If there is no raw plant available, but only a decoction, then a hygienic tampon is moistened with it and used as a suppository.

For external hemorrhoids or prolapse of internal nodes, almond or olive oil has a good softening effect.

Almond oil - home remedy for hemorrhoids

You can soak a gauze pad in these oils and gently apply it directly to the affected area. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects help moisturize and soothe inflammation, relieve itching around and in the anus.

You can also take a tablespoon of olive oil orally on an empty stomach and before bed, this helps normalize stool.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with herbs is also popular.. The hemostatic and angioprotective properties of nettle and burnet are widely used. Decoctions are prepared from them for oral administration. Chamomile, calendula, celandine, yarrow, oak bark, sage, plantain are plants with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing activity. You can treat hemorrhoids with their decoctions or use them as microenemas. Medicinal plants have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the perianal area, thereby improving the quality of life of a patient suffering from hemorrhoids.


As a rule, getting rid of hemorrhoids at home is quite easy, but do not forget about possible complications. The methods discussed above can only be used in adults without consulting a doctor. If hemorrhoids are suspected in children, they must be immediately shown to a specialist; self-medication is not allowed here.

If it's been more than two weeks since you treated your hemorrhoids at home and the problem persists, make an appointment with your doctor. You may need medications (ointments, creams, suppositories) or surgery.

While at work or school, you suddenly feel that your throat is sore, your nose is stuffy, and your forehead is warm.

Why do such unpleasant symptoms always await you?

In order not to cancel your plans for the near future, you need to know how to quickly cure a cold at home.

A cold is a respiratory disease that occurs against the background of viral activity.

You can get it at any time of the year.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: regimen and diet

Everyone gets a cold sooner or later. Each family has its own methods of treatment, and therefore we often share advice with each other. Let's start with the fact that many people try to cure themselves in the wrong ways. There are several misconceptions that you need to know and try to avoid:

1. As soon as a very low temperature appears, people start taking medications, but the body is unable to fight the disease on its own. You need to know that you can take medications for fever only if the mark on the thermometer is 38 or higher; in other cases, our immunity itself can overcome the disease.

2. Medicines for immunity. There is still no consensus on their usefulness. They are quite expensive and have little effectiveness. But advertising actively imposes them on us.

3. No need to go on sick leave. If you have a high temperature, then you must take a sick leave. Firstly, you cannot carry colds on your feet, and secondly, while at work, you will infect the people around you.

4. Alcohol helps. Unfortunately, many men willingly believe that if you drink a glass of vodka with pepper when you have a fever, then the next day there will be no trace of the disease. After all, alcohol will help you sweat and warm up. But its benefits are a little exaggerated, because sleep helps first of all. And after taking such a dose of alcohol, you will naturally want to sleep.

Regime and diet to help you get sick correctly

1. You need to be sick with laziness. Be sure to prescribe bed rest for yourself. You can do exercises in the morning, but you cannot actively engage in sports. If you can’t take time off from work, then try to at least reduce your workload a little.

2. Sweat properly. It is better to do this under a warm blanket and drink hot tea.

3. Liquid and tea. During colds, you should try to drink as much warm liquid as possible. It can be anything, tea, compote, milk. Along with this, eat jam, honey, lemon. But make sure that all this is warm, not hot.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Onions and garlic are also beneficial. Many people believe that even the smell is beneficial, and this is true. For food, it is better to eat porridge and broth. The diet should contain only healthy foods.

5. Ventilate your room periodically. The air in the room you are in must be fresh. During this period, it is better for you to go to another room.

6. Get enough sleep; good and sound sleep is the key to good health.

7. Try not to strain your hearing and vision; your delicate senses should rest during this period.

8. Just enjoy your life - read books, lie down and watch an interesting movie. Joyful emotions will contribute to a speedy recovery.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: medications

In order to quickly cure a cold at home, you need to know what medications you should have at home just in case. After all, illness often takes us by surprise and it is not always possible to go to the pharmacy. Therefore, stock up on the following medications in advance:

Arbidol. This is an antiviral drug that comes in tablet form. It is prescribed for influenza and acute respiratory infections. After the medicine is taken, the patient will feel relief in his body the next day.

Theraflu powder. Before use, the powder is diluted in hot water. The main substance included in its composition is paracetamol. If the patient remains in bed, the remedy will help quickly enough. People who suffer from alcoholism and diabetes should not take the medicine. Also, people with liver and kidney diseases should also consult a doctor before taking it.

Anaferon. The medicine is quite effective. It contains antibodies that can activate the immune system. Moreover, you can drink it not only during the period of illness, but also for prevention. If you take the medicine strictly as prescribed by your doctor, then there will be no side effects.

Kagocel. Under no circumstances should the product be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age.

Antigrippin. If you believe the opinion of the majority, then this is one of the best remedies against colds. The tablets can quickly relieve headaches and lower fever. The medication is contraindicated for those with renal failure or prostatic hyperplasia.

Amiksin. The medicine is available in tablet form, its main component is tilaxin. You can use the tablets together with other flu medications. Those who have an intolerance to one of the components included in its composition should not take the medicine.

Grippferon. This is a good drug with an immunomodulatory effect. Even pregnant women can take it. After the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately inject the medicine into the nasal passage. The course of treatment is no more than one week.

To summarize, we can say that it is, of course, possible to quickly cure a cold at home. There are quite a lot of drugs for this purpose. Each person can choose a good remedy for themselves and cope with the disease in just a few days. But of course, to avoid complications, you need to trust the treatment to specialists.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: folk remedies

If you have the first signs of a cold, then you need to know how to cure it at home quickly and effectively. Folk remedies will come to your aid:

1. Foot baths. If the disease is accompanied by no fever, then mustard can be added to the water. To do this, add one tablespoon of dry powder per 7 liters. Place your feet in the water and hold until the water begins to cool. After this, dry them well and put woolen socks on your feet.

2. Another good remedy is ginger.. Making a ginger drink is simple; all you need is the root of the plant. Grate it and pour boiling water over it. The product should be infused for several hours. You can store this tincture in the refrigerator and drink as needed.

3. Baking soda. Not everyone knows about its beneficial properties. But even our great-grandmothers used the method. You can pour a glass of warm milk and add one teaspoon of soda to it, then drink it.

4. Propolis. This is an effective remedy that helps against many diseases, including colds. This homeopathic remedy was used even in ancient Rus'. According to experts, you can get rid of the symptoms of a cold in just a few days. Add the product to a glass of milk, drink, and then go to bed. When you wake up in the morning you should feel significant relief.

5. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide. It needs to be diluted by taking 2 teaspoons in 50 ml of warm water. You need to use the product 3-5 times a day until you feel relief.

6. Kalina. This is one of the best health remedies. It is better if a decoction of the berries is used and drunk with honey. The medicine can be used even by nursing and pregnant women.

These are the best folk recipes to fight colds. But it is better to use them after you have been examined by a doctor. Indeed, with an advanced form of the disease, serious complications may arise that require immediate medical intervention.

How to quickly cure a cold at home in a child

Each parent decides for himself how to quickly cure his child, but one must remember that giving antibiotics is useless.

The main thing is to ensure plenty of warm drinks. Moreover, you do not need to take ordinary water for this, because it will reduce the supply of salts in our body. It is better to give your baby tea with lemon or raspberries. You can heat milk and add butter to it. Together with the liquid you drink, toxins, and therefore viruses, will leave the body.

If your runny nose has just started, acupressure will help. To do this, you need to influence the points located next to the wings of the nose.

After the first cough without fever appears, you can use a proven method, which is recommended by many pediatricians. To do this, take camphor alcohol and mittens (it is better if they are made of wool). After this, apply it to the baby's back and chest. Then put on mittens and start rubbing the alcohol in one direction, do this until the skin becomes slightly red. Dress your baby in warm clothes and place him under a blanket. The next day the cough should be less.

Another main condition is bed rest. If you suffer from a cold on your feet, your child may experience serious complications.

Watch what your child eats; his food should be liquid. Give us porridge, fish puree and fruit. Moreover, the food should not be very hot or cold. Don’t force yourself to eat; your body is not always ready to accept food.

It is important that the body has a sufficient amount of vitamins. They are found in tomatoes and carrots.

Now you know how to cure a cold at home, not only in an adult, but also in a child. If possible, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid complications.