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How to treat postpartum hemorrhoids

Many women who knew nothing about hemorrhoids before pregnancy, after giving birth, were able to experience all the “charm” of this disease for themselves. What to do if hemorrhoids worsen, how does it start and what signs does it have, and most importantly, how to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth?


The first thing that may indicate the onset of the disease is burning and itching in the anus. A woman may be bothered by sore cracks and inflammation. These can be considered the first warning signs that require immediate action. If a woman leaves everything to chance, the disease, as a rule, continues to develop further. And the following signs of hemorrhoids cause a lot of trouble. Pain comes during stool, and then it bothers the rest of the time. Bleeding from the anus begins. Further, hemorrhoids can develop into acute or acute. In some situations, the nodes may fall out, but are inserted inside with your fingers. This is external hemorrhoids. But with the internal form, the nodes remain inside, so it is more difficult to diagnose.

As a rule, the development of the disease begins during pregnancy due to poor nutrition, constipation, and a sedentary lifestyle. During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, the uterus also enlarges; it puts more and more pressure on the pelvic organs, provoking stagnation of the blood. As a result, hemorrhoids develop. But this can be avoided, even during pregnancy.

There are 4 main reasons for the development of the disease during pregnancy:

  • As mentioned above, as the uterus grows, the pressure on the pelvic organs also increases. Blood stops flowing from the plexuses of blood vessels, and its stagnation begins, and the walls of the veins stretch. The more pronounced the phenomena become, the larger the uterus becomes. It is for this reason that the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy occurs in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
  • Constipation. They also arise due to physiological characteristics. During pregnancy, the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, and intestinal tone decreases. Feces do not pass out, constipation begins.
  • During pregnancy, closer to childbirth, a woman stops moving a lot due to increased body weight. Blood flow in the lower part of the body slows down, and conditions are favorable for the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Nutrition. When a woman is pregnant, her taste preferences change every day. Today she eats salted, tomorrow smoked, all washed down with milk and ice cream. Marinades and spicy dishes become favorites. Regular consumption of such foods also provokes blood stagnation, and therefore the development of hemorrhoids.

Types of disease

Hemorrhoids - what is it? There are two forms of the disease - the form of internal and the form of external hemorrhoids. It depends on the location of the nodes. Both forms have the same initial symptoms, but over time the disease changes. Internal hemorrhoids are distinguished by nodes that are located inside and are not visible without special examination. But in external hemorrhoids, the nodes are visible to the patient himself. Due to its close location to the anus, the nodes often fall out during stool.

How to get rid of it?

During pregnancy or after childbirth during breastfeeding, hemorrhoids often develop in women, literally in every sixth case. Of course, this disease is very annoying, but it is possible and necessary to cope with it. After all, acute hemorrhoids can come with complications in the form of infections, strangulated nodes, thrombosis and even oncology. How to get rid of hemorrhoids that occur during childbirth? How to treat hemorrhoids during guarding? What should you do first? Let's try to figure it out.

The first thing you should do when the first signs of the disease appear is to go to a proctologist. You cannot try to cure hemorrhoids on your own, especially during guards. Firstly, not every medicine is suitable for a nursing mother, and secondly, only complex treatment prescribed by a specialist can defeat the disease.

To completely cure this disease and remove the nodes that cause so much trouble and pain, you will have to use medications, folk remedies, and follow other doctor’s orders.

We treat correctly

  1. The first thing that treatment of the disease will require is to change the diet, which should be suitable for the baby with hemorrhoids, and at the same time, should help get rid of hemorrhoids. The menu should contain more fiber, fermented milk products, bran, beets, and vegetable soups. But spicy and salty dishes, as well as smoked and fatty ones, will have to be removed from the diet, especially since they are harmful for guards.
  2. A woman who has lost her shape after childbirth will have to resume physical activity. You need to walk more and do special exercises for blood flow. In addition, treatment also consists of the use of various drugs. You will have to use ointments or suppositories for hemorrhoids, which are not contraindicated for hemorrhoids.
  3. The simplest and most effective remedy for hemorrhoids is its prevention. In order not to suffer from illness after childbirth, when choosing treatment, you should monitor your health during pregnancy. Namely: do not use tight underwear, move more, do gymnastics, eat right.

What can you take

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth can be complicated by the choice of medication, because it is very easy to harm the baby through breast milk during breastfeeding. However, modern pharmaceuticals have a wide range of drugs that have no contraindications for use by women after childbirth and during the guard period.

The drug is sold in the form of ointments and suppositories. We will leave “Relief” suppositories for internal hemorrhoids (treatment), but external hemorrhoids are easier to treat with “Relief” ointments. The main range of activities of Relief is the treatment of inflammation, stopping bleeding and pain relief. In addition, “Relief” suppositories also eliminate constipation, helping stool to pass out.

The local anesthetic benzocaine is included in Relief Advance, so this drug is often prescribed for too severe pain. "Relief Ultra" is more aimed at stopping bleeding, thanks to the hormonal component in the composition.

"Relief" is not contraindicated for women after childbirth during guards. But it should be remembered that the chemicals contained in its composition are carried into the milk by the baby, so treatment with this drug should be under the supervision of a doctor. And cocoa butter and shark liver oil in its composition can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby. The doctor also decides how long the course of treatment lasts.

Heparin ointment

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: treatment at the first stage of development is possible with Heparin ointment. The drug has a mild, gentle effect. The main treatment of the ointment is aimed at relieving inflammation and relieving pain. The drug can be taken during breastfeeding; this will not affect the composition of breast milk.


The ointment is ideal for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. Relieves inflammation and pain, quickly heals cracks and regenerates tissue. But most importantly, it allows you to restore a woman’s immune system. If the ointment is taken frequently, the initial stage of the disease passes very quickly.

Ointment "Vishnevskaya"

An absolutely safe drug that relieves inflammation. However, you need to know how to use the ointment correctly to cure hemorrhoids. Three days before using the drug, you need to start taking baths with the addition of potassium permanganate. They will perfectly kill germs and disinfect. How long does the course last? The effect of such treatment will come quickly.

Homeopathic medicines

A popular medicine for external hemorrhoids in this series is “Fleming’s” ointment. It consists only of natural ingredients, for example, oils of various herbs. It is best to use ointment with sea buckthorn oil. It quickly removes inflammation and pain, heals wounds and cracks.


Many recipes have been invented by people to combat this common disease. However, during lactation one should be wary of treatment with folk remedies and use them only on the advice of a proctologist.

  1. You can cure the disease with this folk recipe. Finely chop 4 heads of garlic and place in a bowl with a glass of boiling milk, boil for a minute, stirring with a spatula as you go. At night, douche with a warm infusion. After only 4 procedures, relief will come.
  2. Onions are considered a good helper in the fight against hemorrhoids. You need to take 5 medium onions along with the husks and place them in a saucepan with milk. Place over low heat and cook until the milk turns pink. Every day you need to take steam baths over this medicine before going to bed. The course of treatment is until complete recovery. This folk method is good for treating cracks and swelling. The nodes soften and gradually subside.
  3. It is good to treat external hemorrhoids after childbirth with folk remedies such as sitz baths. There are many recipes. These can be infusions and decoctions of chamomile, yarrow, water pepper, oak bark, and onion peel. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, several times a day.
  4. If the itching is very annoying, you can put aspen leaves directly on the nodes for a couple of hours. Of course, you won’t be able to completely get rid of hemorrhoids this way, but relief comes quickly.
  5. You can use this folk recipe, it acts as an antibiotic. It's simple. Smear the sore spot and the nodes themselves with natural honey. You can make candles from candied honey, but they are more suitable for internal hemorrhoids.

No matter how effective a particular drug or prescription is, the treatment of hemorrhoids should be comprehensive, together with diet and physical activity. Only a serious approach to treatment and expert advice will help eliminate the disease once and for all.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization is in coloproctology at the State Research Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center for Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Experience: Proctologist. Medical practice experience – 25 years. Author of more than 40 articles on medical topics. A regular participant in conferences and symposia, where problems of modern medicine are covered.

Provides highly qualified diagnosis and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, and successfully diagnoses neoplasms of the perianal area and rectum in the early stages. Also conducts examinations of children.

Hemorrhoids that appear after childbirth are a problem that occurs in almost half of new mothers who gave birth to children naturally. However, this disease does not always come as a surprise to women, because often varicose hemorrhoidal veins occur during pregnancy.

It is imperative to treat postpartum hemorrhoids, since they prevent a woman from enjoying motherhood. However, the treatment of this disease after childbirth has certain features, especially if the child is breastfed. In order not to harm herself and the baby, the mother needs to know how to cure hemorrhoids after childbirth.

Why do postpartum hemorrhoids appear?

Hemorrhoids usually occur immediately after childbirth, so the symptoms of the disease can therefore be detected in the delivery room. Cavernous formations that increase during childbirth begin to become inflamed due to problems with bowel movements.

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To know how hemorrhoidal disease manifests itself after the birth of a child, it is necessary to recognize the main signs of the pathological process:

  • feeling of heaviness in the rectal canal and anal area;
  • pain, usually appearing during bowel movements or after visiting the restroom;
  • and burning in the rectal canal. These signs can appear both during bowel movements and after bowel movements;
  • feeling of a foreign object being in the anal canal;
  • which appear as a result of injury to inflamed nodules with hard feces and the occurrence of anal fissures.

Therefore, at the first unpleasant symptoms, a new parent should consult a doctor for qualified treatment.

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth

The question of how long it takes for hemorrhoids to go away after childbirth is not entirely correct. If left untreated, the disease will not go away on its own, but, on the contrary, will either become chronic or be complicated by more serious conditions.

In addition, chronic postpartum hemorrhoids can harm not only the physiological health, but also the psychological state of a woman. Negative symptoms slow down recovery, aggravate the course of postpartum depression, and “take away” time that could be spent communicating with the child.

How to cure hemorrhoids in a woman who has recently given birth should be decided by a qualified proctologist.

Most often, conservative drug therapy is prescribed, and drugs are selected that will not harm the child if the drug ingredients penetrate the systemic bloodstream and then into the milk secretion.

The ideal option is treatment with natural medicines that do not contain chemical ingredients. They are quite effective and are allowed during the lactation period.

In addition, if possible, it is necessary to abandon systemic medications and give preference to topical medications - ointments and suppositories.

Ointments for postpartum hemorrhoids

Ointment for hemorrhoids after childbirth is selected with the expectation of multiple therapeutic effects. The drug should help:

  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • reducing inflammation;
  • eliminating irritation, itching and burning sensations in the anus;
  • stopping bleeding from the rectal canal;
  • strengthening venous tone.

Despite the local effect of ointments, some of their ingredients can still penetrate into the bloodstream and breast milk. That is why you should select the safest means.

Pharmaceutical companies offer several ointments that most fully comply with the above requirements and recommendations for medical products.

  • . The medication is used both during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This gel has venotonic and angioprotective properties. It allows you to get rid of hemorrhoids, accompanied by severe swelling and thrombosis of venous collections. The drug must be lubricated on the affected areas twice a day until the negative symptoms disappear. Troxevasin is considered a safe drug; there is no data on its negative effect on the child and mother.
  • . Helps normalize blood flow in cavernous formations, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves blood flow from hemorrhoids. All this allows you to reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and itching, and strengthen vascular tone in a fairly short time. The average duration of treatment is 2 weeks; after talking with the doctor, you can increase the duration of therapy.
  • . The drugs in this series contain a unique active ingredient – ​​shark liver oil, which improves the healing of damaged tissue, relieves pain, stops bleeding and reduces inflammation. Relief ointment additionally contains phenylephrine, which constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling. Relief Advance also contains the anesthetic benzocaine, which allows you to treat external hemorrhoids, which are manifested by pain.
  • . This drug contains inactivated bacterial material, which allows you to restore damaged areas, reduce inflammatory processes, and strengthen local immunity. The duration of therapy usually does not exceed 21 days. The medication should be applied to the affected area after defecation. The ointment is considered safe for the baby, therefore it is allowed during the lactation period.
  • . The product contains birch tar, castor oil and the analgesic xeroform. The drug effectively relieves inflammation, stimulates regenerative processes, prevents suppuration, forming a special protective film. Usually 2 weeks are enough to relieve symptoms, but in some cases it is possible to extend the therapeutic course. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas up to 3 times during the day.
  • . This is one of the best anti-hemorrhoidal ointments. It contains heparin, which prevents the formation of blood clots and thins the blood. Prednisolone, a corticosteroid hormone, effectively relieves inflammation, swelling and itching. Lauromacrogol has an analgesic and sclerosing effect, which helps reduce hemorrhoidal cones in size.
  • . The drug contains muscone, borneol, pearl ingredient, amber, zinc compounds and a synthesized bezoar. Thanks to such a rich composition, the ointment has an astringent, analgesic and drying effect. In addition, the medication reduces swelling and inflammation, accelerates the healing of damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes, eliminates itching and burning, and prevents bleeding.
  • The medicine contains several active ingredients: horse chestnut extract, witch hazel, calendula, menthol and zinc compounds. The use of the medication helps reduce pain, inflammation, and heal damaged areas. The product also destroys pathogenic bacteria and dries wet areas.
  • . Another popular remedy for external hemorrhoids after childbirth. The ichthyol contained in the drug has multiple therapeutic effects. The active substance anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, destroys pathogenic microbes, dries damaged areas, prevents suppuration, accelerates wound healing and restores tissue functionality.

How is the treatment carried out? External hemorrhoids after natural childbirth are usually treated. The duration of therapy with these dosage forms depends on many indicators: the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the female body, the presence of contraindications to a particular drug.

Rectal suppositories

Another popular question among women who have given birth: how to treat internal hemorrhoidal disease after childbirth? Usually, with this form of the disease, they choose ones that do not contain harmful ingredients.

For example, during lactation, drugs containing an extract of the poisonous plant belladonna, which can harm a newborn baby, are prohibited. For women who have recently become mothers, the safest medications are suitable.

  • . Common remedies for hemorrhoids based on a natural ingredient – ​​sea buckthorn extract. Suppositories promote rapid restoration of damaged areas of the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation, and prevent infection by pathogenic bacteria. The drug is considered as safe as possible, has a minimum number of contraindications and undesirable consequences. The duration of therapy and frequency of procedures is determined by the attending physician.
  • . After childbirth, it is not recommended to use drugs with chemicals, so suppositories based on a natural ingredient - seaweed extracts - are considered the most suitable for breastfeeding women. The drug quickly relieves the inflammatory process, stops bleeding, and reduces the intensity of pain. Suppositories can be used for 7 days; increasing the duration of therapy is possible only after consultation with a proctologist.
  • . A homeopathic remedy that contains calendula extract is intended primarily for healing wounds, rectal fissures and other damage to the anal canal. The drug is able to quickly relieve pain, but it is effective only in the initial stages of the pathological process and is suitable for complex therapy.
  • . These suppositories allow you to quickly relieve pain, reduce inflammation, eliminate itching, relieve swelling and dry the skin. In addition, propolis suppositories help normalize blood clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots, and infection by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Neo-Anuzol. Rectal suppositories contain several active ingredients: bismuth, zinc, iodide compounds, tannin, resorcinol, methylene. The medication reduces pain, prevents infection, and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process. During the day, use 2 suppositories after bowel movements and hygiene measures.
  • . The drug contains menthol, bismuth and zinc compounds, as well as the local anesthetic benzocaine. Suppositories have a complex effect: they dry and “knit” the mucous membrane, reduce the severity of swelling and inflammatory processes, and improve blood supply to hemorrhoids. You cannot insert many suppositories into the anus - 1 suppository per day is enough.
  • . The medication contains lidocaine and tribenoside. These ingredients are local analgesics and also relieve inflammation and itching. In addition, the use of the drug helps improve microcirculation, strengthen capillary walls, and increase venous tone.
  • . These rectal suppositories have exactly the same properties as the ointment product of the same name. Due to the presence of inactivated E. coli in the complex, suppositories increase local immunity, accelerate the healing of damaged mucosa, and strengthen blood vessels. The drug is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and milk secretions, which makes it safe for the baby.
  • . Rectal suppositories also replicate the healing effects of the ointment due to the content of benzocaine and shark liver oil. When administered into the anal canal, the medication helps relieve pain, heal wounds, stop bleeding, reduce inflammation and stimulate local immunity.

If hemorrhoids occur after natural childbirth, treatment should be carried out under medical supervision. This rule also applies to the use of rectal suppositories. It is the proctologist who must determine the most appropriate medication and prescribe the correct course of therapy.

Surgical treatment

If, after a natural birth, hemorrhoids appear or the disease progresses to stage 3 or 4, more may be required.

In the final stages of varicose hemorrhoidal veins, minimally invasive methods for removing cones are often prescribed, which are allowed during breastfeeding.

Among them, the following stand out:

  • . This technique means constriction of the arterial vessels that supply blood and nutrition to the inflamed hemorrhoids;
  • latex rings. Using a ligature, the surgeon tightens the “leg” of the hemorrhoidal cones, as a result of which they come out of the rectum along with feces after a while;
  • cryodestruction. As the name suggests, in this case exposure to low temperatures is used. Liquid nitrogen is used for this purpose. There are no stitches left after this method;
  • photo and . Under the influence of various types of radiation, tissue coagulation occurs in cavernous formations, as a result of which the size of the cones decreases;
  • . The surgeon injects a substance into the hemorrhoidal nodules - a certain sclerosant, which glues the venous vessels, thus eliminating the nutrition of the enlarged cavernous formations. They dry out and die.

Not all of these methods guarantee a final cure for the disease. So, having gotten rid of hemorrhoidal cones using minimally invasive techniques, after a certain period of time you can again encounter unpleasant symptoms.

However, these methods have numerous advantages, including low trauma, a short recovery period and a minimum number of contraindications.

What to do if it is impossible to get rid of hemorrhoids using other methods? The most radical method remains - the classic operation, which is called. After it, a stitch remains, but there is a high probability that the disease will go away completely.

In this case, the mother will be required to stop breastfeeding for a period of time due to the use of general anesthesia.

Traditional medicine recipes

However, a nursing woman should exercise special caution, since not all components of homemade products are beneficial for women and children. Therefore, the mother should coordinate the use of this method with the attending physician.

The following are considered the safest for a new mother and baby:

  • ice suppositories. They are very easy to make. To do this, you need to pour boiled water or an infusion of medicinal plants into cardboard molds, and then place the preparations in the freezer. Such suppositories are especially useful for bleeding and severe pain;
  • candles made from honey or potatoes. In the first case, small “torpedoes” are formed from candied bee nectar, which are placed in the refrigerator to freeze. Potato suppositories are easy to prepare. To do this, small blocks are cut out of the peeled fetus and inserted into the rectal canal;
  • compresses. They come in different varieties: warm and cool, with water or medicinal plants. The simplest lotion is gauze soaked in cold water. In addition, you can apply applications with infusion of herbs, carrot and potato pulp, honey or propolis to the inflamed nodules;
  • sitz baths. There are many options for treating hemorrhoids using sitz baths. You can use warm or cold infusions of medicinal plants (chamomile, nettle, burdock, onion peel, etc.), a solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure is extremely simple - the patient sits in a container with liquid and sits in it for several minutes;
  • cream or ointment. Various natural ingredients are used to make ointments. Most often these are honey, mumiyo, tar, propolis, wax, plant components, which are mixed with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. Similar products can also be used to make compresses.

It is better not to use herbal infusions and decoctions for internal use during the lactation period. No one can say how milk with herbal ingredients will affect the child. In the best case, an allergy may “pop up”, but more serious consequences cannot be ruled out.

Preventive actions

As has long been known, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat hemorrhoids (long and persistently) with the help of medications and, especially, operations.

  • , which contains a large number of fruits rich in fiber. This substance stimulates the intestines, which prevents constipation. It is important to exclude unhealthy foods from the menu - fried, fatty, salty and smoked;
  • proper water regime, which is necessary to soften stool. A woman should drink the recommended amount of liquids: weak tea, mineral water, compotes (you cannot drink soda, coffee, alcohol, jelly);
  • fractional nutrition, involving several meals that take place at the same time. This measure will optimize the functioning of the digestive tract and prevent problems with bowel movements;
  • Hemorrhoids after childbirth. What to do?

    Troxevasin (ointment, gel, suppositories) for hemorrhoids: reviews, how to use?

    The question of how to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth is best answered by a qualified specialist. A woman who has recently become a mother should be more attentive to her own health and monitor every unpleasant symptom.

    Postpartum hemorrhoids can be cured using various methods - conservative treatment, folk remedies, surgery.

    However, it is important to remember about preventive measures. Only in this case can the pathological process be forgotten forever.

Every second woman after giving birth to a baby complains of hemorrhoids. However, the process of childbirth itself should not be blamed for the appearance of an unpleasant illness. The reasons lie in pregnancy itself and the physiological changes that occur during this period.

To avoid the progression of the disease, women need to know the basics: what are the causes and first signs of hemorrhoids, what drugs to use after childbirth, so as not to harm the newborn.

Causes of hemorrhoids after childbirth

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that affect the veins of the rectum. Frequent diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhoids is due to the occurrence, even during pregnancy, of several factors that provoke pathological vasodilation:

  • increased intra-abdominal pressure - increased total weight;
  • venous stagnation - pressure of the growing uterus on the choroid plexuses of the rectum, compression of the veins by the fetus itself (especially before childbirth, when the baby’s head is pressed tightly against the pelvic bones);
  • constipation - hormonal changes (inflated amounts of progesterone often provoke indigestion), lack of fiber and fluid in the diet, physical inactivity and sedentary work;
  • weakening of the vascular wall - also caused by a physiological increase in the synthesis of progesterone, addictions (hemorrhoids in a smoking/drinking woman is the lesser of the evils, which can happen through one’s own fault).

Under the influence of these reasons, even in a woman who has never suffered from this pathology, hemorrhoids can form during pregnancy.

However, in most cases, hemorrhoids in pregnant women are not pronounced. It is the process of childbirth that gives the strongest impetus to the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones. This is facilitated by the enormous tension of the pelvic floor muscles during labor and the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

And postpartum constipation is not that uncommon. Redistribution of the intestines in the abdominal space vacated after childbirth often causes atony.

A feeling of discomfort during bowel movements, itching and a burning sensation in the anus during pregnancy are the first signs of incipient hemorrhoids.

Based on these signs, it is highly likely that hemorrhoids will appear after childbirth. However, often expectant mothers do not pay attention to such minor symptoms.

For them, the sensations associated with the baby are much more important - his movements and turns, changing the shape of the mother’s belly and causing tenderness and delight in those watching this miracle.

A woman begins to think seriously after childbirth, when a “problem has emerged” and painful symptoms appear:

  • varicose “bumps” around the anal sphincter (external nodes or prolapsed internal ones);
  • pain during bowel movements is often unbearable, causing spasm of the rectal sphincter and difficulty with defecation;
  • unbearable burning sensation (during childbirth, microcracks appear in the anal area and rectum);
  • (traces remain on toilet paper);
  • mucus in the stool (a sign of inflammation, which further irritates the rectal mucosa and the skin of the perianal area).

Even minor signs of postpartum hemorrhoids significantly complicate the life of a new mother (it hurts to sit and walk) and affect the quality of child care.

In the absence of timely treatment, the disease progresses, which is fraught with heavy bleeding from damaged veins, anemia and infection of fissures with the formation of fistulas.

This will negatively affect the baby if the mother feeds him breast milk. The worst options for the development of hemorrhoids are vein thrombosis, the appearance of pathologically altered cells in the rectum (oncology).

If a woman does not breastfeed during lactation, treatment is carried out in a general mode (drugs and treatment regimens for adults are used).

Useful: - review of rectal suppositories, comparison and selection

To quickly eliminate painful symptoms, drug therapy (Relief ointment/suppositories, Hepatothrombin, Detralex venotonic tablets) is carried out in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • A categorical refusal to wear shapewear.
  • The fight against constipation is to saturate your diet with cereals (buckwheat and rolled oats are especially useful), and fermented milk products (milk provokes constipation and flatulence!).
  • The daily drinking regime is at least 1.5 liters of water.
  • Refusal of coffee, flour, animal fats, chocolate, spicy foods, alcohol.
  • Physical activity - simple gymnastic exercises contribute not only to timely bowel movements, but also accelerate uterine contractions and quickly restore muscle tone of the pelvic muscles.
  • Personal hygiene - washing with slightly cool (not cold!) water.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: treatment during breastfeeding

How to treat hemorrhoids after giving birth to a nursing mother can only be decided by a qualified specialist. Some medicinal substances can enter the baby's body through mother's milk and cause quite serious harm to him.

That is why, when visiting a proctologist, a woman must definitely note the moment of breastfeeding, and the doctor will select a treatment that will not only ensure the mother’s recovery, but also will not harm her baby.

Remedies for hemorrhoids that are safe for a breastfed baby:

Heparin ointment- quickly resolves hemorrhoids and eliminates inflammation. This drug for local treatment is one of the mildest, approved for use in pregnant women and breastfeeding.

Proctosan- a good pain reliever, reduces bleeding, quickly eliminates weeping and dries out anal fissures.

Relief- especially effective in the initial stage. Suppositories and ointment can be used up to 4 times per day. Suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth containing shark liver are allowed to be used during breastfeeding.

Candles with medicinal raw materials- sea buckthorn, calendula, propolis - perfectly replace home recipes (there is no need to waste time preparing grandma's ointments), the anti-inflammatory effect is most effective at the initial stage of hemorrhoids (when there are no large nodes).

Propolis ointment is used only if the woman is not allergic to honey.

Troxerutin, Troxevasin- well eliminates inflammatory manifestations (swelling, redness) and is a mild venotonic (improves the condition of the vascular wall). Ointments and creams applied topically will not harm the baby.

Posterisan- immunomodulating ointment, has a pronounced wound-healing effect. Effective for deep fissures and even pararectal fistulas.

Procto-glivenol- a combined drug with analgesic (lidocaine) and anti-inflammatory (tribenzoide) effects. The most effective local remedy for hemorrhoids to eliminate venous stasis after childbirth, non-toxic for newborns.

If the symptoms are pronounced (large nodes, bleeding, etc.), and conservative treatment does not bring results, the woman is offered surgical intervention.

However, radical treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth during breastfeeding is carried out as late as possible. Large-scale surgery with excision of hemorrhoids has been replaced by less traumatic techniques:

Cryodestruction- freezing hemorrhoidal protrusions with liquid nitrogen. It is performed under local anesthesia to eliminate internal and external nodes.

Sclerotherapy- exclusion of dilated veins from the bloodstream due to the effect of sclerosant on them (an adhesive substance introduced into the lumen of a pathologically altered vessel).

Photocoagulation- heating a varicose vein with an infrared source and its subsequent gluing.

Ligation- clamping the base of the varicose plexus with a latex ring. After about 2 weeks, the hemorrhoid disappears painlessly.

All of the listed minitrauma treatment procedures are performed on an outpatient basis and are absolutely painless. However, they only eliminate external manifestations.

The cause of the disease - weakness of the venous walls - will have to be treated with repeated courses of venotonic drugs.

Prevention of hemorrhoids after childbirth

  1. Hygiene procedures - for painful nodes near the anus, use soft types of toilet paper or replace with cool washing.
  2. Food hygiene - a review of the diet should be carried out during pregnancy.
  3. When breastfeeding, to maintain the quality of milk, include dried fruits, apples (green), and bananas in the diet.
  4. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, excluding lemonades and coffee.
  5. Laxatives - only as a last resort (they worsen symptoms), replace them.
  6. Gymnastic exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall and pelvic muscles.

The list of unpleasant complications of pregnancy and childbirth includes hemorrhoids. It appears in many women already during pregnancy due to stagnation of blood in the pelvis. However, the painful symptoms associated with it occur only after childbirth, which causes internal hemorrhoids to prolapse outward. In this article we will explain in detail the causes of external hemorrhoids after childbirth, and also tell you how to cure this disease and not harm lactation.

While carrying a child, a woman’s body is rebuilt, internal organs shift and begin to work differently. This is especially true for the intestines and circulatory system of the small pelvis. A fetus that is actively developing and growing puts strong pressure on the pelvic veins, bladder and rectum. As a result, intestinal motility is disrupted in a pregnant woman, and constipation occurs, causing hemorrhoids.

In addition to the obvious reason for the appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth, there are a number of other factors due to which a woman may experience such a complication:

  • Physical inactivity. Often pregnant women, especially in the later stages, neglect physical activity, as a result of which blood stagnates in the hemorrhoidal veins, and during childbirth, these veins are compressed, forming external lumps on the anus.
  • Excess weight. If a pregnant woman has gained too many kilograms and began to look obese, then she has put additional stress on her body, in particular on the anus.

Note that hemorrhoids can appear not only after natural childbirth. Those who undergo a caesarean section also need to take care of their health, because after the operation the woman will be prohibited from moving for some time and going to the toilet. As a result, stagnation may form in the intestinal veins, which will lead to constipation, and as a result, to hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: symptoms

Hemorrhoids after childbirth can acquire one of the stages of its development, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics and symptoms:

  • At the first stage of hemorrhoids, after each bowel movement, a woman who has just given birth may notice traces of blood and feel discomfort in the anus - itching, burning, a feeling of heaviness in the anus.
  • At the second stage of the disease, in addition to the above symptoms, one more appears - the hemorrhoid begins to fall out with strong strain during defecation. You can fix it yourself.
  • At the third stage, the hemorrhoids fall out even with a slight load on the rectum. A woman just needs to cough for this to happen.
  • At the fourth stage of the disease, prolapse of hemorrhoids may be accompanied by bleeding and thrombophlebitis.

What does hemorrhoids look like after childbirth? According to the symptoms immediately after childbirth, hemorrhoids may appear as if they are in the fourth stage. However, there is no need to panic; it is better to start proper and timely treatment so that hemorrhoids do not become chronic.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: treatment

What to do with hemorrhoids after childbirth? The answer is obvious - treat, but very carefully, since the new mother begins to develop lactation, which is necessary for the child to receive the most complete and best nutrition for him - mother's milk. Therefore, before starting treatment for hemorrhoids, a woman in labor should consult a doctor to find out what medications can be used to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth while breastfeeding.

As a rule, a woman is prescribed the use of external remedies for hemorrhoids after childbirth. These include:

  1. Ointments for hemorrhoids after childbirth:
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Fleming's ointment;
  • Posterisan;
  • Relief.
  1. Suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth:
  • Sea buckthorn candles;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Natalsid.

Another way to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth is to use folk recipes. For example:

  • Every day, once a day, half an hour before meals, drink one glass of cabbage brine.
  • Drink freshly squeezed rowan juice three times a day (with water).
  • Wash off with a decoction of wild strawberry leaves.
  • Using a regular syringe, inject cedar oil into the anus (you need 2 ml of this substance).
  • Insert a cotton swab soaked in celandine juice into the anus.

If hemorrhoids appear after childbirth, you need to completely reconsider your diet. A woman will have to give up fatty foods, fried, salty, pickled. Sweets and fast food are also strictly prohibited, as they will only aggravate intestinal motility and cause constipation. But vegetable salads, low-fat broths and fermented milk products, on the contrary, will help you quickly get rid of an unpleasant disease.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in women after childbirth

What can you do to prevent hemorrhoids from causing a lot of discomfort after childbirth? It is necessary to carry out some preventative measures:

  • Maintain the correct daily routine.
  • Do not strain during bowel movements (for this, of course, you need to eat right and avoid stagnation of blood in the intestinal veins to avoid constipation).
  • Maintain personal hygiene - wash yourself regularly after each bowel movement and wipe the anus dry with toilet paper or a paper towel.
  • Exercise and perform Kegel exercises, which will help keep not only the anus, but also the vaginal muscles toned.
  • Walk in the fresh air to strengthen your immune system.

Video: “Proctology. Hemorrhoids after childbirth"

In this video, an expert explains how to cure hemorrhoids after childbirth as effectively and quickly as possible when a woman is breastfeeding her baby. The doctor talks about the features of treating hemorrhoids after natural childbirth and cesarean section, and also gives recommendations on the changes that every woman in labor should bring into her life in order not to develop hemorrhoids.

Among the many advertised drugs, remedies for hemorrhoids for expectant mothers stand apart, because during pregnancy and lactation their choice must be approached with special caution. Unfortunately, such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids is far from uncommon for women expecting a baby. About a third of expectant mothers experience problems from hemorrhoids, and after childbirth and during lactation this figure exceeds 50 percent.

Pregnancy and subsequent childbirth in women cause serious changes in the body, which cannot always cope with the enormous load. Hemorrhoids are one of the most common unpleasant consequences that occur in a young mother. The problem is that during pregnancy the disease is almost not treated, only the unpleasant symptoms are alleviated a little. The course of therapy most often begins after the birth of the baby.

But treatment of hemorrhoids in a mother after childbirth is also carried out very carefully, since during breastfeeding, unwanted substances can get into the milk; the safest in this regard are ointments that act directly on the problem area.

The most common cause of hemorrhoids is constipation, which almost every pregnant woman experiences. And the cause of constipation is not only due to poor diet. Although due to toxicosis, changes in taste preferences and simply due to an unbalanced diet, disturbances in the process of bowel movement also occur. But here, changes in the hormonal background and the growing uterus, putting pressure on neighboring organs, add their “contribution”. Labor, along with strong pushing, can itself provoke hemorrhoids. Therefore, young mothers have to seek the help of a proctologist, who will select effective therapy even during lactation and safe for the baby.

To combat hemorrhoids, especially external ones, the doctor will most likely recommend special ointments. Don't be afraid and trust your doctor. After all, many ointments are suitable for use even while breastfeeding. Most often these are herbal-based preparations, the components of which cannot harm the child’s health. For young mothers, treatment with local medications is the best solution, since the risk of their penetration into breast milk is minimal. Women need to understand that when choosing remedies for hemorrhoids, they can only trust the recommendations of their doctor, and not advertising or friends.

Let's look at the list of ointments that are most often prescribed to women after childbirth, as well as during lactation, and have proven themselves to be the best.

Vishnevsky's ointment, familiar to many from childhood, can be successfully used for mothers who are getting rid of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding. This product is absolutely safe for babies, as it consists of natural ingredients. It is based on tar, xeroform and castor oil. Traditionally, Vishnevsky ointment is used to combat inflammatory processes, and it also promotes speedy healing. But not everyone knows that this ointment (named after its creator) brings excellent results for hemorrhoids. Firstly, it will help to quickly remove inflammation, relieve swelling and reduce nodes. Secondly, Vishnevsky ointment helps restore damaged vessel walls.

Treatment with ointment involves preparatory procedures. Within two days before using the product, you need to arrange sitz baths in cool water with potassium permanganate. This will help disinfect infected areas. Before applying Vishnevsky's ointment, the rectal area must be washed well, you can also use potassium permanganate. The product can be applied directly to the nodes, or you can make compresses by applying the ointment to a sterile bandage and applying it to the problem area. A similar procedure should be performed three times a day, keeping the compress on for one and a half to two hours. If there is no improvement after 2 days, consult your doctor immediately. Breastfeeding is not considered a contraindication for treating hemorrhoids in this way.

This is one of the most popular ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is successfully used not only after childbirth, but also for patients without any special contraindications, as it has an excellent effect. and will relieve pain, relieve inflammation, and remove knots. This remedy is effective both for acute hemorrhoids and for the chronic course of the disease. Heparin ointment is good because it promotes the resorption of hemorrhoids. They are significantly reduced in size. If you start treatment with Heparin ointment in the early stages, you can remove the nodes completely. In addition, this is a local remedy; the components of the ointment practically do not penetrate into the blood and breast milk. In this regard, Heparin ointment is the optimal choice for women during lactation in the initial stages of the disease.

A drug called “Posterizan” is also acceptable for young mothers while breastfeeding their baby. This ointment has a regenerating effect. It effectively restores damaged tissue, heals microtraumas and cracks in the rectal area. The drug also stimulates the human immune system. "Posterizan" does not pose a threat to the baby's health and is approved for use by nursing mothers.

"Relief", "Relief Advance", "Relief Ultra" for hemorrhoids

The drug “Relief” will quickly relieve the painful manifestations of hemorrhoids. The ointment contains safe ingredients, and the main active ingredient is shark liver oil. Using the product at the first symptoms of hemorrhoids frees the patient from constant itching and burning, bleeding and discomfort. “Relief” will quickly relieve inflammation and help restore the affected areas.

The pharmacy may offer you several options for the drug: simply “Relief”, and also “Relief Ultra” and “Relief Advance”. The drug is available in two forms - Relief ointment and rectal suppositories under the same name. Doctors quite often prescribe this ointment to young mothers. But you must definitely take into account that “Relief” is absolutely safe during breastfeeding, “Relief Advance”, which copes well with pain, is also acceptable for use. But “Relief Ultra” is contraindicated for young mothers, as it contains hydrocortisone, which can affect hormonal levels. Strictly follow your doctor's recommendations and purchase exactly the medicine that was prescribed.

It is always necessary to apply ointment for hemorrhoids only after hygiene procedures. Can be used up to 4 times a day, always after each bowel movement. A special applicator, present in each package, ensures that the ointment is administered directly into the intestine easily and painlessly.

Homeopathic ointments for hemorrhoids

Adherents of homeopathy especially recommend Fleming's ointment, which successfully copes with inflamed hemorrhoids. The drug contains proven medicinal products: yarrow, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn oil and others. Regular use of ointment during remission will help prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Few people know that the popular antibacterial ointment Levomekol is effective in combating hemorrhoids. This medicine contains an antibiotic, but it is not absorbed into the blood and the ointment is generally safe during lactation. In medicine, the drug is successfully used to heal microtraumas, cracks, wounds and sutures. Levomekol ointment will quickly cope with inflammation and promote tissue regeneration at the cellular level. Methyluracil, which is a direct component of Levomekol ointment, has excellent restorative ability. Most often, the drug, thanks to the antibiotic, is prescribed specifically for the acute form of hemorrhoids. But it will be no less effective at the next stage of treatment, for healing the affected areas.

The popular Aurobin ointment will quickly relieve annoying symptoms, relieving the patient of pain. This is the optimal remedy for inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones. The ointment is based on proven components such as lidocaine, prednisolone, triclosan, D-panthenol. All these components by themselves perfectly relieve inflammation and relieve pain, and when combined, the effect increases significantly. "Aurobin" will also relieve burning and itching and remove swelling. The drug is prescribed even at the stage of node prolapse. It is also used in the treatment of dermatitis and eczema.

Like all products from this group, Aurobin is applied only to a clean surface. Both external use and administration directly into the intestine using an applicator designed for this purpose are provided. "Aurobin" cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, but in the future there is no prohibition on its use as prescribed by a doctor (2 to 4 times a day). A nursing mother can also safely use this ointment to treat hemorrhoids.

There are a sufficient number of medications suitable for young mothers in the fight against hemorrhoids. They can only be used on the recommendation of a specialist who will diagnose hemorrhoids and tell you how to quickly cure it without harm to the child.